Horse man - monkey woman. Monkey man and horse woman compatibility

The relationship between these two signs of the Chinese horoscope in life is very rare. The compatibility of Horse and Monkey is ambiguous. Similar temperaments attract them to each other, but this also becomes the cause of conflicts in which no one intends to make concessions. These people may have the same lifestyle and identical aspirations, but completely opposite approaches to achieving goals and solving problems. Because of this, quarrels often arise in their union.

The union of a Horse man and a Monkey woman can become very strong and brilliant, or it can turn into a real nightmare of contradictions and conflicts, bringing only discontent into the life of the couple. One thing is for sure - it definitely won’t be boring. Representatives of these signs are bright and extraordinary, and if they find a way to get along together, then their marriage will be the same.

Horse Man and Monkey Woman: General Compatibility

It is very difficult to force a Horse man to give up his principles

Horse and Monkey are smart and insightful. They see literally through all the shortcomings of their partner, and rarely want to put up with them. Willful and selfish, both do not like to be restrained, preferring that everything happen the way they intended.

They would be much more comfortable with calmer and more pliable partners who would happily accept secondary roles, providing a reliable shoulder at the right time. Everything here is extremely unpredictable. Both the Monkey woman and the Horse man do not want to remain in the shadows. They rush towards new achievements, strive to implement grandiose, incredible plans. This is the strength and, at the same time, the weakness of their relationship.

Each of them understands the ambitions of their partner, his desire to achieve prosperity and prosperity. Therefore, by uniting, they will be able to achieve much greater results than they themselves expected. If they do not accept each other’s aspirations and act separately, this will only alienate them, bringing discord.

The cause of conflict may be differences in values ​​and behavior. The Horse man is very principled, acts honestly and straightforwardly. The Monkey Woman loves tricks and often resorts to tricks. This manner of behavior of a woman unnerves the Horse man; it seems to him too “slippery” and two-faced. At the same time, he could learn from her dexterity and flexibility, the ability to creatively approach problems and avoid uncomfortable situations.

Unlike the Horse, the Monkey copes well with negotiations of any kind, because he knows where to lie and where to shut up. All behind-the-scenes games are alien to a man, and he chooses truthfulness as his weapon, although this is not always to his advantage.

A man born in the year of the Horse has restless energy and a thirst for life. He is smart, purposeful, strives to climb high on the career ladder in order to ensure financial independence.

The Horse man is an excellent speaker, but he can be too straightforward. He values ​​freedom most of all, so he tends to act selfishly and willfully. There are many contradictions in his nature. He is straightforward and not too elegant in his manners, but at the same time, he can be romantic and attentive to his partner. A Horse man can be proud, and at the same time easy and pleasant to communicate with.

The man loves entertainment, sports and travel. He doesn't like staying at home at all. “The Stallion” constantly gallops towards adventures and new sensations. In his perception of the world, he also does not stand still. Versatile and enthusiastic, the Horse man is interested in many areas of life, devoting time to self-development.

A woman with the sign of the Monkey is sociable, cunning and attractive. She may not have outstanding beauty, but she is not short of charm. She is very resourceful and fickle. Her anger and harshness are quickly replaced by a smile and courtesy with an absolutely innocent expression on her face.

The Monkey woman is endowed with artistry, a good sense of humor and a sharp mind. She has the gift of persuasion and skillfully manipulates people to achieve what she wants. The monkey loves company and attention. She loves to surprise the public and be at the center of discussions. In this case, extraordinary outfits and irresistible makeup come to her aid.

The Monkey strives for a prosperous life and a high position in society. Her curiosity and cunning often come in handy in this. Flighty and frivolous in appearance, she is actually very calculating. A woman quickly makes profitable acquaintances in order to advance in her career or in any other area of ​​life. You won't find her in the back rows. The Monkey wants the best and knows how to act to get it.

Horse Man and Monkey Woman: Compatibility in Love

The Monkey woman loves flirting, which can later easily turn into an affair

Powerful energy, attractiveness and strong charm. These people cannot lose sight of each other. They will certainly fall into the invisible networks of love and at first they will definitely be satisfied.

The compatibility of a Horse man and a Monkey woman in love is as ambiguous as in other areas. Their romance begins immediately, from the first meeting, and develops rapidly. Once the Horse notices the beautiful and unpredictable Monkey, he will be enchanted. Once she feels his inner strength and confidence, she will not be able to pass by.

A woman inspires a man and prevents him from getting bored and losing interest. The Monkey Woman gives the Horse an additional incentive to move forward, not allowing him to relax for a minute. He likes this kind of race, which is why he becomes more and more interested in his new acquaintance. A man quickly falls in love, completely surrendering to his feelings. The chosen one can expect passionate meetings and all kinds of gifts. But the Horse man should be careful, because romance is his weakness. Strong, confident in ordinary life, when he falls in love, he becomes a real fool, ready to follow the person who charms him everywhere.

They love vivid sensations and variety, so sex between a Horse and a Monkey will not be ordinary. In bed, they will be able to use their imagination and irrepressible energy in the best possible way. But here, too, there is cause for dissatisfaction. The Horse man is overly concerned with his skill and often forgets about sensuality. He is focused specifically on the physical act, but this is not enough for the Monkey. She expects his full presence and attention, wanting her lover to give himself entirely to her.

Strong attraction and sexual desire at first creates an imaginary impression of the ideal compatibility of a Horse man and a Monkey woman. Being lovers, they are in no hurry to reveal all the subtleties of their character, but the longer they are together, the more contradictions appear between them.

Leadership tendencies and selfishness of both often become the main cause of quarrels. They rarely give in to anyone, and prefer to adjust everything to themselves, and not vice versa. Their relationship often develops into a competition for first place, rather than a cohesive union.

Inconsistency and a thirst for new colors sometimes lead to betrayal. And dissatisfaction with a partner and different views on life become the main reasons for quarrels. If the Monkey woman skillfully hides her adventures on the side, then the straightforward Horse man usually admits to wrongdoing, which often ends in separation.

Horse Man and Monkey Woman: Marriage Compatibility

Horse and Monkey often take marriage lightly and behave more like temporary cohabitants. Focusing on their own needs, they do not pay too much attention to relationships, do not try to arrange their life together and develop as a couple. Each of them is too busy with themselves.

At the same time, they may have mutual claims towards each other. Despite their self-obsession, they formed a couple for a reason. The Horse man will try to “domesticate” the Monkey woman. He sees himself in the role of breadwinner, breadwinner and protector of the family, but for this he needs a reliable rear, an obedient wife and a skillful housewife.

The monkey will not like this distribution of roles. She is not at all against her breadwinner husband, but she herself does not intend to spend all day creating a cozy nest. The Monkey woman is confident that she will cope not only with household chores, but will be able to achieve considerable success in her career, demonstrating her full potential. The Monkey itself will also try to control its partner. Behind the external playfulness hides a rather domineering person who wants to know everything about her husband.

The Horse and the Monkey will have to put in a lot of effort to make their union last long

The compatibility of Horse and Monkey in love and marriage is ambiguous, and accordingly their union will never be simple. There are much fewer complementary qualities in them than contradictions. Stubborn and selfish, they do not accept other people's points of view, do not know how to listen to each other and give in. They should learn all this.

The Horse man and the Monkey woman are not used to paying attention to the feelings and emotions of others, so it is difficult for them to adapt to their partner, they simply cannot understand him. If they decide that they need each other, they will have to work hard on themselves.

First of all, you should forget about stubbornness and pride. Learn to forgive your spouse for his shortcomings and turn a blind eye to minor mistakes. It is important to focus on what can unite the couple.

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. Read this amulet to help relieve lack of money. Read here

Such a union as the Horse and the Monkey can turn out to be very interesting. The compatibility of people born in the years of these animals is almost ideal. And it is determined by suitable characters. No, they are not the same. And their interests may be different. But these differences are only beneficial for relationships.

Horse Woman and Monkey Man

If this couple quickly manages to distribute the roles of leader and subordinate, then the union will turn out to be strong. Usually the issue of dominance is resolved at the very beginning of the relationship. True, everyone acts differently to show that he is the boss in this pair. A man achieves what he wants by cunning, hatching an intricate plan for a long time. And the girl will act ahead.

What is the peculiarity of such a union as the Horse and the Monkey? The compatibility of these people will succeed when the girl comes to terms with the sensitivity of her partner, and the man, in turn, understands that she usually goes ahead not in order to hurt his feelings, but simply because that is her nature.

In all other respects they are in complete harmony. Romance and spark will always be present in this couple. Even after several years of marriage. By the way, family life for them is not a routine, but something exciting and interesting. They know how to cope with everyday difficulties and practically do not argue. If each of them copes with their egoism, then an excellent union will turn out.

Horse Man and Monkey Woman

And a few words must be said about this couple. In this combination, a union called “Horse and Monkey” can be very successful. Compatibility for marriage is excellent. Both he and she are understanding, romantic people. Monkey Girl - because such is her feminine nature. A guy born in the year of the Horse - because he has such a character. He will appreciate her activity, friendliness, cordiality and beauty. And also the way she loves him. The girl, for the romance that her chosen one will give her, will be ready to do a lot for him. He will even have a party in the house. Even though she, just like him, loves such events, she is against holding them in her “fortress.” But the Horse guy knows how to find a compromise. He is the leader of this relationship. Therefore, it is extremely rare for such a union as the Horse and the Monkey to break up.

Compatibility in friendship, by the way, is also good. They are perfect for each other as buddies. They can have fun all day long. Plus, everyone can learn something from each other. The Horse will show the Monkey how important it is, sometimes, to think rationally and think through every step, guided by common sense. And she, in turn, will tell you how to get out of certain situations using cunning.

About intimacy

This is an important component of any marriage. The Horse and Monkey share the same opinion. Their compatibility in bed is almost perfect. They love experiments, and their sex life is simply filled with variety. And it’s hard to say which partner needs it more.

The horse, however, is a more romantic person. The Monkey has more passion and energy. And this is good, because they manage to complement each other perfectly. Many people believe that intimacy should not be allowed to occupy such an important place in a relationship. But the Horse and the Monkey do not have such thoughts. Often they even solve their problems using this method and make peace.


It was already possible to understand that such a union as the Horse and the Monkey has very promising compatibility. But, as in any other cases, they may have disagreements. So, for example, the Monkey is often put off by the passivity of the Horse partner. Yes, they are both lively, funny and sometimes noisy. Both enjoy big company and travel. However, Horses sometimes require complete privacy. And, usually, it turns out suddenly. It is very important to provide them with this opportunity.

And Horses, in turn, do not like the excessive intrusiveness of Monkeys. People born in the year of this nimble animal do not even notice this quality in themselves.

It is very rare for quarrels to happen in a couple like the Horse and the Monkey. The love compatibility of these two is really good. But there are disagreements. Insignificant, petty. Let's say one of the spouses wants to go on vacation to a tropical island, and the other wants to drive around Europe. Or in raising children. Horses try to instill individuality in their child. And Monkeys believe that there is no need to stand out. But any problem in their union is solved. They know how to find a compromise.

Horses are excellent at managing finances, but they find it quite difficult to take into account all the details when it comes to anything else. Your dreams and desires can rightfully be called ambitious and global. You rush headlong into the implementation of the next project, you rush towards your goal at full speed, but you are easily distracted by other opportunities that open up to you and often do not finish the job. You are honest and frank, you talk openly about your feelings and experiences, so you risk quickly “burning out” in a relationship. On the other hand, others may consider you a real heartthrob, because today you completely devote yourself to a relationship with a certain woman, and tomorrow you suddenly lose interest in her. In this way, you not only break the hearts of your chosen ones, but you can also cause pain to yourself. Of course, you are guided by the best intentions, however, if you look deeper into your own soul, you will understand that in fact you are rushing into the abyss of romance in the same way as into the implementation of your next global project: headlong and completely without thinking about the consequences. However, if you really fall in love with a woman, you will be willing to work on your relationship. If a Monkey can charm you, you will stop at nothing to win him over!

Monkeys are cunning and crafty. These women are distinguished by outstanding mental abilities and an extraordinary sense of humor. They are best at planning various profit-making schemes, which is why Monkey women very often hunt for rich pinocchios and easily deceive them around their manicured fingers. Monkeys are well aware that they are incredibly sexy and make full use of their sexuality to achieve their mercantile goals. The Monkey is excellent at manipulating others and is capable of seducing any man if this suits her interests and goals. Monkeys have incredible creative potential and highly developed intellectual abilities. At the same time, they love to play various games, plot intrigues and insidiously set up nets for potential prey. Monkeys immediately give themselves over to a new hobby with all their inherent passion, but they can just as easily and quickly lose interest in their partner.

The Horse and the Monkey are unlikely to be able to build a happy and harmonious relationship. Despite the romantic advances (from which the Monkey will really get a lot of pleasure!), this woman most likely will not begin to trust you. These born scammers don’t trust anyone at all! Even if your Monkey partner is not trying to manipulate you in order to implement her next insidious scheme, but really loves you with all her heart, you will most likely very quickly lose interest in each other. Despite the bright fire of passion that burns not only in the bedroom, but also outside it, an attempt to build this relationship is unlikely to be crowned with success if you do not have strong feelings towards each other and are not able to make a number of mutual concessions. Otherwise, you will very quickly get bored of each other and switch to other objects or activities.

At a more mature age, your chances of building such relationships increase significantly. Over the years, both Horses and Monkeys show a greater desire to devote their lives to one single partner and leave the impulsiveness of youth in the past. With age, each of you learns to control your own impulses, and you are unlikely to start cheating on your partner simply out of boredom, as you did in your youth. You are both incredibly sociable and can really enjoy being with each other no matter your age. Horse and Monkey can form wonderful friendships, but to start a family they need to calm down and settle down, and work constantly and hard on their relationship.

Compatibility between Horse man and Monkey woman is quite complex, because against the backdrop of possible adaptation to changing situations and the active intelligence of both partners, there is a difference in views on how to overcome obstacles or build a life strategy. The Horse man is often more practical and revolutionary in his actions, while the Monkey woman is versatile, dexterous and unscrupulous in the means of achieving goals. A Horse man may be annoyed by her contacts and manners of communication, since the Monkey woman’s cunning is disgusting to the Horse woman’s straightforwardness and integrity. How stable and favorable the relationship will be depends, first of all, on what lengths lovers are willing to go to in order to create a strong relationship, spiritual and physical connection. It is necessary to spend enough time to understand each other's feelings, aspirations, desires and goals.

Horse Man and Monkey Woman – Compatibility

In life, the combination of a Horse man and a Monkey woman is not common. Mutual understanding between them is complicated by the fact that both see in each other a huge number of shortcomings that they do not want to put up with. But, as they say, in any rule there is an exception. Some couples can build a stable relationship and find common ground. It is worth thinking about how to avoid conflict situations and quarrels that could destroy the union. And thanks to internal work on your habits, their compatibility can lead to interesting, varied relationships in which partners will complement each other in many ways. Both the Horse man and the Monkey woman are distinguished by a lively and agile mind, the ability to implement even the most incredible projects. Both are ambitious and strive for prosperity. In this union, the Monkey woman is unlikely to want to be a submissive housewife. But her active life position can become a reliable foundation for this marriage. She will inspire her man and help him achieve unprecedented success in his professional career. True, there will be practically no time left for romance in this relationship. This relationship is more like a fruitful collaboration between two purposeful and strong individuals.

A man born in the year of the Horse is attractive, smart, strong, and graceful. HE does not like to stand still and leads an active, even stormy life. The Horse man has an easy-going character, sociability and a love of entertainment. The Horse man is independent, proud, unpredictable and needs a lot of freedom. A distinctive feature is self-confidence and egoism. The Horse man is a creative and versatile person with broad views on life and relationships. Has leadership qualities, a desire for self-development and career growth. It is worth noting that the Horse man perceives the world through feelings and sensations, and rarely listens to the voice of reason. He knows what he wants to get out of life and gallops towards his goal.

A woman born in the year of the Monkey is charming, sociable and attractive. He loves to be in society and impress everyone with his extraordinary appearance. Loves vintage and retro style. The honesty, openness and constancy characteristic of the Monkey woman make her an excellent partner in business, in friendship and in love. She is characterized by ingenuity, quick wit and a clear mind. Also, the Monkey woman is very wise by nature and many follow her advice. In addition, the Monkey woman can charm and inspire people with her point of view. She has a wonderful sense of humor, although sometimes it turns into sarcasm. The Monkey Woman is inquisitive and inquisitive. She is active and active, easily achieving career heights. When she really wants something, there's little that can stop her.

The romantic relationship of this couple begins quickly. The Monkey woman gives the Horse man powerful potential to move forward, and he showers her with gifts and other material benefits. Outwardly, the Horse man and the Monkey woman are very similar, but internally they are very different from each other. The Horse man constantly needs variety and new sensations. And the Monkey woman is also prone to everything new and diverse. Both have their own aspirations, but each tries to realize themselves differently, unlike their partner. Mutual egoism and inability to respect people make these relationships tense. Both love to lead a secular lifestyle, and each tries to take a leadership position in society. However, this also prevents them from building strong relationships. And if at the beginning of the novel they can still restrain their negative traits, then soon they are revealed in all their glory. For a long-term and lasting relationship, both lack strength, tact, and endurance. Both are stubborn, proud, consider their point of view to be the ultimate truth, and no one wants to give in in disputes. It is difficult for them to achieve mutual respect, the ability to forgive and help a partner out in difficult situations, since everyone is busy with their own problems. It is especially difficult for a Monkey woman to do something for her partner without receiving anything from him in return. To prevent the relationship from ending at the romance stage, both should get rid of selfishness.

It is difficult for a Horse man to come to terms with the fact that the Monkey woman constantly controls him. But the Monkey woman does not want to do only household chores all day long. She wants more freedom, and she feels that she can realize herself in all areas - family, career, creative hobbies. And with a Horse man, she has to constantly feed his ideas and deal exclusively with the house. A man who marries a Monkey woman should not limit her desire to improve and develop. When there is agreement between the couple and everyone has a certain role in the relationship, everything should work out well. She can become a reliable moral support for a man, while he will become a reliable lover, provider and family man. The main thing in this union is a creative approach.

The Horse man and the Monkey woman are prone to enthusiasm, feelings and love. When they get married, they treat it with playfulness, not taking it seriously. On the one hand, they feel good together, on the other hand, they will not have enough ground under their feet to establish home life, comfort and coziness. Both do not take marriage seriously and do not want to work on the relationship. Everyone is fixated on themselves and on realization in the outside world. They may not even think about how their partner feels.

The Horse man and the Monkey woman have different life priorities, however, both have enormous creative potential and when they create something together, harmony and mutual understanding arise between them. They are similar in their zeal and persistence in achieving goals, even if they are not realistic and the chances are very small. Persistence and patience are also inherent in both signs. The Horse man is able to provide for the Monkey woman, and she, in turn, with her activity gives him incentive and inspiration.

Horse man and Monkey woman - compatibility in love

The sexual relationship between a Horse man and a Monkey woman completely satisfies each other, although it is far from ideal. The Horse man is a sensitive and romantic partner. He pays attention to the desires of the Monkey woman. She, too, is sensual and tireless in love. However, she wants to receive from her beloved not just satisfaction, but also his whole soul, and with a Horse man this is almost impossible, because he pays more attention to the technical side of the issue, and his head is in distant distances. Simply physical satisfaction is more important to him, but this is not enough for the Monkey woman.

Advice from “Moon Today” for a Horse Man and Monkey Woman couple

The Horse man and the Monkey woman are two impulsive and hot-tempered people who can either form one huge flame or constantly extinguish each other. Their compatibility is far from ideal, but in general, a lot depends on the partners, the strength of their love and the desire to work on themselves. The wayward Horse man and the Monkey woman, who views life easily, have different points of view on relationships. Therefore, to make a marriage happy, both should strive to overcome differences. There should not be any competition or determination of who is smarter here. The Monkey woman needs to accept the fact that the head of the family should still be a man and stop arguing with him on any issue. The Horse man may well take responsibility for the family into his own hands, and the Monkey woman, gently and imperceptibly, in a feminine way, will lead in the right direction.

Compatibility between Monkey and Horse can be called favorable and quite stable. In these relationships, the diverse views and hobbies of lovers are united. They have the opportunity to achieve common goals and develop a unified plan for their entire life.

Each of the partners is distinguished by their love of freedom and practicality. They are able to quickly solve complex problems and have unsurpassed organizational skills. Such common features help reduce the number of quarrels and disagreements that arise.

The spouses become great friends. In addition, they are able to build a successful and profitable business. Each of them is a wonderful complement to their other half in all areas of life. But both should not forget about the need to respect and value their partner.

Monkey man and Horse woman: general compatibility

The Horse woman is very careful about her appearance.

Lovers easily build harmonious and happy relationships. Their hobbies and outlook on life have a lot in common. They both enjoy impressing others, having fun, and going on trips. The partners have powerful ambitions. They try their best to realize their own goals. They like adventure. Spouses are able to get real pleasure from life. In each other’s company they are interested and comfortable, this improves the compatibility of the Monkey man and the Horse woman.

Monkey and Horse become good friends. At the same time, everyone gives their other half the opportunity to preserve their individual characteristics. A man and a woman do not allow jealousy and suspicion.

The horse is an active, attractive and perky nature. She finds it difficult to sit in one place. She is concerned about her appearance and spends a lot of effort on maintaining great shape. It is extremely important for a woman to look unsurpassed. In this regard, she regularly visits beauty salons, as well as sports clubs.

The life of a woman born in the year of the Horse is always eventful. She has an easy character. She is sociable and loves to have fun. Complete independence is important for a woman. It is very difficult to force her to be submissive. She will never take on the role of a housewife. The Horse woman strives for external realization, which for her is much more important than solving everyday issues.

The Horse woman is an unpredictable person who is self-confident. She has a strong character. She is able to easily carry out her plans. The woman is persistent, courageous, determined and resilient. Even men can envy her willpower. And the Horse woman’s performance capacity, perhaps, has no limits.

The Monkey man is also very active and active. In this they are very similar to his beloved. He always has many large-scale plans and ideas that are certainly brought to life. He is an ambitious, determined, self-confident and courageous person. At the same time, he is distinguished by sensitivity, vulnerability, touchiness and high demands on others.

The Monkey man is always sincere, which makes him a devoted friend and a good spouse. He is resourceful, smart and open. A man born in the year of the Monkey has well-developed intellectual abilities. Any representative of the fair sex feels completely safe next to such a companion. It becomes a reliable support and support. And there is never a dull moment in his company.

The Monkey man achieves all his goals. At the same time, to achieve excellent results, he may decide to use cunning and create intrigue. The man tries to develop his own tactics. He has a flexible mind that allows him to have a psychological impact on people. He is characterized by diplomacy, which is why a man born in the year of the Monkey is able to find a solution in even a seemingly hopeless situation.

Monkey man and Horse woman: compatibility in marriage

The Monkey man is a very emotionally sensitive person.

Love relationships between partners begin very quickly. The Horse woman is unable to resist the attractive and wise Monkey man. At the beginning of a relationship, she experiences real pleasure from communicating with her lover. The couple leads an active lifestyle. They go out into the world where they attract everyone's attention. Everyone desires external self-realization. People think that lovers are very similar to each other.

They really have many points of intersection. Together they are interesting and fun. However, as time passes, they start to get on each other's nerves a little. Unfortunately, the partners are not very similar energetically. Such contradictions may appear after several years of living together.

Often, lovers do not attach much importance to what motivates their partner and what feelings torment him. The Horse Woman will not analyze the behavior of her companion. She is firmly convinced that other people think the same way as she does. It seems to her that she and her lover are alike. But both devote too much time to themselves and do not pay due attention to the characteristics of their other half.

In this tandem, each is a rare egoist, which makes it impossible for both to understand the essence of each other. Both men and women strive for an active social life. At the same time, both want to occupy a leadership position. Of course, this behavior somewhat worsens the compatibility of the Monkey and the Horse in love and marriage. The problem is that each of them wants to be the boss in the relationship.

In this tandem, lovers may feel their own deprivation. They lack sincerity. For a Horse woman, romantic relationships do not take first place among life priorities. In addition, she is not as sensual as her companion. She is simply not able to give him what he needs so much. The main problem of lovers is the need to come to complete agreement. Otherwise, misunderstandings and difficulties will arise.

The Horse woman needs to deal with the internal torment of her chosen one, because he is a very vulnerable person. Such tactics will certainly give excellent results. Also, you should not make difficult demands on your spouse, as this will cause him pain and disappointment. Lovers need to accept each other for who they really are. In this case, they will be able to build a happy and harmonious family union.

To maintain a good relationship, partners need to learn to seek compromises. This is especially true for the Horse woman. Both should maintain the spirit of romance, which will level the situation in case of disagreements and mutual dissatisfaction.

When building relationships, each person is faced with the need to make concessions. In this couple, it is not easy for lovers to come to a compromise, since they are not able to do it. The Horse woman will not take the initiative, and the Monkey man will not be the first to search for optimal solutions. But if the spouses try to join forces, then both of them will win. The lover will become even more confident in his abilities and will help his chosen one to avoid unjustified risks and rash actions.

Monkey man and Horse woman: compatibility in love

The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Horse woman in the sexual sphere is worse than we would like. The woman is not used to excessive caresses, tenderness and romantic displays. The man will experience a real shock from her straightforwardness and reluctance to make his fantasies come true. But for a Horse woman, intimacy is not of great importance. And her companion receives a charge of positive emotions through sex. It should be noted that if spouses are united by strong feelings, then they will figure out how to give pleasure to their partner.

If partners do not pay attention to each other’s shortcomings, then the union of the Monkey and the Horse will be strong

The impetuous Horse woman and her optimistic partner look at relationships from different angles. In order for the union to be harmonious and long-term, lovers should accept their partner with all his advantages and disadvantages. In addition, they need to learn to make compromises. If the spouses can reach complete agreement, then no difficulties can destroy their union.

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Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

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