Psychological social game "Fleshka". Cake. Psychological board game

The game takes place on a multi-colored field - there can be from 5 to 10 colors. Each player chooses the color of the field and sculpts a figurine of any animal from plasticine of the same color. The start of the game begins on the "barn" field. Each player is simultaneously the owner of all fields of the same color as his figure. If, during the roll of the dice, a player lands on a field of a different color, then the player who owns this field must blame the animal that lands on his field for some offense he has invented (for example: “you stole my phone”).
Following this accusation, the pet owner should appropriately apologize for their animal or offer to make amends for what they have done. If the owner of the field is satisfied with the apology or compensation for damage, then he can refuse to punish the piece that fell to him. Then the next player can roll the dice. If the owner of the field is not satisfied with the apology, he can punish the piece that came to him by clicking on it, crushing it, or otherwise changing its shape. He can also crush it into a “cake” with one blow.
On the fields of its color, the figure is at home, where it can heal wounds, change itself, relax and “develop itself.”

The goal of the game is to become human and get to the “Human Sky”. But the player himself cannot simply turn himself into a person. When someone wants to become a human, he must choose one of the players and ask him to remake a figurine of his animal. This can be done when a whole and undamaged animal figurine is on the field of its color. It is also necessary to convince the other player by explaining to him why the animal wants to become a human.
If the given justification seems convincing enough to the player who was asked to turn the animal into a human, then he sculpts a human from the animal figurine. From this moment on, the owner of the human figurine must behave “humanely” and “humanely” in the game. This means that, in principle, he must not hit, crush or destroy other pieces that land on one of his squares and do not sufficiently apologize for the damage caused.
If a player who has a human figurine still - forgetting or intentionally - crushes an animal or human figurine into a cake with his fist, then his figurine is returned to the “stable” and he starts the game over again, but again in the form of an animal.
The winner is the one who gets to the “human sky” first.

The process of the game is often so exciting that the formal goal is forgotten, and the real goal of the game becomes the living relationships of the participants with each other.

Number of participants: 6-10
Duration: 3-4 hours (depending on the number of participants)
Price: 2500 rub.

Rules and description of the game:

You can make the playing field for these games yourself. Depending on the number of players you will need:

One plastic-coated game board or white plexiglass of any thickness, measuring 54 by 54 cm.

Seven different self-adhesive colored films (eg D-Efix). Those colors that you choose for the players, for example for five players: red, blue, green, yellow, purple. And besides, for any number of players:

blue, brown and silver colors to make colored fields according to the diagram below.

Five pieces of plasticine of similar colors (red, blue, green, yellow, purple).

One cube.

A “path” is glued with square and rectangular pieces of film of the indicated colors. In principle, the game can be made for more players. To do this, the playing field must be expanded accordingly; For new players, in addition to the five existing colors, you need to introduce other colors of adhesive film and plasticine.


In the game "Cake" the players themselves mold their own game pieces from plasticine. Thus, they make it clear how they relate to other players, what their desires and intentions are. During the game, the most difficult situations constantly arise between its participants. different relationships, sometimes such when someone is turned into a “cake”. The game also works on the experience of mutual accusations, polite apologies and requests for help. Players learn to deal with aggression in a socially acceptable manner, and unacceptable behavior is punished.

The goal of the game is to be the first to reach the final destination - the “Human Sky”. You can get there only with the help of an intact, intact human figurine. The process of the game itself often drags on so much that the formal goal is forgotten, and the real goal of the game becomes the living relationships of the participants with each other.

The game is played according to the following rules:

1. Before starting the game, each participant sculpts his own figurine of an animal from plasticine, which then serves as a chip. The start of the game begins on the "barn" field.

2. Each player is simultaneously the owner of all fields of the same color as his figure.

3. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their piece across the appropriate number of fields. The youngest player starts the game. He rolls the dice, makes a move and, as a rule, ends up on a field of a different color.

4. A player whose field color is matched by a piece of a different color must blame the animal that lands on his field for some offense he has invented (for example: “you stole my sandwich from me!”).

5. After this accusation, the animal owner must appropriately apologize for his animal or offer to correct what he has done.

6. If the owner of the field is satisfied with the apology or compensation for damage, then he can refuse to punish the piece that fell to him. Then the next player can roll the dice. If the owner of the field is not satisfied with the apology, he can punish the piece that came to him by clicking on it, crushing it, or otherwise changing its shape. He can also crush it into a “cake” with one blow.

7. On the fields of its color, the figure is at home. In his home, a figure can heal wounds, change himself, relax and “develop himself.” Therefore, all players restore their pieces if they have the number of moves that allows them to reach their own playing field or if they have the opportunity to jump over it. In the latter case, they go only to their “home”. Only undamaged pieces have the right to step over the field of their color.

8. The goal of the game is to become a human and get to the “Human Sky”. But the player himself cannot simply turn himself into a person. To do this, you need the help of another player who, as in a fairy tale, will be able to “unenchant the animal”, turning it back into a human. When someone wants to become a human, he must choose one of the players and ask him to remake a figurine of his animal. This can be done when a whole and undamaged animal figurine is on the field of its color. It is also necessary to convince the other player, justifying to him why the animal wants to become a human. If an animal figurine ends up on the field of its color damaged, then the owner of the animal must correct it himself, making it a whole animal. And only when the turn next time again reaches the point where it will be possible to throw the dice, it will be possible to ask some other player to turn the animal into a human.

9. If the given justification seems convincing enough to the player who has been approached with a request to turn an animal into a human, then he sculpts a human from the animal figurine. From this moment on, the owner of the human figurine must behave “humanely” and “humanely” in the game. This means that, in principle, he must not hit, crush or destroy other pieces that land on one of his squares and do not sufficiently apologize for the damage caused. However, the “man” can, without destroying the other figure, bend it in such a way that its pose expresses an apology, an admission of guilt. For example, you can bow the animal’s head, bend its back, put it on its knees, or force it to crawl on the floor.

10. If a player who has a human figurine still - forgetting or intentionally - crushes an animal or human figurine into a cake with his fist, then his figurine is returned to the “stable” and he starts the game over again, but again in the form of an animal.

11. A player whose animal figurine was twice denied the desire to become a human may, during his turn, return back to the nearest square of his color and there independently turn into a human. The dice is not rolled.

12. The last field in the game is a mirror one. Punished and damaged figures must accurately land on this field. The owner of the damaged animal figurine corrects it and then moves it to the “animal sky”. The owner of a damaged human figurine can “heal” himself on the mirror field. An intact human figurine moves to the “human sky” on the next move if the number “I” appears on the die. The winner is the one who gets to the “human sky” first. Whole human figures do not need to stop and wait on the mirror field; if the number on the die is exactly drawn, they can immediately go to the “human sky”.

13. Additional Rule For experienced players: a human figurine turns back into an animal if its owner punishes a figurine that lands on his field without waiting for an accusation or an apology.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Psychological games

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GAME “BREAD” Author – Gunther Horn. Psychoanalyst, leading child psychotherapist in Germany, associate professor at the Institute of Catathymic-Imaginative Psychotherapy (Germany), creator of symbolic drama for children and adolescents. Author of books, director of training programs for training child and adolescent psychotherapists in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.

GAME DESCRIPTION You can make the playing field yourself. Depending on the number of players you will need: One plastic-coated playing board or white plexiglass of any thickness, measuring 54 by 54 cm (a sheet of whatman paper can be used). Seven or fewer different self-adhesive colored films. Those colors that you choose for the players, for example for five players: red, blue, green, yellow, purple.

Five pieces of plasticine of similar colors (red, blue, green, yellow, purple) or simply different colors. One cube (you can make a cube from plasticine). With square or rectangular pieces of film of the indicated colors, a “path” from “Start” to “Finish” is pasted, similar to the playing field of any game with chips (zigzag, snake, in a circle).

Rules of the game: 1. Before starting the game, each participant sculpts his own figurine of an animal from plasticine, which then serves as a chip. The start of the game begins on the “Start” field. 2. Each player is simultaneously the owner of all fields of the same color as his figure; these are his houses. 3. Players take turns throwing the dice and moving their piece across the appropriate number of fields - houses. The youngest player starts the game. He rolls the dice, makes a move and, as a rule, ends up on a house field of a different color.

4. A player who, during the game, finds himself on a field of a different color must beg the owner of the house to let him into his house; sometimes the owner of the house sets some conditions, for example, not to litter, not to jump on the bed, etc. 5. If the owner of the house is satisfied with the behavior of the guest, then the guest remains in the owner’s house with impunity, but if the guest violated the rules established by the owner, then the owner can punish the guest, he can punish the piece that came to him by clicking on it, crushing it or changing it in any way. form. He can also crush it into a “cake” with one blow.

RELEVANCE: 1. 25% of families in preschool educational institutions who turned to a psychologist for help have problems in parent-child relationships. 2. There are not enough methods for joint, one-time diagnosis of a child and a parent. 3. There is a problem of diagnosing parent-child relationships within the framework of psychological counseling.

OBJECTIVES: 1. Adaptation of the game “Bread” for the purpose of diagnostic examination of families. 2. Consulting parents on the problems of parent-child relationships identified by diagnostics, developing strategies and forms further activities. 3. Correction of parent-child relationships in specially organized classes using the game “Fleshka”.

DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS: During the diagnostic examination using the game “Fleshka”, it was revealed: In the upbringing of children, a directive communication style predominates, the predominant method is instruction. Lack of mutual understanding between parents and children. Children are emotionally “squeezed” and secretive, unsure of themselves, and have low self-esteem.

STAGE II. CORRECTIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL Stages of carrying out correctional and developmental work using games: Selecting and making hero chips from plasticine with your own hands (parent and child). Explanation of the rules of the game (the first few lessons the teacher-psychologist takes part, the three of us play: parent-child-psychologist)

STAGE III. FINAL-DIAGNOSTIC: In the course of the correctional and developmental work, based on the results of the final final lesson, after the conversation and survey of parents, conclusions can be drawn: Parents have changed their style of communication and education. Mutual understanding emerged between family members. The children became more relaxed and self-confidence began to appear.

USING THE GAME "BREAD" ALLOWS: Psychologist Child Family - to diagnose and correct parent-child relationships - to see the specifics of the problems of this family with their own eyes - to develop social, emotional and communicative competence - to develop imagination - to develop arbitrariness of behavior - for parent and child to get a chance to form new relationships - teach family members to communicate with each other - helps improve family relationships

Playing together with parents and a psychologist, the child, on the one hand, learns parental norms, and on the other hand, if adults refuse generally accepted norms, the child sees the relativity of these norms, which is important for destroying the idealization of excessively strong parental authority and clearly inflated norms. As a result, " golden mean“- the child accepts some norms, but refuses others.

Many psychologists know about Gunter Horn and his social games. Among them is the “Psychological game for the whole family” series. Cards with the correct wording make it possible to start a problematic conversation in a game atmosphere and talk through difficult moments with a cool head.

There are kits for different target groups: “Psikrets” for teenagers, for working with foster families and “ Ordinary families- unusual children" for working with parents and those around special children.

We talked about them with the creators - Russian co-authors of Gunter Horn's games - psychologists Elizaveta Hellinger-Trofimova and Svetlana Senatskaya.

Elizaveta Hellinger-Trofimova (analytical psychologist and child psychotherapist, copyright holder of Gunther Horn's Social Games in Russia, game developer and co-author).

— When creating this set, we relied more on the problems of parents, environment and siblings (sisters and brothers), rather than on the special children themselves. In terms of games, these children are no different from any others and any game is suitable for them for leisure, except perhaps in some cases there might be a simpler option. The center where the statements for the cards were selected and tested is inclusive, there are children with autism spectrum disorders, visually impaired, hearing impaired, and with cerebral palsy. The main authors are Svetlana Senatskaya and Elina Fedotova, and at the moment they continue to work on selecting statements for the deck according to the principle “Oh, this is what we need.”

I pull out a couple of cards at random: “I don’t sleep well” and “I can’t meet my friends.” Basically, it's about the same thing. Moms often don't have enough time for themselves. The main problem faced by the environment of a special child is the orientation of the life of the entire family towards the needs of this child, the fact that all family members “revolve” around him. Even to the point of moving in order to be closer to certain activities. Or how parents experience or accept the very fact that the child is special. There is an option when the problem is completely denied. They turn a blind eye to it, they think that everything is ok with the child, they just need to “lean in” a little to the classes or, on the contrary, they can let it go - everything will work itself out. There is another extreme, when parents are too in trouble, and even after attending all possible courses and clubs, they do not believe in the possibility of some kind of shift, and are depressed. It also happens that someone is depressed, while others, on the contrary, prefer not to notice. There are a lot of repressed feelings, for example, about injustice and “why me.” Here it is important to talk about what good this child brought into the mother’s life. For example, he taught patience and tolerance. Many people answer this question themselves. A lot of sad stories, for example, when dad leaves the family, there are many wonderful stories, for example, when siblings, growing up together, cannot imagine anything other than caring for a brother or sister and later choose helping professions for themselves in life. All cards in the set are based on reality.

Game "Cake"

— What is the appropriate attitude towards a child in such a situation?

— Understand that with a specific diagnosis you will not jump over your head, but also do not panic and do everything possible.

— Who is better to play this set with?

- With the one who can best share your feelings. For example, with a family with the same child. Here is the “My child is my punishment” card and the “My child is my pride” card. Mom may experience both feelings alternately. When a child succeeds in something, she, like all mothers, is proud of him, no matter what it is: winning a championship or simply mastering another topic in mathematics. It is very important for those around special needs children to find friends in a community where they can express themselves.

- Let's look at examples of cards.

- “I am inclined to participate in quarrels and scandals if it concerns my child” - this is the correct formulation of “I will fight for my child.” This is the position of an aggressive victim, from which it is important to prove to others that you are right. Or maybe not your own, but a loved one.

— How is this useful for the family? Should I talk it out?

— Helps express difficult feelings and harmonize communication between children and parents. Cards are like a kind of bridge. We say that they develop social competencies, and what is social competence if not the ability to communicate. These descriptions help you analyze your stereotypes in communication. How do you get attention?

- Can one person “play”?

— If a person is alone and, for example, has just encountered a problem, the cards will help for self-analysis and help sort out their feelings. And they will help you realize that you need the help of specialists and like-minded people.

- And yet, how to play cards?

- There is no single standard here. Much depends on the specialist presenter; they even tried a talk show-style option, where they had to defend positions that were chosen at random - half the group defended one side, the other on the opposite side. This game helps you look at the problem from a different angle. Example: “I am of the opinion that society should adapt to us and our children, not we to it.” Indeed, many believe that society owes them a lot. But behind the feelings of aggression there is pain, it is important to understand this. The same goes for apathy, when people prefer not to leave home at all: “Society still can’t offer us anything.” Both poles are critical and unproductive.

— How safe are such discussions on sensitive issues? The topic is painful.

— It all depends on the leader, how much he is ready to withstand and accept different topics and different feelings - pain, disappointment, frustration, and disappointment. How much he is able to understand a person who needs support. Hearing that some topic “hurts everyone” is very important.

— Is it good to play such a set in inclusive institutions?

— For inclusion, I would prefer games aimed at unity, emphasizing the importance of the fact that despite all the differences, we are together.

The game “Fleshka” is intended for adults and children over 5 years old.

This is a board game that does not require physical activity. It can be played by three to five people. An adult who teaches children the rules of the game can himself be one of the players. Or just a “judge” monitoring compliance with the rules, depending on the assigned tasks. The game can be played several times with the same players. But changes in the composition of the players are also allowed. The participants in the game are selected by the presenter or given the right to choose “neighbors on the field” to one of the children, or participants can be selected by lottery. This again depends on the tasks that the psychologist intends to solve in this game.

A game condition that requires formulating an accusation and explaining one’s actions, as well as resorting to reflection own feelings and experiences in different situations, promote the development of self-awareness. In addition, in the process of convincing a group player that he is worthy of becoming a person, the “image of the Self” is compared with a certain standard. The whole group takes part in the discussion. This gives the child the opportunity to compare his idea of ​​himself with the opinions of others, with “the image of myself through the eyes of others.” And the process of choosing qualities itself helps to form the “ideal self,” and the leader (psychologist) can control this process to some extent.

Since this game provokes aggression in players, it can only be carried out by a psychologist. At the end of the game, in addition to general reflection, some players need to be consulted.

In the course of playing and discussing this game with working psychologists and students of psychological departments of universities, we developed new rules that do not require the player to accuse the guest. This new game we called it "Evolution". The goal of the game, as it is presented to children, is to become human. In this version, the first stage of the game necessarily involves a discussion of what it means to “be human.” Moreover, the presenter expresses and offers his point of view for discussion. Then, during the game, the leader reminds the players of the qualities that they formulated before the start of the game.

Both game options have their advantages and disadvantages. The first is more therapeutic, the second can be considered more pedagogical.

Purpose of the game- development of emotional and social competence, formation of communication skills, socialization of aggression.


1. Manifestation of hidden aggression and its socialization.

2. Development of communication qualities.

Game time- 1.5 hours (2 lessons).

Equipment: playing field, plasticine, cube.


“The figures you make from plasticine are chips for playing on the field. Give your animals a name. This is how you will be addressed during the game.

Let's agree who owns which colors on the field. This is your property. Players take turns, as in normal board game. The number of moves is determined by throwing the dice. The direction of movement is following the arrows.

If another player's piece lands on your territory, your task is to blame the alien. Anyone who has come to someone else's territory asks for forgiveness. If the owner forgives, he leaves the figurine; if he does not forgive, the figurine must be punished. You can even crush it into a cake. But be sure to listen to the apology first.

On its field, the figure can be treated and return to its previous shape.

The goal of the game is to reach the mirror field. It's magical. Through it you can become human. Damaged figures cannot become human. The winner is the one who becomes human first.

All appeals (accusations and apologies) are directed only at the figures, the players cannot be blamed. You cannot touch other people's figures if this is not provided for by the rules of the game.

In case of violation of the rules of the game, the participant misses a turn.”


There are three main stages in this game:

  • making figures from plasticine;
  • playing on the field;
  • reflective stage.

This game has enough complex rules. In groups with small children or children with mental retardation, you can tell the rules as the game progresses. The game begins with the process of fashioning figures from plasticine (according to the rules of the game, these should be animals, but we allowed children to choose inanimate objects), which become representatives of the players on the playing field. The choice of a figurine that will participate in the game is an entire stage of therapeutic work with the child. This usually takes from 20 to 40 minutes.

Then, when all the figures are molded, the players place them in the “start” position (in the original game it was called “shed”, but we omitted this condition). The game simulates conflict situations in which players have to act either as the aggressor or as the one at whom this aggression is directed. Thus, indirectly, this game is also aimed at working with anxious children. The entire field, divided into cells by color, becomes the property of the players. Players roll the dice and move around the field depending on the number of moves they get on the dice. If one of the players ends up on someone else's field, the owner of this field must bring charges against him for trespassing on his private property. The offending player (who violated the boundaries) must apologize to the home team for his offense. The owner of this field can forgive the uninvited guest or punish the plasticine figurine in any way, even crush it into a cake (as reflected in the name of the game).

At the same time, the leader must carry out work with children aimed at reflecting their experiences while playing. Each child is invited to express his feelings for his figure when she is punished. Players are also asked how they feel after having just administered the punishment themselves. However, you cannot punish a figure before charges have been brought against it. And you should definitely listen to an apology. If the apology is not accepted, the player must explain why. Asking for forgiveness before the player has been accused is not prohibited. If one of the rules of the game is violated, the participant misses a turn, which prevents him from achieving the game goal - to get to the “human sky” before others.

At the same time, before starting the game with the players, it is necessary to stipulate that it is possible and necessary to punish the figures, but the punishment cannot be transferred to living people. This is strictly prohibited by the rules of the game. If this rule is violated, the player is eliminated from the game.

During the game, all participants end up on someone else's field more than once.

Distorted (punished) fshurks can be corrected (healed) or even remade when they are on their field.

If the figure is on its field and has no damage, the player has the right to ask one of the other children (players) to “make him a human.” To do this, he needs to prove that he is worthy of becoming a man, to name the qualities that will allow him to be a man.

This is also a special stage of the game, during which children discuss what it means to “be human.” The facilitator’s task is to use clarifying questions to help the players formulate a group idea of ​​the basic qualities of a person. This list may include moral standards and traits that help adaptation in society. If the game is played with preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, you can read with them a story in advance about the various traits and actions of people and discuss with the children what is good and what is bad.

“By becoming a human,” the player loses the right to punish other figures. He can only reprimand or reprimand them for bad behavior. If this rule is broken, the “man” again turns into an animal. Those who refused to become a “person” during the game will have to characterize themselves at the end of the game on a mirror field. The game can last quite a long time (more than one hour). At the end of the game, reflection is carried out with all players, where everyone is asked to answer the following questions:

  • What are you feeling now?
  • What was difficult for you to do during the game? What is easier - to blame and punish or to ask for forgiveness?
  • Are you satisfied with who you have become (human, rhinoceros, wolf, goblin, squirrel, etc.)?
  • Would you like to play this game again? Who would you like to be in this new game?

What did you like most about this game?

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