How to make a gun out of paper? Road flintlock pistols with boxlock lock Paper flintlock pistol

Was in service (along with flintlock carbines) in the regiments of the lancers of the troops of the Kingdom of Poland. Each cavalryman had two pistols in holsters on either side of the saddle. Produced in Tula until the transition to the manufacture of pistols of the 1828 model.

Pistol Features:

  1. Pistol length - 404 or 429 mm.
  2. Muzzle length - 267 mm.
  3. The muzzle inside is smooth (no rifling).
  4. Muzzle caliber - 17.78 mm.
  5. Bullet caliber - 15.88 mm.
  6. The gap between the bullet and the barrel is 1.9 mm.
  7. Gunpowder weight - 6.2 g.
  8. Bullet weight - 28.85 g.
  9. Powder seed weight - 0.35 g.
  10. The weight of the pistol is about 1.4 kg (similar to other pistols of the same type).
  11. Aimed shot - 30 m.

The barrel is slightly converging (on a cone), near the edge of the barrel, in front of the clamp that secures the barrel to the stock, there is a front sight soldered with tin. The fastening collar is brass. The charging part of the chamber (rear part of the barrel) with an internal thread. A cork is screwed onto it (with a scythe?). The ignition part is cylindrical. Behind the barrel is screwed to a steel plate, which is a guide for the trigger.

Flint lock (battery?) percussion type with a modernized trigger of the French sample AN IX (9th year), brass shelf. Attaches as usual. The inscription "Tula" and the year of issue of the pistol are engraved on the lock cheek (plate). Made neatly, heat treatment is good.

Walnut wood handle. The bed runs along the entire length of the barrel, ends (with a ledge), on which the barrel fastening clamp is mounted. The clamp is connected to the bed by a flat spring with a rounded spike, which enters the hole in the clamp. The fastening of the closing spring is atypical, from the bottom of the bed, and not from the side as in other pistols.

The pistol grip ends with a casting, a cast brass head (knob) with a long mustache embedded (flush) into the wood of the handle. The right mustache of the head reaches the cheek of the lock, the end of the left one is embedded (flush) into the wood of the handle. From below, the head is attached to the handle with a screw.

The trigger guard continues down the entire length of the handle (like the knob whisker) and is attached to the wood with two screws. From the front, the bracket is fastened with a steel pin passing through the tree and the eye of the bracket embedded (inserted) into the tree.

Steel ramrod with a conical head. The ramrod is placed in a separate pouch or in a saddle holster. There is no channel for the ramrod in the gun stock.

ballistic characteristics. An aimed shot could be at 30 m. A hit from a horse in motion could only be accidental.


  1. Made carefully, soundly. Does not differ (in quality) from French pistols of the same type.
  2. The design is original, except for the design of the castle.
  3. Advantage of a pistol. The front sight is soldered to the barrel, and not on a collar, as is usually done.
  4. The disadvantage is the lack of thickening on the pistol grip.

This article is a translation from Polish(see literature). On the design of the gun, not everything is clear yet. We'll figure out.

A few more pictures of the pistol.


  1. Marian Maciejewski "Bron palna wojsk polskich 1797 - 1831", Warszawa, 1980.
  2. A. B. Zhuk "Encyclopedia small arms", M., 1999

* Images are clickable.

The pistols that will be discussed can be called the ancestors of the deringers. This is the story of the emergence of self-defense vest or road weapons.

During the heyday of flintlock weapons, travelers, traveling salesmen, ladies wanted to have a compact weapon for protection, which was easy to hide in clothes, hand luggage and improvised things. An ordinary battery-type flint lock has a fairly massive structure due to the locking board on which all its parts are attached. Using the usual layout of flintlock pistols, even reducing their overall dimensions, it is difficult to achieve compactness and reliability. The appearance of the lock, the so-called boxlock design, made it possible to solve the problem of compactness and reliability.

Pistols of a similar design quickly gained success and began to be in demand. Weapons were produced by various masters in England and Europe.

The boxlock pistol consists of a box body, inside of which is located firing mechanism. The design feature is the location of the flintlock not on the side of the weapon, but in the center, inside the case.

The body consists of a base and a top cover. The case had a usually detachable left side cover for access to the details of the lock. The side cover was fastened with a screw from the bottom of the case and a screw from the top cover. At the top of the front part of the housing there is a powder shelf with a seed hole, on which the cover of the powder shelf is hinged. The powder shelf cover spring is mounted on the cover itself and is compressed by a protrusion in the upper front of the body. The front part of the case, which acts as a breech, has a thread for attaching the barrel (for illustration, the photo of the site is used)

The trigger mechanism consists of a trigger, in the jaws of which a flint is clamped, a mainspring, a trigger with a sear, and springs for the trigger and sear. The mainspring in the lower part has a groove that engages with a protrusion in the lower tide of the body. The trigger and trigger are mounted in the body on screws that act as axles. A fuse was installed at the top of the pistol. When moving forward, with its protrusion, it engages with a hole in the cover of the powder shelf and prevents the seed powder from crumbling. The fuse also prevents random shot, blocking the trigger on the safety cock. For the convenience of concealed carrying, many pistols were equipped with a folding trigger, the device of which is clearly illustrated in the upper left photo. When the hammer is cocked, the trigger comes out of its groove in the frame and the weapon is ready to fire. IN stowed position the trigger fits into its groove and does not get confused in the folds of clothing.

The equipment of the pistol was as follows. The stem unscrewed. For this purpose flint road pistol box lock it is completed with a special key, octagonal for an octagonal barrel, or with a notch for a round barrel. The notch engaged a protruding stump at the bottom of the barrel and allowed the barrel to be unscrewed.

Gunpowder was poured into the breech, a bullet was installed and the barrel was again screwed to the pistol body. This method of loading made it possible to achieve better obturation, and when using rifling of the barrel bore, it was possible to significantly increase effective range and lethal power of weapons.

The typical appearance of boxlock pistols was a rectangular body section, an octagonal or rounded barrel, and a wooden flat handle rounded at the base. However, there were handles of a different design, for example, with a flat lower part of the handle, or finished with a metal shank.

Soon there were pistols with rounded cases. The weapon has become even more compact and ergonomic.

Masters also made pistols with a traditional trigger and equipped with a trigger guard.

Custom-made weapons were produced, which were decorated with engraving, the handle was trimmed with silver or gold wire, inlaid, resulting in real masterpieces.

Most often, pistols were fired in pairs, placed in weapon boxes, in which, in addition to weapons and a key for unscrewing the barrels, there was a bullet gun, a powder flask, and tools for cleaning pistols.

The design of boxlock flintlock pistols turned out to be so successful that boxlock capsule pistols were later produced. Today, boxlock pistol flintlock pistols are quite common at gun auctions. The price of this weapon, depending on the condition and configuration, can range from a thousand to several thousand dollars.

pro test 25-12-2010 08:14

Good afternoon Comrades! Maybe someone has a diagram-drawing of a flintlock pistol! I want to make a layout, I've looked all over the Internet and I can't find it)
if anyone has it please send it to [email protected]

medvedk 25-12-2010 23:56

In the forests of Vladimir to crossbowmen, for reinforcement ?? Oil painting - conspirators armed with crossbows and flintlock pistols storm the Kremlin.

pro test 29-12-2010 19:47

medvedk where are the drawings? after all, I don’t have time, while I’m looking for drawings and making a kurmultuk, the assault is already over. Comrades, well, doesn’t anyone have drawings or in a Solid works file? It’s very necessary)

medvedk 29-12-2010 20:15

medvedk where are the drawings? after all, I don’t have time, while I’m looking for drawings and making a kurmultuk, the assault is already over. Comrades, well, doesn’t anyone have drawings or in a Solid works file? It’s very necessary)

Now, when you can freely buy replicas (at least from us, and if you have money and desire in Russia), no one will bother developing drawings for the subsequent manufacture of weapons for black powder, it's just pointless.

And if anyone is interested, then with the current possibilities (explosion diagrams, a bunch of images on the Internet, works, solids, etc.), are modern young technologists or designers really so stupid and illiterate that they cannot do it themselves, without yelling on the internet for help? In our (soviet) time, it was just a matter of happiness to have proportional pictures of the appearance of revolvers. Everything else was made up by themselves.

pro test 29-12-2010 22:51

I want to hang a collectible on the wall) it’s hard to determine the size of the stock, barrel, flintlock system from the picture (I’m sorry if I don’t express myself correctly), but just making something similar is easy ... but a copy so that you can click on it and press it another .

medvedk 29-12-2010 23:56

quote: Originally posted by pro-test:
I want to hang a collectible on the wall) it’s hard to determine the size of the stock, barrel, flintlock system from the picture (I’m sorry if I don’t express myself correctly), but just making something similar is easy ... but a copy so that you can click on it and press it another .

And take any picture, look at the length of the barrel or the total length of this model, calculate the scale, etc. - is it not destiny ?? Learn to design and draw, it will come in handy in life

kot_martovskiy 29-01-2011 12:31

In any shop where they sell Chinese Chinese, just hang a bunch of collectibles on the wall for every taste and budget.

Dim22 16-08-2011 17:25

Tse already capsule !!!

kot_martovskiy 18-08-2011 02:13

but piss right there! I thought of the shelf, rethought the trigger, here are those, my friend, and flint!

Woodpecker-600 19-08-2011 23:56

I can also give out schemes for the triggers themselves - if necessary

Dim22 20-08-2011 15:18

If it’s just a layout, then it doesn’t really affect, but if the shooter ...

k.sever 21-08-2011 19:50

I would also like to see the device of a pistol with a middle lock. Maybe someone has pictures of the insides? Now I’m interested in making models of weapons from paper. I made a couple of mock-ups of grenades for testing. Now I want a mock-up of a flintlock pistol. And not just from a bulldozer, but a copy.

“Make a gun out of ndash paper; this is great creativity. It would be more correct to make a model of a pistol out of paper, but it is better not out of ndash paper; and cardboard. Then this caton layout can be painted in the colors of a real pistol.

Pistol ndash; it's manual firearms, and usually short.

The first pistol was invented in France in the fifteenth century. Externally ndash; it was a wooden deck, and a wick was attached to it.

Soon they invented "then popular flintlock pistols. At that time, duels were fashionable among men. Both Pushkin and Lermontov were shot at duels with such samples of pistols.

This kind of pistol ndash; flint and is still kept in the museum of St. Petersburg.

In order to make the correct layout of a weapon, that is, a paper pistol, you need to choose for yourself a type of this type of defense (attack).

Pistols are divided into varieties:

revolver, pocket pistol,

Pistol type laquo; Reiterraquo; - a heavy type of weapon, and was in service with the cavalry.

ndash revolver; short-barreled type of pistol, used only for close combat. Has a drum charge" for bullets.

ndash pocket pistol; a small weapon that fits even in the palm of a lady. Korovin's small pistol is now being used by the police.

Hoodah ndash; large-caliber pistol, has a long barrel. Designed for hunting wild animals. On appearance looks like a sniper rifle.

Cutoff ndash; a pistol of this kind is properly called ndash; Musin rifle. Outwardly, this gun looks like a shortened barrel of a gun or rifle.

When you decide on the type of ndash pistol you want; start drawing the layout. To make a gun out of ndash paper; first you need to draw it. Make a good drawing.

In order to schematically depict all the components of your ndash pistol model; check them out on a dedicated website.

You need this knowledge to correctly build a drawing template. When you become familiar with all this technology, you will be able to draw the correct drawing of a gun made of paper.

But do not forget about the measure of responsibility for a gun made of paper. If you scare anyone with it, use ndash in the case; then you will not escape punishment.

All types of weapons must be registered with the police, they are "strictly registered." Illegal possession of any type of weapon is punishable by law. And the law of any state prohibits illegal possession, and even more so the manufacture of any type of weapon.

Therefore, even a pistol made of paper and keeping it ndash; this is a violation of the law. Remember this and know this. It is better not to break the laws of the state, but to observe them.

* Images are clickable.

It was created during the transition of the Russian army to the seven-line caliber (17.7 mm). The Russian flintlock pistol of the 1798 model served as the prototype. According to historical documents, on June 16, 1810, carbines and pistols for cuirassier, dragoon and hussar regiments were ordered to be manufactured according to the newly approved model, both of them equal to each other and infantry rifles in caliber equal to seven fractions of an English inch. Most likely, despite the fact that the model of the pistol was approved by the sovereign in 1809, it was only possible to establish its mass production by the middle of 1810, although the pistol had been produced earlier, during testing, and preparation for the production of weapons. The pistol is sometimes referred to as Russian pistol flintlock cavalry model 1809, since he was in service with the Russian cavalry.

Due to the low rate of fire, pistols were completed in pairs and were stored by each rider on the sides in front of the saddle in olstras (special bags). These bags were covered with "pigs" (special cloth capes). Charges for pistols were carried in a carcass. The classic pistol of the 1809 model of the year did not have a ramrod entrance in the stock and the ramrod fit into the casket.

Sometimes, for convenience, the ramrod entrance was drilled by the warriors on their own. For firing from a pistol, round rifle bullets cast from lead were used, laid on a powder charge weighing 1.5 spools (6.3 grams).

Pistol soldier (classic) sample 1809 consists of a stock, a barrel, a flintlock and a brass instrument. The total length of the weapon is 435 mm, weight 3 feet 71 spools (approximately 1500 grams). The stock of the pistol is massive, made of wood (birch, walnut) with a long, up to the muzzle end of the forearm without a ramrod entry.
The pistol grip has a brass butt plate with two "mustache" on the sides. The length of the pistol grip along the axis from the butt plate to the breech bolt shank is approximately 160 mm. The average thickness of the handle is 30 mm, the maximum width of the handle is in the lower part, where it is 50 mm. The powerful butt plate makes it possible to use the pistol after a shot as a melee weapon of shock-crushing action.

10 inch conical barrel 5.5 lines (263 mm). Barrel bore caliber 7 lines (17.7 mm). Model 1809 pistol had a round section of the barrel at the muzzle, in the central part and faceted in the breech (approximately 50 mm long). In the breech, the barrel has a thickness of 31 mm, the outer diameter at the muzzle is 22.5 mm. In the breech of the barrel, an internal 22 mm thread 20 mm long is cut with a thread pitch of approximately 4.5 turns per 10 mm.

The breech bolt is screwed into the barrel on a hemp. The breech bolt shank is 53 mm long, the front threaded part of the breech bolt is beveled in the area of ​​the seed hole. A seed hole with a diameter of 2 mm.

The barrel is attached to the stock from the side of the muzzle with a muzzle ring, which also protects the end of the forearm from chipping. In the breech, the barrel is fastened with a screw connecting the shank of the breech bolt with the trigger larva. The trigger guard is brass, fixed in front with a transverse pin that enters the hole of the longitudinal protrusion of the trigger guard embedded in the stock.

The back of the trigger guard is fixed in the stock with a screw screwed into a brass larva with the cypher of Emperor Alexander 1 under the imperial crown. The trigger is 22 mm long and 8 mm wide, mounted on an axis (transverse pin).

Russian flintlock pistol model 1809 had a flintlock measuring 27 × 86x142 mm. The lock is fixed in the box with two screws 51 mm and 47 mm long.

The “G”-shaped lock cylinder holds the screw heads and allows you to tightly press the lock to the stock, and the powder shelf to the barrel in the area of ​​the seed hole.

On the front side of the lock plate there is the stamp of the Tula Arms Plant and the year of issue "Tula 1813",

on weapons produced at the Sestroretsk Arms Plant there is an inscription "Sestroretsk". The powder shelf is brass, to protect against the effects of combustion products of gunpowder and high temperature. The cover of the powder shelf with a curved flint, which has dimensions of 23 × 40 mm, the surface of the flint is smooth. The lock trigger has a safety and combat platoon. The maximum distance of the trigger movement before arming is 35 mm, on the safety platoon 15 mm. The force for cocking the trigger is quite significant, about 8 kg. The trigger force is about 4 kg, the trigger is spring-loaded and after the trigger is released from the cocking it does not “fall through”.

As sighting device the pistol is equipped with a rounded brass front sight measuring 2 × 4x23 mm.

In addition to the name of the manufacturer and the year of issue, there are other markings on the parts of the weapon, as well as technological marks.

The Russian flintlock pistol of the 1809 model, thanks to good ergonomics, high-quality work of the lock, is easy to handle and use, a significant mass allows to reduce the recoil effect and lead aimed shooting for distances up to 20 meters. The disadvantages of the weapon are the unreliable fastening of the tip of the stock, which is separately worn from the ramrod pistol (which was often lost), the significant dimensions and mass of the weapon, which do not allow the use of a pistol for concealed carry.

It is difficult to say exactly how many pistols of the 1809 model were produced. From the documents it is known that only private enterprises in Tula in the period from 1812 to 1815 produced 5152 pistols. Judging by the fact that pistols of the 1809 model were used for a long time and as alterations for a capsule lock, total released pistols, according to rough estimates, probably amounted to 10-15 thousand copies. Currently, among collectors and in museums, pistols of 1813 are mainly found (including reworked pistols for a primer lock). Most likely this year, after Patriotic War 1812, was the largest order for the manufacture of weapons. Pistols of the 1809 model of the year, issued before 1812, are extremely rare due to combat losses during the war.

There are four main varieties of the flintlock pistol of the 1809 model:

1. Flintlock pistol sample 1809 soldier (classic).

The pistol usually had a barrel length of 2 feet 1 inch ¾ line. This variety had several variants of execution slightly different from each other.

2. Soldier's cavalry pistol model 1809

The photo shows that the gun has a fixed ramrod installed, this prevents it from being lost.

3. Pistol "Sea" or "Gendarme" model 1809

This pistol had the difference that it had a special bracket designed for the convenience of placing weapons behind the belt.

4. Officer's flintlock pistol(presumably) sample 1809 In private collections, you can find pistols that were made before the 20s of the 19th century, outwardly resembling the 1839 model. According to one version, this is the officer's pistol model 1809, although it is possible that the pistols of the 1839 model were also made with using flintlocks from the 1809 model.

The first example for illustration is a pistol made at the Sestroretsk plant in 1819.

The second example is a pistol made in Tula in 1825.

Worth mentioning separately conversion pistols from weapons of the 1809 model(capsule pistol model 1844).

The photo shows a percussion conversion pistol made from a pistol of a soldier's cavalry model of 1809, made in Tula in 1813.

Materials used for the article by Yuri Maksimov "On different sides of the front" and Alexei Klishin "Russian pistols of the 19th century review of models"

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