How to determine whether the moon is waxing or waning. Night beauty in the sky: waning and waxing Moon

The moon is a magical and impermanent celestial body. As its phase changes, so does its influence on our planet.

In principle, there are several “states” of the moon: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. Today we will talk in more detail about the growing, or young, moon.

The new moon is considered to be the period from birth (or new moon) to full moon. If you look at the photo, you can see how the sickle of a new moon differs from a dying one. In a young one, the arch is directed to the right, and the “horns” are directed to the left. Therefore, as you can see, determining when a satellite is young is very simple.

The influence of the phase on our state

It is important to note that any lunar phase has a special effect on our physical and mental state. In order to determine exactly how a satellite can affect your condition today, it is worth looking at the lunar calendar from time to time.

So, the waxing moon has the following effect on us:

  • Emotions become more obvious, they become more difficult to contain and control. This applies to both the emotions of joy and anger.
  • Many are destined for success in all matters, especially in business and various financial transactions. But luck will accompany only those who are active and cheerful, who are not afraid of difficulties and strive to realize their full potential.
  • The waxing moon allows you to plan any business, negotiate and prepare for various events.
  • During this period we tend to receive more information, find out more.
  • This period, according to the lunar calendar, is good for accumulating energy, and this means that any waste of energy, for example in quarrels and conflicts, has an adverse effect on our body.
  • During this period, creative tendencies predominate - it’s good to start and develop something during the waxing moon. Any start will be given the green light.

Separately, I would like to say about the state of health during the new moon period. It often happens that for some inexplicable reason we suddenly feel bad today, or vice versa, we feel good. It’s all due to a certain phase of the moon, so you shouldn’t smile at such a phenomenon as the lunar calendar.

When the growing moon above you seems to have stepped out of the photo, it is very good to engage in healing of the body: any support provided to your body will be beneficial. Within two weeks from the moment of the new moon, all vitamins and substances give us more of their useful properties than on other days.

If you have a lack of some microelements in your body, then you can safely replenish them while your young companion has such a beneficial effect on us. As mentioned earlier, these days you should not waste your energy; any physical activity, as well as stress, can significantly weaken your immunity.

Also, many have noticed that when the sickle is young, scarring and wound healing are worse. The closer we are to full moon, the less successfully various operations and other physical effects on the body will take place. So if today the moon is approaching full moon, then it is better to cancel the operation.

This phase also affects the movement of fluid in the body: during this period it goes down to the legs, and therefore swelling of the legs may increase. Also, any poisoning during a new sickle is fraught with serious consequences. Usually poisoning is very difficult to tolerate, but if you use the right medications in time, the situation can be saved.

It happens that today, when the waxing moon has risen above the horizon, the real “zhor” begins. Some people don't pay attention to this, but in fact there is a certain pattern. The fact is that these days the body diligently assimilates all food, it, one might say, requires food, and most of the fats and carbohydrates obtained from food will easily increase your weight.

Therefore, it is better to take another look at the lunar calendar: the phase when the moon is waxing is fraught for those who are on a diet and want to lose weight. And if you do not want to gain weight, then you should limit yourself to food during this period and say “no” to harmful foods.

But it is impossible to part with your bad habits during this period, as well as during the period when the new moon occurs, since you are unlikely to have the strength to control yourself and your energy, which will inexorably rush towards the forbidden fruit. The waning moon will help you if you really want to get rid of the harmful influence of anything.

Impact on appearance and beauty

It is worth dwelling separately on how lunar cycles, haircuts and other cosmetic procedures are interconnected. Nowadays, many people do not cut their hair unless they first look at the lunar calendar, which allows them to determine more favorable and less favorable days for this.

  • Many people know that the phase when the moon is waning is unfavorable for cutting hair, but the new moon and the waxing moon are those phases when hair cutting will be most successful.
  • during this period, it enhances their growth, adds natural beauty and strength to them - we can say that after the hairdresser you will look like from the picture.
  • It is better to get a haircut on certain days - for example, when the satellite is in Leo or Virgo. These days are ideal not only for cutting hair, but also for coloring, as well as for creating various hairstyles. Information about what days these are can be found by looking at the lunar calendar, it usually gives full characteristics every lunar day.
  • Since the waxing moon is characterized by the accumulation of energy, then any nutrients from cosmetics will give an excellent effect. And no matter what you decide to nourish, from your toes to the ends of your hair, your body is ready for any body-pleasant procedures.

The waxing moon - regardless of whether we pay attention to it or not, whether we look at the lunar calendar or not - has a very serious impact on our entire lives. Therefore, it is worth looking at the sky sometimes, because it is not so difficult to determine that the moon is waxing today. Author: Daria Potykan

Determining whether the moon is waxing or waning will help you know its phase, how the tides are doing, and where the moon is currently located in relation to the Earth and the Sun. It's also useful to know where the Moon rises and sets in different phases, in case you want to see it on a certain night. There are several ways to determine whether the moon is waxing or waning, and although geographical location There are certain nuances, the principle remains the same.

Learn the names of the phases. The Moon revolves around the Earth, so we see its illuminated surface from different angles. The moon does not produce any radiation, but rather reflects sunlight. As the Moon changes from new to full to new again, it goes through several phases, recognizable by the semicircle and crescent shape formed by its own shadow. Moon phases:

  • New moon
  • New Moon
  • First quarter
  • waxing moon
  • Full moon
  • Waning moon
  • Last quarter
  • old moon
  • New moon

Phase value. The Moon follows the same path around the Earth every month, so the phases repeat monthly. The phases exist because from our perspective on Earth we see varying degrees of illumination of the Moon as it orbits around us. Remember that half of the Moon is always illuminated by the Sun: it is only our changing point of view on Earth that determines which phase we see.

    • During the new moon, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun and therefore, from our point of view, it is not illuminated at all. At this time, the illuminated side of the Moon is completely turned towards the Sun, and we see the side that is entirely in shadow.
  • During the first quarter, we see half of the illuminated and half of the shadowed side of the Moon. The same applies to the last quarter, except now we see them in reverse.
  • When the Moon is fully visible, we see its illuminated side, while its dark side faces out into space.
  • After the full moon, the Moon continues its journey back to its original position between the Earth and the Sun, which corresponds to the new moon phase.
  • A full revolution around the Earth takes the Moon just over 27 days. However, a full lunar month (from new moon to new moon) is 29.5 days, which is exactly how long it takes for the Moon to return to its position between the Sun and the Earth.

Find out why the Moon waxes and wanes. From the new moon to the full moon, we see that the illuminated part of the Moon is growing and this is called the waxing phase (growth is called growth or increase). Then, from full moon to new moon we see a decreasing portion of the illuminated side of the month and this is called waning, which means a decrease in strength or intensity.

  • The lunar phases always look the same, but the month itself may appear in different places and positions in the sky, but you can always determine the phase if you know what to look at.

Remember that the Moon waxes and wanes from right to left. During waxing and waning, different parts of the Moon are illuminated. In the northern hemisphere, the illuminated portion of the Moon will increase from right to left and then decrease from left to right.

  • During waxing, the Moon is illuminated from the right, and during waning, it is illuminated from the left.
  • Pull right hand and the thumb with the palm facing the sky. Bend the big one a little and index fingers, to make an inverted C. If the Moon fits into this curve (that is, C), it is a waxing moon (young). If you do the same with your left hand and the moon fits into “C”, then it is waning (waning moon).

Remember D, O, C. Since the moon always follows the same lighting pattern, you can use the shapes of the letters D, O, and C to determine whether the moon is waxing or waning. In the first quarter, the month resembles the letter D. When it is full, it is shaped like the letter O. The last quarter looks like the letter C.

  • A reverse C crescent is a waxing moon.
  • A half or prominent D-shaped moon is a waxing moon.
  • A half or prominent moon in a reverse D shape is a waning moon.
  • A crescent moon shaped like a C is a waning moon.

Find out when the month rises and sets. The moon does not always rise and set at the same time; it changes depending on the lunar phase. This means you can use rising and setting times to determine whether the moon is waxing or waning.

  • You cannot see the new moon because it is not illuminated by the sun and because it rises and sets at the same time as the sun.
  • When the waxing moon enters the first quarter, it will rise in the morning, reach highest point at dusk and enter around midnight.
  • The full moon rises with sunset and sets with sunrise.
  • During the last quarter, the moon rises at midnight and sets in the morning.

Study how much of the Moon is illuminated during its waxing and waning periods. Unlike the northern hemisphere, in the southern hemisphere the moon is illuminated from left to right, the month becomes full, and then wanes from left to right.

  • The moon illuminated from the left side is growing, from the right it is waning.
  • Extend your right arm and thumb with your palm facing the sky. Bend your thumb and index finger slightly to form an inverted C. If the Moon fits into this curve (i.e. C), it is a waning moon. If you do the same with your left hand and the moon fits into the “C”, then it is a waxing moon.

Remember C, O, D. The moon goes through all the same phases in the southern hemisphere, but the letter shapes that represent the waxing and waning moon are in a different direction.

  • A crescent moon shaped like a C is a waxing moon.
  • A half or prominent moon in a reverse D shape is a waxing moon.
  • An O-shaped moon is a full moon.
  • A half or crescent moon in the shape of the letter D is a waning moon.
  • A crescent moon in the shape of a reverse C is a waning moon.

Find out when the moon rises and sets. Although in the southern hemisphere, unlike the northern hemisphere, the Moon is illuminated in a different direction, it sets and rises at the same time.

  • During the first quarter, the Moon rises in the morning and sets around midnight.
  • The full moon rises and sets with sunset and sunrise.
  • During the last quarter, the Moon rises at midnight and sets in the morning.

In life, often, despite all the efforts made, things do not work out as successfully as planned. IN difficult situations people begin to blame themselves, insufficient financial investments, bad specialists, but do not at all attach any importance to the fact that any undertakings should be planned only when the moon is waxing.

Moon phases

In ancient times, the moon was the only true guide in deciding important issues. The entire life of our ancestors was organized according to the cycle of the heavenly body. Depending on the current or declining, they hunted, cultivated the land, and performed rituals.

The lunar month is 29 or 30 days. During this time, the natural satellite of our planet goes through four phases, each of which lasts a little more than seven Earth days and corresponds to a certain element of nature. A person’s mood and behavior, success in endeavors and successful completion of affairs, plant growth and relief from ailments depend on which moon is in the sky today.

The cycle begins with the new moon. The element of the phase is earth. At this time, a person experiences an energy crisis; he is incapable of active actions and heavy physical activity. Startups are not recommended. This period is a time for rest and relaxation, planning things to do.

The second phase is the waxing moon. Her element is water. This is the time to implement plans, new discoveries and achievements. The body is full of energy, its possibilities for work are limitless. When the moon grows, a person becomes strong, active and emotional. This is a good time to improve your health.

Next comes the full moon phase. Here the element is air. The accumulated strength is quite enough to bring the work started to completion. Energy overwhelms a person, and in order to avoid conflicts, it is better to direct it in an active direction, for example, by playing sports. In this phase of the lunar cycle, you can go on a diet and carry out cleansing procedures.

The fourth phase is the waning moon. Its element is fire. There is not enough vitality and energy to plan and implement new projects. For any endeavor, this time is considered wasted. It makes more sense to complete the work. But in this phase a person gains spiritual strength and becomes wiser.

How to determine when the moon is waxing: folk signs

Our ancestors did not have a special calendar. They could not find out every day which moon was waxing or, conversely, waning. But even without the help of a calendar, you can always look at the sky and determine the phase of the cycle. To do this, just place a pencil, stick or finger on the silhouette of an incomplete night luminary. If the result is the letter "P", then this means that the moon is waxing.

If it is not possible to attach a stick to the silhouette, and the letter “C” appears in the sky, this is a decreasing phase.

What are the benefits of the lunar calendar?

This question is quite interesting. Lunar and terrestrial months have different durations and never match. In order to always be able to control the phases of the cycle and use them in your business, a special calendar is being developed. When compiling it, it is important to take into account not only the phases of the moon, but also what zodiac sign it is in on a certain day. At the same time, every day has its own symbolism - this is the most ancient information about the calendar, handed down from our ancestors. All days are divided into favorable and bad. This information should be taken into account when planning certain activities. Moon calendar Used in business, gardening, fishing, hair cutting and important shopping.

For convenience, the calendar indicates both the earthly day and the lunar day that corresponds to it. This method of compilation helps to plan events for the whole month. This is very important, for example, for a gardener.

Having information about when the waxing moon will be in March, he can safely plan to plant plants that stretch upward.

What to do on the waxing moon?

It has long been noted that the same work is better achieved in different time. For example, when the moon is waxing, the time comes that is favorable for starting new businesses, launching projects, investing money, opening and deposits, finding a job, planting seeds and replanting plants, as well as cutting hair. At this time it is good to make acquaintances, make appointments, and improve your personal life.

The influence of the moon on humans

From location natural satellite The earth in the sky depends financially and the time when the moon is growing has a beneficial effect not only on the material side of a person’s life, but also on his physical and psycho-emotional state. During the new moon period, vitality is not yet enough to take active action. But every day energy gradually accumulates in the body, a person begins to feel a surge of vigor, he has a desire to work and achieve his goals.

During the waxing of the moon emotional stress is at a minimum, which affects the mood. Relationships born during this period develop well. Men and women see each other only best features character.

A special burst of energy occurs in a person at a time when the growth phase of the celestial body coincides with the waxing moon in March, simultaneously with the increasing solar day, giving a surge of active vitality.

By rationally spending your energy as the moon grows, you can avoid psycho-emotional overload and easily complete all the things started during this period.

The spring equinox will occur in 2019
on the day of the March Full Moon

Dot spring equinox will pass on March 21 at 0:58, and the moment of the Full Moon will occur in 3 hours 45 minutes at 4:43 Moscow time

How the Moon is changing (growing) now

The moon has been waxing since the New Moon on March 6th.
March 14th at 13:27 The moon is in the First Quarter phase. This is the middle of the moon's current waxing period. At this time, exactly half of the lunar disk will be illuminated.
On March 21st at 4:43 am the Full Moon will occur and the Moon will begin to wane.

Spells for money, loans and deposits on the Moon

To make decisions on financial matters, it is very important to know what the moon is now.
If the Moon is growing, then today is a very attractive time for conspiracies to attract money and wealth. The waxing Moon favors obtaining credits and loans. Exclusively during lunar growth, one should make investments and financial investments, open bank deposits and enter into serious transactions aimed at making a profit.
If the Moon is waning now, then this is not the best best time For money conspiracies. In financial matters, the waning Moon is the time to give money: to repay debts and repay loans, as well as spend money on large purchases.

What kind of moon is that?

What is the Moon now you need to know to rationally plan your affairs.
If the Moon grows, then human activity increases under the influence of the Moon. The waxing Moon favors new and responsible undertakings. During the lunar growth, preference should be given to solving the highest priority tasks in terms of complexity and importance.
If the Moon is waning today, then the influence of the Moon reduces a person’s energy. The waning of the Moon is the time to complete the work started.

To determine whether the moon is young or old, you need to know the lunar phases. They are repeated once a month. Appearance the waxing moon is in the shape of an inverse C, as well as the protruding moon in the shape of a D. If it is the other way around, then it is in the waning phase. Knowing the position of a celestial body helps you make plans for life and carry them out most effectively. The lunar calendar is divided into months, and the interpretation depends on the presence of the moon in the zodiac sign.

Growing has positive energy, promotes successful business management and good rest. Methods for improving health and rejuvenating the body are most favorable in the young moon phase. Replenishing the body with a vitamin-mineral complex is more effective when it is growing than when it is decreasing. It is recommended to reduce the load during this period, since the body is vulnerable and the immune system weakens.

Lunar phases and their meaning for humans

To determine the time of the ascending month, you need to know the lunar phases. They are usually marked on a tear-off calendar. Due to its rotation around the Earth, the moon experiences 8 phases of illumination every month:

  • new moon - the moon has disappeared;
  • young - sickle-shaped;
  • first quarter - half of the moon is visible;
  • growing - in the shape of D;
  • full moon - in the form of the letter O;
  • outgoing - in reverse D form;
  • the last quarter is in the shape of the letter C;
  • old

To determine a waning night luminary, you need to remember the Latin letters C and D, for a growing one - the same letters, only in reverse. If you put your finger on the new moon, you get the letter R.

New moon. The celestial body will begin to grow on the third day. During this period, it is not recommended to make important purchases, change your place of residence, move, make important decisions, or get married. During this phase, a person is most emotional, prone to depression and negative influence from outside.

Growing. The month remains in this phase for about 7 days. This is a favorable period for healing the body, good rest. Hair grows faster as the month advances, so it is recommended to get your hair cut at this time. The phase helps to get rid of bad habits and developing new skills.

Full moon. Lasts two days and ends on the third. A person during this period is characterized by excessive emotionality, sleep disturbances, increased fatigue, irritability, and aggression. The body is most susceptible to viral diseases and infections, so it is recommended to devote time to prevention.

Decreasing. There is a decline in energy, the person is less emotional, prefers loneliness and relaxation. Enthusiasm fades, powerlessness is felt.

Lunar calendar for October

Depending on which sign of the Zodiac the night luminary is in, the interpretation of the period for a person changes.

In October of this year the following phases will be observed:

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Zodiac sign Days of the month Lunar phase Meaning
Aries 5, 6 Full moon, waning Emotions begin to prevail over reason, and increased fatigue appears. Quarrels and conflict situations are possible
Taurus 7, 8 Leaving This favorable time for solving important problems, self-education and learning new skills. It is recommended to make large purchases during this period
Twins 9, 10 Descending These days are the best time to plan trips and short trips.
Cancer 11, 12 Leaving You will need the help of strangers and advice from relatives. A person will begin a creative period
a lion 13, 14, 15 Descending It is recommended to devote this time to art and cultural development
Virgo 16, 17 Leaving Excessive vulnerability, melancholy, stagnation in business are possible
Scales 18, 19 Waning, new moon This is a favorable time for careful analysis and making informed decisions.
Scorpion 20, 21, 22 Increasing This period suitable for meeting with friends and acquaintances. A personal conversation will be beneficial
Sagittarius 23, 24 Increasing It is recommended to travel abroad during this time
Capricorn 25, 26, 27 Growing Possible career, advanced training or job change
Aquarius 1, 2, 29 Growing You should show good nature and compassion towards strangers and loved ones
Fish 3, 4, 30, 31