Children about animals of their native land. The project “inhabitants of the native land. wild animals” project on the topic. Wild animals of the native land

Project participants: teacher, parents, children preparatory group, music director, physical education instructor.

Project type: cognitive-research, creative, group, long-term.

Implementation timeline: November 2016 - January 2017


In childhood, the child is open to the world and ready to receive new knowledge and experience. At this age, the formation of the foundations of moral education, emotional responsiveness, and the ability to empathize is relevant. Especially well is the formation of these qualities through environmental education, introducing children to nature, in particular - to the animal world. Currently, many animals need help, they are on the verge of extinction and need special protection. Therefore, it is so important to educate a generation that humanely treats all life on Earth. Our project will help solve this issue by introducing the child to animals. native land, the formation of knowledge about them.

We took the nature of the Moscow region for acquaintance, because we believe that the study should begin with our small homeland. Preschoolers have little idea about it and, in particular, about the inhabitants of our forests. Lack of knowledge about the characteristic distinctive features, lifestyle, habits, nutrition, dwellings of animals, how they escape from the winter cold. Children do not possess a generalizing concept, the ability to accurately describe and recognize an animal from the description. It's another one actual question which we are working on in this project.

The events planned by us develop the horizons of children, contribute to the education of a kind and caring person in life, who loves all living things, his native land, his homeland.

Target: to develop the cognitive research and creative abilities of preschoolers, to accumulate knowledge about the wild animals of the native land in the process of working on the project.

  1. Define the term "wild animal".
  2. To give an idea of ​​the diversity of the animal world of the Moscow region.
  3. To acquaint with the most common wild animals of our region, their characteristic features, appearance, lifestyle.
  4. To acquaint with the concept of the "Red Book", the animals of the Moscow region, listed in it.
  5. To teach to analyze, compare, draw conclusions based on observations, knowledge about wildlife.
  6. Use the knowledge gained about animals in productive activities (“Lepke”, “Applications”, “Drawing”).
  7. Cultivate love, careful, attentive attitude towards the animal world.
  8. To develop cognitive interest, curiosity to the nature of the native land.

Educational areas:« cognitive development"," Artistic and aesthetic development "," Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Expected results:

For children: gaining knowledge about wild animals of their native land, developing interest in small homeland, cognitive activity, education of responsiveness, sensitivity, love for nature.

For the teacher: professional development; implementation modern technologies working with children and parents.

For parents: strengthening the relationship between children and parents, involvement in the pedagogical process, familiarization with the natural world.

Stages of project implementation.

I stage- preparatory.

II stage- basic.

Stage III- final.

Stage IV - design.

Stages of work on the project:

Stage I - preparatory

Highlighting a problem: insufficiently formed feelings of respect for nature, poor knowledge of children about their native land, wild animals of our forests.

Project planning:

1. Monitoring of children on the development of their cognitive interest in the animal world.

2. Together with the children, determine the purpose of the project.

3. Planning for upcoming activities with preschoolers.

4. Career planning various types activities with pupils.

5. Planning joint activities with the music director, physical education instructor, parents of children on the topic of the project.

6. Selection methodical literature, children's literature (encyclopedias, fiction) on the topic of the project; didactic aids.

Stage II - the main

1. Collaboration educator, parents and children in the creation of a folding bed "Animals of the native land".

2. Creation of the Red Book of wild animals of the native land.

3. Conversation "Animals of the native land."

3. Lesson on the topic "Wild animals".

4. Memorizing poems: "Fox" by T. Patrakeeva, "Stubborn deer" by A. Barto; guessing and guessing riddles about wild animals; compiling descriptive stories about toys (wild animals) in speech development classes.

5. Reading stories and fairy tales about wild animals: V. Bianki "How the animals prepare for winter", the Latvian fairy tale "The Forest Bear and the naughty mouse", the Hungarian fairy tale "Two greedy bear cubs", D. Kharms "The Brave Hedgehog", E. Charushin "Volchishko", Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Hare".

6. Competition of readers on the theme "My favorite animal."

7. Drawing "Animals of our region."

8. Modeling "Forest dwellers".

9. Application "In the forest" - teamwork.

10. Exercise in counting animals, comparing them in size, location in space in the classroom for FEMP.

11. Russian dramatization folk tale"Bear and Fox".

13. Designing "Teremok for all animals."

14. Water games "Catch a fish for the bear."

15. Outdoor games: "Cunning Fox".

Stage III - final

KVN "Such different animals."

Project presentation.


Joint analysis of the activities carried out.

Discussion of the result, the actions of each.


1. S. N. Nikolaeva. Introducing preschoolers to nature in kindergarten and at home. - - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013.

2. S. N. Nikolaeva. Ecological education of younger preschoolers. - M. : Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011.

3. Ushakova O.D. Red Data Book of Russia: Animals / Schoolchild's Dictionary-Reference Book. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2008.

4. Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. The development of children's speech: Program. Guidelines. Abstracts of classes. Games and exercises. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2008.

5. O.E. Gromova, G.N. Solomatina. Poems and stories about the animal world. - M., 2005.

6. S.A. Vasilyeva, V.I. Miryasova. Animal world: wild and domestic animals middle lane Russia. - M., 2008.

7. My first animal encyclopedia. - M., "Eksmo", 2007.

8. All about animals. Encyclopedia for children. - M., Makhaon, 1999.

educational project

"Animals of the native land" for children -5 years old


Education of a citizen and patriot of one's country, formation of moral values, feelings of love for the Motherland, native land, careful attitude to living nature.


1. Teach children to observe animals without disturbing or harming them; feed animals only with the permission of adults; do not stroke other people's animals; do not bring animals home without the permission of adults; do not take homeless animals.

2. To develop the individuality of the child through the development of social norms and rules of behavior available for a given age, native area;

3. Generate interest in cultural heritage your region;

4. Cultivate love for the native land, the ability to see the beautiful, be proud of it.

5. To increase the interest of all participants in the educational process in expanding knowledge of the world around.

6. Expand ideas about domestic and wild animals of the native land, their appearance and ways of movement, habitat, nutrition, ways of adapting to life. Meet baby animals.

7. To form the ability to classify wild and domestic animals of the native land.

8. To expand children's ideas about the conditions necessary for the life of animals.

Project participants:



DOO specialists;


Project type:

according to the composition of participants: group;

in terms of implementation: long-term (September - May);

by dominant activity: information-practice-oriented.

Stage 1 Information-accumulative:

Studying the interest of children to determine the goals of the project.

Collection and analysis of literature for adults and children.

Appeal to specialists.

Stage 2. Project development

1. Selection of methodological, popular science and fiction, illustrative material on this topic.

2. Drawing up a plan of work on projects. The opinion of all experts is taken into account.

Stage 3. Project implementation

Forms and methods of working with children

Game activity

Didactic games “K lives in the village, who lives in the forest”, “Who lives where?”, “Who eats what?”; "Name the cub?"; "Whose ears? Whose tail? "Who's screaming?" "Guess who?" "

Role-playing game "Zoo"; "House in the village"; "a walk in the woods" "Collect the whole", "lotto", "dominoes", "cubes", "noisy pictures", "what did the artist mix up?"

Decor didactic games local history:

“Animals of the native land?”, “Collect a picture”, “Picture of the forest”, “collect an animal”, “A book about animals”, “My native land”, “village yard”, “Find” an animal”, “Zoologists”.

cognitive development

Games, songs, nursery rhymes, poems, fairy tales, riddles about animals.

    theatricalization of fairy tales about animals.

Carrying out a cycle of directly educational activities on the topics: "Journey through the forests of Russia." “Village dwellers (pets)”, “Forest is our home!”, “Nature of the native land”, “Where does the Motherland begin”, “The earth is our common Home!", "Animals Rostov region».

productive activity

Animals of the Rostov region;

Modeling "Animals and our forest", "villagers"

Making layouts "Village", "Forest";

Making a photo album of a natural corner.

    design of the red book.

    Making books - babies.

Speech development

Description of animals according to the “tell about the animal” scheme;

Conversations with children "Who lives in the village", "Who lives in the forest", "Animals of the Native Land";

Acquaintance with fiction:

Reading fairy tales about animals (peoples of the world);

Learning Russian folk songs about animals.


    Listening and singing songs about animals;

    Game exercises to music;

    Sketches of dramatization;

    Round dances and dances;

    Character dances;

    Music games;

    Songwriting on the theme of animals.

Design of a musical corner in Russian traditions.

Forms and methods of working with parents

Conversations with parents about the importance of this problem;

Making a folder-slider "Take care of the animals of your native land";

Manufacturing family albums and books - babies about animals;

Involving parents in replenishing the regional corner with benefits about animals from their native land;

Word creation with parents "gathering artistic word about wild and domestic animals of the Rostov region"

Stage 4. Presentation - final

1. Presenting your projects in the form chosen by the teachers

2. Design of a regional corner

3. NOD “Animals of the native land”

4. Exhibition of products of children's activities.

5. Evaluation of the stages of project implementation by children.

Stage 5 Control-reflexive

1. Summing up.

2. Conversation “What did we want to know, what did we learn, why did we learn?”


Children have formed knowledge about their native land, about the animals of their native land, their characteristic features.

Children and parents have become active participants in exhibitions, competitions, discussions, and other activities.

Preschoolers have acquired the skills of social communication with adults.

Children began to show attention and caring attitude to animals, acquired the skills of caring for pets.

Teachers and parents replenished their knowledge about the animals of their native land, received information about animals listed in the Red Book.

Result-product : replenishment of the cognitive-speech center and the natural corner of the group with manuals for the implementation of the regional component.

Project in kindergarten for older children preschool age"The animal and plant world of the native land."

1) Project author- Deryagina Yu.A.
2) Project type– Long term.
3) Project type- Informative.
4) Project participants- Teachers of MBDOU "Smile, parents, employees national park"Vodlozersky".
5) Conduct form- direct educational activities, viewing illustrations in encyclopedias and fiction, conversations, thematic consultations for parents on this topic, excursions.
6) Venue - Onega, Arkhangelsk region.
7) Dates - September - May 2017 -2018
8) Children's age-5-6 years.
9) Project product- an exhibition of crafts "Autumn Fantasy", a presentation "Journey through northern forest", the creation of the album" Red Book of the Arkhangelsk region ", didactic game" Whose leaf?
Expected results - Children will expand and deepen their knowledge about the animal and flora native land through all kinds of activities.
Relevance of the topic:
Child- A preschooler learns the laws of nature for the first time. What happens first, what happens next. How interconnected and interdependent living and inanimate nature. What time do they arrive migratory birds; when animals have babies; where do insects come from, what plants and trees grow on planet Earth; what are ecosystems. Children receive basic knowledge from observations, experiments, conversations and, of course, during direct educational activities in kindergarten.
Unfortunately, modern children, especially "northern" children, have a very limited opportunities communication with nature. Children know the plants and animals of other countries well and much worse than those who live next to them. Based on this, a goal was set.
Target: To expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the animal and plant world of their native land. Cultivate a caring and benevolent attitude towards nature.
- Formation of general ideas of children about the forest as an ecosystem; formation of ideas about animals and plants as elements of a particular ecosystem; enrichment of vocabulary in children.
- The development of curiosity in children, the desire to learn as much as possible about the nature of their native land; development of attention, memory, thinking, coherent speech.
- Development of a humane emotionally friendly and careful attitude to the world around; the formation of the idea that man is a part of nature, that he must preserve, protect and protect it.
This methodical development project can be useful for teachers preschool education, deputy heads on water resources management, as well as to all those who deal with the problem environmental education preschool children.
Project Implementation Plan:
GCD:"Forest - Ecosystem", "Animals of the Arkhangelsk Region", "Flora of the Native Land", "Our Friends - Birds", "Life of the White Sea".
Didactic games:“Who gives a voice like?”, “Name the animal according to the description”, “One - many”, “What grows where”, “Collect a plant”, “You can - you can’t”.
Conversations:"Native Prionezhie", "Protect nature!", "Gifts of the northern forest".
GCD on modeling "Animals of the North".
GCD on drawing "Birds are our friends."
GCD for the application "White water lilies - transparent dewdrops."
Excursion to national park"Vodlozersky"
Participation in the regional photo exhibition "Birds outside my window"
Participation in the international action "March of Parks 2018".
Preparatory stage.
- Collection of information about the flora and fauna of the native land.
- Collection of reference and fiction literature on the topic.
- Organization of search activities of children and parents to collect information about animals and plants listed in the "Red Book" of the Arkhangelsk region.
- Design of card schemes for didactic games. Making feeders for the photo contest "Birds outside my window."
Main stage.
- Informative conversations on the topic of the project. Reading stories about nature G. Ya. Snegirev “Who Plants a Forest”, “Stories about Nature”. G. A. Skrebitsky "Forest voice", "White coat".
-Reading poetry. N. Rubtsov "Birches", "Bear".
-Excursion to the national park "Vodlozersky" to the photo exhibition "Birds outside my window".
-Viewing the presentation "Journey through the northern forest."
The final stage.
-Collective work on modeling "Animals of the North".
- Holding an exhibition of handicrafts from natural material"Forest fairy tale"
-Making applications of water lilies using the origami technique.
-Creation of the album "Red Book of the Arkhangelsk Region".
-Development and production of the Osprey - Bird of the Year panel as part of the March for Parks campaign.
Conclusion. Setting a goal for yourself this project- to expand and deepen the knowledge of older children about the animal and plant world of their native land through all types of educational activities, have reached positive results. Children with great interest began to relate to the nature of their area. We learned about endangered species of flora and fauna of the Arkhangelsk region, about the rules of behavior in nature.
Applications for the project.

"Whose leaf"

1. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasil’eva. From birth to school - M .: Mosaic - Sintez, 2016.
2. Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. Senior group. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2016.
3. Voronkevich OA Welcome to ecology! Senior group. Part 2. - St. Petersburg. "Childhood - Press", 2015.
4. Zebzeeva V. A. Theory and methods of environmental education for children. Educational - Toolkit. - M., 2009.
5. Serebryakova T. A. Ecological education in preschool age - M., 2008.
6. Physical education minutes / comp. S. A. Levina, S. I. Tukacheva. - V .: Teacher, 2005.

This project is that the use various forms and methods of working with children contribute to the expansion and enrichment of children's knowledge about the diversity of the animal world, the formation of ideas about different professions people, a respectful attitude towards them, a careful and humane attitude towards nature. Work in this direction not only enriches the knowledge of children, but also develops the qualities of a social and personal nature, brings up kindness, belonging and empathy for everything living and beautiful that surrounds us!




"Animals of the Native Land"

Integration: cognitive -speech, artistic and aesthetic direction

Objective of the project: through integration educational areas: ecology, fine arts to create conditions for children to get acquainted with the animals of the native land.

Project objectives:

  • educational:
  1. To form ideas about animals, their importance in human life.
  2. Correctly call external signs animals of our region; write descriptive stories and sketch them on paper.
  • developing:
  1. To develop creative potential, an active, independent, emotionally responsive personality.
  2. To develop curiosity, observation, the ability to correlate an object with its high-quality image.
  • educational:
  1. Cultivate love for animals, respect for them. Raise interest in children's literature.

Implementation timeline:November - April:

Project participants:older preschool children, parents, teachers additional education on ecology and fine arts, teacher-speech therapist, group educators, social institutions cities.

Expected Result:

  1. An idea about the animals of the native land has been formed.
  2. The ability to depict animals using different visual techniques has been formed.
  3. Children know the sources of obtaining new knowledge (literature, means mass media, social environment).
  4. Correctly name the external signs of animals.
  5. They can write descriptive stories and draw animals on paper.

Assessment methods: observations, conversations, analysis of creative products, drawing, modeling.

Materials and equipment:

  1. Visual, illustrated material (postcards, photographs, presentations).
  2. Schemes-models "Plant", "Step image of plants", schemes for compiling descriptive stories, mnemonic tables.
  3. Nameplates with plant names.
  4. Containers for seedlings and storage of medicinal herbs.
  5. Folders for herbariums.
  6. Labor equipment (watering cans, buckets, rakes).
  7. Paints, pencils, albums and other materials for visual activity

Stages of project implementation


Teacher activity

Children activities

Stage 1

goal setting

Formulation of the problem (goal). Definition of the project product.
Introduction to the game (plot) situation (Letter of Baba Yaga).
Task Formulation

Getting into a problem.

Living in a game situation.
Acceptance of a task.
Addition of project tasks.

Stage 2



Activity planning
Organization of activities.

Organizing children into working groups.

Stage 3

Project implementation

(practical part)

Practical assistance (if necessary).
Direction and control of project implementation.

Formation of specific knowledge, skills.

Stage 4

Summing up

Preparing for a presentation.

Preparation of the activity product for the presentation.
Presentation (to viewers or experts) of the product of activity.

Project web

No. p / p




Stage 1

goal setting

Problem Statement

1st week of May

Introduction to the game situation

1st week of May

Stage 2

Project development

Collection of literature about the animals of Ugra: poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings, stories, fairy tales.

"Our Motherland" M. Isakovsky, "The Red Book of Yugra", .... etc.

2nd week of January

Development and selection of didactic, role-playing games.

Stage 3

Practical part

Activities with children:

1st week of February

Individual work with children:



Circle work

Craft from waste material.

2nd week of February

Excursion to the Khanty Ethnographic Museum. Topic: "Animals of the Native Land"

Design of the album of children's works "Animals of the Native Land"


Release of the poster "Animals of Yugra".

Letter to the Brown Bear.

Organization of the propaganda team "Young Ecologist" with the aim of protecting, caring and humane treatment of animals.

Familiarization with works of fiction of ecological orientation.

Reading legends, fairy tales, poems, riddles about animals of the native land..

Group tutors

Throughout the project

Learning poems, riddles about animals with children.

Conducting games: didactic, role-playing, mobile.

Creation of the book "Animals of the Native Land"

Stage 4

Summing up the project

Quiz "In the world of animals"


Summing up the results of the project implementation - presentation of the experience of working on the project to the public.

Performance tracking criteria:

  1. Formed ideas in children: about the animals of the native land, their significance in human life.
  2. Ability to summarize own experience research work in creative activity.
  3. Careful and humane attitude of children to nature.

Practical significanceThis project lies in the fact that the use of various forms and methods of working with children contributes to the expansion and enrichment of children's knowledge about the diversity of the animal world, the formation of ideas about different professions of people, respectful attitude towards them, careful and humane attitude towards nature. Work in this direction not only enriches the knowledge of children, but also develops the qualities of a social and personal nature, brings up kindness, belonging and empathy for everything living and beautiful that surrounds us!

Achieved result.

During the work on the project, the expected results were achieved:formed an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe animal world, taught to depict medicinal plants using different visual techniques; children know the sources of obtaining new knowledge (literature, mass media, social environment);

They correctly name the external signs of animals, they can compose descriptive stories, invent fairy tales, riddles, poems on the topic of the project.

We summarized and enriched the experience of children in the field of environmental education by applying scientific methods and tricks. Parents together with children created an electronic book "RED BOOK". During the work on the project, the children enriched the dictionary. In the course of experimental activities, children developed imagination, thinking, formed elementary skills research activities. Learned how to work with some types of natural material.


In our opinion, the project is the most productive form of work with children. It is based on the technique of immersion in the topic, but even one topic does not limit the possibility of planning different types of activities, it is only a convoy that allows you to combine all types of children's activities, make them interesting and as useful as possible. The most important advantage of our project is the formation in the child of a competent approach to the ability to independently use information opportunities to gain knowledge. The project "Animals of the Native Land" helped to bring parents, teachers and children closer, uniting them around one common purpose. And the game and cognitive motivation helped to intensify their communication. The project acted as a condition for the formation of cooperation in different types activities. What helps in mastering more complex communication skills, while children develop empathy, social sensitivity, all this will help children to psychologically competently build their interaction with partners in the future.


  1. S.N. Nikolaev, I.A. Komarova Plot games in the environmental education of preschoolers - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2009
  2. Young ecologist. S.N. Nikolaev. A series to help the educator and teacher. Publishing house "Mosaic - Synthesis" 2002.
  3. Methods of ecological education in kindergarten. S.N. Nikolaev. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2001.
  4. Methodological guide to the program "Green Path" Moscow "Enlightenment" 2001.
  5. Green path. A.A. Pleshakov Moscow "Enlightenment" 2002
  6. We teach children to observe and tell. N.V. Elkina, O.V. Marinichev. A popular guide for parents and educators. Yaroslavl. "Academy of Development" 1997.
  7. Gaming environmental activities with kids. L.P. Molodova Minsk "Asar" 2001
  8. Ecological classes with children 6-7 years old T.M. Bondarenko Voronezh. Shopping center "Teacher" 2002.
  9. Classes with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Blossoming spring. Herbs." O.A. Skorlupova Moscow 2006
  10. Walks in kindergarten. I.V. Kravchenko, T.L. Dolgov. Shopping center "Sphere" Moscow 2009
  11. Summaries of classes on the formation of natural science ideas in preschoolers in different age groups. Saint Petersburg. Childhood Press 2009.


« Animal world native land"


The timely formation of a sense of patriotism in preschool children has great importance. Love and affection, devotion and responsibility, the desire to work for the good of the native land, to preserve and increase its wealth - all this is laid from childhood. Patriotism begins with love and interest in the world around us, nature.

Purpose: To create conditions for the development of cognitive and creativity children during the project.


1. Give an idea of ​​the wild animals of the Volga region, their way of life, food, dwellings, how they prepare for winter.

2. Enrich the dictionary with nouns (hollow, lair, lair, hole), adjectives (prickly, shaggy, clumsy, angry, hungry, cunning), verbs (hide, hunt, hide).

3. Develop coherent speech through the compilation of a descriptive story about animals.

4. Raise the desire to help animals in the forest.

Form of organization: frontal, individual

Project type: informational, creative

Project duration: 1 week

Project participants: children, parents, educator.

Number of children - 16

Goal Achievement Plan

I. Conversation with children on the proposed project

* What do we know?

We know what animals live in the forest.

* What do we want to know?

What are the features of behavior, habits, what they eat, how they prepare for winter, how they wait out the winter, which animals hibernate.

* How to find answers?

*Think for yourself

* View books

* Ask other people

* Search on computer

* Who can help us?

Educator and parents

* What do we need to do to solve the problem?

* Maintain a sustained interest in wild animals.

* Create conditions in the group to expand ideas about animals.

* Get parents involved.

II. Technological stage

1. Collection of information, material on the project.

2. Conducting observations, games, reading, memorization.

3. Making the necessary adjustments in the course of the project.

III. The final stage

Debriefing with children.



Morning: OOD: Game-journey "Who lives in the forest?"

Drawing: “Meeting of the Fox and Kolobok” (Poke with a hard semi-dry brush. Gouache).

Games "Recognize by silhouette", "Call it affectionately"

Evening: P / and "At the bear in the forest."

D / ex. “What did the artist mix up?”

Game: "Who eats what?" - name a wild animal and pick up each of its food.



Cognitive research activity. Height comparison. Practice counting within 3. Comparison of three bears in height according to the fairy tale "Three Bears".

The game "Guess riddles, find, pick up riddles"

Nast/Print game "Who lives where?"

Dynamic exercise "Bear"

Evening: D / and "Name the dwelling", "Fold the picture" cubes, "Wild animals".

Designing "House - Teremok for all animals."



Reading V. Bianchi "How animals prepare for winter." Conversation on the content of the story.

Stencil drawing "Forest dwellers" - wild animals. Painting without leaving the outline.

Game "Finish the sentence."

D / and "Wonderful bag" - recognize the animals by touch.


Dramatization game based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok"

Dot drawing.

P / and "Wolf and hares"



Nast/Print animal story game. Write a story about...

F/m “I have a big house…”

Application from woolen threads"Wild animals"

Singing the song "Bear scratched his paw"


Ex. "One-Many". Singular and plural.

Set/Print game "Name the baby wild animals"

P.G. "Squirrel sits on a cart"



Reading Russian Folk tale "Winter hut of animals"

Game "Draw an animal"

D / and "The fourth extra"

Hand drawing "Deer"

Ex. “Help the squirrel put the nuts into baskets” - the development of thinking, sensory.


Reading the story of G. Skrebitsky from the series “About animals in winter”.

Modeling "Mushrooms for squirrels"

Game "What has changed?" for attention.

Final summing up:

* What have we learned?

We found answers to our questions: habits, nutrition, how to prepare for winter.

* What have the children learned?

Causal relationships between lifestyle and environment. Compose short stories about our wild animals.

* What did you like?

I liked the interest of children and their parents in the preparation of creative works.

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