Love is an Orthodox name. Love - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope. Video: "The meaning of the name love"

Love is a beautiful female name of ancient Greek origin. Its popularity peaked in the 1950s and 1960s. Nowadays, parents rarely call their daughters by this name. Love is a self-confident girl with a strong character. Those around her admire her wisdom and vitality, hidden behind a soft, feminine appearance.

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Among the representatives of this name are many successful talented individuals whose achievements serve as an example for many generations: Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, World War II partisan Lyubov Kulakova, talented actress Lyubov Polishchuk, opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya and other women who made their name famous all over the world.

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    Name origin

    The history of the name dates back to the period of the existence of Ancient Greece. The interpretation and decoding of the meaning of the name are associated with the Greek "Agape", which means "love" in translation. Agape personifies Christian love and mercy. For a long time this word was a household word, no one dared to call their daughter that. Interest in him appeared during the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.

    The patron saint of the name is Love of Rome - a martyr who suffered for her faith.

    Short form of the name: Lyuba, Lyubochka, Lyubonka, Lyubasha, Lyubush.

    The nature and fate of Love

    In childhood, the representative of this name is surrounded by the attention of loving relatives who pamper her. She is affectionate and sociable, often smiling and laughing loudly and contagiously. Peers willingly accept Lyuba into their company - they are attracted by the kindness and cheerfulness of the girl.

    In adolescence, external attractiveness and charm help her to seek the attention of guys, whom she sometimes uses to her advantage. Love easily gets acquainted with peers, but does not seek to make friends with them. Behind the pretty appearance of the girl lies an extraordinary personality with a subtle mind and a strong character. Not everyone can understand her, therefore, she allows only the closest and most devoted people to her circle of friends.

    Lyuba controls her emotions and tries not to lose her temper. She hides part of her feelings, not wanting to show others her weaknesses. It is very important for a woman to have personal space in a relationship. She does not like to constantly be in public and attract a lot of attention. Love will achieve a lot in life if relatives support it and sincerely believe in its success.

    Positive character traits:

    • kindness;
    • sociability;
    • diligence;
    • diligence.

    Negative character traits:

    • isolation;
    • ambition;
    • conceit.

    Marriage and family

    Love is always surrounded by admirers. Men are attracted to her cheerfulness and sociability. She dreams of meeting a reliable and faithful companion who will sincerely love her and make her happy.

    In a marriage between spouses, difficulties may arise due to the categorical nature of Lyuba and her inability to compromise. Marriage will help her pacify these qualities and teach her to listen to the opinion and advice of her loved one. The girl will be happy next to a calm, self-confident man who can understand her extraordinary personality and come to terms with some of her shortcomings.

    Love is sexy and feminine, but it reveals these qualities only with a person whom she sincerely loves. Intimate life with her husband gives her pleasure. She seeks to please her beloved and make him happy.

    Love is not a very good hostess. She prefers to spend her free time with her family, rather than cooking and cleaning the apartment. He spends a lot of time with his children, strives to comprehensively develop their personalities, leads them to creative and sports sections.

    Lyubov has favorable compatibility with the names: Alexey, Gleb, Victor, Gennady. It is recommended to avoid relationships with Igor, Yuri, Vasily and Boris.


    From early childhood, parents should pay much attention to the health of their daughter, as she is prone to infectious and viral diseases. Many representatives of the name in question have bronchial diseases, which are aggravated by poor ecology in large cities. Therefore, if the parents have the opportunity, in the summer doctors recommend sending Luba out of town to the country or to the sea. Fresh air improves the functioning of the upper respiratory tract and strengthens the child's immunity.

    In adulthood, gynecological diseases may occur. Especially it is necessary to be afraid of violation of a menstrual cycle. With age, the representatives of this name deteriorate their eyesight and disrupt the work of the intestines. Maintaining an active lifestyle and regular medical examinations will help prevent health problems.

    Profession and career

    Love from childhood strives for independence. She is ambitious, puts in a lot of effort to succeed and make her parents proud.

    The bright creative personality of the girl is reflected in her profession. She will be able to realize herself in art, jurisprudence, science and pedagogy. Among the representatives of the name in question a lot of talented designers, journalists and managers. Whatever field of activity Lyuba chooses, she will demonstrate her high professionalism in any case.

    The potential of Love will be revealed if she fully devotes herself to her beloved work and does not waste her energy on secondary tasks.

    In business, the girl will be able to achieve great heights thanks to diligence and determination. She is not afraid of difficulties and never shirks responsibility, so her subordinates and business partners sincerely respect her and are willing to cooperate.

    Interests and hobbies

    Love loves to take care of herself, so in her free time she visits beauty salons with pleasure.

    The girl is fond of art, music, needlework. One of her main hobbies is flowers. She grows houseplants and cares for them with care.

    A woman prefers to spend her weekends by going shopping or for a walk with friends. In warm weather, he likes to go out into nature and have picnics. The ideal vacation in her mind is a trip abroad. Love is attracted by new cities and countries - their unique flavor and energy. Traveling inspires and spiritually enriches her personality.

    Signs and talismans

    The signs and symbols of the name Love, as well as their interpretation and influence on fate and character, are given in the table.

    Sign, symbol or talisman Significance in the fate of a woman
    Ruler planet - SaturnThe planet in esotericism symbolizes such personality traits as responsibility, discipline and hard work. Saturn endows a person with stamina, endurance and tolerance. Under her influence, the owners of the name reach great heights. The negative qualities of character inherent in people who are patronized by Saturn are prudence and selfishness
    Lucky colors - blue and blueBlue is the color of virtue and fidelity. He pacifies the anger of a person and helps him find harmony with the outside world. Blue color symbolizes love, honesty and hope. In Buddhism, he personifies wisdom and peace, and in Judaism, mercy.
    Totem plant - lindenLinden is a symbol of femininity, softness and conjugal love. A talisman made of linden protects its owner from the evil eye and the influence of negative energy. Also, the amulet relieves stress and saves the energy of its owner.
    Totem animal - praying mantisPraying mantis gives a person optimism and fearlessness. Achieving the goal, such a person thinks through his moves a few steps ahead. The positive qualities of the character of people whose totem animal is the praying mantis are a sharp mind, pragmatism and foresight.
    Talisman stone - lapis lazuliLapis lazuli clears the owner's aura of negative energy and helps him gain clarity in his thoughts. The talisman also increases self-confidence and contributes to the formation of individuality. The stone is recommended to be worn for migraines, insomnia and nervous disorders.
    Name number - 6In numerology, the name corresponds to six. People with this number are smart, reliable and reasonable. In relationships with the opposite sex, they are romantic dreamers. Passion and love are integral parts of their lives. Despite their kindness and love for people, sometimes they are vindictive and cannot forgive the offense for a long time.

    Amulets must be constantly carried with you so that they protect their owner and help him cope with life's difficulties.

    Astrological horoscope

    The characteristics of the owner of the name Love, depending on the sign of the zodiac, are presented in the table.

    Zodiac sign Characteristic
    AriesThis is an energetic cheerful girl, charging others with her optimism. She is self-confident and determined, never gives up in the face of difficulties. Sometimes, in order to achieve their goals, they have to be tough. She will build a happy relationship with a man who is ready to obey her will
    TaurusThe woman is sociable and hardworking, a little conservative in her views. The main goal that she seeks to achieve is gaining financial independence from her parents and spouse. She works long and hard to realize her plans. In life, he gives his heart to only one man, whom he passionately and devotedly loves.
    TwinsA girl born under this sign is the soul of the company. She has an amazing ability to adapt to any situation and easily find a common language with others. Thanks to their diplomacy, Gemini can solve any problem. They are amorous, they can "twist" two novels at the same time, without feeling shame and remorse
    CancerShe is a hardworking and responsible girl with a kind heart. She is vulnerable, so sometimes she is very upset by the comments of others, but she tries not to show her pain. It can be difficult to please her, others often complain about her whims. Having met a man suitable for her, Love will become a devoted and caring wife.
    a lionPurposefulness and ambition are the key character traits of this sign. The lioness does not allow anyone to interfere in her life, she prefers to make all decisions on her own. He finds satisfaction in his favorite work, he considers idleness a waste of time. She will faithfully love her man all her life and entrust him with all the secrets of her heart.
    VirgoLyuba, born under this sign of the zodiac, is a persistent and determined person who does not give up anything halfway and brings any business to the end. People around her consider her mercantile and secretive, but when they get to know them closely, a sincere girl is revealed to them, capable of deep feelings. She will build her happiness in marriage with a smart and determined young man who will take care of her.
    ScalesThis is a balanced person, but sometimes she shows indecision. Before making a responsible decision, she ponders the consequences for a long time and weighs all the pros and cons. The purpose of its existence is to achieve harmony in life. The Libra girl will sincerely love a man who accepts the weaknesses of her character
    ScorpionA passionate temperamental nature, due to its bright character, often becomes the object of envy of others. On the way to achieving power, Scorpios will have to go through a difficult path. The cruelty and causticity of Scorpios repel boyfriends from them, so they will find their happiness in a relationship with a determined man who is used to always achieving his goals.
    SagittariusA sincere and honest girl always expresses her thoughts frankly. She firmly believes that a person can achieve anything in life if he puts in enough effort. She is attracted to men who are close to her in character. Next to them, she feels a surge of strength and inspiration. Together with her beloved, she will be able to conquer many heights.
    CapricornThis is a cautious woman who carefully thinks through her every step. She is hardworking, often spending too much time at work, neglecting rest. In a relationship with a man, respect and mutual understanding are important to her. She will never love a man who puts himself above her and neglects the opinion of the chosen one.
    AquariusLove born under this sign is a vulnerable woman with a highly developed intuition. She can overcome her innate shyness if she learns to trust her feelings. Aquarius loves devotedly and passionately, but cannot always express their emotions. The girl will be happily married to a man who will accept her gift and help her discover the secrets of her personality.
    FishThis is a perfectionist with a deep inner world, striving to achieve the ideal in everything. She listens to the opinions of others and gets very upset if she hears criticism in her address. Pisces will always come to the rescue and will never turn away from a person in trouble. For the sake of a loved one, they are ready to do anything and expect reciprocal devotion from him.

    It is important to remember that the character of a person is greatly influenced not only by his name and zodiac sign, but also by the environment in which he grew up. The upbringing of parents is the basis that forms the personality, its individuality and uniqueness.

Names: origin and forms

Love- (from Old Slavonic) love.

Derivatives: Lyuba, Lyubava, Lyubanya, Lyubakha, Lyubasha, Lyubusya, Lusya, Busya, Lyubush.

Directory of Russian names

Love(from Old Russian). Lyubasha.

Expressive look: the top of the triad Faith - Hope - Love. A little frivolous, vulnerable, she herself needs affection. Compliant, compliant, without reproach. She loves to work, everything is arguable in her hands. Good, but not always lucky in life. Internally stable, pious.

The secret of the name

Love, Lyubava- love (Old Church Slavonic).
Love is the pinnacle of the triad Faith-Hope-Love.
The name has always been popular and loved, although now it is less common than before, more often in the countryside than in cities.
name zodiac: Scales.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: dark blue.
Talisman Stone: lapis lazuli.
auspicious plant: linden, lovage.
name patron: praying mantis.
Happy day: Friday.
happy season: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Lyuba, Lyubasha, Lyubanya, Lyubavka.
Main features: strong will, sociability.


Love Roman, maiden, martyr, September 30 (17). She, at the age of 9, and her sisters Vera, 12 years old and Nadezhda, 10 years old, were beheaded one after another after suffering for the faith of Christ in front of their mother. On the third day in 137, their mother, the martyr Sophia, died at the grave of her daughters.


See the name Vera.


Lyubochka is a very sweet, smiling girl. She is kind, accommodating, sure that she is loved, she loves to shine in front of the guests. She likes order and comfort in the house, so she often helps her mother to keep clean. She may show artistic and musical abilities, so it’s not a bad idea to let them develop already in childhood. If some interests were instilled in her in childhood, then usually she retains them for the rest of her life. Lyubochka studies averagely, cannot concentrate "while doing her homework. Her memory is good, she can answer everything she heard in class. Bad marks that appear in her diary from time to time do not bother the girl at all, she is sure that these objects are in life Already at school, Lyuba wants to be noticed, she is emphatically neatly dressed, before her peers she tries makeup, an adult hairstyle.

Lyuba is turned to herself, she has no desire to share her intimate secrets with anyone. She has her own company, but there are practically no close friends.

Lyuba's mind is not broad, and her abilities can open up if she finds the only thing that she likes, but if this does not happen, then she will be a very mediocre worker, whom the bosses do not pay attention to either positively or negatively.

Love has a rather strong will, she does not give in to other people's influence, she can react violently, impulsively to events, but she is reliable in extreme situations. She is easily rebuilt, can control herself.

Often outwardly, Love is relaxed, sociable and cheerful, inside it lives another person, immersed in his own plans, sensitive and passionate.

Love can be a wonderful actress or singer. She is not afraid of hard painstaking work and can have the specialty of a cosmetologist, archivist, pharmacist, accountant, cook, teacher, doctor, librarian. Love is quite selfish, its own interests are the most important thing for it. She will not forget and will not forgive the one who offended her ambitious plans. Love needs a society in which it will shine. Gently, subtly and imperceptibly, it compels others to serve it. She is very sexy, she has many fans, but she lacks warmth in intimate relationships. Love maintains restraint because it does not trust the partner.

Love's family life is not always strewn with roses. She dreams of being loved, but often cheats on herself, choosing for the sake of external well-being a man who is far from her ideal. The first marriages of Lyubov often break up, but the charming woman does not remain alone for long. Gradually, she becomes more flexible, tolerant. He treats children calmly and strictly, their father is closer to them. A successful marriage of Love can be with Alexei, Alexander, Victor, Yuri, Gennady, Grigory, Gleb.


Lyubov Petrovna Orlova (1902-1975) - famous film actress, idol of the Russian public in the 1930s-1950s.

Lyubov Orlova was born in Zvenigorod near Moscow in a family of intellectuals. The father of the future Soviet movie star - Pyotr Fedorovich Orlov - was a descendant of the Tver branch of the Rurikovich. He served in the military department. Mother - Evgenia Nikolaevna Sukhotina - came from an old noble family. Leo Tolstoy was related to the Sukhotins, whose book ("Prisoner of the Caucasus") with a dedicatory inscription was kept as a relic in the Orlovs' house.

Parents wanted their daughter to become a professional pianist, and at the age of seven they sent her to a music school. According to one of the family legends, once F.I. Chaliapin, who was shown the operetta "Mushroom Trouble", staged by an amateur children's theater. In this performance, little Lyubochka Orlova played the role of Radish. After the end of the performance, Chaliapin suddenly raised Lyuba in his arms and uttered a prophetic phrase: "This girl will be a famous actress!" It took L. Orlova exactly twenty-five years for these words of the great singer to come true.

After graduating from the Moscow Theater College in 1926, she was accepted as a chorus girl at the Musical Studio at the Moscow Art Theater named after V. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

As an artist of the choir and corps de ballet, Orlova was mainly engaged in episodic roles. However, even in these roles, her musical and dramatic talent was evident to many. In 1932, the role of Pericola in the operetta of the same name by Jacques Offenbach led Orlova out of the choir and made her a soloist. The success of the actress was stunning.

In 1933, director Boris Yurtsev invited her to play the role of Mrs. Alley Getwood in the silent film "Alena's Love" (this film has not survived to this day). This was followed by the role of Grushenka in the sound film "Petersburg Night". Both films were released on the screens of the country in 1934, but they did not bring her the success that L. Orlova had on the stage. And only at the end of December 1934, when the film "Jolly Fellows" was released, Orlova came to real cinema glory.

This film was shot by 31-year-old Grigory Alexandrov. He came to the cinema in 1924 together with Sergei Eisenstein, with whom they filmed the legendary Battleship Potemkin (1925).

The film was shot according to the script by Erdman and Mas, the music was written by Dunaevsky, the lyrics by Lebedev-Kumach. It was the first Soviet musical film comedy, it was an extraordinary success with the audience. Her idea arose after L. Utyosov staged a cheerful play "Music Store" with his jazz and played the role of Kostya Potekhin there. So the main character was, and the heroine - Anyuta - Alexandrov could not find in any way.

On one of the spring days of 1933, the artist Pyotr Williams advised Alexandrov to go to the musical theater at the Moscow Art Theater, where 30-year-old Lyubov Orlova shone in the play "Pericola". The director followed this advice, came to the performance and was immediately captivated not only by the talent of the actress, but also by her appearance. After that, Aleksandrov had no doubts that he would play the role of Anyuta in his new film. On the same day they met.

Field shooting of "Merry Fellows" took place in the summer in Gagra. It was there that the romance between Orlova and Aleksandrov took its final shape, and the entire film crew watched its development with bated breath.

And the shooting was full of a wide variety of curiosities, misunderstandings and even misfortunes. During the famous "animal raid" on the estate, Orlova had to jump on the back of a bull and ride it for several meters. Initially, Utyosov was supposed to act as a "tamer", but he flatly refused this trick. And then Orlova jumped on the back of the bull. The bull took this extremely aggressively and threw off the rider. The actress badly hurt her back and spent about a month in the hospital. And in the future, she also took her work in the cinema seriously and even sacrificially. So, in the film "The Circus" in 1936, she danced and sat down on the muzzle of a cannon red-hot with spotlights for several takes in a row. The remains of the tights were then removed along with the burnt skin, in order to be natural in a weaving factory, she worked in the workshop for 2 months.

Lyubov Orlova was a very talented, versatile actress. She was beautiful with a special, intelligent beauty that was not spoiled by the simple outfits of her heroines. She had a wonderful operatic voice, she danced while standing on pointe shoes. G. Alexandrov managed to use all this remarkably in films that came out one after another, and each of which became a masterpiece: Volga-Volga (1938), Bright Path (1940), Spring (1947).

"Spring" was released not only on the screens of the USSR, but also abroad. In the same year, the film was shown at the festival in Venice, where Orlova received a special prize for her performance as the best female role (I. Bergman then shared this award with her). The film was a success both in Marianske Lazne in August 1947 and in Locarno in July 1948.

Since the late 1940s, Orlova's subtle artistry, her spiritual culture, and dramatic temperament have manifested themselves in roles created on the stage of the Mossovet Theater. She played in the play "Somov and Others" by M. Gorky, "Nora" by G. Ibsen, "Lizzy McKay" by J.-P. Sartre, "Strange Mrs. Savage" by D. Patrick.

Lyubov Orlova literally captivated the audience in the performance staged for her by G. Alexandrov, "Dear Liar" in the role of the English actress Patrick Campbell. Her words on the role: "I will always be thirty-nine years old, and not one day more" were accompanied by a thunder of applause, the audience understood that this was the motto of Lyubov Orlova herself. The first in the country, the actress began to do plastic surgery, every day she fought with her age. For forty minutes every day she stood at the ballet barre, observing cruel diets. She did not tolerate all kinds of reference books and encyclopedias, where the date of her birth was indicated. In the year of her seventieth birthday, at her own request, not a single newspaper mentioned the anniversary. So she remained in the minds of many people as a young, beautiful, genuine movie star.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Wise people say that a person's life depends on many factors, including the name given at birth. In this article, we will talk about what the name Love means and why such women are special.

Name origin

How did this name appear in the vastness of our country? It came from the Greek language, where it has the same meaning as ours - a bright and pure feeling of love. It came to the territory of Rus' during the formation of Christianity, but it could also have a different interpretation. So, often the girls were called not only Lyubami, but also Lyubavy.

A bit of history

What is the history of the name Love? It is worth saying that such women celebrate their name day on September 30th. However, in addition to Love, they also remember Vera and Nadezhda, her martyr sisters. The girls were still teenagers when they were tortured and beheaded in front of their mother Sophia that day for their steadfast and unshakable faith. That is why girls with such names are always strong in body and soul. It is almost impossible to knock them off the chosen, planned path.


Considering the meaning of the name Love, at the very beginning you need to talk about what such girls will be like at a young age. So, these babies are friendly, smiling, well-mannered. Many children always gather around them, as they radiate kindness and warmth. Lovers are sociable, love others and always try to interest them. These girls are flirtatious and love attention. However, in controversial situations, they are almost always ready to give in. Lyuba can also sacrifice her interests, but if issues important to her are touched, she will stand behind them with a wall. Girls with this name do not strive to be excellent students and are not too upset about the received deuces. At the same time, Lyuba very early begin to monitor their appearance, pick up outfits. This becomes the main thing for them in adolescence. They do not seek to help their parents around the house in childhood. But they still prefer long-term and painstaking work.

Positive character traits

The female name Love gives its owner both positive and negative character traits. Right now I want to talk about the positive aspects of such ladies.

  1. Strong will. Such women are not influenced by the outside, they always have their own clear opinion on any occasion.
  2. Reliability. Love will never betray. She is a very loyal and reliable companion in life. In addition, she helps not only relatives and friends, but even strangers, without demanding anything in return.
  3. Sociability and cheerfulness. Such women will never complain to anyone about their problems. Outwardly, they do not show excitement or negative emotions. However, there is another side to the issue. Often in their hearts they think and feel in a completely different way than they present it to others.
  4. Hospitality. Lyuba are hospitable hosts. They like to invite friends and comrades home, giving them a magnificent reception. However, all this is most often done in order to boast of their financial situation.
  5. Flirtatiousness and charm. Lovers can attract the attention of others for a long time. They talk well and interestingly, almost always look beautiful. As a result, people are attracted to them.

Negative character traits

What negative character traits does Love (Russian name - Lyubava) have?

  1. Selfishness. If in childhood this is not yet so noticeable, then in adulthood Lyuba most often puts her own interests above the desires and requirements of others.
  2. Looseness in communication with the opposite sex. From a very young age, Lyuba is sure that all men should be at her feet. Often she communicates with them too frivolously and relaxed. From the outside, it often looks ugly.
  3. Loquacity. Rarely does Love have a best friend. Most often, the social circle is limited to a warm, cheerful company, where you can have a good rest, but not speak out. Few people let Lyuba get closer to them, because she absolutely does not know how to keep her mouth shut.
  4. Coldness and aloofness. If in the company of her comrades Lyuba is cheerful and cheerful, then at home she is most often cold and distant. Most often, households do not understand this and are offended.

Career and work life

What else is interesting about the meaning of the name Love? So, it is worth saying that Lyuba does not differ in her huge mind and special abilities. She, most likely, will not be a discoverer or a research worker. But since she is very careful and attentive to her work duties, there are never any complaints about her in the workplace. She does not stand out in front of her superiors in either a good or a bad way.

Lyuba is a diligent girl, which is why she can be entrusted with any painstaking work. She can be a manicurist, beautician, archivist, librarian. She also “works well” with numbers, so she can safely be an accountant, financier, banker, cashier.

In addition, Lyuba is a great actress in real life. But the profession suits her well. She knows how to reincarnate in a minute, giving people what they want to see and hear. So the field of the actor is definitely for her.

Hobbies and hobbies

What else needs to be said, considering the meaning of the name Love? What hobbies can such women have? As mentioned above, they are very concerned about their appearance. So for themselves they can master everything related to beauty: they themselves learn manicure, make-up. It becomes their passion and hobby. At the same time, girls with that name try to improve their abilities in order to reach even greater heights. If we talk about other hobbies, they can be engaged in embroidery, beadwork, that is, what requires time and attention. Often Lyuba are drawn to the ground. They can start a small vegetable garden or start growing houseplants.

Family and feelings

The Slavic name Love already speaks for itself. Such women from the earliest years try to be in the circle of men, attracting their attention, flirting with them. Lyuba has many admirers and boyfriends at different ages. However, she is in no hurry to start a serious relationship, because she likes universal adoration. Choosing a life partner for themselves, ladies with this name are most often guided not by feelings, but by profit. That is why their first marriages are most often unsuccessful. Later, Love tries to listen more to her inner voice, choosing a man with her heart. Over time, such women become more flexible, calm. With children, they are very strict, but fair. However, babies are most often drawn more to their father than to their mother.

intimate relationship

What else is interesting about the meaning of the name Love? So, you need to say a few words about the sexuality of such women. Luby is very selective in partners and will not enter into a close relationship with the unloved. But still, in adulthood, such a lady will gravitate towards a strong and powerful representative of the opposite sex. She will also be an actress in bed. She often subconsciously feels what her chosen one wants, and fulfills all his whims. Therefore, she is always desired. She is also very passionate and loves sex. But not every man can please her.

Name Compatibility

It is clear what the name Love means and what such women are like in life. But I also want to say a few words about which men suit them.

  1. A successful marriage will be with Victor, Alexander, Grigory, Alexei, Gleb, Yuri.
  2. Relations will be difficult with Sergei, Roman and Daniel.
  3. Lyubam should not associate his life with Boris, Ruslan, Igor and Stanislav.

First and middle name

What is another interesting characteristic of the name Love? You can say a few words about what patronymics are best for these ladies:

  1. Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Alekseevna. These women are strict, have a strong character. However, they are compliant and accommodating. Often they trust people too much, for which they are punished by fate. Divorces in such Love are extremely rare. They are faithful companions of life, they pick up a partner early, even at school. They mostly have sons.
  2. Alexandrovna, Borisovna, Pavlovna, Kirillovna. Such women are leaders in life. They should be at least in one area of ​​life first - at work, at home or with friends. She marries most often a calm man who does not interfere with her leadership and housekeeping. Often holds prestigious positions or studies at a good university. Which, however, does not bring her pleasure. He finds an outlet in the arrangement of life.
  3. Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Romanovna, Konstantinovna, Egorovna. These are "hot" women who have a quick temper. They can break loose, and in a second they already regret it. However, they also behave in bed, which is only a plus there. They have an easy nature, get along with people who forgive their impulsiveness.
  4. Antonovna, Leonidovna, Igorevna, Olegovna, Semyonovna. These are very cheerful and energetic ladies. They can quickly gain authority and trust. Good-natured and accommodating. However, at the same time, they are amorous and gullible. Such women rarely have one marriage, most often they change men several times in their lives.
  5. Anatolyevna, Dmitrievna, Nikolaevna, Stepanovna. These are very persistent and stubborn women. In addition, conflicts are hot-tempered. At the same time, they are very active and energetic, do not tolerate slowness and sluggishness. In their hands, the work "burns", so they are very appreciated by the authorities. However, such women almost never occupy high positions (and do not aspire to this). In relation to the spouse - jealous and demanding.

Translation of the name Love: in German - Leuba. In Greek, the name sounds like Agape. It is not translated into other languages, it is written in transliteration - Liubov.

  • Stone: lapis lazuli.
  • Name color: dark blue.
  • Patron: praying mantis.
  • Favorable plant: lovage, linden.
  • Lucky season: autumn.
  • Lucky day: Friday.

In villages, the name Lyuba is more common than in cities. And although it has not been among the top ten for several centuries, it has never completely fallen out of use.

It is to this issue that we will devote today's article. It should be noted that Slavic girls began to be called this name for a very long time. And there is an assumption that it came to us from Ancient Greece, where the representatives of the weaker sex were called Agapia, that is, love. But this is only one of the versions. Indeed, today there are many other assumptions about where this name came from. It should also be noted that different girls who are named in this way have completely different character traits.

Love is a Russian name?

According to one version, this name is borrowed from the Old Slavonic language, where it came from Ancient Greece. What does the name Love mean? In this case, such a name symbolizes a great and bright feeling that absolutely every person wants to comprehend. Moreover, upon hearing this name, people involuntarily begin to smile at little Lyubochka.

Girl's childhood

Having found out what Love means, it should be noted that such a name makes little girls benevolent and loved by everyone. She does not have to make great efforts to attract the attention of the people around her at the right time and win them over. Outwardly, such girls are charming, playful and already a little flirtatious in childhood. In relations with her mother and father, Lyubochka is kind and compassionate. However, these qualities are only superficial.

A girl named Love is accommodating and in conflict situations can give in, but only up to a certain limit. At school, such a child does not study very well, as he cannot concentrate on a specific task. Bad grades do not spoil the girl's mood, as she feels that her future position in society does not depend on them.

While still a schoolgirl, Lyuba tries to visit beauty salons, do her own makeup, hairstyles and choose beautiful outfits. As for household chores, housekeeping only causes boredom for her.

Choice of profession

A girl named Love tries to choose a profession that will not be associated with high responsibility, as well as the need to make very important and serious decisions. The work of such representatives of the fair sex should be unhurried, requiring painstaking and scrupulousness. The ideal option for Lyubov would be the position of a pharmacist, librarian, manicurist, etc. However, it should be noted that girls born in the spring or summer months are often sociable and artistic. In this case, they are advised to turn their attention to work in insurance and advertising companies.

Personal life

The female name Love speaks for itself. After all, such a representative of the fair sex from a very young age is surrounded by fans. A lot of men offer her a hand and a heart - and this greatly complicates the choice of a life partner. Often, in order to make it right, Lyuba turns to fortune-tellers and horoscopes. Increased interest in such women persists until adulthood. Moreover, very often they try to treat their loved ones with non-traditional methods. Such activities feed Lyuba's thoughts that she is an extraordinary person. But this fact can negatively affect the relationship with her husband.

Despite the fact that such women are charming, playful and sexy, they also have such a strong will, a strong sharp mind and ambition. They really enjoy winning discussions or excelling at work. Hence the conflict of their character, which quite often interferes with their personal lives. In addition, for such a woman, general worship does not matter at all. The main thing for her is the recognition of a single person who will be her chosen one.

As a rule, the first marriages of such girls are fragile. However, Lyubochka, kind and charming by nature, does not remain alone for long. Moreover, the transferred stresses make them complaisant and faithful.

In adulthood, such women are quite economic and will do everything so that their man will happily return home. At the same time, Love can be extremely jealous, although it carefully hides it.

Husband's Choice

About what the name Love means, you learned a little higher. In this section, I would like to tell you exactly how a girl with such a sensual name wins men's hearts.

Lyuba is so charming and sweet that she knows how to win over a person quite quickly. During communication with the opposite sex, she is light and does not think at all about what she will say in the next minute. After all, Lyubochki, especially the "spring ones", are artistic and have an enviable sense of humor.

It should be noted that such girls prefer to communicate only with highly intelligent young people. After all, with them they learn to be just as smart and successful.

Most often, Lyuba marry a military man or a man who serves in the security forces. After the wedding and the appearance of children, the well-being of the family becomes the main value of such women. But often Love puts aside household chores for the sake of work, which brings her a lot of income. After all, having material wealth, she feels protected and independent of anyone.

First of all, Lyuba devotes a lot of time to herself, and only then to her children and husband. This quality of her character, as well as her excessive love to “chat” with her friends, very often lead to conflict situations in the family.

The most successful marriage for such women is with Yuri, Viktor, Gennady, Konstantin or Gleb. As for complex and confusing relationships, they can arise with Stanislav, Boris, Ruslan, Igor or Ignat.


What does the name Love mean? Although we gave the answer above, it is worth noting once again that the women who were given this name fully justify it - they love themselves, and they are also loved. They really are very sensitive, loved by everyone and literally adored by the people around them. But not everything is so simple. After all, if the presented characteristic of the name Love positions such girls as romantic, tender and affectionate, then outwardly they look exactly the opposite. After all, even at a young age, Lyubochka strives to dress beautifully and make up. Most often, such women choose not an easy and romantic style, but the image of a fatal lady, even say, a vamp. To do this, they acquire only fashionable and figure-hugging clothes in bright colors. As for makeup, it is very important for Love. She will never appear in society without makeup.

Features of Luba

The kindness and charm of such women are combined with self-focus, regularity, melancholy and subordination to natural rhythms. In addition, Love is capable of self-sacrifice. Her unobtrusive pursuit of justice and truth very often makes her cruel.

Suitable patronymics and derived names

The following middle names are ideally suited to such a name: Sergeevna, Anatolyevna, Valerievna, Igorevna, Naumovna, Aleksandrovna, Alekseevna, Petrovna, Pavlovna, Andreevna, and so on. It should be especially noted that Lyubov has the largest number of derivative names. These include such as Lyubava, Lyubakha, Lyubanya, Lyubasha, Lusya, Lyubusya, Busya, Lyubusha and so on. It is these derivatives that parents use at home in relation to their little girls. As for public life, very often Love is simply called Anybody or Lyubochka.

name day

According to the Christian calendar, Lyuba's name day is celebrated on September 30th. After all, it was on this day that the holy martyr Lyubov, together with her sisters Nadezhda and Vera, were beheaded before the eyes of their own mother after long and painful tortures for the faith of Christ.

Other information

Most often, this name is given to girls born under the sign of Libra. After all, it is “autumn” Love that grows as a purposeful person with a great sense of humor. Thanks to such qualities, Luba quickly climbs the career ladder and takes leadership positions. In addition, women born in September or October can become good lawyers or economists. But for all its intelligence, “autumn” Love can be envious and not averse to gossiping or discussing the appearance of a new employee.

The planet of Luba is Saturn, the stone-talisman or amulet is lapis lazuli. Success in business and personal life brings her a dark blue color. A favorable tree for Love is a linden, and a cherished plant is a lovage. As for the patron of this name, he is a praying mantis.

Love is a beautiful and feminine name. It is consonant with the brightest and most beautiful feeling that a person is capable of experiencing, and such an association largely affects the attitude of others towards this girl. Yes, and she herself tries to live up to the name with her gentleness and pliability. True, in many ways, the character of Lyuba depends on the date of her birth.

Name origin

The Slavic origin of the name Love is noticeable by the sound of this word. It means "beloved", "born in love". In ancient times in Rus' there were various names with the same root. Some of them can still be heard today, albeit rarely:

  • Lyubava;
  • Lubomir;
  • Lubomyla;
  • Lyuboslav.

Other related names that were common among our ancestors are practically not found in modern times. For example, this is Lyuborada or Lyubomudra.

Some researchers believe that Love is a Slavic tracing paper from the ancient Greek name Agape (translated as “love”). Therefore, it is also associated with the popular name of Agapia in ancient times.

The name Love means "born in love"

Forms of the name Love

Short forms of the name:

  • Lyuba;
  • Lyubka;
  • Lubakha;
  • Lucy;
  • Busya.

Diminutive forms:

  • Lyubochka;
  • Lyubasha;
  • Lyubanya;
  • Lyubava;
  • I love;
  • Lyubush.

When writing poems about a girl named Love, you can use the following rhymes: blood, eyebrow, again, carrot.

Church form - Love. This word is in the Orthodox calendar, so at baptism you can call the girl that name.

Transliteration of the name for the international passport - LIUBOV.

For a passport, a bank card and registration in foreign hotels, Lyuba will need a transliteration of her name - LIUBOV

Table: name variations in different languages

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Love:

  • Ivanovna;
  • Konstantinovna;
  • Filippovna.

Table: character traits of Lyuba with different middle names

patronymicsCharacter features
AnatolievnaDiffers in charm, benevolence, ease in communication. Knows how to win over the interlocutor. Compliant, will not stubbornly defend his opinion. Very jealous, but hides this quality from a partner. Such a girl is interested in alternative medicine, esotericism.
AlexandrovnaThe credulity of such a girl often borders on naivety. Modest and attentive, but at the same time ambitious. For the sake of achieving success, he uses a variety of methods. He strictly controls his own emotions, knows how to look calm even in the most exciting situations.
AlekseevnaHas a strong character. Strives for leadership, leadership positions. Differs in arrogance, aggressiveness and pride. For the sake of achieving the goal, she is ready to do anything. Makes decisions carefully weighing the pros and cons of each option. Compromises are very rare. In work, he shows perseverance and ingenuity. He trusts a few, but for those few whom he calls his friends, he becomes a true comrade. He does not forgive betrayal and lies.
AndreevnaSpecific and prudent girl. It has an unbalanced character, it is difficult for her to restrain emotions. Inquisitive, kind and modest nature. Among her friends there are more men than women. Has a strong sensitivity to odors, may have a predisposition to allergies. Active in work, able to quickly find a way out of a problem situation.
AntonovnaStubborn and persistent, although at first glance it seems timid and shy. Often shows selfishness in relationships. It is not easy to communicate with such a girl, and to be friends is even more difficult. One gets the impression that someone else's opinion simply does not exist for her. Emotional and energetic.

The character of a girl also depends on her patronymic.

Nickname options for social networks

  • lyubasha;
  • love;
  • luboff;
  • lubava;
  • lub_lub.

Patron saint and name day

The patron saint of girls with this name is Roman Love. This is the youngest of three world-famous sisters who, along with their mother Sophia, suffered for the faith. In order for Lyuba, Vera and Nadia to renounce Christianity and recognize paganism as the only correct religion, they were severely tortured. However, the faith of the girls was strong and strong. As a result, Lyubov and her sisters were executed in front of their mother. The little girl was only 9 years old at the time.

According to tradition, on the day of memory of the sisters, one of whom is Lyubov, and their mother, you need to remember all your relatives and pray for them. On September 30, pies and pretzels were also baked. It was believed that if it is sunny on the last day of September, you can go fishing - the catch will be good.

Lyubov Rimskaya is the patron saint of girls with this name

Name characteristic

Positive traits:

  • kindness;
  • diligence;
  • optimism;
  • curiosity.

Negative qualities:

  • the desire to command everyone;
  • excessive secrecy;
  • excessive rebellion.

Childhood Lyubochka

Good breeding and kindness are the main character traits of Lyubochka. Friends adore her for her lightness, cheerful disposition and kind heart. The girl is in many ways ready to make concessions in order not to offend loved ones and prevent conflict from happening. But at the same time, the baby is an ardent fighter for justice.

Flirting and being the center of attention is what the girl loves very much. Luba selects an exquisite dress, the right jewelry and hairstyle with great care. From an early age, her mannered behavior delights her parents. But if you indulge the baby in everything, you can raise a narcissistic selfish girl.

Already in childhood, Lyubochka loves to flirt and charm

As a child, Lyuba is far from housekeeping, does not seek to help her mother. The girl is sorely lacking time. Studying, appearance and playing with friends - this is all she tries to do, but, unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day. Comprehension of sciences is not easy for a child. She takes good and bad grades for granted, not too happy about high performance, but not upset about low. Lyubochka dreams of finishing school as soon as possible, the desire to attend her with each class becomes less and less. With the right motivation, the lessons will not cause boredom in her. At the same time, not a single school event takes place without the participation of the baby. At competitions and holidays, she shines with her talents and acting skills.

Love in adolescence

A gentle smile, timidity and pleasant appearance skillfully hide Lyuba's strong and strong-willed character. She will do everything to avoid conflict, but if this does not work out, the girl will not give herself the opportunity to offend herself, she will be able to stand up for herself. Duplicity, deceit and the desire to invade her personal space Love does not accept.

Being an extravagant person, the young owner of this name wants to stand out in everything and everywhere. This is evidenced by the correctly chosen style, and her manners, and food preferences. Being in society, she shines. Over time, Lyuba's criteria for choosing an environment change. She understands that communication, turning into strong friendship, is possible only with common interests.

The desire to stand out is noticeable both in the clothes of young Lyuba and in her demeanor.

The secular life of the girl is filled with gossip and intrigue. She will never refuse to attend an incendiary party, because most of all she does not like boredom. Accepting signs of attention from boyfriends, Lyuba keeps her heart for true feelings.

The influence of the name on the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Mendeleev, a girl named Love is charming and kind. She tries to avoid conflicts, although there is a certain detachment in communication. It seems that the bearer of this name is never fully revealed, even with the closest people. She has a reduced susceptibility, any events do not deeply affect her soul. Most Lyubochkas have straightforward logic, rational thinking.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that such a girl has a difficult character. You can hardly call it soft. In communication, Love can be friendly and benevolent, but behind this lies its restraint and strong will. If you hurt her self-esteem, goodwill will disappear at the same moment. Lyuba treats her studies and work responsibly. True, in the team usually keeps aloof.

Boris Khigir is sure: the owner of such a name is complaisant, inferior in many respects, but still there is a limit to the compromises that Love can make. This girl has many fans, it can be difficult for her to choose a life partner. In difficult life situations, Lyuba can resort to the help of fortune-tellers.

Hobbies and talents

She herself is Lyuba's main hobby and passion. Makeup, a beauty salon, a myriad of clothing stores - she is ready to spend most of her time on this. The girl also has the ability to needlework and floriculture. She loves travel, for the bearer of such a name they become an invariable source of vivid adventures.

Girls named Love are often fond of home floriculture

The owner of such a name can seriously get involved in esotericism. I have two acquaintances, Lyuba, who together do yoga and energy practices, understand numerology and palmistry and practice white household magic. They support each other and study together. A shared passion greatly strengthens their friendship.

Career and business Luba

A creative specialty will help Lyuba to open up as much as possible. She is able to achieve great success in such professions:

  • actress;
  • journalist;
  • artist, illustrator, designer;
  • fashion designer, stylist.

It will be difficult for such a girl to work as an office worker, scientist or bank employee. The routine performance of official duties without full communication makes her blues and kills the desire to do something. Nevertheless, when the need arises, Love performs the assignments qualitatively and treats them responsibly.

Love can realize itself as an actress

Leadership positions Love does not attract. Moreover, she tries to avoid responsibility for making important decisions in every possible way. But a responsible and organized performer will come out of her, especially if you entrust her with the performance of creative, varied work.

Unfortunately, such a girl will not succeed as a successful business woman, even if we take into account her diligence and compulsion. The reason for this is lack of self-confidence and fear of responsibility for the decisions made. However, Lyuba will become an excellent business partner, who will mainly deal with organizational issues.


Lyuba hides all sorts of stresses and worries in herself, afraid to show the world her weakness and defenselessness. This noticeably affects the nervous state of a woman, despite the rather good health in general.

Songs with this name: "Lyubochka" by the group "Masha and the Bears", "Lyuba-Lyubonka" by Lyubov Uspenskaya, "Mama Lyuba" by the group "Silver".

Video: song about Lyubochka of the Masha and the Bears group

Luba's marriage and romantic relationship

In anticipation of a strong, reliable and at the same time unusual man, Lyuba is not without the attention of fans who are ready to present any gifts. But she is waiting for "the one" with whom every day will be filled with colors of joy and confidence in the future. Having met such a long-awaited partner and having fallen in love with him forever, the girl completely gives herself to the relationship, sometimes forgetting that not only her chosen one, but also herself is worthy of care and tenderness.

Listening to reason, and not to feelings, Love will demand from a man humility and recognition of her uniqueness. That is why he will have a very difficult time trying to achieve the location of the beauty. If a girl goes through a bitter experience in a relationship, she can hide her heart away from the warm feeling of falling in love. But one thing can be safely said - the owner of such a name will never face loneliness.

The first marriage of Love is usually not particularly successful, passion and ardor of feelings play the main role in it, and this does not always become the basis for a strong union. But she does not lose hope of meeting her prince. In anticipation of a man of her life, the girl pays more attention to the military, Lyuba considers them reliable, responsible people with whom you can build a friendly and strong family. The bearer of this name approaches the issue of a second marriage responsibly and carefully.

It is important for Lyubov that her man should become a support and a reliable shoulder, on which she can rely in any life situation. Such a girl will be an economic wife as a reward for the fact that the chosen one appreciates her work and helps her cope with family troubles, without which married life, alas, cannot do.

It is important for Lyubov that her man should become a support and a reliable shoulder on which she can rely in any life situation.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameRelationship features
DmitriyWith patience, Lyubov and Dmitry are able to create a strong relationship filled with adventure and passion. A man is powerless before the affection, courtesy and charm of a girl. At the same time, it is very difficult for him to put up with the independent and ardent character of the chosen one.
AlexanderIf the partners already had a bitter and painful experience of relationships, then Lyuba and Alexander will look at each other for a long time. True, this will not prevent the couple from slowly but surely building a calm and stable union.
EugeneEugene has calmness and confidence, his prudence and strength of character make him exactly the man who is not afraid of Lyuba's unpredictability. The reliability of the chosen one and his support will help the girl understand what she wants from life.
SergeyDisagreements and quarrels in this tandem are inevitable. Temperamental Lyuba constantly has to pacify the ardor and ambition of her partner. But still, the couple has a chance for a cloudless joint future if they learn to accept the shortcomings of the other.
AndreyThe similarity of behavior and outlook on life allows partners to understand each other without further ado. Both are practical and reasonable, appreciate the chosen one. Such an alliance is usually successful.
AlexeiA man boldly takes on the role of a protector and takes the solution of all problems into his own hands, and this is exactly what the modest Lyuba is looking for in a life partner. Alexey has a strong-willed and practical character, his decisions are balanced and reasonable. Therefore, next to him, Love feels comfort and tranquility.
AnatolyA partner, but not a nanny - this is how these people treat each other. Anatoly provides his beloved support and assistance in difficult situations. He surrounds the vulnerable Lyuba with warmth, courtesy and affection, leaving her the opportunity to make decisions on her own without encroaching on her freedom.
YuriThe constant attention from other men to the charismatic and charming Lyuba, even if unrequited, causes jealousy in the incredulous and touchy Yuri. But the girl is annoyed by the negligence and lack of discipline of the chosen one. All this leads to almost daily quarrels, their marriage most often breaks up.
MaksimThe priority goal for this couple is to create a strong and friendly family. Conservative Maxim and Lyubov successfully cope with this task. Their family is filled with peace, happiness and prosperity.
OlegIt is very difficult for a hardworking and responsible Lyuba to put up with Oleg's serenity and recklessness. He is not able to give the chosen one the confidence in the relationship that she needs so much. Often these families break up.
NovelLyuba gladly gives the right to be the head of the family to Roman. Responsibility and enterprise are those qualities that an insecure girl appreciates in an emotional and powerful chosen one. He is in awe of the fragile and tender lover.
VladimirIt is difficult for spouses to find agreement in this difficult and controversial union. The partners have completely different views, they seem to be from different Universes, which accidentally intersected and will soon disperse again. Their tandem is fragile, often it ends in divorce.
DenisThe mischievous and playful Denis arouses Lyuba's interest from the first meeting. The girl treats life with ease, so she is fascinated by the rationality of a man. But the thirst for control and jealousy of Love eventually begin to annoy her chosen one. In most cases, such couples break up.
ArtyomBuilding a successful and happy union is possible only on strong feelings and true love. Without this, the couple is doomed to break, the thirst for freedom and the rebelliousness of Lyuba and Artyom will be the reasons why they decide to leave.

The meaning of each letter of the name

L - have a pronounced artistic taste, creativity. They know how to appreciate beauty. They love delicious and refined dishes, prefer elegance in clothes and manners.

Yu - romantics, very amorous personalities. Often their actions are impulsive, dictated by a momentary impulse.

B - reliable and thorough. Even when faced with obstacles, they continue to achieve what they want. They feel an urgent need for risk, unusual sensations.

Oh - a rich inner world. They have a developed intuition, they are able to separate the main from the secondary.

B - optimistic and sociable, love life. Honesty and directness are valued in communication.

b - peaceful and gentle, do not hold grudges against offenders, show goodwill, even if the interlocutor is unpleasant to them. Easily compromise.

Poems with this name: “Lyubochka” by Agnia Barto, “Like our Lyuba” by Sergei Mikhalkov, “Lyubka” by Yaroslav Smelyakov.

The name Love ends in a soft sign, which gives the personality peace-loving traits, the ability to compromise

Table: name matches

CharacteristicMeaningImpact on a person
StoneLapis lazuliA symbol of sincerity, pure reason and devotion. Since ancient times, in Eastern countries, this stone has been used to cleanse the aura from bad energy. For people with a strong character, courageous and enterprising, lapis lazuli brings good luck and prosperity.
ColorBlueThe personification of harmony and peace. Such a person has a kind heart, filled with sensuality and compassion. He takes other people's misfortunes close to his soul, which others often use.
Number6 Happy to help others. They act as a reliable support and protection for loved ones. Stubbornly uphold justice. Their discipline and diligence help to find a way out of even the most difficult situations.
PlanetVenusSuch people are gentle, sensual, they vividly express emotions. It is important for them to build warm relations with others, in which sympathy, devotion and love reign.
ElementEarthSkeptical and pragmatic nature. Practical, their main task is to solve real problems. From such people one should not expect beautiful actions and romantic courtship.
AnimalMantisIn India, the praying mantis personifies aggression and ruthlessness. Such people are brave and determined.
Zodiac signScalesDeveloped intuition helps such people make the right decisions quickly and easily. Because of this, relatives and friends often come to them for advice. They do not like to hurt and offend others, so there are many devoted and loving friends next to them. But sometimes their mercy is replaced by anger, they become capricious and nervous.
TreeLindenIn ancient Greece, this tree was a symbol of marital feelings, and the Slavs considered the linden the personification of femininity, tenderness and beauty. A cross made of linden bark protects from bad thoughts and relieves obsessions. The branch of this plant can exorcise evil spirits.
PlantlovageThis plant symbolizes harmony and love. If you plant it in the yard, you can attract well-being and happiness to the house. A decoction of lovage relieves emotional distress and calms intoxicating passion.
MetalLeadThe personification of the dark side of human nature. Ancient healers believed that lead plates could protect against witchcraft and spoilage, as well as protect against spoilage and love spells.
auspicious dayFriday
Important years of life26, 40, 67

When was Luba born?

Love, born in winter, is a flirtatious woman who easily perceives life's troubles. She immerses herself in her work, but at the same time she does not ignore communication with colleagues about the latest news. Winter Lyuba is always in the company of a large number of fans, but she is not ready to lose her freedom and surrender to family life, so she does not decide on a long-term relationship for a long time.

Surrounded by men, spring Lyuba is much more pleasant and comfortable than in women's society. Not because she is shrouded in care and attention of the stronger sex, but because she has a strong-willed and strong character. This is an ambitious woman, she does not like to waste time and gossip. When it comes to romantic relationships, he can act indecisively and shyly.

Artistry and extravagance of Lyubov, whose birthday falls on one of the summer months, does not hold. The main value for her is friendship, but because of the directness and rudeness of her character, it is very difficult for a girl to find a soul mate. Such a woman is ruthless and cruel to her enemies. Her cunning and vindictiveness can cause envy and slight fear among others. It is difficult to deceive summer Lyuba, as she quickly understands what kind of person is in front of her.

Lyuba, born in autumn, coolly perceives the achievements of others. She is purposeful and ambitious, it is extremely important for such a girl to always be the first in everything. From despondency and feelings of loneliness due to the lack of friends who are ready to help her in difficult situations, autumn Love is saved by her sense of humor.

Lyuba, born in autumn, purposeful and ambitious, it is extremely important for such a girl to always be the first in everything

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesThe energy and active life position of this woman inspires others and charges them with joy. Luba-Aries cannot be frightened by obstacles and difficulties on the way to the goal. She is distinguished by such qualities as honesty, nobility and objectivity; if necessary, the girl will show rigidity and severity.
TaurusThe fair sex does not feel sympathy for Lyuba-Taurus, many women envy her and openly dislike her. The reason for this is the increased attention of men to a charming and charming young lady. Adhering to strict views, Love will not use the interest of guys for selfish purposes; in a pair, she prefers to follow the chosen one, and not lead him along.
TwinsIt is impossible not to fall in love with the open, cheerful and charming Lyuba-Gemini. Her charm and charm at first sight can win the heart of anyone. She is wonderful at getting out of any situation with honor and positive.
CancerFearing betrayal and lies, Lyuba-Rak carefully hides the kindness and vulnerability of his soul. Because of this, others often perceive her as a strict, cold, and sometimes heartless person. Love born under this sign is often very diligent and diligent.
a lionHe loves to give advice and is offended if they are not accepted. Ambitious Love-Leo will not allow anyone to dictate terms to her. The main goal of this authoritative, ambitious and arrogant woman is to quickly climb the career ladder.
VirgoSometimes people around see in this woman a prudent and self-contained person, not assuming that behind the external coldness she hides the trepidation and warmth of the soul. Love-Virgo, passionate about her own business, will not only bring her plans to life, but will also do it flawlessly.
ScalesTo make a minimum of mistakes in life, such a woman is helped by her caution and prudence. Balanced Love-Libra will carefully study and check everything before making this or that decision.
ScorpionThe personal and public life of Love-Scorpio is often the subject of gossip. Her bright temperament and emotionality help her to shine in any company. Many people treat this imposing lady with envy, attributing to her the glory of a femme fatale.
SagittariusBeing a fighter for justice, from early childhood, Lyuba-Sagittarius behaves firmly and principledly. People who, in order to achieve their goal, are ready to do anything, deceitful and hypocritical, arouse anger in such a woman, which she, without hiding, can splash out on them. Because of this, the number of her enemies clearly exceeds the number of friends.
CapricornThis woman relies only on her own strengths and capabilities. She will not wait for help from loved ones, and even more so - clues of fate. Always and in everything acts according to a strictly planned plan. Because of his caution and prudence, Lyuba-Capricorn will only take on the task of which he is 100% sure of success.
AquariusFragile and vulnerable Love-Aquarius, accustomed to relying only on her intuition, needs a protector. A courageous, active and strong-willed man can help this woman overcome her fears and self-doubt in order to achieve her goals.
FishThe desire for perfection helps Love-Pisces to be the first in everything. Whatever project or work she takes on, the girl will try to do everything perfectly. She tries in every way to get recognition from the people around her, whose opinion is priceless to her. This is a sympathetic and merciful person who will gladly lend a helping hand to those in need.

Notable women

Notable women with this name:

  • Lyubov Orlova - Russian film actress;
  • Lyubov Polishchuk - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, starred in more than 80 films;
  • Lyubov Wasserman - Soviet Jewish poetess;
  • Lyubov Voronkova - Soviet children's writer;
  • Lyubov Akselrod - Russian philosopher and literary critic;
  • Lyubov Kazarnovskaya - Russian opera singer, teacher;
  • Lyubov Rudenko - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress;
  • Lyubov Tolkalina - Russian theater and film actress;
  • Lyubov Uspenskaya - Soviet, Russian and American singer, performer of urban romances and Russian chanson;
  • Lyubov Sokolova is a Russian volleyball player, two-time world champion, silver medalist at the 2000 and 2004 Summer Olympics.

Photo gallery: famous women named Love

Lyubov Voronkova - Soviet children's writer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya - Russian opera singer Lyubov Orlova - Russian film actress Lyubov Polishchuk - Russian theater and film actress Lyubov Rudenko - Russian theater and film actress Lyubov Sokolova - Russian volleyball player Lyubov Tolkalina - Russian theater and film actress Lyubov Uspenskaya - performer urban romances and Russian chanson

Active and charismatic Love can afford to step over the rules. She lives her life the way she wants to. He likes to surround himself with interesting people and be the center of attention. The soft nature of such a girl becomes the key to her happiness in her personal life, but negatively affects her career. It is important for anyone to find a devoted friend who can take care of her and help in making difficult decisions.

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