Specificity, varieties of professional ethics. The concept and types of professional ethics

Every kind of human professional activity correspond to certain types professional ethics with their own special features:

Professional ethics regulates the relationship of people in business communication. Professional ethics are based on certain principles and norms, which are determined to bear additional responsibility associated with professional duties.

Norm - This basis of high professionalism. Professional moral norms are guiding principles, rules, samples, standards, the order of internal self-regulation of a person based on ideals.

The main norms of professional ethics that should be inherent in all employees in the field of social and cultural services and tourism, regardless of where their workplace is located:

Attentiveness, courtesy;

Endurance, patience, self-control;

Good manners and culture of speech;

The ability to avoid conflict situations, and if they arise, to successfully resolve them, respecting the interests of both parties;

Courtesy, courtesy;

cordiality, benevolence;

- tact, restraint;

Self-criticism towards oneself;

Willingness to respond quickly, keeping in the area of ​​attention several people or different operations that are carried out in the service process;

The ability to stay calm and friendly even after serving a capricious client or a busy shift;

Ability to avoid customer dissatisfaction and conflicts;

Respect the right of every person to rest and leisure;

Maintain professional reputation;

Promote the development of domestic and international tourism;

Accept fair claims to their activities;

Respect the moral values ​​and cultural standards of people, do not allow statements that offend the national, religious or moral feelings of a person.

We list the unacceptable norms of behavior and personal qualities that are incompatible with the professional ethics of the sphere of social and cultural services and tourism:

Rudeness, tactlessness, inattention, callousness;

Dishonesty, hypocrisy;

Theft, greed, selfishness;

Talkativeness, disclosure of private information about clients, discussion with anyone of their shortcomings and weaknesses;

Intransigence, the desire to take over the client, to subordinate his interests to his own.

Should not strive for in order to remake or re-educate customers during the service - they need to be accepted as they are. Serious mistakes of novice workers in the field of social and cultural services and tourism are often associated with resentment, with excessive ethical requirements in relation to customers, which indicates the personal vulnerability of the nature of such workers.

In the field of social and cultural services and tourism the importance of ethical standards is felt not only in the interaction of workers with consumers, but also workers among themselves. At the enterprise, the moral climate is of particular importance, where there are no conflicts, there are no humiliated, irritated, indifferent people, but everyone treats each other with respect and attention. It is important to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance in the team, the ability of employees to work together, as well as in special service groups (in a team).

Also, ethical standards in relationships with partners and colleagues include:

Maintain professional unity;

Cares about the prestige of the profession;

Maintain the standard of service relations;

Respect the right of colleagues to a reasoned refusal.

All this helps to achieve a common goal: to achieve effective customer service.

To unethical actions A specialist with clear violations of the law include falsification of documents sent by government regulatory agencies, embezzlement of funds, racial discrimination and sexual harassment in the work environment.

Principles are abstract, generalized ideas that enable those who rely on them to correctly shape their behavior, their actions in business area. The principles are universal.

An employee of the service sector must observe the following principles in his work:

1. The main ethical principle is principle of humanism, meaning the recognition of a person as the highest value, faith in a person, his ability to improve, the demand for freedom and protection of the dignity of the individual, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe human right to happiness, that satisfaction of the needs and interests of the individual should be the ultimate goal of society. The humanistic principle contains the oldest normative moral requirement, called " Golden Rule".

It is formulated in a positive form: "do towards others as you would like them to do towards you", or in a negative form: "do not act ...", etc. In a Russian proverb, it received such an interpretation: "what you do not like in others, do not do it yourself." The "Golden Rule" contains the humanistic idea of ​​the equality of all people. It means the right and duty of the individual to take responsibility for their actions, contributes to the development of the desire to put oneself in the place of another.

2. The principle of impartiality in relation to the client and the desire for objectivity in making various decisions.

3. The principle of focusing on the client, taking care of him.

4. The principle of precise performance of professional duties.

5. The principle of showing respect for one's profession and for people with whom one has to come into contact in the performance of professional duties.

6. The principle of striving to improve their professional activities.

7. The principle of confidentiality, non-disclosure personal information obtained in the course of professional activity.

8. The principle of avoiding potential and obvious conflicts between employees, with management and especially with the client.

9. Principle tolerance, i.e. tolerance.

These principles in the field of professional ethics help to successfully solve problems in a professional environment.

The Internet provides us with a list of the main principles of professional ethics, let's consider it in more detail:

Their work should be carried out professionally, strictly in accordance with the assigned authority;

In work, one cannot be guided by one's personal likes and dislikes; one should always observe objectivity;

When dealing with personal data of customers or other persons, companies should always comply with the strictest confidentiality;

In their work, one should not allow the emergence of off-duty relationships with clients or colleagues, managers or subordinates;

You should observe the principle of collegiality and not discuss your colleagues or subordinates in the presence of clients, partners or other persons;

It is impossible to allow a disruption of an already accepted order by refusing it in favor of another (more profitable) order;

Invalid discrimination clients, partners, colleagues or subordinates based on gender, race, age or any other characteristic.

In the textbook Solonitsina A.A. "Professional ethics and etiquette" lists the following professional ethical principles:

Essence of the first principle comes from the so-called gold standard: “Within the framework of your official position, never allow in relation to your subordinates, to management, to colleagues of your official position, never to allow in relation to your subordinates, to management, to colleagues of your official level, to clients and etc. actions that you would not want to see in relation to yourself.

Second principle: justice is needed in providing employees with the resources necessary for their official activities (cash, raw materials, material, etc.).

Third principle requires mandatory correction of an ethical violation, regardless of when and by whom it was committed.

Fourth principle- the principle of maximum progress: official behavior and actions of an employee are recognized as ethical if they contribute to the development of the organization (or its divisions) from a moral point of view.

Fifth principle- the principle of minimum progress, according to which the actions of an employee or organization as a whole are ethical, if they at least do not violate ethical standards.

Sixth principle: ethical is the tolerant attitude of the employees of the organization to the moral principles, traditions, etc. that take place in other organizations, regions, countries.

Eighth principle: individual and collective principles are equally recognized as the basis for the development and decision-making in business relations.

Ninth principle: you should not be afraid to have your own opinion when solving any official issues. However nonconformism* as a personality trait should be manifested within reasonable limits.

Tenth principle- no violence, i.e. “pressure” on subordinates, expressed in various forms, for example, in an orderly, command manner of conducting an official conversation.

Eleventh principle- constancy of impact, expressed in the fact that ethical standards can be introduced into the life of the organization not by a one-time order, but only with the help of ongoing efforts on the part of both the manager and ordinary employees.

Twelfth Principle- upon impact (on the team, individual worker, on the consumer, etc.) take into account the strength of possible counteraction. The fact is that, recognizing the value and necessity of ethical norms in theory, many workers, faced with them in practical everyday work, for one reason or another, begin to oppose them.

Thirteenth Principle consists in the expediency of advancing with trust - a sense of responsibility of the employee, to his competence, to a sense of duty, etc.

Fourteenth Principle strongly recommends striving for non-conflict. Although the conflict in the business sphere has not only dysfunctional, but also functional consequences, nevertheless, conflict is a fertile ground for ethical violations.

Fifteenth Principle- freedom that does not restrict the freedom of others; usually this principle, although in an implicit form, is due to job descriptions.

Sixteenth Principle: the employee must not only act ethically himself, but also promote the same behavior of his colleagues.

Seventeenth principle: don't criticize your competitor. This means not only a competing organization, but also an “internal competitor” - a team of another department, a colleague in which one can “see” a competitor.

These principles should serve as the basis for the development by each employee of any company, organization of their own personal ethical system.

The original category of professional ethics is the category called professional duty. In this concept, the official duties of a teacher, doctor, and official are clearly and in detail fixed. It is the awareness of one's professional duty that prompts one to specialize not so much in personal as in public interests. Give up your time to duty, solve intractable issues in the interests of others. The concept of "professional duty" is connected with the concept of "professional responsibility".

Professional duty, supported by professional responsibility, prescribes the behavior of a specialist in different situations, is fixed in the codes of a particular profession.

Professional conscience, which helps to look at the content, the results of labor from the standpoint of universal moral values.

Professional justice, which is important for a teacher, for an official, for a judge. Justice must be present between employees. Injustice causes great harm to both a person and society: it negatively affects the results of a particular type of activity.

Professional honor and professional dignity. Professional honor - an assessment of the significance of a particular profession is expressed. The role of representatives of this profession in a complex system public relations. The teacher must think not only about personal prestige, but also about how not to humiliate the authority of his profession in the eyes of public opinion, because without authority it is impossible for anyone to fulfill his destiny. A deep awareness of the importance of one's profession by each individual, each person, is the essence of professional dignity. Complement each other and stimulate the achievement of a certain professional activity.

Types of professional ethics - these are those specific features of professional activity that are aimed directly at a person in certain conditions of his life and activity in society.

Ethics reflects the diversity of moral norms, reveals the versatility of professional moral relations.

Professional moral standards - these are rules, patterns, the order of internal regulation of the personality on the basis of ethical ideals.

The main types of professional ethics are: medical ethics, pedagogical ethics, ethics of a scientist, actor, artist, entrepreneur, journalist, engineer, etc.

Today there are a significant number of ethical codes. They are developed in the business environment, in the field of trade, for workers in the military industries. There are also codes of ethics for employees of international organizations (for example, museums), societies (for example, the Red Cross), international professional associations. They are international.

Code of ethics of the Russian doctor, adopted in 1994 by the Association of Russian Doctors, reveals medical ethics: the relationship between a doctor and a patient in personal contacts, the influence of a doctor's personal qualities on his activities, the doctor's guarantees not to harm his patient. Morality and ethical behavior are revealed in the Hippocratic Oath.

Professional ethics of a journalist reveals the issues of professional and moral relations with colleagues, the influence of the institutionally organized society of journalists on his behavior, the reasons and boundaries of the corporation's interference in his behavior.

Economic ethics is a set of norms of behavior for employees of the business environment, reveals the requirements of a developed society for the style of work of an entrepreneur, what should be the social appearance and style of communication between business participants.

Economic ethics is formed under the influence of the formation of market relations, ambiguous historical traditions, a wide range of manifestations of mass consciousness, criteria for a person's moral attitude to work.

Business etiquette is part of economic ethics.

Business Etiquette are the rules of conduct business man facilitating mutual understanding of people in the process of communication.

It is associated with the traditions and historical conditions of a particular country.

Business etiquette helps to create the image of a business, company, person. Organizations with a high image have the best economic results of financial and economic activities. It is pleasant and convenient to work with them, because through etiquette a comfortable psychological climate has been created that promotes business contacts.

Code of Ethics for Employees social sphere, adopted by the Interregional Association of Social Workers in 1994, reveals the norms of morality in social services associated with the specifics of the job. The moral and ethical standards of social service workers play a special role due to the fact that their professional activity is to help specific people, families, and relevant social groups.

In this regard, the code of ethics identifies special qualities that should be formed in social worker: tolerance, politeness, decency, emotional stability; personal adequacy of self-esteem. The social worker must have and develop a sense of dignity, duty and justice, respect the feelings of another person, be kind. You also need to have teaching skills. Compliance with experts social work ethical standards warns Negative consequences social service.

The principles of ethics of a social worker include responsibility to the client, to the profession and colleagues, to society.

Currently, the types of professional ethics are formulated in ethical codes, which can be represented by the standards of individual organizations (corporate codes) or the rules governing relations within the whole industry (professional codes).

For example, in a number of cases, the ethics of a doctor is possible if there is an appropriate ethics of the patient, and the ethics of a teacher - the ethics of students. Necessary professional and human qualities Ethics is a philosophical science whose object of study is morality. Having arisen as a manifestation of everyday moral consciousness, professional ethics then developed on the basis of a generalized practice of the behavior of representatives of each professional group. Professionalism as a moral personality trait Professional ethics3 is a combination ...

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In the conditions of the modern information society, the most important component of the education of any specialist, which determines the "philosophy" of the profession, creates the prerequisites for its popularity and determines the prestige of any organization, enterprise, firm, becomes professionalism, which is inconceivable without professional ethics.

Currently, partnerships are being actively organized in the field of the implementation of professional ethics, since the actions of specialists increasingly affect the interests of specific people. So, for example, in a number of cases, the ethics of a doctor is possible if there is an appropriate ethics of the patient, and the ethics of a teacher - the ethics of students. Culture of behavior modern man V different situations also involves the ethics of the client, viewer, reader, pedestrian, visitor, etc.

The purpose of this work is to study the concept of ethics and types of professional ethics, to consider professionalism as a moral trait of a person.

The goal is specified by solving the following tasks:

  • The concept of etiquette
  • Types of professional ethics.

Ethics - philosophical science, object

the study of which is morality.

  1. The concept of etiquette

The established norms of morality are the result of a long process of establishing relationships between people. Without observance of these norms, political, economic, cultural relations are impossible, because it is impossible to exist without respecting each other, without imposing certain restrictions on oneself.

Etiquette 1 - a word of French origin, meaning a manner of behavior. It includes the rules of courtesy and politeness adopted in society.

Modern etiquette inherits the customs of almost all peoples, from antiquity to the present day. At their core, these rules of conduct are universal, since they are observed by representatives not only of a given society, but also by representatives of the most diverse socio-political systems that exist in modern world. The peoples of each country make their own amendments and additions to etiquette, due to social order country, the specifics of its historical structure, national traditions and customs.

As the conditions of human life change, the growth of formations and culture, some rules of behavior are replaced by others. What used to be considered indecent becomes generally accepted, and vice versa. But the requirements of etiquette are not absolute: their observance depends on the place, time and circumstances. Behavior that is unacceptable in one place and under one circumstance may be appropriate in another place and under other circumstances.

The norms of etiquette, in contrast to the norms of morality, are conditional, they are in the nature of an unwritten agreement about what is generally accepted in people's behavior and what is not. Every cultured person should not only know and observe the basic norms of etiquette, but also understand the need for certain rules and relationships. Manners largely reflect the internal culture of a person, his moral and intellectual qualities. The ability to behave correctly in society is of great importance: it facilitates the establishment of contacts, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates good, stable relationships.

It should be noted that a tactful and well-mannered person behaves in accordance with the norms of etiquette, not only at official ceremonies, but also at home. Genuine politeness, which is based on benevolence, is determined by tact, a sense of proportion, suggesting what can and cannot be done under certain circumstances. Such a person will never violate public order, will not offend another by word or deed, will not offend his dignity.

So etiquette 2 - a very large and important part of the universal culture, morality, morality, developed over many centuries of life by all peoples in accordance with their ideas of goodness, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture; about beauty, order, improvement, everyday expediency - in the field of material culture.

  1. The origin of professional ethics

To find out the origin of professional ethics is to trace the relationship of moral requirements with the division of social labor and the emergence of a profession. Aristotle, then Comte, Durkheim paid attention to these questions many years ago. They talked about the relationship between the division of social labor and the moral principles of society. For the first time the materialistic substantiation of these problems was given by K. Marx and F. Engels.

The emergence of the first professional and ethical codes refers to the period of the division of labor in the conditions of the formation of medieval workshops in the 11th-12th centuries. It was then that for the first time they state the presence in the shop charters of a number of moral requirements in relation to the profession, the nature of work, and partners in work.

However, a number of professions that are of vital importance for all members of society arose in ancient times, and therefore such professional and ethical codes as the Hippocratic Oath, the moral regulations of priests who performed judicial functions, are known much earlier.

The appearance of professional ethics in time preceded the creation of scientific ethical teachings, theories about it. Everyday experience, the need to regulate the relationship of people of a particular profession led to the realization and formalization of certain requirements of professional ethics.

Professional ethics, having arisen as a manifestation of everyday moral consciousness, then developed on the basis of a generalized practice of the behavior of representatives of each professional group. These generalizations were contained both in written and unwritten codes of conduct and in the form of theoretical conclusions. Thus, this indicates a transition from ordinary consciousness to theoretical consciousness in the sphere of professional morality. An important role in the formation and assimilation of the norms of professional ethics is played by public opinion. The norms of professional morality do not immediately become universally recognized, this is sometimes associated with a struggle of opinions. The relationship between professional ethics and public consciousness also exists in the form of tradition. Different types of professional ethics have their own traditions, which indicates the continuity of the basic ethical standards developed by representatives of a particular profession over the centuries.

  1. Professionalism as a moral personality trait

Professional ethics 3 is a set of moral norms that determine the attitude of a person to his professional duty.

The moral relations of people in the labor sphere are regulated by professional ethics. Society can function normally and develop only as a result of a continuous process of production of material and valuables.

Professional ethics studies:

Relations between labor collectives and each specialist individually;

Moral qualities, the personality of a specialist, which ensure the best performance of professional duty;

Relationships within professional teams, and those specific moral standards inherent in a given profession;

Features of professional education.

Professionalism and attitude to work are important characteristics of the moral character of a person. They are of paramount importance in the personal characteristics of the individual, but at various stages of historical development, their content and assessment varied significantly. In a class society, they were determined by the social inequality of the types of labor, the opposite of mental and physical labor, the presence of privileged and unprivileged professions. The class character of morality in the sphere of work is evidenced by a work written in the first third of the 2nd century BC. the Christian biblical book "The Wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach", in which there is a lesson on how to treat a slave: "feed, stick and burden - for the donkey; bread, punishment and deed - for the slave. Keep the slave busy and you will have peace loosen his hands and he will seek freedom. IN Ancient Greece physical labor in terms of value and significance was at the lowest rating. And in feudal society, religion regarded labor as a punishment for original sin, and paradise was presented as immortal life easily. Under capitalism, the alienation of workers from the means of production and the results of labor gave rise to two types of morality: predatory-predatory capitalist and collectivist-emancipatory of the working class, which also extended to the sphere of labor. F. Engels writes about this: "... every class and even profession has its own morality."

The situations in which people find themselves in the process of performing their professional tasks have a strong influence on the formation of professional ethics. In the process of labor, certain moral relations develop between people. They have a number of elements inherent in all types of professional ethics.

First, it is the attitude to social labor, to the participants in the labor process.

Secondly, these are the moral relations that arise in the area of ​​direct contact between the interests of professional groups with each other and with society.

Professional ethics is not a consequence of inequality in the degree of morality of various professional groups. It's just that society shows increased moral requirements for certain types of professional activity. Basically, these are professional areas in which the labor process itself requires the coordination of actions of all its participants. Particular attention is paid to the moral qualities of workers in the field that are associated with the right to dispose of people's lives. Here we are talking not only about the level of morality, but, first of all, about the proper performance of one's professional duties (these are professions from the service sector, transport, management, healthcare, education). The labor activity of people in these professions, more than any other, is not amenable to preliminary regulation, does not fit within the framework of official instructions. It is inherently creative. The peculiarities of the work of these professional groups complicate moral relations, and a new element is added to them: interaction with people - objects of activity. This is where moral responsibility becomes crucial. Society considers the moral qualities of an employee as one of the leading elements of his professional suitability. General moral standards should be specified in labor activity person, taking into account the specifics of his profession.

Thus, professional morality should be considered in unity with the generally accepted system of morality. Violation of the work ethic is accompanied by the destruction of general moral principles, and vice versa. The irresponsible attitude of an employee to professional duties poses a danger to others, harms society, and can ultimately lead to the degradation of the individual himself.

IN modern society the personal qualities of an individual begin with his business characteristics, attitude to work, level of professional suitability. All this determines the exceptional relevance of the issues that make up the content of professional ethics. Genuine professionalism is based on such moral norms as duty, honesty, exactingness towards oneself and one's colleagues, responsibility for the results of one's work.

  1. Types of professional ethics.

Types of professional ethics. Each kind of human professional activity corresponds to certain types of professional ethics with their own specific features. Ethics considers the moral qualities of a person, regardless of the mental mechanisms that stimulate the appearance of these qualities. The study of ethics shows the diversity, versatility of professional moral relations, moral norms.

Professional moral standards 4 - these are rules, patterns, the order of internal regulation of the personality on the basis of ethical ideals.

Medical ethics is set out in the "Russian Doctor's Code of Ethics", adopted in 1994 by the Association of Russian Doctors. Earlier, in 1971, the oath of the doctor of the Soviet Union was created. The idea of ​​a high moral character and a model of ethical behavior of a doctor is associated with the name of Hippocrates. Traditional medical ethics addresses the issue of personal contact and personal qualities of the doctor-patient relationship, as well as the doctor's guarantees not to harm a particular individual.

Biomedical ethics (bioethics) is a specific form of modern professional ethics of a doctor, it is a system of knowledge about the permissible limits of manipulating life and death of a person. Manipulation should be regulated morally. Bioethics is a form of defense of human biological life.

The main problem of bioethics: suicide, euthanasia, the definition of death, transplantology, experimentation on animals and humans, the relationship between doctor and patient, attitude towards mentally disabled people, the organization of hospices, childbearing (genetic engineering, artificial insemination, "surrogate" motherhood, abortion, contraception) . The goal of bioethics is to develop appropriate regulations for modern biomedical activity. In 1998, the Council on Biomedical Ethics was established under the Moscow Patriarchate with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II. It included well-known theologians, clergymen, doctors, scientists, lawyers.

The professional ethics of a journalist, like other types of professional ethics, began to form directly in labor activity. It manifested itself in the course of codifying those professional and moral ideas that spontaneously developed within the framework of the method of journalistic activity and were somehow fixed by the professional consciousness of the journalistic community. The appearance of the first codes meant the completion of a long process of formation of professional journalistic morality and at the same time opened new stage in its development. This new stage was based on a purposeful self-knowledge of journalistic activity and practical application his results.

A special manifestation of professional ethics is economic ethics (“business ethics”, “business ethics”). Economic ethics is an ancient science. Its beginning was laid by Aristotle in the works "Ethics", "Nicomachean Ethics", "Politics". Aristotle does not separate economics from economic ethics. He advises his son Nicomachus to engage only in the production of goods. Its principles were developed in the ideas and concepts of Catholic and Protestant theologians, who for a long time thought hard about the problems of business ethics. One of the first ethical and economic concepts was that of Henry Ford, one of the founders of the US automobile industry. He believed that happiness and well-being are obtained only by honest work and that this is ethical common sense, the essence of Ford's economic ethics lies in the idea that the product produced is not just an implemented "business theory", but "something more" - a theory, a goal which to create from the world of things a source of joy. Power and machinery, money and possessions are useful only insofar as they contribute to the freedom of life. These economic installations of G. Ford are of practical importance at the present time.

Economic ethics is a set of norms of behavior for an entrepreneur, the requirements imposed by a cultural society on his style of work, the nature of communication between business participants, and their social appearance. Economic ethics includes business etiquette, which is formed under the influence of traditions and certain prevailing historical conditions of a particular country. The main postulates of the ethical code of the entrepreneur are as follows: he is convinced of the usefulness of his work not only for himself, but also for others, for society as a whole; proceeds from the fact that the people around him want and know how to work; believes in business, regards it as attractive creativity; recognizes the need for competition, but also understands the need for cooperation; respects any property, social movements, respects professionalism and competence, laws; values ​​education, science and technology. These basic principles of the ethics of a business person can be specified in relation to various areas of his professional activity. For Russia, the problems of economic ethics are of great importance. This is due to the rapid formation of market relations in our country.

In legal activity, the main problem is the ratio of legality and justice. The conservatism of the legislation, the complexity of the relations regulated by it, can create situations in which some versions of the verdict, formally corresponding to the letter of the law, will contradict it in spirit, will be unfair. For the legal profession, justice is the main postulate, the goal of activity.

Business ethics is already formed within the framework of the "economic cell" - the labor collective. Service relations should be based on partnership, proceed from mutual requests and needs, from the interests of the cause. Such cooperation, no doubt, increases labor and creative activity, is an important factor technological process production, business.

Etiquette is one of the main "tools" for creating an image. In modern business, the face of the company plays a significant role. Those firms in which etiquette is not respected lose a lot. Where it is, higher productivity, better results. It is more convenient to work with such a company; etiquette creates a comfortable psychological climate conducive to business contacts.

Ethics of social work 5 - this is a manifestation of the general norms of morality in social services. In the professional activity of such specialists, which consists in helping individuals, families, social groups or communities, moral and ethical standards play a special role. They are reflected in the professional and ethical code of a social worker in Russia, adopted by the Interregional Association of Social Workers in 1994.

Management ethics is a science that considers the actions and behavior of a person acting in the field of management, and the functioning of an organization as a "total manager" in relation to its internal and external environment in the aspect in which the actions of the manager and the organization correlate with universal ethical requirements.

Currently, the basic principles and rules of business conduct are formulated in ethical codes. These can be the standards by which individual firms live (corporate codes), or the rules that govern relationships within an entire industry (professional codes).

The emergence of professional ethics led to the emergence of professional codes. The emergence of the first professional and ethical codes dates back to the period of the division of labor in the conditions of the formation of medieval workshops in the 11th-12th centuries. It was then that for the first time they state the presence in the shop charters of a number of moral requirements in relation to the profession, the nature of work, and partners in work.

Codes of ethics exist as part of professional standards developed for various activities in the system government controlled. They are a set of moral principles and specific ethical norms and rules of business relationships and communication. Codes of ethics are a set of norms for the correct, appropriate behavior that is considered appropriate for a person of the profession to which this code is related.

  1. Necessary professional and human qualities

Compliance with the rules of etiquette - good manners should be the norm of behavior, both in society and in the performance of one's professional duties. Compliance with these unspoken rules gives each person the key to success at work, understanding in society and simply human peace, success and happiness in life. One of the basic principles of modern life is the maintenance of normal relations between people and the desire to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can only be earned through courtesy and restraint. Therefore, nothing is valued by the people around us as dearly as politeness and delicacy.

In society, modesty and restraint of a person are considered good manners. 6 the ability to control one's actions, to communicate attentively and tactfully with other people. It is customary to consider bad manners habits of speaking loudly, not embarrassed in expressions, swagger in gestures and behavior, slovenliness in clothes, rudeness, manifested in frank hostility to others, in disregard for other people's interests and requests, in shamelessly imposing one's will and desires on other people, in the inability to restrain one's irritation, in the deliberate insult to the dignity of the people around, in tactlessness, foul language, the use of humiliating nicknames. This behavior is culturally and culturally unacceptable. well-mannered person both in society and at work.

A prerequisite for communication is delicacy. Delicacy should not be excessive, turn into flattery, lead to unjustified praise of what is seen or heard.

Tact, sensitivity is also a sense of proportion that should be observed in conversation, in personal and official relations, the ability to feel the boundary beyond which, as a result of our words and actions, a person experiences undeserved resentment, grief, and sometimes pain.

Respect for others - required condition tact even between good comrades. The culture of behavior is equally obligatory on the part of the lower in relation to the higher. It is expressed, first of all, in an honest attitude to one's duties, in strict discipline, as well as in respect, courtesy, tact in relation to the leader. The same is true for colleagues. Demanding a respectful attitude towards yourself, ask yourself more often the question: do you answer them the same.

A modest person never strives to show himself better, more capable, smarter than others, does not emphasize his superiority, his qualities, does not require any privileges, special amenities, services for himself. However, modesty should not be associated with either timidity or shyness. It's perfect various categories. Often humble people turn out to be much firmer and more active in critical circumstances, but at the same time it is known that it is impossible to convince them that they are right by arguing.

D. Carnegie considers the following as one of the golden rules: "People must be taught as if you had not taught them. And unfamiliar things should be presented as forgotten." Calmness, diplomacy, a deep understanding of the interlocutor's argumentation, a well-thought-out counter-argumentation based on accurate facts - this is the solution to this contradiction between the requirements " good manners"with discussions and firmness in defending one's opinion.


Professional ethics is a set of moral requirements, principles and norms of the activities of specialists, which is responsible, mandatory, but at the same time voluntary, that is, the free activity of free people who obey the rules, but are personally independent, comply with the law, but fulfill their duty .

Professional ethics specifies the requirements of society for the moral aspects of the activities of specialists who (on the basis of a diploma, license) are delegated (permitted) certain (representing social value) types of work that give them income. These requirements ensure the maintenance of tradition and the creation of precedents for the maximum satisfaction of the needs of society and every citizen by professionals in the quality of work, goods and services that meet specific socially significant values. The most important of them are related to ensuring the safety of life and health, civil rights and freedoms, equality of all before the law and people.

The purpose and tasks set in this work were fulfilled. In particular, the concept of what ethics and the origin of professional ethics was investigated, professionalism was studied as a moral trait of a person, types of professional ethics were considered, as well as the necessary professional and human qualities.


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  2. Ionova, A.I. Ethics and culture of public administration. Tutorial/ A.I. Ionova. - M.: Publishing House of the RAGS, 2012. - 176 p.
  3. Protanskaya, E.S. Professional ethics. Moral propaedeutics of business behavior: Textbook / E.S. Protan. - M.: Aleteyya, 2007. - 288 p.
  4. Solonitsyna, A.A. Professional ethics and etiquette / A.A. Solonitsyn. - Vladivostok. - Publishing house Dalnevost. un-ta, 2010.- 200 p.
  5. Ethics of professional activity: teaching aid / ed. T.A. Prokofiev. - Samara: Samar. humanit. acad., 2009. - 56 p.

1 Skvortsov, A.A. Ethics: textbook for bachelors / A.A. Skvortsov; under total ed. A.A. Huseynov. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2012. - 310 p.

2 Skvortsov, A.A. Ethics: textbook for bachelors / A.A. Skvortsov; under total ed. A.A. Huseynov. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2012. - 310 p.

3 Skvortsova, V.N. Professional ethics: textbook / V.N. Skvortsova. - Tomsk: Publishing House of TPU, 2006. - 180 p.

4 Koshevaya I.P., Kanke A.A. Professional ethics and psychology of business communication. M., 2009.

5 Koshevaya I.P., Kanke A.A. Professional ethics and psychology of business communication. M., 2009.

6 Shreider Yu.A. Ethics: an introduction to the subject. M., 2008.


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Types of professional ethics

Topic 2. Professional ethics

The concept of professional ethics. Society can function normally and develop in a civilized manner only as a result of a continuous process of production of material and spiritual blessings. The well-being of the subjects of labor and society largely depends on what, in terms of their moral goals and content, are the relations of people in the organization of this process. At the same time, it is not so easy for each person to implement moral principles in his activities. At the same time, there are professions in which following moral standards is particularly difficult, since in them the direct object of professional influence is a person.

For this reason, within the framework of the doctrine of morality, a special ethics is distinguished, which concretizes the universal principles of morality in relation to the conditions of the activity of this profession. Specific manifestations of professional morality are studied by professional ethics.

The specifics of professional morality can be traced with the division of labor and the allocation of professions. The professional division of labor is already observed in slave-owning society. But the emergence of the first professional and ethical codes refers to the period of the division of labor in the craft in the conditions of the formation of medieval workshops in the XI-XII centuries. Just at that very moment, for the first time, they discover the presence in the shop charters of a number of moral requirements in relation to their specialty, the nature of work, accomplices in the profession, etc.

At the same time, some professions that are vital for all members of society arose in ancient times. And in this regard, such professional and ethical codes as the ʼʼ Oath of Hippocrates ʼʼ, the moral regulations of priests performing judicial functions, are known much earlier.

The professional moral norms contained in the guild charters of artisans of the Middle Ages were modified based on the deepening of the social division of labor and the change in the content of the activities of the professions themselves.

The emergence of professional ethics in time preceded the creation of scientific ethical theories about it. Professional ethics, having arisen initially as a manifestation of everyday, everyday moral consciousness, later developed on the basis of a generalized practice of the behavior of various professional groups, and in the form of theoretical conclusions, which testified to the transition from ordinary to theoretical consciousness in the sphere of professional morality.

Different types of professional ethics have their own traditions. This testifies to the continuity of the basic ethical norms developed by representatives of any profession over the centuries. These are, first of all, those universal moral norms in the sphere of labor that humanity has preserved and carried through various social formations, although often in a modified form.

So, each type of professional ethics is determined by the peculiarity of the profession and the requirements for it on the part of society. But, as we have already noted, society imposes increased moral requirements on certain types of activity. First of all, these are the requirements for specialists who have the right to manage the life and health of people associated with a variety of services; upbringing, training and education. The activities of people in these professions, more than any other, do not lend themselves to clear and comprehensive regulation, do not fit within the framework of official instructions and standards. And moral responsibility and moral choice are of decisive importance in the process of exercising their professional duties.
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Society considers the moral qualities of these specialists as structural components their professional suitability.

In medical ethics All norms and moral principles of the profession are focused on improving and maintaining human health. Even in ancient India, it was believed that a doctor ʼʼ should have a pure compassionate heart, a calm temperament, be distinguished by the greatest confidence and chastity, a constant desire to do good ʼʼ. These qualities are also required from modern doctors, and the principle of their professional activity "do no harm" was, is and will be fundamental at all times. At the same time, situations of moral contradiction are often encountered in the activities of physicians. So, in order to maintain self-confidence, they have the moral right to embellish the real state of things, because in some situations the main thing is not the formal implementation of any specific moral norm, but the preservation of the highest value - human life. In addition, the achievements of science pose moral problems for medical professionals in the new conditions, for example, moral issues associated with organ transplantation. A special moral problem that has long existed in medical practice is euthanasia - the painless bringing of a hopelessly ill person to death.

Pedagogical ethics studies the specifics and content moral activity teacher, finds out the features of the implementation of the general principles of morality in the field of pedagogical work. The ethics of a teacher, like the ethics of a doctor, also have ancient roots. Already in ancient Greece, a teacher was required to love children, deep knowledge of his subject, restraint, justice in punishments and rewards. The specificity of pedagogical morality is due to the fact that the "object" of the teacher's activity is the personality of the child, the process of development and formation of which is associated with a large number of contradictions, moral dilemmas and conflicts. At the same time, representatives of this profession always feel a special responsibility to society. For this reason, it is very difficult for them to implement moral principles in their relationships with children, their parents, and also with their colleagues.

The process of educating and educating the younger generation requires from the teacher not only high qualifications, but also a whole set of moral qualities that become professionally significant for creating favorable relations in the pedagogical process. These are humanity, kindness, tolerance, decency, honesty, responsibility, justice, commitment, restraint. The moral requirements for the teacher, worked out and fixed in the course of the development of social thought, and the norms arising from them lie at the base of the code of pedagogical morality. It fixes the requirements that are of a universal nature, as well as those that are designated by the new tasks currently facing pedagogical science and practice.

Judicial ethics studies the moral content of existing procedural principles and norms, the features of the operation of general moral principles in the field of justice. It substantiates the content of the professional duty of a judge, develops moral requirements that a specialist in this profession must follow. First of all, he must possess such qualities as honesty, justice, objectivity, humanism, restraint, fidelity to the spirit and letter of the law, incorruptibility, dignity.

Ethics of service professionalsʼʼadaptsʼʼ the already known principles of moral consciousness to the specifics of this activity, which is associated with a culture of communication, with courtesy and considerateness in relations with clients, with the utmost importance to ensure that the growing demands and needs of people are met. For example, a tourism worker must be an erudite, well-educated person. After all, tourism services are the action of a certain consumer value, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ is expressed in a beneficial effect that satisfies one or another human need. For example, the human need for knowledge of the surrounding world, ᴛ.ᴇ. comprehend something, get new information, learn something more fully.

Ethics of a scientist formulates such moral characteristics of a person as scientific conscientiousness, honesty, civil courage, democracy, patriotism, responsibility. Moral scientific activity demands to uphold the truth and seek the use of scientific achievements in the interests of mankind. It denies the desire to falsify the results of laboratory research, to embellish the facts to prove one or another theoretical position.

In recent years, problems have been actively developed business ethics, which substantiates: 1) the principles and norms of moral behavior of leaders at different levels ethics of the head; 2) the relationship of subordinates to their superiors; 3) formal and informal interactions between employees. As a result, official morality should be singled out as an element of the moral culture of leaders and subordinates, complementing specific relationships within the framework of the performance of professional duties.

Types of professional ethics - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Types of professional ethics" 2017, 2018.

Each kind of human professional activity corresponds to certain types of professional ethics with their own specific features. Ethics considers the moral qualities of a person, regardless of the mental mechanisms that stimulate the appearance of these qualities. The study of ethics shows the diversity, versatility of professional moral relations, moral norms.

Professional moral norms are rules, samples, the order of internal regulation of a person based on ethical ideals.

Professional types of ethics are those specific features of professional activity that are aimed directly at a person in certain conditions of his life and activity in society. Badin S.M. Relationship ethics. M., 1972.-S.8

The main types of professional ethics are: medical ethics, pedagogical ethics, ethics of a scientist, actor, artist, entrepreneur, engineer, etc. Each type of professional ethics is determined by the uniqueness of professional activity, has its own specific requirements in the field of morality. So, for example, the ethics of a scientist presupposes, first of all, such moral qualities as scientific conscientiousness, personal honesty, and, of course, patriotism. Judicial ethics requires honesty, justice, frankness, humanism (even to the defendant when he is guilty), fidelity to the law. Professional ethics in the conditions of military service requires a clear performance of duty, courage, discipline, devotion to the Motherland.

Medical ethics is set out in the "Russian Doctor's Code of Ethics", adopted in 1994 by the Association of Russian Doctors. Earlier, in 1971, the oath of the doctor of the Soviet Union was created. The idea of ​​a high moral character and a model of ethical behavior of a doctor is associated with the name of Hippocrates. Traditional medical ethics addresses the issue of personal contact and personal qualities of the doctor-patient relationship, as well as the doctor's guarantees not to harm a particular individual.

Biomedical ethics (bioethics) is a specific form of modern professional ethics of a doctor, it is a system of knowledge about the permissible limits of manipulating life and death of a person. Manipulation should be regulated morally. Bioethics is a form of defense of human biological life. The main problem of bioethics: suicide, euthanasia, the definition of death, transplantology, experimentation on animals and humans, the relationship between doctor and patient, attitude towards mentally disabled people, the organization of hospices, childbearing (genetic engineering, artificial insemination, "surrogate" motherhood, abortion, contraception) . The goal of bioethics is to develop appropriate regulations for modern biomedical activity.

In 1998, the Council on Biomedical Ethics was established under the Moscow Patriarchate with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II. It included well-known theologians, clergymen, doctors, scientists, lawyers.

Professional morality in journalism began to take shape along with journalistic activity. However, the process of its formation dragged on for centuries and reached certainty only with the transformation of the journalistic profession into a mass one. It ended only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when the first codes were created and the professional and moral consciousness of the journalistic community acquired a documented form of existence.

A journalist, mastering the postulates of professional morality in the course of his professional development, enters into professional and moral relations with colleagues, which, unlike moral ones as such, suggest the possibility of institutionally organized and direct intervention of the corporation in his behavior. However, this interference differs significantly from administrative influence, since its purpose is not coercion, but inducement.

The professional ethics of a journalist, like other types of professional ethics, began to form directly in labor activity. It manifested itself in the course of codifying those professional and moral ideas that spontaneously developed within the framework of the method of journalistic activity and were somehow fixed by the professional consciousness of the journalistic community. The appearance of the first codes meant the completion of a long process of formation of professional journalistic morality and at the same time opened a new stage in its development. This new stage was based on purposeful self-knowledge of journalistic activity and practical application of its results.

One of the first sets of journalistic norms was created in 1923 in the USA under the name "The Canons of Journalism". It was accepted by the American Society of Newspaper Editors.

Judging by the content of the first codes, their drafters were influenced by the concept of a free press that arose at the beginning of the century, or, as it is otherwise called, liberal. The origins of this concept go back to the ideas of J. Milton, T. Jefferson, J.-St. Mill, and its content can be reduced to just a few points. Here they are: Lazutina G.V. Professional Ethics of a Journalist: Textbook. - M.: "Aspect Press", 2002. - 208s.-p.12

The press is a public or semi-public institution. Its main purpose is to inform the reader, entertain him and help him control the government.

The press is available to any citizen, and anyone with enough money can publish a newspaper.

The press is controlled by a spontaneous process of establishing the truth in the "free market of ideas".

It prohibits slander and obscenity.

Finally, the press is the fourth power in the state. It is responsible to society and is obliged to represent society as a whole.

The general democratic orientation of this concept had a beneficial effect on the content of the first journalistic codes. As the highest values, they proclaim freedom of speech and the right of all people to receive truthful information.

A special manifestation of professional ethics is economic ethics (“business ethics”, “business ethics”). Economic ethics is an ancient science. Its beginning was laid by Aristotle in the works "Ethics", "Nicomachean Ethics", "Politics". Aristotle does not separate economics from economic ethics. He advises his son Nicomachus to engage only in the production of goods. Its principles were developed in the ideas and concepts of Catholic and Protestant theologians, who for a long time thought hard about the problems of business ethics.

One of the first ethical and economic concepts was that of Henry Ford, one of the founders of the US automobile industry. He believed that happiness and well-being are obtained only by honest work and that this is ethical common sense, the essence of Ford's economic ethics lies in the idea that the product produced is not just an implemented "business theory", but "something more" - a theory, a goal which to create from the world of things a source of joy. Power and machinery, money and possessions are useful only insofar as they contribute to the freedom of life. These economic installations of G. Ford are of practical importance at the present time. Solonitsyna A.A. Professional ethics and etiquette. Textbook / A.A. Solonitsyna. - Vladivostok. - Publishing house Dalnevost. university, 2005.- 200 p.-p.16

Management ethics is a science that considers the actions and behavior of a person acting in the field of management, and the functioning of an organization as a “total manager” in relation to its internal and external environment in the aspect in which the actions of a manager and an organization correlate with universal ethical requirements. She is focused on a wide range behavior of managers and subordinates. It focuses on the goals and means used to achieve them by both. Semenov A.K., Maslova E.L. Management Ethics: Textbook. -2nd ed. -M.: "Dashkov and K", 2007, -p.23

Economic ethics is a set of norms of behavior for an entrepreneur, the requirements imposed by a cultural society on his style of work, the nature of communication between business participants, and their social appearance.

Economic ethics includes business etiquette, which is formed under the influence of traditions and certain prevailing historical conditions of a particular country.

The main postulates of the ethical code of the entrepreneur are the following:

- he is convinced of the usefulness of his work not only for himself, but also for others, for society as a whole;

ѕ proceeds from the fact that the people around him want and know how to work;

ѕ believes in business, regards it as attractive creativity;

* recognizes the need for competition, but also understands the need for cooperation;

ѕ respects any property, social movements, respects professionalism and

* competence, laws;

ѕ values ​​education, science and technology.

These basic principles of the ethics of a business person can be specified in relation to various areas of his professional activity. For Russia, the problems of economic ethics are of great importance. This is due to the rapid formation of market relations in our country.

Currently, the basic principles and rules of business conduct are formulated in ethical codes. These can be the standards by which individual firms live (corporate codes), or the rules that govern relationships within an entire industry (professional codes).

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