Brown discharge after sexual intercourse. Light brown discharge after sexual intercourse. Bloody discharge after abortion

The female reproductive system is a complex complex that includes the uterus and appendages, as well as the endocrine glands that are located in parts of the brain (hypothalamic-pituitary system).

This system is controlled by several hormones at once. These are luteinizing (LH), follicle-stimulating (FSH) hormones, as well as progesterone and estradiol. In a woman, all components of the system work for one goal - the maturation of the egg, thanks to which every month the woman gets the opportunity to become a mother.

What is ovulation

Ovulation is the culmination of the entire process of preparation for future motherhood. Each woman has a certain number of eggs (about 300-400 thousand) in the ovaries during prenatal development.

From the beginning of puberty in girls at the age of 12-13, the so-called child matures every month. the dominant follicle that contains the egg.

During the ovulatory peak, the follicle membrane ruptures, which frees the egg to move along the female reproductive tract towards the sperm. The release of an egg (oocyte) is ovulation, without which motherhood would be impossible under natural conditions.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle (MC) is a period of follicle maturation, as well as parallel preparation of the body for fertilization and implantation of the egg. The process is coordinated by sex hormones secreted in the hypothalamic-pituitary system and the ovaries. The average duration of MC is 28 days; 21 to 34 days are also considered normal.

The day of the onset of bleeding is used as the starting point for determining the key phases of MC - follicular, ovulatory and lutein:

  1. Follicular phase- Days 1-14 for a 28-day MC - development of a dominant follicle in the ovary under the influence of FSH.
  2. Ovulatory phase– 36-48 hours – rupture of the follicle membrane. During rupture, up to 5-10 ml of follicular fluid comes out of it along with the oocyte. The process occurs under the influence of luteinizing hormone.
  3. Luteal phase– transformation of a burst follicle into the so-called. yellow body. This is a temporary gland that produces estrogen, progesterone and androgens. These hormones trigger the so-called. proliferation - increasing the looseness and thickness of the endometrium of the uterus, which is preparing for the attachment of the embryo. The luteal phase lasts 13-14 days for a 28-day MC. If fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum persists until the membrane is formed. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum degrades and disappears. The next menstruation occurs and the uterine cycle begins anew.

As you can see, the work of the female reproductive system is a complex and finely tuned mechanism, where each organ and hormone plays its role in certain moment. Disturbances in any of the phases of MC lead to difficulties in conceiving and bearing a child. Therefore, every woman should carefully monitor her body in order to promptly detect any disturbances in the natural process.

Why know your ovulation date?

Ovulation is a key result of the female reproductive system. The release of an oocyte from a follicle is a woman's monthly chance of becoming pregnant. If she is going to become a mother, or vice versa, wants to avoid pregnancy, it is important for her to know the nearest date of the ovulatory peak.

This information is equally important for family planning as well as for contraception. Planning a pregnancy always correlates with the release of the egg, during which sexual intercourse with a partner maximizes the chances of conception.

The calendar method of contraception is based on determining the day of the ovulatory peak, when during the ovulatory phase it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse or use barrier methods of protection.

How to correctly determine the day of ovulation at home

You can find out the date by knowing the duration menstrual cycle. The follicular peak usually ends towards the middle of the MC.

Simple mathematical calculations allow you to determine the moment of the ovulatory peak in absentia. But there are other ways to define this process.

Calendar method

This is the traditional and simplest method of calculation. It is based on statistical data - the average duration of MC, as well as studied biological laws. To use the calendar method, it is necessary to keep records of all cycles for six months in order to determine the average duration of the MC.

It is different for every woman. The standard cycle is 28 days, but the actual range is much wider - from 21 to 34 days. If menstruation occurs at approximately the same time every month with an error of 21-24 hours, then the cycle is considered regular.

To determine, you need to know the day of the onset of menstruation - it will be the beginning of MC. The average duration of the follicular phase is 13-14 days, after which the ovulatory peak occurs. For a 28-day MC this will be 13-14 days, for a 21-day MC it will be 9-10 days, for a 34-day MC it will be 17-18.

If the calendar method is used to protect against unwanted pregnancy, one should also take into account the fact that the egg remains viable after leaving the follicle for up to 24 hours, and sperm live in the female genital tract for up to several days.

Therefore the so-called The fertile phase - the period of possible conception - lasts longer than the follicular phase and can last 18-21 days. In general, it was not for nothing that the calendar method of contraception was called “Vatican roulette”, because its reliability is low.

The Pearl index is no more than 40%, which means that 40 out of 100 women who used this method of birth control became pregnant.

By basal temperature

Basal temperature (BT) is the maximum body temperature at rest. In practice, BT is the temperature in the rectum. Before the oocyte is released, BT remains at 36.0-36.6 degrees, and during follicle rupture it rises to 37 with a slight error.

To plan pregnancy, as well as monitor the functioning of the ovaries if pathology is suspected, gynecologists recommend measuring BT daily for several cycles. Based on the data obtained, a graph is drawn up. The peak of the graph curve shows the period of the ovulatory peak.

BT is measured every day in the morning immediately after waking up by inserting a thermometer into the anus. Standing up, making sudden movements, and drinking water are prohibited.

By discharge

The calendar method, BT measurement - all this refers to biological methods of contraception. This group also includes the cervical method, which can theoretically determine the moment of the onset of the ovulatory peak.

The fact is that during the ovulatory peak, the mucus that is found in the cervix becomes less thick to allow sperm to more easily penetrate the woman’s genital tract. During the peak, women usually experience increased vaginal discharge, which changes color from white to brown due to a small amount of blood released due to the rupture of the follicle.

Observing changes in the quantity and quality of discharge from the cervix is ​​the cervical method.

You will learn what signs you need to pay attention to in order to determine ovulation in time by watching this video:

According to my own feelings

Only women with a stable MC, who are accustomed to carefully monitoring their body, can determine the onset of the ovulatory peak by sensations. In this case, it is easy for them to notice changes in the body, indicating that their reproductive system is preparing for pregnancy.

Such sensations include:

  • change in mood - at this time the woman feels more cheerful, cheerful, energetic, or feels irritated;
  • increased sexual desire due to increased secretion of hormones is a natural reaction aimed at procreation;
  • nagging and aching pain on the right or left in the lower abdomen.

Monitoring your condition is a relatively reliable method that is suitable only for healthy women whose hormonal system works like a clock. It is possible that certain signs and symptoms may be interpreted incorrectly.

For example, changes in mood are not necessarily associated specifically with ovulation, and increased sexual desire depends on many other factors - reconciliation with a partner after a quarrel, his return after a long absence, etc.

Using a test strip

Pharmacies sell special test strips that allow you to determine the onset of the ovulatory peak. They work on the same principle as regular pregnancy tests. Essentially, these are indicators that respond to increased concentrations of hormones in the urine.

If the pregnancy test responds to a high level of hCG, then the ovulation test is programmed to change the amount of luteinizing hormone, which begins to be intensively produced during the ovulatory phase.

To use this method, you need to know the approximate period of ovulation and do a test according to the instructions for use. With unstable MC, it has to be done several times in a row in order to “catch” an egg that may be released earlier or later than the expected date.

What is an ovulation calculator and how accurate is it?

An ovulation day calculator is just a program that performs calculations according to the entered variables. Essentially, this is the same calendar method, but in the form of a computer algorithm.

It is quite convenient and allows you not to bother with calculations: just enter the average duration of the MC and the date of the first day of the last menstruation in the appropriate fields. The program, based on pre-entered algorithms, will perform a calculation in which the expected ovulatory phase falls in the middle of the current cycle and several MCs ahead.

But it does not take into account fluctuations in work hormonal system women, possible stress, flying to another time zone or climate zone, taking certain medications and other factors that can delay the release of the oocyte. Therefore, only women with a stable BC who lead a normal lifestyle can trust the calculator.


Ovulation - the moment the oocyte leaves the ovarian follicle - is the peak part of the entire work of the female reproductive system. In healthy women, it occurs in the middle of the cycle, 13-14 days after the start of menstruation (for a 28-day MC).

It is not difficult to determine the onset of the ovulatory phase: monitor your own health, changes in the nature of vaginal discharge, and also using a graph of changes in basal temperature.

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At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, many women wonder how to calculate those days when the probability of conception is maximum. In other words, how to calculate ovulation?

First of all, you need to understand what ovulation is.

Ovulation - This is the process of release of a mature egg from the ovary.

The ovaries of every woman contain a huge number of immature eggs located in the follicles. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, preparation for ovulation occurs: one or more dominant follicles appear in which the eggs mature. This process takes every woman different quantity time. The length of the menstrual cycle is determined by this phase. The period from ovulation to the first day of the next cycle (the first day of menstruation) takes on average 14 days (varies from 12 to 16 days).

First phase The menstrual cycle is called follicular. Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, several follicles begin to mature, and the hormone estrogen is also produced. Simultaneously with the maturation of follicles, estrogen levels increase. Under the influence of this hormone, the mucous membrane in the uterus thickens, preparing to receive an already fertilized egg.

One or more follicles become leading (dominant). That is, they are larger in size than others. The eggs mature in them. Most often there is only one such follicle. If there are several of them, and during ovulation several eggs are also released, then multiple pregnancy(twins).

The growing level of estrogen at a certain stage leads to a sharp increase in the content of luteinizing hormone. An increase in the level of this hormone leads to rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg into the abdominal cavity. It then enters the fallopian tube.

Coming luteal phase, or corpus luteum phase. This phase is aimed at supporting a possible pregnancy.

To most accurately track the moment of ovulation, you need A complex approach. The set of measures includes folliculometry, determining the level of progesterone in the blood, measuring basal temperature and using home test strips.


Folliculometry - This is an ultrasound examination that allows you to assess the condition of the endometrium of the uterus in the first phase of the menstrual cycle and detect signs of an incident. vulation.

Folliculometry is prescribed by the doctor for:

1. determining the onset of ovulation, the exact days of its occurrence;

2. assessment of the functional state of the ovaries;

3. planning pregnancy;

4. control over multiple pregnancies;

5. diagnosis of possible menstrual cycle disorders;

6. assessing the effectiveness of ovulation stimulation, if any;

7. assessment of hormonal levels.

To determine ovulation, the test is prescribed on days 8-10 of the cycle. Then ultrasound is repeated every 2-3 days until signs of ovulation appear. If none are found, then folliculometry is continued every 2 days until the onset of the next menstruation. Typically, the dominant follicle is 15 mm in size. After it reaches this size, the reverse process begins in the rest - atresia. The follicle in which the egg matures increases in size by 2-3 mm. At the time of ovulation, its size is 18-24mm.

After the follicle ruptures and a mature egg leaves it, a corpus luteum forms in its place. On ultrasound it looks like a heterogeneous round sac. If it measures 18-23 mm, then the body is ready for fertilization.

Signs of ovulation occurring on folliculometry are as follows:

1. before ovulation, a dominant follicle is detected;

2. then he disappeared, and a yellow body appeared in his place;

3. Fluid is located in the space behind the uterus.

Determining the level of progesterone in the blood

In parallel with folliculometry, the doctor prescribes a hormone test. The analysis is prescribed in the middle of the second phase (7 days after detection of signs of ovulation). The level of progesterone in the blood is examined. Progesterone is a hormone produced by the corpus luteum in the ovary. Its role is to prepare the woman’s body for pregnancy. Thanks to it, implantation of a fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus becomes possible. It reduces the intensity of uterine contractions and helps the mammary glands adapt to produce milk during pregnancy.

When ovulation occurs, the normal level of progesterone in the blood is from 0.45 to 9.45 nmol/l.

You must donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach. At least 8 hours must pass between the last meal and the analysis.

Basal temperature measurement

Basal temperature - This is the temperature that the human body has at rest. In women at different phases of the menstrual cycle, basal temperature has different values.

It is necessary to start measuring from the first day of your period.

It is measured in the morning after sleep (duration of sleep for at least 3 hours in a row), without getting out of bed. Even stretching can give you unreliable readings. Therefore, it is most convenient to keep the thermometer on the bedside table. Be careful with mercury thermometers!

Most often, temperature is measured in the rectum (rectally). It is believed that this method gives the most reliable readings and the likelihood of errors is minimized. But it is also possible to measure in the mouth and vagina. If you start measuring temperature, for example, in the mouth, then all subsequent measurements must also be carried out in the mouth. That is, you cannot change the method of obtaining data, since it will be unreliable.

It is necessary to always use the same thermometer and record the readings immediately.

There are a number of factors other than the phase of the menstrual cycle that influence changes in basal temperature. These include:

  • * taking sleeping pills or other drugs,
  • * sexual intercourse on the day preceding the measurement,
  • * drinking alcohol,
  • * stress,
  • * colds or other inflammatory diseases, etc.

All these circumstances must be recorded in the form of comments to the basal temperature readings.

Based on the data obtained, a basal temperature chart is drawn up. Now there are a number of sites offering to build a chart online. But you can also draw it up on paper. For the graph to be the most informative, the following indicators are required:

  • date of,
  • day of the menstrual cycle,
  • basal temperature data,
  • the nature of vaginal discharge (dry, bloody, mucous, viscous, watery, etc.),
  • notes on factors influencing temperature changes.

It is necessary to describe the nature of the discharge in order to complete the picture of the graph. During ovulation, discharge from the genital tract becomes watery. Also, the sight and smell of some discharge may indicate a disease.

Basal temperature readings are normal

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is below 37 degrees. On average it ranges from 36.3 to 36.5 degrees. On the eve of ovulation, there is a sharp decrease in temperature by 0.1-0.2 degrees. If this does not happen, then do not worry, since in individual cases this rule does not apply. Then there is a jump of 0.4-0.6 degrees. This jump is associated with the release of progester into the blood she and the onset of ovulation. Throughout the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature remains at 37 degrees and above. Before menstruation, the temperature drops again. If the temperature remains high for more than 16 days and menstruation does not occur, this may indicate pregnancy.

The indicators described above are ideal. In reality, the average values ​​for each individual case vary. The difference between average temperature the first and second phases are at least 0.4 degrees. In this case, we can talk about ovulation occurring.

To determine ovulation using a basal temperature chart, use the rules that have been established World Organization Health (WHO). Based on these rules, you can create an algorithm for determining ovulation.

1. Find the lowest point on the chart (36.2 on our chart). This indicator is usually on the eve of ovulation.

2. We count 6 days backwards from it (from 7 to 12 days)

3. Now from these days we select the days with the highest values ​​(8, 10 and 11 days). We draw a straight line through them. It's called average. This line is drawn for clarity when determining ovulation.

4. The next three basal temperature readings should be above the midline. The place where it intersects with the graph is ovulation. On our

On the chart, this point is located between 14 and 15 days. The day of ovulation is taken to be the one to the left (day 14).

5. Now you need to confirm ovulation. To do this, we consider three subsequent values ​​(from 15 to 17 days of the cycle). According to the rules, two out of three days are the difference between midline and the basal temperature reading should be at least 0.1 degrees, and on one of these days - at least 0.2. On our chart, the data from the 15th day has a difference of 0.2 degrees with the average line, and the 16th and 17th days have a difference of 0.3. This corresponds to the rules, so we can talk about the onset of ovulation.

It is not always possible to apply WHO rules to determine ovulation. This happens in cases where there are high temperatures in the first phase. In this case, the so-called “finger rule” is used. It lies in the fact that values ​​that differ from the previous and subsequent ones by more than 0.2 degrees are not taken into account (as if covered with a finger). They are not taken into account if, in general, the schedule corresponds to the norm.

The disadvantage of the method of determining ovulation by measuring basal temperature is that the ovulation line appears on the chart only 2 days after its onset. While the most favorable days for conception are the day of ovulation and the 2 previous ones. That is why this method used in combination with the others.

Test strips for determining ovulation

On this moment The pharmacy assortment includes test strips for determining ovulation at home. The principle of operation of these tests is based on determining the level of luteinizing hormone. As we have already said, before ovulation there is a sharp jump in its content in a woman’s body. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the norm of luteinizing hormone is from 2 to 14 mU/l. By the time of ovulation, from 24 to 150 mU/l. That is, its content increases 10 times. The average sensitivity of tests is about 30 mU/l. Thus, the very first positive test indicates that the next 48 hours are the most favorable for conceiving a baby.

When to test to determine ovulation

Most manufacturers produce packages containing 5 test strips. This is the average amount needed to complete the test. If the analysis is carried out in parallel with determining basal temperature, then 3 test strips may be enough.

If the cycle is regular, then the calculation of the beginning of the analysis is carried out in this way: Cycle length minus 17 days. That is, with a 28-day cycle, testing must begin on the 11th day.

If the cycle is irregular, then the shortest one over the last six months is selected. In this case, more test strips may be required.

The analysis is carried out between 10 am and 8 pm. Morning urine cannot be used, as this data will be unreliable.

One hour before the test, you should not drink a lot of liquid. It is also necessary to refrain from going to the toilet for 2 hours.

How to Evaluate Ovulation Test Results

If the test strip is absent, or is significantly weaker than the control strip in color, then the test is considered negative.

If the test strip intensity matches the control one, or is brighter than it, then the test is considered positive.

A third option is also possible, when the control strip is completely absent. Such a test is considered invalid and must be redone.

Thus, an integrated approach to determining ovulation will allow you to accurately calculate the most favorable days for conception.

This miracle happens once every 30 days, and those who dream of motherhood are eagerly awaiting their time. It is called ovulation, when a mature egg is ready to give birth to a new life. During these 36 hours, a woman’s character, manner of dressing, and even the attitude of others towards her changes incredibly.

Signs of ovulation

To better understand the process of ovulation, let's turn to our imagination. Imagine a sac (follicle) with one seed - an egg selected for fertilization from hundreds of thousands of its kind. The follicle begins to grow in the ovaries in the first days of menstruation. At first, its diameter is less than a millimeter, and two weeks after the start of the menstrual cycle, having increased 20 times - to the size of a grape - it already protrudes from the wall of the ovary. At this time, the body intensively produces the hormone estrogen, and as soon as its level in the body begins to go off scale, lutein-stimulating hormone (LH) is sharply activated. In women, it is responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the formation of sex hormones; in men, it stimulates the synthesis of testosterone.

About 12 days after the onset of menstruation, a sharp rise in LH levels causes the egg to rapidly break through the ovarian wall into the abdominal cavity. This process is called ovulation - from the Latin ovum - egg. It lasts 36 hours - that’s how long it takes an egg to select exactly half of the chromosomes from its nucleus - 23 carriers genetic code. The sperm will bring the same amount to create a full-fledged cell with 46 chromosomes. In order for it to happen for sure, it is best to plan sexual intercourse within a three-day period: the day before expected ovulation, on day “X” and on the next day. Why so few? After leaving the follicle, the egg lives from 24 to 36 hours, and the sperm lives only half a day longer.

Egg by taxi

From the surface of the ovary, the fertilized egg, like a lady in a taxi, is delivered by cilia from the fallopian tube - fibria - to the tube itself. From there it moves on its own to the uterus. If there are blockages in the fallopian tube or, conversely, loopholes, the woman faces ectopic pregnancy. Take note: ovulation zones usually alternate - the egg matures in one or the other ovary. But if any of them is removed, the remaining organ takes over the entire process. Don't worry: the ability to fertilize is not any lower. Absolute sterility begins 48 hours after ovulation and continues until the start of the next ovulatory cycle.

Why is there no ovulation?

What if you are not pregnant, not in menopause, and generally alive, but ovulation does not occur? It turns out that the ability to conceive depends on the time of year and even on the duration daylight hours. Scientists have evolutionarily tracked that during the polar night, Eskimo women lost their ability to ovulate and they temporarily became infertile. This is how nature fought against the defective development of eggs in unfavorable conditions and the appearance of children with congenital disorders. This phenomenon disappeared in modern women Arctic Circle, as soon as civilization reached it.

Other causes of ovulation disorders are stress, fear of pregnancy, career infertility of a business woman. The ability to ovulate is influenced not only by the psychological mood, but also by the physical state: if a girl weighs much below normal, this can cause a failure in ovulation, since the reverse process of transformation from a girl to a girl begins. This problem often affects fashion models or those who manically strive to lose weight. If you eat right, don't try to look like a concentration camp prisoner, live in comfortable conditions and doesn’t lift sleepers instead of dumbbells, everything should work out with ovulation.

Ovulation time

For those who dream of becoming a mother, 36 hours of ovulation is a time that cannot be missed. Today, you can determine the date of ovulation at home using a calendar, thermometer or test, as well as in the clinic using ultrasound. Each method is based on the changes that occur during ovulation: calculations of cycle lengths, temperature jump after ovulation, changes in hormone levels.


The essence: mathematical calculations.
Plus: cheap and simple
Minus: errors in calculations due to changing cycle.
You have in your hands not just a square of paper, but a strategic action map on which you need to calculate how many days your cycle lasts and divide this figure by two. This is the approximate day of ovulation. Count your cycles from the first day of your period to the first day of the next. Since they may not be the same, you will have to analyze at least four to six in a row to get an average result. But if you plan to avoid pregnancy by calculating “dangerous days,” be careful: as a result of stress, a change in partner or daily routine, the onset of ovulation may not only shift, but additional ovulation is also possible, when not one, but two eggs mature in one menstrual cycle . “You can confirm your suspicions about Day X by observing changes in your body. The peak of abundant mucous discharge, after which a period of “dryness” begins, is the day of ovulation.”
Our tool will also help you calculate ovulation. Enter your details and the calendar will show favorable days for conception.

Basal (or base) temperature

The essence: Monitor internal temperature differences
Plus: convenient and cost-effective
Minus: Not suitable for teenage girls during hormonal changes and women taking oral contraceptives– the temperature will not be indicative.
A change in basal temperature is one of the main signs of ovulation. Before ovulation occurs, it is always below 37 degrees. Immediately after the release of the egg, the mercury column of the thermometer begins to rise by 0.2-0.5 degrees to 37.6-38.6 and remains at this level for 3 days in a row. This is the period of best conception. The temperature is called basal (internal) because it is almost not affected by factors external environment. You can keep the thermometer in your mouth, vagina or rectum - whichever method suits you best, as long as it does not change throughout the entire cycle. Keep a regular thermometer for at least five minutes, and a digital thermometer should ring in a minute. Take measurements in the morning after three hours of sleep in a row, without getting out of bed and preferably at the same time. Observations should be carried out regularly for at least three months from the first day of one menstruation to the next. “At different phases of the menstrual cycle, the level of hormones is different, which also gives different temperatures,” explains Sergei Kidalov. – Fever- the result of the hormone progesterone, which produces heat.”

Ovulation test

The essence: analysis of ovulation hormones in urine or saliva
Plus: result in five minutes
Minus: high cost of tests ($30-35) and the need for strict application 2 times a day without skipping
Testing can begin two days before expected ovulation at any time of the day. As soon as the first positive result is recorded, wait for the egg to be released within 24 hours.

Urine tests

They look like bags with a strip of paper inside. Usually there are five of them in a set. There are jet strips, which need to be placed under a stream of urine for 5 seconds, and regular strip strips, the same as pregnancy tests. The latter are lowered into a container with urine to the limit line with arrows for 30 seconds, and after a minute the result is assessed. When ovulation occurs, the test line is darker or similar in brightness to the control line on the test. At negative result- the test line is lighter than the control line or there is only one, the control line. If there is no control line at all, the testing is considered erroneous. Be sure to store strip strips in a dry place - humidity may affect the accuracy of the readings. This method is the simplest, most accurate and therefore popular.

Saliva tests

They come in the form of a mirror, magnifying glass or lipstick with an indicator inside. You need to spit on all this. A special indicator will react to the composition of saliva, and in 10-30 minutes you will see the results. A pattern resembling fern leaves should indicate the onset of ovulation. It can be compared with the photo that comes with the test. True, each of us has our own ideas about ferns, so difficulties often arise with interpretation. It is for this reason that women do not often practice saliva tests.

Ultrasound monitoring

The essence: medical observations of follicle growth using an ultrasound machine
Plus: one of the most accurate methods for determining auspicious days conception, suits absolutely everyone.
Minus: Takes time: you will have to visit the clinic on the seventh day after the end of your period.
In the clinic, using a vaginal sensor on an ultrasound machine, the doctor will determine whether your follicles are maturing and in which of the ovaries. And then every 2-3 days, using the same method, he will continue to observe how the follicles grow, whether there is one among them that is about to ovulate, and predict the timing of the release of the egg.

The time of ovulation is the time of hunting

We are all a little bit of a predator, and during ovulation this is visible to the naked eye. Domestic scientists have noticed: these days we like to dress flashily, attracting partners, and not some inferior ones, but macho men with quality genes.

Americans say: during ovulation we can cheat on our regular boyfriend, and, in fact, there is nothing to blame us for: the call of nature!

The Czechs note: strippers earn twice as much during the period of egg release.
The Belgians state: on the best days for conception, we can hardly restrain ourselves from making caustic remarks to all other representatives of the fairer sex. They irritate us by the very fact of their presence - why does a woman need competitors in her search for a partner!
This is how we, ladies, signal with all our behavior to the slow-witted male community: I’m ovulating, I’m ready for procreation! And in this hunting fervor, we pay less attention to side ovulatory symptoms: nagging pain in the lower abdomen, clear mucous discharge from the cervix and a suddenly conscious desire to eat something exotic. Do you think men don’t notice anything? No matter how it is: when their “halves” ovulate, representatives of the stronger sex have a subconscious desire to give them armfuls of flowers and take them to the coolest restaurants. The male intuitively feels that his “prey” can be taken away by another successor to the family, and is ready to defend his rights with teeth and claws. Psychologists characterize his behavior at this time as “dominant” - the behavior of a man capable of achieving his goal: both in his personal life and in his career. So it is useful for both you and him to know the day of ovulation.
Sergey KIDALOV, gynecologist

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