Family fish and scorpion lovers. Exact hit: compatibility of a scorpion man and a fish woman. Scorpio and Pisces Sexual Compatibility

They are very different, but together they can find happiness. Scorpio and Pisces do not meet so often. Usually, after the first meeting, both cannot think of anything else. This stellar attraction of the zodiac signs just rolls over when they are around.

Astrologers claim that their compatibility horoscope is one of the most successful. Yes, it matters who is a man in a couple and who is a woman.

This is important, because powerful planetary energies are involved here that control people's lives.

If you are lucky enough to meet your ideal partner then harmony in relationships will last a lifetime. Best of all, such a couple functions in middle age, when there is already some experience of relationships. A young guy and a girl, perhaps, will only lose their heads from passion for each other. In love, it is important that you sometimes discard feelings, look at your partner without rose-colored glasses. In the case of this pair, it does not hurt to periodically "check your eyes." Remember, you are dealing with Scorpio - one of the most mystical signs of the zodiac. How to behave correctly, the astrologer will tell you.

star attraction

Each sign of the zodiac is ruled by a planet. She gives him unique qualities. Everyone knows the celestial pairs of the Moon and the Sun, Mars and Venus, Jupiter and Mercury. Strong signs are always endowed with powerful male energy. Regardless of whether a man or a woman is in front of us, the planet that controls the task is her character. Strong and weak, masculine and feminine - these are the perfect combinations for family life. This is the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. Very rarely is it full. In a pair of Scorpio and Pisces, one can observe such a unique situation.

Everything matters here: the sexual aura of relationships, constancy in love, the desire to be together. People make eye contact and fall in love. Astrologers love to make a horoscope for such partners. They are always lucky. This is a love story created by the Stars. Such an attraction at the cosmic level cannot be overcome, you simply have to try to be together. So writes every forum on magic. This is destiny.

The insidious sign Scorpio

Scorpio is not a spider, but loves to weave intrigues. This zodiac sign can get on your nerves. His main advantage is devotion to his family. He will be ready for anything for her.


The Scorpio man is always admired by women. He unusual person with a lot of interesting hobbies, plans, projects. Dating him is a real dream. It's all a finely crafted plan.

In fact, among all the signs of the zodiac, only Scorpio is distinguished by unsurpassed intuition, cunning, magical attraction of the opposite sex.

If you hear from someone laudatory reviews about the first date - most likely, we are talking about Scorpio. Sexual energy shoots out of him like a fountain. Women from all legs rush to him at the first call. All this has a downside.

Each girl or woman for him is another step towards finding personal happiness. He has a large selection and a huge scope for training. The Scorpio man is really waiting for his only one. He needs a tender, accommodating partner who will be delighted with all his ideas. The compatibility of Scorpio and female signs is high, this gives him many chances for personal happiness.


This strong sign, confident and ambitious. In the first place is a career, in the second place is the Scorpio woman herself. All the rest are third and subsequent places. It cannot be said that this is a callous or cold woman. Scorpio, on the contrary, likes to show their feelings. A loved one will mean a lot to her. A Scorpio woman chooses a male comrade who could share her hobbies. Together with him, she is ready for incredible adventures, trips to the ends of the world. Scorpions know how to have fun, that's for sure. Unlike a man, the sexual energy of a Scorpio woman is under control. She does not like to indulge in useless relationships.

Horoscope predict her success in love. Finding a worthy person in the circles where she moves is not difficult. The main thing is that they develop by nature. It is very important that there is peace and tranquility at home. Scorpio loves his home very much, he will gladly invite friends. Simply, it should be peaceful there. She will not tolerate quarrels in her house. In order for there to be personal happiness, compatibility must be on all counts: intellectual and sexual.

Pisces in love

Everyone loves fish. One of the most harmless signs of the zodiac, they have a huge heart. Main disadvantage Pisces have a hard time concentrating.


Fish are a different story. For water signs of the zodiac, they are quite sociable, attractive and emotional. Of course, the Pisces man prefers to create. He loves everything beautiful, refinement, artistic so much that he will gladly devote himself to creativity. If he is lucky, he will be extremely successful in his niche. His horoscope is closely connected with water. Next to her, he will feel a surge of strength, creative energy. It is very important to get out to moving water more often, then his personality will be balanced. The Pisces man rarely likes the strong female signs. They want a comrade-in-arms, and he is not suitable for this role.

If you read any women's forum, then Pisces men will be its mandatory participants. They like to go there, leave a couple of practical tips. They are very welcome as friends. The forum will be a modern option for him to feed his female energy. The ruling planet of Pisces is the Moon, which means that femininity is present in it.


The Pisces woman is calm, sophisticated, dreamy. Silent and smiling, and incredible scenarios play out in her imagination. Despite the fact that she is rather closed, she attracts the attention of the opposite sex. Behind her shyness, they see something more: some kind of sexual game of innocence. Most often it turns out that it was not a game. The Pisces woman is indeed a rather innocent and naive person. She gladly accepts courtship from her peers, and is shy from older people. love horoscope prophesies to her many dangers out of ignorance.

The couple has high love and sexual compatibility.

She will be very lucky to meet an honest man who will envelop her with care and love. He must understand that she is a refined, timid nature. She needs a lot of room for creativity and more water. With such a person, compatibility in marriage will be ideal. Although, she is also preparing for this, interrupting the women's forum in search of practical advice on cooking, needlework, and techniques for satisfying a partner.

couples in love

The ideal couple would be a Pisces woman - a Scorpio man. They will immediately like each other. From the point of view of the laws of nature, this union is the most faithful. A man who is successful in every sense, able to provide for his family, children, wife. His woman is a modest, well-groomed dreamer who loves children and her home to unconsciousness. Their horoscope develops at any age, and then it all depends on the lovers themselves.

The couple Scorpio woman - Pisces man has little chance of success. Scorpio feels some kind of female pity for the Pisces man. He is weak in her understanding, he spends too much time on reflection, incorporeal ideas. They won't get love in her classical understanding, just friendship. The compatibility of such a pair leaves much to be desired.

The fact is that they fall under the influence of planets with different energies. Very "feminine" Pisces melt from the look of "masculine" Scorpios. It doesn't matter who is a man and who is a woman. This is a successful partnership based on a combination of energy.

The signs of the zodiac have every chance to build their own fairy tale about love, devotion, long life together.

The main thing here is to share duties in time and silently. No struggle for superiority, because everyone understands that Scorpio rules the ball. Pisces must submit and forever go into the shadow of their stronger partner.

In love, everything will work out, both strive to make this relationship "once and for all life." Pisces does not need to rush things, to drive Scorpio. Just follow him, this man has a unique intuition. Your life will turn out, because such different signs of the zodiac, most often, have the best compatibility. Look at your horoscope from time to time - this will give a hint in difficult times. The stars will not deceive you.

Pisces and Scorpio get along well, but do not always understand each other. Scorpio is more self-confident, and therefore more active and decisive. Pisces hesitate for a long time before making any decisions, so they are drawn to more strong people who will help you with this. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship connects this couple, in any case, the scorpion will dominate. Pisces cause him sympathy and a desire to take them under his wing, but only on the condition of honesty on both sides. Scorpio does not forgive lies, and fish tend to lie even where there is no point in it.

PISCES man and SCORPIO woman

In this pair, the woman is in the lead, and this suits both. The Pisces man tries to avoid responsibility, therefore, as a life partner, he strives to choose a decisive and active woman who is not afraid of difficulties. The representative of the scorpion sign is satisfied with the respectful attitude of the Pisces man. He does not pretend to leadership, he does not find fault with trifles. If these people are interested in each other, their union will be very strong.

♓ + ♏: In love

THE PERFECT COUPLE- A scorpion girl knows how to attract attention, and for a fish guy she is especially attractive. She is pleasant in communication, balanced and delicate. The young man will immediately feel the inner strength that comes from her, and that is what he will like most about her.

While the fish guy will think about how to interest the girl, she herself will take the initiative to get to know each other better. From the very beginning of this relationship, it will be clear that the leadership will go to the scorpion. An indecisive guy will only be happy with this turn of events, for him even the slightest difficulty sometimes seems insoluble. His favorite problems are not afraid, she copes with them with enviable speed, but the methods of her actions will periodically shock the fish guy.

Usually these people are very comfortable together. The scorpion girl has no competitors in leadership, and the fish guy gratefully enjoys the results of the achievements of his beloved. Even if their feelings are not based on strong love, sympathy will be quite enough for them. Each of them found, paired with the other, exactly what they were looking for.

♓ + ♏: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- Usually in such marriages from the very beginning there is a clear distribution of roles. The Scorpio woman devotes herself to a career, and the Pisces man takes care of the home and raising children. This does not mean that he does not work at all, as a rule, he has a part-time job or a creative occupation. Anyway, the main income in family budget bring the efforts of his wife.

In intimate life, compatibility is very good, it is unlikely that one of the spouses will seek adventure on the side. However, the husband is jealous of his wife. In each of her successful acquaintances of the opposite sex, the man of the fish sees worthy opponent because he is not a confident person. Pisces tend to exaggerate a lot, and Scorpio understands this. The wife will find a way to convince her husband of her love and fidelity, but such situations will arise quite often.

The fish man is often afraid to tell the truth, so he gets out as best he can, resorting to lies. The wife sees through him, but the very fact of deception is very unpleasant for her. If the husband one day gets out of her trust, there will be no turning back. The marriage will not fall apart from this, but the scorpio woman will check any information coming from his mouth. Families of fish and scorpion break up extremely rarely.

♓ + ♏: In friendship

A scorpio girl is usually friends with people if there is any sense or benefit in this. The fish guy does not inspire confidence in her. Of the representatives of all the signs of the zodiac, he is in the first place angry with those with whom she will not be frank. As for selfish interest, it can only be from the side of the fish guy, and the girl’s plans do not include selfless charity.

If, nevertheless, the fish and the scorpion communicate a lot, most likely they are cute to each other, but this is not about. As soon as both are ready, the relationship will turn from friendship to love.

The kinship of fish and scorpion is more conducive to this pair of rapprochement. In this case, the fish guy will become the subject of constant worries of the scorpion girl, but in return, apart from gratitude, she is unlikely to receive anything.

SCORPIO man and PISCES woman

The relationship of this couple is extremely successful. The clear leader in the relationship is the scorpio man, and the fish woman is grateful to him for his support. There are no serious reasons for disagreement, and the element of water that unites this couple guarantees mutual understanding at the level of feelings. Intuition, indeed, developed in both. Each of them knows when to shut up so as not to quarrel, so such couples almost do not conflict.

♏ + ♓: In a love relationship

THE PERFECT COUPLE- Of all the representatives of the zodiac signs, the scorpio guy is the most consistent with the image fairy prince dreamed of by a fish girl. It will not be difficult for him to interest a girl in himself. The young man is strong in spirit, generous and self-confident. With him, his chosen one will feel completely safe. Scorpio is not always delicate, it is common for him to rudely criticize people, but in relation to a fish girl, he will never allow himself such behavior. She is too defenseless, therefore it causes the most touching feelings in him.

However, there will be no complete trust between these people. The fish girl in the eyes of her beloved is rather frivolous, so he will periodically arrange all sorts of truth checks for her. Pisces tend to embellish their own achievements, tell non-existent facts from their biography, so if a young man at least once catches her in a lie, there will be no question of further trust on his part. It will be most offensive for a Pisces girl to lose her lover because of such stupidity, so she will have a serious incentive to become more honest.

♏ + ♓: Married

THE PERFECT COUPLE- A Pisces woman and a Scorpio man in marriage can gain family happiness. Their couple can be called classic, where the husband copes with the duties of a breadwinner, and the wife is the keeper of the hearth.

The mutual love of such a couple is usually strong and lasts long years. Spouses do not quarrel for no reason, and if they have disagreements, both have enough tact and desire to resolve this misunderstanding. The inherent rudeness of a scorpio man never extends to his wife. She will be able to see him in anger, perhaps, as a result of her betrayal, but it is unlikely that a fish woman will risk her marital status married to a scorpio husband.

In the intimate life of the spouses, there is complete agreement, the scorpion is still in the lead. The wife gets great pleasure in bed with her husband, and does everything to ensure that he is also satisfied. Even after several years of living together, fish and scorpion do not cease to amaze each other with something new.

Divorce for such marriages is rare. If, nevertheless, the couple breaks up, then only at the initiative of the husband. Without a reason, scorpions do not get divorced, they are very valuable family relationships and are extremely stable people. The only circumstance that can push him to divorce is the infidelity of his wife.

♏ + ♓: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- A scorpion guy and a fish girl are unlikely to make friends. The fact is that scorpions do not believe in at all, and the fish girl is too cute for him to limit himself to friendly relations with her. It is likely that this couple will begin their communication in a friendly style, but in fact, the reason for their rapprochement will be mutual sympathy. Such relationships will very quickly change their character, and from friendship they will turn into love.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Scorpio is passion. There is a lot of sexuality in this lover. Scorpios are emotional and sensitive, but domineering. They can be demanding, obsessive and jealous. However, Scorpios are one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. They pretty much make their own destiny. This lover is secretive, but he will always live life on his own terms. Scorpio always does only what he wants. To attract a Scorpio, you need to invite him to participate in some kind of adventure. Scorpio is very inquisitive and curious, so they will gladly accept your offer. Be respectful to him. Believe me, if a Scorpio tells you something, then he definitely does not lie. Show him your passion and respect.

Pisces is the astrological sign that most likely went through all the troubles of life. They bewitch, they are spiritual and open. Pisces need peace to recharge emotionally. At times they can be indecisive. Scorpio has the power to help Pisces through the decision-making process. To attract Pisces, be sensitive to them. Don't be materialistic. Share creative talent and show interest in your feelings. Engage in conversations about your interests and theirs in life. Be attentive to them.

Sexual Compatibility Pisces and Scorpio

These two zodiacs are kindred spirits. They love erotic games. Scorpio brings Pisces passion in the bedroom. Sex is emotionally and physically very important for both of these signs. Scorpio and Pisces are sensual creative sweethearts who love role-playing games. They both want to please their beloved soul mate and engage in all sorts of fantasies. Scorpio and Pisces are sensual and mysterious. All their mutual affection continues for the rest of their lives.

Pisces and Scorpio marriage compatibility

Scorpio and Pisces are comfortable with each other and will live out their years in love. They are strong together. Pisces will most likely want to marry a Scorpio. Scorpios will offer Pisces the support that Pisces needs. Their relationship and marriage is a union of love and respect. Their long-term goals may be different, but they are able to understand each other and overcome rocky places in life.

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Both signs belong to the element of water, so the compatibility of Pisces and Scorpio is very good. They feel each other, understand almost without words. The vibrations of the waves help them establish an almost telepathic connection with each other. Scorpio conquers Pisces with his life force, constancy, ability to achieve goals, he becomes for them a kind of spiritual mentor. But Pisces can also give Scorpio a lot, their strength lies in humility, the ability to give more than take. In such a union, the slightly selfish son of Pluto learns altruism.

Harmony is broken only when there is a discrepancy between the sign ruled by the Sun and the sign ruled by the Moon.

According to the year of birth, Scorpio needs to look for tigers, and a dog and a horse will also suit him. Pisces will also like a "dog" partner, good relations will develop if the year of birth is a dragon, horse or rat. But the rooster and the snake are not the most favorable partners for these zodiac signs.

Sexual Compatibility Scorpio and Pisces

The physical attraction of the two signs is closely related to their almost mystical kinship of souls. Pisces and Scorpio have colossal compatibility in sex, they are wonderful lovers. In bed, their relationship is stormy and overflowing with emotions. As you know, Pisces is not the most passionate sign of the Zodiac, but Scorpio is able to awaken secret desires and hidden sexuality in her. At the same time, he does not spare his strength and attention, which does not happen often with such a passionate and sensual sign. In most other cases, Scorpio prefers "came, saw, conquered" tactics. But the combination of two signs of water gives rise to an extraordinary eroticism that can change the habits of both men and women.

Another nuance on which compatibility in love and sex between two signs is based is the desire to dominate Scorpio.

In bed, he is always the first, he wants to control everything, sometimes his desire can reach sadism. This behavior interferes with other partners, but certainly not with Pisces. They are happy to play the role of a subordinate and fulfill all the whims of Scorpio, believing that he is stronger. Sometimes intimate life have such couples comes to perversions. It often happens that Pisces and Scorpio build their relationship on the principle of sadomasochism. It brings a lot of pleasure to both, and it doesn’t matter if the pair is a Pisces man and a Scorpio woman or vice versa, the leader will always be Scorpio, and the follower will be Pisces.

Pisces Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility

The compatibility of the Pisces woman and the Scorpio man according to the horoscope is very large. They feel it already at the first meeting. A girl, seeing a guy, will be simply fascinated by him. She will feel both strength, and a soul mate, and a person who is able to understand her. A man will be delighted with a sweet, silent creature who knows how to sympathize, show mercy and extraordinary sincerity. He will immediately want to conquer it, and soon Pisces will be ready to follow his Scorpio even to the ends of the world. The prospects for such a relationship are bright if the partners do not manipulate each other. Reviews about this couple from relatives and friends are always positive, no one has any questions about whether Pisces and Scorpio are truly compatible.

A Pisces woman and a Scorpio man can date for a very long time. Their union is strong, but they will not marry immediately. A man will constantly put off the decision to propose his hand and heart to his lady, because he is constantly gnawed by doubts, he is looking for pitfalls even where there are none. The fish is used to meekly waiting and going with the flow, therefore it will not take the initiative. If something happens and the couple breaks up, both will remember the relationship throughout their lives, sometimes these memories interfere with other relationships. They will always regret that they broke up. Therefore, it is better not to delay, because in marriage Scorpio and Pisces only strengthen their compatibility.

Good compatibility of the signs of Scorpio and Pisces can be perfectly realized in the family.

The ideal couple is calm, balanced people who are confident in each other and in a joint future. Both believe that they have found a soul mate, a person with whom they can live together for the rest of their lives. At first glance, the union of a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man looks like a typically patriarchal one. The wife is a quiet, submissive mistress of the house, and the husband is the breadwinner and leader. In fact, everything is not quite right, a lot depends on how much Scorpio loves Pisces. If the feelings are strong, the husband treats his wife very reverently and with great respect, listens to her advice, tries to guess her desires. Over time, the woman will begin to play the first violin in the family, and her partner will not even guess about it.

PISCES + SCORPIO - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Pisces Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility

Compatibility Scorpio Man and Pisces Woman

compatibility fish woman man scorpio

Pisces Marriage Compatibility with Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Scorpio and Pisces, both signs of the zodiac are able to change in better side next to each other. The husband rarely finds fault with his wife, you will not hear barbs, rudeness from him, which is very surprising for Scorpio. Pisces teach their partner not to see the world in a black light, to relax at least sometimes, to look at things simply. Scorpio, in turn, also gives a lot to Pisces. He becomes a reliable support and mentor for his wife, teaches her to be a little more active and practical. Husband and wife intuitively feel each other, they do not need words, sometimes it seems that they are just exchanging thoughts. If you look at this couple from the outside, then no one will have a question whether the Pisces woman and the Scorpio man are compatible.

But even the ideal union of a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man can be overshadowed. Problems arise when a husband tries to put too much pressure on his wife, to remake her. It seems to Scorpio that if she were a little more active, a little more perspicacious, she would simply become his second “I”. In fact, Pisces will never turn into Scorpio, it is different. If you put too much pressure on her, then she will either acquire complexes and turn into a submissive but unhappy creature, or into a "sea monster" that can absorb Scorpio. In anger, Pisces become very strong. Women in such a marriage also often make mistakes, they like to find fault. They do it very easily and unobtrusively, but a subtly sensitive Scorpio can take even small remarks to heart. If conflicts arise too often, parting is inevitable and it will bring severe pain both.

Pisces Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility

Pisces man and Scorpio woman are just made for each other. The love between them is strong and durable, sometimes it seems that both partners have been waiting for a meeting all their lives. Even if it costs nothing for each of them to fall in love with any man or woman, they will prefer to stay together, feeling an extraordinary kinship of souls. Dreamy Pisces will see in Scorpio a girl who can understand and accept them as they are. Strong woman often suffers from the fact that men of other signs try to suppress her personality, try to be the main ones in the family. A man born under the sign of Pisces will always respect his Scorpio woman, he will appreciate her strength, sensuality, determination, and will become a support for his wife, not a rival.

Love and mutual understanding is the main characteristic of a couple in which partners have managed to build relationships correctly. Even from the outside, no one will doubt whether the Scorpio woman and the Pisces man are compatible. In any company, these two will only look at each other, often, due to their secretive nature, not noticing anything around. The husband will gladly give leadership to his more active wife. But at any moment he will support her with his good advice, will calm her too gloomy nature, teach her to look at the world as a sea full of peace, and not dangers. IN critical situations a man often takes responsibility for himself, he shows remarkable strength and the ability to more soberly look at everything that happens around him.

Whatever the problems and misunderstandings in the family, a mystical connection will remain between husband and wife. It helps to overcome difficulties, favorably affects everyone around them, especially children. The advantage of relationships is also that both signs are creative natures, they come up with a lot of ideas, and Scorpio also knows how to implement them well. In family life, this couple has an important physical love. sexual compatibility Pisces man and Scorpio woman value very highly. It is in bed that they reveal themselves completely, remove all masks, in the bedroom there are no secrets between them. In addition, both are united by sincere friendship, although they never manage to fully know each other. There is no competition between Pisces and Scorpio, who will outplay whom, so a quarrel in the family is such a rarity. Although there are also problems, because these are two different person and warlike Mars can stand between them, bringing discord and war into relationships.

Over time, Scorpio begins to annoy the indecision, laziness, softness of the partner.

Although at the beginning of a relationship, these traits are absolutely suitable for a girl. If you look deeper, you can see that from the very first meeting, the Scorpio woman wants to change the man a little. She will have to be disappointed, her partner will never change radically, rather, she will turn from soft and compliant into gloomy and weak-willed. Attempts to pressure can turn into a disaster, so it is better for a woman to appreciate the good in her husband and not try to change the bad. negative trait Pisces, which will lead to quarrels - a passion for big and small lies. If he can deceive other signs, then this will not work with Scorpio, this sign has too strong intuition. Today she will not show that she has figured out the trick, but tomorrow she will plan a painful and cruel revenge.

How to maintain family relationships

To maintain compatibility in marriage, partners do not have to put in too much effort. The main thing is to learn to perceive each other as they are. This is especially true for Scorpio, who all the time wants to remake Pisces for himself, control their thoughts and actions, awaken more activity in them. It is worth appreciating in a partner those good traits that it contains. In fact, Pisces are not so weak, they act more balanced in critical situations, they know how to make plans, and correctly assess opportunities. This is what Scorpio often lacks.

Also, partners should not play their favorite psychological games. In this, both signs are very similar and attempts to manipulate turn into a disaster for them. Pisces need to try to be more open, not lie, and not hide their true feelings. Since Scorpios treat Pisces well, in most cases, they can forgive their deceit for a long time, but this sign is vindictive, for him to forgive does not mean to forget. After all, Scorpios see everything, it is difficult to hide insincerity and lies from them. When there is trust in a couple, parting does not threaten her.

If we talk about the percentage of divorces between Pisces and Scorpio, then they are quite small. Most likely, the spouses will be together for a long time and in old age will consider their family photos, to remember the years of happily lived family life. Moreover, both like to spend their evenings quietly and in a family way than to go into risky adventures.

Scorpio and Pisces have good compatibility, which is due to the presence of common priorities, hobbies and a similar worldview. Representatives of these zodiac signs do not need noisy companies and active entertainment. They are comfortable spending leisure time together and communicating with each other. They are related by emotionality, sensitivity and depth of inner experiences. Scorpio for Pisces is a spiritual mentor who helps a partner develop and move forward. There may be disagreements in the union of two signs, but they are easy enough to resolve.

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    Love relationships and marriage

    Love and marital compatibility representatives of these zodiac signs Scorpio and Pisces is quite high. Relationship features depend on who exactly - a man or a woman - is a Scorpio, and who is a Pisces.

      Scorpio man and Pisces woman

      Such partners have every chance of building strong and lasting relationships. Due to the similarity of desires and aspirations, it is much easier for them to go through life together than alone. They will become close people who are ready to lend a shoulder and support each other in a difficult situation. High Compatibility V love relationship due to the common affiliation of these signs of the zodiac to the elements of water. Thanks to this, they perfectly understand each other and notice the slightest changes in mood. They intuitively feel what hurts a partner and what gives pleasure.

      The Scorpio man is a rather tough and aggressive person, but paired with Pisces, he will not allow himself such behavior. A woman will help him feel like a knight and a protector who should protect her from worldly troubles. Her shyness, kindness, mercy and tenderness will make her partner more calm and gentle. These signs of the zodiac, being together, will feel completely safe.

      In marriage, partners quickly become attached to each other and become the best lovers and companions. They can do business together or work in the same place. The impracticality of Pisces does not frighten Scorpio - the moral support that a woman provides outweighs her business qualities. In bed, a couple and perfect for each other. Scorpios like supple and sensual women who are not against experiments. Pisces tend to be masochistic, while Scorpios tend to be sadistic. They will be able to deliver unforgettable pleasure to each other, and their sex life will be varied.

      Scorpio woman and Pisces man

      The union of representatives of these zodiac signs according to the horoscope can be long and happy. The leader in the pair will be a woman, which completely suits the non-initiative Pisces, who like to shift responsibility to others. A man in such a relationship may seem weak-willed, but in critical situations, remarkable strength of character is manifested in him.

      At the beginning of a relationship, a woman will like the gentleness of her partner, but in the future she will want to rid him of this quality. She will begin to make attempts to make him an obedient puppet that will fully meet her requirements. Scorpio knows how to manipulate people and often achieves its goal, which usually does not harm, but on the contrary, it has a positive effect on Pisces.

      In the family life of a couple, difficulties rarely arise. The man will offer many ideas and projects for later life, and a woman - to implement them. Pisces are big dreamers who will not be able to turn their fantasies into reality on their own and provide for their soulmate comfortable life. This usually does not frighten a woman - and she proceeds to take action.

      From the outside, the relationship between Pisces and Scorpio may seem strange, but they feel comfortable in each other's company. A woman paired with such a man will be able to avoid conflict situations and quarrels, which will positively affect her health and development. A man will become more proactive and responsible. Sexual activity in this pair persists until old age.


      Scorpio and Pisces - perfect couple to achieve common goals. They quickly come to an understanding and implement the ideas that have arisen. In friendship or common cause, Scorpio will be the leader, which suits Pisces, who are responsible for the emotional environment. These people can understand each other like no other and are always ready to help a partner.

      Scorpio and Pisces do not need active leisure - they prefer quiet and calm conversations. They love to discuss their acquaintances and their soul mates. Pisces help partners prevent burnout, and they solve their worldly problems. However, the interests of Scorpio can be exclusively mercantile in nature, and as soon as Pisces understand this, friendship will no longer give them pleasure.

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