Drown half of California with one blow: what is the Sarmat ICBM capable of. Drown half of California with one blow: what is the Sarmat ICBM capable of  Sarmat complex with a heavy intercontinental ballistic missile

One of the latest achievements domestic "rocketmen" is the intercontinental ballistic missile RS-28, also known as the "Sarmat". The ICBM has not yet been put into service (although this is already planned for 2019), but it has already managed to take part in the war - of course, not in a nuclear war, but in an information one.

Despite the fact that officially announced, at best, approximate specifications weapons, the press managed to appear reports about how "Sarmat" is good and perfect. In any case, the missile, which is designed to replace the legendary R-36M, simply has no right to be unsuccessful.

History of creation

R-36M silo-based intercontinental missiles, which received the respectful nickname "Satan" in NATO for a long time remained the basis of Russian strategic forces. However, this weapon, the first samples of which were put into operation in the mid-70s, has become outdated. "Satan" still has true "satanic" power, but is vulnerable to modern means missile defense. And the possibility of further modernization is hampered by the fact that part of the R-36 developers remained on the territory of Ukraine.

As a result, the government decided to build a new missile equipped with anti-missile defense systems and capable of carrying non-nuclear warheads (kinetic action). Difficulties arose when choosing an engine. In rocket science, supporters were found both in solid-fuel motors and in liquid ones. The former claimed that solid-fuel engines, due to the reduced throw mass, made it possible to build a light rocket suitable for launching from mobile installations.

The second objected - a solid-propellant ICBM, due to accelerated acceleration, is less vulnerable in the acceleration section, and a "liquid" one can carry more funds active protection and therefore better protected precisely in the final section. This difficulty was resolved by issuing a technical assignment for the design of two types of ICBMs at once. The R-36M was to be replaced by the RS-28 Sarmat missile.

The project is being implemented by the State Rocket Center named after Academician Makeev.

In the summer of 2016, the SRC successfully completed tests of the RS-99 engines, and at the end of 2017, it conducted throw tests of a rocket model.

There is even less information about the progress of design work and testing of Yu-71 Avangard warheads. Only in 2016 local residents the trace left in the atmosphere by the maneuvering unit was filmed. One way or another, already in 2019, the RS-28 should be put into service, and by 2025, as promised, it will completely replace the R-36M complex.


Intercontinental ballistic missile RS-28 "Sarmat" is designed to be based in mine installations. At the same time, it is planned not to build new mines, but to use those already built. Little is known for certain about the structure of the rocket. For example, data on the number of stages was not disclosed, and conclusions were drawn based on an analysis of official images of the rocket. So far, it is believed that the Sarmat has 3 stages, which is not very typical for ICBMs.

The RS-99 engines are modernized RD-624 engines used on the Satan.

The use of motors that have long been mastered in production and operation made it possible to reduce the development time of the rocket. RS-99s accelerate the Sarmat to a speed slightly less than required to put the thrown mass into orbit.

Thanks to this, the RS-28 enters the selected target along any trajectory, which will require the potential enemy to set up missile defense systems on the principle of "all-round defense". And on the other hand, such an ICBM, without significant alterations, is capable of launching into orbit not only warheads, and after decommissioning with the help of the RS-28, civilian satellites will be sent into space.

Warhead"Sarmat" should consist of several (according to some sources - more than 10) Yu-71 "Avnagard" hypersonic guided units.

The characteristics of these blocks were not officially reported, it is only known that they have their own engines and control systems, and the Yu-71 warhead contains multiple warheads.

Protection against antimissiles is provided both by the high speed and maneuverability of the Avangard, as well as the constant maneuvering of the warhead of the Sarmat, which ejects warheads along with decoys. Yu-71 warheads may not be nuclear - hypersonic speed allows you to hit targets due to kinetic energy.

But active protection systems are not limited to those built directly into the missile. Since the launch silos cannot be moved, and their location is usually known, the Mozyr complex covers the launch site. On the way of an incoming warhead, the Mozyr creates a literally continuous cloud of striking elements.

Tactical and technical characteristics

In principle, the similarity of the mass-dimensional parameters of the missiles is explained by the fact that the Sarmat must be installed in the same mines. As for the combat qualities, the "feature" of the ICBM is that it is difficult to check the exact characteristics of such weapons, and no one wants to check "on oneself". At the same time, to reports of the creation of new weapons mass destruction must be taken seriously.

The RS-28 missiles are already positioned as a means of "conflict de-escalation". In the event of a threat of war, a launch is made. Goals become command posts and enemy air bases, making the continuation of the conflict impossible. The inability of the missile defense systems in service to fight the hypersonic Vanguards (and the lack of all-round protection) ensure the inevitability accurate hits.

At the same time, doubts have already been voiced that such a method can "reduce tension."

Let's take the United States as an example. ICBMs fly to it for a long time, strategic objects manage to be evacuated during this time, and multiple warheads will hit only civilians.

The RS-28 Sarmat, even before being put into service, became a sufficient "news story" that made us think about the prospects for the development of missile defense and strategic weapons. How his combat duty will turn out is still unknown. But the possibility of re-equipment does not exclude the prospect that the new rocket, like the famous R-7, will contribute to the development of astronautics.


"Sarmat" will hit targets around the globe: The military revealed the capabilities of the latest rocket

The Russian intercontinental missile RS-28 "Sarmat", which requires interception, has no analogues and will not appear in the near future.

This was stated by the commander of the Rocket Forces strategic purpose(RVSN) Colonel General Sergei Karakaev. According to him, by 2025, more than 40 Sarmats should enter service with the Strategic Missile Forces, which will replace the existing R-36M arsenal. First

As Karakaev noted, the missile will be able to hit targets at any distance around the globe and overcome any missile defense lines. About the latest Russian development - in the material RT.

The Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Sergei Karakaev, told reporters about some of the capabilities of the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) RS-28 Sarmat.

“It will replace the existing Voyevoda missile. The weight and size characteristics of the "Sarmat" will allow it to be placed in existing mine launchers with minimal improvements to the infrastructure of the positional areas,” Karakaev noted.

According to him, tests of the Sarmat missile, which will surpass its predecessor in many respects, started in December 2017. By 2025, the Strategic Missile Forces should receive more than 40 RS-28s, which will replace the R-36M.

"The Sarmat missile system does not have and will not have analogues in the world combat rocket industry in the near future," the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces added.

Range and power

Sarmat is a fifth-generation heavy missile aimed at overcoming any missile defense system. According to experts, outwardly the RS-28 will resemble its predecessor. Indirectly, this is evidenced by the same mass (over 200 tons) and a liquid engine.

However, in terms of combat effectiveness, the Sarmat is significantly superior to the Voevoda. As Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on March 1, 2018, the range of the latest missile, as well as the number and power of warheads, is greater than that of the R-36M.

“Voevoda has a range of 11 thousand km, new system There are practically no distance restrictions. As can be seen from the video footage, it is capable of attacking targets through both the North and South Poles. "Sarmat" is very formidable weapon, due to its characteristics, none, even promising systems ABM is not a hindrance to him,” Putin said.

From the video shown by the President during his address Federal Assembly, it follows that the RS-28 can overcome at least 20 thousand km.

The power plant allows the Sarmat to launch one and a half times faster than the Voevoda. The duration of the RS-28 upper stage is comparable to the RS-12M2 Topol-M and PC-24 Yars solid-propellant light class ICBMs. A short accelerating section provides an earlier disengagement of warheads, which makes it difficult for missiles to be detected by missile defense systems.

The payload of the Sarmat is 3 tons. The most modern facilities opposition radar stations. According to the military, even the advanced technical means of a potential enemy will not be able to distinguish false warheads from real ones.

Wide range of ammo

In his speech, Putin stressed that the Sarmat would be "equipped with a wide range nuclear weapons, "including hypersonic ones, and the most modern systems overcoming missile defense.

Vasily Laga, chief research officer of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces, explained to reporters that the head of the RS-28 can be equipped with about 20 types of warheads of various power classes (small, medium, high, large).

In addition, the design of the "Sarmat" provides for the placement of three planning winged blocks - business card missile system "Avangard". These munitions fly in dense layers atmosphere located several tens of kilometers from the Earth's surface.

The block is flying hypersonic speed(about Mach 20, - RT ) to the intercontinental range. Maneuvering in course and altitude, it is able to bypass the detection and destruction zones of all modern and promising funds missile defense," the Defense Ministry said in a statement following the president's address.

Various types of winged block maneuver reduce to virtually zero the likelihood that the enemy will determine the trajectory of his flight.

Appearance similar weapons also indicates a breakthrough in domestic materials science. The body of the block is made of composites that can withstand aerodynamic heating of several thousand degrees. According to Putin, at the time of flight, the temperature on the surface of the Sarmat reaches 1600-2000 ° C.

The Ministry of Defense is convinced that the transition of the Strategic Missile Forces to the RS-28 will not lead to serious financial costs. Firstly, no new infrastructure will be created for Sarmat. Secondly, the period of operation of ICBMs is two and a half times longer than the warranty period of Voyevoda.

RS-28 will significantly strengthen the power of the Strategic Missile Forces, Vasily Laga believes. In his opinion, "Sarmat" embodies those unique characteristics to which domestic scientific thought has always aspired.

“New technological solutions have been embodied in this complex. It has no limits on range, accuracy and many other parameters. This complex can hit targets at any distance around the globe,” the expert concluded.

Alexey Zakvasin

In 2018, the Russian Armed Forces will receive the latest intercontinental ballistic missile RS-28 Sarmat. This colossal weapon is planned to be used...

In 2018, the Russian Armed Forces will receive the latest intercontinental ballistic missile RS-28 Sarmat. It is planned to equip a part of the Strategic Missile Forces in Siberia and on Southern Urals. These missiles are liquid fuel will replace the intercontinental ballistic missile R-36M2 "Voevoda", which was still developed in the Soviet era and is still the most large weapon of a kind.

The first prototypes of the latest rocket have already been built, and the first test launches are scheduled for 2016. If everything goes well, and the tests are quite successful, then mass production of missiles of this type will begin, and in 2018 they will go into service, as planned.

ABOUT exact specifications practically nothing is known about the newest Sarmat intercontinental missile, however, some data indicate that this projectile will be exclusively dangerous weapon. But the Sarmat is not being developed from scratch; the latest ICBM will use a modernized version of the Voyevoda liquid rocket engine.

Its first stage will be equipped with four RD-278 engines. The weight of such a rocket, according to various estimates, will be in the range from 100 to 130 tons, and the mass of its warhead will be 10 tons. This means that the rocket will have 15 separable thermonuclear warheads. The range of "Sarmat" will be at least 9.5 thousand kilometers. Once this ICBM is put into service, it will become the largest missile in world history.

"Sarmat", like other ICBMs, such as "Yars", "Topol-M", is designed in such a way as to easily overcome the enemy's missile defense. Especially for this, the latest rocket will use a combination high speed and special radar traps. In addition, it will also be equipped with maneuvering warheads, which will be quite problematic to intercept.

Nevertheless, the development of the latest Ground Based Strategic Deterrent intercontinental ballistic missile, which will replace the “veteran” Minuteman III, has also begun in the United States. Now the States are making a lot of efforts to modernize the Minuteman, however, as the US Air Force command rightly notes, this outdated system is unlikely to provide a guaranteed deterrence in connection with the improvement of the enemy's missile defense.

According to some senior officials, the United States is in dire need of a new missile in order to deter Russia and China, but the result, if the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent program is successful, is unlikely to turn out to be as large and with the same shed weight. as in "Sarmaty".

That serial deliveries of the latest intercontinental ballistic missile "Sarmat" will begin in 2018. This means that the creation of heavy strategic missile is ahead of schedule. Its receipt in the part of the Strategic Missile Forces was expected by 2020.

This acceleration became possible thanks to the modernization of the production base of the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant, where the mass production of Sarmat is being launched. And this is very timely in the current conditions of aggravated relations between Russia and the NATO bloc, in which Washington plays a “leading and guiding role”. The new missile should become a powerful deterrent, significantly surpassing all existing carriers in the world nuclear weapons.

At the moment the most powerful rocket- liquid R-36M2 "Voevoda" mine-based. Among land, sea and air based ICBMs on both sides Atlantic Ocean there is nothing that would come close to her in terms of combat capabilities. It is no coincidence that NATO gave her a "speaking name" - "Satan".

The Voyevoda missile, put into service in 1988, consists of two stages, the engines of which use high-boiling fuel.

This ICBM was created to guarantee a breakthrough of the enemy's anti-missile defense. With this task, she copes well to this day. However, after a quarter of a century, enemy missile defense systems are already beginning to “get close” to Satan. More precisely, it became technically possible to make a new ICBM with more serious characteristics in order to more convincingly show probable adversary the failure of its missile defense system. Both the existing one and the one that can be created in the future.

Relatively recently, another reason has appeared to replace the "Voevoda" with a new missile. The fact is that the rocket was created in Dnepropetrovsk - at the Yuzhnoye design bureau under the leadership of the general designer Vladimir Fyodorovich Utkin, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Now, when ties with Ukraine have been completely severed, it is necessary to get rid of dependence on the military-industrial complex "square" in terms of the supply of spare parts and service activities.

The order for the development of the Sarmat missile went to the Miass Design Bureau named after V.P. Makeev. It would seem that the decision is extremely strange, since the Makeevites specialize primarily in the creation of marine products - ICBMs for strategic submarine cruisers. And here their achievements are impressive. The Sineva rocket holds the record for power-to-weight ratio among all existing rockets. That is, it has best regards rocket power to its mass.

However, there is no paradox in the fact that Sarmat was made in Miass. Firstly, a huge experience has been accumulated here in the development of liquid-propellant rockets, which have better power characteristics than solid-propellant ones. And the Sarmat, in order to surpass the Voevoda in terms of combat characteristics, was conceived and embodied in metal precisely as liquid. Secondly, the design bureau has experience in creating land-based missile systems. These, for example, include the R-17 missile (“Scud” according to NATO classification).

Designers KB im. Makeeva went, as they say, their own way. That is, they did not engage in the modernization of the Voyevoda, but created a completely new rocket. Although there were opportunities for modernization - the "heart" of the rocket, the RD-264 engines, were developed not in Ukraine, but here - in the Khimki design bureau Energomash under the leadership Vitaly Petrovich Radovsky.

As a result, a rocket was obtained that surpasses the Voevoda in all respects. She has a higher power supply. "Voevoda" weighs more than 210 tons, "Sarmat" is 20% lighter. And at the same time, the rocket is capable of reaching a suborbital trajectory, entering the target through space. This means the possibility of attacking, say, the United States not along the shortest straight line, but from any direction - and through North Pole, and through the South. At the same time, the trajectory is laid in such a way as to bypass regions with massive missile defense systems.

This is achieved by using a more efficient propulsion system in both the first and second stages. It is also expected to increase power through the use of final stage accelerating block. In this connection, the rocket turned out dual purpose. With a reduction in payload weight (10 warheads of 750 kt each weigh more than 8 tons in total) and the use of an upper stage, the Sarmat is capable of delivering satellites into orbit. This opportunity can be used when the resource of missiles is coming to an end. Or when they begin to be replaced by more advanced missiles of new developments.

Enhanced protection of missiles at launch positions. They are installed in the same mines in which the "Voivods" are now located. Mines are able to withstand close nuclear explosions, which is achieved by using special damping containers, for which large seismic loads are safe. The defense of the mines is strengthened by the Mozyr active protection system specially created for the Sarmat complex. It consists of a hundred artillery barrels that fire a cloud of arrows and balls with a diameter of 3 cm towards an incoming cruise missile or ballistic missile warhead. The height of the shot is 6 km. This system is served by a radar that has a long range and detection accuracy. In addition, it is planned in the future to cover the region where the Sarmat systems are based on the S-500 air defense system.

At the same time, the "penetrating power" of warheads new rocket is unique. It is based not only on the highest energy qualities of the missile itself, which, before the warheads are separated from it, has the ability to maneuver with high overloads. The warheads themselves also have high maneuverability. In addition, they are equipped with electronic warfare. They also increased the accuracy of targeting by almost two orders of magnitude - the maximum deviation from the target is 5-10 meters. This makes it possible, if necessary, to use kinetic warheads instead of nuclear warheads, which destroy enemy strategic targets with a mechanical impact of enormous energy.

Well, and finally, by 2020, the missile will be equipped with hypersonic warheads, which now have only a code name - “product 4202”. Their trials began in 2010. To date, a stable flight with a given accuracy of hitting the target has been achieved. Their speed is within 17M-22M. The warhead, presumably since the mid-2000s, has been developed at NPO Mashinostroeniya, located in Reutov, near Moscow.

Now "product 4202" is not able to stop any missile defense system in the world. And in the foreseeable future, such opportunities are not visible. The Reutov warhead is capable of long-term hypersonic flight in the atmosphere, maneuvering in vertical and horizontal planes.

“We are rocket troops, any goal is close to us!” - sang rocket strategists back in Soviet times. And in these stanzas there was no particular exaggeration: the missiles really flew over a long distance and had a huge destruction power, especially with nuclear warheads. You can’t throw out the words from the song, even after the lapse of time. Soon writes weekly "Zvezda", in service with Russian Missile troops strategic purpose there will be a new missile system"Sarmat", capable of lifting and launching warheads, developing speeds of more than 11 thousand kilometers per hour. No rocket in the world has such a speed yet. Deadly "stuffing" On the completion of tests of a new missile system with a heavy intercontinental ballistic missile"Sarmat" was publicly announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his message to the Federal Assembly on March 1 this year. And already at a recent solemn reception in the Kremlin in honor of graduates of military universities, the president, mentioning the Avangard intercontinental-range missiles, which are already beginning to enter service, assured that Sarmat is on the way next year. This missile system will replace the formidable "Voevoda", nicknamed "Satan" in the West (according to NATO classification - SS-18 Mod. 1.2.3 Satan). Here again, it is appropriate to recall the words from the song: "How the rocket works - you don't need to know about it , and about how that rocket is controlled. This business is familiar to us, this business is perfectly known to those who are entitled to it in their service. From what is known today: the RS-28 "Sarmat" is a Russian promising ground-based silo-based missile system with a heavy liquid-propellant ICBM capable of carrying nuclear charges. Developed since the 2000s by the specialists of JSC "State Rocket Center named after V.P. Makeev" in the city of Miass Chelyabinsk region. Named after the Sarmatians, whose nomadic tribes inhabited the territories in the 6th-4th centuries BC modern Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The missile itself is a "blank", a carrier of ammunition, capable of having a short active flight segment in a weight of 200 tons, which makes it difficult to intercept it by means of anti-missile defense. You can “throw” it both through the Northern and through south pole for unlimited range. But the main surprise is its deadly "stuffing". We are talking about hypersonic warheads, known under the code Yu-71. maximum height Yu-71 reaches a speed of 15 Max (these are the same 11-12 thousand kilometers per hour). In this case, the warhead flies along a very complex trajectory, which, according to the laws of physics, should reduce the speed of the object. According to experts, Yu-71, raised to a height of 100 kilometers, then flies at a speed of five to seven kilometers per second. Detailed information on the progress of work related to hypersonic weapons, is classified. "Product 4202" does not even dare to be called a rocket - it is lightning from heaven, which is almost impossible to stop. Formidable weapon Chapter Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev, who threatened to "show Kuz'kin's mother to America," meant thermonuclear aerial bomb AN602 (aka Tsar Bomba), the most powerful ammunition in the world at that time. Received with a "light hand" by Nikita Sergeevich the name "Kuzkin's mother", the bomb, or rather its model, is stored in the nuclear weapons museum in the city of Sarov, where the Russian Federal nuclear center(RFNC VNIIEF). An impressive thing in terms of its dimensions, probably, such a thing could then scare the United States. But if we compare it with the Sarmat missile, the length of which exceeds 30 meters, and the weight is over 200 tons (not every museum will fit), and the combat compartment with warheads is capable of lifting more than 10 tons of “cargo” to a given height, then “Kuzkina’s mother " Against its background, it looks like just a child. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about its capabilities without undue pathos: "Sarmat is a very formidable weapon. By virtue of its characteristics, no, even promising missile defense systems, are a hindrance to it.”
Completely Russian development There is another detail that is cast not in metal, but in politics. Until 1991, the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (OKB-586) in Dnepropetrovsk in Ukraine was the developer and manufacturer of heavy liquid ICBMs of the R-36 family. By virtue of known causes all defense contacts with this country have been terminated today, and, of course, there is no question of any deliveries, even components. In Russia, until recently, the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, which specialized in solid-fuel ICBMs, was engaged in the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles for the Strategic Missile Forces. Therefore, the creation of a new heavy liquid rocket was entrusted to the Makeev GRC (SKB-385) in Miass, which deals, among other things, with ballistic missiles for submarines. many specialized enterprises of the military-industrial complex of our country. For example, the engine developer for the Sarmat was NPO Energomash named after academician V.P. Glushko from Khimki near Moscow (the engine from the Voevoda rocket was taken as the basis for the development). Their production is carried out at PJSC Proton-PM in Perm. Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant (as part of Makeev's GRTs holding) became the head enterprise for the production of Sarmat ICBMs.
Everywhere will come in handy Where the test launches of the new missile are carried out is not known for certain. From open sources, you can get information that the Sarmatians, ready for entry into service by the end of 2018, will be replaced on combat duty by the Voyevoda. Whether this will be so, the military leaders will decide. One thing is clear: wherever the "Sarmatians" are on combat duty, they will come in handy everywhere to guarantee the security of our country.

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