What is the dream of a beautiful wooden house. Build a wooden house

According to Miller's dream book, a house in a dream is a sign of good change, especially if it is newly built or just bought. But to visit your old house is a symbol of the fact that pleasant and good news awaits a person in reality. And if a person builds a house in a dream, it means that he will increase his capital.

An entertaining interpretation of what the wooden house is dreaming of according to Vanga's dream book promises to fulfill all the plans and acquire real family happiness. This is evidenced by a dream in which a small wooden house is dreamed. When a person sees a big house made of wood in a dream, this is a sign that life this person improve and flow in a calm and moderate course. Another such dream for a dreamer who has Lately there was an unsuccessful period in life, will finally bring him bright days. When a dreamer sees in a dream a house that is very old and abandoned, it means that soon fate will begin to test a person for endurance. That is, she will present him with various tests that will have to be overcome. There is even a dangerous possibility of losing your property, but with God's help, the problems will soon be resolved.

A dream in which a wooden house is seen symbolizes the person himself or the relationship between two people. A clean and tidy house indicates harmony in the family, but a house in which there is a complete mess means that the same thing happens in family life.

If in a dream a person builds a wooden house, then in reality he will increase his financial capabilities and make a profit in monetary terms. According to Freud's dream book, a house in a dream can mean how strong the relationship between a man and a woman is. So, according to this interpreter of dreams, a warm and cozy wooden house testifies to the same trusting and harmonious relationships in the family. A cold and uncomfortable house is a sign of cooling feelings between partners. If in a dream warmth, comfort and cleanliness reign in the house, then in reality people also treat each other gently and warmly. A house in which chaos and disorder is dreamed of symbolizes the loss of trust and respect in the family, as well as complete devastation in the intimate sphere of partners. The presence of a large number of people in a dream in a house suggests that the dreamer has a lot of faithful and devoted friends who will always come to the rescue.

Not very good events portend a dream filled with various insects. It will mean that evil intrigues are woven behind the dreamer's back. You need to take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps the ill-wisher himself will give himself away with a careless phrase or action. If you dream of a house that does not have a roof - this is clear sign disease close relative or a friend. Moreover, this person really needs, namely, the help of a dreamer. When the dreamer observes himself in a dream driven out of own house, then this dream, as well as possible, symbolizes the internal state of this person. A dream speaks of a depressed state of the subject, of his unstable position in society. In this case, it is necessary to think and understand what so oppresses a person in his real life and brings him to such a sad, desperate state.

Building a house is a symbol of what a person is moving to new level own life. It is possible that he will start a family, or get a new responsible position, or he will have a child. That is, a dream symbolizes the beginning of a new life period.

A house, housing, an apartment in a dream is an image of the person himself. If he has in life full order, respectively, and the house is dreaming in this form. And when the dreamer experiences oppression, dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with his life, then naturally the house in a dream will have an appropriate appearance and characteristic image.


Dream Interpretation Build a house

Why dream of building a house in a dream

If you dream of someone else's construction site, beware of theft. If you watch how your house is being built, the dream portends the achievement of the goal through perseverance. If you build a house yourself, you can win. However, a dream can mean only partial success and changes in life. If a person is sick, sleep advises to be more careful about treatment. If one of the newlyweds builds a house in a dream, the dream may promise the birth of children.

Being in a dream in an unfinished house, in reality, can bring anxiety about unfinished business or a danger to life.

If in a dream you get lost in a house under construction, in reality you may be overtaken by a disease or there will not be enough time and energy to implement your plans. If you find some object in such a house, in reality it can tell you how to proceed further in business.

If a house under construction in a dream is full of people, and you talk to them, you can quickly be forgotten after your death. If these people do not see you, then after death, on the contrary, fame awaits you. If you hide in such a house in a dream, thoughts of death frighten you. If you are running away from someone, then you should analyze your mistakes and correct them in order to calm your conscience.

If in a dream you saw a friend in the window of an unfinished house, then in reality you will have a reason to worry about him.

If you dreamed that you could not find your home, in reality you will lose trust in people. And if you realize that you do not have a home, be careful in financial matters.

If an entrepreneur dreams that he is building a house, in reality such a dream portends success in business and material gain, one can hope to hit a big jackpot.

If a sailor dreams that he is building a house, in reality this means his desire to lead a settled life. A wish can come true, and a dream promises a successful marriage.

If you build the foundation and walls of the house - this is to wealth and happiness. The same promises a dream in which you renew and build a house or apartment.

If neighbors and relatives are involved in the repair of the house, it means that in reality you have not decided on your desires, and look for an answer from others.

If you dreamed of an unfinished nine-story house, then your dreams have not yet been realized. If such a construction inspires you, then a risky event will bring the realization of your cherished desire closer.


New house according to the dream book

Some dreams help to better understand the present and predict the future. It is enough just to know what this or that plot has dreamed of. Dream Interpretation claims to be seen in a dream new house is the personification inner peace person. A home is a place where you can relax and feel protected from the adversities of the outside world.

Did you dream of a new house? Try to listen to yourself, to your inner desires, as well as needs. This is the only way to decipher the dream as accurately as possible. IN various sources is given different interpretation what new houses dream of. Let's consider all of them in detail.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Sigmund Freud

This interpreter of dreams believed that a new house or apartment is a symbol of the person himself. A building with smooth walls is a symbol of a man, and a building with ledges and balconies personifies a woman.

If the fair sex dreamed at night that she was doing repairs in a new house, namely whitewashing smooth, even walls, then in life this lady would be especially sweet and courteous with her chosen one. The dream interpretation recommends that there are no misunderstandings and conflicts between partners, you need to periodically study what this or that plot is dreaming of and bring novelty to the relationship.

A young girl who sees a new house in a dream can count on favorable changes in real life, according to the dream book. She may get married, get a reasonably good job, or get support from a friend or loved one. Whatever specifically happens, this event will change fate for the better.

The meaning of sleep with a new home according to Freud can be negative. A new building, in which there is no roof and floor, is a symbol of approaching death. Anyone can die in reality: a relative, an acquaintance, a colleague. You can more accurately understand what a dream is about, only by looking closely at the signs of fate seen in reality.

Deciphering according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A new house, large or small, infested with cockroaches or any other insects, predicts a large number of ill-wishers. Enemies are already preparing plans for your destruction. It is worth being as careful as possible and try not to trust others. It is recommended that the dream book be wary of even friends during this period.

The interpretation of a dream in which the roof is blown off a new house is very interesting. This story claims that one of your loved ones is suffering from a nervous breakdown and needs help in recovery. The dream book advises, become a support and support for this person during and after treatment.

A cozy new wooden house of a small size, according to the dream book, is dreaming of an impending family well-being. In the family, not only mutual understanding will reign, but material well-being will also come. Each member of the family will experience immense joy from the coming idyll, as well as a sense of pride in their close relatives.

Why dream of a residential building standing right in heaven? He predicts the death of a close relative in the near future. The same house in heaven, filled with people, is a symbol of your friends' loyalty and their devotion.

New house according to Miller's dream book

A dream with futile attempts to find your home speaks of a loss of faith in the decency and honesty of people. If you dreamed that you were leaving the house, then in real life trips are coming very soon, as well as changes in all endeavors. Changes, as the dream book says, can be both good and not so good.

Dream interpretation according to Vanga

A small cozy house seen in a dream speaks of the speedy fulfillment of a cherished desire. It also has a definition of what such a dwelling is dreaming of. It is believed that it promises family well-being and happiness. Move to a new house large and bright - to material well-being and a good position.

Build a new house to improve the financial situation. Well-being in the material side of life will not come just like that, but only thanks to the assistance influential person. But, it is worth remembering that financial well-being cannot be eternal. You can make the most of your money by investing in real estate.

Modern interpretations of sleep

The demolition of a newly built dwelling warns of imminent loneliness and longing. In addition, there will be financial difficulties. Buying a new house in a dream predicts impending fame, as well as creative success. It is important not only to know why this or that plot is dreaming, but also to know how to act. It will be possible to gain respect and reverence for the people around you through hard work and decency.

Moving to a new house, inherited, predicts in reality a devoted friend or buddy. This person will do his best to help you achieve well-being and prosperity. Cleaning your own home promises career success. The biggest luck if such a dream was dreamed of by a person who is on military service. Soon he will receive a promotion and salary.

A new multi-storey building predicts a quick material profit. The floors are a symbol of the career ladder and the more there are, the higher social status You will gain over time. The dream in which you climbed the floors indicates the successful achievement of the goal. Why dream of a descent seen in a dream? According to the dream book, he predicts a demotion.

If in a dream you dreamed of an unfinished new house, then in real life you will have to postpone some things for an indefinite time. But you don't need to forget about them. You can implement your plan at a later time.

To be in a house all alone according to the dream book to the loss of friends. It is possible that existing friends will turn away for whatever reason, and new ones will not appear. Another dream book warns that the existing well-being is also likely to evaporate.

The construction of a new house promises quick happiness and wealth. For an entrepreneur, such a dream promises success in planned business. The dream interpretation promises a big jackpot. The construction of the house, seen by the sailor, may speak of his passionate desire to lead a settled life. Another point why this dream is dreaming is a quick marriage.

Buying a new house in the village in a dream is a sign of a job change and the associated move. If the purchase of a home occurs jointly with friends, then in reality you will have to help in arranging their life. Receipt large building as a legacy according to the dream book to gaining a devoted reliable partner in real life.

According to the dreamed house, one can also judge the dreamer. If the interior was luxurious and stylish, then this person appreciates himself quite highly and is distinguished by a certain self-confidence. A flimsy building in need of repair, according to the dream book, to a feeling of defenselessness in reality.


Why dream of a wooden house?

Since ancient times, people have tried to predict further events or events in their lives. A lot of effort has been put into this. So, observing the starry sky or the direction of the wind, they could find out the weather for the near future. Capturing the behavior of animals, certain changes in fate were predicted.

Years passed, and people began to notice that not only surrounding objects and phenomena can help with deciphering the future, but also dreams. Thus, the opinions of others were collected about what to dream about and what happens to them in the future.

The process of compiling a whole dream book can take quite a long time. The more respondents, the more detailed will be the picture of the future. Sometimes it happens that one dreams exactly what was mentioned or discussed during the day.

There are a large number of dream books. I propose to consider the most popular - large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov. Why dream of a wooden house if such a topic was not even mentioned during the day?

Relying on his data, the house that was dreamed of in a dream means progress in business and pleasant moments in life. However, it is necessary to take into account the conditions under which he appeared, as well as his condition.

If the house shines and seems golden, then most likely there will be troubles and quarrels. In the case of buying a house, you can expect a change in life in better side and advancement of plans. You need to pay attention to the interior - furniture, carpets, windows and their cleanliness.

If you dreamed of building a house, you can expect difficulties and any obstacles in your career or personal life. There will be no progress in the near future and it is better not to take on new projects at all. Sometimes such a dream occurs before an illness.

But if a barn is being built, then in the near future it is expected to acquire a second half and a wedding.

In the case when your house is dreaming, and he is in normal state, you can stop worrying, because everything will work out in life, and progress in business will only grow. Repairing a roof in a dream or installing it at all, losses or problems at work are expected in the future.

In addition, this may mean disappointment in a loved one, whom they have always relied on. If you find yourself in a dream in a locked room, you should expect meanness or setup from others. In this case, you must beware of unverified information and do not trust anyone, at least in the near future.

A robbed house with ruins dreams of cardinal changes in life, as well as unexpected profits from the other side, from which it was not planned. Perhaps getting an inheritance or winning a game of chance.

If instead of a house there are complete ruins, then this is prolonged illness or unexpected troubles in life. A sick person, seeing this in a dream, may die.

When repairing a wooden house, one should prepare for the difficulties in solving old problems or the formation of new ones. Rearranging furniture dreams of news or changes in life, it is also possible that an unexpected guest will appear.

If the house is empty and not in very good condition, the loss of a person from the environment or separation from loved ones is expected in the near future. In addition, this indicates difficulties in fulfilling the intended goals or desires and material losses.

If you dream of a fire, then you can expect a collapse in professional affairs, trouble or bad luck in your endeavors. It is necessary to pay special attention to this dream, since it may concern other people living with the person who saw it.

However, it is most unpleasant if the house burns down, as failures are coming, from which you will have to get out for a long time. In addition, without the help of loved ones, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of the disaster, but this also has its positive aspects.



Freud's dream book

Any construction work- are symbols of sexual intercourse.

If you build yourself- You are able to have an active sex life.

If you are watching construction- you envy the sexual success of other people.

Abandoned building- symbolizes functional disorders of the genital organs.

Modern combined dream book

Building a house in a dream- means that you will find rapid advancement in life and a confident existence.

Help workers build their own house- a sign that happiness and prosperity await you; demolish a building- to not quite successful execution of your plans; see the building collapse- means that misfortune may befall your family or you.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Build- the need for creation.

Structure- reflection of the worldview (point of view).

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Build yourself- quick earnings; see how they build- change of residence.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you undertake to build your own house- portends a strong financial position. If you see the already built foundation- means, in reality, avoid some tedious work. build walls- meet many obstacles on your way to success. Build a porch- means that you will soon receive a new appointment and a higher salary.

If you build a roof in a dream- it's a sign incredible luck and success. Build your own home out of ice- says that your family existence, alas, will not be cloudless at all. Build a barn, garage or just a shed- to receive money from debtors.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Build- to the deceased; inspect a new building- changes.

Collection of dream books

build something- well-being; build a house- to success; take part in the construction of a large building- happy events.

Build yourself- to a good state of health, completeness of physical and mental forces; see construction- favorable life changes; recurring dream of building a beautiful, durable building- may mean the need to build your own healthy body.


Dream Interpretation House, why dream of the House in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of Meridian What is the dream of the Former House in a dream:

Former home - see what former home, in which you were born, beautiful and well-groomed - happiness and luck await you, if it is abandoned - problems await you.

Looking for your former home in a dream and not finding it - you will begin to distrust people who were previously considered honest.

Selling your former home - you are in danger of losing, which you will regret for a long time. Leaving your former home - you will hear news that will affect your plans.

To see the former house all the time - you need to stop and think over a clear plan of your actions, so that later you do not regret the time and your actions.

Your destroyed former home - you will lose your life goals. Mess in it - you need to clear karma.

The house of the deceased - to see in a dream how dead grandmother or grandfather enters his house - this is bad sign someone close to you gets sick.

What is the dream of the house of the deceased with him himself - you lead the wrong way of life, therefore you will get sick.

To see how the deceased enters his house in a dream - you can get rich and live in abundance.

Sleep house is a reflection of your spiritual self, the mental haven of the soul. What you see around you in a dream in a house is a reflection of your emotional state.

Why dream about a house - you feel protected from all negative forces, you are able to withstand any troubles.

The fire of someone else's house - to unexpected happiness, if you had such a dream at night. If you know whose house is on fire - this person will suffer serious losses, warn him.

Why dream of a fire in someone else's house - it can be a symbol of treason, which will result in disastrous consequences.

Burning houses in clouds of smoke - to big losses.

Why dream of burning houses - if you rushed to save someone from the fire - the problems that have tormented you for a long time will finally find their solution in circumstances that will lead to serious consequences.

Burning houses that could not be put out could mean a change of residence for you.

A burnt house - at a loss, misfortune, longing. May indicate disappointment in a loved one.

Why dream of a burnt house - you will lose a friend. Also, a burnt house can mean physical death.

Wash the house - for the arrival of guests from afar.

Why dream of washing the house - this dream has only one interpretation: get ready for the arrival of distant relatives or old friends. If someone close is far from you, washing the house, washing the floors in the house means his imminent arrival.

The floor in the house - if it fell under you and you fell - unfortunately in the family. Why dream that you are sweeping the floor in the house - to prepare for the arrival of guests.

Sweeping the floor in the house in a dream - get ready for the arrival of people whom you have not seen for a long time.

Why dream that I sweep the floor in the house - to the guests.

The roof of the house - to stand under it, to dress - to uncertainty, some secrets. Building a roof at home - building a roof in your house in a dream promises longevity.

If the roof of the house in a dream broke with a bang or the beams that hold it buckled, you will end up in the hospital with some kind of dangerous disease.

Why dream of the roof of the house - if tiles fall from it - quarrel with your wife.

Idiomatic dream book What is the dream of the House according to the dream book:

What is the dream of the House

  • “He doesn’t have all the houses” - oddities, fool.
  • "To make dirty linen in public" - to disclose unpleasant personal information;
  • "My house is my fortress" - protection. Safety;
  • “Home (family) hearth”, “family warmth” - family well-being;
  • "Household" (thriftiness).
  • “Live in two houses” - change your spouse.
  • “Come (return) home” - achieve the goal.
  • "Upholstering thresholds" - humiliatedly ask, complain.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic What is the dream of the House according to the dream book:

House - The house in which the dreamer ended up is staggering, collapsing. The roof, floor, ceiling collapses. The house itself may look old, skewed, dark.

Children's dream book What does the dream book house mean?

Why the House is dreaming - Symbolizes the degree of your self-confidence. If you dream of a tall house, with strong walls, then you feel self-confidence and security. If you dream of a small, wooden or stone house, it means that you would like to get into the center of attention less. You need to hide, withdraw into yourself, you do not have enough determination to act. If you dream of a hut or a reed hut, this means that you feel defenseless against the forces of your fate. Despite this, you feel happiness and hope that better times will come.

Small Velesov dream book Why dream of a House in a dream:

Dream house:

  • Leave on the road, separate completely, changes in life, danger;
  • Why dream of a big house - suffering;
  • New to see, tall, beautiful - wealth;
  • Why dream of building a house - a wedding, a successful change of housing, profit, joy // death (to the patient), chores, illness, hard work;
  • Rent a house - for the wedding, change;
  • Why dream of whitewashing a house - good // death;
  • Why dream of plastering a house with clay - to death;
  • Why dream of a burning house - profit, joy // illness, loss, news, theft;
  • To exchange houses with someone is a change;
  • To lay the foundation of the house - you will start a very profitable business;
  • Walking around an unfamiliar house, so it's hard to get out - it's not good, you will be sad; and if you go out, you will avoid trouble;
  • Why is the house dreaming of an old house - contempt;
  • Buying it is good // end of life; to see someone in a new house is a misfortune;
  • Moving to a new house is death;
  • Falling, fallen - a quarrel with neighbors, the owner will die;
  • To see your house cramped, to enter it is a loss;
  • Why dream of a house to clean your house - joy, profit;
  • Why dream of decorating a house - the birth of a son, profit;
  • Watering your house with water is a pity;
  • Why dream of a house without windows and doors - death;
  • In the house there is dancing, a game - to the dead;
  • Sweeping the house - guests, beware of enemies.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why the House is dreaming:

Interpretation of sleep by a dream book: House House - This is a symbol of your personality, your position in society, if you dream of your house in a dream. If this is someone else's house, then it means that you are in someone else's territory and the condition of the house indicates the situation in which you find yourself.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream of a House:

House - In a dream, seeing is a sign of false glory.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does the house mean

House - This symbol has always personified the stability of the position in society and confidence in the future, a calm, prosperous life. The house has many different values: it can be unfamiliar, new, it can be large and very tiny, it can amaze with sophistication and unusual shapes, or it can look like thousands of other shacks or concrete high-rise buildings. Since the time of the feudal lords, the British have considered a house not only a symbol of wealth, but also protection, which is why they still call it a fortress to this day. The Slavs have many versions of the “correct” houses: brownies should live in the house, in each house there should be a cat or a cat in which the brownie lives or with whom the brownie communicates. It was believed that the house in which the suicide happened was forever cursed and life in it would not be happy. Everything warm, dear and sweet to the heart is connected with the house.

  • A house is dreaming, the walls of which are made of sand and gradually, with every gust of wind, crumble, become thinner - do not be sad, soon everything will be forgotten; what is offered to you is short-lived, so do not count on it to become your life's work.
  • see yourself in good mood among the bare walls in your own house - it means to run into troubles in which only the family will help.
  • Seeing yourself in endless household chores that do not even allow you to sit down to rest is a sign of an addition to the family or the arrival of guests.
  • Seeing a richly furnished house with a good repair - an old dream haunts you, do not miss the chance to make it come true.
  • Seeing yourself as the owner in an old house, where people come and praise him - to the loss of old ties, a quarrel with good friends.
  • A house is dreaming from which demonic laughter is heard - you have to deal with a superstitious person, communication with which will bring a lot of trouble.
  • She dreams about how the property from your house is sold under the hammer - a symbol of wealth and prosperity, for a major purchase, the acquisition of what you have long dreamed of.
  • Seeing a lot of different products and things in duplicate at home - your premonitions and worries can materialize, so stop winding yourself up.
  • To see repairs in your house, in which all relatives and neighbors take part, - you will not be able to find the correct answer to the question of interest, because you yourself do not know what you would like, and rush between the opinions of others on this matter.

Erotic dream book What is the dream of the House in a dream?

According to the dream book, see the House - A house seen in a dream, in which it is warm and cozy, portends the appearance in the near future of news that will significantly affect the development of your relationship with your loved one. If the house is abandoned, dilapidated, you will suffer the bitterness of disappointment in the very dear person. You will lose support from him, which you will immediately feel and appreciate, but it will not be easy to restore the old relationship.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: House what does it mean

House - See - danger; build - to improve; cover - losses; revenge in the house - to the guests; wash floors - to death, to separation; the roof has failed, the hole is the crossing; being at home is a nuisance, gossip; a burning house is a great joy.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff Why is the House dreaming from a dream book?

What does it mean to see a house in a dream - In a dream, different things can happen to a house. You can build it or buy it, it can be destroyed, destroyed by the elements or war, invaders can fill it, etc. As a rule, a house dreams of major changes, instability, or significant growth. A house teeming with something or occupied by someone indicates your unstable relationship with the outside world. You are in a state of depression - it happens, but if you are in this state all the time, then seeing your house inhabited by any people or ANIMALS is a signal of ANXIETY. A destroyed house is dreamed of when moving, financial turmoil, to DEATH or DIVORCE. In such dreams, the house falls apart, losing its primary purpose: to provide shelter to a person. Having seen such a dream, think about what circumstances oppress and crush you and how this affects your real life. Building a house is a reflection of your life circumstances and changes in perspective. Most likely, you will have a promotion at work or an improvement financial condition that opens up additional possibilities. In relations with the person you are dating, a qualitative transition to a more serious level is not excluded, marriage is possible. In any case, dreams about building a house always have a positive connotation. Since the house is a symbol of female influence or a symbol of the mother's womb, the following questions arise in this regard: are you (or your partner) pregnant and want to build a nest for future offspring? Do you feel an essential need to enter into a serious mutually binding relationship with your partner? Do you feel unsupported or are you too conservative in nature?

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a House:

See a house in a dream - Move to a new house - die. A house without windows and a door - the coffin falls to this man. As you dream that they are building a new house, this is very bad. If you dream of beautiful houses - wealth. If a wall falls in a house or in a barn, then someone will die in this house (family). Bare walls in the house - the death of a loved one. A wall fell - a dead man sooner or later. Like a locked house - this is death, unkind. The wall falls - the trouble falls on the head. As the mother falls, the owner or mistress will die, and as a wall, then one of the relatives. If one of the family members dreams of having music, dancing in their house, there will be a dead man in that house. If you dream, you are building a house - for illness. They are building a house for you: bright and beautiful - your life, black and windowless - rowing. The storm tore the top off the house - beware of a tragic disaster. Build, put, oil the house - to death. The house is falling apart in half, the mother is falling, the ceiling is falling, the walls are falling down (especially the corner wall), the stove is falling - this is to death. Dream about a house - a change in life. Sweep the house - guests; get rid of the enemies. Lit - to theft; news. High - wealth; falls - death.

Psychological dream book Dream Interpretation: Seeing a house in a dream

The house is a symbol of oneself, one's body, one's soul. A cozy rural house seen in a dream expresses the desire of the sleeper for a calm and simple life.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century What is the dream of the House for?

See in a dream

House - Seeing your house in a dream as new and durable - fortunately, cozy - for family well-being, multi-story - for big profits, collapsed - for danger, to see how it is being demolished - to overcome all obstacles, burning - to losses. Seeing your house abandoned means that you have to regret the past, return to it again - live in the past, because of which trouble and misunderstanding of others await you. Building a house in a dream means that external circumstances beyond your control will not allow you to fulfill all your plans. To inherit a house - to meet a partner or companion, thanks to which you can improve your affairs. A hut seen in a dream is a harbinger of changes in life, a hut - to sadness, a cramped clay hut - to a deterioration in living conditions. A shack in a dream may dream of an upcoming trip or business trip. Living in an unfinished house - to unrest due to the danger of loss of fortune or property, in a barrack - to obstacles in business. To dream about how a building is being built is a sign that you will be able to achieve your goal, if it is a skyscraper - you will find big profit, profit, big money. The administrative building dreams of losses and losses, a beautiful recently built one - to receive new sources of income, new work. If most of the rooms in the building are bright, beautiful, large, then such a dream promises you success in business and well-being. Poor, shabby, cramped rooms in the building - to the upcoming difficulties, obstacles in completing a profitable business. Seeing a cottage in a dream - for the upcoming repairs in your home.

Egyptian dream book If you dream of a House:

House - If a person sees himself in a dream rushing about in his house, it’s bad, it means that he will be sick.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea House according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a House in a dream - The house (mansion) personifies the dreamer himself, his inner self. It also reflects the problems of the body, thoughts, feelings, spirit. The interior of the house is related to the needs and condition of the person (see also Attic, Roof, Basement, Staircase, Floor, Corridor, Window, Door, Hall). The room is spacious - your wishes will come true; close - to losses, poverty. Kitchen - household chores, changes. Bedroom - relaxation, intimate relationships. Bath - fatigue, guilt. Toilet - relaxation, solitude. Dining room - communication. Front - a new acquaintance, premarital relationship. Pantry - reserve forces.

Assyrian dream book What is the dream of the House according to the dream book:

House - If in a dream you enter the house of a happy and cheerful person, days of sadness will soon await you.

Modern dream book If you dream of a House:

Solves a dream book: House - Guests

Dream Interpretation of Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: House in a Dream

House - Renovated - uncertain relationships will be clarified; cover with a roof - losses await you; buy - well-being; destructive - disease; flaming - failure in business; build - happiness in love; empty - your hopes will not come true; make changes in the house - expect a visit; destined for destruction - frivolity threatens you with misfortune; devastated - profit; destroy - a dispute with neighbors; arrest house - an unclear situation in life; sit in it - avoid danger; own inhabited house - obtained well-being; buy - arrange friends; crazy house - get in big trouble; gilded - you will get into trouble.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a House:

House - (1) Someone else's house. Big, outside, someone else's life invades yours. Entering someone else's house you will enter someone else's life. Upon invitation, you will be asked for help. Secretly take part in someone on your own initiative. Multi-storey note the floor. Little new acquaintance. Very old attracts old connections, especially if there are a lot of old things inside the house. (2) Your home. Big, new, new things to do outside, but you have a choice: you can take part or not take part in them. If you entered your participation will be beneficial. Occupied a free room or apartment, your activity will bring material benefits. Many neighbors will be a great team. Good relationships become bad ones. Bad relationships become good. Those who died still live in the house, wait for help and support in new matters. See individual details of the house and numbers (number of apartment, floor). Old need to finish the old business. Shabby, discard the extra load of memories, throw out old papers and rags! Construction time has not yet come. You are pedaling some business and events. Your collapsing business is crumbling from the inside. With the help of someone, someone deliberately ruins your business.

Hut (wooden house) - See conversations and discussions that should not disturb you. If you do not pay attention to them, they will not bring harm. Being in H. is gossip that will spoil your blood. See additional sleep details. (For example: if there is a farm around X. Peasant farming (see), then gossip will relate to “unjustly acquired”.)

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Dreaming of a House

Interpretation from the dream book: House - You see the main building of the house. - Wealth. You go out into the garden. - Happiness. The main building of the house is collapsing. - Misfortune in the family. There is a coffin in the great hall. - portends joy and peace. The small door to the room opens. - portends a love affair. You fall into a hole in the main room. - portends misfortune in the family. Building a roof on your house. - portends longevity. Renovate and renovate your home. - Much to our happiness. From the gusts of wind, the house starts to move. - portends a move. You move into a new house owned by another person. - Fortunately. The family leaves home. - A joyful event for the wife. You move into a ruined building. - portends a beautiful wife. Renting out your house to someone. - Get a job. Sweeping the house while spraying water. - A person will come from afar. You rent a country house. - portends the loss of a job. Empty house without people. - portends death. Standing under the roof, in the house, you get dressed. - Talks about uncertainty, some kind of mystery. You are suing your wife for housing. - portends happiness. Suddenly, the main roof-bearing beam breaks. - portends great misfortune. The house falls into a hole. - portends death. The soldiers enter the house. - portends great happiness. Tiles fall from the roof, you feel mortal horror. - There will be a quarrel with his wife. You see a live horse in the house. - There will be a letter from my son. Grass grows in the rooms. - The house will be empty soon. Cypress or pine grows in the courtyard. - portends a long life. You are renovating a country house. - There will be great joy.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a House in a Dream

In a dream, why dream of a House in a dream to see - New, beautiful - acquaintance with a special person - repaired - uncertain relationships will soon become clear - cover with a roof - losses await you - buy - well-being - collapsing - illness, need - flaming - failure in business - build - happiness in love - empty - your hopes will not come true - make changes in the house - expectation of a visit - destined for demolition - frivolity threatens you with misfortune - devastated - profit - destroy - dispute about deeds - arrest house - unclear situation in life - own inhabited - mined well-being - buy - arrange friends - crazy house - get in big trouble - gilded - get into trouble

Vedic dream book Dream Interpretation: To see a house in a dream

Home - If young man dreaming of family life, then this is a messenger of prosperity, health and progress.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis If you dream of a House:

Interpretation of the dream book: House (palace) - Some world (area of ​​\u200b\u200bexistence). Light - high world. A three-story house is the third level - i.e. The world of people.

Symbolic dream book Dream Interpretation: House if you dream

Residential house - See Housing.

Autumn dream book What is the dream of the House according to the dream book:

White stone house - Seeing a white stone house in a dream or building such a house - in reality you will never live in it.

Butt of the house - To the longing for the father's house.

Summer dream book What is the dream of the House according to the dream book:

White stone house - Building a white stone house in a dream - to wealth.

What is the dream of House, housing - If in a dream you visit your old house - expect good news in reality. A cozy and joyful house dreams of a long prosperity. Abandoned house - to sad events. To dream that you cannot find your home means to completely lose faith in people. If in a dream you were homeless, you will fail in all your endeavors. Moving in a dream portends urgent news and hasty trips. For a young woman to see that she has left home means that she will be surrounded by treacherous personalities.

Butt of the house - To a date with relatives.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What is the dream of the House for:

House, housing - To dream that you cannot find your home means that you will completely lose faith in the honesty of people. If in a dream you see that you do not have a home, you will fail in all your endeavors, financial losses. In a dream, changing your home means urgent news and hasty trips. For a young woman, to dream that she has left home is a sign that she will be surrounded by treacherous slanderers. If in a dream you visit your old house, then in reality they are waiting for you good news. It is very good to see your old house cozy and joyful - this marks a long prosperity. An abandoned house portends sad events.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist K. Jung Dream Interpretation: What does a house mean

House, apartment - Usually houses appear in dreams as images of the psychic. Many times, unknown unfamiliar rooms are found in these houses, pointing to hidden or unexplored areas of the patient's potential ego structure. Differences between parts of the house can also be symbolically important: ceiling, attic, attic, roof, balconies, bedrooms, etc. For example, kitchens are the place where raw food is transformed into culinary dishes; in dreams they sometimes take on the appearance of an alchemical laboratory, a place of deeper transformation. Bathrooms in dreams can refer to "removing, eliminating, dropping" or the difficulty of "release". Sometimes just the action itself, taking place in a dream in a certain house from the past, allows us to draw certain conclusions about the origin of certain complexes involved in the situation. The house itself can signify different parts of the ego structure, as in the dream of one man who began to experience a sense of freedom as his excessive neurotic self-criticism weakened and subsided.

Spring dream book What is the dream of the House according to the dream book:

End of the house - Seeing the end of the house - to divorce.


Build a wooden house

Dream Interpretation Build a wooden house dreamed of why in a dream to build a wooden house? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Building a wooden house by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Build a house

For the better.

Dream Interpretation - House, build

Dream Interpretation - Wooden, log

Collecting or picking up some objects made of wood in a dream - to great chagrin and worries. Carry pieces of wood, firewood, logs, etc. in a dream - to big trouble. Such a dream warns the one who saw him that he should be careful - otherwise you can get into trouble. To see stumps in a dream - to receive money or an inheritance that you will have to share with someone, and you will get only a small part of them. To see sawn logs is a harbinger of profit and a good income that you will share with your partners. The thicker the logs, the more your income will be. Sometimes such a dream predicts the receipt of a long-awaited inheritance. Buy pieces of wood - to big problems. Seeing wooden utensils is a harbinger of the fact that you need to think about how thoughtlessly you spend money. Such a dream encourages you to be frugal. See interpretation: dishes. To see or wear wooden shoes in a dream - to a difficult life, when you have to rely only on your own strength and achieve everything with hard work. See interpretation: shoes.

To have wooden legs in a dream is a harbinger of illness, disordered life, hard work, long wanderings. For attackers, such a dream portends imprisonment, and their evil intentions will not come true. See interpretation: legs, go, movement.

Dream Interpretation - Wooden utensils

Saving; wooden shoes - through frugality you will achieve wealth; wooden products - a boring person makes you angry.

Dream Interpretation - Build

Dream Interpretation - Wooden

Comb with wooden teeth - the end of the old business.

You take off your wooden shoes, bulky uncomfortable shoes - it means that the danger will soon pass.

Dream Interpretation - Build

Dream Interpretation - Build a House

Dream Interpretation - Wooden House


Dream Interpretation - Wooden Shoes

Wooden shoes - through frugality you will achieve wealth.


Build a tree house

Dream Interpretation Build a tree house dreamed of why in a dream to build a tree house? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Building a tree house in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Build a house

For the better.

Dream Interpretation - House, build

Sometimes it happens that a house appears out of nowhere in a dream, or in a dream you have to build a house. So to say "future home". So you already got the hint, right?

A house that grew out of nowhere in a dream = a classic most dangerous dream, a harbinger of a terrible misfortune associated with "resettlement"; change of place of residence, so to speak ... And you understand what I mean. It is especially dangerous to be in a dream inside a house with bars, ordered beds, or bunks, blank walls, stone bags that do not have windows to the outside.

After such a dream, I would seriously think about what could threaten me with prison or captivity!

Here you dreamed of a house, for example.

Dream Interpretation - Build

The dream in which you undertake to build your own house portends a strong financial position. If you see an already built foundation, it means that in reality you will avoid some tedious work. Build walls - meet many obstacles on your way to success. Building a porch means that you will soon receive a new appointment and a higher salary.

If you build a roof in a dream, this is a sign of incredible luck and success. Building your own housing out of ice suggests that your family existence, alas, will not be cloudless at all. Build a barn, garage or just a shed - to receive money from debtors.

Dream Interpretation - Build

You start building a warehouse or storage - wealth and a career.

Building a latrine in the house is wealth and happiness.

You build a roof on your house - portends longevity.

You build walls, build a house - great happiness and benefit.

Repairing or building a hearth in the kitchen - great happiness, success.

To clean or build a well - nobility, high ranks.

Dream Interpretation - Build a House

for the better; revenge in the house - guests will be

Dream Interpretation - Trees

Seeing flowering trees in a dream portends the onset of perhaps the happiest moment in your life. A burning tree in a forest on fire portends that in reality you will suffer significant losses.

Dry trees do not bode well, you will no longer be respected for what, in your opinion, does not deserve condemnation at all. Trees in the garden, hung with ripe fruits, indicate that you are lucky enough to find a new good friend.

A cut down tree portends regret over unfulfilled hopes. A big old tree with a huge crown is a promise of significant profit.

Trees without foliage in the winter, covered with snow or covered with hoarfrost - a sign that the loss you have suffered is irreparable.

Seeing exotic trees in a dream during an exciting journey means that all sorrows and sorrows will be quickly forgotten, giving way to a cheerful mood and cheerfulness.

A tree uprooted from the ground as a result of a hurricane portends sadness, longing and despair. A tree split by lightning - to a quarrel with friends.

A tree without bark on the trunk portends a painful, feeble old age in loneliness and poverty. Wet after a shower - a change in marital relations in negative side. A tree sawn and sawn into logs is a sign of death and mourning. A tree of valuable ornamental breed - to the chores that will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Breaking or cutting trees in a dream is a loss and regret. Planting trees under the house is a harbinger of imminent wealth and prosperity. Climb a tree - gain power. Falling from a tree - in reality, experience humiliation, ridicule and insults.

Sawing trees - fortunately, carry along with someone - overstrain from physical activity. Sitting under a tree means receiving valuable information that will greatly advance your business. Burning trees - succumb to a depressing mood. Extinguish - to the loss of property and deprivation of rights.

Floating on a tree on water means the end of hopes and a complete change in views.

Counting trees in a dream means being worried about children in reality. Buying tree seedlings - have extra trouble. Seeing diseased trees affected by worms is a waste where it was supposed to be saved.

Seeing someone turn into a tree in a dream is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

A tree in a dream is a person, his life and health / a person as a cosmic phenomenon; the fate of a certain person / in male dreams the tree can symbolize the body of a woman and the desires directed towards it.

Most often, what you do with a tree concerns loved ones.

What the other does to the tree concerns you.

A green tree is your well-being, happiness in marriage / a person in the prime of life / visible in a person - as opposed to spiritual - invisible.

Flowering tree - your happy days / a person preparing for life path/ bride girl of marriageable age.

Before our eyes it became without leaves, it easily pulled out - the husband, beloved, died.

A tree with fruits is your well-being, the result of your labors, the acquisition of spiritual treasures, a fruitful period of your life / a woman in the prime of life and beauty.

A flying dry tree is a misfortune, a difficult time in your life, a broken life, despair.

Withered tree - labors and sorrows / spiritually passive person.

Yellow autumn tree - sad old age / young elderly woman/ ancient wisdom of extinct races.

Red autumn tree - a drunkard / a man immersed in himself / cheerful happy old age.

A tree in the snow is a variable happiness / a person who has outlived himself, hopelessly behind the times.

Broken tree - illness, quarrels.

A tree broken by lightning - misfortunes generated by pride.

A tree torn out by a storm - misfortunes that are irrevocable for a person's fate.

What's happening with the tree:

The tree is covered with leaves and flowers before our eyes - an unexpected joy / a second youth to survive.

A storm from a tree tears off all the foliage - temporary misfortunes.

Before our eyes, an instantly withering and flying tree - sadness.

The tree easily breaks out of the ground - you will lose a friend.

The tree itself suddenly falls - misfortune, someone's unexpected death, unjustified fear for one's health.

The tree falls, washed with water - irreparable harm to health from sensual love, voluptuousness.

A tree falls, undermined by an animal - misfortunes from unbridled passions and licentiousness.

A flaming tree is health perishing in labor.

A green tree is cut down - the end of hopes / to experience an evil feeling towards another person.

Chop a dry tree - say goodbye to those in your life with whom it is high time to part / acquire illness / the memory of the dead is unacceptable to touch.

To shift a tree is a loss.

To tear a green tree out of the ground - to nourish vengeful feelings; your evil feeling towards a certain person is needlessly extended to others.

A cut down tree - your fate does not depend on your will / a foregone conclusion / a missing or seriously ill person.

A fallen dry tree is a kind of deceased / death of the spiritual principle in a person.

To see a rotten trunk on the ground is the oblivion of your labors.

To see a log on the road - you will have to remember a deceased or long-forgotten person.

Planting a tree is wealth.

To graft a stock is wealth.

Cut branches from a standing tree - undeservedly slander or think badly about a person / health benefits.

Cutting branches from a cut down tree is a sad duty; work contrary to your conscience and sense of duty.

To sit under a tree - to guard your happiness, to be afraid for it.

Climbing a tree is an honor.

Climb high and feel fear - a certain event will allow you to look into the future.

Sitting on a tall tree is good news.

Climbing to the top of a tree is longing; weary of gray everyday life.

Climbing upside down from a tree - mentally penetrate into a certain world.

Falling from a tree is a danger to the life of the wife (husband); you bring into your life something incompatible with its foundations.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

Reflects a person's sense of self.

The trunk represents a person's place in society.

Foliage - relationships with other people.

The roots reflect the stability and seriousness of the goal.

The bark is a symbol of your vulnerability or protection.

A forest, a few trees represent a group of people, a family.

A tree with a green lush crown - to well-being, friendly support.

Dry trees without leaves - to difficulties, loneliness.

Fruit trees - profit, prosperity.

Flowering trees - love, feelings.

Dry branches - dead feelings and relationships.

Damaged bark - someone will take advantage of your trust.

Firewood, logs - dead or long-forgotten people will somehow remind of themselves.

But for this it is necessary to understand what the individual parts of the tree tell us.

Let's highlight the individual characteristics of the tree. Let's see what they say to the dreamer.

Tree size. A tree that is too small indicates your insecurity, dependence on the powers that be. A normal-sized tree will emphasize that you feel free and independent. huge tree encourages you to reduce your ambitions (as in the example above).

Trunk. The trunk speaks of the dreamer's strength: physical and moral. The thick trunk of the tree you see portends that you will gain social weight. If the trunk is thin, swaying, then a difficult life situation awaits you, which will not be easy for you to cope with. The trunk can be bifurcated. If so, then the dream concerns a relationship problem with a person close to you. Scars and hollows on the trunk remind you of diseases, surgeries that have been previously transferred. But, as a rule, refer to the past. However, a broken barrel should alert you. This is a harbinger of future troubles, life upheavals. What if you dream of a stump? This sign is not terrible (if the tree did not break before your eyes). Most likely, this dream emphasizes that you, as usual, will be conservative in business and relationships, do not accept the changes promised by the dream.

Branches. Remember where the branches of the tree you dreamed were directed to? If they stretched up, then your immediate plans will be realized. Branches hanging down show that you probably do not have enough energy to solve the problems that have arisen. Look out for broken or cut branches. This is a sign that you feel inferior in some area. Sometimes such cut branches, like hollows, are dreamed after the operation. A bad harbinger for the future is only a branch that is broken off before your eyes.

Crown. A dream is very favorable in which you see a tree with a lush, green crown. This portends you a lot of contacts, friendly communication. But if the crown is small, the foliage is sparse, then you are having difficulty finding partners and friends. And the problems indicated by sleep will have to be solved alone. And the most unfavorable case: to see a tree with fallen leaves. This is a sign that a period of depression, loss of strength, loss of vitality, faith in the future awaits you. Or maybe you saw flowers on a dreaming tree? Then, perhaps, a sentimental relationship with someone awaits you, the flowering of new feelings. You should carefully consider such a message as the fruits on the tree. On the one hand, they portend success and effectiveness in business and feelings. On the other hand, in our dreams, the fruits often fall, are wormy, immature. This suggests that the results of your activities can be used by someone else.

Roots. It is better for the dreamer if the roots of the tree are in the ground. If you dig them up, looking for something, then perhaps you will discover some secret or strengthen your spiritual strength. But seeing roots on the surface of the earth is a sign that you are in search of support. In such a dream, you may be shown something or someone on whom you can lean.

The tree of life is the symbolic axis of the world. The meaning of this Tree is that it combines such different elements as air, earth and water, i.e., those elements that are necessary for the existence of all life on earth. The tree of life is often depicted as a cross entwined with leaves. But human life is also inseparable from the Tree of Knowledge. This Tree "tempts" a person with both the fruits of good and evil. The story of the fall of Adam and Eve is connected with this Tree.

The Tree of Light, with which the legend of the rebirth of souls is associated. The connection with this tree is reflected in the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with candles and light bulbs.

These lights are symbols of wandering souls.

And gifts - toys on the Christmas tree - are sacrifices to the gods. Thus, the tree dreamed in a dream is sometimes correlated with these primordial trees. In such cases, it matters how the tree looks, how its branches grow, where the roots are facing.

Such a symbol as a tree turned upside down is very interesting. This means that the basic, earthly foundations are connected to the higher, spiritual.

An upside down tree can also portend the death of a person. And here there is no contradiction, for the death of the body is a breakthrough of the Soul to heaven.

Often you may dream that you are climbing a tree. This is as good a sign as climbing a mountain.

If climbing a mountain is rather a symbol of material growth, then climbing a tree is a transition to a new spiritual level.

Tree Correlate with primordial trees.

In such cases, it matters how the tree looks, how its branches grow, where the roots are facing.

Such a symbol as a tree turned upside down is very interesting.

This means that the basic, earthly foundations are connected to the higher, spiritual.

However, sometimes an upside down tree can also portend the death of a person.

And there is no contradiction here, because the death of the body is a breakthrough of the soul to heaven.

Climb a tree - This is as good a sign as climbing a mountain.

But, if climbing a mountain is rather a symbol of material growth, then climbing a tree is a transition to a new spiritual level.

In ancient rituals, such an action as climbing a pole was used.

Not so long ago, and at Russian folk festivals, a dexterous guy, climbing to the top of a pole, received a pair of boots as a reward.

Often the result of this small sporting success was life luck.

In most dreams where trees are seen, they are trees without signs of a species.

But they, these faceless trees, turned out to be the most informative signs of sleep.

Too small tree Indicates your insecurity, dependence on the powers that be.

A normal-sized tree will emphasize that you feel free and independent.

The huge tree encourages you to reduce your ambitions.

Or maybe you saw flowers on a dreaming tree? Then, perhaps, a sentimental relationship with someone awaits you, the flowering of new feelings.

You should carefully consider such a message as the fruits on the tree. On the one hand, they portend success and effectiveness in business and feelings. On the other hand, in our dreams, the fruits often fall, are wormy, immature. This suggests that the results of your activities can be used by someone else.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

A large tree suddenly breaks - portends trouble, misfortune.

Climbing a big tree - fame, fame, luck, happiness.

Seeing dry and dead trees is something unfavorable in the house.

Grows in the yard fruit tree- portends the birth of a son.

A fruit tree grows in the yard - the birth of a son.

The dried tree turns green again - well-being and happiness for children and grandchildren.

The tree is broken - unfortunately.

The tree you are climbing suddenly breaks - a mortal wound, an ailment.

Leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

Trees grow in the palm of your hand - grief over the death of your father and mother.

The tree on the grave is broken - unfortunately.

Flowers bloom on a dry tree - portends the happiness and prosperity of children and grandchildren.

There are many fruits on fruit trees - this indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

Leaves are falling from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

A rooster sits on a tree - portends wealth, profit.

A tree grows in the middle of the forest - another noble son will be born.

Coming home, carrying a tree on your shoulder - joy in connection with material gain, acquisition.

Flowers bloom on a dry tree - portends the happiness and prosperity of children and grandchildren.

A tree grows on the grave - fortunately.

Planting a tree - great happiness and prosperity.

Are you going to cut down a big tree - portends a big profit, material well-being.

Standing under a tree is a noble person who remains in the shadows, unknown to anyone.

Fallen or withered trees - portends misfortune for someone.

Dream Interpretation - Tree (plant)

The tree, the main part of which should still be considered the trunk, is a symbol of the male genital organs.

If a man sees a tree in a dream, then this indicates his interest in homosexuality. If there are several trees (but this is not yet a forest), then the dreamer may also strive for group sex, and he is interested in the option: several men and one woman.

A man sitting under a tree feels a desire for same-sex relationships, and a woman sitting under a tree is not satisfied with her sexual partners and dreams of an ideal man in every respect.

If you are planting a tree or caring for a growing tree, then you are striving for a new (or first) sexual relationship. Sleep is characteristic of periods of puberty, as well as the extinction of sexual activity.

If you cut down a tree, then you doubt your sexual activity and solvency. If you cannot cut down a tree, then this indicates that your fears are unfounded and you are absolutely healthy. If the tree is cut down, then you may have violations or disorders in the activity of the genital organs.

The process of cutting down trees can also speak of the dreamer's hidden homosexuality.

A broken or dried tree portends failure in love affairs, possibly due to diseases of the genital organs.

If a man waters a tree, then he is prone to self-satisfaction.

If a woman waters a tree, then she strives for the joys of family sex and wants to have children.

A torn tree speaks of your tendency to self-satisfaction and fear of being exposed.

Lightning that hits a tree or a burning tree warns you against entering into casual relationships.

If you watch others take care of a tree (trees), then this indicates that you have an oedipal complex. It can either be suppressed or exist in your dreams.

According to dream books, a wooden house is an image that can carry both positive and negative forecasts for the future. What is the dream of a wooden house and what are the features of this image? To give a correct interpretation, remember your dream in detail: the place where he stood, his size, appearance buildings, your mood during the "view" and more.

  • If you buy a wooden house in a dream, then fortune will be on your side. Also, the dreamer is waiting for the long-awaited changes, related both in career terms and in matters of the heart. You will be surrounded only by sincere friends, and relatives will support any of your undertakings;
  • Often people who are busy looking for housing see wooden houses in a dream. This dream marks a successful and pleasant deal for you, which certainly will not disappoint;
  • If in a dream you did not find a building in your usual place, then expect disappointments that close people and friends will bring. And it will take a long time to filter your social circle, as many of them will turn out to be "wolves in sheep's clothing";
  • An empty house without windows and doors portends a bad experience in a romantic relationship. Also, people who saw such an image in a dream subconsciously feel superfluous in society, they are not satisfied with their quality of life;
  • An abandoned house in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer's fatigue. It's time to take a break from work and from the familiar environment. It is worth thinking about a short vacation in order to fully recharge your batteries for new exploits;
  • A huge house appears in dreams in cases where the dreamer needs to fill the void in his soul, like arranging things in a big house. It is best to fill it with a favorite activity that brings great pleasure, or spending time with your soulmate;
  • Building a house marks a pleasant change and the absence of financial problems in the family. Perhaps this is a symbol of the fact that you subconsciously want to start a new life;
  • A small house is also a good symbol. This sign is strengthened when you saw a small flower garden in the courtyard of the house. If you see such a dream, then all your desires in the future will come true, and happiness and peace will reign in the family;
  • The old house symbolizes trials. Fate will soon test your endurance. If you overcome all the trials and difficulties, in the end what you dreamed of will await;
  • A house without a roof - to health problems. Have you been to the doctor for a long time? It's time to go through a scheduled inspection so as not to aggravate the situation in the future. It is advisable to do this with the whole family;
  • The dreamer is kicked out of the house - to hard times. Serious financial problems will begin, and many people will turn their backs on you. Such a dream expresses the inner state of a person, it shows that you are tired and very depressed;
  • Wander around in a house with long corridors and lots of stairs. In this case, you need to remember: did you manage to get out of it or not. In the case of the second, you cannot find your way in reality. Perhaps you don't like your job or romantic relationship. You always have to choose between what you like to do and what you have to do. You are confused in your own thoughts, and this does not give you rest. If you still managed to find benefits from the labyrinth, then in reality you are moving in the right direction towards your goal. Nothing should distract from the course you have chosen;
  • Insects in a wooden house symbolize betrayal, lies. Possible betrayal of a loved one or unfaithful friends;
  • A house by the water or on a hill far from civilization. This dream indicates that you need rest. You don't have to go anywhere. Take up hobbies outside of work and read more books. In this case, you just need to abstract from the world for a while, to be alone. Try to understand yourself and your desires.

Interpretations of various dream books

Miller's dream book

  • In a dream, you are trying unsuccessfully to find your house. In reality, you have long lost faith in yourself and in people. It seems that you are surrounded only by scoundrels plotting intrigues behind your back. In part, perhaps this is so. But do not attribute all under one brush. There are people who are devoted to you and will never leave you in a difficult hour;
  • Building a new wooden house good news and long-awaited journey;
  • If the house is destroyed - you will be haunted by failure;
  • A dream about leaving home will bring a lot of disappointment in reality. Perhaps there will be a betrayal of a loved one or a betrayal of friends and relatives;

Interpretation of a dream according to Vanga's dream book

  • Leaving home in a dream - to serious illnesses in the family. You should not delay the visit to the doctor so that there are no problems in the future;
  • An abandoned wooden house dreams of trouble. There may be problems on the love front and in a career;
  • Building a new house - to improve the financial situation in the family budget;
  • To see a house of any size, according to Vanga, is an auspicious symbol. A big house dreams of good luck in romantic relationships and at work, and a small one - to the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Freud's dream book

  • Settling in a new wooden house is a nuisance. According to Freud, such a symbol can mark the death of a loved one or the dreamer himself. This effect is enhanced if the house has some unfinished elements: roof, floor, one of the walls, etc.;
  • If in a dream you are taking part in construction, then this is a symbol of the fact that everything suits you in romantic and sexual relations with a partner.

According to Miller's dream book, a dream in which a wooden house was dreamed is a symbol of change for the better. A new wooden house is a sign of a wonderful emotional and physical state of a person. Being inside a wooden house or building it means improving your financial condition, saving a lot of money. Such a dream carries only good news and nothing unpleasant should be expected.

which means if a wooden house in a dream

Vanga interpreted such a dream as achieving the goal. Wooden house dreams only for good. During the whole day there will be no problems and difficulties, or they will be solved very simply. If in the near future you will have a family holiday, a wedding, then a wooden house in a dream means that everything will go as well as possible. Good and cheerful days are ahead of you, filled with pleasant chores.

dreamed of a wooden house

Seeing a wooden house in a dream is a danger; Build - to development, improvement; The roof of the house - to possible losses; Sweep - to the guests; Wash the floor in the house - to the loss of a loved one; Damaged house - to move; A burning wooden house - to great joy, fun.

dream wooden house

Build a wooden house to death or illness. A new simple house means that you have to live poorly. A big beautiful house - to wealth. A house without windows - to the loss of a loved one. The old house is associated with the difficulties of the past, about when it was not easy and not easy for you. Buying an old house in a dream means taking a step back, returning to the path that you walked a long time ago.

dream wooden house

According to Freud, the interpretation of a cozy wooden house in a dream means that family relationships are harmonious and strong. A cold house is a sign of a deteriorating relationship. A dirty house symbolizes the collapse in personal life. And a lot of people in a wooden house means that you have a lot of friends who will always help. A house without windows warns that at the moment you cannot live for your own pleasure, think about your loved ones. A house in which there are no windows warns of a possible failure in personal life.

Most dream books claim that the very symbol of a dreaming house is the personification of the stability of your position in society. By itself, a wooden house still does not mean anything definite. In every dream, details matter. And, since we are talking about a wooden house, then try to remember what kind of house it was? How many floors were there, its appearance, old or new, well-groomed or neglected, its color, its meaning for you in this dream, what happened to you and this house, whether you lived in it, or were engaged in its construction, or just saw it .

An important factor is the mood in which you were in this dream, your well-being, your thoughts or worries. The feeling that was left after the dreams as soon as they woke up - it is these signs that can tell much more than many nuances regarding the appearance of the house or the surrounding picture of the general landscape.

If you dreamed about the wooden house of your dreams

If in a dream you see a wooden house, and you like it, you can say that you would be happy to live in such a house, then good sign. Such a dream can also mean success in buying an apartment or house, if at this stage of your life you were looking for a new home to buy. If you were looking for temporary housing, such a dream promises to soon find what you are looking for.

For a business person, a nice wooden house can be a sign of a new pleasant significant purchase or a suddenly born business plan for a new profitable direction, a nice material gift. Your deeds are especially good if you dream about how you enter this house; even better if you buy it and are very happy with your purchase. If the house is given as a gift, if by coincidence you just suddenly found yourself in such a house, and in all these and other variants of events, it is important that you like it during your dream.

For a family person and not entirely focused on a career or banknotes - such a dream promises family happiness and well-being for a rather long period. But the dream about the process of building a wooden house, if you are not a builder of log cabins, dream books promise pleasant changes in life. And since "Home" is primarily a symbol of your position in society, in the family or at work, these changes may be associated with the discovery of a new circle of communication with people of a different worldview. It may be that you will be even more loved and respected in the family or will be given the head of a new direction or branch at work. If in a dream a person who died earlier entered the house, this is a sign of wealth. Notice in the house - to the guests.

If the image of a wooden house is unpleasant

If you dreamed about an old rickety, unkempt wooden house in a dream, the dream book promises deterioration in well-being, deterioration in health, possibly illness, or in the near future you may be visited by anxiety or sad news, scandals, or a streak of failure and disappointment. If in a dream you saw a fire in the house - this is a dream of a very serious conflict in the family or at work with superiors.

If in a dream you witnessed the destruction of a house, this dream portends a lack of money or sudden danger. Especially if you watch how the house breaks in half and the stove collapses - this can mean sad events and even death. If a wooden house stands alone on a hill or far from the villages, this may mean the coming lonely old age.

To dream of a wooden house, but without windows - the dream book explains this sign as a pointer to your laziness, and recommends paying attention to your actions and lifestyle - this is a sign that it is time to do self-education, self-discipline, self-education.

Despite numerous and often conflicting interpretations, in many dream books one can notice that a house in a dream is primarily a reflection of the person himself. It does not matter what forms this reflection takes, but it is closely related to the personality, mental or physical state of the dreamer.

This opinion is not limited to psychologists. For example, in Russian folk dream book It is said that the house is a symbol of a person's personality, his state of mind and social status.

According to the sorceress Medea, house - a symbol of the human body and spirit, and rooms with it symbolize physical or spiritual problems in certain areas of life.

The meaning of a dreaming village house depends primarily on the image in which it appeared. If the appearance of the building causes pleasant sensations, then it is a symbol of joyful events, comfort and pleasant events in life.

According to Tsvetkov, if you look at the sky in a dream in a house with a collapsed roof, then such a dream is a harbinger of good news. But to cover the roof in a dream - to the loss of money.

in a dream has many interpretations. In almost any dream book you can find a transcript of such a dream. Old English dream book: success in business, improving financial condition, making big profits.

Dream Interpretation Grishina: you will fail in your creative beginnings, life circumstances will not allow you to fulfill your plan, to reveal your potential.

Along with this, a dream can mean life changes, pleasant, joyful events, moving. For a young family, building a house in a dream can mean.

Russian dream book: unexpected receipt of a large amount, winning. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: changes for the better. Dream Interpretation of Zadeki: a happy event, receiving money. Dream Interpretation of Azar: love relationship, happy romance.

If you dream of an abandoned empty dwelling with boarded up windows, then this is a symbol of life's failures both in the present and in the future.

Reminds the dreamer that in his life he did something that does not let him go, causing him mental suffering.

This "stone in the soul" is the cause of most of his life's troubles. The causes of problems in the present should be sought in their past actions.

Why dream of a house in which no one lives?

The dream book of the Apostle Canonite says that to see in a dream a house in which no one lives is a sign that a person’s desires and hopes will fail, his dreams will not come true.

Miller's dream book:

  • Abandoned, empty house. Such a dream portends unpleasant events that will soon occur in life, grief;
  • . Moving from one house to another means receiving news, which may lead to the need to go on a trip;
  • The house where you used to live. Such a dream is a harbinger of good news and happy events;
  • Leave home. If a woman has such a dream, then this is a sign that people in her social circle are gossiping and slandering her.

According to David Loff's position, a dream has its own special meaning for each person. Using the interpretations of Loff's dream book, they should not be taken as a specific guide.

Each person must individually choose an interpretation for himself based on his life positions, events and of course its character.

The house, according to Loff, is a sign of cardinal changes in life, consider some of them:

  • ruined house. Such a house is dreamed of in case of a change of home, symbolizes business problems, financial losses, relationship problems, or even. Home is a symbol of family, unity, home. If the house is destroyed in a dream, it is important to understand what in reality leads to the destruction of life;
  • . A symbol of changes in life, more often positive. It can be a promotion, business success, profit. IN love relationships building a house in a dream can promise a transition to a more serious level, for example, marriage. Also, a dream can speak or desire to improve your home.
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