mother ship. John Favors. Spiritual Warrior: Spiritual Truths in Psychic Phenomena. What is behind the sun

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In discussions about UFOs, one often hears the term "mothership". The mother ship is a UFO. It is like a giant flying city and can accommodate hundreds or even thousands of smaller, ballroom-sized flying objects. Illuminated at full power, the mothership shines brighter than 10,000 suns. These flying objects are huge.

In the history of the Earth, repeated appearances of motherships are noted, but they were interpreted incorrectly. For example, star of bethlehem was nothing but a mothership. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the mother ship. Archangel Gabriel and Moses had a connection with the mother ship. Many of the vimanas mentioned in the Vedas were mother ships. A few years ago a pilot Japanese aircraft reported that he witnessed a strange phenomenon: his plane was pursued by fifty or sixty small flying objects flying from more than large object. Of course, the pilot met with the mother ship.

Mothership creatures are more like us than other alien creatures. They have always monitored the life of our universe. Their task is to promote balance and progress on Earth. They render positive influence on the development of our planet through the transformation of the consciousness of earthlings, a process that we are witnessing now and which will occur even more intensively in the future. They are able to prevent some catastrophes and are now in control of the threatening situation that has developed in connection with the growth of nuclear weapons.

The story reflects the ongoing battle between good and evil for power over humanity, for the right to decide its fate. As higher consciousness beings (and aspiring to higher consciousness) increasingly come into contact with those who pursue selfish goals, a global cleansing begins. Life on the planet is partially or completely destroyed. Motherships are required to ensure the restoration of the population after such a purge. During the destruction, the creatures on the mother ship “highlight” people with high level consciousness, capture them with a beam of light and transfer them to the mother ship. Both things happen instantly, at the speed of thought. People brought to the ship are immediately put into a deep sleep, especially if they were captured under serious circumstances, such as during a disaster requiring a global evacuation. Later, these people will help repopulate the planet. The bodies of those who do not surrender to the Supreme Lord will be destroyed. In fact, they will only benefit from the general destruction, because they will have the opportunity in the next life to reach the spiritual level that they failed to achieve in this life.

The beings inhabiting the mothership do not act directly in the human world. Most of their activities are carried out through earthly intermediaries. Since we have free will and choice with all the ensuing consequences, alien beings offer guidance to earthlings, and they are already free to choose one or another course of action.

UFOs, Aliens and Mothership

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs), aliens, the mother ship - all these are objects that are traditionally thinking people generally considered unworthy of discussion, or at least dubious. However, numerous eyewitness accounts and photographs indicate that these phenomena deserve serious attention. These are real phenomena, and we will try to understand them at least partially. Those who are sufficiently oriented in metaphysical matters will be able to deepen their knowledge and understanding, but contact with this topic will be useful to everyone.


In general, aliens, or aliens, can be defined as beings that live outside of our planet. This concept includes both beings from the higher planetary systems - demigods, and the inhabitants of the lower planets.

All ancient cultures, to one degree or another, were influenced by aliens, many civilizations left oral and written evidence of them. Among others, the natives of America, the peoples of Africa, Latin and South America From generation to generation, legends about contacts with aliens have been preserved. The history of Kemet (Egypt) suggests that the pyramids were built with the help of aliens. These creatures shared with the Egyptians knowledge in the field of laser and other technologies, knowledge was distributed among select groups and applied for certain purposes. In fact, the pyramids were not built to serve as tombs. One of their functions was to act as an amplifier to provide communication between different dimensions, which allowed aliens to communicate with their brothers and sisters from other worlds (see chapter 8).


Aliens are also mentioned in the scriptures, although this information is contained in a hidden, encrypted form. The Bible mentions how Ezekiel saw a “wheel” that lifted him to another, upper wheel (Ezekiel 1, 16). It has been suggested that this top wheel is nothing more than a aircraft. The Book of Revelation of John the Theologian says that when the world approaches a transitional state, a city will appear in the sky (Rev 21:2-27). Apparently, both of these references are related to the UFO - the so-called mother ship, which we will describe below. Christian minister Barry Downing has written extensively about the relationship between the Bible and the UFO phenomenon.

Indian Vedic scriptures such as the Bhagavata Purana, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana describe in detail beings from other planets, the airships or vimanas in which these beings travel, and their contact with humans.


In discussions about UFOs, one often hears the term "mothership". The mother ship is a UFO. It is like a giant flying city and can accommodate hundreds or even thousands of smaller, ballroom-sized flying objects. Illuminated at full power, the mothership shines brighter than 10,000 suns. These flying objects are huge.

In the history of the Earth, repeated appearances of motherships are noted, but they were interpreted incorrectly. For example, the Star of Bethlehem was nothing more than a mothership. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the mother ship. Archangel Gabriel and Moses had a connection with the mother ship. Many of the vimanas mentioned in the Vedas were mother ships. A few years ago, a Japanese aircraft pilot reported witnessing a strange phenomenon: his aircraft was being chased by fifty or sixty small flying objects flying from a larger object. Of course, the pilot met with the mother ship.

Mothership creatures are more like us than other alien creatures. They have always monitored the life of our universe. Their task is to promote balance and progress on Earth. They have a positive impact on the development of our planet by transforming the consciousness of earthlings, a process that we are witnessing now and which will occur even more intensively in the future. They are able to prevent some catastrophes and are now in control of the threatening situation that has developed in connection with the growth of nuclear weapons.

The story reflects the ongoing battle between good and evil for power over humanity, for the right to decide its fate. As higher consciousness beings (and aspiring to higher consciousness) increasingly come into contact with those who pursue selfish goals, a global cleansing begins. Life on the planet is partially or completely destroyed. Motherships are required to ensure the restoration of the population after such a purge. During the destruction, the creatures on the mother ship "highlight" people with a high level of consciousness, capture them with a beam of light and transfer them to the mother ship. Both things happen instantly, at the speed of thought. People brought to the ship are immediately put into a deep sleep, especially if they were captured under serious circumstances, such as during a disaster requiring a global evacuation. Later, these people will help repopulate the planet. The bodies of those who do not surrender to the Supreme Lord will be destroyed. In fact, they will only benefit from the general destruction, because they will have the opportunity in the next life to reach the spiritual level that they failed to achieve in this life.

The beings inhabiting the mothership do not act directly in the human world. Most of their activities are carried out through earthly intermediaries. Since we have free will and choice with all the ensuing consequences, alien beings offer guidance to earthlings, and they are already free to choose one or another course of action.


The Venerable Elijah Muhammad, in his book A Message to the American Black, and Rev. Louis Farrakhan, both Black Muslims, also mention motherships. The "Message to the Black Man" speaks of the role of mother ships and their ability to maintain balance in this world by controlling disasters - both natural and man-made.

A few years ago, Farrakhan experienced an incident similar to the story of the prophet Ezekiel, which we have already mentioned. Farrakhan reports that he was captured by a small ship's light beam and taken to big ship. There he met with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who told him to inform the Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, that his capital would be bombed, that he himself would be assassinated, and of other plans to foment World War III. Farrakhan conveyed this message to Colonel Gaddafi. Later it was reported that when the bombardment began, such strong interference appeared on the air that some aircraft could not carry out a combat mission, and a group of small flying saucers hung over the territory.


Consider several types of alien creatures. The first category includes the demigods, including those who oversee the motherships. One type of demigod comes to us from the North Star and even more distant stars. The first thing that catches your eye when meeting with these creatures is their fiery, luminous body. They are very tall, about eight feet tall, and have huge mystical powers. They are able to move at the speed of thought and see what any of us is doing at any time. There are many types of demigods, all living in the higher planets.

The second category of aliens - the so-called "gray". They are described as very short creatures with huge black eyes, a large oval head, a weak body, and vestigial ears, nose, and mouth. It is these creatures that carry out the majority of abductions. In one of the most authoritative books about abductions - "Communication" by Whitley Strieber - provides details of contacts with UFOs, during which people were abducted and various experiments were performed on them, which, as a rule, led to a change in consciousness. People abducted by UFOs are usually subjected to extensive study using sophisticated equipment. Various devices are introduced into the body, most often into the mouth and rectum, of the abducted. Later, they feel pain, sometimes they begin to bleed heavily from the nose.

Some of the abductees dream that they are being raped or that they are on spaceship and they continuously ejaculate. These dreams reflect real experience. The kidnappers take sperm from earthlings and use it to continue their kind.

People who have undergone this procedure have experienced pain in their genitals afterwards. If you have had dreams in which you communicated with beings from other worlds, and then you experienced sensations similar to those mentioned above, then it is quite possible that the contact you dreamed of took place in reality. But you don't have to be afraid. "Greys" cannot be considered necessarily malicious entities. Rather, they should be pitied: they evolved to lose the ability to love, and as a result, beings consisting mainly of intellect and without feelings arose. That's why they have such a big head and such a small body. They use their mental abilities to kidnap people by paralyzing the victim with telepathy. These creatures are closely connected and interact with our planet for a long time. Part of this connection is due to their desire to acquire emotions.

Another category of aliens comes from the center of the Earth. Some of them are non-humanoids, while others, the descendants of the population of the "disappeared continents" - Mu and Atlantis (see chapter 8), - have a human appearance. During the decline of Mu and Atlantis, some people, following the guidance of the mother ship, took refuge in the center of the planet. Surprisingly, some unidentified flying objects do not come from other planets, but from the center of our own.

There are also aliens that are definitely negative in nature. Sometimes they are called demons. They oppose the Divine order and render Negative influence on the state of affairs on earth. There are people who voluntarily come into contact with these beings and deliberately become tyrants. They are trying to establish control over minds in order to gain power and turn people into slaves. They: encourage deceit, strife, and satanic cults. These tyrants have high-ranking agents in governments all over the world, they are more powerful than secret societies, and penetrate them to practice mind control and manipulation of people.

Our planet is controlled by secret societies such as the Illuminati and the Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones is one of the most powerful organizations in the world, whose members perform human sacrifices to gain power. Members of the Illuminati society have extensive knowledge of demigods and extraterrestrial beings. With the help of meditation and other metaphysical techniques, they come into contact with negative entities, which provide them with all sorts of metaphysical weapons to control people and achieve complete dominance over them. These societies carry out their goals before the eyes of the whole world through government organizations such as the Federal Reserve, the Trilateral Commission, the International monetary fund etc.


As already mentioned, there are numerous evidences of contacts with aliens. Many feel that the government is going to great lengths to hide this information from the public. However, this is no longer possible. Numerous reports of an incident in Roswell, New Mexico, say that residents of the city saw a disc-shaped flying object. The military called to the city examined the crash site and the wreckage of the crashed object.

More than a hundred people knew about this catastrophe, mostly those who were somehow connected with the government. This incident is of particular interest because there are reports that the bodies of dead aliens were also found among the debris. Judging by the descriptions, these were the "gray" ones, which we have already spoken about. Officially, the incident was presented as a weather balloon accident. A few years later, many government officials appeared on television and said they were ordered to keep the incident under wraps and threatened with dismissal if they did not comply. But in the end, they still spoke, feeling that they could no longer withhold this information.

It is now believed in certain circles that ex-President Eisenhower had contact with extraterrestrials. It is also reported that ex-President Carter personally saw a UFO. Member of the House of Lords English Parliament The Earl of Clancarty spoke to the pilot involved in the incident at Edwards AFB and wrote in no uncertain terms that it was an alien encounter.

Already from these few examples, it becomes clear that UFOs and contacts with aliens are a widespread phenomenon, and not an invention of eccentrics. People who have come into contact with extraterrestrials meet regularly to discuss how the experience has affected them and their families, and how to deal with the aftermath. In New York, there is a special express line of communication through which information is transmitted about new cases of UFO sightings and contacts with alien beings. We must be aware of the seriousness of the situation and know what is happening in this area of ​​the life of our planet. If we fail to prepare properly, the next few decades could bring us much trouble.


If I just aroused your interest in UFOs and aliens, or scared you, then I failed to achieve my goal. The main question is how much this information contributes to your ability to see the guiding hand of the Lord behind everything that happens. Does it encourage you to surrender to Him? If this information helps you realize the urgent need to develop love in yourself, then our discussion made sense. When deciding which of the people to save, who to help, higher beings are guided by the assessment of a person’s energy, the degree of embodiment of love tendencies in him. A person with a low level of development of consciousness and low vibrations is simply not adapted to contact with the mother ship. At the same time, those who follow the principles of moral purity and compassion for their neighbor have already made a great contribution to their spiritual development and will be ready to meet the mother ship and alien beings.

When you enter into a state of harmony with God, He takes care of your survival. He keeps and protects you. His servants gladly do whatever He asks you to do. But if you do not cry out to Him, you will be in bondage, you will become a victim of those negative forces that affect our mind through the means mass media. By constantly arousing material desires in you, they successfully bring your consciousness down to lower levels and then the negative forces can command and control you.

Our time is an amazing period in the life of this universe. There are beings here who have been waiting for thousands of years for the opportunity to be born at this particular time, when they can gain enough progressive spiritual strength to return back home to spiritual world. And you came to Earth at this time not by chance, but in order to take part in the unfolding process. We want to promote your union with those who will help you raise your level of consciousness and establish a harmonious relationship with the universe and with God.

QUESTION: I was once talking to a man who was very knowledgeable about the UFO problem. He said that the first nuclear disaster happened in Sodom and Gomorrah. Could you elaborate on this?

ANSWER: Yes, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of what happens when nuclear energy is released. The mother ship was given such a task, and it fulfilled it. All these events are caused by the combined free will and collective consciousness of people. And what happens to an individual depends on his personal karma. If you have protective karma earned by a righteous life in harmony with God, then even if you have to part with life, there is knowledge and power that can, if necessary, return your soul back to the body.

QUESTION: What ultimately determines what our consciousness will be - the Creator or our own choice and activity?

ANSWER: Absolutely, by our choice and our respective actions. The Supreme Lord is like the supreme father, who loves everything about his children and constantly grants them the right to make choices according to their perceptions and desires. God has no favorites. Man's desires draw him either to righteousness or to sinfulness. Our free will and our choices attract or repel various situations. What goes around comes around. According to the law of conservation of energy and the third law of dynamics, action is equal to reaction. We ourselves are fully responsible for everything that happens in our lives. If we were truly aware of this, we would be more careful and attentive in our interactions with each other, with the world around us and with God.

QUESTION: I have been studying UFOs for quite some time, but I have not come across in books almost anything that you told us today. So, I was wasting my time if I learned more in one short lecture than in several years of classes?

ANSWER: Indeed, much of what we are discussing you will not find in any book. Most of this information comes from communication at the cosmic level, as well as from experience previous life. To facilitate your growth, we summarize a huge amount of knowledge. You could hardly get this information just by reading books. The knowledge we share with you is not just for the mind, it goes deeper. Our words are like seeds sown in the heart and mind. The soul knows the truth and is able to support the desire of any person striving for a higher goal.

mother ship

Race Protoss
Health 350 (shield 350)
Energy 200 (beginning 50)
Armor 2 (5* )
Movement speed 1.4062
Acceleration 1.375
armor type booking units - mechanical units - psionicist - large unit.
Visibility 14
Minerals 300
Vespen 300
supplies 6
Trains in mothership core
Build time 100 sec.
Required flotilla lighthouse, mother ship
Key U

During the time of protoss active space exploration, motherships led huge armadas. In the centuries that have passed since then, they have abandoned the battlefields and become shrines revered by historians and priests. However, the loss of Aiur convinced the protoss to recover their oldest and most powerful technique. All motherships carry a large khaydarin crystal that contains enough psionic energy to tear apart the fabric of time and space. With such weapons, these ships can instantly destroy enemy squadrons or even entire planets.


  • A large ship capable of attacking ground and air targets.
  • You can have no more than one mother ship at your disposal.
  • Generates a camouflage field that can make all troops and buildings close to the ship invisible.
  • The ability "Mass Teleportation" allows you to transfer the mother ship and friendly combat units back to the nexus. Use it to take troops out of combat or move them to defend your base.
  • Use the Time Warp ability to slow down enemies.
  • A group of motherships, aircraft carriers, phoenixes, and Void emitters will become a powerful air force.



The Zerg were already close. From everywhere came the rattle of claws - doors, walls, ceiling shook under their blows. Erikul felt that somewhere nearby, other High Templars, his brothers and sisters, were fighting and dying. They gave their lives to buy him a few more precious seconds. He closed his eyes, listening to the beating of the Khala. The thoughts and feelings of his companions filled her with chaos, horror and pain.

His home world, Aiur, has been overrun by the zerg. They must have been looking forward to victory, not knowing that the war was far from over. Erekul crossed the dark room and dipped his palms into the soft blue glow emanating from the control panel. His fingers dialed the codes quickly, and even the rumble of the door being kicked in could not shake the templar's imperturbable concentration.

The signal has reached the border outer space protoss, and the dormant crystals began to glow with light, shrouded in the iridescent glow of the force wells. Energy is in motion.

Erekul turned around only when the door collapsed behind him. The two lifeless bodies of the high templar flew across the room and hit the opposite wall. A mass of grey-brown flesh rushed in next: small, swift zerglings, toothy creatures that spit. Behind them appeared massive hydralisks with furiously bristled scruffs. Erekul's eyes flashed cold blue flame; he lowered his head, concentrating psionic energy. Enemies swept him with a whirlwind of unquenchable malice. He spread his arms and unleashed a torrent of energy that tore the bodies of the attackers to pieces, but more hordes of zerglings were already squeezing through the door. Erekul directed psi-energy at the largest hydralisk and blew his brain, but other zerg with a growl crushed the body of the fallen brother under them and took his place. They surrounded Erekul, and he felt that he did not have enough strength for another psionic storm. Then, uttering a silent cry, full of rage and courage, he rushed into hand-to-hand combat. Teeth and spikes sank into his body, zerglings and hydralisks knocked him down, and it was all over soon.

Yuras opened his eyes, which he had not seen for many centuries. Engineers had warned that coming out of stasis could be unpleasant, but that wasn't true: it was far worse. Skin, eyes, psi-receptors were torn from pain. Shielding his eyes from the soft light, he stumbled out of the awakening chamber onto the captain's bridge of the Moratuna.

His ship was programmed to begin the awakening process in the event of the discovery of highly advanced life forms. Juras has dreamed of this moment ever since he planned to build his own station. Contact with an alien civilization could be the beginning of a new golden age for the protoss, rekindling interest in art and culture, and Juras wanted to see the dawn of a new era with his own eyes.

Moving carefully, he approached the main control panel and studied the reports. The ship continued to move, all shields were functioning at full capacity, weapons were brought into combat readiness. Juras designed motherships as peaceful research vessels, but space has always been dangerous place, and therefore all ships were equipped with heavy weapons and reliable armor. They carried the most powerful weapons ever developed by the protoss. Juras was against the installation of guns, but the Templars insisted on this measure. They even converted some ships into fleet-capable flagships, but Juras managed to defend his beloved prototype, the Moratun, as a research ship.

He was sure that he would never need a weapon; it is difficult to imagine a developed civilization that will go into outer space with any other purpose than to quench the thirst for knowledge, to gain understanding and harmony.

And the protoss themselves must not repeat the mistakes of the past. Yuras mentally repeated this directive: not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

He touched the control panel. Another moment - and he will see the first moment of contact with a new race. But the moment the picture appeared on the screen, his face frowned: it was a standard format alert sent to all motherships in stasis.

Fear gripped my chest like heavy fetters. Instinctively, Juras touched the Khala and felt silent support - his brethren were somewhere nearby.

He closed his eyes and united his consciousness with the ship as it raced through the darkness of space. Although the life of an explorer taught Juras to be alone, he felt relieved at the thought of returning to the warm, peaceful shores of his homeland. The protoss assumed a meditative posture, the possible outcome of his journey worrying him, but the anxiety was only a slight storm on the serene surface of his soul. He belonged to the Firstborn race; his people were united by the Khala and the Conclave. There was no problem they couldn't solve.

In his thoughts, Yuras wandered somewhere far away, through the endless expanses of memories. He felt psionic surges, flashes of light flickering before his eyes. The dawn broke, and as it advanced, the kalati, two great armies, set out to destroy each other, gathered on the battlefield. Protected by shields, the protoss explorers watched the young warriors.

Yuras heard his own voice saying fateful words: “We must stop them, Executor. They are just children; so let's scare them with our weapons so that they do not get out of hand. We can't stand by and watch them destroy each other."

Yuras shuddered all over. He didn't want to remember what happened next.

Walking through the ruined city, he saw rickety walls, fragments of stones - and the lifeless bodies of kalati lying everywhere. Broken bones protruding from the flesh, oozing remains ... men and women, children and the elderly. They were all dead. The Executor indeed used a powerful weapon to intimidate, but the Kalati did not heed the warning. All their malice turned against the protoss explorers, and bloodlust echoed in every battle cry as the Blood Destroyers attacked the defenses. Cornered and outnumbered, the protoss were forced to resort to their most powerful weapon, and it annihilated the attackers. It was the last spark that exploded powder keg: The Kalathi now attack the Protoss at every opportunity. War broke out, colossi were sent to the front lines, and as a result, many hundreds of thousands of Kalati were killed.

It was then that Juras set out to wander alone through the ruined capital of the kalati, imprinting in his memory the images of countless lives cut short so early. He will never forget how the protoss used terrifying weapons against other sentient beings.

A weapon of his own making.

An obsessive signal pulled him from the depths of his memories - the systems of the Moratuna alerted him to the need for a course correction and the discovery of a protoss outpost. Aiur was still at a distance much easier to cover in the company of his compatriots. Juras easily coped with the control during short spatial transitions, but for more complex navigation he might need assistants.

Martul took to the air, dodging the hydralisk spikes flying at her. She rolled over, unclenching her psi receptors, and threw both blades forward, aiming straight at her foe's belly. The blades flashed blue lightning and plunged into supple flesh, dousing everything around with a fountain of purple slime. The warrior landed on one knee, crouched to escape the spikes that whistled over her head, and rolled forward towards her next opponent. All around there was a fierce battle: the zealots tried to hold back the attack of the zerg.

But they had almost no chance of winning.

Martul and all her companions felt a sudden change in the Khala: a strange, restless feeling. The promised reinforcements from Aiur were also late, and this worried Martul immensely. There was not an inch worth fighting for on the swampy surface of Samik, and the leader of the Zealots happily awaited the evacuation. But, judging by the way events unfolded, this could hardly happen in the near future.

To her left, the blades of Zulata flickered, almost buried under a horde of zerglings. At some point, they attacked him with their whole mass, and he disappeared from sight. Martul rose to her feet and swung her blades; two zerglings that tried to jump at her ran into the blades and fell on either side. She noticed the treacherous flicker of shields - the protection worked to the limit, and it could hardly last long.

Martul felt the ground vibrate as three hydralisks erupted to the surface a few meters from her, spraying fountains of mud. She raised her blades as she stepped back, a movement the zerg took as a sign of fear and charged forward, mandibles snapping wildly. In the heat of their rage, they did not notice the two zealots coming in from the flank: in the blink of an eye, two hydralisks, writhing in deadly convulsions, were on the ground. She took on the last opponent. Lightly pushing away from his sickle-shaped limb, she rushed past the bared maw and turned somersaults in the air. At the moment when her body was at a point above the head of the hydralisk, Martul threw down psi-blades and cut his skull in two. Before the zerg's body hit the ground, she landed gracefully behind him - and immediately fell beside her: a deep laceration stretched along her leg, affecting the muscles. Staggering, she forced herself to rise, and just in time, flowing over the horizon, another swarm of zerglings appeared in the distance.

There was a chill in the air; the shadows thickened. The sky above was filled with a gigantic disc topped with three huge metal wings. Amidst the gold and azure, the familiar shimmer of plasma shields was easily discernible. Martul knew every type of vessel in the protoss fleet, but she had never seen anything like it. Bristling with gun barrels, the ship moved smoothly forward, spinning slowly in the silence that followed.

Yuras looked in front of him in horror.

The readings of the instruments with inexorable cruelty testified to the monstrous destruction. The battlefield below the ship was littered with the corpses of zealots scattered among craters and wreckage. A small group of survivors amassed at the top of the hill, fighting with... an alien life form! The aliens were so diverse in their appearance that Juras immediately assumed a high probability of assimilation of several species. But most importantly, he felt their thoughts. His senses were overwhelmed by an unspeakable hunger: the desire to devour or destroy all that exists. Obviously, the aliens had a collective consciousness. The creatures on the other side of the hill were nothing more than primitive individuals, but they were controlled by some higher intelligence.

As they did so, they tossed about and lashed out at both the protoss and their kindred, as if the pointing mind had left them alone.

There was no doubt that while Juras was in stasis, the protoss discovered another civilization. And the result of this meeting was another war.

Blood and mucus mingled and flowed in streams, shreds of flesh and bone fragments mixed with burnt stones could be seen everywhere from the dirty mess. Flashes of light bounced off the protoss' plasma shields and the jagged claws of the aliens. Against all odds, the weapons of the protoss were once again turned against the alien civilization.

Yuras again saw himself wandering through the devastated city among the charred corpses of the kalati.

This shouldn't have happened again!

The battlefield was covered with a huge shadow from a ship hovering in the sky. There was an ominous pause in the battle as fighters from both sides looked up at the sky. There was silence for a moment, but the next moment the aliens resumed their attack with redoubled fury. Through the veil of suffering, Juras felt the psionic cries of every zealot who died in battle, and those cries made him act - he mentally reached out to the protoss standing directly below him.

Immediately, he received a sharp reply: “I am Commander Martul. Your name is Yuras. But who are you and where are you from?

“I am an explorer,” he replied. Why are you being so cruel? Is it really impossible to avoid encountering these creatures?

- Are you out of your mind? If you have weapons, shoot them!

“The weapons on this ship are designed for self-defense.

Listen, we're surrounded! One of us must die, either us or the zerg.

Yuras himself saw that she was telling the truth. He could not allow the death of his compatriots, and hostile creatures seemed to have lost touch with the mind. Perhaps ending their lives would be an act of mercy. With trembling hands, Juras activated the Khaydarin Morathuna crystal and selected the pulse splitters. The battlefield below him filled with the buzz of ionizable molecules, and darkness fell, just for a moment before streams of light poured from the bottom of the ship.

Pure energy poured out into the swampy field, where the dirt mixed with streams of blood. The zerg writhed, torn apart by beams of light, some of them simply vaporized by the impact of the splitters. Juras felt the joy of the zealots, which they experienced at the sight of their defeated enemies, but this delight could not rid him of a sense of shame for what he had done.

After clearing space around the top of the hill, he lowered the ship closer to the surface and activated a shortwave teleportation link. Seeing the way to salvation, the Zealots rushed forward. The aliens attacked from all sides, trying to keep them trapped, but the protoss immediately cleared the way - sometimes at the cost of their own lives. Eventually they reached the azure column of light that symbolized safety, and the ship's cloaking systems hid them from view.

The young zealot commander Martul reached the teleporter first, but remained to fight off the alien attack until the last of her squad passed the warp gate. Juras could not activate the Morathun's sophisticated mechanisms so dangerously close to his compatriots, but as long as he managed to keep the zerg at bay without the aid of a vortex or time rift, the pulse splitters were up to the task.

Finally, the last zealot reached the teleporter. Several zerglings followed him, but Martul cut the two pursuers to pieces. The protoss lingered at the edge of the camouflage field, about to come to her aid, when suddenly a twisted zerg paw grabbed him and dragged him back into the whirlpool of writhing flesh. Martul swung her blades, but it was too late: the zealot disappeared among the mass of dying aliens.

As if forgetting about her injury, the commander rushed after her brother. The blade points rose again, and now the third, fourth enemy fell from her hand. But the enemies were innumerable, and the zealot's body disappeared into the stinking chaos of battle. She could only acknowledge the death of her comrade and return to the protection of the cloaking field, finally describing a shining arc with the blades of her blades.

Limping, Martul climbed onto the captain's bridge.

“There are still many zerg left below,” she began. - Destroy them.

– Please, Commander, – Yuras replied. Not even the soothing touch of the Khala could soothe his annoyance.

“It wasn't a request,” Martul clarified.

She was on Juras' ship, designed by him and under his command. Yes, he had saved his young compatriot with the Moratun, but he wasn't going to let her use the cruiser's power to fight. If the commander of the Zealots believed that Juras should obey her only because she was a warrior, and he was an explorer, then she still had a lot to learn.

Martul frowned as she felt a wave of emotion emanating from him.

“Those creatures killed my men,” she protested. - My friends. And you have the opportunity to deal with them. There's a war going on!

“I saved your life, Commander. Is this not enough? We will now travel to Aiur and I will appear before the Clave. We need to learn as much as we can about these zerg - maybe it's not too late to find a way to avoid them. Let them live in peace.

“Peace between us is impossible.

“That is for the Clave to decide.

Martul turned abruptly and strode proudly to the door.

- Fine. We are heading for Aiur. I'll be in the crew quarters, studying the ship's documentation.

“Don't expect to take control of the Moratun. I know him far better than you do, and I answer only to the Clave for my actions.

You have been away from your people too long, scholar,” she said bitterly. - You've lost your mind.

When we destroyed the Kalati race, it also seemed to us that this was the right decision. We thought we were acting with the best of intentions, that we had no other choice. By the time our mistake became apparent, it was already too late. Once an alien mind is destroyed, it can no longer be resurrected. As terrible as the Zerg may seem, we must get to know them and understand the motives that drive this race. The stakes are too high.

For a few moments Martul studied Juras with a mixture of pity and irritation in her eyes. Then she turned and left the captain's bridge without another word.

The Morathun emerged from its jump at the edge of protoss space, beyond the orbit of Aleun, the farthest planet in the system. The captain's bridge was bustling with activity, most of the Zealots working at the various stations and control panels, monitoring energy levels, crystalline vibrations, checking the readiness of the weapons.

Martul stood next to Juras; the tension between them never eased, and this left the other protoss in disarray. Juras now understood that during his absence the universe had become more severe and violent, and the protoss themselves had changed along with it. There was no doubt - it was enough to look at the young warrior standing nearby. Juras could only hope that his presence would have a beneficial effect on his people.

Martul shuddered all over, and Juras gave her a questioning look.

"Aiur," she explained. Aiur and Khala.

From the very moment of awakening, he felt the calming presence of the Khala, but here, in the immediate vicinity of Aiur, the space of thoughts should have been filled with warmth and the support of billions of minds. Instead, he only felt empty. Hundreds of thousands of protoss died, and their loss left an unhealed wound in the Khala.

Yuras felt himself trembling too.

Acting unconsciously, he turned to Martul and touched her shoulder. It was an unthinkable display of closeness, but both of them were too shocked by the realization of the terrible reality. At the moment of contact between their bodies, something incredible happened: Yuras was able to look deep into the soul of Martul, as if they were connected through the Khala. He felt her unwavering determination to protect her people, her grief for her fallen allies, her anger at the zerg who had caused so much pain, but above all, an almost subconscious disgust at the thought of the existence of a mindless Swarm. It took Yuras a few seconds to recover and return to the control panel.

"We must get to Aiur," he said, feeling the silent support of Martul and the other protoss. The ship entered the galactic system and headed towards Aiur, guided by a terrified Juras. But from this distance, it seemed that the planet was not affected by the war.

Limping, Martul walked over to the weapons control panel and took control of some of the powerful defensive systems, while throwing a searching look at Yuras. Tension hung in the air again: she was preparing to use the ship's weapons to attack, he was going to stop her. Even the zerg should have been given a chance.

They entered the atmosphere of Aiur and approached the cloud layer.

Suddenly, the clouds parted, and winged zerg emerged from swirling mist, surrounding the ship. The Death Eaters emerged, spraying corrosive acid, followed by the Mutalisks. Many of them slammed into the plasma shields and exploded on the spot, but more Mutalisks were already flapping their wings among the clouds. Opening their rounded maws, the Zerg chose the best angle to inflict maximum damage.

Direct hit! shouted one of the crew members. - Shields are losing power faster than the crystal can regenerate. We must destroy these creatures before it's too late!

“That’s what we’ll do,” Martul agreed. Her fingers fluttered rapidly over the control panel until they finally froze in alarm. "The gun bays aren't responding!" Yuras, what happened to the ship?

“Nothing,” he said calmly, maneuvering through the swarming mass of zerg. “I blocked access to the defense systems. We have come to find out what happened to our people and to offer our help. We know too little about the zerg to condemn this race to genocide.

- I was right, you lost your mind! First their gadflies will destroy our shields, and then the mutalisks and devourers will take over your precious ship! The shields are operating at eighty percent capacity.

– Don't worry, Moratun can withstand much more damage. We have almost passed the cloud cover, – Juras replied. He turned on the acceleration, breaking away from several zerg at once, but from the direction of the sun a new squadron of these creatures emerged, lined up in battle formation.

Juras banked the cruiser at the maximum angle; the heavy mothership was not designed for complex maneuvers, and the zerg easily nullified its efforts.

“Sixty percent on shields!”

– Use your weapons, Juras!

- No! My creation will not be used for mass destruction!

Dozens of creatures broke out of the clouds and went to intercept. Juras threw the ship into a steep dive, testing the strength of the inertial absorbers, and the zealots had to grab onto their control panels so as not to fly out of their seats.

Finally they entered bottom layer clouds, teeming with many small horseflies that crashed into the ship's shell, weakening the ship's defenses more and more.

- Fifty percent of the power on the shields ... forty!

Juras brought Moratuna out of the dive, picking up speed and gradually losing altitude. Almost broke through the clouds, he muttered to himself, and in that instant he froze as he felt a prick at the base of his skull where the psi-receptors converged. The mirrored surface of the control panel reflected Martul, frozen in a tense pose behind him. In her outstretched hand, a psi-blade gleamed, pressed against his head.

"Our homeland has been attacked by the zerg, and we must fight back," she said, minting the words. - Activate the weapons.

“I won't do it, Commander. There must be another way.

They were pursued by zerg of all shapes and sizes. A dozen more creatures rushed to intercept, but there were disproportionately more of them below.

- Twenty percent!

“Then I will kill you.”

“Then you will never gain access to the weapon systems and return us all to the Age of Strife.

At that moment, the ship broke through the lower layer of clouds, revealing a view of the surface of the home planet.

The entire land was covered from edge to edge in a seething mass of gray organics, from which occasionally peeped out the remains of what had once been proudly towering buildings: temples, houses, universities. There were no forests, no fields, no lakes - everything was covered with a pulsating, vein-riddled mucus in which small creatures swarmed randomly.

Martul was wrong: the homeland was not attacked. She was conquered.

“Ten percent power on shields.

- Activate the weapons!

More Zerg armies surged towards the ship, destroying the shields, seeking to break through to the armored plating under the plasma shield.

Yuras kept his eyes on the moving dot on the planet's surface: a lone protossian was running in the direction of the ship. Apparently, she was hiding in a shelter, but she ventured out of hiding in the hope of being rescued. According to the symbols of belonging to the caste, he was able to determine that she was one of the Khalai - an artist or a worker.

Suddenly, the ground around her boiled with dozens of small zerglings, cutting off her path to the ship. Juras was squeezing full power out of the cruiser, already realizing that he would not be in time to help. A silent cry of horror escaped him: this protossian did not threaten the zerg in any way. She did not belong to the caste of warriors or templars, and could hardly even defend herself. Why do these creatures want to kill her? This death will not bring them any benefit.

The zerg buried her under the mass of their swarming bodies, and a terrifying flower of protossian blood bloomed on the shapeless heap of their flesh. It was all over for her.

It seemed that time slowed down for Yuras. He felt the desperation of the protoss surrounding him, felt the ship tremble under the onslaught of the attacking zerg, felt the edge of the blade pressed ever closer to the base of his skull. But none of that mattered anymore compared to what he had just seen on the control console screen.

The Zerg killed a defenseless creature that was fleeing. Killed not for any purpose, but simply because she was not one of them.

Juras knew that alien races could be hostile, could put their own interests ahead of others. But until now, he believed that any intelligent race must have some kind of spiritual principle, or at least a sense of community. Now he finally realized that the zerg were incapable of compassion and understanding. Anything that was not of their kind was to be destroyed. He could imagine many kinds of intelligence, but this race was beyond his comprehension.

They were enemies in every sense of the word.

Juras activated the ship's defenses—including the crater, the time rift, and a wormhole that Martul didn't even know existed.

- Faster! he shouted. – Systems are on. Kill them, destroy every one of them!

Martul rushed back to her control console, and all the zealots returned to what they did best: fight.

Juras lowered the ship closer to the ground so that the guns could reach even those repulsive creatures that remained on the surface. Flashes of light and energy shot out from the Moratun in all directions; the cruiser was finally operating at full capacity. The Zerg writhed, burned, exploded, their goo washing over plasma shields covered in guts and flecks of flesh.

“Shield energy is stabilizing.

“Zerg keep coming,” another zealot reported.

‘I’m launching defense systems,’ said Martul.

“Take my helmet,” Yuras ordered her. “I need to do something else.

He went to another control panel and accessed the space scan data. Reports included other motherships receiving the same message; they silently gathered on the outskirts solar system. But Juras was looking for something else. He launched a scan of the planet's surface and received a huge amount of data about life forms; sorted them out and began to select those who did not belong to the Zerg race. There must have been survivors somewhere on the planet: those who could tell the fate of his people. Juras intended to find them and save them. Aiur now belonged to the zerg.

Yuras and Martul were standing in the medical bay. The Moratun now led an entire fleet of motherships through the darkness of space. The crew of the cruisers consisted of zealots he had once rescued from Samiku, a few survivors from Aiur, and a few detachments from outer worlds that they were able to find.

Once, Zerg leviathans tried to intercept them, but they did not manage to hold out against the flotilla for long.

In front of Martul and Juras lay a protoss, eyes clouded with pain; the medical bay silently treated his many wounds. Anguished thoughts helped to find him among the protoss leaving Aiur, but he passed out before he could be questioned. Other survivors on Aiur heard the evacuation signal, but were unable to reach the warp gate. They didn't know where all the protoss had gone. Juras was itching to interrogate the only witness, but Martul convinced him to wait until the infirmary data showed that he was on the mend. And now, finally, this time has come.

“I don't know how long I…” His mind tangled in pain. “I hid under the surface… heard… how they dig the ground…”

Visions of the past followed each other: frantic search for shelter, long hours spent among the terrible sounds - the indescribable grinding of zerg burrowing into the ground. Fear, running through the darkness, where hydralisks could lurk around every corner. Forced to leave the fallen, he constantly felt the fear and pain of his fellows, who were torn apart.

Yuras recoiled, afraid to be lost forever in this nightmare.

Are all the others dead? Martul asked hopelessly.

"Not... dead... just far away," the protoss's thought came to her. Yuras leaned towards him, feeling a sudden glimmer of hope.

"The warp gate... during the invasion... the dark templar..." His voice was barely audible.

Juras and Martul exchanged uncomprehending glances. The Dark Templar were a disgrace to the Protoss race, traitors who left Aiur many years ago. Is the unfortunate delusional?

“They opened a warp gate… to another world.

– What is this world? – affectionately asked Martul, carefully touching the mind of the wounded.

"He's... away."

- Where? Juras interrupted him impatiently, taking a step forward.

- Far…

What did you feel when the gates opened? he continued to interrogate. We must find our brethren.

- Don't know…

Juras felt the insistent touch of Martul - she asked him to back off. He turned to thank her for her concern. Perhaps he really managed to bring a sense of balance to her vision of the world, but she, in turn, changed his view of many things.

Their brethren were still alive, though far away. Juras and Martul will lead their fleet of ships through the darkness of space until they find their people.

Let it go long years, but Juras will hand over the motherships to the protoss, and they will unleash fire and death on the zerg race. They will reclaim what once belonged to them.

Once upon a time, Yuras wished to make contact with an alien civilization in order to wash away the shame of the destruction of Kalati from his soul. Now, when he really met another race, he had only one dream left: to see her complete destruction.

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