How to write a statement when refusing weapons. Cancellation of a weapons permit: why and how can a license be revoked in Russia? Cancellation of a hunting license

The life, health and property of a citizen of the Russian Federation are the greatest values ​​that he has the right to protect. No one is prohibited from using self-defense when a threat arises, and the state even determines the categories of permitted weapons that can be used. One of them - firearms limited lesion (LLO), more often called traumatic.

Who can purchase an LLC

Although traumatic weapon and is permitted by the laws of the Russian Federation, not everyone can become its owner. There are a number of conditions that must be met or satisfied in order to legally acquire an LLC. Article 13 Federal Law N 150-FZ “On Weapons” (hereinafter N 150-FZ) stipulates who can do this:

"Citizens have the right to purchase civilian firearms of limited destruction Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21, citizens of the Russian Federation who have not reached the age of 21, have passed or are passing military service, as well as citizens serving in state paramilitary organizations and having military ranks or special ranks or class ranks of justice. "

Each owner can purchase no more than two units of LLC (Article 13 N 150-FZ). However, this will not be possible unless you obtain a license to obtain it. This requirement is voiced by Article 9 N 150-FZ:

“The acquisition…of weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation is subject to licensing…”

Where and how to get a license

Which authorities and for what period issue a license to purchase traumatic weapons is stipulated by Article 9 N 150-FZ:

"Licenses for the acquisition...of weapons and ammunition for them are issued federal body executive power authorized in the field of arms trafficking, or its territorial bodies on the basis of applications from citizens of the Russian Federation.

Punishment for late storage and carrying permit

The validity period of a license to purchase...weapons and ammunition for them is six months from the date of issue of the license."

It is important to renew the received document on time, otherwise you may receive a fine for an expired license for traumatic weapons, provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If you want to receive this document, you will need to provide the following documents to these authorities:

Having received a license, a citizen of the Russian Federation receives the right to purchase an LLC, which he will then be required to register within the prescribed period.

Administrative liability for an expired license

As mentioned above, the license validity period is six months. If it is not renewed on time, then the Code of Administrative Offenses provides in Article 20.11 the following liability for overdue license for injury:

“Violation by a citizen... of the established deadlines for renewal (re-registration) of permits (open licenses) for storage and carrying... shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to three thousand rubles.

Violation by officials of the deadlines for renewal (re-registration) of permits (open licenses) for its storage and carrying shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to five thousand rubles."

As can be seen from Article 20.11, punishment for citizens and officials differs slightly, although there is no warning option for the second category. There are legislative nuances in obtaining and wearing an LLC, which you can find out either on your own or in consultation with a lawyer. Knowing them will help you avoid mistakes made out of ignorance, which, as everyone knows, does not exempt you from responsibility!

After lawmakers adopted certain changes in 2016, renewing a gun license in 2017 became much more difficult. The conditions for first obtaining a license have also become more stringent. To avoid a fine and continue to legally use weapons, you will have to familiarize yourself with the changes in the law “On Weapons” and also prepare to go through the procedure. So all firearms lovers and hunters will have to take the process that accompanies the renewal more seriously. Renewal of a weapons license 2017: what is needed and how to submit documents correctly, read about it in this essay.

Documents required for renewal

To renew a firearms license in 2017, a citizen must present the following documents:

  • completed application (the form can be downloaded from the Ministry of Internal Affairs website);
  • copy and original of the general passport;
  • a copy of a previously issued license (which has not expired);
  • two matte photographs, size 3x4;
  • medical form No. 046-1;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a certificate from the local police officer stating that the citizen has provided proper conditions for storing weapons.

When submitting an application for renewal of a license for hunting weapon, you need to supplement the list of documents with a copy of a valid hunting license. The order of the head of the hunting enterprise will also be a document sufficient for presentation for renewal of the license.

The medical certificate is valid for six months after passing the medical examination. Despite the fact that the final verdict is made by the therapist, the person renewing the license will have to go through all the necessary specialists. Without a conclusion from a narcologist and a psychiatrist, renewal of a license is impossible. The ophthalmologist confirms the vision status of the applicant for renewal. If your vision has deteriorated by more than 50%, your license will not be renewed.

Renewal procedure

The license period is limited to five years. It takes the Ministry of Internal Affairs a month to check the documents submitted for license renewal. Therefore, you must collect the necessary certificates in advance and bring them to the permitting department no later than thirty days before the expiration date. Otherwise you will be fined. The presence of criminal records, criminal and administrative violations and other nuances related to the citizen’s law-abiding behavior are checked. Despite the fact that they were checked when they first received a license, this is done again, because in five years a lot in life usually changes.

Stages of license renewal:

  1. We contact the Licensing and Permitting Department (LRO) of the police station at the place of registration. We are writing an application for extension.
  2. We are expecting a visit from the local police officer. He checks the storage conditions of weapons and draws up a certificate of compliance of the safe with the appropriate standards. The requirements for safes have not changed in 2017.
  3. We take the entire prepared package of documents to the LRO.
  4. We are waiting for a response from the LRO workers, which comes by mail. It is usually delivered within ten days, but the maximum period is a month. If after thirty days you have not received an answer, you can complain to a higher authority or court.
  5. After receiving a positive answer, go to the LRO, they will give you permission with a new validity period.

Please note that you do not need to retake the weapons training course.

Expired weapons permit - what threatens in this case

The Supreme Court canceled such renewal regulations back in 2012.

Renewal of a weapons license through the State Services website

If the user has a verified account on the State Services portal, then he can renew his weapons license through this resource. You will need to do the following manipulations:

  1. Select the category "Service Catalog".
  2. We enter the section “Licenses, certificates, accreditations”.
  3. Click on the line “All services”.
  4. We find the sub-item “Registration of weapons” and enter it.
  5. We look for the category “Storage and Carrying of Weapons” and follow the link “Permit to Keep and Carry Weapons”.
  6. From the list that opens, select “Extension of permission to store and carry.”
  7. In the window that opens, you will need to read the rules.
  8. Click the "Get service" button.
  9. We fill out the form.
  10. We attach scanned copies of the necessary documents.
  11. We are waiting for a response from LRO.

A response from the LRO should come within a month. You can find out about the decision on extension in personal account or via SMS notification. It all depends on the notification method you chose on the portal.

Penalties for missing the permit renewal deadline

Violation of the weapons permit renewal period will result in a fine (administrative liability). This measure is quite logical, because after the license expires, the weapon is not rightfully stored in your possession.

The amount of the fine is determined based on the period for which the citizen delayed the extension:

  • for being late with an extension for a period from several days to several weeks, a fine of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles is imposed;
  • for long delays, an amount of 3,000 rubles is charged.

In addition to fines, police officers have the right to confiscate weapons until the license is renewed.

Reasons for refusal to renew a weapons permit

In a number of cases, licensing authorities refuse to extend permits to gun owners:

  1. Criminal record. When committing serious or especially serious crimes the gun owner will definitely be denied an extension, even if the criminal record has been expunged.
  2. Deterioration of health. One of the main reasons for refusal, especially often due to deterioration of vision.
  3. Administrative offences. Repeated bringing to administrative liability during the year that was not paid at the time of renewal will result in refusal to renew.
  4. Lack of permanent registration.
  5. Faulty weapon. Only after the “firearm” is repaired will the permit be extended.
  6. Modernization of weapons in a "handicraft" way. If independent (not coordinated with the LRO) changes are made to the design of the weapon, the permit will not be extended.
  7. Lack of a safe at your place of permanent residence. If the district police officer notes in his report the absence of a safe or its improper installation, the permit will not be renewed.

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Expired weapons permit liability

To return the weapon, new owner must present a document confirming the right of inheritance, as well as a license to purchase. The right to sell weapons is assigned to him.

Due to liquidation of a legal entity

In practice, gun owners are not only individuals, but also entire companies. In the event of liquidation of the company, how legal entity, the license is canceled, and all weapons are sent for temporary storage to the LRO department.

The transfer of weapons occurs strictly according to the protocol, which indicates the date. The procedure for handing over a weapon to the department is exactly the same as the procedure for handing over an individual.

In connection with the court decision

Offenses committed by citizens in relation to the circulation of weapons are a good reason for the liquidation of the license.

How to refuse a gun license

According to documents, hunting weapons are confiscated from the owner.

The procedure for forced cancellation of permits

The cancellation procedure begins with the adoption of an appropriate decision. The owner of the weapon is notified in writing of the fact that permits have been confiscated.


The LRO employee draws up an appropriate conclusion indicating the facts that led to such a decision. The decree is issued against signature to the owner of the seized property.


10 days are given to protest.

Reinstatement of a purchase license or storage permit

When the penalty period has expired, an application must be submitted to the licensing authority. If the reason for the confiscation of a license was an administrative violation, the sanctions are valid for 1 year.

After this time, the citizen will be denied the right to buy a new weapon.

How to refuse a gun permit

There are many situations with weapons, including non-standard ones.

If a citizen does not want to dispose of the gun and for some reason was unable to sell it, then the license is canceled and the weapon is transferred to the department. The transfer of weapons to the OLRR is documented and this document is issued to the former owner in your arms.

It is necessary to take into account that the current owner has the right to sell or transfer weapons to another person only with the permission of the OLRR.
Repossessed weapons can be sold, but the seller and buyer must visit the department to do so. The weapon is submitted for examination, where its compliance with the basic technical characteristics is established.

The donation or sale will be carried out by the owner; department employees are not concerned about this. Their task is to provide documentary support for the transaction.

Waiver of a weapons license

  • if a citizen will establish for a pistol or rifle night vision scope and/or silent shooting device("muffler"); this rule also applies to service weapons (Article 20.9);
  • if a citizen is caught creation and circulation of “pneumatics”(Article 20.10);
  • at violation of registration deadlines and registration of weapons (Article 20.11);
  • at violation of transportation rules and regulations firearms and ammunition (Article 20.12);
  • when shooting outside designated areas(Article 20.13);
  • at violation of certification rules weapons and ammunition: concerns the production and circulation of weapons (Article 20.14).

Actions of a citizen falling under any of these articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses are punishable by revocation of the license.

The registration service is also provided by the MFC and through the State Services portal.

Attention: the absence of a hunting license is grounds for recognizing a citizen engaged in hunting as a poacher, which will entail a fine of 200 thousand rubles or imprisonment for 2 years (Article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

A hunting license can be taken away on the basis of Art. 21 209-FZ “On Hunting”. This Federal Law lists the main reasons for the administrative suspension of activities in the field of hunting.
These are:

  1. Availability of the hunter unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for committing an intentional crime. If this fact is revealed, the hunting ticket will be canceled within five working days.
  2. Voluntary submission by a hunter of an application for termination of a hunting license.

How to refuse a weapon license for Minecraft

In this case, you can simply transfer the barrel to the LRO, and the permit for it can be revoked. The licensing and permitting department cannot refuse admission.. In exchange for a permit, the former owner will be given a document with information about the transferred weapon.

Question transfer of a registered weapon to another person(sale or donation, does not matter) is under the control of the licensing and permitting center.

In order for the alienated pistol or rifle to be transferred to the new owner, both parties to the transaction must appear at the LRO with documents and the object of transfer.

At the branch, an inspection and verification of data takes place, after which the seller (donor) writes a special statement.

As a rule, the LRO is not interested in the details of the transaction and the issue of financial relations of its participants.

How to refuse a weapon license for Minecraft 1

When a legal entity is liquidated, the permit is also revoked.

  • OLRR employees can revoke a weapons license by court decision.
  • Also, the cancellation procedure is facilitated by other circumstances that were the objective reason for the refusal to issue this permit.
  • The last reason is cancellation of the hunting ticket.

Now let's look at the possible nuances that arise for each basis. It is these nuances that cause endless disputes, because deprivation of a license risks the fact that a citizen is prohibited not only from storing, but also from purchasing weapons.

Voluntary Cancellation

At first glance, this situation will seem unrealistic.

Indeed, who wants at will part with a license when incredible efforts, time and money were spent to obtain it.

gamych 05-06-2017 22:41

Colleagues, help us understand how events in the following situation should develop correctly from the point of view of legislation.

Art. 26 of the Federal Law states that permission to store and carry is canceled if the owner of the weapon voluntarily renounces it. As far as I understand, the right of ownership is not lost, but only the right to store and carry.
The weapon must be confiscated; the citizen has a year to alienate his property. Here this weapon lies somewhere inside the organs, and then suddenly the citizen again has the urge to get permission to store and carry the weapon that belongs to him and take it, that is, to his home.

There seems to be nothing stopping him - no one has deprived him of his special right.

How to refuse a license for a self-defense weapon

Before obtaining a license, it is required to submit papers proving that the citizen can obtain permits. It happens that circumstances leading to the inability to use weapons arise after receiving a positive answer.

In this case, the right to have weapons is revoked through the court. The reasons are the following facts:

  1. The owner of this property was charged with committing an offense at least 2 times a year.
  2. Violations involving narcotic drugs.
  3. Confirmation of the owner's mental disabilities.
  4. Health problems due to which a citizen cannot use a weapon.
  5. The presence of a court conviction for murder, an existing criminal record.
  6. Lack of permanent registration.

There are other cases of cancellation.

We have already given one of the situations, but there are a number of other cases of such a procedure for liquidating a permit.

  • Breakdown and damage to weapons, provided that they cannot be repaired or restored.
  • The decision to completely stop owning weapons, that is, the citizen decided to hand over the weapons completely.
  • Alienation of weapons. Some penalties include the confiscation of the weapon, but not the loss of the license.

It often happens that people apply to the department to cancel their license for the reason that the hunting rifle is outdated or broken, and there are no plans to purchase a new one.
The weapon itself must be handed over for recycling.

How to get rid of a weapons license

For example, violation of traffic rules also leads to administrative liability, but this violation cannot be qualified as an attack on the peace of citizens. If the owner of a weapon, while drunk, begins to display a pistol, and even in a crowded place, and also starts shooting, then if such an act is repeated, the court, in addition to the main fine, will decide to revoke the license.

  • Offenses related to the use or distribution of drugs even entail criminal liability. One such violation is enough to deprive you of documents for weapons.
  • Emerging mental problems will not allow a citizen to receive an appropriate certificate when undergoing a medical examination.

How to voluntarily give up weapons and licenses

And, nevertheless, sometimes citizens have to resort to this article of the law (Article 26, paragraph 1). This is usually associated with permission to store weapons.
Owners voluntarily cancel the document in the following circumstances:

  • if the weapon irreparably damaged, or is outdated and its use in the future is not possible;
  • personal desire of the owner hand over your weapons, For example, as unnecessary;
  • at alienation of weapons;
  • in other situations of an individual nature.

If a weapon is damaged or the owner wishes to write off, for example, an old gun that has served its purpose, it is necessary to write a corresponding application to the licensing and permitting department.

The registration service is also provided by the MFC and through the State Services portal.

Attention: the absence of a hunting license is grounds for recognizing a citizen engaged in hunting as a poacher, which will entail a fine of 200 thousand rubles or imprisonment for 2 years (Article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

A hunting license can be taken away on the basis of Art. 21 209-FZ “On Hunting”. This Federal Law lists the main reasons for the administrative suspension of activities in the field of hunting. These are:

  1. Availability of the hunter unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for committing an intentional crime. If this fact is revealed, the hunting ticket will be canceled within five working days.
  2. Voluntary submission by a hunter of an application for termination of a hunting license.

In this case, you can simply transfer the barrel to the LRO, and the permit for it can be revoked. The licensing and permitting department cannot refuse admission.. In exchange for a permit, the former owner will be given a document with information about the transferred weapon.

Question transfer of a registered weapon to another person(sale or donation, does not matter) is under the control of the licensing and permitting center.

In order for the alienated pistol or rifle to be transferred to the new owner, both parties to the transaction must appear at the LRO with documents and the object of transfer.

At the branch, an inspection and verification of data takes place, after which the seller (donor) writes a special statement.

As a rule, the LRO is not interested in the details of the transaction and the issue of financial relations of its participants.

  • When a legal entity completes the liquidation process;
  • Death of the owner of the weapon for which the permit is issued;
  • After an official court decision is made, according to which the citizen is deprived of the special right to own a license;
  • When canceling a document;
  • If such circumstances arise (provided by the Federal Law “On Weapons”) that make obtaining a document impossible.

Explanation of paragraph 2: an individual (as well as a legal entity) may have their license revoked if they systematically (at least twice during the year) violate or insufficiently fulfill the requirements of the Code of Administrative Offences.

Federal Law “On Weapons” dated December 13, 1996, No. 150-FZ, Article 26 (as amended on March 7, 2018)

How to give up your gun and license

To start the process, he needs to appear at the territorial LRO and write a corresponding statement. In this situation, the weapon is handed over to the same department, and the former owner is given a receipt containing information about the weapon handed in.

Recovery time permitting documentation for weapons upon its voluntary cancellation are not established - this is stated in Article 26 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”.

Reinstatement of a purchase license or storage permit

You can contact the licensing and permitting department to reinstate a canceled license; the law provides for this.

After this, the heir will be able to both take ownership and sell the “weapons inheritance” or re-donate it.

Cancellation of a gun license

The Federal Law “On Weapons” and the corresponding Russian regulatory legal acts may be temporarily withdrawn by representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The Department of Internal Affairs that issued a document to a legal entity has the right to confiscate it if the owner is charged with violating the relevant articles of the Code of Administrative Offences. judicial procedure an administrative penalty was imposed. The period of deprivation of permission is the period of punishment established by the court.

  • if the weapon is irreparably damaged or outdated, and its further use is not possible;
  • the owner’s personal desire to hand over the weapon, for example, because it is no longer needed;
  • upon disposal of weapons;
  • in other situations of an individual nature.

If a weapon is damaged or the owner wishes to write off, for example, an old gun that has served its purpose, it is necessary to write a corresponding application to the licensing and permitting department.

Procedure for revoking a weapons license

The law provides for two types of administrative offenses that may lead to the revocation of a license or permit - a violation or failure to comply with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Weapons”, as well as other regulations governing the circulation of weapons.

Important: with regard to permits for hunting rifles, deprivation can be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 209-FZ (regarding hunting and the protection of hunting resources).

The process of revocation of a license Cancellation of a weapons permit (on the basis, in particular, from paragraph 2) is preceded by a written notification sent by the issuing authority to the owner.


“Systematic” means repeated violation or failure to comply within a year (presumably an administrative year, not a calendar year). A preliminary written warning about the revocation of a license or permit is issued only for the administrative offenses listed above and is in these cases a necessary condition to make a decision on cancellation.

  • if a citizen will establish for a pistol or rifle night vision scope and/or silent shooting device("muffler"); this rule also applies to service weapons (Article 20.9);
  • if a citizen is caught creation and circulation of “pneumatics”(Article 20.10);
  • at violation of registration deadlines and registration of weapons (Article 20.11);
  • at violation of transportation rules and regulations firearms and ammunition (Article 20.12);
  • when shooting outside designated areas(Article 20.13);
  • at violation of certification rules weapons and ammunition: concerns the production and circulation of weapons (Article 20.14).

Actions of a citizen falling under any of these articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses are punishable by revocation of the license.

When issuing them, those previously received, with an expired validity period, must be handed over to the internal affairs body. Re-issuance of the above-mentioned licenses and permits is also carried out when the information specified in them changes, as well as in cases of replacement of deteriorated or lost licenses and permits, based on statements from the owners and supporting documents.

There was a license, and not. In previous issues of our newspaper, we told you about some of the legal aspects associated with obtaining a license to purchase hunting firearms (No. 5, p. 2) and permission for its subsequent storage and carrying (No. 6, p. 2 ).

And, nevertheless, sometimes citizens have to resort to this article of the law (Article 26, paragraph 1). This is usually associated with permission to store weapons.

Owners voluntarily cancel the document in the following circumstances:

  • if the weapon irreparably damaged, or is outdated and its use in the future is not possible;
  • personal desire of the owner hand over your weapons, For example, as unnecessary;
  • at alienation of weapons;
  • in other situations of an individual nature.

If a weapon is damaged or the owner wishes to write off, for example, an old gun that has served its purpose, it is necessary to write a corresponding application to the licensing and permitting department.

Hand over your weapons! Getting rid of a hunting weapon is much easier than acquiring one...

Our people cannot be called unarmed - only officially registered shooting units in the hands of the population number 6 million. In Moscow - 500 thousand. And add illegal guns - according to some estimates, their number reaches 5 million. And these, it must be said, are very modest estimates . After all, all the weapons lost on the fields of past battles cannot be counted. There are also forgotten and plundered warehouses, including those of the Tsarist, Soviet and some occupation armies. Yes, and other summer residents, having bought a house in the village, sometimes find in the attic an oiled kulak sawed-off shotgun and even an old, but in good condition, Maxim machine gun. And how many rusty cartridges are dug up in vegetable gardens...
In order not to end up behind bars for illegal possession of weapons, and simply to get rid of a completely legally registered gun, but which for some reason has become unnecessary, a citizen is obliged to hand over this product, so to speak. Or sell it. Who and how should accept guns, where and how long to store them, in what cases and to whom they should be issued - is determined by the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is done simply. You just need to come to the nearest police station. Any weapon can be handed in here, and you must accept it: this will be done by the operational duty officer of any police department. At the same time, if you are a private person, then the person on duty is obliged to give you a receipt indicating what exactly and how much you brought.

It is clear that weapons are not always brought to the police voluntarily. But seized trunks must also be registered, properly stored and, if necessary, issued to the previous or new owners. For example, a weapon can be given to the heir by a court decision or, for example, placed in the working collection of forensic experts. Even - use for rewarding. It also happens that trunks are accepted for temporary storage by private security agencies. The instructions also provide for the procedure for selling confiscated guns - if, of course, there is a court decision to do so. No later than two weeks, the specialist is obliged to prepare and transfer the weapon for sale to a store that has a license for such a specific trade.

Such detailed detailing of each step when accepting weapons for storage is necessary so that the barrels do not creep into random pockets. Remember the story of the former police major Evsyukov - after all, he shot people in a store with a pistol that someone had lost. No entry in the log book - no gun. It is no secret that some employees keep guns and knives confiscated from criminals - just in case. By the way, after the incident with Yevsyukov, the internal security service conducted an audit of the safes of the then police officers. They say there were serious organizational conclusions.

Dossier "RG"

The police regularly hold, so to speak, events to accept weapons from the population. Totally agree Lately The police of Karelia, Udmurtia, Yakutia appealed to their fellow citizens to “disarm” Volgograd region and the northern town of Angarsk.

Moreover, respectable citizens can also earn money during such events.

This announcement appeared just yesterday on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Irkutsk region: “The Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Angarsk continues to accept, on a reimbursable basis, illegal weapons, ammunition and explosive devices stored by citizens.”

So, for surrendered combat weapon citizens will be paid 10 thousand rubles, for hunting firearms with a rifled barrel - 8 thousand rubles, for homemade firearms - 5 thousand rubles, for gas weapons - 2.5 thousand rubles, for traumatic weapons - 3 thousand rubles, for cartridges for weapons (for 1 piece) - from 10 to 20 rubles, for explosive devices (mines, grenades) - 4 thousand rubles, for explosives and materials - for 100 g of TNT equivalent, 1 thousand rubles.

According to local police, since the beginning of the year, Angara residents have already handed over 15 units of various weapons, receiving more than 40 thousand rubles for this.

Let us remind you that those who voluntarily handed over weapons, ammunition, explosives to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or provided reliable information about their illegal storage are paid a monetary reward.

Instructions "RG"
How to get rid of legal, but no longer needed, weapons? First of all, you should apply for voluntary surrender to the police authority where you received permission to store it. It is advisable to do this during the period of validity of the permit to store weapons. Otherwise, you may be fined (approximately 300 rubles).

Application for voluntary surrender hunting weapons with a copy of the permit for storing weapons attached to it can be delivered personally to the police department or sent to the police department by registered mail with notification, via electronic communication.

If you submit an application and copies of documents about weapons in person to the police department, then keep track of it correct design. The duty officer must enter it in the accounting book, which is maintained in accordance with the “Instructions on the procedure for receiving, registering and resolving statements, messages and other information about incidents in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.” You are required to provide the registration number of the application and issue a document - a receipt - for each unit of weapons surrendered. One copy is given to you, and the second is located with the weapon. The receipt stubs remain in the receipt book of the duty station.

Within 24 hours, the duty officer must report the received application to the head of the police department. In addition to other documents, a “Weapon Verification and Inspection Report” may be drawn up. It reflects the conformity of the weapon and ammunition accepted voluntarily from the owner, their appearance, actual quantity, type, model, individual details - model, number and year of manufacture. This will come in handy if you decide to get money for your gun - a police specialist will transfer the weapon for sale to a specialized commercial store. In this case, an act of inspection and inspection of weapons, cartridges and ammunition must be drawn up. If the accepted hunting weapon does not have an individual number or it is destroyed, then a temporary number is assigned according to the serial number of the material registration, which is entered in the receipt for the accepted weapon.

After filling out the receipts, the operational duty officer places the weapons, ammunition and cartridges in the weapons storage room of the territorial body in separate metal cabinets allocated for the temporary storage of this category of weapons, while the ammunition is stored separately.

Mikhail Falaleev

Permits, which include permission to purchase civilian weapons, as well as a license to store and carry them, must be obtained from the licensing department, having previously collected a package of documents, undergone a medical examination and completed special courses.

Cancellation of a weapons permit is a procedure that almost always does not occur at the initiative of the owner. The Internet is overflowing with forums where citizens are trying to find justice, because, in their opinion, they were deprived without reason.

Reason for revocation of license

Cancellation of a weapons license is within the competence of the executive authority that issued the license. Permitting issues are entrusted to regional office The Russian National Guard, under whose authority departments for licensing and permitting work were formed.

The regulations of Article 26 of the Federal Law “On Weapons” establish the procedure for cancellation and indicate all possible reasons and grounds. In parallel with this document, it is necessary to consider the Code of Administrative Offenses of December 30, 2001, the Government Resolution of July 21, 1998, as well as Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 646, which is also a regulation.

  • A license can be revoked upon the voluntary expression of the owner of the weapon. An example would be a situation where a citizen decided to stop hunting for a certain period of time. In order not to pay fees, he submits an application for cancellation.
  • The license is automatically canceled after the death of the owner of the weapon.
  • Permits can be issued to a legal entity. When a legal entity is liquidated, the permit is also revoked.
  • OLRR employees can revoke a weapons license by court decision.
  • Also, the cancellation procedure is facilitated by other circumstances that were the objective reason for the refusal to issue this permit.
  • The last reason is cancellation of the hunting ticket.

Now let's look at the possible nuances that arise for each basis. It is these nuances that cause endless disputes, because deprivation of a license risks the fact that a citizen is prohibited not only from storing, but also from purchasing weapons.

Voluntary Cancellation

At first glance, this situation will seem unrealistic. Indeed, who would want to voluntarily part with a license when incredible efforts, time and money were spent to obtain it. We have already given one of the situations, but there are a number of other cases of such a procedure for liquidating a permit.

  • Breakdown and damage to weapons, provided that they cannot be repaired or restored.
  • The decision to completely stop owning weapons, that is, the citizen decided to hand over the weapons completely.
  • Alienation of weapons. Some penalties include the confiscation of the weapon, but not the loss of the license.

It often happens that people apply to the department to cancel their license for the reason that the hunting rifle is outdated or broken, and there are no plans to purchase a new one. The weapon itself must be handed over for recycling. There are many situations with weapons, including non-standard ones.

If a citizen does not want to dispose of the gun and for some reason was unable to sell it, then the license is canceled and the weapon is transferred to the department. The transfer of weapons to the OLRR is documented, and this document is handed over to the former owner.

It is necessary to take into account that the current owner has the right to sell or transfer weapons to another person only with the permission of the OLRR. Repossessed weapons can be sold, but the seller and buyer must visit the department to do so. The weapon is submitted for examination, where its compliance with the basic technical characteristics is established.

The donation or sale will be carried out by the owner; department employees are not concerned about this. Their task is to provide documentary support for the transaction. After a certain time, the new owner will pick up the weapon along with the relevant permits.

At the time of the transaction, the seller must still have a valid license, and the buyer must have permission to purchase. Otherwise, their actions will be regarded as a crime, for which violators may be deprived of their documents and their weapons confiscated.

Due to death

Weapons, including ammunition for weapons, are inherited along with other valuables and objects real estate on a universal basis. Immediately after the death of a citizen, ammunition and weapons belonging to him are subject to confiscation by OLRR employees. The seized weapons are stored in the department until the heirs document the rights of inheritance.

The shelf life is one year. To return the weapon, the new owner must present a document confirming the right of inheritance, as well as a license to purchase. The right to sell weapons is assigned to him.

Due to liquidation of a legal entity

In practice, gun owners are not only individuals, but also entire companies. In the event of liquidation of the company as a legal entity, the license is canceled and all weapons are transferred to temporary storage in the LRO department.

The transfer of weapons occurs strictly according to the protocol, which indicates the date. The procedure for handing over a weapon to the department is exactly the same as the procedure for handing over an individual.

In connection with the court decision

Offenses committed by citizens in relation to the circulation of weapons are a good reason for the liquidation of the license. It must be emphasized that according to statistics this basis most often found in judicial practice. Chapter 20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is devoted to the issues of when exactly a permit can be taken away with or without confiscation of the weapon itself.

  • The main deadlines for issuing permits are regulated. If a citizen does not meet these deadlines, then the court, motivating his activities with Article 20.8. This article, in addition to a fine, provides for the deprivation of a weapons license for administrative offense due to failure to comply with registration deadlines.
  • Article 20.9 of the code provides for a similar punishment if the owner of a civilian or even service weapon installs an additional silencer or night vision device.
  • Homemade pneumatic weapons and their sale are also considered a violation of the law with the ensuing consequences. This is stated in article 20.10.
  • After purchasing a weapon, the owner is required to report to the department within a maximum of two weeks. Delay may result in the permit being revoked. The punishment is determined by clause 20.11.
  • The established requirements apply to the transportation of weapons. Failure to comply with these requirements is considered an administrative violation under Article 20.12.
  • For violation of hunting rules related to shooting in an unspecified place, the court can not only take away the ROHA, but also the license to store weapons itself. Although in some cases the very confiscation of a hunting license automatically leads to the cancellation of permits.

Despite the fact that the law defines cancellation by the executive authority that issued the document, in most cases it is the court decision that is considered the basis. But it is OLRR that directly confiscates the weapon and liquidates the license.

Other circumstances

To consider this issue, it is necessary to refer to the requirements that are presented to a citizen when applying for a license. If a license has already been issued, then one of the reasons for refusal to issue is a direct basis for the liquidation of the previously issued document.

Let us remind you that this may be a discrepancy with medical indicators, a criminal record, or the presence of administrative penalties for violating public order. But let's look at these reasons in more detail.

  • Violation of public order entails the imposition of an administrative penalty. If this happens again within a year, the citizen will be deprived of his license. It should be noted that not every offense meets this point. For example, violation of traffic rules also leads to administrative liability, but this violation cannot be qualified as an attack on the peace of citizens. If the owner of a weapon, while drunk, begins to display a pistol, and even in a crowded place, and also starts shooting, then if such an act is repeated, the court, in addition to the main fine, will decide to revoke the license.
  • Offenses related to the use or distribution of drugs even entail criminal liability. One such violation is enough to deprive you of documents for weapons.
  • Emerging mental problems will not allow a citizen to receive an appropriate certificate when undergoing a medical examination. Unfortunately, this is revealed only when documents are drawn up to extend the permit.
  • Continuing the topic of health, it is necessary to note some other diseases that contribute to the further withdrawal of a license, these are, first of all, diseases of the organs of vision, trauma to the limbs, damage to the hands.
  • Incarceration or conviction for murder automatically results in the revocation of your weapons permit.
  • The last point we will consider is the most controversial. By law, when applying for a license, a citizen is required to provide a passport and show registration. This means that the owner of the weapon must have the main document with him and also be registered for permanent residence. Not only deregistration causes the license to be revoked, but also damage to a personal document.

The court's decision is not the annulment itself. This decision must go to the LRR department and be legally formalized. The citizen is sent a written notification on official letterhead indicating the reasons for cancellation.

A citizen has a chance to overturn such a decision in a higher court. To do this, he must submit the appropriate petition. Moreover, 10 days are counted not from the moment of receipt of the notification from the OLRR, but from the moment the court makes a decision.

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