Collecting weapons. Rules for issuing a license to collect weapons and storage requirements Collecting rifled weapons

An interesting question came to my mail. The reader asks: "What is, from a legal point of view, collecting and exhibiting cold, firearms and hunting weapon and cartridges in Russia? Tell us about how to get a license to collect online through public services."

Someone said that collectors are special people, with a very special attitude to life and to others. Every person should collect something, it broadens our horizons, makes us closer friend to friend.

And it doesn’t matter what your goal as a collector is - stamps, coins (it turns out that this Russian “high oilman” Vagit Alekperov is also a passionate numismatist who opened a museum in Moscow dedicated to his passion), badges, theater programs. Collect at least something, at least "chicken gods" from all the beaches of the world.

Tretyakov collected paintings, Jacques Yves Cousteau - unique marine animals and scuba designs, and Haroun Al Rashid and the Count of Monte Cristo were passionate about collecting very special items - cold and firearms.

Yes, among all collectibles - edged weapons and firearms are completely apart. Well, if only because you can’t buy a knife made of real Damascus steel in an ordinary kiosk, and the revolver with which Robespierre went to the barricades costs several tens of millions, if at all it has a value, most likely, it has long become national treasure France.

First about the laws - state

In other words, collecting weapons is a business that is both terribly expensive and terribly responsible, and since it is a weapon, it is also dangerous. That is why,

  • Ganophilia is the scientific term for collecting firearms, and,
  • Nayfophilia is already a collection of cold,

Dedicated to the Decree of the Government Russian Federation dated July 21, 1998, number 814. Later, on May 6, 2015, the Law was amended.

Called Decree "On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation". Here are the main provisions of this Decree, collected in one 8th chapter called "Collecting weapons and cartridges."

The chapter begins with Article 30 of the Decree, which explicitly states that

  • study similar species collecting can be both individuals and legal entities;
  • the purposes of collecting can be any, at the discretion of the collector - from scientific to educational;
  • collectibles can be any type of firearms (including pneumatic, gas, signal), and any types of cold,
  • but under one indispensable condition - the owner of the collection must have a license for this type of activity. The license is issued by the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Let's not forget - not only you become a source of increased danger for those around you (of course, you and your friends don’t think so, but the people around you and the police will still be on their guard), but your collection will also attract the entire collection like flies to honey. bandit world.

I draw your attention to the fact that not every knife lying in your kitchen at home can be recognized as a collection.

First, the acquisition must be made on behalf of the organization, a legal entity. Secondly, the acquisition can be made by a private person, an individual, and in unlimited quantities, but it must be declared as a collection, otherwise the acquisition is limited to 5 units, which is stipulated by Article 13 federal law"About weapons".

However, not every collection requires approval and licensing. If its composition is only models for which no license is required:

  • Cold with a blade length of no more than 9 cm;
  • Firearms with a bullet power at muzzle no more than 7.5 J -

then a license is not required for the entire collection.

Collectibles can be:

  • Weapons allowed for circulation in the country;
  • Any weapon removed from service;
  • Ammunition for this type of weapon.

In addition, the collection may include weapons and ammunition for it:

  1. Remaining in the internal affairs bodies and held in closed criminal cases, even if it is prohibited for circulation or redone.
  2. Productions of other countries, but not civil or official.
  3. From experienced parties.
  4. Imported into the territory of Russia and not certified.
  5. Only for the educational process (as they say, with sawn-off strikers).
  6. Imitation, for the production of shots with special cartridges, and the use of others is impossible in principle (hollowed weapons).
  7. Copies, although made "you can't find fault", strictly according to the drawings of the originals, but without the use of real parts.

Just look at the collection the man has gathered:

I draw your attention to the list of weapons that are NOT recognized as collectible, they are simply scrap metal (of course, the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not issue a license for such a collection either):

  • for production and educational processes, various tests, made in a single copy;
  • split, the restoration of which is technically impossible (the cartridges are pierced, with a drilled sleeve);
  • models, only very similar structurally to the real ones;
  • all kinds of imitations, only similar to real samples in appearance.

The Law excludes the discussion and regulation of collections created for professional purposes and from professional material bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Also, in the Law, the responsibility for the creation of museum collections of weapons is fully assigned to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, which, in order to protect collections, is recommended to fully rely on the professionalism of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is even allowed to create collections by the certification bodies themselves, from weapons that have not passed this very certification. Such collections must be coordinated with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The 13th article stipulates the special nuances of maintaining collections of weapons:

  1. The collector should not have any contraindications to the acquisition of weapons, as stipulated in the Law on Weapons.
  2. Award weapons can be included in collections, but after obtaining permits from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (as a rule, they are combat weapons).
  3. Keep the collection at home without proper organization and notification of the police.

Obtaining a license to collect weapons

To obtain a license, any future gano- or nyfophile (from the English gun - a gun, knife - a knife) must submit the following documents to the police authorities at the place of residence:

  • A declaration that a collection is allowed to be created;
  • Passport with two photocopies of two pages - with a photo and registration address;
  • Two photographs 3 by 4 cm.

At the same time, there is no strict application form for all regions of Russia, but the most common is the following:

Sample statement on the admissibility of creating a collection. Please note that the application indicates the classes of items intended for collection, the conditions for storing the collection and a list of additional documents that may be required:

  • List of numbered available weapons (if it is included in the collection, including, in addition to numbered, firearms);
  • Permits for the storage and carrying of existing weapons and their photocopies;
  • Original licenses and permits for the legal nature of the acquisition of all weapons in the collection;
  • Contracts with a maintenance organization burglar alarm with which the collection is equipped;
  • Report of checking storage conditions;
  • Consent of Rosokhrankultura to place the collection in the specified location;
  • Conclusion of the inspector of the Interdistrict Licensing and Permitting Department (MORLL) of the local ATC department.

The place of storage of the collection may well be the personal home of the collector, but then it should be lockable safes or cabinets made of metal or any other high-strength material. Actually, any material is also allowed, but it must be reinforced with iron.

Within two weeks, the police must submit for approval to the Ministry of Culture (or territorial organizations authorized by it, called upon to preserve cultural heritage) their consent to the maintenance of the collection, in addition, in the same package of documents there must certainly be acts of conclusion of the commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I draw your attention to the fact that when the collection is supplemented with new copies of firearms, an application is again written indicating the storage conditions and a copy of the previously issued storage license. When adding to the collection of edged weapons, such a new application is not required.

When the legality of the acquisition of weapons or ammunition for the collection is confirmed, a storage permit is issued. In the future, at least once a year, police officers, together with representatives of the Ministry of Culture, are required to check the condition of the collection and the conditions for its storage. At the same time, inspectors are required to maintain the confidentiality of all data about the collection, both its composition and storage conditions.

Online Gun Collection Licensing Service

This service is on state portal public services - - located in the category of services "Licenses, certificates, accreditations". I draw your attention to the fact that the service is patronized by the National Guard of Russia.

By going to this page, we go down the content down to the "Weapon Design" section. The next steps are:

  1. We open the group.
  2. Select "Gun Collecting".
  3. Go to the section “License for collecting and (or) exhibiting weapons and ammunition. Issuance of a license to a citizen of the Russian Federation for collecting and (or) exhibiting weapons, main parts of firearms, ammunition for weapons.

This section has four subsections:

  • Reissuance of a license for collecting weapons, basic parts of firearms, ammunition for weapons;
  • Reissuance of a license for the display of weapons, the main parts of firearms, ammunition for weapons;
  • Obtaining a license to collect weapons, the main parts of firearms, ammunition for weapons;
  • Obtaining a license to exhibit weapons, main parts of firearms, ammunition for weapons.

We select the 3rd section - "Obtaining a license for collecting." Here you can read the terms of service:

  1. Both the application and the result can be submitted and received online.
  2. The service is free.
  3. Terms of service provision:
  • deadline - 30 calendar days;
  • the term of registration of the submitted application - 2 working days;
  • the maximum waiting time in the queue when submitting an application for the provision of services in person is 15 minutes.

Separately, it is recalled that the basis for starting the provision of services is the submission of an application and all related documents. The grounds for refusing to provide the service are also given:

  • Failure by the applicant to provide the necessary information or the submission of incorrect information by him;
  • The impossibility of ensuring the accounting and safety of weapons or the failure to ensure these conditions;
  • Identification of weapons, the collection of which is not recognized as collecting and is not subject to licensing.
  • Others provided by the Law "On weapons".

According to the site, the following documents must be provided:

  1. Original licenses and permits for storage, storage and carrying.
  2. Photo.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. Application for a license to collect weapons (cartridges) previously acquired for other purposes.
  5. Application for a license to collect weapons, basic parts of firearms, ammunition for weapons.
  6. Medical conclusion on the absence of contraindications to the possession of weapons.

When providing the service, the following administrative actions will be carried out:

  • Verification of the completeness and reliability of the information specified in the application and documents;
  • Formation and direction of an interdepartmental request;
  • Acceptance and registration of the application, including in electronic form;
  • Making a decision to issue (refuse to issue) a license with subsequent notification of the applicant;
  • Issuance of a license.

It is guaranteed that the applicant will contact no more than two government officials when providing services to him. The provision of the service electronically is carried out by selecting the switch on the top left "Electronic service" and clicking on the "Get service" button (already on the right).

Please note that the service is provided only to registered users of the portal who have a password to enter the Personal Account.

A license is provided for 5 years. And, interestingly, the law does not prohibit the use of weapons from the collection for hunting purposes.

Amendments to the law "On weapons", which came into force on January 1 this year, will please many weapon collectors. It would seem that such amendments are trifles, but for the majority of interested people they are very important. This is exactly the case when any comma decides the fate of a weapon. Remember? You can't pardon.

Legislative adjustments have returned weapons that are stored in private collections to the legal field. Often, it is in the old grandfather's house in the attic or basement that a real treasure is cherished, which any museum will acquire with delight. Previously, such trunks were simply hidden - God forbid someone finds out, immediately a prison for storage. However, there was also craftiness here, people did not want to bother with the official design of weapons with history.

Now everything is much easier. Here the meaning is: do you want to have some kind of dueling pistol- have it. And in unlimited quantities. But it still needs to be formalized. To begin with, elementary registration of civilian weapons is required. But if earlier historical trunks were strictly fixed, now they can be collected in any quantity. Prior to the adoption of this law, it was possible to have no more than ten historical trunks in private hands. If more, they should have been reformatted.

But there are, of course, limitations. This weapon must be identified in the museum fund.

That is, collectible weapons should be recognized as a historical exhibit. After such an examination, it is no longer important where and with whom, for example, a flintlock musket is stored. It is important that this is a historical relic. You don't need to license it anymore.

The law contains an important prohibition. It is strictly forbidden to shoot from historical weapons. Basically. Even if someone rented this beautiful gun.

How does it usually happen? The Club of Historical Re-enactors arranges an ostentatious battle, say, on the Borodino field. The case is very spectacular, important and useful. But if earlier it was possible to shoot from truly historical, that is, museum weapons, in such representations, now it is not. Show off, show off with him - you can. And stuffing with gunpowder and knocking out a spark - alas. Copy such a fuzea (which is very expensive) and shoot. Now such specimens are a state value and they will be protected. And reenactors, apparently, will have to make their own working copies of ancient weapons.

By the way, in some remote Siberian and Far Eastern villages, old-timers still use the so-called Siberian or suzgunki. There is a village in Siberia - Suzgun, where these weapons were made. Same locality there are truly skilled people in Dagestan - Kubachi. Many people know this village as a place for making silver items - jewelry, dishes. But the main thing is that for almost a thousand years the best edged weapons in Eurasia have been made here. Moreover, the "chip" is not only in the silver notch on the blade. Caucasian craftsmen knew how and still know how to make blades that have no equal in the world. And they are very expensive.

Shooting from historical weapons is not allowed. Even on costumed historical reenactments

And in Suzgun they made high-quality firearms. These are muzzle-loading primer shotguns. They began to be made in Russia when the tsar allowed their commercial production.

I really liked the loading scheme of such weapons local residents. If necessary, you just need to bite off a piece of lead by eye (many bit off with their teeth, health allowed) - on a bird or a larger animal, again, if necessary, pour out gunpowder and insert a primer. All. It was necessary to wield manually, gunpowder was poured into the barrel, wads were hammered with a ramrod. In general, like Chingachgook. The main thing is skill and eye. Other local hunters still shoot from such guns. Some Siberian hunters believe that it is cheap and convenient - no cartridge cases are needed. Lead and gunpowder are spent solely on demand, no more, no less. But now such "economical" shooting is illegal. It is impossible to register such a fusee, because there is no number on the barrel, no identification marks at all. Moreover - the data in the police bulletproof library. Therefore, the new law requires that such a trunk be designated as a museum piece.

The law will designate these weapons as some kind of historical value. And - in direct, that is, in monetary terms. And, really, maybe it makes sense to sell an old flintlock gun and buy a modern smoothbore?

From these rifles of the times of the Great Patriotic War, you can open a blank fire if they are replicas. Photo: Alexander Demyanchuk / TASS

The meaning of the new law is in something else - in the legalization of weapons collections. There are many of them, including in Russia. And they cost fabulous money. It can be argued that there is the most valuable thing in the caches of this or that magnate - a jewelry collection, a collection of paintings, say, Flemish painting, or an old, but still military arsenal. It is known that other oligarchs consider it an honor to have a serious collection of trunks, blades and knightly armor.

Here is an example. Who remembers what the future Prime Minister of Great Britain, Lieutenant Churchill, shot at the beginning of the century? Recall young Winston, participating in African imperial wars, fired from the famous revolutionary pistol-carbine "Mauser". This is a weapon with a large wooden holster. True, then this gun was not yet revolutionary. The famous German pistol was created by the Federle brothers, the eldest of whom, Fidel, was in charge of the experimental workshop of the Mauser plant. The owner of the plant, Paul Mauser, joined the work on the pistol at the stage of design improvement. A pistol was patented for him.

Mauser easily turned into a light cavalry carbine, for which they used a wooden holster as a butt. A powerful cartridge with a caliber of 7.63 mm made it possible to pierce through a beam 15 centimeters thick from 25 meters. He was loved by both the Reds and the Whites, used by the Basmachis and partisans. Before the war in Africa, this "toy" was presented to Churchill by Mother Duchess of Marlborough - this not poor lady could afford such a gift to her beloved son. Then he cost her 5 thousand German marks. At that time, an Opel car cost 3.5 thousand marks. According to legend, in the autumn of 1898, during the Sudan campaign, the patrol of the 21st Hussars, led by 25-year-old Churchill, was ambushed and surrounded by a superior enemy. Churchill and his fighters were very lucky - a dashing young officer managed to shoot right from the saddle. What should I say, good weapon and excellent dexterity. Subsequently, Churchill began to collect Mausers. A question that worries many historians: where exactly this gun is now - no one knows. Can you imagine how many Moscow apartments can be bought for such a "toy"?

It is known that the guards of Mao Zedong were the so-called Mauserists. Yes, and Ivan Papanin took the "Mauser" for the polar winter.

In Germany, production of the Mauser C-96 ceased in 1937, and in China in the 1980s.

Arms collections often make up a significant part of the inheritance and even the family fortune. And surprisingly, our legislation has not yet allowed the legalization of weapons collections. The musket of the 18th century was thought to still be a battle barrel. Perhaps it is. But it is unlikely that anyone with a musket will take to the battlefield today. But it will be interesting for many to look at such a product. And to whom the funds will allow - to buy, hang on the wall and show to friends. In Russia it was allowed.

According to experts from the special services and law enforcement, the cost of Russian weapons collections can be estimated at tens of billions of rubles. For example, the weapons collection of the famous MUR, which was compiled by the heroic employees of the criminal investigation department, is fabulous. By the way, the operatives collected these barrels, taking them from the bandits, at their own peril and risk. They beautifully and lovingly designed a real museum in the capital's police headquarters. Where access is only for its experts. Let's say you need to compare the caliber, powder deposits, bullet deformation. But done and decorated so beautifully that any museum would envy. Again, let us recall the cost of the exhibits - there are seized flintlock pistols, capsule revolvers and even homemade machine guns from the 70s. And everything can "work" so far. This is the meaning of the "Murovsky" museum - any exhibit is active, it can be used as a model, that is, shoot, see the range of the shot, penetration.


Leonid Vedenov, Head of the Main Directorate state control and licensing work of the Russian Guard, Lieutenant General of the Police:

Amendments to the gun laws were waiting for many collectors. Now it will be much easier to collect and exhibit weapons. New law asserts that "ancient (antique) weapons, copies of an ancient (antique) weapon, replicas of an ancient (antique) weapon and edged weapons of cultural value have the right to acquire legal and individuals having a license to collect weapons". The federal law introduced an exception for certain types and types of weapons, the circulation of which is prohibited on the territory of Russia, if such weapons are of cultural value. Acquisition, display and collection of such weapons and cartridges for them on the territory Russia are not subject to licensing in case of acquisition, display and collection of weapons by state and municipal museums.

Yes, you can collect weapons, but not all. On the territory of Russia, a ban on the acquisition of "sports and firearms" for the purpose of collecting handguns with a rifled barrel and cartridges for it. "In general, do not expect the legalization of combat pistols.

Help "RG"

The following are registered with the Russian Guard:

  • 4.2 million gun owners with 6.7 million guns
  • 23.3 thousand private security organizations, of which 5.8 thousand private security organizations using 51 thousand units of service weapons
  • 686.1 thousand private security guards
  • On the territory of the Russian Federation, the circulation of flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other items of shock-crushing and throwing action specially adapted for use as weapons is prohibited - Article 6 of the Law "On Weapons".
  • On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to circulate as civilian and service weapons cold bladed weapons and knives, the blades and blades of which, with a blade and blade length of more than 90 mm: either automatically removed from the handle when a button or lever is pressed and fixed by them, or advanced by force gravity or accelerated movement and are automatically fixed.

As you know, in Russia there is a limit on the number of weapons in one hand: 5 units of smooth, 5 gas, 2 traumatic and 5 rifled after five years of owning a smooth one. For those for whom this is not enough, the license for collecting will remove the restrictions. What is it, how to get it and what rights does it give?

Let's start with the last one: it makes it possible to purchase weapons in excess of the aforementioned limit, as well as the main parts of the weapon and any cartridges allowed for civilian circulation. But it's not right to do it! Under a collector's license, nothing will be sold to you in the ormag. It is still necessary to obtain a license to purchase each time in the local LRO, including for the purchase of cartridges as an independent collectible (it should be understood that all collectibles are included in the accounting list, so spending cartridges from the collection will be illegal). The right to purchase rifles, bypassing the five-year experience, as well as short-barreled rifles, collection license also does not.

For weapons purchased for the purpose of collecting, a permit of the PX series is issued. Such a document allows the storage, transportation and use of weapons at sports facilities for educational and training purposes. The latter implies that it is possible to purchase cartridges for existing weapons without restriction (for spending, not collecting). Also, in cases provided for by law, you can use collectible weapons for self-defense. The right to carry or use as a hunting permit does not give such permission. What is especially nice, the permission of the PX series is issued indefinitely; rifled weapons purchased in the collection do not need to be fired.

What do you need to get a collector's license? Quite a bit.
1. Application. It can be submitted through the State Services.
2. Two matte photos 3x4
3. A valid medical certificate or a certified copy thereof. Yes, yes, real. To obtain another license for the purchase of weapons, one must be presented once every five years, but for a collection one, a certificate with an unexpired validity period is required.
4. Copy of the passport.
Optionally, I highly recommend supplementing the set with copies of all available licenses and permits: this will allow you to write "copies of licenses and permits are attached" instead of a scrupulous description of your entire arsenal.

Important! What to write in the application in the column "types of collectible weapons"? I see no reason to put limits on yourself: who knows what you want in the future - so it's better to write more than you really need. It is usually recommended to write "Weapons, main parts of weapons, ammunition for weapons." Nuance: when issuing a license, the definition of "weapon" is usually transformed into "civilian firearms", which is categorically unacceptable to me personally for a simple reason: gas and signal weapons are not firearms according to the Zoo, and such a wording does not give the right to collect it. But I can’t do without Gazovichs and SPSh-44 (the acquisition of which without a license is extremely shaky in legal terms). Therefore, I recommend writing in the following wording: "Weapons, including LLC, gas and signal, the main parts of weapons, cartridges for weapons", highlight the line and draw the attention of the inspector.

The waiting period for a license is a traditional month. During this period, it will be necessary to invite a district police officer to check the conditions for storing weapons. As you can see, nothing complicated. Well, who's next?

Many of us at least once in our lives tried to become collectors. As children, we collected stamps, coins, badges, chewing gum inserts. For some, this passion has remained a childhood memory, but there are those who have not lost interest in their hobby over the years. If the concept of a collector is available to us without a definition, then some issues will have to be considered in detail. One type of collecting is collecting weapons. Almost everyone can engage in such activities, but is it legal?

To answer this question, you will have to turn to the law. By the way, many of the provisions that we will present today are regulated precisely at the legislative level.

  • The state exercises control over the use of the collection, even if the latter is in private hands. This can be explained with the increased potential danger that the objects of the collection hide in themselves. Therefore, a license is issued.
  • However, it is somewhat different from the one that hunters or those who wish to wear traumatic weapon. Differences are manifested both in the process of obtaining a document, and in the regulations that it establishes.

Legislative basis for the collector

All collection activities are built simultaneously on the basis of the Federal Law, as well as local orders for various departments. These are, first of all, the Law “On Weapons”, the Government Decree and the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the decree, a citizen is entitled to a collection license for weapons.

Licensing activities are assigned to the departments of the LRRR, which are now under the authority of the National Guard. The procedure for obtaining permission to collect weapons is determined by an internal order. Federal law determines which weapons are considered collectible.

Another document that you need to study before starting to draw up documents for collecting weapons is the tax code. It affects the licensing process, since a one-time fee is paid when applying.

It is important to understand the scope of the issued license. For example, it cannot give the right to buy weapons on a general basis. Another subtlety of the legislation is the fact that citizens with a criminal record will no longer be able to legally become collectors.

Some issues of collecting weapons

A firearms collector's license determines his rights only in possession and use for training purposes. It is forbidden to use collectible weapons in self-defense. Thus, a collecting license cannot replace other types of permits.

But it removes the restriction on the storage of a certain number of units. As you know, a regular license is issued only for the carrying or storage of only 5 weapons. Naturally, if the collection consists of instances really suitable for this group, then this restriction is removed.

  • A permit does not expire, while a regular license gives the right to store or use for a period of five years.
  • It is theoretically possible to use collectible weapons, but for this you will have to issue another license. By permission to collect, a citizen has the right only to keep it at home.
  • For each collector, from the moment they start owning weapons, there is an experience that can be indicated when drawing up some documents.
  • You can collect weapons only in accordance with the articles of the Federal Law. They state that all weapons that are allowed on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as weapons that have been withdrawn from service, can be purchased for collection. For those weapons, the use of which does not require a license, you do not need to issue a permit when collecting.
  • Safety requirements are imposed on the conditions for storing collection weapons.
  • A citizen has the right to take weapons out of the room where they are stored.
  • Permission to certain kind A weapon implies a permit for cartridges for it, however, it is possible to store cartridges without a weapon, but for this a corresponding note must be in the license.

It is important to know that you can apply for a license even before the first copy appears in the collection, that is, there is no clearly established minimum number of weapons.

What is not considered a collection

A collection is not considered, and, therefore, licensing does not pass the weapons that are used in the educational process, made in a single copy or in this moment is under development. You can't collect cut specimens either. If it is not possible to restore the integrity of such a weapon or cartridge, then a license will not be required.

Not included in the collection and dummy, in which there are no mechanisms and which only externally creates an exact copy. But there is another side to the issue, which affects weapons that cannot be collected, and there is no license for them. The ban applies to brushes, brass knuckles. It is forbidden to assemble edged weapons with a blade length exceeding 90 cm. The ban is imposed on all knives, the blade of which does not have a permanent fixation (retractable, folding).

Procedure for obtaining a license

For a personal visit, a package of documents is preliminarily collected. Need to do black and white photo 3x4 cm and provide them in two copies along with the rest of the documents. Be sure to take your passport with you, as a license is issued only if you have a permanent registration.

The most important thing is to pass the medical examination. The result of the inspection must be issued in the form of a certificate, which is issued in the form 002 O / y. To obtain permission, you will have to provide a chemical blood test for the content narcotic substances. This innovation has been introduced since 2017.

You will definitely need documents for the right to purchase weapons, as well as photocopies of all the listed documents.

First, you must contact the HRRR officer, who will issue a sample application, review the preliminary package of documents and provide a list of missing papers. In parallel with this, an inspection of the place of storage of weapons is assigned, this work is assigned to the district inspector. Later, the district police officer will present the result of the survey to the LRRR in the form of a report.

To become a collector, you need to visit the department of Rosokhrankultura. There you will need to rewrite all weapon numbers, as well as leave copies of documents for weapons and permissions to purchase them. Another statement is written already according to the proposed model.

Further workflow usually occurs without the involvement of the collector. All necessary data is redirected from Rosokhrankultura and LRRR to the Main Licensing and Permit Department. If we take into account that during the weekend all work on issuing permits is suspended, then the license for collecting edged bladed and firearms will be ready only in a few weeks. In this regard, the service provided by the public services portal compares favorably.

To use the service portal of public services, you must first register on it. Each user is obliged to provide up-to-date data and consent to their processing. Registration assistance can be provided by multifunctional centres.

After switching to Personal Area you must select the "Service Catalog" tab and find the service related to the issuance of a license there. When viewing information, make sure that you are redirected specifically to collecting. The functionality of the form is designed in such a way that it will become clear even to those who write the application for the first time.

All data is indicated here, and their relevance will be checked not only by the system itself, but also by the staff of the HRRR. Despite the online submission of documents, it will not be possible to avoid a personal visit to the licensing department. One of the reasons is the personal obtaining of a license.

Suspension of a license

The perpetuity of the received license for collecting does not mean that you can break the law with impunity. In addition to administrative liability, other sanctions may be applied to a citizen. They consist in the temporary suspension of the permit until the violations are eliminated, as well as in the complete annulment of the license.

Adding a weapon to the collection from the prohibited list entails not only its withdrawal, but also the termination of the license. An example is the storage of a flail or a sword with a blade that exceeds the permitted parameters in length. The entire collection must be located in the same place where its owner permanently resides. Non-compliance with this requirement is considered a violation of the procedure for storing weapons. For such a violation, licenses can also be completely deprived. Another gross violation is the availability of weapons to third parties.

Some citizens believe that it is possible to bypass the law if you interpret its articles in your own way. So, they prefer to acquire a license to collect, and then use the weapon indefinitely, calling themselves a collector. Such tricks are fraught with consequences. The only positive thing about them is that the license does not expire. In all other respects, such a document gives its owner even fewer rights than a regular hunting or injury license.

To obtain a license to collect civilian weapons, edged artistic weapons, copies and replicas antique weapons, as well as other weapons permitted for collection, citizens of the Russian Federation submit at their place of residence to the internal affairs body:
a document proving the identity and citizenship of the Russian Federation;

When collecting firearms and other numbered weapons, the applicant must additionally submit a list of the numbered records of the existing weapons, and if he intends to include award weapons in the collection (assembly) being formed, indicate his data. The original licenses and permits are attached to the list.

A citizen of the Russian Federation, upon obtaining a license to purchase weapons for the purpose of collecting, submits an application at the place of residence to the internal affairs body indicating the existing conditions for ensuring the safety of weapons and information about the issued license for collecting them.

Civil cold blade weapon, as well as replicas and copies of antique weapons are acquired by citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to the requirements of Art. 13 of the Federal Law "06 Weapons" upon presentation of a license for its collection.

To issue licenses or permits, instead of lost ones, their owners submit to the internal affairs bodies that previously issued these documents:
applications for the issuance of an appropriate license or permit;
explanations indicating the circumstances of the incident;
materials of the audit carried out at the direction of the head legal entity;
copies of orders of the head of the legal entity (subdivision) on bringing the perpetrators to justice;
receipts for the payment of established lump-sum fees.

The procedure for receiving and reviewing documents when issuing and issuing permits for the import of weapons and ammunition into the Russian Federation and their export from the Russian Federation.

Owners of weapons and cartridges for their transportation through the territory of the Russian Federation receive from the internal affairs bodies, at the place of registration of the received permit for transportation, a permit for the transportation of weapons and cartridges.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, in order to obtain licenses for exhibiting registered collections of weapons and cartridges, submit to the internal affairs bodies at their place of residence:
copies of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other documents proving the identity and citizenship of the Russian Federation, which, after comparison with the originals, are certified in the prescribed manner;
two photographs 3x4 cm in size;
a list of numbered records of existing weapons or a license and: collecting weapons and ammunition.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, in order to obtain a permit for the transportation of their weapons of more than 5 units and 400 pieces of cartridges, respectively, submit to the internal affairs body at the place of registration of the weapon an application and information about the weapon and cartridges, the transport used and the route of movement, as well as the persons involved for protection.

The period of validity of the transportation permit is set on the basis of the real time required for the delivery of weapons and ammunition to their destination, taking into account combined transportation, but not more than one month.

In permits for the transportation of acquired weapons and ammunition, a stamp is affixed:

“Indeed, upon presentation of a duplicate license for the acquisition
"___" ______ ____ series ___ number ______".

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