5 weeks pregnant ultrasound shows what is happening. Pregnancy in the fifth week. weeks of pregnancy: what happens during this period

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 26 minutes


Most often, a woman finds out about her pregnancy at just 5 weeks. The 5th obstetric week is the 3rd week from conception, the 5th week from the start of the last menstruation. Let's talk about the main signs and sensations at week 5.

Signs of pregnancy in the 5th week

This period is usually accompanied by all the first signs of beginning pregnancy. It is during this period that the expectant mother understands that menstruation has not arrived. In addition to the absence of menstruation, a woman may experience a number of changes in well-being associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Signs include:

Nausea in the morning;
Increased sensitivity to odors;
Drowsiness and fatigue.

Outwardly, no changes are noticeable yet, however, looking closely at her body, a woman can notice the beginning darkening of the nipple halo, enlarged mammary glands. In addition, it may the stripe on the stomach begins to darken, descending down from the navel.

The remaining signs of pregnancy at week 5 are more related to the woman’s well-being.

Mother's feelings at 5 weeks

This week brings a woman a whole range of new sensations, but not all of them may be pleasant.

Emotions and behavior

The first changes are observed in the emotional sphere. In addition to excitement about the upcoming pregnancy and concern for the unborn child, one can also note increased anxiety and emotionality that will accompany the woman throughout the entire period of waiting for the baby. Changes in behavior are associated with changes in hormonal levels and with the beginning of the restructuring of the body.


At week 5, the woman begins to experience mild discomfort. The normal rhythm of life makes you feel tired faster. In the morning, it is not uncommon to feel unwell – headache, nausea and even possibly vomiting. In general, in the first trimester, nausea can be provoked by anything: the taste of previously favorite dishes and foods, sharp or strong odors, and sometimes even the sight of certain dishes or the thought of them. In order to cope with nausea, a woman can temporarily refuse to cook food on her own. Let someone close to you take on this responsibility: husband, mother or grandmother. This will help you get through the first trimester easier.

Intimate life

At 5 weeks, if all is well, there are no contraindications to having sex. However, any uncharacteristic discharge, pain or pulling sensation in the lower abdomen should be a signal to refuse sex and immediately consult a doctor. It is the early dates that are dangerous time for spontaneous interruption.

  • A woman's breasts begin to become more sensitive;
  • Now you need to more carefully choose a position for sleep and sex;
  • Touching the breasts, and especially the nipples, is sometimes painful and unpleasant.

In order to avoid awkward situations, tell your man about these changes in your body.

The whims of a pregnant woman

At week 5, a woman encounters the first manifestations of the so-called “whims of a pregnant woman.” This selective appetite, aversion to certain foods, emergence of unusual food preferences.

As a rule, many expectant mothers " craving something salty" Many women also note an irresistible desire to eat chocolate. An addiction to sweets is associated with increased fatigue, and a chocolate bar supplies the body with “fast” carbohydrates, which help restore the balance of strength to a woman in an interesting position.

Condition of mucous membranes

One of the most important changes in the early stages is increased secretion of the mucous membranes of the body. Almost everyone talks about increased salivation, many note nasal congestion without viral infections.

Runny nose in pregnant women can begin as early as 5 weeks and continue throughout the pregnancy. This inconvenience will have to be endured, because vasoconstrictor drugs are highly not recommended for the expectant mother, especially in the early stages.

Here's what women are saying on forums:


Looks like she's pregnant again! My period hasn’t arrived, I’m bursting into laughter and tears. All that was left was to do a test, so I sent my husband to the pharmacy. He ran away happy and proud. I hope I can make him happy


Hurray, two stripes! We've been waiting for this for so long! Yesterday my mother-in-law noticed that I began to lean on lightly salted cucumbers, and winked at me, saying that I’m expecting a grandson soon. I didn't even pay attention myself. But I decided to do the test anyway. How happy my husband and I were about these long-awaited two stripes! Tomorrow I’ll run to the residential complex to register, let the doctors observe, so that everything is in order.


I'm joining the pregnancy club! For several days she went not herself - sometimes her head hurts, sometimes she is spinning, she wants to sleep all the time. At first I thought it was because of the heat. Then I decided to do a test anyway. I bought 2 at once for reliability: on one the second strip is pale, and on the other I made it in the morning - a bright strip, as it should be! I immediately bought folic acid for myself, next week I’ll choose a time, I’ll go to the doctor.


As I dreamed of better weather, so it turns out! Now I'm 5 weeks old, my head is spinning a little, I feel nauseous in the morning, but not much. I will now combine the baby and pregnancy.


Yesterday in the store in front of the fruit display I was drooling all over. I bought myself a kilogram of cherries and ate them at home alone! Then I came to my senses and went to the pharmacy to get a test. So take it into your fold, apparently I'm about 5 weeks into my pregnancy.

What happens in the mother's body at 5 weeks?

This is the very time when the expectant mother learns about her new status. If the news brings positive emotions to a woman, then this has the best effect on the development of the baby.

HCG level

The first hormonal changes occur in the woman's body: the corpus luteum of the ovary continues to produce estrogenic compounds and progesterone, which support pregnancy and which contribute to the cessation of ovulation. The fruit membrane secretes human chorionic gonadotropin- This is a specific hormone that is produced in a woman's body only during the period of bearing a child, and it is on its definition that home rapid pregnancy tests are based, as well as laboratory tests to determine pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy

If there is the slightest danger or, the gynecologist should prescribe a blood test for hCG. Such an analysis allows us to confidently conclude whether the fetus develops in the uterus or whether it is fixed in the fallopian tube. During the normal course of pregnancy, the content of hCG in the blood of a woman doubles daily., with ectopic - the level of its content is reduced.

Reduced hCG levels- a reason for the appointment of a more serious examination, but not a reason for panic. A woman needs to remember how important her positive emotional attitude is for her unborn child.

Fetal development at 5 weeks

This week is a new stage in development for the embryo. It is from the 5th week that doctors begin to call it an embryo. In the structure of the embryo there are significant changes: according to form it now looks more like a cylinder 1.5-2.5 mm long.

Your future baby is beginning to develop internal organs:

  • the airways are formed,
  • the formation of the nervous system in its infancy - the neural tube begins.

At this time, the woman you need to take folic acid for the proper formation of the nervous system.

  • The most interesting thing that happens to the embryo at this stage is gonoblast anlage. These are the cells from which eggs and sperm will subsequently be formed.

Ultrasound, photo of the embryo and photo of the woman’s abdomen

Ultrasound – 5 weeks

Ultrasound at 5 weeks

Photo of the belly at 5 weeks

This is what an embryo looks like at 5 weeks

Video: What happens in the 5th week of expecting a baby?

Video: Ultrasound, 5 weeks from conception

The fifth obstetric week of pregnancy is special. It is during this period that most women learn that they will soon become mothers. That is why this week will be remembered for many years. About what is happening now with the baby and the expectant mother, we will tell in this material.

How many months is this?

5 obstetric week of pregnancy is the first 6 days of delay in the next menstruation. 3 weeks from conception. Many women get confused because of the difference in numbers. It's actually simple. In medicine, it is customary to calculate the gestational age in obstetric weeks, they are counted from the first day of the last menstruation to pregnancy.

Thus, obstetric pregnancy began about two weeks before conception took place.

Approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle at the time of ovulation or a day after it, the meeting of the egg and sperm took place. This day is the beginning of the embryonic period. Since the time of ovulation can vary, it is more convenient to calculate the gestational age from the first day of the last menstrual period. If there is a 4-5 obstetric week, this means that the right time has come to reliably make sure that there is a pregnancy.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2019 2018

How does an embryo develop?

Until recently, the baby was just a few cells that were constantly dividing, and by now they have turned into a spherical blastocyst, which, on the 8th day after conception, descended into the uterine cavity and fixed there. Now, almost two weeks after implantation, the baby looks like a cylinder about 1.5-2 mm long. It is in the fifth obstetric week that it is officially called an embryo, since the embryonic period of development begins.

Before this, the baby went through the germinal stage of development, then was in the implantation stage for 40 hours. All this time, the embryo could not be called an embryo, since in essence it was not yet one. The stage that starts for him this week is the most responsible and important for the entire pregnancy.

Up to the 9th week, when the embryonic period ends and the fetal period begins, internal organs and systems will be actively formed, and the first impulses of the nervous system will be adjusted. Any harmful effect of teratogenic properties can cause mutations, gross anomalies and malformations, and fetal death.

This week the baby's airway begins to develop. The trachea will begin to develop first, the lungs and bronchi will begin to form only after a couple of weeks. At 5 weeks after conception, the formation of the neural tube continues. How correctly this process will proceed depends on how the brain and spinal cord of the baby will form, how its central nervous system will work. This week the neural tube closes and closes.

At 5 obstetric weeks, that is, in the very next few days, the baby will have a sexual identification - gonoblasts will begin to form in the yolk sac - the primary germ cells, which a little later will become either spermatozoa if a boy is conceived, or eggs, if "settled" in the womb " girl. At the cellular level, these days the laying of the digestive organs, the genitourinary system takes place.

There is nothing humanoid in the image of the embryo yet. It looks like a tadpole with an oval head rudiment, a protrusion where the handles will soon appear. However, already at such an early stage the embryo develops a tiny heart. While it has only two atria, it will divide into 4 chambers a little later. At the end of this embryonic week, the heart will begin to beat and soon it can be seen as a small flicker, and a little later it can be heard on a sensitive ultrasound machine.

To better imagine the size of the crumbs, you need to remember what a small grain of rice looks like. By the end of the 5th obstetric week, the growth of the embryo will approach 4 mm. This baby already demands respect for himself, and it is at the fifth week that he begins to “achieve” a certain freedom and independence, self-expression.

It is separated from the embryonic structures (chorion, amnion and yolk sac). Now the young placenta will begin to form, to which the embryonic structures by the end of the first trimester will fully transfer their responsibilities for the production of hormones, protection, and nutrition of the fetus.

The development of a tiny embryo proceeds at a very fast pace: both externally and internally, the baby changes every day. Never again in a person's life, development and growth are so rapid and intense as in the embryonic period of his development.


It is not always possible to see the embryo on an ultrasound during the fifth week. The baby is still too small, not every scanner is able to detect it. But at the end of the week, at exactly 5 obstetric weeks, the chances that the baby will be visualized significantly increase.

You should not assume that an ultrasound scan will allow you to examine the baby itself. At this stage, pregnancy, at best, is defined as an echo-negative liquid formation, which represents a fertilized egg. Its average internal diameter is now about 4-5 mm. If ovulation was late, the gestational sac will have a lower SVD and may not be visible at all on this week's ultrasound.

In addition to the size, the doctor must pay attention to the contours and outlines of the fertilized egg. Normally, they should be smooth and clear. If the embryo is not yet visible, it is too early to sound the alarm.

The woman is scheduled for a repeat ultrasound in about a week.

Pregnancy is indicated by thickening of the endometrium and changes in the ovarian area. The normal size of the corpus luteum is from 19 to 29 mm, the size of the yolk sac at this stage is less than 5 mm. The yolk sac may also not be detected in the fifth week due to its small size, but after 7 days it is definitely visualized if the pregnancy is progressing normally.

An ultrasound examination this week is considered premature, since the risk of obtaining a false negative result is very high: the pregnancy will not be seen, although it is there. To save their nerves, women who definitely want to receive documentary confirmation of the fact of their pregnancy should wait about another week; at 5-6 obstetric weeks, diagnosis using ultrasound no longer causes difficulties.

If a woman has no history of miscarriages and the pregnancy occurred naturally and not through IVF, there is no need for an ultrasound. And although the harm from ultrasound exposure to the fetus has not been proven, no one has yet been able to prove its harmlessness.

How does the expectant mother feel?

Some women don't feel anything unusual right now. But the majority note that their well-being has changed - fatigue has appeared, they want to sleep and eat. There are also women who at such an early stage begin to feel toxicosis - they feel sick in the morning, sick from the previously pleasant smell of their husband’s cologne. Feelings on a physical level may resemble premenstrual syndrome - slightly pulling in the lower back, stomach, as before menstruation.

Since the processes inside the female body are very intense and require a lot of energy, most pregnant women at 5 weeks note that they want to sleep more and move less. The “fads” can start now. As a rule, they concern changes taste preferences– I want pickles, chocolate, herring with jam, tomatoes with sugar, etc.

Medicine cannot thoroughly explain why such strange addictions arise, but there is a version that all these are signals from the body about the lack of certain substances necessary to ensure the growth of the embryo and changes in the body of the woman herself.

Changes in a woman's body

An objective change at this time is a delay that has already lasted several days. Externally, pregnancy does not yet manifest itself in any way. But inside a woman there are numerous and very complex processes that must prepare her body for long-term gestation and childbirth. For some women, nipple halos begin to darken already at this stage.

The breasts themselves increase slightly in size, there is a feeling of “fullness”, fullness of the mammary glands, touching the nipples can cause pain, and their sensitivity increases. The release of colostrum at the 5th obstetric week is more typical for multiparous women. Those who become pregnant with their first child may not experience such symptoms.

All other changes in the female body occur due to changes in hormonal levels. From the first minutes after conception, the hormone progesterone begins to be produced in large quantities, which is necessary so that the muscles of the uterus do not tense, are relaxed, and also so that the maternal immune system does not destroy the embryo: the hormone reduces the ability of the immune system, female protection weakens, but the baby's chances of survival increase.

The production of progesterone is promoted by the hormone hCG. It is produced by chorionic membranes and enters the blood and urine of the expectant mother, increasing every two days. By week 5, according to obstetric calculations, the hCG level becomes sufficient to diagnose pregnancy using rapid tests. These two most important hormones for pregnancy are also supported by estrogens - female sex hormones.

Against the background of such a massive hormonal attack, the mood and psychological state of the expectant mother are usually the first to change. Already now a woman can notice that she has become more anxious, tearful, sensitive, and sentimental.

Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, digestion may be disrupted: heartburn will appear or diarrhea will begin. Some women emphasize that their sleep is disturbed, they have difficulty falling asleep, and feel overwhelmed.

Progesterone increases appetite. The uterus begins to round; before conception it was more pear-shaped. This week there is a slight increase in the volume of the female reproductive organ. This may cause slight nagging pain in the lower back. The amount of vaginal discharge may also increase.

Progesterone retains water in the tissues, which causes increased secretion. Many women experience increased salivation, for example, during sleep.

The same property of progesterone causes the appearance of physiological rhinitis in pregnant women - many people have a runny nose at 5 weeks without any other symptoms of a cold or ARVI. A hormonal “storm” in the female body often causes an increase in body temperature in the evenings. The woman feels a slight chill, the temperature rises to 37.0 degrees or slightly higher. Many people begin to worry whether they are getting sick. Such symptoms have nothing to do with the disease. Usually in the morning there is no fever.

But the basal temperature, which some women continue to change in the fifth obstetric week, confidently remains at low-grade levels - progesterone, while its level is sufficient to maintain pregnancy, does not allow it to drop.

Possible problems

The very beginning of pregnancy is not only the joy that “everything has finally worked out,” but also the likelihood of various problems that a woman should be aware of. Here are just a few of them.

Biochemical pregnancy

Medicine claims that about 70% of women have experienced a pregnancy at least once in their lives that they did not even suspect about, the so-called biochemical pregnancy. Any woman can theoretically encounter it in this fifth week, according to obstetric calculations. If on the first or second day of the delay, a particularly impatient expectant mother takes a test or a blood test, then they confirm the pregnancy. The test shows a distinct second line; the hCG level in the blood corresponding to the due date is determined.

But within a day or two of the same week your period may begin. This phenomenon is called biochemical pregnancy. Essentially, the following happens: the egg is fertilized, implantation has taken place, but for some reason, almost immediately after implantation, rejection, detachment of the embryo, and its death occur.

The hCG hormone manages to be produced in certain quantities, and it is this concentration that is displayed during a blood test. And after another week, the embryo comes out, and it looks like a normal period, only a little delayed and a little more abundant than usual.

There are many reasons why a baby may stop developing after implantation. Often the root of the problem lies in immune processes, sometimes in chromosomal abnormalities that arose during the fusion of the sperm with the egg. Often, biochemical pregnancy occurs in women with inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, as well as endocrine disorders. But the true reasons for this phenomenon have not been studied.

Biochemical pregnancy is not considered a miscarriage; it does not affect subsequent pregnancies and childbearing. Often the fact of such a pregnancy goes unnoticed, and the woman thinks that her period just came with a slight delay. There are usually no symptoms and signs characteristic of a normal pregnancy.

The only way to establish BCP (short name for biochemical pregnancy) is a blood test for hCG.


This term refers to a pregnancy pathology in which there is no embryo inside the fertilized egg. The egg itself usually grows, and the dynamics of its growth can be clearly monitored by ultrasound. At such a short period of time, anembryonia is often diagnosed incorrectly, and the reason lies in late ovulation. According to obstetric calculations, the woman is in her fifth week, but due to late ovulation and implantation, the fertilized egg is still small and the embryo is tiny.

True anembryonia can be a consequence of adverse effects on the fetus - radiation, medications, poisons, unhealthy genetics. Usually the cause cannot be determined. The fifth week is too short a period for such a diagnosis. If the ultrasound doctor now makes such an assumption, you should calm down, wait 7-10 days and visit the ultrasound diagnostic room again.

During this week, you can do a blood test for hCG 2 times. As pregnancy progresses, hormone levels will increase rapidly.

At 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo should be clearly visible on ultrasound, regardless of the timing of ovulation. If anembryonia is confirmed, the woman will be shown curettage of the uterine cavity or medical abortion.

Frozen pregnancy

Pregnancy in the embryonic period can stop developing and stop progressing at any time, and there are many reasons for this. These include inflammatory and infectious diseases in a woman, her bad habits, stress, worries, excessive physical exercise. However, not everything depends only on the pregnant woman herself. If the embryo has anomalies caused by chromosomal abnormalities, then in many cases its further development becomes simply impossible.

Sometimes the reason for freezing lies in the paternal spermatozoa - if the morphology of male germ cells is disrupted (teratozoospermia), conception, although difficult, is possible, but the risk of forming a fetus that is incorrect from the point of view of the genetic makeup is higher.

At 5 weeks, it is difficult to recognize such a non-developing pregnancy, but it is possible. If a woman suddenly loses the signs of toxicosis that were already present, if her chest suddenly stops hurting, her general condition has changed and nothing indicates a possible pregnancy, we can say with a great deal of truth that fetal death is possible. A blood test for hCG will be more informative. After intrauterine death of the embryo, the level of the hormone begins to decrease.

And two tests over a week will be enough for the doctor to suspect something is wrong and refer the woman for an ultrasound.

After about 2-3 weeks, the dead embryo, if a miscarriage did not occur earlier, may begin to gradually be rejected by the mother’s body. Brown spotting appears, causing pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. When the diagnosis is confirmed, a woman undergoes surgical curettage and is necessarily prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy with antibiotics or undergoes a medical abortion.

It is advisable to examine samples of embryonic tissue in a genetic laboratory to try to establish whether certain chromosomal abnormalities and gene mutations have caused the arrest in its development. This information is necessary for further planning of the next pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy

As the name suggests, such a pregnancy is associated with the consolidation of the fetus not in the uterus, but outside its cavity, for example, in the fallopian tube or in the cervix. The reasons for this phenomenon may also lie in a variety of pathologies of the female reproductive system, hormonal disorders, and infectious diseases. At 5 weeks, it is not always possible to establish an ectopic pregnancy.

Main sign intrauterine pregnancy– the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. As we have found out, it is not always possible to see it at week 5, and this does not necessarily indicate the presence of pathology.

The only way to suspect such an abnormal pregnancy at such a short period is a blood test for hCG. The level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body during ectopic implantation of the embryo is always significantly lower than normal; a test strip from a pharmacy may generally show a negative result or a weak, unmarked second line even several days after the delay.

A diagnosis cannot be made based on a blood test, and doctors will prefer to wait another week to make sure that there is no fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. There may be no symptoms at week 5, but it is possible that pain in the lower abdomen, right or left, may already appear, which depends on which part of the fertilized egg is firmly attached. At week 5, pain may appear in women whose embryo has “settled” in the narrowest part of the fallopian tube.

If the fetus is located and develops in the wide part of the tube, then symptoms will not begin before 8 weeks, and if the embryo is implanted closer to the ovary or in the abdominal part, then the first unpleasant signs usually appear by the end of the 6th week of pregnancy. In addition to pain, brown discharge streaked with blood may appear.

Unfortunately, doctors cannot do anything. An ectopic pregnancy is doomed to be terminated. The doctors’ task is to do this as early as possible, to prevent rupture of the fallopian tube or cervix. After such a pregnancy, if the tubes and ovaries were preserved, a new pregnancy is quite possible after a course of treatment.

If pregnancy is detected in the cervix, then the prognosis is less optimistic. Typically, such a pathology (which, by the way, occurs quite rarely) requires surgeons to completely remove the uterus.

Early toxicosis

Early toxicosis is not the same anymore a rare event. It all depends on how exactly it proceeds. Moderate nausea and even vomiting in the morning is a variant of the norm, but if the vomiting is exhausting, constant, repeated several times a day, and the woman cannot eat, then this condition is fraught with dehydration and the threat of miscarriage.

Severe early toxicosis requires medical attention. The woman is given vitamin preparations to compensate the growing embryo for the lack of useful substances and minerals in the maternal blood. Toxicosis usually subsides closer to 12-13 weeks.

The reasons why some women experience toxicosis, while others do not have any hint of nausea and dizziness, are not known for certain to medicine. Experts are inclined to believe that toxicosis is caused by the individual characteristics of a woman’s immune system, as well as by changed hormonal levels.


The main symptom that cannot go unnoticed by a woman in the fifth obstetric week is the absence of the next menstruation on the appointed day. This means that it is now possible and necessary to find out the reasons for the delay. At this time it can be used for diagnostics different ways, with the exception of ultrasound, which, as a rule, cannot yet answer with certainty the question of whether there is a pregnancy.

The hCG hormone, which began to be produced immediately after implantation, this week increases in the blood by at least 60 times compared to its norm for non-pregnant women. A blood test from the very first day of the delay will leave no doubt that the woman is now pregnant. The hCG norm for this week is from 300 to 5000 IU/liter.

The concentration of chorionic hormone in urine also exceeded the sensitivity thresholds of rapid tests, which can be purchased without problems at any pharmacy. If the sensitivity threshold of the test averages from 20 to 30 units per milliliter, then already on the first day of the delay the test will show a second strip.

Which method to use to diagnose pregnancy at this stage is up to the woman herself to decide. A blood test has its advantages - it allows you not only to establish pregnancy, but also to make sure that it is developing normally if the hormone level corresponds to the term.

If the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone is higher than normal, it can even be assumed that the woman has not one, but two embryos in the womb.

A decrease in the amount of hCG in the blood may indicate a threat of early miscarriage. A home rapid test, even the most expensive one, such as an electronic one, will not provide so much useful information. It will only show the fact of pregnancy without details. But it is easier to carry out and does not require special preparation. Any woman can easily cope with the task.

To be fair, we note that the accuracy of a home test is lower than the accuracy of a laboratory blood test. Test strips are more likely to be defective and give false positive and false negative results.

If it is the first week from the start of the delay (this is the 5th obstetric week), and the test is negative, then you should definitely donate blood for hCG and visit a doctor with this result.

Analyzes and examinations

On the pages of women's forums there are serious debates about when to contact antenatal clinic for registration. There can be only one answer - the sooner the better. Early registration will help identify possible pathologies earlier. early stage, for example, to detect an ectopic pregnancy at a stage when it is easy to perform laparoscopic surgery and preserve women’s reproductive health, and not when the growing fetus tears the fallopian tube to shreds and it will have to be completely removed to save the woman’s life.

No one, of course, forces a woman to go to the doctor immediately after taking a home test that showed two coveted stripes. But you shouldn’t wait until the pregnancy “passes” 8-10 weeks. If you wish, you can close this issue for yourself once and for all by visiting a gynecologist at the end of the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy.

It is advisable to have the results of a blood test for hCG with you so that the specialist has no doubt about the fact of pregnancy, because manual examination at this stage does not always show a significant increase in the size of the uterus.

If such a decision is made, the woman should know that she will have excellent time to prepare for the first prenatal screening, which takes place from 10-11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy inclusive. Preparation will consist of slowly passing all the tests required during registration, as well as visiting doctors of other specialties, which is recommended in the first trimester.

When you first contact a doctor, a pregnant and postpartum card is filled out, a small copy of it is issued - an exchange card, which is given to the woman. Now this is her main document, which she always needs to carry with her, especially to her next consultation appointment. The results of all tests and ultrasound will be entered into the exchange card. It is with this card that the woman will be admitted to the maternity hospital when her due date arrives.

The tests that will be prescribed at the first stage are numerous. These include general blood and urine tests, a vaginal smear for microflora, and detailed biochemical blood tests. You will definitely have to donate blood for HIV and syphilis, hepatitis, and for TORCH infections (rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, toxoplasmosis). A woman must confirm her blood type and Rh factor.

If she is Rh negative, her partner will also have to come to the consultation to also donate blood for the group and Rh.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, blood tests for hormone levels can be prescribed based on individual indicators, as well as an ultrasound of the pelvic organs if there is a threat of miscarriage.

Despite the fact that you just found out about pregnancy, your lifestyle should definitely be adjusted to take into account the upcoming rapid changes. There won’t be a child, he already exists, and right now the baby especially needs maternal protection and optimal conditions for his development. Simple recommendations will help the embryo develop correctly.


Already now, the embryo and the maternal body are beginning to experience a need for certain substances. This week, given that the fetal nervous system is actively developing, you should definitely start taking folic acid. It is optimal to take it before conception, but if this did not happen or pregnancy was not initially part of the couple’s immediate plans, then now is the time to start supplying yourself and the baby with this useful substance.


You can have sex during the 5th obstetric week. To kid intimate life It will not harm parents in any way if the woman has no obvious contraindications. If sexual activity is not yet desirable, the doctor will definitely inform the woman about this, taking into account her obstetric history. Contraindications include habitual early miscarriages, atypical discharge for this period, or pain in the abdomen.

You should be especially careful after IVF, including in matters of active sexual life, because the uterus at the moment of orgasm comes into tone, which can provoke detachment of the ovum.

If there are no contraindications, then having sex will only benefit the woman. They improve her mood, make its changes less noticeable, instill a sense of her own need and importance for a given man, improve the microclimate in the family and relationships between partners.

Nowadays, normal relationships are more important than ever before, because stress caused by conflicts in the family, according to statistics, ranks high among the causes of spontaneous abortion in the early stages.


As soon as the test shows two lines, a woman should think about proper nutrition. Despite the persistent demands of the body, which wants herring with jam or honey with lard, it is worth taking the issue seriously and reconsidering your diet.

Proper nutrition will help keep weekly weight gain under control, which has already begun, and will not allow a woman to gain extra pounds, which can significantly complicate the last months of pregnancy and the upcoming birth.

Balanced fractional meals will reduce the effects of progesterone on digestion– will reduce gas formation, bloating, prevent heartburn, constipation and diarrhea. Properly selected products will supply the female body and the rapidly growing body of the baby with everything necessary.

First of all, you should avoid fried, fatty, overly salty and sweet foods. It is important to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, fish, and dairy products.

You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day, the last meal is 3 hours before going to bed. You should drink at least one and a half liters of fluids - now the embryo has a need not only for nutrients and vitamins, but also for water. For a pregnant woman, even in the very early stages, carbonated drinks, store-bought juices in packs, baked goods, condensed milk, and chocolate are contraindicated. The amount of salt should be reduced to 5 grams per day so as not to create preconditions for the appearance of edema and the development of gestosis, which is dangerous for the mother and fetus.


Quite often, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s chronic diseases worsen, because the load on all organs increases tenfold. Reduced immunity in the early stages can cause a viral or other infection. Doctors say that illnesses at the beginning of gestation are not as dangerous as uncontrolled use of medications that are not approved by the doctor.

Many drugs have a teratogenic effect and are dangerous to the developing embryo. The most dangerous are antibiotics, immunostimulants, antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, and many painkillers.

Therefore, if you have a cough, if you have a toothache, headache, stomach or kidney pain, you should not take medications that have always helped in these situations, no matter how great the temptation. Pills that a woman took before pregnancy can cause serious harm in the early stages.

The best solution is to consult a doctor about pain. He will be able to select medications that can be taken by pregnant women, and if there are none, he will suggest a couple of recipes from the field of alternative medicine that will help the woman alleviate her condition. How less mom Until the 12th week of pregnancy, tablets and capsules will be consumed; the fewer injections given, the better for the fetus.

Working conditions

The fifth week should be a turning point in a woman’s work routine. If her work involves shift work at night, then now is the time to get a certificate from the antenatal clinic and show it to her superiors so that the work schedule can be changed exclusively to daytime.

Night sleep is important for any person, since it is at night that some hormones, protein compounds, and enzymes important for health are synthesized. For a pregnant woman, night's sleep is doubly important.

Labor Code Russian Federation allows expectant mothers, upon request, to receive a time-limited and strictly limited working day, safe and harmless working conditions, and a lunch break. Many are afraid to ask their management about this because they fear being fired. It is illegal to fire a pregnant woman, so there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

Women in the early stages are contraindicated from working in paint shops, in workshops with strong noise and vibration, and in industries associated with electromagnetic or radiation exposure. A woman has the right to refuse long business trips and overtime work. For early registration, a small amount of up to 600 rubles is added to maternity payments.


Two lines on the test is not at all a reason to sit on the sofa and sit there for the whole 9 months. At this time, a woman should continue to lead her usual lifestyle. If she was involved in sports, then she should slightly reduce physical activity, but there is no need to refuse them at all, of course, if the doctor allows it.

If a woman has not been involved in sports before, it’s time to start doing light exercises in the morning, and in the evenings go to the pool, swim, do water aerobics, and take evening walks before bed in the fresh air. This lifestyle will not be associated with excessive stress, but will not allow you to lead a sedentary lifestyle, which is fraught with excess weight, difficult childbirth, and a long postpartum recovery period.

Alcohol and nicotine

Many women are interested in how alcohol and nicotine, which the woman may have taken before she found out that she was pregnant, will affect the child. If alcohol does not imply chronic alcoholism, systematic reception strong alcoholic drinks in large quantities, then there is no harm to the embryo. The main thing is now to abstain and avoid drinking strong drinks.

With nicotine, things are a little more complicated. If we are talking about a chronic smoker who has had this bad habit for 10 years or more, then you should consult a doctor - in some cases, completely quitting cigarettes provokes a miscarriage, as it leads to withdrawal syndrome associated with changes in blood pressure, changes in hormonal levels .

Such pregnant women are sometimes offered, as an exception, cigarettes with a lower nicotine content and a reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked to 1-2 per day.

If everything is not so neglected, then A woman is advised to quit smoking immediately after detecting two lines on a rapid test. Nicotine is very dangerous during the period when the nervous system, as well as the baby’s heart and blood vessels, are being formed.

Pregnancy is a very important and exciting period for any woman. Every week of fetal development is important. And most expectant mothers want to know how the baby develops at any stage.

The 5th obstetric week is the beginning of the 2nd month of pregnancy, the first trimester.

New sensations for expectant mothers

Of course, the entire period of pregnancy is important, during which all the internal organs and systems of the baby are formed. But this week is truly magical, because it is during this period that most women learn about their changed status. It is during this period that symptoms appear, by which the first signs of conception can be determined.

Clear signs of pregnancy at 5 weeks

  • Delayed menstruation.
  • Many women note darkening of their nipple areas.
  • Two stripes on the test.
  • Some people notice a slight increase in breast size.
  • An ultrasound determines the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

Some women may experience weight changes. A slight weight loss or gain of kilograms is not a deviation.

After conception, the hCG hormone doubles its value every 2-3 days. If a woman is expecting twins, then this figure will also be 2 times higher.

What happens to the expectant mother?

It should be borne in mind that the course of pregnancy is individual for each woman and occurs differently. However, it is possible to identify common symptoms that appear at week 5:

  • At this stage of pregnancy, toxicosis may begin to manifest itself, and attacks of nausea are often observed, usually in the morning.
  • There is an increase in sensitivity and enlargement of the mammary glands. The breasts become heavy and painful on palpation, and the sensitivity of the nipples increases.
  • Since a woman’s body is accustomed to the appearance of menstruation at this time, and pregnancy changes the cycle, women may experience severe pain lower abdomen.
  • Since as the embryo grows, the uterus continues to stretch and may pull the lower abdomen, this is quite normal.
  • Increased sensitivity to various odors, to any products, may change taste preferences. The expectant mother may experience a decrease in appetite, or, conversely, an increased desire to eat.
  • Many women experience frequent urge to go to the toilet, which is caused by changes in hormonal levels and an increase in the size of the uterus.
  • Quite often present general malaise, which manifests itself as constant drowsiness and fatigue.
  • There is a rapid change in mood. Bursts positive emotions can quickly give way to a tearful state and irritability.
  • Hormonal changes in a woman’s body can be accompanied by poor health, ailments, weakness, and can manifest itself in the form of rapid alternations of a surge in performance and fatigue.

The absence of any of these signs in a woman is not a pathology! Symptoms may be completely absent in a woman or manifested to a very small extent, which will not in any way affect the general condition and well-being of the expectant mother. This is also the norm.

Fetal development at 5 weeks of pregnancy

For many women, obvious signs and sensations of pregnancy appear much later. But the embryo develops very actively during this period.

5th obstetric week is the 3rd week from the moment of conception. At this stage, the embryo is already visible on ultrasound; it still looks like a small pea. Its size is 1.5-2 mm and its weight is only 1 gram.

Despite the fact that the baby is still so small, the most important processes are taking place right now, on which his future development and health depend. The formation and development of many organs and systems of the fetus occurs:

  • the skin of the embryo thickens,
  • The baby’s central nervous system is formed,
  • the spinal cord and brain are formed,
  • the development of the circulatory system and the formation of blood vessels continues,
  • the respiratory system is formed
  • germ cells are laid down
  • The formation of the thyroid gland begins.

The most important thing for the baby and mother in the fifth week is the formation of the placenta, thanks to which the baby receives all nutrients through the mother’s blood throughout the pregnancy.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

V.: I found out that I was pregnant. The expected period is 4-5 weeks. Is it possible to take a bath?

A: If there is no threat of miscarriage, you can take a bath, but only warm, not hot. In the first trimester, a hot bath can have a bad effect on the baby's development. In addition, it is not recommended to stay in water for a long time.

V.: Pulling in the lower abdomen (5-6 weeks), especially at night. Is this normal?

A: Yes, this is quite normal, but if the sensations are pronounced and cause discomfort, consult your doctor.

Q: Is it possible to drink coffee in the early stages of pregnancy?


Since the risk of losing your child is high, you should be attentive to the appearance of strange brown or bloody discharge. This may indicate a threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or the development of complications. You should immediately consult a doctor and, if necessary, go to hospital.

A clear symptom of an ectopic pregnancy in the presence of bloody discharge is quite severe pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, they are more pronounced on one side (left or right). If such symptoms appear, you should immediately run to the doctor and find out whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or not.

Abundant, curd-like discharge of unknown color or with an unpleasant odor is also a cause for concern. It is better to immediately consult a doctor and get all the necessary tests.

What should mothers do?

It is believed that at this stage the risk of miscarriage is quite high. During this period it is necessary to exclude:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • playing sports;
  • strong feelings, stressful situations;
  • active pastime;
  • overheating in the sun, visiting baths and saunas;
  • abuse of medications and vitamin complexes.

Hormonal changes at this stage are very noticeable and are often difficult for the body to tolerate; one feels constant fatigue, laziness, and mood swings are also emotionally exhausting. It is recommended to listen to your body, adjust your daily routine and diet, get enough sleep and spend more time in the fresh air.

In order for the pregnancy to develop normally and to avoid threats of termination, a woman must adhere to simple preventive rules:

  • see a doctor and strictly adhere to his recommendations;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • lead a healthy and active lifestyle;
  • adhere to proper and nutritious nutrition;
  • get enough sleep and rest fully;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

The fifth week of pregnancy is a very important and at the same time critical period. If pregnancy is confirmed, you need to visit a doctor. Despite the fact that pregnancy progresses differently for every woman, some do not notice changes in the body and do not feel unwell; in any case, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist. Early diagnosis and examination by a doctor will help prevent the development of pregnancy complications.

In the 5th week of pregnancy, many important processes occur both in the woman’s body and in the development of the fetus. Let's consider what happens during this period with mother and baby. Already this week, the expectant mother may show the first signs of early toxicosis. There comes a time when a pregnant woman will especially need care from loved ones.

5 weeks of pregnancy: what happens during this period

By medical standards, 5 weeks from conception are considered the 7th obstetric week. A pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 25 mIU/ml will already show a result with a “+” sign due to the high concentration of hCG, the pregnancy hormone, in the blood.

  • The uterus is still small in size. But in its muscular layer (myometrium) new fibers are formed daily, due to which its gradual growth occurs. As the organ increases, it begins to put pressure on the rectum and bladder, forcing the pregnant woman to run to the toilet more often.
  • The corpus luteum hormone, progesterone, gradually increases. By the beginning of the second month of pregnancy, it reduces the immune response in the pregnant woman to allow her body to safely accept the embryo. Due to a “hormonal explosion,” a woman experiences mood swings, increased fatigue and irritability.
  • From the 5th week, an umbilical cord connection appears between the mother and the embryo, due to which the female body undergoes changes. From this moment on, the pregnant woman may notice various manifestations of her interesting situation: the appearance of nausea in the morning, enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands, darkening of the area around the nipples (areola).

On a note! Light discharge from the vagina this week may appear more intense. This is the result of intense blood flow to the growing female organ - the uterus. There is no need to worry, this is how the pregnant woman’s body reacts to everything that happens inside. For the mother and her baby in the womb, these changes do not pose any danger.

Fetal development at 5 weeks of pregnancy

This week marks the beginning of the embryonic period of the child’s intrauterine development. Together with it the first one comes into force critical period pregnancy, the formation of the internal organs of the unborn baby begins: intestines, urinary tract, kidneys, liver. The fetal cardiovascular system and brain develop and improve. By the 35th day of intrauterine life, nasal processes are formed, oral cavity and upper lip. At this time, the fetus is especially vulnerable to the effects of unfavorable factors - infections, toxins and hormonal disorders of the mother's body.

What important things happen in the fetus?

  • the neural tube transforms into the spinal cord and spinal tissue;
  • the heart becomes four-chambered, valves begin to form;
  • the most important process of placenta formation begins;
  • the rudiments of the tongue, parts of the lungs, and pancreas appear;
  • the esophagus separates from the trachea and becomes clearly visible;
  • the size of the auditory vesicles increases;
  • lens development continues;
  • the olfactory (nasal) pits are formed;
  • gonads are formed.

How does the fetus develop?

In the first month of pregnancy, the length of the embryo is on average 5.5 mm. At the age of 32-33 days, the upper limbs lengthen, the formation of hands and innervation of the arms is planned. The embryo develops a notochord (future spine) and a neural plate, from which its entire nervous system will be formed.

A baby at 5 weeks looks more like a tadpole than a person. It is curled into an arc, the neck curve is visible, the head almost touches the tip of the long “tail”. Blood flows in its vessels, which exchanges blood with the developing placenta through the umbilical cord rudiment. The membranes of the embryo begin to produce amniotic fluid, in which the baby will live in the mother's womb until birth.

On a note! If a woman wants to make sure that the pregnancy is uterine and is developing according to the term, then, in consultation with the doctor, she can undergo an ultrasound examination. Normally, an ultrasound will determine the place of attachment of the fertilized egg in the uterus and answer the question of whether an embryo is present in it.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother at 5 weeks

A small life grows inside a woman, and changes in her body occur every day, although the pregnancy is still invisible to the mother herself and those around her. The uterus, which before pregnancy was smaller than a tangerine, begins to enlarge; by six weeks she will be the size of a large one chicken egg. The chest becomes painful and very sensitive.

What does the belly look like?

There is no need to wait for external manifestations of the fact that life has arisen inside. A photo of the belly at 5 weeks of pregnancy is no different from what it was a month ago in a “pre-pregnant” state. The small uterus has not yet risen, so to recognize interesting situation judging by the woman's appearance, it is still completely impossible, even if this is a repeat pregnancy. But an increase or decrease in weight of ±1 kg is quite possible.

How does a woman feel during this period of bearing a child?

At the 5th obstetric week, a woman’s sensations can manifest themselves very clearly, in the form of increased emotional sensitivity, moodiness, and irritability. In many cases, the expectant mother does not feel any changes in her condition at all, until the moment her tummy begins to grow. Everything is purely individual, but still some typical emotional sensations can be identified. These include:

  1. acute reaction to the most harmless everyday situations, tearfulness for no reason;
  2. emotions “over the edge”, arising completely unpredictably - anything can cause both an attack of joy and tears;
  3. mood is unstable, changes many times during the day.

What may worry the expectant mother in the middle of the first trimester?

Signs and sensations of a physical nature confirm that a woman is carrying a small growing man under her heart. The most common ones include:

  • constant uncontrollable drowsiness;
  • inability to concentrate at the right time;
  • the appearance of atypical fatigue that sets in even after waking up in the morning;
  • soreness in the chest, familiar underwear becomes uncomfortable;
  • The first signs of toxicosis make themselves felt: the nose becomes sensitive to foreign odors, previously favorite dishes cause nausea, appetite disappears, in transport it becomes unbearably sick, etc.

On a note! It is not uncommon at this time to experience such phenomena as “pregnant runny nose” without signs of a cold and increased salivation. The mucous membranes undergo changes, which is why the symptoms described above occur. If the rest of your health is fine and does not cause concern, then there is no need to deal with increased secretion in any special way: it will go away on its own by the end of the trimester.

If the conception was planned, then the listed signs will only be proof that everything worked out and there is a pregnancy. Otherwise, a woman may not be aware of her situation, and attribute symptoms and malaise to other circumstances. This often happens with an irregular menstrual cycle.

5th week of pregnancy – mom’s diary (video):

Pregnant woman's menu at 5 weeks

The health of a child is established literally from the first weeks of intrauterine life, so a woman needs to take care of adequate nutrition. From week 5, it’s time to start leading a healthy lifestyle and acquire healthy eating habits. For example, include a variety of cereals in your diet, supplementing them with dried fruits, nuts and berries. Vegetables and fruits should prevail in everyday food, at least 1/3 of the total daily food. For sweets, marshmallows, marshmallows and natural marmalade are preferred.

Do you need to restrain yourself from whims in food?

During the first trimester, food preferences often change, and a woman may well be drawn to salty foods. You shouldn’t limit yourself in your desire to eat something specific - now a pregnant woman can afford to eat almost everything she wants, but only without forgetting about a sense of proportion. To keep your intestines working like clockwork, eat foods high in plant fiber (whole grain bread, legumes, cereals) every day.

Eating Food and drink options
First breakfastMuesli with milk; sandwich with cheese and butter; tea
LunchLight curd dessert; juice or compote
DinnerSalad from fresh vegetables; chicken noodle soup; a piece of bread; vitamin drink or compote
Afternoon snackUnsweetened cracker; banana; fermented milk drink
DinnerBaked in the oven sea ​​fish; stew with potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes; a piece of bread; weak tea
Before bedtimeNatural cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. sour cream or other fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt)

Calcium for the period of bearing a child is yours best friend, so enrich the menu with dairy and fermented milk products. Low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, “live” yoghurts and drinks (kefir, acidophilus, etc.) are especially useful. Also, at the beginning of pregnancy, folic acid and iodine are very important to prevent the development of defects in the fetus, so take care when choosing multivitamins.

Woman's lifestyle

Having learned that a new addition is coming to the family, you need to objectively evaluate your life and set priorities. First of all, it is important to take care of the health of the mother and the unborn child.


In order for the baby to develop comfortably and to receive the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen supplied to him through the mother’s blood, it is necessary to devote sufficient time to rest and sleep. 8-10 hours of sleep per day is the minimum that an expectant mother should adhere to. If possible, you should go to bed early and try to rest more during the day. Before going to bed, it will be good to take a walk in the fresh air with your spouse.


Five weeks is the time when the expectant mother does not yet have toxicosis “in full force,” but the first manifestations of pregnancy are already making themselves felt. I constantly want to sleep, have no appetite, and everyone around seems to be conspiring, not understanding what is happening to the previously energetic and full of strength a woman. You should not perform “labor feats” if you are not physically able to do so - you should bring a certificate from the antenatal clinic confirming pregnancy, and the employer will provide more comfortable and easier working conditions.

Intimate relationships

At 5-6 weeks, women often begin to suffer from toxicosis and sudden changes in mood. Weakness, malaise and a general “disgust for life” - these signs can characterize this period pregnancy. At this time, female libido, for obvious reasons, decreases. Nature itself took care of this, because the risk of losing a child in the first 12 weeks is much higher than in the next two trimesters.

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, intimacy may be present at the beginning of pregnancy, but only if the actions are careful and non-aggressive. If the expectant mother feels well, her personal life can continue in exactly the same way as before, only with a more attentive attitude from her partner.

Threats of miscarriage at 5 weeks: what you need to know

There are a number of medical problems that can complicate the course of pregnancy, and even provoke its termination at an early stage. Let's look at them in more detail in the table below.

Causes Description
GeneticAccording to statistics, most miscarriages at 5-12 weeks are a direct consequence of gene and chromosomal mutations. Disorders can be associated both with a decrease in the number of chromosomes (for example, Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome) and with a pathological increase in their number (Down syndrome, etc.). Pregnancy with such a pathology freezes or is interrupted at a very short time, often even before the missed period. If pregnancy continues to develop in the presence of chromosomal abnormalities, the child is born with various malformations.
EndocrineIn the early stages, the normal functioning of the corpus luteum is important. This endocrine gland produces progesterone, the main hormone associated with embryonic development during pregnancy. If there is a deficiency of this hormone in a woman’s body, there is a direct threat of miscarriage. To treat this pathology, doctors use hormonal drugs containing synthetic progesterone.
InfectiousIn the first trimester, various infections have serious consequences for the embryo, incl. and viral. ARVI, even in a mild form, can “disrupt” a pregnancy and provoke a spontaneous miscarriage. Bacterial infections during exacerbation also lead to the threat of early pregnancy loss.
ThrombophilicAs the pregnancy period increases, a woman's blood clotting activity also increases. This mechanism of protection against acute blood loss is provided by nature itself. But it happens that there is an excess of platelet-derived coagulation factors, which provokes the formation of small blood clots. Blood clots disrupt blood flow, causing thrombosis of the umbilical cord vessels, which leads to fetal death.
ImmunologicalAny autoimmune process during the first trimester can cause serious disorders in the embryo. In this case, the mother’s immune system begins to “attack” (produce antibodies) its own cells and tissues, perceiving them as foreign. Also, pregnancy is often terminated early if the parents of the unborn baby are identical in terms of the HLA immune compatibility system. In this case, the female body is not able to protect the life growing in the womb from immune aggression.
UterineThe threat of miscarriage may arise due to an abnormal development of the uterus in a woman. These may be: duplication of the uterus, separate bodies and cervixes, arcuate uterus, etc. Defects limit the ability female organ to stretching, as a result of which it becomes impossible for the fetus to develop and it dies.

What else can provoke the threat of miscarriage:

  • the presence of bad habits in a pregnant woman (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.);
  • social and biological factors (work in hazardous industries, irregular daily routine, high physical activity);
  • stressful situations.

Preservation of early pregnancy (video):

When to sound the alarm

Pain is the main symptom of threatened miscarriage, regardless of the obstetric week. Sensations at the time of a dangerous condition can be very different: they are determined by the severity of the woman’s condition and the individual threshold of pain sensitivity. Mild nagging pain in the lower abdomen or severe attacks even with slight uterine tone - all this indicates an emerging pathology of pregnancy.

Note! Any pathological discharge in the early stages, from brown “spotting” spots to drops of scarlet blood, is a reason for an immediate visit to a gynecologist.

What to do if you have symptoms of a threatened miscarriage

In order to make a diagnosis, you need to do an ultrasound of the uterus. The examination will show the presence or absence of hypertonicity, the condition of the embryo, the appearance of hematomas or chorionic detachment. If an ultrasound examination does not reveal a pathology, in this case the woman is examined in a gynecological chair in order to identify the root cause of the bleeding (the presence of a polyp, erosion, etc.). Such an examination will help determine whether this is indeed uterine bleeding and whether there is a danger to the development of the fetus. If there is a significant threat of miscarriage, the woman is prescribed therapeutic therapy in a hospital.

Doctor visits and examinations at 5 weeks

Having seen the two coveted lines on the test, the expectant mother often rushes to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist to confirm pregnancy. At the first visit, the doctor conducts a manual examination and makes notes on the woman’s chart about the visit. From now on, you need to come to the antenatal clinic at least once a month.

Medical supervision:

As a rule, specialists do not register pregnancy at 5 weeks, preferring to wait 10-11 weeks. This is due to the fact that at such an early stage a miscarriage cannot be ruled out, occurring due to chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo that are incompatible with life. Nevertheless, the doctor gives directions for the necessary tests and examinations, and clarifies when the woman should come with the results for registration.

Important! Increased monitoring during this period is necessary for patients under 18 years of age and over 35 years of age, as well as those who have chronic diseases or have a history of abortions, ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages.

Mandatory list of tests prescribed at this time

Among them:

  • smear from the vagina and cervical canal;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • general urine analysis;
  • coagulogram;
  • analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor;
  • analysis for presence venereal diseases and hidden infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis).

Ultrasound at 5 weeks

Medical indications for ultrasound in the fifth week of pregnancy include:

  • complaints of bleeding from the female genital tract;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen with an unclear clinical picture;
  • the need to clarify the duration of pregnancy;
  • use of assisted reproductive technologies;
  • history of tubal surgery or ectopic pregnancy.

An ultrasound examination at 5 weeks helps determine the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus, its size and shape. The first photo from the ultrasound will not yet be informative for the mother, but it will show the main thing - the emerging life inside her.

On a note! It is already possible to diagnose pregnancy with twins or triplets. It will be more difficult to identify twins - in this case there will most likely be one fertilized egg, and two embryos will become visible a couple or three weeks later.

At a period of 5 obstetric weeks, a woman in most cases finds out that she is in an interesting position. It's time to reconsider your habits and lifestyle! It is necessary to exclude coffee and alcohol from the diet, and stop smoking. Habitual activity will even require serious analysis: now the expectant mother should avoid serious emotional and physical stress.

To make your future pregnancy easier, pay attention to the following tips:

  • Make sure you get enough fresh vegetables, fruits, fish and red meat into your body. If for some reason you cannot control your diet, pay attention to multivitamins for pregnant women (choose best option an obstetrician-gynecologist will help);
  • Remember that doctors call the first 90 days of pregnancy critical for fetal development. Take care of your health, putting everything else into the background as much as possible. Don't be a hero! Now more than ever, you need more time to relax;
  • any painful sensations in the lower abdomen and spotting at this stage are signs of a threat of miscarriage, miscarriage and other complications. If your stomach is very tight (as with menstrual pain), you need to act immediately - call an ambulance!;
  • in the fifth week, the woman begins to be haunted by unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis - nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, lack of appetite. Cool, sour drinks—water with lemon, cranberry juice, citrus freshly squeezed juices. Carbonated drinks, including mineral water, should be avoided. You can relieve discomfort with split meals and small portions;
  • The mammary glands become sensitive and painful to touch. Seamless underwear with cups without foam rubber and a cotton base will help reduce discomfort;
  • aversion to familiar smells is another manifestation of early toxicosis, which can bring a lot of trouble to the expectant mother. This is a temporary problem and will go away by the end of the first trimester. In the meantime, try to avoid those aromas that provoke poor health, ventilate the room where you are more often and go out into the fresh air;
  • For pet lovers, it is better to entrust the care of pets to other family members for a while. Especially if there is a cat in the house, the animal can be a carrier of a disease dangerous to the fetus called toxoplasmosis.

What happens to the female body, how does the expectant mother feel? Let's figure it out.

First of all, at this time, even the most inattentive girl will suspect that something is wrong. And first of all, suspicion will be aroused by the fact that menstruation does not begin. The normal menstrual cycle is 28 days. So at this time you can already confirm your feelings with a pharmacy test. By the way, pay attention that it is not expired. Otherwise the result may be false negative. We also recommend doing the test twice and in the morning.

For most women, the fifth week of pregnancy turns into torture. Such a phenomenon as toxicosis begins to manifest itself most strongly at this time. Constant nausea from literally everything, periodic headaches greatly affect your mood and emotional state. Now a pregnant woman simply needs patience and support from loved ones.

Belly at 5 weeks is not yet noticeable, although the uterus is already significantly enlarged and continues to grow in size.

Hormonal changes in the body are in full swing. Mornings are usually “fun”: nausea and vomiting, odor intolerance, lack of appetite, “running” to the toilet, painful sensations in the mammary glands, chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep.

Sometimes a pregnant woman may feel pain in the abdominal area. This is due to stretching of the uterus and compression of internal organs.

IN 5 weeks pregnant the woman already feels certain symptoms and signs of pregnancy:

  • A sharp increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, sometimes even to the point of pain.
  • Breast enlargement.
  • A nagging pain in the lower abdomen may appear, as before the onset of menstruation.
  • The nipple areola darkens.
  • Constant desire to sleep.
  • Fatigue and lethargy, especially in the morning.
  • Sensitivity to strong odors and changes in taste.

Fetal development at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Embryo in the fifth week of pregnancy resembles a tadpole - a nodule (head) and a process of the future spine (notochord).

Now the fetus seems to have stuck to the mucous wall of the uterus, where it will be located and develop further. Blood vessels (capillaries) have formed in the endometrium (connective tissue), through which the embryo receives nutrients from the mother’s body for its growth and development.

At 5 weeks, the fetus begins to form the thyroid gland. And for its full development it requires such an element as iodine. If there is not enough of it in the female body, the doctor may recommend taking this substance in tablet form (for example, “ Iodomarin»).

Also at this time, the future baby begins to develop spinal cord. It is in the form of a thin plate and is bent into a tube.

Now the embryo begins to form the first blood cells, which will later become the basis for blood vessels and the entire circulatory system as a whole. It is noteworthy that at this stage the baby’s heart still exists in the form of two hollow tubes. But the heart is already contracting, and this can be heard on an ultrasound machine with high sensitivity.

At the 5th week of pregnancy the laying occurs:

  • Digestive system
  • Nervous system
  • Thoracic cavity
  • Abdomen
  • Bones
  • Thyroid gland.

Now your baby has grown to 1-1.5 mm in length and has gained 1 gram in weight. Often at this stage the embryo is compared with millet grain.

Moreover, at this time there is an intensified formation nervous system. And all other systems begin to form at an accelerated pace and at the same time: tissues, muscles, bones develop by leaps and bounds.

If at this stage of child development you do Ultrasound, then you can see the tiny rudiments of legs and arms, fingers, ears, and eyes.

The body of mother and child becomes one, so the mother’s condition is very important for the unborn baby.

What factors influence fetal development

The most important factor that at this stage affects the development of the embryo is the general health of the expectant mother, external conditions that surround her and affect her well-being.

It's worth knowing that 5th obstetric week of pregnancy A woman's immunity is significantly reduced. There is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any. There is also a high risk of contracting ARVI or acute respiratory infections, or any infectious diseases. However, pregnancy has a beneficial effect on ailments such as diabetes, allergies, and psoriasis. A fairly high percentage of women experience remission, or even complete recovery.

Naturally, now mommy is required to completely give up bad habits. Drinking alcohol, drugs, and smoking is unacceptable. Reception is not allowed medicines. Only in extreme cases, if necessary, after a doctor’s prescription and only those that have no contraindications during pregnancy.

You should not carry out any medical procedures (dental treatment, for example) using anesthesia.

Any adverse effect on the mother’s body will negatively affect the unborn child: the process of formation and development of fetal organs and systems is disrupted.

It is also undesirable to 5 weeks pregnant dye your hair. And this has nothing to do with folk signs: simply the chemicals contained in hair dyes penetrate the woman’s body through the skin, and therefore are transmitted to the embryo.

What complications may arise at 5 weeks of pregnancy?

On 5 weeks pregnant there is still a risk of miscarriage. Although the embryo is already in the uterine cavity and has established itself in it, if there are any harmful or unfavorable conditions the fetus may detach and become nonviable.

For any unpleasant sensations (pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge) consult a doctor immediately. Timely diagnosis of the problem can literally save the life of your unborn child.

Changes in a woman’s body at 5 weeks of pregnancy

On fifth week of pregnancy It cannot be said that the changes in a woman’s body and body are too obvious and noticeable. For some, swollen breasts and morning sickness may indicate pregnancy. And many people don’t care at all.

However, the female body has already begun to seriously prepare for its main task - bearing a child and the upcoming birth. The embryo also makes its contribution - the fetus begins to secrete special substances that cause changes in hormonal levels and, accordingly, changes in the woman’s body and sensations. Here we are talking about hCG- human chorionic gonadotropin. It is the level of this hormone that accurately indicates the presence of pregnancy. The ladies have an interesting level hCG increases sharply.

In addition, at this time there is an increase in the amount of hormone progesterone. It is vital for the unborn child - so that the embryo is firmly attached to the wall of the uterus and does not occur miscarriage.

It is worth saying that progesterone deficiency is extremely rare. This can be discussed especially in the case of artificial insemination, when an embryo is implanted into the body of the expectant mother, which, in fact, is not yet ready to bear a fetus.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, a gynecologist can already determine the “interesting position” even by touch. During this period, the uterus increases in size and becomes softer. So you can safely go to the antenatal clinic and register for pregnancy.

Tests and medical examinations

At this time, when contacting the antenatal clinic and setting up pregnancy registration The gynecologist may prescribe a standard set of tests: blood and urine tests. Additional laboratory tests are prescribed in the presence of chronic diseases.

Important to do blood chemistry, blood type and Rh factor, blood clotting ( coagulogram), infections (herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis, etc.), as well as hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis.

You should not delay your visit to the gynecologist, even if you feel well. Tests will help you see even hidden deviations in the condition of your body.

In addition, listening to the fetal heart rate and monitoring its activity becomes regular.

Ultrasound at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound at this stage it is carried out if there is a suspicion of multiple pregnancy. In addition, the specialist will make sure that the embryo is in the uterus and not outside it. It is also checked whether the pregnancy is multiple.

An ultrasound examination is performed more often if the risk of miscarriage is high. Especially with artificial fertilization of an egg and replanting it with the expectant mother. Indeed, in this case, the body simply has not yet had time to prepare for pregnancy and may reject the embryo.

Photo of ultrasound images at 5 weeks of pregnancy

If your condition is fifth week of pregnancy It’s absolutely terrible, be sure to tell your doctor about your problems. Strong toxicosis may indicate any health problems. And only a doctor can determine these problems.

Don’t try to cope with nausea and “psychosis” with your grandmother’s advice. Even seemingly harmless folk remedies may harm both you and your unborn baby.

Modern medicine offers drugs that have no contraindications.

Accept vitamins, since at this stage it is simply necessary for the normal development of all the baby’s organs.

You'll have to change your wardrobe: give up shoes for high heels, compressive clothing and non-natural fabrics.

Damaged breasts can cause discomfort during sleep. Choose a position that is more comfortable for you. You can add small pillows or purchase special pillows for pregnant women.

If during this period you feel very tired and constantly want to sleep, then take a vacation. You shouldn’t force yourself to go to work or sit all day in an uncomfortable position in front of the computer. Especially if there is a risk of complications during pregnancy, then it is better to stay at home and lie down more. But don't forget to walk in the fresh air. You will immediately gain more strength and improve your mood. No matter how unpleasant the feeling may be, try to maintain a positive attitude. After all, your future baby already feels your condition.

Don't forget about proper nutrition: more fruits and vegetables. Eat several times a day, but in small portions. Focus on boiled, stewed and steamed dishes.

Drink more liquid: water, juices, compotes. At the same time, you need to take supportive medications prescribed by your doctor: folic acid, minerals and vitamins. A lack of certain microelements can lead to serious deviations in fetal development.

If you have persistent abdominal pain, you should immediately consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of miscarriage.

Pregnant women at this stage develop strange taste preferences. But don’t be afraid of the desire to eat pickles with strawberries or lard with sugar. You just have to be careful about the quality of the product and avoid unhealthy diet: fast food, fried, smoked.

Sometimes it appears in the 5th week of pregnancy elevated temperature– up to 37.3 degrees. Do not confuse this condition with a cold and do not self-medicate.

If toxicosis is tormenting you, then there are several recommendations that will help alleviate the unpleasant symptoms. For morning sickness, without getting out of bed, eat a few pieces of dry cookies (crackers) or crackers. Sleep on multiple pillows so that your head and shoulders are high enough. During the day, even if you have no appetite, try to eat small portions, but often. Have snacks every 2-3 hours.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

What a woman shouldn't do 5th obstetric week of pregnancy:

  • Drinking alcoholic beverages, even low-alcohol ones.
  • Smoking.
  • Drug use.
  • Use medicines without a doctor's prescription.
  • Eating a large amount of “harmful” food - soda, fatty, salty, smoked, fast food, foods that cause allergies.

Sex at 5 weeks pregnant

Sex at this time it is not contraindicated. However, if there is a risk of miscarriage or any other problems (pain, discharge), then you should refuse sexual relations. As mentioned above, the immunity of the female body is greatly reduced now, so any infection can be extremely dangerous for the unborn child.

As you know, at this time many women, due to poor health, sexual desire may disappear completely. You should not force yourself to fulfill your marital duty through force. This will not bring the necessary positive emotions.

Sports and physical education

Physical exercise on 5 weeks pregnant useful. In moderation, in the fresh air, this is the best option for the expectant mother.

You should give up playing professional sports. This is fraught with injury and the risk of losing the child. The load on the body, which is already working extremely hard in preparation for bearing a child, is too great.

Vitamins and medicines at 5 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage of pregnancy, the doctor will recommend that you definitely use folic acid. It is useful to take special vitamins for pregnant women. They contain a complex optimally selected in quantity essential vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. After all, a lack of any substance in the mother’s body can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

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