Lunar calendar for April for hair cutting and coloring. How to treat drug allergies. Prevention of drug allergies

If a girl is partial to the beauty of her hair, she is definitely interested in the lunar calendar. In an incomprehensible way, the Moon influences many processes occurring on earth and in the human body, and especially on the condition of hair. The lunar calendar does not coincide with the regular calendar that we use in everyday life. The lunar month begins with the new moon - the first day, very short compared to others. The astrological day of the lunar calendar is slightly shorter - 48 minutes - than the usual one, and therefore there are fewer days in the lunar calendar.

Some ancient civilizations used only lunar calculus - this was the case in the Mayan calendar, which was popular for its predictions. The first day is considered zero, then another 29 or 30 days pass, a total of two half-years of six lunar months. This April, the lunar month will begin on the 29th - the new moon. This means that the moon will wax in the first half, respectively, the second half of the month will pass under the waning moon. On April 15, Tuesday, there will be an important event - a lunar eclipse. Try not to go far from home, pay close attention to your health these days, there may be various problems.

Hairstyle lunar calendar for April 2014 – hair curling

It is difficult to say what prompts languid beauties with straight hair to curl their curls with enthusiasm - coquetry, the variability of female nature, or the desire to get what you don’t have. Most likely, the reason is the latter, since curly-haired young ladies straighten their curls with irons and curling irons with no less enthusiasm. Life is about change, and the same goes for hair.

When curling, it is important to take into account the lunar day and what sign the moon is under. The most successful days are Leo and Taurus, Virgo, (2, 3, 13, 14, 29-31). These days, you can simply roll your hair with curlers and enjoy the beauty of your curls for a whole week. Add to these days the constellations Virgo and Taurus. But it’s better to exclude Scorpio and Aquarius (15,16,17) - you are unlikely to be satisfied with the image that may turn out.

By the way, during critical days, curling your hair is practically useless - hormonal changes in the body lead to the fact that the hair does not keep its shape. You will have to use a lot of hairspray, mousse or other hair fixatives. Also, the shape of the perm done while taking antibiotics does not hold. After bleaching, it is recommended to wait at least two weeks, and all this time to nourish and strengthen the hair.

Lunar hairstyle calendar for April 2014 – hair coloring

If you constantly dye your hair, you should go to the hairdresser every 4-5 weeks to at least touch up the ends. Maintaining color is not so easy - updating, touching up and changing colors now becomes a complex procedure.

Favorable days for hair coloring: third quarter of the moon (16-21), at the beginning of the month almost all days, with the exception of 3.4, 5, 13.14.

Hair coloring has its own ancient history. In ancient times, rich and noble Assyrians and Persians dyed their beards, and this was considered a sign of a person's wealth. The Romans also adopted this privilege from their eastern relatives, giving preference to painting in light colors and even bleaching. Perhaps they were pushed to do this by the fact that the ideal of beauty in those days was the milky whiteness and light tones of the hair of northern women. Was it not for them that the Greeks fought with the barbarians, considering northern women the standard of beauty? The Roman physician Gallen left us a description of his recipes for dyeing and beard care. To cover gray hair he used a decoction walnut.

Dyeing hair was practically prohibited in the Middle Ages, due to cruel morals and obsessive ideas about female chastity. The Renaissance cast aside these prejudices, and blondes again entered the arena of popularity. Later, the redheads took over the palm women lung behavior. Courtesans made extensive use of henna - dried and powdered lavsonia leaves. At the beginning of the 20th century, chemistry entered the arena - the first known mask of L'Oreal dyes appeared. Today, ammonia-free dyes are fashionable, gently and carefully coloring hair.

Lunar haircut calendar for April 2014 – favorable days for cutting hair

From April 1 to April 14, hair will grow faster after a haircut done in a beauty salon. This time is favorable for those who grow their hair. For a regular short haircut, the best time is the second half of the month. By the way, the widespread opinion about the influence of the frequency of haircuts on hair growth is wrong, although absolutely opposite points of view can be found in the press. Those who believe that the more often you cut your hair, the faster it will grow back are wrong.

That is why they tried to cut the hair of babies when they were one year old - to start a completely new countdown of hair growth. Those who prefer not to cut their hair and grow it longer are also mistaken. The truth, as always, lies in the middle - the very fact of cutting your hair does not in any way affect its growth. But it’s time for a haircut. Therefore, go get your hair cut under the signs of Leo, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn (3, 4 11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 30) and your hair will be shiny and healthy.

Lunar haircut calendar for April 2014 – unfavorable days for haircuts

Remember the main thing - the Moon does not recommend cutting your hair on the days of the full moon, new moon and solar eclipses. April “critical days” are also the signs of Scorpio and Aquarius, which pass under the influence of Saturn and Uranus, and therefore unfavorable days will be April 15,16,22,23,29. Relax yourself and give your hair a rest; after winter stress, it will thank you for it.

Lunar haircut calendar for April 2014 – conclusion

Analyzing cave paintings, scientists found that even primitive women paid more attention to their hair than to clothes. As soon as the division of social classes occurred, people began to use hair to indicate their advantage, as well as their profession. The lunar calendar goes back as long as the history of hairdressing.

In order for our hair to look like the pictures in glossy magazines, of course, it also requires good care. Much attention should be paid to washing your hair and even drying it properly.

How to dry your hair correctly

You should always prepare two towels - with one to blot your hair, with the other, after warming it up, wrap your hair to create a greenhouse effect and leave it overnight. Don't rub your scalp as hard as you can - just lightly pat your hair dry. If time is short, massage slightly dry hair at the roots with your fingertips. This is where air circulation between the hairs comes into play. The volume will be greater if you dry your hair with your head down. And remember - using a curling iron or straightener on wet hair is strictly prohibited!

To dry with a hairdryer, you also need to blot your head with a towel without rubbing. Let them be slightly damp before using the hair dryer - not wet and not dry. Try to take your hair in even strands and not over-dry it. By the way, long hair It is difficult to dry without combing - use a comb with very rare teeth. Drying should begin at the forehead and end at the back of the head.

Be beautiful with the lunar calendar!

An excellent day for hair coloring, manicure of any complexity, massage and cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenation. But it’s better not to get a haircut today, you can just trim your hair.

April 2
Moon in Taurus. 2nd and 3rd lunar day

An excellent day for cutting and coloring hair. You can create a very feminine and memorable image. It’s good to make nourishing and moisturizing masks, as well as facial and body treatments, take baths, and do body wraps.

April 3
Moon in Gemini. 3rd and 4th lunar day

Not a good day for both coloring and cutting. You can try new diets, have a fasting day, or play sports. You should not do manicures, facial cleansing or hair removal - your skin is very sensitive today.

April, 4
Moon in Gemini. 4th and 5th lunar day

You can do haircuts and hair coloring. It’s just better not to experiment, stick to old proven models. A great day for sports and combating problem areas.

5th of April
Moon in Gemini. 5th and 6th lunar day

It's a good day for a haircut, but it's better not to color it. You can try new silhouettes by using fashion trends, cut your hair shorter, make an asymmetrical haircut. Do your hair removal and pedicure with peace of mind.

April 6
Moon in Cancer. 6th and 7th lunar days

It is good to color using only natural dyes. And also carry out high-quality hair care after coloring - moisturize and nourish, minimize the harmful effects of chemicals, the scalp is very sensitive today.

April 7
Moon in Cancer. 7th lunar day

Haircut on this day is not advisable. You can dye your hair in classic and natural colors. You can do hair removal, avoiding sensitive areas of the skin, face, bikini area.

April 8
Moon in Leo. 8th lunar day

Not a bad day for a manicure, classic haircut and coloring. Today you shouldn’t experiment with your hair, its length and color. You can do a manicure, choose decorative cosmetics.

April 9
Moon in Leo. 9th lunar day

A good day to try new looks, make creative decisions in haircuts and coloring. You can do highlighting and coloring, straighten your hair or do chemistry.

April 10th
Moon in Leo. 10th lunar day

Great day for cutting and coloring. You can create a very attractive and bright image. You can do a complex manicure, use the services of a makeup artist, do permanent decorative cosmetics - tattooing, etc.

11 April
Moon in Virgo. 11th lunar day

A neutral day for both haircuts and coloring, but it’s better to refrain from going to the salon today. You should not undergo cosmetic surgery or use the services of hardware cosmetology.

12th of April
Moon in Virgo. 12th lunar day

A very good day for cutting and coloring. Today you can realize the dream image that you have always wanted to do. A wonderful day for cosmetic surgeries and hardware medicine.

April 13
Moon in Libra. 13th lunar day

You can color your hair; it’s not a good day for a haircut. It’s good to get a manicure, use the services of a makeup artist, choose and test new decorative cosmetics.

14th of April
Moon in Libra. 14th lunar day

A difficult day for both cutting and coloring. Today it is better not to do either one or the other. Also refrain from getting a manicure or pedicure - the results may be disappointing. General hair care is recommended, you can make baths for hands and feet.

April 15
Moon in Scorpio. 15th lunar day. FULL MOON

Not a bad day for a haircut, but it’s better to give preference to the classics. It is better not to color your hair today, there is a risk of damaging your hair. It’s good to have a fasting day, do exercises problem areas, fight cellulite.

April 16
Moon in Scorpio. 16th lunar day

A great day to cut and color your hair. You can create a very bright and attractive, sexy and feminine image. Experimentation is encouraged. It is good to do nourishing and moisturizing masks, rejuvenation procedures, manicures and pedicures.

April 17
Moon in Scorpio. 17th lunar day

Today you can have a classic haircut, but it’s better not to color it. A great day for dieting and fasting. You can play sports, treat problem areas, do a pedicure, or perform hair removal.

April 18th
Moon in Sagittarius. 18th lunar day

A favorable day for cutting and coloring. But it is important to strictly follow all the instructions and not deviate from them when creating a certain image. It’s good to fight cellulite on this day.

April 19
Moon in Sagittarius. 19th lunar day

A good day for a creative and bright haircut, but you can refrain from coloring today. Calmly do manicures and pedicures, play sports, and have a fasting day.

20 April
Moon in Capricorn. 20th lunar day

It’s good to do a classic haircut and coloring of any complexity. You can do complex cosmetic procedures and hardware cosmetology. Do complex manicures, pedicures, hair removal.

April 21
Moon in Capricorn. 21st lunar day

You can do a haircut and coloring, but today you should be very attentive to the quality of the dyes used. It is better to avoid operations and complex cosmetic treatments, and not to do complex hair removal of sensitive areas.

April 22
Moon in Aquarius. 22nd and 23rd lunar day

It’s a difficult day for both cutting and coloring, it’s better not to do them. You can spend a fasting day, play sports, do simple cosmetic procedures, anti-cellulite wraps and anti-cellulite massage.

April 23
Moon in Aquarius. 23rd and 24th lunar day

Not a bad day for a classic haircut, but you should refrain from coloring your hair. You can do various massages - from general to sports, play sports, do hair removal on insensitive areas of the skin, pedicure.

April 24
Moon in Pisces. 24th and 25th lunar day

A great day for coloring, but a haircut is undesirable. If you want, you can simply trim your hair. Today you will be able to create a very feminine and delicate look by styling. It is good to make nourishing and moisturizing masks, all types of massage are recommended.

25th of April
Moon in Pisces. 25th and 26th lunar day

An excellent day for cutting and coloring, in a classic, feminine style. Anti-aging treatments done today can have long-lasting effects. It is good to do all types of massage.

26 April
Moon in Aries. 26th and 27th lunar day

A great day for coloring, thanks to which you can create a very dynamic look using bright colors. But today is not the best time for a haircut. It is good to do various cosmetic procedures for the body - body wraps, massages.

April 27
Moon in Aries. 27th and 28th lunar day

Neither coloring nor massage is advisable; it is better to take a break and give the body and skin a rest. However, masks from home cosmetology and baths will not hurt. Manicure, pedicure and hair removal should also be rescheduled to another day.

April 28
Moon in Taurus. 29th lunar day

A great day for cutting and coloring your hair in a classic style; it’s better not to come up with anything new and do what you did before. You can sign up for a general massage, hair removal of insensitive areas of the skin.

April 29
Moon in Taurus. 0th lunar day. NEW MOON

It’s good to get a haircut on this day - after it your hair will grow more actively. But it’s better not to color it today - the scalp is too sensitive. It is good to do hair care that promotes growth - hair masks, apply growth oil, scalp massage.

April 30
Moon in Taurus. 1st lunar day

A good day for coloring and beauty treatments. But you shouldn’t get a haircut; the result may not turn out the way you wanted. It’s good to do manicures of any complexity, cosmetic massages.

The moon is not only natural satellite Earth, but also a very important space object, because lunar rhythms influence our daily life. It is not surprising that many plan their affairs taking into account the lunar calendar. It’s worth looking at it before making an appointment with a hairdresser: cutting and caring for your hair according to the lunar calendar will help you avoid disappointment. In this case, you need to take into account not only the phase of the Moon, but also what sign it is in, and also take into account the features lunar days. So you should focus on the lunar calendar for haircuts and hair care, which Lady Mail.Ru offers!

Lunar haircut calendar for April 2014:

April 1- a favorable day for hair coloring if the color was chosen in advance. You can also cut and curl your hair. Treatments carried out in saunas and steam baths are effective.

April 2- a favorable day for cutting, curling, dyeing and tinting your hair; it is not recommended to radically change your image. Cutting with hot scissors will improve their condition.

April 3- a favorable day for cutting, curling, and dyeing hair. Masks based on fermented milk products are effective.

April, 4- a favorable day for cutting, curling and dyeing hair. Effective hair lifting.

5th of April- a favorable day for cutting, curling and dyeing hair. You can carry out a deep hair cleansing procedure using special products.

April 6- a favorable day for cutting hair. If you use a hair dryer for styling, be careful not to let the air get too hot.

April 7- a favorable day for cutting, dyeing and curling hair. Lamination is useful.

April 8- a favorable day for cutting, dyeing and curling hair. The procedures carried out in the bathhouse are useful.

April 9- a favorable day for cutting, dyeing and curling hair. You can carry out a deep cleansing procedure for your hair using special products.

April 10th- a favorable day for hair cutting and perm. Restorative procedures, nourishing masks, and phytolamination are effective.

11 April- a favorable day for hair cutting and perm. Salon treatments aimed at strengthening hair are effective.

April 13- you can give your hair a shape, trim your bangs, but nothing more. The day is unfavorable for curling and coloring.

14th of April- you can trim the ends of your hair. It is undesirable to do complex hairstyles and styling.

April 15- an unfavorable day for cutting, curling and dyeing hair. It is also not recommended to experiment with your hairstyle.

April 16- an unfavorable day for cutting, curling and dyeing hair. You can massage your scalp.

April 17- an unfavorable day for cutting, curling and dyeing hair. You need to handle your hair very carefully.

20 April- an unfavorable day for cutting, curling and dyeing hair. It is recommended to wash your hair with cool water and dry it naturally.

April is already a fairly warm and joyful spring month, the days have noticeably lengthened, and we go out for walks more often. I want to look perfect. To make your hairstyle was perfect, go to the hairdresser only on certain permitted days according to Lunar calendar . Then you won't be disappointed.

The moon will rise from April 1 to April 14, 2014, and April 30. All the rest of the time - from 15 to 29 April it will be in a decreasing phase. If possible, schedule haircuts and hair coloring specifically on the days of the waxing moon. During the waning moon, choose only the “right” days for haircuts, but it is better to postpone hair coloring.

The most better days for haircuts and any other manipulations with hair are considered 8 (1st half of the day), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (first half of the day) April. These days the Moon will be in favorable signs of Leo and Virgo and will grow.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar section for April 2014:

Lunar beauty calendar for April 2014

Lunar calendar of health and operations for April 2014

Lunar calendar of haircuts 2014

This month begins from the waxing moon so you can change your image right from the first day. Today is a neutral day for haircuts, styling, and coloring. Plan a trip to the hairdresser today and you will be satisfied.

If you have weak and dull hair, now is the time begin their treatment and careful care. Don’t expect your hair to become beautiful and well-groomed by itself by summer. Try following the simple tips and tricks below. Most often, it is improper care that makes hair lifeless. If these suggestions don't help, then your problem may be state of health the whole body and you better consult a specialist.

1) First, review your set of care products for hair. Buy only soft combs and brushes that do not damage the scalp. Their teeth should not have sharp edges. Clean your hair from your combs every day, and wash them well with soap and water about once a week.

2) Try to avoid hair dryers and other hot styling products for a while. If you have long hair, you can purchase large curlers, which will allow you to style your hair without a hair dryer.

3) Prepare hair care cosmetics that match your hair type. Products for dull and lifeless hair are available on sale: shampoos and rinses.

4) On the days recommended by the Lunar calendar, it is mandatory cut the ends of your hair or get a haircut. If you have long hair and would like to grow it out, trim the ends anyway to avoid split ends.

5) Be sure to make nourishing and cleansing masks (preferably once a week) based on natural ingredients, as well as masks specifically for treating dull and lifeless hair.

6) Comb your hair daily morning and evening while massaging the scalp.

If you follow these tips, your appearance will change before our eyes, and your hair will gain elasticity, beauty, and shine.

Today in the morning it is useful to rinse your hair nutritious herbs. Medicinal herbs nourish the hair with useful ingredients, help the scales close, and the hair becomes smoother, silkier, and acquires shine.

You can do today hair extensions using cold method- hairpins (clips). This is a popular service in many beauty salons. This extension method is quite simple. The hair on the clips is attached to its own strands, making the hairstyle more voluminous. The hairpins are well camouflaged and are not visible. Having a suitable set of hairpins in your arsenal, you can attach and remove them yourself at any time.

Gemini days are considered neutral for haircuts and some other manipulations. Remember that you can do better today airy and light hairstyles than strict and classic. Weaving braids today is not recommended; they may turn out sloppy.

Today, hairstyles made with the help of curlers. Exists a large number of various curlers that can be used at home, including thermal rollers, Velcro curlers, boomerang curlers.

Even the most complex styling and voluminous hairstyles. Use special sprays and foams for volume.

An unfavorable day for any manipulation with hair; it is not even recommended to wash your hair. And here remove unwanted hair allowed. You can apply for hair removal to a special beauty salon salon Or remove hair at home.

Lunar calendar 2014 hair cutting

Second phase of the moon from 12:32

Extremely unfavorable day for hair care, as well as haircuts, styling, especially curls. Don't expose your hair to chemicals or chemicals today. high temperatures- there is a risk of hair damage.

It is better not to do your hair in the first half of the day, but after lunch and in the evening you can do nourishing hair masks that will bring maximum benefit. Masks for volume are especially good today. They will bring maximum effect.

A good day to go to the hairdresser: hair coloring is allowed, especially in bright colors, do highlighting, coloring, lightening hair. Haircuts made today are flawless, especially if you have thin hair that lacks volume. Get your hair done every month in the days of Leo, then your hair will always be well-groomed and beautiful.

Today is also very useful to have a haircut- This is one of the most favorable days of the month. But with curling it’s better to wait until tomorrow, when the Moon turns into a neat one. Virgo sign. Today, the curl may turn out to be too shallow. Holiday hairstyles look great.

A favorable day for haircuts and styling, especially classic ones. Hair cut on this day will grow back quickly, so today it is recommended to cut the ends of the hair for those who want to grow long hair. If you grow your hair but don't trim the ends monthly, your hair will quickly they start to itch. To prevent them from deteriorating, you should cut the ends, and also treat the ends with special oils against split ends.

An ideal day for hair dyeing, highlighting, coloring, blonding. The color will last a long time rich shade, and also will not disappoint. Also today it is recommended to curl or straighten your hair using chemical or bio products. Hair lamination, which can be done at home using regular food gelatin.

Still a good day for haircuts and styling, especially before lunch. You can do your hair at home. It’s great to weave braids that will be neat and keep their shape for a long time. After lunch, lush and airy hairstyles will be successful.

The moon is still waxing, so you can still get your hair cut today. However, today's best results will be light and airy hairstyles. Can be done head massage to strengthen hair follicles, then treat your head and hair with a nourishing mask for hair growth.

Lunar calendar of haircuts, favorable days

Full moon at 11:46

Moon eclipse at 11:43

Today is not a good day for going to the hairdresser, especially considering what is expected Moon eclipse. It is better to devote this day to rest and relaxation, not to make important decisions, not to change your hairstyle, and in general it is better not to cut your hair or wear makeup.

Today it is useful to rinse your hair herbal infusions to get rid of scalp dermatitis or dandruff. For example, darker hair can be rinsed with infusion onion peel.

Recipe: For 1 liter of boiling water, take 50 grams of onion peels. Pour boiling water over the husks and leave to brew under the lid. After cooling, strain and use for rinsing after washing your hair. This rinse will get rid of dandruff and will also give you a beautiful shine, but only on the condition that you rinse your hair at least once every three days for a month.

Nice day for getting rid of dandruff. You shouldn’t buy expensive products at the pharmacy, but try it first folk remedy: vinegar.

Recipe: Dissolve vinegar in water at a ratio of 1 to 3. Rinse dry hair with this solution without rinsing clean water. Then wrap them in film and wrap them in a towel. It is better to do the procedure at night. In the morning, wash your hair as usual. Repeat the procedure several times before washing your hair and you will notice the result.

Today is a favorable day for hair treatment. After a long winter, in the absence of the necessary vitamins, you may notice that your hair has become dull and lifeless, and often falls out. If you have the opportunity, you can contact a hair treatment specialist who will help determine the cause of hair loss and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Today you can cut your bangs, if you do not want it to grow back quickly. Also, men can safely go to the hairdresser, since hair cut today will grow back slowly.

Today you can apply for hair depilation around the feet or do this procedure at home using a razor, special cream or wax. If you have a special device - a depilator, even better, because the hair removed with its help will grow very slowly. Remove hair exactly on the waning moon, then the effect will be much better.

Cut your hair and color it today extremely unfavorable. It is better to postpone your trip to the hairdresser to another day.

Lunar calendar haircuts hair coloring

Fourth phase of the moon from 11:53

Unfavorable day for haircuts, styling, coloring, curling. Better put off going to the hairdresser. Extremely unfavorable today dye hair: the paint will quickly wash off or may give a completely unexpected shade.

Today is not a good day for hair care, or for going to the hairdresser. However, if you decide to get a haircut, make sure that your hairdresser experienced and reliable. Even if you've had your hair done by him or her many times, you may not be happy today.

Perfect day for removal of unwanted hair from the armpit and bikini area. But it’s better to postpone going to the hairdresser. Today is one of the most unfavorable days of the month for various hair manipulations. Skip the haircut. If you cut your hair today, it will not grow back well and will be weak and thin.

Avoid going to the hairdresser today if you don’t want to be dissatisfied. Haircut can be unsuccessful, and with chemical exposure you risk severe damage to your hair.

It's better in the first half of the day do nothing with your hair, but in the evening you can make masks that will have a positive effect on the health of your hair. A mask against hair loss, as well as against dandruff, may be successful.

Today it is not advisable to cut your hair or dye your hair: the result may be unexpected, the dye will quickly wash off, and you may not like the new hairstyle. You especially shouldn’t experiment with your hair.

Don't expose your hair today high temperatures, there is a risk of damage.

A dangerous and ambiguous day. A trip to the hairdresser can very disappointing. It is better not to plan any manipulations with your hair.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

New moon at 10:15. Solar eclipse

At the very beginning of the lunar month, it is not recommended to take any serious steps. Especially not change your hairstyle, dye your hair a new color. Today is planning day. Dedicate it to preparing for your future trip to the hairdresser. Find it for yourself new hairstyle, use programs to select haircuts. Find information about new hair care products, write down new recipes for homemade masks. Next month you will have all this will definitely come in handy.

This day is suitable for going to the hairdresser. Haircuts work neat and very feminine, the paint will last a long time and delight you with its rich color. And although this is not the most ideal day for doing hair, it can be used for more complex hair manipulations if desired.

Lunar calendar for hair for April 2014

Haircuts: 8-13
Male haircuts: 18, 19
Hair cutting: 1-3, 8-13
Bangs cut: 18, 19
Styling: 4-5, 8-14
Coloring: 8-13
Highlighting, blonding, toning, coloring: 8-13
Depilation: 6, 20, 21, 24-26
Curl: 11-13
Hair straightening: 11-13
Lamination of hair: 1-3, 11-13
Braiding: 11-13
Hair extension: 3, 8-10
Glazing, nourishing masks: 1-3, 14, 30
Masks for volume: 8-10
Getting rid of dandruff: 16, 17, 26-28
Hair treatment: 1-3, 18, 19
Cleansing masks: 18, 19, 26-28
Herbal rinses: 1-3, 16, 17, 30
Unfavorable days for any procedures: 7, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29
Among many other products, meat stands out as a source of protein and the basis for many delicious dishes. Speaking about him, you can mean different types of this product:
1) Beef.
2) Pork.
3) Chicken.
4) Rabbit meat.
5) Duck.
And many other types of meat that people eat.
When planning to buy meat, you should know about it beneficial properties. It is important to understand that depending on the animal, the properties of the product will change, as well as the cooking recommendations. For example, pork is best suited for barbecue, and quail meat is perfect for people who are on a diet.

How to choose meat?

Before you make a purchase, you need to know the selection rules of this product. They will not be the same for all types of meat, so you should rely primarily on the animal whose part you are going to purchase:
1) When purchasing meat in Kyiv such as beef, pay attention to the following
factors: color - it should be rich and red. Dark meat is an indicator
because the product is old, so the dish made from it will be tough. The color of the fat should
be white. It is also important that the meat is dry, smells good, and is elastic.
2) It is best to purchase the chicken whole. It will cost less, but
the need to purchase individual parts of an animal for a certain dish,
look carefully at: the color, which should be light pink on the skin and
meat - tender red; pleasant, fresh smell; size – don’t take it unnaturally
large parts of the carcass, this may be an indication that the product is inflated with water,
or during growing the chicken was overfed with vitamins. It is also important that
The date and time of packaging were indicated on the product packaging.
3) If you are interested in meat in Ukraine such as pork, look at the color of the meat and fat,
elasticity, smell of the product. Pay special attention to the color of the fat, since
To hide the smell of expired goods, they are often treated with potassium permanganate.
It is the reddish fat that will become a marker of the trader’s dishonesty.
Using a similar principle, it is necessary to choose other types of meat. Remember that it is better to purchase a refrigerated product than a frozen one. You should avoid shopping in the heat, and it is better to abandon the idea if the product causes you doubts, even if the prices for fresh meat attract your attention at a low level. It’s better to spend more but protect your health than to save money and end up in the hospital with food poisoning.

Meat in Kyiv

How much depends on the place of purchase quality product will reach your table, so don’t neglect choosing a store. In Ukraine, many sellers are ready to offer you the product you are looking for, but only by contacting the Myastoria online meat store can you be sure that you will like the beef or pork dish in terms of taste and quality. In addition, here you can order various dishes ready-made for delivery throughout Kyiv. The chefs of Myastoria are the best masters of their craft who will fulfill all the wishes of their clients.

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