How is the deformation of professional activity expressed? The main signs of professional deformation. For what reasons does professional personality deformation occur?

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Professional personality deformation is a condition that affects a person’s character due to the specifics of his work activity. In addition to heredity, society and various life circumstances, it is she who primarily influences changes in people’s worldviews. It is necessary to understand the essence of this concept, which forms a model of human behavior.

Description of professional personality deformation

The voiced term implies the presence of a cognitive distortion of personality in people with some disorientation in society. This process occurs against the background of pressure on some individuals from internal and external aspects of professional activity. Subsequently, such pressure forms in a person a specific type of personality.

Pitirim Sorokin, a famous culturologist and sociologist, first identified this concept. He considered it exclusively from the perspective of the negative impact of production activity on human consciousness.

Subsequently, scientists such as A.K. Markova, R.M. Granovskaya and S.G. Gellerstein, voiced their point of view regarding professional deformation. It was they who identified the varieties of this phenomenon, which cannot be classified in the same way.

Given this problem, all prospects for resolving it should be considered. Sometimes it is worth letting go of a situation if it does not bring significant discomfort to the life of a person and his loved ones.

When it comes to family, such a change in consciousness can be useful. The teacher is able to give his children additional knowledge outside school curriculum right at home. A doctor can always treat relatives without waiting for them to go to the clinic. A managerial employee can easily organize the life of his family and arrange special events in it. The main thing is to distinguish where work activity ends and begins. everyday life behind the walls of the workplace.

In this case we mean emotional burnout, in which individuals who are overly passionate about their activities destroy the psychological protective barrier with such zeal. Psychologists also note Negative influence per person managerial erosion (the transformation of a boss into a despot) and feelings of administrative delight (an arrogant attitude towards colleagues after promotion).

Reasons for the development of professional personality deformation

The development of a voiced change in consciousness usually occurs due to the following provoking factors:
  • I don't like the job. Not every person is given the opportunity to self-realize in any field of activity they like. To achieve concrete results in your profession, you need to understand its nuances and love the work you do.
    Otherwise, fertile ground is created for the emergence of vocal destruction of the individual.
  • Professional combustion. Quite often it occurs 10-15 years after the start of work. Even what you love becomes quite boring if you have no other interests other than work.
  • Age-related changes. What you liked in your youth can sometimes set your teeth on edge in a more mature period. As a person grows older, a professional personality deformation may occur due to a reassessment of his views on life.
  • Monotony. The woodpecker is exceptionally capable of chiseling the bark of a tree with amazing consistency. thinking man gets tired of monotonous work literally a couple of years after starting any monotonous activity.
  • Workaholism. If you want too much to achieve everything at once, there is a significant burden on the body. It ends with chronic fatigue syndrome and professional deformation.
  • The bar is too high. Such bets in most cases turn out to be fiascos. You can’t jump above your head, which some vain careerists sometimes forget.
  • Constantly stressful situation. The reasons for professional deformation in some cases lie in a change in consciousness, which occurs due to systematic pressure on the nervous system due to work with an increased risk to life.
  • Impossibility of professional growth. If a person has no prospects for his further development, then he begins to incorrectly position himself as a person and loses interest in the chosen field of activity.
The stated causes of occupational deformation affect each person differently. For some they will create temporary discomfort, but for others they will become fundamental for future behavior in society.

Types of professional personality deformation

There are four types of influence of industrial activity on the human psyche:
  1. General professional change. In this case we are talking about a specific area of ​​​​employment of people. The policeman often sees criminals everywhere, and the teacher often sees violators internal regulations schools.
  2. Special dysfunction. A specific profession, which implies flexibility of mind, can subsequently cause professional deformation of the individual. As an example, we can cite lawyers who quite often skillfully circumvent the letter of the Law.
  3. Professional-typological change. It is usually observed among company managers. The ability to cope with a large team leaves some imprint on them regarding the perception of existing reality.
  4. Individual deformation. In this case, we are talking about such manifestations of distortion of consciousness as labor superfanatism, the wrong concept of collectivism and hyperactivity.
The listed types of professional deformation can seriously complicate a person’s life. In any case, he ultimately becomes a victim of the announced phenomenon, even if he wants to appear victorious in public.

Main signs of professional deformation

You need to think about changes in your life if it is based on the following behavior model:
  • Authoritarianism. Within reasonable limits, it is even useful for maintaining discipline in a team. If a leader turns from a wise mentor into a despot, then we are talking about signs of professional deformation.
  • Demonstrativeness. This quality is a great way to stand out among your colleagues. However, it often turns into narcissism, when the sense of reality is lost due to excessive exposure.
  • Dogmatism. The voiced life position is quite dangerous if a person occupies a leadership position. He sees people not with all the manifestations of their weakness, but as soulless robots.
  • Dominance. In this case, we are talking not just about a constant readiness to enter into conflict with colleagues, but about regular demonstration of one’s superiority in the professional sphere.
  • Indifference. For such figures, everything is sorted into shelves. Their emotional dryness is accompanied by ignoring the personal characteristics of other people and complete indifference to the interests of the work collective.
  • Conservatism. People with such professional deformation cannot stand any innovations. They are a brake on progress and usually belong to representatives of the older generation.
  • Asceticism in feelings. Excessive morality becomes a problem for a person with such life position. In this case, I remember Elena Solovey, who played the role of a literature teacher in the film “You Never Dreamed of It.”
  • Role transfer. The saying that suits this definition is that whoever you mess with, you'll gain from it. Professional deformation of this kind implies the emergence in a person of a desire to adapt to colleagues with a stronger life position and a successful career.

Features of professional personality deformation

Each specialty leaves a certain imprint on the behavior of its representatives. In this case, you should focus on the sphere of activity of people with the described problem.

Nuances of teachers' work

It is only possible to educate the younger generation if professional combustion has not occurred. In Japan, experts insist on the fact that after 10 years of experience, a teacher loses his ability to adequately present knowledge to students. Such a conclusion can be challenged, because even at a fairly advanced age you can remain an experienced teacher.

The professional deformation of a teacher with a certain amount of work experience is as follows:

  1. Finding non-existent errors. Over time, some educators begin to find fault with every letter and number. They begin to be annoyed by the independent opinions of their students, and they equate the bold reasoning of their students with delusion.
  2. Transforming relatives into students. Authoritarian behavior is characteristic of many teachers who have been teaching and raising children for a long time. Their desire to change the world for the better does not disappear within their own walls, where they persistently implement the legacy of Makarenko and Sukhomlinsky.
  3. Negative assessment from strangers. Not only the teacher’s close people, but also complete strangers sometimes become victims of attacks from teachers with professional deformation. Quite adequate individuals turn into guardians of order and morality due to the specifics of their field of activity.
The voiced distortion of consciousness does not always happen to older people. As a counter-argument, we can give an example in the form of a young Russian language teacher from the film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”, who taught everyone with a complete lack of teaching experience.

Professional deformation of a manager

A person who realizes himself in such a field of activity quite often tries to impose his opinion on an issue that interests him. Such attempts that stress people out look like this:
  • Tourism manager. With any memory of a great vacation, a person risks receiving a portion of recommendations from such a person. She will be interested in everything: the hotel, the country, the airline that the holidaymaker chose at the time. For each answer, a resolution with many subparagraphs will be issued.
  • Sales Manager. He is usually interested not only in regular customers, but in any person to whom he can offer a certain product. People with such a field of activity already automatically begin to translate every conversation into an offer to buy something from their company.
The voiced professional costs are not an antisocial model of behavior. However, in some cases, such a change in consciousness is transformed into obsession.

Professional deformation of a doctor

Healers of the human body are quite often susceptible to the described factor, which is expressed in them in the form of the following signs:
  1. Automatic health assessment. Even with a handshake, some doctors begin to determine a person’s well-being. At the same time, they mentally calculate people's pulses, the moisture in their palms and their estimated body temperature.
  2. Visual diagnosis. In case of occupational deformation, the doctor will see problems with the kidneys in bags under the eyes, and in case of yellowness of the face, he will authoritatively advise checking the liver. In humans, such changes can occur after a sleepless night and with vitamin deficiency, which doctors do not take into account with changes in consciousness.
  3. Cynicism. Some doctors find it difficult to avoid professional deformation because their work is related to rescue human life and huge responsibility. By abstracting themselves, using “black” humor and becoming cold analysts, they protect their own nervous system from unnecessary shocks.

Changing the consciousness of a lawyer

Legal relations often leave an imprint on the worldview of people in this profession. In a person who is associated with this field of activity, occupational deformation manifests itself in the following forms:
  • Nihilism. In this case, the servants of Themis begin to apply the principle of benefit in their practice contrary to generally accepted values. Without circumventing the law, such lawyers, having found certain loopholes, quite successfully ignore it.
  • Legal infantilism. Typically, this phenomenon is observed among those people who do not occupy their positions by right. Their consciousness is changed solely due to legal incompetence or patron relatives occupying a higher rank.
  • Legal radicalism. With such an attitude towards his duties, a person turns into a robot who strictly follows all the dogmas of the law. At the same time, he is absolutely not interested in the human factor, which he easily oversteps.
  • Negative legal radicalism. It is the other side of the coin of an honest attitude towards fulfilling one’s duties. This pattern of behavior is based on fraud and outright bribery.

Occupational deformation among police officers

Quite often, people in this profession are faced with extreme situations, so they exhibit the following character changes:
  1. Excessive assertiveness. Being constantly in a state of combat readiness, it is difficult for them to restrain their activity in some life situations. In this case, socialization is disrupted, which sometimes prevents police officers from organizing their personal lives.
  2. Authority. Representatives of the voiced legal structure quite often do not want to hear any criticism addressed to them. They begin to consider their own opinion as the only correct one, thus suppressing their immediate environment and strangers.
  3. Callousness. One of the manifestations of professional deformation among police officers is the fact that they cease to see manifestations of human grief. At the same time, such persons are able to continue to accurately fulfill their official duties and stand guard over the interests of the state.
  4. Failure to comply with professional and ethical standards. Constant communication dealing with criminals sometimes ends for the servants of the law with a hostile attitude towards those who have violated it. As a result, cases of physical and moral humiliation of the human dignity of detained persons are becoming more frequent.

Professional deformation of a manager

Not all subordinates can boast of wise superiors who delve into the problems of their team. In some cases, the professional deformation of managers looks like this:
  • Authoritarianism. In this manifestation, bosses are somewhat reminiscent of teachers with their peremptory views on many life situations. Taking advantage of their official position, over time they begin to consider themselves superhumans with unique organizational abilities.
  • Dryness. The habit of giving instructions makes some managers stingy with their remarks. On the one hand, this is not an obvious drawback, but one cannot expect a meaningful conversation from such a person.
  • Incorrectness. A certain amount of power can turn the heads of even adequate individuals. This is especially true for those people who have been climbing for a long time. career ladder. Having received the coveted leadership position, they can acquire a vulgar and uncontrollable personality change.

Professional deformation among programmers

People with a similar profession can turn even the simplest question into analysis the most difficult problem. They quite often have the following professional personality deformation:
  1. Increased concentration. In this case, they completely turn off external attention. The hyper-focus on a specific process then carries over to everyday activities. While cleaning the apartment, such people will be annoyed by all external sounds in the form phone call or a neighbor’s drill turned on.
  2. Dependence on the goal. Only a clear formulation of the problem reaches the programmer’s consciousness. Otherwise, one can observe a pronounced professional deformation. When sending such a subject to the store, you cannot get by with general phrases and instructions. It is best to make a clear list indicating the number of products and the exact brand of their manufacturer.
Some ordinary people, when they hear the word “programmer” or “computer specialist,” immediately imagine a fanatic of his work, detached from outside world. Professional deformation does not always occur in such people. They may well have interests other than working on creating codes.

Prevention of professional personality deformation

The problem voiced has a psychological nature of its occurrence. Therefore, it is necessary for the person himself to fight it. The following expert advice will help him with this:
  • Developing self-criticism. With an adequate assessment of their own capabilities, even people in leadership positions remain competent individuals and create a healthy microclimate in the team.
  • Search for new experiences. Quite often, it is routine that can provoke the occurrence of professional deformation. To avoid it, you need to attend various trainings and advanced training courses.
  • Organizing a proper daily routine. Occupational deformation will never appear in those people who sleep well, organize their diet wisely, play sports and do not have bad habits.
  • Rest from work. Emotional exhaustion occurs due to the fact that some workaholics simply live in their profession. Such zeal is commendable only if you periodically give your body a rest.
  • Leaving the comfort zone. It is here that the gradual degradation of personality occurs, when you don’t want to conquer new heights. You need to rest emotionally, but you should not turn this activity into a habitual way of life.
  • Participation in non-standard projects. There is no need to be afraid to show your originality in some unusual matter. Vivid impressions of the work done interesting work will help prevent professional deformation.
  • Communication with new people. It is best to choose active and creative individuals to meet. It would be good if they belonged to representatives of other professions.
  • Refusal of accumulation negative emotions . A person who keeps all problems to himself is like a time bomb. Troubles at work can and should be discussed with your loved ones so that an irreversible process in the form of personality destruction does not occur.
What is professional deformation - watch the video:

It is recommended to eliminate professional deformation at its first manifestations. It can destroy not only the desire to create and benefit society, such a change in consciousness creates many problems for a person who strives to succeed as an individual in the professional field and in his personal life.

30-41. Office etiquette is a set of appropriate rules for the behavior of people in work groups. These rules are determined by the most important principles of universal morality and ethics. It is no secret that at work every person is the object of attention of colleagues and clients who pay attention to her greeting, ability to ask, listen, show respect for others, etc. “In any small, even insignificant, inconspicuous act, our character: a fool enters and exits, sits down, and gets up, and is silent, and moves differently than clever man"- wrote J. de La Bruyère. Compliance with the rules and requirements of official etiquette is mandatory for everyone: both managers and subordinates. Thus, in the service, people usually address each other as “you”, behave politely, try to be polite and correct At social rounds, according to the rules of etiquette, they talk about pleasant and interesting things, do not discuss personal life, the appearance of those present, business problems, and try to smile. Etiquette is a language of symbols. A person should use it in order to better interact with others (colleagues, partners). The rules and requirements of office etiquette should help create a healthy moral and mental climate, improve mood, and increase productivity. Scientists advise to the manager :

Try to make comments to subordinates face to face; learn to encourage subordinates; admit your mistakes; be able to punish; do not argue over trifles; be friendly, considerate;

to all employees :

Have a common culture; - Treat others decently; - Respect the human dignity of colleagues; - Do not be a hypocrite, do not lie; - Be polite; - Leave your problems and troubles outside the institution;

Be friendly, conscientious, respectful, tactful, delicate, and be able to express condolences.

Office etiquette also includes rules of conduct with clients and business partners. The etiquette of official relationships obliges:

Be polite to all clients (the opinion of each client affects the image of the company or institution); start meetings on time; respond to all customer calls and letters in a timely manner; carry out the decisions made within the specified time frame; workers should be in good and neat clothes.

All this will contribute to reliable and long-term relationships with clients and increased company profits. Office etiquette presupposes relationships with foreigners. For business communication with them, you need to be well aware of the customs and traditions of the country of which your partner is a representative, as well as the rules of etiquette accepted there. But it should be remembered that one of the most important principles of foreign business etiquette is maintaining an honest and respectful relationship with a partner.

40. Business conversation- a process of interrelation and interaction in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience that involve achieving a certain result, solving a specific problem or realizing a certain goal. Business communication can be divided into direct (direct contact) and indirect (when there is a spatio-temporal distance between partners, that is, through correspondence or technical means. Direct business communication has greater effectiveness, the power of emotional impact and suggestion than indirect, in Socio-psychological mechanisms operate directly in it.

In general, business communication differs from ordinary (informal) communication in that in its process goals and specific tasks are set that require solutions. In business communication, we cannot stop interacting with a partner. In ordinary friendly communication, specific tasks are most often not set, specific goals are not pursued. Such communication can be terminated at any time. Business communication is implemented in various forms:

Business conversation;

Reception of subordinates;

Business meeting;

Business meetings and meetings;

Public performance.

Features of business communication are that:

A partner in business communication always acts as a person significant to the subject;

Communicating people are distinguished by good mutual understanding in matters of business;

The main task of business communication is productive cooperation.

Principles of business communication.

The ability to behave appropriately with people is one of the most important, if not the most important, factor determining the chances of achieving success in business, employment or entrepreneurial activity. Dale Carnegie noted back in the 30s of the twentieth century that the success of a person in his financial affairs, even in the technical field or engineering, depends fifteen percent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with people . In this context, the attempts of many researchers to formulate and substantiate the basic principles of business communication ethics or, as they are more often called in the West, the commandments of personal public relation (can be very roughly translated as “business etiquette”) are easily understandable. Jen Yager, in her book Business Etiquette: How to Survive and Thrive in the World of Business, outlined the following six basic principles:

1. Punctuality (do everything on time). Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that the person cannot be relied upon. The principle of doing everything on time applies to all work assignments. Experts who study the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25 percent to the time that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work.

2. Confidentiality (don't talk too much). Secrets of an institution, corporation, or specific transaction must be kept as carefully as secrets of a personal nature. There is also no need to retell to anyone what you heard from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their work activities or personal life.

3. Courtesy, friendliness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, clients, customers and co-workers politely, affably and kindly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.

4. Consideration for others (think about others, not just yourself). Attention to others should extend to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have a particular point of view. Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. When someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence shouldn't stop you from being humble.

5. Appearance (dress appropriately). The main approach is to fit into your work environment, and within this environment - into the contingent of workers at your level. You need to look your best, that is, dress with taste, choosing colors that suit your face. Carefully selected accessories are important.

6. Literacy (speak and write in good language). Internal documents or letters sent outside the institution must be stated good language, and all proper names are transmitted without errors. You cannot use swear words. Even if you just quote another person’s words, others will perceive them as part of your own vocabulary.

42. Concept and types of professional deformation.

Professional personality deformation is a change in personality qualities (stereotypes of perception, value orientations, character, methods of communication and behavior), which occurs under the influence of performing professional activities. A professional personality type is formed, which can manifest itself in professional jargon, demeanor, and physical appearance.

Considering the parameters of professional deformation of the individual, we can tentatively highlight the following characteristics. The impact of a profession on a person can be assessed, first of all, by its modality (positive or negative impact). It is known that work itself has neutral properties in relation to the results of education. It is capable of exerting a beneficial, ennobling influence on a person, forming a noble attitude towards work, the team, cultivating spiritual needs, worldview, improving work skills, abilities, experience, and generally shaping the characteristics of a person’s character.

Professional deformation is manifested in such personality qualities that change under the influence of the professional role. The sources of professional deformation lie in the depths of the professional adaptation of the individual to the conditions and demands of work. It is known that in most to a greater extent professional deformation manifests itself in representatives of those professions where work is connected with people, especially with “abnormal” people in some respect. The objective division of labor, the differences between mental and physical labor, and disharmony in personality development create the prerequisites for the emergence of professional personality types and the transformation of subjects into “narrow specialists.”

Speaking about professional deformation, we can briefly note that its essence lies in the interaction of the subject and the individual in a single structure of individuality. For the first time in psychology, Academician B. G. Ananyev noted the possibility of non-coinciding, contradictory development of personality properties and the properties of the subject of activity, and also analyzed the conditions that contribute to the discrepancy between personality properties and the properties of the subject, professional, specialist in their interaction.

The phenomenon of professional deformation can be defined as the penetration of the “Professional Self” into the “Human Self,” meaning that with professional deformation, the impact of professional frameworks and attitudes is not limited exclusively to the professional sphere. We can say that after a person leaves a professional situation, his natural “straightening” does not occur, therefore, even in his personal life, a person continues to bear the “deforming imprint” of his profession. Thus, the term “professional deformation” is a fairly successful metaphor on the basis of which one can build a model that clearly describes the mechanism of the deforming influence of professional activity. To do this, let’s imagine a certain production process for making a product using pressing.

At the entrance to this process, we have a material of a certain shape, which passes through the influence of the press and therefore loses its old shape (that is, it is deformed). At the output, this material has a new shape that matches the configuration of the press. In order for the deformation process to take place successfully, sufficient press force and suitable material properties are required. Otherwise, the material will not change its shape (if the press is not powerful enough) or after some time it may return to its original shape (if the material is too elastic). To prevent this from happening in some production processes Various methods of fixing the resulting form are used (for example, firing in the manufacture of ceramic products).

The fact is that all of the above deforming factors have their analogies in the work of any professional:

Material properties are personal characteristics consultant and his initial inclinations: mental mobility/rigidity, ideological independence/compliance, personal maturity/immaturity, etc.

The configuration of the press is the professional framework in which the consultant places himself: principles and attitudes, professional picture of the world, professional skills, clientele and their problems, job responsibilities, working conditions, etc.

The strength of the press is the degree of influence of the previous factors, depending on such parameters as: faith in the method and authority of teachers, the personal significance of professional activity, a sense of responsibility, emotional involvement in professional activity, motivation, a sense of mission, the strength of external control, etc.

“Firing” is a factor that helps to consolidate the resulting form, and it is mainly associated with receiving positive emotions: professional success, gratitude from clients, praise from teachers, recognition from colleagues, admiration from others, etc.

As a result, thanks to the “successful” combination of the above factors, we risk getting a deformed consultant who can hardly “straighten out,” that is, restore his original human form.

Below are some of the impacts we have from our professional exposure. Some of them, indeed, can be considered positive for our personality and fit into the concept of “personal growth,” but the other part, in my opinion, should be attributed to negative consequences, that is, to what we call “professional deformation.”

1. Deeper self-awareness, understanding of the people around you and current events. 2. Analysis of life situations.

3. The ability to reflect.

4. Skills for productively coping with crisis and traumatic situations.

5. Communication skills.

6. Resistance to other people's influence.

7. Self-regulation.

8. The ability to accept and empathize.

9. A broader view of the world, tolerance towards “dissidents”.

10. Cognitive interest.

11. The emergence of new forms of self-realization.

1. Projecting negative issues onto yourself and your loved ones.

2. Obsessive diagnostics of oneself and others (“labeling” and interpretations).

3. Consulting others.

4. Acceptance of the role of "teacher".

5. Excessive self-control, hyperreflection and loss of spontaneity.

6. Idea fixe - “work on yourself.”

7. Rationalization, stereotyping and desensitization to lived experience.

8. Saturation of communication.

9. Emotional coldness.

10. Cynicism.

In addition to the more or less universal consequences of professional activity noted above, one can try to identify specific manifestations of professional deformation.

42-43. Occupational deformation- cognitive distortion, psychological disorientation of the individual, formed due to the constant pressure of external and internal factors of professional activity and leading to the formation of a specific professional type of personality.

The term “professional deformation” was first introduced by Pitirim Sorokin as a designation of the negative impact of professional activity on a person. Professional deformation was described in their works by such scientists as S. G. Gellerstein (1930), A. K. Markova (1996), E. F. Zeer (1999, 2003). Professor R. Konechny and Doctor M. Bouhal (60s of the twentieth century) believed that a tendency to deformation is observed in certain professions, “whose representatives have power that is difficult to control and difficult to limit.”

Connection with the profession

Persons who work with people are most susceptible to occupational deformation, for example: workers law enforcement, leaders, deputies, social workers, teachers, doctors, salespeople, psychologists themselves. For them, professional deformation can be expressed in a formal, functional attitude towards people. Both in the sphere of socionomic professions and in technical professions, professional deformations are expressed differently depending on the specific profession: for teachers - in authoritarianism and categorical judgments; among psychologists and psychotherapists - in an effort to manipulate another person, to impose a certain picture of the world, without taking into account the motives and goals of the person himself; among programmers - a tendency to look for errors in various life situations, a tendency towards algorithmization.

For managers, professional deformation can manifest itself as an increase in aggressiveness, inadequacy in the perception of people and situations, leading to a decrease (or loss) in the ability to communicate effectively, self-improvement, development, up to a loss of taste for life.


Special cases and ways of manifestation of professional deformation are: administrative delight, emotional “burnout” syndrome, managerial erosion.

There are several ways to systematize the manifestations of personality deformation:

First systematization

Job deformation - the leader does not limit his powers of power, he develops a desire to suppress another person, intolerance to different opinions, the ability to see his mistakes, self-criticism disappears, and the confidence arises that his own opinion is the only correct one. Occurs most often.

Adaptive deformation is a passive adaptation of the individual to specific conditions of activity, as a result of which a person develops high level conformism, he adopts unconditionally accepted models of behavior in the organization. With a deeper level of deformation, the employee experiences significant and sometimes clearly negative changes in personal qualities, including authoritativeness, low emotionality, and rigidity.

Professional degradation is an extreme degree of professional deformation, when a person changes his moral values ​​and becomes professionally untenable.

Systematization by Ewald Friedrichovich Zeer:

General professional deformations are deformations typical for workers in a given profession. For example, for law enforcement officials - the syndrome of “asocial perception” (when everyone is perceived as a potential violator).

Special professional deformations are deformations that arise in the process of specialization. For example, in the legal and human rights professions: the investigator has legal suspicion; the operational worker has actual aggressiveness; a lawyer has professional resourcefulness; the prosecutor has an indictment.

Professional-typological deformations are deformations caused by the imposition of individual psychological characteristics of the individual on the psychological structure of professional activity. As a result, professionally and personally determined complexes develop:

Deformations of a person’s professional orientation - distortion of motives for activity, restructuring of value orientations, pessimism, skeptical attitude towards innovations

Deformations that develop on the basis of any abilities (organizational, communicative, intellectual and others) - a superiority complex, an exaggerated level of aspirations, narcissism.

Deformations caused by character traits - role expansion, lust for power, “official intervention”, dominance, indifference.

Individual deformations are deformations caused by the characteristics of workers in various professions, when individual professionally important qualities, as well as undesirable qualities, develop extremely, which leads to the emergence of super-qualities, or accentuations (super-responsibility, work fanaticism, professional enthusiasm, and others).


One of the most common reasons Professional deformation, according to experts, is the specifics of the immediate environment with which a professional specialist is forced to communicate, as well as the specifics of his activities. Another equally important reason for professional deformation is the division of labor and the increasingly narrow specialization of professionals. Daily work, over the course of many years, by solving standard problems, he not only improves professional knowledge, but also forms professional habits, stereotypes, determines the style of thinking and communication styles.

In the psychological literature, three groups of factors leading to the occurrence of professional deformation are distinguished: factors determined by the specifics of the activity, factors of a personal nature, factors of a socio-psychological nature.

13 542 0 Have you noticed with your family, friends or colleagues that sometimes they forget that they are not at work? There are those among your loved ones who, even in ordinary life situations, behave as if they were at work: like a teacher, like a psychologist, like a commander military unit? I think almost everyone can give such examples. Such human behavior in ordinary life conditions is caused by professional deformation, which more often causes harm than good. You ask what is the benefit of this? For example, former military men are very good businessmen. Their resilience and strength of character, endurance, discipline, firmness in decision making - all these qualities help in the harsh modern business. So, the problem of professional personality deformation: causes, types, factors, consequences and prevention.

Professional deformation occurs in representatives of many professions, among which you can most often see people who, on duty, constantly work with a large number of people - doctors, teachers, military personnel, psychologists, managers in a variety of fields.

In the above joke, the photographer began to take off his coat on camera, but how does the deformity manifest in others? The military man begins to command at home, making no distinction between a platoon of soldiers and his family, the teacher begins to teach not only the children at school, but also the neighbors, making comments to them on any occasion. Where do the reasons for this behavior come from? In fact, these people may have a desire to behave normally, but some are simply afraid to change, while others cannot admit to themselves that they are disappointed in their profession.

Among the reasons for deformation are heavy loads, specific working conditions, monotony of functions, strict regulations, and constant collisions with the problems of strangers.

According to psychologists, professional deformation develops from professional identity, when a person becomes so accustomed to only one social role that he cannot get out of it. He becomes the performer of his duties not only at work, but also at home. It’s just difficult to assess the level of your professional deformation, since this requires the ability to look at yourself from the outside, and as critically as possible. For an objective opinion, psychologists advise turning to a loved one.

Deformation is already close if:

  • your loved ones are increasingly telling you that you are difficult to deal with;
  • you are often told that a conversation with you is reminiscent of a conversation with a psychologist / teacher / investigator / lawyer / doctor - you transfer the professional language of communication into everyday life;
  • your circle of acquaintances consists almost entirely of colleagues;
  • all your conversations sooner or later come down to work issues;
  • you are only interested in what relates to your profession;
  • you perceive your acquaintances as the object of your work;
  • you exclude yourself and your colleagues from displaying emotions and experiences in a work environment;
  • you associate your success exclusively with your professional activities;
  • you are afraid of losing your job, profession, colleagues.

How does professional deformation manifest itself?

How does deformation manifest itself? Let's give a few examples.

Teacher. The teacher's deformation lies in the fact that over time he begins to artificially look for errors in student work and find fault. At home, he continues to evaluate the actions of family members, relatives, and acquaintances, giving them ratings (even if the ratings are given mentally!). It comes to the point that he evaluates the actions of strangers who simply come across him on the street: he evaluates the acceptability of their behavior, and is indignant at the lack of upbringing.

Travel agency manager. A manifestation of deformation in a representative of this profession is that as soon as he hears someone’s story about a completed trip or a planned trip, he begins to ask questions purely professional issues and give the same recommendations. It looks like this: what route did you fly, what do you think of the airport in this city, what season are you planning your vacation for, why did you choose this country, what do you think of that hotel, etc.

Doctor. The professional deformation of a doctor lies in the fact that he already “automatically” begins to assess a person’s health, even when shaking hands: he immediately notes the pulse, temperature, and humidity of the palm. He begins to look for connections between the appearance of the interlocutor and diseases, gives advice like: you don’t look good, you have bags under your eyes, you need to go get checked, etc.

And so in any other profession. A marketer can evaluate every commercial he comes across while watching TV, a psychologist will try to get his interlocutor into a conversation in order to delve into his problems (although the interlocutor does not need this at all), a programmer will constantly algorithmize even the simplest process.

Causes of professional deformation

Many years of professional activity simply cannot be accompanied by continuous
professional development of the individual. Periods of stabilization, when you are practically not moving anywhere, are inevitable. At the beginning of your professional journey, these periods are short-lived, then they begin to become longer and longer, reaching a year or more. In such cases, these periods are already classified by psychologists as periods of professional stagnation of the individual. Stagnation occurs even when the level of your activity is quite high, but your work is carried out stereotypically, using the same techniques. Further stagnation leads to deformation, when a person is already so bogged down in his profession that he cannot get back - he can only play this role in society.

The prerequisites for deformation are :

  • monotonous functions and actions that ultimately lead a person to a psychological barrier: it will be difficult for him to adapt if he finds himself in new conditions;
  • emphasis on the motives for choosing a profession: this may be a desire to prove one’s importance, to acquire a certain social status, achieve power;
  • super expectations at the beginning of professional activity, which ultimately do not correspond to reality.

These factors are only prerequisites that will eventually lead to professional deformation of the employee.

The main reasons for its development are :

  • reluctance to work in this field - some understand that this work is not for them right away, others need years;
  • professional fatigue that accumulates over years of work;
  • age-related changes - in your youth this profession was suitable for you, but now you perform your functions automatically, although with age your goals have changed;
  • lack of understanding of the goals of one’s work;
  • monotony – constant monotonous work;
  • overload with official duties;
  • high self-confidence;
  • high level of nervousness, fatigue;
  • constant stress;
  • improper discipline;
  • giving your all to your work while your colleagues do not recognize your merits;
  • tension, conflicts among colleagues;
  • lack of conditions for self-expression, when creativity and new ideas are rejected without discussion;
  • impossibility of further training, advanced training, professional growth.

The causes of deformation in a particular person may be somewhat different - each of us is individual. Common reasons include monotony of work, monotonous functions, high levels of stress, fatigue, and professional fatigue.

Types of professional deformation

Changes in a person’s personality as a result of professional deformation are divided into four types:

  1. General professional – changes that are characteristic of an employee of a particular profession (for example, a police officer considers everyone he meets as a possible criminal);
  2. Special – deformations that arise in an employee of a particular specialization (for example, the resourcefulness of lawyers, which is so necessary for them in their work);
  3. Professional typological – changes associated with the imposition on the personality of some psychological characteristics work (for example, the ability to cope with a crowd for a company manager);
  4. Individual – deformations that can appear in a representative of any profession and are caused by the active development of professional qualities (for example, a sense of increased responsibility can be characteristic of a worker in any profession).

Consequences of deformation

Professional deformation can be both useful and cause serious problems.

Let's start with the benefits. Sometimes deformation is really useful, because some purely professional skills can be very helpful in everyday life. For example, a person who holds the position of boss can use his abilities to organize a family event. The doctor always knows how to provide first aid medical care. The main thing is not to forget about the boundary between work and life. You can briefly include a professional worker in normal conditions, but only for a while.

Negative consequences the deformation is much greater:

  • A feeling of administrative delight - when a person who has received a more or less significant position looks down on those around him;
  • Emotional burnout - when work absorbs so much that the psychological protective barrier falls, a person burns out and does not see the meaning in life;
  • Managerial erosion – when, as a result of deformation, a manager turns into an ineffective tyrant who is quick to kill;
  • Decreased personal adaptability - when a person does not look for anything new in his profession;
  • Deterioration of relationships with others - when communication patterns at work are transferred to everyday life.

To avoid such consequences of deformation, it is necessary to notice its first signs in time and eliminate them. Since the problem is psychological in nature, all its causes lie within ourselves, and, therefore, only we ourselves can overcome it.

Prevention of professional deformation

Start with self-check the extent to which the deformation manifests itself in you. We recommend using two methods:

Technique No. 1: answer the question “who am I?” for yourself. There must be at least 10 answers, write each of them down on a piece of paper. Then, for each answer, come up with three definitions of “what am I?” Definitions should not be repeated. Have you recorded it? Now let’s analyze what was recorded. What's missing from the list? What roles did you not take into account because their number is limited to 10, but are they important to you? Are they more important than the roles you wrote down? If more important, then it is these social roles (wife, girlfriend, mother, chatterbox, etc.) that are worth paying attention to. Also analyze the characteristics with which you described yourself in each role.

Technique No. 2: draw a circle and separate a sector from it that reflects the scope of your functions as an employee. The rest of the circle was divided among the rest of their interests. Now analyze which volumes you would like to increase? Due to which sectors? Here is the answer to the question of which areas of your life you have practically forgotten, having pushed them aside with work.

To prevent professional deformation, carry out such self-diagnosis more often, and also follow the following recommendations:

  • Develop your ability to self-criticize;
  • Try to be open to new knowledge and new experiences;
  • Remember to rest and relax;
  • Get out of your comfort zone;
  • Try to reduce the level of emotional costs in your work;
  • Support correct mode sleep and nutrition, exercise;
  • Participate in non-standard projects at work;
  • Activate your social life, communicate with friends, make new acquaintances;
  • Work with people of other professions and interests, develop diversified.

Professional deformation is accompanied by psychological discomfort, constant tension, conflicts, and crises. Successful and timely resolution of professional difficulties will allow you to further develop both as an individual and as a professional in your field. In addition, by preventing the manifestations of professional deformation, you will get rid of.

In the next video you will see clear example professional deformation of personality.

According to many researchers (A. Adler, S.P. Beznosov, R.M. Granovskaya, E.F. Zeer, etc.), the process of mastering a profession is constructive: the personality develops, the qualities that contribute to success in activities; and destructively: there is a destruction of personal substructures, a distortion of the professional and personal profile of a specialist. Latest in Psychology professional development got the name professional deformations.

According to E.F. Zeer's professional deformations can manifest themselves at four levels.

1.General professional deformities, typical for workers in this profession. These invariant features of the personality and behavior of professionals can be traced in the majority of workers with experience, although the level of severity of this group of deformations is different. Thus, doctors are characterized by the “compassionate fatigue” syndrome, which is expressed in emotional indifference to the suffering of patients. Law enforcement officials develop a syndrome of “asocial perception”, in which every citizen is perceived as a potential violator; among managers - the “permissiveness” syndrome, expressed in violation of professional and ethical standards, in the desire to manipulate the professional life of subordinates. The ensemble of general professional deformations makes workers of the profession recognizable and similar.

2. Special occupational deformities arising in the process of specialization in a profession. Any profession combines several specialties. Each specialty has its own composition of deformations. Thus, the investigator develops legal suspicion, the operative worker develops actual aggressiveness, the lawyer develops professional resourcefulness, and the prosecutor develops accusatory tendencies. Doctors of different specialties also develop their own deformities. Therapists make threatening diagnoses, surgeons are cynical, nurses are callous and indifferent.

3. Professional typological deformations, caused by the imposition of individual psychological characteristics of the individual: temperament, abilities, character - on the psychological structure of activity. As a result, professionally and personally determined complexes develop:

§ deformations of a person’s professional orientation: distortion of motivation for activity (“shift of motive to goal”), restructuring of value orientations, pessimism, skeptical attitude towards newcomers and innovations;

§ deformations that develop on the basis of any abilities: organizational, communicative, intellectual, etc. (superiority complex, hypertrophied level of aspirations, inflated self-esteem, psychological sealing, narcissism, etc.);

§ deformations caused by character traits: role expansion, lust for power, “official intervention,” dominance, indifference, etc.

This group of deformations develops in different professions and does not have a clear professional orientation.

4. Customized Deformations, due to the characteristics of workers in various professions. In the process of many years of professional activity, the psychological fusion of personality and profession, certain professionally important qualities, as well as professionally undesirable ones, develop excessively, which leads to the emergence of super-qualities, or accentuations. This could be hyper-responsibility, super-honesty, hyperactivity, work fanaticism, professional enthusiasm. These deformations can be called “professional cretinism.”

The consequences of all these deformations are mental tension, conflicts, decreased productivity of the individual’s professional activities, dissatisfaction with life and the social environment.

In teaching activities, the most common deformations are:

1. Authoritarianism, which manifests itself in the strict centralization of the educational process, the sole implementation of managerial functions, and the use primarily of orders, recommendations, and instructions. Authoritarian teachers tend to punish students in various ways and refuse to cooperate with them. Authoritarianism is revealed in a decrease in reflection - self-analysis and self-control of the teacher.

2. Demonstrativeness - a personality quality that manifests itself in emotionally charged behavior, the desire to be liked, the desire to be visible, to prove oneself. This tendency is realized in original behavior, demonstration of one’s superiority, deliberate exaggeration, colorization of one’s experiences, in poses and actions designed for external effect. Emotions are bright and expressive in their manifestations, but unstable and shallow. A certain amount of demonstrativeness is professionally necessary for a teacher. However, when it begins to determine the style of behavior, it reduces the quality of teaching activity, becoming a means of self-affirmation.

3. Pedagogical dogmatism arises as a result of frequent repetition of the same situations, typical professional and pedagogical tasks. The teacher gradually develops a tendency to simplify problems, to use already known techniques without taking into account the complexity of the pedagogical situation. Professional dogmatism also manifests itself in ignoring psychological and pedagogical theories, disdain for science, innovation, self-confidence and inflated self-esteem. Dogmatism develops with increasing work experience in the same position, a decrease in the level of general intelligence, and is also determined by character traits.

4. Dominance is determined by the performance of power functions by teachers. He is given great rights: to demand, punish, evaluate, control. The development of this deformation is also determined by the individual typological characteristics of the personality. Dominance is manifested to a greater extent in choleric and phlegmatic people. It can develop on the basis of character accentuation. But in any case, the work of a teacher creates favorable conditions for satisfying the need for power, suppression of others and self-affirmation at the expense of students.

5. Pedagogical indifference characterized by emotional dryness, ignoring the individual characteristics of students. Pedagogical interaction with them is built without taking into account their personal characteristics, based on the typological approach: “loser”, “hooligan”, “activist”, “lazy”, etc. Indifference develops over the years as a consequence of emotional fatigue and negative individual experiences of interaction with students.

6. Conservatism manifests itself in prejudice against innovation and adherence to established technologies. The development of conservatism is facilitated by the fact that the teacher regularly reproduces the same educational material, applies certain forms and methods of training and education. Stereotypical methods of influence gradually turn into cliches, save the teacher’s intellectual strength, and do not cause additional emotional experiences. As they become more professional, these stamps become pedagogical work become a brake on the development of the teacher’s activities and personality.

7. Role expansionism manifests itself in total immersion in the profession, fixation on one’s own problems and difficulties, in the inability and unwillingness to understand another person, in the predominance of accusatory and edifying statements, and categorical judgments. This deformation is revealed in rigid role behavior outside educational institution, in exaggerating one’s own role and importance.

8. Social hypocrisy The teacher is driven by the need to meet the high moral expectations of students and adults, to promote moral principles and standards of behavior. Over the years, social desirability turns into a habit of moralizing, insincerity of feelings and relationships.

9. Behavioral transfer (manifestation of role transfer syndrome) characterizes the formation of role behavior traits and qualities inherent in students. The saying “Whoever you behave with, you’ll gain from” is true for teachers.

10. Didacticity – this is a manifestation of the pedagogical costs of explanatory and illustrative teaching methods. It is expressed in the teacher’s desire to explain everything himself, and in educational work - in moral teaching and edification. The teacher’s didacticism also manifests itself beyond educational institution: in family, informal communication, it often takes on the character of professional bore.

11. Pedagogical aggression manifests itself in a hostile attitude towards careless and underachieving students, in a commitment to “punitive” influences, in the demand for unconditional obedience.

27. Psychological components of professional standards and state educational standards.

Monitoring personal professional development


Department of Sociology, Psychology and Law

Professional personality deformation


Tomsk - 2009

BBK 88.37

Professional personality deformation. Tutorial. (Compilers,). – Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, - 20 p.

The content of the manual is devoted to the consideration actual problem the impact of professional activity on a person’s personal structure, the reasons for the appearance of professional personality deformations.

The manual is aimed at students and listeners of all specialties and forms of study.

Topic 1. Theoretical justifications of professional activities………………………………………………………………………………..4

1.1 Profession and professional self-determination…………….4


1.3. Professionally significant personality traits and their dynamics………..10

Topic 2. Theoretical issues of professional deformation………….17

2.1. Concept and types of professional deformation……………………17

2.2. Professional destruction of personality……………………………19

2.3. Classification of signs of professional deformation………...27

2.4. Causes of professional personality deformations………………..28

Topic 3. Factors in the formation of professional personality deformation……34

3.1. Psychological states of a person in the process of work……………….34

3.2. Professional crisis: the problem of personal choice………………..52

3.3. Emotional Burnout Syndrome……………………………….54

Topic 4. Factors of professional longevity……………………………57

Topic 5. Occupational deformities managers…………………………. 62

5.1. Modern conditions of activity of managers………………………...62

5.2. Personal limitations of modern managers………………….74

5.3. Professional crises of managers……………………………...78

List of used literature………………………………………………………..90

Topic 1. Theoretical justifications of professional activities

1.1 Profession and professional self-determination of the individual.

1.2. Basics of classification of professions.

1.1. Profession and professional self-determination of the individual.

Despite all the obvious semantic similarities, the concept of “profession” in the general case does not coincide with the concept of “professional activity”.

Here the basic conditions (or signs) are formulated, when met, we can talk about the existence of a specific phenomenon called “profession”, as well as about a “professional” as a bearer of these signs. Here are these conditions:

1. Social necessity of this profession. Society as a whole, or some part of it, needs in some service and is ready to provide certain life benefits to the people performing it, i.e. pay her. In other words, the profession is based on services, provided to others, satisfying them needs and, accordingly, having a certain price.

2. A profession is something that has developed historically. The profession assumes that: a given (historically established) way of satisfying a social need:

· acts (is implemented) for some time (extent in time);

carried out not by one person, but group of persons - specialists who are proficient in this method of meeting social needs;

· mandatory reproduced in time.

3.In the public consciousness, a specific profession is presented as a discrete unit of the world of professions and the bearer of a certain, characteristic only for her, set of properties.

(For example, despite the similarity of the professions “joiner-carpenter”, nevertheless, even at the everyday level they are presented as different, separate professions). At the same time, a profession, as a discrete unit and a carrier of specific properties, is interconnected with other professions. The very existence of this profession is a consequence of the existence of other professions and a condition for the existence of third professions.

4. Mastering a profession is associated with the process of professional training. Any profession, as follows from the definition, is an occupation that must be specially studied, mastering a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Any work that is done without preparation or after short-term(from several days to several months) preparation can be carried out by any healthy, i.e. able-bodied person, who should be classified as unprofessional labor, which means it is not a profession,

In general, we can talk about professionalism as an integral characteristic of a person’s activity, communication and personality. Professionalism can be described through the relationship between a person’s motivational sphere (professional values, professional aspirations and motives, professional goal setting, etc.) and the operational sphere (professional self-awareness, professional abilities, learning ability, techniques and technologies as components of professional skill and creativity, etc.). d.). Professionalism correlates with various aspects of employee maturity; accordingly, the following are distinguished: types of professional competence:

special or activity professional competence - characterizes mastery of activities at a high professional level;

social professional competence - characterizes mastery of methods of joint professional activity and cooperation, methods of professional communication accepted in the community;

personal professional competence - characterizes mastery of methods of self-expression and self-development, means of resisting professional deformation of the individual;

individual professional competence - characterizes mastery of methods of self-realization and self-development of individuality within the framework of the profession, the ability to creatively express one’s individuality, etc.

The presence of all aspects of competence means that a person has achieved maturity in his professional activities, communication and cooperation, and characterizes the formation of the personality and individuality of a professional. Note that a person may not have all types of competence, which must be taken into account in his professional characteristics.

Levels of professionalism, its stages and steps are related as follows: they present not the same requirements for professionally important qualities (PIQ) of an individual.

For example, at the stage of “self-diagnosis” the necessary qualities are self-awareness, optimism, and a positive “I-concept”. At the level of mastery- professional goal setting, thinking, intuition, improvisation, mastery of rational techniques and technologies.

Choosing a profession, or professional self-determination, seen as the basis self-affirmation person in society. Choosing a profession is not a one-time act, but a process consisting of a number of stages, the duration of which depends on external conditions and the individual characteristics of the person making such a choice.

Based on the personal approach, researchers identify four stages in the process of professional self-determination:

1. The emergence and formation of professional intentions and initial orientation in various fields of work (high school age). By the age of 14-15, girls and boys have already developed certain knowledge about professions and have developed a selective attitude towards one or more of them. At this stage, educational activities are re-evaluated: motivation changes depending on professional intentions. Studying in high school takes on a professionally oriented character. There is reason to believe that at the stage of professional development there is a change in leading activity: educational and cognitive activity is replaced by educational-oriented activity.

2. Vocational education and training as the basis of the chosen profession;

3. Professional adaptation, characterized by independent work activity, the formation individual style of activity(ISD) and inclusion in the system of industrial and social relations;

4. Self-realization in work (partial or complete) - fulfillment or non-fulfillment of those expectations, that are related to professional work. The fourth period (self-realization person in work) in turn can be presented as a sequence of its three components stages:

Stage primary professionalization - characterized by the fact that a specialist masters and productively performs normatively approved activities, determines his social and professional status in the hierarchy of industrial relations.

Stage Its feature is high-quality and highly productive performance of professional activities. The methods of its implementation have a clearly expressed individual character. The specialist becomes professional. He is characterized by a socio-professional position and stable professional self-esteem.

Stage professional excellence characterized by a creative and innovative level of professional activity. The driving factor in further professional development of the individual is the need for self-realization and self-fulfillment.

Thus, professional self-determination is considered as a process that covers the entire period of a person’s professional activity: from the emergence of professional intentions to exit from work.

The choice of profession is related to past personal experience, and the process of professional development extends far into the future, participating in the formation general image“I” ultimately determines the course of life.

Considering professional self-determination as a personality property, the following characteristics are distinguished:

The ability to adequately assess one’s qualities as factors in choosing a profession;

The ability to form an adequate understanding of the world of professions and social needs in certain types;

The ability to highlight the most important thing for yourself when choosing a profession.

Thus, we can give the following definition of profession. Profession is a type of work activity of a person who has a complex of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training and work experience.

The transition from one stage of the process of professional development to another is accompanied by certain crises. Let us briefly consider the psychological features of crises in professional personality development:

1. At the stage formation of professional intentions a clash of the desired future and the real present manifests itself, which takes on the character of a crisis of educational and professional guidance. High school students who continued their studies in grades 10-11 clearly experience this crisis at the age of 16-17, before completing their school education. The core of the crisis is the need to choose the method of obtaining vocational education or training. Researchers emphasize that at this age, as a rule, the option of continuing education is chosen, focused on a certain professional field, and not for a specific profession.

2. At the stage vocational education Many pupils and students experience disappointment in their profession. Dissatisfaction with certain academic disciplines arises, doubts arise about the correctness of the professional choice, and interest in studying decreases. Observed crisis of professional choice. As a rule, it clearly manifests itself in the first and last years of professional training. In rare exceptions, this crisis is overcome by a change educational motivation to social and professional. Increasing professional focus from year to year academic disciplines reduces dissatisfaction with the future profession.

However, the crisis of revision and correction of professional choice at this stage does not reach the critical phase when conflict is inevitable. Researchers note the sluggish nature of this crisis.

3. After completing vocational education, the stage begins professional adaptation. The situation of professional development is changing radically: a new group of different ages and socio-professional values, a different social role and hierarchical system of industrial relations, a fundamentally new type of activity - professional. Inconsistency, discrepancy between real professional reality and previously formed ideas and expectations young specialist causes crisis of professional expectations.

This crisis manifests itself in a person’s dissatisfaction with the level of organization and content of work, job responsibilities, industrial relations, working conditions and wages. There are two options for resolving the crisis:

· constructive(intensifying professional efforts to quickly adapt and gain work experience);

· destructive(dismissal, change of specialty, inadequate, unproductive performance of professional functions).

4. Stage primary professionalization begins after 3-5 years of work. At this stage, a person develops dissatisfaction with his professional life, a protest against the inertia of his professional development. Consciously or unconsciously, a person begins to feel the need for further professional growth. In the absence of his prospects, the individual experiences internal discomfort, mental tension, and thoughts about possible dismissal, change of profession.

Emerging crisis of professional growth can be temporarily compensated by leisure activities, everyday worries, or can be radically resolved by leaving one’s profession. But such a resolution of the crisis can hardly be considered productive. The conflict can be resolved by introducing certification and assigning a new professional category to the performer.

5. Further professional development of a specialist leads to secondary professionalization. Social and professional values ​​and relationships are radically restructured, ways of performing activities are changing, which indicates the transition of a specialist to a new stage of professional development, since these changes lead to a significant transformation of both social reality and leading activities.

However, the stabilization of all aspects of professional life leads to professional stagnation of the individual, humility and professional apathy. Professional stagnation can last for years, sometimes until retirement.

On the other hand, high-quality and productive performance of activities in many cases leads to the fact that a person “outgrows” his profession. Dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s professional position increases. The professional self-awareness that has formed by this time suggests alternative scenarios for a future career and not necessarily within the framework of a given profession. The individual feels the need for self-determination and self-organization. Contradictions between the desired career and its real prospects lead to the development professional career crisis. At the same time, the “I-concept” is subjected to a serious revision, and adjustments are made to the existing production relations.

Possible options for overcoming the crisis: dismissal, mastering a new specialty within the same profession, moving to a higher position. The individual must commit a professional act, show above-standard activity, which can be expressed in the transition to a new educational qualification, or a qualitatively new, innovative level of activity performance. One of the productive options is the transition to the next stage of professional development, the stage of mastery.

6. On mastery stages a crisis may occur unrealized opportunities or, more precisely, crisis of social and professional self-actualization, expressed in deep the specialist's dissatisfaction with himself.Constructive The way out of this state is innovation, invention, rapid career, social and professional activities beyond the norm. Destructive options for resolving the crisis - illegal actions, alcoholism, creation new family, depression, development of professional deformation.

7. The last crisis of a working person (in the logical chain of professional development and human life) is due to his departure from professional life. When a certain age limit is reached, a person retires and experiences crisis of loss of profession. The pre-retirement period is already becoming a crisis for many workers. This is due to the assimilation of a new social role and norms of behavior. Retirement means a narrowing of the socio-professional field and contacts, a decrease in financial opportunities. The severity of the crisis of loss of professional activity depends on the nature of the work activity (physical workers experience it more easily), marital status and health.

1.2. Basics of classification of professions.

The next stage in the psychological study of professional activity is the study of the “Man - Professional Environment” system, in which the components of the professional environment are the subject and means of labor, professional tasks, physical and social environment. An object of labor is a system of properties and relationships of things, phenomena, processes with which a person working in a certain job position must mentally or practically operate (recognize, take into account, transform, save or find them).

In accordance with the five main types of objects of labor, a classification of types of professions is proposed, shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1.

Classification of types of professions

However, when analyzing work activity, one should always distinguish between subjective goals and so-called “objective” ones, given from the outside, somewhere approved by someone, prescribed, but not yet “accepted” by the subject, which have not become his own goals - images of the desired future. With this approach, the goal of labor, considered as some objective result that society requires or expects from a person, determines the corresponding professional tasks.

Below is Table 1.2, which shows the relationships between specialty types and professional tasks.

It is proposed to consider not only processing tools as tools of labor, but also any means that enhance a person’s ability to recognize the characteristics of the object of labor and influence it. Therefore, he classifies measuring instruments and devices as tools of labor, and the so-called “ functionality body" ( means of expression behavior, speech, rules for solving theoretical and practical problems).

Table 1.2

Relationship between types of specialties and types of professional tasks

The basis of the classification proposed in the years is the “predominant presence of creativity.” As a result, three groups of professions were identified:

Professions of the highest type on the basis of “the need for constant extracurricular work on the subject and on oneself.” This group initially included professions related to the arts and education; Later, doctors, engineers, and responsible trade unionists were added to this group.

Professions of the average (craft) type involve working only on a subject.

Professions of the lower type, which after training do not require work on either oneself or the subject.

Such a basis is perhaps more suitable for determining a person’s subjective contribution to professional activity, depending on whether he is working on himself and/or on a subject or not, and thereby for psychological diagnostics of the prospects for his advancement in the profession.

1.3. Professionally significant personality traits and their dynamics.

When considering each of the professionally significant properties, it is necessary to pay attention to how stable this property is, how amenable to development and compensation it is in the process of learning and professional activity. The main characteristics of nervous processes (strength of excitatory and inhibitory processes, mobility, balance) leave their mark on professional activity in any field, however different professions have their own requirements for various properties nervous system.

Individual typological properties. Individual typological characteristics change little throughout the professional path and are among the most stable properties. It should be remembered that the same typological property can have both positive and negative (from the point of view of professional success) manifestations. For example, weakness of nervous processes determines a low limit of performance and at the same time high sensitivity (sensitivity). And the inertia of nervous processes is manifested in low rates of speed of the nervous system and in the strength of temporary connections, etc. Thus, natural deficiency in the area of ​​one function is compensated by an advantage in the area of ​​another, no less important. A different types Higher nervous activity must be considered not as different degrees of perfection, but as ways of balancing the organism with the environment.

Among the individual-typological properties that manifest themselves in all types of activity of the subject - activity, communication, behavior, etc. - and therefore influencing cognitive and emotional processes, mental states and properties, is temperament as one of the most important properties of individuality .

Individual style of activity - a system of methods determined by typological features that develops in a person striving for best implementation This activity is called the individual activity style (IAS). An individual style of activity (in work, study, sports) is a system of skills, methods, techniques, and ways of solving the problem of a particular activity characteristic of a given person, ensuring its more or less successful implementation.

The complex of individual characteristics of a person can only partially satisfy the requirements of any type of activity. Therefore, a person consciously or spontaneously mobilizes his valuable qualities for a given type of work, while at the same time compensating for or somehow overcoming those that hinder the achievement of the goal. As a result, it is created individual style of activity is a unique version of the typical working methods for a given person in typical conditions.

In the professional literature there is a widely presented point of view that distinguishes three types of professions:

1. Professions where every healthy person can achieve socially acceptable effective activity.

2. Professions in which not every person can achieve the desired effect.

3. Professions that, by their nature, require achievement of the highest levels of skill.

Type 3 professions make specific demands on a person’s individual characteristics, which in some cases can be determined genetically. Most professions do not impose such stringent requirements on the subject of activity (type 1) or allow, through the inclusion of compensation mechanisms and the development of ISD, to correct the lack of certain professionally important qualities (type 2 professions).

ISD can be considered as a way of adapting carriers of various individual typological qualities to working conditions. So, for example, when the requirements for the pace of activity change, a person with a mobile type of nervous system successfully solves problems by using his quickness, the ability to easily speed up actions and move from one state to another.

Under the same objective conditions, a person of an inert type uses completely different means. He can save himself from the need to quickly respond to signals due to forethought and increased attention to preventive measures. In the process of his work, a tendency to systematicity and thoroughness in work is developed.

The individual style of activity of any individual cannot be taken as a universal, “ideal model”. Imposing it “in the order of sharing experience” on others (for example, encouraging an inert performer to work in the style of a dynamic one) can lead to the fact that the tasks of the activity become impossible for him.

One of the first factors that people pay attention to when studying the psychological characteristics of a particular profession is psychomotor skills.

Every work activity, one way or another, includes a system of actions. Analyzing general structure activities, emphasized that human activity does not exist except in the form of an action or chain of actions.

In the structure of the actions of a person dealing with complex technical devices, great importance have sensorimotor reactions. From point of view general characteristics human psychomotor is of interest in discovering the trainability of all types of sensorimotor reactions. Moreover, there is information about the possibility of arbitrary regulation of the speed of the sensorimotor reaction with an accuracy of hundredths of a second.

Can be practically used in work the entire sensory organization of man. Despite the wide variety of types and levels of sensitivity in the same person, sensitivity is a general, relatively stable personality trait that manifests itself in different conditions, under the influence of external stimuli of a wide variety of nature.

Type of nervous system of a particular person affects the general nature of the sensitivity of all his analyzers. The speed of sensation and discrimination depends on the mobility of nervous processes and their balance. The stability of the level of sensitivity depends on the strength of the nervous processes, their mobility and balance. Emotional reactivity when exposed to stimuli on receptors depends especially strongly on the strength of nervous processes - greater in the weak type, least in the inert.

Due to the stability of the considered characteristics, for professions that place increased demands on such properties as speed of discrimination, stability of the level of sensitivity, etc., a real means of increasing the efficiency of specialists is professional selection.

The next characteristic of sensory processes, which is of great importance for success in many types of professional activities, is analyzer sensitivity level . There is uneven development of different types of sensitivity in the general sensory organization: the same person may have increased sensitivity in the field of spatial discrimination or speech hearing and, at the same time, decreased sensitivity of color vision and musical hearing. These features can be associated either: a) with the natural predominance of one of the analyzers; or b) with the leading role of this analyzer, formed as a result of long-term professional experience. These features are determined by both individual characteristics of information reception and the predominance of one or another type of representation in the imagination, memory, and figurative thinking.

Numerous studies indicate that the effectiveness of solving sensory and perceptual tasks significantly increases under the influence of social experience or special training.

One of the most important components of sensory culture is observation - polyanalyser purposeful activity of perception, mediated by knowledge and thinking. Professional observation skills are associated with a person’s observational ability: it relies on this property and at the same time develops it.

Memory - one of the most important mental processes. It underlies the formation of a person’s individual experience, his speech, thinking, emotions, and motor skills. In the structure of memory, three main links can be distinguished: 1) memorization of perceived information; 2) saving information; 3) extracting what has been preserved.

Various mnemonic properties are important for the success of work activity:


memorization speed;

strength of retention of learned material;

accuracy and speed of playback;

readiness of memory to quickly reproduce material at the right time.

Professional memory can operate with visual images, auditory (for a radio operator, musician), motor (for a mechanic - adjuster, acrobat), tactile (for a doctor), olfactory (for workers in the food and perfume industries). This can be memory for faces (of an administrator, a railway carriage conductor, a teacher), for graphic and digital material, and finally, the content of professional memory can be artistic images, words, concepts, ideas. Individual differences in this regard are great.

Professional experience is stored in long-term memory . But basically, professional activity is based on operative memory, which is organically included in this activity. Mechanisms of functioning random access memory are lifelong developing systems of nervous connections that serve this activity. Therefore, the characteristics of RAM are directly dependent on the degree of formation of such functional systems. They change as these systems are formed and one or another activity is mastered, reaching at some level relative stability with fixed ways of performing certain activities. As new, more advanced methods of activity are learned, a new shift occurs in the characteristics of RAM.

Individual differences in the characteristics of imagination and factors influencing the dynamics imaginative properties , have been little studied. However, based on the materials accumulated by psychological science, it can be noted that schoolchildren with a penchant for technical creativity have significantly fewer errors when solving problems that require operating with images of objects of complex shape than their peers who do not attend technical clubs

Based on these observations, the conclusion suggests itself about the possibility of developing appropriate skills. Apparently, for this, firstly, some kind of fund of images is needed (not only visual, but also auditory, motor, etc.), which is created as a result of professional experience, but can be formed using special techniques in the process industrial training, and, secondly, it is necessary to develop skills in operating with representations.

In psychology there is a concept general intelligence and its two substructures: verbal and nonverbal. Verbal intelligence is an integral education, the functioning of which is carried out in a verbal-logical form, relying primarily on knowledge. Nonverbal intelligence is an integral education, the functioning of which is associated with the development of visual-figurative thinking based on visual images and spatial representations.

General intelligence is understood as a complex integral quality, a certain synthesis of the psyche, which together ensures the success of any activity. The level of general intelligence is often measured through IQ - intelligence quotient, which was proposed by the famous researcher and author of a specialized intelligence test D. Wexler. In the Wechsler scale, intelligence is measured by points on the following scale: over 135 points - genius, from 135 to 120 points - high level, from 120 to 100 - average, from 100 to 80 - low, below 80 points - mental retardation.

In particular, the results of studies of students with a technical and humanitarian orientation revealed a statistically significant difference between the two named contingents. It was found that the intelligence profile of technical students is shifted towards the development of non-verbal intelligence and slightly reduced in verbal intelligence. Students of humanities, on the contrary, have more developed verbal intelligence and reduced non-verbal intelligence. However, the results of a study of intelligence, in particular, of electrical engineers, showed that the best success in their work was achieved by those specialists who had developed non-verbal and verbal intelligence, i.e. general and special abilities.

In addition, a distinction is made between so-called professional and social intelligence. Professional intelligence is focused on specialization in activities, social intelligence is focused on problem solving interpersonal relationships, to find a rational way out of the situation.

Along with mental qualities, the so-called attentional properties . Attentional properties include the following characteristics of attention, which can be determined through experimental research: selectivity of attention, volume of attention, stability of attention, the ability to distribute and switch.

Professionally significant properties of attention, such as the intensity of its concentration, stability, speed of switching, appear differently in different types of activities. For example, for the driver’s profession, the characteristics of distribution and switching come to the fore, for other professions whose main goal is observation and control (proofreader, operator of continuous rolling mills, etc.), highest value gains stability (concentration) of attention.

All characteristics of attention are determined to one degree or another by the typological characteristics of the nervous system and therefore change little. The speed of switching depends on the mobility of nervous processes. As is known, with age their mobility decreases somewhat and one can expect a decrease in the speed of switching attention.

None of the professionally significant properties depends to such an extent on external factors, as a property of attention. Monotony, for example, has a sharply negative effect on the stability of attention, while the content and responsibility of the task increase the stability of attention. Fatigue, first of all, affects attention, manifesting itself in a deterioration in its characteristics.

No special training involved vocational training cannot provide a dramatic improvement in individual characteristics of attention, since the underlying features of the nervous processes change extremely slowly. Therefore, the characteristics of attention, as well as mental properties, can be considered as fairly stable diagnostic indicators.

Under efficiency refers to the potential ability of a person to perform labor activities for a given time with a given efficiency and quality. Performance depends on the external conditions of activity and the psychophysiological resources of the individual. In relation to the task being solved by the subject of labor, one can distinguish maximum, optimal and reduced performance.

For long-term work activity, the following phases, or periods of working capacity, are typical:

Workability phase. Characterized by an increase in the body's metabolic processes. The duration of this period depends on the preparedness, work experience and condition of the person. Preliminary training helps reduce the processing time.

Compensation phase. Characterized by sustainable activities. Working reactions are precise and correspond to the required rhythm. There is a stable mobilization of attention, memory, and information processing processes. Labor productivity and quality at this stage are maximum.

3. Subcompensation phase. After the time has elapsed in unfavorable conditions the subcompensation phase begins. It is characterized by a slight decrease in performance due to the development of fatigue, as well as a decrease in concentration. Labor productivity may remain high, but the quality of labor decreases. Activation occurs, “boosting” the functional systems of the body, involving most of its reserves. Physiological resistance increases temporarily, but later exhaustion occurs vitality body.

4. Decompensation phase. Characterized by a violation of the energy supply of activity. Motivational characteristics change. Labor efficiency, quality and reliability are significantly reduced. Social contacts in the team are deteriorating. The number of errors is increasing. Work activity becomes exhausting. The leading motivation is aimed at stopping the activity. 5. Phase of disruption of activity. Occurs with very intense or prolonged work.

5. During the work process, a final rush phase may appear. Its essence is the emergency mobilization of the body's functional reserves to ensure a sharp increase in performance under the influence of appropriate motivation associated with the imminent completion of work.

The effectiveness of activity is often determined by how effectively a person’s potential is used - his ability to work under given conditions. And in some cases, external conditions may be so far from optimal that they will not provide the opportunity to show the result for which the specialist is ready, even with the maximum return of spiritual and physical strength.

Questions for self-control

1. Determine the main content of the “profession” phenomenon.

3. What stages does a person go through during his professional activity?

4. Highlight the most significant professional personal qualities necessary for your profession.

Topic 2. Theoretical issues of professional deformation

2.1. Concept and types of professional deformation.

2.3. Classification of signs of professional deformation.

2.4. Causes of professional personality deformations.

2.1. Concept and types of professional deformation.

Professional personality deformation – a change in personality qualities (stereotypes of perception, value orientations, character, methods of communication and behavior), which occurs under the influence of performing professional activities. A professional personality type is formed, which can manifest itself in professional jargon, demeanor, and physical appearance.

Considering the parameters of professional personality deformation, the following characteristics can be tentatively identified. The impact of a profession on a person can be assessed, first of all, by its modality (positive or negative impact). It is known that work itself has neutral properties in relation to the results of education. It is capable of exerting a beneficial, ennobling influence on a person, forming a noble attitude towards work, the team, cultivating spiritual needs, worldview, improving work skills, abilities, experience, and generally shaping the characteristics of a person’s character.

Professional deformation is manifested in such personality qualities that change under the influence of the professional role. The sources of professional deformation lie in the depths of the professional adaptation of the individual to the conditions and demands of work. It is known that professional deformation manifests itself to the greatest extent among representatives of those professions where work is connected with people, especially with “abnormal” people in some respect. The objective division of labor, the differences between mental and physical labor, and disharmony in personality development create the prerequisites for the emergence of professional personality types and the transformation of subjects into “narrow specialists.”

Speaking about professional deformation, we can briefly note that its essence lies in the interaction of the subject and the individual in a single structure of individuality. For the first time in psychology, the academician noted the possibility of non-coinciding, contradictory development of personality properties and the properties of the subject of activity, and also analyzed the conditions that contribute to the discrepancy between the personality properties and the properties of the subject, professional, specialist in their interaction.

The phenomenon of professional deformation can be defined as the penetration of the “Professional Self” into the “Human Self,” meaning that with professional deformation, the impact of professional frameworks and attitudes is not limited exclusively to the professional sphere. We can say that after a person leaves a professional situation, his natural “straightening” does not occur, therefore, even in his personal life, a person continues to bear the “deforming imprint” of his profession. Thus, the term “professional deformation” is a fairly successful metaphor on the basis of which one can build a model that clearly describes the mechanism of the deforming influence of professional activity. To do this, let’s imagine a certain production process for making a product using pressing.

At the entrance to this process we have material a certain shape, which passes through the influence of the press and therefore loses its old shape (that is, it becomes deformed). The output of this material is new uniform, which corresponds press configurations. In order for the deformation process to take place successfully, sufficient force press and suitable material properties. Otherwise, the material will not change its shape (if the press is not powerful enough) or after some time it may return to its original shape (if the material is too elastic). To prevent this from happening, some manufacturing processes use various methods. consolidation the resulting form (for example, burning in the manufacture of ceramic products).

The fact is that all of the above deforming factors have their analogies in the work of any professional:

· Material properties- these are the personal characteristics of the consultant and his initial inclinations: mental mobility/rigidity, ideological independence/compliance, personal maturity/immaturity, etc.

· Press configuration- this is the professional framework in which the consultant places himself: principles and attitudes, professional picture of the world, professional skills, clientele and their problems, job responsibilities, working conditions, etc.

· Abs Strength- this is the degree of influence of the previous factors, depending on such parameters as: faith in the method and authority of teachers, the personal significance of professional activity, a sense of responsibility, emotional involvement in professional activity, motivation, a sense of mission, the strength of external control, etc.

· "Burning"- this is a factor that helps to consolidate the resulting form, and it is mainly associated with obtaining positive emotions: professional success, gratitude from clients, praise from teachers, recognition from colleagues, admiration from others, etc.
As a result, thanks to the “successful” combination of the above factors, we risk getting a deformed consultant who can hardly “straighten out,” that is, restore his original human form.

Below are some of the impacts we have from our professional exposure. Some of them, indeed, can be considered positive for our personality and fit into the concept of “ personal growth", however, the other part, in my opinion, should be attributed to negative consequences, that is, to what we call "professional deformation".

Table 2.1.

Positive consequences
("personal growth")

Negative consequences
(“professional deformation”)

1. Deeper self-awareness, understanding of the people around you and current events. 2. Analysis of life situations.
3. The ability to reflect.
4. Skills for productively coping with crisis and traumatic situations.
5. Communication skills.
6. Resistance to other people's influence.
7. Self-regulation.
8. The ability to accept and empathize.
9. A broader view of the world, tolerance towards “dissidents”.
10. Cognitive interest.
11. The emergence of new forms of self-realization.

1. Projecting negative issues onto yourself and your loved ones.
2. Obsessive diagnostics of oneself and others (“labeling” and interpretations).
3. Consulting others.
4. Acceptance of the role of "teacher".
5. Excessive self-control, hyperreflection and loss of spontaneity.
6. Idea fixe - “work on yourself.”
7. Rationalization, stereotyping and desensitization to lived experience.
8. Saturation of communication.
9. Emotional coldness.
10. Cynicism.

In addition to those noted above, more or less universal consequences of professional activity, one can try to highlight specific manifestations of professional deformation.

2.2. Professional destruction of personality.

It is known that work has a positive effect on the human psyche. In relation to different types of professional activities, it is generally accepted that there is large group professions, the performance of which leads to occupational diseases of varying severity. Along with this, there are types of work that are not classified as harmful, but the conditions and nature of professional activity have a traumatic effect on the psyche (for example, monotonous work, great responsibility, the actual possibility of an accident, mental stress of work, etc.). Researchers also note that many years of performing the same professional activity leads to the appearance of professional fatigue, the emergence of psychological barriers, an impoverishment of the repertoire of ways to perform activities, loss of professional skills, and a decrease in performance. It can be stated that at the stage of professionalization in many types of professions, professional destruction develops. Professional destruction- these are changes in the existing structure of activity and personality that negatively affect labor productivity and interaction with other participants in this process. Based on a generalization of studies of violations of professional development of the individual, she identified the following trends in professional destruction:

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