Andrei Karachentsov son of Nikolai. Relatives have not yet buried, but they are already sharing the luxurious inheritance of Nikolai Karachentsov. After the accident, Nikolai Karachentsov failed to fully recover

Nikolai Karachentsov - a legend of theater and cinema, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, National artist The RSFSR, known to viewers for the films "Dog in the Manger", "Juno and Avos", "The Man from Capuchin Boulevard", "Adventures of Electronics".

Nikolai Petrovich is a native Muscovite. He was born in the autumn of 1944 at Chistye Prudy. The future artist was brought up in a creative family. Father Pyotr Yakovlevich was an Honored Artist of the RSFSR and worked for a long time in the famous Ogonyok magazine. And mother Yanina Evgenievna Brunak worked as a choreographer in prestigious theaters in Moscow and often helped to stage performances in famous theaters throughout the country.

It is not surprising that the inherited parental genes appeared in the offspring during their school years. Nikolai Karachentsov actively participated in amateur art competitions, and in high school he became a member of the Active group at the children's theater.

At the end of school, the young man hesitated with the choice future profession, but still settled on a theater university, deciding to link his fate with theater and cinema.

In 1963, Nikolai Karachentsov entered the Moscow Art Theater School, from which he graduated with honors in 1967. A talented guy entered the top ten best graduate students and got into the theater by distribution Lenin Komsomol to whom he dedicated his entire life.


The talented and impulsive Nikolai Karachentsov created unique images on the theater stage. His game was mesmerizing. He managed to win the love and recognition of the audience instantly.

The first theatrical works of the young artist were performances that Anatoly Efros staged before leaving Lenkom. These are “104 pages about love”, “My poor Marat”, “A movie is being made” and “Farewell to arms!”. From the first appearances on the stage of Karachentsov, the theater-goers realized that a new star had risen, bright and amazing.

With the arrival of Mark Zakharov at Lenkom in the early 1970s, life in the theater began to bounce. The chief director immediately appreciated the scale of Karachentsov's talent. After the first performance of Avtograd 21, he entrusted young artist star role - Til Ulenspiegel in the production of "Til".

The performance produced the effect of an exploding bomb. It seems that half of Moscow saw him. Nikolai Karachentsov in the image of Til - a hooligan, a desperate rebel, a jester - turned into an idol of the youth of the 70s. This role earned the actor a reputation as a generalist. After all, he turned out to be a singer, and a mime, and an acrobat. From the repertoire of "Lenkom" the play "Til" was removed only in 1992.

The next production, the rock opera by Alexei Rybnikov, The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta, was also a huge success. The premiere took place in 1976. And again good luck. The performance was staged at Lenkom until 1993. Nikolai Karachentsov played the leader of the rangers and Death.

But the most famous theatrical work of the star is the role in the legendary rock opera Juno and Avos. For a long time the performance became calling card theater. The premiere took place in the summer of 1981. Elena Shanina and Nikolai Karachentsov played the main characters - Conchita and Count Rezanov. The rock opera was such a success that the famous Pierre Cardin was fascinated by it. He presented the performance to the French public. After the Paris theater "Espace Cardin" "Juno and Avos" went on a grandiose tour around the world.

Nikolai Karachentsov becomes the star of Lenkom. He has played dozens of leading roles in musicals, dramas, comedies and rock operas. The performances "Optimistic Tragedy", "The Dictatorship of Conscience", "School for Emigrants" and " Czech photo were so beautiful that theatergoers all over the country considered it their duty to see them.

For almost 30 years of creative activity, Karachentsov managed to obtain the status of the leading actor of our time. The last theatrical works of the artist were roles in the performances "Jester Balakirev" and "City of Millionaires".

Movies and music

For the first time the actor appeared on the screen in the late 1960s. But the truly cinematic biography of Nikolai Karachentsov began after the triumph of the production of "Till", which turned the artist into a star. In 1975, Vitaly Melnikov's psychological drama The Elder Son was released, in which Evgeny Leonov, Mikhail Boyarsky, Svetlana Kryuchkova and Natalya Egorova played the main characters. The role of the eldest son went to Karachentsov. The film is still watched and reviewed by millions of viewers around the world with pleasure. And then he just “fell in love” with the audience and brought incredible fame to the main cast.

In "Elder Son"

Since the second half of the 1970s, Nikolai Karachentsov has been one of the most sought-after actors in Soviet cinema. He successfully acts in a variety of genres and roles. The audience is crazy about his every appearance on the screen. But the tapes "Dog in the Manger", "Pious Martha", "Adventures of Electronics", "The Trust that Burst", "White Dew", "The Man from Boulevard des Capucines", "Bright Personality" and "Deja Vu" turned out to be especially popular.

Of the latest works of the actor on the screen, the series "Petersburg Secrets", "Queen Margo", "Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky" and "Secrets of palace coups».

The filmography of Nikolai Karachentsov is more than 100 paintings.

as Urri

Nikolai Petrovich's lifelong hobby was singing, which the actor did despite his busy schedule. At the Andrey Mironov Acting Song Festival, Karachentsov has always been a member of the judging committee, while he himself performed many songs for a wide audience.

He has repeatedly voiced the role of Jean-Paul Belmondo in foreign films. And in the domestic cinema, Karachentsov's songs became a kind of hallmark of artistic paintings. The singer's hits include the songs "Maple Leaf", "Lady Hamilton", "I Had a Dream", "Archangel Michael", "Patriarch's Ponds". The song "What to give you", performed by Karachentsov and Irina Uvarova, won millions of hearts. But the "golden" hit on long years was the song "I will never forget you" performed by Nikolai Karachentsov and Anna Bolshova.

Olga Kabo played the role of "Lady Hamilton" in the video for the song of the same name by Nikolai Karachentsov. And later she recorded two songs with him - “Random Street” and “Scriptwriter”.

In 2014, the anniversary evening of Nikolai Karachentsov was held in Lenkom, in which many of his stage colleagues took part. In the same year, a creative evening of the artist was held at the Moscow House of Books, dedicated to the release of a double CD entitled "The Best and Unpublished".

Personal life

The peculiar beauty of Nikolai Karachentsov struck on the spot many women. At first glance, he might not like it, but when he went on stage, he had no equal. It was hard not to fall in love with the artist. It happened with Lyudmila Purgina, a young actress of Lenkom. At the time of her acquaintance with Karchentsov, she was married to stuntman Viktor Korzun. But what did it matter if a woman realized that she had settled in her heart real love? The couple legalized their relationship in 1975. This marriage turned out to be strong and long.

With wife Lyudmila and son

The personal life of Nikolai Karachentsov was as successful as his career. In 1978, the actor's son Andrei was born, who did not follow in the footsteps of his parents and became a lawyer.

The charismatic and popular actor was credited with many novels. Many were called his women famous actresses. Before meeting with Lyudmila Porgina, Karachentsov had an affair with a colleague Svetlana Savelova. Then there were rumors about the artist's relationship with Olga Kabo, dancer Marina Shirshikova and Irina Gribulina. But it was true or the conjectures of journalists thirsting for sensations - it was known only to Nikolai Karachentsov himself and his wife. Whatever it was, but the couple lived together for four decades.

With Lyudmila Porgina

Throughout his career, Nikolai Petrovich tried to avoid acting parties, but never refused cheerful companies in a close family circle. In contrast to the increased demands on his own creativity, in everyday life the actor was particularly unpretentious. Tennis has always been his favorite sport.

With a family

Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina have three grandchildren: Peter, Yanina and Olga.

car accident

On the night of February 28, 2005, the car of actor Nikolai Karachentsov got into a terrible accident. Then the star of the national cinema was in a hurry from his dacha to Moscow, excited by the news of the death of his mother-in-law Nadezhda Porgina. As a result, the icy road, unfastened seat belts and the speeding of the artist's car led to a terrible accident, as a result of which Nikolai Karachentsov received a serious head injury.

In the clinic, he urgently underwent a craniotomy and brain surgery, after which Nikolai Petrovich was transferred to the Sklifosovsky Institute. There, the actor lay in a coma for almost a month, but the efforts of the doctors were crowned with success: he went on the mend. The long recovery process allowed the star to return to life.

In 2007, Nikolai Karachentsov became a participant in the gala concert "The Stars Came Down from Heaven ...", where he presented discs with his own repertoire. At that time, many of his star friends came to support the actor on stage, including Mikhail Boyarsky, Alexander Marshal, Oleg Gazmanov, Laima Vaikule.

After the accident

But after the accident, Nikolai Karachentsov did not manage to fully restore his speech and movements, so he could not continue his acting career. In 2011, the artist underwent a rehabilitation course in Israel.

On June 24, 2012, some media reported the death of the great artist, which shocked not only the fans of Nikolai Karachentsov, but also his friends and colleagues from Lenkom. As it turned out, the shocking news of the death of the actor was provoked by information about a sharp deterioration in the health of Nikolai Petrovich. Careless journalists, thirsting for a sensation, came up with a "duck" about death, exciting thousands of people.

In 2013, the artist underwent a course of treatment in leading clinics in Beijing. In October 2016, the Moscow Peace Foundation awarded the artist with the Golden Order of Service to Art.

Exactly 12 years later, on February 27, 2017, Nikolai Karachentsov again got into a serious accident. Belonging to his wife Toyota car Highlander collided with a Gazelle in the Moscow region. The accident occurred on Pushkin Street in cottage village Zagoryansky. After a collision with a Gazelle, the car in which Karachentsov was located turned over, and the actor had to be urgently hospitalized to the nearest clinic - he was diagnosed with a concussion.

Illness and death

In recent years, Nikolai Petrovich was surrounded and supported by friends of youth, including Inna Churikova, Boris Chunaev, Maxim Fedorov, Marina Shirshikova and Rustam Nevredinov.

Nikolai Karachentsov died on October 26, 2018

In early November 2017, Lyudmila Porgina said that Nikolai Karachentsov, in addition to health problems after an accident, was suffering from a tumor in his lung. As the study showed, the neoplasm is malignant. Behind Last year Nikolai Petrovich underwent several courses of treatment, including in Israel. News about the health status of the beloved actor was disappointing.

On October 26, 2018, Nikolai Karachentsov died in the oncological hospital in Moscow. Information about the death of the actor was reported by his son. Nikolai Petrovich was 73 years old. According to the wife of the artist, his kidneys failed. Article found on

Nikolai Karachentsov is a true legend of theater and cinema. His portrait is depicted on the New Zealand dollar, dedicated to "Juno and Avos". For his acting and musical activities, the artist has played more than 100 roles and performed more than 200 songs. Films with his participation are still watched and reviewed by millions of viewers around the world today. And our article is dedicated to this great actor and his family. We'll tell you how it turned out creative way the actor, who his son Andrey Karachentsov became, we will show a photo of the son of Andrey Karachentsov, and also how the artist lives now after a terrible accident.

Biography of Nikolai Karachentsov

Nikolai Karachentsov was born in 1944 in Moscow. His family is a creative union. Dad is an artist, mom is a choreographer. Therefore, it is not surprising that Nikolai Karachentsov devoted his life to theater and cinema. Already in childhood, he was engaged in amateur performances, and in high school he became the soloist of the Active group.

All his life, the artist served the theater of the Lenin Komsomol, where Nikolai was sent by distribution after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School. On the stage of the theater, Nikolai Karachentsov embodied amazing images that fascinated and won the love of the audience. Even from the first appearances of the actor on the stage, critics realized that a new, unique and bright Star. Of all the works of the artist, his role in the rock opera "Juno and Avos" won special recognition. The rock opera made a real sensation, even the famous Pierre Cardin was so fascinated by the performance that he presented it to the French public. After the premiere in Paris, "Juno and Avos" could be seen all over the world.

Nikolai Karachentsov became a real star of Lenkom and received the status of the leading actor of our time. He has played many leading roles in performances of various genres: comedies, dramas, musicals and rock operas.

In the late 60s, the audience first saw the artist on the movie screen. After the triumph of the production of "Till", the cinematic biography of Nikolai Karachentsov begins. His role in the film "The Elder Son" simply captivated the audience of millions and brought incredible fame to the actor.

After the release of "The Elder Son" Nikolai Karachentsov becomes one of the most sought-after actors. Among his film credits, particularly beloved roles are in such films as The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines, Dog in the Manger, White Dew and The Adventures of Electronics. Last works artist - these are roles in the series: "Petersburg Secrets", "Secrets of Palace Revolutions", "Queen Morgo".

Despite the busy schedule, the actor was fond of singing. The singer's hits can be called "I had a dream", "Maple Leaf", "Patriarch's Ponds". The song performed by Nikolai Karachentsov and Irina Uvarova "What to give you" won thousands of hearts, and the composition "I will never forget you", which the artist performed in a duet with Anna Bolshova, became his golden hit.


On the night of February 28, 2005, the actor's life turned upside down. Excited by the news of the death of his mother-in-law, the actor hurried to Moscow. Speeding and an icy road led to the fact that the actor got into a terrible traffic accident. As a result of the accident, he received a serious head injury. After the operation on the brain, the actor spent almost a month in a coma. But thanks to the efforts of doctors, the star returned to life. But continue acting career the artist is no longer destined. After the accident, he never managed to fully restore movement and speech.

In 2011, the actor underwent a rehabilitation course in Israel, then in Beijing. In 2012, some media, hungry for sensationalism, stirred up thousands of people with the news of the death of a great artist. But, as it turned out, "negligent" journalists came up with a "duck" about the death of Karachentsov, provoking information about a sharp deterioration in his health.

Personal life, family, son of Nikolai Karachentsov - Andrey Karachentsov

Nikolai Karachentsov conquered more than one woman's heart, because he had no equal on stage and it was simply impossible not to fall in love with the artist. But unlike his colleagues, Nikolai Karachentsov was able to prove that marriage can be strong and last a lifetime.

With my future wife, a young actress Lyudmila Porgina, the actor met in Lenkom. At the time they met, Lyudmila was married, but when she realized that true love lives in her heart, she ceased to be the main person in her life. Nikolai and Lyudmila got married in 1975. And this union turned out to be strong, friendly and long. Nikolai Karachentsov with his son in the photo and his wife Lyudmila (see above)

In the family of Nikolai and Lyudmila, a son, Andrei Karachentsov, was born, who did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, but decided to become a lawyer. The son of Nikolai Karachentsov, Andrey Karachentsov, is married, and together with his wife Irina brings up three children: Peter, Yanina and baby Olga. Nikolai Karachentsov with a name on the photo.

Today Andrei Karachentsov, together with his mother and children, supports and takes care of his father. Support the actor and friends of his youth: Inna Churikova, Maxim Fedorov and Boris Chunaev.

By the way, in the Karachentsov family there is a man whom they consider the second son, and Andrei Karachentsov the elder brother. This is Mikhail Bolshakov, whom they met at the dacha when Mikhail was 12 years old. Mikhail and Andrei Karachentsov became very good friends, and the adults liked him so much that Lyudmila and Nikolai became his godparents.

Nikolai Karachentsov, the famous Soviet actor movie. He died at 9 am Moscow time on October 26, 2018. He spent his last days in the walls of the capital's oncology clinic. The actor's kidneys stopped functioning. Tomorrow, October 27, Nikolai Karachentsov would have turned 74 years old.

The audience remembered Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov for his wonderful roles in "The Adventures of Electronics", "Dog in the Manger", "Elder Son" and for numerous works in the Lenkom Theater.

Nikolay Karachentsov was born in a family of creative people

Karachentsov was born in Moscow in 1944. Pyotr Karachentsov, Nikolai's father, is a well-known artist, he devoted many years to work in the Ogonyok magazine. Yanina Brunak, Karachentsov's mother, worked as a choreographer and staged performances on the stage of major Soviet theaters, including the Bolshoi.

1967 was for Karachentsov the year of graduation from the Moscow Art Theater School. He graduated with honors and began his creative activity at the Lenin Komsomol Theater under the direction of Anatoly Efros. However, the period of the artist's creative take-off came at the time of working with another director - Mark Zakharov.

IN new production- a play written by Grigory Gorin based on the novel by Charles de Coster "Till", Karachentsov was entrusted with the main role, with which he did an excellent job. His Til is a real rebel, a bully, a wit. His jokes are like a bombshell. Muscovites went to watch the new performance in droves.

The audience will remember Nikolai Karachentsov for his magnificent roles

Nikolai Karachentsov turned into a real idol of the youth of those years, besides, he was a universal artist who can both sing and dance, and never refuses acrobatic stunts.

The audience went to Til with pleasure from 1974 to 1992 inclusive. Two other rock operas staged by Zakharov had no less success - these are Juno and Avos and The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta. In the first, Karachentsov had the main role- Count Rezanov, and in the second he had two roles in general.

Karachentsov came to the cinema in 1967, but at first there were no serious roles. Only in 1975, when the actor played in The Elder Son, they started talking about him all over the country. They played with Mikhail Boyarsky there on the same level with the legendary Yevgeny Leonov.

Nikolai Karachentsov was also remembered by millions of his fans for a number of television films, which later became the golden fund of Soviet cinema. These are such masterpieces as "The Trust That Burst", "The Adventures of Electronics", "Pious Martha", "Dog in the Manger".

Karachentsov also had supporting roles - in the Crime Quartet, White Dews, Deja Vu, The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines.

Nikolai Karachentsov voiced him in almost all the films that were released to Soviet cinemas, in which the French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo played.

The tragedy in the life of Nikolai Karachentsov happened at the peak of his popularity

The family life of the actor began at the age of 31, the actress Lyudmila Porgina became his wife. A couple of years later they had a son, who was named Andrei. The guy grew up and chose jurisprudence as his specialty. He has three children in his family - these are two granddaughters and one grandson of the famous actor.

At the peak of popularity in the life of Nikolai Karachentsov, a tragedy happened. It was 2005, the end of February. He found out that his mother-in-law had died while at a dacha in the suburbs, and at night he decides to urgently go to Moscow in his car.

The track was covered with ice, the actor did not fasten his seat belt and when he had an accident, he received a severe skull injury. Next - trepanation of the skull and brain surgery. He fell into a coma for 26 days and never fully recovered.

After the accident, Nikolai Karachentsov failed to fully recover

The public could see their favorite artist only in 2007, when they appeared with Porgina at a concert in honor of the release of CDs with songs performed by Karachentsov. It was obvious that the actor could not recover from the injury, so it was pointless to talk about further acting.

There were attempts to cure Nikolai Petrovich, Israeli and Chinese specialists worked with him. The actor's speech became a little better and in 2013 he appeared in a small role in White Dew. Return". But this work was the last.

12 years have passed since that terrible accident and Nikolai Karachentsov again gets into an accident. The actor was sitting in the passenger seat, and his wife was driving the car. Due to a collision with a Gazelle, the car turned over and Karachentsov was diagnosed with a concussion. A month later he was released from the hospital, and six months later he found out he had cancer.

The son of the actor Andrei Nikolaevich Karachentsov reports that it will be possible to say goodbye to Nikolai Petrovich in the premises of Lenkom. Date will be announced later.

The outstanding Soviet and Russian actor Nikolai Karachentsov and his wife Lyudmila Porgina had only one son - Andrei. Now a widow and The only son very worried about the death of the head of the family. But Andrei Karachentsov nevertheless decided to tell reporters about last meeting with Father.

Nikolai Karachentsov passed away on October 26, 2018. Media reports that last month the artist was hastily hospitalized. Doctors diagnosed pneumonia. At that time, the actor's son admitted that the disease had significantly affected the health of Nikolai Petrovich. At the same time, until the last moment, relatives hoped that Karachentsov would be able to cope with the disease.

The last meeting of Nikolai Karachentsov with his son Andrei took place late in the evening, on the eve of the tragic day of the death of the actor. Nikolai Petrovich was in intensive care.

Andrei shared that his father was conscious, but he had to put on an oxygen mask. Karachentsov was glad to see his son, tried to talk to him, but could no longer. At the same time, native people understood each other without words.

Andrey Karachentsov expressed his gratitude to the doctors who did everything possible to save the actor. They tried to alleviate Karachentsov's condition, to relieve pain.

Lyudmila Porgina also told about the last meeting with her husband. The widow shared that her husband managed to say goodbye to her. Despite the serious condition, the actor continued to hope until the last minute that a miracle would happen.

Nikolai Karachentsov was only one day short of his 74th birthday. The master was going to celebrate his birthday with his family and friends.

Andrey Karachentsov

The only son of Nikolai Karachentsov, Andrei was far from publicity. Son famous actors decided not to follow the example of his parents. Andrei began to communicate with journalists only after the tragic accident that happened to his father. But the man's personal life has always remained behind the scenes.

Andrey Nikolaevich Karachentsov was born on February 24, 1978. The acting profession has never attracted young man. Moreover, Andrei strove to achieve everything in life himself, tried not to advertise his stellar origin.

Andrei Karachentsov loved and was immensely proud of his talented father. He did not dare to follow in his footsteps, as he perfectly understood that comparisons could not be avoided. In addition, the actor's son did not consider himself as gifted as the famous father.

Andrei chose a more earthly profession for himself. After graduation, the guy enter MGIMO at the Faculty of Law. Andrey Karachentsov after receiving a diploma in higher education began working as a lawyer. He was completely non-public until trouble happened in the family.

Nikolai Karachentsov in 2005 got into a terrible accident. The actor was in a hurry to visit his wife, who had lost her mother. Speeding and ice caused the accident. The car crashed into a pole. Karachentsov received a head injury and spent about a month in a coma.

As a result, the actor still managed to get out, but the recovery took several years. Nikolai Petrovich spoke and moved with difficulty. In that difficult period next to him were the closest people - his wife and son.

Nikolai Karachentsov, a famous Soviet film actor, has gone to another world. He died at 9 am Moscow time on October 26, 2018. He spent his last days in the walls of the capital's oncology clinic. The actor's kidneys stopped functioning. Tomorrow, October 27, Nikolai Karachentsov would have turned 74 years old.

The audience remembered Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov for his wonderful roles in "The Adventures of Electronics", "Dog in the Manger", "Elder Son" and for numerous works in the Lenkom Theater.

Date of Birth: October 27, 1944
Place of Birth: Moscow, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Scorpion
Date of death: October 26, 2018
A place of death: Istra village, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region, Russia

"Any artist passes everything he creates through himself, through his heart."

“Greed, acting hunger, you are afraid of not being able to do something, you still want to play as much as possible. This immediately spurs me on: so I went out alone, can I hold the auditorium for two and a half hours?

Biography of Nikolai Karachentsov

Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov was born in Moscow in the family of a graphic artist who worked in the Ogonyok magazine - Pyotr Yakovlevich and a choreographer - Yanina Evgenievna. When my mother studied at GITIS, little Kolya had nowhere to go, so she took the boy with her everywhere: to classes, to performances at the Bolshoi Theater.

Then little Kolya fell ill with ballet, it seemed to him that there was no better job for a man. He even dreamed about how he was dancing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.
But when he was 9 years old, and it was time to enter the choreographic school, my mother was categorically against it: if there was a girl, she would have given it to a ballet school, and a boy - for nothing.

Mom saw a lot of unfortunate male destinies in ballet and did not want such a fate for her son.

After secondary school was the Moscow Art Theater School, which he graduated with honors. Nikolai Petrovich was offered a job at the Lenin Komsomol Theater. At that time, a wonderful director, artistic director of the theater - Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros, was removed from work. He was appointed the second director at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Then the director took ten leading actors with him, and the troupe was naked.

The theater of the Lenin Komsomol was gradually losing popularity, when suddenly a new director came - Mark Zakharov. It was good luck, the theater began to revive. And Karachentsov got roles in such sensational productions as "Avtograd 21" - this was Zakharov's first performance, then "Til", "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murietta" and "Juno and Avos" appeared, where the music was not just a background, but a component performance.

Karachentsov's romance with cinema began with the films "Strokes to the Portrait of V. I. Lenin" and "... And Again May." As the actor himself admitted, when he started acting in films, he agreed to everything: he just perfectly understood that he needed to "get his hand" in the profession.

"Find that golden mean on the one hand, so as not to squander myself, but, on the other hand, suppose I refuse everything, and in ten years they will give me a role that one can only dream of, I won’t play it, I’ll lose my shape.

Peak of popularity

The actor believed that the cinema did not offer him roles equal in scale to the roles of Til, or Count Rezanov from Juno and Avos, or Yuri Zvonarev from the play Sorry. But, on the other hand, Karachentsov played such iconic roles as Volodya Busygin in The Elder Son (1975), Marquis Ricardo in The Dog in the Manger and Dicky Meloni in Kings and Cabbage, gangster Urry in The Adventures of Electronics and Pastrana in Pious March, cowboy Billy in The Man from Capuchin Boulevard and others.

The popularity of the actor grew rapidly, he began acting on TV, and spoke on the radio, voiced foreign films and cartoons, recorded records as a singer.

Even at the age of 60, the actor learned to dance step dance and performed on tour with a dancer, a graduate of the art school near Moscow, laureate international competitions tap dance by Marina Shirshikova. All this time he did not stop acting, played in his native Lenkom, participated in charity concerts.

“I can only work in a friendly atmosphere. Even if I joke awkwardly and not the most in a high way, and, for example, the illuminator smiles, and it becomes easier on the soul.

car accident

When fame reached its peak, on February 28, 2005, a terrible disaster occurred, as a result of which Nikolai Petrovich received a severe head injury, then underwent brain surgery and was in a coma for several days. The actor survived, and the painful process of rehabilitation began in the centers of Israel, China and Russia. But he did not fully recover.

In February 2017, the actor again got into a major accident and received a concussion. And in September 2017, doctors discovered an oncological disease in Karachentsov: a tumor of the left lung.

On October 26, the day before his birthday, Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov died in hospital 62.

Personal life

With his wife, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Porgina, Nikolai Karachentsov has been married for 43 years since 1975. The couple had a son Andrei in 1978. There are three grandchildren: Peter, Yanina and Olga.


1968 - ... And May again!
1970 - Strokes to the portrait of V. I. Lenin. Film 4th "VHUTEMAS Commune"
1970 - Red Square
1974 - My destiny
1974 - Once alone 1975 - Eldest son
1976 - Long, long business
1976 - Sentimental novel
1976 - 12 chairs (4th series)
1976 - Soldiers of Freedom
1977 - Dog in the manger
1977 - Moment of luck
1978 - While the dream is mad
1978 - Yaroslavna, Queen of France
1978 - Kings and cabbage
1978 - Mistakes of youth
1979 - This fantasy world. Issue 1. "The Man Who Could Work Miracles" (film-play)
1979 - Adventures of Electronics
1979 - Connoisseurs are investigating. Shepherd with cucumber
1979 - Nightingale
1979 - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. bloody inscription
1980 - Pious March
1980 - Ladies invite gentlemen
1981 - Comrade Innokenty
1982 - The trust that burst
1982 - Treasure Island
1982 - The House That Swift Built
1982 - Donkey skin
1982 - Room for maneuver
1983 - White dews
1983 - Kindergarten
1983 - Long road to yourself
1984 - Eight days of hope
1984 - A small favor
1984 - Before parting
1984 - Together with Dunaevsky (film-concert to the music of I. Dunaevsky)
1985 - Battalions ask for fire
1985 - Blue Cities (concert film to music by A. Petrov)
1985 - Stained glass master (film-concert, with songs to the verses of A. Voznesensky)
1985 - Sunday Dad
1985 - How to be happy
1985 - Contract of the century
1985 - One for all!
1985 - Today and always
1986 - Who will enter the last carriage
1986 - The right people
1986 - What is Yeralash? (concert film)
1986 - Confrontation
1987 - Moonzund 1987 - Man from the Boulevard des Capucines
1987 - Habitat 1988 - Miss Millionaire
1988 - One, two - grief does not matter!
1989 - Bright personality
1989 - Deja vu
1989 - Two arrows. stone age detective
1989 - Crime Quartet
1990 - Trap for a lonely man
1990 - Witch's Dungeon
1991 - Fool 1991 - A woman for everyone
1991 - Kitty
1991 - And to hell with us!
1991 - Crazy 1992 - Good luck, gentlemen!
1992 - Romance about a poet
1992 - Murder at Sunshine Menor
1993 - And here I am ...
1993 - Tango on Palace Square
1993 - Our urchin ripened everywhere (Auction)
1994 - Innocent
1994-1995 - Petersburg secrets
1996 - Queen Margot
1998 - The denouement of Petersburg secrets
1998 - The circus burned down and the clowns fled
1999 - D. D. D. Dossier of detective Dubrovsky
2000 - Secrets of palace coups. Film 1st "Testament of the Emperor"
2000 - The game of love
2001 - On the corner, at the Patriarchs-2
2001 - The perfect couple. Series 8
2001 - The lion's share
2001 - Salome
2002 - Excitement
2003 - Photo
2003 - Tartarin from Tarascon
2003 - Kolkhoz entertainment
2004 - December 32
2004 - The Mystery of the "Wolf's Mouth" (If tomorrow is on a hike)
2004 - Pa 2004 - Bat
2004 - You are my happiness
2006 - Quiet Don
2014 - White dew. Return

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