What kind of permit is needed for a traumatic weapon. License for gas and traumatic weapons of self-defense. Requirements for storage and use

You may ask why you need to get a license for both types of weapons. There are three reasons for this:
1 - Practicality. Traumatic weapons are the only effective legal means of self-defense, and smooth-bore weapons are for hunting and for protection. own house;
2 - Saving money. There is no need to first buy a pistol safe for trauma, and then a gun safe for a gun;
3 - Saving time. If you receive both licenses at once, you can combine the exams and not take them again later.

Let us decipher the points of the above scheme of actions when obtaining licenses for traumatic and smoothbore weapon.

1. Receipt hunting license. This document is not included in the list of mandatory delivery, but its presence is desirable because in the future it allows the free transportation of firearms. In addition, after 5 years of owning a smoothbore weapon, you will have the right to purchase rifle. This document is open-ended and is issued free of charge upon application.

Scheme of actions. We make 2 personal photos 3x4 - matte, strictly in full face, without headgear. Colored or black and white, it doesn't matter. We make 2 photocopies of the passport: 2-3 pages with personal data, and a page with the registration address. We take all this, look for the nearest MFC and go there to write an application for a hunting license of a single federal standard. You must have your passport with you.

Previously, it was necessary to pass an exam on the knowledge of the hunting minimum. Now it is enough to put the signature in the application "I am familiar with the requirements of the hunting minimum."

Within 5 days after submitting the application, an SMS message should be received about the readiness of the hunting ticket. The application can also be submitted at the local department of licensing and permit work or through the portal of the State Services.

2. Obtaining medical certificates. At this stage, the main goal is to obtain the results of a chemical-toxicological study (CTI) in the form No. 454 / y-06 (drug test results), a medical certificate in the form No. 003-O / y (on the absence of drugs in the body), a medical certificate No. 002-O / y (for the right to own weapons). The certificate No. 002-O / y is valid for 1 year, but it is better not to delay it.

Scheme of actions. Certificate No. 002-O / y is issued on the basis of a medical examination (ophthalmologist and therapist) and previously received certificates from psycho-neurological and narcological dispensaries, the results of HTI. All references are paid. You can get certificate No. 002-O / y at departmental clinics, or at any medical institution that has a license for this type of activity. Narcologist and psychotherapist can go to honey. institution at the place of residence. Certificate No. 003-O / y is issued on the basis of the conclusion of the HTI in the form No. 454 / y-06 - you will need to pass a urine test.

4. Training courses for the safe handling of weapons. When applying for the first time, the LRRR requires a certificate of completion of weapons courses. The purpose of these courses is to familiarize civilians with the rules and acquire skills in the safe handling of weapons.

Training takes place in training centers in lecture form with practical exercises in the shooting range. For registration you will need: 2 photos 3x4 matte, medical certificate No. 002-O / y, passport and its copy.

The training center must have a valid license to carry out educational activities on training programs for individuals in order to learn the rules and acquire skills in the safe handling of weapons. Information about the license can be viewed on the Rosobrnadzor website, you will need it if you apply through the State Services portal.

All training will take only one day, at the end you will need to pass an exam (testing). As a result, you will have in your hands a Certificate of Completion of Weapons Courses and an Act of Checking Knowledge of the Rules and Skills in Safe Handling of Weapons for submission to the HRRR. These documents are valid for 5 years.

5. Obtaining a license to purchase weapons. At this stage, the main goal is to receive two documents in the HRRR:
a) licenses for the purchase of firearms of limited destruction and cartridges for it
b) a license for the purchase of hunting smooth-bore weapons, as well as cartridges for them

Scheme of actions. The easiest way to apply is through the State Services portal, whoever is not looking for easy ways can take a walk in the HRRR of your area. When making applications through the portal, you will need to fill out two forms and upload scans of the received honey. references. Purchase license traumatic weapons, for smoothbore weapons - .

When filling out an application for a license to purchase a hunting smooth-bore weapon, you will need to indicate the brand of the weapon. If you have not decided yet, write with the general wording "hunting firearms smoothbore".

After the applications are successfully sent, the status of the application changes within 24 hours: "accepted from the applicant" - "sent to the department" - "accepted by the department". A day after the appeal is accepted by the department, an employee of the LRRR should contact you - confirm that everything is in order and specify when to approach for a license. As a rule, the whole procedure takes no more than a month.

After that, you are waiting for the visit of the district police officer, who should confirm that you do not have drives for administrative offenses, and check that the conditions for storing weapons are met - make sure that there is a gun safe and that it is installed correctly. In the absence of comments, he signs the Act on compliance with the conditions for ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition. If the police officer does not show up, it makes sense to take the initiative and contact him.

If everything is in order, in a month (or even earlier) come for a "green" - a permit to purchase weapons. Do not forget to take with you the originals of all collected documents, and of course, your passport.

6. Acquisition of weapons. There are enough weapon shops and the range of prices is very large. It makes sense before you go to a weapons store to firmly decide what exactly you need, and then select stores - according to the range offered, the cost of goods and the distance from your place of residence.

Scheme of actions. Going to the store, be sure to take your passport and licenses for the purchase of weapons obtained from the LRRR with you.

The acquisition license gives the right to purchase one weapon. A maximum of five smoothbore hunting rifles can be wielded at the same time. Larger quantities require a permit for the purpose of collecting.

7. Registration of weapons and obtaining ROC After the weapon is bought, it remains to be registered with the LRRR and receive the ROHA - permission to store and carry weapons. It is not worth delaying the registration - the time allotted by the Law is only 14 days.

Scheme of actions. You submit applications one by one through the portal or go to the LRRR, you need to have with you - licenses for the purchase of weapons, and the weapon itself purchased. Employees of the LRRR check the numbers on the weapon, keep the licenses for the purchase, and instead of them they give you a certificate for transporting the weapon to your home. After 14 days, instead of a purchase authorization, you receive a ROHA.

That's it, from now on you legally own a weapon - exercised your right. ROHA is valid for 5 years, then the permit must be renewed. During these 5 years, in order to obtain new permits for the purchase of weapons, you will not need to provide any medical certificates or certificates of passing weapons courses - only an application, a passport of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federal Agency for the Liberation of Arts.

The law states that every person in Russia has the right to acquire, use and keep weapons. Any - even gunshot, even gas, even traumatic. However, for this you must first go through a number of procedures established by the law of the Russian Federation and collect a mandatory list of documents. This article will discuss how you can get permission to store "traumatics" in 2017, and what is the procedure for obtaining a license.

About types of permissions

First of all, you should know: weapons that citizens have the right to acquire Russian Federation, falls into two categories. The first category is a hunting weapon (gun, carbine, etc.), the second category is a weapon for self-defense. The second category is precisely the traumatic weapon. Therefore, in the framework of this article, we will talk about how you can get permission to carry a traumatic weapon.

In addition, here you need to take into account such a moment. Hunting weapons are fundamentally different from traumatic ones. Accordingly, the law defines a different procedure for obtaining permits for hunting weapons and for injuries. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings with the law, this should not be forgotten.

Who will not be given permission for a traumatic weapon?

Before proceeding with the collection of a package of documents granting the right to obtain a license for the storage of traumatic weapons, it should be clarified who, in accordance with the law, is not entitled to a license. The law includes these categories:

  • Minor citizens;
  • Those who have been tried for intentional crimes;
  • Those who have at least two administrative offenses for infringement of the rules of public order;
  • Those who do not have a permanent residence permit;
  • Those who are registered in a psychiatric hospital or narcological dispensary or who have poor eyesight;
  • Those who, for some reason, did not provide the entire list of documents giving the right to keep and wear injuries.

In addition, licenses may also be denied to those who have been brought to the police or are negatively characterized by an authorized district police officer. This also needs to be known and remembered. If a citizen does not agree that he is not being issued a license, he has the right to go to court.

How to get a permit for a traumatic weapon

A license for traumatic weapons is issued by the department of licensing and permitting work, and no other authority. A citizen is not entitled to have a traumatic weapon without a license. A citizen who is concerned about obtaining a license should contact the nearest RLR, where they are obliged to tell him what procedures must be completed and what documents are needed in order to have a legal right to a license.

In general, a citizen must:

  • Pass a medical examination at the clinic. Inspection can be done both in a free and paid clinic. In principle, such an examination resembles the one that those who wish to study at a driving school undergo; If a citizen decides to undergo an examination in a free hospital, then in this case he will have to pay only for a certificate of form 046-1, which will cost the citizen about 300 rubles. Without a seal, such a certificate is invalid, and in order to put a seal on it, you need to visit all the doctors indicated in the certificate, and, in addition, visit a neuropathologist, as well as a narcologist, so that they note that the citizen is not a member of their accounting. With regard to vision, remember: to get a license, one of your eyes must see no less than 0.5, and the other no less than 0.2;
  • After successfully passing the medical examination, a citizen has the right to appear at the LRRR and write an application there on a special form;
  • The application must be accompanied by a photocopy of the passport, the mentioned medical certificate, as well as 2 photos 3x4 in size.

When the listed documents are written and submitted, three more types of documents are issued to the citizen in the department of licensing and permit work:

  • Referral to courses on the safe use of weapons;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Referral to the district commissioner.

All these points are very important, so you should consider them in more detail:

  • Courses on safe possession of weapons consist in the fact that a citizen is required to pass a test consisting of ten questions, and at least 9 such questions must be answered correctly. You can answer twice: the first attempt is free, for the second you will have to pay. In case of failure of both attempts, you will be offered compulsory lectures, and paid ones, after which the test is taken again on the same grounds;
  • State duty is an understandable thing. In this case, it is 100 rubles, and you can pay it at any bank;
  • The district commissioner must conduct an introductory conversation with you, as well as inspect your home. In order to put his signature, the district police officer must make sure that your house is well protected, and, in addition, you have a safe or a metal cabinet in your house, which must be locked with at least two locks. So, if you want to have a traumatic weapon, then first you need to purchase a safe in which you must lock the purchased traumatic gun when you are not using it;
  • When you pass these necessary formalities, you will need to wait another month. After a month, you must be notified whether you will be issued a license or if you are denied a license. If you do not agree, you have the right to go to court.

Obtaining a license that gives the right to carry and store traumatic weapons is not an easy and lengthy business. But what to do - the law is the law. The license cannot be bought anywhere, and its forgery is prosecuted by law.

So you've got your license. What's next?

And then you need to know and remember that a citizen who has a license to carry and store traumatic pistol, has the right to buy up to five traumatic trunks. If a citizen has lost a license or it has been stolen from him, then in accordance with the law, no one else, no matter how hard he tries, will not be able to use the stolen or lost license, because the license contains all the data of its owner, starting with the name and surname and ending with place of residence, and, in addition, data on the weapons that the legal holder of the license acquired.

According to the law, the license is by no means permanent. It is valid for five years, after which the owner will need to renew the permit.

Further, the law explains that if the legal holder of the license bought a traumatic weapon in a store, then he is obliged to register it by contacting the same LRRR for this, moreover, within 14 days from the date of purchase of the traumatic weapon.

What happens if you wear trauma without permission

First: traumatic weapons without a license can not be officially purchased. Second: if a citizen somehow managed to acquire a weapon in circumvention of the law, then carrying a traumatic weapon without permission may be a reason to bring such a “carrier” to responsibility - either administrative, or initiate a criminal case against the violator of the law.

The administrative fine in this case is 500-2000 rubles.

A traumatic pistol without a license may even serve to the fact that a criminal case will be opened against a citizen who has such a pistol. The law says so: if a citizen illegally kept, carried or sold a traumatic weapon, threatened someone with such a weapon, then this is a direct reason for initiating a criminal case. In this case, the culprit can be imprisoned or a considerable fine can be imposed on him.

So, if you want to become the owner of a traumatic weapon, then you cannot do without a license. The law does not provide for any other options.

Always carries the risk of causing undue harm, therefore, the possession of any, including traumatic, requires a license or special permission. Such conditions are a preventive measure on the part of the state and allow avoiding an increase in the level of crime. How to get possession of a traumatic weapon, what documents are needed and what has changed in 2016 - we will consider all this in the current article.

What applies to traumatic weapons

All traumatic weapons are classified by Federal Law No. 150-FZ of December 13, 1996 as civilian, since its main purpose is self-defense. A traumatic weapon is understood as any firearm, as well as a barrelless weapon, the cartridges of which have a traumatic, gas, as well as light and sound effect. Such a weapon should not only be domestic production but also comply with all legal requirements.

Depending on the type and type of impact, all traumatic weapons are conditionally divided into the following types:

  • acoustic;
  • using shock and physico-chemical factors;
  • acting by means of an electric current;
  • applying biotechnical and biological influence.

There are other classifications, for example, according to the length of the barrel, as well as according to the principle of operation of the powder charge.

Due to the presence of a significant number of types and subspecies of traumatic weapons, quite often it is only a qualified expert who can correctly draw the line and determine whether a weapon is traumatic or not.

What are the requirements for obtaining a traumatic weapon

A traumatic weapon is a danger to others, which is why in order to register it in possession, you must meet the following requirements:

  • reaching adulthood;
  • the presence of a medical certificate (certificate) giving the right to own a traumatic weapon;
  • passage special courses following the results of which it is necessary to pass the exam;
  • availability of storage conditions - given fact established by the district police officer in a special report;
  • no convictions for crimes that were committed with direct intent.

In addition, it checks the presence of bringing to administrative responsibility for encroachments on public order or the system government controlled within the last 2 years prior to obtaining the permit.

Attention! An innovation in 2016 is the requirements for the storage of traumatic weapons, in particular, a special safe is required.

Documents and procedure for issuing a permit for traumatic weapons

To obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon, it can be divided into several stages:

Passing training courses. As part of these courses, future owners of weapons are taught the skills to handle them, including the rules for storing and carrying, weapons legislation and other information. At the end of the course, an exam is taken, the successful passing of which provides an opportunity to obtain permission for a traumatic weapon.

Collection of documents. The following documents are required to obtain a permit:

  • passport;
  • a medical certificate, which necessarily contains the conclusions of a therapist, ophthalmologist, narcologist and psychiatrist;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty;
  • photo 3x4.

Applying for a Permit. An application filled out in the prescribed form is submitted to a special licensing and permit department, which, as a rule, is located in the district police department.

Getting permission. The submitted application is considered within 10 days and a positive result the applicant will be granted permission to own a traumatic weapon. In case of receiving an unreasonable refusal, it can be appealed in court.

Attention! In case of violation of the procedure for issuing a permit for a traumatic weapon, the violator is liable under Art. 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

After registration of all necessary documents, a license is issued, which is issued on a government-issued letterhead and has special security features. The license is issued for a period of 5 years, after which it can be renewed.

Renewal of a gun license

At the end of the period of validity of the permit for the possession of traumatic weapons and its carrying, it can be extended for another 5 years. To do this, you must contact the local licensing and permitting authority with the appropriate application. Express a desire to extend the permit and submit an application 3 months before the actual expiration of the permit.

When renewing, a similar list of documents is submitted, as when obtaining a license again. Re-training may be required at the direction of LRO staff, as well as confirmation of proper storage conditions for weapons.

Traumatic weapon: video

The circulation of civilian weapons in our country is reasonably regulated. This is due to the fact that the state seeks to protect its own citizens from its unreasonable use. In particular, the possession of traumatic pistols or revolvers is not allowed for persons with mental disabilities, vision problems or trouble with the law. In connection with the current restrictions, many want to clearly know what is needed to buy a traumatic pistol.

Compared with previous periods of regulation of the issue of traumatic pistols, the current legislation is more liberal. Main normative act, which determines the issues of obtaining and storing such copies, is the federal law "On Weapons". You can often hear from employees of relevant licensing authorities that the priority issue is not what is needed to purchase a traumatic pistol, but its further storage and use.

Legislation does not have in its texts the concept of "traumatic". The main division of the arsenal is carried out according to the following types:

  • combat;
  • official;
  • civil.

The latter variety has its own differentiation into groups according to the purpose of use:

  • sports;
  • signal;
  • hunting;
  • for self defense.

Before finding out what is needed for a permit for a traumatic weapon, it must also be taken into account that civilian weapons of this type has certain structural limitations:

  • the possibility of firing in bursts is prohibited;
  • the permitted maximum drum/magazine capacity is limited to 10 rounds.

The law clearly defines the classification of injuries. They are classified as firearms of limited destruction. Accordingly, it is possible that with the help of this arsenal, through negligence or malicious intent, the owner has the opportunity to inflict fatal injuries. Therefore, understanding what is needed to acquire a traumatic weapon, this fact will also have to be taken into account.

What documents are needed to purchase a traumatic weapon

Keeping even a discharged copy at home without proper documents is the same crime as storing it with a full combat kit. In this regard, it is necessary to first take care of all legal formalities, and then search for and purchase a legal civilian arsenal in the permitted quantity.

It is necessary to provide a full set of required documents to the licensing and permit department located in the police station:

  • Medical certificate. It is issued according to the standard form 046-1 in almost any licensed medical institution where there is a therapist, optometrist, psychiatrist and narcologist.
  • Statement. The document is filled out, signed and submitted personally by the applicant for a permit. Registration is carried out in the name of the head of the LRO at the place of registration of the applicant.
  • Copy of the passport. When submitting a blueprint, you must provide the original document.
  • Certificate of successful course completion. Training is carried out on the basis of the existing licensing department.
  • Receipt confirming payment of state duty.
  • Photo format 3×4 cm in the amount of 4 pieces;

Understanding what documents are needed for a traumatic pistol, it is worth mentioning that the house should have an equipped place to store an arsenal of ammunition. Its proper condition is confirmed by the district police officer during a personal visit.

Important! About the results of the employee check law enforcement must submit a written report.

What does it take to buy an injury

After all the documents prepared for the purchase of a traumatic pistol are collected, they must be transferred as a single package to the licensing and permit department. There, employees have limited time to review the submitted package. The term is limited to ten days. Upon its completion, with correctly and timely executed paperwork, the applicant is granted permission to purchase.

Important! The current rules for the acquisition of traumatic weapons limit the period during which a purchase permit can be applied. This period limited to 14 days.

According to the existing permit, the owner of the document has the right to purchase no more than 5 weapons and four hundred cartridges for it. After that, the document allows you to purchase the same number of rounds per calendar month.

Following actions

When the owner has acquired the necessary arsenal in accordance with the permission issued to him, then he You have two weeks to submit this purchase to the Approval Department. Specialists are required to create a separate registration card for each “trunk”. They include the following information:

  • individual weapon number;
  • information about the owner;
  • date of purchase of each unit.

You will also need to provide Additional information about how the acquisition took place, if required by an authorized specialist. Material artifacts in the form spent cartridges or supporting documentation.

Important! Documents received at LRO have a limited validity period of five years. Upon completion, you must go through the standard re-registration procedure, which will require the same package of documents and approximately the same time.

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Last updated April 2019

It is known that for personal protection, you can carry weapons with you. Along with permitted mechanical sprayers, electroshock devices and some other means, traumatic weapons can also be used for self-defense purposes. The rules for carrying traumatic weapons should be well known in order to avoid problems with the law.

What applies to traumatic weapons

The concept of "traumatic weapon" is not expressly provided federal law"On weapons", but the legislator defined its main features:

  • the capacity of the "drum" is not more than 10 rounds;
  • muzzle energy when fired does not exceed 91 J;
  • intended solely for self-defense;
  • it is permissible to use only traumatic cartridges.

Basically, as a traumatic weapon in Russia is used firearms limited destruction (OOOP), less often - firearms with traumatic cartridges. An example of an LLC can be considered a pistol, a barrelless device (only domestic production).

For the lawful use of traumatic weapons, you must obtain a license in the manner prescribed by law.

How to get permission to purchase an "injury"

Only those who have reached the age of 21 can apply for such a license. The procedure for obtaining permission to purchase and carry traumatic weapons includes several stages:

  • Passage of the medical commission. The survey is carried out only in state medical institutions who have the right to issue certificates of form 046-1. Passing the commission is always paid and involves a medical appointment with a therapist, psychiatrist, narcologist, ophthalmologist (visual acuity is not lower than 0.5 for one eye, not lower than 0.2 for the second).
  • Take a paid training course(about 5000 - 7000 rubles) on the use of weapons in a special educational institution certified for the adoption of the appropriate exam. During the 12-15 hour course, you will listen to lectures on the rules for the acquisition and subsequent use of weapons, as well as the responsibility for keeping weapons without permission. In addition, practical exercises are usually included in the final part of the course. Find out exactly which educational establishments have the right to teach weapons courses, you can in the police department.
  • Submit an application form to the police station at the place of residence, namely, to the licensing and permit department (LRO). In the application, in addition to your personal data, you will be asked to indicate the purpose of the acquisition of weapons and the place of storage.
  • The application must be accompanied by:
    • a copy of the passport,
    • photo 3x4,
    • receipt of payment of state duty (100 rubles),
    • certificate of no criminal record.

Usually, within 10-14 days, the person applying for a license receives a message about the need to arrive at the appointed time in LRO. The obtained license is valid for 5 years.

Scheme for obtaining a license:

Permission to carry and store

If, when buying a weapon, you are in doubt whether it is legal for civilians, get necessary information You can on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

After acquiring a traumatic weapon (half a year has been allotted for this from the date of obtaining a license), you must obtain permission to store and carry weapons by submitting an appropriate application to the police department at your place of residence. At the same time you must submit:

  • a copy of the license for the purchase of weapons, where there is a mark of the store, as well as a receipt;
  • an insurance contract concluded upon the acquisition of weapons;
  • two photos 3x4;
  • receipt of payment of the state duty for registration.

Since it is necessary to make experimental shots from the newly acquired weapons within two weeks (organized by the LRO), the spent cartridges must be handed over to the police department along with the application.

Within 10 days allotted for consideration of the application, the district police officer is obliged to check compliance with the conditions for storing weapons at the place indicated in the application. Failure to comply with storage rules (lack of a safe, for example) may result in a refusal to issue a permit.

Compliance with the rules for the use of LLC

The following rules for storing and carrying traumatic weapons are relevant for 2016. If you have been granted permission, please remember that:

It is important to know that just having a safe is not enough to fulfill all the requirements for storing weapons. The owner must ensure that the trauma device is not accessible to anyone living in the home. In the event of your absence from home, family members should not present an “injury” to the district police officer, otherwise an administrative offense will occur.

If permission is denied

Subject to all the conditions stipulated by law, obtaining a license will not take a long time (most of the time is spent on training). To speed up the procedure to some extent, you can contact specialized commercial centers that organize the collection of documents for a license.

However, the absolute grounds for refusal to issue a special permit are:

  • if you are under 21 years of age, have a medical condition or have not passed an exam;
  • persons who do not have a fixed place of residence;
  • if you have violations of the rules of hunting (of any nature);
  • you have been convicted and entered into legal force for committing an intentional crime of any nature. The type of punishment in this case does not play a significant role, at the same time, only outstanding conviction matters for refusal;
  • committing within 12 months by the time of applying for a license at least two administrative offenses associated with an encroachment on the order of government (or public order);
  • if you are a prisoner serving a prison sentence for any crime (including negligent) at the time you apply for the permit.

For example, if you have collected all Required documents, sufficient to obtain a permit, but applied for it later, for example, in a year, then you will be denied a license due to an overdue medical certificate (its validity period is 1 year).

If you think that you were denied a license unreasonably, then the law provides for the possibility of appealing against the actions of LRO employees in court. It should be noted that such cases are isolated, since an exhaustive list of requirements for a license recipient eliminates any ambiguities in the application of the law.

When permission expired

Let's start with the fact that you can renew your license for another five years by contacting the LRO three months prior to expiration. Applying for an extension in more than late dates(for example, two weeks before the end of the 5-year period) may be grounds for refusing to renew.

To renew the license, you must submit to the police department the same documents as when you first applied for the first purchase of weapons, except for documents on passing the exam: when extending the permit for the next five years, you do not need to take training courses.

  • In case of an expired permit the owner of a traumatic weapon is subject to administrative punishment (from a warning to a fine in the amount of 3000 rubles).

What threatens for violating the rules for storing and carrying traumatic weapons

Acquisition, carrying and possession of traumatic weapons without permission is punishable by law.

  • For non-compliance with the rules of storage or wearing civilian weapons violator faces an administrative fine up to 2000 rubles, while weapons and ammunition are confiscated from him until the violations are eliminated.
  • For illegal acquisition, carrying or possession traumatic weapon (that is, without permission) faces a fine from 3000 to 5000 rubles with the gratuitous seizure of weapons and ammunition, administrative arrest may also be applied.

On the Internet, you can find information about criminal liability for violations of the conditions for storing traumatic weapons. Such a statement is not true. In Art. 222 of the Criminal Code expressly stipulates an exception specifically for injuries. weapons. That is, Russian law does not provide for criminal liability for various violations of the procedure for using traumatic weapons.

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