Average January temperature in Canada. Climatic conditions of Canada - Canada is the country of your dreams. Common myths about Canadian weather

Country of endless expanses amazing nature and virgin climate, whose motto is "From sea to sea!" - This Canada.

Climate zones of Canada

Canada is located in a territory where the consequences ice age, as well as the internal forces of the Earth have the greatest influence on the modern climate of the country. Some regions really resemble prehistoric areas, where, perhaps, there are not enough ancient mammoths for an even more believable "picture" of the landscape.

The north of the country is sparsely populated due to harsh climate conditions. The influence of the Arctic Ocean forms a special weather there - cold and humid, there is almost always a "minus". In the south, where "rules the ball" warm current, during the year the temperature is positive, and even in winter it does not fall below 5 degrees Celsius.

Nearly 10 million square kilometers"cut" by climatic zones, although a temperate climate prevails throughout the territory:

  • temperate continental - center of Canada ( maximum amount precipitation falls in summer; temperatures down to -25°C in winter, up to +26°C in summer)
  • temperate maritime – coasts (mild winters and cool summers: in winter at night down to -10°C, in summer - a maximum of +22°C; most a large number of rainfall - in winter and autumn: on Atlantic coast- 1300 mm, on the Pacific coast - 2000 mm / year)
  • arctic type - on the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (very cold in winter - up to -45 ° C, maximum in summer + 10 ° C, little precipitation)
  • subarctic – in the north of mainland Canada (basins of the Yukon and Mackenzie rivers; in winter up to -35°C, in summer up to +20°C)
  • altitudinal zonality traced to the territory of the Eastern Cordillera and Edmond
  • subtropical marine - southwest Canada, near Vancouver (in winter - always above zero degrees, many cages - up to 5000 mm / year)


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 7 8 10 13 17 20 22 22 19 14 9 6
Average minimum, °C 1 2 3 6 9 12 14 14 11 7 4 1
Rain, mm 158 99 112 88 65 54 36 37 51 121 186 148
Vancouver weather monthly


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C -11 -8 -1 11 19 23 26 25 19 11 -1 -9
Average minimum, °C -21 -18 -11 -2 5 11 14 12 6 -1 -9 -18
Rain, mm 0 3 10 19 54 90 80 77 46 33 7 2
Monthly Winnipeg weather


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C -1 1 4 11 16 20 23 23 18 12 3 -1
Average minimum, °C -13 -11 -8 -2 3 8 10 9 4 -1 -8 -13
Rain, mm 0 0 2 11 46 94 66 57 42 8 2 0

Canada is the second largest country in the world, second only to Russia. And the vast territory determines the great diversity of the climate in the country. Also, the relief features of Canada greatly affect temperature differences.

Weather in Canada now:

In the north of the country, for example, in the territory close to the Arctic Ocean, average temperature air in winter is -25-30 degrees, and in summer it barely exceeds the plus mark. While in the west, where the warm Pacific current plays a decisive role, in winter the average temperature is four degrees Celsius, and in summer - over 20 degrees. There is a contrast. At the same time, a daily temperature drop can be observed within a separate region: in the South of the country, the amplitude reaches 25 degrees.

Climate of Canada by months:

Spring is the time of flowers and rains

Spring is very similar to autumn in air temperature and an abundance of rainy days. At this time of the year, the first warming begins, but it is usually cold in the evenings, and summer in the country comes quite late - in the second decade of June. The first flowers appear in March, which instantly transforms the country. However, the first leaves are very late - their first appearance occurs in April or May. True, the spring in Vancouver and Victoria is very different from the spring in other parts of the country - it is much warmer. Of course, the main holiday in Canada in the spring is Easter. But in Quebec great importance has one more date - National holiday Patriots, falling at the end of May. In 1837-1838, the inhabitants of the south of the country made an uprising against British domination, which was also supported by the inhabitants of the United States.

temperate summer

The average summer temperature in Canada is close to twenty degrees. The exception is the northern territories, where sub-zero temperatures can be observed even in July. This country is characterized by a moderate summer with a minimum of temperature fluctuations. For tourists, summer Canada offers visits to various natural attractions: Niagara Falls, Rocky Mountains, Johnstone Strait and many others. Beautiful places. Main summer holiday countries - Canada Day, traditionally celebrated on the first of July. Also of note is the Feast of Saint John held in Quebec on June 24th.

Gorgeous autumn

With over 50 percent of the country covered in forests, autumn changes Canada in an instant. In an instant, it transforms into a country decorated with golden trees, attracting tourists from all over the world. As for the air temperature, autumn is a rather cool time, which is characterized by frequent precipitation. The first snow usually falls on autumn time, at the beginning of November. The only exception is the western part of the country, where summer lasts much longer. Animal and vegetable world Canada during this period is especially impressive: in the forests you can meet hares, bears, foxes, wolves and other animals, and many rodents live in the steppes. In the reserves of the country, which are given special attention, such rare animals as bison live. The second Monday in November is Thanksgiving Day for Canadians.

Long winter

As a rule, winter in most of Canada comes into its own already in November, when cold winds come, and sub-zero temperatures stay stable all day. The further north, the colder winter: In some areas, the air temperature rarely drops below 15 degrees below zero, which, coupled with the cold wind, greatly discourages tourists. The fauna of northern Canada is very rich: lemmings, musk oxen, polar wolves, deer, arctic foxes. Like other Catholic countries, Canada celebrates Christmas on December 25, and New Year's Eve on the night of December 31 to January 1.

The country of Canada is one of the countries with the largest territory in the world, ranking second after Russia. The territory of Canada is 9,984,670 km², while the population of the country in 2016 was 36,048,521 people. But the density of the country is only 3.5 people per km2, which is one of the lowest in the world. Canada also became famous for the longest coastline worldwide - 243,791 km! Canada is located on the mainland North America, in its northern part. It has a land border only with the United States, and has sea borders with Denmark (Greenland) and France (Saint Pierre and Miquelon).

Canada is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the west, and the Atlantic Ocean in the east. The length of Canada from north to south of the country is 4600 km, and from west to east of the country - 7700 km.

The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Currency unit- Canadian dollar. The current monarch of Canada is Elizabeth II.

Canada is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. It was founded in 1534 by J. Cartier. The country consists of 3 territories and 10 provinces. There are two in the country official languages- English and French.

Flag of Canada:

Today, this country is an industrially and technologically advanced state. Canada has a diversified economy based on trade and natural resources Canada is rich in.

Relief of Canada

The central part of the country is occupied by plains. We can distinguish the Hudson Bay Lowland, which is marked by a flat relief, the Laurentian Upland, which is characterized by a hilly relief, and the central plains. In the west of the country is the Cordillera mountain system. most high point is Mount Logan this mountain system, whose height reaches 5959 m above sea level. In the northeast of the country there is a strip of mountains up to 2000 m high, and in the southeast the region of the Appalachian highlands.

Climate of Canada

The climate of Canada is quite diverse, due to its large territory. In total, Canada has three types climatic zones– Arctic, Subarctic and temperate. The temperature is very different in the north and south of the country. IN winter time the difference in average temperatures in the south and north reaches almost 30 units, and in summer it is slightly less.

For example, the average maximum temperature in the north in winter reaches -28 degrees Celsius, and in the south of the country -0.4 degrees Celsius. In summer, the average maximum temperature in the north reaches 6 degrees Celsius, and in the south of the country 29 degrees Celsius. At the same time, in the summer in the south of the country the temperature can rise to 35-40 degrees Celsius, and in the north of the country it can drop to -45-60 degrees Celsius with strong icy winds.

Canada's climate is quite harsh. These are long, snowy winters that last up to 8 months a year and short summer. At the same time, in winter in the south of the country the sun shines 8 hours a day, and in the north it does not shine at all. Since icy winds from the north and warm winds blowing from the United States occur in the country, a fairly large amount of precipitation falls over Canada.

Inland waters of Canada

Canada occupies one of the first places in terms of the number of lakes. About 10% of Canada is covered by water. On its territory are the Great Lakes (Ontario, Superior, Erie, Huron), as well as smaller lakes and numerous rivers throughout the country. most important river in Canada is the navigable St. Lawrence River, which connects the Great Lakes with the basin Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to Canada's climate, all of its lakes and rivers are covered with ice for 5 to 9 months a year.

Flora of Canada

The vegetation in the country varies from deciduous and mixed forests in the south of the country and up to the tundra, taiga, which in the north of the country turn into arctic deserts. Of the forests in Canada, dominated by coniferous forests. In the forests, you can most often find such plants as: black spruce, pine, white spruce, thuja, larch, oak, beech, chestnut, alder, birch, willow, cedar, fir, arbutus, elm and many other plants.

Animal world of Canada

In the south of the country animal world the most diverse, and in the north the most scarce. Deer, elk, sheep, goats, arctic fox, hare, chikari squirrel, chipmunks, jerboas, porcupines, american flying squirrel, beaver, raccoon, wolf, fox, bears and many other representatives of animals. There are also many migratory and game birds. Rivers and lakes are rich in fish. But the list of reptiles and amphibians is not so numerous.

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Canada is big country in the north of the American continent. Due to its size, it, like Russia, has several climatic zones. This country is washed by the waters of two oceans. It stretches for five thousand kilometers from north to south and six and a half from east to west.

In addition, the relief is also changing: the plains give way to mountains. Therefore, the weather in the central part and on the coast is usually very different.

Features of the climate of Canada

On the territory of this country, the following are usually distinguished for the south - the coast of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the mountains of the Cordillera, as well as the prairies. There are only two of them in sparsely populated areas: the arctic and subarctic regions. Of course, it is coldest in the north. Much of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago is permafrost.

Climatic conditions, for comparison, are more severe than in those located at the same latitudes settlements our country. Therefore, it is more convenient to cite more specific indicators in relation to a specific place or area. For example, in terms of quantity sundial: in the south in December there are only eight of them, and in the north none at all. Big influence Canadian climate is affected by the fact that arctic cold and warm air from the United States. Because of this, and the abundance of winter precipitation. In general, Canada's climate is harsh. Winters are snowy and cold, summers are short. The most beautiful time- it's autumn. Deciduous forests in southern regions change their color and look just amazing. The animal world is also impressive during this period.

Temperature regime

For the coldest time, it varies from minus thirty-five in the north to -20 degrees Celsius in the south. For summer, two indicators can also be distinguished: plus 7 and twenty-seven, respectively. In the coldest places, the thermometer can drop well beyond forty... major cities, of course, their conditions. Vancouver, for example, has a mild and temperate climate. And because in winter it is mostly a little below zero.

It is also cool in Toronto, and the thermometer can drop to -4 degrees Celsius. In summer, in these cities, the air warms up to plus twenty-seven. There is also abnormal heat. But on the coast in January, the column does not fall below - 4 degrees Celsius. July is characterized by plus seven in the north and + 18 in the south. In general, it is safe to say that most of Canada is in the temperate climate, with its characteristic temperature differences.


Because of big size countries, it is difficult to talk about general indicators. More precipitation falls in the south than in the north. And on the west coast, as a rule, more than in the center. The latter is associated with winds blowing from the ocean. high humidity and along the Great Lakes. Up to two and a half thousand millimeters of precipitation will fall in the west of the country in a year. For the east, this figure is already 1250 mm. In the center, on average, from four hundred to two hundred and fifty millimeters a year. Well, in order to have some impression of what the climate is like in Canada, you need to consider briefly each season.


This period is rich in precipitation and is very reminiscent of autumn. During the day it is already getting warm, but in the evening and at night it is still very cool. The first flowers can be seen in March. The leaves on the trees appear a month later. Spring usually begins in late March - early April and lasts until mid-June. This is a period of strong thaw due to heavy snowmelt.


Except for some areas, this time of year, like Canada's own climate, cannot be called hot. In the central regions, of course, it is also stuffy. But in the north, even in July, sub-zero temperatures are not uncommon. The average for the country is quite comfortable plus twenty. And in Ottawa, for example, the air can warm up to + 26 in July. It is also the period when severe thunderstorms occur. There are also tornadoes in Canada.


The time in Canada is quite cool, with a lot of rainfall. And at the end of November, the first snow falls in some places.

In the west of the country, however, during this period it is warmer. Nature is beautiful because during this period deciduous forests are transformed: they change their color to yellow-gold and purple.


The longest season of the year. As a rule, it starts in November. However, the snow greater territory countries falls only by mid-December. You can ski up to one hundred and fifty days a year. The thickness of the snow in some places reaches 150 centimeters. In the last month of autumn, cold winds begin to blow, and the temperature stays below zero even during the day. And the further north you go, the colder it gets. accompanied by piercing winds. They are also called "barbie".

This is due to the fact that a large number of ice grains get stuck in the beards of men ... In some parts of the country there are snowstorms and snowstorms. On the west coast, Canada's climate is moderated by a warm current. Winter usually ends no earlier than March.

One of the common misconceptions about Canada, despite the existing means mass media(someone prefers the Internet, someone prefers television, but information, one way or another, is available to almost everyone), the idea of ​​​​Canada as a snowy all year round country.

Common myths about Canadian weather

Perhaps it is absurd to assume such ignorance in modern society, however, this is a common cliché, and on Canadian sites you can sometimes find semi-serious denials, such as the following:
« In almost every part of Canada there are, in their entirety, four seasons - winter, spring, summer and autumn. This means that, despite the beliefs of many, the weather in Canada is not always frosty! Of course, we don't want to deny the fact that there is always a place in the heart of a Canadian for snow and ice (even if we have to force us to look for this place a little), but most Canadian cities experience hot and humid summers, as well as warm and rainy springs. , like a clear, invigorating autumn. permanent shift seasons is a true pleasure for Canadians - yes, even the best in the world!»

Of course, Canada is known as the birthplace of hockey, curling or dog sledding in the snow is by no means a wonder! And yet, why is winter not all of Canada? Why, in ancient times, did the Indians use skis in winter, but canoes in summer?

Climatic conditions

Canadian flora and fauna are considered to be exceptionally diverse. Since the country occupies a vast territory (after all, it is the second largest country in the world), its lands fall into several climatic zones. They range from temperate in the south of the country bordering the US to arctic and subarctic in the north.

To understand how the country's climate varies, it is easier to talk about Canada not as a whole, but in accordance with its regions. First of all, the southern and northern parts stand out, which differ not only in average temperature indicators, but also in the duration daylight hours, humidity. There are five regions in southern Canada:

  • Cordillera (mountainous part of the country, Canadian);
  • West and East coasts;
  • Prairies;
  • Great Lakes (Canada has more rivers and lakes than any other country in the world).

How much climatic conditions can vary in each of these regions is clearly seen in the example rocky mountains. Mountain forests (Douglas fir, thuja, yellow pine) grow in the northern part of the mountains. South of 50°N forests are replaced by steppes, cereals and sagebrush. Subtropical forests grow in the extreme south of the mountain belt.

The northern regions are more severe in their conditions, in comparison with the temperate continental type of climate in central Canada. And, of course, at any time of the year when traveling to the north, you should take warm clothes. In the north there are:

  • Arctic region;
  • subarctic region.

In general, the climate of Canada is favorable for humans, except for northern regions. For example, the most low temperature in Canada was recorded in 1947 in Yukon: -63°.

Climate map of Canada

Any time of the year in Canada will not disappoint a tourist, and yet most often they talk about autumn as the most beautiful season. Canadian autumn, as in the USA, is called fall (compare with the English "fall" - leaf fall).

Of the unfavorable climatic features, often found in Canada, one should not forget about tornado that occur in late spring and summer. Tornado zones include Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick.

Canadian climate change today

The main trend of Canadian climate change is its warming. The impact of these changes affects different regions and has various consequences, such as the reduction of mountain glaciers.

In addition, scientists believe that the climate is the main factor influencing the forests in Canada, and forests, in turn, also affect the climate. Climate change pose a tangible amount of risk, and it can already be assumed that Canada's future forests will be significantly different from today's.

Forests affect the climate because their clearing (or Forest fires as a natural factor) contributes to the creation of so-called greenhouse gases, while landscaping, on the contrary, reduces the content of CO 2 in the atmosphere. Therefore, on how the country will save the use forest resources and renew them, depends on the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Consequently, reducing active human intervention in the forest zone, helping forests to restore trees after harvesting wood and energy, is gradually becoming the main direction in the development of forestry in Canada.

Canada climate video

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