Love between a snake man and a dragon woman. Dragon and Snake - life in harmony

Nata Karlin

For astrologers, the union of the Snake and the Dragon raises many questions. At first glance, both signs belong to reptiles and have a lot in common. But upon closer examination they are absolute opposites. For example, they take different paths to achieve their own goals. So the flexible and wise Snake is accustomed to looking for peaceful, workaround ways to solve a problem. The aggressive and hot-tempered Dragon goes ahead, plays an open game and never deviates from the intended path.

They know the right thing to do in any situation and can calculate the situation several moves ahead. Freedom-loving representatives of this zodiac sign are ready to defend their rights “to the last drop of blood,” and they can stand up both for themselves and for relatives or friends.

From a young age, Dragon people know the value of financial well-being and know how to make money

The nature of Dragon people from birth contains nobility and justice. They have a sense of tact, know how to attract people's attention, and therefore quite often become the center of attention of a large company. In courtship, representatives of this zodiac sign are assertive, but not intrusive. In marriage they are generous, generous and faithful.

The most important character traits people born in the year of the Snake - wisdom and dispassion. If they set goals for themselves, they will definitely achieve them. However, it is absolutely not necessary that this happen in the near future. Patient and self-possessed Snake people can wait for years to make their dreams come true. There is no need to expect rash decisions and spontaneous actions from them.

Snake people are always extremely mercantile. They are attracted by luxury, wealth and comfort. Sometimes representatives of this zodiac sign can take not entirely correct actions towards others in order to clear themselves a warm place in the sun. They have a natural gift for orators, psychologists and diplomats. Therefore, convincing the Snake people that they are right and leading the masses will not be difficult. But they won’t do this, if only because they don’t like to be the center of attention.

In love and marriage Snake people are jealous owners. They try to gain the upper hand in any situation and subjugate their partner. This is precisely the first reason for discord in a couple.

Compatibility horoscope for Dragon and Snake in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship in this couple promises to be bright and intense. Fun will be replaced by tears, and periods of joy will be replaced by sadness and resentment so quickly that partners will definitely not be bored.

The love of the Dragon and the Snake is more like “walking on the edge of a knife”

One wrong move, and fragile peace and prosperity will be replaced by a stormy showdown and tears. It is impossible to say for sure whether these two will stay together or separate tomorrow. However, they have a chance to create a good, lasting union.

Judging by the opinions of astrologers, they believe that it is The Dragon is one of the best life partners for the Snake. He is a fireworks man, filled with emotions and the joy of being, which the pragmatic and complex Snake so lacks. If there are feelings in a couple, and both are sure that the union is not in vain, then it makes sense to work on this relationship.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Dragon and Snake

Husband and wife (Dragon-Snake) always have a lot of claims against each other. The dragon needs freedom, and the Snake absolutely does not agree to such a relationship in tandem. In the field of finance, the latter also has many complaints about her too kind and generous partner. The dragon is not used to saving for a rainy day. It’s easier for him to earn more, but spend the available finances on pleasure. Whereas the economical Snake does not understand such extravagance at all and tries to take the situation into its own hands.

It should be noted that until the Snake begins to openly express its claims, The dragon will be completely satisfied with this marriage. The only thing that is difficult for him to accept is his partner’s inflated demands. However, we must remember that it is these qualities that help the Snake plan their life together. These people love travel, new experiences and a change of scenery.

Serious problems in a couple can only arise if the partner cheats

Horoscopic The Snake and Dragon value trust and loyalty very much, therefore, neither one nor the other will be able to forgive betrayal. In this situation, the tandem is doomed to break the relationship.

The Snake and Dragon never have problems in the intimate sphere. However, all laurels must be given to the Dragon. Because a person of this zodiac sign is the initiator of everything that happens behind the closed doors of the marital bedroom. He passionate and emotional, can teach the reserved and constrained Snake a lot. In turn, the latter also has something to give in return to the Dragon.

Friendship between Dragon and Snake according to the Chinese calendar

. They will be interested in spending a lot of time talking, be silent together over a cup of tea and just spend time together. If this friendship is between a man and a woman, then it will definitely develop into a romantic relationship.

Compatibility in the work of the Dragon and the Snake is high. This union awaits success in any business endeavors. Both partners have a well-developed creativity, perseverance in achieving goals and excellent intuition. These and many other business qualities allow us to hope for joint success. However, the innate spirit of competition can ruin such a good relationship. Therefore, each partner must clearly know the boundaries of their influence.

Compatibility of Dragon Man and Snake Woman

So, he is the Dragon, she is the Snake. What awaits this union? This is one of the best combinations in the eastern horoscope. In this case, the differences in the characters and worldview of the couple only benefit them both.

He likes proud and independent women, whom he considers his equals in spirit. If the Dragon guy sees at least one hint of favor from the Snake woman, he will go to the end and will be at her feet for the rest of his life.

This love tandem can very soon become a full-fledged, prosperous and strong unit of society. In this marriage, everything will be put in its place : a man is a breadwinner, the head of a family, a woman is a housewife and a delicate orchid, requiring care and attention. The wise and cunning Snake will always become the leader in the house, but will do it so delicately that the Dragon man will be confident that all the laurels as the head of the family belong to him. Thanks to the age-old wisdom of the Snake, the purposeful and active Dragon will certainly achieve significant heights in life.

Compatibility of Dragon woman and Snake man

In contrast to the first, a union where she is the Dragon and he is the Snake cannot be called happy and unambiguous. However, with certain efforts made by partners, this tandem can become quite successful. The Snake guy, with his love for himself, can confuse a representative of any zodiac sign, but not the Snake. The Dragon Girl simply adores confident and polished men, so her interest is understandable.

The slow and self-possessed Snake man is attracted to the bright and lively Dragon woman by nature. Her instant reaction to changing life circumstances, sparkling humor and activity literally bewitch a man. Together, these people will be able to complement each other and achieve success in any endeavor.

It will give your other half the jewels and comfort that she desires. In turn, the Dragon woman will give her husband the opportunity to learn to look at life positively, making him more active and sociable. Quarrels in tandem are likely only because of the Snake’s irrepressible jealousy.

13 February 2018, 18:49

The compatibility of the Snake and the Dragon according to the eastern horoscope promises partners a rich and interesting relationship. They definitely won’t be bored, but it’s difficult to predict what such love will lead to. Let's try to understand the forecasts of astrologers.

The Snake and the Dragon are always fun and interesting together. When they form a couple, life becomes incredibly rich, dynamic and emotional. But emotions will not only be positive; there is also plenty of negativity. Astrologers believe that the ending of a relationship can be completely unpredictable.

Both partners are wise, ambitious and extraordinary individuals. Each of them is a bright character, attracting attention, causing a lot of controversy. They are either adored or hated, but no one remains indifferent.

Despite their contradictory characters, some astrologers believe that the Snake and the Dragon can build a fairly happy relationship. If only because they immediately begin to understand each other perfectly. And sometimes words are not needed at all, just a glance is enough.

Both value family highly, want children and do not like to endure quarrels in public. Although these quarrels happen quite a lot, because both are strong personalities with a clear position in life and their own unique opinion on any matter.

They will probably always compete with each other. But despite this, the stars favor them and promise them a happy future. It is only important that both are determined to take into account the opinion of their partner and strive at all costs to preserve love and harmony.

Snake Man and Dragon Woman

Astrologers promise this union, if not the happiest future, then a fairly long relationship. They can end in marriage and the birth of children. Moreover, the older the partners, the more experienced and wise they are, the higher the chances.

What is typical for this type of union:

  1. It is very important that people enter into relationships who are already mature enough, who have made mistakes in the past and are not ready to repeat previous mistakes. They no longer look for emotions and adrenaline in their chosen one, but want calmness and smooth, harmonious relationships.
  2. Quarrels between them will break out every now and then, but this is not critical. Both know how to negotiate and calmly resolve conflicts. And they don’t wash dirty linen in public, so from the outside their relationship may seem almost ideal.
  3. A woman needs to accept as truth the fact that her inner strength does not always have a good effect on comfort in a couple. She will have to learn to be softer, more flexible, more feminine, to show her weakness and not try to surpass her chosen one.
  4. And, although the Snake man has always believed that he prefers strong women, he will appreciate the weakness and softness of his other half, and will understand how much better he feels next to her when there is no need to compete. He will have to be a knight, protection and support, take responsibility and develop his masculine qualities.

Most likely, the relationship between them will develop easily and simply. And it’s absolutely wonderful if they create some kind of common cause. This could be a business, a charity project, or even a child. Whatever they do together will prosper.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman

Quite pleasant forecasts are also given for the fate of such a union.

What is characteristic of the relationship between a Dragon man and a Snake woman:

  1. If there is an age difference of about five years between them, the relationship can be almost perfect. They look at life the same way, respect moral standards and traditional cultural values.
  2. A man is capable of sincere feelings and bestows his chosen one with his love, receiving in return warmth, care and incredible attention from his beloved. However, such an idyll does not come immediately, but after some work on the relationship.
  3. Both may periodically glance towards the opposite sex, although they do not think about cheating. It’s just important for them to know that despite their “busy” status, they continue to be liked and attracted attention.
  4. It is important not to give reasons for jealousy, not to respond to signs of attention, otherwise the relationship will quickly fall apart. Trust is what is especially valuable for both.
  5. They will face many challenges in life's journey. The stars promise a not very simple life together. But it is important to perceive all problems as lessons of fate, learn from them the necessary experience and move on. Then nothing and no one will destroy their love.

And it is imperative to separate work relationships from personal ones if they work in the same company. It is advisable not to work together at all in order to neutralize an additional source of inevitable conflicts.

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The sign according to the eastern horoscope is no less important than the astrological constellation under which a person was born. Both leave their mark on human character and its essence. This also affects how the relationship between certain signs will develop. For example, can a dragon and a snake get along? Is it possible to imagine such a couple?

The main character traits of a Dragon man

The dragon man is endowed with a strong, powerful and irreconcilable character. This is truly where unprecedented passions rage. He has a powerful temperament, enormous willpower and an unrelenting thirst for leadership. It cannot be said that it is easy with this person, but at the same time you will definitely not be lost with him. The dragon man is generous and kind. He does not know what greed is, for example, like a monkey.

In addition, the dragon is a very cheerful and gambling person. He loves large and noisy companies, he likes to be in the company of extraordinary and interesting people. This is a secular sign. However, he doesn't care about public opinion. The dragon man is not characterized by sentimentality, and it is quite difficult to say any touching words to him. He will prefer to show love and care with a chic gift or an unusual surprise. On rare occasions, he can be romantic and touching. Then it will mean a lot.

They need a strong partner who will not be offended. It is precisely such a person that a dragon man will respect, appreciate and love more than life. If his life partner is submissive and humble, then he will certainly begin to take advantage of this. In this case, you will have to forget about the family idyll. Oddly enough, the dragon man is very affectionate. He quickly gets used to people. Overall, this is a good and blessed zodiac sign.

The main character traits of a woman - Snakes

The snake woman is a real mystery. She is so interesting and attractive that it is simply impossible to forget meeting her. Real seductresses are born under this sign. In addition, they are also incredible beauties. These women are smart, charming, graceful. They have excellent manners, a subtle and witty sense of humor. With all this, such a lady can outshine anyone, but she will do it extremely intelligently and elegantly.

The female snake is endowed with natural wisdom and cunning. There is practically no situation from which she would not find a reasonable and rational way out. She has good logic, she knows how to reason and build strategies. In love, she does not tolerate losses. She needs all or nothing. She herself will not be able to belong half to her partner. This is exactly what such a woman will demand in return. She needs beautiful courtship, a lot of attention, kind words, compliments and, of course, admiration.

She will not commit herself to relationships with just anyone. The snake woman would prefer to wait a little and be alone for a while, rather than console her loneliness with a person she dislikes. This proud woman is worthy of respect, love and admiration.

How can they interact in love, family?

It must be said that a snake woman and a dragon man will make a wonderful and wonderful couple for each other. They combine successfully both in love and in marriage. Together they are able to pass through both fire and water. The dragon and the snake understand each other very well. They don't need to go into extraneous explanations to tell their partner what's on their mind right now. Compatibility between woman-snake and man-dragon is excellent from either side.

In this woman the dragon found everything he was looking for: intelligence, beauty, femininity, charm. It is she who he will not cease to admire every day for many years. Their common interests also bring them together. They always have something to talk about. In a word, the dragon will be proud to have such a woman next to him. And she will revel in their harmony and glow with happiness.

How can they interact sexually?

Here the dragon man and the snake woman will certainly not have any problems. They are similar in temperament. Both are passionate, sensual, emotional. They are quite relaxed, they don’t need to explain for a long time what each of them wants. Both are born masters in the intimate sphere. Also, this couple will not mind experimenting. In general, they definitely won’t be bored in this sense.

What do both need to work on to make the union stronger?

A snake and a dragon, whose compatibility is quite high, still need to pay attention to some details in order to make their union strong and durable. After all, as you know, it is from the small that the big comes. So, a dragon man must understand and remember that his partner is extremely jealous. In addition, she is also a terrible possessive person. Therefore, he is obliged not to give her the slightest reason for jealousy. Otherwise, resentment, quarrels and misunderstandings will begin. The snake is very proud; it will never accept the role of a fooled victim. Moreover, she will probably take revenge on her partner in a very cruel way. After this he will never see her again.

As for the snake, it will have to submit a little to the dragon. If this is difficult to do, then she must convince him that she does not pretend to be a leader. The snake is cunning, it knows ways to do this. In this case, she will take on the role of a hidden leader. In the end, everyone will be happy. She will continue to secretly lead and manipulate (in the positive sense of the word), and he will bear the proud title of leader of family relations. Isn't this the perfect plan? I wish I could learn all the signs from the wise and resourceful snake woman.

In general, a dragon man and a snake woman are a successful tandem of two strong, successful and purposeful people. A wonderful couple who can go through a lot together. They will cope with whatever fate has in store for them. Such love will survive even after half a century.

As the compatibility horoscope says, the dragon and the snake are love, reliability and sensuality. Successful compatibility in all areas of life. All that remains is to wish them good luck, tolerance and mutual understanding. And, of course, love is above all.

Through contradictions - to unity. This is exactly the thesis that applies to this couple. The compatibility of the Dragon and the Snake, in general, is quite harmonious, despite the significant differences in their characters. These two signs are able to complement each other, bringing freshness and novelty into their life together. Read more about the compatibility of a Snake woman and a Dragon man in our article.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman: General Compatibility

The main trait of the Snake woman is wisdom

The secret of the compatibility of the Dragon and the Snake in love and marriage, as mentioned above, is in the polar differences and serious contradictions between the two signs. The Dragon is active, vain, domineering and hot-tempered. He has considerable ambitions and strives for their full realization. The snake, on the contrary, is endowed with deep wisdom. She thinks sensibly, soberly, knows how to make useful acquaintances and establish profitable connections, which is absolutely not typical for the Dragon. On the other hand, it is the Dragon in this pair that will be the generator of promising ideas and projects.

The Dragon and the Snake may well lay a solid foundation for their future relationship. Moreover, we are talking not only about love or marriage, but also about business relationships. This tandem has all the conditions for the material, personal and spiritual development of both partners.

The Snake woman is gifted with a tenacious business acumen, and the Dragon man is gifted with great intuition and subtle “flair”. Thanks to these qualities, they will be able to make real plans for the future and successfully implement them. The interaction can somewhat complicate the Dragon's impulsiveness. However, the Snake woman, after several years of marriage, learns to cope with the explosive nature of her “partner”.

Dragon Man: character traits

The Dragon man always attracts female attention

The Dragon Man is like a magnet for girls and ladies. The weaker sex is attracted to him by confidence and inner strength, influence and colossal vital energy. As a rule, men born under this sign occupy leadership positions or achieve considerable success in business. They are purposeful and responsible, resourceful and creative, they can cope with any task.

Among other things, the Dragon man knows how to love and take care of his “half.” And with age, these qualities manifest themselves even more. The older the Dragon, the more he values ​​and respects his woman.

Snake Woman: character traits

The Snake Woman is beautiful and charming. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance, so she often visits beauty salons. From a young age, Snake ladies get used to frequent compliments and attention from men.

In public, the Snake woman often shows determination and self-confidence. But in fact, she is quite vulnerable and suspicious. Snakes have excellent business acumen, but do not strive to build a dizzying career. They have completely different values ​​in life - children and family.

In general, the Snake woman suits almost all signs of the Eastern horoscope. This is a comprehensively developed and very harmonious personality. And if any man is dear to her, then she will do everything to make his life happy.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman: Compatibility in Love

The Snake woman will restrain the Dragon man from reckless actions

The Dragon and Snake are complementary signs. The first one will teach his partner to live brightly and enjoy life. With him she will become more curious, cheerful, energetic. The snake, in turn, will make its lover more restrained, pragmatic and calculating. She will help him curb and organize his inner chaos.

A Dragon man who has entered into a love union with a Snake woman will be proud and admire his chosen one. After all, she manages to maintain her natural youth and beauty for a long time. The dragon will be no less admired by the intelligence, insight and certain mystery of his “half”.

The Snake woman may well become an excellent housewife and loving mother. Outwardly, she is always reserved and tolerant, and is well acquainted with manners and rules of etiquette. Such a woman knows how to behave in society, so next to her the Dragon man will feel even more significant.

The compatibility of the Dragon man and the Snake woman in intimate life is quite harmonious. The Dragon man is a passionate and inventive lover. The Snake woman in bed is gentle and submissive.

It is worth noting that these partners will need some time to achieve complete understanding in bed. At first, the Snake woman will play the role of a student, and the Dragon man will play the role of a teacher and mentor. In addition, the Dragon will need to put in a lot of effort to melt and stir up the slightly cold and quiet Snake. Ultimately, the intimate relationship between the two lovers will become passionate and varied.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Dragon man and the Snake woman are one of the most successful unions in the Chinese horoscope

For the Dragon, meeting a Snake woman is good luck. There are not many cases in the eastern horoscope when the signs are ideally suited to each other, but this is exactly it. Snake and Dragon combine as friends, business partners and lovers. Their couple forms a strong and productive union, where the spouses become a real team.

There are no serious disagreements between them. They are both strong and tactful. Both can be leaders, but the Snake yields dominance to the Dragon. She completely trusts her husband, because their goals and views surprisingly converge.

The material component of life is important to them. But the Snake does not at all strive to achieve everything on its own. In this marriage, she is the support, the support of her man. He also acts as a “breadwinner”.

She will be happy to focus her attention within the family, but will not forget to keep an eye on the career growth of her loved one. The dragon doesn’t mind at all, because he is determined to conquer the highest peaks, and without his wife it would be much more difficult for him. Of course, he himself is capable of much. However, the Snake's organizational talents are simply irreplaceable.

The Dragon has strong creative energy, he is driven by ideas and grandiose dreams that he intends to realize. The Snake Woman is delighted with the ingenuity of her chosen one. While her husband makes long-term plans, she breaks them down into small goals. Her prudence and rationality will not allow him to stumble or miss anything important.

A charming and economical Snake woman is simply a godsend for the Dragon. She is an excellent housewife and mother, but she does not like to be completely immersed in worries. The snake knows what the secret of true femininity is and will never lose the interest of her husband. The dragon realizes her strength, which naturally flatters his pride.

Not everything goes smoothly even for the most ideal couple. Jealousy can be a stumbling block. Both the Dragon and the Snake are very charming and enjoy the attention of the opposite sex. However, the Snake is more domestic. She would rather prefer time spent with her beloved family to noisy events.

The Dragon loves publicity. He enjoys not only the achievements, but also the increased attention to himself after another victory. The Dragon man is always ready to respond to the flirting of female fans, but the Snake is unlikely to like it. She is the owner and will not tolerate encroachments on her personal territory. The dragon does not accept attempts to pacify him. He needs room for maneuver and will not give up his freedom even to his wife.

The more time the Dragon and Snake spend together, the stronger their union

The relationship between the Snake and the Dragon is a union of two integral and self-sufficient individuals. They do not need anyone's help and support; they can cope with problems themselves. By uniting, they only strengthen their qualities, creating a strong and long marriage, where both spouses move in the same direction.

Their relationship is a strong partnership. They stand behind each other like a mountain, which no one can move. She organizes and directs his unbridled energy and bright temperament in the right direction. He perfectly complements her coldness and slowness, preventing them both from getting bored.

The main thing this couple needs is to focus on family. The Dragon should not wonder, because the Snake also has a hand in its success. Both should not provoke their partner and flirt with their admirers. It is better to direct all romance towards your spouse. The snake in this union should remember that her husband is a separate person who needs personal space from time to time. She needs to take everything easier and not try to control every action of the Dragon, but trust her chosen one.

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A family union in compatibility between a Dragon man and a Snake woman is considered one of the best in the entire eastern horoscope. They are literally made for each other.

The Dragon man and the Snake woman have quite similar temperaments, so they can easily form a happy family union. These two know how to perfectly adapt to each other and complement each other. An active, impulsive and domineering Dragon man is interested in a sensual, leisurely and... He is ambitious and vain, strives for fame and success, and a woman born in the year of the Snake, having common sense, wisdom, tenacity and the necessary connections, enhances the success of his activities. In addition, she has much greater business acumen and insight than the Dragon man, she never wastes time on trifles and senses profitable and promising projects.

We can say that in this tandem there is a solid and reliable foundation not only for building happy family relationships, but also for mutual spiritual and material growth.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman – Compatibility

As noted earlier, the compatibility of a pair of Dragon man and Snake woman is very harmonious. And the secret of their compatibility lies, apparently, in the contradictions and differences of their characters. These two signs are able to complement each other and bring novelty and an element of surprise into the relationship. They are interested in being together, they know how to make plans for the future. Even the explosive nature of the Dragon man is not a hindrance here, because the Snake woman knows how to cope with him. In general, this woman has good compatibility in marriage with many signs of the Eastern horoscope, since she knows how to be a harmonious person. If she likes a man and is dear to her, she easily adapts to his needs and interests. And the Dragon man knows how to love, give and share. He is a wise sign who can value his beloved more than anyone else.

A woman born. She knows how to take care of herself and is a frequent client of beauty salons. She loves attention and compliments, so she tries to look her best at any cost. Outwardly she is very brave and determined, but deep down she is very unsure of herself. Although she has excellent business acumen, she is not interested in making a career. Family and children are much more important to her. She becomes a great mother, capable of giving her children the best.

Representatives of the fairer sex are attracted to his self-confidence, influence and wealth. In 99% of such men, they are businessmen or occupy high management positions. He is reliable, responsible and copes well with tasks of any complexity.

The Dragon man and the Snake woman have always attracted and will continue to attract each other’s attention. The Dragon man may be one of the most suitable partners for the Snake woman. She, feeding on the colorful shades of his lifestyle: brightness, the ability to create a holiday and be light and cheerful, his search for something new and exciting, receives a huge charge of vivacity and energy for herself. Next to this man, the Snake woman becomes more active and curious, more cheerful and prosperous.

The Dragon man sincerely loves, is proud of and admires his woman throughout his life. The Snake woman is smart, wise and cunning. She always looks great and knows how to win someone over. This is a fatal temptress and a desperate coquette. She is always surrounded by fans, which further reinforces the interest of her husband. The Snake woman has a keen sense of people, she is an excellent housewife, a loving wife and a caring mother. The Dragon man understands that he has met his ideal of femininity. He is simply crazy about her charm, mystery and sexuality. The Snake woman manages to maintain youth and beauty throughout her life and maintain the ardor of her husband. Her appearance and demeanor are always on point. And most importantly, the Dragon man, next to the Snake woman, feels important and needed. And the Snake woman receives from the Dragon man everything she needs. Firstly, his warm and loving heart, and secondly, protection and reliability. The Dragon man is hardworking, ambitious, responsible, interesting in communication, businesslike and smart. His temperament contains an inexhaustible supply of energy and strength.

The Snake woman, with her characteristic wisdom, allows the Dragon man to think that he is the head of the family, and he, in turn, is happy to see an elegant and resourceful wife next to him. The Snake woman never strives for power and primacy; on the contrary, she prefers to remain in the shadows and play behind-the-scenes games, which naturally suits the Dragon man, with pronounced leadership qualities.

It is worth noting that a Dragon man and a Snake woman can create not only a harmonious married couple, but also an excellent business alliance. Working together, they have good prospects for growth in material terms. The Snake woman is amazingly attractive to influential people, which has a positive effect on the business of the Dragon man. In addition, aimed at success and making a profit, a woman born under this sign can transfer some of her perseverance to her partner. Also, the Snake woman knows how to count, calculate and plan, and the Dragon man can act as an engine, as an inspirer and inventor of something new, because he is always full of different ideas that are waiting to be implemented. The Dragon will not be able to cope with the routine of general affairs on his own, but the Snake woman knows how to perfectly organize and organize herself - this is what she does best! As a result, this is a fairly wealthy family that is able to raise children and give them the best

But, unfortunately, despite almost perfect compatibility, this couple can also have conflicts. And they lie in the jealousy of the Snake woman. A man born in , and a Snake woman is a terrible owner and jealous. She does not give him absolute freedom of movement and management of his time, and this is the main reason for dissatisfaction with each other. The Dragon man is greatly uncomfortable with his wife’s desire to subordinate everything to the system, including his plans. And the Snake woman is outraged by the casual communication, similar to flirting, of the Dragon man with the opposite sex. As a result, she will try even harder to force her chosen one into a framework, and he will protest even more. The compromise is that the Dragon man monitors his behavior in society and does not give reasons for jealousy, and the Snake woman learns to appreciate her partner’s love of freedom.

Dragon man and Snake woman - compatibility in love

In the sexual sphere of the Dragon man and the Snake woman, everything is also harmonious. But they do not immediately reach mutual understanding in bed. At first, the Dragon man will realize his desires and fantasies, while the Snake woman remains a simple observer, trying to analyze and understand everything. Therefore, the Dragon man will have to spend time and effort, showing delicacy and awakening passion in the cold Snake woman. Gradually, he will be able to do this and then they will become ardent and active lovers, stimulating each other’s imagination and fantasies.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Dragon Man and Snake Woman couple

The compatibility of the Dragon man and the Snake woman is quite high, because the brightness of one partner is perfectly complemented by the coldness of the other, but problems do not bypass this couple either. How could it be otherwise, because they give impetus to spiritual growth.

The main thing is not to forget that home is a place where a person relaxes in body and soul, and does not compete, especially with his soulmate. Give in to each other more often, show signs of attention and arrange romantic evenings. Even better is to travel to distant countries. The Dragon man and the Snake woman cannot see their life without travel, and they bring this couple very close. They need to see the world, try everything, touch it, take beautiful photos.

Both spouses, and especially the Dragon man, should forget about flirting, and especially about going to the left. Trust is important in marriage. If you undermine it, all relationships will deteriorate forever. The Snake Woman does not forgive insults and remembers them for years.

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