Dream Interpretation: knife wounds in the stomach. Dream book riddles: why I dreamed that they were cutting me with a knife

Why did you dream about the Knife (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

Ambiguous dreams, like those about a knife, traditionally foreshadow strong feelings and acute changes, both in the social aspect of life and in the personal. Subtle nuances easily shift the emphasis of the symbolism of this image. For example, a strong blade is needed both for housekeeping and for killing unwanted people, which only makes it more difficult to find the right path.

  • Why do you dream about a knife - the image of a knife in dreams often becomes an omen of a quarrel out of nowhere, separation from a loved one.
  • I dreamed of a rusty knife - grievances gradually dissolve.
  • If you saw an ordinary kitchen knife in a dream, in reality there will be a need to make decisions with the utmost care.
  • When in a dream you successfully defend yourself with a knife from an attack, then in reality you will receive a substantial compensation and improve your financial situation.

Why did you dream about Knives (Psychiatric dream book)

The psycho-emotional subtext of dream plots with knives is characterized by a certain ambiguity, which is based on the interpretation of the accompanying details.

  • Why dream of a beautiful knife as a weapon - a dream can symbolize the emergence of a threat from someone from your environment. Some dream books interpret such an image as a symbol of cruelty, destructive aggression and even death.
  • Sometimes the weapon represents a real projection of activity associated with the presence of the Oedipus complex.
  • In a dream, how do you cut something with a dull knife? This means that you have taken too long in getting rid of teenage complexes, fueling the subconscious fears that are already quite strong in you.

Why do you dream about a Knife (Romantic dream book)

  • Why does a man dream of a knife - love dream books offer two interpretations of the signs. If you dream of a knife that is well sharpened, with a shiny blade and a beautiful handle, it means that in reality you will experience strong feelings and explosive passion that must be controlled in order to avoid tragedy.
  • Have you seen an unkempt knife with a rusty blade in a dream? This is a symbol of your activity with phallic overtones, which is most often based on dissatisfaction with family relationships.
  • The image of a closed penknife is interpreted as an omen of deceit and betrayal.
  • Why dream of a knife lying on the table - a reflection of your fears of new acquaintances.
  • If you dreamed of a knife in someone’s hands, this can serve as a warning that your frivolity in behavior is really fraught with consequences.

We analyze the vision in which the Blade was dreamed (psychologist A. Meneghetti)

A dreamed knife is a symbol of aggression, cruelty, death, sexual aggression or the male genital organ. Usually, when a person sees such an image, the plot as a whole is of greater importance than the image itself.

Destructive, destroying, killing aggression is associated with this image. In another case, this image represents the real background of activity, the mechanism of which is the Oedipus complex, activity in a phallic sound, where the Oedipus complex is considered as a kind of programming. In other words, a kind of alien programming from a number of controlling structures.

Why does a woman dream about a Knife (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

  • In a dream, this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal.
  • Rusted knives dream of dissatisfaction in family matters or breaking up with a lover.
  • Why dreaming of a sharp and polished knife often means anxiety and worry.
  • A broken knife is the ruin of all hopes.
  • If in a dream an attacker with a knife tries to attack you, expect changes in your personal life.
  • Seeing someone stab you in the back with a knife is a warning that in reality ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner.
  • To dream that you yourself rushed at someone with a knife means that you will show baseness of character. You need to make a lot of effort to develop a high sense of justice.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Knives (allegory of the writer Aesop)

Why do you dream about a knife? The knife is a symbol that is associated, on the one hand, with farming, and on the other, with murder.

  • According to the dream book, to dream that you are riding a knife, like a horse, means that you pay little attention to the household, and for this reason problems may arise.
  • According to the dream book, to dream that you are looking for a knife or an ax, but cannot find anything - this is a symbol of a vicious circle, the confusion of affairs, the inability to find the beginning and end, to solve a problem, a symbol of hopelessness.
  • To see a dream in which you are talking to a person who utters insults at you, and you cannot object, you only feel a dagger pain in the heart - to deep experiences that will weaken your health; to conflict with strangers; be careful of your enemies and those you have previously hurt or offended.
  • To see that you learn news that makes you not want to live, and you understand that you were stabbed to death without a knife - if you tend to exaggerate what is happening around you, do not pay attention to it; stop communicating with people who irritate you, with those who do not find a common language with you.

Analysis of the dream in which the Knife was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

  • Why dream of a knife lying on the table - you are too afraid to meet new people. This happens because you were once burned very badly. Try to be more objective and not be led by your own fear.
  • You saw that one of your friends takes a knife in his hands to cut something, then the dream suggests that you are currently walking on the verge of what is permitted, but for some reason you think that no one around you does not notice. Expect the consequences of your frivolous behavior soon.
  • Seeing a beautiful knife means you will receive a gift from someone you didn’t expect. But this gift will not be completely harmless - expect a catch.
  • Cutting something in a dream with a dull knife - it’s time for your complexes, which come from adolescence, to become obsolete a long time ago. But you constantly feed subconscious fears, thereby not only not getting rid of them, but on the contrary, making them even stronger.
  • You have lost a knife and cannot find it, then the dream suggests that you are currently too tired and this does not give you the opportunity to relate to sex easily. You perceive it as a duty that does not bring any pleasure. For a man, such a situation in a dream indicates that he cannot completely relax in the company of his partner, perceiving her solely as a sexual object. In both cases, a good solution would be a change of environment, which gives a lot of room for imagination.
  • Why dream of buying a decorative knife in a store - you always strive to control the situation, you want your partner to always do only what you want. If you achieve your goal, you are unlikely to be satisfied with the result - you will have no one to love, except perhaps your shadow, as the dream book predictor reports.

Knife - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • Being stabbed in a dream means that you may be subjected to insult and violence.
  • Dreaming of knives in a heap - to grievances and quarrels in the family.
  • Seeing someone else's knife in a dream means be careful when dealing with enemies.
  • If you dreamed of sharpening a knife, beware of rash steps.
  • Receiving a knife as a gift in a dream means that you will make peace with your enemies.
  • Throwing knives or disks in a dream means you have embarked on a slippery path of unseemly actions.
  • I dreamed of the handle of a knife, without steel - too riotous and happy life will cause significant damage to your health.

Why do you dream about a Knife in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing knives in a dream foretells separation, quarrels and losses in business.
  • Dreaming of a rusty knife portends dissatisfaction in family matters or a break with a lover.
  • Seeing sharp and polished knives is a sign of future worries.
  • I dreamed of a broken knife - the collapse of all hopes.
  • To dream that you are wounded with a knife means domestic troubles or the machinations of your opponents.

The meaning of a dream about a Knife (Vangi's Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream about a knife according to the dream book - in a dream this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal.
  • In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.
  • If a knife falls out of your hands in a dream, it means that an unfamiliar man is rushing into your house.
  • Seeing someone stab you in the back is a warning that in reality ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner. Be careful!
  • Seeing that someone is trying to attack you a mysterious stranger with a knife in hand - this dream predicts changes in your personal life.
  • In a dream, you hit someone, and the knife was stained with the victim’s blood - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by the unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.
  • Seeing that you have been given a set of knives means that in reality you will be cruelly deceived.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

  • “Sharpening a knife against someone” means preparing for an attack.
  • “On a knife’s edge” is a critical situation.
  • A “double-edged sword” is a hopeless, contradictory situation.
  • “Crossing swords with someone” means an argument, a duel, a confrontation.
  • “Being at knifepoint” – conflict, quarrel;
  • “Sheathe the sword” – reconciliation.
  • “Kill without a knife” - greatly surprise or upset.
  • “Put on a knife” - kill; "weapon of retaliation"
  • “Stab yourself with a knife” - change your mind, change your plans.
  • “Stab a knife into another” - to fall in love, to experience the desire to be loved.

What does it mean to dream with a Knife (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why do you dream of a knife, being wounded by a knife - To fierce love. Knife - For the arrival of guests. Sharpening a knife - To the intention to sort things out. Knife at the throat - To the requirement.
  • If in the summer you dreamed of being wounded with a knife, you will fall deeply in love and suffer. Stick a knife - Seeing someone stick a knife in a dream means a bloody reprisal against you or your family. Knife - Seeing a knife in a dream means meeting someone strong man. Sharpening a knife means starting a bad business. Seeing someone threatening you with a knife means an unpleasant showdown.
  • In the fall, why dreamed of being wounded with a knife in a dream means that your friend will put a pig on you. Stick a knife - Seeing a stuck knife in a dream is a curiosity.
  • In winter, why dream of finding a rusty penknife in a dream - your whole life will be accompanied by a series of misfortunes. Knife - Sharpening a knife in a dream means preparing some kind of dirty trick. Seeing someone threatening you with a knife is a sign of unfounded threats.

Why do you dream of killing with a knife in a dream?

Often, a dream in which you see murder with a knife means that you are experiencing strong sexual desires. If you kill yourself with a knife, then the dream promises happiness. It may also mean that you feel a desire to be loved, or you have a need to change something in your own plans. If someone kills you with a knife in the back, then the dream serves as a warning about the insidious plans of ill-wishers.

Why do you dream of killing with a knife in a dream? Dreams where a knife serves as a weapon are more favorable when you kill your enemies, because they mean victory over enemies and competitors in reality. But they warn that this victory will come at a heavy price.

From a psychological point of view, killing with a knife in a dream reflects your confrontation with outside world. Perhaps you are haunted by your own complexes and self-doubt, in which case this dream is just their subconscious manifestation, a desire to get rid of obstacles that prevent you from living a calm and comfortable life. However, the dream can also have a symbolic interpretation.

What does it mean in the dream book to kill with a knife? Thus, some dream books warn that such a plot is an omen of the emergence of serious problems that will have to be solved. If you dreamed that you killed someone with a knife, then you will be able to cope with all the troubles, despite the fact that it will not be easy.

What does it mean to take a person’s life with a knife, according to famous dream books?

So, according to the women's dream book, killing a person with a knife means that your business will end in failure. If after the murder the dreamer tries to get rid of the body of the deceased, then you will lose friends or money.

According to Miller's dream book, murder with a knife is an important warning against a fatal act. Reconsider your circle of acquaintances; perhaps one of your close or even relatives will push you to take rash actions. The image of the victim also has an effect big influence for the correct interpretation of sleep. So, if a person’s face is completely unfamiliar, then suddenly the dreamer will experience failure. It’s another matter if the dreamer knows the victim. In reality, in the near future the dreamer will get rid of problems and failures.

According to the erotic dream book, the knife is associated with strong physical attraction, and the victim is the object of passion. This foreshadows mutual feelings and passion.

Why do you dream of stabbing a person?

Any murder in a dream means deep inner experiences and foreshadows serious changes in life. The murder weapon plays a special role in the interpretation of dreams: the knife is considered a symbol of treason and deceit. Holding a knife in your hand means experiencing anxiety and fear; stabbing a person means being drawn into unpleasant events.

According to the women's dream book, stabbing a person means that the business you are doing in this moment, will end in failure. If after the murder you are confused and trying to get rid of the corpse, then an unsuccessful enterprise will cause consequences: you will lose money or the favor of friends.

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream serves as a warning against a fatal act. You should exercise caution and attentiveness: in your environment there is a person pushing for dangerous and reprehensible actions.

The image of the victim is of great importance when interpreting a dream. If a person’s face is unfamiliar, or you cannot see it, the misfortune will be random, sudden. If this is a person you know, you will be able to avoid problems.

According to the erotic dream book, a knife symbolizes strong physical attraction, and the person who is stabbed is the object of passion. Such a dream means that the feelings are mutual and foreshadows a love affair.

According to the family dream book, to kill an enemy with a knife means to overcome difficulties and achieve success, to advance career ladder. Stabbing the person who attacked promises victory in a lawsuit or competition. If his blood splashes on your clothes, you should expect an improvement in your financial situation.

Why do you dream of stabbing a person to death according to Jung’s dream book? The victim is the embodiment of the one who suppresses the individual - boss, spouse, parents. In a dream, you deal with the object of pressure, trying to free yourself from his excessive care and control.

According to Freud's dream book, a dream means a quarrel between spouses and even a breakup. Unspoken reproaches, sexual dissatisfaction and low self-esteem form a negative image of family life, which a person seeks to destroy in a dream.

Complexes and doubts, timidity and suppressed desires can be embodied in such an image. In this case, by stabbing with a knife, you are trying to get rid of those character traits that prevent you from finding your place in society and realizing yourself.

A dream is like a labyrinth, built from the real and the subconscious, alluring and terrifying. Don’t be afraid to get lost in it - awakening always brings liberation and a way out. Use dreams to guide your life.

Knife according to the dream book

For some, a knife is a symbol of strength over the weaker, but for others it is simply a means for cutting vegetables. The dream book gives an ambiguous interpretation of what edged weapons mean in dreams, and in many ways a prediction of events in real life depends on the smallest details in a dream.

The presence of bladed weapons in a dream

The interpretation of a dream with the presence of bladed weapons may even depend on what time of year the dreamer was born. If your birthday falls in the autumn months, then seeing a knife in a dream is a prediction of meeting a very strong man who will become the best defender.

According to Miller's dream book, a knife in a dream is an unfavorable sign. It foretells separation from a loved one or losses to the person who sees this object. And if the blade is also rusty, then you are dissatisfied with the atmosphere in the family.

The interpretation of Azar’s dream book, where you saw a knife in a dream, means that in real life a person is trying to see you, and his desire is so passionate that most likely the meeting will happen in the near future.

According to the French dream book, if you dreamed of a knife in a dream, then you can wait family quarrel. And if the knife is a penknife, then enemies will threaten life and well-being. A closed folding knife is a harbinger of betrayal.

What does a knife mean in a dream according to interpretation erotic dream book? Perhaps very soon you will spend a significant amount of money on fun or an exciting trip. This often foreshadows proposals for holidays in entertainment establishments.

According to Vanga’s dream book, the interpretation of a dream where you cut your hand with a knife while preparing dinner for your relatives symbolizes attempts by your family to besiege your difficult character, and this useless activity will develop into a family conflict.

According to the same dream book, the meaning of a dream where a knife fell out of your hands is a harbinger of a guest who wants to visit your home. And having received a kitchen set of many knives as a gift, beware of deception from close friends.

Seeing a knife in blood in a dream, according to Vanga’s dream book, means that a family curse hangs over the family, in which distant ancestors are to blame, who with their bad thoughts and immoral actions aroused God’s wrath.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, holding a knife in a dream is a sign of self-defense, which is justified real events, where you most likely suffer from attacks and unreasonable aggression from others.

Injuring or killing with a blade

Oddly enough, the dream book gives quite favorable forecasts if you had to kill a person with a knife. Why do you dream about such a plot? This is a prediction of new opportunities that will lead to wealth and material independence.

Why dream of killing a real enemy with a knife? The dream book interprets this picture as a victory against ill-wishers. And the more serious the fight after which the murder occurred, the more difficult it will be to deal with the opponent.

The dream book's predictions are twofold if you were stabbed with a knife in a dream. On the one hand, such a dream foreshadows a long life with good health. On the other hand, this is proof of weakness in the fight against various difficulties in life.

A man who was a participant in an attack with a knife in a dream symbolizes a deception that will soon be revealed and will come as a big surprise to you, because of which your health, both physical and mental, may suffer due to stress.

If you are stabbed in the back, then in real life your competitors are preparing an unpleasant surprise for you. They will strike unnoticed and cunningly, so be prepared for changes in life circumstances.

A conversation with a person who humiliates and insults you, but you cannot answer him, but only feel pain, as if a knife had been stuck in your heart, according to the dream book, promises deep emotional torment in reality, which can adversely affect your health.

A stab in the heart with a knife is a reflection of the dreamer’s real heart pain, which can be associated both with disagreements in the family and directly with health conditions. It would be a good idea to visit a cardiologist.

If you have been stabbed in the throat, then the dream book foretells a hopeless situation where you will be faced with a difficult choice, and not only your reputation and well-being will be at stake, but also the integrity of your family.

Very bad sign for a girl - to see a knife in her chest. Dream Interpretation foretells serious problems with women's health, where the mammary gland will be a particularly vulnerable organ. Pain in a dream can mean real pain from an illness.

Why do you dream of being stabbed in the stomach with a knife? The dream book warns: beware, all the most valuable, dear things in life may soon disappear without a trace. Take care of your family, don’t conflict, and then you can ignore the dream book’s predictions.

A dream where you had to cut a person with a knife carries a positive omen. In the near future, great joy awaits you, which will be associated with material values.

If you stabbed a person you don’t know with a knife, you can expect a friend to appear in real life who will be ready to do anything for you. He will be in the complete power of the dreamer of his own free will.

When you are cut with a knife in a dream, this means the hypocrisy of friends who actually worst enemies. They will set a trap for you, so be vigilant and careful, expecting a blow from the most unexpected side.

If you were wounded with a knife in a dream, then you will receive an insult that will hurt your pride and cause mental trauma. Why else do you dream of being wounded with a knife? If you see blood from a wound, then soon quarrels will begin in the family out of nowhere.

Why do you dream of being cut with a knife? According to Freud's dream book, this indicates the complex nature of the person who saw such a plot. You need to push embarrassment and fears aside, and then life will slowly begin to get better. All these complexes have remained with you since youth, and it’s high time to say goodbye to them.

When you had to stab your enemy with a knife, according to the interpretation of the dream book, a prediction of victory in difficult matter. The ill-wisher will retreat, and the more accurate the blow in the dream, the faster this will happen.

A dream where relatives cut various foods with a knife in a dream: meat, vegetables, fish, is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of large expenses and a worsening financial situation.

Why do you dream about a plot where you were attacked with a knife? If the attacking person is not familiar to you, then in the near future expect to meet a pleasant person who will bring changes to your personal life, and they will most likely be positive.

Killing a snake with a knife is interpreted by the dream book as upcoming difficulties in life, to overcome which you will need to show all your restraint and self-control. But in the end you will achieve rewards and find long-awaited happiness.

An unpleasant person who threatens you with a knife promises very unpleasant showdowns with enemies in real life, and how they end depends on the outcome of the dream. If you knocked a weapon out of the enemy’s hands, then the dream book predicts a turn of events in better side.

Why do you dream of being stabbed with a knife? This is a harbinger of failures and problems in the dream book. Moreover, if the blow was delivered in the back, from under the radar, then expect trouble from the most unexpected side. But if you pulled the blade out of the wound, then troubles can be avoided.

If in a dream you are threatened with a knife and at the same time asked to fulfill some demands, then in real life you can become the object of blackmail and unfounded threats that will happen by mistake, so it is important to immediately dot all the i’s.

A dream where you were stabbed in the stomach has a particularly negative connotation. Subconsciously, the stomach is fixed as a symbol of life, and accordingly, very soon a threat to life will appear. Such a plot for a pregnant woman predicts childbirth in the near future.

Why dream of killing yourself with a dagger in a dream? According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a harbinger of great happiness, which will unexpectedly and very quickly fall on the person who sees this plot. Also, such self-flagellation promises good health for many years.

Why dream of defending yourself with a knife in a dream? This is a reflection of a real life situation where you feel dominated by other people and you want to break free from their oppressive power. A prediction can be given based on the outcome of the dream; did you manage to fight off your enemies? If yes, then everything will be fine, you will get rid of oppression.

Why dream of cutting yourself with a knife? This unpleasant event, as predicted by the dream book, promises the same small but offensive troubles in reality, and they will be associated with the family and will be in the nature of everyday troubles and squabbles.

According to the predictions of the dream book, if you had to hit a person who is your acquaintance or even a friend with a blade, then this is a reflection of real envy and hatred of this subject, which results in dreams in the form of aggressive actions.

Why dream of cutting your hand with a knife while cooking? This is not a good omen. Your relatives will burden you with a whole load of responsibilities that will burden you and take up a considerable amount of time.

When they want to kill you with a knife in a dream, be careful, your enemies are not asleep, they are preparing an insidious plan against you, which will come true if the outcome of the dream is not in your favor. But stabbing someone with a knife is a dream that has psychoanalytic overtones. You are so insecure that you lack the courage to solve problems peacefully.

Various knives

The most important thing in dreams is to look at the smallest details so that you can accurately interpret the events in the dream. Why do you dream of a broken knife? This is a very bad sign. The dream book promises the collapse of all hopes and the frustration of plans.

Also, what a broken knife means in a dream foreshadows grief and disappointment due to the dreamer’s inability to look at life soberly and give an objective assessment of all his actions.

When in a dream you see knives, and there are a lot of them, and they lie in disorder, in a heap, then troubles and quarrels await you. And crosswise folded blades are a particularly bad omen. The dream book predicts that a massacre, or even military action, will occur in your country, city, or region.

Why do you dream of a bloody knife? The dream book gives useful advice: Devote your life only to righteous, good deeds and deeds, and then you will not have to pay for the sins of your ancestors who led an unrighteous lifestyle.

Seeing a large knife in a dream is evidence of the dreamer’s ability to exaggerate as much as possible all the difficulties that plague him. You need to have a more positive attitude towards life, and then the problems will go away on their own.

The dream book gives an unfavorable forecast of what a sharp knife means in a dream. Difficulties will soon appear in life that will be very difficult to overcome. This will be especially true if the blade is polished to a mirror finish.

Why do you dream of a long dagger? Very unpleasant events are coming that will unexpectedly burst into life. And the longer and shiny the blade, the more negative emotions you will get out of trouble.

Why do you dream of a dull knife in a dream? This is a symbol of worries about close relatives. And if you had to cut any food with the help of this object, then the experience may have a bad effect on the dreamer’s health.

A kitchen knife in a dream promises disagreements in the family in reality. But if you cut something with this blade, then the dream book gives a favorable prognosis. If you count on your strength, then all your plans will come true.

If you see a dagger or a knife that is not a kitchen utensil, then you are in danger, and it will come from the people around you, so you need to take a close look at your surroundings.

Peaceful actions with edged weapons

The dream book interprets the plot in two ways, where you had to give a knife in a dream. On the one hand, this is favorable for the dreamer: the troubles will soon end. On the other hand, a person who sees such a situation will transfer his problems onto the shoulders of other people.

On the contrary, if you were given a knife in a dream, then expect that someone, having asked for help, will completely rely on you, and, in fact, you will take all his problems, which will fall on your shoulders with an unbearable burden, onto yourself.

Sharpening a knife in a dream is a reflection of the dreamer’s hidden, negative intentions. He is clearly preparing some kind of nasty thing that can bring troubles and disappointments to both close relatives and just friends.

If you had to find a knife in a dream, then soon you will meet a person who will only pretend to be a friend, in fact gossiping and spreading rumors behind your back.

Why dream of cutting meat with a knife? This is a warning from the dream book that you should not invest even in the most reliable enterprises. You will lose more than you gain. And breaking a knife in a dream is a harbinger that you yourself will become the cause of all your failures, which can befall you at any moment.

It is worth changing the tactics in doing business, and life position if the knife broke in a dream. This is a very bad symbol, which, according to the dream book, promises the destruction of all plans due to the fault of the person who saw such a plot.

The dream book promises unseemly actions that can ruin your entire reputation and undermine your authority if you had to throw knives in a dream. And hiding knives shows the dreamer’s bad conscience, who hides his wrong actions from everyone and is ashamed of it.

The desire for power and dominance is reflected in a situation where you had to buy a knife in a dream. And the more beautiful the blade being purchased, the greater the ambition. Shaving with a knife in a dream is a harbinger of the loss of property that was very dear to you, and this event will come from ill-wishers.

Taking away a knife in a dream is not the worst prediction in the dream book. Such an event promises the dreamer deliverance from the enemy peacefully, or even his independent retreat. In any case, after the ill-wisher leaves, life will begin to improve.

Characters with a dagger

If you see a person with a knife, and this person is not familiar to you, then you can expect good changes in personal life. And a maniac with a knife is a symbol of displaying internal fears and unresolved problems.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a killer with a knife portends the presence of obsessive ideas in the dreamer. If you had a dream where a man with a knife is chasing you, then the dream book predicts losses and hardships, but everything will be temporary, problems can be solved very quickly with the help of strangers.

Why do you have a dream where you have a knife in your hands and you are walking down the street with it? This is a reflection of a hostile attitude towards others. And a man with a knife in a dream is a sign of victory over ill-wishers, and they will be resolved with the help of an authoritative stranger.

The dream book gives favorable predictions for a plot where a man attacks with a knife. The dream book predicts that you will soon meet a very pleasant person who will help solve all your problems. A dream where a knife fight occurs between friends, but at the same time you do not feel excitement, predicts a fun event.

If you saw a woman with a knife, then the dream book talks about meeting a mysterious stranger who will become a faithful and reliable friend.

Dream Interpretation: killing people - what does such a dream portend?

As you know, our dreams in symbolic form reflect any of our inner fears, emotions that we experience for one reason or another in real life. Often dreams carry an element of predicting the future (as a rule, they are dreamed by people with a heightened sixth sense or those with psychic abilities).

A very interesting and useful interpreter of dreams is the dream book. Let's see how this book interprets visions, the central image of which is murder. According to the dream book, killing relatives or friends in a dream is an unkind sign. It can promise a possible quarrel with the characters in your dream, as well as, in general, the beginning of a streak of failures in business. If in a dream you take the lives of completely unfamiliar characters, then this, on the contrary, will find a favorable reflection in reality in the near future - your life will become calmer, and the fears that have haunted you lately will disappear.

If in a dream you see a person being killed, then the victim is the personification of someone who is very unpleasant to you in real life. Also, the dream book interprets your desire to kill someone in a dream in the sense that you are trying to get rid of any of your shortcomings, complexes, fears, and the person killed symbolizes them. For example, if you are trying to lose excess weight in reality, then an overweight person may become your victim in a dream.

American dream book: killing people

Don’t reproach yourself for killing a person in a dream. Such a dream is a positive sign, symbolizing the beginning of a new stage in your real life. In this case, your victim is unnecessary complexes, fears, shortcomings, personality traits that prevented you from changing yourself and your existence for the better. If you kill a child in a dream, then in reality you are trying to get rid of some childish qualities - immaturity, naivety, lack of independence, excessive gullibility, frivolity, etc. When you yourself become a victim of murder in a dream, it means that you are not the master of your own life, you are a driven person. It's time to feel strong and change this situation radically.

English dream book: kill people

If in a dream you are a murderer, this is the worst dream, and your real life will be full of sins, vices and crimes. In reality, immediately start working on your soul, try to get rid of bad thoughts and intentions. When you are killed in a dream, this may mean that soon in real life you will be faced with deception or betrayal of a loved one, close friend or any person from whom you least expect a “knife in the back.”

Esoteric dream book: killing people

A murder taking place before your eyes - such a dream may be a warning that someone from your close circle or you is in danger of meeting death at the hands of a killer or robber. If in a dream you receive news of the murder of a relative or friend, then perhaps in reality a person from your circle, serving in the army, a military man, a police officer, a security guard, etc., will soon die in the line of duty. When they kill you in your dream, but you remain alive, it means that your fearlessness will help you avoid mortal danger. But if at the moment of your murder you wake up, then, on the contrary, dangers will be drawn to you, and there is a possibility that the plot of such a nightmare may be repeated in reality.

Erotic dream book: killing people

If you are the victim in a dream, then such a dream is a symbolic reflection of the fact that in real life you live with a partner who is boring to you and from whom you have no idea how to get rid of as quickly as possible. In the case where the murderer is you yourself, the instrument of the crime itself matters. If you use a knife for this in a dream, it means that the relationship with your partner is gaining strength and passion. And if you are strangling a person, then in reality it’s time to think about how to diversify your relationship. Your use of firearms means that existing intimate problems will soon be successfully resolved.

A dream in which another person is killed can portend both wealth and happiness, and serve as a sign of serious complications in the life of the person who saw such a dream. In any case, murder in a dream demonstrates the painful contradictions that a person experiences in reality.

If in a dream a murder occurs before your eyes, then in reality you may experience disruption of plans due to unforeseen circumstances or difficult experiences. A dream in which an enemy attacked you and you killed him is one of the most favorable. It means that in reality you will be able to cope with problems and even receive financial benefits. Big profits await you if the blood of a killed enemy stains your clothes.

Also, murder in a dream can mean the completion of some business or the end of worries and troubles. But if in your dream you killed someone and don’t know what to do with the body, such a dream will bring you in reality a situation that will negatively affect you and which will be quite difficult to forget about.

If you dreamed that you were killed, then in reality such a dream may bring a problem that will not immediately become obvious. Perhaps you have seriously neglected the solution to some issue, and it seems to you that it is no longer relevant. However, circumstances may turn against you and the problem will surface. The dream warns of the need to pay attention to the issue so that you do not have to rebuild your life.

Dreams in which you were killed should also make you more attentive to others in order to prevent intrigue. Such a dream means that your ill-wishers are planning to ruin your career and life. A woman who has such a dream should not be careless, because the dream warns of possible sexual violence. A positive interpretation of such a dream is that the person who saw it will live a long time.

Killing a person with a knife in a dream. Please tell me what it means..



It’s good that you played this in a dream, a warning, NEVER succumb to provocations, walk away from them, so as not to really do something very terrible in life.


from my experience:
You morally killed a person for yourself, you are above him.
In my dream, I beat my ex-girlfriends half to death, with whom we have not communicated for years, but I know that they envy me and my family.

Kill a man with a knife

Dream Interpretation - Kill a squirrel

Loneliness and hostility from others threatens.

Dream Interpretation - Kill a rat

Dream Interpretation - Kill a fox

Dream Interpretation - Kill a mouse

Dream Interpretation - Kill the villain or wild beast that attacked you

It portends good luck in business and a quick rise up the career ladder.

Dream Interpretation - Man

You take a mirror that belongs to another person - the birth of a noble offspring.

A noble noble person is hiding - to recovery.

A noble man leaves on a horse - clarity in official matters.

A sick person is placed on a cart - portends death.

A sick person climbing onto a cart portends a great misfortune.

A sick person gets up - portends death.

A sick person sometimes cries, sometimes laughs - portends recovery.

A sick person riding in a boat portends death.

A sick person singing songs portends great misfortune.

Taking a mirror that belongs to another person means the birth of a noble offspring.

Seeing the reflection of another person in the mirror is a problem with your wife or lover.

Seeing a person being killed is a great happiness.

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Seeing a person with a government seal means glory, fame.

Seeing a person reading a book means a noble offspring will be born.

To see a noble person coming - misfortune will pass you by.

If you own the same clothes with some person, your wife has a lover.

If you return money to a person, you will get rid of the disease.

Talking to a bad person, a villain - there will be a quarrel.

Giving a person some clothes means official matters will arise.

Giving a person castanets is a hassle.

Giving a person a knife is bad luck.

Giving silk to a person is a great misfortune.

If you give a person some clothes, official matters will arise, there will be illness, illness, grief.

If you give a person castanets, it foretells an altercation.

If you give a person a longitudinal flute, it portends fame and glory.

If you bow to the ground to some person - happiness in all matters.

Holding a sword in your hands, inflicting injections on another person is a loss.

Holding a knife in your hands and stabbing another person is a loss.

Another person gives a brush - portends the advancement of talent.

Another person holding your mirror in his hands portends misfortune with his wife.

Another person is playing musical instruments- you will be recognized as right in trial, litigation.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Another person shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler.

You give a longitudinal flute to another person - portends fame, glory.

The smell of rot, carrion from a burning person, portends happiness.

A soiled, dirty shirt portends humiliation and shame.

A snake or dragon kills a person - portends a great misfortune.

A snake bites a person - portends the acquisition of great wealth.

A snake follows a man - speaks of his wife’s betrayal.

A snake that wraps itself around a turtle means prosperity and relative wealth will appear.

A noble person gives a patterned brocade - the arrival of an official.

A noble person gives out hats to people - fortunately.

A noble person gives out clothes and hats to people - fortunately.

Human speech is heard from the well - there will be joyful events.

A rat bites a person’s clothes - you will achieve what you were striving for.

Bite a person - portends loss.

Eat honey with a person - portends happiness and benefits.

A dead person eats - portends illness.

The death of another person or oneself is fortunate.

Stabbing a person repeatedly with a knife is joy and benefit.

A sick person climbs onto the cart - a great misfortune.

If you cut a person with a knife or saber, it portends a loss of wealth.

Giving a person an umbrella means breaking up with that person.

Move to new house belonging to another person - fortunately.

You lift a basin or a bucket, and the bottom falls off - foreshadows ruin.

You buy a house from someone rural areas- relocation due to a change of duty station.

Receiving paper money from a person is great happiness.

Receiving a knife from a person means you will soon be appointed to a position.

Helping a person go to prison is wealth and happiness.

Entrusting a person with your business is a great misfortune.

Approaching a person who practices fortune telling using the I Ching is a disease, an illness.

Invite a person to enter a government institution - drink and food.

If you accept simple clothes made from hemp fabric from another person, it is unfortunate.

Accepting a sword from a person means a person coming from afar

A noble person comes - misfortune will pass you by.

Sword fighting with a person portends great luck and benefit.

Arguing with a person is fortunate.

If you shoot at a person yourself, it foretells a long trip.

A pig or wild boar turns into a human - there will be a government matter, a situation related to officials.

Grief and tears about a person from afar - portends misfortune.

Dreaming of a man who is learning to write - great wealth, nobility.

Shooting a person is a long trip.

The man's head is cut into two parts - fortunately.

Killing another person portends wealth and nobility.

Killing a person means wealth and nobility.

Killing a person so that the blood stains his clothes is material gain and wealth.

Killing a person - portends great happiness.

A person tells you about death - portends longevity.

A person says things that are very pleasant for you - misfortune, grief is approaching.

A man gives you a big bucket - a benefit.

A man gives you ink, ink - progress in writing your work.

A person gives a broom or a broom - portends getting a place in the service.

A person gives scales - portends the possession of power.

Man gives formal wear, uniform - you will be appointed to an official position.

A person gives you a big bucket - portends benefits.

A person gives you a comb or a comb - you get a wife or a concubine.

A person gives you ink, ink - talks about progress in writing your work.

A man gives three swords - you will become the head of the district, the governor.

A person gives you a brush - promotion of talent.

A person gives a bow or crossbow - outside help.

A person gives silks, taffeta - portends great happiness and prosperity.

The person is holding your brush, writing instrument - your essay, article will not be accepted.

A man calling you from the street portends misfortune.

A person plays musical instruments - you will be found to be right in court proceedings or litigation.

A man pricks himself with a bamboo stick - happiness, prosperity, good luck.

If you break your arm, it portends illness.

A man catches a fish - indicates good luck.

A person cries, baring his teeth - there will be rivalry, litigation.

A man supports a bedridden patient - promotion.

A person offers you to eat curdled milk - portends joy.

A person invites you to drink wine - longevity.

A man with a severed head comes to meet you - to great happiness.

A person puts you in a very awkward position, you experience humiliation - you will gain wealth.

A man shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler.

A man kicks you - acquiring wealth

A stranger hits you - gaining strength.

A person humiliates you - wealth.

A person who learns to write means great wealth and nobility.

A person with a government seal - portends glory and fame.

A person who reads a book will be born a noble offspring.

Human speech comes from the well - there will be joyful events.

Dream Interpretation - Man

A man sitting on a high rock means that in the distant future a great event will happen to the dreamer that will radically change his life.

A meeting between a person and a stranger who has an animalistic look means a meeting with the Antichrist.

Seeing an evil, despotic person in a dream is a sign that a tyrant will come to power and bring war, hunger and poverty to Earth.

If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend. If you saw in a dream a large number of poor people, this means that many nations will face poverty in the future.

Seeing a rich person in a dream is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you. Seeing a lot in a dream wealthy people- To happy life peoples all over the world.

If in a dream you saw a wounded person, this means that someone close to you will face a serious test, as a result of which this person will lose not only his shelter, material resources, family, but will also receive serious injuries.

Dream Interpretation - Man

Nostradamus interpreted dreams about a person as follows.

If you dreamed of a man sitting on a high rock, this means that in the distant future a great event will happen to you that will radically change your life.

If you saw an evil, despotic person in a dream, it means a change of job.

If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend.

Dreaming about a rich man is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you.

If in a dream you saw a wounded person, then someone close to you will face a serious test.

Dream Interpretation - Man under a veil

Symbolizes an ambivalent action or person, the meaning of which is determined by the context of the dream. If a person is under a veil throughout the dream, then the image is negative. When the veil is removed and the subject sees who is hiding under it, it is necessary to establish whose image it is - “death”, “old woman”, child, animal, woman, friend, mouse, etc. Behind the veil there may be an eye or just emptiness. In these cases, the image denotes a mechanical or negative orientation. In other words, such a dream may mean that we are deliberately placing our trust in a situation or people that do not actually live up to our expectations or trust.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dream of a person and you don’t know whether he is a man or a woman, then in reality you will have to change your job and find yourself in a new team in which you will not be welcome.

If the person you dream about stands on some kind of eminence, this means that changes are coming in your life that can radically change it for the better, although this will not happen too soon. A dream in which you see an evil person promises grief for you and your loved ones.



I remember only part of the dream, and not particularly accurately.
I remember that they killed me with a knife at some event in a hotel that they entered illegally with a loved one. A man killed. I only know that he had to kill me. Then I turned into a ghost.
And then I woke up from the alarm and I felt uneasy.
In general, I rarely remember dreams. If I remember, it’s in fragments. I would really like some help to interpret this episode.
Thank you.


It was as if I had killed my friend with a knife (I didn’t know her in the dream). There was a chase after us and she asked me to kill her, but I couldn’t. Suspicion fell on me, and then an investigation is underway. It turns out that I have a video recording that I am not guilty. Then I start looking for a lawyer, everyone turns away from me, even my relatives. The dream is over. What could this mean? Please tell me. E*mail: [email protected]


I went to give a bottle of cognac to the doctor for prostatitis, I walked and walked and met my cousin, we ran to the cafe, he asked me how things were with cigarettes and food, I said gud, we ran to the cafe, asked for water, stayed waiting near the stove and began to look through the chest bag, there were open bags there with rice, I was ashamed that I had rice, and... I hid that I was correcting and figuring it out, a guy comes up and shoves me with his shoulder, I push him away and 2 more run up, grab him and stab him with a knife,


Hello! I had a monstrous nightmare: my dead father tried to kill me with a knife, severely cut my hands, I hit him with a chair, he lost consciousness and I stabbed him in the heart with the same knife. I have not found any interpretations of such nightmares anywhere. Help me figure it out, otherwise I can’t find a place for myself.


Some 2 guys were chasing me with knives, I couldn’t escape, I turned around and tried to stop, but they stuck knives in my back (in my kidneys), and after that they gave me a couple more blows, after which I got angry and grabbed a knife from one of them, and cut the enemy to death, after which he ran away, waited for an ambulance, but it never came, and I was bleeding, soon died, and felt wild pain in my back and woke up with the same pain in my back on the bed


we were sitting in a bar on the second floor at my friend’s place, suddenly someone from below started screaming, fighting, it turned out they wanted to hit my friend’s boyfriend, I don’t understand how she ended up there and that man took out a knife and brutally stabbed her in front of my eyes. then we immediately started closing the bar and he came with a knife... my friends and I ran behind the bar, and he started cutting up people having a rest... after a while I dreamed that he was just walking in the bar, all the people were sitting bleeding, but alive


my friend, with whom we live together, cut off the heads of children, I stood next to him and thought about how he cuts off chickens, but I didn’t see the cutting process itself, then a child with dark skin crying, I also thought why I take everything so calmly, considering how much I love children. Then I see how I’m cutting on the table with a knife in the blood and my hands, I cut a little bit of the cervical part like the intervertebral part of a chicken.


I dreamed that I got lost abroad (I think I was at some kind of scientific symposium), I even missed the plane, and they seemed to call me and look for me, but the phone was turned off, when I turned it on, text messages started pouring in, and I was generally in some kind of prostration, not Feeling the time, well, like, I’ll miss the plane and screw it. Well, in the end, it was somehow unclear to me what to do in such a situation, it was not a very pleasant feeling. I was sitting in some incomprehensible area, then suddenly suddenly, I see from the side (namely from the side), it turns out that I was in some kind of maniac’s lair or something, or next to him, and then the police came (a woman), she entered him it shoots and it seems like it misfires (but I don’t remember, maybe he shot first right away), he raises the gun, shoots at her, and I grab his hand and up, and the bullet misses, respectively, and he immediately stabs me in the stomach, I'm dying right away. All this from the outside, it’s like I’m a victim and I’m watching from the side at the same time. The policewoman, seeing this, angrily shoots him in the stomach and begins to describe to him all the features of such a gunshot wound. It’s like his last wish to eat before dying (after being wounded in the stomach!), he eats some kind of soup, it almost spills out of him, while I feel like it’s me, it feels like my stomach is full, then he tells the police , that he seems to have a lair here, well, it seems like before his death he reveals everything about himself to her. This, in fact, was the end of the dream.


I had a dream that some man was killing everyone and got to me. With a cold weapon, some kind of long iron stick, he threw me into my stomach very deeply and stuck it out here and there. I understood that I was in a dream and thought that it wouldn’t hurt and it didn’t hurt, but I felt blood in my mouth and wiped the blood from my stomach with a napkin. There were also people with me who were not familiar to me.


I was rolling my bike along a sandy beach where there were a large number of other cyclists already resting and I had to weave around to get around them. I accidentally hit the apron of one of them with a wheel. He jumped up to me and stabbed me in the heart, after which I fell and immediately saw myself from above, lying on my stomach in a white shirt. That man continued to strike multiple times, his shirt became red with blood. At this point the dream stopped.


I and a group of people, half of whom I don’t know, were hiding from other people, they noticed us, we had a machine gun, I wanted to shoot but there were no cartridges, they ran out, and I started cutting all the approaching people, slit their throats...


I was walking with friends, sitting and talking. Then a bloody man falls out from around the corner and a woman with tousled hair, in rags, runs out, and has many knives in her hands. She begins to cut people who surround us (not my friends), and the most interesting thing is that we did not run away from there. And then she opens a new knife (she had them all packed, ordinary kitchen knives) and is going to come at us. I, as if covering my friends with my back, take out my knife, which was lying in my house, and stab this woman in the liver. A few hours later there were no more corpses on that street, and no more knives. But the pools of blood were still there.


I dreamed that two men wanted to kill me, it was like a movie. I was scared. One held me on the ground with a pistol in his hands, he said that I had been caught and would answer for everything, I tried to break free, but it didn’t work, when I despaired, I asked him to at least kill me quickly so that I wouldn’t suffer, when the second one came up (he he was bald and his face was unpleasant to me, so angry) the first one was distracted - I managed to break free, heard the voice of a third person - it was like my beloved - although I don’t know this person. While he was fighting with the first one who had a gun, I grabbed a long iron stick, hit the second man, he fell, told me something that would kill me, then I pressed this piece of iron on his throat with such force that I pierced him, blood gushed from his throat and I ran away, throwing this piece of iron, but I had no fear or anything. I didn’t feel anything, although I understood that I should be scared. I ran into a house and called the elevator, it didn’t arrive for a very long time, for some reason. Then I heard that the entrance opened and someone came in, I was a little scared, but it turned out to be the person who helped me, my beloved, he hugged me and told me not to be afraid, that everything would be fine, I started crying, but there were no tears. Further. The dream changed abruptly, but I don’t remember it well. I only care about this part. [email protected]


First I dreamed of the accidental death of a girl under a tram, she was cut in half, then a clear lake, my family and I were on the shore, friends swam up son, I still I thought it was a pity that my son didn’t swim with them, then they killed an unknown man, took some organ from his stomach and drowned him along with their inflatable boat in clean water. Then I leave the maternity hospital with a wooden baby


I met a singer on the street, he was waiting for someone. We met. A man wearing a New Year's mask approached (he didn't want to show his face). It was a kind of fan meeting. We went to visit this singer. On the way he said: “Don’t say the word “speak” in front of me. Hearing it could make me die." Here we are. Everything was going great, we communicated, etc. He also had a mother at home, this guy said this word. The mother screamed (as happens in horror films) and attacked this guy with a knife, and the singer was already dead. I jumped out of the apartment and ran outside. There was a car there, it didn’t have an owner, it just stood there (my friends and I were sitting there because we were sleeping). I got into the car and bent down (somehow I ended up with that same bloody knife in my hand), and there was also a person I knew there. I told him everything. Then we saw this woman’s car, we realized that she had gone to bury the corpse. We went after her. And I woke up.


The room was furnished in some Soviet style. I was reclining in a chair. A man came up to me from the side (I didn’t see him, I just knew it was someone male) and stabbed me in the stomach, from which I died. I saw the dream as if from the outside, but when I received the blow, I began to see everything from the first person. Moreover, there was no great shock or surprise. Everything was simply perceived as “well, it happened and happened.”


an unfamiliar man took a knife and stabbed me several times to the heart. And in a dream I realized that I was killed


I got into the bath with some person (I met him recently, I liked him and I trusted him). We were lying there, and then he suddenly attacked me and stuck a knife in my heart several times... I was in a lot of pain, I got up from the bath and saw own blood. I approached a person I knew and asked for help, but they refused... I started to die and so I decided to wake up.


I dreamed about how some man kills his sister with a knife in the back, and then his mother with a knife in the heart, and then kills herself with a knife in the throat. Then, as if I, this mother with a punctured place, go downstairs of the building and give evidence to the man. Then they call the police and an ambulance, my friends come up and I die.


in short, we were in some kind of room, on beds like a camp
There was you, me, max and someone else
And you and I lay there so that we were face to face
Well, we were lying there and bazaar, and then they threw a knife in my face, and it was covered in blood, you started yelling “they threw a knife, a knife”
Then it turned out that two people were killed with this knife 5 minutes ago
Then you all went somewhere and I was left alone.
I stole a car and smashed it
And running
Then I met you
And woke up


I had a dream about how I went to a bar with a stranger, but I felt comfortable with him as with an old acquaintance. Then he went on business to the back room, where he and two people killed the girl with a knife. Then they dismembered her and then those two left to shoot someone on the street. The dream ended with me crying and asking to leave there


At first I was at home (in some strange apartment), then the zombie apocalypse was supposed to begin, my mother said that she would turn into a zombie, I said that we would resolve this situation, after which I tried to shoot her with an air pistol, despite the fact that she I also took out a gun (I shot first), my attempt was a failure, after which we laughed and went to the kitchen, she lay down on the sofa and I asked her: mom, go to the room, lock yourself there so that there is no trouble... She said no. I'm fed up big knife, after which he secretly tried to inflict many stab wounds on her in the chest area of ​​the neck, after inflicting these blows with a knife, I saw that the knife was bent... my mother said: well, I asked... and I woke up.
I lay down for a little while and crossed myself, after which I soon fell asleep again: in a dream I dreamed that all my teeth were falling out with terrible pain, I found this grandmother who enchanted me, all my teeth fell into place, after which they began to fall out again, we my mother and father got into the car and went to look for her, my teeth continued to fall out... I woke up and couldn’t sleep...


I dreamed that the killer stabbed me first in the stomach, then in the arm. But at the same time, I knew that it was a dream, but I could not control it. Then suddenly I was saved. I come out of the gate and there is a new enemy, from whom I managed to escape.


Hello! I dreamed that my girlfriend and I were walking around the city and we were attacked by people with bladed weapons, in the end my companion was killed, and I was wounded and bleeding.


I was standing in someone’s kitchen, together with my girlfriend and a guy I still didn’t know, and he turned sharply to me and I was standing cutting something, and it turned out that I stabbed him in the heart with a knife. Then I ask my girlfriend, “Will you wait for me?”, to which she replied, “Well, I’ll come, but not often.. I don’t know, we’ll see.”


Today in a dream I saw how my boyfriend and I killed two people with a knife, I had never had such dreams before! All shades of the dream were dark and gloomy and this happened at his house...
What can you expect from this? Why is this all a dream?


I’m chasing the man who stole the dagger in my hands with a bat, I catch up with him and take the dagger from him, I throw the bat and with the help of the dagger I don’t let him escape and accidentally kill him in front of witnesses, those from whom he stole the dagger and girls I know from whom... then my bat turned out to be


I dreamed that I was walking with unknown guy near their house, and out of nowhere a group of girls appeared and started swearing at us and threatening us. Afterwards, I grabbed one of the girls and pretended to put a knife to her throat, and from that company “the main one” I did the same with the girl who stood closest. When I said that she had little guts, she plunged a knife into her stomach.


Walked with my ex's wife young man, and she hit me from behind with a knife and I felt it pierce right through me, and the most interesting thing is that we were both smiling


Hello! I dreamed that I killed the man who attacked me with a knife! please tell me what this dream is for?


Hello. I dreamed that I killed a girl I didn’t know. I stabbed her in the stomach a couple of times with a knife. I also saw blood.


Everything happened near my house, my friend, my best friend and some other people were there. I approached best friend with a black knife, said “I’m so sorry” and stabbed her with a knife, and told a friend to take her home, my phone rang and they said “kill her, or we’ll do it ourselves,” I said “no,” I hung up , pushed my friend away, took my friend and told her to press the wound, she shook her head, then I killed my friend. Then I took my friend in my arms and wanted to take her home, but there were two black cars near her entrance, and I took her home, my mother examined her and said that she would live.


I was in some unknown place, there were a lot of other people present, and two people had a conflict over a dog, and one kills the other’s dog, and the other takes revenge and kills him with a knife! Thank you in advance!


I was at school sitting in a math lesson. My classmate Maxim insulted me, I hit him hard in the face and left school. There was some kind of turmoil in the city, everyone was running somewhere, there was a fire somewhere. I was walking along the road and I meet a guy. I had never seen him before, he looked 20-24 years old. He was wounded, but could walk. We walked further along the road, he gave me a knife, I asked him: “For what?” , he said: “It’s dangerous here.” The city was quiet, it was warm, it was May. Men in red T-shirts ran towards us. When they saw us, they ran after us, since I knew my city, we turned left and hid in the gardens, when they passed, we came to a three-story house, near my house. And then suddenly one of them in red came out of the bushes. I started a fight with him. In the end, I stabbed him right in the heart and that’s it


I dreamed that I was standing outside a store and two other women were standing next to me. They were talking and I heard one offer the other to kill me, she said that she wouldn’t kill me, it would scare me. As a result, this woman stabbed me in the stomach once, but I survived. All this happened because of a man, but because of which I don’t know.


Hello! I dreamed that it was as if someone hit me with a car (but this is only in theory, I didn’t dream about it), and so that I wouldn’t tell anyone, this guy’s mother stabbed me in the back with a knife, but I didn’t see her. But I didn't die. called for help...


And in my house I live with a stranger (he’s a cop in uniform). Another cop came into the house and asked to go to the murder scene. I told him what I knew and left. I’m sitting in my room. The cop I live with comes and lays out cards in the hall. He called me. I came. He grabbed me and tried to cut my throat with cards, but I threw everything away. He grabbed a knife (I remember it exactly) and put it to my throat. I said: “Okay, kill me, just quickly and not painfully.” He cut my throat. I felt all the pain, I couldn’t breathe. I fell off the couch. For a couple of seconds I saw my wound. All the vessels and veins were visible. A lot blood. I whispered: “Bastard,” and he responded: “Do you want to play with words? Okay. Astrakhan.” And I’m dying. Then I woke up. I very clearly remember the knife and the cop who killed me.


my late older brother came to my house, I was at the same time glad to see him and at the same time afraid of him. I tried to hide from him, but he found me and stabbed me with a knife. I woke up when I felt a knife penetrate into the area of ​​my heart.


I kill my best friend with a knife with my left hand (I’m right-handed) in the chest from left to right, brought it to the heart and let go of the knife, he himself brought the knife to the end, took it out and fell. I killed him with his consent, it was necessary to act immediately. but then I regret what happened, and I understand that it was possible not to kill and to solve the problem differently.


I’m young, I went to school to meet my daughter after school, I went into the school toilet on the 1st floor, 2 drug addicts burst in, one grabbed the girl and shouted for me to show where the cashier was sitting, and the cashier was on the 1st floor opposite the toilet, but I told them that on the top floor and I’ll take you there if they let the girl go. We went out into the corridor during recess, there were a lot of people, I shouted to the guard, help me, but he waved his hand and left, 10th graders were walking into the cafeteria, I asked them to help, they surrounded us, and then everything happened quickly, I didn’t even understand, they wounded a girl, one guy 10 classmate, not much, but when they were running away, one of the drug addicts whispered, this is a gift from me to you and stabbed him in the chest with a construction knife. I look at the cut on the white blouse and blood begins to appear, I think if it’s in my heart, why doesn’t it hurt…. and suddenly it was hard to breathe, my eyes were getting dark and there was pain, such hellish pain, I realized that this was it. end. and woke up... I still feel the pain in my heart.


I don’t remember the faces of the people around me, but I remember that at first, he treated me like a family member. Then something changed and they really wanted to skin me with a knife. I ran away for a long time, in the end they drove me away, very They stabbed me in the stomach many times (I felt the pain). (Even before I fell asleep, I vomited.)


I don’t remember how it started, but I was sitting with my friends (although this is the first time I see their faces) in the gazebo, then some people burst in and killed one of my friends, by this time I ran upstairs with one of my friends, I I went onto the balcony, but like a flexible spring he went down to the killers, they started shooting at me, but didn’t hit me. (It was the main one who shot at me) he sent people to the top, three people went to the top, one of whom immediately chased behind me, but I pushed a cabinet onto him, and there were bars there and they killed him, then I somehow ran into the yard, and one of his people was sitting there, I took a knife and hit him in the collarbone, then hit him in the artery and pulled out a knife. then I ran around covered in blood. I couldn’t understand where or how I was running, but I came to that friend who was alive, her mother let me in, she and I didn’t even exchange a word, as if we knew why he killed everyone and what they wanted from us. then we saw the main one on the street, he asked the neighbors and gave them our photos, then they started knocking on every door and searching every room, I hid behind the closet and he pressed me hard, but they didn’t notice me. Then I suddenly started running , running down the street, it was raining and wet asphalt outside, I came across one of his people, started to run away, and he shot me in the back (as I soon realized that it was not me, but my friend) then my mind went into my body, and some people took me, but they didn’t want to kill me, but wanted to help, there were two men, one who was over 50 years old, and the second younger than years 20-30. And then I woke up.


there was some kind of mess and I stuck a knife in the stomach of someone, he wanted to stab me, but I overcame him using resistance and killed him


Hello, I dreamed that I had three children (in fact, I have two boys) last daughter and we are running with them from someone on the street, it’s dark, I turn around, the middle one and the youngest are running after me, but the older one is not there, I ask where Ilya is and they say, here he is, I see him sitting on the road, it looks like it’s not him, but some kind of freak... And he ran after us and started snatching the phone and broke it... We got to the car, he started throwing himself at us and I started poking him with a knife. Then they woke me up


I dreamed that a killer appeared in our village and beats us at night. Then he appeared in my yard and I hid in the kitchen behind the door, and then hit him on the head with an ax.


I had a very long and terrible dream. A large two-story house. A husband and wife live in it and they were both hiding something from each other. In this house there were me and my colleagues from work with whom we are friends. At some point we were all on street and saw how two girls on the second floor pointed knives at our friend. We all rushed into the house but didn’t have time. Literally after a few minutes everyone was killed, there was a lot of blood. And one murder happened before my eyes. I opened the door to the balcony and saw how my colleague, covered in blood, screamed at me for help and somehow she was hung by the shoulders from above. It was terrible. I ran away because I realized that I couldn’t help her. I ran away and closed the balcony from the killers and for a long time I heard her screaming my name. I don’t remember the dream until the end, but almost everyone was killed and they were killed with a knife, there was a lot of blood.


I had a dream, I went in to eat, a girl lured me out of a cafe, some guy stabbed me twice in the chest with a knife, there was no blood, it seemed to me that I had died, and the body was lying there, I went to look for him, they interfered with me, all the children barely found him, I said that I would kill him, he asked all these people, they said! I asked him, was it you, he said yes, I began to slowly insert the knife into his throat, blood began to flow, dark. Not a lot of blood, I pierced him 2 more times, and then his image changed to a woman, a tortured Muslim woman with brown eyes. After that, I began to run away from some guys who were looking for me for murder. My best friend helped me in a dream!


I dreamed that I and my friends were in some forest and there were bears there, one attacked me and grabbed my hand, and in order to get away from him, I stuck a knife in his throat, I don’t know where the knife came from, it just ended up in my hand and my friends and I hid in some hut and more bears started to come I don’t remember further


Good afternoon Please tell me why I dream of killing a good man and my friend, or you can even call him a friend, in the dream I knew that he was good, but it was as if I had to kill him bad person, and when I killed him with a Knife, he was lying on the bed, I started from the back, making several blows, I felt sorry for him and I asked for forgiveness, when he turned over on his back and looked at me, blood was flowing from his mouth and wounds, and I As if knowing that this was a friend, she didn’t want to kill him, but she did it anyway. I had a dream early on Saturday morning, why would it be...?


I was at work and became an accomplice in the murder of one of my colleagues. A fight broke out in the dressing room for no reason, and my colleague stabbed one of the office employees, she began to scream loudly, and I helped hold her back so that she would not resist, after which we took the body to the utility room. All my hands were covered in blood and the knife miraculously ended up in my pocket; when the police arrived, I already threw the knife in the trash. During the interrogation, I asked the police officer to take me to the toilet (to relieve myself) and he wanted to thoroughly wash his hands again. On the way, he asked me to point out who committed the murder, but I did not confess. And then I woke up abruptly.


I dreamed that I had another man. And he kills my husband with a knife, stabs him three times and blood flows from the wounds and drips onto the floor, and I stepped on it and blood remains on the trail.


I dreamed that my husband was driving along the road in a car and saw an attack on people, he stopped and wanted to help, he was stabbed with a knife, my husband died, they told me that I felt sick, I called an ambulance and said that I was pregnant and at 18 weeks, I cried a lot until my stomach hurt. as a matter of fact - today I am exactly 18 weeks pregnant, everything is fine with my husband, so what does the dream mean? I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday, I woke up but I was actually crying and screaming

Madina - Galelkyzy:

I saw in a dream how my father was killed before my eyes, but I don’t remember exactly with what, it seemed like a knife, I saw my father dead and saw how the killer ran away immediately. I dropped everything and started looking for this stranger.


The street was cloudy, I was not alone, a young woman was following us. She began to attack us with a knife, first she hit a young man in the chest (I don’t know him), then she attacked me, wounded me in the shoulder, but it didn’t hurt, and then she hit me with a knife in the side, I felt the sting, shuddered and woke up.

Alena Potyanikina:

I dreamed of some kind of drug addiction, I was just petting some dog and it turned into a man, he was all in black, he said “naive or stupid girl” I don’t remember exactly, then he just stabbed me in the stomach with a knife when I woke up I had an unpleasant feeling...


I dreamed that a gay man offended me, insulted me and hit me. When my boyfriend arrived, he was not sober. I accused him of coming late and, as I was leaving, I hit the guy back. My young man saw this, and while he stabbed him with a knife, I only saw a shadow behind the curtain, then I came there and began to save the guy. But I had a feeling of no compassion for the guy, I was afraid that my young man might be imprisoned.


My lover and I are going to the game in the north, I look at the time and schedule to catch the train, it turns out that I have very little time, and I drop my things and am late.
Then we go joyful, close, happy - I first find out that we are not going to the Moscow region, as I thought, but to another place to the north. We arrive, go to bed, a girl lies between us, but my boyfriend warmly stretches his hand towards me, a man comes and tells him that either (?) or that person over there (lists 2 “positions”), my boyfriend leaves thoughtfully . Then some thug comes (4 times the size of a man’s body), my boyfriend runs to bow to him, asks for something, they grab him, lay him down, twist his nipples so that blood flows from them, then they stick something into him - like sharp dagger spatulas, he is bleeding, I run away in horror, I feel strong grief and shock.
I have to take control of the game myself. Indignant people come, I promise to give each team a silver decoration.
Everyone gets in line, my assistants hand them out.
then the game begins, they come running to me to “kill” me, not for real, but in a game way, I grab the sword and defeat them.
then some dark guy unfamiliar to me appears, hugs me, and I feel some kind of family closeness with him. They are going to attack us, we slam all the doors, trying to barricade ourselves. Some of the people are going to leave the game (girls), I walk around and try to calm them down and convince them, in the end the dark guy’s girlfriend is packing her things, he’s standing next to him, I go up to him again, and he hugs me again. This time it won't be long without his girlfriend thinking anything


I dreamed that I went with a friend to the roof of a house and we saw a man there, he asked us if we had heard that people were being killed in the city, and then I noticed a knife in his hand and started to run, he killed my friend and ran behind me and I woke up


Since I am disabled, I dreamed that at the age of twelve I simply passed through one store in our city and saw three sick people singing there. When I became 24 years old, I urgently needed money for an operation and I went to beg for alms, playing the guitar and singing songs , because they didn’t hire me. And where I was singing, this crazy gang started to bother me. Two girls and a guy were beating me up. The girl sang that she had given birth and she had nothing to live on, although she sang the same thing twelve years ago. I began to be indignant. and quarrel with them. (For some reason, we and all the passers-by ended up in the entrance). During our quarrel, I hit this girl on the head with a guitar, which angered this whole gang and they ran away in different directions. Immediately, a grandfather looked out from one apartment and shouted for me to run away faster, but I thought he was crazy. A couple of minutes later, a girl runs into the door with a knife, throwing herself at me, and other people were walking with me. That grandfather immediately opens the door and shouts, “I warned you, don’t touch me.” they are fools, now save yourself, I won’t help you, they’re holding me.” And someone really was holding him. I quickly ran up the stairs and people followed me, and there a crazy guy with a knife killed me in the heart. I even felt pain, but The most important thing was the inscription “Give your only life.”

Why do you dream about talking about a person?

A stab with a knife is a symbol of sexuality for women; for men it is a warning. First of all, you should remember that in all interpretations a dream about a knife means impending troubles. These can be both small everyday problems and quite significant ones.

If a person has such a dream, then he should prepare and be careful in various transactions and planned actions. A knife in dreams is a symbol of aggression, danger, betrayal and lies.

Stabbed with a knife in a dream. It is this dream that should be treated with extreme caution, since sometimes it can portend real danger. If someone dreamed of being stabbed in the back with a knife, this means that this person experiences quite strong sexual desires in relation to some object.

What if you dream of being stabbed with a knife?

If in a dream a person kills himself with a knife, then this may indicate that real happiness awaits him in the near future. This may also indicate that this person simply wants to be loved and needs care, during this period of his life he should pay attention specifically to the relationship with his soulmate.

What to expect from this dream? It is quite difficult to answer exactly what a blow in a dream means; this dream can characterize, first of all, the psychological state of a given person. If a knife serves as a weapon with which enemies will be defeated, then this clearly symbolizes victory over all ill-wishers. But you shouldn’t be too happy; you may pay dearly for it in the future.

What does it portend?

Who stabs? This fact is also important in the interpretation of a dream; you need to tense up and remember who stabbed you with a knife in a dream. If a stranger strikes, then most likely this is a sign of imminent betrayal or a trap from an imaginary friend.

A stab in the back means unexpected problems or obstacles for which you should be prepared in advance. The source of all troubles, no matter how regrettable it may be, will be the person from whom you can least expect them. A blow inflicted by the sleeping person himself may indicate that the person himself is not confident in himself or does not want to solve any problems peacefully.

Dream interpretation knife in the back

The knife is the main tool in the ritual of sacrifice. Therefore, it is a symbol of destruction and deadly weapons. In popular belief, it often plays the role of a talisman.

Messages of the subconscious

The knife, being a symbol of aggression and danger in a dream, is dreamed not with the purpose of scaring the dreamer, but to warn against mistakes and wrong steps. Although sometimes this vision resembles a thriller, do not rush to panic. Often this item can become an omen of an invitation to visit. What will recognized sources tell us about the meaning of the image of a knife in a dream?

Alternative interpretations

Previous soothsayers positioned the knife as some complexes of the sleeper, troubles, betrayal of friends. Such stories, in their opinion, call for the ability to break off false friendships and love ties and overcome doubts in one’s abilities.

Miller's Dream Book

When you saw yourself wounded with a knife in the back, this portends disagreements between household members or troubles due to the machinations of ill-wishers.

For young ladies who are not burdened by marriage, such a plot is an omen of dishonor, the dream book indicates.

If you dream about how you personally stuck a knife in someone’s back, this convicts you of a low act. The dream calls for justice. If you don’t try to correct the situation, then it will come back to you a hundredfold.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the psychoanalyst, this plot indicates the sleeper’s fear of new acquaintances. This is probably due to old mistakes. You have been burned quite a lot, now you cannot objectively perceive the situation and people. Don't be led by your fears.

Aesop's Dream Book

Why dream that you are talking to a man who insults you, then stabs you? When you feel pain, you cannot resist in response. You are destined for deep experiences that weaken your health. You need to be vigilant with your enemies or with those who were once caused suffering.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream that someone is stabbing you with a knife? This signals that enemies will try to cause harm by conducting hidden activities.
If in your dreams a stranger with a knife attacks you, then this is an omen of changes in fate.
When in a dream you personally wounded someone with a knife, and he was covered in streams of blood, the dream book indicates that you are destined for failure, the cause of which is the evil thoughts and insidious actions of your ancestors.

What does a knife wound mean in a dream, according to the interpretations of contemporaries?

Today's soothsayers believe that the plots of dreams where they saw knife wounds predict insults to which the dreamer may be subjected. There are points of view that connect the omens of this vision with a riotous lifestyle that undermines health.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Such a plot indicates an emotional or physical wound that you experienced during physical intimacy with your partner.

Noble dream book by Grishina

A knife wound symbolizes a break in a relationship.
Even more often, such stories foreshadow troubles at work. Therefore, in order to avoid making mistakes that could cause you to fall in the eyes of management, be extremely careful.

Danilova's Dream Interpretation

Being stabbed in the back in a dream may foretell an invitation to a party at a nightclub. However, the dreamer’s lack of sense of proportion and frequent visits to such establishments have a negative impact on health, causing damage to it.

Why do you dream about a knife in different contexts?

Being hurt by a bladed weapon in a dream

Sharp objects that appear in dreams can be symbols of aggression, scandalous events, or be interpreted in positive terms. It all depends on the purpose for which they were put into use in dreams.

The purpose of a sharp object in a dream

Often dreams where the dreamer observed a knife blow, which he or he inflicted, is a reflection of his mental state. However, in the interpretation of such plots, it is very important not to lose sight of the detail that indicates what the knife was the instrument of in the dreams. Let's look at the most frequently dreamed scenes:

  • a knife is a weapon for dealing with the enemy;
  • a completely unexpected blow;
  • injury due to negligence;
  • a blow inflicted by the dreamer;
  • kill yourself with a stab in the back.

Why do you dream that, in self-defense, you stabbed the person who was attacking you? This is the personification of victory over your enemies and competitors. However, this victory will come at a cost in the future.

Why dream of a plot where, during a peaceful conversation with some person, he suddenly pulled out a knife and stabbed you in the back with a flourish? This may be a harbinger of an impending trap by an imaginary friend. Be careful. Don't trust your plans to unreliable friends.

Why do you dream about a plot where the blow was struck by accident, for example, during a game or due to the loss of balance by the hero of the dream? This indicates that the sleeper requires care.

The dream, where the sleeper himself struck, has two interpretations. One is due to the fact that the sleeper experiences enough desire physical intimacy in relation to the person who managed to stick the knife. The second indicates that the dreamer is hostile towards the victim from the dream, and does not want to solve problems through peaceful methods. The dream calls for a frank conversation with a person with whom in reality something has not worked out in a relationship, to resolve misunderstandings.
Why do you dream of a strange plot where the sleeper happened to inflict a knife wound on himself? This is a guarantee of positive changes in life. The dreamer seems to have killed his old self and is ready for new ones serious relationship, the implementation of their long-standing ideas. A dream is a guarantee of the dreamer’s complete emotional recovery after a long-standing mental trauma.

The knife is a weapon of family squabbles

Seeing a weapon in a marital fight in a dream

In life, unfortunately, there are cases when spouses injure each other with a knife. Such stories are reflected in our dreams, serving as a warning against irreparable actions. What can this kind of fatal events mean in a dream:
  • Why dream that during a family scandal a man had this sharp object in his hands, with which he stabbed his wife? This is a direct hint at the existence of a rival. Your husband has been hiding the truth from you for a long time, which will soon become reality.
  • If in a dream you hit your spouse with a sharp object, then this is evidence that he caused you pain that you cannot forgive. However, you cannot live with such a feeling. The dream encourages you to have a frank conversation with your spouse and talk about your mental anguish.
  • If the wound was inflicted by one of the lovers on his partner, then this is a hint of the desire of one of them to break off the relationship, because it has outlived its usefulness.
  • Do you dream about how one of the lovers injured one of the spouses? This indicates the existence of a person who knows about the impending plan against the dreamer, led by a person close to him, and is trying to report it. However, the waking sleeper ignores his hints. The dream encourages you to trust the words of this person.
  • Do you dream about how, during a family scandal, one of the spouses injured a child with a sharp object? This indicates that you are not spending enough time with your children. They really need your care and wise advice due to his adolescence.

Sharp knives in a dream most often turn out to be a symbol of violent passions and emotions. The exact meaning of the plot depends on its details. When understanding why a knife is dreamed of, you need to take into account the gender of the dreamer, his mood in his night dreams, and many other factors.

Why do you dream about a knife - interpretation in dream books

In Freud's dream book, a knife lying on the table is a symbol of the sleeper's fear of new acquaintances. The reason for this is most likely the person's past mistakes. Once he had already managed to get burned, and now everyone possible ways warns himself against pain.

If someone familiar with the dreamer takes a knife in his hands and at the same time looks at him carefully, it means that the man or woman in real life behaves too aggressively and straightforwardly expresses an opinion about which he was not asked. You need to reconsider your manner of communication, become more correct and restrained.

  • Miller suggests that a very beautiful knife foreshadows a gift for the dreamer. At first, a person will be pleased with the gift he receives, but soon he will understand that the gift is not so simple - there is a catch to be expected.
  • A sharp, polished knife symbolizes future worries.
  • Broken edged weapons promise conflicts with family members or warn of the activation of enemies.

Vanga notes: if in a dream you had to cut your hand while preparing dinner for everyone at home, it means that the latter are trying to curb the character of the sleeper. But an attack by a stranger with a bladed weapon promises the dreamer pleasant changes in his personal life.

The man himself stabbed someone and the blade became stained with blood? In real life, the dreamer will be haunted by misfortunes for a long time. Their main reason will be the mistakes of their ancestors.

Kill a person in a dream with a knife

I wonder what kill a person with a knife in a dream – good sign . He never foretells anything bad for a person. For example, killing a stranger with a knife, after which the sleeper felt joy and/or relief, promises him an improvement in his financial situation. A man or woman will finally gain financial independence; ideal conditions will exist for this.

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