What unites people? What unites different people in society? What unites people to achieve one goal

Hello my dear readers. The fact that I have you gives me strength to look for new topics for articles and write them even at night. Now I am sitting and watching a football match between CSKA and Manchester United. Champions League. Second round. And a terrible difference in class. Apparently they will lose, at the 78th minute the score is already 0-4.

And I suddenly thought, because all these guys came to football to achieve success, why is someone Cristiano Ronaldo and someone not? And then I think it’s not only in football, it’s like that in any business, someone is successful, while others are for extras. What separates real professionals from losers and how to become great in your field? Is there a secret to success?

In general, there is a good book on this subject called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. The essence of the book is that all great personalities have something in common, something that unites them. They are all from different cities and countries, all are engaged in different activities, all lived in different times, under different presidents and laws. Everything that we use as excuses was present in the biography of every person who achieved their goals. It was there, but it didn't hurt.

Today I watched a program about a mixed martial arts fighter who once said that he didn’t believe in any talent, I just worked like the devil, Connor McGregor said. I immediately remembered the story of Fedor Emelianenko, who, according to one of the articles on the Internet, the coach said that judo is not for him and it is better to look for yourself in something else. Thomas Edison invented 10,000 light bulbs that never lighted up, but then there was one that went down in history. The football player Rivaldo once admitted that as a child he used to run to and from training. And despite the fact that he did not make it to the main team of his native Santa Cruz, he moved to the lower division and continued to plow there. Rivaldo then played in Barcelona, ​​he still achieved his goal.

Do you know how many stories like this exist in the world? How many successful people there are, so many stories. Seriously. Starting to analyze the biographies of famous personalities, you can always unearth the moment of struggle. And how do you, by the way, the story of John Rockefeller, in whose family the clothes were worn by the younger ones after the eldest, and there was a moment when one of the boys could not find clothes, and he walked in the dresses of his older sister. Money was actively invested and several generations of Rockefellers put their whole lives on the realization of the goal - to become the richest. Now, probably, they do not save on clothes.

Here's what I found out for myself. These people are united not by talent and not by the country of residence, and not even by endurance, diligence and perseverance. No. They all share an obsession! They are in a sense psychos who believe in a fairy tale. They set goals for themselves that are not of those that are possible, real, the easiest to achieve .. They set the goal that they want to achieve. They don't see any barriers. They can devote their whole lives to one goal, do not change it, even if it becomes obvious - this is impossible. This obsession often results in people being laughed at. Where, they say, well, I figured it out! But there is no other way to success. And thousands of stories confirm this.

Fall asleep and wake up with the thought of your dream, never doubt for a second that everything is possible. Let's try to live like this, shall we? And then, in a few years, we will share with each other the result of such thinking and perhaps we will do it on some island!

What unites all successful people? How to learn to set goals? Reviewed by https://plus.google.com/u/0/106316628551306822086 on Dec 25 Rating: 4.5

Greetings, dear colleagues and friends!

And this secret is called like this: "Set big goals."

I do not know a single successful person who would live aimlessly and who would not know what he would like to see in his life and what he would like to change in this life in relation to other people. All successful people know exactly what they want!

For example, Steve Jobs had a great goal - provide each person with a personal computer.

Elon Musk gave the world a Tesla car. Its purpose is free this world from gasoline addiction and that all the cars that are on this earth run on electricity.

How and when to set big goals?

Now I have given you examples of bright personalities, but, nevertheless, think about it - when and at what point in your life were you taught to set goals?

Was there such a subject at school or at the institute? Or at some other stage in your life, did you study such a science as "goal setting". And, after all, this is great science - science, thanks to which each of you can become successful. It is necessary for you to learn how to set goals for yourself and achieve them step by step. This is very important, because you can set yourself a huge number of goals and then carry them in your pocket for decades.

Goals have another feature - they need to be set periodically and periodically monitor the process of their implementation. Usually successful people do it before the New Year so that over the next year you already know in which direction to move, in which direction to try, develop and work.

How to learn to set goals and achieve them?

If you want to set ambitious goals and, most importantly, learn how to achieve them, then I invite you to my annual online training, which is called "New Year's Eve" . December 30 at 19:00 Moscow time we are gathering with subscribers and clients for a 3-hour online training, in which together we set ambitious goals for the next year.

The peculiarity of this training is that it is charitable - all net profits from it go to charity. Therefore, participating together with interesting people and setting grandiose goals for yourself, you not only work on yourself, but also participate in charitable work.

If you are interested, if you want to learn how to set grandiose goals, achieve them step by step under the guidance of a person who does this professionally, then click on this link and see you at this training.

In one lecture, it was said that a certain department of the United States government was engaged in public money, public money, research, i.e. a whole team of scientists was engaged in the study of the issue of success. It was a government program: to figure out how success is achieved. Of course, a country that considers itself No. 1 and in which every American is also the best, he is the best, No. 1, he can, we will win and so on, i.e. this mood, this question was very relevant. They began to study it at the political, one might say, at the state level, and for this they attracted a lot of employees: scientists, sociologists, psychologists who studied the fate and biographies of successful people who have achieved success in various fields.
They took everyone, that's just like a shaft, everyone: successful actors, successful athletes, successful financiers, successful people there in the political sphere. And imagine what experience these scientists made after ... probably more than one year of research. A lot of money has been spent on this. What do you think was the most important conclusion? Fates were different, stories were different, success was in different areas. But, in the end, the study was a success. It turns out that all successful people have one thing in common. Quality or one common episode in their biography, in addition to the fact that they all achieved success. One common episode, after conducting statistics on hundreds of biographies or maybe even thousands of biographies, they found such a serious approach in each .... They are all different, they could not understand what unites them, perhaps even they used astrology, I don’t I know, but now everything is in motion, we looked at how each of them had a fate in terms of growth and in terms of career, success in society. The physical parameters, education, upbringing of these people looked - and nothing gave a clue. There were completely uneducated successful people. There were successful athletes who were completely sick from childhood. There were people who started by selling things there in kiosks and on the streets and who later became billionaires. There were people from wealthy families who became even richer. Of the educated, even more educated.
And it was the other way around, that is, in principle, they were confused, these researchers, until they understood one thing that united all successful destinies without exception. One episode from their fate. Who knows what episode? Namely, in the people it is called "muzzle against the wall." Those. when the fate of a person put such a dead end, after which it was not only possible to achieve success - after which it was hardly possible to live. Those. an athlete who just lay down completely and the doctors said there is no chance here, this is for the rest of his life, i.e. paralyzed with a broken spine. The financier who lost money once, and when he recovered a year later, through his manipulations or some other things, or because of changes in the world, suffered another failure. Those. as if a man barely got up, and fate dealt him another blow. Married couples, even those who are practically... the family went through a huge crisis, that is, the husband lost his job, he got a mistress and so on.

It turns out that what unites all successful people is that a big rise and a big, huge, unspeakable success was preceded by a critical drop, just a complete collapse of health, finances, relationships. What is the logic here? What's next to make of this? Nothing further was explained. Nothing was explained in this lecture. It was said something like that there is no need to be afraid of this.

This is the 90s, then no matter how science was so far away. It turns out that everything is very simple - if a person has the opportunity, after failures, to survive all the difficult negative emotions that are associated with this failure, he receives an even greater resource, greater inspiration, greater strength to achieve success. Therefore, in any sphere of life, we need either a voluntary ability, a regulated process (I would even say, voluntary-compulsory for oneself) of experiencing negative emotions, or fate will have to deal with this. This will have to deal with external conditions. In fact, even fate does not. In fact, people who have a very strong potential for success, for some kind of achievement, they themselves find such conditions, their psyche pushes them into such conditions, such circumstances in which they must experience a very strong collapse. A very strong crisis. And this later contributes to their growth. It's an underhand process, really. The same thing happens in the family. We are looking for a scandal if we do not have a source where we can calmly experience negative emotions. We are literally looking for it. The woman is looking for him, without knowing it herself. Even the most ideal man who gives massages and bakes pancakes on Sundays... I had such an example: a woman left a man who, as they say, carried her in her arms for 4 years.

R.A. Narushevich "Emotions are the colors of life"

What character trait determines the success of a person? What determines the size of your bank account? What makes some people a successful minority and others a gray mass?

Someone will say mind. Hardly. After all, everyday realities show us a successful businessman - yesterday's three-year-old student and former honors student with honors, who has been working in the office all his life, at best reaching the position of head of department.

Availability of start-up capital? Disappointing statistics show us that 80 percent of all established enterprises go bankrupt during the first year of operation, and their owners return to work as employees.

Maybe luck? But according to statistical studies, the probability of winning a large amount of money in the lottery is much lower than the probability of being killed by a lightning strike.

Having any extraordinary mental or physical abilities? To some extent, yes, but this mainly concerns athletes and artists, cinema, music, and not ordinary citizens.

And what about the legacy left by a wealthy overseas relative? Not that again. 60 percent of heirs lose their entire inheritance in the first three years, and another 20 percent in the next five.

American psychologist Angela Duckworth, who specializes in studying the lives of wealthy people, found that nine out of ten modern rich people who “made themselves” have in common the presence of such a character trait as “perseverance”. By her definition, "persistence" is the ability to move towards your goal regularly and over a long period of time. The owners of this quality significantly outperform rich heirs, talented artists, and gifted intellectuals in life effectiveness.

Exactly perseverance allows an ordinary person to achieve heights in the chosen business, whether it be career, wealth or any other field of activity.

As an example of perseverance, for example, a novice writer who writes several pages of text every day (including holidays and weekends) can be cited, while most of his friends, relatives, and acquaintances unanimously say that he cannot reach the heights of Pushkin and Lermontov, that this is a waste of time, that it is better to go to a "normal" job and, in general, "be like everyone else."

If you look at this situation from the outside, with an unblinkered look, you can see that while the surrounding “normal” people have been ranting for decades about what is right and what is not, that same novice writer, DAILY, step by step, is approaching his goals, to your dream. This is persistence.

What type of people are you? To persistent winners or the gray mass of "normal" people?

Each person is an individual, and has his own ideas about justice, good and evil. However, society is a holistic organism, so it is necessary to have links, connecting factors. So what brings people together?

I think that there are a number of aspirations and desires inherent in every person. For example, the desire for peace. Desire to live in a harmonious environment, without wars, conflicts and deaths, undoubtedly, each of us has.

The main unifying link, in my opinion, is love. It is the feeling of unconditional love for human beings, animals, nature that contributes to the smoothing of conflicts and the harmonious coexistence of people on the globe.

Creativity also brings people together. Literary works, masterpieces of painting, music, theatrical and cinematic art, allow us to penetrate into the inner world of another person and merge in a single impulse. Creativity contributes not only to the unity of modern society, but also helps to penetrate into other times and eras, to feel one's involvement with distant ancestors.

The unification of society into a single whole, undoubtedly, is facilitated by such human qualities as humanism and concern for one's neighbor. People help each other, sometimes risking their own lives. Rescuers, firefighters, doctors, police officers - these and many other professions are proof of the interaction of human units. And the exploits of volunteers who selflessly go to the hottest places on the planet in order to provide all possible assistance to those in need!

If we talk about communicative ways of bringing people together, then in modern society the possibilities for this process have expanded significantly. For example, phones help us stay in touch with loved ones even when we are far away. And with the help of the Internet, we can find friends around the world and get acquainted with the news from the farthest corners. At the same time, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is of great importance for the association. No wonder they say that the more languages ​​you know, the more human you are. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​significantly expands the circle of communication, allows you to get acquainted with numerous works of art in the original and, of course, communicate with representatives of different peoples and cultures.

Summing up, it should be emphasized that the sense of justice, humanism and the desire for a peaceful life are the basis that allows you to combine individual human units into a single whole. And paraphrasing Fyodor Dostoevsky, I will say that only love will save and unite the world!

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