Formation of traumatic weapons. How to get a license for a traumatic weapon - documents for a permit for trauma. Step-by-step instructions: how to get a license for a traumatic weapon

Not everyone can get a gun license, even if we are talking about trauma. How to get a license for traumatic weapon and register who can receive it, and who can be denied, we will tell in our article.

Traumatic weapon (traumatic) is one of the types of self-defense weapons. The Federal Law "On Weapons" divides weapons intended for civilians, depending on the purpose, including for self-defense:

  1. long-barreled firearms, including those using traumatic cartridges;
  2. barrelless firearms - used with cartridges of light and sound, gas, traumatic action;
  3. gas weapons - revolvers, pistols, as well as mechanical tear gas dispensers;
  4. spark gaps and stun guns.
Important! Before making a purchase, check in advance if a specific weapon is on the list of allowed for civilians. Information can be obtained on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

General conditions for carrying weapons

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to bear arms if he:

  • has reached the age of 21;
  • does not suffer from mental illness;
  • is psychologically stable in extreme situations;
  • completed a training course on the safe handling of firearms;
  • provided the necessary documents and received a license;
  • timely fulfills all requirements for the storage of weapons, excluding the possibility of gaining access to it by unauthorized persons;
  • complies with the rules for carrying and using weapons in self-defense.
Important! When using weapons for self-defense, a certain procedure must be followed - first you need to raise your hand with a weapon up and fire a warning shot. Such actions will allow the enemy to understand the seriousness of the intentions of the second party and leave the scene of the act, and will also be proof that it was self-defense.

The procedure for obtaining a license for traumatic weapons

Previously, it was believed that trauma could not cause serious injury to a person, however, individual cases in the practice of using this type of weapon completely refuted this opinion. In this connection, since 2014, the rules for obtaining a license for traumatic weapons have become somewhat tougher. The process of obtaining a license to carry weapons has several stages:
1st stage- obtaining a medical certificate in the form 046-1, for which it is necessary to undergo an examination by a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, narcologist and therapist.
2nd stage- education. If the decision of the medical examination is positive, the applicant must take a course on the rules for the safe carrying, storage and use of weapons. Training includes the development of weapons handling skills, knowledge legal regulations and practice shooting. After graduation, the applicant must pass the standards, after which he is issued a certificate of completion of the course.

Important! There are a lot of companies that provide weapons training services in every city, but not all of them are licensed to carry out such activities. With the question of where to get training, you can contact the police department in advance, as a rule, they recommend a specific company, whose certificate will definitely be accepted in the future.

3rd stage- submission of applications and documents. An application for a license is submitted to the police department at the place of residence of the applicant. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • a copy of an identity document;
  • 2 photos 3x4;
  • medical certificate 046-1;
  • medical conclusion on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances in the body;
  • certificate of training on the rules for the safe carrying and use of weapons, and their storage;
  • a document confirming the payment of the state fee;
  • report of the district police officer on the inspection of the conditions for storing weapons (is there a safe, what kind of protection and reliability does it have, etc.).

After all the documents have been handed over, the police officer is obliged to give the applicant a notice of their acceptance. The decision is made by the authorities within 10 days, one month after the submission of documents, all permits must be issued.

Important! When a license is obtained, the applicant has six months at his disposal in order to acquire a traumatic weapon.

Legal regulations that you need to know in order to obtain a license:

  1. Article 14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Methods of self-defence must be proportionate to the violation and not go beyond the limits of the actions necessary to stop it.
  2. Federal Law "On Weapons", Article 24. Here the possibilities of application are prescribed individuals weapons, and in what cases it is prohibited by law.
  3. Federal Law "On Weapons", article 22. The article describes the rules for storing both weapons and cartridges for them.

Registration of traumatic weapons

After acquiring a weapon, the purchase should be registered with the LRRR, where it will be experimentally shot. One month after the weapon is registered, the owner is issued a permit to carry and store it.

Important! When registering a weapon in the LRRR, it must be provided in a holster, otherwise the owner will face a fine for failure to comply with the wearing rules.

When registering a weapon, the following documents must be submitted:

  1. two photos 3x4;
  2. original application for a permit to carry and store weapons;
  3. a sales receipt from the store where the weapon was purchased;
  4. fired cartridge cases, properly packaged;
  5. official weapons insurance contract;
  6. a document confirming the fact of payment of the state fee.
Important! Violation of the rules for carrying and storing weapons entails not only administrative, but individual cases and criminal responsibility!

Who can be denied a license

Article 13 federal law"On weapons" license for traumatic weapons can not be granted to the following persons:

  • under the age of full majority (21 years);
  • not passed the medical commission;
  • having an outstanding conviction for crimes of an intentional nature;
  • having an expunged conviction for serious crimes committed with the use of weapons;
  • involved in drug trafficking;
  • committed violations of the rules of hunting;
  • committed 2 times in a year administrative offenses against the security of citizens and law and order and other groups of offenses;
  • do not have a fixed place of residence;
  • registered in psycho-neurological or narcological dispensaries;
  • when the acquisition of weapons is prohibited by a court decision;
  • not passed special training;
  • serving a sentence for a crime.

Also, the following medical indicators may be the reason for refusing to issue a weapons license:

  • alcohol dependence, substance abuse or drug addiction;
  • diagnosis of epilepsy of any stage;
  • the use of antidepressants;
  • mental illness;
  • physiological deficiencies in the form of the absence of fingers (thumb and forefinger on one of the hands;
  • corrected visual acuity below 0.5 in one eye and below 0.2 in the other, or 0.7 in one eye with no vision in the other.

New license renewal rules

The renewal of the license in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law "On Weapons" is carried out every 5 years, however, on December 06, 2012, the Supreme Court Russian Federation introduced a new provision in this process: persons who already own weapons, when renewing their license, do not need to re-train in the safety of handling them.




License for traumatic weapons - the price of obtaining a permit in Russia

Traumatic weapons are very effective tool self-defense, besides it is quite affordable. Therefore, many people think that it is necessary for a permit for a traumatic weapon and its price in Russia. For its acquisition and wearing, according to the law, it is required to obtain the necessary permits. Carrying, including the use of traumatic weapons, leads to a punishment specified by law.

That is why, in order to use it for self-defense without consequences, you need to go through and get a license. In addition, you need to have a new certificate for a traumatic weapon so that you can buy ammunition for it. So how to get permission for traumatic weapons in 2019?

Who will not be issued a permit for a traumatic weapon

1. These are persons who are under 18 years of age. It is planned that in the future the age will be raised to 21 years. In connection with the growth of crimes with the use of trauma, it was decided to strengthen the responsibility of citizens.

2. Citizens with an outstanding criminal record. A conviction is considered canceled:

1) a conditionally convicted person - completion of the probationary period;

2) a punishment that is not related to deprivation of liberty - after one year;

3) crimes of medium, including minor gravity - 3 years after serving the sentence;

4) grave crimes - after 6 years with the serving of the sentence;

5) especially grave crimes - after serving the sentence of 8 years.

3. Citizens brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order. A year later, it will be possible to think about where to buy and obtain a license for traumatic weapons in Moscow. 4. Citizens with significant health problems.

5. There are other circumstances that are not spelled out in the law, for example, being registered with the police, being caught in the manufacture of weapons, and the like.

If you have a good biography, then you can study the procedure for issuing and obtaining permission for a traumatic weapon.

Obtaining a license

How much does a permit for a traumatic weapon cost in St. Petersburg? In this case, quite a lot will depend on the place of training. Obtaining a trauma license begins with training courses, where it will be necessary to learn how to handle weapons, learn the laws and regulations for safe storage, and provide first aid in case of injuries from trauma. Upon completion of such courses, you will need to pass an exam on the acquired knowledge.

Documents for traumatic weapons

Traumatic weapons include:

1. certificate, which will indicate the absence of contraindications based on the results of the medical examination. There must be signatures and conclusions of the local therapist, ophthalmologist, narcologist and psychiatrist. The medical examination must be passed before the start of the training courses;

2. copy of the passport;

3. each weapon will require a 3x4 photo;

4. for obtaining a license, you will need to provide a receipt for payment of the relevant state fee.

In order to issue a permit for a weapon of a traumatic nature, it will be mandatory to purchase a safe to ensure its safe storage. Otherwise, the district police officer, who will need to check the availability of the possibility of appropriate storage of the "injury", will note in the report that you do not have this possibility. As a result, you will be denied permission. The safe can reliably protect your loved ones from trouble.

Do I need a permit for a traumatic weapon? If you do not have a permit for a traumatic weapon, then its owner faces administrative liability under Art. 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In certain cases, under Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, criminal liability is also possible.

What to do after obtaining a license?

1. After obtaining a license for a specific traumatic weapon, you will need to buy traumatic weapons in a specialized store within 6 months. The question of what is needed for is also important. Therefore, you will also need to get a holster. It is allowed to carry a traumatic weapon only in a holster.

2. On time 14 calendar days after buying traumatics, you will need to put it in the LRO. You need to go there with a weapon in a holster, otherwise they can impose a fine.

3. After one month after the traumatic weapon was registered, instead of a license, a permit is issued for the storage and carrying of weapons, which will be valid for exactly 5 years.

4. 3 months before the immediate expiration of the permit, it becomes necessary to renew the permit. In this case, the procedure will be identical to receiving.

6. If within 6 months you have not bought a traumatic weapon for any reason, then the license is cancelled.

7. The sale and purchase of cartridges and the most traumatic weapons should be carried out only on the basis of permission, rules and legal regulations in force at that time.

Features of wearing traumatic weapons

1. A holster with a traumatic weapon must be charmingly sheathed. There should be no cartridge in the chamber, the weapon itself should be on the safety lock. The owner of the injury must have the appropriate permission, as well as a document that can confirm his identity.

2. It must be remembered that a traumatic weapon is a special weapon of self-defense. Sometimes excessive vehemence and one wrong step can lead to grave consequences, sending an ordinary law-abiding citizen to the dock. That is why it is worth thinking carefully about responsibility before pressing kuro.

Russian law allows you to carry weapons for protection. As a means of self-defense, various powder sprayers, stun guns can be used. Also, for self-defense, you can use a traumatic weapon, but it is important to follow the rules for wearing it so that there are no problems with the law.

What is a traumatic weapon

In the Law "On Weapons" there is no such thing as a traumatic weapon. However, at the legislative level, the main features of such weapons are defined:

  • muzzle energy at the time of the shot should not be higher than 91 J;
  • only traumatic cartridges can be used;
  • the weapon is intended only for use in self-defense;
  • traumatic weapons cannot contain more than 10 rounds.

In Russia, as a traumatic weapon, it is more often used firearms, characterized by limited damage. It is also called OOP. Such a weapon can only be domestic production. Less commonly used smoothbore weapons with traumatic cartridges can also be considered traumatic. For the lawful use and carrying of traumatic weapons, you must obtain a license.

Rules for carrying and storing traumatic weapons

Before the purchase traumatic pistol appropriate permission must be obtained. This can be done in the licensing and permit department, which is located in the police department at the place of residence of a citizen who wants to obtain a license.

After obtaining permission, it is important to study the following rules for carrying traumatic weapons:

  • It is prohibited to carry such weapons in in public places(cafes, healthcare facilities, educational establishments). This rule does not apply only to guards located at the listed facilities.
  • When buying a traumatic pistol, you should not buy such additional "accessories" as a night vision device or a silencer. Their installation on traumatic weapons is prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to carry a traumatic pistol to persons who are in a state of alcohol intoxication(Even the presence of such a pistol in a drunk person entails administrative responsibility).
  • According to the rules for carrying and storing "traumatics", you can only have two weapons on hand.
  • The use of traumatic weapons is possible only in cases where self-defense is necessary. In this case, before using the pistol, it is necessary to make a warning shot in the air. If this measure does not work, then you can use the weapon to neutralize the attacker on you.

The owner of a traumatic pistol must store it in a safe designed for this purpose. The owner must ensure that persons (including children) do not have access to a traumatic gun.

Illegal possession of traumatic weapons

If you decide to purchase a traumatic weapon, but do not have the desire to obtain a license for it, then you will have to bear administrative responsibility for this. So, violation of the rules for carrying and storing traumatic weapons is punishable a fine of 2 thousand rubles. Illegal (without permission) purchase, as well as carrying or possession of such weapons is punishable by a fine, the amount of which is - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. At the same time, a citizen who violates the rules for carrying and storing is threatened with gratuitous seizure of both weapons and the cartridges he has. In some cases, an administrative arrest may be applied to the violator.

Criminal liability for the purchase, carrying and storage of traumatic weapons is not provided, which is stipulated in Article 222 of the Criminal Code of Russia.

Protecting yourself, loved ones and your property is the main reason for acquiring weapons. Free circulation, that is, the sale, movement, carrying of firearms in Russia is prohibited. However, there are some indulgences for the types of weapons used for hunting and self-defense.
Traumatic weapons are intended for self-defense. How to apply for a permit to obtain a traumatic weapon, what documents you need to prepare, I will tell you in detail later.

○ Features of obtaining a license for traumatic weapons.

The specificity of traumatic weapons is the lack of coverage in the main law "On weapons" No. 150-FZ of this type. The word "traumatic" does not occur throughout the text. This does not mean at all that trauma is not a weapon, just a slightly different wording is used to define it - civilian firearms of limited destruction (OOOP).

Therefore, the established registration rules for the POOP apply to trauma.

The basic rules for obtaining and categories of citizens for whom a permit is issued are specified in the law.

Government Decree No. 814 of July 21, 1998 defines specific measures to safe storage and the use of weapons, compliance with these standards is monitored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of April 27, 2012 No. 372, a procedure for testing knowledge in the field of the safe use of striking weapons of any kind was established; inspectors are not entitled to present more than the prescribed list of requirements for an applicant for trauma.

○ Required documents and the amount of state duty.

Registration of a license involves the submission of the following documents:

  1. Application (a sample can be found on the website of the relevant department of the Department of Internal Affairs).
  2. A document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation (all-Russian passport).
  3. Certificates of training in the safe use of weapons and knowledge testing.
  4. A medical opinion on the absence of obstacles to the ownership of an LLC, confirmed by a certificate of form 002 - O / y.
  5. Medical certificate form 003 - Certificate of absence of narcotic and psychotropic substances.

The last two documents are not submitted when renewing a license and for persons who have served in the army. A medical report can be obtained from institutions specializing in conducting special weapons commissions. It is necessary to pass an ophthalmologist, narcologist and psychiatrist. The cost and terms of passing the commission depend on the chosen institution.

Additionally, you must pay the state fee. The amount of the fee is set by clause 136 of part 1 of article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The fee is:

  • Upon receipt of a license to purchase - 2000 rubles.
  • For registration of permission to carry and store - 500 rubles.
  • When extending the right - 250 rubles.

○ The procedure for obtaining a license.

Permission to obtain a traumatic weapon consists of two acts:

  • Purchase license.
  • Permission to carry and store.

It is necessary to receive two documents not simultaneously, but sequentially.

If you are going to arm yourself with a traumatic, to obtain a license, begin to act in the following order:

  1. Collect a package of necessary documents.
  2. Get specific training in firearms safety training courses. At the end of the course, knowledge is tested in the form of testing and a certificate of successful completion is issued. The list of organizations involved in the preparation can be clarified in the licensing and permit department territorial subdivision ATS.
  3. Apply with an application and a package of documents to the authorized body

Important: if you plan to purchase more than one weapon, you must write an application for each "barrel". But remember, more than two LLCs in one owner are not allowed to have.

Submission of documents and waiting for a response.

The application is written in the prescribed form, submitted with a package of documents for consideration to the licensing and permitting work of the internal affairs bodies at the place of residence.

The service on the website of the National Guard helps to determine the location of the desired unit.

Article 9 of the Law "On Weapons" establishes a specific period: an application for a license is considered by the indicated authorities within a month from the date of its submission.

However, the time for consideration of the application is the period when you need to ensure that a factory-made metal cabinet is available at home for further storage of weapons. The presence of such a cabinet is checked by the local district police officer, his report will affect the receipt of a positive decision.

Do not postpone this event until the last moment, the authorized body will refuse to issue a license without confirmation of the creation of conditions for storage.

Only after obtaining a license, you can purchase weapons by contacting a specialized organization or by buying from another citizen. If a pistol is purchased from a private trader, it is necessary to come to the authorized body together to change the registration data.

Important: the license is valid for six months. If nothing is purchased during this period, the procedure for processing the document will have to go through again.

○ Permission to carry and store non-lethal weapons.

After purchasing a weapon, it is registered in the same unit where the license was obtained. Instead of a license, a permit for storage and carrying is issued with a five-year validity period. It is necessary to submit a corresponding application, attaching 3x4 photos in the amount of 2 pieces, copies of the license and technical documentation for the acquired injury.

Only from the moment of obtaining permission is the use of traumatic equipment allowed.

○ Reasons for rejection.

Article 9 of the Law establishes the reasons for refusal to issue permits:

  • The applicant's failure to provide the required information or the submission of incorrect information.
  • The impossibility of ensuring the accounting and safety of weapons or the failure to ensure these conditions.
  • Other grounds provided by law.

Other grounds for refusal include the following:

  1. The applicant is under the legal age (21 or 18 for those serving in the army) or is not a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Having a criminal record for a number of crimes.
  3. Repeated administrative punishment within a year for violation of public order, hunting rules or violations of the circulation of narcotic drugs, and for the use of substances prohibited by law, a single attraction is sufficient.
  4. There is no mark of registration at the place of residence in the passport.
  5. There is a court decision prohibiting the acquisition of weapons.
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