What does Taganrog have to do with it: Lyubov Tolkalina and her seductive swimsuit blew up Instagram. “I want to be hooligan and shameless!”: Lyubov Tolkalina posed in transparent clothes Lyubov Tolkalina official Instagram

www.instagram.com/tolkalinaliuba/ `

In her microblog on Instagram, the actress usually publishes shots of work moments or romantic pictures of her personal life. However, sometimes Lyubov wants to show off her beautiful figure to her subscribers. This time she posted a cheerful photo on the page, taken in Goa on the beach with the ocean in the background. In it, the actress is captured in a transparent tunic with a leopard print, under which neither a swimsuit nor underwear is visible.

"All! It's spring in Moscow! I want to dance, have fun, rage, hooligan and be shameless! Now the “what a shame at this age” will begin. All tediousness is canceled! So many different types of clothes have been worn over the past six months! Down with everything!”- Tolkalina signed the frame with joy and humor.


Lyubov’s followers reacted positively to this photo and wrote the actress many kind words and compliments:

“Thank you for the sunshine! You carry it inside you!”

"You are awesome! And your hooliganism filled me with joy and positivity.”

“What a reverent, unobtrusive sexuality. But that doesn’t make it any less searing to the heart, soul and mind.”

“It’s precisely at our age that we need to be shameless!”

“You are lovely! Stay as sweet, positive and young!”

“Fun and positive! A person is happy when he does what he likes and is not embarrassed by his emotions.”


However, there were also spiteful critics who did not understand this photograph:

“It’s debauchery everywhere! You should be ashamed to show your butt."

“What does spring have to do with stripping almost naked?”

“The older you are, the more shameless you are. Soon there will be no decent women left at all.”

Let us remind you that Lyubov Tolkalina is an actress who is in demand both in cinema and in the theater. For about 20 years she lived with the famous director Yegor Konchalovsky, who is 13 years older than Lyubov. In 2001, the couple had a daughter, Masha. A year ago, the star couple officially announced their separation. Love then wrote to social network that he and Yegor are no longer together, but have now learned to truly be friends.


And recently, during a plane flight, Lyubov Tolkalina took a photograph.

ex common-law wife Yegor Konchalovsky celebrated its 40th anniversary this year. The artist has something to be proud of: her figure has retained her girlish slimness, so spectacular photographs regularly appear on Lyubov Tolkalina’s Instagram.

And on the actress’s microblog, her followers can learn a lot interesting stories. During tours and travels, Tolkalina visits local attractions and tells readers in detail about important historical events and famous people.


Along with spiritual reasoning, Lyubov Tolkalina publishes photos showing her figure in all its glory.


Netizens noted that Lyubov Tolkalina has aged noticeably

The other day, a photo of the actress in a swimsuit appeared on Tolkalina’s Instagram. In the caption to the photo, Konchalovsky’s ex-lover said that she bought a new swimsuit in Taganrog, which she showed to her subscribers. At the same time, Tolkalina spoke about the history of the ancient city.


However, commentators did not appreciate the photo of Tolkalina in a swimsuit. Many noted that in the photo the actress looks older than her age. An unsuccessful angle reveals problem areas in the figure of the 40-year-old actress - flabby armpits, sagging buttocks and problematic skin on the sides. Commentators unanimously advised Tolkalina to delete the photo and were surprised that such photographs appeared on the blog next to photographs of icons.

Having familiarized herself with the critical statements of followers, Lyubov Tolkalina simply deleted the discussions, instead of getting rid of the unsuccessful photo.

Friends, how do you feel about the negativity from strangers to your address?

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The main miracle of this Datsan and, as they say throughout the Buddhist world, Lama Dasha Dorzho Itigilov, once predicted a revolution and rampant atheism. He was born in 1852, and in 1927, through meditation, he fell into a state of samatha, prepared himself for 10 years... He created works on Buddhist philosophy (there are more than 50 of them), wrote a fundamental work on Tibetan pharmacology, left a spiritual testament to his parishioners, students and descendants. In addition, Buryat theologians found a book written by the lama in an allegorical manner in the old Mongolian language interspersed with Tibetan and Sanskrit. We managed to decipher a small part of the message, and full transcript portends the discovery of many mysteries predicted by the holy man. In 1927, Lama Itigelov voluntarily fell into nirvana. Already a very old man, he sat in the lotus position and left his body, telling his disciples to bury him, but to get him out of the grave after 70 years. The disciples followed his instructions and now, so many years after his “death,” Lama Itigilov still sits in a lotus in the main dugan (temple) of the Ivolginsky datsan... Medical experts diagnosed him as “not considered dead.” Science cannot explain.... there are many hypotheses.... Today I had the opportunity to be allowed to see everything with my own eyes. and be blessed. On May 18, all the Buddhists of the world celebrated the Birthday of Buddha and within a few days, every suffering person can see the Miracle...

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