What is needed for traumatic. Rules for carrying traumatic weapons: how to get permission, what will happen if you store it without permission. Who cannot obtain a gun permit by definition

The circulation of civilian weapons in our country is reasonably regulated. This is due to the fact that the state seeks to protect its own citizens from its unreasonable use. In particular, the possession of traumatic pistols or revolvers is not allowed for persons with mental disabilities, vision problems or trouble with the law. Due to the current restrictions, many want to clearly know what they need to buy traumatic pistol.

Compared with previous periods of regulation of the issue of traumatic pistols, the current legislation is more liberal. Main normative act, which determines the issues of obtaining and storing such copies, is the federal law "On Weapons". You can often hear from employees of relevant licensing authorities that the priority issue is not what is needed to purchase a traumatic pistol, but its further storage and use.

Legislation does not have in its texts the concept of "traumatic". The main division of the arsenal is carried out according to the following types:

  • combat;
  • official;
  • civil.

The latter variety has its own differentiation into groups according to the purpose of use:

  • sports;
  • signal;
  • hunting;
  • for self defense.

Before finding out what is needed for a license to traumatic weapon, it must also be taken into account that civilian weapons of this type has certain structural limitations:

  • the possibility of firing in bursts is prohibited;
  • the permitted maximum drum/magazine capacity is limited to 10 rounds.

The law clearly defines the classification of injuries. They are classified as firearms of limited destruction. Accordingly, it is possible that with the help of this arsenal, through negligence or malicious intent, the owner has the opportunity to inflict fatal injuries. Therefore, understanding what is needed to acquire a traumatic weapon, this fact will also have to be taken into account.

What documents are needed to purchase a traumatic weapon

Keeping even a discharged copy at home without proper documents is the same crime as storing it with a full combat kit. In this regard, it is necessary to first take care of all legal formalities, and then search for and purchase a legal civilian arsenal in the permitted quantity.

It is necessary to provide a full set of required documents to the licensing and permit department located in the police station:

  • Medical certificate. It is issued according to the standard form 046-1 in almost any licensed medical institution where there is a therapist, optometrist, psychiatrist and narcologist.
  • Statement. The document is filled out, signed and submitted personally by the applicant for a permit. Registration is carried out in the name of the head of the LRO at the place of registration of the applicant.
  • Copy of the passport. When submitting a blueprint, you must provide the original document.
  • Certificate of successful course completion. Training is carried out on the basis of the existing licensing department.
  • Receipt confirming payment of state duty.
  • Photo format 3×4 cm in the amount of 4 pieces;

Understanding what documents are needed for a traumatic pistol, it is worth mentioning that the house should have an equipped place to store an arsenal of ammunition. Its proper condition is confirmed by the district police officer during a personal visit.

Important! About the results of the employee check law enforcement must submit a written report.

What does it take to buy an injury

After all the documents prepared for the purchase of a traumatic pistol are collected, they must be transferred as a single package to the licensing and permit department. There, employees have limited time to review the submitted package. The term is limited to ten days. Upon its completion, with correctly and timely executed paperwork, the applicant is granted permission to purchase.

Important! The current rules for the acquisition of traumatic weapons limit the period during which a purchase permit can be applied. This period is limited to 14 days.

According to the existing permit, the owner of the document has the right to purchase no more than 5 weapons and four hundred cartridges for it. After that, the document allows you to purchase the same number of rounds per calendar month.

Following actions

When the owner has acquired the necessary arsenal in accordance with the permission issued to him, then he You have two weeks to submit this purchase to the Approval Department. Specialists are required to create a separate registration card for each “trunk”. They include the following information:

  • individual weapon number;
  • information about the owner;
  • date of purchase of each unit.

You will also need to provide Additional information about how the acquisition took place, if required by an authorized specialist. Material artifacts in the form spent cartridges or supporting documentation.

Important! Documents received at LRO have a limited validity period of five years. Upon completion, you must go through the standard re-registration procedure, which will require the same package of documents and approximately the same time.

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You will need

  • - Application for a license to carry a weapon.
  • - Original and photocopy of 2,3 and 5 pages of the passport.
  • - 2 matte photos 3x4 cm.
  • - Medical certificate form 046-1.
  • - Safe.
  • - Receipt of payment of one-time fees.


Issue a medical certificate in form 046–1.

Write an application at your police department in the Licensing and Permitting Department.

If your application is satisfactorily reviewed, you will be required to pass examinations in which you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge of how to store, carry and use injury aids.

Now you can purchase weapons.

After purchasing a traumatic pistol, it is necessary to register it within two weeks in the department for Licensing and Permitting Works at the Department of Internal Affairs. The personnel number of the purchased pistol will be entered in the personal observation file, it is from this moment that the experience of owning a weapon will be calculated.


If you do not purchase a safe on time, then there is a possibility of refusing to obtain the necessary certificate from the district police officer, which will make it impossible to obtain a license for weapons.
Traumatic weapons are allowed to be bought during the entire period of validity of the permit, but only after you receive a license in your hands.

Helpful advice

The license is issued for a period of 5 years.
It is necessary to renew the license for traumatic weapons 3 months before the expiration of its validity. From the point of view of the implementation of the procedure, renewing a license is no different from obtaining a new one.
The cost of a license for a traumatic weapon is set centrally, you can find out the state tariffs at the district police department. Payment of receipts is made in one of the branches of Sberbank.


  • I will buy a license for traumatic weapons

Life in our country is becoming easier, the bandits have legalized, there are plenty of shops, and opportunities too. But still, in major cities walking at night can be dangerous. Hooligans, maniacs and other evil spirits can attack. To feel at least a little more confident, if you are not a master of sports in kung fu, karate, boxing or sambo, get a traumatic weapon. It is, today, the only legalized and effective remedy self defense.


After that, within a month, a license for . Your photo will be pasted in it, and the weapon should be entered on the back. It should be noted that there should be no more than five “trunks”. Here you can also enter gas weapon. The license for it is acquired in the same way as for the “traumatic”.

After license issued, you can buy the weapon itself. The license is issued for a fixed term, namely five years. After you have bought a “traumatic”, you will again have to go to the Licensing and Permitting Department and register the purchased “barrel” there. This can be done within two weeks. After that, the calculation of the license term begins.

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Advice 3: What documents are needed to issue a traumatic weapon

A traumatic weapon, according to the law, is defined as a firearm of limited destruction. It is assumed that at close range, a traumatic pistol can become a murder weapon. Therefore, the requirements for obtaining a license for such weapons are quite stringent.


In order to issue, obtain official permission - a license for it, it will be necessary to fill out an application card in a unified form with a 3x4 photograph pasted into it. 3 more such photos will need to be attached to the rest of the documents. Photos must be printed on matte paper. To obtain a license, you will need an original identity card - a passport, as well as copies of its pages, including those with a registration stamp.

In the Department of Licensing and Permit Work (OLRR) at the Internal Affairs Directorate at the place of registration, you must find out the bank details for transferring the state fee, pay it, and attach the receipt of payment to the package of documents. The amount of the fee for obtaining a license is 30% of the established minimum wage. You will also need to undergo a medical examination with an examination by a psychiatrist and a narcologist and a note that you are not registered with these specialists. The document confirming this fact and your health will be a medical certificate in the form No. 046-1.

Traumatic weapons should be stored in a specially equipped safe place, inaccessible to outsiders. You will need to purchase a separate capacious safe for it, in which you will also need to put ammunition and other accessories - a holster, magazine, etc. The safe must be securely attached to the wall or floor so that it is impossible to carry it away. An act confirming the existence of such a storage place, signed by your local inspector, will also need to be attached to the package of documents. Some police departments may also require that bars be installed on the windows of your private house or apartment, if you live on the first or last floor, but this requirement is not specified in any way in the law.

Get trained in the safe handling of firearms limited damaging effect and get a Certificate of it. The address of the organization that issues such certificates must be found in the LRRR at the Department of Internal Affairs. In addition to the mentioned certificate, you will also need a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority with a TIN and a certificate from the place of work.


Traumatic weapons cannot be owned by persons who have not yet reached the age of 18; who have an outstanding criminal record and those who were involved during last year to administrative responsibility for hooliganism; people with health problems or poor eyesight.

A license to purchase, store and carry weapons can be issued via the Internet. The State Services portal allows you to significantly reduce the time that you have to spend on a visit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to obtain a license. The electronic record guarantees that the time for filing an application will not exceed 15 minutes.

You will need

  • - receipt of payment of the one-time fee;
  • - an application for a permit;
  • - photo;
  • - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • - medical conclusion on the absence of contraindications;
  • - Documents on the passage of relevant training;
  • - a duplicate of a license for the purchase of weapons with a mark of the seller or the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


The State Services Portal allows you to generate an electronic application for obtaining a permit, as well as choose a convenient one for a visit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide original documents and obtain a license. Thus, a personal visit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot be avoided. But despite this,

In order to buy, carry and use traumatic weapons, whether it be traumatic pistols and revolvers, barrelless weapons (such as the Wasp and the Guard) or civilian non-lethal weapons designed for active self-defense, you need to officially obtain a permit / license for traumatic weapons. When you carry a traumatic pistol / revolver with you, you must have a permit for “injury”, which is prescribed by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07/21/1998 N 814 (as amended on 05/06/2015) in the territory Russian Federation"(together with the "Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation", "Regulations on the maintenance and publication of the State Cadastre of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them").

This publication will help you understand the issues of obtaining a permit for a traumatic weapon, we will tell you what package of documents you need to collect in order to obtain a license for a traumatic weapon, the time frame for issuing a permit for a traumatic weapon, and also what punishment is provided for in the absence of a permit .

The issuance of a license (permit) for a traumatic weapon is carried out by the only authorized body - licensing and permit departments (LRO), which in most cases are assigned to the police departments at your place of residence.

If you decide to get a license for a traumatic weapon, then first you will need to take training courses, which include the following important sections:

  • Education proper handling with weapon;
  • Clarification of the rules safe storage weapons;
  • First aid training medical care with wounds from traumatic weapons.
  • Acquaintance with legislative framework regarding traumatic weapons (Federal Law "On Weapons", articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: 37-39, 222, 224 + Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);

When the training is completed, it will be necessary to pass an exam to test the acquired knowledge.

After completing the training, you will need to apply at the place of residence to the LRO with an application according to the model that the employee of the institution will provide. The application must be made in the name of the head of the department, and a 10-day period is allotted for its consideration, after which the licensing and permit department (center) is obliged to send you a written notification. The license for traumatic weapons has a validity period of 5 years.

What documents are required for an injury permit?

To obtain and issue a permit for injury, the applicant will need to collect a package of documents specified by law, which includes:

  1. Photocopy of the passport.
  2. Receipt of payment of state duty for the issuance of a license for weapons.
  3. Photos 3x4 in size for each unit of traumatic weapons.
  4. After passing the medical examination, you must take a certificate of the absence of contraindications. The certificate must contain the conclusions of the following specialists:
    - Ophthalmologist;
    - Psychiatrist;
    - Local therapist;
    - Narcologist.

Why is it possible to refuse permission for a traumatic weapon?

In the cases established by the Federal Law "On Weapons" dated 12/13/1996 N 150-FZ (as amended on 07/13/2015) it is possible to refuse permission for a traumatic weapon, let's figure it out when the licensing center refuses you a license for a traumatic weapon:

  1. If the applicant is under 18 years of age.
  2. If there is no medical certificate.
  3. If a citizen has a criminal record for a crime committed by intent.
  4. If a citizen is in prison, serving a sentence.
  5. The citizen did not submit to the LRO a certificate of completion of courses on the safe handling of traumatic weapons, confirming the fact that the exams were passed successfully.
  6. For 12 months, a citizen has been registered with more than two offenses of an administrative nature that infringe on managerial or public order.

If you decide to get a permit for a traumatic weapon, then in addition to training and collecting the necessary package of documents, you will definitely need to purchase a safe for your home to store a traumatic pistol or revolver. Otherwise, the district police officer, who will check with the applicant for a permit for injury, the availability of opportunities for its safe storage, will write in the report that you do not have such an opportunity and you will be denied a license.

In the event of a refusal to issue a license unreasonable reasons when you are 100% sure that you are right, you can file a lawsuit in court to resolve this issue.

How to quickly get permission for a traumatic weapon?

We immediately clarify that it is impossible to quickly obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon, since a license for a traumatic weapon cannot be bought even if desired - this is illegal! Remember that the process of issuing a license for any weapon, including traumatic, is strictly regulated at the legislative level.

In any case, you will have to spend time: go through a medical examination in a couple of days, complete two- or three-month courses with good results, pay the state fee, wait 10 days for the decision of the LRO to allow the issuance of a license or to refuse. Only then can you get ready resolution for traumatic weapons.

You can obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon in two ways:

  1. Independently engage in the collection of a package of documents.
  2. Contact an organization that is legally authorized to provide assistance, both in obtaining a license and in extending its validity.

The second option will significantly reduce the time for collecting documents and obtaining the coveted permit.

Can I renew my license/permit for a traumatic pistol?

The possibility of extending the license for traumatic weapons exists in such cases:

  1. When there are three months left before the expiration of the permit, you need to apply for an extension with the LRO.
  2. If you provide a photocopy of your passport with an application, as well as 3 x 4 photo cards for each weapon and a medical certificate.
  3. If LRO employees require, it will be necessary to re-check the rules for the safe handling of traumatic weapons.
  4. When the district police officer submits a report that the conditions for storing weapons are not violated.

LRO will consider the possibility of extending the relevant permit within ten days. When the license is renewed, its validity period will be five years. After the expiration of this period, the validity of the document should be renewed.

How to renew a permit for a traumatic weapon?

If you use the following easily accessible instructions, then you can effortlessly renew your license for a traumatic weapon. Follow these simple rules:

  1. As soon as you notice that in 3 months the license will expire, hurry to take the application to the LRO, collecting the necessary package of documents, which we talked about above.
  2. When you receive a notification that the LRO has made a positive decision in your favor, and the license has been extended, you can safely go and get the coveted permit document.

Many citizens are interested in the question, what happens if there is no permit for a traumatic weapon, and its owner carries or keeps trauma at home? In this case, the owner of the weapon will face administrative responsibility in accordance with Art. 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. In some cases, violators are subject to criminal liability in accordance with Art. 22 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How to get a license for traumatic weapons? This issue worries a lot of Russian citizens. IN federal law"On weapons" there is a special division of firearms into civilian, military and service.

Types of weapons designed specifically for civilians

This weapon can be used in several cases:

  • for hunting;
  • for self-defense;
  • for sports.

Obtaining a license for traumatic weapons in Moscow is not difficult. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances necessary for this.

The main types and types of traumatic weapons

  1. Gas. This type includes revolvers, pistols and mechanical sprayers containing tear substances.
  2. A firearm with a long smooth barrel, to which traumatic cartridges are attached.
  3. Barrelless firearms, which can have not only traumatic cartridges, but also gas and light-sound products.

Citizens of Russia can carry traumatic weapons from the age of twenty-one under the following conditions:

Terms of use

How to get a license for a traumatic weapon is one side of the issue. It's even harder to use it correctly.

Before making a planned long-awaited purchase, you should clarify in advance whether such weapons are on the list of permitted ones.

In order to use a traumatic weapon for the purpose of self-defense, a warning shot is necessarily made in an open space, while the hand rises high up. Such a gesture will show that your intentions are very serious, and your opponent will understand the seriousness of your actions and can stop the attack. In addition, you will be able to protect yourself before the law, which says that the owner of a traumatic weapon cannot be the first to launch an attack.

To obtain a license, everyone must undergo special training in order to be able to handle weapons correctly.

How to get a license for a traumatic weapon for a police officer? This task is pretty simple. You don't need any special training for this. All you have to do is provide the documents you have service weapon, which is assigned to the police officer at the place of service.

It is believed that with the help of traumatic it is impossible to kill or severely injure a person. That is why these weapons can be used by private individuals. However, some cases have shown that everything is not so good, so since 2014 the requirements for obtaining a license have become extremely tough.

How to get a license to carry a non-lethal weapon

You should start by obtaining a medical certificate in the form 046-1. To get it right, you need to go through the following doctors:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • narcologist;
  • psychiatrist.

After the medical certificate is issued, you need to go through special courses, which will teach how to properly carry, store and use weapons. Please note that training will be paid.

In Russia (including Moscow) there is a large number of firms that provide training services. Ask in advance if they are licensed to teach. To do exactly right choice contact the police department. They will recommend a good legal company.

After the courses are completed, each student takes an exam, according to the results of which a certificate will be provided.

If the results are positive, then you can safely apply to the police department at your place of residence. You will need the following documents: 2 photo cards 3×4, a certificate of course completion, a photocopy of your passport, a medical certificate received earlier, a receipt for payment for permission and production of a document, a report from the district police officer on the storage conditions of the unit (presence of a safe and its quality).

Within thirty days from the date of submission of the documents, you will be able to receive a positive response and start carrying your weapon.

Registration of trauma

How to get a license for a traumatic weapon is described above. It is very important to correctly register your purchase. This is done in the Licensing Department. Experimental shooting is carried out in this institution. Be sure to provide the purchased product in a holster, otherwise you will be forced to pay a fine for improperly carrying a weapon. A month after registration with the LRRR, you will be able to get permission to wear it.

To register, you must provide several documents:

  • check from the store;
  • two photo cards 3×4;
  • statement;
  • trauma insurance contract;
  • spent cartridges;
  • registration fee receipt.

Do not forget that improper carrying and storage of weapons can lead to criminal liability.

How to renew a license

Where can I get a license for a traumatic weapon? A question that worries many. An important aspect is also the conditions for extending the contract. According to the laws of Russia, you can renew your permission to keep and wear trauma products.

On December 6, 2012, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation introduced a new provision on the renewal of this license.

Those who already have a weapon and a license for it do not need to re-take courses that teach them how to properly carry and store the product. It is enough to go through such training only once. In the future, the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not need to provide a certificate of training.

How to get a license for traumatic weapons quickly?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get permission quickly, because you won’t be able to buy this document in the market or in the subway.

You will have to spend several days going through a medical examination. Then wait ten days for a decision on refusal or permission to carry a traumatic weapon. Besides training courses may take as long as two or three months.

You should not acquire a permit illegally. In this case, you will face criminal liability.

Who can't get a license

Where to get a license for a traumatic weapon, as well as what is required for this, was discussed above. However, there are medical indicators prohibiting the carrying of firearms:

  1. Serious diseases of the nervous system.
  2. All stages of epilepsy.
  3. Dependence on alcohol, as well as drug addiction and substance abuse.
  4. Regular use of antidepressants.
  5. Lack of thumb or index finger.
  6. Poor eyesight.

Also, a license will not be issued to persons:

  • having a criminal record for an intentional crime, as well as for a crime with the use of weapons;
  • who committed at least two offenses against public order during the year;
  • no fixed place of residence;
  • under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Carrying and storing weapons is a very responsible matter. Before you go to get a license, you should think carefully and evaluate your capabilities.

Many people have weapons in the house. Someone collects it, someone goes hunting with it, and someone keeps it in order to protect their property. IN Lately All greater distribution received a question about carrying traumatic weapons in self-defense. Here it should be understood that acquiring a weapon is not a trifling matter, and not every person will be able to obtain a license, even if all the required documents are available. This article will be devoted to the issue of obtaining permission to carry traumatic weapons.

In order to obtain permission to carry a traumatic gun, you must provide the necessary documents to the appropriate authorities. Permission to purchase traumatic equipment is currently issued if the following documents are available:

It should be remembered that you first need to issue an appropriate permit (license) for carrying traumatic weapons. This license must be done before purchasing a pistol or other type of traumatic weapon.

In order for you to obtain a license, you must submit the following documents to the competent authorities:

  1. completed application card. It is issued in a unified form. For such a statement, you must bring a 3x4 photograph, which will be pasted into it;
  2. four photos. One will be pasted into the application card, and the other three will be attached to other documents. Only those photos that were printed on matte paper are suitable;
  3. original passport of a Russian citizen with copies of all completed pages (including the page with the registration stamp).
  4. medical certificate.

Preparing all the necessary documentation will help you greatly simplify the procedure for obtaining permission to purchase a pistol or other type of traumatic weapon.

How to get permission

The presence of all the required documentation when applying for a permit to carry traumatic weapons (pistol, etc.) does not guarantee a license. To obtain it, there is a process regulated by law, which consists of the following steps:

  • submission of an appropriate application to the local department of internal affairs;
  • collection necessary documents, which is provided for by regulatory enactments;
  • medical confirmation for permission to carry traumatic weapons (certificates from a psychologist, narcologist, passed medical examination);
  • submission of the necessary documents to the police department, where they will be considered taking into account the personality characteristics compiled by the district police officer.

10 days are given for consideration of the application. After the expiration given period, the application is either accepted for consideration by the employees of the department, or a written refusal is given.

When positive result access to the next stage of registration:

  1. passing specialized courses where instructors teach the rules of carrying, as well as the use of traumatic weapons. Courses are paid and a person who decides to buy a weapon pays for them on his own. The Department of Internal Affairs advises organizations that offer relevant courses. Both people who apply for a license for the first time and those who decide to renew the permit must undergo training. In case of renewal of the license, the cost of courses will be lower by 25%;
  2. passing the relevant standards and obtaining a certificate at the end of the course. If you do not pass the exam, you can retake it in a month;
  3. after that, the district police officer is obliged to check the proper conditions for storing weapons (buying a safe, installing bars on the windows of the room, provided that it is on the first or last floor, obtaining permission, paying state duty).

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a license to carry a traumatic weapon:

After passing through all these stages, in case of a positive result, a weapon license will be issued within a month. One of the photographs will be pasted into the license, and on the reverse side it will be necessary to enter the type of traumatic weapon. It should be remembered that the permit is issued only for a fixed period of five years.

Upon completion of the licensing procedure, you can start buying the weapon itself. After you have bought a weapon, you need to go to the Licensing Department again and register your purchase. This takes two weeks. At the end of this period, the calculation of the license period begins.

Remember that in the case of the sale of weapons, it is necessary to inform the competent authorities.

Who can't get permission

Before proceeding with the procedure for obtaining a permit to carry weapons, it is necessary to find out which categories of people a license is not issued in this case. To avoid a knowingly negative result, this issue should be clarified as early as possible.

Persons who are not eligible to issue this license include:

  • persons who have not reached the age of majority;
  • persons who are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty;
  • persons who have a criminal record for committing an intentional offense;
  • the presence of at least two administrative offenses during the year;
  • persons who do not have a permanent place of residence.

In addition, there are the following medical conditions that may be an obstacle to obtaining a license:

  • the presence of serious chronic diseases;
  • persons who are on a psycho-neurological or narcological register;
  • significant vision problems.

Also, the basis for refusal to issue a license is the absence of:

  • medical certificates;
  • documents on the passage of special courses;
  • other documents.

The list of reasons why the authorized body may refuse to issue a license can be very diverse. Each case is considered individually by the authorities. Sometimes a negative attitude on the part of the district police officer or the police towards the personality of the applicant is enough to refuse. In this case, the refusal can be appealed in court.

Despite the hassle of obtaining a license, you should not resort to various workarounds and not very legal ways. After all, knowing the list required documents, as well as the stages of obtaining a license, you can greatly simplify your life and save time. Also, knowledge about which groups of citizens this type of license is not issued will be important.

Video "How to get a license for traumatic weapons without an intermediary"

On the recording, the expert talks about some of the nuances that may arise in the process of obtaining a license for a traumatic weapon. After watching the recording you will learn all the details of this procedure.

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