“Dream book Piglet dreamed of why Piglet dreams in a dream. Russian folk dream book Why do you dream about Pigs? General interpretations of dreams about wild boars, pigs and piglets

Whether domesticated or wild, those with “crocheted tails and pointed noses” are firmly entrenched in our subconscious as unclean, lazy and stupid animals. “An ungrateful pig...”, “It’s dirty, like in a pigsty...”, “You champ like a piglet...”, “You’ve grown fat like a boar...” Stop, stop, stop! There are also wonderful circus pigs in this world, causing sincere laughter from the audience; and venerable sow trees, the beauty and pride of farms; and adorable mini pigs. So don’t rush to classify dreams involving pigs as unfavorable. Do you suddenly dream of little animals to indicate impending happiness?

General interpretations of dreams about wild boars, pigs and piglets

How can we organize the scattered data from dream books in such a way that we ourselves do not get confused and do not miss anything important? Let's start, perhaps, with general interpretations.

Miller's Dream Book and Women's Dream Book:

  • A fat, happy animal always symbolizes prosperity, while a thin and pitiful animal speaks of decline. Did you see in a dream a well-fed pig or a powerful boar with fat on its sides? Focus on business, the opportunity to hit the big jackpot opens up before you. But for those who have been watching the skinny, dirty brute all night, it is better to cut down on spending and curtail risky operations - now is not the time for them.
  • The piglet is considered a sign of profit. Perhaps you will have additional income, small but constant.

Maly Velesov and Ukrainian dream books:

  • The domestic boar serves as the embodiment of a strong and quick to kill enemy, and the stern wild boar threatens the dreamer with problems.
  • But his faithful companion The pig does not foretell trouble. You just have to meet unexpected guests.
  • The little pig warns of an amazing event that will puzzle you.

A boar released into the wild is a frightening sight

Dream Book of the Wanderer:

  • A night dream involving a wild boar is a signal from the subconscious to behave more restrained. Passions are boiling inside you, which can be destructive if they get out of control.
  • A dream about a pig also gives a reason to delve into one’s own soul, since it reproaches the dreamer for laziness, gluttony and a relaxed lifestyle. It’s no wonder that luck is in no hurry to come to you!
  • And only a pig serves as a pleasant sign of material well-being or a meeting with a kind and sincere person.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse:

  • A wild boar predicts anxiety. Moreover, an evil beast trying to attack indicates that the cause of your worries will be people, and not a random coincidence of circumstances. But if in a dream a boar cowardly showed you his rear, rushing away with all his hooves towards the forest, you can sleep peacefully: the problem will pass by.
  • The venerable sow tree, lounging in the middle of the barn yard, serves as a sure sign that happiness has finally found its way to your home.
  • A piglet by itself brings good luck, and in the company of a sow it also brings increased income.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsies:

  • The boar, shamelessly stomping around nearby in your dream, carries the news of intensified competitors or unscrupulous business partners. Hold your business passion, now is not the time to take risks!
  • But seeing a pig is advice to do exactly the opposite. You are full of strength and healthy enthusiasm in order to bring grandiose plans to life. And this is the most successful period for financial investments! If you do them wisely, the dividends will pleasantly surprise you.
  • The dream of a piglet has a similar interpretation: your money affairs are in in perfect order.

Let's go to breaking bad?

Noble dream book of Grishina:

  • A belligerent hog is a sign of discord in the soul. Your peaceful “human” side is under attack by a passionate “bestial” side, which persuades you to disregard morality and duty and rush for pleasure. But if the animal was in a peaceful mood, you will be able to find a common language both with yourself and with one of your old enemies.
  • The pig serves as a reproach for excessive selfishness, gluttony and indulging one’s base passions.
  • The piglet, like many other interpreters, promises a pleasant rustle of brand new banknotes in your wallet.

Ivanov’s newest dream book:

  • The boar promises a difficult conversation with an unyielding person who is accustomed to going ahead towards his goal. To negotiate with him, you will need to use all your tact and diplomatic skills.
  • Piggy, in Ivanova’s interpretation, means nothing more than a pig that one of your close people will plant on you.
  • And the piglet is already a dirty trick created by you personally. If you don't think through your steps well, you risk harming your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov:

  • Boar means enmity.
  • Pig - prosperity that will come without effort.
  • Piglet - minor troubles.

Freud's Dream Book:

  • The boar, like any powerful animal, symbolizes sexual intercourse. Pay attention to the animal's behavior. If the boar behaved aggressively, there is a high probability that your current partner is too power-hungry and, indulging his desires, completely forgets about yours. Did the beast run away? It seems that your sex life has long been relegated to not even second place, but to the tenth place under the pressure of many problems. Isn't it time to allow yourself a little relaxation by going on vacation with your significant other to a place where you won't be bothered by phone calls or shameless relatives?
  • According to Freud, the pig serves as an image of fertility and readiness to take on the role of parent when it sparkles with a clean pink back. And he embodies the longing for a real, sincere relationship, wallowing in the mud.

In some cases, a dream about a pig or wild boar may mean a meeting with an unpleasant, arrogant person, significant changes in life, or... an approaching intestinal disorder. And the ringing squeal of a pig always promises misfortune, disappointment and trouble. Be careful.

Why do men and women dream?

Did you dream about a pig? Yes, you are “on horseback”!

Judging by the gender of the dreamer, a night meeting with a wild boar predicts:

  • For a girl - a marriage proposal.
  • For a woman - an outburst of jealousy on the part of her husband.
  • For a man - experiences, the reason for which will be his sexual promiscuity. Moreover, you should not brush aside a dream in which an animal tried to bite you! If you don’t put your intimate life in order now, while there is still time, in the near future you will have to deal with the angry husbands of your random girlfriends, a sexually transmitted disease or unplanned fatherhood.

If the animal that appears in your night dreams turns out to be a pig...

  • The girl will meet a new boyfriend, extremely wealthy, but stingy and jealous. Whether it is worth continuing the relationship with such a subject further, everyone will have to decide for themselves.
  • A married woman may be displeased to discover in her spouse previously unknown unpleasant character traits.
  • For a man, only a dream about a black sow hare matters. Don’t trust anyone on this day, and if you plan to conclude an important deal, reread the contract three times - there is a chance that your business partner has managed to make a big mess of it.

Did you interact with the piglet at night?

  • A girl who chased a small “pig” in a dream will get married.
  • A married lady in the same situation needs to pay attention to her children: having missed out on their upbringing now, the dreamer will suffer a lot of grief later.
  • A man who meets a pig in a dream stands firmly on both legs, is not subject to empty fears and is completely confident in himself.

If one of the young spouses dreams of how he is fussing with a piglet, caressing and feeding it, playing as if with a baby, the dream may be in hand. Go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test!

Did you dream big or small? One or many?

A interesting life you have to!

How strange the interpretations of dream interpreters are sometimes! For example, they advise people who encounter a flock of pigs in the kingdom of Morpheus to beware of gossips. Those who watched the large “pig” company in the barn are congratulated on their upcoming win. Well, a man who encountered a whole herd of wild boars is suspected of secret aspirations change sexual orientation. I wonder why this would happen?

True, for the fair half of humanity, dream books provide a second interpretation option. Perhaps in the soul of a lady who sees herself in the middle of a herd of wild boar, a secret desire is brewing to have offspring, although the dreamer realizes that this threatens her with tension in her relationship with her partner.

But the pure, beautiful babies flickering around the dreamer do not carry any understatement. On the contrary, a very interesting period awaits the lucky one! There will be everything: enchanting victories, painful defeats, amazing events. In short, you won't be bored. Unfortunately, some troubles and worries associated with the family cannot be avoided... But don’t worry! A friendly company with pink spots will ultimately lead you to success. However, to get it, you will have to make an effort - piglets do not Gold fish, they just don’t make wishes come true.

  • If in a dream children were scurrying around the rooms of your house, joy will come to it, and you will be provided with good health and vitality for a long time.
  • Grazing in thick grass - relationships with your spouse or partner will find harmony.
  • Animals rummaging in a muddy puddle tell you that you have contacted the wrong company. Even if communicating with new friends now brings you pleasure, it is not rash actions that push you. And they, in turn, give gossipers food for conversation. Before you know it, your reputation will be thrown into the mud.

What if you dreamed of one, but very large and powerful animal?

  • A seasoned boar, as long as he behaves decently, predicts that your affairs are in perfect order, your financial situation is stable, and new lucrative contracts, profits and complete prosperity are ahead. At times, the same animal can become a harbinger of a meeting with a strong-willed, assertive person who will make a tremendous impression on you. Whether this acquaintance will turn out to be a blessing or a disaster will become clear over time.
  • A very large cute pig is a symbol of happiness and prosperity.
  • But if the animals in your dream looked small and stunted, upcoming events will only bring grief.

There seems to be harmony in the relationship

An impressive-looking wild boar (boar) peacefully walking next to a domestic pig is the embodiment of marital harmony that awaits the dreamer. A lively playful pig promises a pleasant pastime, entertainment and unobtrusive flirting.

What does pig color mean?

If the unusual color of an animal catches your eye, you can also draw some conclusions from this.

  • A large black boar predicts a collision with some dangerous force that will quickly sweep you out of your way if you decide to act impudently. Arm yourself with cunning and endurance!
  • A small animal of the same gloomy color is the internal attitudes that prevent you from enjoying life. Review your beliefs. Perhaps some of them are not beliefs at all, but old complexes and conventions imposed by others?
  • A snow-white boar or domestic boar, in the understanding of dream books, symbolizes envy. Let's hope it's white too.
  • The black pig represents the enemy and danger.
  • Has a light-colored pig wandered into your yard? Wait for good news. But alas, if the snow-white beauty comes out the gate, something good will leave behind her.
  • The black pig symbolizes either deception and betrayal, or an interesting trip and winning. It all depends on the feelings that the dream hero awakened in your soul.
  • The white pig is considered a sign of fulfillment of desires.

The dreamer's actions and their interpretation by the dream book

Grab your luck by the tail!

Watching piglets frolicking next to a pig and sucking her milk is a very good sign. Fortune is on your side now and you need to use it! Impress your superiors with your professionalism - perhaps a new promotion is just around the corner.

However, the grunting lady, wallowing alone in the mud, advises you to be patient and nip out any disagreements that arise with your family. One of them threatens to turn into a serious “fire.”

If you dreamed of feeding a wild boar or pig, your financial situation will strengthen, your income will increase, and your list of interests will expand. Moreover, you will achieve all this on your own - for example, by completing advanced training courses or mastering a new necessary skill.

The dream in which you had to buy piglets has the same meaning. But selling an adult pig or pig means acquiring ownership of large real estate and, in addition, experiencing a sea of ​​positive emotions. One drawback: neither one nor the other will fall from the sky, you will have to work until you sweat.

Riding a pig means spending time in empty but pleasant entertainment. After all, you have to relax sometime!

Boar hunting symbolizes a dangerous and labor-intensive undertaking. And it’s far from a fact that it will be successful! All your efforts can easily be scattered in the wind. It’s important to remember how the dream ended:

  • A bloody one-on-one fight with an animal promises a stormy showdown with your significant other and an equally passionate reconciliation. Of course, if you can understand each other's point of view.
  • If you catch a boar in a snare, you will feel great joy.
  • If you kill an animal, you will defeat your old enemy.
  • Anyone who in a dream received a boar's head as a gift from a hunter will be able to triumph over his opponent in reality.
  • But if you share your trophy with someone, you are in danger of finding yourself in a humiliating position.

The hunt can end in different ways

Keep in mind that dreams of hunting a dangerous animal are often explained by the dreamer's penchant for risky ventures. In search of thrills, you are able to put both your well-being and the well-being of your family on the line, for which you may one day pay.

A not very pleasant dream in which you had to slaughter a domestic pig, nevertheless promises an interesting and well-paid part-time job. But the same actions performed with a piglet mean large losses. In general, dead piglets are often a sign of poor health, financial losses and business problems, so pork in this case is not the best dream.

A dream about the carcass of an animal, to the death of which you did not have a hand, has a double interpretation. As a symbol of fertility, a dead pig speaks of a deteriorating financial situation and significant problems in business, and as an image of an enemy, it conveys good news: your enemy is defeated! It remains to decide what the dreamed animal is associated with for you personally.

Anyone who cooked boar meat in a dream greatly upsets loved ones with his behavior. And the one who ate it has every chance to go on a trip... if he doesn’t get sick. This is such an ambiguous prediction.

And yet, who are the representatives of the glorious family brethren for you? An enemy? A symbol of uncleanliness and gluttony? A pet that requires care and attention? Neither dream books nor interpreters will tell you this! Consult your subconscious, find your own associations, weigh the feelings that the dreamed animal evoked in you... And you will easily find the right answer, and with it correct interpretation sleep. Good luck searching!

It is unlikely that you often see pigs in your dreams, unless you are the owner of a pig farm or keep pet in the barn. Moreover, you should pay attention to a dream in which an unusual pet became a guest. Remember well the details of the dream and look in the dream book: what if this is some kind of sign?

Dream Interpretation: Why does a woman dream about a pig?

For some reason, for most of us, pigs evoke unpleasant associations associated with laziness, uncleanliness, and finally, gluttony. This is probably why most explanations for why a pig dreams also promise little good to the dreamer. And yet, the interpretations of such dreams are far from clear and can foreshadow favorable circumstances and events in life.

The main thing is to remember in the smallest detail all the features, from the type and condition of the animal to the “density” of your contact with it in a dream and the emotional coloring of the dream, and take into account their combination.

For the interpreter, a big role is played by whether you dreamed of a wild boar or it turned out to be a pig; what color the animal's skin was; The piggy behaved benevolently or viciously, chasing you in your dreams and trying to bite you. Where you saw the pig - in a barn or grazing on green grass - also matters for the correct understanding of the dream. Either way, the animal was alone or in a large company of fellow tribesmen. Or maybe it was a sow farm with a bunch of little cheerful piglets, or you dreamed of a pig’s head decorating a festive feast.

Seeing a living or dead pig in a dream

If you dreamed of a live, unremarkable pig that you watched from the side, this promises a prosperous life in the house - “a full cup”. However, do not get carried away with your well-being; prefer moderation and reason to excess, so that the situation does not turn out to be the complete opposite.

Did a hog come in a dream - menacing, huge? Perhaps the dream warns that it is worth figuring out what kind of people surround you in reality. Surely, in your circle of acquaintances there were bad, uneducated, evil individuals, communication with whom, at best, would bring emotional discomfort.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about Piglet according to the dream book:

To see a small piglet in a dream - if it is cheerful, clean, well-fed - you will be successful, your well-being will improve. If the pig is dirty and thin, you will have troubles that will harm your well-being.

Why do you dream of a small pig - it can mean that for all the good things you have - friendship, love - you need to pay to your fate.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Piglet:

Interpretation of the dream book: To see a pig in a dream means an idle, stingy person, from whom you cannot get anything during life, but you can hope for a lot after death.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Piglet according to the dream book:

Piglet - Seeing a good, well-fed piglet in a dream means great success in business.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Piglet according to the dream book:

Piglet - Roasted piglet dreams of a rich feast.

Children's dream book What does Piglet mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about Piglet? They will do a small but unpleasant thing to you. He who is forewarned is forearmed.

Small Velesov dream book Why does a Pig dream in a dream:

Piglet - Miracle, meeting // anxiety, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Piglet:

Piglet - Miracle, some kind of meeting (with a friend).

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Piglet what does it mean

Piglet - Anxiety.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Piglet according to the dream book:

Piglet - To meanness.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Pig in a dream

Piglet - Seeing is happiness worthy of surprise. Feed him - beware of tricks; fried - pain.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Pig in a dream

In a dream, what does a Piglet dream about - Happiness is worthy of surprise - feed it - beware of tricks - fried - pain

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Piglet - Profit; anxiety; a kind, pure and innocent person.


Why do you dream about a pig?

A dream about a pig in which it is well-fed denotes small difficulties that will need to be overcome in order to complete the work started. If you work tirelessly, the result will exceed all expectations. Piglets stained in mud, seen in a dream, are a sign of the harmful influence on a person from the people around him.

At such a moment, it is necessary to protect yourself and your family from the “evil” eye and words of a stranger. If a woman sees a piglet in a dream, then this may portend not very pleasant “surprises” on the part of her loved one. It may well turn out that she overestimated him too much. But in the end, a person has a number of unsightly qualities that were not noticed and revealed earlier. When present in a dream a large number of piglets, then such a dream is a sign that exciting dates, meetings and travels lie ahead in reality.

Today, many people are interested in the meaning of their own dreams. Therefore, getting up early in the morning, they try to look into the dream book and interpret their dream. This article will be of help to those who dreamed of such an animal as a pig. Seeing a pig in a dream is a good and lucky sign.

It is evidence of financial well-being and prosperity in business. The prosperity of your own business is especially promised by a well-fed and “well-groomed” pig seen in a dream.

When a baked or roasted pig is seen in a dream, this dream will be a symbol of a rich and sumptuous feast. If you have a dream in which a small pig is being fed by a pig, then such a dream will be a harbinger of a very important meeting. Perhaps this event will entail meeting a person who will subsequently become a patron and mentor in work and business.

Why do you dream about a pig? You can find it in the Ukrainian dream book. This dream interpreter says that a pig dreams of some kind of miracle, an unexpected meeting and pleasant surprises. According to all existing dream books, a pig or a pig is associated with acquisition, prosperity, and wealth.

It’s not for nothing that many piggy banks are made in the shape of pigs or pigs. This animal is capable of accumulating wealth and giving good luck. And if in a dream you dream that the dreamer is riding a pig, then such a dream is a symbol of a fun pastime that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

In conclusion, I would like to add that piglets and pigs in real life, to put it mildly, are not liked. They say it is a dirty animal. However, in dreams it promises only pleasant and wonderful events. Therefore, you should not be so biased towards piglets!


Why did you dream about pigs?

Whom we sometimes meet in our dreams.

There are all sorts of guests, but when a pig appears in a dream, you can’t help but wonder what it’s for?

Few people will associate the pig with friendship, joy, health or good news. Rather, this animal is associated with untidiness, dirty thoughts or actions, there is an expression “to put a pig down”, in general - nothing good.

But before you decide that a boar in a dream promises trouble, don’t rush. In fact, it is not easy to understand why pigs dream – and what’s more, such dreams can portend very, very good things.

Health, wealth, success - the pig can easily prophesy all this! And here it is important to correctly decipher the dream.

And for this you need to remember all its details and details. What was the pig like? What did she do, how did she behave? What conditions and circumstances was she in? And, in the end, what did you do with this animal?

For example, dream scenarios might look something like this:

  • You just saw an unremarkable animal.
  • You dream of a lot of pigs, for example a whole pigsty.
  • You see a large boar or several hogs.
  • You dreamed of cute pink piglets.
  • Or a pig with piglets.
  • All you saw was stubble.
  • You dreamed of a pig's head - for example, in a market or on a table.
  • We saw a pig's snout.
  • I dreamed of a pig in the mud.
  • A pig has found itself in your house or apartment.
  • You saw an animal dying in a dream.
  • A boar or pig is itching in your dream.
  • You dreamed of a pig wearing a crown.
  • You dream that you are the owner of one pig or a pigsty where there are many of them.
  • You kill a wild boar in a dream.
  • Eat a pig.
  • Eat pork cooked in any way.
  • You are buying a pig (or pork).
  • Feed the cattle.
  • Ride a pig or boar.

Whether the dream is pleasant or not is not so important, because its meaning may be quite unexpected for you. So remember the details properly, and we’ll find out what to expect from such a dream.

See a pig – and more than one!

In a dream, you could either see pigs from the outside, or actively do something directly related to these animals.

These are completely different types of dreams, and we will first look at those in which you only saw an animal, but did not contact it and did not come close to it. Or they approached, but did not touch, did not feed, and so on.

What do such dreams mean? Depends on what the pig was like and what it did.

1. Just an ordinary pig, unremarkable in anything, dreams of wealth, a well-fed life, prosperity and stability in the home. But the dream book warns that living too much and not knowing the limits can cause harm, so enjoy your prosperity, but live in moderation and wisely.

2. Seeing a lot of pigs, wild boars, or a whole pigsty in a dream is not very good. The dream warns you of notoriety, rumors and gossip, rumors about your unworthy behavior. Try not to provoke this - behave in such a way that your reputation does not suffer.

3. Large, menacing hogs or wild boars are dreamed of as a warning. You may be surrounded by evil, ignorant, bad people. Avoid bad company and maintain your dignity.

4. But for a girl or young, free woman, a boar dreams of an imminent proposal! A potential groom will appear on the horizon very soon, and it’s up to you to decide whether to agree or not...

5. The dream in which piglets appear is a dream of profit. Cute little piglets will bring you income in reality - and the more of them there were in the dream, the larger the profit, winnings, promotion or reward will be.

6. And if you saw a pig with piglets in your dreams, this meaning is completely different. Such a dream can promise arrogant people, parasites, slackers who want to make a profit just like that.

These people can either harm you and your work, or simply be nearby, in your environment, or take advantage of you directly. If you dreamed of a pig with piglets, be especially careful and attentive, do not let people take advantage of you just like that.

7. Seeing pork bristles in a dream is a sign of great joy, good events and surprises, very pleasant.

8. If you saw a pig's head in a dream - be it on a market counter or butcher shop, or on the table, beautifully decorated - this, according to the dream book, promises a long journey.

  • If the head looked normal and was fresh, then the road will bring joy and will be good.
  • If you dream of a head with flies, worms, or a scary one, be very careful on the way, some difficulties may arise.

9. But a dream in which you saw a pig’s snout warns that you are in danger of injury, unexpected injury. So be careful.

10. As the dream book says, animals in the mud, in a puddle, are gossip and intrigues of enemies in reality.

11. A pig in your own home promises recovery, recovery for the sick, and improvement of affairs.

12. If a pig dies in your dream, some unpleasant news and even trouble may await you.

13. A dream in which animals itch promises quarrels and conflicts.

14. And if you happen to see a hog wearing a crown, expect a conflict with your superiors.

Throwing pearls before swine

Dreams in which you had to somehow come into contact with pigs have many interesting meanings.

Remember what exactly you did?

1. A dream in which you were the owner of a pig or pigsty promises you great unconditional happiness! Your life will soon become happy and full.

2. If you ate a pig in your well-fed dream, then expect losses. Better yet, think about how to avoid them so that you don’t have to live in poverty.

3. If you eat pork in any other form, this also does not bode well. The dream warns of your vulnerability to illness. Try to take care of your health.

4. Buying a live pig or pork in a dream promises some kind of deception on the part of others. They will try to deceive you.

5. If you fed pigs in your dream, this means that in reality you are spending your own money unwisely, and you should think about it and reconsider your expenses. Otherwise, you risk going bankrupt soon.

6. If you rode on the back of a pig or boar in your dreams, then in reality you will probably experience loud and unbridled fun, which you will regret later. It’s better, of course, to take care of yourself - you can’t wash your reputation and conscience, so don’t do anything stupid.

Such different dreams– although the pig is a simple animal, it has a whole lot of meanings. Be attentive to dreams, analyze the meanings and your actions, and decide for yourself how to apply the knowledge gained.


I dreamed of a pig - an ambiguous vision, generally defined as positive. It is especially successful if the pig seen was healthy and well-fed.

What kind of pig did you dream about? How many pigs did you dream about? What did you do in your dream? What did the pig do in the dream? Which part of the pig did you dream about?

What kind of pig did you dream about?

Dreaming of a live pig

A dream about a live pig is extremely positive. It portends a solid income, but it will not come so easily. It will take effort and strong-willed qualities character.

Pigs and piglets Dead pig Big pig Black pig

Why do you dream about a slaughtered pig?

I dreamed of a slaughtered pig - a rather contradictory vision. For a butcher it portends a solid income, and for a woman it symbolizes the arrival of menstruation.

I dreamed of a killed pig

A dream about a killed pig does not bode well. He promises a long and serious illness. This may be due to an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition or stress.

Seeing a little pig in a dream

Why do you dream about a little pig? You will be able to achieve success in business, but the results obtained will not be very pleasing. Do not forget to pay attention to the moral side of the issue when deciding important matters.

Dreaming of a pig covered in blood

The Felomena dream book considers a pig in the blood as gaining authority and power over enemies. For the sake of justice, you will have to use unpopular methods to protect your property.

I dreamed about a dirty pig

If you see a dirty pig in a dream, things will be difficult at work. Everyone will try to profit from you - from employees to competitors. A difficult period will begin that you need to endure.

wild pig

How many pigs did you dream about?

Lots of pigs

What did you do in your dream?

Slaughter a pig Kill a pig Feed a pig

Butchering a pig in a dream

The dream book interprets butchering a pig as an indication of the dreamer’s ability to correctly plan his own expenses, as well as determine plans for the future. Running away from a pig means trying to avoid an ambiguous situation with your superiors.

What did the pig do in the dream?

The pig wants to bite

Pig attacks in a dream

A dream of a pig attack usually means a fight with an ill-wisher. These will not be cunning actions on the sly, but a direct head-on collision. The confrontation could take a serious turn.

Pig runs away in a dream

I dreamed of a pig running away - an auspicious sign. In reality, you will be able to escape the impending difficulties. They will not have time to harm you, everything will end well.

Dream about giving birth to a pig

A dream about giving birth to a pig promises minor problems in matters of the heart and in communicating with relatives. The difficulties will be temporary and soon everything will return to normal.

Which part of the pig did you dream about?

Pig head

I dreamed of a pig carcass

Felomena's dream book considers a pig carcass as a symbol of financial stability and prosperity. Harmony and complete security will reign in the family, the house will be a full cup.


Why do you dream about piglets?



You'll eat like a pig again!!!


for money maybe)))


to the barbecue)))

Aigul Kochkorova

everything is for the better, the main thing is a positive attitude!


Dream Interpretation of a Piglet - Seeing in a dream means an idle, stingy person, from whom you cannot get anything during life, but you can hope for a lot after death.

Dream interpretation of those born from September to December

Dream Interpretation Piglet - Seeing a good, well-fed piglet in a dream means great success in business.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation Pig - Roasted pig dreams of a rich feast.

Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation Piglet - They will do a small but unpleasant thing to you. He who is forewarned is forearmed.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Piglet - Miracle, meeting // anxiety.

Ukrainian dream book.

Dream Interpretation Piglet - Miracle, some kind of meeting (with a friend).

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Piglet - Anxiety.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Piglet - To meanness.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. Dream interpretation

To see a Piglet in a dream - To see - happiness is worthy of surprise. Feed him - beware of tricks; fried - pain.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

I dreamed of a Piglet - Happiness is worthy of surprise - feed it - beware of tricks - fried - pain

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Piglet - Profit; anxiety; a kind, pure and innocent person.


to the party.


Maybe someone... planted the pig!!!

[Sob@k Limited Inc.] **

to drinking until pigs squeal...

Little piglets a lot

Dream Interpretation Little piglets a lot dreamed of why there are a lot of small piglets in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of little piglets in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Become small size, growth in a dream (especially in comparison with someone) means fear, danger that you are afraid of, defenselessness, weakness of spirit. Such a dream also means that you have a strong enemy. If you dream that some objects have decreased in size, then see the interpretation: them by name. Such a dream foreshadows a weakening of the meaning of these objects. See interpretation: little things.

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it is time to take care of a dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

Many snakes - indicates matters related to the afterlife.

Many people dressed in white clothes indicate matters related to service.

Many people dressed in blue clothes - indicates separation from family, separation from loved ones.

Lots of people wearing purple or purple clothes - indicates abuse.

Stabbing a person repeatedly with a knife brings joy and benefit.

Many people gathered around the stove in the house - portends harmony in relationships and happiness.

Many people dressed in red clothes indicate great happiness and good luck.

A lot of fruit on fruit trees means that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

There are a lot of fruits on fruit trees - this indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

You lift a basin or a bucket, and the bottom falls off - foreshadows ruin.

Dream Interpretation - A lot

If you dream that you have a lot of something, then do not expect your hopes to come true. This is a dream in reverse. He encourages you to be thrifty and appeals to your common sense. If in a dream you have a lot of food, then you will have to starve; if there is a lot of money, then a long period of need and deprivation awaits you; if there is too much health, then you should save it in life without wasting it.

Dream Interpretation - Small house or house where the individual was born

Mother's body, womb: perhaps a regressive fantasy of avoiding problems.

Stable home life.

Dream Interpretation - Little boys

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Little guys

You have a lot of work and work ahead of you.

Dream Interpretation - Small nose

Damage awaits you.




I dreamed of three little fat piglets, I held them in my arms




I dreamed of a bunch of little pigs with human legs, so cute, I just looked at them. Sleep from Friday to Saturday.


I dreamed of a very cute little pig, I had feelings of tenderness for him, feelings of love! But for some reason I couldn’t leave him at home and I was very worried about where he would live, I really wanted everything to be fine with him! In the end, I placed it somewhere under the fence. During the day he ran with me and at night he spent the night there. Why such a dream and why such warm feelings in a dream for this animal?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there was a pig, most likely indicates that you can decide on very successful investments.


I dreamed of two piglets, one of which I beat to kill because I was afraid of him, he attacked me and then my godfather came and beat him)




I found a plump pink pig and took him to the flock, all the piglets were in pairs, but there was none for him, and I thought that without a pair he would die.


I dreamed that they were presenting me with a live pig on a tray. I take him under the armpits and want to take him to the bath. He starts twitching and knocks out my upper tooth. I try to put him carefully in the bath, he hits himself and dies. There is blood running down his head.

Help me to understand. sleep is very disturbing.


I dreamed that somewhere in the forest (it felt like late morning there, the sun was breaking through the trees) for some reason a pig was climbing towards me and I pushed it away with a stick. he persistently pestered, but I didn’t let him. then he ran into the hole and ran out with his mother. I gave in and he chased after me. Dad appeared and we ran away together. eventually broke away from him


Hello! Today, from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that my husband bought piglets, we distributed them in a barn into two cages, 12 of them, about a clean barn, sawdust was sprinkled and the piglets were nice, plump, large, pink, 3 months old, I’m so happy, I feed them in a trough, clean water and bran sprinkled on top, I’m from of joy I brought another bucket of bran so that I could sprinkle it on it later. From whom can I expect a good dream? Help me guess!


I took two skinny piglets, but then my husband gave me one plump, red-haired piglet, and I really liked him, because he looked like our guinea pig (she died in reality) and I was worried whether this piglet would eat our guinea pig when he grew up !!! such a dream!!! What do you say?


I’m standing in a clearing where green grass grows, surrounded by little piglets. I eat fried chicken legs and then feed them these bones, and they are like puppies, jumping up, wagging their tails and eating


I caught a small pig - I caught it, drove it into a pen, and there were a lot of rats eating food, I got scared and immediately started looking for poison for them


I'm standing on the road. A little pig appears next to me.
The voiceover tells me: this is a pig, it is very similar to a person in many ways.
On the opposite side of the road a man appears holding a rat in his hands. Then he says: this is a rat, and it is also similar to a person in many ways.
- If you let the rat go, it will attack the pig. He will run to you, looking for protection, but you will just watch. Because you combine the qualities of both a pig and a rat.
The man across the road releases the rat, it runs across the empty road and jumps right onto the back of the little pig and begins to eat him. It's natural to eat alive. He squeals. And I stand and just watch.


I have dreams that I walk on the surface of the water and see everything that lies under the water... And today I dreamed of two pigs, a boy and a girl...


I dreamed about a lot of things in one dream: a factory and coal on it and some orange-colored gems in the coal. And then, when I was walking around this factory, a pig ran up to me and caressed me, and I stroked and tickled him, and he grunted with pleasure.


I saw little piglets in a dream and held one, he was so good and in this dream the guy was my first love. And my friend’s dead dad.


The event took place in the garden of the parents' house. Night. Something starts to sparkle in the sky, then something like a big moon appears in an eclipse, then it burns, explodes and falls to the ground, far away then many more of the same appear and they all fall, I feel a threat to our planet (the second time I feel something like this in a dream ) I run into the house and through the window I see fireworks, I go out into the garden again, then lightning and thunder begins again, and many round moons appear again and they explode, burn and fall to the ground, only this time in ours and in the neighbor’s garden, I run in again, again I see colored fireworks, I go out again, and as if from the universe it begins to suck up all the burnt (like paper) remains of the planets, like a vacuum cleaner, I smell a burning smell, a poisonous burning sensation, I take air into my lungs and run into the house, In the intervals between actions I saw in the garden unusual beds, very high, like graves, there were piglets running between them, maybe three, but I clearly saw two young ones.


I dreamed of two little pigs in the forest. My mother and I caught them. and there was also a very beautiful cat, similar to a lynx


I dreamed of a little pink pig. It’s as if I’m at home, in the bathroom, with a pig in my arms, taking a bath. The piglet grunted contentedly)) after leaving the bathroom the dream ended..


Good afternoon, Tatyana. Thank you if you can help me solve the dream.
They gave me a small live pig and told me to put it alive in the freezer so that I could cook it later. But I couldn’t Living being put it in the freezer and carried it in my bosom, near my chest. I cried because they forced me to put it in the freezer, but when I look at his eyes, my heart breaks, so I carried him with me, then walked with him on the street, like with a small dog...


I dreamed of a little pink pig and two little chickens lying outside the gate. I chose a pig and brought it to some shed and fed it. She looked after him, carried him in her arms, fed him, and then took him to show his relatives. I gave it to my mother with the words “Look what a piglet”, but I saw small child. She took him, and he was already outside the window, putting his hands on the glass and shouting “Mom, Mom.” I woke up.


Hello Tatyana) If it’s not difficult, can you comment on 3 dreams? within two weeks I had three dreams.1. I arrived in St. Petersburg, and there everything was like hell in devastation, everything was the other way around. (The library was old, destroyed, there were books about Lenin there, it seemed to me, or from those times, the embankment on the shore of the Titanic was destroyed, people were jumping from the railings from the embankment, and below there was a crevice in the ice, they they fall there, break and this is considered normal entertainment, people are all dressed in rags).2. I’m riding in a compartment on a train, and a little piggy dog ​​comes running (the body of a dog, the face of a piglet), so affectionate and pleasant. I want to hug her, kiss her on the face. Then I understand that she has two owners, grannies, and following this realization, grannies come and It's getting crowded in our compartment.3. Everything happens in the approximately distant future, everything around is different. I and several people enter the house (the house inside is larger than the outside) We wander around it for some time, hiding around corners from the guests, walking in incomprehensible ways, like some kind of goal to comb through the entire house, but the goal is unclear. There was a feeling that there was an organization in this house. After they ran out of the house, everyone left their hats on the ground and dived into them))) jumping inside the hat, I found myself in the car) and it seemed to me that the hat was stretched into the car under human size. As if technology is in the future)))


My friend and I are sitting and talking. Someone passes by (I don’t remember exactly who, but someone I know) with a small piglet in his arms. I let him play with him. That means we feed him, play with him like a dog, and continue to talk. And that's it, the dream ends here


I was driving a car and the tractor that was leaving broke my headlight while we were waiting for the inspector, but for insurance, I was walking not far from the cars and saw a piglet, taking it in his arms, a guy came up to me and said that this was his pet pig and that he was not given to anyone ,except him. then the inspector arrived and said that compensation for this accident would be reimbursed in half a year... I was upset, but the guy with the pig))) said that he would help me... then immediately my dream switched to some kind of large porch which I was watering with water from a hose …. that's all.


Hello, I dreamed of 5-6 spotted and plain white piglets, very cute and friendly. There were also cute kittens with them. The dream was more black and white than color, although I always have color dreams like a movie. They were in my parents’ garden, although my son and I also live there for now.


my husband dreamed of a small dirty pig who came home and sat on the threshold of the house and looked at him, and his ears were like those of a person and large. Why would this be? So my husband asked me to find out about it!


first there was cross-country skiing in the snowy mountains. then it was as if a war had started and we ran to the nearest houses to release the animals. I mounted my horse and took him out. Then she released two piglets, but they ran to the field and began to dig up and eat the planted potatoes. then we went to see the man off on the bus


I dreamed that together with my friend and a group of tourists we were sailing across the ocean to Rio de Janeiro, already standing on the ground, everyone was admiring the landscape, and out of nowhere a beet-colored pig appeared. Everyone was afraid of him, and he ran after me all the time.


I dreamed that my husband and I separated, I was packing my things. I kissed my husband’s sister goodbye, and while I was packing my son, my son was playing with a small white pig, and the pig had small gray spots on its head.


The pig was very affectionate, like a cat, and lay on my lap, I stroked him and I had a feeling of tenderness for him, like for a beloved dog.


I dreamed of some kind of tragedy, I was left alone with a pig. It was cold, he warmed me and I felt more protected with him.


I dream that I go out into the street in the village and cross the road. and then a little pig runs towards me. I take him in my arms and he begins to caress me like a cat. Then I put him on the ground and he runs somewhere nearby. And suddenly a herd of the same little ones runs, all friendly. I'll take one more. Then I start looking for the very first one, going through several. But I don’t remember whether I found it or not. But there was no worry that I needed to find him. At this point, the dream either ends or goes into another. The strangest thing about this is that they behaved like affectionate cats.


the bridge looks like a tunnel, overgrown with trees, broken near the shore. A small piglet is running along the bridge, I catch him, but he breaks free and falls from the bridge. I jump from some kind of bungee, fly over the raging river, and with difficulty get to the shore.


my husband and I came to visit his friend, it turned out he had such a creepy apartment, and a very beautiful girl, she was washing the floor in a dirty bathtub, in the apartment in the hallway there was a cow nursing, and in the room where I was lying on the bed a very clean, light pig was pestering me , and there was also a dog and, I think, a cat, walking around there, but this little pig chased me and grabbed me, and I ran away from him and freaked out, my husband got drunk with a friend, I called him to leave but he didn’t want to, and in general we were arguing


I dreamed of a dirty room in which there were clean piglets, and I cleaned their room of dirt.


Hello! My name is Julia! In fact, I always have very strange dreams!
Today this is what I saw:
I was at some kind of event with all my relatives... but most clearly I saw my boyfriend, younger brother and the dog Bonya! it was a lot of fun and suddenly a small, cutest pink pig appeared... he constantly playfully sat down with his butt in a small puddle and I washed him)))) then everything quickly changed. I was hanging out with my boyfriend, my Brother and my dog ​​at the bus stop. ..we got into a half-empty minibus with no driver. ..some non-Russian guy pushed the minibus and we quickly took off....the road was so winding...up and down. ..in the end we flipped over and finally landed...I was absolutely terribly scared. ..but I only heard my own scream...
then everything changed again and I found myself clean in beautiful clothes. ..and my handsome brother and my dog ​​and the three of us walked through an incredibly beautiful park where there were many colorful cafes. ….and it was as if they were heading towards the finale. ..like in a movie. …..


All I remember is that I was lying there, and a little pig was next to me, snuggling like a child and briskly poking my face with its snout. He didn’t seem to speak out loud, but I understood him. It was a little annoying that he was so active


I nursed a pig all night, everyone laughed at me, saying that they thought it was a puppy. I carried him in my arms and tried to protect him from ridicule.


They offered to buy pig meat, not bloody, very fresh, a carcass without skin, and a duck also very fresh, plucked. I paid 150 rubles for the duck, and pork, at a cost of 350, was sold for 150, I planned to buy it, but I don’t remember whether I bought it or not


The piglet was in a clean barn, he was lying in his crib and smiling. When he saw me, he ran to me, caressed me and hugged me. I picked him up and hugged him. Then I found myself in the house and from the window in the yard I saw a large cow with an unusual coloring: a red flower and green leaves (the main color is black).

Nina Kalinina:

They gave me a piglet, a small one, with blue and pink stripes. He began to freeze and began to turn blue. there was an iron trough with round stones and warm water. We put him down. There was a little boy with me, as if he were my son. The piglet began to come to life, jumping merrily, and puffed up a little or something. Well, it got a little bigger. and immediately after that they take me on a sled ride in the snow with the same boy.


I dreamed that I was cleaning a dead fish, I wasn’t even cleaning it, I was just removing the “skin” from it. But suddenly it comes to life and in my hands the fish became a little pig. I woke up.


I caught the pig, and he ran away. It was somewhere in the yard (but not ours). He never escaped. Two unfamiliar guys helped me catch.


I dreamed of a piglet, he fell from a height and died; his relatives poured blood into a basin and laughed, please help me, I’m scared


as if some woman was forcibly leading me from the barn and along the road there were geese, then pigs and some other animal I don’t remember. On the road they seemed to be clean and then at the end when she led me to the barn she pushed me and locked me there I looked at to the sides and there the piglets were in the mud with worms, generally terrible. Then I ran away through the window from there.


I came through the back door to some mansion and stayed there to live with the main one (no idea why). In order not to be a parasite, I decided to somehow work around the mansion, clean up or something else, but they told me that it was better not to do that, they say there are others for this. And I didn't clean up. But he often went out onto the back porch, where there was a table and a trash can. There was always a little pink pig sitting under the table. One day I sat down under his table and began to talk to him. He didn’t understand me and couldn’t answer until I said the magic word “friend.” When I said "friend" to him, he immediately looked at me and started talking to me. During the whole dream I came to him 3 times. I only remember the third one, when I came to him and began to ask, “buddy, how can I officially get a job here?” several times, as if I had forgotten about the magic word, but then I remembered it. After the table we moved to the back door and sat there. The piglet sat like a man (on his butt) and drank juice from a straw. WE were talking about something, but then he dropped the juice and spilled it on the floor. I looked at it in panic and thought that we were finished from the main mansion (the cleanliness had been violated) and ran into the forest. Behind the forest there were small wooden stands, next to three pillars with a man in a kimono tied to them (like Jesus on the cross, only not nailed, but tied). There were other people in kimonos practicing nearby, perhaps practicing punches or something like that. This is where the dream ended.
John, 16 years old.


I saw a piglet running around in some barn, I took him in my arms, put my husband’s old work trousers on the table and made him a nest. I put the piglet in this nest and he liked it there


I dreamed of a little pink pig, I played with it, washed it. He was old. Then I dreamed about fishing with my dad, as if I fell into the water and got out and a fish swam under my clothes


I dreamed of pink piglets. There were a lot of them, they gathered around me, grunted friendlyly and all pressed tightly against me. It was very clean around, everything was blue, and I was so delighted with these piglets. The man asked me whose piglets these were, and I said they were mine, I bred them. Why are they clean and so pink, even the spots are clean? And I tell him, this is how I take care of them. And I woke up. And I myself think, what is this dream for? Is it disgusting or what?


They gave me a small pig. In my dream I had thoughts that I needed to raise him. but this doesn't seem to be a problem. I was there thinking about what I would feed him. but the problem is that when it grows up, who will cut it. my father will refuse to do this. in general something like this.


I dreamed that I was in some strange houses with a group of people and we were all preparing for a performance. three nice little pigs appear, then water suddenly appears in the basement, we start wiping it up, then I pack my things in a suitcase and get ready for the train, looking for money, because there is no money for the trip, I find some small change in a stocking. Then I pick up books from a friend that I need to use to prepare for lessons, and I leaf through them. only these books are very large, and a friend says that she definitely needs to do something based on them, or rather, I did something. We are setting some table, waiting for some guests


The whole family is in the apartment except the daughter (who lives separately) and two cheerful, clean pink piglets are running around, playing on the sofa, everyone is happy.


I dreamed of my dead husband’s face, I didn’t see it, but I’m sure it was him and my late mother-in-law, my husband was cleaning the droppings from under a cow, my mother-in-law said that they had come to sell the cow for meat, I was very indignant, I kicked them out the gate and shouted after me that I would never give it up. In the dream there were little piglets grazing peacefully. I also got covered in droppings. Before this, I dreamed of a pack of banknotes with a face value of 50 hryvnia, where did I get them and where did I go?




At first I dreamed that trucks with trailers were driving one after another past my house, I looked out the window. in one there were watermelons, in another there were melons, in the third there was New Year's tinsel, and in the fourth there were pigs, and clean ones, and in the fifth there were huge apples with human faces. I dream as if I turn on the light, but the light bulbs do not light up in any room... and when someone else turns it on, they light up. I often dream about light bulbs not turning on, and in a dream this creates a feeling of some kind of fear and misunderstanding. and I’m standing in this darkness near the wall and two clean little pigs run up to me, at first I was scared of them, and then I realized that they were just hiding from someone... I woke up in bewilderment


the pig barked in his sleep


I dreamed that I approached the barn and it caught fire. I know that there are a lot of animals there, but I only see a little pink pig and I save him. I take him out of the barn and am glad that he is alive


I dreamed that I was a wolf, I had a collar on, but there was no one around. I ran somewhere madly - I came running to some dilapidated mill, there was a hole in the wall and there was no one. I went to the river, then a she-wolf joined me and we played with her. the weather was wonderful - sunny, warm. then everything changed dramatically. someone started shooting at the mill, we ran there, but it was already quiet there. on the ground inside the mill there was a lot of foil and in some places marmalade was visible.


I dreamed that my husband bought 2 piglets, they were running around the yard, and my son and I were going to feed them, we wanted to go pick grass, and then my husband came and said that he would cook and eat porridge. OK it's all over Now.


Hello, today I dreamed of a pink, very loudly grunting pig. which then also bit me. what is this for?

why the name:

I dreamed of a pig, which after buying it I sold, but not for money but for some kind of precious stone


I bathed and played with a little pig in the house and there was also unknown man he also bathed in the same bath with the pig and also stroked the hedgehog and saw the sprouts of some flowers in cones that stood on the floor under the table where there were boxes in which the hedgehog and the pig live, I put the sprouts on the shelf so that they could see the sun, otherwise they turned very yellow in the shade the dream was a colorful day on Saturday


Good afternoon
I dreamed that I was walking down the street with friends, and one of us had a pig, a minipig. it was very hot and the piglet became ill. we saw a well and tires from a wheel. a friend put the piglet in rubber and lowered it into the water. another of the guys pushed the rubber, and the well turned out to be very deep, the pig could not resist, slipped and went under the water like a stone.


I dreamed of a small, clean pig in lace shorts... he ran along the side of the pool, and then jumped into the pool and thereby amused the children swimming in
German Address Vaselena1975@yandex/ru


my son-in-law gave me a piglet, I went to feed it, he ran away, began to look and cry, a large dog jumped out and growled, but did not attack, she never found the piglet and cried all night.


I dreamed of a small white playful pig. He followed me everywhere. It was not my pig, but because of his affection for me, I decided to take him home. When I was petting him, I found something like a horn on his back... and I thought it was a boy


Two piglets ran out of the cage, I caught one, picked it up, he was so affectionate and kind, he even meowed a little like a cat and caressed me, I played with him, when I caught him, it seemed like he was a little dirty, but when I picked him up, he turned out to be clean.


Hello, today I dreamed that my husband and I were given small piglets (a lot), clean pink ones, and at the same time the man said, do you want to sell it at the market or let it grow and then sell it.


I live in a private house. I had a dream. that for some reason the wall on the side of the neighbor’s house is whitewashed like a stove. but it’s thin, not brick, and it moves, sways, and little piglets fall out of it. pink, clean. And in that place I dream about dogs. that my dog ​​starts eating one of the piglets. and the pig buries itself underground.
That same night I dream. that my mother (she is a pensioner) has three small children. for some reason they don’t seem to recognize one thing, as if they don’t want them to know about it, I feel this way in a dream and I can’t understand why.


The head of a piglet is small but alive and I use the tips of a knife to make small punctures on the ears so that there is blood, there was not much blood


I keep several piglets. And after some time I remembered that I had not fed them for almost a week. and I’m kind of scared to go and see what happened to them.


As a sign of respect, they gave me a white fluffy pig, he lived in my house, slept on the bed like a pet, my husband had to find him a new home and owners, but he never found one, and that’s when I woke up


Hello! I dreamed that I went into grocery store, walking among the counters, I saw in a refrigerator display case with cut up meat the head of a black pig, it was covered with a thin layer of ice, but the eyes were blinking, then I noticed that there was not only the head, but the whole pig. I began to be indignant at who it was who stuck the fallow to freeze alive, opened the display case and pulled him out of there, hugged him to me and carried him out, there they tried to take him away from me, but I didn’t give him away and left with him clutching me. Then she brought him to a large two-story house and released him on the site in front of the house, there was a flat area with green lawn grass...


I dreamed that I went into someone else’s yard to look around, and the owner gave me a cute little pig and I was happy about it and carried it with me in my arms


I dreamed of our yard in the summer, I went into the barn and there were a lot of little pigs digging in the hay, it was in the hay, not in the dirt, I asked where they were from, my husband called his father and he said I gave it to you. And there was also a strange white dog sitting next to the barn and began to live with us in a dream; there was no aggression from it.


I plant seedlings in the beds and a pig comes along - very young and pink, I am at a height, he is below - looking at me)


I dreamed that a tiger, 3 piglets and a hedgehog lived in our garden. and it turned out that they got out of the cages. I quickly went to get my father so that he could help me drive them in. (my father died 10 years ago) after that we drove off, and the animals sat quietly and waited near the fence.


I dreamed of a big pink pig, I’m trying to catch it by the ears, it runs away from me in fear.


In my dream, a small white pig is running through the snow. I ran after him, caught him, warmed him up, he grunted.


I had a dream that I was riding in a cart with a horse harnessed, and I was driving it myself. From somewhere a small beautiful pink pig appeared on the side of the road, and I was afraid not to run over it. And suddenly the horse disappeared, and a pig appeared in its place. I felt sorry for the pig and put it on the cart, and I began to pull the cart myself, and at the same time I thought that it was not easy to pull the cart, but I could stand it, while I admired the beautiful pig.


I dreamed of a pink pig... who ran very quickly, and when I caught him, he bit my finger.


as if they left me with two little piglets to feed. One small and the other larger, I picked them up and carried them to look for a cage where I could keep them and feed them. I released them in the barn, there was a pen fenced with boards, and it seemed as if there were large gaps in the floor. I felt I don’t feel like they failed….


Hello! I dreamed that I was in a room in my parents' house. And there I see a beautiful white pig, a rat, a puppy and a cat. I took the piglet in my arms and asked him not to interfere with my rest. He heard me and went to the corner to sleep, and then I took the little shepherd puppy on my lap. And then I woke up


I dreamed that two well-groomed piglets came towards me, one of them had a bow on his head. and in my hands there was a dark-colored kitten, it seemed to be frightened of the piglets and began to escape from my hands.


There were two piglets. One dead, blue. His mother and sister were nearby. I wrapped the piglet in a rag and he began to come to life in my arms... My brother recently died. Mother called his name


I was given 2 small black beautiful piglets. I played with them and fed them.


Good afternoon Tatyana!
I had a dream in which it was as if my parents and I were sitting at home, and a large centipede crawled under my T-shirt, but it didn’t sting, and began to crawl out of my sleeve, but very hard, since it was a tight T-shirt...
When she crawled out halfway, I asked my mother to give me a patka, which I then offered to her, and she latched on to it and crawled away.. There was great fear..
After we sit and discuss this creature, we suddenly hear the sound of a supposedly wild boar. I caught myself before I had time to recover from my previous fright and ran to the side.
When I saw that there was a small and not at all aggressive pig there...
I called him and he began to approach. Then I grabbed him and wanted to kill him quickly and not painfully, for future consumption.. Since there was nothing at hand, I just hit him against the house several times, he began to bleed.. Laying him on the ground thinking that he was dead.. But he caught himself and started running, but he ran into a corner and I still caught him there. In the place where I caught it, there is everything for crushing animal feed, and it is always on the shelf big knife, so he grabbed him and cut that pig’s throat.
After that I woke up with a great feeling of pity, regretting what had been done.
After all, he was so naive and kind, and what he did to him was barbaric.
Please explain to what events this dream occurred.
Thank you!!


I dreamed of a very well-fed pig. Clean, he climbed into my bed under the blanket


My late husband brought me a nice, clean pig, I was glad


Hello Tatiana! Last night I dreamed of a pig. It’s as if I’m at a friend’s house, and either hers or my pig is there. She is not small, but not big either, white and very affectionate, she kept rubbing against me like a cat, affectionately gnawing and sucking my hand, I couldn’t get away from her, she followed me on my heels and fawned over me. then the pig went into another room and gave birth to piglets there


I kissed a clean, pretty pig on the snout, then with my late mother I was surrounded by a stream of water and in the morning they set my hair on fire, it burned slightly on one side.


I caught piglets in the barns and put them in cages, one was pink and the other white, there were 2 ducks, chickens and geese in the barns.

The article on the topic: “dream book small pig” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Well-fed and playful little piglets in a dream promise success and prosperity. At the same time, this is a hint of laziness, idleness and gluttony. The dream book suggests carefully analyzing the dream image in order to clearly determine what it is about.

According to Miller

Did you see little piglets? Get ready for a series of small but annoying troubles and problems. You may have to communicate with very unpleasant and lazy people.

Why are there so many little pigs? Expect money to come in, probably in small amounts and from different sources.

If a businessman or farmer dreamed of a lot of piglets, then the dream book predicts bountiful harvest, an abundance of successful transactions and general prosperity.

At the same time, loudly squealing pigs in a dream symbolize anxiety and harm from loved ones. Seeing a lot of pigs and puppies can lead to participation in a drunken friendly party.

What they were doing?

  • Friends and colleagues will provide you with food.
  • To stroke is to flatter someone else’s pride.
  • Buy – growth of wealth.
  • Selling means wealth as a result of a lot of work.
  • Cutting means losses, rash actions.

If in a dream you managed to ride a piggyback, then in reality you will have a very unusual time. But if you see dead little piglets, then the interpretation of the dream is clear - expect great misfortune.

Don't be lazy!

Why do you dream of clean and well-fed pigs? Show diligence, patience and, the dream book is sure, they will bring you unprecedented success.

Pure pigs always symbolize income obtained legally. But if very thin and dirty little piglets appear in a dream, you will fail in business due to your own laziness.

If a woman dreams of clean piglets, then she dreams of a child. True, the dream book suggests that this creates additional difficulties in relationships with your husband or lover.

Take action!

Why do you dream about cute pink pigs? You are at the beginning of your journey, and good luck is with you. You can safely take on new projects and invest money.

The appearance of this image in a dream marks an addition to the family; for a woman it means pregnancy. Pink pigs also promise a win or a find.

Be careful!

But if you happen to see that little piglets are smeared with mud, then the dream book’s advice: get ready for unpleasant rumors and gossip. There is a possibility that gluttonous guests will come into the house.

If you dreamed of black pigs, then your own stubbornness will cause troubles and losses. Sometimes black piglets hint at illness and enemies.

Be less frank!

Are little piglets running around in the house or yard? The dream book does not advise sharing secrets even with the closest people.

Did you dream that dirty piglets were running around? In reality you will quarrel with your friends or loved one through their own fault.

If you happen to see pigs running out of the house, then you are spreading gossip. In the dream, on the contrary, did the piglets run into the house? Someone is spreading false rumors about you.

Why do you dream of little piglets bathing in water? You will have to communicate with lazy and useless people. Pigs sitting in the water hint at future trials and family difficulties.

If in a dream you happen to hear a loud pig squeal, then the dream book believes: this means receiving bad news.


Why do you dream of pigs sitting in the mud? After such a vision, a series of small but very unpleasant events will follow.

Did you dream that small pigs happily roll around in the mud? Friends have an extremely negative impact on you. For some strange reason, you don’t notice this, so you risk getting into a bad situation.

Dream Interpretation

Small pig

Dream Interpretation Pig small

Why do you dream of piglets being small and cute?

The image of a pig in the human mind has a negative meaning. This is uncleanliness, gluttony, clumsiness. In a dream, animals symbolize various upcoming events. When explaining why little piglets dream, dream interpreters rely on the behavior of the animals, their condition and other details of the dream.

Small baby pigs can portend both danger and positive changes.

If little piglets were next to a pig in a dream, then such a dream means favor of fate. Squealing babies dream of unpleasant news. An ugly, dirty pig portends losses. Beautiful and healthy - profit, good luck in business. The spotted animal predicts rapid changes.

Clean animals - the sleeper’s business will go uphill, dirty animals - losses should be expected. Feeding piglets in a dream means providing help to someone who does not need it.. Many small animals warn of danger threatening the dreamer's family.

Dreaming about little piglets running - this portends profit. The head of a pig promises a quick journey.

If you had such a dream, this is a good sign. Especially if the animals are near the pig. This is a symbol of health and family happiness.

Here are the dirty animals promise unexpected expenses, illness. The black pig is a sign of sadness and family troubles. The white baby predicts the successful completion of all tasks.

Pig children portend profit through hard work. Dream about pink babies family happiness and well-being. Black - to extra expenses, unnecessary troubles.

Dirty pigs will bring problems in the business sphere, gossip and rumors. Animals together with their mother predict health and prosperity in the family, and the fulfillment of desires.

If a married woman dreamed of a pig, then she expecting an addition to the family.

For married couples, a dream about a dirty pig means their relationship lacks purity. Perhaps they are rude and indifferent to each other.

According to this dream book there is a lot dreams of piglets for profit, promotion, receiving an inheritance. No matter what color the animals are, they will bring good luck and prosperity. Holding an animal in your arms means career achievements and improved family relationships. Only skinny and sickly animals dream of stagnation in business.

Little cute cubs predict profit.

What does black cub mean?

The black color of the animal predicts a quick journey. In some dream books, a black pig is a symbol of impending disaster. It can also promise material losses and difficulties in the business sphere.

Many black cubs signal unnecessary troubles, empty talk. The bite of such an animal indicates that the sleeper underestimates his opponent.

A live black pig lying in a puddle indicates that next to the dreamer there is a lazy person who is trying to make money at the expense of the sleeping person. Also, a black animal warns that someone is trying to do a minor dirty trick to the dreamer. You should be careful.

In general, the black color of a pig is symbol of lies and hypocrisy. However, some interpreters consider this animal a harbinger of brilliant success in business.

Dead animals

All interpreters agree that this is bad dream. Dead animals dream of illness and troubles in business. Sometimes they foreshadow the collapse of hopes.

Often dead piglets warn the dreamer about an impending illness. It's worth taking care of your health.

Dreaming about a dead pig means that the dreamer behaves too shamelessly with others, literally goes over their heads, trying to achieve the goal. In order not to get into trouble, you need to moderate your ardor and be more attentive to friends and family.

If a dead pig was lying in the mud, then this portends a meeting with an unpleasant person, scandals and intrigues. For a girl, a dead pig can be a harbinger of betrayal by her loved one.

A man climbing the career ladder is dead the cub promises the appearance of competitors on the way. It is necessary to show remarkable ingenuity and cunning to cope with them.

Cutting a pig

Usually such a dream is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The dreamer will experience success and unexpected profits.

If the sleeping person decides to slaughter a pig, then in reality he will receive the long-awaited happiness. But a dream in which a man butchers a pig indicates that the sleeper will soon have to part with a loved one.

In some dream books there is such a plot promises a quick trip and unexpected acquaintances, vivid impressions. True, you will have to fork out a lot.

Cutting a pig to cook it for a holiday, like this the dream foretells making a profit. The sleeper will have a long and comfortable life. The dream predicts new beginnings, perhaps the person will achieve a high position in society.

The interpretations of dreams about piglets are very diverse and ambiguous. The outcome of dreams depends on the color, the state of the animal and the smallest details of the dream.

Why do you dream about piglets?

A person’s entire life is accompanied by special signs and messages, but for many, it is the signs from dreams that have special meaning. How to find out what little pigs dream about? We invite you to study dream books and get answers.

I dreamed about piglets, what does this mean?

In this matter, dream books are ambiguous, because a small pig can appear in a dream in in different forms and condition: playful, pink and well-fed or dirty even by pig standards, skinny and sickly.

We invite you to plunge deeper into difficult and ambiguous dreams in which a small pig or a large boar appears.

Why do you dream about little piglets?

  • Miller's Dream Book assures readers that this is a good sign, especially if the dream is of a small, neat and well-fed pig. It portends a person’s stability in business and the material well-being of his family.
  • If there are a lot of them, expect good news, the more there are, the more good news You'll get.

Pay attention to their color:

  1. Pink - for a successful deal;
  2. Black - for a quick trip;
  3. If their color is gray or yellowish, the dreamer has a big profit.
  • Such a dream promises a woman a successful marriage.
  • For a pregnant woman, sleep means the well-being of the child and a successful birth.
  • The young girl is promised a quick acquaintance with her betrothed.

Why do you dream about pigs and piglets?

  • Vanga's Dream Book gives a similar interpretation, in its version, if you dream of a pig with piglets, the dreamer should expect unexpected profits, perhaps a rich inheritance or a successful financial maneuver that will bring more profit than expected. In any case, Vanga promises that a dream with these cute animals will bring grace and prosperity to the person who dreamed about them.
  • But their appearance is also important, for example, if you dreamed about pigs being dirty and skinny- this means illness or deterioration in the financial condition of the family.
  • Eating pork in a dream or seeing a dead/slaughtered person means losses and hardships, but if desired, a person will be able to quickly cope with the situation and turn fortune in his favor.

Why do you dream about a lot of piglets?

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation promises a person who dreams of many piglets many good changes in fate: a promotion, a large bonus for successful work, a large inheritance or a lucrative offer of cooperation - any of these options will bring good luck to the person and significantly increase the level of his well-being.

But it is important that the animals are healthy, clean and well-fed. And here their color is not so important: pink, white or black will bring good luck and prosperity to the dreamer.

Sick and skinny people, according to the compiler, dream of stagnation in business.

If you dream about piglets being small and clean, what is this for?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse gives this explanation - clean piglets dream of good profit, especially if they are small and playful.

Large ones are evidence of enemies; if they bite, it means they are trying to harm a person.

Why do you dream of a small piglet in your arms?

Dream books vying with each other to promise dreamers who dreamed of a playful baby well-being and success, but a lot depends on the details, for example, many cannot understand why they dreamed of such a baby in their arms.

In this case, it all depends on the details:

  • catching them in the house means well-being in the family;
  • if you dreamed of a white pig in your arms, the dreamer will be able to catch luck;
  • if you dream of a small pig that bites, it means enemies, but the dreamer will be able to cope with the situation and take control of it;
  • newborn small pigs in your arms - to unexpected profit, perhaps material success will bring the most hopeless business, but if one or two babies turn out to be sick or dead - to illness and collapse, buying a small carcass (slaughtered) - to sadness and frustration;
  • for a young girl such a dream portends imminent marriage and pregnancy;
  • a woman’s dream promises an addition to her family;
  • For a man, a dream with a small pig in his arms promises a successful deal.

Why do you dream about dirty piglets?

  • Dream book compiled by psychologist Freud, explains a dream in which a person saw little dirty pigs in a dream, troubles and gossip.
  • Seeing a litter of wild pigs led by their mother is a sign of despair and fear. Seeing pig manure in a dream means money.
  • A more favorable prognosis for such a dream gives esoteric dream book. According to its compilers, small pigs in any form, both dirty and clean, are a good symbol.

The dream tells the dreamer about new beginnings that will certainly bring him material success and satisfy his ambitions, i.e. the person will occupy a high position in society. For men, this dream is a harbinger successful business, for women - family well-being.

House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

Why do you dream about a little pig?

Dream Interpretation Little Piglets

Why do little Piglets dream in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing a little pig in a dream means that minor adversities and vanity await you in life. It may happen that you have to communicate with a greedy person from whom you should not expect anything good. When you dream of many little piglets, expect quick monetary profits from a previously unknown, but very productive source.

What were the little piglets like in your dream?

Why do you dream of small and clean piglets?

The dream book explains the dream of small and clean piglets by saying that in the near future the dreamer will experience success, wealth and abundance in everything.

Where was the piglet in your dream?

If in a dream there is a small piglet in your arms

A person who had a dream about holding a small piglet in his arms can soon become rich and have a happy, carefree life if the animal looks clean and healthy.

Why do you dream about piglets?

Dreams in which piglets appeared belong to multiple-valued options, and in order to get an accurate and expanded interpretation, it is necessary to remember the main details of the plot and the emotional load. It would also be useful to draw an analogy between the events of reality and the resulting transcripts.

If you see a well-fed pig, this is a harbinger of success and an improvement in your financial situation. Seeing dirty and skinny animals means that you should soon expect numerous troubles and losses to arise. One of the dream books claims that a dream about piglets indicates that a lot of effort will have to be made to achieve success. Dead animals are a harbinger of serious losses and problems in business. Another such dream prophesies victory over enemies. If you see a clean white pig, this is a good sign that promises the implementation of your plan, despite the problems and troubles that have arisen along the way. A dream about pink piglets also has a favorable interpretation. In this case, you can count on good luck in all your endeavors.

Why do you dream about a pig and little piglets?

If you see a “mother” with children, this is a sign of a full cup and family well-being. You will also be able to assist your loved ones in their affairs, which will be very useful for them.

Why do you dream about a lot of piglets?

Seeing a large number of animals means that you will soon plunge into the cycle of events. Ups and downs await you ahead, in general, life will be like riding a roller coaster. This dream also prophesies the emergence of many troubles and worries that will be related to family and home. A night vision in which you see many piglets grazing on the grass is a symbol of family happiness.

Why dream of catching live piglets?

A dream where you are running after animals serves as a recommendation that you should not share your secrets and plans for the future with people around you. Otherwise, this may cause a lot of gossip.

Why do you dream about black piglets?

Such a dream is negative character and prophesies disaster. The black pig is a sign of betrayal and deception that you will have to face in the near future. Another dream book contains information according to which such an animal is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Expecting you soon big win or an unexpected surprise.

Dream Interpretation Pig

Why do you dream about a Pig in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed of a pig - an ambiguous vision, generally defined as positive. It is especially successful if the pig seen was healthy and well-fed.

What kind of pig did you dream about? How many pigs did you dream about? What did you do in your dream? What did the pig do in the dream? Which part of the pig did you dream about?

What kind of pig did you dream about?

Dreaming of a live pig

A dream about a live pig is extremely positive. It portends a solid income, but it will not come so easily. You will need to show effort and strong-willed qualities of character.

Pigs and piglets Dead pig Big pig Black pig

Why do you dream about a slaughtered pig?

I dreamed of a slaughtered pig - a rather contradictory vision. For a butcher it portends a solid income, and for a woman it symbolizes the arrival of menstruation.

I dreamed of a killed pig

A dream about a killed pig does not bode well. He promises a long and serious illness. This may be due to an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition or stress.

Seeing a little pig in a dream

Why do you dream about a little pig? You will be able to achieve success in business, but the results obtained will not be very pleasing. Do not forget to pay attention to the moral side of the issue when deciding important matters.

Dreaming of a pig covered in blood

The Felomena dream book considers a pig in the blood as gaining authority and power over enemies. For the sake of justice, you will have to use unpopular methods to protect your property.

I dreamed about a dirty pig

If you see a dirty pig in a dream, things will be difficult at work. Everyone will try to profit from you - from employees to competitors. A difficult period will begin that you need to endure.

How many pigs did you dream about?

What did you do in your dream?

Butchering a pig in a dream

The dream book interprets butchering a pig as an indication of the dreamer’s ability to correctly plan his own expenses, as well as determine plans for the future. Running away from a pig means trying to avoid an ambiguous situation with your superiors.

What did the pig do in the dream?

Pig attacks in a dream

A dream of a pig attack usually means a fight with an ill-wisher. These will not be cunning actions on the sly, but a direct head-on collision. The confrontation could take a serious turn.

Pig runs away in a dream

I dreamed of a pig running away - an auspicious sign. In reality, you will be able to escape the impending difficulties. They will not have time to harm you, everything will end well.

Dream about giving birth to a pig

A dream about giving birth to a pig promises minor problems in matters of the heart and in communicating with relatives. The difficulties will be temporary and soon everything will return to normal.

Which part of the pig did you dream about?

I dreamed of a pig carcass

Felomena's dream book considers a pig carcass as a symbol of financial stability and prosperity. Harmony and complete security will reign in the family, the house will be a full cup.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Dream Interpretation Pork

If you saw a Boar or a Pig in a dream, Dream Interpretations advise you to remember in detail what you saw in the morning. A Boar or Pig in a dream is quite a favorable sign, but only if the Boar or Pig were fat and well-fed. And the Dream Interpretations have prepared an even more favorable forecast for those who dreamed of Little Pigs in a dream. This is a sign that financial prosperity and success await you in reality.

I dreamed of a fat, well-fed pig or boar- to wealth.

Dreamed of thin, skinny pigs or wild boars- to losses.

It is traditionally believed that the appearance and fatness of a Boar or Pig seen in a dream are an indicator of what kind of well-being you will have in real life.

I dreamed of a pig with piglets, Little piglets in a dream, Many piglets- profit; worries about younger family members.

In the old days, the number of piglets on a farmstead was considered perhaps the main indicator of a family’s prosperity. From this position, the dream gives the most encouraging forecast - your financial prosperity and well-being are just around the corner. And at the same time, Piglets in a dream can symbolize them, which you will have to take care of in every possible way in the near future.

I dreamed about a dead pig- to trouble; otherwise - victory over a stupid and arrogant person.

I dreamed of hunting a boar- there is a fight with an arrogant person.

I dreamed that a pig or boar was biting you– you will encounter aggression and cruelty.

The Tavern and the Pig are considered symbols of permissiveness, natural ferocity and aggression. Be careful - in reality there are people or a person in your environment who behaves like a “pig.” Try to minimize your mutual communication.

Dreamed of pork, Pig carcass- to prosperity; otherwise – the need to reconsider your diet.

Pig meat is considered one of the most nutritious and high-calorie foods. From this position, the dream foretells you profit and prosperity in reality. And at the same time, a dream can be sent to you by the body itself. Probably, in real life, you are used to indulging your food instincts. You consume the fattiest and highest-calorie foods. Listen to your body and reconsider your diet, giving preference to plant-based foods that are lighter and healthier.

Why do you dream about pigs?

The dream in which you saw a pig means that in life you will meet an arrogant and unpleasant person, who will not bring any benefit and may even harm you. If a pig attacks you in a dream, then in reality you should be careful; they may hit you or behave very rudely towards you.

You may be perplexed as to why you dream of a pig bathing in mud. Such a dream is very favorable, it symbolizes money. A pig's snout is also a favorable sign. He predicts a big win in the lottery and great luck in money matters.

A dirty pig in a dream is a kind of hint that your relationship lacks purity. In general, your partner may treat you well, but quite often be rude and dismissive towards you. This attitude does not quite correspond to your idea of ​​a relationship and it torments you.

If you dreamed of a pig and you feed it, then such a dream is a sign that your deeds and actions in reality are aimed at making your future life happy. Killing a pig in a dream means good luck. If you see an already dead pig, it means that you will soon defeat the enemy and your life will improve.

Well-fed and healthy pigs in a dream mean upcoming profitable contacts and favorable changes in business. Skinny pigs in a dream predict future troubles and difficult relationships with work colleagues and children.

Selling a pig in a dream indicates that in reality you will soon receive ownership of an object that you have long wanted. However, for this you will have to make an effort.

Seeing a pig with piglets in a dream means fate is favorable to you and the absence of obstacles to achieving your goals.

The girl who saw a hog in her dream will soon be proposed to her. Stroking a pig means flattery to another person to please his vanity. A dream about a little pig is a sign of small, empty troubles in life.

Small pig

Dream Interpretation Pig small dreamed of why you dream about a small pig? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a small Pig in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Pig

If you see a pig, then, first of all, think about the good, because your consciousness perceives the pig negatively. IN folk art a pig does not inspire respect, proverbs and sayings only include negative traits this animal, but in fairy tales the pig is called affectionately: “Havronya.”

Dream Interpretation – Pig

Pig - pig (piglets) - guests. Dreaming of pigs means slander, theft, thieves, weakness. A black pig is a nuisance, an enemy. If a pig with piglets comes out of the yard, this lie comes out of your yard; and entered the yard - bad rumors about you; if you dream of a pig - then this is an unkind person who will become attached. Pigs are death.

Dream Interpretation – Pig

The ram turns into a pig - a wanderer will arrive.

Dream Interpretation – Pig

Pig – wealth, “pig piggy bank.” In general, this is a symbol of sloppiness, stupidity, and arrogance. Seeing a pig in a dream, smeared from head to toe, denotes gossip, empty rumors, intrigues. Seeing a pig that undermines the roots of an oak tree means that you are faced with an incompetent person who will cause you a lot of trouble and trouble. Feeding a pig in an expensive suit, from a golden tray, is wasting your money and energy. Seeing a pig sitting in your favorite chair means a quarrel with friends and betrayal.

Dream Interpretation – Pig

To slander, theft, weakness, gossip.

Dream Interpretation – Pig, pork

A pink, well-fed large pig is a symbol of success and wealth.

Dream Interpretation – Pig

Pig - your gluttony / your self-adoration, assertion of yourself physically / trouble.

Dream Interpretation – Pig

Your dream may indicate that your physical appetite is not satisfied.

Dream Interpretation – Pig

“putting a pig” is a catch, harm from another person.

Dream Interpretation – Pig

Pig - In a dream, riding a pig means an unusual pastime when, on the one hand, you will be pleased, but on the other hand, you simply won’t know how to feel about what happened.

Little pig

Dream Interpretation - Small stature

The dream thus shows two components human personality- this is the emotional sphere of the Dreamer (feelings, desires - the person she likes), but when approaching the person she likes, the latter decreases in Growth - this situation symbolizes the emotional attachments that arise in the process of life (Yin - qualities, earthly attachments of the human body), which can become an obstacle to Human growth (Yang - qualities, awareness of the spirit) due to excessive adherence to ordinary human attitudes (body, appearance, status, generally accepted attitudes). The dreamer and her man are standing near the Wall (human frames and limits, known settings) and the Man seems lower, but when moving away from the Wall, he again returns to his normal Growth - this situation clearly shows in reality the hidden algorithm of “internal growth” when a person moves away from ordinary human standards (traditionally, near the wall) and looks for himself (his true desires and abilities). The layout of a room with a deliberately understated Base near the “experimental wall” - in reality, shows generally accepted patterns to which the Dreamer will certainly be exposed in the near future due to her youth and inexperience. And to prevent this from happening, the Dreamer had this “coded” Dream, which will help her become a person conscious and strong in Spirit from the inside, find herself and fulfill her destiny. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Small stature

A dream about your doubts. You are analyzing some circumstances of your life and some person, perhaps not your MCH, and so.. In some circumstances.. He seems like this to you, and in others - different.. Doubtful for you, you are trying to find an answer to this The question is why this happens. The dream suggests that you are finding an answer to this situation.

Dream Interpretation – Guinea pigs

Such a dream may indicate that you may be thinking about some changes in your life, however, analyzing your situation, you come to the conclusion that. It’s better to stay in a position where you feel comfortable. A dream about pigs may mean that you will finally notice something that was next to you and put everything in its place..

Dream Interpretation – Orange little fish in boots

A home is where your soul feels good - these are passions, hobbies - what warms you. Among the grass - your thoughts or ideas - you find an unusual animal - perhaps you will discover in yourself some gift or some talent that was previously unknown to you. It will be some kind of unusual open. Fish can mean a thought, or something hidden in memory. Orange – associated with emotions, joy. A black tail can mean the ability to protect oneself, black boots can mean the ability to take actions, go your own way, and also the ability to protect. A tail like a scorpion - this idea can protect itself. Perhaps this means your new talent or new idea, which will help you achieve what you want, will be able to “protect” themselves - will be viable. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation – Small man

The dream does not reassure the Dreamer in her feelings - the relationship with a particular young man will not develop, it will be a pity for the time lost on him. The guy’s dwarf height, visible from afar, in this case means a distant and meaningless relationship with the man. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation – A little girl and a dog drowned

A dream about the need to balance Emotions and Reason, since by unconsciously diving into the Emotional abyss (the Dreamer almost drowns, suffocates), we lose our best spiritual qualities (loyalty, sincerity, selflessness - a drowned Dog in a dream - a faithful, devoted friend). Crying in a dream means that in reality you will realize your unconscious actions (the Girl’s open eyes will open her eyes to the Emotional situation). Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation – Capricious little girl

The dream calls for self-education (Moon in Virgo). In fact, this is your character trait (a capricious little girl) and it will soon cause you life inconveniences and problems (the child jumped out of the stroller and threw a tantrum.). You understand perfectly well that it is necessary to take action (I was still afraid that she would arrange something again). And you will be able to control yourself, or rather, this destructive tendency (she held it tightly, took her in her arms). Remember that in cousin You feel uncomfortable - this is the same trait

Dream Interpretation – Dream about a little girl

Good evening, Larisa! Usually in such a dream a person sees his Soul. This is what we are, but more often in error we identify ourselves with our Mind. Therefore, we see the soul from the outside, like a pure child. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Little brother caught fire

The dream contains negative images (an aggressive cat, a stove); of course, such a dream is a warning about danger, unpleasant and sad events, possibly concerning relatives, specifically a brother, and related experiences. Mom’s house – such an image in a dream always helps to understand family relationships and understand connections with family and ancestors.

Dream Interpretation - My little white kitten

This dream reflects your current situation in terms of love and dreams about it, namely, you want a kind, affectionate guy who would take care of you. In general, I want romance at its best.

Why did you dream about a big pig with piglets?

Gala Galina

The long-awaited success is approaching, although you are in a company that is not very pleasant for you.

Marina Kuchman

Sorry, but this most likely leads to an unpleasant situation =((but any situation can be resolved.

To trouble. Just be patient and it will pass.

Isabella Marie

A pig at a trough is a hint of someone’s (maybe yours) gluttony and untidiness.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda


In a dream, I came to some place where there were a lot of beautiful bright flowers, most of them were in pots, some were just lying there - large, very beautiful. Then I saw two piglets dressed up, as if for a holiday, with either bright fabric or flowers wrapped around their bodies, generally clean and decorated. One of the piglets ran up to me and poked his snout, I jerked in surprise, woke up, even the muscle in my neck cramped. What does such a dream mean? thank you in advance for your response.


I dreamed that my sister was giving birth to piglets, and my neighbor was delivering the baby, and I was tying their umbilical cords

Delivering birth to a pig? Holding little piglets in your hands?

I caught a fluffy pig and he wriggled and ran away..... then something incomprehensible came out of him and someone offered me to take “it”, but I refused,

A small pig, dressed in clothes - a jacket, trousers and a hat on his head, jumps into the window, breaking it. looks like a small child, but I see that it is a pink pig and take it in my arms.

From Wednesday to Thursday I saw in my dreams a lot of small dead piglets... their heads were sticking out of the ground like mushrooms in the forest...

I dreamed that I was lying in the ground, and a small plump pig was crawling out of the ground towards me. And they woke me up

I recently dreamed of this little pig, how he ran across a field to his parent’s house, but that world was a halographic world, there was no matter, and the little pig became either big or ordinary.. tonight I saw him in the same world on the road, the road itself flowed as the energy changed , and he looked at me and said something telepathically))))))

I was standing in the yard of my parents’ house, and suddenly clean, pink piglets, all of different sizes, jumped out. I was surprised to see them

I peered into the water of the pond, someone was swimming there, then I stuck my hand into the water and took out a net, there was a small pig in it, I put this net in the closet and closed the door

I chose a little pig. They were all very cute, but I needed the smallest one. He had one ear shorter than the other. And for some reason the piglets were hairy. Someone tried to dissuade me from the idea of ​​having a pig. But I held him in my arms, stroked him, he poked me with his snout and grunted cutely... And I decided to buy him.

I dreamed about how I caught piglets, not small ones, but grown ones. Flesh color. I caught one, but I caught the second and could not catch it.

In the dream, I was in someone else’s room and my mother was there, she died in May last year, my mother was lying on the bed, she had a huge belly, I began to cry a lot behind her, and then my mother began to give birth to a lot of little piglets. Please help me tell me what kind of dream this is

Good afternoon! The dream began like this: I was walking down the street, a medium-sized dog came across me and grabbed my hand, biting me! After which I hit her several times and she ran away (the dog was beige, or in other words light brown), then small piglets came running and more than 3 or more of them began to caress me and I began to stroke them (these piglets were light colors as usual), then 3 more black pigs came running and dogs with them, but they were also friendly, they all seemed to surround me and were reaching out to me! This is where the dream ends! I will be grateful to you for the work done! Thank you in advance)))

I dreamed of big pigs and piglets, that one of them was wounded and I treated him, the pigs were big and not aggressive, why would that be?

I dreamed about a village and that my family lived there. I’m standing in front of a fence where a little pig is running around. there is a lot of manure around it. I am surprised by this and am going to put things in order with him. I understand that living in the village is a joy for me.

I dreamed that a small pink pig was running out from under the table.. my mother screams at me and my sister, take it away.. my classmate lives across the fence with me.. I take it and throw it out to her.. her brother saw this and says what are you doing. .I told him to open the gate and let her out onto the road..he left her and his mother came out and they kept this pig for themselves..and began to feed her..

The husband and sister-in-law brought the piglet into the house, the piglet was covered in light wool... he was in the house as a kitten, but after a while we got into a hurricane, strong wind, and the pig was already dead and I was very worried about this, it seemed to me that I started having minor troubles after his death

The pig was killed by my father, I ran away so as not to see. The pig squealed a lot, I felt very sorry for him and I decided that I would never eat pork

I dreamed of piglets in my parents’ garden, very cute pink and spotted ones. I still remember weighing them

I dreamed of piglets in my parents’ garden, very cute pink and spotted ones. I still remember weighing them

Hello! I saw in a dream a small...slightly grown pink...clean pig...and with light eyelashes...well, very pretty...! I woke up with a smile on my lips...

I fed the piglets from specially installed bottles, they were in a circle in a feeder in the barn, and then I checked the bottle of one and said that the milk had run out and I was, one might say, in a panic, and they suddenly began to jump out of their places and come at me

a cute little pig with short legs, dressed like dogs are dressed (you can’t even tell at first that it’s a pig). there is a little girl with him. they are all in a stable, but they themselves are clean.

They brought me a pig. So cute, pink, affectionate... sitting on my lap. moved his ears.

I went up the steps and met a girl, a relative (cousin), and from somewhere above a pig fell at my feet, clean and smiling. I got scared and threw it down, I saw how and where it fell

I dreamed of a young pig or an adult piglet, I don’t know what gender, brown in color, I took it from the barn and took it out to get rid of it, that’s where the dream ended.

On Saturday I dreamed of sweeping away a piglet lying on the bed. Near him there was also a dead cat, and my dog ​​is mourning for them.

Hello! Today I dreamed that I was pregnant and was about to give birth.. The day of birth came, I don’t remember who, but three little gray piglets were taken out of my stomach. At first I was scared, and then I said that it was nothing wrong with my mother, too. Afterwards we My husband and I are going, I say we’ll sell them, but he said no, we’ll keep them and eat them.

my sister-in-law and her husband bought a wild boar and showed it to my sister-in-law’s late parents. the parents just stood silently and watched. and then they were going to take him to their home

I bought a little pig, brought it home, showed it to my mother, fed it borscht and looked for a place in the yard to build a shed for the pig. and also called him Hrundel

I dreamed of a slaughtered piglet, I was selling it to a woman I knew, there was some kind of stain on it, she cut it out and abandoned it. I had a dream on Tuesday.

I saw piglets, I think only two. The first one just ran up to me... and ran away, and the second one, he came so close that I managed to take him in my hands. They were pink, clean, small. It was a pleasant feeling when I took it in my hands.

I dreamed of a little pig, he was lying on a split stove, I first saved him and then, on the contrary, was going to fry him, he was alive and talking to me, what is this?

I dreamed of very beautiful piglets, at first I bought a sow for 30,000 thousand euros, it was very purebred, but at first she couldn’t give birth! and then I somehow had a dream and she gave birth to such cool piglets, they look like they were drawn, they’re so cool, it’s just a miracle

I was a child visiting my cousins ​​and stayed there until late, and then gypsies (women and children) walked past and I asked to go with them. Closer to the house, they went in one direction and I went in the other, and then a pig ran out and I'm going home with him

I was pregnant in a dream and felt that I would soon give birth, the baby was pushing a lot, then the contractions stopped, I went to the doctor, then for some reason I ended up in the bathroom with water, I lay down in the bathroom and a pig appeared so easily, I called the doctor, he was small and dead , the doctor said not to worry that this happens to many people, many give birth to piglets in such a way that she will revive him, I said that there is no need and went to my husband, I told the doctor that she would say that the child was born dead, what is all this for?

I dreamed that I was singing from a mug of a pig, he was so tame, then he went into the apartment and climbed into the bathroom and got stuck there

I dreamed of a big black pig, and its white piglets were not thin, but simply in mud. One day, a dekilka sank, leaving cold and not very clean. sleep or die I know…

I went to look at the piglets and saw that one of them had given birth and she and the little ones were sleeping in the dirt, and when I looked at the second one, for some reason he had lost weight and was also sleeping

Hello, I dreamed that a little pig was running around in my parents’ house, and I was trying to catch it, I don’t remember what happened next.

I dreamed that I was feeding two beautiful and small piglets, black and white, then they pooped and I ran after them, I wanted to catch them so that they would be mine, and I caught them and they became tame

Today I dreamed that my mother and I (in real life we ​​live together) got a piglet as a pet. The essence of the dream was - he is at our house, we are looking at him and rejoicing at how good and cute he is, having fun. Aon is really cute, just like from children’s movies, cute.

At first I dreamed of little piglets, little rats running around nearby, I’m trying to drive them away from the piglets, the little rats roll up into a ball and snap, again I try to drive them away, but they run away and a big gray-red rat literally appears out of nowhere.

I dream that I am trying to catch a fat and pink pig, standing in very clear water. Besides me, a crowd of men are trying to catch the pig. And they say that this pig must be caught and whoever catches it will be happy, etc.

I wake up in my room, a black-brown piglet, runs up to my bed, raises its front legs and stands on the edge of the bed next to me, I stroke it and am surprised at how affectionate and clean the piglet is and am surprised that it will now live with me. I look at the carpet to see if there are any feces

Hello, I was very frightened by the dream, because... there were 2 deaths in it... the dream begins with the fact that I am in the hospital and I’m about to give birth, there are 3 girls in the ward, but they drove me away, they said that there was no place for me here, despite the empty beds, when one came out of them , I asked why they were so sad and angry, they answered that one of them had a child who died during childbirth, suffocated because she was probably overweight (in real life I am very worried that I have already gained 18 kg. excess weight and I’m afraid that this could greatly harm my upcoming birth). I'm crying, I'm scared. Then my husband and I were in some orphanage, we learned about the death of some boy close to us, my husband was crying, he was just not himself, I was acting calm. He rushes to the crib where that boy was sleeping, seeing his clothes, he says that he is alive, it’s just a joke, but they explain to him that these clothes will now be worn by other children... We look at the clothes, they are all torn. Then everyone goes somewhere in the city, apparently to bury them, everyone is on transport, I am on foot, they are carrying an open coffin and it prevents me from walking, as if it is constantly blocking my path. To be on time for the funeral, I run, and everyone is going, but I run with a little pig, he is with me everywhere. the ending of the dream is very strange, while I was running I came across a very beautiful alley, all in bloom with stone paths, it smelled so delicious, and I lingered there, just walked and admired it, a piglet hid under a bush there and was very afraid, I had to take him in my arms when came out of this alley with him, on the path lay the dog’s severed hind legs and tail.... What could all this mean? Thank you in advance for your help...

I dreamed of a piglet who became very ill. Vomiting and upset. I treated him, forcibly injected him with medicine. Everyone told me don’t touch him, he’ll die. I answered everyone, no, I will cure him. But he looked almost dead. And I woke up.

the little pig drowned, I pulled him out and put him on the big piglets, they slept together, the little one came to life, they all played together

I dreamed of traveling around some country....With my husband and daughter. At the local market, my husband bought a decorative pig, very heavily covered with fur... She was on a leash and I confused her with a dog

I dreamed that I was walking through a huge room (a long barn), and around me were dozens of fat, well-fed piglets of different sizes and colors (pink, with black spots). The piglets didn't scream.

I dreamed of my late grandmother’s house. She had pigs and a lot of piglets in her barn. She took one in her arms and stroked it. And the grandmother was there. and then I saw my mother and sister and the piglets again, but already so grimy and in new conditions

I ran with a piglet on a leash and along the way, the piglet met cats and dogs. They ran for a long time and in the end the piglet was tired, it seemed like he wanted to sleep, I put him to rest. awoke….

I’m in some barn with a shovel and there’s a piglet lying next to me. I turn my head a little and see another piglet being born at my feet. My boyfriend is sitting to my left. and my hands are covered in pig poop. Then I walk around the city and see a building. One of my friends got rich. and made her own doctoral garden on several floors and a fitness club. Afterwards I go to the dachas. night and a guy is following me, I got scared and stayed. and he passed by

I dreamed of my niece’s 3.5 year old son who died, as if they were asking me to bury him. Taking him in my arms, I see that he is alive and breathing and begin to cry.

In a bright room, a large, light-colored sow began to give birth to piglets, I delivered the baby to her. 4 piglets were born, the last one was covered in some kind of film, covered in blood. I freed him, washed him, he was very large, almost all bright brown with light spots. He started running merrily, but the pig was still giving birth and lay there. I stroked her belly and she grunted and looked at me very affectionately. For another moment, my ex-husband, with whom we have been divorced for 5 years, came in, brought me water and disappeared. And as soon as her contractions started, I woke up.

Hello, I dreamed that I caught a normal grown-up piglet, and my parents caught live piglets, but with cut bellies and, apparently, without entrails (although this was not visible, but a cut and blood were visible)

Good morning. From yesterday to today, or probably closer to this morning, I had a dream where I was looking for something and traveling through an unfamiliar city with a certain group of people. It was work-related; we were looking for a specific house, but we kept taking wrong turns. I am currently looking for a job, but more passively than actively. We went the wrong way once again and got a little lost. We met farmers and we had to go through the vegetable gardens and through the barn where the pigs lived to get back into the city. Farmers fed the lions and fearlessly held them by their tails, apparently training them. We (me and someone else, I don’t remember who) entered wooden rooms with straw on the floor. There were no unpleasant smells or sensations, just the excitement of what could this piggy do to me? What if he is aggressive? It would hurt me? The pigs were clean and healthy looking. They behaved like puppies. They wanted to play, jump and beg for food. It didn’t hurt, it was just that they could absurdly step on their feet or push them in a fit of play. Thus, we passed through about three rooms with pigs. Before entering the last pen, the owner joined us. For some reason, she warned that this is the most active pig and can easily trample all the feet. We entered. It was dark there. The pig was gray and smaller than all the others, but also very cute and funny. And she didn’t do anything bad to me. We went out into the street into some weeds and made our way further into the city... And I asked the owner about whether they eat these pigs and how they don’t feel sorry for them? Then we talked about the conflict in Ukraine, also about Georgia, and walked into the city... the city was beautiful, but in the outskirts there were renovations and rubbish everywhere, as in most cities. But this is a different line of sleep and does not apply to pigs. So what could this mean? This is the first time I’ve written on a site with such requests, but I was curious) Thank you for your answer.

I had a dream in which there were 2 cute little piglets, but they were dirty, and my friend wanted to wash them, and took them to the bathtub, and when I went in, I saw that the bathtub was overflowing, and the piglets were no longer breathing, I tried to save them, but to no avail.. And not long before this dream, I had a dream that I finally got a kitten, I had wanted it for so long, and so we went out for a walk with him on the street, and he ran away, I began to catch up with him, and on my a dog killed him before his eyes, biting his throat ((What is it, why do animals die in my dreams... why would this be) very worried.

I had a dream, my boyfriend and I were walking along the beautiful streets of some city, and suddenly I was no longer with him, but with my friends, we were going to a restaurant, we approached the counter and I saw a pink little pig, he was very thin and all beaten up ,they sold it to visitors and could cook it there, we felt sorry for him, we decided to save him, we paid 2t for him, I took him in my arms and we quickly went to the exit, 2 non-Russian guys came out after us, probably to take him from us , we ran away from them and I woke up. Why would I dream about this?

My mother and I keep little pigs. May's mother threw the baby into boiling water and it hurt violently. I left with the second one and didn’t let him leave too

I was walking home, I opened the door, and there was a pig, small, pink, neat, even with a bow. She ran like crazy along a small empty white square corridor and wanted to run out, she succeeded, but the door was open and she again ran into the square empty corridor. She evoked pleasant emotions in me, I even took her in my arms and hugged her, and then I realized that I had become friends with her, but I would have to part with her, because she was our (or the neighbor’s) dinner... she said something to me, I don’t remember. .then everything is vague

I saw in a dream a very cute, pink piglet, who was being caressed like a kitten, the sun was shining brightly, the mood was simply wonderful. He tried to touch the money changer with his little snout. but it didn't work out

I caught a small wild pig in my dream so that I could fry it later!

I dreamed that I was carrying a small clean piglet in my arms and treating him like a baby, after a couple of days I dreamed that my stomach was pulsating and both of these dreams were realistic in warm colors

I’m lying in the woods and some kind of force falls on me, I think it’s unclean and I start reading the Our Father, then I cross myself, let go, then it gently starts to move me, I open my eyes, I’m lying in a small bush and in front of me are spotted piglets and pig droppings nearby, I even drove into it a little with one foot, suddenly the thought came to me that this could be the place of the treasure because the place is not far from the bay, I look around and see a small depression in the ground, I start digging the ground with my hands, the ground is so soft, a root appears, I pulled it, easily so I gave in, and a hole appeared and I heard the croaking of frogs, and on the edge of the hole I saw a frog, then I heard a conversation, I looked around, people were standing on the balcony, the house was located not far from the bay, on the other side there were high-rise apartment buildings, one house was a familiar house, it seemed even ours, dig further I can’t think, it’s morning, people, I need to come at night with a flashlight and examine this hole, I get up and go, then I come back to look at the house number, but I woke up!

Hello Tatyana, my sister had a dream that I will describe to you last night, but with my participation. In her dream, she saw me standing next to a huge, very curly (with thick, thick hair) black ram with a white stripe along its body. He stood very submissively, and all the time she admired and stroked him.

Hello!! I work in a store. I had a dream that... trading floor A little pig was running around. I saw the pig very well.

I dreamed about my parents’ house where I don’t live. And it’s as if we had a pig there and she has 10 little piglets. I didn’t see the pig itself, only the little piglets.

I carry in my arms a small, clean pig and a little bunny, who was angry with me and I was afraid of him.

I dreamed that in a dream a little pig was handed over to me and I really liked it - I cooed with it.

I enter the room, and there are several piglets, they are clean, but apparently hungry, because... one pig came up to me and grabbed my hand, but didn’t bite, but tried to suck my hand, I didn’t feel any pain.

I was in a supermarket where I often go.

On the shelf with nuts (in reality, I often get nuts from there) there was a small purple pig sitting inside a box. I released him and he ran. I was worried about him. Then my mother and I took him in with us.

zawla v sarai,a nasenelewit ku4a doxlix miweii,a parasenok ix razbrasivaet svoim riljcem v raznie storoni.ja stala kri4atj -mama,mama-i prosnulasj.


I dreamed of hairy piglets with long hairy tails and they were running around the room in the house and I drove them to the place from which they ran out. And in this room there were a bride and groom, or rather a wedding.

A little pig got lost in our yard - I caught it, I thought it was ours, but it turned out not. We have 2 piglets and they are bigger, but this little one is skinny, as it seemed to me in a dream, dying of hunger. on the neck there is a long chain - like a dog's. I hold him under my arm and want to give him milk. but looking into the refrigerator, I notice that there are 3 bottles of already sour stuff there. I find ice cream in the freezer - I put it in my mouth, melt it, pour it into a jar and start feeding it with a syringe. Then I go up to the pen where we have pigs, and I notice another little one, I call my dad and he says that he has also arrived. All the pigs look healthy and pretty. Overall, we are certainly happy about this. in a dream, I am very worried about my little pig and really want him to recover.

I went into my daughter-in-law’s house, and she had three adult piglets walking around on the first floor, there was no smell of pig meat, I asked her, who feeds them, you left here

I caught a black pig in a dream, tried to drive him out, but he still ran after me, periodically biting me when I tried to throw him out of the room

I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday: Mom gave me a little pig and asked me to look after him while she was gone. I forgot about him and thought he died of hunger. I started cooking porridge for him and my husband came into the kitchen (in reality I am a widow) and stopped me from cooking, saying that it wouldn’t be necessary. When I started feeding the pig (in my dream I saw only a snout, I didn’t see the pig itself), he grunted and turned into handsome man. In the dream, I was very worried that the pig was hungry and what I would tell my mother (in life, my mother is old and very sick)

the pig ran out of the barn and I caught him so that he wouldn’t run away, but I caught him and brought him into the barn and he ran into the hole again and I caught him again

I was fishing in the bathtub, there were a lot of fish, both big and small, but then I take a net to catch the fish, but for some reason there is a pig in the net.

I dreamed of tiny piglets as I drove them out of the garden. And also my wife’s betrayal.

Almost all of my work colleagues are sitting at a large table. And one of my colleagues had a black and white pig in her arms. As I understand it, he is a purebred and it seems like she has a dog instead. But all my sleep I looked only at him and didn’t even hear what they were saying at the table. And at the end of my dream, this pig described the one in whose arms he was sitting (it turns out to be his mistress).


I dreamed that I was on some kind of road, and then it seemed like I was in some strange cave or shelter from the rain. I look down the road, and it is very steep and dirty after the rain. I saw someone climbing along it and I felt as if I was going to fall down, but I held on with all my might. And then a pink pig runs up to me and cuddles me like a dog.

I dreamed that I was carrying a little pig, but I don’t remember whether I stole or bought it

The dream is long. Key events: first, an elderly obese woman fell into my bed, dying or already dead, either from a heart attack or from a stroke. Another event: a pig appeared, I leaned on him with my whole body and stabbed him in the heart with a knife. There was no blood.

My boss is a woman. I dreamed of her with a pig under her arm. At the same time she smiled. The dream was short and that's all.

Hello. The dream is this: my mother said that I need to buy a pig for us. Well, of course, let me be indignant: I won’t and that’s all, why do I need all this trouble, especially since I never bought them. (the color is pink for the pig)

Valentina Yakovlevna:

big black pig at home as if I was kicking it out then I kicked it and it flew out into the street

Today I dreamed that my younger sister and I were catching fish in clear, but not very deep water, about ankle-deep, but clear. More precisely, it seems like my sister catches it, but she doesn’t succeed. all the time, the fish slip out. Then, she invites me to fish. I bend down and see something flashing very close, I grab it, and it turns out that it’s a pig’s tail. I can hardly hold it, and then I pull out the whole, live, white pig. He doesn’t squeal, doesn’t break out, I hold him by the neck and carry him to his mother. That's all.

Please help me deal with my sleep. A small piglet, like a pet, runs around with a cat. But for some reason I need to roast it in the oven. He understands everything and does not resist. I lay it on its side and pop it in the oven. The first time I check it, he’s toasted, but he lies humbly and blinks, looking at everything around him. I put it back. The second time I look, it’s all fried in a crust, the eye is baked. I look closely and see two thin stripes of moisture from his nostrils, and I see that he is breathing. I wake up.

my friend and her father break into their parents’ house with a cart of piglets and then leave it for us already cut up so that we can cook food from it and consume it

on the seashore I caught two piglets, I caught one, and with them I caught a bunch of small fish

held a plump white piglet in his hands, put it in the car, he shit there

I was doing renovations in the house and babysitting a little pig, a very exotic breed, so domestic, cute like a puppy.

Seen in a dream, reflects the dreamer’s desire to enter into sexual relations with the first person he comes across. No need to follow the lead own desires, it is better to turn on your head and think about the possible consequences of such an act: conflicts, gossip and a tarnished reputation. A dirty and ugly pig in a dream speaks of future problems arising due to the dreamer’s stubbornness and intransigence.

Understanding in a dream that the piglet turned out to be talking is a sign of great happiness in the future. Success and good prospects will become the envy of some people around the dreamer. If you feed a pig in a dream, in reality you should expect some kind of trick from your work colleagues. Buying a pig in a dream means improving your well-being, and slaughtering these animals means material and financial losses. Eating roasted pig means a prosperous life, good luck and love.

Why do you dream about piglets? Freud's Dream Book

The legendary scientist Sigmund Freud interprets these dreams in his own manner. For example, dirty piglets in a dream should be interpreted as a lack of purity and sincerity in the dreamer’s love relationships with some people: even sex for the sake of sex must be sincere! Pure and pink ones speak of complete mutual understanding in the dreamer’s sexual life: lovers are more than happy with each other.

Piglets in a dream. Modern dream book

The interpreters of this dream agree with most of their colleagues: well-fed and healthy piglets symbolize success in business and prosperity in life. Piglets lying in a dirty puddle symbolize bad changes in reality: perhaps the dreamer’s friends are trying to poison his life with their bad influence. You should not continue communicating with such “friends”.

Young girls dreaming of piglets foreshadows the appearance of a rich, but stingy and tight-fisted man in their life. His high social status and material security are unable to make the young dreamer happy, so this dream should not be interpreted as favorable. Eating a delicious roast pig in a dream means a long journey.

Piglets according to Miss Hasse's dream book

Interpreters of this dream book Piglets are called harbingers of curious and amazing events in life. Feeding a piglet in a dream is not a good sign: in reality you should beware of tricks from envious people. People who wish the dreamer harm are next to him. You need to understand this and identify the ill-wisher. Eating a roasted and delicious pig in a dream means emotional loss, worries, and physical pain.

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