Irish national anthem in Russian. Anthem of Ireland. British patriotic songs

Anthem of the Republic of Ireland

The song became the national anthem of Ireland in 1926, replacing the British "God Save the King", which did not suit the newly formed Irish Free State. Actually, the anthem of Ireland is only the chorus of the song, performed in Irish. In addition, the first four measures, which continue into the last five measures of the song, are used as a greeting to the President of Ireland - the President's Salute.


Irish text English text Russian text
Seo dhíbh, a chairde, duan Ógláigh Caithréimeach bríomhar ceolmhar Ár dtinte cnámh go buacach táid 'S an spéir go mín réaltógach Is fonnmhar faobhrach sinn chun gleo 'S go tiúnmhar glé roimh thíocht don ló Fé chiúnas chaomh na hoíche ar seol Seo libh, canaídh Amhran na bhFiann Chorus: Sinne Fianna Fáil Atá faoi gheall ag Éirinn, Buíon dár slua Thar toinn do ráinig chugainn, Faoi mhóid bheith saor. Seantír ár sinsear feasta Ní fhágfar faoin tiorán ná faoin tráill Anocht a théam sa bhearna bhaoil, Le gean ar Ghaeil chun báis nó saoil Cois bánta réidhe, ar ardaibh sléibhe Ba bhuadhach ár sinsir romhainn Ag lámhach go tréan fén sárbhrat séin 'Tá thuas sa ghaoth go seolta Ba dhúchas riamh dár gcine cháidh Gan iompáil siar ó imirt áir 'S ag siúl mar iad i gcoinne námhad Seo libh, canaidh Amhrán na bhFiann Chorus A bhuion nach fann d'fhuil Ghaeil is Gall Sin breacadh lae na saoirse Seo libh, canaidh Amhrán na bhFiann Chorus We'll sing a song, a soldier's song, With cheering rousing chorus, As round our blazing fires we throng, The starry heavens o'er us; Impatient for the coming fight, And as we wait the morning's light, Here in the silence of the night, We'll chant a soldier's song. Chorus: Soldiers are we Whose lives are pledged to Ireland; Some have come from a land beyond the wave. Sworn to be free, No more our ancient sire land Shall shelter the despot or the slave. Tonight we man the gap of danger In Erin's cause, come woe or weal "Mid cannons" roar and rifles peal, We'll chant a soldier's song. In valley green, on towering crag, Our fathers fought before us, And conquered "neath same old flag That's proudly floating o'er us. We're children of a fighting race, That never yet has known disgrace, And as we march, the foe to face, We'll chant a soldier's song. Chorus Sons of the Gael! Men of the Pale! The long watched day is breaking; The serried ranks of Inisfail Shall set the Tyrant quaking. Our camp fires are now burning low; See in the east a silv'ry glow, Out yonder waits the Saxon foe, So chant a soldier's song. Chorus Let's sing a song, a song of soldiers, After all, our banner flies. In our eyes the lights are on, Bonfires and stars above us; We long for our coming battle, Morning light and another day, And here, with you, in the silence of the night, We will sing a song to the soldiers. Chorus: We are soldiers, The spirit of Ireland boils in us, Although we were not all born there, We swore that our dear home will no longer be A shelter for a despot with a slave. We will break the chains of slavery Let death or light enter our house, Through the volleys howl and roar we will sing! We will sing a song to the soldiers. In the valleys, the rocks, the light of the eyes, The courage of the fathers lives, Who fought for us in due time Under the proud ancient flag! We will not dishonor the banner of fathers, For mothers, orphans and widows! Forward! sweeping away the insolent, We sing the song of the soldiers. Chorus Sons of Gael! The power of the earth! Break the darkness of many years of night! Close ranks and we are in the dust We will tear the troops of tyrants to shreds! The fire that burns our eyes Look - the dawn lit the east! Death to the Saxons! We are moving forward! Let's sing to them the song of the soldiers! Chorus

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An excerpt characterizing the Anthem of Ireland

“Oh, really, it’s late,” said Count Orlov, looking at the camp. He suddenly, as often happens, after the person we believe is no longer in front of his eyes, it suddenly became completely clear and obvious to him that the non-commissioned officer was a deceiver, that he had lied and would only spoil the whole attack by the absence of these two regiments, whom he will lead God knows where. Is it possible to snatch out the commander-in-chief from such a mass of troops?
“Really, he’s lying, this rogue,” said the count.
“You can turn back,” said one of the retinue, who, like Count Orlov Denisov, felt distrust of the enterprise when he looked at the camp.
- A? Right?.. what do you think, or leave? Or not?
- Would you like to turn back?
- Turn back, turn back! - Count Orlov suddenly said resolutely, looking at his watch, - it will be late, it will be quite light.
And the adjutant galloped through the forest after Grekov. When Grekov returned, Count Orlov Denisov, excited by this canceled attempt, and the vain expectation of infantry columns, which all did not show up, and the proximity of the enemy (all the people of his detachment experienced the same), decided to attack.
He commanded in a whisper: "Sit down!" Divided, baptized...
- With God blessing!
"Uraaaaa!" roared through the forest, and, one hundred after another, as if sleeping out of a bag, the Cossacks flew merrily with their darts at the ready, across the stream to the camp.
One desperate, frightened cry of the first Frenchman who saw the Cossacks - and all that was in the camp, undressed, half-awake, threw guns, rifles, horses and ran anywhere.
If the Cossacks pursued the French, not paying attention to what was behind and around them, they would have taken Murat and everything that was there. The bosses wanted it. But it was impossible to budge the Cossacks when they got to the booty and prisoners. Nobody listened to the commands. One thousand five hundred prisoners were immediately taken, thirty-eight guns, banners and, most importantly for the Cossacks, horses, saddles, blankets and various items. It was necessary to do with all this, to seize the prisoners, guns, divide the booty, shout, even fight among themselves: the Cossacks took care of all this.
The French, no longer pursued, began to gradually come to their senses, gathered in teams and began to shoot. Orlov Denisov waited for all the columns and did not advance further.
Meanwhile, according to the disposition: “die erste Colonne marschiert” [the first column is coming (German)], etc., the infantry troops of the late columns, commanded by Benigsen and managed by Tol, made their way and, as always happens, came somewhere , but not where they were assigned. As always happens, people who went out cheerfully began to stop; displeasure was heard, a consciousness of confusion, they moved somewhere back. The galloping adjutants and generals shouted, got angry, quarreled, said that they were completely in the wrong place and were late, they scolded someone, etc., and finally, everyone waved their hand and went only to go somewhere. "We'll go somewhere!" And indeed, they came, but not there, and some went there, but they were so late that they came without any use, only to be shot at. Toll, who in this battle played the role of Weyrother in Austerlitz, diligently galloped from place to place and everywhere found everything upside down. So he rode on Baggovut's corps in the forest, when it was already completely light, and this corps should have been there long ago, with Orlov Denisov. Excited, upset by the failure and believing that someone was to blame for this, Toll jumped up to the corps commander and began to reproach him severely, saying that he should be shot for this. Baggovut, the old, fighting, calm general, also exhausted by all the stops, confusions, contradictions, to the surprise of everyone, completely contrary to his character, went into a rage and said unpleasant things to Tolya.
“I don’t want to take lessons from anyone, but I know how to die with my soldiers no worse than anyone else,” he said, and went forward with one division.
Entering the field under the French shots, the excited and brave Baggovut, not realizing whether his intervention now was useful or useless, and with one division, went straight and led his troops under the shots. Danger, cannonballs, bullets were just what he needed in his angry mood. One of the first bullets killed him, the next bullets killed many soldiers. And his division stood for some time useless under fire.

Meanwhile, another column was supposed to attack the French from the front, but Kutuzov was with this column. He knew well that nothing but confusion would come out of this battle, which had begun against his will, and, as far as it was in his power, held back the troops. He didn't move.

noicon Anthem of the Republic of Ireland

The song became the national anthem of Ireland in 1926, replacing the British "God Save the King", which did not suit the newly formed Irish Free State. Actually, the anthem of Ireland is only the chorus of the song, performed in Irish. In addition, the first four measures, which continue into the last five measures of the song, are used as a greeting to the President of Ireland - the President's Salute.


Irish text English text Russian text
Seo dhíbh, a chairde, duan Ógláigh Caithréimeach bríomhar ceolmhar Ár dtinte cnámh go buacach táid 'S an spéir go mín réaltógach Is fonnmhar faobhrach sinn chun gleo 'S go tiúnmhar glé roimh thíocht don ló Fé chiúnas chaomh na hoíche ar seol Seo libh, canaídh Amhran na bhFiann Chorus: Sinne Fianna Fáil Atá faoi gheall ag Éirinn, Buíon dár slua Thar toinn do ráinig chugainn, Faoi mhóid bheith saor. Seantír ár sinsear feasta Ní fhágfar faoin tiorán ná faoin tráill Anocht a théam sa bhearna bhaoil, Le gean ar Ghaeil chun báis nó saoil Cois bánta réidhe, ar ardaibh sléibhe Ba bhuadhach ár sinsir romhainn Ag lámhach go tréan fén sárbhrat séin 'Tá thuas sa ghaoth go seolta Ba dhúchas riamh dár gcine cháidh Gan iompáil siar ó imirt áir 'S ag siúl mar iad i gcoinne námhad Seo libh, canaidh Amhrán na bhFiann Chorus A bhuion nach fann d'fhuil Ghaeil is Gall Sin breacadh lae na saoirse Seo libh, canaidh Amhrán na bhFiann Chorus We'll sing a song, a soldier's song, With cheering rousing chorus, As round our blazing fires we throng, The starry heavens o'er us; Impatient for the coming fight, And as we wait the morning's light, Here in the silence of the night, We'll chant a soldier's song. Chorus: Soldiers are we Whose lives are pledged to Ireland; Some have come from a land beyond the wave. Sworn to be free, No more our ancient sire land Shall shelter the despot or the slave. Tonight we man the gap of danger In Erin's cause, come woe or weal "Mid cannons" roar and rifles peal, We'll chant a soldier's song. In valley green, on towering crag, Our fathers fought before us, And conquered "neath the same old flag That's proudly floating o'er us. We're children of a fighting race, That never yet has known disgrace, And as we march , the foe to face, We'll chant a soldier's song. Chorus Sons of the Gael! Men of the Pale! The long watched day is breaking; The serried ranks of Inisfail Shall set the Tyrant quaking. Our camp fires are now burning low; See in the east a silv'ry glow, Out yonder waits the Saxon foe, So chant a soldier's song. Chorus Let's sing a song, a song of soldiers, After all, our banner flies. In our eyes the fires are burning, Bonfires and stars above us; We long for our coming battle, Morning light and another day, And here, with you, in the silence of the night, We will sing a song to the soldiers. Chorus: We are soldiers, The spirit of Ireland boils in us, Although we were not all born there, We swore that our dear home will no longer be A shelter for a despot with a slave. We will break the chains of slavery Let death or light enter our house, Through the volleys howl and roar we will sing! We will sing a song to the soldiers. In the valleys, the rocks, the light of the eyes, The courage of the fathers lives, Who fought for us in due time Under the proud ancient flag! We will not dishonor the banner of fathers, For mothers, orphans and widows! Forward! sweeping away the insolent, We sing the song of the soldiers. Chorus Sons of Gael! The power of the earth! Break the darkness of many years of night! Close ranks and we are in the dust We will tear the troops of tyrants to shreds! The fire that burns our eyes Look - the dawn lit the east! Death to the Saxons! We are moving forward! Let's sing to them the song of the soldiers! Chorus

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An excerpt characterizing the Anthem of Ireland

- Well, Isidora, have you thought of something more sensible? - without saying hello, Caraffa began. – I really hope that this week will bring you to your senses and I will not have to resort to the most extreme measures. After all, I told you quite sincerely - I do not want to harm your beautiful daughter, rather the opposite. I would be glad if Anna continued to study and learn new things. She is still too quick-tempered in her actions and categorical in her judgments, but she has a huge potential. One can only imagine what she would be capable of if she allowed him to open up correctly! .. How do you look at this, Isidora? All I need for this is your consent. And then you will be fine again.
“Except for the death of my husband and father, isn’t it, Your Holiness?” I asked bitterly.
– Well, it was an unforeseen complication (!..). And you still have Anna, don't forget that!
– And why should I have someone to “remain”, Your Holiness? .. I had a wonderful family, which I loved very much, and which was everything for me in the world! But you destroyed it… just because of an “unforeseen complication”, as you just put it!.. Do living people really have no meaning for you?!
Caraffa relaxed into a chair and calmly said:
“People interest me only as much as they are obedient to our holy church. Or how extraordinary and unusual their minds are. But these come across, unfortunately, very rarely. The usual crowd does not interest me at all! This is a bunch of little-thinking meat, which is no longer suitable for anything except for the fulfillment of someone else's will and other people's orders, because their brains are not able to comprehend even the most primitive truth.
Even knowing Karaffa, I felt my head spinning with excitement ... How could it be possible to live, thinking such a thing ?!.
– Well, what about the gifted ones?.. You are afraid of them, Your Holiness, aren’t you? Otherwise, you would not have killed them so brutally. Tell me, if you still burn them at the end, then why is it so inhumane to torture them even before they climb the fire? Is it really not enough for you that atrocity that you create by burning these unfortunate people alive? ..
“They must repent and confess, Isidora!” Otherwise, their soul will not be cleansed, despite the fact that I betray them to the flames of the holy fire. They must get rid of the birth of the devil in them - they must get rid of their dirty Gift! Otherwise, their soul, having come to Earth from darkness, will again plunge into the same darkness... And I will not be able to fulfill my duty - to join their fallen souls to the Lord God. Do you understand this, Isidora?!
No, I didn’t understand ... because it was the real nonsense of an extremely crazy person! .. Caraffa’s incomprehensible brain was a mystery to me behind the seven heaviest locks ... And, in my opinion, no one could comprehend this riddle. Sometimes the most holy Pope seemed to me the smartest and most educated person, who knows much more than any ordinary well-read and educated person. As I said before, he was a wonderful conversationalist, shining with his tenacious and sharp mind, which completely subjugated those around him. But sometimes... what he "said" didn't sound like anything normal or understandable. Where was his rare mind at such moments?
“Have mercy, Your Holiness, you are talking to me now!” Why pretend?! What "lord" are we talking about here? And to what "lord" would you like to join the souls of these unfortunate "sinners"? And in general, can you tell me which Lord you yourself believe? If, of course, you believe at all ...
Contrary to my expectation, he did not explode in anger... He just smiled and said in a teacher's tone:
“You see, Isidora, a person does not need God to believe in something,” seeing my dumbfounded face, Caraffa laughed merrily. – Isn't it funny to hear this from me, Isidora?.. But the truth is, it is true, although I understand that from the lips of the Pope it must sound more than strange. But I repeat, man truly does not need God... He needs another person for this. Take even Christ... He was simply very gifted, but still a MAN! And he only had enough to walk on the water, revive the half-dead, show a few more of the same “tricks”, well, and for us it’s correct to declare that he is the son of God (and therefore almost God), and everything went exactly as it has always been - the crowd, after his death, happily rushed after their redeemer ... not even fully understanding what he really redeemed for them ...
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