Horoscope for April every day Gemini

As the horoscope for April 2018 says, Gemini will have to work hard and give their all. But the month will become very fruitful and even significant in their lives. Representatives of the sign will find themselves at a crossroads every now and then, and their future life will depend on the chosen direction. Now you will need all your focus and intuition to decide on the right course. Most often you will have to choose between your usual comfort zone and new opportunities that go hand in hand with new risks. But don’t be afraid to take risks, perhaps by taking risks you will become truly happy.

The beginning of the month will be associated with significant expenses. Whether these are major acquisitions or investments in business, in any case the spending will be profitable. But only if you think it over and don’t waste money on spontaneous purchases.

The main goal of April for Gemini should not be the desire to get rich, but the desire to improve and expand their life, make it more interesting, develop and improve. Take care of your inner wealth, it will make you much more successful than chasing money. Focus on training and education.

Geminis will be respected among colleagues and acquaintances due to their willingness to help and support in difficult situations. Many Geminis will even become ideological inspirers for a group of people. Good deeds will bring you truly deep moral satisfaction and make this world a little better.

Avoid getting involved in adventures, achieve success through honest and hard work.

Favorable days: 3, 7, 17, 24, 25, 29

Unfavorable days: 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 23, 30


Gemini will spend April 2018 in good health. Representatives of the sign will be active and energetic, but some nervousness may make itself felt. Direct your energy in a peaceful direction.

The month is favorable for health procedures and preventive measures. Spend more time in nature and do breathing exercises. This will help you calm down and feel harmony with yourself.

Cosmetic procedures will be useful.


The Gemini horoscope for April 2018 promises representatives of the sign a pleasant and interesting development in the work process. You enthusiastically take on new tasks, which easily wins the authority of your superiors.

But even here it will not be without some difficulties. There are likely to be disagreements in the team or difficulties of a material nature that cannot be ignored. But don’t rush to get nervous, you can always find a way out of the most difficult situation. Learn to be diplomatic and make compromises. Sometimes even retreating will be a smarter move.

Be attentive to details, small mistakes are likely. Bring previously started tasks to their logical conclusion and enjoy the results obtained.


The financial situation in April will not be stable. The first half of the month will be associated with large expenses, and there is also a possibility of financial losses. Financially responsible persons and everyone whose activities are directly related to finances need to be especially careful.

Avoid unnecessary, unreasonable spending. Allocate funds for what you really need and shop wisely.

Don't lend money to anyone, not even friends.


As the horoscope for April 2018 promises, Gemini will experience a wide variety of pleasant experiences, even if you have been married for a long time and the routine has already swallowed you up. The month is favorable for family holidays, walks and outdoor activities. The third ten days of the month will be especially romantic.

But family conflicts related to financial issues or the future of children are also likely. Do not rush to swear and make final decisions. Towards the end of April, you will calm down and be able to adequately look at what is happening.

Secret dates await single Geminis. It turns out that you are not yet ready to tell your loved ones about your romantic interest. Strong feelings and outbursts of jealousy will take over you.

Gemini Man

As the horoscope for April 2018 foretells, the Gemini man will face hustle and bustle and difficulties in business. Work will become a big part of your life. Even a secret office romance is likely. The end of the month will bring outbreaks of jealousy and quarrels on this basis.

Try to walk more in the fresh air, play sports, but beware of injuries.

Gemini men will be puzzled by questions of additional income. There will be a desire to take a risk in an unfamiliar area, but do not give in to excitement. Act according to a carefully verified plan, avoid surprises.

Gemini Woman

As the horoscope for April 2018 predicts, the Gemini woman will change her priorities. The emphasis will shift from career to communication. Your friends will need your support and help.

In a love relationship there will be strong emotions and quarrels, the search for right and wrong. Hold your sharp tongue.

With the onset of warm spring, many representatives of the sign will want to transform their appearance. Play sports, update your wardrobe, go for beauty treatments. The only thing that is contraindicated for you now is extreme sports.

Thanks to your responsibility and professional qualities, you will be in good standing with your superiors. Use your charm and communication skills to build business relationships. But approach things with a cool head, emotions can interfere with the work process.

For Gemini, the stars predict a very favorable period in life. The influence of Mercury on the fate of the representatives of the sign has disappeared, and the majestic Mars appears on the scene. Use this influence to your advantage.


The time is coming for laying a material foundation and strengthening the financial position for many years to come, a time when any undertakings of the representatives of the sign will be brilliantly brought to life and will bear significant fruit.

Gemini will work very hard in April 2020, but some representatives of the sign have problems concentrating, this threatens less work efficiency, delays, errors in documentation, and missed work deadlines. Gemini will need to make every effort to improve the quality of their professional activities and not make mistakes. The main thing is to reconsider your priorities in your daily schedule and concentrate on urgent work.

The second half of April is the ideal time to complete large-scale tasks and projects. Obstacles and obstacles that Gemini fought so zealously for a long time suddenly disappear as if by magic. The road forward is now clear, and there is absolutely no reason or reason to hesitate or be shy - just go forward and don’t break away from reality! Gemini will finally receive gifts from fate only after working hard at it. And small obstacles and rough spots on the path to success will only strengthen your fighting spirit and will to win!

Thanks to the influence of Mars, Gemini will take a huge step towards strengthening their financial situation. The efforts of the representatives of the sign will be rewarded quite quickly. Success in gambling and lotteries is very likely - Mars will help increase income. However, this does not mean at all that everything will go without a hitch - the horoscope for April 2020 warns. Geminis can show themselves to be very careless and demonstrate some carelessness in managing their budget.

In April, Gemini can start looking for a new job; they will most likely be crowned with success.

Where in April Geminis can express themselves is at social events, corporate and cultural events. Geminis who love and know how to shine will simply swim in a sea of ​​compliments, praise and undisguised flattery. Even people who don’t really like you will recognize your magnificence. Don’t relax too much, Gemini is very susceptible to flattery, and those around him know this weakness. Under the guise of a friend and well-wisher, a person who has the intention of using your location for his own selfish purposes may try to enter your social circle. A relationship with such a person will cause mental trauma and result in severe disappointment or a blow to self-esteem.


For Gemini, the stars recommend talking to a loved one in April if they want to avoid conflicts or disputes. The horoscope advises active communication with friends; it can charge Gemini with a good mood and new ideas that will awaken an incredible thirst for life.

April may be a turning point in Gemini's attitude to his appearance. But you shouldn’t rush headlong into the pool. A visit to a plastic surgeon and other radical measures will not bring the desired effect, but can create additional health problems. It is better to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle and exercise. Updating your wardrobe will also help boost your self-esteem. Geminis are quite conservative in their clothing, and rarely attract the attention of others to their appearance. Business style and restraint suit them, but this restraint is very close to minimalism and risks turning Gemini into a gray mouse. Bright and active accessories will help avoid this.

The White Rat guarantees that Gemini in April will not go unnoticed by representatives of the opposite sex, since Venus makes its own adjustments to the fate of representatives of this sign, in every possible way attracting the attention of others to Gemini. The mutual influence of Mars and Venus is an explosive mixture; they increase the libido of representatives of this horoscope sign, generate sexual desire and kindle the fire of passion, which can cause serious jealousy of the partner. And if Gemini is in search of their soulmate, then April will provide many chances to capture the attention of the person you like.

Gemini Child

In April, little Gemini will have to work on their ability to concentrate on the task at hand and be perseverant. Possessing a phenomenal memory and an innate subtle mind, little Geminis very often suffer from the inability to maintain a high level of attention to the work being done. Parents need to instill similar skills in their children. Handicrafts can be a good help in this, as they will instill in your child not only perseverance, but also develop artistic taste and fine motor skills.


The second half of April for many Geminis can be marked by feelings of restlessness and anxiety. Some discomfort and internal fears that Geminis experience during this period may prevent them from starting a new period in life. Due to the influence of Uranus, problems with appetite and digestion may arise in the second half of April. But the main danger lies in the lungs. Geminis are advised to carefully protect themselves from hypothermia and drafts, and to dress in strict accordance with weather conditions. Representatives of the sign who suffer from such a serious disease as bronchial asthma need to be especially attentive and vigilant. Keep an eye on the supply of medications at work and at home, visit an allergist and pulmonologist; it is possible that a new medicine prescribed during this period will help significantly alleviate the course of the disease.

It is possible to win in lotteries or gambling.
Any undertakings of Gemini will be brought to life and bear fruit.
Horoscope for Gemini for May 2020.

This spring month will be a period of relative calm in love for you. The planet of love, Venus, is in the twilight twelfth house of Gemini, foreshadowing vague circumstances in your personal life. Even ordinary situations can take an unusual or strange turn.

The influence of Venus in the twelfth house can manifest itself as sadness or feelings of loneliness. Disappointment in a loved one, alienation, separation are possible. The machinations of ill-wishers, gossip, and blackmail cannot be ruled out. Be careful when communicating with unreliable people, do not give away your secrets. On the other hand, the time is favorable for those who have secret love relationships.

Until April 15, 2018, the retrograde cycle of Mercury continues, which is of particular importance for you, since the planet is the patron saint of the sign Gemini. This is a time of deep reflection and awareness of current situations. You will be able to understand a lot about yourself, your loved one and your connection. For many of you, the period will mark a turn towards spiritual development.

More joy in love is expected in the last days of the month. On April 24, 2018, Venus enters your sign, and life will sparkle with new colors. New winds will blow that will bring positive changes. The inconsistency of the previous period ends, a good time for love comes.

Gemini career and financial horoscope for April 2018

A time full of opportunities in your career and professional life awaits you. The Sun and Mercury in the house of social connections predict success and profit through cooperation, participation in teamwork or social activities. Your luck doubles, you can count on the support of people who share your ideas, on the goodwill of management. Friends can help you achieve your goals.

In addition, Jupiter is on your side, located in the Gemini house of work. Being the planet of luck, Jupiter promises significant achievements, most likely in the second half of the month, when a harmonious aspect with Neptune is formed in the career sector.

If you are planning to start a new project or open a business, it is better to do this in the second half of April, when Mercury resumes its direct movement. The first half of the month is not suitable for new beginnings, as Mercury retro tends to cause obstacles and delays.

In terms of finances, the month can be profitable, but at the same time contradictory. Mars, Saturn and Pluto in one of Gemini's financial houses form both positive and negative aspects with other planets, which indicates varying success. Above-average gains and losses are equally likely, so you need to be careful when it comes to money.


You are in great shape and in a good mood, but despite all this, you should not lose sight of health issues. Mars and Saturn in the eighth house can bring unpleasant surprises. There is a risk of injury when using sharp objects or equipment. Stay away from situations that could become dangerous! It is recommended to lead a balanced lifestyle, eliminating risks and excesses. Meditative practices, water procedures, and relaxation by the water will bring many health benefits.

Be social, make new friends, join interest groups or community organizations!

The stars say that April 2017 for Gemini will be a favorable period for the development of new and existing relationships with the opposite sex. This time will bring to life the desire for communication and flirting, as well as attention to your person. For some Geminis, this month will be the best for long-awaited events in their personal lives. What other changes on the love front do the stars promise for representatives of this zodiac sign? You should look for clues in the exact love horoscope for April.

Free representatives of the sign of Gemini in April will have every chance to change their status in matters of the heart. The stars predict for them the opportunity to meet interesting people of the opposite sex and establish constant friendly communication with them. To do this, Geminis in April do not need to make excessive efforts: a sincere smile and good mood will help attract the attention of the person who is interested in them. New meetings during this spring period can become fateful and develop into a long and tender relationship. Marriages entered into by Gemini at this time have every chance of becoming long and strong marital unions.

For twins who are in family ties, April of this year promises the opportunity to achieve complete harmony and love in their relationship with their spouse. This time may become a stage in the revival of some families that were on the verge of breaking up. The love horoscope advises people born under the sign of Gemini to try to bring something new into their family life: for example, start pleasing their spouse with small gifts, tender notes, choose a hobby that will be interesting to both.

Love horoscope for Gemini women for April 2017

For single representatives of the Gemini sign, this month can be an excellent period for making new acquaintances. The whole month of April for girls will be marked by increased male attention, unexpected meetings and the opportunity to show their charms. Spring brings Gemini girls every chance to have a passionate romance if they overcome shyness and show reciprocal initiative. The love horoscope recommends that girls put household matters on the backburner in April and enjoy communicating with men during this period, which is favorable for the personal life of Gemini.

Married Gemini women in April have the opportunity to escape from pressing problems, take a fresh look at their family life and be convinced of the feelings of their spouse. Some representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to finally establish communication with loved ones and discuss problems with mutual understanding. April of this year may be a time for Gemini to solve many problems in their personal lives and find happiness with their loved ones. The wisdom of Gemini women will prevent problems in a couple from misunderstandings with their spouse, showing him all their attention and tenderness.

Love horoscope for Gemini men for April 2017

Men born under the sign of Gemini will be able to show their activity to the fullest in April. This month will be successful for them in meeting the opposite sex, making dates and communicating closely, but under one condition: it is better to leave excessive persistence and perseverance for work. This manifestation of Gemini's character can scare off girls. The best impression can be made by men who can turn their heads a little, pleasantly surprise and show sincere emotions. An accurate love horoscope for April recommends representatives of the Gemini sign to moderate their passion for a while.

Along with the long-awaited thaw, April will bring Gemini some very pleasant moments, which the love horoscope will tell you about in great detail. The love forecast contains a lot of encouraging omens for Gemini for April 2019. The love horoscope will warn the wards of Mercury that it is impossible to foresee, and if representatives of the sign listen to the recommendations of the stars, then they will not escape happiness on the love front.

Love horoscope for Gemini for April 2019

April will start ambiguously for Gemini. Some people will feel very calm in the middle of spring this year, while others will face a huge number of problems that require immediate solutions. Gemini will sometimes be surprised at how differently circumstances turn out for people of their zodiac sign in early April. The stars will answer this question simply: the situations are so different only because of the differences in the personal lives of Gemini.

In early April, long-single Geminis will feel a surge of strength, thanks to which they will be able to make their dreams come true, quickly establishing relationships with the person of interest. By the end of the month, Gemini can also instantly break off all connections, but this will happen only with a strong desire to return to the free life that the wards of Mercury have had over the past years.

In mid-spring 2019, happily married Geminis will be faced with a very tricky obstacle, on which the boat of their love may well crash. It will be especially difficult at the beginning of April. Doubts will appear, new feelings will arise, family relationships will deteriorate greatly. But towards the end of the month, Gemini will have a chance to restore their former idyll. However, for this they will have to try.

Love horoscope for Gemini women for April 2019

In April, Gemini girls will be very happy, but this period will not last long. The love horoscope predicts several important events for them. The first will concern a new awareness that has not previously entered the thoughts of representatives of the element of Air. The second will make Gemini girls reconsider their entire lives. As a result, in April, serious changes may occur on the love front, including a breakup.

In April, girls of the Gemini sign will have several directions that will help improve their relationship with their significant other. It is at this moment that one should admit that there is no single key to the heart of a lover.

Good events will happen in the life of all Gemini girls who want to get married. In April they will have a unique chance. The main task of single women will only be not to miss it.

Love horoscope for Gemini men for April 2019

Many Gemini men may begin a crazy romance in April. In the spring of this year, they already had temptations that they managed to more or less resist, and during the period of dominance of the element of Fire, it will be extremely difficult to ignore new feelings. Because of this, Gemini may have serious problems, but all this will become clear later, but for now only incredible happiness, genuine euphoria and a lot of exciting moments await them.

When meeting girls in April, Gemini will not feel the usual embarrassment. The stars are preparing such a gift only for those who have not been able to arrange their personal lives for a long time and who constantly suffer defeats on the love front. Gemini womanizers will be less lucky. In April, such men will have fewer reasons to show their charisma and charm the women they like.

Positive changes in relationships await those Geminis who have recently become single. In mid-spring, they will be able to correct their mistakes and prove to their lovers the sincerity of their feelings and the seriousness of their intentions. In connection with such forecasts, Gemini should be prepared to have the courage to take the most serious step in life - proposing their hand in marriage to their beloved.

Love horoscope for Gemini for other months of 2019

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