Power: who will leave and who will stay. What will the new Russian government be like?

"United Russia" achieved a review of the decision to return the fine for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km/h

"United Russia" achieved a review of the decision to return the fine for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km/h. The United Russia party achieved a review of the decision to return the fine for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km/h, but does not remove this issue from control and will continue to defend motorists' rights. This was stated by the federal coordinator of the United Russia party project “Safe Roads”, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction, Vladimir Afonsky. “There is no factual material that could justify the advisability of returning the fine for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km/h. It also makes no sense to rely on European experience; we have completely different specifics in this area. Therefore, we must build on existing realities,” he is confident. Vladimir Afonsky recalled that the party project “Safe Roads” was held on February 21 public discussion initiatives to strengthen the administrative liability of drivers for violating the speed limit. “The absolute majority of respondents spoke out against this initiative, which was supported by experts. When considering such initiatives, it is necessary to start from existing realities. For example, installed cameras that record speeding, unfortunately, in most cases have an error. Therefore, by reducing the permissible threshold to 10 km/h we may encounter a large number unjustified fines for allegedly speeding,” says Vladimir Afonsky. He is also confident that persistent car offenders will continue to violate the speed limit, even if the threshold is reduced to 0 km/h. “The return of the fine for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km/h will hit law-abiding citizens and responsible drivers. We welcome the Government’s decision, but we do not remove its control and will defend the rights of simple and honest drivers to the last,” concluded Vladimir Afonsky. Let us recall that earlier the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed to amend the Code on administrative offenses(Administrative Code) on the introduction of a new fine for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km/h by vehicle drivers.

Participants in the “New School” party project proposed developing new approaches to solving the problem of “bullying” in educational institutions

The term “bullying” refers to aggressive persecution of one of the team members by other team members, which is especially common among schoolchildren and students. The relevance of the topic is confirmed by a number of cases of aggression in children educational institutions throughout the country, for which Kuban United Russia members also began to search for solutions. Local party project coordinator " New school"in Krasnodar, the director of school No. 8 Lidiya Tsimbal noted two main factors that can create the ground for bullying in kindergartens, schools, colleges and others educational institutions. These included improper upbringing in the family and incorrect actions of the teacher. Regional coordinator of the party project " A strong family", member of the Party faction in the Legislative Assembly Krasnodar region Tatyana Roy also took part in the discussion of this current problem. “It’s hard to talk when the victims, participants tragic events are children and teenagers. But, unfortunately, the reality is that for many young people, reality is perceived as computer game, wherein human life worthless. Issues of family education and school responsibility are key for our society. Each of us cannot be indifferent when, in front of our eyes, children curse, smoke, drink alcohol, act hooliganly, fight, and we, adults, shyly avert our eyes and rush about our business,” noted Tatyana Roy. The opinion of the parent community on this issue is also extremely important. “Our children are not cruel if we are not cruel. Everything comes from ourselves, from adults. We treat children’s reproaches and name-calling as childish, but this is serious, we need to pay attention to it,” said Alexandra Usenko, executive secretary of the national parent association of the Krasnodar regional branch. Education representatives noted a number of other work mechanisms on this problematic issue. Stanislav Shilnikov, Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the Krasnodar Administration, shared that today this topic is increasingly being taken into account, and planned preventive work is already being carried out at parent meetings. The plans are to invite to meetings not only psychologists and specialists in social and pedagogical work, but also representatives of the Cossacks and clergy, as an integral element of Kuban culture. Members of the United Russia factions in the Legislative Assembly of the region and the City Duma of Krasnodar also shared their opinions on the problem of cruelty among children. For example, Oleg Boychenko, a member of the Party faction in the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory, proposed developing guidelines for parents containing broad and up-to-date information about sports in the city, additional education and other opportunities for children. “In order for a child to successfully socialize, show good manners and culture, and not show aggression towards others, it is necessary to find him an “activity to his liking” that would fill the excess free time,” Oleg Boychenko shared his opinion. Future plans include putting all the proposals voiced by United Russia in a row methodological recommendations as measures to combat such a social phenomenon as bullying in children's educational institutions.

The Government of the Russian Federation will discuss the introduction of social norms for electricity consumption

By 2033, they plan to gradually abolish benefits for residents of non-gas apartment buildings and for the rural population. According to media reports, the parameters of the proposals of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation on the introduction of social norms for electricity consumption will be discussed on January 23 at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. “It is proposed to differentiate tariffs for the population - up to 300 kW/h per month will be paid at the basic (current) tariff, over 300 kW/h - at an increased rate, and over 500 kW/h - at an economically justified rate. Consumption is recorded on a personal account, not per person,” said a source familiar with the draft social norm. For northern regions, as well as for consumers not connected to heating networks, the social norm may be increased. At the same time, it is planned to gradually reduce benefits for residents who have electric stoves installed and the rural population. They plan to do this in Russia before 2033. The agency proposes to remove the 0.7 coefficient established for them within 15 years. The introduction of social norms for electricity consumption was proposed as a measure to combat cross-subsidization in the energy sector. The proposals of the ministries will be considered in the context of their socio-economic consequences, financial effect for various categories of the population in conditions of growing fiscal burden. The office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak promises to make a decision “taking into account the real incomes of the population,” writes Kommersant.

The results of the implementation of party projects for 2018 were discussed at a meeting of the regional political council

In 2019, 15 federal party projects will continue to operate in Kuban. Party projects are aimed at the socio-economic development of the region and concern the most important spheres of citizens’ lives, noted Nikolai Gritsenko, secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party, first deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory. "Each of them is current problem, which needs to be solved methodically, regularly, until it becomes the norm for everyone. That is why children's clinics are being built in Kuban, gyms in rural schools are being renovated, playgrounds are being equipped, systematic work is being carried out to accommodate orphans, and diversified work is being carried out with people of the older generation, with disabilities health, attention is paid to the patriotic education of the younger generation,” said Nikolai Gritsenko. Speaking about the implementation of the “Healthy Future” project, Sergei Isaenko, coordinator of the party project for the Krasnodar Territory, chief specialist in geriatrics of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory, head of the Clinical Hospital for War Veterans, noted that one of the main results can be considered a significant increase in accessibility medical care, including specialized ones. IN Krasnodar region 35 new GP buildings were built in 2017, 30 GP offices were built in 2018, and another 19 new GP buildings are planned for construction in 2019. “Great attention is paid to attracting medical personnel - the number of doctors in the region has increased by 800 people, 143 paramedics have been involved in rural healthcare,” said Sergei Isaenko. Fundamentally important conditions for the implementation of the project " Urban environment» mechanisms for including the population in the formation of a list of objects, as well as public support and control, have become, because “Urban Environment” is not just a party project, but a separate direction public policy, the implementation of which is under the personal control of the President of the country and the Chairman of the Party. In 2018, as part of the project, work was carried out to improve 91 objects in 41 municipalities of the region: 45 courtyards, 44 public areas, 2 city parks. In 2018, 1.5 billion rubles were allocated for the creation of a comfortable urban environment, of which 1,013.7 billion rubles from the federal budget, 320.1 million rubles from the regional budget, and 161.7 million rubles from local budgets. Regional coordinator of the party project, member of the Party faction in the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory Vladimir Chepel reported that in 2019 it is planned to carry out work to improve facilities in 51 urban and rural settlements of the region: 42 courtyards, 49 public areas. The project coordinator, a member of the United Russia faction in the ZSK, Irina Karavaeva, spoke about the implementation of the party project “Children’s Sports”. The “Champions for Children” direction is actively developing in the Krasnodar Territory. Its main idea is to unite a variety of athletes on one platform in support of charitable initiatives for development children's sports. In 2019, the “Exercise with a Champion” campaign, which has already become traditional, will continue. “In terms of the number of children involved in physical education and sports outside of school hours, Kuban occupies a leading position. In physical education and sports events aimed at promoting healthy image life, just for last year About 4 million people took part,” said Irina Karavaeva. In 2019, as part of state program Krasnodar Territory “The development of physical culture and sports will continue to implement such measures as “Construction of low-budget sports halls within walking distance”, construction of multifunctional sports grounds. As part of the “Reconstruction of gyms” program, major renovations are planned in 10 gyms in rural schools. Kuban – agricultural region, half of the region’s population lives and works in rural areas, so the key tasks that need to be solved are the development of agro industrial production and creation comfortable conditions life in the countryside - this is what the party project “Russian Village” is aimed at. According to the regional coordinator of the party project “Russian Village”, a member of the Party faction in the ZSK Sergei Orlenko, 2018 was quite successful for the agro-industrial complex of the region. “We collected more than 10 million tons of wheat and barley, which is almost 300 thousand tons higher than last year, a record harvest of fruits and berries - almost 460 thousand tons, winegrowers were pleased with their success - 210 thousand tons of grapes were collected,” Sergei Orlenko said in the report . – Overall products produced Agriculture in the amount of 360 billion rubles." A special priority within the framework of the Party project “Russian Village” is the development of rural areas and the creation of comfortable living conditions in the countryside. In 2018, more than 130 km of gas distribution networks and 20 km of water supply networks were built, more than 100 young families received the keys to new apartments. Monitoring the economic status of leading industrial enterprises Kuban, which was carried out by participants in the party project “Locomotives of Growth”, showed that the regional economy has gained good growth rates. According to preliminary statistics, the industrial production index reached 103.3% (versus 102.4% in the first half of 2018). As the regional coordinator of the party project “Locomotives of Growth”, United Russia Member of the ZSK Ivan Artemenko noted, such a breakthrough in the development of the industrial sector in the region became possible thanks to state support. The Party faction in the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory managed, within the framework of the state program “Development of industry in the Krasnodar Territory and increasing its competitiveness,” to allocate subsidies to 24 regional industrial enterprises in the amount of more than 72 million rubles. The main direction of activity of the United Russia party within the framework of the party project “New School” is the development of educational infrastructure and the creation of a high-quality educational environment. In 2018, 10 schools were built in the region, two of which were commissioned in Krasnodar on September 1, 2018. This is school No. 61 in the Lenin farm and a school in the Gubernsky microdistrict. Also built 2 kindergartens, 2 institutions additional education, 2 schools reconstructed, 1 kindergarten, 46 educational facilities in the region were repaired. Major renovations of gyms were carried out in 35 schools, and 233 school buses were purchased. This was reported by a member of the regional public council, director of school No. 8 in Krasnodar Lidia Tsimbal. United Russia took the initiative to implement the Hero's Desk project. 39 schools of Kuban took part in the project, 20 desks of Heroes were installed. The goal of the party project “Hero’s Desk” is to create conditions for the formation in children and adolescents of a respectful attitude towards the history of the Fatherland, the heroic past and present of our country. As part of the party project “People's Control”, violations of fire safety requirements during the sale of pyrotechnic products were monitored. People's inspectors conducted raids on weekend fairs for the sale of agricultural products and their processed products operating in the territory municipalities. Monitoring was carried out of the activities of 108 microfinance organizations providing services in the field of lending to the population, as well as children’s school camps operating during school holidays, children’s entertainment centers on organizing a safe play space. Party project " United country– accessible environment” is intended to draw attention to the problems of improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and providing them with an accessible environment. As noted by the regional coordinator of the party project - Deputy Chairman of the City Duma Tatyana Gelunenko, within the framework of the program in 2018, 31 priority objects were equipped for people with limited mobility, 15 passenger transport units were equipped with information boards and radio informers, 80 pedestrian crossings and 20 public transport stops were equipped. 600 disabled people are provided with technical means of rehabilitation according to the regional list. As part of the implementation of the “School of Literate Consumer” project in 2018, the “Bright Entrance” campaign, the annual All-Russian campaign “International Neighbors Day”, “Day of open doors management companies”, a press conference was held in Sochi on the implementation of an integrated waste management system in the resort, and the “Brighter Together” festival was held in Krasnodar. “The School of Literate Consumer project is aimed at providing assistance in solving such current issues, such as protecting the rights of consumers of housing and utility services, increasing the legal literacy of citizens, building relationships with managers and resource-supplying organizations, resolving neighborhood conflicts, teaching the population the basics of the Housing Code,” emphasized Sergei Chabanets, regional coordinator of the party project, member of the Party faction in the ZSK. Party project “Culture small Motherland“includes 3 areas: “Local House of Culture”, “Theatres of Small Towns” and “Theaters for Children”. Total funding for activities in 2018 amounted to 78.8 million rubles, including from the federal budget - 54.8 million rubles, regional - 17.3 million rubles, municipal - 6.7 million rubles. According to the chairman of the regional public council of the party project, the rector of Krasnodar state institute culture of Sergei Zengin, this year 50 Houses of Culture from 17 municipalities, 3 children’s theaters and 2 theaters in the direction of “Theatres of Small Towns” will take part in the “Culture of the Small Motherland” project. “It is very significant that rural culture, national traditions are being revived in Kuban, and the regional leadership is ready to allocate funds to co-finance such projects,” noted Sergei Zengin. Regional coordinator of the party project “Historical Memory”, member of the Party faction in the ZSK Dmitry Lebedev focused on the issues of popularizing the cultural heritage of Kuban. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of preserving cultural and national identity, traditional folk life for the present and future of our region. Dmitry Lebedev also spoke about what measures are being taken in Kuban to popularize cultural heritage within the framework of the law “On state policy in the field of preservation and development of traditional folk culture in the Krasnodar Territory.” “Patriotism is important to understand as love for the Motherland, the concept of duty, pride in the past and faith in the future. Patriotic work must be done on specific examples, such as the work of search teams, work in archives, patriotic actions,” noted Dmitry Lebedev. The “Safe Roads” party project achieved the main goal of the “Road to School” campaign - problem areas were taken under control by local authorities and regional plans for 2019 to bring areas to standard were adjusted in accordance with the project’s comments. Previously, the party project “Safe Roads” held a special event dedicated to the beginning of school year the “Road to School” campaign, during which road safety near educational institutions was checked. Regional coordinator of the party project “Safe Roads”, member of the Party faction in the Legislative Assembly of the region, Andrei Kuemzhiev, spoke about the progress of the implementation of actions within the framework of the party project. “Issues of child safety on the roads are relevant at any time of the year. Children should know how to behave correctly on the roadway. To do this, as part of a party project, together with representatives of the traffic police, we are conducting open lessons in kindergartens and schools. An important aspect of road safety is the observance of traffic rules by drivers. And also the timely elimination of shortcomings on the roads, which should ultimately lead to a reduction in the level of child injuries and deaths on the roads,” said Andrey Kuemzhiev. Issues of family influence on the development of children and adolescents, family prevention of neglect, social orphanhood and juvenile delinquency are always under close public attention. The party project “Strong Family” is designed to attract attention to solving family problems by implementing the practice of specific cases. “A large list of social support measures exists today for families. We try to attract as often as possible public organizations and volunteers to provide assistance various categories families with children,” said the regional coordinator of the party project, United Russia MP Tatyana Roy. The regional coordinator also noted that very important role plays a role in holding competitions, charity events and other events for children and families with children during the successful implementation of the party project. Tatyana Stupko, regional coordinator and chairman of the board of the Krasnodar regional branch of the international public foundation “Russian Peace Foundation”, made a report on the implementation of the party project “Older Generation”. “Issues of social support for the older generation are a priority. Events are constantly held as part of the party project various directions for the elderly, veterans. Our task is to create conditions for their full life and well-being. This is precisely the goal that United Russia sets for itself,” noted Tatyana Stupko. The Krasnodar Territory has accumulated positive experience in protecting the legal rights and interests of the older generation. Party project activists regularly provide social, everyday and legal assistance to veterans and pensioners who find themselves in difficult life situations. Social events are held, such as “I’m going to the veteran”, as well as the largest patriotic action “Immortal Regiment”, in which tens of thousands of Kuban residents take part every year.

About 90 million rubles will be allocated for the transition of Kuban to digital television

Preliminary calculations were announced by the deputy head of the region’s information policy department, Maria Kurdyukova, at a meeting in the ZSK. According to her, a list of those outside the digital coverage area has already been compiled. settlements, a bill has been developed on additional measures social support for certain categories of citizens in connection with the transition to digital television and radio broadcasting. Kurdyukova noted that the draft law is now at the approval stage in all relevant departments. “According to preliminary estimates, the regional budget needs to provide 89.7 million rubles for these events,” she said. According to the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Development of the region Alexei Golik, 79 thousand low-income families are currently applying for subsidies from the region. Of these, 3 thousand families live in areas where, due to the difficult terrain, there is no satellite dishes not enough. A survey is being conducted among these categories of citizens, the main question of which concerns the year of manufacture of the TV, the ZSK press service reported. “People who bought a set-top box in 2018 and who purchased it in 2019 should be in equal conditions receiving a lump sum payment. Low-income residents of the region should not bear this burden of expenses,” said First Deputy Speaker of the Kuban Parliament Nikolai Gritsenko.

United Russia proposed indexing pensions for pensioners-guardians

The issue of supporting retired adoptive parents was raised at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin by the head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, Sergei Neverov. In addition, the parliamentarian discussed with the head of state the problem of accessibility of high-quality domestic medicines. At the traditional year-ending meeting with the head of state, the leaders of parliamentary factions have the opportunity to identify topics that are relevant to their voters. One of the problems that Sergei Neverov spoke about with the President concerns the pension provision of retired foster parents. The deputy drew the attention of the head of state to the current problem: according to the current legislation, people who take children into care receive remuneration from the state as foster parents, that is, they are actually considered to be working, even if they are pensioners. At the same time, as workers, their old-age insurance pension is not indexed. According to Sergei Neverov, this is unfair, especially considering the fact that the remuneration from the state that guardians receive is small. Sometimes it’s only three or four thousand, the deputy clarified. "U non-working pensioners next year the indexation amount will average 1,000 rubles. That is, pensioners who become foster parents are deprived of a significant increase in their income,” Sergei Neverov drew the attention of the head of state and asked Vladimir Putin to instruct the Government to work on this issue. He assured that the deputies are also ready to join in his decision. In addition, following the meeting, the President instructed the government to more carefully study the problem of providing the population with affordable domestic medicines, this issue was also raised at the meeting by Sergei Neverov.

There will be no new government large quantity new faces. Most likely, the Cabinet of Ministers will again be headed by Dmitry Medvedev.

The government may include heads of state corporations, and presidential assistant Andrei Belousov may become the first deputy prime minister.

It is possible that Alexei Kudrin will return to power.

It is likely that Igor Shuvalov, Arkady Dvorkovich, Dmitry Rogozin, Vladimir Medinsky and some other officials will leave the government.

On Monday, May 7, the official inauguration ceremony of President Vladimir Putin, who has been elected for a fourth term, will take place. After the inauguration, the government will resign, and, in accordance with the law, a new cabinet must be formed within two weeks.

On Friday, May 4, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that exact date nominating a new prime minister is “the exclusive prerogative of the President of Russia.” There is no reliable information about what the composition and structure of the new government will be.

Dmitry Peskov answered questions from Gazeta.Ru about candidates for the post of prime minister, about possible “losses” in the government and appointments to key posts: “it’s still okay to ask such questions.”

There is no answer even to the question of what will be published first: the presidential decree on national development goals until 2024 (it is being prepared by the head of the presidential administration, Anton Vaino) or the name of the new prime minister.

Against the background of complete absence official information“Kremlin experts”, as well as numerous sources, are giving out more and more new versions of resignations and appointments. Political scientists have reached a consensus on some positions.

Fourth term prime minister

Dmitry Medvedev, it seems, will retain the post of prime minister. In an interview with the Rossiya-1 TV channel on April 28, he made it clear that the government had generally fulfilled the tasks set by the head of state. That is, it worked well, and why leave then?

Secondly, Medvedev clearly stated: “Of course, I am not going to go on vacation yet. I am ready to work and will work where I can bring the maximum benefit to my country.”

The maximum benefit is precisely the post of prime minister, not counting the post of president. And now it’s really too early for him to rest. For example, it’s time to implement pension reform. Medvedev said that the authorities are on the verge of legislative discussions on raising the retirement age.

Finally, Medvedev invited former US President Barack Obama to look at the Russian economy “torn to shreds” as a result of the imposition of sanctions. The invitation to come to Russia suggests that Medvedev is inviting not as a private person, but as a prime minister.

Factions in the State Duma are already preparing for a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev as a candidate for the post of Prime Minister of Russia, RIA Novosti reported on May 4, citing a source in parliament.

Gazeta.Ru previously reported that, according to most sources in the government and the Kremlin, the current prime minister will retain his post.

One of the informed sources close to the Kremlin noted that Medvedev successfully structured work with the government for Putin. In addition, the emergence of a new prime minister would draw attention to him as a likely successor to the president in the 2024 elections, says another source familiar with the situation.

According to him, it is more logical to expect a repetition of the scheme tested at the end of Vladimir Putin’s second presidential term. Then, de facto, two deputy prime ministers competed for the right to become a successor: Sergei Ivanov and Dmitry Medvedev.

If such a scenario is used this time, the deputy prime ministers will come under more scrutiny than the prime minister himself.

Where will the president send

If everything is more or less clear with the prime minister (although in reality the president can easily propose another candidate), then with the deputy prime ministers it is much more interesting. According to sources, several deputies will leave the government at once.

In particular, we're talking about about Igor Shuvalov, who has been in the civil service since 1998, and has been working as first deputy for almost 10 years. Sources and experts are confident that Shuvalov will not be in the new government.

The media was named as one of the possible places works by Shuvalov Moscow State University. However, two facts speak against this version. The term of office of the current rector of Moscow State University, Viktor Sadovnichy, expires only at the end of 2019. In addition, Igor Shuvalov may not have sufficient qualifications to manage scientific community- the Deputy Prime Minister did not defend his doctoral dissertation and has the scientific title of Candidate of Legal Sciences.

The most “popular” replacement for Shuvalov is considered to be Presidential Assistant for Economic Affairs Andrei Belousov, who formerly headed the Ministry of Economic Development.

Throughout the last year, Belousov was busy preparing a six-year plan for the country’s socio-economic development for Putin, and in the spring, together with Anton Vaino, he worked on a decree defining “ national goals development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024.”

Shuvalov himself, in response to a direct question about his future, said that “I want to work where the president says,” adding that “I am happy with any job that the president gives.”

The plan provides for an increase in spending on healthcare, education and infrastructure by 10 trillion rubles, Bloomberg reported. Dmitry Peskov said that this figure does not correspond to reality. The head of the Accounts Chamber, Tatyana Golikova, estimated the cost of the plan at 8 trillion rubles. Belousov admitted that the “budget maneuver” was being worked out.

It is possible to increase spending on “human capital” and infrastructure by reducing spending on defense and national security, experts say. This process has already begun in Russia. The latest report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) recorded a 20% decline in defense spending in 2017.

"IN Russian army Large-scale work on technical and technological renewal has been carried out. This process is basically complete. And therefore, the peak of expenses for technological re-equipment has passed,” Peskov explained the decrease in expenses.

In addition, Belousov aimed to reduce poverty and create sustainable growth in real incomes of the population, which were declining in 2014-2017.

“This is an increase in real pensions, an increase in pensions above inflation, as the president said, and this is a halving of the poverty level by 2024. These are also very challenging goals, and they have to be achieved,” said the assistant to the head of state.

Contenders for management of the military-industrial complex

IN May holidays Information appeared in the media that Igor Sechin, head of Rosneft, could become deputy prime minister. The company quickly denied this rumor, saying that under the terms of the contract he was required to work for the company for another two years.

Sechin's return to office is also doubtful because "" - for the first time in its history - announced plans to carry out a buy-back of its shares for $2 billion. The program will begin in the second quarter and will last until the end of 2020.

Another “vice” is the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov. He will oversee industry and the military-industrial complex instead of Dmitry Rogozin. He, as well as Arkady Dvorkovich, who is responsible for the agricultural industry, will probably have to leave the cabinet.

A clear hint of Dvorkovich’s departure is contained in the arrest of co-owner of the Summa group Ziyavudin Magomedov, a classmate of the Deputy Prime Minister. The Magomedov brothers (Ziyavudin and Magomed) are suspected of theft, embezzlement and organizing a criminal community.

It is being discussed that Rogozin’s place could also be taken by the current Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, retaining the post of head of the defense department.

The Ministry of Armor, if Shoigu leaves it, may be headed by a governor Tula region Alexey Dyumin or Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation Sergei Surovikin.

Experts and the media paint good prospects for Denis Manturov - he can retain the post of head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and at the same time become Deputy Prime Minister.
The ex-minister is tipped to return

Alexey Kudrin, who previously served as head of the Ministry of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister, could also become deputy chairman of the government. Kudrin, who headed the Center for Strategic Research, was tasked with preparing a strategy for the country's development until 2024. The document was previously presented to the president, and in April of this year it was posted on the CSR website.

It is also likely that Kudrin may be tasked with creating and leading the Efficiency Center government controlled, who may report personally to the president. The ex-minister recently spoke with Dmitry Medvedev about how to modernize the state apparatus.

On Friday, May 4, the Center for Social Development presented the report “The State as a Platform,” which contains proposals for the government’s transition to digital. This will be dealt with by the same Center, which will be headed by the Deputy Prime Minister or Minister.

There is a significant obstacle to Kudrin's return to the government. Him difficult relationships with Dmitry Medvedev. In 2011, Medvedev, as president of the Russian Federation, fired Kudrin from the government after a series of careless statements by the latter.

An alternative to a position in the Cabinet is a position in the presidential administration. The British Financial Times, citing its sources, reported that “under Kudrin” they would create the position of representative of the head of state on international affairs. economic cooperation- to restore relations with the West.

Kudrin himself has not decided whether he is ready to return to the government or not. “I’m not going back anywhere and I haven’t commented on this topic for a long time. In my opinion, all these newspaper canards are ahead of the possible events that could happen,” he said. Representatives of Kudrin do not comment on rumors about his “comeback”.

Tolstoy as a mirror of Russian culture

The hottest debate in the media space arises around the figure of Vladimir Medinsky: will he be reappointed as Minister of Culture or not? There are many claims: from a doctoral dissertation allegedly compiled by Medinsky to corruption scandals and the creation of non-competitive conditions for film distributors.

And if he leaves, who will replace him? It is possible that this is Presidential Advisor on Cultural Affairs Vladimir Tolstoy. Or the creature of film director Nikita Mikhalkov - State Duma deputy Elena Yampolskaya. For the post of head of the Ministry of Culture, they are also wooing a candidate from the opposite ideological camp - the prime minister's press secretary, Natalya Timakova.

Rumor makers are “dismissing” the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva. She may return to the presidential administration, becoming an adviser on interfaith relations. The topic of her doctoral dissertation is “The Russian Orthodox Church in Politics Soviet state in 1943–1948."

Some experts “propose” dividing the ministry into two – education, as well as the ministry of science and new technologies. Science will receive a new lobbyist, although it is not a fact that more money will be allocated from the budget for innovation. There is a “ready” candidate for the position of Minister of Science.

On the list possible contenders for the post of head of the Ministry of Education - State Duma deputies Lyubov Dukhanina and Alena Arshinova and others. Among the “others,” the strong position is of Elena Shmeleva, director of the Sochi center “Sirius”, co-chair of the campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Putin.

The professional community is considering ex-Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, as well as General Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Svetlana Chupsheva, for the position of chief science officer.

After the tragedy in the Kemerovo shopping center “Winter Cherry,” the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, has the least chance of maintaining himself in the government. Doping scandals make the prospects of remaining in the government of Vitaly Mutko miserable. The crisis in the air transportation market caused by the bankruptcy of VIM-Avia will cost Maxim Sokolov the position of Minister of Transport. His place could be taken by the head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov, or the head of Aeroflot, Vitaly Savelyev.

The social bloc will most likely get a new leader. Olga Golodets’ “Vice Prime Minister’s” chair will be given to one of the “strong female leaders.” Sources talk about the head of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golikova, the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. Among the candidates there are also non-obvious people. For example, State Duma deputy Olga Batalina.

Only three positions remain relatively strong in the new Cabinet: Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, who is gaining weight, the smiling Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin, and the aksakal of the foreign policy department, 68-year-old Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The last of them will leave if only he asks for rest. Instead, sources predict Dmitry Peskov.

However, everyone knows that Putin rarely makes personnel appointments under pressure. public opinion and loves to give surprises. Old and new ministers will have to take on “unpopular” decisions - from raising the retirement age to introducing new taxes. This makes the prospects of the new cabinet to last the entire six years illusory.

After the Prime Minister’s proposal, Russian President Putin announced that he approves of the proposed candidates for deputy prime ministers and ministers, and he intends to sign a decree on the appointments on Friday. Hence, new line-up The Russian government will look like this.

Deputy Prime Ministers

Medvedev proposed the candidacy of Anton Siluanov for the post of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. It was proposed to appoint Tatyana Golikova, who previously served as head of the Accounts Chamber, as Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the social bloc.

Yuri Trutnev, according to Medvedev’s proposal, will retain the post of Deputy Prime Minister - Permanent Representative in the Far East Federal District. Alexey Gordeev will become another deputy prime minister. The positions of deputy prime ministers will also be held by Maxim Akimov, Olga Golodets, Yuri Borisov, Vitaly Mutko, Dmitry Kozak and Konstantin Chuychenko.

Previously, Medvedev voiced this planned distribution of responsibilities between his future deputies:

  • Siluanov, with the rank of First Deputy Prime Minister, will oversee the financial and economic block,
  • Golikova - social block,
  • Gordeev - agro-industrial complex,
  • Kozak - industry and energy,
  • Mutko - construction,
  • Borisov - military-industrial complex,
  • Golodets - culture and sports,
  • Akimov - digital economy, transport and communications,
  • Chuichenko is the chief of staff.


According to Medvedev’s proposal, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu, Justice Ministry Alexander Konovalov, Culture Ministry Vladimir Medinsky, Health Ministry Veronika Skvortsova, Internal Affairs Ministry Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Energy Ministry Alexander Novak will retain their posts in the new Russian government, according to Medvedev’s proposal.

Denis Manturov will retain the post of Minister of Industry and Trade, and Pavel Kolobkov - Minister of Sports. Medvedev suggested that Putin reappoint Maxim Oreshkin to the post of head of the Ministry of Economic Development, and Maxim Topilin to the post of Minister of Labor and Social Protection.

Dmitry Patrushev will become Minister of Agriculture. Ex-governor will become Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev. It was proposed to appoint Evgeny Zinichev to the post of head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Medvedev also suggested that the President appoint Olga Vasilyeva as Minister of Education, and to the post of Minister of Science and higher education nominated Mikhail Kotyukov.

It was proposed to appoint a governor of Yamalo-Nenets as the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources in the new Cabinet Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin. Evgeny Dietrich has been proposed for the post of head of the Ministry of Transport, the Governor of the Amur Region Alexander Kozlov has been proposed for the post of head of the Ministry of Eastern Development, for the post of Minister of Affairs North Caucasus— Sergey Chebotarev.

President's assessment

The President approved Medvedev’s proposal for a new composition of the Cabinet and said that on Friday he would sign a decree on appointments. The head of state noted that he and the prime minister had already preliminary discussed all the candidates in the morning.

“People are well-known, have good work experience, and have proven themselves well,” Putin noted.

The President instructed to quickly resolve issues related to replacing officials leaving their posts.

“Okay, we’ll definitely do this. In the near future we will introduce all the new ministers to the teams of their ministries,” Medvedev replied.

Diagnosis of the Prime Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers

“The president has just finally formed a government... It’s capable, we can work, so we are making contact,” Medvedev said after a meeting with President Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The first meeting of the new government of the Russian Federation will be held early next week, before the opening of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (), the Prime Minister's press secretary Natalya Timakova told reporters.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will present Vladimir Putin with a list of candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers. "" found out who they are - the new ministers.

Key decision

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvede today, May 18, will present the list of personal composition of the Cabinet of Ministers to Russian President Vladimir Putin for consideration. If he approves the proposals, appointment decrees will be signed on the same day. The day before the official announcement, TASS reported that the entire social bloc would retain their posts.

The Ministry of Education and Science was divided into two ministries. Olga Vasilyeva, according to the agency, will remain the Minister of Education and will be responsible for school and secondary specialized education. Who will become the Minister of Science is still a mystery.

Maxim Topilin, as before, the Minister of Labor, Veronika Skvortsova - Health. It's all a team Olga Golodets, which will now oversee sports and culture. Will be the main one in the social block Tatiana Golikova. I wonder how her relationship with the old ministers will develop - she and Golodets adhere to different views. By the way, Golikova more than once criticized the Ministry of Health under Skvortsova.

The agro-industrial complex will most likely be supervised Alexey Gordeev, industry and energy will be engaged Dmitry Kozak, and the construction industry - Vitaly Mutko.

If we summarize everything that the media previously wrote, the picture is as follows: together with the social bloc, it seems that Denis Manturov, Sergei Shoigu, Sergei Lavrov and Vladimir Medinsky will retain their posts. Alexander Tkachev, Maxim Sokolov and the portfolioless Mikhail Abyzov will leave the cabinet.

Changes are not easy

The State Duma accepted the voluntary resignation of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber (CA) Tatyana Golikova, who held this post since 2013. Tatyana Golikova was moved while summing up the results of her tenure in the State Duma. “It’s difficult to say... In conclusion, I want to say that I am grateful to the auditors and the team of the Accounts Chamber,” she noted. The deputies supported her words with applause.


These are clearly defined technocratic ministers. That is why they did not create a large anti-rating for themselves. These are the ministers who will carry out the line that is outlined to them by their superior leadership. Therefore, they will most likely fit into the strategic line that Golikov will pursue to consolidate budgets. And if they try to pursue their line, then from a purely hardware point of view they will not be able to seriously resist Golikova.

Pavel Salin, Director of the Center for Political Science Research, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

It would be logical that those blocs that have now strengthened in executive power, have also intensified in the presidential administration, so that, for example, he has not an adviser, but an assistant on the digital economy, although he was one and this topic is supervised by Igor Shchegolev. It is unlikely that he will stop overseeing this topic. The theme of science may be strengthened, there will be an assistant not only in education, but also in science, especially since Fursenko is already at the age limit, perhaps he will leave.

Grigory Dobromelov, Director of the Institute of Applied Political Research

Proposals for the personnel composition of the future Cabinet, and at the same time consider the issue of raising the retirement age. Which, in fact, was agreed upon earlier on Tuesday, when Medvedev handed over to the head of state a draft decree on the structure of the new government.

On this moment structural changes in highest body executive branch approved. New office ministers will be somewhat different from before. But these changes can hardly be called revolutionary.

The Ministry of Education and Science was divided into the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Ministry of Communications and information technologies transformed into the Ministry of Digital Development. That is, the government will no longer have 21 ministries, but 22.

The number of deputy prime ministers will also increase - there will be 10 of them. The post of first deputy prime minister will appear - the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Defense remain directly subordinate to the president.

It was reported that the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry will most likely retain his posts Sergey Lavrov and the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu. The rest of the personnel composition of the Cabinet of Ministers is still an open question.

Meanwhile, Russian citizens are already giving these people a certain credit of trust, assessing their future work with cautious, so to speak, optimism.

This is evidenced by the results of a survey by VTsIOM, during which sociologists not only found out the respondents’ opinions about the work of Medvedev’s old team. But we also became acquainted with the expectations from the activities of the new government.

Actually, the overwhelming majority of Russians know that Dmitry Medvedev has again headed the Cabinet of Ministers - 86%. At the same time, more than two-thirds of citizens (71%) characterize him as competent and smart person. And every second (49%) believes that Dmitry Medvedev managed to assemble a team around him that can be trusted. 33% of respondents disagree with this.

spoke positively about the work of the Cabinet of Ministers in last years 54% of respondents. But more than a third (38%) essentially gave it a “failure.” Apparently those who do not agree with raising the retirement age.

As for expectations, the dominant response is the idea that the work of the new government will not differ significantly from the work of the previous one - 49%.

37% of respondents believe that it will improve efficiency. And another 3% see the future exclusively in a black light.

The director of the Center for the Study of Crisis Society, deputy head of the Department of Public Policy at Moscow State University named after M.V. asked to comment on the results of the VTsIOM “SP” survey. Lomonosov Maxim Vilisova:

— It’s difficult to talk about the objectivity of the result when you don’t know the clear criteria by which the work of Medvedev’s Cabinet was assessed in the previous period. We remember that it was a very difficult period - if we count from 2013. First, all the stories related to the mobilization under Olympic Games. Then sanctions and conflict with the West. A very difficult process of stabilizing the Russian economy.

Therefore, if we evaluate the activities of the Medvedev government based on the tasks that were set for this government in 2012, then, of course, it deserves only a negative assessment. Because the goals that were set, one way or another, were not achieved, or were not fully achieved. You can talk a lot about the May Decrees, and about many other things...

But if we take into account that this was a state that worked in crisis conditions, in conditions of very high uncertainty, then, of course, we should rather give a positive assessment. Because, despite the very severe external pressure - both economic and political - this government still did not allow any serious failures, catastrophic phenomena in the economy and in social sphere. Moreover, maneuvers in terms of import substitution (individual) can be called generally positive.

Therefore, there is an inaccuracy in the evaluation criterion; it still allows for such a large scatter.

Now, if we had asked to separately evaluate, so to speak, the anti-crisis potential of this government, separately the quality of achieving certain strategic objectives, then, I think, the assessments would have been more accurate.

It’s just that people, as a rule, use, so to speak, different “filters” for this assessment, and therefore gave directly opposite characteristics. Again, it cannot be ignored that respondents may have some political differences.

Another thing is that for many experts and observers the question of an alternative remains open: if not the Medvedev government, then what kind of government, with what characteristics? Even without personal names - who exactly is the prime minister and who is his team?

On this issue, it seems to me, there is even less agreement. And specifics too.

Therefore, based on a combination of factors (and this is confirmed by real politics - the reappointment of Medvedev as chairman of the government that occurred), he now, in fact, has no alternative.

“SP”: — Perhaps we just don’t know about it?

- The point is different. The fact is that political forces that could play for a long time, in the strategic period, are simply not ready to take on the risks of this work in such a complex, tense, burdened international conflicts situations. You can quickly discredit yourself.

Well, plus we really have a shortage of strategic vision and some strategic projects for our country. At least, I cannot now name a single group, oppositional or integrated into the elite, that could now responsibly and systematically voice and propose such a project.

Therefore, maintaining the status quo is, so to speak, the lesser evil.

“SP”: — But with this “moderate optimism” of 37%, how can we make a breakthrough in development, which the president spoke about as the most important task of society?

- And there are many more questions here. Firstly, how can we now assess, so to speak, the ability of the new government and its potential effectiveness if we do not know the composition of this government? We know the head of government. And some personnel proposals that he previously voiced.

"SP": - We know how many deputy prime ministers there will be, and we know that Mutko will remain...

- This information cannot give us anything. But I can assume that, in principle, Medvedev’s personality as prime minister does not exclude the possibility of forming a breakthrough government. He always stood up for modernization and was always morally and professionally ready to carry out modernization projects.

At the same time, again, his personal characteristics allow us to hope that the breakthrough will not be associated with great risks and any sudden movements. Because he still has a reputation as a fairly balanced person, who makes balanced decisions and is able to reach a compromise.

But whether this will be a government of a breakthrough, or a government of, so to speak, further stabilization, will become clear not even based on its personnel. But still, probably, on some first decisions in the strategic plan, financial, structural. I think it’s difficult to talk about this now.

Conventionally, on the political level, the president has set goals - both in the Address and in the new May Decree. But then everything will depend on what tools, what specific activities can be used to achieve them.

And then, we must keep in mind that any, even very positive activity of any, even the most professional composition of the Russian government, in modern conditions can very easily be neutralized by the activities of our opponents - Western countries.

"SP": - How?

— The problem is that the Russian economy, in principle, continues to remain quite sensitive to the international situation, to the pressure on its financial system and its economic system on the part of the United States, first of all, and its allies, especially if they act in a coalition.

Therefore, as long as the dependence of the Russian economy on the global and on the Western economy continues, the activities of any government may always turn out to be ineffective due to the action of a geopolitical factor that is uncontrollable for us.

In this sense, the task of the new government will be extremely difficult. This caused a certain delay, I think, in terms of announcing its composition.

And, in my opinion, this composition will not be particularly stable even in the short term. I foresee that changes there will occur quite often. And, in principle, it would be logical to expect that this rotation, including a vertical one, will have a character.

"SP": - What do you mean?

— We have a generation of young technocrats to manage the regions. Now, if these people can quickly show some success in regional level, then it would be logical to give them the opportunity to move higher. Moreover, many came to the regions precisely from federal structures.

CEO Institute of Regional Problems Dmitry Zhuravlev, in turn, drew attention to the rather high assessment that Russian citizens gave Medvedev’s team:

— The government is an enchanted place. And the prime minister is never popular. Because he is the main business executive - he is responsible for all pensions, all salaries, living standards... and other joys of our life.

And the fact that half of those surveyed give a positive assessment is very good. That's a lot, really. Moreover, the standard of living, frankly speaking, has not increased in recent years. It is growing a little only this year - the only one.

Therefore, it is natural that those many whose standard of living has fallen are unlikely to evaluate the government's performance positively. Most people are not masochists. There are few masochists; you cannot make a sociological majority of them.

As for the future, partly, of course, there are simply optimists. But people also cannot be constant pessimists. A person always hopes for something, regardless of whether the benefits are possible or impossible. And even if you don’t believe in it, you want to believe in it.

“SP”: — Some personalities of the new government are already known. I was surprised by the “unsinkability” of Sports Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko, who will now oversee the construction sector... Where can optimism come from here?

— The problem is not with an individual character. And in the majority.

Another question is that, in general, the composition of the government is not being approved for the breakthrough that the president spoke about. This is a government of stability. Not because this is good or bad, it’s just that this is a government that will consist mainly of the same people who were there the first time. You can separately talk about why... But this is so.

On the other hand, in the richest country in the world there is always an opportunity for a breakthrough. And in order to implement it, we need to increase the concentration of resources, increase management efficiency and increase the efficiency of using these resources.

Because it's not that we don't have enough money. The problem is that we don’t always know where we spend it.

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