The military is near the anomaly at the battlefields. Mirages of Myasny Bor: the ghosts of restless soldiers roam the battlefields. The latest story is at the bottom

The war is not over until the last soldier is buried. IN Myasny Bor, on Novgorod region, where the 2nd Shock Army died in 1942, thousands of soldiers were not buried. And to this day, surrounding residents and trackers conducting excavations at battle sites see vague shadows heading into a deadly bayonet attack, hear shouts in Russian and German, the whistling of bullets and the clanging of caterpillars. The war continues.

Anomalous zone

Villagers don’t go to this forest to pick mushrooms. And in general, they try not to walk alone here, even during the day. It’s somehow scary here, uncomfortable. It seems that someone’s unkind eyes are constantly watching you from the depths of the thicket.

But every summer, as soon as the roads are dry, townspeople go into the forest, armed with bayonet shovels and primitive metal detectors. Quite a few of them are black searchers, those who are attracted by profit, who then sell found weapons and other wartime items that are of considerable value today. But the majority are still “white” search engines, honest, disinterested and persistent people.

They come from Veliky Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Moscow and other places in our Motherland to find nameless burials, discover unburied remains of soldiers in thickets, gullies and swamps, identify them if possible and bury them with military honors.

In this forested swampy valley 30 kilometers from Veliky Novgorod, which has become an anomalous zone, people observe strange phenomena associated with the war. Old name Myasnoy Bor turned out to be symbolic. During the Loban operation of 1942 here in bloody battles Soldiers of the Soviet 2nd Shock Army, units of the German Wehrmacht, the Spanish Blue Division and other troops died.

About 300 thousand Soviet soldiers remained on the battlefield, which was tens of times greater than the enemy’s losses. To date, 11 thousand remains have been found. And how many of them have not yet been buried?! They say that the souls of missing soldiers cannot pass into another world until they are reburied. And therefore, many of the searchers of the combined detachment “Valley” saw the ghosts of soldiers, some even somehow mystically found themselves in the past for a few seconds, in the center of the battles. These are the so-called chronomirages.

Searchers say that birds do not settle in places where there are mass accumulations of remains; all living things avoid them. At night in Myasny Bor you can hear strange voices, as if from the other world, and at dusk in the forest you can meet soldiers in Red Army uniforms, who more than once told the diggers where to look for unburied bodies. They also saw something worse than ghosts. It’s not for nothing that this place is called Death Valley.

“And here I am lying!”

Andrei Morozov, a search officer of the “Sturm” detachment of the “Dolina” expedition, did not believe in all sorts of ghosts until one day he saw everything with his own eyes.

I was just starting excavations then. One day, out of stupidity, one went to an excavation site in the evening. When I returned, it was already night. And so I walk along the road and see that around me... 1942! The people, the trenches, the cars, the dugouts, even the forest is different. I saw it all! Well, I got to the camp normally, but it was still scary. Or one girl was digging up a fighter in the evening. And suddenly a man in a Red Army uniform comes up to her, stops and looks. She didn’t pay much attention right away - there are a lot of squads here, many of the guys wear uniforms.

And he tells her: “When you dig it up, dig here, there’s another one lying here. And near that aspen tree too. And here, under the tree, I’m lying!” The girl, of course, falls unconscious. Then, when I came to my senses and told everything, we went and checked this place. In all the places where this guy pointed out, remains were found. And they also found a fighter under the tree. Among the bones are metal buttons of the Red Army with stars. Ours, then, was a Red Army soldier...

Grandfather's spoon

One day, a local resident named Elena, together with her friends, accidentally dug up a shell crater in the forest, left over from the war. She looked into it and saw a soldier lying there. Not dead - alive. He is wearing an overcoat, a helmet, and a rifle next to him. The soldier spoke to her and asked what her grandfather's last name was.

She answered - Gushchin. Then the soldier handed her a wooden spoon, and on it was the inscription: “Gushchin P.” Grandfather's name was Pavel Stepanovich. He was called to the front from Malaya Vishera and went missing in the very places where many years later his granddaughter stumbled upon a crater.

When Elena came to her senses and looked into the funnel again, she saw nothing but a shapeless pile of scraps of material, iron and something white, similar to fragments of human bones. But in her hand there remained a wooden spoon with her grandfather’s name.

Subsequently, after asking others local residents, the woman found out that similar incidents happened to other people whose relatives died or went missing in the Myasny Bor area. Supernaturally, they found things in the forest that belonged to deceased loved ones. Together with these people, Elena founded a museum, the exhibits of which were finds from the forest.

Incident on the road

St. Petersburg resident Alexey Borisov says:

I often wander along this route with a load. Our work, as you understand, is not easy - you spend 24 hours behind the wheel. And here I am driving past Myasnoye Clock at eight in the evening, and before that I hadn’t slept for almost three days, everything seems to be fine, but it makes me feel sleepy. I didn’t notice how I fell asleep. I woke up from a loud phrase: “Hey, be careful, brother!” And it seems like someone is tapping on your shoulder. I open my eyes - no one. I look: the car is already driving along the side of the road. Taxied out. Outside the window, a glimpse of the Butcher's Monument to the Unknown Soldiers flashed by.

There are rumors that it was the spirits of the soldiers who prevented the construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg high-speed railway, which was also supposed to pass through Death Valley. The leader of this project and numerous sponsors began to dream about the military every day. After this, it was decided to postpone construction indefinitely.

Shroud over Volkhov

Not long ago, local children from the village of Zakharyino (8 kilometers from Myasnoy Bor), walking in the evening along the banks of the Volkhov, saw such a terrible picture that they rushed to the village and still do not go for a walk in those places. The boys told the adults who “tortured” them what had happened that they had seen Death itself above the river.

Black Pathfinder's Black Luger

I had one acquaintance, the black ranger Valera. He climbed the entire Karelian Isthmus in search of war trophies. And I’ve been to Myasny Bor many times. He has collected a good collection of Soviet and German weapons, sold his finds for considerable profit. He preferred to act alone, sometimes with his cousin Seryoga. We worked at the same company with this guy. Sergei told me this story.

One day in Myasny Bor, Valera, while searching, came across a skeleton. Based on scraps of decayed uniform, buttons, a belt buckle and other surviving accessories, he determined that in front of him was a German officer. And most importantly, in the holster was a well-preserved pistol, and not just any pistol, but the famous Luger. Valera took a pistol, a knife, field binoculars, and something else - and left, leaving the skeleton unburied.

When he returned to Leningrad, that same night a tall red-haired guy in a lieutenant’s field uniform appeared to him in a dream. He sharply and decisively demanded something from Valera. And although our black tracker did not know German, for some reason he understood everything. The officer ordered Valera to return to the forest and bury his bones. The guy promised to fulfill his wish, but days after days passed, and he was in no hurry to keep his word. Moreover, even when I was in Myasny Bor, I avoided the ravine where I found this skeleton.

Now the chief lieutenant appeared in Valerina’s dreams almost every night. His appearance became more and more stern and gloomy, he threatened all sorts of punishments, including a quick, painful death.

But - I found a scythe on a stone. Now Valera did not want to bury the ashes of the enemy on principle. During the day he laughed at his night fears, and at night he broke out in a cold sweat.

One day Valera went into the forest to pick mushrooms and disappeared. A few days later, his body was found in the forest near Kirillovsky. There was a black bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. A forensic examination determined that the shot was fired at close range, almost point-blank, from a Luger. Perhaps the same one that Valera found in Myasny Bor and sold to some collector.


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Zheltoyarsk phantoms

In the east of the Voronezh region (Russia), near the city of Novokhopersk, there is the Zheltoyar anomalous zone (more often called the Novokhopersk anomalous zone).

Members of the expedition of the Voronezh Committee for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, led by the famous researcher Genrikh Silanov, managed to film people in soldier uniforms near the tents. And in one of the pictures a phantom plane appeared.

Once upon a time the front line passed here. Thus, one of the frames captured the silhouette of a Czech soldier in a World War II uniform. Later it turned out that in this place there was indeed a Czech military unit, which was part of the Soviet Army.

According to Silanov, we're talking about about typical chronal mirages, products of the so-called “memory field” associated with dramatic events of the distant past.

Burials don't disappear

One of the most famous anomalous zones associated with the war is the forested swampy valley of Myasnoy Bor, 30 kilometers from Veliky Novgorod. Nobody remembers where this name came from - it appeared before the revolution. But it turned out to be symbolic: during the Loban operation of 1942, many soldiers died here in bloody battles Soviet Second shock army, units of the German Wehrmacht, the Spanish “Blue Division” and other troops. In total, about 300 thousand Soviet soldiers were destroyed in the Novgorod region. This was tens of times the number of enemy losses.

In these places there are many unburied remains, the search for which is being carried out by the joint detachment “Dolina”, which includes volunteers from different Russian cities and even from abroad. Searchers say that birds do not settle in places where there are mass accumulations of remains; all living things avoid them. At night in Myasny Bor you can hear strange voices, as if from the other world, and at dusk in the forest you can meet soldiers in Red Army uniforms, who allegedly more than once told the diggers where to look for unburied bodies.

The head of the “Search” group from the city of Engels, Galina Pavlova, speaks about an incident that happened to her in 1997: “In Myasnoy Bor there is a terrible mystical forest. As soon as you are left alone, the forest begins to sound. The cries of “hurray” can be clearly heard, as if the restless souls of the dead are still going on the attack. And how we found the mines: the boys went ahead, and I stopped at a dug-up area, and suddenly I saw: with complete calm, the trees were clearly leaning towards one place. I called the guys. We just dug - a rotted wooden box and old mines..."

Tamara Mikhailovna Karpova, who heads another search group working in these places, claims that she personally saw “soldiers going on the attack.”
One day, a local resident named Elena, together with her friends, accidentally dug up a shell crater in the forest, left over from the war. She looked into it and saw a soldier lying there. Not dead - alive. He is wearing an overcoat, a helmet, and a rifle next to him. The soldier spoke to her and asked what her grandfather's last name was. She answered - Gushchin. Then the soldier handed her a wooden spoon, and on it was the inscription: “Gushchin P.” Grandfather's name was Pavel Stepanovich. He was called to the front from Malye Vishera and went missing in the very places where many years later his granddaughter stumbled upon a crater.

When Elena came to her senses and looked into the funnel again, she saw nothing but a shapeless pile of scraps of material, iron and something white, similar to fragments of human bones. But in her hand there remained a wooden spoon with her grandfather’s name.

Subsequently, after conducting a survey among the local population, the woman found out that similar incidents had happened to other people whose relatives had died or gone missing in the Myasny Bor area. Supernaturally, they found things in the forest that belonged to deceased loved ones. Together with these people, Elena founded a museum, the exhibits of which were finds from the forest.

Night march

In places where fierce fighting raged during the war, just a few years ago they fought active work“black trackers” who dug up military graves in search of rarities - weapons, orders, medals and other valuable trophies. And more than once “black diggers” had to deal with real “devilry”.

So, in 1998, three seekers of war trophies examined one of the graves of local residents shot by the Germans. It was located next to an abandoned road. Suddenly a human figure appeared in the distance. The man was in a suit, for some reason his face was not visible - a shapeless black spot. The man moved towards the search engines. When he found himself 15 meters away from them, they called out to him. But, instead of responding or coming closer, the stranger, as if on polished parquet, smoothly glided towards the forest belt. Of course, no traces of a ghost were found there. And here is an interesting story from the “black archaeologist” Alexei, who hunted with his comrades in the south of Russia, in the Bryansk forests, where the front stood from the winter of 1942 to the end of the summer of 1943. “They found six of us and eleven Germans, including four Wehrmacht soldiers, in a littered dugout on the bank of the Zhizdra River. Just as a bomb or shell hit there, they all stayed there. We began to dig carefully. The soil there is sandy and easy to work with.
They dug up the rampart, sawed through the logs and dug up rotted German boots with bones sticking out of them. They began to dig more carefully. Here are the pelvic bones, the spine, the ribs... Slowly they dug up the rest. Four. One, apparently, was an officer with a cross. While they were working, it began to get dark. We left the skeletons near the pit, and ourselves settled down about two hundred meters away, in a clearing.

And then at night the devil began to happen! Valera, the duty officer, woke us up. “Guys,” he says, “something is happening, but I don’t understand what!” We jumped up. Let's listen. And there, behind the ravine where we were digging, we could hear German speech, German marches, laughter, and the clanging of caterpillars. To be honest, we were scared... We collected our things and went to the river, about half a kilometer away. We sat there until the morning. In the morning we went there again. Everything is in place. Nothing has been touched. The skeletons lie just as we left them. But we went a little further, and there... Tank pits! And the most amazing thing is fresh tracks of caterpillars! The moss is all cut up, as if just yesterday some “panthers” were driving here!”

Heirs of Ahnenerbe

Even more amazing events take place on the territory of the former Courland Pocket in Latvia, where an area called Lestene is located.
Near the old Lutheran Church There is a burial place for SS legionnaires. From time to time, someone’s hand places candles, bowls and other ritual objects on the graves in a strictly defined order. According to paranormal researcher Ruslan Kozlovsky, during the war years secret research was carried out here by specialists from the legendary Nazi occult institute Ahnenerbe, who dreamed of using the power of these places for their own purposes. And near the Berzini farm there grows a huge oak tree.

They say that near the oak there was once an ancient pagan altar, the “guardian” of this place. According to eyewitness accounts, in 1944 several cars loaded with boxes arrived here. The Nazis riddled the oak with gunfire (destroyed the altar?), and then buried the boxes in the ground. Local esotericists are convinced that we are talking about ancient occult artifacts that the Nazis collected throughout Latvia. For what? According to Kozlovsky, they wanted to build the so-called “pyramid of power” - a powerful concentrate of energy that would allow the Fuhrer and those who stood behind him to rule the whole world!

From time to time, people appear in Lesten who are conducting some kind of excavations. In the mid-90s they came to the Berzini farm. With them was a deaf-mute settled gypsy from Jelgava, Ruslan's namesake, Imant Kozlovsky. On the night before Christmas 1997, Imant was found murdered in his own home. He got 17 stab wounds. The wounds formed some kind of occult sign on the body... What happened to him? Maybe he didn’t share the treasure with his friends? Did you find out some secret and became too dangerous for someone? Or was he, a physically disabled person, simply sacrificed in order to bring some occult forces to life?

The search engines soon disappeared without a trace. Did they manage to discover anything?

People avoid an abandoned farm near Dobeli. Until 1997, a certain Gennady Galiev lived here. They said that he collected old weapons and explosives from the swamps and cooked TNT at home, which he supplied to bandits from Riga. One day, while he was sitting in his kitchen, he was torn in two.

Of course, the police decided that the TNT stored in Galiev’s house had exploded. However, his death looked very strange! The body was torn exactly in half, and the upper part had to be literally collected from the bushes. Fragments of the face were never found, but a pair of the owner’s palms lay to the side of the house, and both of them turned out to be perfectly clean, as if they had not been damaged by the explosion.

Ruslan Kozlovsky suggests that Galiev was killed by weapons. There were allegedly three SS ritual daggers. They contained notes: one contained the encrypted name of a person, the second contained a surname, and the third contained magical instructions describing a ritual with the help of which the finder of the daggers could inhabit someone else’s body. After the completion of the ritual rite, the old body had to be destroyed. It is possible that Galiev found these daggers somewhere and used their power. Perhaps he didn’t really understand what was going to happen to him, he was just curious. Who did Gennady's soul inhabit then? In any case, there are no people willing to buy the land that once belonged to Galiev. So the farm stands abandoned, and all that remains of the house after the explosion are the walls...

It is impossible not to mention another curious phenomenon: holes from bullets and shells are preserved on the walls of many houses in Lesten. Sometimes the owners try to cover them with plaster, but it soon falls off, no matter how well the repairs are carried out. As if an unknown force does not want these traces to disappear...
Ruslan Kozlovsky believes that Lestene is one of the so-called “places of power” and has powerful energy potential. Perhaps, like other places associated with the war.


It is believed that chronomirages are pictures of the past (some researchers argue: the future too), which incredibly “appeared” in our reality. Deny the existence of this unusual phenomenon Even the most notorious skeptics of science have stopped, but it has not yet been possible to explain the nature of “pictures from the past.” Among the places the most frequent occurrence chronomirages are traditionally listed as: Isle of Thanet (Great Britain), Biggin Hill (Great Britain), Versailles (France), Valley of the Dead (Caucasus, Russia), Zhiguli (Samara Region, Russia), Crete (Greece), Medveditskaya Ridge ( Volgograd region, Russia), Myasnoy Bor (Novgorod region, Russia), Nikandrovsky Monastery (Pskov region, Russia), Novokhoperskaya zone ( Voronezh region, Russia), Protasovo ( Tula region, Russia), Shiloh (USA), etc.

...The ancient warriors of England and Germany cannot find peace, from time to time at dusk they converge in the next duel on the site of great massacres. Similar clashes are observed in Russia. But sometimes individuals from clearly bygone eras appear before stunned witnesses... So, several soldiers in cocked hats and uniforms Russian Empire Peter's times in 1997 appeared in St. Petersburg, right in front of the car with military sailors. In this case, the mirage was not limited to just the clarity of the image: the cloak of one of the strange “visitors from the past”... got caught on the car bumper! Petrovsky’s soldiers hid inside the casemate, but when the officer riding in the car approached the sentries, they were categorical: no one went inside.

From time to time, pilots have to deal with amazing ghosts. This usually happens in crisis situations. Either a long-dead pilot, suddenly appearing in the cockpit, helps with advice to take control of the situation, then an unknown “guest” (from the past or from the future is unclear) directs the pilot to the nearest airfield, which, as it turns out later, has long since disappeared from existence land. And only the lazy have not written about situations when the owners, having returned home, saw strangers in their house through the windows, disappearing within a few moments.

Strange, frighteningly real visions have been observed from ancient times to the present day. Thus, in the Pskov region, among the ruins of the former Nikandrovsky monastery, rural residents quite often see mysterious monks. The Holy Fathers are not like modern church ministers; Despite the fact that their figures are quite material, and witnesses to the appearance of strange figures say that they heard the monks talking to each other, they cannot be photographed. Each time it turns out that instead of human figures, the film captures... bright spots of light!

If we talk about ghost cars, they are found on many roads around the world. People often find themselves driving such cars... for a long time dead people. And sometimes ghostly cars don’t even bother moving along the highway, preferring to rush through the air above it.

There is a lot of evidence of how people have encountered mirages that have a minimal gap in time with the real course of events. This leads to the fact that a person sees... himself or hears his own steps, and we can’t talk about either an echo or an optical reflection here.

At the end of August 1990, brothers Vitaly Pecherey and Sergei Soborev, living in the Rostov region, went fishing on a lake near the village of Olginskaya. Already at dusk, on the opposite bank the reeds suddenly began to crackle, as if someone was walking there. The brothers, suspecting something was wrong, headed home, but on the way back they turned around and saw... themselves in the same place. The “ghosts” exactly repeated their movements made just a few minutes ago. The incredible “movie” was suddenly interrupted, and then two guys reappeared in the light of the fire. This happened several times; The brothers lost their nerves, and they hurried to get away from the eerie place.

These and similar visions were so hauntingly reminiscent of themselves that the scientific community eventually stopped denying them the right to exist. Incredible paintings were nevertheless recognized by experts as one of the facets of our reality. But things didn't go any further. No, people have not stopped observing the phenomena called “chronomirage”. But it is not yet possible to explain their nature. A number of researchers believe that we are talking here about an unusual property of psychic energy. It, being preserved and accumulating in space-time, is supposedly capable of certain circumstances“manifest”, conveying pictures of the past or future. Almost all supporters of this theory anomalous phenomena(from UFOs and “flying Dutchmen” to cryptozoological and architectural objects) are classified exclusively as chronomirages.

Optical physicists, having read the next report about strange visions, usually frown in annoyance: the Fata Morgana effect has long been explained and there is no secret in the appearance of “celestial pictures”. One could easily agree with representatives of this field of science, but here’s the problem: no laws of physics can explain the strange behavior of some mirages. Unlike the completely respectable and disassembled Fata Morgana, they reflect events remote from the place of the “premiere” not only in space, but also in time. By the way, the majority of such “wrong” visions...

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to talk about all cases of chronomirages, so we will have to limit ourselves to getting to know only a few of them. Let's start, perhaps, with the textbook case of the famous discoverer Willoughby, who photographed an unknown city in the sky over Alaska. Moreover, over time it was confirmed that this mirage appeared with enviable regularity over Alaska even before the arrival of white settlers in these parts. It is noteworthy that chronomirage always occurred between June 21 and July 10.

In 1887, visions of cities were recorded in many cities in the United States and over the Yukon (Alaska). Moreover, the outlines of buildings and streets most often did not resemble any of the known settlements. After much debate, observers and experts came to an amazing conclusion: they were lucky enough to see “some cities from the past.” Similar things often happened both in Europe and on other continents.

A person’s ability to connect to the so-called energy-information field and “read” any information about the past, the present, and possibly the future has more than once become a topic of scientific debate. It has been noted that chronomirages are most often seen by people who have a psyche that is most susceptible to all natural phenomena, that is, women (especially young people) and children. True, in most cases, they pay for encountering chronomirages with headaches and memory lapses... Most likely, the psyche of unwitting “contactees” simply picks up weak signals from the past (less often from the future), which are truly material and capable of reliably conveying images and sometimes sounds , smells and tactile sensations. One can argue a lot about this statement, but it is not yet possible to explain otherwise the 100% coincidence of chronomirages with their historical “originals.”

Some experts believe that we are all, to one degree or another, capable of perceiving unusual signals. However, in order to see a full-fledged chronomirage, most often a push from the outside is required - emotional overload (in this case, information can come in the form of a strange dream), natural phenomena that can change the flow of time. Speaking about the latter, it is worth remembering that the lion's share of mysterious pictures are observed near geological faults (Novokhoperskaya zone), air and water vortices, which are, in particular, the bends of rivers such as the Zhiguli and the warm Gulf Stream. Probably, due to some natural anomaly, an event that happened in the past and an event that is taking place in the present are here combined in the same place. Eyewitnesses of such cases observe buildings, talk with people who should no longer exist on Earth for tens, or even hundreds of years. An incredible “contact” is often preceded by some kind of weather anomaly (severe thunderstorm or thick fog). There is another interesting hypothesis regarding the mechanism of occurrence of chronomirages. In accordance with it, the radiation of anomalous zones, as well as disruptions in the flow of time in them, lead to the fact that in environment Static records from the memory field begin to be broadcast, storing information about past events. The information flow that arises moves towards a similar flow formed by a series of events, and becomes part of the process that shapes reality. If the energy flow conveying a static record of the past is weak, the generated information itself is not able to penetrate our consciousness. However, it can be retransmitted by any reflective surface that appears along the way and thus becomes accessible to the senses of living beings as a fantastic mirage in the heavens with sound accompaniment. If there is no natural “mirror” above the heads of random witnesses at this time, then information about past events will be reproduced on the surface of the earth with all the details in dynamics in the form of three-dimensional color images. Particularly strong energy flows, “broadcasting” past events, can even leave behind not only traces on the soil, but also material artifacts (things belonging to the inhabitants of the chronomirage, traces of blood, arrows, fragments of weapons, etc.). True, material evidence of the sanity of the witnesses of the incredible “session” does not last long. Probably, the static record does not contain all the information about the structure of material objects, but only that part that is responsible for them appearance. Chronomirages with the subsequent loss of material objects most often occur in the morning hours, when various vapors from the surface of the earth rise high into the atmosphere and reach the heights at which visions arise. These evaporations contain something that triggers the materialization mechanism. The reason for the appearance of quite tangible weapons, with which ghostly warriors fought in the heavens, was, apparently, the presence of iron atoms. Finding themselves in the spatial volumes of chronomirages, they connected into a single whole the information flows that form greater reality (responsible for the reproduction of material objects in it) and the flow responsible for the “assembly” of material objects from atoms and molecules. But the spatial volumes falling onto the surface of the earth do not have time to “rewrite” on themselves all the information structures necessary for a long existence. This explains the fragility of the artifacts that fell out of the chronomirage.

...Seeing medieval knights fighting overhead, you can’t help but think: from the point of view of a modern sane person, such phenomena should not exist in nature, since they contradict everything famous people physical laws and scientific theories. Conclusion: either you need to continue to hide behind the saving expression: “This cannot be, because this can never happen” - and cheerfully go to see a local psychiatrist, or finally figure out what chronomirages actually are. It seems that the second way out of the situation is still preferable...

The Great Patriotic War left dozens of anomalous zones in Russia. The Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent, while participating in excavations at the sites of bloody battles, constantly encountered inexplicable phenomena.

Fighting sites have a special aura that makes you feel uneasy. Therefore, it is no coincidence that both the “black” and “red” trackers have a cult film - “Stalker” by Tarkovsky, and their favorite book is “Roadside Picnic”. They say that the Strugatsky brothers, who grew up in post-war Leningrad, dug. And how they dug! By the way, even the rangers’ jargon is borrowed from their legendary works: things found in the forest are called “swag,” and excavation sites are called “zones.”

You wander around such an area, and it seems that someone is always looking at your back. And the background sound in the metal detector headphones suddenly transforms into a male choir. For some reason I always hear “Varyag” being sung. Or, on the contrary, it seems that someone is always calling you by name.

There are places where you experience an inexplicable, paralyzing horror, just like in bad dreams. One day, traveling through the most remote places where the Volkhov Front passed, among continuous swamps overgrown with rotten aspen, I came across a dry, cozy clearing. I set up a tent. In the evening, when I was overcome by a completely blissful peace from peace and quiet, about 300 meters away, in the tract of the Ridge, an ax began to knock, and then children began calling to each other. I even determined their age by ear - 2 - 3 years old, no more.

The nearest paved road was 15 kilometers through swamps in one direction and 100 kilometers in the other. Real children wouldn't come here and scream until the sun came up. They would simply become hoarse.

At night I lay in a tent, in a cold sweat, clutching a Saiga carbine to my chest with the safety released, and listened to the babbling voices move in space, now approaching, now moving away. Sometimes these screams were repeated by an echo - the intangible world intersected with reality.

In the morning I went to the Ridges tract, from which the war left only heaps of bricks overgrown with huge trees. Together with the Second Shock Army, thousands of civilians died in the cauldron, and one could only guess how many of them lay in the foundations of collapsed houses. I turned on the device, and the first thing my metal detector responded to was a rotten toy enamel basin in which lay a crushed celluloid doll.

I buried all this stuff back into the ground and put a cross on top, because, in my personal opinion, all toys contain particles of children's souls and touching children's love. I lived near this tract for three more days, poking around at German artillery positions, and no one bothered me anymore.

Stalkers call such anomalies chronomirages and consider them almost obligatory phenomena for such places. They explain: where unburied people lie, their biofields remain. If there were many thousands of people, these biofields can already be felt, heard, and sometimes even seen. Geographically, zones with chronomirages are scattered along all fronts of that war: Rybachy Island near Murmansk, Nevsky Piglet near Leningrad, Rzhev, Ramushevsky Corridor near Demyansk, Death Valley near Novgorod or Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd. I know dozens of sober and balanced searchers who saw and even tried to film attacks that drowned in blood 60 years ago.

But, as a rule, photographic film does not record chronomirages - only white dregs remain on the negatives. And to see them with your eyes, you need fog. It turns into a screen onto which the events of the past are projected. Sometimes, in the fog in front of the observer, clearly readable pictures begin to take shape from individual fragments. Almost always these are silhouettes of soldiers with characteristic details of German or Soviet ammunition. The wind may blow away the fog, but the outlines of the people will always move in the given direction - from our front line to the German trenches or vice versa. Just as it happened in reality, many years ago, during the bloody German counterattacks near Demyansk or the breaking of the blockade near Leningrad.

Everything that is found at the battle sites has a special temper, habits and memory. It has been tested many times - these things, once rescued from oblivion, do not like to return to where they were lost and found again. In the forest, rust will immediately appear on a cleaned and re-glazed bayonet, an aluminum cup from a German flask will definitely fall into the fire and burn without a trace, like a paper one, and a Red Army star attached to a baseball cap will simply get lost. By taking finds from the forest and restoring them, you are grossly interfering with the natural course of events and time, changing it arbitrarily, and sometimes taking on other people’s sins or suffering. The retribution for frivolity comes quickly.

A friend gave it to New Year German mortal medallion on a thick silver chain. It looks nothing special - an oval aluminum plate divided into two parts by a dotted cut. After the death of the owner, the medallion was broken, one part was left on the corpse, the other was transferred to division headquarters. Former owner This little thing was simply fatally unlucky. Judging by the markings on the medallion, for some offense he was transferred from the dust-free airfield protection service of the Luftwaffe “Flieger Horst Schutze” (Fl. H. Sch.) to the reserve infantry battalion “Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon” (Inf. ers. batl.) , which eventually all lay down at the Pogostye station. This German was not found after the battle - he remained lying in a blocked trench.

Having received the gift, I couldn’t think of anything smarter than putting the medallion on myself. Then events began to unfold dizzyingly. In a few days, I, a poor student, lost everything I had. For starters, my wife left. A day later, while driving someone else’s rusty “penny” from the impound lot, I drove into the back of a brand new “nine”. While I was dealing with the consequences of the accident, I was expelled from the institute. From the ladies' hostel where I lived illegally, I was asked to leave for the streets within three days. He could have easily hanged himself, but there was no suitable hook.

The decision came in a dream, unconsciously: the thick chain on which the medallion hung became entangled and wrapped around the neck so that a purple scar remained on the throat. I put this curious thing with “history” out of harm’s way, and life just as quickly began to improve. I told many people about this medallion. If they didn’t believe me, I took it out with the words: “Here, vilify it a little...”

There were no takers. Then I got rid of the medallion, selling it for next to nothing to the first collector I came across.

Beliefs and signs

Even pilots and sailors can envy the superstition of most search engines. In fact, signs are just a set of laws that you need to live by if you constantly come across intangible objects and phenomena on battlefields. There is no need to mock the remains - there is no way to remove or identify the deceased, don’t be lazy, make a cross with two sticks and walk away. Don’t go unnecessarily into abandoned forest cemeteries and sanitary burial grounds: retribution will inevitably catch up, and in what form is unknown.

Friends, successful businessmen, sick with the “echo of war”, returned from the last expedition pale and lost. They went to the Makaryevskaya Hermitage, to the monastery, which the Germans turned into a powerful fortified area. During the offensive of 1944, ours covered the Germans with “eres”. A volley of Katyusha rockets demolished one of the ancient spiritual centers of the Novgorod region to the ground. In the vicinity of the desert, a deserted and swampy area, the rangers were looking for some kind of German cemetery, but did not find it and decided to dig up the monastery graveyard. While they were choosing a grave for desecration, it started to rain. By the way, it always begins when the remains are disturbed. An old lady with a small bag of medicinal herbs appeared as if out of the ground.

She asked what the youths were looking for, and when she learned that the youths were interested in the Germans, she took them into the forest to show them that same front-line cemetery. The pathfinders later said that they climbed with this woman through the windfall for a very long time, and she told them something, but no one could remember what. Then it suddenly became dark, and the grandmother disappeared somewhere without a trace. They were unable to get out of the forest until the morning: the GPS could not capture the satellites due to low clouds and dense tree crowns. They spent the night on hummocks, without tents or sleeping bags, but the Makaryevskaya Hermitage did not simply let them go. The rain that fell for 24 hours washed out the fields, and the jeep had to be literally carried out by hand. When the car climbed out onto the highway, the rain stopped, as if a faucet had been turned off, and the sun appeared.



Andrey PEREPELITSIN, chairman of the interregional society for the study of secrets and mysteries “Labyrinth”:

“I’m not a supporter of the idea of ​​the existence of souls, but if they are real, they should leave material traces.” For example, chronomirages. And it is no coincidence that the latter appear on a “foggy basis”. For example, elementary particles with sufficiently high energies, moving in air saturated with water vapor, leave a trail of water droplets. This principle is the basis for the operation of the device for recording them, known from school physics - the Wilson chamber. And if we assume that souls consist of something like “cold plasma”, some kind of elementary particles, then they may be able to ionize the air and “manifest” before the dew falls - just at night or in the morning!

There is another hypothesis proposed by biochemist Maria Vilchikhina. They say that a mentally excited person is capable of emitting coherent - essentially laser - infrared radiation. Under certain conditions, with its help, for example, on a layer of undried plaster or paint, a hologram can be recorded, which can then be “manifested” by another excited person with its radiation, projected onto the same fog... The result is a ghost - a kind of chronomirage.

There are many versions, but the criterion of truth is objective observations. And if KP readers know places where chronomirages occur regularly and they can be waylaid, let’s organize an expedition and try to register this class phenomena. Let's try to prove that they exist not inside the excited brain, but outside it. Or vice versa.


Stalkers have this legend: as if things related to the past war contain such a powerful charge negative energy that in a matter of days can destroy a healthy indoor flower. And we decided to check it out.

The innocent plant was found without any problems - an ordinary young spathiphyllum that had been growing in the editorial office for a year. It was more difficult to find items that were guaranteed to have the energy of bloody battles. A familiar search engine helped us, who, having learned about the unusual experiment, rented us ten aluminum buttons from a German raincoat.

- Real ones, from a combat bed (cemetery in search jargon. - Author's note). Everything is in hemoglobin!

Indeed, the buttons were covered in oxides of some kind of dried rubbish, and in some places even traces of decayed threads were visible. According to the search engine, last summer their detachment, somewhere near Rzhev, discovered a pit into which dead German soldiers were dragged after battles. All the bodies were wrapped in decayed raincoats. Apparently, the Germans themselves prepared the corpses for burial, but they did not have time to bury their dead as expected, with birch crosses and helmets.

  1. 9th of March. The flower is vigorous and is not going to fade. The cyclicity of watering is half a glass of water every two days.
  2. March 17. The environment and lighting to which the flower is accustomed have not changed at all. The first reaction is already visible - the ends of the leaves of the flower are bent and begin to die off.
  3. March 22. The flower is slowly dying. The buttons did not come into contact with the ground or the flower.

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