Gesture psychology is the science of reading thoughts and feelings. Interesting facts about human psychology. This is something you didn't know about yourself

The human body and soul are inextricably linked. Therefore, it is impossible to separate character from its external manifestations. What is outside is also inside. Human psychology based on behavior and gestures makes it possible to easily determine character. Let us learn this too.

A person's appearance can say a lot

If a person’s clothing is distinguished by its unusualness and pretentiousness, catchiness, then this speaks of an artistic type of personality, of an artistic nature. There are people who neglect appearance. After talking with them, you will easily understand whether this is his creative attitude to life or banal sloppiness.

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If a person is dressed to the nines, as if he just stepped off the catwalk, this often means that he wants to establish himself with his clothes. This is a sign of inner uncertainty and helplessness.

A person’s appearance should be in harmony with clothes and complement the image. Schizoid types individuals do not adhere to this principle.

Bright colors in clothes are loved by emotional and loving people, while half-tones are loved by calm and balanced people. Often people who have a hard time getting used to and adapting to new circumstances wear clothes that are out of season.


A handshake is a common form of introduction for men. If a person comes to you from afar with an outstretched hand, then we can say that he is cheerful and sociable, does not hide anything behind his soul. If he is still actively shaking your hand and speaking quickly, he is an active, energetic person.

Secretive people usually shake hands with the palm down and with a large bend in the elbow. This movement seems to say “I won’t give anything away.” Often such people turn out to be two-faced and ruthless. If your palm seems to be pressed down, then you have a domineering, suppressive and callous personality.

A limp handshake speaks of laziness and lack of initiative. Shy and modest people shaking hands awkwardly.

Communication zone

Human psychology helps to recognize unpleasant and annoying people by their behavior.

Aggressive and unceremonious people are unpleasant to communicate with. They often violate the permissible distance. You feel this subconsciously. They may tap you on the shoulder. Hold your hand for a long time or look into your eyes. If unfamiliar person approaches you very close, less than 50 cm, this causes a desire to move away, as well as anger and indignation.

Shy, insecure people keep a long distance.

The longer people communicate and become closer friend each other, the more the distance between them decreases.

Posture, gait, gestures and facial expressions

Human psychology in terms of behavior and gestures is not always as simple and unambiguous as it might seem at first glance.

Since a person is raised from childhood to adhere to certain rules and norms of behavior, it is sometimes very difficult to determine a person’s character. For example, it is difficult to judge by a smile what is happening in a person’s soul, because it can be real or “through tears.”

The duality of human nature also makes it difficult to understand him. If a person is gentle and reliable, but does not want to seem like that, then he will accordingly behave differently and control his actions.

To understand body language important role It is the involuntary, unconscious movements that play.

If a person has an asymmetrical face, then you can tell. That the rational and the emotional are at odds with each other. When does constant internal struggle, remorse, this is very reflected on the face.

If a person has an unnatural, stiff gait (that is, the legs, pelvis and lower back seem to be tightly connected to each other), this indicates problems in the sexual sphere.

Tension or relaxation of movements plays an important role. When a person is relaxed, he rests his soul and is open to the perception of others.

The psychology of human behavior helps to determine character traits based on the following basic characteristics:

  • Carelessness and lack of discipline are manifested by a loose gait and relaxed postures;
  • Uncertainty and fearfulness are expressed in closed postures of arms and legs, hands in pockets or covering part of the face. Also, redness and an intermittent voice indicate a person who is unsure of himself. These people tend to constantly hype themselves up and make mountains out of molehills;
  • Nervousness and anxiety are indicated by rhythmic movements of the fingers. Handling objects, fidgeting in a chair.
  • A wide and slow gait speaks of a person who wants to show off himself. And the theatricality of gestures speaks of inflated self-esteem;
  • Straightforward and restrained movements speak of a cold, calculating nature;
  • Sudden and disordered movements indicate irritability and nervousness;
  • If body movements are rounded and smooth, this characterizes a person who is emotional and has a carefree attitude towards the world.

Eyes and gaze

Eyes reflect the inner world of a person. They are the first to react to their internal state. When we are sad, sadness appears in our eyes. If we are having fun, then our eyes shine with happiness.

The look also varies. For example, hard, prickly, cold, angry, shameless, affectionate, gentle, gloomy, cunning, stubborn, confident, fierce, excited...

Any communication is accompanied by a glance. If normal, calm communication occurs, then the look will be the same. If the gaze goes into the distance, it means the person is distracted or lost in thought. A sideways glance expresses distrust and secrecy. Squinted eyes express distrust, anger and vindictiveness of nature.

Politicians often see this pattern when one eyebrow is raised. But the folds on the forehead remain horizontal. This speaks of a strong will, neglect and hostility towards the outside world.

Looking down from above speaks of arrogance and contempt. Conversely, the bottom-up view is about subordination and helpfulness.

A long, direct and firm gaze indicates that the person wants to subjugate you to his will. This is how investigators and prosecutors look during interrogations.

A “running” gaze characterizes people who feel fear or threat. Such eyes are often found in criminals who for a long time spent in prison, as well as swindlers.

Human psychology sometimes helps to determine by behavior and gestures what profession a person has, what position he holds and what social class he belongs to.


When communicating, the face is the first thing you pay attention to. Here it is important to consider the nose, lips and folds near them. They will tell you a lot.

There is a so-called “suffering fold”, which gives a person a suffering expression. These are people with weak character. Weak willed, helpless and patient. Always retreating from difficulties.

Strength of character is judged by the wings of the nose. If they swell greatly when breathing, then this person is temperamental and energetic.

The corners of the mouth show general state person. The drooping corners indicate a pessimist, always dissatisfied with life.

The degree of tension of a person is shown by a closed mouth. This speaks of determination and strength of character. A slightly open mouth indicates relaxation and passivity.

Smile and laugh

All people smile and laugh differently. Laughter can be contagious, quiet, mocking, angry, sincere, barking, arrogant, artificial, etc.

Pure, carefree laughter shows a light, free, laid-back nature.

If a person has aggressiveness, envy, anger or contempt, then these feelings prevent you from laughing easily and freely. It turns out something like “he-he-he”. Young people who want to attract attention usually giggle. Laughter like “ho-ho-ho” seems to say: “Well, tell me too...”. It reflects arrogance, boasting, a desire to humiliate, to doubt what was said.

Every person can judge the authenticity of a smile by relying on their intuition. She will tell you whether a person is pleasant or not, likes or dislikes, “slippery type” or “somehow he smiles wrong.” Intuition rarely deceives. Human psychology by facial expressions makes it possible to determine, first of all, the sincerity of a person.


  • Dropped or raised shoulders, along with a slightly hunched back and retracted chin, speak of humility, weakness, and a sense of inferiority of a person;
  • Raising your head too high and protruding your chest is a sign of pride, vanity and arrogance;
  • A tense and motionless posture isolates sensitive and shy people from the outside world;
  • Sometimes sensitive people try to hide it, outwardly showing rigidity, coldness, as if bristling at others. Then a certain angularity of posture appears;
  • A person with self-esteem has a free, relaxed posture with his head held high. This demonstrates trust, openness and respect for people.

Human psychology in terms of behavior and gestures has been studied for many years. This science is called body language. The achievements of modern psychology in this area have given impetus to this direction, and the demand for this knowledge from a practical point of view has pushed psychologists to further study the connection between soul and body. Since any of our internal experiences, movements of the soul cause a response in the body, facial expressions, gestures, movements.

Often we see all these external manifestations and our brain processes them instantly at the level of “pleasant - unpleasant”, “trustworthy - not trustworthy”, etc. After all, there are often situations in life when we say “there is something I don’t like about this person” or “what a slippery type he is.” That is, we don’t know what caused our reaction, but we subconsciously feel it. By trusting your intuition and learning a little body language, Everyday life you will be able to determine a person's character at first sight.

Words, as you know, can make you happy and mortally wound, but human body movements are no less significant for communication. It would seem that one look, one gesture - and the impression of a long-hour conversation completely changes. Knowing the decoding of certain gestures and facial expressions of a person, you can better understand the psychology of your interlocutor and choose a conversation strategy for yourself.

The struggle between the conscious and the unconscious

The interaction of people with each other can be verbal (that is, verbal) and non-verbal (wordless). And if with the first everything is clear: if you said it, you were understood (or not understood, depending on your luck), then with non-speech manifestations everything is much more complicated. Of course: there are 57 muscles on the human face that can move in different combinations, - imagine how many facial expressions you can “make”!

Gestures (body, hands) are also not far behind: I slightly reduced the amplitude of the inviting sign with my hand - and the interlocutors felt that they would not be very welcome, despite the call. But the most important thing is that body movements are very difficult to regulate, unlike words. This is why anthropologists are convinced that studying the psychology of human behavior is impossible without facial expressions and gestures. Let's try together to at least partially “bring to clean water» some non-verbal manifestations.

What do gestures and facial expressions tell you?

Body language is diverse and can tell a lot about a person:

  • how confident or unconfident he is;
  • about his pride;
  • about temperament;
  • about the characteristics of the emotional sphere, feelings, etc.

But if you are not a specialist in the field of psychology, then two aspects of decoding body movements are usually of keen interest - lies and sympathy. In other words, it is important for people to know when they are being lied to and when they are loved (or not loved). It is noteworthy that untruth in facial expressions and gestures manifests itself in the same way in men and women, but the desire to please each other manifests itself differently, as evidenced, in particular, by various psychology manuals with descriptions of gestures and facial expressions in pictures.

If a person has something to hide, then his thought process goes on two planes - what to say and what to lie. Since it is anatomically stipulated that right hemisphere, responsible for speech and analytics, directs the actions of the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere is responsible for emotions and imagination, coordinating the work of the right side; one should look for “symptoms” of lying in observations of the left side of the body. In general, manifestations of insincerity can be as follows:

  • the interlocutor touches the neck, fastens and unfastens buttons on clothes, twists the collar, touches the “angel's kiss” - the dimple above the upper lip;
  • the counterpart cannot choose the appropriate pace of speech - he either speeds it up or slows it down for no apparent reason;
  • during a conversation, a person concentrates his gaze on the interlocutor or another object, and then sharply looks away;
  • if “Ostap got carried away,” then the liar begins to blink frequently, touch his eyelids with his fingers, squint (at the same time, he does not necessarily look away: notorious liars, on the contrary, look straight into the eyes);
  • among followers of Baron Munchausen, during the process of writing, the tip of the nose may move, turn red, or itch;
  • uncontrolled touching of the mouth, biting lips indicate that the person is afraid to tell the truth;
  • hands in pockets, behind the back indicate that the interlocutor has something to hide;
  • crossed legs, the desire to lean on a chair, table - another reason to think about the veracity of what they tell you.

Especially for those who cannot stand lies: psychologists have found that The best way to expose a liar - to mirror his gestures and facial expressions. Under such subconscious pressure, he will probably spill the beans.

Sincerity or hypocrisy?

When communicating with a person, it is important for us to know whether he accepts us, that is, sympathizes with us or not. In this case we're talking about not so much about the romantic side of the issue, but about the elementary laws of socialization. Scientists have found that a set of gestures sincere feelings relate:

  • a powerful handshake “from the heart”;
  • toes of shoes pointed towards the interlocutor;
  • slight forward bend;
  • the desire to imitate gestures and facial expressions;
  • demonstration of hands with palms up.

If the person you are talking to is unpleasant, they will give him away:

  • weak handshake;
  • crossed legs and arms;
  • shrugging first one shoulder and then the other;
  • hands constantly in pockets;
  • desire to lean on a chair, armchair, etc.

Men's set

Nature has determined that the main task male - to attract a female for procreation. And in this sense, Mother Creator cannot be deceived by cunning minds dressed in male body. So, the main manifestations of facial expressions and gestures of a man in love:

  • stand with legs wide apart;
  • demonstration of muscles (crunching fingers, stretching, bending);
  • “walking” back and forth around the room in which the object of desire is located;
  • a sliding glance over the entire body of the object of passion;
  • dilated pupils;
  • eyebrow movements up and down;
  • slightly open mouth;
  • constant smoothing of hair;
  • loosening the tie knot;
  • crossed legs in a sitting position;
  • squeezing and unclenching a glass, mug, pen, etc.

Female manifestations

Women, as beings with a more subtle mental organization, have a much more intricate system nonverbal communication. So men probably wouldn’t refuse a manual in the spirit of “Facial expressions and gestures of women in pictures with descriptions.” Let us help them at least partially understand the issue.

  • When a young lady offers her hand with her palm down, she seems to be inviting you to kiss the hand, that is, offering a closer acquaintance.
  • Constantly touching her hair shows that she cares about her interlocutor.
  • A sideways glance from under fluffy eyelashes is an open invitation to flirt.
  • If, while sitting on a chair, a girl bends at the waist and leans her elbows on the chair, she sympathizes with her male interlocutor.
  • Closed ankles slightly tilted to the side indicate that the young lady is not against passionate communication.
  • In a conversation, a woman interested in a particular man will turn her wrist towards him, as if saying: “Take me by the hand and lead me”;
  • Touching earrings, chains, and bracelets also reveals a very interested lady.

Each theory concerning the study of human behavior has its own view of the subject under study. Let's try to consider how certain theories interpret the characteristics of individual behavior.

Personality Trait Theory

In accordance with this approach, the observed diversity in the behavior of people who find themselves in identical conditions can be explained by individual characteristics. These unique traits are both innate and developed over the course of life. For example, if an employee does not fulfill the plan, this may be due to his slowness or excessive fixation on trifles.

G. Allport believed that an individual is a carrier of 2 to 10 dominant character traits. They determine his line of behavior. For example, a person can be hardworking, lazy, stubborn, goal-oriented, honest, and so on. The remaining features occupy a secondary position and are correlated with certain attitudes in relation to particular, specific situations.

Behaviorist model

The word “behaviorism” itself is translated as behavior. This theory does not take into account the influence of thinking, will and consciousness on human behavior. Personality is perceived within the framework of this system somewhat simplified. It is a set of emotional, verbal and motor reactions to an external stimulus (irritant).

Thus, it fits into an elementary scheme: stimulus - response. The subject deliberately chooses the behavior that will bring the greatest reward and avoid unpleasant consequences.

J. Watson is recognized as the founder of this doctrine. He identified acquired reactions (habits, feelings, speech, social behavior) and hereditary (innate reflexes). The complication of behavior occurs due to the layering of acquired reactions on existing algorithms of action.

For example, in a baby it is caused only by a loss of balance and a sharp, loud sound. In an adult, the number of reasons that can give rise to fear is already increasing.

Doctrine of social learning

It developed on the basis of behaviorism. It is assumed that social roles and behaviors are learned through observation of others. The child observes the activities of teachers, parents, and movie characters.

He then tries to copy them, trying to reproduce the essential elements of their behavior. In this vein, personality can be considered as a certain product of the interaction of the individual himself with the outside world.

Although, this theory, like behaviorism, does not allow us to reveal all the essential characteristics of a particular person.


This direction is somewhat opposed to behaviorism. Behavior in this teaching system is interpreted as the resolution of an intrapersonal conflict between three interconnected subsystems of the psyche (superego - social censor, id - subconscious and ego - self-consciousness).

In this case, the dominant role is given to the subconscious. Consequently, human activity is determined and directed by internal impulses emanating from the subconscious. From this point of view, individual behavior is difficult to control and difficult to predict. It will depend on the multidirectional aspirations of the person himself and his internal conflicts.

Cognitive concept

From the standpoint of cognitive theory, the behavior of an object is not equated to a simple mechanical reaction to an external stimulus. It can be considered as a consequence of the individual’s perception and analysis of the current situation based on his own beliefs, ideas and values. Personality in this theory is understood as a being capable of withstanding the influence and circumstances of the external environment.

A person's actions will be determined by the cognitive interpretation that he gives to what is happening. Cognitive psychology is based on the study of properties and processes related to thinking, perception, attention, imagination, decision making, and so on. Exactly these psychic phenomena have a major influence on human behavior.

In this vein, his behavior depends precisely on the subjective perception of the situation itself, and not on its objective components. Thus, when managing personnel, it is not the actual working conditions that are taken into account, but the peculiarities of their perception by the employees themselves.

Gestalt psychology

Representatives of this scientific movement see in an individual’s behavior a desire to realize his or her life strategy. A person perceives the world not as a mosaic, but as a set of interconnected elements.

The basic idea of ​​Gestalt psychologists is that the whole is not a simple sum of its parts. This is a single system that operates according to special rules. If you take an element out of it, it will lead to its drastic changes.

Let's say we perceive a musical track as a combination of all elements. Once you change, say, its rhythm, the perception of the composition as a whole also undergoes changes.

Moreover, in this system it is possible to identify certain essential components. While others will perform only a background function. In, say, a room filled with people, an individual or group of individuals will act as the main elements. The situation in which they are located will become the background.

Consequently, it is possible to understand a personality and the specifics of its behavior only by comprehensively analyzing the environment in which it resides. It is important to be aware of what she is emphasizing. In addition, the principle of “here and now” is extremely important for Gestalt psychology. It is necessary to analyze exactly what is happening now, because it is what has the greatest impact on a person.

Group dynamics

It is based on the direct conditioning of individual behavior by group behavior. The very small group to which a person belongs.

Therefore, its behavior will depend on the specifics joint activities. Here it is worth taking into account the nuances of interpersonal interaction, stages of group development, features of team formation, and so on.

So, as we see, there are many points of perception of human behavior. They make it possible to see how complex and fascinating the psychology of the individual himself is. What do you base your actions on?

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What is human psychology based on behavior and gestures? How to understand what his mood is, does he want to communicate, is he lying in conversation? You can determine a person’s psychological mood not only by what he says, but also by how he does it.

Sometimes nonverbal communication matters more than spoken language. Internal state a person can transmit the entire body. Some people actively use facial expressions, others constantly gesticulate. The most important indicators will be gait, posture, handshake, facial expressions and gestures.


The gait of a self-confident person can always be distinguished from the gait of a preoccupied or tense person. Signs of confidence:

  • Straightened shoulders;
  • Big steps;
  • Raised chin;
  • "Chest with a wheel."

Unconfident or fearful people usually look at their feet, do not swing their arms when walking, and their steps are more like a shuffle. Quick, light steps speak of a person’s determination and impetuosity. It is clear that he has a specific goal, something forces him to act. Slow and hesitant steps indicate timidity. But slowness is not always associated with uncertainty: perhaps a person is simply in no hurry or even wants to show off.

By a completely relaxed gait, you can determine that a person is this moment experiencing time serious problems, perhaps a crisis, also such a gait betrays laziness and depression. The heaviness of a gait reflects a person’s power, a desire to subjugate, and sometimes delusions of grandeur. A jumping gait indicates a positive mood, or in this way a person is trying to hide something unpleasant in his soul.


Posture also characterizes a lot. Slouching, drooping shoulders, hunched back - all this betrays weakness, uncertainty, and the position of a “victim”. Straight posture not only speaks of vigor and self-confidence (they also say “royal posture”), but also inspires action. Try standing up and walking with a straight back - and you will immediately feel different.


The handshake can also be different. Someone shakes hands firmly, decisively - this speaks of an openness, assertive character. Most often found among managers. A limp handshake characterizes a rather weak-willed, lazy person without initiative. If a person seems to bend your palm down when shaking hands, then this is a tough, domineering person.

Facial expressions

Facial expressions can tell a lot. Here are examples of how facial expressions show a person’s basic feelings and experiences:

  • Happiness – small wrinkles around the eyes, raised cheeks;
  • Anger - eyebrows are lowered and brought together, the mouth is closed, the lips are narrowed;
  • Surprise - eyebrows raised, mouth and eyes slightly open;
  • Sadness - the eyelids and corners of the mouth are drooping.

The look also reflects the inner mood. A gaze can be characterized as a desire to dominate, a lowered gaze - shame or a lie, a side glance - distrust. If a person glances from one object to another, he is bored. By a narrowed gaze one can guess about cunning, and from closed eyes - about fatigue, indifference.

Lips are responsible for feelings. Relaxed lips characterize a calm state and pleasure. Pursed lips indicate restraint and mistrust. A protruding lower lip indicates capriciousness, like in children, playing in public.

You can pay attention to right- and left-sided facial expressions. More developed facial expressions on the right side of the face indicate dominance logical thinking, the left side of the face is responsible for the expression of emotions.

Gestures, what they can tell

There are a huge variety of gestures, and each one denotes some kind of emotion:

  • If a person’s palms are open towards the interlocutor, this characterizes trust and frankness.
  • Clenched palms indicate excitement and hidden aggressiveness.
  • A person constantly touches something, squeezes something in his hands, which means he is nervous and embarrassed.
  • If a person tries to lean against something, then he does not have enough strength to get out of the current situation. It's difficult for him.
  • Touching the eyelid can be interpreted as a lie or suspicion of the interlocutor of a lie.
  • Pulling your shoulders back indicates activity; drooping shoulders indicates depression.
  • The person tilts his head to the side - he is interested in you or the conversation.

Knowing body language and gestures can tell a lot about a person and his emotions. However, we should not forget that the same gesture can characterize different people in different ways, and manifestations of facial expressions can have a variety of reasons. In addition, it is important to understand what state a person is in. For example, a person under stress behaves completely differently than when ordinary life. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor several details in behavior and gestures at once in order to build a clear picture psychological portrait person.

Interesting video:

1. Individual behavioral characteristics

Man as a product of nature and society is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. In relation to the topic under discussion, we are interested in how a person component a control system that is capable of making decisions and developing control actions, as well as executing them.

A person lives and acts by performing certain actions. His activities and communication with other people are united by the single concept of “behavior.” In the behavior, actions and deeds of a person, his basic socio-psychological properties are manifested.

A person’s behavior, his actions and actions depend on:

1) biological and psychological characteristics his body;

2) living conditions and from various influences on it, from how a person’s interaction is organized with the world of material and spiritual culture, as well as with the people around him.

To properly explain human behavior it is necessary:

1) know their mental life;

2) understand interaction environment and consciousness;

3) be able to observe external manifestations of the human psyche;

4) be able to interpret them correctly.

It is this knowledge and skills that form the basis of the socio-psychological qualities of a leader.

The state and behavior of a person is always determined by his thoughts and feelings, reflecting reality, and the will that directs his behavior. The science of the mental reflection of reality in human activity and behavior is called psychology.

Psyche (Greek "spiritual") the property of the human brain (highly organized matter) to reflect reality. This is something intangible, but inherent in man (soul). The inner world of a person, his consciousness.

This is a set of mental phenomena and processes. A specific product of human activity in its interaction with the environment.

An individual’s sensations, ideas, and thoughts create subjective images and models of the external world, which, being transformed in the brain, turn into various shapes activities and behavior. Human,

by studying the functions of the brain and one’s psyche, one thereby learns the mechanisms of one’s own activity, one knows oneself.

The mental life of a person, his inner world cannot be understood regardless of his activities. And vice versa, a person always expresses an attitude towards what he learns or does. The state of a person’s psyche (confidence, cheerfulness, hope or, conversely, anxiety, irritation, worries) have a strong influence on his behavior and the results of his work.

There are two types of orientation of human behavior:



Reactive Behavior represents mainly reactions to various internal and external stimuli.

Active behavior is associated with a person’s ability to consciously choose goals and forms of behavior to achieve the chosen goals.

To control human behavior, adequate means of navigation are needed: ideas, faith, methods, etc. It is impossible to control people's behavior without knowing and taking into account their mental characteristics.

For a long time in psychological science, personality as a certain isolated phenomenon was taken as the basis for theoretical analysis. Connections with personality were implied, but were not the subject of specific research. But man is a product of nature and society. Throughout his life he experiences the influence of a vast collection of social factors, which are defined as the social environment. Therefore, the psychology and behavior of an individual cannot be understood without connections (relationships) with other people.

On the one hand, people act, being endowed with consciousness and will. For them, any social phenomenon has its own “psychological aspect,” since social patterns manifest themselves only through other people.

On the other hand, in the joint activities of people there arise certain types connections (relationships) between them. These relationships have big influence on the psychology of people and are manifested in their actions, actions and behavior. Without analyzing a person's connections with other people, it is impossible to understand the behavior of an individual.

The science of society whole system and its individual processes and community groups called sociology ( lat. "society, - logic"). Sociologists have identified a number of values ​​that any normal person strives for.

Such general needs and interests are: 1) material living conditions;

2) interesting job;

3) social stability.

These common needs and interests need to be known and satisfied!

The diverse and complex characteristics of man can only be studied through the combined efforts of psychology and sociology. A branch of psychology that studies the laws of behavior and activity of people determined by the fact of their belonging to social groups, is called social psychology.

The decisive role in the development of the human psyche belongs to work - the most characteristic way for a person to interact with the environment. Man, like animals, adapts himself to the environment. But unlike them, he subjugates the external environment, that is, he carries out a purposeful, conscious transformation of the natural, industrial and social environment. It is this ability of a person that determines the main feature of his behavior - the ability to foresee events, plan actions and strive to achieve certain goals.

There are two really and functionally interconnected aspects of human behavior:

1. Incentive, which provides (stimulates) the direction and activity of behavior. Stimulation of behavior is associated with the concept of motivation, which includes ideas about the interests, needs, goals, motivations, intentions and aspirations of a person;

2. Regulatory, which is responsible for how behavior develops from beginning to end (until the goal is achieved) under certain conditions. Regulation of behavior is provided mainly by various types of processes and states.

Modern production is a complex and dynamic system, the basis of which is labor collectives. The success of their production activities largely depends on the active attitude of ordinary team members to work, on the moral and psychological climate in the team, and on the manager’s ability to manage people’s behavior.

Leading people requires taking into account not only your own thoughts and feelings, but the thoughts and feelings of other people.

The ability of a manager to correctly understand the behavior of subordinates, to create a creative mood and enthusiasm (emotion) in the team when solving production problems - this is the essence of the socio-organizational function of management.

A necessary condition for the successful performance of such a function is the manager’s knowledge of the fundamentals of psychology, sociology and pedagogy. A manager is often faced with tasks that cannot be solved without socio-psychological knowledge.

A leader in his work with people must distinguish between such concepts as man, individuality, personality, group, collective. Orientation in these concepts will help him more accurately imagine the totality of factors that influence the employee and determine his behavior, which will help him better understand the need integrated approach to the organization of labor and management.

In developing technology and organizing work, it is necessary to observe the most important qualitative characteristics of a person: his physical structure, his mental properties. The manager should always keep in mind that each employee has his own needs and interests, which determine life position, motivate attitude towards work.

The problem of individual awareness of the conditions and goals of human activity is of great interest for organizational (social) management, for a correct understanding of the behavior of a subordinate, for establishing scientifically qualified relations between a manager and subordinates.

2. Mental processes

A person’s contact with the outside world and his behavior occur over time, that is, they are considered as a series various processes and states. The initial mental processes that connect a person with the outside world are cognitive, emotionally sensitive and volitional processes. Human behavior is determined by a set of mental processes. A person thinks, feels, acts.

2.1. Cognitive processes

A person’s contact with the world determines the development of his psyche. Initial form psyches make up sensations - the source of all

our knowledge about the world around us. The creation of a single image of a thing or phenomenon, the degree of its understanding is given by perception. Perception can be deliberate, purposeful, in order to deeply understand the object. This process is called observation. Observation expands and details our perception of phenomena and things, and the ability to evaluate forms a general idea of ​​them.

Reflection general experience, manifested in recognition and

reproduction is called memory.

The highest cognitive mental process is thinking, which is a process of reflection, a process of cognition of the world.

Thinking always begins with posing a question, with a need or need to resolve it. With the help of thinking, a person learns the general and essential characteristics of objects and phenomena, connections and relationships between them. Thinking makes it possible to foresee the course of events and the results of our own actions. The quality and productivity of thought processes ultimately depends on the knowledge a person has and the ability to master it, on the level of development and degree of perception of intelligence.

Modern psychology considers one of the most important positive qualities mind its criticality and flexibility, as well as breadth, depth and speed of thought. The negative properties of mental activity include uncriticality, haste, slowness and superficiality of the mind, inertia, routine and narrowness of thinking, as well as the inability to seek and find new ways.

A person thinks in concepts, judgments, conclusions that are expressed in words. Speech is a form of manifestation of thought, a means and process of communication. It is associated with mental processes. Any speech not only conveys a certain content of thought, but also, with the help of intonation, facial expressions, and gestures, expresses the feelings and attitude of the speaker to what or who is being spoken about. An observant person can learn and understand a lot about the speaker from his speeches, because the individual characteristics of speech reflect, to a certain extent, the characteristics of the individual.

The leader must know the individual properties of the mental activity of his subordinates.

2.2. Emotional-sensory processes

A person’s attitude (subjective reactions) to phenomena and things real world expressed by mental experiences (emotions).

Emotions are subjective human reactions to the influence of internal and external stimuli, manifested in the form of pleasure or displeasure, joy, fear, etc. They arise in the body as a result of subcortical excitations of the brain, formed on the basis of hereditary or acquired experience.

Emotions arose in the process of evolution as a means by which living beings determine the biological significance of the states of the body and the environment. Emotions accompany almost any manifestation of the body’s vital activity. They reflect in the form of direct experience the significance of phenomena and situations and serve as one of the main mechanisms of internal regulation of mental activity and behavior aimed at satisfying current needs.

A person, relying on emotions, performs necessary actions, the expediency of which remains hidden to him. Some people and events excite him, but he remains indifferent to others. In one case, a person experiences pleasure and joy, in another, concern, anxiety, and even grief.

As a person develops, emotions lose their instinctive basis and develop into stable, more complex and higher processes -

Feelings are formed on the basis of emotions as a result of a person’s relationship to something and as a result of a systematic generalization of specific experiences. Feelings represent deep formations of an individual. They characterize wealth or poverty inner world a person, his relationships and life position. Feelings are the result of a person’s satisfaction of certain needs and interests.

Feelings in psychology are a special type of emotional experiences that have a clearly expressed objective character. They are associated with the idea of ​​some object - specific or generalized. A person’s feelings are cultural and historical in nature; sign systems (social symbolism, rites, rituals, etc.) play a significant role in their formation.

Emotions and feelings constitute the content of a person’s emotional and sensory life. This is a special human mechanism that deepens and enriches our contacts with outside world, expands the possibilities of our improvement. The formation of a person’s feelings is the most important condition for his formation as an individual and personality. The influence of this factor on a person and his psyche, and therefore on his behavior and activities, should be taken into account.

Psychology divides the variety of feelings into three main groups:


- intellectual;


1. B moral feelings reflects public morals and ethics (Greek “custom”). They can act as motives and

regulators of behavior. Ethics clarifies the place of morality in the system public relations, analyzes the nature of morality.

A strong regulator of moral behavior is conscience, that is, an individual’s emotional and evaluative attitude towards his own actions. Any deviation from the norm causes anxiety and self-condemnation. Or, conversely, loyalty to norms and one’s own beliefs causes a state of satisfied conscience.

2. In human behavior great importance have intellectual feelings. They are understood as an emotional attitude to cognition. These feelings manifest themselves in a variety of emotions: surprise and bewilderment, joy and admiration, inquisitiveness and conceit, etc.

The labor process always includes elements of cognition, the search for new solutions and takes place at a certain emotional background. It is human nature to strive to achieve goals that are important to him. At the same time, for some, the plans are reliably translated into the desired results, for others this does not happen fully, for others nothing works out.

All this is not only logically comprehended by people, but is also perceived by them as certain experiences, which give thinking a human coloring. Depending on life situations, diverse human emotions arise: positive and negative, deep and superficial.

3. Modern production requires taking into accountaesthetic feelings of people. IN mental processes Attitudes to beauty arise and manifest themselves in nature, in people’s lives and in art.

Emotional and sensory processes have a huge impact on a person as an individual and on his social role in society. “The initial reason for any action,” wrote I.M. Sechenov, “always lies in external sensory stimulation, because without it no thought is possible.”

2.3. Volitional processes

A person not only thinks and feels, but also acts accordingly. A person realizes conscious and purposeful regulation of activity with the help of will.

Will is the conscious ability and desire of a person to perform deliberate actions aimed at achieving

consciously set a goal, and consciously regulate one’s activities, managing one’s behavior.

Will is the desire to choose the type of activity, to the internal efforts necessary for its implementation. Even the simplest work activity requires volitional efforts. This is the connecting link between consciousness, on the one hand, and action, on the other.

Will is a person’s ability to overcome obstacles and achieve a goal, it is the conscious self-regulation of one’s behavior, it is a complex psychological process that causes human activity.

Will is, first of all, power over oneself, over one’s feelings and actions. It is necessary both when performing certain actions and to refrain from unwanted actions.

Will must accompany all types of human activity in order for them to be effective. Where human effort, mental and physical strength is required, the will necessarily comes into play. Volitional effort is a special state of mental tension in which the physical, intellectual and moral forces of a person are mobilized. Every volitional effort begins with awareness of a goal and the manifestation of a desire to achieve it.

The human will is manifested in actions , for the implementation of which a person consciously regulates their strength, speed and other dynamic parameters. The level of development of the will determines how adapted a person is to the activity that he performs. An act of will is characterized by the experience of “I must,” “I must,” and awareness of the value characteristics of the goal of the activity.

Will rules man. Depending on the degree of volitional effort a person expends in achieving a goal, they speak of strength and perseverance of will.

A volitional action is always performed on the basis of a specific goal and motive.

It includes three main points: 1) choosing a goal;

2) drawing up a plan, that is, defining tasks, means and organizing the achievement of a goal;

3) performing the action itself.

By urge volitional action There may be both a person’s own needs and the needs of society. The transition to volitional regulation of actions is necessary when insurmountable obstacles arise on the way to achieving a goal.

The main volitional qualities include the following: purposefulness, independence, determination,

persistence, endurance, impulsiveness, weakness of will, stubbornness and others.

Purposefulness refers to the ability to subordinate one’s behavior to a sustainable life goal. Setting accessible goals that require significant effort strengthens the will. People differ from each other in the degree of volitional activity:

- some are waiting for instructions on what and how to do;

- others take the initiative themselves and choose their methods of action.

Autonomy of volitional activity is called independence. This strong-willed quality manifests itself in the ability to structure one’s behavior according to one’s own motives, in accordance with one’s own views and beliefs. Leading a team of independent people is not easy.

But it is even more difficult if the team has a group of workers with such negative qualities of will as suggestibility and negativism. They cannot subordinate their actions to the arguments of reason and act by blindly accepting or blindly rejecting other people's influences, advice, and explanations. Both suggestibility and negativism are expressions of weakness of will.

Life constantly presents a person with many tasks that require solutions. Choice and decision-making are one of the links in the volitional process, and determination is an important quality strong-willed person. An indecisive person constantly hesitates because his decision has not been analyzed enough, he is not completely sure of the correctness of the decision made.

For volitional action, execution of the decision made is very important. People are not equally persistent in overcoming difficulties; not everyone succeeds. decision to end. The ability to follow through on a decision, achieve a set goal, and overcome various external and internal difficulties on the way to the goal is called perseverance in psychology.

In contrast to persistence, a person can exhibit negative quality- stubbornness. Stubbornness manifests lack of will, the inability to force oneself to be guided by reasonable arguments, facts, and advice.

Important strong-willed qualities are endurance and self-control. By controlling oneself, a person refrains from actions and expressions of feelings that are recognized as unwanted, unnecessary or harmful in given conditions or in given time. The opposite quality of self-control and self-control is impulsiveness.

The normal system of human behavior is based on the balance of irritative and inhibitory processes (nervous

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