Water resources of the earth. Water feature. Concept What is the name of the largest body of water

10 Most Amazing Water Features in the World

Water is the source of our life, in addition, water is an ancient symbol of fertility, purity and beauty. Nature has given us indescribable water beauties, which are very popular among tourists. I think it's time to meet the most amazing of them. Let's expand our knowledge about the planet on which we were lucky enough to appear... Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe/Zambia Victoria Falls - main attraction South Africa and object World Heritage UNESCO. Approaching the waterfall, the calm flow of the Zambezi River turns into a real spectacle: the water falls down from a height of 100 meters, emitting an indescribable sound that can be heard many tens of kilometers away. During the rainy seasons - from November to April, the waterfall is hidden under thick fog, which creates a mystical atmosphere. Canals of Venice, Italy
What could be more romantic than calmly sailing along the narrow Venetian canals in the light? night moon. More than 150 channels connect 700 small islands, which form the so-called floating city. Forget the car. In Venice you can only get around on foot or by gondola. Believe me, it's worth it! The famous Grand Canal is surrounded the most beautiful houses, the facades of which take us back to the distant Middle Ages. The Rialto Bridge, which is the oldest and most famous bridge in Venice, deserves special attention. Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Coral Islands Bolshoi barrier reef, located in the Coral Sea on the northeast coast of Australia, stretch for 2000 kilometers. The Reef is the largest ecosystem in the entire world, larger in area than the whole of Great Britain. The Great Barrier Reef is home to 410 species of coral, 1,500 species various fish, sea ​​turtles and other representatives sea ​​world. Hundreds of thousands of tourists come here every year. Li River, China
For centuries, writers and poets have drawn their inspiration from the Li River, which flows between the cities of Guilin and Yangshuo. You can go along the river an exciting excursion through beautiful lemon gardens, majestic mountains and dense forests. The Li River feeds numerous rice fields that shimmer yellow and green in the sun. Suez Canal, Egypt
The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas and is the unofficial border between Africa and Eurasia. On October 9, 2001, a huge bridge was built across a canal in Egypt, which was named after former president Egypt - Hosni Mubarak. In addition, there is an underwater road tunnel near the city of Suez, which significantly facilitates movement. Lake Baikal
The lake contains 20% of the world's reserves fresh water. Baikal, located in southeastern Siberia, is the oldest (25 million years ago) and deep lake(1700 meters). Thanks to this, a unique marine environment With the rarest representatives fish and plants. Surrounded by dense forests and snowy mountains Barguzin, Baikal is the embodiment of ideal beauty. In winter, the ice on the lake is so thick that railway tracks are laid across it. River Nile, Egypt
The second longest river after the Amazon, the Nile River flows for 5,600 kilometers, from Lake Victoria to Mediterranean Sea. Locals use the waters of the Nile to irrigate their agricultural fields, in addition, it the only river in northern Africa, which flows through the Sahara Desert. Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Many people believe that Bora Bora is the most wonderful island on earth. Most interesting activity on the island is a scuba dive to explore the lagoon with its incredible underwater world. The purest blue waters, snow-white sand and warm sun- what else is needed for have a great holiday! Dead Sea, Israel
The Dead Sea is the saltiest body of water on earth. In addition, its coastline is the lowest landmass in the world. The Dead Sea separates the territories of Israel and Jordan. In fact, it is a salt lake, the length of which reaches 70 kilometers, the width is 20 kilometers, and the depth is 380 meters. Main problem Dead Sea- a sharp drop in water level. Over the past 100 years it has dropped by as much as 25 meters. Lake Como, Italy
Como is the 3rd largest lake in Italy and one of the deepest in all of Europe. This wonderful water feature is located just 40 kilometers from Milan. The lake is surrounded by mountains, the heights of which vary from 600 to 2400 meters. Como has always amazed us with its indescribable beauty, wildlife and luxurious villas located on the coast. Photos from different Internet sites

Water is the most abundant substance on our planet: although different quantities, it is available everywhere, and plays vitally important role For environment, and living organisms. Highest value has fresh water, without which human existence impossible, and nothing can replace it. Humans have always consumed fresh water and used it for a variety of purposes, including domestic, agricultural, industrial and recreational use.

Water reserves on Earth

Water exists in three states of aggregation: liquid, solid and gaseous. It forms oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and groundwater located in the upper layer of the Earth's crust and soil cover. In its solid state, it exists in the form of snow and ice in polar and mountainous regions. A certain amount of water is contained in the air in the form of water vapor. Huge volumes of water are found in various minerals earth's crust.

Reveal exact amount Water supplies around the world are quite complex because water is dynamic and in constant motion, changing its state from liquid to solid to gaseous and vice versa. As a rule, the total amount of water resources in the world is estimated as the totality of all waters in the hydrosphere. This is all free water, existing in all three states of aggregation in the atmosphere, on the Earth’s surface and in the earth’s crust to a depth of 2000 meters.

Current estimates have shown that our planet contains a huge amount of water - about 1386,000,000 cubic kilometers (1.386 billion km³). However, 97.5% of this volume is salty water and only 2.5% is fresh. Most of the fresh water (68.7%) is found in the form of ice and permanent snow cover in the Antarctic, Arctic, and mountainous regions. Further, 29.9% exists as groundwater, and only 0.26% of total number The Earth's fresh water is concentrated in lakes, reservoirs and river systems, where it is most easily available for our economic needs.

These figures were calculated over a long period of time, but if shorter periods are taken into account (one year, several seasons or months), the amount of water in the hydrosphere may change. This is due to the exchange of water between the oceans, land and atmosphere. This exchange is usually called the global hydrological cycle.

Freshwater resources

Fresh water contains a minimal amount of salts (no more than 0.1%) and is suitable for human needs. However, not all resources are available to people, and even those that are are not always suitable for use. Consider sources of fresh water:

  • Glaciers and snow covers cover about 1/10 of the world's land mass and contain about 70% of fresh water. Unfortunately, most of these resources are located far from settlements, therefore difficult to access.
  • Groundwater is by far the most common and accessible source of fresh water.
  • Freshwater lakes are mainly located on high altitudes. Canada contains about 50% of the world's freshwater lakes. Many lakes, especially those in dry areas, become salty due to evaporation. The Caspian Sea, Dead Sea, and Great Salt Lake are among the world's largest salt lakes.
  • Rivers form a hydrological mosaic. There are 263 international river basins, which cover more than 45% of the landmass of our planet (with the exception of Antarctica).

Water resources objects

The main objects of water resources are:

  • oceans and seas;
  • lakes, ponds and reservoirs;
  • swamps;
  • rivers, canals and streams;
  • soil moisture;
  • groundwater (soil, groundwater, interstratal, artesian, mineral);
  • ice caps and glaciers;
  • precipitation (rain, snow, dew, hail, etc.).

Problems of water use

For many hundreds of years, human impact on water resources was insignificant and of an exclusively local nature. The excellent properties of water - its renewal due to the cycle and the ability to be purified - make fresh water relatively purified and possessing quantitative and qualitative characteristics that will remain unchanged for a long time.

However, these features of water gave rise to the illusion of the immutability and inexhaustibility of these resources. Out of these prejudices arose a tradition of careless use of extremely important water resources.

The situation has changed greatly over the past decades. In many parts of the world, the results of long-term and mismanagement of such a valuable resource have been discovered. This applies to both direct and indirect water use.

Around the world, over the course of 25-30 years, there has been a massive anthropogenic change in the hydrological cycle of rivers and lakes, affecting water quality and their potential as a natural resource.

The volume of water resources, their spatial and temporal distribution, are determined not only by natural climate fluctuations, as before, but now also by type economic activity of people. Many parts of the world's water resources are becoming so depleted and heavily polluted that they can no longer meet ever-increasing demands. It may
become a major factor hindering economic development and population growth.

Water pollution

The main causes of water pollution are:

  • Wastewater;

Domestic, industrial and agricultural wastewater pollutes many rivers and lakes.

  • Disposal of waste in seas and oceans;

Burying garbage in the seas and oceans can cause huge problems, because it negatively affects living organisms that live in the waters.

  • Industry;

Industry is a huge source of water pollution, producing substances harmful to people and the environment.

  • Radioactive substances;

Radioactive pollution, in which there is a high concentration of radiation in the water, is the most dangerous pollution and can spread into ocean waters.

  • Oil spill;

An oil spill poses a threat not only to water resources, but also to human settlements located near a contaminated source, as well as to all biological resources for whom water is a habitat or a vital necessity.

  • Leaks of oil and petroleum products from underground storage facilities;

Large quantities of oil and petroleum products are stored in tanks made of steel, which corrodes over time, resulting in leaks. harmful substances into the surrounding soil and groundwater.

  • Precipitation;

Precipitation, such as acid precipitation, occurs when air is polluted and changes the acidity of water.

  • Global warming;

Rising water temperatures cause the death of many living organisms and destroy a large number of habitats.

  • Eutrophication.

Eutrophication is a process of reducing the quality characteristics of water associated with excessive enrichment with nutrients.

Rational use and protection of water resources

Water resources provide rational use and security, ranging from individuals to businesses and governments. There are many ways we can reduce our impact on aquatic environment. Here are some of them:

Saving water

Factors such as climate change, population growth and increasing aridity are increasing pressure on our water resources. The best way Save water is to reduce consumption and avoid increased wastewater.

At the household level, there are many ways to save water, such as taking shorter showers, installing water-saving appliances, and washing machines with low water consumption. Another approach is to plant gardens that do not require large quantity water.

Water body– accumulation of natural waters on earth's surface and in upper layers the earth's crust, having a certain hydrological regime and participating in the water cycle on the planet. Most of the natural waters that make up the Earth’s hydrosphere are concentrated in water bodies.

Groups of water objects

Based on their structure, hydrological features and environmental conditions, water bodies on Earth are divided into three groups: watercourses, reservoirs and special water bodies.

Watercourses include water bodies in elongated depressions of the earth's surface with forward movement of water in channels in the direction of the slope (rivers, streams, canals). Reservoirs are water bodies in depressions of the earth's surface with slow movement of water (oceans, seas, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, swamps). The group of water bodies that do not fit into the concept of watercourses and reservoirs consists of special water bodies - mountain and cover glaciers and groundwater (for example, groundwater aquifers, artesian basins).

According to their position on the planet, the listed water bodies can also be divided into three groups: surface water bodies of land (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, swamps, glaciers); oceans and seas; underground water bodies.

Water bodies can be permanent or temporary (drying up).

Many water bodies have a watershed, which refers to a part of the earth's surface and the thickness of soil, soil and rocks from which water flows to a given water body. All oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers have watersheds. The boundary between adjacent watersheds is called a watershed. There are surface (orographic) and underground watersheds.

A hydrographic network is usually understood as a set of watercourses and reservoirs within a territory. However, it is more correct to consider a hydrographic network to be the totality of all water bodies located on the earth’s surface within a given territory (including glaciers). The part of the hydrographic network represented by watercourses (rivers, streams, canals) is called the channel network, and the part consisting only of large watercourses - rivers - is called the river network.


The Earth's natural waters form its hydrosphere. There are no established definitions of the concept of “hydrosphere” and its boundaries. Traditionally, the hydrosphere is most often understood as an intermittent shell of water. globe, located on the surface of the earth’s crust and in its thickness, representing the totality of oceans, seas, water bodies of land (rivers, lakes, swamps, including snow cover and glaciers), as well as groundwater. In this interpretation, the hydrosphere does not include atmospheric moisture and water in living organisms.

However, there are both narrower and broader interpretations of the concept “hydrosphere”. In the first case, it means only surface water located between the atmosphere and the lithosphere; in the second, the concept of hydrosphere includes all natural waters of the Earth participating in the global cycle of substances, including groundwater in the upper part of the earth’s crust, atmospheric moisture and water in living organisms. This broad understanding of the term “hydrosphere” seems to be the most correct. In this case, the hydrosphere is no longer an intermittent water shell of the Earth, but really the geosphere, which includes not only accumulations of liquid water itself (as well as snow and ice) on the earth’s surface, but also waters interconnected with them in the upper part of the lithosphere and the lower part of the atmosphere. With this interpretation, a new, little-studied geographical problem of “interpenetration” of different geospheres (hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere) arises. Since the waters of the Earth serve both as a habitat for many organisms and as a condition for their existence, the boundaries of the hydrosphere in the broad interpretation of this concept will approximately coincide with the boundaries of the biosphere in the understanding.

Earth's water reserves

The Earth's water bodies contain about 1,388 million km 3 of water. This huge volume of water is distributed between water bodies different types. The World Ocean and its associated seas account for the bulk of the waters of the hydrosphere - 96.4%. Glaciers and snowfields contain 1.86% of all water on the planet. Only 1.78% remains for other water bodies.

Fresh waters are the most valuable. Their volume in the Earth's water bodies is small - only 36,769 thousand km 3, or 2.65% of all water on the planet. The bulk of fresh water is concentrated in glaciers and snowfields (70.1% of all fresh water on Earth). There are 91 thousand km 3 (0.25%) in fresh lakes, groundwater– 10,530 thousand km 3 (28.6%). Rivers and reservoirs contain, respectively, 2.12 and 6.3 thousand km 3 of water (0.0058% and 0.017% of all fresh water). Swamps contain relatively little water - 11.47 thousand km 3, but the area occupied by swamps on the planet is quite large - 2.682 million km 2 (more than lakes (2.059 million km 2) and much larger than reservoirs (0.365 million km 2)).

All natural waters and all water bodies are directly or indirectly connected with each other and are united by the water cycle on Earth, also called the global hydrological cycle.

River flow is a major component of the global water cycle. It closes the continental and oceanic links of this water cycle. The largest share of river flow entering the World Ocean belongs to greatest river world - the Amazon, whose water flow is on average 7280 km 3 /year, which is at least 18% of the water flow of all rivers.

Information about water reserves on Earth and the global water cycle given in the tables reflects the average state of the hydrosphere over the past 40–50 years. In fact, with an almost constant mass of water in the entire hydrosphere, the amount of water in different water bodies changes as a result of some redistribution of water between them. In recent decades, in the context of global warming, the following have been noted: firstly, the increasing melting of both cover and mountain glaciers, secondly, the gradual degradation of permafrost, and thirdly, a noticeable increase in the level of the World Ocean. The latter is explained as admission melt water cover glaciers (Antarctica, Greenland, Arctic islands), and thermal expansion of sea waters. For the 20th century The level of the World Ocean has risen by approximately 20 cm.

V.N. Mikhailov, M.V. Mikhailova

Nature is the best sculpture and the most talented author. Naturally created amazing and unique glaciers and dungeons, mountains and deserts do not need improvement, they only require careful attitude. They are called objects of protection, cultural heritage and included in the list of wonders of the world. Almost every country has places worthy of admiration.

The beauty of nature's creations

In total, there are 1073 objects under the protection of UNESCO (an organization created to protect cultural and natural heritage), of which 206 are natural, and 35 are “mixed”. This is data for 2017, and the list of such places continues to expand and grow. Nature is capable of creating amazing and unique landscapes and landscapes. They amaze with their beauty, let's find out where the miraculous wonders of the world are located.


Over the millions of years of the Earth's existence, many mountain ranges have formed. They can be high and relatively low, single or collected in chains and ridges. Composition and origin mountain systems amazes with its diversity. Particularly different:

Tianji Mountains ( national park China "Yuanjiajie"). From the tops there is a stunning view of almost 2 thousand peaks and peaks that stretch to the skies.

Basalt pillars of volcanic origin stand in a continuous ridge at Cape Stolbchaty. It is located on the Kuril Island Kunashir.

In America (Utah) in national park Bryce Canyon has many rocky peaks arranged in a natural amphitheater. This amazing natural object amazes with its beauty and unusual shapes.

Another US attraction that deserves attention is Yosemite National Park. Here, in in its original form monolithic granite mountains, water cascades and huge forests have been preserved.

Mistaken Point in Canada is no less striking. Rocks and numerous fossils different shapes beautiful and unusual.

Lena pillars. In Russia, on the banks of the Lena River, mountain pillars are separated from each other by faults and steep ravines.

The Western Caucasus is where mountain ranges are constantly found. In the Krasnaya Polyana Nature Reserve you can appreciate their beauty by standing on special observation platforms.

Madagascar's Tsingy de Bemaraha stone park is also impressive. Here giant rocks are surrounded mangrove trees. The view from above is especially impressive.

There are many beautiful mountain ranges in the world. But the shape of some is especially striking. There are usually many legends associated with such places.

In China there is a unique miraculous object - the Immortal Bridge in the Tai Mountains. Five huge boulders have been connecting the two peaks for thousands of years. Maybe the giants built a bridge for themselves?

There is an open-air museum in Cappadocia (Türkiye). In Goreme, amazing karst sculptures seem to be created for habitation. Pillars, pyramids and towers made of tuff formed an entire city, which was later developed by people.

Australians apparently didn't think twice about naming the attractions in Flinders Chase Park. The most famous are called the Admiral's Arch and the Remarkable Rocks. Looking at other huge boulders, one can only guess what the next “pebble” looks like.

In South America, Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil have tepuis - table mountains. I wonder what giants feasted here?

Giants also apparently visited Laos (Xiang Khouang province). They left behind the Valley of Jugs - the stone vessels are simply huge, the largest weigh about 6,000 kilograms and reach 3 meters in height.

And on the Spanish coast near the city of Barrique, “the backs of dragons” protrude from under the water. This is exactly what turbidites look like from above, covered in places with dense greenery.

In Norway, in the Skjeggedal mountain range, a troll left his tongue. At an altitude of 350 meters, this attraction is located, which is called “Troll’s Tongue”.

In Oregon (USA) you can see Thor's Well. Local residents also call it the gate to the underworld.

And in Russia there is a unique kimberlite pipe - the largest diamond quarry. Its shape is very unusual; the view from above is especially impressive.

Which forest spirit conquered fishing village in China? It was abandoned in the 90s, and the houses were quickly taken over by representatives of the local flora and fauna. Probably, over time, a legend associated with this place will appear in Zhejiang province.

Winds and rains, glaciers and earthquakes have created bizarre stone sculptures for thousands of years. And many countries can be proud of amazing natural objects, which resemble something mythical or unusual.

Caves and underground reservoirs

When talking about the natural creations of Mother Nature, it is definitely worth mentioning the underground world.

In the Philippines, near the city of Puerto Princesa, there is a beautiful underground river in a cave. She was recently included in the list modern miracles Sveta.

There is another titled object in Vietnam - Hang Son Doong. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest cave system in the world. The height is about 200 meters, the width is about 150, the length has not yet been fully measured - so far about 6,500 meters have been explored and it is believed that this is only part of the overall, even larger, huge underground system.

Bulgaria has its own attraction - Prohodna. It is truly beautiful, but what makes it unique are the “Eyes of God”, two through holes in the rock that serve underground world light source. But more amazing mountain looks like from the outside when it's raining as if tears were flowing from the eyes.

In New Zealand, the Waitomo Dungeon is home to fireflies. The already bizarre outlines are illuminated with pleasant fluorescent light, and all this miracle is reflected in the underwater river.

In Mexico you can see a fantastic sight - the Cave of Crystals (Cueva de los Cristales). Inside, snow-white selenite crystals grow chaotically and intertwine. And on the Yucatan Peninsula, in the White Caves, the longest underground river, Sak-Actun, flows. It is believed that its total length is tens of thousands of kilometers, of which a very small part has been studied, so far no more than 1%.

The most famous marble caves are located simultaneously in two countries: Chile and Argentina. But the Chilean part is luckier: it is there that the famous Marble Cathedral is located.

The most beautiful place is located on Greek coast. The cave and Lake Melissani were considered the habitat of nymphs. It’s warm inside, and plants have taken up residence wherever possible.

Their complete opposite is the Alaska Ice Caves. Mendenhall Glaciers can be called winter underground kingdom, surprising and changeable. The landscape changes as the glaciers melt.

In terms of beauty, the waters of the dungeons are not inferior to those on land, and now you can be convinced of this.


The world's tallest waterfall is Angel Falls, located in Venezuela. From a height of 979 meters it falls down. The most amazing thing is that there is no visible source at the top of the mountain. There is another one nearby - the Dragon.

There is a whole park of waterfalls on the border of Argentina and Brazil. Iguazu is a crescent-shaped complex in which 275 separate water jets can flow simultaneously.

Plitvice lakes are connected by a series of waterfalls. This national park in Croatia, covering an area of ​​almost 300 kilometers, is truly impressive.

The four-tiered Mitchell Falls in Australia are quite beautiful. Nature successively alternated high rapids with plateaus filled with water.

The Cascades in China are also noteworthy. At Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, you can enjoy views of water falling from mountain peaks.

But not only the waterfalls impress with their majestic appearance. Freshwater bodies of water rightfully claim the attention of lovers of natural beauty.

Lakes and rivers

Baikal is known throughout the world for its stunning beauty. The deepest on the planet (1620 meters) and one of the oldest (about 25 million years old), Baikal is also the largest “guardian” of fresh water. Almost 20% of the world's reserves are located in Baikal. Russia is rightfully proud of him.

And in South America, the most famous is the mountain reservoir of Titicaca. It is also considered the largest reservoir of fresh water on this continent.

In the intermountain basins of Tuva you can admire salt lake Ubsunur. The Ubsunur basin is located on the territory of two countries, Russia and Mongolia, and is included in the UNESCO list.

Five states at once share the coast of the Caspian Sea. It can be called a huge salt lake, because it is a closed body of water. But on the other hand, it is really huge (the largest on the planet, with an area of ​​about 371 thousand kilometers), and the bottom is of an oceanic type. According to these characteristics, the Caspian Sea is a sea.

There are two amazing fjords in Norway: Geiranger and Nærøy. It has everything: the waters of the fjords flowing through narrow corridors, from which rocks and cliffs rise. Tons of water fall into them from numerous waterfalls. Complements the landscape lush vegetation on the shore.

Australian ones are no less picturesque Wet tropics Queensland. Here among tropical plants Stormy rivers flow and waterfalls cascade, flat terrain covered with thickets gives way to gorges.

China's varied-sized reservoirs are also impressive. The Huanglong Valley Travertine Terraces are a national park and a natural heritage site. There is a similar miracle in Turkey - the Pamukkale pools are very beautiful.

Slovenia and Italy are connected by a stunning turquoise river with pure water. In Slovenia it is called Soča, in Italy Isonzo. It is relatively shallow, 1 - 1.5 meters, and quite long - 138 kilometers, but the main advantage is that the color is preserved throughout its entire length.

The icy lake Jökulsárlón is considered a miracle of Iceland. It looks especially impressive against the backdrop of the northern lights.

The tuff towers on Lake Mona in California also look stunning.

Bodies of water in different parts of the world can be impressive, and they also become home to the most rare species flora and fauna. For example, on the shores of Nakuru in East Africa are arriving pink flamingos. Despite the fact that the water here is of high salinity, flamingos share this place with other birds.

Seas and oceans

Not only fresh water bodies can be proud of their beauty. sea ​​coast and the depths of the ocean are also magnificent.

The leader of the sea kingdom can be called the Great Barrier Reef. The unique ecosystem is beautiful and its inhabitants are diverse.

There are also coral reefs near the Yucatan coast South America. The Belize Barrier Reef group includes the unique Great blue hole in Belize. This huge funnel looks especially picturesque in the photographs from above.

The Dead Sea is well known. It is considered one of the saltiest and at the same time the lowest: the surface is located 425 meters below sea level. This is the lowest point on the planet.

Holy Water Beach or Beach Cathedrals in Spain got its name due to its unique landscape. Nature has done its best and during low tides a series of Gothic arches appears on the shore.

Vietnam's Halong Bay, with rocks of varying heights protruding from the water, is shrouded in myths and legends. They say that these rocks are gems, which were spat out by dragons to defeat Chinese ships attacking the Vietnamese coast.

The seashores are so colorful that they take your breath away.

A riot of colors

A description of amazing natural sites would not be complete without mentioning at least a few places that amaze with their colors.

The Chinese mountains of Zhangye Danxia are painted with all the colors of the rainbow. These colorful rocks look stunning from any angle.

And in Mauritius there are colored sands. The village of Chamarel is famous throughout the world. The most interesting thing is that any attempt to mix sand is unsuccessful. Even if you pour them into a jar and shake them, they will still “distribute” into colors.

A colored river flows in Colombia Caño Cristales. Algae and mosses different colors(black, red, green, yellow and blue) live at the bottom. Locals call it the river of five colors.

In Ethiopia, the plateau near the Dallol volcano looks stunning. Almost all the colors of the rainbow can be seen here thanks to the different metal salts washed onto the surface.

And in Indonesia, in the valley of the Kelimutu volcano, multi-colored reservoirs formed. There are three of them.

There are colorful bays with open access to the sea. They are located in Crimea (village New World). The waters in each bay are colored green, blue and light blue, and they are located one after the other.

In Sinegal there is a pink lake called Retba. It owes its colorfulness to the cyanobacteria that live in it. And on Bahamas– pink beach. Harbor Island sand can vary in color from vanilla to soft pink.

Orange-brown rock of Uluru in Australia. The rock contains a lot of iron oxide, which explains the unusual color. IN different time days, depending on the lighting, it “changes” color from dark purple to gold.

The island of Bohol (Philippines) is home to chocolate-colored hills.

The famous rice terraces of Honghe Hani impress with a riot of colors. The view from above is as mesmerizing as a surrealist painting.

Part of the Sahara Desert is called the White Desert. The sand on her site is really snow-white. The same miracle exists in the state of New Mexico, where the White Sands Desert is located.

Nature continues to work its miracles and creates new objects worthy of admiration. And all we can do is admire and protect them.

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