The name of the Old Slavonic months of the year. Slavic calendar The name of the month of July in the old four letters

It is very interesting to compare the names of the months modern and Old Slavonic. they don’t tell us anything, but in the Slavic ones you can notice features that were iconic for our ancestors. July is a sufferer, a time of hard work in the field, October is a wedding day, the most suitable time for a walk, and December is fierce, a time of cold weather. Folk names help to learn about the life of the villagers, about their observations, signs. The traditional calendar was called the calendar.


It was from this spring month that the year usually began, and not only among the Slavs, but also among the Jews, Egyptians, Romans, ancient Greeks and Persians. Traditionally, the beginning of the new year, the peasants associated either with the beginning of spring work, that is, preparation for sowing, or with the end. Peter the Great ordered to calculate the time according to the European model.

They called the first birch - in the south, dry - in the north of Rus', as well as protalnik, zimobor, beloyar. Explaining the names of the months in a simple and intuitive way. Dry, that is, dry, draining spring moisture. Sokovik, birch - it was at this time that the birch began to give juice, the buds swelled. Zimobor is the first warm month after a frosty winter, conquering winter. Protalnik - the snow begins to melt. March was also called the transit month, since spring was called the span. There are also such options as dropper, morning of the year, spring, spring, rookery.


Name Old Church Slavonic months often associated with observations of nature. April was called primrose and pollen because at this time nature begins to bloom, the first flowers and trees bloom. Snow-driving, the last snow was melting, caddisfly - because of the drops and numerous streams, birch and birch-zole - because of the awakening of white birches from sleep. The names sly and capricious are also known, because the weather this month is very changeable, thaws are replaced by frosts. Since the month brought the first heat, it was also called a steam room. As you can see, due to the difference in climate in one area, April was associated with the flowering of grasses, and in another - only with snow melting.


old Slavic names months of the year tell us about what processes took place at that time. The most common name for May is herbal, herbalist, since it is in this month that the lush growth of vegetation begins. This is the third passing month. May also has many popular names: pollen (the beginning of flowering of many plants), yarets (in honor of the god Yarila), leaf puff (the appearance of bunches of grass and leaves), mur (grass-ant appears), rosenik (due to abundant morning dew) .


The Old Slavic names of the months of the year may surprise you, since many words of the language used have been forgotten. For example, most often the month of June was called izok. This was the name of a common insect - an ordinary grasshopper. It is in June that their singing can be heard most often. Another common name is worm, due to the appearance of dye worms. You can also hear kresnik (from fire, kres), skopid, grain grower (saves up the harvest of bread for the whole year). For the abundance of colors, light: colorful, bright, rose-color, blooming, blush of the year.


Old Slavonic months corresponded to one of the four seasons. July was the middle of summer, because it was called the crown of summer. Most often you can hear the name Cherven because of the numerous berries and fruits that have a red color. Coming full bloom linden, it secretes sweet sticky juice, so the second common name is lime or lime. Stradnik - from hard, suffering work in the fields, the grouse - from numerous thunderstorms.


The names of the months on may reflect the occupations of the peasants at that time. In August, the harvesting of bread begins, so most often it was called stubble or sickle. Known names hobosol, khlebovenny, kapustnik, pickle. Gustar, thick-eater - this month they eat plentifully, densely. Mezhnyak - like a boundary, the border between summer and autumn. In the north, thanks to the bright glow of the lightning, the names of the glow and the zornik were in use.


Old Slavic names of the months of the year and modern ones can be very different. So, the ancient Russian name for September was ruyin or howler, ruen - from the autumn roar of deer and other animals, and possibly winds. Frowning hints at a change in weather conditions, a cloudy, gloomy sky, frequent rains. The name Spring, Spring has several versions of its origin. A low evergreen shrub, honey-bearing heather, grows in Polissya. In August-September, its flowering begins. Another version says that a similar name could come from the Ukrainian word "vrasenets", which means frost, which can already appear in the morning. Another name for September is fieldfare.


The name of the Old Slavonic months often very clearly characterizes weather. One can easily guess that October, the month in which abundant leaf fall begins, is hidden under the name of leaf fall. And he can also recognize him under a different name - a padzernik, because it is at this time that they begin to fight, crush flax and hemp. Due to frequent rains and damp weather, you can hear another name - muddy. The main agricultural work was ending, the bins were full, it's time to get married, so because of the numerous weddings - a wedding man. October in Rus' was also called leaf fall, yellow because of the golden autumn. It smelled like cabbage, so it's a skit. And also a baker and a sawmill.


There is such a word in the Old Russian language - "pile". This is a land frozen with snow, even frozen winter road called the chest route. So November, which gave the first frosts, was most often called chest, chest or breast month. November is rich in names: leaf fall, leaf fall (the last leaves fall, October gold begins to turn into humus), mocharets (heavy rains), snowfall and semi-winter (from the first snow at the beginning of the month it turns to real snowdrifts and frosts), off-road vehicle, summer offender, winter's song, winter's eve, gates of winter, twilight of the year (it gets dark early), solstice (the day is rapidly decreasing), hardhead, seven of the year, the month of the sledge first trip (they begin to ride on a sleigh).


In the cold season, such simple and talking names, which were called the Old Slavonic months. Our ancestors called December cold, jelly, cold, cold, because of the frosty cold that is common at this time. Mother winter is fierce, hence the names fierce, fierce, lute. The snowdrifts are already deep - snow. overcome cold strong winds and blizzards - windy winter, wind chime, wrap, chill, pull, freeze.


The name of the Old Church Slavonic months is not always explicit. It can help modern man a little different look at familiar things. We associate January with the very height of winter, its middle. But in the old days it was called prosinets. At this time, the weather becomes clear more often, the blue sky begins to appear, it becomes more sunlight, increases the day. Popular names: the turning point of winter, the section (winter is cut into two halves), Vasiliev's month, winter. The frosts are still strong and do not weaken - more fierce, cracker.


The name of the Old Slavonic months can be the same for different periods of time. A good example is the winter months, especially February. The common Slavic-Russian name is the section. But often there was also snow, fierce, blizzard, that is, names that are characteristic of others winter months. One of interesting names- bokogrey. On warm days, the cattle left the barn to warm their sides under the sun. Vral - on the one hand, the barrel warms, and on the other, it cools. Another popular name is wide roads. It was believed that it was in February that forest animals created pairs, so the month could be called the animal wedding.

We offer you several variants of reconstructions of the Slavic calendar, comparison and order of months in different Slavic languages, as well as a detailed explanation of the origin and meaning of the names of each of the months of the year. It should also be noted that the true Slavic calendar was solar; it was based on 4 seasons (seasons), in each of which the solstice holiday (rotation, solstice, equinox) was celebrated. With the advent of Christianity in Rus', they began to use moon calendar, which is based on the period of changing the phases of the moon, as a result of which, by now, a certain "demolition" of dates has formed by 13 days ( a new style). The dates of the Slavic pagan holidays (many of which have been replaced with Christian names over time) are considered according to the old true style and "lag behind" the new calendar by 13 days.

Modern name of the month I option II option III option IV option VI option
January Sechen Chill Prosinets Prosinets Xichen
February lute lute lute Sechen Snezhen, Bokogrey
March Berezozol berezen dropper dry Zymobor, Protalnik
April Pollen Kveten Pollen Berezozol Brezen, Snegogon
May Traven Traven Traven Traven herbal
June Cresen Worm colorful Cresen Izok, Kresnik
July Lipen Lipen Groznik Worm Lipets, Stradnik
August Serpen Serpen Zarev Serpen, Zarev Zornichnik, Zhniven
September Veresen Veresen Howler Ryuen Ruen, Frowning
October leaf fall jaundice leaf fall Leaf fall, Pazdernik Gryaznik, wedding
November Breast leaf fall Breast Breast chest
December Chill Breast Chill Jelly Studny

Table 1. Variants of the names of the Slavic months.

Origin of the names of the months

The Romans originally had a lunar year of 10 months, beginning in March and ending in December; which is indicated, by the way, by the names of the months. So, for example, the name of the last month - December comes from the Latin "deka" (deca), which means the tenth. However, soon, according to legend - under Tsar Numa Pompilius or Tarquinius I (Tarquinius the Ancient) - the Romans switched to lunar year at 12 months containing 355 days. To bring it into line with the solar year, an extra month (mensis intercalarius) was added from time to time already under Numa. But anyway civil year with holidays calculated for certain seasons, did not at all converge with the natural year. The calendar was finally put in order by Julius Caesar in 46 BC: he introduced a solar year of 365 days with the insertion of one day in every 4th year (we have this day - February 29); and set the beginning of the year from January. The calendar and yearly cycle was named after the great Roman general and statesman Julian.

Months were designated by the same names as now. The first six months are named after the Italic gods (with the exception of February, named after a Roman holiday), July and August were called Quintilis (fifth) and Sextilis (sixth) until the time of Emperor Augustus, they received the names Julius and Augustus in honor of Julius Caesar and Augustus . Thus, the names of the months were as follows: Januarius, Februarius, Martius, Aprilis, Majus, Junius, Quintilis (Julius), Sexlilis (Augustus), September (from Latin "septem" - seven, seventh), October (from Latin "okto "- eight, eighth), November (from Latin "novem" - nine, ninth) and, finally, December (tenth). In each of these months, the Romans counted the same number of days as it is considered at the present time. All the names of the months are adjectives in which the word "mensis" (month) is either implied or added. Calendae was called the first day of every month.

In Rus', the word "calendar" has been known only since the end of the 17th century. Emperor Peter I introduced it. Prior to that, it was called the "message". But whatever you call it, the goals remain the same - fixing dates and measuring time intervals. The calendar gives us the opportunity to record events in their chronological order, serves to highlight special days(dates) in the calendar - holidays, and for many other purposes. Meanwhile, the old names of the months among Ukrainians, Belarusians and Poles are still in use!

January so named because it was dedicated by the ancient Romans to Janus, the god of Peace. In our country, in the old days, it was called "Prosinets", as it is believed, from the blue of the sky beginning to appear at this time, radiance, from amplification, with the addition of day and sunlight. On January 21, by the way, the Prosinets holiday is celebrated. Take a closer look at the January sky and you will understand that it fully justifies its name. The Little Russian (Ukrainian) name for January "section" (sichen, sіchen) indicates either the turning point of winter, which, according to popular belief, occurs precisely in January, the dissection of winter into two halves, or crackling, severe frosts. Some of the researchers single out the root "blue" in the word "blue", believing that such a name was given to January for the early twilight - with "blue". Some scientists associated the name with the ancient folk custom go to "Svyatki" from house to house and ask for refreshments. In Rus', the month of January was originally the eleventh in a row, for March was considered the first, but when the year began to be counted from September, January became the fifth; and, finally, since 1700, since the time of the change made in our chronology by Peter the Great, this month has become the first.

February among the Romans it was the last month of the year and was named after Febra, the ancient Italic god, to whom it was dedicated. The indigenous Slavic-Russian names of this month were: "cut" (a name common to it with January) or "snezhen", probably from snowy time or, according to the verb, whip for blizzards, common in this month. In Little Russia, from the 15th century, following the imitation of the Poles, the month of February began to be called "fierce" (or lute), for it is known for its fierce blizzards; the settlers of the northern and middle Russian provinces still call him "bokogrey", because at this time the cattle comes out of the stables and heats their sides in the sun, and the owners themselves warmed their sides by the stove. In modern Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish this month is still called "fierce".

March. From this month, the Egyptians, Jews, Moors, Persians, ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as, once upon a time, our Slavic ancestors began the year. The name "March" was given to this month by the Romans in honor of Mars, the god of war; it was brought to us from Byzantium. The true Slavic names of this month in the old days in Rus' were different: in the north it was called "dry" (little snow) or "dry" from the spring warmth that drains all moisture; in the south - "berezozol", from the action of the spring sun on the birch, which at this time begins to fill with sweet juice and buds. Zimobor - conquering winter, opening the way to spring and summer, a thorn - this month the snow begins to melt, thawed patches, drops appear (hence another name for a dropper). Often the month of March is called the "flying" month, since spring begins with it, the harbinger of summer, and together with the months following it - April and May - makes up the so-called "flying" (which is celebrated on May 7).

April comes from the Latin verb "aperire" - to open, and it indicates, in fact, the opening of spring. The old Russian names of this month were birch (breezen) - by analogy with March; snow-driving - streams run, taking with them the remains of snow, or even pollen, because it is then that the first trees begin to bloom, spring blooms.

May. Latin name this month is given in honor of the goddess Maya, as well as many others, it came to us from Byzantium. The old Russian name for this month was herbal, or grass (herbalist), which reflected the processes taking place in nature at that time - a riot of growing herbs. This month was considered the third and last spanning month. This name is known in the Ukrainian language.

June. The name of this month comes from the word "junius", given to him in honor of the goddess Juno by the Romans. In the old days, the original Russian name for this month was izok. Izok was the name given to the grasshopper, of which this month was especially abundant. Another name for this month is a worm, especially common among Little Russians, from a worm or a worm; this is the name of a special kind of dye worms that appear at this time. This month is also called colorful, because nature is born with an indescribable riot of colors. flowering plants. In addition, in ancient times, the month of June was often called kresnik by the people - from the word "kres" (fire).

July comes from the name "julius", given in honor of Gaius Julius Caesar, and, of course, has Roman roots. In our old days, it was called, like June - worm - from fruits and berries that ripen in July, they are distinguished by a special reddishness (scarlet, red). The folk-poetic expression "red summer" can serve as a literal translation of the name of the month, in which attention is drawn to the brightness summer sun. Another original Slavic name for July is Lipets (or Linden), which is now used in Polish, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages like the month of linden blossom. July is also called the "crown of summer", since it is considered the last month of summer (July 20 is celebrated as "Perun's Day", after which, according to folk beliefs, autumn is coming), or even a "sufferer" - from the suffering summer work, a "thunderstorm" - from severe thunderstorms.

August. Like the previous one, this month got its name from the name of the Roman emperor - Augustus. The root ancient Russian names of the month were different. In the north, it was called "glow" - from the radiance of lightning; in the south, "serpen" - from the sickle, which is used to remove bread from the fields. Often this month is given the name "zornichnik", in which it is impossible not to see the changed old name "glow". It will be unnecessary to explain the name "stubble", because in this month the time of reaping in the fields and harvesting came. Some sources interpret the glow as associated with the verb "roar" and denotes the period of the roar of animals during estrus, while others suggest that the name of the month contains an indication of thunder and evening lightning.

September- "sentemvriy", the ninth month of the year, among the Romans was the seventh, which is why it got its name (from the Latin word "septem" - the seventh). In the old days, the original Russian name of the month was "ruyin" - from the roar autumn winds and animals, especially deer. The old Russian form of the verb "ryuti" (roar) is known, which, when applied to the autumn wind, meant "roar, blow, call." He received the name "frown" due to his weather differences from others - the sky often frowns, it rains, autumn comes in nature. Another name for this month is "spring" due to the fact that heather begins to bloom right now.

October- "octovry", the tenth month of the year; among the Romans, it was the eighth, which is why it got its name (from the Latin "octo" - eight). Among our ancestors, it is known under the name "leaf fall" - from the autumn fall of leaves, or "pazdernik" - from pazderi, bonfires, since this month they begin to crush flax, hemp, and manners. Otherwise - "dirty", from the autumn rains, causing bad weather and dirt, or "wedding" - from weddings, which are celebrated at this time by the peasants.

November. "Noemvriem" (november) we call the eleventh month of the year, but among the Romans it was the ninth, which is why it got its name (nover - nine). In the old days, this month was actually called breast (breast or chest), from piles of frozen earth with snow, since in general in Old Russian the winter frozen road was called the chest path. In Dahl's dictionary, the regional word "pile" means "frozen ruts along the road, frozen hummocky mud."

December. "Dekemvriy" (lat. december) is our name for the 12th month of the year; among the Romans, it was the tenth, which is why it got its name (decem - ten). Our ancestors called it "jelly", or "studny" - from the cold and frost, common at that time.

The very word "month" indicates the connection between the allocation of such a chronological segment with the lunar cycles and has pan-European roots. Consequently, the duration of the month ranged from 28 to 31 days; it is not yet possible to specify the number of days by month more accurately.

Modern name Russian Ukrainian Belorussian Polish Czech
January Sechen Xichen Studzen Styczen Leden
February lute Lyuty Lyuty Luty Unor
March berezen berezen Sakavik Marzec Brezen
April Kveten Kviten Handsome Kwiecien Duben
May Traven Traven Traven Maj Kveten
June Worm Worm Cherven Czerwiec Cerven
July Lipen Lipen Lipen Lipiec Cervenec
August Serpen Serpen Zhniven Sierpien srpen
September Veresen Veresen Verasen Wrzesien Zari
October leaf fall Zhovten Kastrynchnik Pazdzernik Rijen
November Breast leaf fall Listapad Listopad Listopad
December Chill Breast Snezhan Grudzien Prosinec

Table 2. Comparative names of months in different Slavic languages.

In the "Ostromir Gospel" (XI century) and other ancient written monuments, January corresponded to the name prosinets (since it was getting lighter at that time), February - section (since it was the season for deforestation), March - dry (since in some places the earth was already drying up), April - birch tree, birch tree (names associated with a birch that begins to bloom), May - grass (from the word "grass"), June - izok (grasshopper), July - worm, sickle (from the word "sickle", indicating harvest time), August - glow (from "glow"), September - ryuen (from "roar" and the roar of animals), October - leaf fall, November and December - chest (from the word "pile" - a frozen rut on the road) , sometimes - jelly.

Thus, the Slavs did not have common ideas about the order and name of the months. From the whole mass of names, Proto-Slavic names are revealed, which indicates the unity of the origin of the calendar. The etymology of the names is also not always clear and gives rise to all sorts of disputes and speculations on this topic. The only thing that most reenactors agree on is the connection of names with natural phenomena characteristic of the annual cycle.

The word: July, or July is not Russian; it came to our fathers from Byzantium. The indigenous, Slavic names of this month were different. Our ancestors called it: worm, Little Russians and Poles: Lipets, Czechs and Slovaks: Chervenets and Sechen, Carniolians: Serpan, Wends: Sedmnik, Serpan, Illyrians: Sherpen and Sharpan. The settlement-ms of the Tula province this month is called: senozornik, Tambov: the crown of summer. In the old Russian life, it was the fifth month, and when they began to count the year from (September, it was the eleventh. Since 1700, it has been considered the seventh.


The observations of the villagers about the month of July are preserved in sayings: In July, at least undress, but everything will not be easier. - In July, the yard is empty, but the field is thick. - Not an ax feeds a peasant, but July work. that there is no time to lie down on the stove. - To know, a man, he did not sleep, that a woman would dance, but the crown of summer has come. - The crown of summer does not know how tired it is, cleans everything.

1. Observations

The settlers of the Tula province go from this day to the mowing. Gardeners begin to weed the ridges and pull up root vegetables for sale. In the vicinity of Moscow and steppe places collect dye plants.

4. Signs

In the steppe places they notice that from this day the winter bread is completely poured. Then the villagers say: winters in bulk have reached. About oats: father, oats are up to half uros. About buckwheat: oats in a caftan, but there is no buckwheat and a shirt. - Winters are in bulk, and buckwheat is on the shoot.

5. Signs

In the villages outside Moscow, people go out in the evening to watch the moon play. If the moon is visible when it rises, then it seems to run from place to place or change its color and hide behind the clouds. All this, according to their remarks, seems to be due to the fact that the month has its own holiday. The game of the month promises good harvests.

8. Observations

The villagers notice that if blueberries begin to ripen from this day, then winter bread is ready for harvest.

There is a strange belief among the villagers that on this day kamakha is itself, the paint is a worm. They think that kamakha is carried by the winds to our fields with warm countries, twists into a ball and rolls under the feet of the first lucky person she meets. The discovery of kamakha portends well-being for the lucky person for a whole year. In the old days there were passionate hunters to look for kamakha. Unsuccessful seekers say that it goes only to those who are destined for such happiness. There is a fair in Tula on this day, where the villagers gather to sell canvas and thread and return home with clay dolls.

12. Signs

According to the comments of the villagers, as if big dews come from this bottom. Until that day, they rush to dry the hay in beds. Large dews seem to rot the hay. Old women-leukers collect large dews for face-to-face healing. This, de, water, they say, is harassing the full-time prisoner.

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