Where to go for a seaside holiday in October. Beach holiday with children in October. Spain: Canary Islands, Puerto de Naos

What is the weather like in October and November on the most popular beach resorts peace? Where should you not go on vacation in October and November?

Starts in Goa in October-November beach season. After the monsoon and rainy season, as well as unbearable heat, the temperature gradually drops to +27+30, and precipitation decreases.

October is still quite unpredictable in terms of weather: in some years the month may already be “dry” and quite suitable for relaxation, and sometimes the rainy season drags on and Goa continues to be flooded. In any case, the showers here are tropical and warm. This means you won’t have to freeze in the rain.

Holidays in Goa in October-November

Even at the most rainy season In Goa, you should not neglect protection from ultraviolet rays. The sun here is quite aggressive, so you can get sunburned even in the rain or in the shade of a sun umbrella.

As the mid-autumn season in Goa is just beginning, large cluster there are no tourists yet. Resorts are expecting an influx of guests, and service during these months in most hotels and restaurants is much higher than at the height of the tourist boom.

Holidays in India in October and November

You will also be pleased with the prices. The peak cost of living in Goa is winter months. In October and November, the cost of most services and entertainment is moderate, although Indians always have a desire to rip more money from tourists.

In October-November for Indian rivers the period of high water is approaching, so visiting the famous waterfalls in Goa is in autumn time produces greatest impression. Among other entertainments, it is worth noting the celebration of the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, which is everywhere accompanied by magnificent celebrations and colorful festivals.

Beaches and weather in Goa in October and November

Beach holidays in Cyprus in October, November

In October, Cyprus is still in full swing swimming season. October is considered a “velvet” month in Kiper; those who did not have time to relax at sea in the summer flock here. At the beginning of October, the water temperature is still at +24+25, but by the end of the month it gradually cools down as the nights become colder. By the beginning of November, only the most seasoned will dare to swim in the sea.

Beach holiday In Cyprus

October in Cyprus begins a real holiday for gourmets. Harvest time begins on the island, so October marks the largest variety of fruits in the markets of Cyprus. Not all of them can be called exotic, but the taste and aroma of the local mangoes, apricots and papaya are definitely superior to what is sold in our stores.

Holidays in Cyprus in October and November

In addition to food and beach holidays, Cyprus is ready to offer its guests a fairly extensive cultural program in October. Traditionally, autumn in Cyprus is a time for festivals. At the beginning of the month, the island celebrates Independence Day.

Then the Cypria theater festival begins, during which open-air performances and concerts, art exhibitions, festive processions and shows on the water are held in all cities. In addition to representatives of modern art, you can see performances of folk groups and folk ensembles everywhere.

Read more about holidays in Cyprus.

Holidays in Cyprus in autumn

Beach holiday Vietnam or Thailand in October, November: which is better?


In Thailand in October, the weather is quite different at different resorts. Monsoons and rainy days still reign in Pattaya, the sky is overcast, sunny days very little. It’s already quite comfortable to vacation on the islands of Thailand and Khao Lak in October. Here the rains are short-term, much less frequent, and mostly at night.

Holidays in Thailand

In some years, the rainy season in Thailand ends in September, and then the weather in all the most popular resorts in Thailand is quite sunny and comfortable. But even if you are not very lucky with rain, in any case the weather will be very warm, since in Thailand, by definition, there are no cold days.

But in October, another misfortune reigns on the islands of Thailand: the sea here is often choppy. On Phuket and Khao Lak, strong waves are less of a problem than on the smaller islands. Sometimes there are small storms.

Royal Gardens in Bangkok, Thailand

Swimming in the sea in October on the islands of Thailand can be difficult and downright dangerous. But for the sake of fairness, it must be said that not every vacationer dares to swim in the ocean during the high season.

If you are lucky enough to travel to Thailand in October, be sure to visit the Fireball Festival, which takes place in the middle of the month in Nong Khai province. In terms of beauty and entertainment, this is one of the most impressive events in the world.

Festival of Lights in Thailand

On the night of the festival, thousands of paper lanterns simultaneously rush into the sky - a simply magical sight that will remain before your eyes for a long time. In addition to the launching of lanterns, the festival hosts mass performances circus performers and various shows, mostly all related to lights.

The town of Nong Khai is located some distance from popular resorts, but if you think ahead, you can find inexpensive tickets for domestic flights or book an excursion at local travel agencies.

Festival of Lights in October in Thailand


The beach strip of Vietnam stretches for many kilometers, and each section has its own weather in October. In Ha Long and Hanoi, the rainy season is coming to an end. The weather here is not too hot (only +30), rainy days occur a couple of times a week, and the local resorts are already quite suitable for a beach holiday.

In Nha Trang and Mui Ne, the heavy rainy season begins later, in November. In October, the beach season is in full swing here, and nothing mars the weather on the beach. True, in October it is still quite hot in these areas, on average +35. Combined with high humidity, this temperature requires adaptation.

October in Vietnam is not considered high season, the main crowd of tourists pours here in the winter months. Therefore, in mid-autumn the resorts of Vietnam are quite calm and uncrowded. Service in Vietnam does not depend on the time of year, it is always at its best.

Ha Long Bay in Vietnam

Among the water activities in Vietnam in October, the best thing to do is surfing - the waves are ideal for sliding on a board. But October is not good for diving. best time due to frequent fluctuations on the water. Boat and yacht trips are popular at this time in all resorts, but especially in Halong Bay due to the beauty of the local islands.

In terms of cost, October is a very profitable month for traveling to Vietnam. Local prices will reach their peak in December-January. In mid-autumn, hotels, nightclubs and restaurants are afraid to raise their price tags so as not to scare off the already few tourists.

Holidays in Vietnam in October and November

Beach holidays in Vietnam Phu Quoc in October, November

Phu Quoc is the only resort in Vietnam that is in equally high demand as local residents, and among foreigners. Vietnamese prefer to relax in Phu Quoc in the summer; the main wave of foreign tourists flocks here in the winter.

October in Fukuoka can be called the off-season. The weather here in October is excellent, there are not many people, prices are moderate. The main thing that all vacationers go to Phu Quoc for is it’s amazing clean beaches and untouched nature.

There are no big ones in Fukuoka shopping centers, nightclubs or amusement parks. The main activities of vacationers on the island are relaxed beach life, stunning nature, hiking and contemplation of local beauties.

Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

Beach holidays in Tenerife, Canaries in October, November

October in Tenerife is quite suitable for swimming and sunbathing. During the day the air warms up to +25+27. It gets a little colder in the evening, especially at the end of the month, so for a holiday in Tenerife in October you should stock up on warm knitted clothes.

At the beginning of the month, the water in the ocean still retains summer warmth, but if your trip falls in the second half of October, it is better to choose a hotel with a heated pool, since closer to November the sea cools down to +20, and swimming becomes uncomfortable.

Holidays in the Canaries in October and November

All entertainment venues and venues in Tenerife are still open in October full force, so you won’t notice any restrictions in the operation of museums, water parks and amusement parks. For more information about excursions and entertainment in Tenerife, see.

Among the cultural events in October in the Canaries, it is worth noting several holidays and festivals, visiting which will leave many vivid impressions.

Holidays in autumn not Tenerife
  • Discovery Day of America – lavish celebrations, parades and processions, especially in Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • The Opera Festival is a serious-scale event to which world-famous stars are invited; concerts take place at the Auditorio de Tenerife theater in Santa Cruz
  • All Saints' Day - held on the night of October 30 to November 1; on this day in Tenerife it is customary to remember deceased loved ones, but in a very unusual way: it is more of a festive and colorful event than a day of mourning; local residents decorate the graves with flowers, hand out treats and sweets in the form of bones and skulls, and also give grave-themed souvenirs.

Holidays in October in Tenerife

Beach holidays in Cuba in October, November

In Cuba, the rainy season lasts throughout the summer, from mid-spring to mid-autumn. October is the last month of the rainy season, but the weather is often unpredictable and the amount of rain in October in Cuba depends only on your luck. Maybe there will be only a couple of them in a month, or maybe you won’t see clear skies for several weeks in a row.

But in general, the rains in Cuba are not as bad as in ours. northern latitudes: They don’t walk for long, and the puddles and streams evaporate quite quickly due to the heat. By the way, the heat in Cuba in October is quite easy to bear, since a light, refreshing breeze blows almost all the time.

Holidays in Cuba in October

In October, sea water is often warmer than the air, since night temperatures do not drop below +22+23, and it simply does not have time to cool down from the midday sun. During this period, you can swim in the water on the coast for hours. Sometimes small storms occur, but they are infrequent and short-lived, so they will not ruin your vacation.

In addition to a beach holiday in October, you should definitely go on excursions in Cuba. The main object for study is Havana, the capital of Liberty Island. The most popular is the historical center of Havana with its colorful public, cozy streets and vintage cars.

Be sure to include a visit to local bars and tasting the famous Cuban rum and mojito in your program.
The second most popular city is Santiago, the main highlight of which is its colonial architecture, which has been perfectly preserved to this day.

The main party place in Cuba is considered to be the beaches of Varadero, where the sounds of Latin music do not stop until the morning, and a special atmosphere of Afro-Cuban temperament reigns over the entire resort.

Cuba, Havana

The most notable cultural events in October in Cuba are the Days of Cuban Culture, when all of Latin America celebrates the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus. These days, Cuban music and dances are heard everywhere, and the bright outfits of local fashionistas make your eyes dazzle.

Towards the end of October, Cuba hosts a ballet festival in even-numbered years, the main events of which can be seen at the Bolshoi Theater in Havana. Everyone is passionate about classical ballet in Cuba, and the festival takes on a truly national scale.

Cuba, Varadero

Beach holidays in Bali in October, November

The beach season in Bali lasts all year round. There are no warm or cold periods here: the temperature is approximately the same throughout the year. Winter period in Bali it is considered the rainy season, but calling it that can be quite arbitrary, since the rains are very short-lived, fall at night and due to humidity environment they don’t affect it in any way - it’s already off the charts all year round.

October is the ideal month for a holiday in Bali. At this time of year there is an off-season here, that is, golden mean between hot and very hot weather, humid and very moist air. During the day the temperature stays around 30 degrees Celsius, in the evening it drops to +22+25. In mountainous areas it may be a little cooler, but only by 2-3 degrees.

Holidays in Bali in October

Since Bali is located in the Southern Hemisphere, October here is the height of spring and the beginning of summer. At this time, nature begins to bloom, young greenery appears, and takes on especially bright colors.

In terms of beach holidays, Bali is more suitable for sunbathing than swimming in the sea. In Bali, strong winds blow almost all year round, which is why the sea is never calm. Only very strong and experienced swimmers will dare to swim here, and even then not on any day, but only during periods of relative calm on the water.

Beach holidays in Bali in autumn

But for surfers in Bali there is real freedom. The conditions here for practicing this sport are some of the best in the world. At every resort you can find a surfing school, sometimes more than one. Surfers flock to Bali in large numbers from all over the world.

For those who are indifferent to conquering the local waves, Bali can offer a large selection of excursions to suit every taste. Bali is a very colorful island, ranging from natural attractions to the distinctive Indonesian culture. Local temples, ethnic villages and handicrafts impress any tourist.

October in Bali

For families with children in Bali there are water parks and amusement parks. The famous ethnic shows in Bali will be of interest to both adults and children: this is not just a folklore concert, but a real performance, impressive in its scope, the number of actors involved and entertainment.

Bali is also famous for its active nightlife. The resorts of Seminyak and Kuta are considered especially noisy. During the influx of tourists, there are so many young people here that family tourists and lovers of silence prefer to stay elsewhere for a vacation.

Holidays in Bali

Israel in October, November: beach holidays

October in Israel is real “ the Velvet season" The summer heat, which is difficult to bear in these desert regions, gives way to cooler (by Israeli standards, of course) and more comfortable conditions. autumn weather. The temperature drops to +25+28, the suffocating heat of the desert disappears. At night, the temperature drops even lower, to +20, so for evening walks it is worth taking light sweaters and stoles with you.

Holidays in Israel in October

The water on the Red Sea is around +25, on the Dead Sea and Lake Kinneret it is 2-3 degrees higher. On the coast Mediterranean Sea The water temperature will be slightly lower, but it is also quite comfortable to spend a beach holiday here in October. True, the Mediterranean Sea in October is no longer as calm as in summer, and there are often flags on the beaches prohibiting swimming.

Red Sea, Israel

In the second half of the month, short-term rains begin in the north of Israel, during this period the most comfortable conditions will be in Eilat on the shores of the Red Sea. The main activity here is, of course, diving or snorkeling. The Red Sea is considered the most attractive in terms of beauty and diversity of the underwater world.

Holidays at the Dead Sea, Israel

It is definitely worth setting aside a few days for an excursion program in Israel. Jerusalem is especially rich in historical places and attractions - the capital of three religions (Christian, Muslim and Judaism). You can walk the last road of Christ to Calvary, see the famous Western Wall or see the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where the Holy Fire descends annually.

Jerusalem, Israel

In Tel Aviv, you should definitely take a stroll through the old streets of the historic Jaffa district. In Tiberias, go on a desert tour in a real camel caravan, just don't forget the desert essentials: a scarf to protect your face from the sand and warm clothes if you are going to stay in the desert overnight. For entertainment and active nightlife, it is better to go to Tel Aviv.

Old city Jaffa, Israel

Israel is unique in some ways unique country. Holidays here have their own characteristics. For example, Saturday is a day off for all Jews. On this day, in many cities and towns life simply dies out: shops are closed, there is no traffic public transport, almost no taxis. In addition, on the streets of Israel you can often meet deeply religious Jews, when communicating with whom you must follow certain rules.

Religious Jews at the Western Wall, Jerusalem, Israel

United Arab Emirates (UAE) Dubai: beach holidays in October, November

October and November are the highest season in the UAE. It is at this time that a trip to the emirates will cost you the most. In summer, tourists avoid the UAE due to the unbearable heat and sandstorms, and in winter the water temperature is Persian Gulf drops to an invigorating +18, which makes a beach holiday not very comfortable.

It's mid-autumn here ideal conditions For good rest on the sea. In Dubai and Sharjah, daily temperature changes are noticeable from +35 during the day to +22 at night. In Fujairah the difference is almost unnoticeable, and day and night the temperature stays around +30.

You can read more about holidays in the United Arab Emirates.

Holidays in the UAE in October

Beach holidays in China in Hainan in October, November

October in Hainan is officially the rainy season. It is generally accepted that October is not the best time here. better weather for relax. This is not to say that there is a continuous stream of showers, but in October they occur every day. The sky is almost always covered with a thick gray mass of clouds.

Holidays on Hainan Island in October

During the day in October it is hot in Hainan, about 30 degrees, and in the evening it gets cold to +20 and the wind rises. Taking into account the high humidity, this weather cannot be called comfortable, so you cannot do without warm clothes in Hainan in October.

The sea in Haiyan in October is rarely calm. These are ideal conditions for surfers, but ordinary swimmers may have a hard time. On rare calm days, you can spend the whole day on the beach, but more often you will have to look at the sea from the side due to high waves.

Hainan Island, China

Another feature of a holiday in Hainan in October is the huge number of Chinese among vacationers. Traditionally, October is considered a month of vacation among the Chinese, especially its first half. It must be said that the Chinese have a very unique culture of behavior. Some of their habits cause misunderstanding and sometimes disgust among Europeans.

The main advantage of October in Hainan can be considered low prices, since holidays on the island are generally considered expensive pleasure. If your budget is small, but you want to go to Hainan, choose the second half of October, when the number of local residents at the resorts is declining, the rains are becoming less frequent, and prices have not yet had time to skyrocket.

holiday in China on Hainan Island

Beach holidays in Sri Lanka in October, November

The beach season in Sri Lanka is possible all year round. There are tall and low seasons, but the peculiarity of Ceylon is that when the rainy season reigns on the eastern coast, the weather on the western coast is wonderful for relaxation. When the monsoons arrive on the west coast, the high season begins on the east coast.

October is a transition month for Sri Lanka. At this time, the rainy season begins in the east and ends in the west. The weather at this time is very unstable at all resorts.

Holidays in Sri Lanka

It can rain everywhere at the same time, sometimes the number of rainy days in October is 2/3 of total number. Storms and tropical thunderstorms occur frequently.
The air temperature in Sri Lanka is almost the same at any time of the year and on any coast.

On average, it remains stable around +30 degrees Celsius, water temperature +28+29. But do not forget that the shores of Sri Lanka are washed not by the sea, but by the ocean. This means that even on the calmest and calmest days, only good swimmers can swim here.

Fishing in Sri Lanka

In rainy and windy weather, which prevails in October, it is dangerous to go into the ocean, even if you are a very good swimmer.

Sri Lanka attracts tourists not with sea and beach holidays, but with an interesting excursion program, exotic flora and fauna, and the unique and colorful culture of the local population. There are simply countless options for excursions here.

Tea plantations in Sri Lanka

The most interesting places to visit: tea plantations, ancient temples, abandoned cities, whale watching and huge sea ​​turtles, diving to sunken ships, descent into mining mines precious stones, huge national parks and reserves and much more.

Even on site, you can discover a lot of interesting things. Chipmunks and mongooses, small monkeys, the bats huge sizes, monitor lizards and smaller lizards, peacocks and even tame elephants.

Holidays in October in Sri Lanka

Beach holidays in the Maldives in October, November

October is a great time to holiday in the Maldives. The weather on the atolls of the archipelago is the same all year round: ideal calm, warm and sunny. Occasionally short rains occur, but they most often fall at night and are practically unnoticeable to vacationers.

The water temperature in October is +26+28, the air is two to three degrees higher. It's barely noticeably cooler in the evening.

Holidays in the Maldives

The Maldives is a classic beach holiday with the sound of the surf. The location on small islands makes it necessary to save every piece of land; even houses and hotels on many islands stand on the water due to the catastrophic shortage of land.

All entertainment in the Maldives is somehow related to water: diving, snorkeling, yacht trips, water planes and excursions to neighboring islands.

Holidays in the Maldives in autumn

On large atolls you can find entertainment in the form of cycling or sports fields. On small hotel islands, your main activity will be feeding the fish and contemplating the water surface.

But in any case, a holiday in the Maldives in October will give you an unforgettable experience. Only here will you find such a postcard-perfect view: snow-white sand, turquoise ocean, ripe coconuts and a hammock strung between palm trees.

Holidays in the Maldives in October

Beach holidays in the Dominican Republic in October, November

October is a rather controversial month for holidays in the Dominican Republic. In mid-autumn, hurricanes and storms often occur in the Caribbean; rainy weather alternates with cloudless weather 50/50. The rains here are short, but very strong: the water literally stands like a wall and can knock you off your feet with a gust of wind.

Combined with high temperatures, this weather can be very uncomfortable for those who do not tolerate high humidity and stuffiness. For people with cardiovascular and asthmatic diseases, such a climate is absolutely contraindicated.

In October in the Dominican Republic the air warms up to +28+30, and the water temperature stays at approximately the same level. But you can swim and swim only on those days when there is no sea strong wind and big waves. If October is particularly rainy, you'll be spending most of your time in the pool.

In terms of hotel infrastructure, holidays in the Dominican Republic are very reminiscent of Turkish ones: the same huge territories, the favorite all-inclusive, ubiquitous animators and a lot of entertainment on the hotel premises.

Only instead of sultry Turkish machos you will be entertained by Latin Americans, the main language of communication will be Spanish or English, and the predominant audience will be well-fed American families.

Activities outside the hotel include several historical excursions to surrounding towns and great shopping. Nature excursions to national parks and vast nature reserves are very popular.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in October

Beach holidays in Tunisia in October, November

Tunisia is located on the Mediterranean coast. In this region, traditionally the high season is considered summer months, and with the beginning of autumn the flow of tourists gradually declines. But in the southern Mediterranean, on the African coast, the velvet season lasts until early November.

On average, daily temperatures in October in Tunisia fluctuate around +22+25, the water temperature will be a couple of degrees lower. This weather is especially suitable for those who cannot tolerate heat and high humidity. In October, adults prefer to vacation in Tunisia, especially many older tourists from Western European countries.

Holidays in October in Tunisia

Sometimes in October in Tunisia a rather cool wind rises and there are rains. By evening it gets noticeably colder. Be sure to take warm clothes with you on vacation, and by the end of October you may even need light jackets, as the amount of rain will increase.

Most of all, vacationers value Tunisia for its SPA and thalasso therapy. If your purpose of travel is a health course, then the weather is unlikely to bother you. Almost every hotel has its own wellness center; Hammamet is considered especially high-quality in this regard.

Holidays in Tunisia in October and November

Here you can order a therapeutic or preventive course for any budget. The level of service in treatment centers in Hammamet is quite high, and the choice of rehabilitation programs is also decent.

Video: Beach holidays with children in October, November

October is not the best season for a beach holiday. Most Mediterranean resorts are already feeling the breath of winter (however, it is expressed only in the number of precipitation). And the popular tourist countries of South Asia are barely emerging from the rainy season.

However, there are still places where the average Russian can stock up on the sun's vitamin D for the long winter. We have selected for you 15 places to go on vacation in October 2018– from Russia to abroad, from inexpensive to VIP class. Resorts are sorted from the most expensive to the most budget destinations.

The price is based on a seven-day tour in a 4* hotel.

15. Maldives: Lhaviani, Raa

Average price: from 157,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 31°
Air temperature at night: 28°
Water temperature: 29°

October is a chance to try Maldivian resorts at a more or less reasonable price. At this time of year the sea is indecently warm, but the wet season can spoil the entire idyll. There are approximately equal numbers of sunny and rainy days, but strong winds will pleasantly amaze surfers, and the migration of whales and rays that takes place at this time will attract lovers of wildlife and diving. For a beach holiday, it is best to go in the first half of the month - there is less rain and the wind is not so strong.

14. Dominican Republic: Boca Chica, Puerto Plata, Punta Cana

Average price:
from 110,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 30°
Air temperature at night: 25°
Water temperature: 29°

The best time to travel to the Dominican Republic is October November. Exhausting summer heat along with heavy rains at the end of the month are just beginning to recede. But the sea is as warm as soup - 29°, and the beaches seem to have come straight out of an advertising picture.

If you wish, you can try to walk around the sights. For example, the main city of the country, Santo Domingo, is included in the list of world attractions according to UNESCO. And lovers of wildlife can enjoy all of it tropical diversity V national parks countries. However, diving enthusiasts should remember that the sea at this time of year is still rough, there are strong winds and even storms. An additional advantage is that tourists can travel to the Dominican Republic without a visa.

13. Indonesia: Jakarta, Kuta, Ubud

Average price:
from 110,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 29°
Air temperature at night: 22°
Water temperature: 28°

In Indonesia, every tourist will find a place for himself - cheaper, richer, smaller, bigger, more active, more relaxed. The tourism infrastructure in the country is well developed, but the specific local sand may surprise you a little. Due to the abundance of volcanoes in the past, it is a non-standard black color. However, it is pleasant to walk on it. Besides, Indonesia is just very beautiful country with its own culture and architecture, unfamiliar to the European eye.

12. Spain: Canary Islands, Puerto de Naos

Average price:
from 104,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 26°
Air temperature at night: 19°
Water temperature: 24°

In October it is already starting to get colder in Spain. This means that there is nothing to count on for the beach season at resorts located on the mainland of the country. Of course, if you don’t regularly harden yourself in an ice hole, then yes, a water temperature of 21° will not scare you. In October, Spain is only for hiking and sightseeing.

True, there are still places where the sea is warm and the sun generously floods everything around with its rays - these are Canary Islands. It doesn’t rain there; cold winds arrive much later. It’s just that you won’t be able to sit in water all day; it’s uncomfortable for the human body in the morning and evening. But you can also take a dip once or twice to cheer yourself up.

11. Jordan: Aqaba, Dead Sea

Average price:
from 100,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 29°
Air temperature at night: 18°
Water temperature: 25° or 29° in the Dead Sea

The sea in Jordan is not simple - it is Dead. They go there at any time of the year on vacation, regardless of weather conditions with wellness and spa purposes, and October is no exception. The “ordinary” sea also pleases with its temperature, and the abundance interesting places won't let you get bored. It’s better to go to the Mediterranean in mid-October – it’s still warm during the day, but it starts to get cold at night, so it’s a good idea to take a couple of warm clothes with you just in case.

10. Cuba: Havana, Masanillo

Average price:
from 100,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 29°
Air temperature at night: 23°
Water temperature: 28°

October is the last month of the hot summer season in Cuba. Therefore, those who came from northern countries White-skinned tourists are advised to use sunscreen. It’s better not to appear on the beach at all from 11 o’clock until the evening.

October beckons to Cuba mainly for its fishing. It is at this time of year that fishing for the famous blue marlin is especially good (remember “The Old Man and the Sea”? It’s about this fish). But the living conditions in Cuba may remind one of the Soviet past, and not the best part of it. Therefore, we especially recommend paying attention to reviews. Sometimes you can run into such a shed without air conditioning that even the catch can’t help you survive the disappointment.

9. Morocco: Marrakesh, Agadir

Average price:
from 100,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 26°
Air temperature at night: 17°
Water temperature: 22°

Morocco is an excellent option for trips that combine swimming in the sea with an excursion program (and there is a lot to see there). If your goal is to soak up the sun and swim to your heart's content, then it is better to choose another country. The sea in Morocco in October is not as hospitable as before. Moreover, there are cheaper options.

But don’t be surprised if you suddenly find that your favorite hotel is fully booked for the weekend – October in Morocco is a favorite time for surfers. The increased wind creates exactly the kind of waves that tourists from Spain and France come to follow.

8. Malta: Gozo, Marsacala

Average price:
from 72,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 25°
Air temperature at night: 23°
Water temperature: 24°

Although October is considered autumn in Malta, temperatures are still pleasant for tourists. Not particularly hot, but nice warm temperature air conducive to long walks, trips to museums and sightseeing. And the sea cools down slowly, so you can swim to your heart's content. At night, however, it gets cooler and the sea winds begin to blow, so take a windbreaker with you.

7. Thailand: Patong, Bangkok

Average price:
from 70,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 32°
Air temperature at night: 27°
Water temperature: 30°

October is a great opportunity to travel to Thailand cheaply. The rainy season is just ending there, so trips are cheaper than at the height of the season. True, vacationers will be disturbed from time to time summer rains, but they are warm and usually not too bothersome.

An additional bonus is that the beaches are not as crowded as on New Year’s Eve, so you can bask in the sun without bumping into other vacationers when turning.

6. Cyprus: Limassol, Paphos

Average price:
from 51,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 26°
Air temperature at night: 20°
Water temperature: 25°

Cyprus is beautiful even in October. The water and air temperatures are just right, optimal for a pleasant beach holiday. At the same time, it is not too hot, as there is a fresh sea breeze. It is no wonder that October in Cyprus is a hot month for tourism, perhaps even more densely populated than in the summer. However, it still won’t hurt to take a warm jacket or a light windbreaker with you - in the evening the air temperature may seem cool.

There are other advantages - for example, in October there is a local all-island festival, where locals look at people and show themselves. Overall, Cyprus is one of the best places, where you can go to the sea in October.

5. UAE: Abu Dhabi, Dubai

Average price:
from 50,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 35°
Air temperature at night: 21°
Water temperature: 27°

The heat subsides, and young and not so young tourists begin to flock in. The air temperature is still high, but not so high as to paralyze the entire daily activity of a tourist. You can swim, you can sightsee. The only thing that can overshadow a tourist’s holiday in the United Arab Emirates is that October marks the month of Muslim fasting, Ramadan. This means no noisy entertainment, shows, or alcoholic drinks in restaurants. Fortunately, these harsh rules do not apply to infidels, who are unashamedly having fun in hotels at this very time.

4. Tunisia: Djerba, Sousse

Average price:
from 40,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 27°
Air temperature at night: 22°
Water temperature: 25°

Autumn in a hot African country is almost invisible. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the temperatures prevailing there. However, it won’t hurt to take a light windbreaker or raincoat with you, since October, even in Africa, can show its character. True, it is expressed in a little warm rain.

Just in October, Tunisia experiences the “velvet season” - the heat is not so sweltering, and the sea is still at a pleasant body temperature. An excellent option for traveling with children, especially those leaving their homeland for the first time and not accustomed to climate changes.

3. Türkiye: Side, Belek, Alanya

Average price:
from 33,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 29°
Air temperature at night: from 13°
Water temperature: from 22°

The list of where to go on vacation at the seaside in October would be incomplete without the country beloved by Russian tourists. Tickets to Turkey become even cheaper in October. However, do not rush to rejoice - in most resorts in the country, autumn is coming into its own. It may rain, and the sea becomes noticeably colder. And only in the very south of the country there are still conditions for comfortable lying on the beach.

First of all, you should pay attention to resort towns with magnificent sandy beaches - Side, Belek and Alanya. Although the water and air temperatures are still suitable for a full beach holiday, we still recommend taking warm clothes with you. It is hot during the day, but in the late evening and at night it becomes autumn-like cool.

2. Egypt: Dahab, Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada

Average price:
from 30,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 29°
Air temperature at night: from 19°
Water temperature: 26°

It is worth going to Egypt at the beginning of the month. And it’s not even about the rain and temperatures, but about the school holidays at the end of October. At this time, many parents are in a hurry to take their child out into the sun. And tour operators increase the price of tours accordingly.

The weather is not as stable as in summer or winter - it may rain. But overall, it’s a good option if you want to swim in the sea and go see the sights.

1. Russia: Yalta, Alushta, Sochi, Anapa

Average price:
from 25,000 rub.
Air temperature during the day: 21°
Air temperature at night: 11°
Water temperature: 17°

An excellent option for those who cannot stand the heat, but want to look at the sea (and maybe take a dip once or twice). The prospect of combining a beach holiday with tourism looks tempting, especially if we're talking about about such a place rich in history as Crimea. Plus more fresh vegetables, fruits, architectural monuments and sparse people. Where is the best place to go? There are few options - Sochi, Anapa and, of course, Crimea.

We have already written about, so the only difficulty you may have in October is choosing suitable holiday accommodation in Crimea. With clean air beautiful scenery and there will be no problems with entertainment.

At the beginning of the month it is good in Cyprus and Turkey, at the end - in the UAE. These resorts have all the conditions for a family holiday: animation, playgrounds and all-inclusive. Take your children with you - they will have something to do.


During the day, the weather on the island is comfortable: +25°C in the air, +23°C in the water. Warmest of all. But the evenings are reminiscent of autumn: it cools down to +10–12°C. Coastal taverns and animation in hotels are closed only at the end of the month.

Choose Paphos if you dream of a leisurely, respectable holiday, Ayia Napa - if you want to have a fun and inexpensive holiday. Limassol - for parties and night discos, Larnaca - for relaxing on the beach and snorkeling.

Molos embankment in Limassol.

In autumn, the villages of Cyprus celebrate the harvest, which means you can attend fairs, tastings and cooking classes. If you are in Larnaca, Paphos, Nicosia - goto the Cypria Arts Festival : Bands from all over the world will perform. There are free concerts, and some events require you to buy tickets in advance.

If you want to save on air tickets, plan your vacation at the beginning of the month. The number of charters is decreasing towards the end of the month, and it will become more difficult to buy an inexpensive non-stop ticket.

At the beginning of October it will cost 10,000–15,000 rubles per person in both directions. - from 1799 rub./night for two.

Alanya, Türkiye

In October, Turkey is warmest in Alanya: the air warms up to +25°C during the day, the water - up to +24°C. There is no strong wind or humidity. The resort pleases with the greenery of orange orchards and banana groves, and also with prices, which are lower here than in other Turkish resorts.

Another “pro” in favor of relaxing here in October is the excellent beaches: sandy coast, shallow sea and safe flat bottom. The beaches, by the way, are free and marked with the Blue Flag for cleanliness. The best are considered to be “Cleopatra”, “Damlatash” and “Keykubat”. You can easily reach each of them by minibus or taxi from any part of Alanya.

Alanya Fortress is an open-air museum. Most of it can be viewed for free; entrance to the castle will cost 15 Turkish lira (approximately 163 rubles).

Keep in mind: in October there are fewer tourists, the city is quieter, and excursions are held less frequently. For example, they take you to the snow-white springs of Pamukkale only once a week. For independent travelers, this is rather a plus: there are fewer “batch-packers”, queues and noise.

Alanya is located far from all airports. It will take you 1.5–2 hours to get to the hotel from Antalya. If you are traveling with a child, take toys on the road.

At the beginning of October it will cost 15,000–17,000 rubles per person in both directions. - from 1099 rub./night for two.

Sharjah, UAE

The season on the beaches of the UAE starts in October. The weather becomes milder - at the end of the month the temperature drops to +33. The sun no longer burns, and the sea does not boil. The water in the bay is about +27. The desert climate reminds itself at night - the temperature drops to +21. Take with you a light stole or a long-sleeved jacket.

In Sharjah, choose beaches owned by hotels. They are private, well equipped, with a sandy bottom. Many are paid, but it’s better to pay to enter a private beach than to sunbathe on a free municipal one. Public beaches are for locals; women in swimsuits and men in swimming trunks may be looked at askance.

One of the main attractions of Sharjah is the King Faisal Mosque, one of the largest in the Middle East.

Sharjah is an excellent choice if you want to save money and not be left out of entertainment. Bustling Dubai with fountains, malls and expensive restaurants is just 45 minutes away by bus or taxi. Sharjah itself has many museums, exhibitions, shops and shopping centers. And prices are lower than in neighboring emirates.

Sharjah is a dry emirate with strict Muslim laws. IN in public places you need to dress more modestly. It's best to leave the miniskirts and tiny shorts at home. You can sunbathe in an open swimsuit only on the private beach.

In Sharjah in October they cost about 14,000–17,000 rubles per person in both directions. - from 2299 rub./night for two.

Sea and excursions

In October, almost everywhere in Europe is warm and sunny, the harvest is underway and holidays are held. For something exotic, go to mainland Thailand or colorful Morocco.

Pattaya, Thailand

In October, Thailand already has dry weather without rain. There are more tourists, but prices have not yet risen - you can grab tickets at low season prices.

In Pattaya, unlike the islands, you can already swim, sunbathe and not be afraid of downpours. Storms still occur, but rarely, most often at night. The air warms up to +30°C, the water does the same. Pattaya has good beaches- free city Jomtien or paid Military Beach outside the city (about 200 rubles per adult, 100 per child). Both are sandy and wide. Military Beach is cleaner and calmer; it is more convenient to get to Jomtien by tuk-tuk, taxi or scooter.

If the weather turned out to be cloudy, in Pattaya. Within the city, you can see the Mini Siam park, go to the Oceanarium or visit the elephant village. You'll love a trip to the River Kwai, made famous by the movie The Bridge on the River Kwai. If you want to see real Asia, you can go to the ancient capital of Ayutthaya, 70 km from Bangkok, or stay for a while in the capital itself.

If you want to save money, fly to Thailand in early October. If you go at the end of the month, you will be protected from rain.

In October they cost about 40,000 rubles per person in both directions. - from 1099 rub./night for two.

Barcelona, ​​Spain

We would recommend Barcelona even without the sea - but it is there, and in October you can still swim and sunbathe here. The beaches of the capital of Catalonia are sandy, clean, equipped for children and people with disabilities. The best free beaches are calm Bogatell, family-friendly Nova Icaria, and party-oriented Barceloneta. At the beginning of the month up to +25 in the air, up to +22 in the water - plan your vacation for this time.

October is the ideal time to walk around the Gothic Quarter, the Barceloneta promenade and Park Guell . You can purchase at Boqueria market, go to the aquarium and look at Barcelona stadium Camp Nou (or even get to the match).

The sail-shaped hotel is located right on the coast - you will see it on at least half of the postcards. - from RUB 25,790/night.

A unique event is the Castellers Festival in Tarragona (an hour's drive from Barcelona by train). The city is famous for its human pyramids, come here on October 6 and 7 to see everything with your own eyes - it’s free and very interesting.

On October 12, the country celebrates Spain Day with carnival, fairs and ceremonial performances.

The annual architecture festival starts in Barcelona on October 27-28 48H Open House Barcelona : During this time you can visit Barcelona's museums for free. See Gaudí's houses and take a tour of the Sagrada Familia.

Barcelona in October is a great idea: flight prices are lower, there is a greater selection of budget hotels, and there are no queues for attractions. At the beginning of the month you will also have time to tan.

To Barcelona it will cost 11,000–13,000 rubles round trip per person. - from 3299 rub./night for two. And don’t forget to make sure your vacation goes off without a hitch.

Crete Island, Greece

Autumn is coming to Greece - Mediterranean, soft and sunny. Temperatures up to +25, at the end of the month - up to +22°C. The sea does not get colder than +23. The beaches of Agia Pelagia, Malia, Elafonisi are calm and windless until the middle of the month.

October is the best time for walking. It's time to harvest in the country - first grapes, and then olives. All this is accompanied by festivities. Just look at the chestnut festival in Western Crete: there are fairs and markets, tables with treats are set in the squares. Everyone is fed with fried, stewed, sweet and salty chestnuts and traditional porridge with lamb broth.

Another plus of a holiday in Crete in October is the cost of the trip. The price of housing, car rental, food and drinks is reduced by 20–40% compared to summer.

It is more convenient (and cheaper) to come to Crete at the beginning of the month, while charters fly here. After the 15th you will have to buy tickets with transfers.

A round trip ticket from Moscow can be purchased for 12,000 rubles. - from 1299 rub./night for two.

Sea and festivals

In autumn, the time for festivals starts all over the world: you will have time to swim in the sea and go to the festival.

To save money, prepare for your trip in advance: entrance tickets to festivals are cheaper to buy a month and a half before the event. At this time, it is better to book a hotel and air tickets. Fly to the sea with a group: take an apartment or cottage for everyone - it will be 20-40% cheaper.


If you want something exotic, fly to Morocco. This is a completely different level of relaxation - on the shore Atlantic Ocean, in a fabulous eastern country. In October, relaxing is more pleasant than ever: the air temperature on the coast is +30°C, the water is about +20°C. The most warm water- in Casablanca and Rabat (up to +23).

Be sure to see ancient Marrakech - an oriental bazaar city with colorful shops, a beautiful Medina and snake charmers on the streets. If you have time, go to the Sahara Desert, to the cities of Fes and Tangier.

Djema el Fna Square is the busiest place in Marrakech. During the day they sell fruits, spices, and national costumes, and in the evening tambourines sound and performances take place.

From 12 to 14 October, Essaouira hosts its annual dance"Moga fest" . The best DJs in the world come here. A three-day ticket with a pool party costs 7,500 rubles.

If autumn is rainy, you may not be lucky with swimming due to cold water and strong waves. The weather in October is ideal for sunbathing, but it is better to choose hotels with a swimming pool.

In Morocco it will cost 40,000–45,000 rubles per person in both directions. - from 1199 rub./night for two.


In Batumi in October the weather is still warm - you can swim and sunbathe. The water temperature does not drop below +23, the air warms up to +25°C. Batumi itself has good free pebble beaches, which are already empty in October. It is also during this month that dolphins most often swim to the shores.

October is the most generous month for holidays for Georgians. Batumi hosts the holiday of Georgian culture “Chveneburebi” with free performances, traditional dances, songs, wine, khinkali and Adjarian khachapuri.

Rent a car or go with a guide to the capital. Don't miss the traditional Tbilisoba (this year October 7–8) - a major day for the city. On the street they grill shish kebab, prepare churchkhela, and sell fruit and cheese. The central event is crushing grapes in wooden vats in the traditional way, using feet. You can even take part if you're lucky - you just have to wear rubber boots.

A huge plus for vacationing in Georgia in the fall is the savings. The country is already inexpensive for tourists, but by the second autumn month prices are falling even further. A good apartment or hotel room can be rented for 1,500 rubles per day.

If you want to lie on the beach and catch some interesting events, plan your vacation before mid-October. After this it gets colder, down to +12 - take an umbrella and warm clothes with you.

From Moscow to Batumi it will cost 10,000–12,000 rubles per person in both directions. - 1199 from rub./night for two.

North Goa, India

In October, India is dry and sunny, beach shacks (cafes) open and the trance party season starts. There are few people on the beaches - tourists arrive only towards the end of the month. The traders are as helpful and friendly as possible. The Arabian Sea is calm and quiet, but there are waves a few days a month. Water temperature is +28°C, air temperature is about +31°C during the day.

You can spend less than 50,000 rubles on vacation in India if you go alone for two weeks. The most expensive part is air tickets. Charter flights to India begin again in October, so there is a chance to fly inexpensively. Housing can be rented at off-season prices - already in November they will increase by 20–30%.

In North Goa, all life is spent on the beaches - here they swim and sunbathe, dine at coastal shacks, chat in juice centers and have fun at trance parties.

If you arrive on October 2, you will attend Mahatma Gandhi's birthday in Old Goa when the whole city is filled with garlands of flowers. At the end of the month there is a chance to capture the Diwali celebrations. This is the festival of lights, celebrated from November 7th to 11th. Hindus praise Goddess Lakshmi by lighting candles.- from 999 rub./night for two.

How to relax in October

  • If you want a lazy beach holiday, fly to Turkey (Alanya) or Cyprus (Limassol, Paphos) at the beginning of the month, and fly to the UAE (Sharjah) at the end.
  • Do you like to combine beach and excursion holiday- go to Barcelona, ​​Thailand or Greece (Crete).
  • If you want parties on the beach, holidays and exciting events, you will like it in October in India (north of Goa), Georgia (Batumi) and Morocco (Agadir, Essaouira).

Choose a resort to suit your taste and book inexpensive tickets in advance - they run out very quickly.

In Mediterranean resorts, the holiday season has not dried up, it is in full swing, and in countries closer to the equator they are just getting ready to start. Distinctive feature holidays in October - prices for tours are much lower than during the peak season. Budget European resorts, as well as more expensive Asian ones, are places where you can relax abroad inexpensively in October 2017; beach holidays are included here too.

Popular Asian destinations

Asia is becoming increasingly popular for tourists around the world. Advantages of tours to Asian countries:

Opportunity to go to resorts all year round.
The climate is suitable for relaxation.
Good organization of recreation, high level service.
Affordable prices.

Russian tourists already have countries that they give preference to when choosing a place where to relax abroad in October 2017 inexpensively, a beach holiday with quite tolerable prices. temperature conditions attractive to many.

India, GOA

You can safely buy a tour to GOA from mid-October. During the day, the air temperature reaches an average of +31, water +27. A tan is no worse than a summer tan. On the Indian coast, prices for tours will begin to rise in December, so October is the most acceptable period for a budget holiday with a full range of weather and household services.


Rest is good at the beginning of the month, as the sweltering heat subsides, and later the water of the Red Sea becomes cloudy and cold winds begin to blow. The influx of tourists is significantly reduced, there are no crowds of people on the beach and in places of entertainment, so for those who like a calm, measured pastime, this is a suitable place where to relax abroad in October 2017 inexpensively, beach holidays are not canceled, since the water temperature remains at +28 , air +30.


In Thailand, the rainy season is ending by October. In some resort areas it still continues to rain occasionally, these are mainly the northern regions of the country. And in the south it’s summer again, temperatures suitable for relaxation and a warm sea. The most visited places are Phuket and Koh Samui. Even if it starts to rain, there is something to see and have fun in Thailand.

In October, the number of tourists becomes significantly less than before the rainy season, so trips to nearby attractions and diving with a trainer will bring real pleasure to tourists. Famous National holiday, festival Fireballs, occurs precisely in October.

United Arab Emirates

In the UAE in October, there is not a hint that winter exists: the sun is shining brightly, the air warms up to 34 during the day. The nights are hot, the temperature drops to +23. If you are looking for a tour where to relax abroad in October 2017 inexpensively, it is fully acceptable - the water temperature is +28. Due to the decline in the influx of tourists, shopping in the Emirates will be a pleasure due to the absence of crowds and a huge number of visitors in boutiques.


Many tourists consider this African country An ideal place to relax in October. She surprises vacationers with a combination European level and ancient traditions. At this time the heat subsides, the scorching sun gives way to warm weather, soft breeze, comfortable sea for swimming. You can buy vouchers for almost half the price than in summer. When purchasing a tour to Tunisia, you will not need a visa.

In October, dates ripen here, so tourists who have only seen them in the store have the opportunity to taste the product in real life. in kind. Swimming in the sea, a wonderful Tunisian tan, a safari to the Sahara desert are the most attractive moments for those who are still looking for a place where to relax abroad in October 2017 inexpensively, a beach holiday is no worse than in the summer.


By visiting Cyprus in October, you can capture all the pleasures of the last warm month: Nice weather, exotic and traditional cuisine, fruits at affordable prices. At the end of the month it becomes cooler, but only at night. In October, the island hosts many national holidays: Independence Day, music Festival"Kypriya", sports competitions on boats and ships. The absence of a visa requirement is an advantage for the trip. There are many Russians living in Cyprus, so there will be no language barrier.


China is a very popular holiday destination all year round, especially the southern provinces. The country has a huge number of areas for beach recreation, with entertainment, excursions, and organized trips throughout the country. Prices vary depending on the distance of the resort and its status, but it is always possible to find an affordable tour when a problem arises, inexpensively, a beach holiday here is especially good and is valued by tourists.


Holidays in Israel will be expensive if you buy a ticket in the summer, but autumn holidays are quite affordable. The trip is preferable in the first half of October. This a good option sunbathing on the Red Sea coast is inexpensive and combines it with visiting sacred places as part of excursions, especially since they are not so crowded in October.

The famous sweltering Egyptian heat of up to 450 in the summer gives way to a favorable period in October. At this time, the air does not warm up by more than 300. The most popular resorts are Sharm al-Sheikh and Hurghada, which are famous for their service, good conditions accommodation organized by a food system. The most popular excursion is the Nile cruise, visiting many port cities. Egypt attracts Russian tourists because it does not require a visa.


An affordable holiday option is the island of Bali in Indonesia. In October it is still quite hot there, the daytime air temperature is 330. There may be rain at night, but this does not affect the weather during the day. The ocean awaits swimmers and pleases warm water and clean well-groomed beaches.

Exotic countries

A trip to countries where holidays abroad in October 2017 are inexpensive, with beach holidays all year round - in the Maldives, Canaries, Seychelles, Cuba, are quite expensive pleasures, but by tracking the offers of travel agencies, you can always find last-minute tours, the trip on which will result in a quite acceptable price. Here tourists can expect exoticism in all its forms: tropical vegetation and animal world, birds of paradise diversify your beach holiday.

Holidays in Europe

In European countries in October the weather is cooler than in Asia, but here you can find a suitable inexpensive tour.


Despite the political and economic difficulties in visiting Turkey, seasoned tourists are eager to visit this country. There's something for that good reasons. Tours to this country have reasonable prices. In October, this trend is fully visible. Prices have also been reduced for hotel accommodation. In October it is quite possible to swim, as the average water temperature is +27. A visa is not required to travel to Turkey. A large selection of entertainment is another “plus” in favor of the trip: quad bike racing, rafting on a mountain river, excursions to ancient ruins.


Italy is a country where you should go in October not for a beach holiday, but to get to know the country and walk along the streets of autumn cities. Rome, Venice and Florence are worth seeing with your own eyes.


The entire territory of the country is replete with ancient sights; there is something to see here: medieval castles in good condition, where tourists can have a romantic dinner with an entertaining folklore program, the famous zoo in Prague, where animals feel as if in natural conditions, Charles Bridge, the Jewish Quarter, the Opera House and much more. Those who have long dreamed of trying real Czech beer will have this opportunity.


Tour operators offer to purchase a trip to this country in combination with a visit to Austria. It’s worth doing it this way, because it will cost less and you will have the opportunity to visit 2 countries at once.

Bus tours around European countries will allow you to visit several countries: Germany, France, Poland. The number of cities and duration of the tour can be chosen according to your wishes and capabilities.

| 6.10.2015 | 4394

6.10.2015 4394

If your vacation falls in the middle or end of autumn, don’t worry: at this time you can have a wonderful vacation on the seaside.

In our climate, October and November are already real autumn. There are almost no leaves left on the trees, it often rains, frosts often occur at night, and sometimes even snow falls.

At the same time, the velvet season begins in many countries - the ideal time to soak up the warm, but not hot sun and swim in the calm sea. We bring to your attention a guide to countries where you can go on a beach holiday in October and November.


Hot springs in Pamukkale

One of the most popular beach holiday destinations, Turkey, retains its position in October. The sweltering heat subsides, during the day the air warms up to +27-29 degrees, the water temperature fluctuates between +21-23 degrees. At night it gets cool, but not cold yet: +15-17 degrees.

October is also ideal for going on excursions, for example, to charming Istanbul or to the hot springs of Pamukkale.

Another advantage of traveling to Turkey in the fall is that there are much fewer tourists than in the summer, which significantly reduces the cost of vacation.

But in November in Turkey it is too cold for a beach holiday - this month many hotels are already closing for the winter.


Ancient pyramids in Egypt

Starting from mid-autumn, the velvet season starts in Egypt: during the day the air warms up to a comfortable temperature of +29 degrees, while the sea remains very warm (+23-26 degrees).

In October and November it is especially pleasant to see the sights of this the most ancient country: It's finally not too hot to visit famous pyramids or a real Arab bazaar.

Active recreation will also bring you a lot of pleasant impressions. You can go on an exciting desert safari tour or go diving.


Thalassotherapy in Tunisia

African Tunisia is also suitable for beach vacation in October, because at this time there is still enough air and water high temperature: + 26-28 and +23-34 respectively. This period is especially favorable for families with children, as the climate is mild and comfortable, there are no significant temperature changes.

But already in November the weather becomes more suitable for excursions than for swimming or sunbathing. At this time you can go to ancient city Carthage or the Sahara. Also, this time is especially suitable for thalassotherapy, since the number of vacationers who come for recovery is noticeably reduced.


Temple of Truth in Pattaya

The rainy season ends in Thailand in October. The weather is improving, the air and water temperatures at resorts are rising. However, it is better to go on vacation to this country in November, so that rain and strong waves do not ruin your vacation.

By the way, it is in late autumn that tours to Thailand are the cheapest, so you will not only have a great time on the beach and get acquainted with the rich culture of this eastern country, but also save a lot.

United Arab Emirates

Futuristic Dubai

October in the UAE, as in other Islamic countries, is the holy month of Ramadan. During this time, there are some restrictions on entertainment activities, which, fortunately, do not concern tourists. And in Dubai they don’t impose any bans at all.

The weather at this time favors beach holidays: during the day the air temperature rises to +35 degrees, the water temperature to +27-28 degrees.

In addition, you can enjoy wonderful shopping and, if you wish, buy new fur clothes for winter at reasonable prices.


Healing Dead Sea

October and early November are the ideal time to enjoy the unprecedented beauty and healing properties Dead Sea. The water warms up to a comfortable +24 degrees, the air – up to +25 degrees.

Closer to mid-November possible cloudy days and short-term rains, so you should prefer trips and excursions to a beach holiday. Head to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv or Haifa, and be sure to visit the Western Wall and ancient temples. This trip will be very educational and memorable!

Canary Islands

The beauty of the island of Tenerife

If you prefer to travel around Europe, then go to one of. There is no sea there, but there are beautiful quiet streets, majestic palaces, luxurious autumn parks and many other interesting attractions.

For those who cannot imagine their vacation without a beach holiday, there is also a solution! The Canary Islands are a corner of Europe in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. At any time of the year they can boast of an excellent climate: the water temperature does not drop below +20 degrees, the air warms up to +26-28 degrees.

If you wish, you can already organize a tour of the islands of the archipelago on the spot: the natural beauty there will take your breath away.

As you can see, even in late autumn you can have a wonderful vacation. So hit the road!

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