Which sea is the warmest in the world. Where is the warmest sea. Which sea is the warmest. Sunny and rich on a Tenerife tour

All seas the globe are considered one large component of the oceans. They are interconnected in a single network, having their own individual characteristics, the main of which is their geographical location. All factors of influence directly affect the animal and plant world.

Choosing the warmest sea, four main ones can be distinguished, with the highest water temperature year-round:

The warmest place in the world is the Red Sea. A tropical, desert climate prevails along the entire coast. Average water temperature: +27º in summer, +20º in winter. The sea is located between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Washes the coast of 8 countries:

  1. Sudan,
  2. Yemen,
  3. Israel,
  4. Egypt,
  5. Saudi Arabia,
  6. Djibouti,
  7. Jordan,
  8. Erytheria.

The Red Sea is the warmest and saltiest - 40g of salt per 1 liter of water. There is a unique place in the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait - where this sea connects with Indian Ocean. In this place, the waters do not mix due to varying degrees of salinity.

A great place to relax with stunning scenery and colorful underwater world. The water in these places is always crystal clear and transparent. The peculiarity of this phenomenon is that not a single river flows into the Red Sea, which brings silt, sand and mud into the water.

It got its name due to its location among the lands. It is the largest among all the seas of the world. This sea is considered intercontinental, connects with Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar.

Large evaporation of water and a high concentration of salt raises the sea temperature to 39.5º. It washes the shores of three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa.

In the ancient world, the Mediterranean Sea had other names: the Romans called it the “Inland Sea”, the Phoenicians called it the “Great Sunset Sea”, the Greeks did not have a single name, they considered it as an association of separate seas. The only sea that includes 10 separate seas.

The climate is predominantly Mediterranean - warm winters and hot summers. The coast is popular for its amazing beauty and the calmness of the sea, but sometimes hurricanes can rage here, strong winds and torrential rains.

Mediterranean Sea - temperate climate, centuries-old history, culture of peoples every year attracts millions of tourists.

This sea has another popular name - Salty.

Washes the shores of three countries:

  • Israel,
  • Palestine,
  • Jordan.

A unique place created by nature itself. The Dead Sea is world famous for its healing properties. Every year, millions of tourists from all over the world go to the coast - to improve their health, cure their illnesses, gain strength and energy for the whole year ahead.

A large amount of salt, rich in useful minerals, trace elements, crystal clear water - have a beneficial effect on the human body and cure a wide variety of diseases.

Dead Sea mud is widely used in cosmetology and medicine in the form of masks, creams.

It helps to relieve stress, get rid of regular migraines, joint pain, strengthen the immune system. Due to the large amount of salt, it is almost impossible to drown in water, the average water temperature all year round+24º and above. This allows you to receive tourists all year round.

Such clean air, saturated with oxygen, is not found in any resort in the world.

The warmest seas in Russia

The entire territory of Russia is washed by 13 seas. Among all the most warm seas considered - Black and Azov.

The Black Sea - the ancient Greek name "Inhospitable Sea", received because of the impregnable coast. After the settlement of the shores by Greek colonists, the name changed "Hospitable Sea".

The coast has a subtropical climate, moderated by the sea - hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winter. For this area, winter period, northeasterly winds are characteristic, bringing significant cooling. The average water temperature is + 25-26º in summer, 0 - + 7º in winter.

The length of the resort area along the coast is about 145 km. main feature Black Sea - the absence of any animal world at a depth of 200m, the reason for this phenomenon is that the water at this depth is highly saturated with hydrogen sulfide.

The salinity of the water in the sea is of medium degree, the composition includes all vital minerals and trace elements.

The Black Sea occupies significant place in transportation between continents. Do not forget about the military and strategic importance - the main military bases of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are located in Sevastopol and Novorossiysk.

The Sea of ​​Azov is the smallest in the whole world. The water temperature fluctuates: in winter around 0º, in summer up to +23-24º. This sea is ideal for family holidays. Chemical composition water has unique properties.

Water is saturated with iodine, calcium, bromine, this list is supplemented by large deposits of therapeutic mud.

Azov sanatoriums generously accept people who want to improve their health.

Resting in this place, you will not see wild exotic vegetation and a large number of tourists.

Families with small children prefer these places for recreation. The sea is shallow and small, it warms up very quickly, due to the lack of mountainous terrain, the weather is always good and there are no storms.

Almost the entire coast is dotted with sanatoriums, boarding houses, recreation centers, but they are all practically empty. For this reason, you can enjoy relaxing holiday at an affordable price for you.

Comparison of the seas

When choosing the best sea for recreation, one can note the positive and negative sides of several seas.

Advantages - considered the cleanest and most useful. Sea water has a beneficial effect on the entire body, cleanses it and rejuvenates it. The high concentration of salt in the air protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, it is almost impossible to burn under the sun.

Cons - due to high temperature the smell of hydrogen sulfide reigns in the air, so it is almost impossible to stay on the seashore for a long time. For outdoor enthusiasts, this option is not suitable.

Tips: most best time for a holiday on the Dead Sea February-April. After swimming in the sea, be sure to cleanse your skin and moisturize with a cream or lotion.

Advantages - the composition of water is very similar to the composition of human blood, so people with diseases feel great here of cardio-vascular system. In recent years, the level of service has increased significantly and can satisfy the most demanding guests.

Developed infrastructure, an abundance of entertainment, a variety of excursion tours, magical nature, mineral springs - contributes good rest on the sea coast.

Cons - too high temperature in summer, can negatively affect people with hypertension and heart failure.

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Resorts and Leisure

Dead Sea - famous resorts are located throughout coastline, about 70 km long. The best resort is considered Movenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea in Jordan.

Israel - the tourist center of the entire coast, is a holy place, rich in unique monuments of mankind, the most popular of them: Qumran Gorge, Tmarim Canyon, Massada Fortress, Judean Desert, Tor Canyon, Qumran Historical Reserve, Ein Gedi Oasis, Nahal Og.

Black Sea - the best resorts Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse are considered. Superiority among all takes Sochi - the pearl of the Black Sea coast. This place has all the conditions for outdoor activities - diving, sailing, skiing, rafting, climbing, horseback riding.

Popular sightseeing tours are the Akhshtyrskaya cave, the labyrinths of the Vorontsov caves, the Eagle Rocks, the Agur Gorge.

Mediterranean cruises are gaining popularity among tourists. Such a vacation is quite expensive, but there are advantages and disadvantages of an attractive trip - the liner moves only at night, makes stops in different ports during the day, tourists go sightseeing, appreciate local entertainment, get acquainted with national cuisine and traditions of the local population.


Giving your preference to any resort, do not forget about interesting entertainment for the whole family - water skiing, horseback riding, quad bikes, jeeping, yachting, mineral springs, waterfalls.

Among all the entertainment available on the coasts, there are specific places worth visiting.


  • Underwater observatory (Eilat),
  • Amusement Park "City of Kings" (Eilat),
  • Ramat Gap Safari Park (Tel Aviv),
  • Dolphin Reef (Eilat),
  • City of David (Jerusalem),
  • Nablus waterfall (Nablus).


  • Ostrich farm "Three Sofia";
  • Penguinarium "Starfish";
  • Children's zoo "Live contact with nature";
  • Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi;
  • Oceanarium "Tropical Amazon";
  • Aquapark "Olympia", Anapa;
  • Water park "Tiki-Tak" Anapa;
  • Excursion to the Lotus Valley.

The most popular entertainment for vacationers on the Red Sea is diving, snorkeling (swimming with a mask, fins and a pipe). The underwater world is considered one of the best in the whole world. Diversity marine life, colorful corals vastly outnumber the Caribbean and Andaman Seas.

The cost of travel

Popular tour to the Dead Sea (Tel Aviv - Eilat), 9 days, will cost about 7000 rub.

The price includes - accommodation in a standard hotel room with selected meals, delivery from the airport, daily excursions in Russian.
Wellness tour in Israel – 7 days – 8500rub .

Hotel accommodation 4 ⃰ , price includes air flight to Tel Aviv, meals, SPA services, Gym, solarium, swimming pool, entertainment programs.

Not everyone can afford such an expensive vacation, so special economy class tours and last-minute tours can significantly save money, while living conditions do not differ much from expensive tours.

Service in hotels/restaurants

Almost all hotels in any selected resort provide rooms with amenities that include: TV, air conditioning, bathroom, mini-bar, telephone.

For a separate cost, hotels offer additional services: medical and cosmetic procedures, car rental, room service, laundry, soft and alcoholic drinks, telephone calls, use of the swimming pool, gym.

On the coast Dead Sea one of best zones recreation is in Ein Bokek. There are more than 10 hotels throughout the territory.

Despite all the advantages of foreign resorts, many choose the Black Sea. Rest on the Black Sea coast is considered to be of high quality and inexpensive.

The hotel in Anapa "Deauville Hotel Spa" is one of the best and first-class. The hotel has: children's clubs for all ages, 4 swimming pools with a water park, a bathhouse, a sauna, beauty parlor, medical services, Thai and classical massage, speleotherapy.

Resorts of Malta, Turkey, Spain, Greece, Italy, France, and Israel are very popular along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. The main features of this coast are affordable prices with developed infrastructure and services. Going to Southern Europe, you can find an attractive and inexpensive resort with good service.

How to get there?

From Russia to Israel can only be reached by plane.

Well-known airlines provide regular flights to Tel Aviv from different cities of Russia: Moscow; Saint Petersburg; Ekaterinburg; Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don; Krasnodar.

The Black Sea is always closer, so you can get there by flights from most cities in Russia, by train, bus and car.

Sea holidays are one of the most the best places for relax. Each person will be able to choose entertainment and activities to his liking, regardless of which sea he decides to go to. Refreshing sea breeze, sandy beaches, warm sea - makes it possible to have a great rest, improve your health and fill your life with new experiences.

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The warmest seas in the world

Perhaps all people like to swim in the sea, especially if the weather is favorable and the water is warm. I especially dream of such sea bathing in cold winters. But some seas on the planet really always remain warm, and the water in them beckons to swim all the time!
It turns out that the temperature of the water is formed by many factors, and not just solar activity and ambient temperature.

Also, a lot depends on the flowing rivers and existing currents, on the winds and the presence of obstacles, such as islands, spits. Nature decreed that the warmest seas are located a little north of the equator, in isolation from ocean currents that carry cold waters from the polar regions. What are they, the warmest seas of the planet, which are the most attractive for tourists?

Fifth place - Arabian Sea

This sea is connected with the Red and with Persian Gulf, it is located in the northern Indian Ocean. You can swim here when you arrive in Oman or Somalia. In summer, the water has a temperature of up to 29 degrees, in winter it drops to 20 degrees. It has a monsoon climate with changeable winds, and in general, creates a good environment for relaxation.

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Fourth place - Timor Sea

In fourth place is the Timor Sea, which has become a kind of exception - it is located in the Southern Hemisphere, and its southern part washes the coast of Australia. This is a shallow sea with an average depth of no more than 435 meters., which allows it to fully warm up under the tropical sun. The monsoonal subequatorial climate prevails here, and water warms up to 30 degrees. However, this is not such a heavenly place, because the climate here is very restless. The weather and wind direction often change, storms and cyclones arise. And the water temperature is also unstable, it can be very high in bays, reaching 31 degrees, and decline sharply due to open access to the Indian Ocean, due to weather changes and storms. And even in calm times, water has different indicators at different points in the reservoir - due to the complex topography of the bottom and other factors.

Third place - Andaman Sea

In third place is the Andaman Sea, whose waters warm up to 30 degrees and sometimes a little more. This sea washes Thailand, Malaysia and a number of other countries, attracting many tourists here. Since this sea is enclosed by land, it remains warm almost constantly, and the temperature of its waters rarely drops below 22 degrees, even in winter. And this sea is also characterized by low salinity, since many rivers flow into it, which desalinate it, and in addition, heavy precipitation falls on its area with the beginning of the rainy season. In addition to the pleasant climate and warmth, this sea is attractive for its underwater world, it is a real paradise for divers.

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Second place - Persian Gulf

The Persian Gulf ranks second in this ranking, having temperature around 35.6 degrees. It is a shallow body of water and the average depth here is about 90 meters which provides strong heating. Also, the temperature is maintained due to the fact that the sea is surrounded by land. To relax here, you can go to Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, and other countries that have access to its water area. Even V winter time water temperature does not fall below 18 degrees. The great rivers Tigris and Euphrates, as well as Karun, flow into this sea. This reservoir is rich in flora and fauna, which opens up interesting opportunities for divers.

Do you have warm sea in December? But the flight is preferably short, and hotel prices are cheap. No? We will look for ... In our review, there are 9 countries: both close, and hot and interesting, where you can swim in December.

The closest warm country to Russia for a holiday in December is Israel (4 hours of summer). But it is warm, not hot. The water temperature just above 20°C is more suitable for bathing seasoned travelers. It takes a little longer to fly to cool but sunny resorts in Jordan and the United Arab Emirates (water +22°C).

To get to a truly warm sea-ocean, you will have to spend an average of 8 hours on an airplane. Sri Lanka and Thailand will meet you with the most comfortable water temperature: +26-28°C. In India, on Goa, the ocean in December warms up to + 25 + 28 ° C. The weather is pleasantly hot +32°C.

It takes about 10 hours to fly to Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar. Sea water temperature: +21+25°C, +28°C and +26+28°C. The rainy season ends there in December. You can safely travel.

9 countries where you can swim in December


In December, pleasant weather remains in the resorts of Israel, but the seas are already quite cool. On the Red and Dead Seas in December, only +22°C. In the Mediterranean, the water cools down to +20°C. Look for hotels with heated pools. sea ​​water. A waters of the dead seas to use for healing in spa centers.


Both on the Dead and on the Red Sea - the water temperature in December is + 21 + 23 ° C. In the capital, Amman, and in the famous Petra, the weather is only +14°C, and at night even +3°C. It may rain, for excursions you need to take an umbrella.

Sunny - in the south of Jordan in Aqaba. The temperature of the Red Sea is usually warmer than air +22°C. Although it can be quite chilly at night. Comfortable weather on the coast of the Dead Sea, here the water is again warmer than air + 22 ° C.

December is a favorable month for traveling around the sights of the historical cradle of Christianity, swinging on the salty waters of the Dead Sea and enjoying the sunny weather.

UAE (United Arab Emirates)

Arabian nights in December are already quite cool and the gentle sea is not so warm. The water temperature in the Persian and Oman Gulfs is only +21°C. But there are few vacationers and prices are cheaper. You can safely visit local attractions and shop New Year's gifts in the oriental markets.

India (Goa)

In December in Goa (India) - opening beach season. So, welcome to the coast of the Indian Ocean. December weather in India is dry and hot up to +34°C, the ocean warms up to +28°C.

Amazing sandy coasts, beautiful views and evergreen jungle. Fishing boats and... beach vendors. On the beaches of Goa, you can easily meet world celebrities. You just need to know which side to choose. North Goa is more democratic, famous for its parties. South - solid and more calm.

Anjuna beach in the south is quite a lively place with different clubs. And Tiracol beach - quiet place for unity with nature.

Goa is characterized by low prices for accommodation and meals. This is one of the main advantages of the resort. You can join the original Indian culture by visiting the bright local bazaars with exotic souvenirs and riding an elephant. Joke. Sights and traditions ancient india worthy of a separate excursion program.

Sri Lanka

Just like in India, the heat in Sri Lanka subsides in December. Air "cools down" to 28+30°C, and water to +27°C. A real beach boom at the beginning of winter is experienced by the southeast coast of Sri Lanka. The ocean waters are calm here.

The western part of the island is more suitable for surfers - waves are possible off the coast. In the south of the island you can watch huge turtles.

In December, the Ceylonese celebrate the "national month of birds" - you will get the opportunity to admire bird flights. Christmas in Ceylon is celebrated on December 25th. At this time, it is better to book hotels in advance.


Out of competition for the warm sea in December - Thailand. Nice weather attracts crowds of tourists. Water in the Gulf of Thailand can be warmer than air +29°C. The weather in December is perfect for both rest and excursions.

The cleanest and richest sea in Thailand is the Andaman. The resorts on its coast are perfect for a relaxing holiday and active participation on educational trips.

For beach holiday in December, all resorts in Thailand are good, with the exception of Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao - it rains there. IN high season locals tend to earn money, so food and taxis will not be cheap. Accordingly, accommodation must be booked in advance.


The beginning of our winter falls on the opening of the season in Vietnam. This is a country with excellent service and oriental exoticism. Waterfalls, lagoons, amazing beach scenery. The most popular beach resort in Vietnam is Nha Trang, but the sea is quite rough here in December. When it is still raining in the north and in the center of the country, it is already dry in the south and the water warms up to +25°C, and the air to +26°C. In Mui Ne, the cool breeze is suitable for kiting, the water temperature is +26°C. In Fukuoka it is pleasantly hot, the water is +28°C.


The Khmer kingdom also has access to the sea. Beach resorts are located on the coast Gulf of Thailand. They are still little known to Russian tourists. Resorts are not luxurious, but quite comfortable.

For example, Sihanoukville in Cambodia acts as a place for relaxation after excursions Siem Rimp - Angkor - Phnom Penh. There are no attractions here, but night life just bubbling.

In December, it is hot in Cambodia 30-32°C, the water is warm 24-26°C, but at night it rains, which wash clay from the coastal hills into the sea. Therefore, clean water periodically becomes cloudy.

The beaches are all different, you have to choose carefully. The beach in the town of Kep is remarkable with black volcanic sand and quite clean water. White sand and spectacular views can be found on the islands off the coast of Cambodia. The main thing is that in December it is hot, sunny and warm ocean.

First of all, the sea should be warm, because swimming in cold water not very nice. Not to mention that hypothermia can be hazardous to health. So which sea is the warmest? When asked where the sea is, it is difficult to give an exact answer. There are many countries in the world where the temperature sea ​​water on the coast, even winter months almost never drops below plus 25oC. And in the summer it is much higher. Such places include the Seychelles and Maldives, India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Thailand, and the Philippines. Very warm water all year round also off the northern and northeastern coast of Australia, off the coast of Indonesia, the Fiji Islands and many other countries located in the equatorial, subequatorial and tropical zone. And in the Western Hemisphere, Cuba, Dominican, Jamaica, Mexico and some other states can boast of warm sea water.

In the US, the warmest water is off the coast of Florida. For example, the water temperature off the coast of the world famous resort Miami Beach from 24°C in January to 30°C in August.

IN summer months and in early autumn, very warm water in the Red Sea, as well as in the eastern Mediterranean. For example, the water temperature of the Red Sea near the shores of the popular Egyptian resorts of Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada reaches 27-28 ° C, and sometimes more. In winter, the water in the Red Sea is much cooler, but it almost never drops below 20°C. That is, you can swim in this sea all year round.

For this reason, and also because of the relative proximity of Egypt and the low cost of holidays in this country, the Red Sea resorts are extremely popular with residents of Russia and many European countries.

In which country the sea is not only very warm, but also very clean

In terms of warmth / purity, the Red Sea is out of competition. After all, there is not a single river in this sea! Consequently, there is no entry of silt, sand and other impurities that reduce the purity and transparency of water. Thanks to this, numerous tourists can see in detail the beautiful world of underwater coral reefs, admire the bright colorful fish that the Red Sea is famous for, especially in the Sharm El Sheikh area.

Very clean and clear water also near Maldives, Mauritius, Dominican Republic.

The choice of countries where you can go on vacation in January is quite large, but mostly these are Asian destinations or exotic countries.

There is much more choice among countries where the air temperature fluctuates around 29-31 degrees.

Where is it warm and you can swim in January?

Thailand - the main choice of the tourist

After the New Year, Thailand gradually begins to reach the peak of its weather conditions . In addition to the ideal air temperature, there is also the warmest sea, which warms up to 29-30 degrees by the beginning of January. The New Year holidays in the Kingdom are the peak of the season and the beaches are full of tourists, so it is better to plan trips after the 5th-7th, when a batch of tourists with thick wallets who can afford a trip in high season will leave the resorts.

Dominican Republic - a beach paradise on the other side of the ocean

In January, the peak of the tourist season begins in the Dominican resorts, which will last until March. White-sand beaches, recognized by UNESCO as one of the most beautiful in the world. Palm trees, mangrove forests and the sea with a stunningly beautiful underwater world - a great opportunity discover diving. There are 3 in Punta Cana national parks where you will see a lot of exotic animals and reptiles, shows with the participation of talking parrots and swim with dolphins. Be sure to go on individual excursions, visit one of the neighboring islands and drive jeeps on a safari. In the evening, incendiary parties in clubs, dancing on the beach until the morning and night sailing on a yacht are waiting for you.

Sunny and rich on a Tenerife tour

The Canary Islands during the winter months experience crucial moment. The ocean cools to an uncomfortable temperature, due to which, immediately after the New Year, the number of tourists on the streets noticeably decreases. But the sun in the south of the island continues to heat the air to pleasant values ​​from +22 to +27. In such weather, it is quite possible to swim in hotel pools, sunbathe in sun loungers, and on days when the sun is not so active, go on excursions around the island, of which there are a lot. One visit to the Teide volcano, killer whale shows in Loroparca are worth it!

Unusual resorts in Vietnam

Vietnam replaces Egypt this year, taking third place in the ranking of popular destinations in the first half of the year. For a beach holiday in January, you should go to the south of the country (Vung Tau, Ke Ga, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet, Phu Quoc), where it is sunny and dry at this time. It can be cloudy and occasionally rainy, but with central or northern Vietnam won't compare. Precipitation in the south falls no more than 3-4 days, in other regions their amount reaches 10-12 days.

Rediscovered Egypt...

Egypt can no longer offer a real warm sea, but hide on the territory of the hotel in a sun lounger by the pool in the rays warm sun is quite real! And it will cost quite inexpensively, since the peak season has already passed. In addition to the cooling sea, winds will become a disadvantage, so mountain-protected resorts (Sharm El Sheikh, Taba) are in higher demand. On the other hand, the absence of heat is a great opportunity to explore the country of the pyramids for the most daring, since no one has yet removed the recommendations for “not leaving” the hotel zone.

In 2019, it is planned to fully resume the charter program, so prices should fall!

Arabic diamond - UAE

The weather conditions in the UAE are very similar to those in Egypt, but there is plenty to do besides swimming in the sea and hanging out in a bar. We recommend going here to those who like to go on excursions and organize their own leisure time. In today's conditions, this is quite an adequate alternative to Egypt, but a little more expensive. You shouldn't count on a beach holiday. Cool, wind and waves await you - in general, the dream of surfers, who, by the way, begin the high season. The rest can only walk along the coast, enjoying the promenade, or make excursions, visit camel races or Moroccan baths, getting acquainted with the traditions of the country. Another category of January tourists are shopaholics, who were lured by the crazy discounts of the Dubai Shopping Festival.

Slightly wild and therefore unforgettable Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, you can relax at any time of the year, if you choose the right coast. In January, this is the southwestern coast, the main difference of which from the northeastern one is in the amount of precipitation. They are here for no more than 3-5 days, while in the north it is hard to imagine a vacation without an umbrella and a raincoat. The central regions are also prone to precipitation due to the fact that located here mountain ranges block the monsoons. Otherwise, the temperature of the island during the day and at night in different regions varies slightly.

Amazing Indian state of Goa

Fans of the hot tropics during the day are waiting for the scorching sun, which is more than two hours fraught with burns. The very warm and calm sea creates all the opportunities for a carefree pastime on the beach. Goa is definitely not the place where you should go with children, but for those who want to break away from civilization and break away to the fullest must like here...

Paradise and serene Maldives atolls

Islands rarely leave the Top 10 of our rankings due to the "eternal summer" weather. January is associated with the beginning of the dry season. Forecasters cannot guarantee the absence of precipitation, on average, from 1 to 5 rainy days per month (depending on the atoll). The direction of the winds also changed, due to which the humidity decreased to 75-80%. For those who prefer a calm ocean, we recommend the second half of the month.

Mexico - an unforgettable trip

The season in Mexico begins to rise sharply by December 20, when Americans who miss the sun come en masse to the resorts of the country. On New Year there is nowhere for an apple to fall. By mid-January, resort life enters a normal rhythm and this is the best time to travel to Mexican resorts. For a beach holiday, it is better to choose resorts in the Gulf of Mexico (Veracruz, Mirido) or on the Caribbean Sea (Cancun). Here at this time more comfortable weather and the water is warmer than on the coast Pacific Ocean. Fans of a hot climate should settle in Acapulco, where the warmest sea in the country.

Where to relax with children during the winter holidays?

Most family tourists prefer to spend their holidays in a more budget Egypt. In January it is still warm enough to sunbathe, but you will have to swim in the pool. For children, this is just a plus. In winter, it is better to relax in Sharm El Sheikh, as it is less windy here due to the surrounding mountain ranges. Unfortunately, so far everything is going to the fact that by January, tours to Egypt with charters will not be sold yet.

Most often, our tourists fly to rest with a child in January in Thai. It is quite possible to find a family hotel here, and the children's entertainment industry will not let you get bored. If you plan a flight after January 4-5 and skip the first week of study, then it is quite possible to meet up to 150,000 rubles for everyone.

Southern resorts for families with children are also suitable. Many even consider them more suitable for family tourism. There, according to tourists, there is less debauchery, which, willy-nilly, can be found in Thai resorts.

For those who prefer European service and outdoor activities, we recommend that you consider . Here, the children are waiting for a killer whale show, a stunning water park, a hike to the volcano crater and unforgettable landscapes. Pools in hotels and water parks are heated to +24º, and the ocean is still quite warm (+21º).

From exotic destinations, it is best suited. Here, children are waiting for 5 * hotels with high quality service, snow-white beaches, palm trees and a sea of ​​sun. Cuba and Mexico in terms of service are noticeably inferior in terms of quality.

Weekend tours to amusement parks

An original and fairly budget solution - a trip to Paris or Barcelona. Near each of the cities are some of the largest amusement parks in the world: Disneyland and PortAventura.

It is best to go on weekdays when there is not such a high demand for hotels and flights. Housing is better to choose between parks and the metropolis, so as not to overpay for the location. For the sake of visiting the park, any child will be ready to go through the museum halls of the Louvre 🙂

In Europe and other amusement parks that work on New Year's holidays:

Looking for Santa Claus

Another popular type of family tourism is independent trips to Finland. This is where families go to look for Santa Claus. In the city of Rovaniemi is the residence of the Finnish Santa - Joulupukki, with elves, deer, gifts and gingerbread cookies.

And you can save money and visit.

Holidays in ski resorts

Many refuse ski holidays because of their own inability or unwillingness to ski. Great! Don't ride. But do not deprive the child of pleasure, and yourself walking on fresh air and stunning views. Beautiful landscapes, clean Mountain air, snow, family evenings by the fireplace - all this is quite real and at a price much cheaper than a vacation by the sea.

There are 3 ski resorts on the territory of the Krasnaya Polyana resort - Rosa Khutor, Gazprom Laura and Gornaya Karusel. The skiing season starts in December and ends in mid-spring. All ski resorts are located in the villages of Esto-Sadok and Krasnaya Polyana. The distance from one ski resort to another is from 1 to 5 kilometers.

All the seas of the globe are considered one large component of the oceans. They are interconnected in a single network, having their own individual characteristics, the main of which is their geographical location. All factors of influence directly affect the animal and plant world.

Choosing the warmest sea, four main ones can be distinguished, with the highest water temperature year-round:

The warmest place in the world is the Red Sea. A tropical, desert climate prevails along the entire coast. Average water temperature: +27º in summer, +20º in winter. The sea is located between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Washes the coast of 8 countries:

  1. Sudan,
  2. Yemen,
  3. Israel,
  4. Egypt,
  5. Saudi Arabia,
  6. Djibouti,
  7. Jordan,
  8. Erytheria.

The Red Sea is the warmest and saltiest - 40g of salt per 1 liter of water. In the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb there is a unique place - where this sea connects with the Indian Ocean. In this place, the waters do not mix due to varying degrees of salinity.

A great place to relax with stunning scenery and colorful underwater world. The water in these places is always crystal clear and transparent. The peculiarity of this phenomenon is that not a single river flows into the Red Sea, which brings silt, sand and mud into the water.

It got its name due to its location among the lands. It is the largest among all the seas of the world. This sea is considered intercontinental, connected to the Atlantic Ocean, through the Strait of Gibraltar.

Large evaporation of water and a high concentration of salt raises the sea temperature to 39.5º. It washes the shores of three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa.

In the ancient world, the Mediterranean Sea had other names: the Romans called it the “Inland Sea”, the Phoenicians called it the “Great Sunset Sea”, the Greeks did not have a single name, they considered it as an association of separate seas. The only sea that includes 10 separate seas.

The climate is predominantly Mediterranean - warm winters and hot summers. The coast is popular for its amazing beauty and the calmness of the sea, but sometimes hurricanes, strong winds and heavy rains can rage here.

The Mediterranean Sea - a temperate climate, a long history, the culture of peoples every year attracts millions of tourists.

This sea has another popular name - Salty.

Washes the shores of three countries:

  • Israel,
  • Palestine,
  • Jordan.

A unique place created by nature itself. The Dead Sea is known throughout the world for its healing properties. Every year, millions of tourists from all over the world go to the coast to improve their health, cure their illnesses, gain strength and energy for the whole year ahead.

A large amount of salt, rich in useful minerals, trace elements, crystal clear water - have a beneficial effect on the human body and cure a wide variety of diseases.

Dead Sea mud is widely used in cosmetology and medicine in the form of masks, creams.

It helps to relieve stress, get rid of regular migraines, joint pain, strengthen the immune system. Due to the large amount of salt, it is almost impossible to drown in the water, the average water temperature all year round is +24º and above. This allows you to receive tourists all year round.

Such clean air, saturated with oxygen, is not found in any resort in the world.

The warmest seas in Russia

The entire territory of Russia is washed by 13 seas. Among all, the warmest seas are considered to be the Black and Azov.

The Black Sea - the ancient Greek name "Inhospitable Sea", received because of the impregnable coast. After the settlement of the shores by Greek colonists, the name changed "Hospitable Sea".

The coast has a subtropical climate, moderated by the sea - hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. For this area, in winter, northeast winds are characteristic, bringing a significant cooling. The average water temperature is + 25-26º in summer, 0 - + 7º in winter.

The length of the resort area along the coast is about 145 km. The main feature of the Black Sea is the absence of any animal world at a depth of 200m, the reason for this phenomenon is that the water at this depth is highly saturated with hydrogen sulfide.

The salinity of the water in the sea is of medium degree, the composition includes all vital minerals and trace elements.

The Black Sea occupies a significant place in transportation between continents. Do not forget about the military and strategic importance - the main military bases of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are located in Sevastopol and Novorossiysk.

The Sea of ​​Azov is the smallest in the whole world. The water temperature fluctuates: in winter around 0º, in summer up to +23-24º. This sea is ideal for family holidays. The chemical composition of water has unique properties.

Water is saturated with iodine, calcium, bromine, this list is supplemented by large deposits of therapeutic mud.

Azov sanatoriums generously accept people who want to improve their health.

Resting in this place, you will not see wild exotic vegetation and a large number of vacationers.

Families with small children prefer these places for recreation. The sea is shallow and small, it warms up very quickly, due to the lack of mountainous terrain, the weather is always good and there are no storms.

Almost the entire coast is dotted with sanatoriums, boarding houses, recreation centers, but they are all practically empty. In this regard, you can enjoy a relaxing holiday at an affordable price for you.

Comparison of the seas

When choosing the best sea for recreation, one can note the positive and negative sides of several seas.

Advantages - considered the cleanest and most useful. Sea water has a beneficial effect on the entire body, cleanses it and rejuvenates it. The high concentration of salt in the air protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, it is almost impossible to burn under the sun.

Cons - due to the high temperature, the smell of hydrogen sulfide reigns in the air, so it is almost impossible to stay on the seashore for a long time. For outdoor enthusiasts, this option is not suitable.

Tips: The best time to visit the Dead Sea is February-April. After swimming in the sea, be sure to cleanse your skin and moisturize with a cream or lotion.

Advantages - the composition of water is very similar to the composition of human blood, so people with diseases of the cardiovascular system feel great here. IN last years the level of service has increased significantly and can satisfy the most demanding guests.

Developed infrastructure, an abundance of entertainment, a variety of sightseeing tours, magical nature, mineral springs - contribute to a good rest on the coast.

Cons - too high temperature in summer, can negatively affect people with hypertension and heart failure.

Get travel medical insurance

Resorts and Leisure

Dead Sea - famous resorts are located along the entire coastline, about 70 km long. The best resort is considered Movenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea in Jordan.

Israel is the tourist center of the entire coast, is a holy place, rich in unique monuments of mankind, the most popular of them are: Qumran Gorge, Tmarim Canyon, Massada Fortress, Judean Desert, Tor Canyon, Qumran Historical Reserve, Ein Gedi Oasis, Nahal Og.

Black Sea - Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse are considered the best resorts. Superiority among all is occupied by Sochi - the pearl of the Black Sea coast. This place has all the conditions for outdoor activities - diving, sailing, skiing, rafting, climbing, horseback riding.

Popular sightseeing tours are the Akhshtyrskaya cave, the labyrinths of the Vorontsov caves, the Eagle Rocks, the Agur Gorge.

Mediterranean cruises are gaining popularity among tourists. Such a vacation is quite expensive, but there are advantages and benefits of an attractive trip - the liner moves only at night, makes stops in different ports during the day, tourists see the sights, appreciate local entertainment, get acquainted with the national cuisine and traditions of the local population.


Giving your preference to any resort, do not forget about interesting entertainment for the whole family - water skiing, horseback riding, quad bikes, jeeping, yachting, mineral springs, waterfalls.

Among all the entertainment available on the coasts, there are specific places worth visiting.


  • Underwater observatory (Eilat),
  • Amusement Park "City of Kings" (Eilat),
  • Ramat Gap Safari Park (Tel Aviv),
  • Dolphin Reef (Eilat),
  • City of David (Jerusalem),
  • Nablus waterfall (Nablus).


  • Ostrich farm "Three Sofia";
  • Penguinarium "Starfish";
  • Children's zoo "Live contact with nature";
  • Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi;
  • Oceanarium "Tropical Amazon";
  • Aquapark "Olympia", Anapa;
  • Water park "Tiki-Tak" Anapa;
  • Excursion to the Lotus Valley.

The most popular entertainment for vacationers on the Red Sea is diving, snorkeling (swimming with a mask, fins and a pipe). The underwater world is considered one of the best in the whole world. The variety of marine life, colorful corals far exceed the Caribbean and Andaman seas.

The cost of travel

Popular tour to the Dead Sea (Tel Aviv - Eilat), 9 days, will cost about 7000 rub.

The price includes - accommodation in a standard hotel room with selected meals, delivery from the airport, daily excursions in Russian.
Wellness tour in Israel – 7 days – 8500rub .

Hotel accommodation 4 ⃰, price includes air flight to Tel Aviv, meals, SPA services, gym, solarium, swimming pool, entertainment programs.

Not everyone can afford such an expensive vacation, so special economy class tours and last-minute tours can significantly save money, while living conditions do not differ much from expensive tours.

Service in hotels/restaurants

Almost all hotels in any selected resort provide rooms with amenities that include: TV, air conditioning, bathroom, mini-bar, telephone.

For a separate cost, hotels offer additional services: medical and cosmetic procedures, car rental, room service, laundry, soft and alcoholic drinks, telephone calls, use of the swimming pool, gym.

On the coast of the Dead Sea, one of the best recreation areas is in Ein Bokek. There are more than 10 hotels throughout the territory.

Despite all the advantages of foreign resorts, many choose the Black Sea. Rest on the Black Sea coast is considered to be of high quality and inexpensive.

The hotel in Anapa "Deauville Hotel Spa" is one of the best and first-class. The hotel has: children's clubs for all ages, 4 swimming pools with an aqua park, a bathhouse, a sauna, a beauty parlor, medical services, Thai and classical massage, speleotherapy.

Resorts of Malta, Turkey, Spain, Greece, Italy, France, and Israel are very popular along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. The main features of this coast are affordable prices with developed infrastructure and services. Going to Southern Europe, you can find an attractive and inexpensive resort with good service.

How to get there?

From Russia to Israel can only be reached by plane.

Well-known airlines provide regular flights to Tel Aviv from different cities of Russia: Moscow; Saint Petersburg; Ekaterinburg; Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don; Krasnodar.

The Black Sea is always closer, so you can get there by flights from most cities in Russia, by train, bus and car.

Rest on the sea is one of the best places to relax. Each person will be able to choose entertainment and activities to his liking, regardless of which sea he decides to go to. Refreshing sea breeze, sandy beaches, warm sea - makes it possible to have a great rest, improve your health and fill your life with new experiences.

Tickets from 9 962

First of all, the sea should be warm, because swimming in cold water is not very pleasant. Not to mention that hypothermia can be hazardous to health. So which sea is the warmest? When asked where the sea is, it is difficult to give an exact answer. There are many countries in the world where the temperature of sea water near the coast, even in the winter months, almost never drops below plus 25°C. And in the summer it is much higher. Such places include the Seychelles and Maldives, India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Thailand, and the Philippines. Very warm water all year round is also off the northern and northeastern coast of Australia, off the coast of Indonesia, the Fiji Islands and many other countries located in the equatorial, subequatorial and tropical zones. And in the Western Hemisphere, Cuba, Dominican, Jamaica, Mexico and some other states can boast of warm sea water.

In the US, the warmest water is off the coast of Florida. For example, the water temperature off the coast of the world-famous resort of Miami Beach ranges from 24°C in January to 30°C in August.

During the summer months and early autumn, the water is very warm in the Red Sea, as well as in the eastern Mediterranean. For example, the water temperature of the Red Sea near the shores of the popular Egyptian resorts of Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada reaches 27-28 ° C, and sometimes more. In winter, the water in the Red Sea is much cooler, but it almost never drops below 20°C. That is, you can swim in this sea all year round.

For this reason, and also because of the relative proximity of Egypt and the low cost of holidays in this country, the Red Sea resorts are extremely popular with residents of Russia and many European countries.

In which country the sea is not only very warm, but also very clean

In terms of warmth / purity, the Red Sea is out of competition. After all, there is not a single river in this sea! Consequently, there is no entry of silt, sand and other impurities that reduce the purity and transparency of water. Thanks to this, numerous tourists can see in detail the beautiful world of underwater coral reefs, admire the bright colorful fish that the Red Sea is famous for, especially in the Sharm El Sheikh area.

Very clean and clear water is also near the Maldives, Mauritius, Dominican Republic.

Located between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa with a total area of ​​438,000 km², the Red Sea is considered the most interesting and rich in flora and fauna. The waters wash the shores of Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Jordan.
The Red Sea in the north connects with mediterranean sea through the Suez Canal, and with the Arabian Sea in the south it is connected by the Bab el-Mandeb Strait to the Gulf of Aden.


1. So, The Red Sea is considered the most salty of all the seas that make up the oceans.

And all because the Red Sea is the only one in the world into which no river flows. The degree of its salinity reaches 41 grams of salt per 1 liter of water. For comparison, the salinity of the Black Sea is 18 grams per 1 liter of water.

Comparing the Red Sea with dead sea according to the salinity of the water, it should be noted:

VO-1, despite the fact that the waters of the Dead Sea contain 270 grams of salt per 1 liter, almost no organism can survive in such conditions, and the Red Sea, in turn, is replete with a variety of life forms.

VO-2, Although the Dead Sea is called a sea, it is still a lake, since its waters do not have a drain.

2. The Red Sea is the warmest on the planet. It is warmed up not only by the sun's rays, but also warm layers water from the bottom of the sea. In winter, the water does not fall below +20 degrees Celsius, and in summer it reaches +30. Due to the high temperature of the water and its constant evaporation, the Red Sea is the most salty in the world.

3. Why "Red"?
On this matter, there is multiple versions:

Scientists believe that the Red Sea is so because of the algae, which, during seasonal growth, color the waters of the sea in the corresponding red-brown color.

Researchers suggest that sailors gave the name to the sea because of the red rocks located on the coast.

Another version of historians is associated with the legends of the peoples who inhabited the territory along the Red Sea. Each of the parts of the world they associated with a certain color. South meant red, where the sea was, hence the name.

4. Climate it is very dry and hot here. During the year, no more than 100 mm of precipitation falls over the sea (exclusively in winter), while the evaporation of water during the same time is 20 times greater (2000 mm). It is the flow of water from the Gulf of Aden that compensates for the lack of water from land. In the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, there are simultaneously currents entering the Red Sea and leaving it. Almost 1000 km³ more water is brought into the sea every year than is taken out of it. On the other hand, it connects to the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal. Although in a small amount, it also makes its “water” contribution.

5. According to calculations, it takes only 15 years for the complete exchange of the waters of the Red Sea.

6. The Red Sea is one of the youngest.

It began to form about 25 million years ago, when a crack appeared in the earth's crust and the East African Rift Valley formed. Due to the rotation of the Earth, the African plate separated from the Arabian plate, and between them a gap formed in the earth, which for thousands of years was filled with sea water.

7. The Red Sea is the only body of water in the world without river flow, therefore, it is distinguished by the transparency of its waters.
This makes it one of the most picturesque places on earth. The Red Sea is a real find for divers: Coral reefs, thousands of species of bright fish, sea urchins, huge sea ​​turtles, numerous algae, including those that, according to one version, gave the sea its name.

Scientists and researchers have discovered about 1,500 species of fish and about 300 species of corals.
But it is also worth noting that the Red Sea is a habitat for several dozen species of sharks and
snake. Therefore, you should follow the recommendations of the instructors while exploring this amazing and colorful world that can only be found in the Red Sea.

“Look how beautiful this world is. How beautiful...” was my first thought when I looked at the view from the hotel. The sea is crystal clear as in the pictures. I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life.

The warmest sea on the planet

For a long time I could not decide where to go to rest. As a result, I chose Egypt - the country of sands, mummies and pyramids. :) But I never got to the last ones, having found a more attractive landscape along the way - the sea. The Red Sea washes the shores of several countries (Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen). But here, on the coast of Egypt, it is truly beautiful. I have never swum in such a sea. It is the warmest in the world - it's true, because the water temperature is not lower than +21, or even +30 at any time of the year. It is true what they say it is the saltiest, after sea water, I could not get drunk for a long time, and then its taste haunted me. Behind most clean water The Red Sea can safely get the Grand Prix. INno river flows into it.

You can do anything on the warm sea. For example:

  • just swim and sunbathe;
  • go diving;
  • try windsurfing;
  • fly with a parachute over the expanses of the sea;
  • go fishing;
  • ride a banana, etc.

Amazing underwater world

The best thing to do in the Red Sea is diving. There is nothing better than dive in sea ​​depths and consider who and what lives there.

Coral reefs- Amazing beauty. Corals are round, and columns, and in the form of mushrooms, and the most beautiful are branched, like trees.

The underwater world is the most diverse. There are sea turtles, dolphins, sea urchins, crawling sea ​​stars. I even saw a small shark. And how many fish are there! The bats, blue wrasses, motley angels, sailfish, marlin and many other fish.

I was once told that the Red Sea is one of the seven wonders underwater world. And this is true. I recommend visiting the Red Sea and having a lot of fun.

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