Rivers flowing from Baikal. The only river flowing from Baikal. The Angara River is the only river flowing from Lake Baikal. The Angara River, where it is located in

The Angara River is a river in Eastern Siberia, the largest right tributary of the Yenisei, the only river flowing out of Lake Baikal. Flowing through the area Irkutsk region And Krasnoyarsk Territory Russia. Geographical position The area of ​​the basin is 1,040 thousand km2, including 468 thousand km2 without the Baikal basin. The Angara starts from Lake Baikal with a stream 1.1 km wide and flows first in a northerly direction. The section from the source to the city of Irkutsk is the Irkutsk reservoir. In the north-west of the Irkutsk region on the Angara is the Bratsk reservoir, on which the Bratsk hydroelectric power station stands. After the bend on the Angara, below the Bratsk reservoir, Ust-Ilimskoye is located. Then the river turns west - to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where it flows into the Yenisei near Lesosibirsk. The origin of the Angara is associated with the nature of the morphology of the river valley at the source, resembling a crevice, a gorge along which the Angara breaks out of Baikal.

river hydrology The water flow at the source of the Angara is 1,855 m 3 /s, in Padun (Bratsk) - 2,814 (up to 14,200), in Boguchany - 3,515 m 3 / s, at the mouth 4,530 m 3 / s or about 143 km 3 in year. For 46 years of observations at the Tatarka gauging station near the mouth, the minimum value of the average annual water discharge was 3767 m 3 /s in 1964, the maximum in 1995 was 5 521 m 3 /s. The highest average monthly discharge was observed in May 1966 and amounted to 12,600 m 3 /s. The main runoff is regulated by hydroelectric facilities on the river, whose reservoirs carry out seasonal and long-term regulation. Economic use With a relatively short length of 1779 km, the Angara has a significant drop of 380 m and a large hydropower potential.

Three hydroelectric power stations were built on the river, which form the Angarsk cascade of hydroelectric power stations: in order from the source - Irkutsk, Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk. The fourth stage of the cascade, the Boguchanskaya HPP, is under construction. In the future, it is planned to build the Nizhneangarsky HPP cascade. Before the construction of the hydroelectric power station, safe navigation was impossible because of the rapids on the river, which was a serious obstacle to the development of the region. The passage of ships was possible in the lower reaches from the Yenisei to the Boguchansky rapids, and in upstream from Baikal to Padunsky rapids. Rafting of timber was also carried out on the river. As of 2009, river transportation is possible in four isolated areas: the Angarsk part of the Irkutsk reservoir without Lake Baikal (52 km); from the dam of the Bratskaya HPP to the Irkutsk HPP (606 km); Ust-Ilimsk reservoir (292 km); from the Yenisei to the Boguchansky rapids (445 km). Angara in the Boguchansky District After the completion of the Boguchanskaya HPP - with a reservoir 375 km long - it will be possible to pass vessels with low draft along the entire length of the river, provided that the Angara hydroelectric facilities are equipped with locks or ship lifts. The section of the current below the Boguchansky rapids to the mouth remains shallow and inaccessible to river-sea vessels.

Lake Baikal is unique and differs from many natural reservoirs not only in depth, but also in incredible transparency and purity of water. The enormous depth is associated with its location - it is located in a crevice of tectonic origin. Falls into the lake a large number of rivers and rivers, but only one carries water out of it. What is this river flowing from Baikal, what are its largest tributaries? The answers to these questions can be found by reading the article.

Before we find out which river flows out of Baikal, let's imagine general information and a description of the lake itself. This unique natural reservoir is fed by a huge number of rivers. Until now, their exact number has not been determined. The answer to this question is the subject of controversy among many experts. On this moment By official version the number of tributaries is 336. And amazing fact is that only one river flows out of Baikal. Which? More information about this is provided below in the article.

The reservoir is one of the oldest on the planet and the deepest lake on Earth. In addition, it is the largest natural reservoir of fresh water. Both the lake and the coastal area surrounding it are distinguished by a unique diversity of fauna and flora. It's true unique places attracting great attention of scientists and travelers.

Location and characteristics

Lake Baikal is located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia. This place is the border of the Republic of Buryatia with the Irkutsk region. According to its outlines, Baikal resembles a narrow crescent. It extends from the southeast for 636 kilometers in a northeasterly direction. Baikal flows between mountain ranges, and its water surface is located at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level. Therefore, the lake can be considered mountainous. On the western side, Primorsky and Baikal Territories adjoin it, and on the southeast and east - the Barguzinsky, Khamar-Daban and Ulan-Burgasy massifs.

The natural landscape here is surprisingly harmonious, it is even hard to imagine a lake without mountains. The famous Baikal has gigantic volumes fresh water- more than 23 thousand cubic kilometers, which is approximately 19% of the world's water reserves.

If you look at this lake on the map, then because of its elongation in shape, you get the feeling that it is a continuation of the Upper Angara River. Like it's a reservoir.

Many people very often confuse which rivers flow into Lake Baikal and how many there are in total. It turned out that tributaries were sometimes counted together with small streams, and sometimes without them. In addition, some small streams may periodically disappear due to weather conditions. It is believed that in total because of anthropogenic factor more than 150 streams could have completely disappeared.

One of the main reasons for the purity of the water in the lake is plankton. These are epishura crustaceans (microscopic creatures) that process organic matter. Their result of work is comparable to the action of a distiller. Such clear water even dissolved salts contains very little.

Among the largest tributaries are the following rivers: Selenga, Barguzin, Turka and Snezhnaya. But among them there is a rather large river, which introduces some confusion with its name - this is the Upper Angara. It is often confused with the Angara, in connection with which the latter is considered a tributary. Some small rivers (tributaries) of Baikal have quite funny names: Naked, Cheryomukhovaya, Kotochik (flows into Turku) and Fool (flows into Kotochik). There are more than a thousand such streams and rivulets. In this regard, it is problematic to count all the reservoirs throughout the lake basin that carry their pure waters to Baikal. And there are almost no rivers flowing from Baikal, as noted above.


This is the most major river flowing into the lake. It flows through the territories (mostly flat) of two states: it starts in Mongolia, and ends its journey in Russia. It is the Selenga that brings almost 1/2 of all the water entering Baikal into the lake.

It owes its high water to the following tributaries:

  • Temnik;
  • Jide;
  • Chikoya;
  • Orongoy;
  • Ude and others.

Cities such as Ulan-Ude (the capital of Buryatia) and Sukhe-Bator (Mongolia) are located on this river.

Upper Angara

Often this waterway (as noted above) is confused with the Angara River, which flows out of Baikal. In the upper reaches, it has a difficult character: fast, mountainous, rapids. Even when it hits the plain, its channel does not stop winding. Breaking up periodically into numerous channels, it unites again. Closer to Baikal, Upper Angara becomes calmer and quieter. At the northern part of the lake, it turns into a bay with a shallow depth, and its name is Angarsky Sor.

Most of Baikal-Amur Mainline runs along the Upper Angara. The river is navigable, but only in the lower reaches. Major tributaries:

  • Churo;
  • Koter;
  • Angarakan;
  • Yanchui.


It flows from Baikal. It is great and mighty water artery. It is the only source of the lake, is the largest of the right tributaries of the Yenisei, flows through the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Russia and the Irkutsk Region. In translation, the word “anga” from Buryat means “open”, “open”, “open”, and also “gorge”, “gulp”, “cleft”. IN historical sources for the first time the river Angara is mentioned in the 13th century with the name Ankara-Muren. Previously, the lower course (after the confluence of the Ilim) was called the Upper Tunguska.

The Angara basin has an area of ​​almost 1,040 thousand square meters. km, and without the Baikal basin - 468,000 sq. km. The river starts from the lake in a wide stream (1100 m) and first takes the direction to the north. Several reservoirs have been built here:

  • Irkutsk;
  • Bratskoye (from the famous Bratsk hydroelectric power station);
  • Ust-Ilimskoye.

Further, the river heads west to the Krasnoyarsk Territory and flows into the Yenisei River not far from Lesosibirsk. After the connection of two rivers in a single water stream, on the right flows pure water Angara, and on the left - the muddy Yenisei. Only farther from Lesosibirsk do the Yenisei and Baikal waters mix. Yenisei all this powerful water mass carries to the North. The river flowing from Baikal is clean and beautiful, with clear water. Its length is 1779 km. This is a very attractive property for recreational fishing because more than 30 species of fish live in its waters.


The waters of the Angara, breaking down from the heights of Baikal, run away in a powerful stream. At its source is the Shaman-stone (rock). According to one legend, father Baikal threw this stone after his runaway daughter. The reason for such an act is love for the handsome Yenisei hero, while her father chose another hero named Irkut as her suitor. Baikal is benefiting from such a powerful runoff. And the streams flowing into the reservoir, making their way through the forest thickets, bring clean water, due to their location away from major highways and industries. Baikal was lucky in every respect.

The Angara is a river in Eastern Siberia, the largest of the right tributaries of the Yenisei and the only river that takes Lake Baikal as its source. This river attracts people who are keen on outdoor activities, including fishing. It flows through the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Russia.

Translated from Buryat anga means “open”, “open”, “open”, as well as “gulp”, “cleft”, “gorge”. In historical sources, the Angara River was first mentioned in the 13th century under the name Ankara-Muren. Initially, the lower course of the river from the confluence of the Ilim tributary had a different name - Upper Tunguska.

The area of ​​the Angara basin is 1,040 thousand square meters. km, including without the Baikal basin 468 thousand sq. km. km. The Angara starts from Baikal in a wide stream as wide as 1100 m and flows first to the north. Several reservoirs have been built on the Angara:

  • from the source to the city of Irkutsk - the Irkutsk reservoir.
  • in the north-west of the Irkutsk region on the Angara is the Bratsk reservoir, on which the famous Bratsk hydroelectric power station stands.
  • after the bend on the Angara, below the Bratsk reservoir, Ust-Ilimskoe is located.

Then the river turns west - to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where it flows into Lesosibirsk near.

At the confluence of the Yenisei, the Angara River twice wider than the great Siberian river flowing into the Northern Arctic Ocean. But it so happened historically that the water stream was called the Yenisei. He not only already, but also has muddy water, and our beauty has the purest water, and every pebble is visible on the river bottom. After reunification, a single water stream flows like this - clear water on the right, and muddy on the left. Only after Lesosibirsk, the Baikal and Yenisei waters begin to mix, and the boundary between them blurs. Further, there are no differences, and the Yenisei, which has spilled over its entire vast expanse, carries mighty waters to the far North.

Where to swim in the Angara in winter

After active intervention in the fantasy of nature by human hands, expressed in the form of the construction of the Irkutsk, Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power plants, the Angara River does not freeze below these hydroelectric power plants, because summer period the waters in the reservoirs do not have time to cool down in these areas, and there is an inflow of thermal energy from the process equipment from the GES.

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The source of the river also does not freeze, despite the fact that Baikal itself is covered with ice. It's just that water flows into the Angara not from the very surface of the lake, but from a certain depth, where the water temperature is of course above 0 ° C, plus a fast current. Apparently, therefore, waterfowl fly here for wintering, i.e. for some, the south is on the Angara.

Bird's winter cottage on the Angara

In general, in northern Asia, this is the only permanent bird wintering. Here they winter mainly:

  • black and white gogol,
  • long-nosed,
  • ordinary crumbs,
  • sailors.

In fact, there are not so many birds at the source of the Angara - by the beginning of December 1200 - 1500 birds gather, by the end of the month - at least 2000.

Until 1956, i.e. before the construction of the reservoir of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station, there were several times more birds.

Experts have not yet come to a unified and confident opinion on the issue of the emergence of the Angara. According to scientific research the river appeared relatively recently, at least by geological standards. It is believed that before the formation of the Angara, the flow from Baikal followed a different path. Some researchers report that the source of the Angara was formed about 15-20 thousand years ago, although other experts give a later age. A bunch of uncertainty in short. We paid attention to the phrase “the source of the Angara”, i.e. the source was somehow formed on its own, and the river still separately searched for its own way.

It is also believed that Angara was formed due to an earthquake that destroyed the earth's crust in the Primorsky Range region. Others adhere to the version that it was Baikal that rose - it was necessary to pour water somewhere. An interesting hypothesis is the existence in ancient times on the site of the river bed of other rivers. For example, such rivers could be: the ancient Selenga, Barguzin or Upper Angara. Selenga is called the most suitable option in this hypothesis.

According to an old Siberian legend, Angara fled from the stern father of Baikal towards the Yenisei. The shaman-stone was thrown by Baikal so that the naughty daughter would stop. This stone today is located in the very center of the source of the Angara, next to the village.

Shipping on the Angara

The Angara River is navigable summer months. One waterway from Baikal to the Yenisei no. In total there are 4 isolated from each other plots.

  • The first section from Irkutsk to Baikal along the Irkutsk reservoir.
  • The second section from Irkutsk to the Bratskaya HPP. It is the longest and is equal to 610 km.
  • The third section is the waters of the Ust-Ilimsk reservoir from Bratsk to Ust-Ilimsk. Its length is 290 km.
  • And the last section stretches from the Yenisei River to the Boguchansky rapids. Its length is 440 km.

Thus, from Irkutsk to Krasnoyarsk you cannot swim on the water.

The Angara River occupies a special place in art, it can be found in the fairy tales of Vasily Starodumov and in the novel by Valentin Rasputin. Today, a large number of tourists come to the Angara River to see its natural attractions, as well as listen to the legends and stories associated with it. In its vicinity you can often meet a company local residents gathered for a picnic.

    the Angara River flows out of Lake Baikal and flows into the Yenisei River, this is the most major tributary Yenisei.

    The Angara River originates from Lake Baikal. And it is a tributary of the Yenisei River, that is The Angara flows into the Yenisei River. The Angara is an unusual river; three hydroelectric power stations have been built on it: Irkutsk, Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk. It flows through the Irkutsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

    The Angara River flows into the Yenisei River, which is very deep, full of water and is one of the most big rivers in Russia. The Angara is one of the large right tributaries of the Yenisei River on the right side. The Angara is the only river that originates in Lake Baikal.

    Angara is the only river flowing in Eastern Siberia, which originates in the famous Lake Baikal. E length is 1779 kilometers, and the basin area is approximately equal to 1,039,000 km.

    The Angara flows into the Yenisei River and is the largest right tributary.

    The Angara is known for the fact that this is the only river that flows out of Lake Baikal, according to legend, a young daughter running away from a gray-haired father. The length of the Angara is 1800 kilometers, which is comparable to the length of, for example, the Kama, and in terms of the volume of water carried, in terms of full flow, the Angara and Kama can be considered almost sisters - 4500 cubic meters per second at the confluence of the Angara with the Yenisei. After all, the windy beauty Angara runs away from the old Baikal to find solace in the arms of the young handsome Yenisei. The Angara flows into the Yenisei 20 kilometers above Lesosibirsk and 250 kilometers below Krasnoyarsk, and only after this confluence does the Yenisei become truly powerful and full-flowing, it stops frightening travelers with rapids and rapids ..

    This is a river in Eastern Siberia, the largest tributary of the Yenisei. The Angara is the only river flowing out of Lake Baikal. All rivers flow into Baikal, and the Angara flows out. The section of the river to the city of Irkutsk is the Irkutsk reservoir. On the Angara is the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. Below the Bratsk reservoir, the river turns into the Krasnoyarsk Territory and flows into the YENISEI near Lesosibirsk.

    The Angara River is a river of Eastern Siberia, flows through the territory of the Irkutsk region and Krasnodar Territory. The Angara flows into the Yenisei River, being its largest tributary. The Angara River is the only river that flows out of Lake Baikal. Its length is 1779 km.

    The Angara is a large river in Eastern Siberia (continent of Eurasia). Its length is 1779 km. The Angara originates from Lake Baikal (this is the only river flowing from Lake Baikal).

    The Angara is a right tributary of the Yenisei River. Therefore, the answer to this question will be as follows: the Angara flows into the Yenisei.

    The Angara River, flowing more than 1 km from Lake Baikal, flows into the Yenisei at the end of its path. The mouth (place of confluence) of the Angara is located about 83 kilometers above the city of Yeniseisk, located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

    And I advise everyone who is interested in the Angara River to read the legends About the beautiful Angara and the proud Yenisei and about the old man Baikal and his daughter Angara.

    The Siberian river Angara originates from the famous Lake Baikal, therefore it is unique in that the width of e at the very beginning is one kilometer and one hundred meters. The length of the Angara is 1779 kilometers. Dams were built along the river's path, so it flows through the Irkutsk reservoir, then through the Bratskoye and Ust-Ilimskoye. The direction of the current is initially to the north, in the lower reaches it changes to the western direction. At the settlement of Strelka, which is administratively part of the city of Lesosibirsk, the Angara flows into the Yenisei.

    It is also interesting that for a long time in the lower reaches, the river was called the Upper Tunguska, because they thought that the Angara was a different river. Only in 1623, the Cossack pioneer Panteley Pyanda was able to pass along the Angara from Baikal to the Yenisei, returning from the Lena campaign.

    Angara river- is the largest right tributary of the Yenisei River.

    Techt river in the Irkutsk region and the Krasnoyarsk region of Russia.

    Angara - long river(1779 km).

    It has many tributaries: Ilim, Kamenka, Kitoy, Oka and others.

    Angara starts its journey from Lake Baikal.

    The Angara River is truly Great River Russian East. Russia and its history have a lot to do with this river. The Angara is a very beautiful and diverse river throughout its course. The Angara is the largest tributary of yet another great Siberian river, the Yenisei, hence the Angara flows into the Yenisei.

The Angara River is a mighty Siberian water stream flowing from Lake Baikal and flowing into the Yenisei. His length is 1779 km. This is the largest tributary of the Yenisei. He is part of water system, which ranks 5th in the world in length, competing with the Amazon, the Nile, the Yangtze and the Mississippi.

Taking into account the fact that Baikal is a mountain lake, the river has a large drop, which is 380 meters. This indicates a significant energy potential. People took advantage of such favorable natural conditions and built dams on the river, which in turn formed reservoirs. Today there are three of them.

Angara river


The first hydroelectric dam was built right in Irkutsk. This is a regional center with a population of over 500 thousand people. The reservoir stretches from the city to Baikal and is called Irkutsk reservoir. Its length before it flows into the lake is 55 km with a width of 7 km. The depth in some places reaches 35 meters. It is an important shipping route during the summer months.

At the source of the river there is a rock, which is called shaman stone. He is the boundary. On one side, the waters of Lake Baikal splash, and on the other, the waters of the Irkutsk reservoir begin. From the water, this block looks out only 1.5 meters. There was a time when they wanted to blow up the stone. But in this case, the water level in the lake would drop. This could lead to numerous landslides on the banks of the reservoir. Therefore, they did not blow up the rock in order to avoid unpredictable consequences.

Angara River on the map

After Irkutsk, the river narrows noticeably and flows north past Angarsk and Usolye-Sibirsky. In the city of Bratsk, another hydroelectric dam was built to block the river. It forms Bratsk reservoir. Its length is 570 km, and its width reaches 25 km. The depth is 30 meters. The greatest depth reaches 150 meters. This reservoir is considered one of the largest and deepest in the world.. There are storms and hurricanes on it, like on a real sea.

After Bratsk, the waters begin almost immediately Ust-Ilimsk reservoir. It is formed by a hydroelectric dam built in the city of Ust-Ilimsk. The length of this reservoir is 302 km, and the width reaches 12 km. The depth is 30 meters, and the deepest places have a depth of 100 meters. This reservoir is located north of the 2 previous ones, and therefore the climate here is more severe. average temperature in the area of ​​the reservoir is minus 3 degrees Celsius.

In July 2015, the Boguchanskaya HPP was put into full operation. It is located 12 km from the city of Kodinsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The distance to Krasnoyarsk is 735 km. The construction of the hydroelectric power plant began in 1974 and ended in December 2014. In terms of construction time, this is the record-breaking facility in the history of hydropower.

River pier in Irkutsk
From it, passenger ships depart for Bratsk


The Angara River is navigable during the summer months. There is no single waterway from Baikal to the Yenisei. In total there are 4 isolated from each other plots.

The first section from Irkutsk to Baikal along the Irkutsk reservoir. The second section from Irkutsk to the Bratskaya HPP. It is the longest and is equal to 610 km. The third section is the waters of the Ust-Ilimsk reservoir from Bratsk to Ust-Ilimsk. Its length is 290 km. And the last section stretches from the Yenisei River to the Boguchansky rapids. Its length is 440 km. Thus, it is clear that the Angara has nothing to do with the Volga. From Irkutsk to Krasnoyarsk you can't swim on the water.

Bridges across the Angara

There is no railway bridge over the river, as it is located to the west of the main railway line. But there are 4 road bridges. Three of them are located in Irkutsk. The first bridge was built in the city center in the 30s of the XX century. In the late 70s, another bridge was built on the outskirts of the city. And already in the 21st century, a third building was erected. This bridge connected the most densely populated areas of the regional center. There is another bridge in the Boguchansky district. And, of course, hydroelectric dams. Roads were built on them, along which cars move from one side of the river to the other.

Bridge across the river on the outskirts of Irkutsk from a bird's eye view


The Angara River is the only water stream flowing out of Baikal. Rivers of medium size flow into the Siberian beauty itself. On the territory of the city of Irkutsk, this is a left tributary - the Irkut River. Its length reaches 488 km. The left tributaries are also such rivers as Kitoy, Belaya, Oka. The latter reaches a length of 630 km. The most full-flowing tributary is the Taseeva River. It flows into the Angara not far from its mouth. It is only 65 km to the Yenisei in this place. Of the right tributaries, the Ilim River can be called. Its length reaches 589 km. This also includes Kamenka and Chadobets.

Mouth of the Angara

At its confluence with the Yenisei, the Angara River is twice as wide as the great Siberian river flowing into the Arctic Ocean. But it so happened historically that the water stream was called the Yenisei. It is not only narrower, but also has muddy water, and our beauty has the purest water, and every pebble is visible on the river bottom. After the reunion, a single water stream flows like this - clear water on the right, and muddy on the left. Only after Lesosibirsk, the Baikal and Yenisei waters begin to mix, and the boundary between them blurs. Further, there are no differences, and the Yenisei, which has spilled over its entire vast expanse, carries mighty waters to the far North.

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