Forests and specially protected natural areas. Design and research work "How to preserve forests?" What can be done to save the forest

Modern society is developing so rapidly that cities are growing like mushrooms, displacing forest areas. Therefore, the governments of the most developing countries must take care to create special programs, protecting entire forest areas from illegal logging.

Forests contain enormous potential, appreciating which we will come closer to peaceful coexistence with nature and the ability to wisely use its wealth and gifts. But man did not always listen to the voice of reason, choosing only easy paths for his own enrichment. The price for this consumer attitude was an environmental disaster.

What harms forests?

Why are forests all over our planet suffering? The main pest that uses forest wealth, not caring about their replenishment, is a person. Since ancient times, the forest has been of particular value to humans. It was perhaps the only source of food. The construction of the shelter, which subsequently evolved to the level of modern skyscrapers, also depended on the availability of sufficient volumes forest resources. Skyscrapers are gradually replacing forests rich in natural resources. People, due to their constant desire for profit and financial gain, have forgotten that nature is the best wealth that has ever existed on our planet.

Ancient times are not distinguished by special developments of trees. Man simply did not yet need huge amounts of resources. Everything he needed was always there.

Therefore, man could not cause irreparable harm to nature, because:

  • he himself was an integral part of it,
  • the forest provided man with everything necessary for his normal life,
  • in those days there were no technologically advanced devices.

However, over time the situation has changed radically. Man moved away from nature, preferring increasingly taller and more inaccessible houses to it. The buildings certainly required large territories, so the forests began to be mercilessly cut down.

Let's protect the forests!

IN modern world More than ever, forests need protection. To ensure this, it will be necessary to develop and implement a number of special programs at the state level.

Forests constitute an ecosystem without which life on Earth would be impossible. Chemical reactions that occur under the influence of sunlight are called photosynthesis. They allow the foliage of trees to process carbon dioxide, turning it into oxygen, useful for human life.

The right attitude towards the forest!

Man often interacted with the forest at the level of “conquest.” That is, he took from nature everything he needed, practically giving her nothing in return.

After all, forests were perceived by humans as a source for learning resources. In the modern world, they have become real obstacles in the path of man. This is because the construction of houses is “hampered” by forests, which are unevenly distributed over the surface of our planet, depending on climatic conditions separate natural areas.

Therefore, consumerism towards forest resources has led to a significant reduction in forests. Making a profit from natural resources, people do not think about the fact that they are deliberately and systematically destroying the main source for supporting life on the entire planet.

History knows a lot of examples when merciless deforestation ended in a riot of elements. After all, if you think about it, it’s root system trees are held back by mail, especially in areas close to various bodies of water. A tall trees prevent the emergence strong winds.

Environmental situation in the world, on this moment got so bad that scientists are making every effort to:

  • creating special programs to protect forests from deforestation,
  • cultivation of rare tree species,
  • preventing the complete cutting down of trees that are under state protection.

It is necessary to reconsider our attitude towards the forest so that this natural resource becomes a real value for people. To do this, it is important to remember that we are all part of nature. Every planted tree works for the benefit of our planet, producing oxygen necessary for life. If an entire forest or forested area works for the benefit of the planet, the environmental situation in the world will significantly improve.

Interaction with the forest should be carried out at a level that would provide people with natural resources. However, cutting down would not cause significant damage to the entire forest area.

Experts can identify areas suitable for felling by limiting consumer attitudes towards trees. In fact, a forest is a separate ecosystem that functions due to the presence of certain climatic conditions and a certain number of trees capable of developing and expanding the forest area.

There are already certain territories in the world that are under the protection of the states on whose territory they are located. In fact, such massifs, like separate states, coexist with people on mutually beneficial conditions without violating the rules of respect for nature. The forest has always supplied people with everything they need. Our time has come to come to the defense of this strategically important natural resource.

Valuable forests!

Now that people have explored almost all corners of our planet, untouched places have acquired special value. That is, land on which no human has yet set foot. Similar natural areas survive in only a few places around the world. For example, in Africa, despite its dry climate, there are still places inaccessible to civilization that require our protection. Perhaps nature has provided for everything, leaving small areas that humans simply cannot yet reach, in order to preserve and maintain the ecological health of our Earth.

In Asia, natural zones with fairly large reserves of forest resources also periodically occur. As for Russia, here, thanks to the vast territory of our country, there are still places that people are still unable to get close to. Thanks to such small places, it is possible to preserve most of the animal species, as well as plants growing throughout our entire planet.

What does the future hold for forests?

Despite scientists' attempts to preserve forest areas, most forests have already become "fragmented." The thing is that for their full restoration it takes several decades. And since the felling is almost continuous, the massif does not have time to fully develop, restoring its own resources.

The biosphere of the planet suffers because:

  • carbon dioxide is not processed in the required quantity,
  • natural processes in trees slow down,
  • The territories where forests grow are polluted by all kinds of waste from enterprises that do not worry about the complete disposal of all production waste.

Numerous studies conducted by several eminent scientists have confirmed the assumptions that untouched nature copes well with all the tasks assigned to her. By intervening, humans disrupt the balance that was created throughout all stages of the evolution of living organisms and plants.

Lands untouched by man do not need to be researched or the natural resources available on them need to be developed. Everything has its time. When a person has finally exhausted the resources available to him, the time will come to search for new sources. Then perhaps humanity will think about using alternative sources of energy and resources that do not destroy the ecosystem of the entire planet.

If the clock mechanism is disrupted, it will no longer show the correct time. The same situation is observed with forests on our planet. To somehow fix my Negative influence not nature can be created special units from specialists providing:

  • systematic planting of seedlings,
  • sanitary fellings,
  • cleaning the forest areas adjacent to the territory from factories and other harmful enterprises that negatively affect general state forests

Surprisingly, it is forests that prevent the formation of the greenhouse effect. Thanks to their existence, there appeared on our planet ozone layer, preventing the entry of carbon dioxide and other chemical elements unacceptable to our health.

In addition, forests make it possible to protect the planet’s existing water resources. Often, if forest resources near water bodies are subject to frequent cutting, floods are more likely to occur in these areas. The forest holds back the soil, creating all the conditions to maintain the soil in optimal condition. The water is in a special “reservoir” protected by an entire root system. When this system is violated through human fault, the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

Avoid disasters and natural Disasters easier than we think. To do this, it is enough to simply respect nature, which existed long before the first man appeared on Earth.

It’s a paradox, but it was civilization that became the main enemy for nature. In an effort to simplify our life, we only complicate it more, creating technologically advanced natures and machines, which a person could easily do without. However, if a civilized society took the protection of nature as a basis, the environmental situation in the world would improve several times.

The main argument supporting the idea that forests need protection is the presence in the territory in which forests grow of all the conditions necessary for the occurrence of all natural processes that occur without human help.

Thus, scientists will be able to observe nature in the state in which it exists throughout the development of life on Earth. This will create favorable conditions for the development of programs that ensure the creation necessary conditions, allowing to grow seedlings in artificial conditions.

Forests can be restored with the help of people. Greenhouses allow you to grow almost any tree without the use of harmful additives and other chemical components that significantly accelerate the growth of the tree.

There is another way out to correct the bad environmental situation in peace and not to disturb natural ecosystems. It is enough to simply reduce the production of this strategically important resource. This will give forest areas enough time to fully restore their natural resources and significantly expand their own territories.

MBOU "Gymnasium of Aznakaevo" Aznakaevsky municipal district RT

Ecological marathon “Earth – planet of life”

Environmental direction

Design and research work

3rd grade students


Davletova Venera Asgatovna

Director of the MBOU "Gymnasium of Aznakaevo" A.M. Rakhmanov


Study of specialized literature, method of processing results.


Russia, Tatarstan, Aznakaevsky district. Forest


This work contains information about the relationship between man and forest.

Forest is one of the main types of vegetation cover on Earth, represented by numerous life forms plants, including main role trees and shrubs play a secondary role, grasses, shrubs, mosses, lichens, etc. play a secondary role.

Feature forests lies in the fact that the components that form them are connected with each other and with the environment.

The forest is full of life all year round. Birds with their sonorous concerts in the spring, thickets of ripe, fragrant raspberries in the summer, mushroom glades in the fall, hare tracks on the white snow in the winter - all this, as well as many other equally beautiful things, can be found in the forest. The wonderful Russian writer Mikhail Prishvin said that the forest is never empty, and if it seems empty, then it is his own fault. From the point of view of science, the forest is a special creation of nature - harmonious, beautiful and multifaceted. Trees and shrubs, mosses and herbs, mushrooms and lichens grow in it. Lives in the forest a large number of species of animals, ranging from soil bacteria invisible to the naked eye, all kinds of shrews, beetles, butterflies and ending with such giants of forest fauna as wild boar, bison, bear, elk, and in the tropics even elephant.

But this is not all that is included in the concept natural community- forests. Important and irreplaceable components forests as a single complex organism also include forest soils, ground and underground waters, air, sunlight, solar energy. Everything that is alive and dead in the forest is interconnected with each other.


Currently, forests occupy about a third of the land area. The total forest area on Earth is 38 million km². Half of this forest area belongs to, the fourth part is located in. The forest area in Russia is 8.8 million km². Russia has almost 25% of the world's timber reserves and 50% of valuable coniferous forests peace. The forests of our planet are very different. First of all, they are divided into three main geographical forest zones - the zone equatorial forests, which grow along the equator, in the subtropical and tropical forests, as well as in the forest zone temperate latitudes. And there are also main types of forests. There are also three of them - coniferous, deciduous, mixed. It's clear that mixed forests got their name because both deciduous and coniferous tree species coexist in them. In its turn, deciduous forests are divided into deciduous and evergreen, i.e. non-deciduous. Evergreen forests are the healthiest and most productive: they produce 80 percent of the Earth's oxygen. All other plants, including green algae in lakes, rivers, seas and oceans, account for only 20 percent of the oxygen produced on the planet. When a person comes to summer birch forest, he least of all thinks about how much oxygen the birch produces. But how fun it is in the forest! How easy it is to breathe! Blue and yellow flowers, as well as dark gray boletus caps in a light clearing, are pleasing to the human eye. In Russia, forests are not the same both in different climatic zones and various soils, in areas with different microclimates and water regime. You can find a dark, cold spruce forest, a light larch forest, and a mighty oak forest, or you can find yourself in a honey-bearing linden forest, and in a nut-bearing pine forest, or in a copper-golden pine forest, where boletus grows best. All forests on Earth work like green factories: in light, sunny days they store solar energy for future use, without which life on the planet would be impossible. In any forest, trees, bushes and grass act as an intermediary between the Sun and the Earth. Green leaves catch the sun's rays, store solar energy and use it to produce organic products. The main product of a green forest is wood.

When a person heats the stove with birch wood, he warms his house solar heat, solar energy stored by green birch leaves.


Scientists divide all the trees, shrubs, shrubs, grasses, mosses, and lichens growing in the forest into four tiers, or four floors. Plants of one or another tier are combined both by growth and by their significance in forest community. In the forest, the top tier comes first - it is the highest and most important. Wood species upper tier called forest-forming. In a pine forest, for example, pine dominates the first tier - it is the forest-forming one. In a linden forest, linden dominates, in a birch forest - birch, in an oak forest - oak, in a fir forest - fir, in a larch forest - larch, in an alder forest - alder, in a spruce forest - spruce.

The second forest tier is also formed by trees, but these trees are no longer the main trees in the forest, but accompanying the main species. They are always shorter. In an oak forest, for example, in the second tier you can find linden, field maple, rowan, and willow.

The third forest layer consists of shrubs. In the same oak grove, the third tier is often formed by hazel, honeysuckle, rose hips, euonymus, and viburnum.

The fourth tier in the forest consists of grasses, mosses, lichens, and shrubs. Naturally, the question arises: what is the difference between the shrubs that form the fourth tier and the shrubs growing in the third tier? The difference is determined mainly by the height of the plants. Shrubs are much lower than shrubs. Shrubs sometimes reach a height of six meters, occasionally eight, and shrubs rise above the ground only five, ten, twenty centimeters, occasionally sixty. Among the shrubs there is, for example, northern linnaea, which always creeps along the ground, never rising up. However, the stems of all shrubs are woody - this is their main similarity with shrubs. There are not so many species of shrubs in the forests of Russia; they can be counted on one hand. Among them are blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, heather, bearberry, wild rosemary. All of them are small in stature, but quite often form dense thickets, especially if there are clearings in the forest.


Forests play a big role in economic development, improving the environment, and improving the well-being of the people. The following main areas of forest use for economic purposes can be distinguished:

Food source (mushrooms, berries, animals, birds, honey)

Energy source (wood)

Construction material

Raw materials for production (paper production)

Regulator of natural processes (forest plantations to protect the soil from weathering)

About 100 species of wild fruit, berry and nut plants grow in the forests of Russia, and almost 200 species of edible plants, which are of great value as medicinal and technical raw materials.

The forest is a habitat for most species of animals; it provides food for animals and humans, giving them nuts, berries, mushrooms, edible shoots, herbs and lichens.

The forest zone is the largest hunting ground in the world: squirrel and sable, marten and ermine, beaver and otter, black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse - everything that hunters bring from the forests.

In addition, forests are health resorts and places of recreation, a resource of culture and science, landscape decoration, sources of joy and health, aesthetic and environmental education.

Forests play a large role in the water cycle. Forest soils filter water flowing from fields and industrial sites and purify them from many harmful impurities. Forests evaporate moisture into the atmosphere and have a beneficial effect on the climate by increasing air humidity. Deforestation usually leads to shallowing of rivers, disappearance of springs, and drying up of streams. People have long had the expressions “Forests are the guardians of water,” “Forests give birth to rivers,” “Where there is forest, there is water, where there is water, there is life,” etc.

Soil protection value of forests. Forests sharply reduce surface runoff. By doing this, they prevent the washout and erosion of soils by groundwater, melt and rainwater, and act as an important soil-protective factor. Forest is a reliable protector of soils from blowing away; it anchors shifting sands. The greatest experience in this regard has been accumulated in agriculture, where forest belts are used to protect soils and crops. In summer, forest plantations not only protect the surrounding fields from dry winds, but gradually release to them the moisture accumulated in winter and spring through groundwater and subsurface runoff.

Dense network forest strips can create the carbon value of forests. People pin their main hopes on removing excess carbon from the atmosphere and thereby solving the problem of the greenhouse effect with forests. It is known that 1 hectare of forest absorbs 6-7 tons of carbon dioxide per year and releases 5-6 tons of oxygen.

Air purification functions of forests. The forest, figuratively speaking, is the lungs of the planet. Trees are the green factory that restores the life-giving power of exhaust air. The better forests grow, the more oxygen they release and the faster they absorb carbon dioxide. It has now been established that more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from forests. In addition to affecting the carbon balance, forests can remove other foreign substances from the air. Forest is an excellent biological air filter. It captures ozone, cement dust, soot, lead, nitrogen oxides and other “products of civilization” from the polluted atmosphere, which ended up in the atmosphere due to oversight or imperfection of industrial technology. Subsequently, toxicants enter the soil either with falling leaves or in other ways. There is evidence that 1 kg of leaves can absorb up to 50-70 g of sulfur dioxide, 40-50 g of chlorine and 15-20 mg of lead per season. The unique filtering properties of trees lie in their ability to attract tiny airborne particulate matter. Forests, especially coniferous ones, release phytoncides that kill pathogenic microbes and improve the health of the air. In certain doses, phytoncides have a beneficial effect on nervous system humans, enhance the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, help improve metabolism and stimulate cardiac activity. Phytoncides also have valuable preventive properties. Many of them turned out to be irreconcilable enemies of pathogens infectious diseases, therefore there are much fewer forests in the air than above treeless areas. For example, 1 m of air in a cedar forest contains up to 700 microorganisms. According to scientists, a forest creates zones of moisture concentration above itself, and precipitation falls above it by 9–30% more than above a treeless area. These precipitation wash away industrial dust.

Climatic and meteorological significance of forests. Forests have a significant impact on meteorological factors. They affect atmospheric phenomena and thereby create their own specific environment. It is usually considered as microclimate, ecoclimate and phytoclimate. Changes in meteorological parameters also extend beyond the forest. The use of forests (most often forest belts) to protect soils, crops, roads, settlements, etc. is based on this property.


Forest fires. Forest fires have a great negative impact on many forest life processes. During forest fires, the growing forest is damaged or completely destroyed, along with the undergrowth, regrowth and grass cover. In this regard, the source of wood is lost and the water protection, sanitary and hygienic properties of the forest are sharply reduced. Fires destroy bird nests and animal habitats and promote the proliferation of harmful insects. One of the reasons for the increase forest fires is a sharp increase in the number of people traveling to the forest for recreation. Incidents of fires in the forest are the result of careless and inept handling of fire. Fires can also occur from spontaneous combustion of peat, sometimes from lightning. World statistics show that about 97% of all forest fires are caused by people. Hence, fighting forest fires remains one of the most important government tasks.

Forests are damaged by tourists (they damage trees, bushes, grass) and cars. Mechanical impact causes soil compaction and damages brittle forest grasses.

With soil compaction, the condition of tree and shrub vegetation degrades, the nutrition of trees deteriorates, since in high trampled areas the soil becomes drier, and in lower areas it becomes waterlogged. Poor nutrition weakens trees and retards their growth and development. The annual growth, especially of coniferous trees, is noticeably decreasing. Their young needles become shorter. Soil compaction disrupts its structure and reduces porosity, worsening the living conditions of soil microorganisms.

Picking mushrooms, flowers and berries undermines the self-renewal of a number of plant species. A fire completely disables the piece of land on which it was laid out for 5-7 years. The noise scares away birds and mammals and prevents them from raising their offspring normally. Breaking branches, nicks on trunks and other mechanical damage contribute to the infestation of trees by insect pests. Scientists' observations have shown that a hectare of forest can relatively easily tolerate the presence of 1-3 people per day. Staying 4-10 people already has an impact on the environment. First of all, the soil cover and young trees begin to suffer.

When the number of visitors on a forest hectare increases to 16-20 people per day, the soil becomes so compacted that the tops of the trees dry out. With such overloads, animals leave the forest, and forest birds stop nesting.

Fungal pests cause enormous damage to forests. They live for many years and reach very large sizes. If the fruiting body of a fungus grows on the trunk, the tree is sick. On larch pine there is a fungus that looks like a small hoof - this is a pine sponge. It destroys wood. Trees become infected at the age of 40–50 years, and the older and thicker the tree stand, the more diseased trees there are. The fungus affects the lower part of the trunk. And infection begins with a trifle. Children or adults walking through the forest will break a branch or inflict a wound with a knife, sometimes animals will gnaw off the bark. Fungal spores in the air get into such a wound. For a fungus to develop from a spore, it needs water, nutrients and air. Water and food are provided by the tree, air enters through the wound. As the fungus develops, it begins to destroy the tree from the inside. First, solid rot forms, then sieve rot (a cut of wood looks like a sieve), and later a hollow.

Cattle grazing. During grazing, young trees die, which are eaten and trampled by livestock, conditions for the growth of mature trees worsen, birds disappear and pests multiply en masse. In forests on mountain slopes, grazing causes soil loss (erosion). To correct the situation, grazing in the forests is stopped. Livestock are provided with feed in hayfields and pastures, the productivity of which is increased using special methods for improving meadows: 1 hectare of improved meadow in a forest zone provides the same amount of livestock feed as 20 hectares of forest.

Great harm Forest ecosystems are harmed by littering forests with wood debris from timber harvesting or household waste. Heaps of branches, bark, thin stems, and tall stumps become breeding grounds for forest pests. Household garbage left in suburban forests by vacationers, tourists, or dumped from cars worsens the aesthetic appearance of the forest, and if it is heavily cluttered, it contributes to the replacement of forest grasses by plants of garbage habitats - ruderals (primarily nettles and celandine). To prevent littering, it is necessary to strictly control the implementation of wood harvesting rules; all wood residues should be used for the preparation of particle boards or sent for chemical processing. Branches of coniferous trees are valuable food; vitamin concentrates are prepared from them. To prevent littering of forest parks with household waste, containers are installed to collect it, and littered forests are cleaned.


The benefits of forests for humans are not viewed narrowly - only as a source material wealth. Every sensible person of the twentieth century understands that in our age of highly developed industry, the forest is necessary for recreation and as a source of new spiritual and physical strength. Forests must exist in order for man himself to exist, for the sake of preserving the great wealth of the animal and plant kingdom for future generations of our Planet. Therefore, we need forest reservations, nature reserves, national parks, and resort forest areas protected by law.

What needs to be done to restore forests?

Improve public recreation areas

    Do not litter

    Plant flowers and trees

    Create fire pits

    Install waste bins and signage signs

    Fence existing anthills

    Informing the population

    Draw fire safety leaflets, make stands


The Republic of Tatarstan belongs to the sparsely forested regions of Russia, the forest cover is 17.4% (the optimal value of the share of land for this zone is 25%). There are 0.3 hectares of forest area per resident of the republic, while the average for the Russian Federation is 5.3 hectares.

There are 30 forest districts operating on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, which include 124 district forest districts. They carry out a complex of works on the protection, protection, and reproduction of forests with the simultaneous sale of forest plantations for timber harvesting. carry out A significant increase in the efficiency and volumes of forest use, improvement of lease relations, development of forestry and wood processing infrastructure, creation of favorable conditions for investment in the forest sector is the main task in the field of forest relations.


Main value forests of the Republic of Tatarstan lies in their ecological functions, on which the state of other components depends natural complex– water, soil, atmosphere.

The forests of the Republic of Tatarstan are located in two forest growth zones: the zone mixed forests And forest-steppe zone Therefore, they are characterized by both taiga and steppe species of vegetation and animals. Here lies the southern border of the natural distribution of spruce and fir, the northern border of oak and the northeastern border of ash. Forests are under the jurisdiction of the following authorities:

Distribution of areas and reserves of plantings in Aznakaevsky forestry



Total area, thousand hectares



including covered with forest vegetation, thousand hectares



Reserve, million m3


During the drought of 2010, 12 thousand hectares of forest died in the Aznakaevsky district.

The forest fund is classified as protective and exploitation forests. Protective forests performing environmental protection functions amount to 538.0 thousand hectares, operational forests – 688.4 thousand hectares. Protected areas have been identified and taken under protection on an area of ​​13.4 thousand hectares, including 38 forest natural monuments and natural reserves of republican significance, two federal significance forests of the Volga-Kama State Natural biosphere reserve And National Park"Lower Kama".

Green zones are allocated around 22 urban and rural settlements on an area of ​​132.9 thousand hectares. These forests perform recreational functions. With the increase in the number of vehicles among the population of cities in recent years, the forests of Prigorodny, Zelenodolsk, Nizhnekamsk, Elabuga, Privolzhsky, Laishevsky and other forestry enterprises have been intensively developed for recreation. By species group, the forest fund is characterized by the following indicators:

The areas occupied by coniferous plantations amount to 271.1 thousand hectares;

Hardwood plantations – 191.3 thousand hectares;

Soft-leaved – 669.9 thousand hectares;

Shrubs – 7.0 thousand hectares.


Considering the importance of forestry production in the Republic of Tatarstan, work was carried out to increase the area of ​​forest plantations, improve the species and quality composition of the forest fund, and increase the protective functions of forests. The scope of reforestation work was completed on an area of ​​1916.0 hectares, incl. with the planting of protective forest plantings on an area of ​​1567.0 hectares and methods of promoting the natural regeneration of forests on 330.0 hectares on forest fund lands. Preparing soil for forest crops. completed on an area of ​​1869 hectares (plan - 1869 hectares). In 2010, with the support of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N. Minnikhanov and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan laid protective forest plantations on an area of ​​1195.3 hectares on agricultural lands. In 2011, this volume of plantings is planned to double. In forests performing water conservation, recreational and protective functions, excluded from the calculation of main use, in order to rejuvenate overmature forests, gradual selective felling was carried out in 2010. Maintenance felling and selective sanitary felling were carried out in 2010 on an area of ​​19.4 thousand hectares. The total stock of timber harvested was 511.5 thousand m3, and 354.8 thousand m3 of liquid timber was harvested. Thinning of young forests was carried out on an area of ​​8.7 hectares.


We believe that when visiting the green house of animals and birds, you need to be able to behave in it in such a way as to become a true friend and patron of nature, and not its destroyer.


Rules of behavior in the forest:

Don't leave trash in the forest!

A forest is not a place for dumping garbage, but a house is for animals and plants, and this house should be clean.

Keep silence in the forest!

Don't bring a tape recorder with you. Remember: screaming and loud music are disturbing factors for forest dwellers, and they may leave their homes

Don't light a fire in the forest!

Grass has not grown on the fire pit for several years. In addition, a fire can lead to a forest fire, which can kill plants and animals.

In the forest, walk only on organized paths!

Remember: trampling forest soil reduces the access of oxygen to tree roots, which is necessary for their respiration.

Do not touch bird's nests!

If you see a nest with eggs or chicks, try to leave quietly. A disturbed bird may abandon the nest, and then the chicks will die.

Don't pick flowers in the forest!

Admire their beauty or take pictures of them. Plucked plants quickly die and do not produce seeds. If there are no seeds, there will be no flowering plants.

Don't destroy anthills!

Ants take a long time to build their home, following needles and straws. Any work must be respected. Ants are the orderlies of the forest. They contain the number of insects - forest pests.


“From the Life of the Forest” by I.N. Balbyshev, pp. 3-5, 152-161, 164-167, St. Petersburg: LENIZDAT, 1990

"General, social, applied ecology" tutorial ON THE. Voronkov, pp. 242, 247-255, M.: RANDEVOU-AM, AGAR, 1999

“Ecology of Russia” textbook by B.M. Mirkin, L.G. Naumova, pp. 90-94, M.: JSC MDS, UNISAM, 1995

“General overview” by V.S. Varlamov, M.F. Green, pp. 123-125, M.: MYSL, 1992

"Illustrated Encyclopedia of Forests" Jan Jenik, pp. 11-16, 415-419, Prague: ARTIA, 1997

“Ecology, environment and people” Yu.V. Novikov, pp.240-260, M.: UNITI, 1998

“Geography” encyclopedia K. Varley, L. Miles, p. 70, M.: ROSMAN, 1995

“State report on the state of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Tatarstan” pp. 54-58, Kazan: World without borders, 2010


Each person, following a number of simple rules, will contribute to the development of a healthy and beautiful world. So to save nature, you need to do the following: Minimize clogging with household and industrial waste. As is known, the decomposition period of, for example, plastic in nature is about 200-300 years. Do we want to leave today's trash to our great-grandchildren? To prevent this from happening, it is important to clean up after yourself after picnics in nature and, of course, not throw garbage on the city streets.

Take care of rational use resources. By saving electricity, turning off water and lights on time, purchasing economical equipment, we think about tomorrow.

Whenever possible, use environmentally friendly modes of transport. Preference should be given to trams and trolleybuses over buses and cars, and ideally, riding a bicycle is beneficial to both nature and people.

Conduct classes in schools on environmental education growing up, organize cleanup days. After all, the more we begin to introduce them to the basics of environmental management, the greater the likelihood that in the future they will live in harmony with nature.

Take care of environmental protection at the level of public institutions. Control the operation of nuclear power plants, prevent spills into the seas and oceans, build waste processing plants and, if possible, reuse existing resources, carry out city gardening and land reclamation in order to increase, control deforestation, take care of maintaining the balance of animal and flora.

Helpful advice

Remember that preserved nature today is the key to a quality life tomorrow, it is caring for those who are dear to us. Only by living in harmony with the environment can we be truly healthy, and therefore live a full life.

It's hard not to notice that surrounding nature needs our protection. However, people often do the exact opposite - they destroy nature and treat it as “consumers”. But what will future generations see in this case? It’s hardly something good, so you need to make an effort and try to save nature.


Your first steps to protect nature are unlikely to be too global, so first, just pay attention to your behavior, your behavior and try to correct them. For example, when you go on a picnic, remove all garbage after you, do not wash your car in a water source, do not pollute it (remember that your actions may harm both the surrounding flora and). Also not the best option- this is burning (especially plastic) and leaves.

Minimize any chemical detergents and cosmetics, and if you use them, dispose of them properly (separate your trash), as even this simple step will help you pollute as little as possible. environment.

It is worth mentioning plastic bags, which are common in almost all places. They are preferred because they are lightweight, waterproof and cheap, and you can carry anything in them.

However, used plastic bags rarely end up in landfills. Much more often they can be seen in the middle of the streets: on fences, trees, and so on. But in order to destroy plastic bag, it takes from 200 to 300 years, sometimes even more. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the thoughtless use of such bags and replace them with textile bags.

Remember that protecting nature starts with you own home, therefore, save energy (purchase more economical models of equipment: washing machines, refrigerators, and so on). It would seem that the savings are small, but this is only at first glance, because on a whole scale this will help close at least one nuclear power plant. By saving energy, you also contribute to the fight against global warming.
Don’t forget to turn off the lights, since every kilowatt of electricity expended releases about 500 grams of carbon dioxide into the environment (it is this that is considered the cause of the “greenhouse” effect.

An important factor is transport, which causes the most damage to nature. Avoid cars and buses if possible, give preference to trams, trolleybuses, and better yet, bicycles, since saving any resources is an integral element of preserving wildlife.

Helpful advice

Use all natural resources economically. Save energy, paper, and especially water, use less plastic products (although this is not easy).


  • let's save nature

If you think about how big or, conversely, how small your contribution to caring for nature is, this is already priceless. Unfortunately, there is an opinion that one person cannot change anything. It is fundamentally wrong - after all, by caring for nature, you set an example for others. In addition, caring for the environment is a tribute to self-respect, since man is part of nature. There are several simple and not at all complicated ways to take care of nature every day; they just require attention. How to guard nature?


Turn off the water. You wash the dishes and the phone call– turn off the taps and talk calmly, rather than leaving the water running, even for a few minutes. Liters are wasted for this. What if we multiply this by the number of “onlookers” in the entire district, and then by the number of days in a year? Reserves drinking water on Earth are far from infinite, and this is worth thinking about

A forest is not just a collection of trees, but a complex ecosystem that unites plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms and affects the climate, the state of drinking water, and the purity of the air.

Millennia ago, a huge part of the Earth's surface was covered with forests. They extended to North America, occupied a significant share Western Europe. Vast areas of Africa, South America and Asia were dense forests.

But with the increase in the number of people and their active development of land for economic needs, the process of deforestation began.

People take a lot from the forest: materials for construction, food, medicine, raw materials for the paper industry. Wood, pine needles and tree bark serve as raw materials for many industries chemical industry. About half of the extracted wood is used for fuel needs, and a third is used for construction. A quarter of all medicines used are obtained from tropical forest plants.

Thanks to photosynthesis, forests give us oxygen to breathe while absorbing carbon dioxide. Trees protect the air from toxic gases, soot and other pollutants and noise. Phytoncides produced by most coniferous plants destroy pathogens.

Forests are habitats for many animals and are real treasure troves of biological diversity. They participate in creating a microclimate favorable for agricultural plants.

Forest areas protect the soil from erosion processes, preventing surface runoff of precipitation. The forest is like a sponge, which first accumulates and then releases water to streams and rivers, regulates the flow of water from the mountains to the plains, and prevents floods. , the forests included in its basin are considered the lungs of the Earth.

The damage caused to the planet by deforestation

Despite the fact that forests are a renewable resource, the rate of deforestation is too high and is not covered by the rate of reproduction. Millions of hectares of deciduous and coniferous forests are destroyed every year.

Tropical forests, home to more than 50% of Earth's species, once covered 14% of the planet but now cover only 6%. India's forest area has shrunk from 22% to 10% over the last half century. Destroyed coniferous forests central regions Russia, forest tracts on Far East and in Siberia, and swamps appear at the site of clearings. Valuable pine and cedar forests are being cut down.

The disappearance of forests is... Deforestation of the planet leads to sharp temperature changes, changes in the amount of precipitation and wind speeds.

Burning forests causes carbon monoxide pollution in the air, releasing more than it absorbs. Also, deforestation releases carbon into the air that accumulates in the soil under the trees. This contributes about a quarter to the process of creating the greenhouse effect on Earth.

Many areas left without forest as a result of deforestation or fires become deserts, since the loss of trees leads to the fact that the thin fertile layer of soil is easily washed away by precipitation. Desertification causes a huge number of environmental refugees - ethnic groups for whom the forest was the main or only source of subsistence.

Many inhabitants of forest areas disappear along with their homes. Entire ecosystems are being destroyed, plants of irreplaceable species used to obtain medicines, and many biological resources valuable to humanity are being destroyed. More than a million species living in tropical forests, is endangered.

Soil erosion that develops after cutting down leads to floods, since nothing can stop the flow of water. Floods are caused by disruption of the groundwater level, as the roots of trees that feed on them die. For example, as a result of extensive deforestation at the foot of the Himalayas, Bangladesh began to suffer from large floods every four years. Previously, floods occurred no more than twice every hundred years.

Methods for cutting down

Forests are cut down for mining, timber, clearing areas for pastures, and for agricultural land.

Forests are divided into three groups. The first is forest areas prohibited from logging, which play an important ecological role and are nature reserves.

The second group includes forests of limited exploitation, located in densely populated areas; their timely restoration is strictly monitored.

The third group is the so-called production forests. They are cut down completely and then reseeded.

There are several types of logging in forestry:

Main cabin

Felling of this type is the harvesting of the so-called mature forest for timber. They can be selective, gradual and continuous. When clear-cutting, all trees are destroyed, with the exception of the seed plants. With gradual cutting, the cutting process is carried out in several steps. With the selective type, only individual trees are removed according to a certain principle, and the overall area remains covered with forest.

Plant care cutting

This type involves cutting down plants that are not practical to leave. Destroy plants worse quality, while simultaneously thinning and clearing the forest, improving its lighting and providing nutrients to the remaining more valuable trees. This makes it possible to increase forest productivity, its water-regulating properties and aesthetic qualities. Wood from such fellings is used as technological raw material.


These are reorganization fellings, reforestation and reconstructive fellings. They are carried out in cases where the forest has lost its beneficial properties in order to restore them; a negative impact on the environment with this type of logging is excluded. Felling has a beneficial effect on brightening the area and eliminates root competition for more valuable species trees.


Such cutting is carried out to improve the health of the forest and increase its biological resistance. This type includes landscape cuttings carried out to create forest park landscapes, and cuttings to create fire breaks.

Clear-cutting produces the most severe intervention. Negative consequences cutting down trees occurs when more trees are destroyed than grow in a year, which causes depletion of forest resources.

In turn, undercutting can cause forest aging and disease of old trees. During clear cutting, in addition to the destruction of trees, branches are burned, which leads to the appearance of numerous fire pits.

The trunks are dragged away by machinery, simultaneously destroying many ground cover plants, exposing the soil. The young animals are almost completely destroyed. Surviving shade-loving plants die from excessive amounts of sunlight and strong winds. The ecosystem is completely destroyed and the landscape changes.

Deforestation can be carried out without harm to the environment if the principle of continuous forest management, based on a balance of deforestation and reforestation, is observed. The selective logging method has the least environmental damage.
It is preferable to cut down forests in winter, when snow cover protects the soil and young trees from damage.

Measures to eliminate damage caused by deforestation

In order to stop the process of forest destruction, norms for the wise use of forest resources should be developed. It is necessary to adhere to the following directions:

  • conservation of forest landscapes and its biological diversity;
  • maintaining uniform forest management without depleting forest resources;
  • training the population in skills careful attitude to the forest;
  • strengthening control at the state level over the conservation and use of forest resources;
  • creation of forest accounting and monitoring systems;
  • improvement of forest legislation,

Replanting trees often does not cover the damage caused by cutting down. In South America, South Africa and Southeast Asia, forest areas continue to decline inexorably.

In order to reduce damage from logging, it is necessary:

  • Increase areas for planting new forests
  • Expand existing ones and create new protected areas and forest reserves.
  • Deploy effective measures to prevent forest fires.
  • Conduct measures, including preventive ones, to combat diseases and pests.
  • Conduct selection of tree species resistant to environmental stress.
  • Protect forests from the activities of mining enterprises.
  • Realize fight against poachers.
  • Use effective and least harmful logging techniques. Minimize wood waste, develop ways of using them.
  • Deploy methods of secondary wood processing.
  • Encourage ecological tourism.

What people can do to save forests:

  • use paper products rationally and economically;
  • buy recycled products, including paper. It is marked with the recycled sign;
  • green the area around your home;
  • replace trees cut down for firewood with new seedlings;
  • draw public attention to the problem of forest destruction.

Man cannot exist outside of nature, he is part of it. And at the same time, it is difficult to imagine our civilization without the products that the forest provides. In addition to the material component, there is also a spiritual relationship between the forest and man. Under the influence of the forest, the culture and customs of many ethnic groups are formed, and it also serves as a source of existence for them.
Forest is one of the cheapest sources natural resources, every minute 20 hectares of forest areas are destroyed. And humanity should now think about replenishing these natural resources, learn to competently manage forest management and the wonderful ability of forests to renew themselves.

The forest plays a triple role in the life of man and humanity. Firstly, the forest greatly influences the climate, the presence clean water, clean air, protects agricultural lands, provides places for comfortable living and recreation for people, and preserves the diversity of wildlife. This is the environment-forming, or ecological role forests. Secondly, the forest is a source of many material resources that humanity cannot do without and is unlikely to be able to do in the future - wood for construction, paper and furniture production, firewood, food and medicinal plants and others. This is the economic or resource role of the forest. Thirdly, the forest is part of the cultural and historical environment, under the influence of which the culture and customs of entire nations are formed, a source of work, independence and material well-being for a significant part of the population, especially those who live in forested villages and settlements - the social role of the forest.

Environment-forming, or ecological role of the forest. The role of the forest as the “green lungs of the planet” is well known: the forest absorbs and binds carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, accumulates carbon in the organic matter of living plants, their residues and soil, and releases back the oxygen necessary for all living beings to breathe. In addition, the forest is an excellent biological air filter. It very effectively cleans the air of dust and other harmful impurities.

The water purification role of forest ecosystems is so significant that they are increasingly used to purify polluted waters. The forest reliably protects the banks of rivers and streams from erosion, thereby preventing the pollution of water bodies by soil particles.

Forests sharply reduce surface runoff and thereby prevent the washout and erosion of soils by rain and melt water, and act as an important soil-protective factor. Forest is a reliable protector of soils from blowing away. They also protect crops and agricultural land from unfavorable natural processes.

Forests are associated with the existence of the main share of the Earth's biological diversity - the diversity of living organisms and ecosystems existing on our planet. For approximately three-quarters of all species of plants, animals and fungi that exist on our planet, forests are the main habitat. Preserving the diversity of the Earth's forests, and first of all - wild forests, still living according to the laws wildlife with minimal human intervention, is key to preserving the full diversity of life.

Economic or resource role of the forest. It has long been known that the forest is a source of many different material values ​​and products that humanity cannot do without, and the basis for the existence of the forest industry. The forest is a source of wood and its products, such as Construction Materials, furniture, paper, various types of wood fuel and others, numerous food and medicinal resources, and many other important material assets. The main material forest resource used by people in most countries and regions of the world is wood.

The social role of the forest. Forest is an integral element of that natural environment, under the influence of which the culture and self-awareness of the peoples inhabiting forest areas are historically formed. In the history of forest peoples it is difficult to find any type of activity that was not in some way connected with the forest, or with the direct use of the forest and its resources, or with constant competition with the forest for land. This largely determined the traditionally ambivalent attitude of forest peoples towards the forest: on the one hand, as a protector, a source of various benefits, and on the other hand, as the main competitor for land. Even today, people can notice such an ambivalent attitude towards the forest, when it has practically lost the ability to compete for land with people armed with modern technology and fire.

Forest fires are one of the main problems in preserving forests on the planet. During forest fires, the growing forest is severely damaged or completely destroyed. In this regard, the source of wood is lost, and the water-protective and protective properties of the forest are sharply reduced. A sharp increase in the number of people relaxing in the forest is one of the reasons for the increase in forest fires. In the fight against fires, it is necessary to carry out fire prevention. It includes a set of measures that are aimed at preventing the occurrence of forest fires, limiting their spread and timely detection of fires. This problem remains one of the main government tasks.

Emissions of toxic gases into the atmosphere from transport and dust negatively affect forest ecosystems industrial enterprises. To solve this problem, wastewater treatment plants are being built and new low-waste technologies are being introduced.

Littering forests with wood debris from timber harvesting, as well as household waste, causes great harm to forest ecosystems. A lot of bark, branches, and stumps become breeding grounds for forest pests. Household garbage left in the suburban forest by vacationers and tourists worsens the aesthetic appearance of the forest. To solve these problems it is necessary: ​​1) to monitor the implementation of timber harvesting rules; 2) install containers for collection household waste, clean up littered forests.

In conclusion, I would like to note that many forests continue to die because they lack proper care and control. Man overuses the gifts of nature in his economic activity, instead of protecting and protecting her. Forests must exist in order for man himself to exist, for the sake of preserving the great wealth of flora and fauna for the next generations of our Planet.


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  2. Zinovieva, I.S. Problems of preventing and eliminating the consequences of forest fires [Text] / I.S. Zinovieva // FES: Finance. Economy. Strategy. - 2011. - No. 2. - pp. 25-28.

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