Who can get a permit for a traumatic weapon. How to get a license for a traumatic weapon - documents for a permit for trauma. Detailed procedure and required documents for obtaining a license for traumatic weapons

Russian law allows you to carry weapons for protection. As a means of self-defense, various powder sprayers, stun guns can be used. You can also use it for self defense. traumatic weapon, but at the same time it is important to follow the rules for wearing it so that there are no problems with the law.

What is a traumatic weapon

In the Law "On Weapons" there is no such thing as a traumatic weapon. However, at the legislative level, the main features of such weapons are defined:

  • muzzle energy at the time of the shot should not be higher than 91 J;
  • only traumatic cartridges can be used;
  • the weapon is intended only for use in self-defense;
  • traumatic weapons cannot contain more than 10 rounds.

In Russia, as a traumatic weapon, it is more often used firearms, characterized by limited damage. It is also called OOP. Such a weapon can only be domestic production. Less commonly used smoothbore weapon with traumatic cartridges can also be considered traumatic. For the lawful use and carrying of traumatic weapons, you must obtain a license.

Rules for carrying and storing traumatic weapons

Before the purchase traumatic pistol appropriate permission must be obtained. This can be done in the licensing and permit department, which is located in the police department at the place of residence of a citizen who wants to obtain a license.

After obtaining permission, it is important to study the following rules for carrying traumatic weapons:

  • It is prohibited to carry such weapons in in public places(cafes, healthcare facilities, educational establishments). This rule does not apply only to guards located at the listed facilities.
  • When buying a traumatic pistol, you should not buy such additional "accessories" as a night vision device or a silencer. Their installation on traumatic weapons is prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to carry a traumatic pistol to persons who are in a state of alcohol intoxication(Even the presence of such a pistol in a drunk person entails administrative responsibility).
  • According to the rules for carrying and storing "traumatics", you can only have two weapons on hand.
  • The use of traumatic weapons is possible only in cases where self-defense is necessary. In this case, before using the pistol, it is necessary to make a warning shot in the air. If this measure does not work, then you can use the weapon to neutralize the attacker on you.

The owner of a traumatic pistol must store it in a safe designed for this purpose. The owner must ensure that persons (including children) do not have access to a traumatic gun.

Illegal possession of traumatic weapons

If you decide to purchase a traumatic weapon, but do not have the desire to obtain a license for it, then you will have to bear administrative responsibility for this. Thus, violation of the rules for carrying and storing traumatic weapons is punishable a fine of 2 thousand rubles. Illegal (without permission) purchase, as well as carrying or possession of such weapons is punishable by a fine, the amount of which is - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. At the same time, a citizen who violates the rules for carrying and storing is threatened with gratuitous seizure of both weapons and the cartridges he has. In some cases, an administrative arrest may be applied to the violator.

Criminal liability for the purchase, carrying and storage of traumatic weapons is not provided, which is stipulated in Article 222 of the Criminal Code of Russia.

This type of weapon does not represent a direct mortal danger for a person (with the exception of especially serious cases). That is why in English-speaking countries it was called "non-lethal weapon". Traumatics is used to temporarily incapacitate people or animals. If necessary, it can protect against aggressive and illegal actions against its owner.

It must be remembered that "non-lethal weapons" can still cause fatality, albeit not intentionally. To purchase, you must obtain a special permit (license). To do this, you must go through the same procedure as for obtaining a firearm or.

How to buy a traumatic gun?

Obtaining a license. First of all, it is necessary to obtain a special medical certificate of sample 046-1. To do this, you need to pay at the branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation a receipt for obtaining a license for. After that, you need to come to the police department at the place of registration and write an application to the department for licensing and permitting work (OLRR). You must have your passport and one photocopy of it with you.

Next, you need to collect a package of documents: the relevant certificates (from the psycho- and drug dispensary), an application for permission to carry a traumatic weapon, a photocopy of a civil passport, black and white matte photographs of 3x4 format in the amount of 4 pieces and a report from the district police officer on checking the conditions for storing injuries at home ( having a safe). The last point involves the purchase of a safe and its specific location in the house (apartment).

All these papers must be given to the LRRR at the place of residence. From now on, an application for the purchase and carrying of traumatic weapons will be considered within 10 days. At the end this period LRRR staff will make a decision to issue a license or to refuse. Refusal to issue a license must be formally submitted in writing.

If the decision to issue a license to carry a traumatic weapon was satisfied, then the applicant will have to pass exams on knowledge of the storage, use and carrying of a traumatic weapon. If the exams are passed successfully, then the license must be issued after 30 days. Practice shows that a license can be issued later (if there are objective reasons).

Purchase of a traumatic pistol. The purchase can only be made with a license already in hand. The permit is issued for a period of 5 years. This means that the purchase of a pistol (and other traumatic weapons) can be made at any time during the license period. After the purchase, it is necessary to register your weapon with the LRRR at the Department of Internal Affairs at the place of registration within a half-month.

A registered pistol is assigned a specific personnel number, which is entered in a personal observation file. From this moment begins the calculation of the experience of possession of trauma.

To purchase, store and carry weapons in Russia, you need to obtain an appropriate license or permit. First of all, it should be noted that weapons are different types: long-barreled (hunting) and short-barreled (self-defense weapons). Each type has its own type of license, and they differ very much from each other.

License for handgun issued for a period of 5 years, during which it is possible to purchase any short-barreled weapon (no more than 5 units), which must be registered with the licensing authorities within 14 days. A long gun license is valid for six months, during which the gun must be purchased or the license surrendered. Such a license cannot be extended, it can only be issued again upon re-payment of the state duty and submission of the necessary documents.

The licensing department of the ATC will need an application written in a certain form with the obligatory indication of passport data, as well as such information about the applicant as the address of registration and actual residence, Family status, data on the presence / absence of a criminal record, etc.

You will need photocopies of your passport, as well as 4 photographs of a standard size of 3 by 4 cm.

A medical certificate in the standard form 046 can be obtained both in a local district and in a private licensed polyclinic where a special medical commission operates, however, for its issuance, the specialists of the institution will definitely require official certificates issued by the neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensary on the health of the applicant for this type of document client.

Do not forget to grab a receipt for payment of the officially established amount of the state fee and a report from your district police officer on your readiness for the proper storage of the OS, reliability and "sanity" in the form provided by the Department of Internal Affairs.

After accepting the above list of documents and a ten-day review of the written application, the applicant is entitled to issue a license for the storage and purchase of weapons for self-defense, after receiving which and successfully passing the exam on knowledge of the previously mentioned rules and laws, you can safely go to a specialized store for the purchase of wasps.

Limited defeat. Therefore, it is mandatory for those who wish to acquire a license for traumatism.

Persons who are prohibited from selling traumatic weapons are clearly defined. These are people under the age of 18 who have an outstanding criminal record or have been sentenced to probation and who have been brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order. Those who are registered with the police as members of organized criminal groups cannot acquire trauma.

Weapons are serious!

Collecting the necessary documents to obtain a license for traumatic weapons is troublesome and not quick. But it is worth agreeing that weapons are a serious matter and should be taken seriously. The first thing to do is to visit the district clinic and all the specialists so that they fill out a medical certificate No. 046-1. Doctors will indicate what kind of vision, hearing, mental health you have, whether you are registered with a narcologist.

Then you need to sign an inspection report with the local police inspector. He will confirm that you are properly prepared for the purchase of weapons: you have purchased a capacious safe for storing injuries, weapons accessories and ammunition. Such a safe must be securely attached to the wall. The most important activity for obtaining a license is training in the safe handling of firearms of limited destruction. Such a training organization usually exists in every city or district center. Specialists teach skills in handling weapons, shooting techniques. Upon completion of studies, an appropriate certificate is issued, which is attached to the general package of necessary documents. You also need a certificate of connection of the apartment to burglar alarm, and if the safe with trauma is on the first floor - equipping the windows with protective bars.

License is legal

Further, the documents will be considered by the local department of licensing and permitting work. After 1 month, he is obliged to issue a license for injuries, with which you can already go to a weapons store for a long-awaited purchase. Without a license, no legal store will release goods. Within 14 days after the acquisition of weapons, you need to register it in the same department of licensing and permitting work, where they will issue a permit to carry injuries for a period of 5 years.

Last updated April 2019

It is known that for personal protection, you can carry weapons with you. Along with permitted mechanical sprayers, electroshock devices and some other means, traumatic weapons can also be used for self-defense purposes. The rules for carrying traumatic weapons should be well known in order to avoid problems with the law.

What applies to traumatic weapons

The concept of "traumatic weapon" is not expressly provided federal law"On weapons", but the legislator defined its main features:

  • the capacity of the "drum" is not more than 10 rounds;
  • muzzle energy when fired does not exceed 91 J;
  • intended solely for self-defense;
  • it is permissible to use only traumatic cartridges.

Basically, as a traumatic weapon in Russia, firearms of limited destruction (OOOP) are used, less often - firearms with traumatic cartridges. An example of an LLC can be considered a pistol, a barrelless device (only domestic production).

For the lawful use of traumatic weapons, you must obtain a license in the manner prescribed by law.

How to get permission to purchase an "injury"

Only those who have reached the age of 21 can apply for such a license. The procedure for obtaining permission to purchase and carry traumatic weapons includes several stages:

  • Passage of the medical commission. The examination is carried out only in state medical institutions that have the right to issue certificates of form 046-1. Passing the commission is always paid and involves a medical appointment with a therapist, psychiatrist, narcologist, ophthalmologist (visual acuity is not lower than 0.5 for one eye, not lower than 0.2 for the second).
  • Take a paid training course(about 5000 - 7000 rubles) on the use of weapons in a special educational institution certified for the adoption of the appropriate exam. During the 12-15 hour course, you will listen to lectures on the rules for the acquisition and subsequent use of weapons, as well as the responsibility for keeping weapons without permission. In addition, practical exercises are usually included in the final part of the course. You can find out which educational institutions have the right to teach weapons courses at the police department.
  • Submit an application form to the police station at the place of residence, namely, to the licensing and permit department (LRO). In the application, in addition to your personal data, you will be asked to indicate the purpose of the acquisition of weapons and the place of storage.
  • The application must be accompanied by:
    • a copy of the passport,
    • photo 3x4,
    • receipt of payment of state duty (100 rubles),
    • certificate of no criminal record.

Usually, within 10-14 days, the person applying for a license receives a message about the need to arrive at the appointed time in LRO. The obtained license is valid for 5 years.

Scheme for obtaining a license:

Permission to carry and store

If, when buying a weapon, you are in doubt whether it is legal for civilians, get necessary information You can on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

After acquiring a traumatic weapon (half a year has been allotted for this from the date of obtaining a license), you must obtain permission to store and carry weapons by submitting an appropriate application to the police department at your place of residence. At the same time you must submit:

  • a copy of the license for the purchase of weapons, where there is a mark of the store, as well as a receipt;
  • an insurance contract concluded upon the acquisition of weapons;
  • two photos 3x4;
  • receipt of payment of the state duty for registration.

Since it is necessary to make experimental shots from the newly acquired weapons within two weeks (organized by the LRO), the spent cartridges must be handed over to the police department along with the application.

Within 10 days allotted for consideration of the application, the district police officer is obliged to check compliance with the conditions for storing weapons at the place indicated in the application. Failure to comply with storage rules (lack of a safe, for example) may result in a refusal to issue a permit.

Compliance with the rules for the use of LLC

The following rules for storing and carrying traumatic weapons are relevant for 2016. If you have been granted permission, please remember that:

It is important to know that just having a safe is not enough to fulfill all the requirements for storing weapons. The owner must ensure that the trauma device is not accessible to anyone living in the home. In the event of your absence from home, family members should not present an “injury” to the district police officer, otherwise there will be administrative offense.

If permission is denied

Subject to all the conditions stipulated by law, obtaining a license will not take a long time (most of the time is spent on training). To speed up the procedure to some extent, you can contact specialized commercial centers that organize the collection of documents for a license.

However, the absolute grounds for refusal to issue a special permit are:

  • if you are under 21 years of age, have a medical condition or have not passed an exam;
  • persons who do not have a fixed place of residence;
  • if you have violations of the rules of hunting (of any nature);
  • you have been convicted and entered into legal force for committing an intentional crime of any nature. The type of punishment in this case does not play a significant role, at the same time, only outstanding conviction matters for refusal;
  • committing within 12 months by the time of applying for a license at least two administrative offenses related to encroachment on the management order (or public order);
  • if you are a prisoner serving a prison sentence for any crime (including negligent) at the time you apply for the permit.

For example, if you have collected all Required documents, sufficient to obtain a permit, but applied for it later, for example, in a year, then you will be denied a license due to an overdue medical certificate (its validity period is 1 year).

If you think that you were denied a license unreasonably, then the law provides for the possibility of appealing against the actions of LRO employees in court. It should be noted that such cases are isolated, since an exhaustive list of requirements for a license recipient eliminates any ambiguities in the application of the law.

When permission expired

Let's start with the fact that you can renew your license for another five years by contacting the LRO three months prior to expiration. Applying for an extension in more than late dates(for example, two weeks before the end of the 5-year period) may be grounds for refusing to renew.

To renew the license, you must submit to the police department the same documents as when you first applied for the first purchase of weapons, except for documents on passing the exam: when extending the permit for the next five years, you do not need to take training courses.

  • In case of an expired permit the owner of a traumatic weapon is subject to administrative punishment (from a warning to a fine in the amount of 3000 rubles).

What threatens for violating the rules for storing and carrying traumatic weapons

Acquisition, carrying and possession of traumatic weapons without permission is punishable by law.

  • For non-compliance with the rules of storage or wearing civilian weapons violator faces an administrative fine up to 2000 rubles, while weapons and ammunition are confiscated from him until the violations are eliminated.
  • For illegal acquisition, carrying or possession traumatic weapon (that is, without permission) faces a fine from 3000 to 5000 rubles with the gratuitous seizure of weapons and ammunition, administrative arrest may also be applied.

On the Internet, you can find information about criminal liability for violations of the conditions for storing traumatic weapons. Such a statement is not true. In Art. 222 of the Criminal Code expressly stipulates an exception specifically for injuries. weapons. That is, Russian law does not provide for criminal liability for various violations of the procedure for using traumatic weapons.

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Types of gun permits

Weapons are divided into hunting and for self-defense, which follows from its purpose. Self-defense weapons, including traumatic ones, are used to protect themselves from various illegal encroachments. By its design, it is not intended to hit an object at long distances. A hunting rifle is used for the extraction of hunting objects - mammals or birds. To take part in the hunt, you must have a valid hunting ticket and know the rules of hunting. And those who own one of the types of self-defense weapons do not need such documents and knowledge. Since a hunting rifle and a traumatic self-defense weapon have a different purpose and different specifications, then the legislation defines a different procedure for the acquisition and registration of these types of weapons. Under a self-defense weapons license, you will be able to use gas pistols and revolvers, Russian-made firearms, signal weapons and bladed weapons(which is designed to be worn with costumes of nationalities of the Russian Federation, as well as with a Cossack uniform).

In this article, we will take a detailed look at how to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon, what documents will be needed, which authority deals with this, how long the license is valid, etc. The first step is to determine who is not issued a license and who, by law, will not be able to buy a traumatic weapon.

Who is not issued a license for a traumatic weapon?

Before proceeding with the paperwork, it is better to find out in advance which categories of people are not eligible to apply for an injury permit. These include persons:

  1. Underage.
  2. Those who are serving a sentence or having a criminal record for committing an intentional offense.
  3. who have committed an administrative offense at least 2 times during the year; violating the safety of public order.
  4. Not having a permanent place to live.
  5. Medical indications:
    • suffering from serious chronic diseases;
    • registered in a narcological or neuropsychiatric dispensary;
    • having vision problems.
  6. Not submitted:
    • a medical certificate confirming that there are no indications for which the issuance of a license is prohibited;
    • documents evidencing the passage of classes on the rules of safe carrying and handling of traumatic weapons;
    • other necessary documents.

This is a general list of reasons that the authorized body can use as grounds for refusing to issue the desired permit. But each case is considered individually, sometimes even a negative attitude towards the applicant's personality on the part of the police or the district police officer can serve as a basis for refusal. Such a decision may be challenged in court.

Step-by-step instructions: how to get a license for a traumatic weapon?

The main body that deals with the issuance of permits for weapons is the Department of Licensing and Permit Work at the Internal Affairs Directorate (OLR). Before going to the clinic, it is better to visit the OHR and clarify all the nuances of interest.

Before you get a license for a traumatic weapon, you must perform a series of actions in the following order:

  1. visit medical institution. Passing a medical commission for carrying a weapon is similar to the one that drivers pass for permission to drive vehicles. As a rule, it is paid - about 300 rubles. The main goal here is to obtain a medical certificate on Form 046-1. Usually the passage of all specialists is nominal, with the exception of the optometrist. A certificate can only be issued if the visual acuity of one eye is not lower than 0.5, and the other is 0.2 (this means: one eye sees well in the top 5 lines in the table, and the other at least 2). For the final seal on the certificate, you will also have to visit narcological and neurological dispensaries, which must confirm that they are not registered.
  2. Preparation of documents. The full list of documents for obtaining a license includes:
    • an application in the form established by law, indicating information about the weapons available and passport data;
    • a photocopy of the passport;
    • reference 046-1;
    • 2 photos 3x4 in size.
  3. Submission of documents to the OLR. After acceptance of the above documents, the following documents are issued:
    • referral to courses on handling weapons;
    • receipt for payment of state duty for permission to carry traumatic weapons;
    • direction to the precinct.
  4. Passing the test in the training center. At this stage, you need to answer 9 out of 10 questions test task. It can be on paper or in electronic format. To cope with it without problems, you should prepare in advance according to the information available on the Internet. The first attempt to pass the test is free, the second - for the money. If the second time turns out to be unsuccessful, then you will have to attend a course of paid lectures on this topic. After successfully passing the test task The educational center will issue a certificate, which must be submitted to the FLR. In the process of preparation, special attention should be paid to the study of legislative acts:
    • Law of the Russian Federation "On weapons";
    • Art. 37-39 and 223-224 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
    • paragraphs 20.8-20.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses;
    • Rules for the safe handling and circulation of weapons and ammunition for them.
  5. Communication with the precinct. Since the district police are very busy people, it is better to find out in advance about his office hours. At the allotted time, you should appear in his office for a conversation. But most importantly, the district police officer is obliged to inspect the housing in which weapons will be stored and assess the compliance of housing conditions with the required standards. According to paragraph 3 of the Instruction "On the organization of the rules of work internal organs on the control of circulation of weapons" all types of weapons, including traumatic weapons, must be stored in safes or metal cabinets. Therefore, the district police officer will not put his signature on the documents until he is convinced that there is a safe.
  6. Payment of state duty. Its size is small - 30-100 rubles (depending on the size of the bank commission). It is charged for a form for a gun license.
  7. Issuance of a license. After submitting all the documents to the HR, within a month, they must report that the license is ready and can be picked up, or they will be notified in writing of the refusal. It can be challenged in court.

Permission for traumatic weapons: term actions and purchase

The license obtained has a fixed validity period of 5 years. After its expiration, the permit needs to be re-registered.

Before you get permission for a traumatic weapon, you need to know that it provides the right to purchase up to 5 weapons. Another person cannot use this license for mercenary purposes, since its front side contains a photograph of the recipient, as well as the time of issue and the place of registration of the licensee. On the reverse side of the permit there are columns in which marks are made about the weapons being purchased.

Regardless of the place of purchase of weapons (from a private person or in a store), they need to be registered with the FRA within the prescribed period - 2 weeks from the date of purchase.

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