Cyrodiil and how to get there. Introduction to Alliance War Leaving the Imperial City

Tales for future benders

Parwen Fernshade (@werdry, PC EU), 03/10/2017 - xx.xx.xxxx
The last time verbiage was updated on 05/03/2017

The verbiage on the topic of everything and every little thing has grown, therefore, you will have to spend a little effort on bringing it into a readable form and in general in order. Wondering how long it will take. In order not to irritate readers (well, what if there were one or two non-banter among the reviews?) with constant updates, I took the guide to Sigil. In general, I love Sigil, and then there was also an occasion.

In short, here is a sheet of text that can help newcomers to Elder Scrolls Online. Or interfere. Perhaps I will not be too lazy, and I will dilute it with screenshots, illustrations and other garbage, and it will cease to be a sheet of text. But this is unlikely, because the purpose of this creation is to entertain me when there is a free half hour at work. Alas, the working laptop does not pull decent games. Even on the Fallout Shelter, the fan roars like an airplane turbine or a Soviet vacuum cleaner. Writing anything is one of the few entertainments available.

But I digress. This happens with racial Bosmer, according to lore.

It is likely that in this text you will find all the basic information needed by beginners. From character creation to getting lvl50cp160, which in Tamriel corresponds to virtual adulthood. There you can already do whatever you want and no one can tell you. Most of the information will be given to you in the Tutorial (Escape from Coldharbor), but who even pays attention to it.

The guide is designed for selective reading, so feel free to use the pointer on the right.

I return the gnawed version from offline. Corrected/added/other sections are marked with V, the rest as is. The guide may be out of date with the introduction of Morrowind today after maintenance.

V.1. Character Creation

Each newcomer is the first "mother" to throw out into the world the question of who to play in order to drag, bend the uncle of the most honest rules and receive the Emperor in a week. So, anyway. It doesn’t really matter what race and class you choose, until you learn how to use rotations correctly, you are nobody, you can’t be called in any way and you wouldn’t go on quests at all. And the players of 2014-2016 know them better than you. The harsh truth of life. Therefore, choose a race and class based not on "wow, as much as 10% to the cap of mana", but on "this elf has a good ass, I could very well look at her for several hundred hours." There is a possibility of playing with a first-person view, but here is a review ... hmm.

Character creation is a very responsible process, which can take an hour or two to choose the size of the breasts and prettier pugs. You can change the race, name and appearance at any time (focus on 1.5 thousand rubles), but there is no change in class and alliance. And it's unlikely to be.

Race and Alliance Selection

As I wrote above, the choice of race has little effect. It makes sense for Munchkins who want to squeeze every last drop out of a character. Here you can cancel animations, poke there so that the set procs, change the active panel every 2.5 seconds ... mere mortals don’t need it, so don’t bother. Yes, there are "mages", "stamins", "tanks", but it's true, crutches. I would single out only Bretons for resistance to magic and Khajiit with Bosmer for stealth.

By default, each of the three alliances includes three races. This can be "fixed" by purchasing an Adventurer Pack ("Any Race, Any Alliance") from the Shop. The tenth race, the Imperials, is neutral and does not require the purchase of an Adventurer Pack to select an alliance. Only purchasing the Imperial Edition in the Store. Heh.

For PvE, alliance doesn't really matter. It will depend on which locations the quests of the Fighters and Mages guilds, as well as the Main Quest, will take place. The territories of other alliances can be visited freely at any time, military operations are concentrated in Cyrodiil and the Imperial City. These are the only PvP zones, and you will need the Imperial City DLC to access the City (not included in the Imperial Edition from the Crown Store, but included in the early retail Imperial Edition if someone unpacks the rarity to save 2k crowns).

Class selection

Doesn't play a big role. Choose any one, play it at least up to level 30. If you like it, leave it. In Tamriel, a class does not limit your role, just like there are no restrictions on armor, weapons, and so on. There are no class quests. It's just three skill trees, three ultimates and passives. You can play absolutely anyone. There will be a difference, but the main thing is your feeling, and not whether the templar steers or not. I could take the easy way, but I'm playing as Nightblade. Why? I don't like the sea of ​​electricity (sork), the sea of ​​fire (DK), or all the glittering things (templar) all around. Calm special effects NB over nya.

The meaning of choosing a class is not "I want to be a tank" or "shoot lightning", but the choice of style of play. By default, you are given 8 character slots. This is 2 representatives (stamina build and magic build) for each of the 4 classes.

In terms of difficulty, I would place the classes in this order (from noob to hardcore): templar, sorc, dk, nb.

Templars have melee AoE spam, ranged spells, a whole skill tree for healing, and the cheat skill Radiant Oppresion, known in the world as Jesus Beam. The only powerful finisher, besides remote. Supports, generalists, cheaters, favorites of developers.

Forty are natural damage dealers, and also (so far) the only class with combat pets for all occasions. A bunch of witchcraft, Crystal Shards with a chance to proc from any magic ability, buffs, debuffs, other garbage. In general, the sorc is a self-sufficient class, albeit inferior to the templars. Lots of aoe.

DK are rightfully considered the best tanks. Here the whole raid will fall, but the DK will remain. If the DK was not the last to die, then this is an extremely clumsy DK or a templar who decided to roll out the eggs. It can magic, but mostly these are melee guys. The only class without a class finisher.

NB are insidious assassins (stamina) or blood mages (mana), whose main fighting style is to pray. Depending on the direction, either that the crits proc, or that there is enough mana. The only one of all classes that has the invisibility skill. By as much as 2.5 seconds, not a canina's tail!

Any class can be a tank, healer or damage dealer. Choose who is personally cuter than you.

About characteristics

Like races, classes also provide passives for resources, but most often it is regeneration, skill cost reduction, or resource restoration. For example, DK restores health, stamina and mana when using ultimates, sorks have, among other things, reduced the cost of skills by 5%, and NBs restore 20 points of ultimate with each potion.

Max mana and stamina is not only a valuable mech, but also a damage modifier for the corresponding skills in the calculation of 1:10. A sorcerer with a cap of 40,000 mana caps fireballs twice as hard as a sorcerer with 20,000 mana. This information is not displayed in the character window, but in the description of skills. You can get this information in the game by hovering the mouse over the lines of characteristics.
Regeneration is how much you regenerate every 2 seconds.

Resource management is an important part of the game, but whether or not to bother with it when creating a character is up to you. So then with champion points you will even out all the jambs. And your race will have +4000 mana in the end-game and whether the class will give you a little regen does not play a big role.

V.2. Basics of control and combat

Main control

Nothing that you would not have been shown during the Training.

WASD movement. Sprint - holding Shift. Stealth mode is enabled by pressing Ctrl. Sprinting and sneaking consumes stamina, moreover, stamina regeneration is blocked during this time.

Weak attack / light attack - single click LMB. Power attack / heavy attack. Block - PKM clamping.

Blocking a melee power attack causes the target to be stunned for a short time. A stunned target can be knocked down with a power attack. It is not necessary to fully charge a power attack to knock down, a second is enough. Blocking ranged attacks does not stun the target. Blocking an attack consumes stamina when hit. While holding a block, stamina regeneration stops. If you use a staff of ice, it uses mana instead of stamina to block, but while holding the block, instead of stopping the stamina regen, the mana regen will be stopped.

Using a block literally in the second of impact does not stun the attacker, but reduces the damage received as usual.

Pressing the LMB while holding the RMB is a push. At a short distance, the dot interrupts the casting of the spell, while the caster receives a stun. Pushing does not interrupt abilities already activated, such as Sork's Storm.

Using the abilities of the key 1-5, ultimate R, consumable Q.

To equip a consumable in the inventory menu (I), press Q. You will be shown a "wheel" and what you can put in there. After that, you can hold Q at any time to open the "wheel" with consumables and choose which one you need. Use through a single click on Q. Possible consumables: potions, food, siege engines, etc.

This is not in the Tutorial, but the horse is summoned with the H button, and the map is opened on the M.

Basic rules of combat

Specialize in one thing. Choose either mana or stamina and max that out. Creating hybrids is possible, but in most cases you end up with a non-viable husk that barely gets through normal quests. This does not mean that you need to neglect the second force, just prioritize. Stamina as a base and mana as a support or vice versa. You can count it "OH SHI~!" button or hang some buff / debuff.

Learn to calculate resources (hp, mana, stamina) so that they are enough to fight the boss. If you use the last bits of mana / stamina on the finishing blow, then everything is ok. If you merged into 0 in terms of resources as soon as you started kicking the boss, then something is very much wrong. For example, yesterday I did not find a party and went to beat the bosses solo. I'm generally lazy and my equipment is rubbish, but knowledge is power.
A clear knowledge of how much HP I have, how much damage, how much regen, how much healing. Even if the bosses almost killed me with every strong attack (10.5k hp), it didn't mean anything as long as the hps was maintained around 8k. In dangerous situations, he blocked, constantly leaving a little stamina and magic damage. The only time I died of stupidity was in Malabar Tor. He attacked an unfamiliar boss, filled up his retinue and began to gnaw at him slowly, but did not guess the respawn of adds over time and got a kick in the back for those very last 2k hp that the boss could not break through.

Hence another rule: do not neglect food. Food is a buff to increase the cap of resources, drinking is a buff to the speed of resource regeneration. Some foods combine both. After I ate, I easily threw slippers on the boss along with his guards, because the "reserve hp" increased from 2 to 7 thousand. In dungeons, especially veteran dungeons, the use of food is mandatory. On quests... let's just say, if you need food on quests, then you messed up somewhere.

Use block when needed. Spending all your stamina on blocking the crowd of trifles and hitting the skyshards just because you were afraid of this crowd is a very pathetic sight. There are three justified cases of using the block: you do not have time to leave the red zone of the boss's cast, you are about to get a power attack from a melee (usually knocking you down) and if you met with an unknown or unpredictable boss. By the way, with an active block, you can still use skills by attacking the opponent "from the bunker".

And, I really didn't want to add this paragraph, but... don't go straight to veteran dungeons. Play at least once, at least while you're at low level, on normal difficulty. While most of the bosses can be simply crushed by following the one and only rule "don't fucking stand in red", some of them require knowledge of the mechanics, and some also require a certain level of dps. Honestly, I’m tired of going to bed even in WGT, because the party doesn’t know that if the world has turned gray, then fuck who you are, tank (although this phase never falls on the tank, but it can fall a second before the future tank intercepts the aggro boss), frail, pope - you need to move the rolls and close the portals. Preferably something long-range. Or even Nubian places like Wayrest Sewers or Fungal Grotto.

Build Basics

If you can't copy someone else's build up to the last CP, don't copy. If you don't have the appropriate sets or they're with the wrong traits, don't copy. If someone else's build tires you, come up with your own. Sooner or later, your skill bar will settle down. A couple of favorite skills will appear, a couple of "just in case" and some "let it be" (basically it's either Physicist Crit Hunter or Mage Crit Light). Breaking the established rotation just because some original, literally smeared with golden sets and not knowing where to put the SR, came up with something there?

There are two primitive ways to build a build: put as many dots into the rotation as possible to keep them on the target until it dies, and dancing with a tambourine around one skill/passive/set. I'm not a pro and generally a noob, so I use the second method.

Does the DK have a passive +40% damage to power attacks? And why don't we take a lightning staff, which damages a group of enemies with a power attack, dealing 105% damage to nearby targets? NB has a great Merciless Resolve, but it takes 4 light or heavy attacks to "charge" it? Hmm, why not go for the Molag Kena set? Did you find that you have collected the Elemental Succession set, and even with good traits? You were told by the Aedra themselves to go to the Fungal Grotto to get the Spider Cultist Cowl and spam the Force Pulse. Etc.

Someone else's experience is good, but you need skills that are attached to this experience. Gather your favorite skills. Gather suitable perks (there are "standard" sets to use until you find something better, mostly crafted ones). Run on the nearest world boss. If you manage to fill it up in one person, then you did everything right. In your free time, you can knock out other sets, experiment, and so on. The bottom line is that you will have a build that suits you personally.

And don't go especially after any Sharpened weapons. Yes, it has a good effect on damage. But this trait is more for those who have already filled a ton of CP and invested it in defense. For beginners, the much cheaper Defending is more suitable. Start collecting punches when you feel that the eggs are stronger than stone and you no longer need the extra thousands of resists.

The same with armor. Divine is good and all, but if you take a calculator... let's say you take The Thief's effect. Crete is good. The base The Thief gives you 11% crit boost. It is not enough. You get 7 items with Divines for big money, upgrade them to Legendary, get 7.5% to the Mundus effect each. You are gorgeous. Bravo .. Your 11% turned into 16.5% (16.775%, not the point). Does The Apprentice provide bonus magic damage? Amazing. Many trips to the same dungeon in search of the same item with the same trait, the cost of a bunch of legendary upgrades and others will turn the "base" 166 magic damage into 213. Leave Divines alone until you have absolutely nothing to do. The same clothes, but with less "valuable" traits are much cheaper. Necropotence pants with Divines are currently around 40k. Exactly the same Impenetrable is 40 times cheaper (and they wear out 50% slower).

V.3. Vampire and werewolf subclasses

Briefly about vampires and werewolves

First, vampire and werewolf are available to all races and all classes. Second, you can only be one person at a time. Third, you can be cured of bloodsucking/flea at any time for a symbolic amount of gold. Fourth, as with resetting other skills, all progress is saved. If you are a level 10 vampire, heal and lose the skill line, then if you become a vampire again, then you will immediately become a level 10 vampire.

Both subclasses have their strengths and weaknesses.


Werewolves are powerful melee fighters who operate primarily in groups with other werewolves. The reason is that the transformation time is limited, but there is such a passive as Call of the Pack, which allows you to stretch it for a very long time. And eat enemies every two minutes. not every 15 seconds. The only werewolf skill that uses mana is healing, everything else is based on stamina.

Food buffs, equipment and set bonuses - all this works. But in the transformation state, you can only use werewolf skills, so it will take some getting used to. In general, it is similar to forty in Overload mode.

With a defensive transformation bonus (10k resistance to physical and magical attacks, stacking with defense buffs and armor stats), as well as a versatile set of skills, including self-healing, control and dots, the werewolf is a pretty good help, especially for a group of fat fighters who rely on on stats, not on the rotation of pillboxes. A group of 4 werewolves is a serious force and is quite capable of closing veteran dungeons or tearing panties in PvP.

Cons... the transformation is not a cheap ultimate (300 after the morph), and it is also limited in time. Moreover, in a state of transformation, you do not accumulate ultimate points, unlike the same forty. Drop out of the transformation with a random R and that's it, Vanka was called. Werewolves take 25% more damage from Acid and other Disease while Transformed. For fun, you can take a Bosmer with a disease resistance passive. Outside of transformation, the werewolf ultimate, when equipped, grants +15% stamina regen.


Vampires do not have Polymorph, only an appearance that changes from stage to stage, more and more reeking of carrion. There are only three skills, including the ultimate. If it is desirable for werewolves to move rolls so as not to fall out of the Metamorphosis and not become mere mortals, vampires do not care.

On the one hand, you get -75% HP regen, on the other hand, after 50% health you take 33% less damage. In addition, you have a cheap skill that allows you to vampire yourself for 60% of your maximum hp in 3 seconds, which also works as a control, and even generates 5 points of ultimate per second. The second skill is Fog, and I love that crap. 4 seconds during which you take 75% less damage and are completely immune to any control, knockback, pull. Tired of bosses dropping you into the void and other lava? Cast Mist and look at them like g___o. Also nice bonuses are 10% stamina and mana regen, as well as a passive to ignore speed penalties when moving stealthily. Why take a set when you can be a vampire...

Vampires get 25% more from fire (which mobs, bosses and stick-wielding idiots love so much (the latter take fire sticks because they have 8% more damage to single targets, not because they're pretty). I wouldn't say it's that much fatal, but for fun, you can take the Dunmer race, which have fire resistance and receive 50% less damage in lava.

The stage is quickly raised by using vampiric skills (say, spamming the Mist and instantly canceling it using a block), and lowered by either feeding (sneak up behind any non-elite humanoid and press X when the button appears) or the "legendary" Bloody Mara drink. It is usually cheap, because apart from reducing the stage of the vampire, it is of no use, the same bonuses can be obtained from simpler and cheaper food.

Transformation into a vampire/werewolf

Works the same for both, so the methods are common.

First, you need to get the appropriate disease. You can get infected for free from special mobs that appear in The Rift, Reaper's March or Bangkorai locations. They appear in small groups all over the map during a new moon (vampires) or a full moon (werewolfs). They are called Bloodfiend and Werewolf, which is why ordinary players can simply kill them for fucking trash.Spawn once, after killing they do not resurrect.With some chance they can infect with any blow, even if you are in the block.The second method is shareware free (usually free, but there are some Jews who take 3- 5000 gold) - ask another player to bite you at the appropriate altar. Starting at level 7, a vampire / werewolf can spend 1 skill point on a passive that allows you to bite another player. Bite has a CD of 168 hours, so free biters may simply not be in able to bite you right now.The third way is to buy the disease for a donation of 1500 crowns.

Second, you need to visit the Vampire/Werewolf Sanctuary. If you are bitten by another player, then you are already at such a shrine, since an infective bite is not possible anywhere else. There are 3 pairs of shrines in total, one for each of the named locations. When you are at the shrine, you will see a quest market. The quest will take you to a single dungeon to pass the test.

Third, you need to complete the quest/test. They are light, that one that the other. If desired, it can be covered with a naked newborn character of the 3rd level. In short, to become a vampire you will need to kill 10 light mobs, and to become a werewolf one medium danger boss. Werewolf bosses change (there are 4 of them in total), but in general they are all easy once you understand the controls and super-hard mega-tactics for advanced "keep out of the red zone". After turning in the quest, your disease will be replaced by a new panel in World Skills.


Produced for a small amount, 600-700 gold, by the priest of Arkay. Priests 3, one per zone. Hang out in the guilds of Fighters or Mages. You can heal as many times as you like, but the amount will slowly increase.

Vampire Tip: Don't get lifesteal before level 50. Lifesteal scales as you gain experience, and up to champion levels of experience is a hell of a lot compared to after. And if Enlightment has accumulated too ... in short, if you take a vampire too early, you will receive penalties, but you will not receive bonuses. However, Drain is worth it, so decide for yourself.

Werewolf Tip: Unlike vampires, werewolves rely on the number of kills they gain from targets that give experience. Those. killing one-shot lambs and cockroaches is useless, but any normal monsters will count. In principle, you can go to any dungeon and wander around in circles, or find a quest with an endless enemy span. But if you don’t want to bother with the corpses, then after completing the transformation quest, stay in the Hircine Sanctuary and arrange a small genocide for the local cats, snakes, crocodiles and harpies. Depending on the level, the number of required kills increases, but even to go from level 9 to 10, you need 225 experience points, 5 experience points for each kill. There are about 20 mobs in the Sanctuary = 100 points per circle. Everyone but the boss is resolving, so you can just cut circles around the sanctuary until you get bored. The trick is that in the Shrine of Hircine there are no restrictions on the transformation time.

Thus, you can take a werewolf to lolvl, and then change it to a vampire. Or vice versa. There are separate achievements for becoming a vampire or a werewolf and reaching the maximum level, so here's an excuse for you to try both subclasses. You don't "can't decide", you just "want those 4 achievements". And in general, for the top lvl of the Vampire they give a stone coffin, and for the top lvl of the Werewolf, a ritual stone.

V.4. social interaction

Although ESO can be played solo, there is also a social part. Group, raid, guild, alliance. I will try to briefly talk about them. You can't "drag" everywhere, so help is sometimes needed. Or beneficial. But the most significant benefit is the possibility of free teleportation to a member of a group or guild. It's comfortable. Not exactly "to the member", but the closest Wayshrine to him. Don't care.

random people

They are, there are many of them, but in general, this is the background. Communication via /s (say), /w (whisper) or /z (location chat).

Other chats are /g (group), /g1-5 (your guilds).

Simple functions like "invite to a group", "exchange", "call for a hug", etc. available either by clicking on his nickname in the RMB chat, or if you stand next to him and hold down F - a wheel of social interactions will appear.

I also want to mention mail here. Mail opens with "/e". All your purchases from guild merchants, profits from sales through guild merchants, letters from other players, etc. come here. The second mail tab for sending letters. Up to 6 items can be attached to a letter (counted by slots , so a stack of ore is 1 item.) There is a function to send money (send gold) or send a letter by cash on delivery (c.o.d.). In cod you will receive a letter, but you can only pick up its contents by paying the attached receipt. Expensive things are not sent through cod because The commission depends on the amount of the requested payment.

Mail within the guild can reach instantly, but delivery to other players can take up to an hour. For instant delivery, you need to either change your current location or relogin.

Group and raid

The difference is that the group is from 2 to 4 players. When a fifth joins, the group becomes a raid (well, or a large group, it doesn't matter). The maximum number of participants in the raid is 20 people. Group profit in joint clearing of dungeons. This may be difficult for one, but the group will drag it. As a rule, this is a tank, a healer and two damage dealers. The maximum group size for dungeons is limited to 4 players. The second profit is if you need someone's help or want to help someone. For example, farm a world boss. In the base game, they are more or less simple, but in the DLC, everything is more serious. You can also complete joint quests, since the actions of one member of the group are counted by everyone.

The group is convenient for farming, as each member of the group has their own loot. Nobody sees what you got, you don't see what the rest of the participants got, but everyone got something. Tsimes is that only a few (about 4) most damaging groups get loot. And one person is considered a separate group. If a group of 10 people farm the boss, then everyone will get the loot. If 10 people farm the boss, but everyone is on their own, then only a few top damage dealers will get the loot.

Raids are used in farming, trials (dungeons of increased difficulty for groups of about 15 people) and pvp. In pvp, kills are counted for every nearby raid member, so no one is left behind.


You can join five guilds at the same time, which are common to all your characters on the server. When a guild reaches 10 members, it will have a pool of 500 slots. At 50 members, the internal market is unlocked, available to any guild member from any Bank. The maximum size of a guild is 500 people. And you can teleport to any of them for free. Nya.

Tsimes is not so much in communication as in trade. In each guild with a market, you can put up to 30 lots for sale. If a guild hires a merchant, the market is no longer internal and any game can see your goods. And buy them, of course. So the standard set is 4 trade guilds and one "for the soul". You can even turn off the trading guild chats until needed, no one will be offended.

Sometimes you may be required to trade a minimum of ** thousand weekly or membership fees. This is done to raise the dough for the sake of hiring a merchant. The number of merchants is strictly limited, as well as their location. There are few of them, but there are many guilds. And every week the guilds donate as much as they can to the merchant they like. The one who gave the most money gets the merchant for a week, the rest are returned the notification "your bid was outbid" and the money spent. The cost of merchants varies from 150 thousand to 3 million and is more or less fixed, but there can always be a new guild with a lot of money.

Some say that there is a guildhouse, but in fact it is an ordinary house owned by a member of the guild and with permitted access for its members.


Generally useless, but important in PvP. /z chat in Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and other Sewers is only heard by members of the same alliance.

V.5. Beginner Tips

In this section, I will try to collect all sorts of nanoutilities. Mostly very noob information, but MB will come in handy for someone. Points are added at the moment of insight, so the order is arbitrary.

1. If you are going to be crafting (and in general), learn traits from the very beginning. Learning all 9 traits for one item, even with the maximum passive bonuses, takes about 2 months. Maximum at the same time you can learn 3 things of each type of craft (forging, sewing, woodworking). There are 14 items in forging and sewing, so it will take a decent amount of time.

2. Pump your horse from day one. Even if you don't have a horse yet. The stats for all mounts are the same, only your skill is pumped, which gives more speed, endurance and carrying capacity. The horse can be upgraded in any Stablemaster, the CD between upgrades by +1 is 20 hours. The horse has 180 of these +1 (3 skills of 60 each), so it will take half a year to level one character without infusion of real. The difference between a horse for 10k gold and a horse for 2500 crowns is only skins. Although the purchased horses are shared to the entire account ("included" in the Collections), each character needs to pump the skill separately.

3. The bag can be improved at the appropriate merchant, Bag Merchant. They are in every capital of the region. The bag for each character is upgraded separately. The maximum bag upgrade through a merchant is 140 slots. Additionally, the bag can be improved by +60, up to 200 slots, by pumping the horse's Carrying Capacity. Leveling up a bank is much more expensive, but a bank, unlike a bag and a horse, is account-wide.

4. Feel free to use addons. The thing is not quite roleplay, but useful. You would know how annoying it is when someone yells in chat with requests to show where the "hint text" of the skyshard is located. Or where it is better to collect lorebook. Also, don't neglect the wiki, there is a lot of useful information, including tactics for bosses and indications of where which set is farmed.

5. Collect all the ore, wood and other herbs that you see. Planks and ingots are cheaper than raw ore and wood, since after receiving passives, if there is a chance to get expensive upgrades from them. You can save resources for the future or sell for a sum of money. A stack of Nubian ore or wood costs around 6000 gold. With this money, you can buy 6 times more ingots than you get by processing.

6. Download EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter if you are a mage, warrior or rogue. Two-handed, staves, bow, all three types of armor... this will give you the flexibility to build. If you don’t want to suffer, then find a raid for farming dolmens (Alik "r, Auridon or another place, it doesn't matter) and just stand nearby, putting the skills from the skill tree you are pumping on the panel. It is not necessary to use it, experience will go.

7. The maximum level of equipment is now cp160. This means that any gear you drop or receive as a reward is useless in the end-game because it's not cp160. Therefore, up to cp160 you can mindlessly swing on mobs, go fishing (also gives experience), etc., and only then go on quests. Yes, it's boring. But you will not have the feeling of "***" when they give you the Super Epic Sharpening of Absoluteness, which in a couple of hours will be thrown away like garbage because the level has grown.

8. Feel free to join 5 guilds at once, at least 3 of which must have 400+ players. You can turn off chats after the duty "hello people", no one will pay attention. Guilds are not only access to the internal guild market (accessible through any Banker), but also a way to sell things through this very market, a help desk ("theirs" in guilds are much more willing to answer than faceless cries in / z), as well as free teleports. Having opened the list (Roster) of guild members, you can poke anyone and press Teleport to player. You will teleport to the nearest Wayshrine from the selected guild member without their knowledge. For free. From any place except for PvP zones with a ban on teleportation. Also works with group members, but there is a difference between a couple of people and online in a couple of hundred teleports.

9. Download craft by analyzing "junk" gear and glyphs as you level up. All you need at low lvl is passives to increase the speed of learning traits and the number of simultaneous researches. On cp160 you will drop gear and cp160 glyphs, which will give you tons of crafting experience. The most dreary craft is Enchanting, but you can just ask the guilds if anyone has extra glyphs. The flow of gear / glyphs after crafting level 50 does not stop, but the number of slots for sale is limited to 5 guilds * 30 slots in each = 150. If you're lucky, you will simply be flooded with free or almost free trash for pumping.

10. Complete at least low level PvE content in Cyrodiil while you have a noob company available for 50-. Yes, there are some majors with Nubian-level monster sets that are inherited, but in general, everyone is equal. SR is off, the difference is only in the experience of the players. You will get a bunch of clothes, alliance points, skill points (skyshards) and other achievements without getting in the way of the "big uncles" and without raking one-shots from cp600 ninjas. Access to Cyrodiil opens at character level 10, button L, non-veteran company.

11. Start early on Pledges, the Undaughted guild's daily quests given out in alliance capitals. This will give you some kind of set gear, a chance to test your skills where you won’t harm anyone (normal pledges are simpler in terms of tactics and non-DLC "shine ones can be passed even in a group of 4 damage), as well as keys. Keys give access to chests with set keys to the level you open them in. Having grabbed the keys at low level, you can not spend them immediately, but wait for cp160. key, and normally 1 key.well, in veteran mode, heads to shoulders from chests fall from the last bosses.What's the point of going after heads if you don't cp160?..

12. Don't neglect your daily Crafting Writs. Make them without even investing points in the study of materials, "from guano and sticks." Difficulty varies depending on how many points are in the first passive of each craft. You can order clothes of 1 lvl, or maybe 160 avg. The reward is about the same. Your destination in Survey maps. They give access to clearings with more resources, containing more materials than regular nodes. These cards are "unique" (you can carry a maximum of 1 in your inventory), so before completing vrits, it's best to dump the unused ones in the bank.

13. You can even transfer attached items between your characters through the Bank. Thus, if you get equipment that you do not need on the current character, you can "hide" it in the warehouse character until better times.

14. Find a convenient city to your taste, in which everything would be nearby. For me, that was the Shornhelm in Rivenspire. Rawl "kha was suggested in the comments. Yes, he is also cute. A city where a step to the right is a room, a banker step to the left, a step straight to craft is convenient.

V.6. Gathering resources and crafting

In general, crafting sets are an intermediate link between what you have leveled and what you will collect through the dungeons. Not to say bad, but not great either. However, they will work quite well while you are wandering around knocking out your own clothes with feng shui traits. And they can also be crafted in different styles, which appeals to all mods. Only the appearance depends on the style, but still everyone wants exactly *current_fetish*. And yes, when I talk about crafting, I'm talking about crafting gear, not consumables.

Crafting Equipment

Ore, wood and plants are collected from nodes. Leather is farmed from animals. Everything is simple. The nodes generally adjust to your level, but don't be surprised by the noobs too. It happens. Where is it better to farm is a debatable question, since it is not worth it at all, but it is asked all the time. Doesn't matter. Everywhere. There are nodes even in Cyrodiil (I won’t tell you about the Imperial City, since I don’t appear in the capital often, they gank, sir).

The collected raw resources are processed at the appropriate crafting stations into the appropriate materials, from which equipment is sawn. Everything is simple. You can craft any type of equipment, you don't need to learn. However, initially you have a limited choice of appearance and traits.

Appearance is studied through Motif books. If 1-9 (blue, for the main races) cost a penny, and some purple ones cost a penny, then the cost of individual motifs can easily reach 100 thousand gold. Basically, these are those that fall in trials, but not the point. The style of your race is available by default, all others need to be studied. Some motifs are presented as a whole and give style to all equipment at once, but most are divided into pages and studied for each piece of equipment separately.

Access to traits is opened by studying the corresponding traits in the corresponding types of equipment, for each type separately. The maximum speed bonus is 25%, the maximum number of simultaneously studied traits of one type of craft is 3. The time to study depends only on how many traits in a particular item have been studied.

You can change the appearance of the created weapon only by using the Converter account upgrade. So far, there is only one such in the game, in the Imperial Edition, which allows you to change the appearance of equipment to the imperial style. The change is irreversible plus the thing is tied to the account. Changing the trait is not possible.


Craft, which is pumped by more or less everyone because the resources for it are like dirt and they are literally lying around everywhere. The ingredients for all dishes are more or less the same (for epic and legendary food, the corresponding "catalysts" are needed, but in general the ingredients are the same), so the pumping speed depends only on the level of the recipes. Recipes are also like dirt, by the way.

As a rule, food can not be bought very expensively from guild merchants. Main benefit Cooking in passives that increase the duration of food and drinks by 20 minutes. By the way, this also applies to Ambrosia. Basically it looks like buying a ton of ingredients, 5-6 recipes of different levels and a tram to level 50, after which the skill points are reset and rebuilt again without investing in cooking except for these passives.

Recipes can cost a lot of money, but they only make sense as "hooray, I have 1000 recipes." The chances of the recipes being sold are quite low, although they are quite common to see from guild merchants.


The noble art of creating potions and poisons is slightly more popular than Cooking, but in general it swings for a passive + 30% to the duration of potion effects. Most of the potions last just a few seconds, so the bonus is not superfluous. What is the profit and, in general, what is the duration of the action of jars on hp? Alchemy allows you to combine up to 3 effects in one potion. And these effects are a little more than "recovery of health / mana". About 18, but I didn't count. The potion may well hang buffs on you like Major Brutality (+20% to Weapon Damage), Stealth Detection (anti-invisibility of the eyes at 20 meters), etc. Freeing up space among the skills that you keep just for these effects (the famous Inner Light, which is kept only for the passive Major Prophecy.

30% duration, a ring or two of cooldown reduction between pots, and you have 3 buffs. What is especially appreciated by the Argonians and the owners of the Clever Alchemist set. A sort of battery-powered Rambos.

Poisons are the same, but in the other direction. They are equipped in the appropriate slot next to the weapon and replace the enchantment effect. Consumed with a 20% chance when using weapons other than staves and melee skills. There is a wide variety of poisons, up to devouring mana and stamina of the enemy, while increasing the cost of abilities for him.


The last type of craft that everyone hates for a long leveling. There are no passives other than crafting and parsing glyphs, and most of them pump it just to be. There are many glyphs on the market. Unlike Cooking and Alchemy, it is mainly trained by parsing glyphs, like crafting equipment. Glyphs last indefinitely without needing to be replaced. Each type of equipment has its own glyphs with their own effects. Unlike alchemy, there are no "wrong combinations" in Enchanting. Something will work.

Glyphs are a replaceable effect for equipment. You cannot remove the old one, but you can insert a new one. The only thing is that the glyphs on the weapon from time to time need to be fed with soul stones, otherwise the clip ends. Glyphs in armor and jewelry do not suffer from such garbage.

Enchantment has its own nodes, giving different runes. There are 3 types of runes in total: square (level), triangular (effect) and round (grade). The glyph is crafted from three runes, one of each type. In general, nothing complicated, but what a boring quality ...

Furniture creation

It is not a separate type of craft, but scattered across all 6. Each type of craft has its own furniture. For furniture, you need to collect separate recipes. Also, the creation of furniture requires special resources (randomly fall when collecting nodes) and a large number of basic ones. For example, creating a small potato, among other things, requires 20 units of flour. Mua is like a special resource for crafting furniture from the Cooking section.


Just a quick note: Craglorn is the only place where the Nirnhoned trait drops. And when collecting any nodes, there is a chance to get two types of stones for Nirnhoned as a bonus. Nirn for armor is around 4000, and for weapons around 10000. Bonus. Besides learning for 9 traits, no one needs anything, but since Craglorn is generally a dull place and it’s always a waste to go there... the prices are holding.

home economics

Sooner or later (when installing the HideHousePreviews add-on so that your eyes do not hurt), but everyone notices the opportunity to buy their own corner of Tamriel. Quests completed, mountains of money, you are tired and just want to sit peacefully with friends. Well, or your favorite guild needs a secluded place for role-playing games, it doesn’t matter.

Many people perceive buying a house as a waste of money, and they are absolutely right. The maximum benefit is a halvous teleporter with a fixed exit point, in contrast to the guild members, whose teleport accuracy is "within the location." You can buy a thousand for 300-400 crafting station to create sets, and copy something from the stations of the Imperial City. The rest can be reached within a minute of the nearest Wayshrine.

Types of houses

You can view a preview of all the homes available for purchase in the Crown Store -> Houses. Feel free to go to any house you like and see with your own eyes. Although the Store houses are divided into 3 categories, but, based on the characteristics and cost, there are exactly twice as many of these categories:

The rooms (15 medals, 1 trophy, 1 special item) are the smallest available houses. There are 3 in total, one for each alliance. You can get it for free by completing the Friend in Need quest with a character of the corresponding alliance, or you can just pay 3000 gold. Do not judge by the Dominion room, the other 2 are completely fine.

The apartment (50 furniture, 1 trophy, 1 spice) is the same room, but much larger. Of also 3, one per alliance. They cost in the region of 10-12 thousand gold, and these are the largest houses that you can buy for gold without completing achievements.

Small houses (100 furniture, 5 trophies, 2 special items) - the first separate houses. They are not much larger than apartments, but the variety is much greater. Half of them even have patios! The cost is about 50-70 thousand gold. In general, this is the ceiling of the noob, then for adults.

Rooms, suites and small houses are combined in the Store under one category Stappe Houses.

Medium houses (200 furniture, 10 trophies, 3 special items) are quite decent houses of quite a decent size. Not much use, but if you have ESO + connected, then they will fit to showcase your trophy collection. From 190 to 335 thousand gold.

Large houses (300 furniture, 20 trophies, 4 special items) are already small estates and fortresses. Prices bite, up to 1.3 million.

Medium and large houses are combined as Classic Houses.

Estates, they are also Estates (I didn’t buy a single one) - there are only 3 of them, each of which gives its own title. These are already whole palaces with huge lands. The cost is around 4 million. In addition to the 3 main ones, there is a Cave in Craglorn for 13,000 crowns, available from time to time Fisherman's Island (yes, a personal island) and maybe something else.

(Special items include mounts, pets and assistants)

Acquisition of houses in the categories above "apartments" requires certain story achievements, which are obtained by the region where the house is located. Usually these achievements are tied to the passage of the main quest line of the region with rewards in the form of skill points, so ... if buying a house is not a question of the near future, then endure an hour and a half and close the quest line. When buying a house for crowns, the presence or absence of the necessary achievement does not play a role.

Where to get furniture

A simple question, to which there are as many as three correct answers: find, buy and earn. A house without furniture is bare walls. We didn't pay for it.

Most of the furniture can be crafted or bought. Simple furniture is not tied to a character/account and therefore migrates freely from one merchant to another. Recipes often come across to thieves during housekeeping, are laundered and go into good hands for a simple amount of metal. You can find a huge variety of things at guild merchants, but still the assortment is inferior to a decent crafting recipe book. Thus, buying and crafting furniture are complementary ways, not interchangeable.

The exceptions are NPC furniture merchants, who can be divided into three categories:

Basic furniture dealers. What's the point of paying someone for a simple box of 400-500 gold when you can go to an NPC and buy it for 100? Or buy cobblestones with trees for crowns? None.

Achievement merchants. A source of goodies that cannot be purchased any other way through Bind-on-Pickup. Do you want the throne of the Queen of Dominion in your living room? A statue of Molag Bal? Personal skyshard? No questions.

A merchant in Coldharbor who only appears on the weekends. And which sells a variety of unique decorations, the range of which changes every week. In general, this is an analogue of the Khajiit woman in Cyrodiil, who sells the heads of monster sets.

Avant-garde literature for dummies

When you collect a Lorebook collection, the Mages Guild will give you the opportunity to purchase a set of copies of these books. The set costs 5000 gold and includes 1 copy of each of the books. Copies are furniture and can be placed in your home for the delight of guests. All books within the same collection look the same, but different collections have different covers.

Do you want to surprise your girlfriend? Buy an awesome canopy bed and "forget" the two-volume Lustful Argonian Maid on it. By the way, sometimes you can steal the blue LAM - Art Folio. Without pictures.

When there is absolutely nowhere to put money

Take my word for it, a house can gobble up an almost unlimited amount of money. I once calculated how much it would cost to fill the most expensive villa with the most expensive things. There were about 300 million. But about the most expensive things, I may not know.

From the conditionally useful, you can select stations for crafting. If crafting stations for sets cost around 300-400 thousand each, then simple ones can be found for 50-60. It makes no sense, but what if you want to have a semicircle of all 6 crafting to quickly complete the daily Crafting Writ by rotating the camera? Dye Station is also unlikely to be useful to you, it is not the most popular thing in the game.

In addition to crafting stations, a Merchant and a Banker (assistants from the Crown Store) can be placed in the house, but their functionality is limited: the Merchant cannot repair things, and the Banker only has access to your bank. You can also place a smuggler for completing Thieves Guild quests, but interaction with her is not available to other players. Please note that they occupy special slots.

The last one is Training Dummy, a doll for hitting and measuring dps "a. The cheap one has 3 million hp points and costs around 70-80 thousand. The expensive one costs around 180-200k, and it also has more hp. The doll is immortal and will revive if it does kill.

Donate furniture, does it make sense?

None. Those. you can buy it if you want, but in general there is nothing for crowns that you can't craft or find from guild merchants. Furniture purchased for knons is tied to the account and cannot be donated or sold when tired.


Guilds in ESO cannot have their own buildings, but any player can open access to his house both for individual accounts and for entire guilds. As a rule, the guild house belongs to the guild master, but no one forbids inviting everyone to visit them. Please note that the house selected as the Primary Residence is just available for visiting. You can freely teleport between your houses (oh yes, your houses are also free Sanctuaries without cd), but only the main residence is available to guests.

funny facts

  • ZoS decided to troll the players. Would you like a CraftingBag without a subscription? Get it. As purely decorative furniture. By the way, it is designed in such a way that you can put it wherever you want - from all sides of the bottle.
  • Houses not yet entered can be entered from locations, but they are not in the Crown Store. Narpimer, personal ISLAND in Grathwood, entrance next to Haven. Category Notable, so it will cost a fortune.
  • On the book covers, the Oblivion rune is upside down. *conspiracy theories*

Bad advice: NB build "Lazy bum"

Nightblade "Lazy bum" (don't do that)
I almost never participate in PvP, do not go to veteran dungeons, etc., so everything in this build suits me. It allows you to close the main content of the game without straining, does not require mad skillz, is easily assembled for a penny, and so on.

Bosmer, magblade, vampire. Bosmer because kawaii, magblade because Nightblade is easier to play through mana, a vampire for the sake of ignoring speed penalties in stealth. Fat is not hidden under a lying stone. There is only one active skill bar:
Elemental Blockade - Refreshing Path - Swallow Soul - Merciless Resolve - Inner Light

2 AoE (one with a heal), heal, buff, passive on spell crit. Moreover, non-DLC content, except for world bosses, can be easily closed through the Path and Swallow. The blockade is like that, bring down the trash. The buff gives 8% damage and allows, if desired, to break 4 light attacks after a quick spam. Replacing Merciless Resolve with Structured Entropy allows you to slowly but surely eat world bosses in one person, on three heals. As long as you remember to save some stamina on blocks, you should be fine.

If I'm going to go for a hat with Molag Kena, then its effect will take Merciless Resolve to a new level. She is still far from weak, but 4 light attacks to charge... and here is just a set that requires 2 light attacks for Overkill with +516 to vepon and spell damage for 6 seconds. Piu-piu-bams.

6/7 armor is light, Mother's Sorrow and Jullianos sets, a staff of fire weapons (for the sake of an 8% passive to damage with single-target skills (our main spam through Swallow Soul), anyone can do that). For a comfortable life in the swamp we need 10k spell penetration, half of which comes from the light armor passive at 5 items, and the other half comes from the Shapened trait in the staff.

One set is cheap (jewellery, body and legs - about 6k for everything), the second is craft. They made it to me for free for the materials. I had a mountain of materials and a couple of carts, as I pumped the craft on the analysis of tons of loot. Upgrade all fabric and sticks to violet 5k. Those. for the purple combat gear on the CP160, I paid a total of 11k. A third of the daily income from theft.

In the "free" slot, Molag Kena has heavy shoulders because nothing better was lying around. By the way, the heads of two random monster sets can be obtained not only in veteran dungeons, but simply bought in Cyrodiil for the amount of money in the amount of 100,000 gold. They change once a week, they are expensive, the enchantment is fixed (increase in the effectiveness of enchantment), but this is a good chance to get hold of a monster set without going to veterans. Shoulders are mined from keys, which can be obtained for ordinary, simple, dungeons.

Mundus Thief. As you can see, I was sharpening not in damage, but in crits. At 72.5% crit chance, average dps is around 10-12k. In combination with a passing HPS of 5-6 thousand, this is enough for a normal life.

The second panel is "thieves" (for the passage of the daily Thieves and the Brotherhood). She wears Concealed Weapon (+20% movement speed in stealth), Shadowy Disguise (stealth) and Mist Form (-75% incoming damage, +30% speed, immunity to control and holds, which is useful).

Equipment: 5 pieces of Night Mother's Embrace and 3 Night Terror jewelry. There is another set with the same name as the first, but we need one that gives -2 meters to the detection radius. Total, only from equipment bonuses -4 meters Next, the only medium armor passive in the entire build, Improved Sneak, reduces the cost of sneaking and reduces the detection radius by 35% Against the background of all this goodness, another 3 meters from the Bosmer racial passive looks like overkill, but these 3 meters provide an opportunity bypass the aggressive guards almost point-blank... Without them... I don't know, don't stand right in front of my eyes)))

From the vampire I have a passive for the absence of a speed debuff in sneaking. Vampire + Concealed Weapon = you run in stealth. Really. The set gives enough stamina. Taking passives for regen means zero: stamina regen does not work while moving in stealth. Among other things, running in stealth helps a lot in Cyrodiil. Yes, the speed is not horse. But the security is top notch.

"Thieves' set" allows you to close the mentioned dailies with "excellent" without straining: you move covertly at high speed and can go into stealth for the sake of safety if you need to go into alignment with the mob (stats 18k mana, 18k stamina - enough for running in stealth, and for several invisas in a row).

Sleight of hand for dummies

Time for dark things

At the moment, 2 out of 5 DLCs are dedicated to the good old stealth. Before they came out, stealing was fun. Mainly because all the NPCs were blind in both eyes, they only noticed at close range and did not have a 270 degree view. Morrowind mentions the Morag Tong, who are also not crusaders with burning eyes. So the "dark side of Tamriel" deserves special attention.

Basic knowledge is as simple as a stool:

  • Ctrl is the transition to stealth mode. When sneaking, we get a penalty to speed and there is no stamina regen, so sneaking forever without the appropriate passives will not work. It was in the tutorial.
  • In stealth mode, in the middle of the screen we see our best friend, Glazik. You can steal or not depends on whether there is an inscription HIDDEN next to the Eye or not. If there is, then they do not see us. It was in the tutorial.
  • You don't need a lot of intelligence to break locks, and indeed it was also in the tutorial.
Preparation- it is important.

1. You don't have to be a Bosmer or Khajiit to be a good thief or assassin, but it helps.
2. It is desirable to have DLC Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild. The former will give you the Blade of Woe to clear possible witnesses and the Spectral Assassin passive (15% chance to kill undetected even in front of witnesses), while the latter will give you the Swiftly Forgotten passives and the Clemency insurance.
Swiftly Forgotten - Decreases your Heat at a rapid pace, moving from "search and destroy without asking questions" to "delay if nearby". It also helps to quickly complete the achievement for 100 escapes from the guards (when you are caught, choose the option and tear your claws)
Clemency can be used once per day and does not remove the bounty on your head. It's just that the guards won't detain you for one minute. Use wisely.
3. There are certain sets in the game that can help. Among them are Night Mother's Embrace (reduce the detection radius by 2 meters) and Night's Silence (remove speed penalties when sneaking up). The first is farmed in Deshaan, the second is crafted from dung and toothpicks.

Safecracking- what we all love so much.

Lesson simple because a mini-game for picking locks plus a little stealth. However, there are some peculiarities. If the safe is not where it should be, then someone has recently cleaned it. Unlike chests, the number of spawn points for safes and the number of safes is 1:1. If the chest can appear in one of the five (number from the ceiling) spawn points, then each safe has only one point. Spawn time is approximately 10 minutes.

The complexity of the castle depends only on how many experience points you get for hacking, the production is the same everywhere. There is a "brute hack", but if the attempt fails, the safe will be locked for you (remain available to other players). Regardless of success/failure, brute hacking does not earn experience points and does not upgrade Legerdemain.

As a rule, the safe is guarded by one or two or a few NPCs, keep this in mind. It will take you a few seconds to pick the lock. During this time, the NPC may well want to turn around. By the way, you can use the environment. If you are playing in first person, then you can hide behind the screen / boxes, and break the locks through the gaps between the scenery.

A good reward is almost guaranteed, so breaking safes is a nice side income to burglary.

pickpocketing- requires certain skills.

The occupation is even less tricky than opening safes, but with the probability of failure. Failure = you were noticed = penalty (sometimes you just get attacked). You can increase the likelihood of a successful theft by throwing a few points into the appropriate passive, but for this you need to pump Legerdemain.

NPCs available for stealing are highlighted with a white outline. Yes, guards are one of them. NPCs are divided into different categories, which determine the difficulty of stealing and possible loot. The easiest way is to rob beggars, workers, drunkards, etc., the most difficult thing is to rob guards, nobility, magicians, etc.

In total, a freshly generated NPC has 3 things, but the chances for each player are different. If you rob the Guard, then your chances drop from 90% to 75% (taking into account the "good moment", when the chance of theft increases by 20%). But another thief will have the same 90%. If you want to clean the guards and all sorts of Nobles to zero - go together.

P.S. If you have the Dark Brotherhood DLC, then it is considered good manners to kill an NPC robbed to zero.

housekeeping- out of competition.

And by "out of competition" I mean "you have no competition." Chests, safes and NPCs are shared by everyone on the channel. Lockers, tables, bedside tables, bags and other rubbish are individual for each. Unlike safes, there is a high chance of finding "junk", but there is also a chance of finding something worthwhile, like blueprints for fittings. Blue drawings on the market may well cost 3-5-8 thousand.

Search everything in a row, turn over each pebble. This applies not only to housekeeping, but in general. Sneak into other people's houses and clean them under 0.

Bonus Information 1
The first levels of Legerdemain can be quickly leveled up on Fence and Laundering. In Thieves Den (there is one in each region) (I call them thieves guilds) you can sell stolen goods for cost or "launder" by removing the "stolen" label. Each sold / laundered item adds +1 to experience in Legerdemain. 12 stolen master keys in one position are 12 things, not 1. To the question of stacks.

Limits on buying stolen goods and laundering are separate. 50 is 50+50=100 per day.

So you can steal any 100 items and get +100 Legerdemain. You should also buy a Passive Trafficker of at least level 1 (increases the buy limit from 50 to 110 per day. Each next level adds +10 to the limit, so think for yourself. 50 (level 0) -> 110 (1st) -> 120 -> 130 -> 140. That is, only from buying stolen goods every day, with 1 skill point, you can get 220 Legerdemain points.

If you are too lazy to bother with sorting stolen goods, throwing away white with greens and leaving just blue - you can fill the limits with Cooking ingredients, which are dead in the houses and which are conveniently stacked.

An easy way to get a ton of good to level up (if you have the Blade of Woe) is to go to Khenarthi's Roost, find the herds, kill the shepherds and massacre by "stealing" the meat of the cattle.

Bonus Information 2

Just as drawers-lockers in Housekeeping are individual, so are the locks on the doors. All individual items are updated when moving to another location. Those. you can even run around the same city all day long until you change location, all doors remain open, and all searched bedside tables are searched.

The entrance to the thieves guild is a change of location. Upon exiting the Thieves Guild, the doors will close and the cabinets will fill up. Thus, you have an endless supply of objects to search for anything expensive like blue furniture recipes. And also an inexhaustible source of experience in Legerdemain, because opening doors gives experience points for him. Advanced doors give +4 if remembered correctly. In my favorite Shornhelm Thieves City, there is an apartment building next to the bank (there are two more chests in it). This house has three doors to break into. And the Thieves Guild is literally across the road. Are you savvy?

Bonus Information 3

All you need to remember is:
- There is no safe that cannot be robbed,
- It makes no sense to rob hard-to-reach safes except to amuse the ego (loot is the same),
- The entrance to the thieves guild works like a change of location: all open doors are closed, all robbed bags are filled,
- DON'T RESIST THE STUDENTS IF YOU ARE IN THE BUILDING!!! You will not be able to open the door while you are in combat. There will be no button for this. The only exception is the thief (NightBlade) - it will take 3-4 invisibility in a row until the "fight" stops and you can exit. You can try with the potion, but I didn't risk it.
- However, it is possible to open doors/trapdoors to the Thieves Guild while in combat. If you are caught on the street, and the saving cover is within the sprint, go for it.
- From the guards you can escape by jumping into the water. They can't swim or hook out of the water.

And may good luck be with you.

Theft by example

There are two ways to make money on low-lvl: steal and earn. You can earn by farming resources (ore, wood, grass, mushrooms, other foraging side quests), but theft requires the perseverance of a beaver, the dexterity of a leftist and super strength to break locks on chests.

Here is Shornhelm's map with the designation of chests for theft.
Here, in Paint, I somehow scribbled the main "lazy" route (red lines). Red stars are light "farm" chests, green ones are heavy "challenges", star of david is the thieves guild. In order:
Chest opposite woodworking - nothing complicated, one Argonian.
Warriors Guild - 3 chests. The shop is heavy (it hurts a lot of people), opposite the main entrance is light (1 guard and 1 NPC), in the basement is another light one.
Two shops, each with one vendor and one chest, nothing complicated.
Tavern, chest behind the counter opposite the entrance. Nothing complicated, 1 NPC constantly and 1 occasionally descends from the second floor.
Alchemist's shop. One chest, one NPC.
House. We break the lock at the entrance, inside 2 NPCs and 1 chest. If there is a one-shot from the Brotherhood, getting rid of the NPC is not a problem, thanks to the screen. But even so, the chest is simple.
Inchanter's shop. One NPC, one chest.
Mages Guild. Two chests on the ground floor, nothing complicated. The first is to break through the gap between the screen and the wall, the second is guarded by one occasionally suitable NPC.
House. We break the door at the entrance. One NPC, one chest. Another NPC occasionally rises from the basement.
Residential building next to the bank. Three entrances, we break any. two chests on the first floor, two NPCs. One chest next to the desk, the second under the stairs. Killing NPCs is not a problem, but chests are already light.
=========== Happy End =============
The roof of the Thieves Guild can be reached almost without problems from any part of the city. From the square between the houses there is a gap that you can jump over, on the other sides there are passages. Spotted - to the guild.

"Difficult" chests do not pay off in terms of time spent on cracking, but here is a list: a chest in a bank, a chest in a forge, a chest in a warrior guild shop, a chest in a residential building on the square. They are "roofed" by several NPCs. The forge used to have a light one, but the screen was moved a little. Chest in a residential building - there are 2 NPCs that hang out next to the chest.

This is for one city, you can easily find more profitable and easier routes. I won't reveal them.

The bottom line is that voprovstvo can be "put on the conveyor." Let's say on the first lap clear everything is fine, and then carousel up through the chests until the place runs out or until you get caught. Shelter -> Repeat. Chests, unlike bedside tables, fill themselves, without a kick in the ass in the face of a change of location. A properly constructed route will help you.

In order not to seem like a brainless drone / bot, you can dilute the indicated path with neighboring houses and pickpocketing, no problem. But chests are "points of guaranteed earnings." Blue 250g appears there much more often than in cabinets.

Cyrodiil - how to get there and how to get out of there

Cyrodiil is a huge location where a PvP confrontation takes place between three Alns for the right to own the ruby ​​throne. The central province, the location is also located in the very center of the world map, and in the very heart of Cyrodiil is the Imperial City.

How to get to Cyrodiil?

You can get into Cyrodiil only by reaching level 10 and signing up for a special campaign.

To do this, open the Alliance Wars menu (by default, the "L" key) or by selecting the appropriate item in the character menu (by default, the character menu is opened with the "C" key). Read and familiarize yourself with each of the campaigns, select the one you want (usually, this is the campaign in which most of your friends or guild members participate). Pay attention to other features of the campaigns! RMB on the selected campaign and select "Set Home" option. Then again RMB on this campaign and select "Enter Compaign". You will be placed in a queue and when the appropriate message appears, agree to be moved to Cyrodiil (by default, the "F" button).

Inside Cyrodiil, you can also use fast travel between the fortresses captured by your Alliance (if they are not besieged at that moment). But these are special transit sanctuaries that operate only inside Cyrodiil.

How to get out of Cyrodiil?

Many beginners, once in Cyrodiil, wonder how to get out of it? Normal teleport does not work, and transit shrines only work inside Cyrodiil.

In fact, everything is extremely simple: you just need to be in the base camp of your alliance, and there is already a regular sanctuary with which you can move to regular PvE locations.

  • Ebonheart Pact - red shields with a black dragon on the top right side of the map.
  • Daggerfall Covenant - Blue shields with a white lion on the top left side of the map.
  • Aldmeri Dominion - yellow shields with white tiles at the bottom of the map.

You can get there both with your own feet, and simply by dying and being reborn in these places.

Notes on Cyrodiil

  • Besieged fortresses are marked with an icon on a yellow star, they cannot be confused with anything. Go to such fortresses - the battle is in full swing there!
  • Local skirmishes on the map are indicated by crossed swords (two or three, depending on how many alliances are involved in the battle), the colors of the swords indicate which alliances are involved in the battle.
  • The larger the icon of crossed swords, the more people are involved in the fight.
  • Cyrodiil is a huge area! It is better to have a horse pumped for speed with you, otherwise moving around this location can become tedious.
  • Cyrodiil is available from level 10, however, it's best to go there when you can switch to the second set of weapons, i.e. at level 15.

Cyrodiil is a huge area in Tamriel, and for many players the most interesting part of Elder Scrolls Online. This is a PvP area with a lot of different combat and siege, as well as some PvE content (quests). It also contains 45 skyshards, giving you more than enough reasons to visit. This guide will provide a basic overview of the campaigns, weapons, and other things you can find in Cyrodiil.


You can join Cyrodiil once your character reaches level 10; base attributes will be adjusted with the same values ​​for all players if you

have not reached level 50, which allows you to compete even against higher level players. By participating in an alliance war, you get gold, experience, equipment, and Alliance points.

All new players will be given instructions on how to join the Alliance and fight against others. You need to talk to the NPC to start the Alliance War tutorials, which will quickly go through the important basics of Cyrodiil and Alliance War:

Aldmeri Dominion: Arkarin at the eastern gate of Elsweyr
Daggerfall Covenant: Veronard Liancourt at South High Rock Gate
Ebonheart Pact: Olvia Indaram at the North Gate of Morrowind


All have three resources that fuel factions to hold over time as long as the vault and resource belong to the same alliance.

The farms control the strength of the nearby temple's guards.
Mines control the strength of the nearby storage wall.
Timber mills control the strength of the nearest vault door.
Resources also upgrade over time to have tighter guards on them or increase the resource flow rate to the nearest storage.

Means of siege

Siege weapons are always available at the entrance to Cyrodiil.

All weapons are purchased with Alliance Points, the rest can be purchased for gold.
All siege weapons can be stacked at weapon control and if you were the person who originally acquired the weapon.
Rams require at least three players to escort them to the door. Once the plunger is placed on the door, it will damage the door depending on how many players are accompanying/operating it.

Types of siege weapons

There are several types of siege weapons that you can use in Cyrodiil to take over a vault or damage multiple players at once. Trebuchet and ballista are long-range weapons, while catapults are used for a short distance. All siege weapons deal AoE damage!

Trebuchets used against buildings:

Fire cauldron: spread burning oil (deals fire damage to enemies and buildings)
Stone: breaks walls and enemies (used to attack)
Ice balls: deal damage and absorb multiple enemies on ice

Ballista, used against enemy siege engines (including rams):

Standard bolts: deal massive damage (more than other ballistas, use them against siege engines)
Bolts of fire: deal fire damage
Lightning bolts: shock and capture enemies

Catapults used against troops:

Meatbag: causes a debilitating disease (damage over time debuff on players)
Oil: deals fire damage
Scatter Shot: causes hit damage

Alliance Points

Alliance Points are experience points that you earn by participating in an alliance war. You can earn AP by killing players and fixing various points in the zone; murder players gives more AP.

  • You earn Alliance Points by defeating enemy players, capturing and defending vaults and resources, and completing War Missions, which are available on the mission boards at the entry points to the border point.
  • Gaining alliance points will allow you to raise your alliance rating, which also increases your Assault or Support Alliance War skill.
  • Each alliance rank you get will also grant you a skill point.

Military skills in the Alliance

There are two alliance war skill lines you can learn: attack and support. Alliance abilities affect large areas and are much more expensive than regular abilities.

The attack skill line ability costs stamina to focus on attacking enemy players and vaults.
The support skill line ability costs sorcery and is focused on protecting allies and vaults.

ancient scrolls

Elder Scrolls bonuses are targets that provide bonuses to all members of the alliance that controls them. They are kept in temples near the border gates in Cyrodiil. Once a faction controls them though they can keep them in any state under control.

The Elder Scrolls are essentially another objective for factions to acquire and defend heavily. Since they affect everyone in your alliance, they can help win battles in your favor.

Other content in Cyrodiil

The various cities and caves of Cyrodiil encourage all players to explore and enjoy every aspect of the game.

Repeatable quests are available in Broome, Cheidingal, Chorrol, Cropsford, and Vlastaus.
There are 18 caves to find and explore, but be aware, enemy player characters lurk everywhere in Cyrodiil, maybe even in these caves.

We hope this beginner's guide to Cyrodiil will help you understand the basics faster. Large-scale combat against players is one of the best features of this game and you definitely shouldn't miss it, so get to Cyrodiil and put your class to the test against other players!

Video location Cyrodiil

Some players have difficulty finding a way to enter and exit Cyrodiil. If you have never visited this PvP zone, then we recommend that you read this guide.

All PvP combat in The Elder Scrolls Online takes place in Cyrodiil. This is the place where all three unions (alliances) fight against each other in the so-called Alliance War. Any player can take part in this war after reaching level 10. You will even receive an invitation asking for your alliance's help in the war. But how can you enter Cyrodiil?

How to get into the PvP zone in Tes online

The fastest way to enter Cyrodiil is to use your Character Menu ( character menu) . Select the Alliance War tab ( Alliance War), then you will see a list of suggested campaigns. To learn more about campaigns, read this guide: Campaigns ( Campaigns) in ESO.
Each Campaign is an independent instance in Cyrodiil, in which a certain number of players can take part (fight). Also, you can enter either your home campaign or guest campaign.

Select the campaign you want to enter and you will be given a place in the queue. After a certain time, you will receive a notification that you can enter the campaign. If you confirm it, you will automatically be transported to Cyrodiil right from where you stood. The notification is active for a limited time, and if you miss it, you will have to repeat all the steps again.

How to get out of Cyrodiil?

This question can sometimes be seen in the public chat. People ask this because it's really hard to find a way to get out of Cyrodiil.

The first thing you need to understand is that the system of fast travel in Cyrodiil and the same system on the general map are not interconnected. When you fight in PvP, you can quickly get from one place to another with the help of special wayshrines, but using them you cannot go to other provinces. This is why many players get confused and have difficulty finding a way to move to other locations.

All you have to do to move is visit your faction's starting zone in Cyrodiil.. Each starting zone has a wayshrine that links to similar wayshrines elsewhere. You need to find the shrine and use it to teleport to another area. The map below shows the location of the starting zones.

Danger lurks in every corner of the Imperial City, from players from hostile alliances to the forces of Molag Bal. With this guide, you will learn the basics and prepare for your first steps in the Imperial City.

Entrance to the Imperial City

  • Go to Cyrodiil! You can join both home and guest campaigns.
  • Speak to one of your alliance captains and accept a quest that aims to get to the Imperial City (you must complete this quest to access the Imperial City quest chain).
    • Aldmeri Dominion: Captain Mulamurr or Captain Seriril.
    • Daggerfall Covenant: Captain Durida or Captain Veranim.
    • Ebonheart Pact: Captain Alesace or Captain Rythe.
  • Travel to Rumare Lake in Cyrodiil and enter the Imperial City through one of the three entrances.
  • You will find yourself in the location of your alliance (this zone is safe) - the imperial sewers.
  • There you will find a general - talk to him or her to progress on the quest you took from the captain from your alliance.
  • To complete the quest, talk to the Drake of Blades in the same location. Your adventures in the Imperial City have begun!

Activities in the Imperial City

In the Imperial City, you will be able to take part in many activities. Whether you're interested in PvP, PvE, or both, you'll find something to do in the Imperial City.

  • Complete the White-Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison dungeons with three friends. You can also join these dungeons outside of the Imperial City, but in any case, you must have purchased this DLC set.
  • Fight players from hostile alliances and the forces of Molag Bal, including Xivkyn, in the Imperial Sewers and six city districts.
  • Earn Daedric trophies for killing monsters to unlock Treasure Vaults around the Imperial City, containing Veteran Rank 16 Jewel Packs and other rare items.

  • Complete the Imperial City main story, which begins with the Drake of Blades.
  • Collect Tel Var Stones from Molag Bal's minions and enemy players and try to keep them!
  • Enter the Imperial Sewers and hunt for Trove Scamps, which will reward you with gold and crafting materials, and Cunning Scamps, which will bring you Tel Ver Stones.
  • Find pieces of the Xivkyn crafting motif that will allow you to create the appropriate armor and weapons.

  • Obtain powerful Veteran Rank 16 weapons and armor from completing the White-Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison dungeons (and completing the Undaunted quests associated with those dungeons) and Armor 16 veteran rank for selling Tel Var Stones.
  • Craft new weapons and armor sets at dedicated crafting stations in the Imperial City.
  • Earn new collectibles by completing achievements, slaying Molag Bal's elite forces, and selling Tel Var Stones.

Leaving the Imperial City

There are two ways to leave the Imperial City: by going through the White-Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison dungeons, or by exiting through your alliance's safe zone in the imperial sewers.

  • If you choose to leave the Imperial City through the White-Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison dungeons, you will end up in your alliance capital.
  • You can also exit the same way you entered the Imperial City - through the Imperial Sewers. As a result, you will find yourself in Cyrodiil, in the same campaign that you were in before entering the city.

Outskirts of the Imperial City

In each of the branches of the Imperial Sewers, you will find a transit fork. Use the stairs in it to quickly get to one of the six districts.

You can also travel around the regions on foot or on your favorite mount.

  • You can enter the Imperial City and engage in activities there, including group dungeons, from level 10 (after entering the Imperial City, combat leveling will be applied to all content, except for the White-Gold Tower and Prison dungeons). Imperial City" (Imperial City Prison)).
  • In the main halls of each alliance in the imperial sewers, you will find Tel Var Stones merchants and crafting stations ready to go.
  • Stealth is your friend! As you move around the Imperial City, sneak and be quiet to avoid the dangers of the capital.
  • Forget siege weapons. Due to the high explosiveness of some buildings in the Imperial City, siege weapons cannot be used within its boundaries.
  • The population of the Imperial City depends on the campaign you choose. The White-Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison dungeons are not affected by campaign population.
  • Activities in the Imperial City are independent of, and do not affect, your campaign.

Now that you know the basics, you are ready to fight for your alliance in the Imperial City. We'll meet there!

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