Orthodox names for girls in March. How to choose a name for a child according to the Saints. Name days are celebrated in November

A name is a gift from parents to a child who remains with him for life, so it is very important not to make a mistake with the choice. Today we will choose names for boys - rare and beautiful, Slavic and foreign, and we will deal with fashion trends.

When choosing a name for your son, you should not be led by emotions, follow exclusively fashion trends You have 9 months to make a choice. The first name should go well with the middle name, last name, even the initials should be harmonious so that there are no double interpretations in the future.

Individuality - you should not name your son in honor of relatives, famous people. Subconsciously, you will have high hopes for your child; not every child can bear such a load. For you, this is fraught with a particularly acute conflict between fathers and children in adolescence.

Avoid “neuter” names – Valya, Zhenya. Boys with such names often have to listen to a lot of ridicule from their peers, and if there is a namesake girl in the class, then your son’s life can turn into a complete nightmare.

Solid male names with a predominance of consonants - Egor, Grigory, Dmitry, endow the boy with strength and stubbornness.

IN soft names There are more vowel sounds (Ilya, Veniamin), such children are distinguished by their calmness and easy-going character.

Neutral (Andrey, Arkady, Pavel) boys with such names will be moderately purposeful and wise.

Russian names for boys are rare and beautiful

Russians and Orthodox names always remain relevant, you can choose to name your son according to the calendar if you doubt your choice.

Orthodox and old names for boys rare and beautiful:

  1. - this name is given to hardworking, persistent children, but they can be somewhat reserved, so you will have to early years respect their personal space. Men named Matvey often choose professions that require painstakingness, meticulousness, and concentration; they make excellent surgeons, bank employees, and athletes.
  2. Jaromir - a boy with this name will be strong, diligent, devoted.
  3. Zakhar - children are distinguished by good nature and sentimentality, compassion, very caring, with an easy-going, non-conflict character. Such boys often choose jobs that involve technology, construction, and farming.
  4. Vsevolod is prudent, lucky, his innate humor, diplomacy and sense of tact allow him to nip any unpleasant situation in the bud. From an early age, such boys get along well with people, occupy leading positions, they are stubborn but fair, and are not afraid of losing to a more worthy opponent.
  5. Gordey is the embodiment of peacefulness and optimism, outwardly modest, but inside there is a core that allows you to achieve success in life. Boys with this name are good storytellers and attentive listeners, so they never suffer from loneliness, they always have many friends.
  6. Luka is honest, purposeful, but sometimes too much impulsive person. Boys are good tacticians, carefully think through each step, confidently move towards their intended goal, and can be uncompromising when defending their rightness.

The names still remain relevant: Platon, Mikhail, Pavel, Denis, Andrey, Nikolay, Dmitry, Lyubomir, Radomir.

Among the rare and original Old Church Slavonic names, the following can be distinguished: Lucheslav, Svetozar.

Modern names for boys are rare and beautiful

The meaning and choice of a name for a child - these queries occupy leading positions in all search engines; this problem never ceases to be relevant. According to the statistics of traffic to such resources, a rating of the most popular male names was compiled.

So, the most beautiful and popular names for boys are:

  1. Diaz or Yakov is a name for an ambitious boy, as it means “one who follows on the heels.”
  2. Matvey - gifted by God.
  3. Robert is famous, of unfading fame.
  4. Ernest is serious and strict.
  5. Janis is God's grace.
  6. Damir, Timur – translated means “iron”.
  7. Demid - ruler, ruler.

Among modern names, many are of German origin - Benedict, Waldemar, Heinrich, Arnold, Karl. Such boys are distinguished by rigor, isolation, incredible determination and efficiency, which allows them to become successful businessmen, politicians, and diplomats.

Often parents, following the example of popular people, began to call their sons English names– Justin, Gary, David, Matthew. Italian names are also gaining popularity - Alessandro, Matteo, Riccardo.

Abdullah, Ali, Rustam, Omran remain popular Islamic names.

What name to choose for a boy

Boys who will be born in the coming year will be distinguished by their hard work, perseverance, and will clearly move towards their goal. They will be good family men caring fathers, wonderful husbands. To enhance all these positive qualities, you need to choose the right name for your son; simple, Slavic, biblical, uncomplicated names are coming into fashion.

Rare and beautiful names for boys:

  1. Arseny - for such men, the family will always come first; they are happy to deal with everyday issues, raising children, and always treat their parents with respect and reverence. Boys are distinguished by courage, they always fight for justice, and do not know how to lie.
  2. Daniel is sociable, creative child, often in the future chooses a profession related to people. Men are distinguished by loyalty and constancy, choosing a life partner once and for all.
  3. Elisha is a boy with a fine mental organization, loves literature and art, but at the same time chooses work related to intellectual activity.
  4. Konstantin is a smart, inquisitive boy who, from an early age, strives to broaden his horizons as much as possible, a leader, leader and organizer. People are always drawn to such men, they consult with him, they listen to him.
  5. Kirill is a rather selfish person, but this trait will help the boy achieve success in any endeavor. Among men with this name there are many successful businessmen and tough leaders.
  6. Laurus, Lavrentiy - this name gives the boy pride, even some vanity, energy; such children achieve success in various sports because they constantly strive for recognition.

The following male names will also be popular this year: Clementy, Bogdan, Semyon, David, Efim, Gabriel.

Among the rare names, the leading positions are occupied by: Oles, Bronislav, Walter, Lev, Rinat.

Name and time of birth

Parents wonder how to choose a name depending on the time of year, and how to guess the name “according to the season.” Here are the tips.

Winter boys stubborn and domineering, if you want to soften these character traits somewhat, name your son Pavel, Vasily, Leonid.

For romantic and sublime spring boys Traditional names that give them strength and courage are suitable - Egor, Sergey, Stepan.

If your baby is due in the summer, he will be brave, fair, kind-hearted. A correctly chosen name will help enhance these qualities, best choice will become: Philip, Elizar, Yuri.

Autumn boys distrustful and self-centered, to make them more sociable and friendly, name your son Tikhon, Semyon, Nazar.


Today we figured out how to choose a rare and beautiful name for a boy, what you need to consider, how not to make a mistake.

Astrology is a subtle science that will largely determine a person’s destiny. In particular, astrologers assure that the name the baby is given depends on his life path. Astrologers have already thought about how to name a child in 2018, what beautiful and successful names there are for boys and girls born in the year of the yellow dog.

The name plays a big role in shaping the personality of a future member of society. Any name can give a child unique character traits. If parents want the positive qualities to be enhanced, it is recommended to name the baby according to the month of birth. Let's look at the most successful combinations of names and seasons.

Boys born in the year of the fire dog will grow into loyal, hardworking and devoted men. Distinctive feature their character is extraordinary insight. They understand people well and see their true intentions, thanks to which they form an optimistic outlook on life from childhood.

Men born in this year are unusually hardworking, thanks to which they quickly advance in career ladder.

We invite you to look at the most popular names for children born in 2018, which is preferred by most parents:

  • Bogdan – in the present translation “given by God”;
  • Mark - a child with this name has excellent health;
  • Benjamin - this name is given to the baby if they want to emphasize that he is the beloved son of his parents;
  • Rinat is a person with supernatural abilities;
  • Alexander has been leading the ranking of the most popular male names for many years. Such kids grow up to be very purposeful;
  • Egor is a beautiful name, the owner of which will quickly climb the career ladder thanks to his independence;
  • Artem is one of the most popular names; such boys are characterized by optimism and friendliness;
  • Maxim is a real role model. If you name a boy with this name, he will become a true joy for his parents.

We also present to your attention a list of the rarest male names:

  • Bronislav is a name for a strong-willed child. Literally translated it means “guardian of glory”;
  • Leo is traditionally the name of a leader, curator, fair leader, meaning “king of beasts”;
  • Oles is the name of a true protector;
  • Walter is a true leader, born to lead people.

However, before giving your child a rare name, think about its consonance with the patronymic. This is important, because in the future an already accomplished man may become a significant leader, and he will often be called by his first name and patronymic. In order for a name to play in a person’s favor, it must be consonant with the patronymic.

Character of a girl in 2018

A girl born in 2018 will immediately receive several wonderful qualities. She will become kind and sympathetic, and it will not be difficult for her to conquer any man’s heart. It is possible that this will be creative person who decides to devote her life to art.

The career ladder will quickly be conquered by a girl born in the year of the yellow dog, thanks to her good memory.

Girls born in 2018 are extremely friendly. They easily put themselves in the shoes of another person, therefore they are responsive. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with such people.

Children born in this year are confident in themselves, but rather touchy. Their resentment may last a long time, but after this the girl will again become friendly and supportive.

Here is a list of the most attractive and popular baby names that are suitable for girls born in 2018:

  • Natalya is a friendly and helpful girl, literally translated as “native”;
  • Milana – attractive, “sweetheart”;
  • Vasilisa is a royal girl, a real leader, a “queen”;
  • Elizabeth is a divine and holy girl;
  • Elena is a kind, bright, fiery girl;
  • Margarita – beautiful, sympathetic, “pearl”;
  • Olesya - this name makes the girl stand out from the crowd of other people;
  • Diana – sovereign, “divine”;
  • Veronica is a very purposeful and active girl who “believes in victory”;
  • Eve - this name compares its owner with the word “life”;
  • Victoria is a name that is analogous to the famous word “victory”;
  • Ruslana is a winning girl;
  • Marina is a very gentle girl; literally translated, her name means “sea.”

For those who like to name their children in an unconventional way, here is a list of rare, but no less beautiful, female names;

  • Beatrice is a girl who brings happiness;
  • Lada is a gentle, feminine nature, literally translated “sweetheart”;
  • Clara is a kind, sympathetic, “bright” girl;
  • Zlata is a real treasure, a “golden” girl;
  • Alla is majestic and powerful, literally translated as “column of light.”

A representative of the fair sex will be happy if her parents at birth give her a beautiful name, consonant with her patronymic, which, moreover, will bring her happiness and program her for success.

Name after a celebrity

Until the 70s, it was popular to name a child after a celebrity who achieved success through backbreaking work and won the love of the entire country, or even the planet.

IN Lately The fashion for celebrity names is gradually returning. Psychologists say that this is good practice.

Giving a child a name successful person, you are automatically programming it for success. This is, in a way, a direction along an already trodden path. But after this, you should not put pressure on the child, since it is quite possible that he will achieve success, only in a completely different field of activity, not related to his stellar prototype.

Calendar of names

Astrologers and even many psychologists advise naming the child in accordance with the calendar, that is, the name should suit the month of birth of the baby. The Bible advises the same. Below is a table of compatibility of names and months of birth of children.

Winter babies have a “frosty” character, so you need to choose melodious and pleasant names for them that will instill good nature in the children.JanuaryNikita, Ilya, Kirill, Daniil, Maxim, Ivan, Vasily, Seraphim, Pavel, Egor, Stepan, Artem, Anton, Timofey, Kirill, Mark, Yuri.Vasilisa, Polina, Ulyana, Tatyana, Claudia, Anastasia, Evgenia, Melania.
FebruaryValentin, German, Ignatius, Arkady, Victor, Felix, Grigory, Dmitry, Zakhar, Vsevolod, Porfiry.Veronica, Christina, Svetlana, Maria, Anna, Ksenia, Agnia.
Spring babies are often born withdrawn, so their names should give them endurance.MarchMikhail, David, Arseny, Valery, Mark, Denis, Evgeny, Fedor, Lev, Stepan, Rostislav, Makar, Fedot, Philip.Veronica, Vasilisa, Christina, Anastasia, Marianna, Margarita, Regina.
AprilDavid, Andrey, Vadim, Georgy, Stepan, Semyon, Alexander, Rodion, Ivan, Peter, Innocent, Plato, Ignat.Veronica, Alexandra, Svetlana, Sofia, Daria, Vasilisa, Irina, Larisa, Anna.
MayFedor, Joseph, Timofey, Peter, Fedor, Gleb, Makar, Andrey, Ivan, David, Roman, Boris, Nikita, Vitaly, Anatoly, Grigory, Victor.Efrosinya, Faina, Taisiya, Tamara, Maria, Valentina, Yulia, Christina, Irina.
Summer children are active, kind, cheerful and friendly from birth. Any name that enhances their merits will suit them.JuneSylvester, Julian, Mstislav, Gregory, Peter, Andrey, Roman, Gennady, Kirill, Tikhon, Konstantin, Alexander, Ivan.Anna, Maria, Nellie, Elena, Sofia, Alena, Antonina, Kira, Valeria.
JulyArseny, Stepan, Kirill, Kuzma, Mark, Denis, Yakov, Philip, Julius, Demyan, Fedor, Gury.Margarita, Valentina, Maria, Elena, Yuliana, Angelina, Zhanna, Irina.
AugustRoman, Ilya, Boris, Pavel, Tikhon, Miron, Ivan, Dmitry, Leonid, Maxim, Naum, German, Makar.Valentina, Christina, Milena, Svetlana, Maria, Anna.
Autumn children from birth have a strong and balanced character. This feature is important to emphasize.SeptemberArkady, Clement, Thomas, Maxim, Fedor, Daniel, Arkhip, Benjamin, Gregory, Athanasius.Sophia, Anna, Natalya, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Vera, Elizabeth.
OctoberMatvey, Vladimir, Grigory, Nazar, Alexey, Denis, David, Anton, Stepan, Makar.Zlata, Zinaida, Anna, Irina, Taisiya, Sofia.
NovemberJulian, Evgeny, Taras, Ignat, Kirill, Anton, Denis, Yakov, German, Valery, Fedot, Victor.Cleopatra, Claudia, Anna, Anastasia, Elizabeth.
DecemberMark, Vsevolod, Zakhar, Anton, Stepan, Vasily, Yaroslav, Semyon, Pavel.Olga, Angelina, Varvara, Marina, Ulyana, Ekaterina, Zoya, Anfisa, Varvara.

Parents, who always approach the arrival of a baby with trepidation, are puzzled not only by the generally designated benefits and health of the child. Particular attention should be paid to the name and this must be done before giving birth. This is in to a greater extent concerns female names. A correctly chosen name will help the girl receive protection from heavenly forces. Fate depends on the name born girl and her happiness, luck, health.

Character traits of girls born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Women who give birth in 2018 will be pleasantly pleased. Their girl will have extraordinary qualities. The girl will be very beautiful and smart. She will be gifted with creative inclinations for dancing, singing or painting. The daughter will express her thoughts beautifully, have a lively way of thinking and an ease of accepting new people. It will be easy for the girl to study and most likely her life will not be overshadowed by illness, war and poverty. The girl will be very popular with the opposite sex. Men will literally be at the mercy of a beautiful seductress.

Little girls born in the year of the dog will grow into beautiful swans who can be compassionate and help in difficult situations. However, a girl may suffer from fears and prejudices that she invents or thinks up herself. This trait will interfere throughout life in different situations. But this is not the biggest vice and can be overcome.

Names for girls 2018 by month

Names for girls by month for 2018 will help parents with their choice. Of course, you can always give free rein to your imagination, because there are a great many beautiful female names, and the list can be very long. Below are the girls' names by month. A girl born in the winter or spring month has certain character traits and this must be taken into account when choosing a name.

Month of birth Name for a girl born in 2018
January Milana, Anastasia, Agrafena, Augusta, Varvara, Zoya, Olga, Cleopatra, Claudia
February Vitalia, Ksenia, Agnia, Marfa, Natalia, Efrosinya, Valentina, Veronica
March Galina, Zhanna, Christina, Margarita, Antonina, Kira, Marina, Marianna
April Eva, Feodosia, Daria, Alexandra, Lydia, Akulina
May Faina, Lukerya, Elizaveta, Julia, Taisiya, Nina
June Marfa, Antonina, Anna, Elena, Alena, Ksenia
July Aza, Sarah, Vera, Rimma, Alevtina, Larisa, Olga
August Susanna, Seraphima, Magdalene, Milana, Alla
September Vasilisa, Liya, Vasilisa, Natalya, Tamara, Marina
October Valentina, Amalia, Tatyana, Kira, Alisa, Margarita
November Lana, Matryona, Viola, Alexandra, Maria, Lukerya
December Varvara, Augusta, Varvara, Angelina, Zinovia

When thinking about what to name a girl born in January 2018, it is worth considering that girls who are very self-confident are born this month. They often believe that they are smarter than adults and are offended if they are convinced otherwise. If a daughter was born on Christmas Day, she will be calmer and more obedient. She will be protected by the saints who rule during this period. The girl can be called Agafya, Vasilisa or Olga.

What to name a girl born in February 2018? For February children, you can focus on the date of birth if we're talking about about Orthodox traditions.

Summer is a symbol of warmth and light, and girls born at this time of year can be called very warm and bright for the entire environment.

Rules for choosing a name according to the church calendar

Before choosing a name for a girl born in 2018, you should look into its religious origins. The Christian calendar can be found in every religious family. It contains days on which it is customary to commemorate a martyr with a certain name.

The name of the holy saint, which the girl will bear, will become her powerful protection and protective force from evil spirits and misfortune.

Names for girls by month by month church calendar 2018 is quite diverse. They have long been forgotten and are considered difficult to perceive. However, today parents are becoming less and less fixated on traditions and foundations that are no longer worth attention, thereby bringing back to life the names from the church charter of their ancestors. Saints are a Klondike of names for different tastes.

The main rule of choice is the girl’s date of birth. If you don’t like the name of the martyr that falls on this day, then you can use the names that follow until the eighth day after the baby is born. According to the church calendar, the name for a girl is chosen according to her date of birth. It should also be remembered that in Orthodox calendar male names dominate. By thinking and wondering about female names, you can modernize a male name into a female one.

Month of birth

Beautiful and rare Orthodox names for girls by month in 2018 can be chosen on the eighth day after happily becoming a mother. This way the name will acquire special power and protect the child. The name for a girl according to the 2018 church calendar based on her date of birth will certainly be sonorous, beautiful and unusual, because before names were deeper.

Month of birth Name for a girl according to the church calendar
January Aglaida, Ulyana, Anastasia, Augusta, Maria, Agrippina
February Feodosia, Louise, Karina, Agnia, Seraphima, Anastasia, Feodulia, Martha
March Alexandra, Anna, Anfisa, Claudia, Christina
April Svetlana, Sofia, Maria, Varvara, Miroslava
May Tamara, Viola, Glyceria, Nina, Zoya, Ulyana
June Efrosinya, Diana, Natalya, Justina, Severina
July Rosa, Alina, Olga, Yana, Anna, Eleanor
August Apollinaria, Milicea, Demetrius, Lucia,
September Bronislava, Natalia, Susanna, Tatyana
October Ariadna, Tatiana, Vera, Love
November Efrosinya, Anastasia, Claudia, Zinaida
December Alexandra, Feodosia, Anfisa, Angelina

Modern beautiful Russian names for girls 2018

When preparing to become a mother, a woman thinks about what beautiful names for girls modern 2018 you can choose. Of course, the most important thing is that the girl is happy and good. But a beautiful name is forever. Parents are given the chance to name their child once, so you should choose a name responsibly! You also need to pay attention to the consonance of the name with the patronymic. Beautiful and modern names include:

  • Margarita;
  • Milan;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Elena;
  • Olesya;
  • Katarina;
  • Ninel.

Popular names of 2018

Popular female names change every year. Apparently the parents' imagination knows no bounds. What is relevant this year may change in the next calendar passage.

The birth of a baby is very responsible and important for every parent. Of course, young mothers and fathers try to provide their baby with everything he needs in life, but this is not always possible. Some things for a child can be purchased at any specialized store - clothes, food, toys, etc. But the patronage of the Higher Powers will help to ennoble the child’s destiny and help the child become happier. Every year, during each month, sacred dates dedicated to the great Saints are celebrated; name days in 2018 are the naming of a child in honor of a specific saint. In Orthodoxy, giving a baby a name in honor of a Saint is called giving a name according to the calendar.

The tradition of naming newborns in honor of the names of Saints has come to us since ancient times. During the period of the Baptism of Rus', which was performed by Prince Vladimir, a similar Orthodox tradition meant trust To the Higher Powers. Since then, believers have carefully looked through names before bestowing a specific name on their own newborn child.

Since ancient times in true modernity came, in which all the name days of the Saints are registered. In any Orthodox sacred temple, workers give good advice relatively the right choice naming. If young parents have certain doubts in their souls, then they should turn to the clergy with their problems, the latter will certainly answer all their questions and give them practical advice.

It is believed that naming a baby according to the calendar is a sacred act. After all Orthodox fundamentals are met, the baby will receive a Guardian Angel as a reward from the Heavenly Forces, who will become both an assistant and a reliable protector for the child throughout his life. Believers are confident that the Guardian Angel is capable of giving strength to his ward, this becomes especially true in moments of sadness and trouble.

Modern young parents prefer that their child not only have an Orthodox name, but also a beautiful and fashionable name. It is quite possible to combine all these conditions, because the Orthodox name day calendar for 2018 contains in its data many adjectives that are very popular in modern times. An important aspect in giving a correct and harmonious name to a baby is the comparison of the naming with his character. Let us indicate which name days occur among the Saints in certain months, and what is the best name for a newborn born into the world during a certain period of the year.

Harsh winter time brings rigor and self-confidence to the character of children. Such children always know what they want to get from their own lives, they confidently move towards their own goals, overcoming various kinds of obstacles on their fateful path.

January is considered very good period for the birth of babies, because it was in this month that Jesus Christ appeared in the White World. The winter season is associated with other religious holidays that are of utmost importance in the life of every Orthodox Christian.

Children born in January will become happy, because in their character there are only solid qualities, and Heavenly Powers and the Patron Angels will become reliable helpers for such children. In January, there are plenty of beautiful names for both boys and newborn girls, so parents have a huge choice.

Name day in February 2018

The windy time of the year is February. The frosty period is also very good for the birth of long-awaited children. What kind of character will the February children be?

The main quality of such children will be determination; they clearly imagine their desires and always stubbornly move towards their fulfillment. February babies are good-natured and sweet, a happy fate awaits them if their parents try to choose the right church name for them.

It is important to remember that February children have such a negative quality as a craving for leadership, but this can be properly corrected with the help of a naming chosen according to the church naming calendar.

Name day in March 2018

Spring time is the most wonderful time of the year. It is on these bright days that active awakening begins in nature. The initial period of the spring season is known for its inconstancy; both cold nights and sunny days are observed here equally often. The Orthodox name day calendar for 2018 will definitely tell young parents which name is best to choose for a March newborn. Wouldn't it hurt to find out what character qualities Mother Nature bestows on March children?

Baby born at the beginning spring period, has a selfish but good-natured disposition. Such children always try to do everything their own way, but such spiritual qualities as constancy, loyalty to everyone around them, and justice are completely foreign to them.

Name day in April 2018

The bright sunny month of April combines all the pleasant signs of spring. In the Orthodox calendar of names you can find the most popular and beautiful names for your children. How do the saints advise naming newborns?

Name day in May 2018

With the arrival of May, nature finally awakens, all living things become active, and children born in this spring month are self-confident and strong qualities character. It is mistakenly believed that May is not a favorable period for the birth of babies, on the contrary, this season of the year is filled with joy, happiness and lightness.

We should tell you a little about the character of the May children. Such children are stubborn individuals; they always set specific goals for themselves and persistently achieve them. It is impossible to disappoint such a child, but instantly turning into an enemy for him is as easy as shelling pears. May children hate hypocrisy, lies and betrayal. If once they observed similar manifestations from nearby people, then they instantly lose confidence in such individuals.

Name day in June 2018

In June you can rarely notice real heat; during this period of the year everything is consistent and planned. Children born in the primary age have approximately the same qualities. summer month of the year. For June babies, it is important to carefully select the correct name; you cannot have too many elements in the name of such children. soft sounds. There is firmness in the character of June people, but they are too trusting and fickle. Such shortcomings can be corrected with the help of a harmoniously selected naming, which is combined with Orthodox traditions.

It is preferable to call June boys Ignat, Nikita, Ivan, Konstantin, Victor, Makar, Leonid, Zakhar, Denis.

For girls, it is preferable to choose names such as Elena or Maria, Kharita, Sophia, Martha or Vera.

Name day in July 2018

When parents mistakenly choose the “wrong” names for their children, they thereby dramatically worsen their fate. Children should not be given too newfangled names, such as Marionella or Leonardo. In Orthodoxy, it is not approved if a newborn is given a double name, thus the child becomes the owner of a double destiny, he may be unhappy in the future.

For July babies, names are selected taking into account the basics of the Orthodox calendar of names. The child’s character is dominated by strong and firm qualities; the only negative character is the desire to deceive.

Name day in August 2018

The end of summer is considered a golden time in many cities.At this moment, nature is “covered” with unusual colors, and such beauty is correspondingly reflected in the character of newborn August children. Such kids are fair, outwardly sweet and good-natured, they are purposeful, fair and loyal. August babies do not tolerate insults and injustice, evil and vanity.

It should be clarified that for a child born in August, only a “solid” name is selected. Should also be present in girl's names hard sounds. The whole point is that the character of such babies is too kind, and soft sounds in naming will only further aggravate the naivety in the baby’s character, which adult life can cause a person a lot of unpleasant problems.

Name day in September 2018

The month of September is wonderful. In Christianity, during this period there are a huge number of important celebrations. The most significant holiday of Orthodoxy is the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Believers solemnly celebrate an important holiday; in honor of the main event of the year, a large feast is organized, where all relatives and friends are invited.

The 2018 name day calendar offers parents a lot of options for choosing the right name for their newborn.

  • Boys it is preferable to call Alexander, Nikolai, Maxim, Vladimir, Moisey, Artem, Dmitry, Mikhail, Stepan.
  • For girls ideal names would be Maria, Anfisa, Antonina, Vasilisa, Elena.

Name day in October 2018

According to Orthodox customs, the sacred naming of a child is given on the date of his christening. The rite of Baptism is carried out strictly in Orthodox church. In exceptional cases, it is possible for a clergyman to visit your home. At Baptism, the priest gives the baby a name that is pre-selected by the parents. It is important that it suits the basics of religion and does not contradict church canons. It is not advisable to name a baby after deceased relatives. It is also not recommended to give a child the same name as a person with an unfortunate destiny.

There are a lot of rules and basics in choosing a suitable name for the child, but by observing them all, parents provide their child with a happy fate.

Name day in November 2018

The character of November children is very contradictory; such kids prefer to live according to the rules established only by them. They do not like to indulge the whims of the people around them and contradict their life rules. The church calendar has a list of the best names for November babies.

  • Boys can be called Afanasy, Valery, Ivan, Pavel, Denis, Yakov, Vasily, Leonid, Makar, Naum, Andrey, German, Stepan, Nikolai, Artem, David, Kuzma.
  • Girls it is good to give such names as Elena or Anastasia, Evgenia or Anna, Elizaveta or Dominica, Vasilisa or Alexandra.

Name day in December 2018

Many parents wonder how the church feels about the fact that, for example, girls are given male names - Alexandra or Evgenia. It is important to note that in the Orthodox calendar of names there is no distinction between male and female names, the names of Saints do not have a gender distribution, but still young parents should not choose names from the list of names that are not initially suitable for their child.

If parents have questions, the clergyman in any church will answer them. But still, last decision remains with the parents.

Good names for December children according to the Orthodox calendar are:

Nowadays, people born in the 80s and early 90s become parents; at that time, the Soviet people did not pay special attention to choosing a name for a child; Soviet citizens rarely named their children unusually. The monotony led to the fact that 5 Olya, 4 Natasha, 3 Lena studied in the same class. Therefore, older children try to give the child a special name that will make him stand out from the crowd. Some parents choose names from various books, and many look at the church calendar for the month the baby is born. But how to choose the right name for your child according to the calendar? Before choosing Orthodox names for your daughter, you need to remember one rule: never name a child after a deceased person. It is believed that the newborn, along with the adverb, receives all the burdens past life deceased. Now let's see what names for girls by month according to the Orthodox calendar can your daughter choose?

How to find an Orthodox name

After the baptism of Rus', people began to use the calendar, naming their children in honor of one or another saint. It is believed that along with the adverb, a person receives a direct spiritual relationship with the deceased saint and his protection for life. Therefore, before naming a child in honor of a saint, you need to carefully study the life of the righteous man, find out who this person was during his life, and how he earned the right to be canonized as a Saint. It is worth saying that the list in the Orthodox calendar contains more male names than female ones. Each day on the calendar is dedicated to one or more birthday people. Some names are often repeated, so they are suitable for children born in different time of the year.

Often, in order to give a child an Orthodox name, parents use the Monthly Book, which contains Russian, Greek, and Jewish Orthodox names. True, sometimes the calendar contains so much rare names for girls, that by naming your child this way, you can turn the baby into an object of ridicule among her peers. But most are popular names in our time.

By the way, if the calendar does not contain a suitable name for the child’s birthday, then the church allows it to be named in honor of the saint who is honored on the next day or in the first 8 days from the baby’s date of birth.

During the sacrament of baptism, the girl is given the name of a saint canonized by the Orthodox Church.

Now let's see what names you can call a girl by month of 2018? What do the most beautiful names mean, how do they combine with the seasons in which the child is born?

The relationship of the name with the seasons

A baby born at one time or another of the year is endowed with character traits characteristic of that period. Thus, winter girls have a more persistent and tough disposition, a strong will and good health, they are active and purposeful, they clearly know what they want in life. Therefore, a name for a girl born in winter should pacify the cold in her soul, be gentle and melodic, and reveal her feminine nature.

As you know, spring is a changeable and capricious time of year, constantly changing weather, unpredictability, you don’t know what to expect the next day, and the spring girl is capricious and windy. However, spring children can easily adapt to any changes, so it is good to choose a firm, resonant name that shows strength of character.

Summer is a bright and warm time of year, at this time friendly, open and optimistic girls are born. Summer girls They are extremely emotional, sometimes it is difficult for them to cope with the surging emotions; the most ordinary act on the part of the opposite sex can delight them or, conversely, cause negativity. However, Summer women are very faithful spouses and caring mothers, they are faithful and wise.

Names, born in summer, it is better to choose neutral ones that will restrain their fiery temper.

The most common character of autumn children is a quiet, leisurely and compliant disposition. Girls born in autumn will never act under the influence of emotions; their decisions are always thoughtful and balanced. Top names for autumn babies - those that have a real deep meaning.

Names by month

If you think that Mesyatseslov is missing modern names, then you are mistaken, the list also contains beautiful names for girls that are relevant at any time. Each month honors one or another saint, after whom you can name your daughter.

Let's look at all the rare and beautiful names by month.

January. The horoscope states that most often January girls have a rather tough character, so it is better to avoid the sounds “r” and “d” in their names. In January there are girls' birthdays: Anastasia, Yulia, Evgenia, Alisa, Antonina. Recently, Claudia, Anfisa, Melania, Ulyana, Agnia have been gaining popularity. Quite new and quite unusual names: Olympia, Clementina, Emilia, Anisia.

February. Perfect for other winter girls tender name, February children are born leaders with a strong character, so the name should soften their character a little. The most popular names for girls in 2018, born this year winter month: Rimma, Agnia, Ekaterina, Agata, Ksenia, Pelageya, Anna, Bella, Sofia.

March. March girls are gentle creatures who need constant care, so names should show the strength of their character. The most fashionable names for this month: Marianna, Camilla, Alexandra, Lyudmila, Varvara, Karina, Teresa, Kira. Let us remind you that the dialect of March babies must contain letters such as “r”, “d”.

April. Girls born in April are purposeful and persistent, so it is better to soften their proud disposition. Sofia, Yulia, Svetlana, Olesya, Ulyana, Taisiya, Alla would be perfect.

May. May girls are born optimists, with an easy and compliant character. For babies you can choose Valeria, Violetta, Elizaveta, Glafira, Tamara, Nina, Arina, Christina.

June. June girls are naive creatures, so the name should strengthen their spirit. For their zodiac sign, people like Alena, Ulyana, Diana, Maria, Angelica are suitable.

July. July children are always impressionable and vulnerable, so the name should sound firm. You can choose: Rimma, Zinaida, Yana, Angelina, Varvara.

August. Girls born in August always strive for freedom and independence, so Christina, Elizaveta, Anna, Arina, Daria, Margarita are perfect for them.

September. September babies are wise, calm, and always looking for a compromise. It is better to call them by simple names: Kira, Lilia, Natalya, Anna, Tatyana, Ksenia, Vasilisa, Elena.

October. Babies have a sharp mind and always look at things realistically, so their names should contain a deep meaning. Here is the original list of October names: Sofia, Maria, Pelageya, Nadezhda, Victoria, Miroslava.

November. November girls have the most complex character, so it is better to soften their harsh disposition. Anastasia, Anna, Victoria, Yulia, Alena, Nina, Olga are suitable.

December. Girls born in December are usually impulsive, with an explosive character. Names should be gentle: Ulyana, Alisa, Tatyana, Vera, Alena, Sofia, Zoya.

Each name is beautiful in its own way; before naming your child according to the calendar, carefully study the life of the saint in whose honor the child will be named. Perhaps the parent will be accustomed to a more familiar and simple list of Russian names, and some will want a more original option. The main thing, remember, is that your daughter will live with her name all her life, and it should bring only good and positive emotions.

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