Sergei Sobyanin. Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin biography Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin real name

Sergei Sobyanin is the current mayor of Moscow, one of the key figures of the United Russia party, first-class state adviser.


Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin was born into the family of the chairman of the village council and an accountant. Information about the origins of Sergei Sobyanin varies: according to official data, the ancestors of the current mayor of Moscow on his father’s side were Ural Cossacks, and Sobyanin’s great-grandfather moved to the Mansi village of Nyaksimvol before the revolution; according to another version, Sergei Sobyanin was included in many encyclopedias and scientific works dedicated to the Mansi as one of the famous representatives of this people.

Sergei himself calls himself Russian and denies his Mansi origin. There is also a version that among Sobyanin’s ancestors there are Komi-Zyryans, but this information has not yet been confirmed by any authoritative sources. Sergei’s paternal grandfather, Fyodor, was an Old Believer and lived for more than a hundred years. Father, Semyon Fedorovich, was born in Nyaksimvol. Full high school didn't graduate. At the beginning of the 1950s, he became chairman of the Nyaksimvolsky village council of the Berezovsky district, and in 1967 the family moved to the regional center. My father worked in Berezovo as the director of a butter factory before the start of perestroika.

Sergei's maternal grandfather is from Chelyabinsk. He fought in the Russo-Japanese Company and the First World War, and became a full cavalier of George. During the revolution, he enthusiastically took the side of the Reds, fought under Budyonny, and rose to the rank of platoon commander. Then he returned to his native village, where he became a fairly prosperous and respected person. In the early 30s he was dispossessed and sent into exile with his family in Nyaksimvol.

Sergei Sobyanin’s mother worked all her life with her husband, first as an accountant for the village council, and later as an economist at a creamery. Sergei Sobyanin - younger son in family. He has two sisters - the eldest Natalya and the middle Lyudmila.


In 1975, Sergei Sobyanin graduated from high school in the Berezovo regional center. After graduating from school, Sergei moves to Kostroma, where by this time Sergei’s sister, Lyudmila, already lives. In Kostroma, Sobyanin enters the mechanical faculty of the Technological Institute (specialty “Technology of metal-cutting machines and tools”). In 1980 he graduated with honors.

Soon Sobyanin decides to get a second higher education and enters the Ulyanovsk branch of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute, which he graduates in 1989. In 1999 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic legal status autonomous okrugs within the Russian Federation.

Labor activity

Reliable information about the beginning labor activity Sobyanin does not exist. According to one version, Sergei Semenovich moved to Kostroma and studied full-time at the Technological Institute, after which he was assigned to the Kostroma woodworking machine plant, from where he moved to Chelyabinsk.

The second version is the opposite - after graduating from school, Sobyanin moved to Chelyabinsk and got a job at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, and entered the Kostroma Institute of Technology in absentia. After graduating from the institute in 1980, Sergei Semenovich became a foreman of turners and a shop foreman. He led the Komsomol organization of the plant. In 1982, he began working as head of the department of Komsomol organizations of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol of the city of Chelyabinsk.

Administrative and leadership positions

In 1984, Sergei Sobyanin received from the Komsomol city committee in the city of Chelyabinsk a direction to the village (later the city) of Kogalym (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug). For four years he worked in Kogalym in leadership positions - deputy chairman of the Kogalym district council, then head of the housing and communal services department of the city of Kogalym, for the last two years he was secretary of the city executive committee of the city of Kogalym.

At the end of 1988, he went to work for the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee of the CPSU, where he worked until 1990. After the end of existence Soviet Union was appointed head of the Kogalym tax inspectorate, and later (December 1991) - head of the Kogalym city administration. He led the city until 1993. While leading the city, he established relations with Kogalymneftegaz LLC, the city-forming enterprise of Kogalym. November 1993 was marked by the appointment of Sobyanin as first deputy head of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug for economic issues.

Sergei Sobyanin resigns

Political career

On March 6, 1994, Sergei Sobyanin was elected as a deputy of the Khanty-Mansiysk District Duma, and a month later he became its chairman. Thanks to this, in 1996 Sobyanin became a member of the Federation Council. Since July 1998, he has held the position of chairman of the committee for resolving judicial and legal issues. Since 2000, he has moved to Yekaterinburg in connection with his appointment to the post of First Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural District. A year later he is elected governor Tyumen region. In 2004, he became a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia.

Work in federal authorities

In November 2005, Sergei Sobyanin was appointed head of the Presidential Administration, and therefore relinquished his gubernatorial powers and moved to Moscow. His career in the capital is rapid - from February 2006 he became a member of the Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation, in 2008 he headed the election headquarters of Dmitry Medvedev. In 2009, he was elected chairman of the board of directors of Channel One. Since January 2010, he has been a member of the Commission for Economic Development of the Russian Federation, becoming a member of the board of trustees of the Skolkovo project.

Mayor of Moscow - Sergei Sobyanin

In October 2010, Sergei Sobyanin was included in the list of candidates for the position of mayor of Moscow. On October 15, a vote takes place in the Moscow City Duma, following which Sobyanin’s candidacy is approved almost unanimously. At the same time, giving an interview before the vote, Sobyanin noted that he does not have a work program for the post of mayor, but he has a vision of problematic issues that require an early solution. Sobyanin named traffic jams and corruption as the main issues.

On October 21, Sobyanin officially becomes the mayor of Moscow. Soon, Sergei Sobyanin was re-incorporated into the Russian Security Council, thus becoming the first mayor of the capital to receive such an appointment. November 23 Sergei Semenovich is elected to the supreme council of the Moscow organization “United Russia”.

Some of the tasks that Sergei Sobyanin plans to solve as Moscow mayor in the medium and long term are the creation of an automated public transport management system, an annual increase in the capital's GDP and Muscovites' salaries by 4%.

Sergei Sobyanin. Yesterday Live

Speaking at a press conference dedicated to the first year of work as mayor of Moscow on October 19, 2011, Sergei Sobyanin said that during the year he managed to change the development strategy of the capital, stopping the destruction of the historical part of the city, as well as successfully combating illegal and spontaneous trade, modernizing work public transport, and also make the budget more transparent.

In 2013, Sobyanin informed the president about his resignation from the post of mayor of the capital of his own free will and to run in early elections in 2013. Vladimir Putin signed this statement and appointed him acting. mayor. Political scientists associated Sobyanin’s actions with his desire to prove the legitimacy of his position in the eyes of Moscow residents. According to the results of the vote held on September 8, 2013, Sobyanin won, receiving a little more than half of the votes. Opposition leader Alexei Navalny took second place.

At the beginning of 2016, Sergei Sobyanin gave permission for the demolition of the so-called “samostroy” near metro stations. On the night of February 9, workers demolished more than a hundred shopping pavilions. In the press this event was called the “Night of the Long Buckets”; many doubted the legality of these actions. Sergei Sobyanin commented on this situation as follows: “The truth, heritage and history of the country are not sold in Russia.”

Personal life of Sergei Sobyanin

Sergei Sobyanin married Irina Iosifovna Rubinchik, cousin of former Energy Minister A. Gavrin, in 1986 in Kogalym. Irina Iosifovna ended up in Kogalym by assignment after graduating from a university with a degree in civil engineering. Later she worked in Tyumen as a teacher of collage and floristry, and together with her husband she moved to Moscow, where, according to Sobyanin, “she works as a teacher in a kindergarten and has never had anything to do with any business.” At the beginning of 2014, the couple divorced.

Sergei Sobyanin won the 2018 Moscow mayoral elections

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Sergei Sobyanin made a career that no one had done before in post-Soviet Russia.

  • Birthday: June 21, 1958
  • Hometown: s. Nyaksimvol, Tyumen region;
  • Place of work: Government of Moscow, Mayor of Moscow 2010 - present.
  • Education: graduate of KSTU;
  • Marital status: divorced.

Official channels (all photos and data from the official website or social networks)

Many predicted the position of President of the Russian Federation for him, but he is just the mayor of Moscow. Although anything can happen, because some 17 years ago, few people believed that the protege of the northern autonomous okrugs would win the election for governor of the Tyumen region.

The media called Sobyanin “the creature of the president” every time he held another high post. And he rose to power quickly, leaving behind a not always good memory.

In 2018 he will turn 60 years old. Of these, he served for 13 years public service in the capital, and for only seven years he has been mayor in Moscow.

So Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin was made in the regions:

  • tempered by the north,
  • cultivated managerial qualities in Tyumen.

Rarely will a falcon fly to the golden-headed one from the edge of this frozen land. He succeeded because his entire political journey was under cover and under complete control.

Biography of Sergei Sobyanin

Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin is the son of the chairman of the Nyaksimvol village council of the Berezovsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. This small village three hundred kilometers from the regional center. In the spring there is thaw, the remaining six months are winter, and severe, northern ones. Among the nationalities: Khanty, Mansi, Russians.

Three generations of Sobyanins lived here, far from Mainland, hunted, fished, collected cloudberries. Here Sergei went to school. In 1967, when he was 9 years old, the family moved to Berezovo to follow his father Semyon Fedorovich, who was offered the position of director of the creamery. Mother Antonina Aleksandrovna mainly raised the children: two older daughters and the youngest Sergei. And when they grew up, she worked next to her husband: an accountant in the village council and an economist at a creamery.

Tales about his northern youth are hardly interesting to Muscovites, but for Tyumen residents his biography was interesting. What the " reindeer"is running for election as governor of the Tyumen region in 2000, it turned out to be difficult to find out. But something leaked.

For example, that Sergei Sobyanin has loved skiing since childhood, shoots accurately and is an avid hunter. That he went after the bear, and seemed to be successful. Although in the large Tyumen region this will surprise few people: everyone grew up in the same conditions of tundra and permafrost.

It is known that at school he was an excellent student, a class leader, read a lot and welcomed a healthy lifestyle. He was proud of his heroic grandfather - Full Knight of St. George Alexander Ulanov. There are many long-livers in the Sobyanin family, and there are also those who celebrated their centenary.

He matured early and became independent:

  • At the age of 17, I went to Kostroma to go to college. Stayed with my older sister.
  • Five years later, with honors as an engineer, I was assigned to Chelyabinsk. Mechanic, foreman, workshop foreman, Komsomol organizer. He chose not the working path, but the Komsomol path, although maybe she chose him.
  • For two years he worked in the district Komsomol committee.
  • In 1984 he was invited to Kogalym. A village where everyone knows what oil smells like, what winter, fishing and hunting are like. In general, the same Yugra north, only a thousand kilometers from Nyaksimvol.

In Kogalym he makes a career, in four years advancing through the Komsomol line to deputy head of the organizational department of the district committee of the CPSU. But the party suddenly collapsed, like many other Komsomol-party bosses, Sergei began to look for new niches for himself to realize his managerial ambitions.

A place was found for him in the tax office, which received the status of the city of Kogalym. Not the best situation, because few people paid taxes in the heady 90s. There was no money at all, barter flourished, and commerce was just emerging. For northern cities, the breadwinners were oil and gas companies, providing not only hydrocarbon production, but also social infrastructure, construction of housing, roads and maintaining them in order.

The city administration was just an annex to these powerful state enterprises. But their time was running out, and large-scale privatization began. At this time, Sergei Sobyanin was already the head of the administration of Kogalym. He had a family: his wife Irina, who came from Tyumen for northern romance, and a four-year-old daughter Anna.

It was 1991 - a turning point for the country and much decisive for future politicians and oligarchs. Sergei Sobyanin was 33 years old. Alexander Vasilyevich Filipenko turned 41 years old when President Yeltsin signed a decree appointing him head of the administration Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. Alexander Vasilyevich had almost twenty years ahead of him as the first man in the oil region.

After his appointment, he formed a team, and two years later he invited Sergei Semenovich to join it, who had some experience as a business executive and friendship with Vagit Alekperov. When he was mayor, Kogalymneftegaz was corporatized and transformed into Lukoil. President and co-owner oil company became Alekperov.

Oil money

“Black gold” has always saved budgets. Even when it was difficult, the deputy head of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug administration, Sergei Sobyanin, managed to negotiate with the oil workers - the “kings” of the northern territories. Sobyanin oversaw the block of social issues and housing and communal services, which means he had to be able to find resources.

A year later, the political situation changed: the Tyumen region, also experiencing a shortage of budget money, threatens the northern districts with unification. Its governor, Leonid Roketsky, defends his position at the very top: Yamal and Yugra are part of the Tyumen region, so there should be one governor, one budget, and a common territory. The districts were outraged, which led to another surge of separatism. They defended the independence of the district harshly, which influenced the mood of the residents.

From the administration he is delegated to Legislature Ugra. He quickly gains authority and the chair of the Chairman of the Duma, thanks to which he opens the doors to the Federation Council. There he headed the committee on constitutional legislation. A springboard where all questions about unification were resolved as quickly as saving oil money for the needs of the districts.

While he was fighting for complete independence of the districts in the corridors of power of the capital, his wife Irina was with him. In 1997, their second daughter Olga was born. The family rarely left the capital. Of course, he liked Moscow life; the head of the family visited the area. And I didn’t forget my new passion, who was 15 years younger than Irina. Anastasia Rakova will follow him through fire and water all the way to Moscow. At 34, she will give birth to a daughter, and four years later, in 2014, the Sobyanins’ divorce will be announced.

But let's go back to the 2000s. In 2000, in the Kremlin corridors, the decision matured to train him at the embassy. He came under the patronage of the newly appointed plenipotentiary, General Pyotr Latyshev, becoming his first deputy. Scope of work - Ural District. Subordinated to six subjects of the Russian Federation, including the Tyumen region, Ugra, Yamal and other regions. By this time the bet has already been made: Sobyanin leads new president countries Vladimir Putin. But few people realize this: the citizens of the country are deciding a lot of other issues. Including what to expect from the head of state, why strengthen the vertical of power and what will happen to business. All these and other questions will be answered soon. Sergei Sobyanin clearly adheres to the line that the Kremlin is pursuing. Even if she changes at least three times, he won’t blink an eye. There are no other rules of the game on this field and he knows this very well.


At the plenipotentiary mission of the President of the Russian Federation, he was trained in the basics of statehood according to a compressed program. Less than six months later, he was promoted to the post of governor of the Tyumen region. The president’s “creature” came as a surprise to the Tyumen elite and population. An information war has begun between the Roketsky and Sobyanin clans. Its echoes can still be found on the Internet: incriminating evidence flowed like a river.

In January 2001, the elections were won by a protege of the northern districts, oil generals and the Kremlin. Sergei Sobyanin immediately showed who is boss. The unreliable, disloyal and ineffective were purged. New people were appointed in all areas and conversations were held with businessmen. The media took the lead and diligently created the image of a reformer governor.

Having become governor, he first of all thanked his guide, proposing to extend the term of office of the head of state. And Putin and his team often visited the region to promote ideas for reviving the country using its example.

The Tyumen region has become an experimental platform for Kremlin innovations. Money flowed into the budget from the northern depths: Sobyanin changed his mind and decided that the districts should really be divided. An agreement was signed between the parties in favor of the region.

The northern governors “swallowed” this: they had no choice but to “buy” independence for a large sum in the form of part of oil taxes - mineral extraction tax. The tax, which for many years accounted for half of the regional budget, and in last years before the centralization of this tax and the fall in the price per barrel - a third of the region’s budget. Over five years, the regional treasury has increased tenfold.

Large construction projects, new production facilities and numerous investment projects began under Sobyanin and still continues in the regional capital.

At the beginning of 2004, he voluntarily resigned from his position in order to test new system governor's appointments. The test was successful: Putin nominated him to the regional Legislative Assembly. Deputies almost unanimously (minus one vote) approved Sobyanin for a second term as governor. Journalists remember how he joked then: “There is opposition in the Tyumen region - out of 25 deputies, only 24 voted for me.”

After 10 months, he resigned due to a promotion.

Headed the Kremlin

There are offers that you cannot refuse, even if you swore allegiance the day before and shared your plans. Residents of the Tyumen region sighed, some bitterly, others joyfully, seeing off their governor to the Kremlin. In almost five years of governorship, many are tired of experiments tailored to a quick fix, therefore not always true to size, with unraveling seams and falling off buttons.

The “suits” in which healthcare, education, local government, social services, and individual housing were dressed were flawed to varying degrees, but they were brand new. The new governor, Vladimir Yakushev, who was also pushed through the power structures by Sergei Sobyanin, as he was once the president of the Russian Federation, had to adapt the reformist clothes to the format. The successor announced a complete and unconditional continuation of the reforms that had begun, and the Tyumen region rolled along the already prepared stencils.

A farewell wave swept through the Tyumen media under the general trend “We are proud!” Sergei Sobyanin went to the Kremlin to head the Russian Presidential Administration. Tyumen residents were not surprised fast career, he was seen off every time he went to Moscow and met with the President of the Russian Federation.

After success in the elections, he becomes Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Putin and heads the apparatus. During his time in government, he served on a number of boards of directors of large state-owned companies.

He did not forget about his girlfriend: Anastasia Rakova is the only one he took from Tyumen to the capital. She is confirmed as Deputy Prime Minister.

In 2010, Luzhkov lost the trust of the authorities. The chair was offered to Sergei Sobyanin. Moscow to Once again looked closely at his northern squint. He struck terror into Muscovites, but was confident in himself, made plans and quoted the president. Moscow City Duma deputies gave the go-ahead to the presidential creature.

Mayor of Moscow

The mayor's first decisions completely repeated the Tyumen innovations. Reforms went according to well-known scenario: healthcare, road construction, solving transport problems, parks, tiles, lanterns. The management vertical was set up and strictly followed the instructions: if it was necessary to change the tiles three times in one place, then nothing could prevent it. From his inner circle, Sergei Sobyanin chose his permanent girlfriend: Anastasia Rakova became his deputy. Again and again he entrusts her with a legal block of questions.

Three years later, Sergei Sobyanin wins the election for mayor of Moscow - just over half of the voters who came to the polling stations voted for him.

He, like any statesman of this magnitude, has fans and ill-wishers. Sergei Sobyanin was rarely interested in the moral side of the issue, so he is always ready to implement unpopular measures for the sake of global changes. His second term as mayor ends next year. They will coincide with the presidential elections, and who knows what other surprises to expect from the Kremlin.

Family values

Putin's alter ego in everything, even in matters family values. Both announced their divorce within the same year. Both have two daughters, about whose fate little is known. There are rumors about both of them about loyalty and devotion to their women, who gave them children. Both promote family values ​​from a high platform.

The divorce from his wife Irina was filed in 2014, but they said that they had not lived together for a long time. She is three years younger than her ex-husband; she is now 55 years old. A civil engineer by training. Immediately after graduating from the institute, I went from Tyumen to the north, where I met Sergei. In 1986 they got married and the same year their daughter Anna was born.

She is married and lives in St. Petersburg, where she went to study as a designer in the early 2000s. Husband is businessman Alexander Ershov. The family lives in an elite apartment in the center of the northern capital. The company supplies luxury furniture, in which Anna works as a companion.

The second daughter is Olga, she is 20 years old and a student. She got her dad's service apartment in the center of Moscow. The Internet is replete with speculation and the most meticulous ones calculate family income, which could not possibly correlate with the cost of this apartment. However, there is a version that Irina and her daughter went abroad, where Olga studies at one of the prestigious schools.

Sobyanin himself submits an income tax return every year. According to these data, he earns 6.5 million rubles a year, has neither a car, nor yachts, nor land plots. Only a Moscow apartment of 300 square meters is indicated. m. and a garage.

Sergei Sobyanin was named person of the year only once, on the eve of his divorce - in 2013.

Sergei Sobyanin is a Russian statesman and politician who broke into politics from the working class. Thanks to his professionalism, tough character and hard work, he was elected mayor of Moscow in 2010 and re-elected to this post in 2018. Prior to the position of mayor of the Russian capital, he was Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and before that he headed the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The attitude towards the official's activities among his colleagues and the population is ambiguous - some consider him a statesman and a human computer, capable of doing difficult work. Others, representatives of the opposition movement, constantly criticize Sergei Semenovich, accusing him of fraud and corruption.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin was born on June 21, 1958 in the Tyumen region, in the village of Nyaksimvol. Zodiac sign: Gemini. Father Semyon Fedorovich worked as chairman of the village council, and later became director of the creamery. Mother Antonina Nikolaevna was an economist and worked as an accountant under the guidance of her husband, first in the village council, and then at a creamery. The future mayor of Moscow was youngest child in the family, he has two older sisters, Natalya and Lyudmila.

There is no clear answer to the question of Sergei Sobyanin’s nationality. Official data states that his ancestors on the male line were Ural Cossacks. In his autobiography for the election commission for the post of governor of the Tyumen region, Sobyanin called himself Russian and denied information that he is a representative of the Mansi people, as written in some reference books and encyclopedias.

Sergei Sobyanin's childhood was no different from other children. He was a diligent student and child, successfully graduated from Berezovskaya secondary school and in 1975 moved to Kostroma, where he entered the local Technological Institute. In 1980, having received a diploma in mechanical engineering with honors, he immediately entered the workforce and was assigned to work as an engineer at the Kostroma plant for the production of woodworking machines.

Later, he decided to expand his higher education and entered the correspondence department of the Ulyanovsk branch of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute. In 1989, Sergei Semenovich received a law degree, and 10 years later he defended his dissertation and received a candidate of legal sciences degree.


The future Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation got into politics from the Komsomol organization of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, where he worked as a shop foreman. In 1982, the biography of Sergei Sobyanin received a political direction, and he became the head of the organizational department of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol of Chelyabinsk. After 2 years, he was sent to the city of Kogalym, where he first took the position of head of housing and communal services, and later became head of the city tax inspectorate.

Since 1991 career Sergei Semenovich quickly began to gain momentum - first he was appointed head of the administration of Kogalym, and after 2 years he became the first deputy head of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. This post paved the way for Sobyanin to the Khanty-Mansiysk District Duma, which he headed in 1996.

In 2001, the future mayor of the Russian capital was elected governor of the Tyumen region, and a few months after his appointment he received membership in the supreme council of the all-Russian party “United Russia”. In 2005, Sergei Sobyanin joined the Russian Presidential Administration and was appointed head. Therefore, Sergei Semenovich moved to Moscow and relieved himself of his gubernatorial duties.

His political career in the capital also developed rapidly - in 2006 he became a member of the Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation, in 2008 he headed the election campaign former president RF, and in 2009 he became the head of the board of directors of Channel One.

In 2005, Sergei Sobyanin headed the Administration of the President of Russia

After winning the presidential elections Sergei Semenovich Medvedeva receives the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and becomes the head of the government headed by Vladimir Putin, as well as a member of the Commission for Economic Development of the Russian Federation and is a member of the Skolkovo Board of Trustees.

In the fall of 2010, after resignation former mayor capital Sergei Sobyanin became one of four candidates for the post of mayor of the capital from United Russia. After he was confirmed as mayor of Moscow, his powers as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation were removed, and Sergei Semenovich immediately began to solve the problems of the city, which, in his opinion, consisted of traffic jams and corruption.

Vladimir Putin and Sergei Sobyanin. Inauguration of the new mayor of the capital on Poklonnaya Hill

The achievements of Sergei Sobyanin as mayor of Moscow a year later were appreciated by his colleagues and the country's leadership. He managed to stop the destruction of historical Moscow, establish a fight against organized crime and illegal trade, achieve the development of public transport, ensure transparency of the city budget, and modernize the city's education and healthcare systems.

In 2012, after Medvedev adopted the law on the return of direct elections of regional heads, Sergei Sobyanin resigned and decided to run for the post of mayor of the city as a self-nominated candidate. His main competitor in this fight was the oppositionist. The man stated that Sergei Semenovich was illegally participating in the upcoming elections, to which the Moscow City Election Commission made an official statement that the registration of the candidate for the post of mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin was carried out in full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

On September 8, 2013, Sergei Semenovich was re-elected to the post of mayor of Moscow in the first round of voting. Sobyanin won more than 51% of the vote, and his main rival Alexei Navalny received support from 27% of the population.

As mayor, Sobyanin takes care of the restoration of architectural monuments. Preservation cultural heritage, according to Sergei Semenovich, one of the priority areas in the work of the Moscow City Hall. He noted that under his leadership, as of the fall of 2015, 6 hundred objects, 4 thousand facades of buildings of historical significance had been restored, and about 200 buildings that had previously been scheduled for demolition were preserved. Under Sobyanin, the procedure for recognizing buildings of historical significance as cultural and architectural monuments was simplified.

However, opposition forces believe that under Sobyanin the practice for which Yuri Luzhkov was criticized continued. We are talking about the destruction of historical buildings in favor of the construction of new ones. In particular, according to the coordinator of the Arkhnadzor movement, Rustam Rakhmatullin, with Sobyanin and his team coming to power, the attitude towards monuments changed at the level of declarations. And Rakhmatullin associated the decrease in the level of construction activity in the city center with “long-term public demand” and the outflow of money due to the crisis.

At the beginning of 2016, the mayor of the city allowed the demolition of the so-called “samostroy” located near metro stations. During the winter, workers demolished more than 100 shopping pavilions in one night. The press dubbed this event the “Night of the Long Buckets.” There were some doubts about the legality of the actions of the Moscow authorities. To this, Sobyanin noted that “the truth, heritage and history of the country are not sold in Russia.”

Sobyanin’s former competitor Alexei Navalny at the beginning of 2017 accused the city mayor of overspending on the purchase of decorations for Moscow streets. According to Navalny, the capital's government purchased jewelry in the amount of 2,241,630 rubles, while the price from the supplier was 475 thousand. A few days later, Sobyanin proposed removing data on the city’s government procurement from the federal government procurement portal, which drew criticism from lawyers of the Anti-Corruption Foundation.

In 2017, renovation of the capital's housing stock continues. Part of the renovation is a program to demolish Khrushchev-era buildings, which has caused concern among the residents of these houses. Sobyanin assured that only those houses will be demolished if more than half of them vote for relocation. In a 2016 interview, when asked about constant construction and the sounds of repairs that can be heard even in the mayor’s office, Sobyanin replied: “For me, these sounds are pleasant.” According to the mayor, they say that the city is settling down, there is movement, there is no stagnation.

Also in the spring, the mayor approved the launch of a new project called “Moscow Doctor”. Its essence is to assign such a title to specialists who can prove that their qualifications, experience and professional level are above basic requirements and meet international standards.

Personal life

Sergei Sobyanin’s personal life remained stable and, at first glance, happy until 2014, when the mayor of Moscow announced a divorce from his wife Irina Rubinchik. With the support of his wife, Sergei Semenovich went through a career path and was married for 28 years. The reason for the divorce of the Moscow mayor and his wife is unknown - he asked not to interfere in his personal life, noting that they parted on a good note and support friendly relations.

Rumor has it that the reason for the separation of the spouses lies in the relationship of Sergei Semenovich with his colleague. She began working with Sobyanin at a young age in the late 90s and went with him, as an assistant, from the head of the Khanty-Mansiysk Duma to the mayor of the capital. The close work together gave rise to talk that they were connected not only by a working relationship. They say that the father of Rakova’s daughter, born in 2010, is Sergei Sobyanin.

Sobyanin has children from his marriage with Irina - Anna and Olga, born in 1986 and 1997, respectively. Eldest daughter mayor of Moscow - creative person, she graduated from the Khanty-Mansiysk children's art school, and after that received higher education at the St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. A. L. Stieglitz. She married businessman Alexander Ershov, a resident of the cultural capital of Russia. ABOUT youngest daughter Sergei Sobyanin, Olga, know less. She lives in Moscow, studied at a regular school, and showed interest in playing music and drawing.

According to official data, Sergei Sobyanin’s income for 2017 amounted to 6 million 531 thousand 129 rubles. This is 75 thousand rubles. more than in 2016. Thus, his salary is about 550 thousand rubles. per month. At the same time, he owns a 26-meter garage, but does not own a car. The mayor of Moscow also has an apartment with an area of ​​308 square meters for free use.

The eldest daughter of Sergei Sobyanin with her husband Alexander

In 2013, a scandal erupted around this apartment and his youngest daughter. The same Alexei Navalny published an investigation in which he said that these elite apartments, located in the center of Moscow, belonged at that time to his minor daughter Olga. The approximate cost of such a property is 173 million rubles. Judging by the declarations provided by the politician, this price exceeds Sobyanin’s possible income over 10 years by more than 6 times.

Sergei Sobyanin is a big lover of literature and classical music, but his main hobby is hunting. As the mayor of Moscow himself admits, he first went hunting for animals in the taiga as a 15-year-old boy, and since then he has been so inspired by it that hunting has become one of his favorite recreational activities. When going hunting, Sobyanin prefers to personally drive a jeep or snowmobile.

The man tries to stick healthy image life. He doesn’t smoke, prefers wine to vodka (if not when hunting), but now there is no free time left for his once beloved basketball and volleyball. Nevertheless, for his age (Sergei Semenovich turned 60 in 2018) he looks great. With a height of 175 cm, his weight is about 73 kg.

Sergei Sobyanin now

In mid-June 2018, the election headquarters of Sergei Sobyanin opened in the center of Moscow, on Pokrovka, in the Central House of Entrepreneurs. He announced his intention to participate in the elections for the mayor of Moscow on May 26 at the celebration of the birthday of the Active Citizen project in the park.

In addition to Sergei Semenovich, four more candidates applied for the post of mayor of the capital - the head of the Tagansky municipal district Ilya Sviridov (from " Fair Russia"), State Duma deputy Mikhail Degtyarev (from the LDPR), former State Duma deputy Vadim Kumin (from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation), as well as non-party businessman Mikhail Balakin.

On September 9, 2018, Sergei Sobyanin again achieved victory and recognition from the residents of the capital in the elections for the mayor of Moscow. According to the exit poll, 70.17% of the Moscow population voted for him.

The current mayor has done a lot for Moscow, but he has a lot of unrealized projects, which, in fact, consisted of his election program. He plans to create 160 km of new lines and 79 metro stations by 2020, as well as organize conditions for convenient movement of pedestrians and motorists around the city. The program of renovation and improvement of the capital will be continued.

Sobyanin has an official website, where the latest Moscow news is published with enviable frequency and efficiency. Sergei Semenovich has his own official account in "Instagram", where new photos also appear regularly. In 2015, it was officially confirmed that the account was real and would be run personally by the mayor of the city. The head of Moscow is present and

Sobyanin Sergei Semyonovich

Sobyanin Sergei Semenovich, born on June 21, 1958, native of the village. Nyaksimvol Berezovsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk national district of the Tyumen region. Mayor of Moscow. United Russia Party. 2005-2010 - served as head of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation.


Sobyanin Sergei Semenovich, born on June 21, 1958, native of the village. Nyaksimvol Berezovsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk national district of the Tyumen region. Sobyanin was the third child and long-awaited son in the family of Semyon Fedorovich and Antonina Aleksandrovna Sobyanin. Of course, Seryozha’s parents doted on him. He grew up as a modest, obedient boy, he was never rude to his elders, and at school, although he was not an excellent student, he studied very diligently. The father, despite the fact that he was the chairman of the village council, and was soon appointed to the post of director of the creamery in Berezovo, did not spoil his son, teaching Seryozha to work. The future Moscow mayor with early years I chopped wood in the cold, helping my parents with housework. Since childhood, I went hunting with my grandfather Fedor, a commercial hunter, in the taiga.

This is how Sergei’s character developed: on the one hand, he did not disdain menial labor, he was persistent in achieving his goal, and on the other hand, he was a man of few words, being “in public” was not very easy for him. But still, he understood that the “unsociable beeches” did not get further than Berezov. Therefore, Seryozha tried to remake his character, to be more active in the pioneer and then the Komsomol line, especially since his father urged him to do this, saying that otherwise he would remain here. Semyon Fedorovich was disingenuous, of course; he would hardly have allowed only son to sour in the wilderness, but Sergei listened to his father’s advice, graduating from school with the rank of secretary of the Komsomol committee.

Sobyanin has the rank of Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. He is a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. Awarded the Order Honor and medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree. He also has the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree (award of the Moscow Patriarchate).

Relatives. Father: Sobyanin Semyon Fedorovich, born 09/03/1925, former chairman of the Nyaksimvolsky village council of the Berezovsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk national district and director of the Berezovsky creamery. He worked in the Tyumen administration until the end of the 1990s. First steps on career ladder Sobyanin did this largely thanks to his father’s connections.

Mother: Sobyanina Antonina Aleksandrovna

Wife (former): Sobyanina Irina Iosifovna, born November 19, 1961. Previously she was a teacher of floristry at the Tyumen Center child development them. I. I. Podaruev, at the same time being the beneficiary of the largest contractor in the field of road construction. She had the nickname “Ira-curb” because her structure regularly won competitions in Tyumen to carry out work to replace road surfaces and curbs. Currently, the spouses are living separately, without actually filing a divorce. According to some reports, Sobyanina permanently resides outside the Russian Federation. 02/21/2014. An official divorce from S. Sobyanin was announced.

Daughter: Ershova Anna Sergeevna, born 10/02/1986, restaurant interior designer. Permanently resides in St. Petersburg. Maintains occasional contact with father.

Daughter: Olga Sergeevna Sobyanina, born 06/03/1997. According to some reports, she currently lives with her mother outside the Russian Federation and is a student at one of the prestigious private schools.

State. Sergei Sobyanin earned 7 million 214 thousand rubles in 2014. The mayor owns a garage with an area of ​​27 square meters, and uses an apartment with an area of ​​308 square meters, which belongs to a minor child. The mayor does not own any transport. In 2013, Sergei Sobyanin earned 6.3 million rubles, and in 2012 - 5.3 million rubles.

Hobbies. Sobyanin is fond of hunting, fishing, literature and classical music, plays tennis.


  • In 1967, he moved with his family to the regional center of Berezovo, where his father headed the creamery.
  • In 1975 he graduated from Berezovsky secondary school. After school, he moved to Kostroma, where his sister Lyudmila lived. In Kostroma he entered the mechanical faculty of Kostroma Institute of Technology, who graduated with honors in 1980 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering Technologies, Metal-Cutting Machines and Tools.

Labor activity

He graduated from the mechanical department of the Kostroma Technological Institute and the Ulyanovsk branch of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute. Has an academic degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences.

After graduating from university, he worked as an engineer at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, while simultaneously heading Komsomol organization workshops

  • In 1982 he switched to freed Komsomol work. So, from 1982 to 1984 he was the head of the organizational department of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol of the city of Chelyabinsk.
  • In 1984, Sobyanin was sent to the village of Kogalym, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, where he served as head of the housing and communal services department of the Kogalym City Executive Committee and secretary of this city executive committee.
  • From 1988 to 1990 he was deputy head of the organizational department of the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee of the CPSU, from 1990 to 1991 he headed the tax inspection of the city of Kogalym, and in December 1991 he was appointed head of the administration of the city of Kogalym.
  • In 1993, Sobyanin became the first deputy head of the administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
  • In 1994, he became chairman of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, and in 1996 he became an ex-officio member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (since 1998 he served as chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial and Legal Issues).
  • In 2000 he was appointed first deputy authorized representative President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District.
  • From 2001 to 2005, Sobyanin served as governor of the Tyumen region. In November 2005, he was appointed head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and in May 2008, head of the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister.
  • In October 2010, Sobyanin became mayor of Moscow. In June 2013, he resigned from this post, but was appointed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin as acting mayor of Moscow until the elections, which are scheduled for September 2013.
  • On September 8, 2013, in early elections, S.S. Sobyanin re-elected as mayor of Moscow.

Connections and partners

Abramovich Roman Arkadievich, born October 24, 1966, entrepreneur. With the help of controlled structures, in particular Sibneft, he financed the election of Sobyanin as governor of the Tyumen region. At present, they continue to maintain relations, however, not as close as during the election campaign for the post of Tyumen governor.

Bogdanov Vladimir Leonidovich, born May 28, 1951, CEO OJSC "Surgutneftegas". We met through Filipenko. During his tenure as chairman of the KhMAO Duma and governor of the Tyumen region, Sobyanin acted as a lobbyist for the interests of Bogdanov and his business. Continue to maintain relationships.

Gavrin Alexander Sergeevich, born July 22, 1953, former minister energy industry of the Russian Federation and former member Federation Council from the Tyumen region. Cousin of Irina Sobyanina. Previously, we maintained close contacts, including of a business nature. Now their relationship has virtually come to naught.

Neelov Yuri Vasilievich, born May 24, 1952, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, former governor Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. He maintained and maintains a fairly close relationship with Sobyanin. They jointly participated in the development of the process of unification of the Tyumen region and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which is part of it, but is an independent entity.

Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, born 10/07/1952, President of the Russian Federation. Sobyanin actively supported Putin in the presidential elections in 2000, and also financed a number of projects of the new President. In turn, Putin thanked him by personally “blessing” him for his election as governor of the Tyumen region. Putin appointed Sobyanin to the post of head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation as a “hardware counterbalance” to Sechin. During his work in the Administration and the Government Apparatus, Sobyanin demonstrated exceptional loyalty to Putin, for which he was ultimately “rewarded” with the post of mayor of Moscow.

Rakova Anastasia Vladimirovna, born 02/08/1976, chief of staff of the mayor of Moscow. Actually common-law wife Sobyanin. I have known Sobyanin since 2001, when I worked to ensure the election of the governor of Tyumen. She followed Sobyanin to Moscow. She was the only employee whom he hired first to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and then to the Moscow City Hall. Has very big influence on Sobyanin and enjoys his virtually unlimited trust.

Sechin Igor Ivanovich, 09/07/1960, President of OJSC NK Rosneft. Relations with Sobyanin are almost openly hostile. They finally deteriorated during Sechin’s tenure as Deputy Prime Minister, who oversaw the fuel and energy complex, when his activities directly “affected” Sobyanin’s business interests. Although Putin is trying to smooth over the differences between them, the confrontation between Sechin and Sobyanin may take a new turn during the election campaign for the post of mayor of Moscow in 2013. It is possible that Sechin may initiate the injection of a number of materials compromising Sobyanin.

Timchenko Gennady Nikolaevich, born 09.11.1952, entrepreneur. Familiar since the 1990s, when Sobyanin supplied oil to the oil refinery controlled by Timchenko in the city of Kirishi Leningrad region. According to some reports, it was Timchenko who introduced Sobyanin to Putin.

Filipenko Alexander Vasilievich, born May 31, 1950, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, former governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. At the request of Sobyanin’s father, whom he treated with great respect, he supervised his son’s career, first through the CPSU. Then he was Sobyanin Jr.’s mentor in politics and business. At the same time, Filipenko planned to ultimately hand over the “reins of government” of the district to Sobyanin.

Khan German Borisovich, born October 24, 1961, entrepreneur, shareholder of Alfa Group. They collaborated closely when Khan became executive director of OJSC TNK-BP. Together we helped resolve conflict situations between TNCs and BP. They continue to maintain contact today.

Chemezov Oleg Leonidovich, born September 22, 1964, entrepreneur. He was Sobyanin's most trusted confidant during the election campaign for the post of governor of the Tyumen region. From 2003 to 2005 he was first deputy governor of the Tyumen region. Then Sobyanin appointed him as his actual representative to the TNK-BP company.

Yakushev Vladimir Vladimirovich, born June 14, 1968, governor of the Tyumen region. Previously, he headed OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank. He was appointed to his position largely thanks to Sobyanin’s lobbying abilities. Continues to respect Sobyanin’s economic interests in his region.

To information

Having headed the capital in October 2010, Sobyanin first began to make personnel changes, getting rid of almost all the previous “Luzhkov” personnel. The most prominent were the resignations of the vice mayor Vladimir Resin and chief architect Alexandra Kuzmina. The capital's prefects were deprived of the status of city ministers. However, no one except Anastasia Rakova, with whom he had a special relationship, Sergei Semenovich did not bring from the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation, just as he did not bring anyone (again, with the exception of Rakova) to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation from Tyumen and from the Administration to the Government.

In Moscow, Sobyanin tried to act the way he was used to acting in Tyumen, but did not take into account that these two cities are incomparable in scale. So, in Tyumen, in order to solve the traffic problem, it was enough to asphalt the roads. In Moscow, a much more serious problem than the quality of roads was traffic jams. Sobyanin was never able to cope with them. Neither the introduction of dedicated lanes for public transport nor park-and-ride parking helped. In turn, the constant repairs of the roadway, and especially the relaying of paving slabs by unskilled Central Asian workers, aroused suspicions of a banal “cutting of funds”, which Sergei Semenovich condones at best.

Sobyanin’s image was also negatively affected by his war with shopping kiosks and small shops. Overly zealous executors demolished hundreds of kiosks installed in accordance with all legal requirements, which caused justifiable anger not only among representatives of small businesses, who were primarily affected during this campaign, but also among many Muscovites who were accustomed to “walking distance” shops near metro stations.

Thus, during his almost three-year tenure as mayor of Moscow, Sobyanin was unable to solve long-standing problems. This, as well as the continuing rise in real estate prices, the reduction of “Luzhkov” allowances, the growth of uncontrolled migration from Central Asia with the simultaneous deterioration in the quality of street cleaning prevents him from becoming as popular a mayor as he remained Yuri Luzhkov until his last day in office.

By character, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin is far from soft. Otherwise, he simply could not have become what he became. He is smart, sophisticated in both politics and business, and ambitious. At the same time, he adheres to the principle: “Don’t ask for service, don’t refuse service.” All his appointments were not initiated by him, at least that’s how it looked from the outside. But still, Sergei Semenovich is more of an apparatchik than a politician. That is why he would never have become mayor of Moscow in a truly competitive election, especially if his opponent would have been another business executive who could communicate more actively with the electorate.

Sobyanin's family life is not easy. Upon arrival in Kogalym he married Irina Rubinchik, a representative of an influential Jewish clan in the region. Sergei Semenovich thought in this way to improve his career prospects. Of course, he succeeded, but friendly family I have never been to the Sobyanins. Sergei Semenovich and Irina Iosifovna were too diverse people. Sobyanin helped his wife’s business with administrative resources, financed, at her request, the reconstruction of the only synagogue in Tyumen, “resolved the affairs” of her relatives, but still the family ship continued to leak, even despite the birth of her youngest daughter. In the end, the Sobyanins separated and each lived their own lives.

Currently, the role of wife for Sergei Semenovich is played by Anastasia Rakova. He noticed her back in 2001, when she was an assistant to the first deputy chairman of the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Oleg Chemezov. Since then, Sobyanin and Rakova have been inseparable; he constantly drags her along with him. It is possible that they will eventually formalize their relationship.

Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin is one of the few people in the upper echelons of power who does not belong to the “St. Petersburg” group. Despite this, he enjoys the confidence of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. He has proven himself excellent as a “curator” of a large oil region, head of the Presidential Administration, and chief of staff of the Government. Sobyanin continues to demonstrate his loyalty as mayor of Moscow. But we must still remember that Sergei Semenovich has been on Putin’s team only since January 2000, that is, after Yeltsin’s fateful “I’m tired, I’m leaving.” Previously, he demonstrated loyalty to other people. And it is possible that if the pendulum of history swings in the other direction, Sobyanin will also be loyal and in demand by completely different forces.

Compromising evidence

  1. Business of Aerodromdorstroy - a company not related to Sergei Sobyanin

In the labyrinths of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, according to several media reports, more than 30 (!) deputies have divorced. Maybe it's a virus? Infection? Epidemic? After the divorce, a number of famous people immediately had young and even very young life partners. But we know little about these beautiful happy girls. Top officials, as a rule, do not allow either journalists or photo reporters into their lives, although in the wild West, presidents, prime ministers, and ministers are happy to give interviews about their personal lives. The people should know everything about their heroes. What secrets could there be? But according to reports from many media (this data is in the open press) - a completely new personal life and the acting. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. But only Mr. Sobyanin believes that this is his deeply personal matter. And the voter should not poke his nose into the life of the future mayor (if, of course, Sobyanin wins these elections).

Almost according to Chekhov: “Three Sisters”

The man in the street, half asleep, suddenly woke up after hearing another, but very loud, revelation by Alexei Navalny about the acting apartments. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. He was especially struck by the luxurious apartment of the mayor’s 16-year-old daughter, Olga Sobyanina: not every academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences or a doctor of technical sciences with inventions that qualify for a prestigious Nobel Prize, can boast of such an abundance of square meters, and even in pleasant proximity to the Government House of the Russian Federation.

But it was difficult to believe in these revelations: could it really be true? And is it really possible that the person who still wants to lead Moscow and Muscovites is hiding something from all of us?

This revelation of Navalny was followed by two more: it turns out that the second daughter, Anna Sobyanina Ershova, also does not live in a communal apartment: she has 2 comfortable apartments. One is in St. Petersburg, and the second is in Moscow. Total living area - almost 350 sq. meters. It turns out that Sobyanin’s 2 daughters own more than 650 square meters. meters of housing.

How many dachas, garages, cars and bank accounts do these girls have? How much does their jewelry, furs and foreign cruises cost dad? Who could calculate all this?

And how many apartments does Mr. Sobyanin have at his personal disposal? As it turned out, Mr. Sobyanin did not even rent out the apartment in Tyumen to the state, where he lived and worked before moving to Moscow. The apartment in Tyumen was privatized. And this is another plus of 116 sq. meters. How many people can be accommodated in such huge apartment “fields”, if we remember that in Moscow the norm per person is 18 square meters. meters. How many families have been waiting in humiliating queues for housing for decades? And there is no end in sight to these queues.

But Mr. Sobyanin has another daughter, born out of wedlock. Employees of the Moscow mayor's office have long been whispering about Sobyanin's illegitimate daughter. About Sobyanin's mistress, acting Deputy Mayor Anastasia Rakova (let's call a spade a spade) and her little daughter, who can often be seen in the corridors and offices of the mayor's office, have been written by the independent press for several years now. But the authorities pretend that they do not notice anything: not the strange number of square meters in large family Sobyanin, nor his passion for living on a very grand scale, nor his adultery within the walls of the Moscow City Hall. Why?

Bear celebrations

By nationality, Sergei Sobyanin is Vogul, or Mansi. This is the indigenous population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. The Voguls are believers, formally Orthodox, however, they retain both traditional shamanism and the cult of spirits. And they still celebrate bear holidays (and on the United Russia flag too A big bear depicted). It was this kind of bear that really helped both Sobyanin himself and his young passion... But more on that later.

Sergei Sobyanin comes from a simple family. His parents had no country cottages, no apartments the size of a golf course, no yachts. Sobyanin’s father, Semyon Fedorovich, was the chairman of the village council, then worked as the director of a creamery. Mother, Antonina Aleksandrovna Sobyanina, worked as an accountant all her life. We lived very modestly...

But where did Mr. Sobyanin and his children get such Rothschild habits? And where does this passion for a luxurious life come from?

From the dossier

Sobyanin, Sergei Semenovich born in 1958

After school, in 1975 he worked at a pipe-rolling plant in Chelyabinsk: he went from worker to foreman.

In 1980 he graduated from the mechanical department of the Kostroma Institute of Technology.

In 1989 – All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute.

In 1982-1984 he was the head. department of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol (Chelyabinsk).

Since 1984 - Secretary of the Kogalym City Executive Committee.

In 1990, he headed the tax inspectorate of Kogalym.

In December 1991 - mayor of Kogalym.

Since November 1993 - First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

In January 1996 - member of the Federation Council.

In July 1998, he headed the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial and Legal Issues.

On July 12, 2000, he was appointed first deputy presidential envoy to the Ural Federal District.

"Notes in the margins

In 2007, Sergei Sobyanin was going to defend his doctoral dissertation on the topic “The subject of the Russian Federation in economic and social development states." But then he abandoned this idea; it turns out that the journalists found a working version of the dissertation and began asking awkward questions.”

Mooing French cow

Tyumen journalists shared in a conversation: Mr. Sobyanin had total control over all media in the region. He made journalists walk on a tightrope. But there were, however, exceptions.

The first exception was the popular TV presenter in Tyumen, Natalia Emelyanova. She in live criticized the idea of ​​Governor Sergei Sobyanin to purchase a special breed of cows from France. The very next day, the governor’s press service called the owner of the television company, Evgeniy Drozdinsky. And they offered to fire the overly zealous TV presenter. Drozdinsky flatly refused. And after some time, he lost not only his television company, but also the right to publish a regional edition of the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets in Tyumen. The second incident occurred with the editor-in-chief of the Vechernyaya Tyumen newspaper Vladimir Efimov. A criminal case was even opened against him after the publication of a short note entitled “Did they stand at Sobyanin’s with a candle?” The article discussed the question of who got Anastasia Rakova pregnant. All copies of the newspaper were withdrawn from sale. The Internet portal “Special Letter” spoke about this in detail.

"Notes in the margins

Sobyanin's wife Irina Iosifovna, nee Rubinchik, is the cousin of the former mayor of Kogalym Alexander Gavrin, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation in 2000-2001. He owns a road construction company in Tyumen and is engaged in laying sidewalks.”

Children's room with deer

It turns out that nothing has changed in the Moscow City Hall. In the recent past, the city hall was ruled by the Luzhkov-Baturina couple. Today Sobyanin-Rakova rules. And almost 3 years have passed since Luzhkov (and Baturina) left!

By the way, the other day a rating of the richest women in Russia was compiled. Topped this rating - who do you think? Luzhkov's wife is Elena Baturina. Ms. Baturina's fortune was estimated at $1.1 billion (in Russian list She ranks honorably 98th among Forbes billionaires).

But even the all-powerful (then) Luzhkov did not think of setting up a children’s room in the Moscow City Hall. And Sergei Sobyanin, as they say, set up a playroom for his beloved, youngest daughter right on the floor where he works.

Let’s look through the Russian press as an example:

“For Muscovites (as well as for Tyumen residents) the information that Rakova is Sobyanin’s mistress is no longer a secret. And that she gave birth to a child from him. Moreover, according to rumors, “the last floor of the Moscow City Hall was converted into a family corner for Rakova and Sobyanin,” where they created comfortable conditions for their daughter…” – this is exactly what The Moscow Post newspaper wrote about a few years ago.

Marquise Pompadour at the Moscow City Hall

As you know, the famous Madame de Pompadour, the mistress of the French king, very methodically conquered Louis XV. The favorite influenced the internal and foreign policy France. Similar events are taking place today in the Moscow City Hall. And today another scandal is unfolding there: acting deputy mayor Andrei Sharonov decided to leave his post. Sharonov has already notified Sobyanin that he will complete the work only before the September elections.

By the way, in the Moscow government Sharonov is responsible for the economic block, which includes the Departments of Economic Policy and City Development; Science and Industrial Policy; Trade; Tender Committee and Regional Energy Commission. And the reason for Sharonov’s departure is serious disagreements with Mrs. Rakova. The new Madame Pompadour is carving out the Moscow government according to her own patterns!

Governor Rakova?

Now let’s see how Mrs. Rakova entered the power structures.

From 1998 to 2000, she worked in the apparatus of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, whose chairman was Sergei Sobyanin.

In May 2000, Ms. Rakova was appointed head of the Department for Legal Expertise of Draft Laws on Constitutional Legislation (she was only 24 years old at that time). In October 2000, A. Rakova became an assistant to the first deputy chairman of the government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Oleg Chemezov.

In January 2001, 25-year-old Rakova was appointed assistant and then first assistant to Sergei Sobyanin, who took the post of governor of the Tyumen region.

In 2001-2003 worked in the election commission of the Tyumen region, holding the position of deputy head of the Control and Audit Service. During that period, she took part in the development and implementation federal law"About general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation,” which introduced a unified system of self-government bodies in municipalities.

In June 2005, A. Rakova became the head of the Office of the Governor of the Tyumen Region. But she did not work in this position for long. After Sobyanin was appointed head of the Presidential Administration in November 2005, Tyumen media reported that Rakova would either follow her beloved boss or be appointed as the new governor. And she had every chance to take such a high position at the age of 29!

Direct hit on the queens

No, Anastasia Rakova did not become governor, but in January 2006 she left to “conquer” Moscow. And she immediately took the post of deputy head of the secretariat of the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Viktor Nagaitsev. According to media reports, Rakova was the only employee of Sobyanin’s “Tyumen team”, whom he transferred to Moscow.

In 2008, Anastasia Rakova joined the United Russia party. In February 2009, Rakova’s name was included in the first hundred of President Dmitry Medvedev’s “personnel reserve”. She entered there at number 24. At the end of the same month, Mr. Sobyanin’s lover took over the post of director of the Legal Department of the Russian Government. She replaced the wise courtier Harry Minha in this post. He, in turn, became the presidential envoy to State Duma RF. But think about how different the weight categories are!

On September 28, 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov due to loss of confidence.

At the end of October 2010, Anastasia Rakova (she is 34 years old) took the position of head of the Moscow Government Office with the rank of deputy mayor. In this capacity, she began to supervise the Department information technologies, Main Archival Directorate, State Services Committee, Department of the Mayor and Government of Moscow.

Chief Sobyanin has been involved in various piquant stories at city hall more than once. A little important girl, as City Hall employees say, can, for example, easily go into the Meeting Room, where serious uncles and aunts are sitting, and complain to Sobyanin that she needs help, since she did not have time to run to the toilet...

Instead of an afterword

And again we will return to the dark times of Louis the Fifteenth...

Having deftly deceived Louis XV, Jeanne Antoinette Pompadour gained unlimited power into her hands. Pompadour made her own decisions. She spent the royal treasury at her own discretion. .. She decided people's destinies. If she wanted, she executed, she wanted, she had mercy.

How similar everything is: but then it was the 17th century, and today on the calendar it is the 21st century. So, no progress?

It turns out that in Moscow the calendar is now in the 17th century? How will we continue to live?

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