When can you plant winter garlic in the Urals. Planting garlic before winter - useful tips for a generous harvest. Caring for winter garlic in spring and summer

You will not be able to see garden nightshade (sunberry) in the wild - a valuable berry crop appeared as a result of artificial selection. We will share some recipes for harvesting healthy berries with you.

Description of sunberry

It is an annual plant similar in structure to tomatoes. The height of the bush is on average 1 m. The sunberry berries collected in clusters reach 2 cm in diameter and have a black and purple color.

Sunberry is the result of the work of American breeder Luther Burbank. At the beginning of the century before last, he crossed Guinean and European nightshade. These species are not pleased with the high palatability of berries, which cannot be said about their “brainchild” - the resulting hybrid produces large, tasty and rich in useful elements fruits.

Harvesting sunberries

The harvest of berries begins to be collected in September. Some gardeners cover the plant with a film in the fall and enjoy berries until the snow appears.

special instructions

Fresh fruits of garden nightshade are stored for a month (in a cool room). Sunberry fruits have a special nightshade flavor that many people do not like - to get rid of it, the berries need scald with boiling water.

Dried sunberries

The berries are sorted, washed, dried and laid out on a sieve in one layer. The sunberry is dried at 50-60°C (the duration of the process is 2-4 hours). During drying, the berries are periodically mixed. Garden nightshade is not dried under the sun - it is believed that in this case it loses its beneficial properties.

Frozen sunberries

Prepared and well-dried berries are laid out on flat pallets and frozen. The finished product is packed in portions in bags and tied tightly. In the freezer of a household refrigerator, berries are stored for no longer than a year.

There is also a "sweet" way of freezing. In this case, the berries are sprinkled with sugar, mixed, laid out in plastic containers, covered with lids and frozen (200-300 g of granulated sugar is used per 1 kg of berries).

sunberry liqueur

  • Sunberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg

The berries are sprinkled with sugar and boiled over low heat until the syrup acquires a thick consistency. Then the cooled strained syrup is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1, mixed, poured into bottles and sent to the cellar.

Sunberry wine

  • Sunberry - 3.5 kg
  • Sugar - 3 kg

Overripe sunberries are crushed, sugar is added and mixed well. The mass is transferred to a 10-liter bottle, cooled boiled water is added (to the shoulders), a ball or a rubber glove is put on the neck and allowed to stand for about a month. Then the wine is drained from the sediment, carefully filtered and bottled.

Sunberry jam

  • Sunberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 1 tbsp.

Fully ripened berries are dipped in boiling syrup and boiled for no longer than five minutes. After that, the jam is removed from the heat and allowed to stand for 4-5 hours. Then another 2-3 cycles are carried out. Before the end of cooking, add the juice squeezed from two lemons. Mint leaves are often added to add flavor to the jam. The finished product is rolled up, decomposed into banks.

Cold sunberry jam

To prepare cold jam, sunberry berries are used, as well as peeled and core apples. Everything is passed through a meat grinder, mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and allowed to stand for 4-5 hours. The mass is transferred to clean jars, closed with nylon lids and stored in the refrigerator.

sunberry jam

  • Sunberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 900 g

The berries are ground in a meat grinder, mixed with sugar and boiled over low heat until tender, not forgetting to stir. Ready jam is transferred to sterilized jars and corked.

Vegetable caviar with sunberry

  • Sunberry - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 500 g
  • Onion - 300 g
  • Vegetable oil - 70 ml
  • Greenery
  • Sugar
  • Salt and ground black pepper

The berries are cut in half and fried in vegetable oil. Grated carrots and chopped onions are fried separately. All ingredients are mixed, passed through a meat grinder, chopped herbs, salt, pepper, sugar are added and brought to a boil.

Pickled Sunberries

  • Water - 700 ml
  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Cinnamon
  • Black peppercorns - 3-4 pcs.
  • Carnation - 2-3 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons

The berries are blanched in boiling water (3-4 minutes), and then thrown into a colander. The berries processed in this way are laid out in sterilized jars and poured with marinade (it is prepared from water, spices, salt and sugar - the filling is boiled for 10-15 minutes, filtered, boiled again and vinegar is added). Banks are covered with lids, sterilized (1 liter - 20 minutes), rolled up, turned over and wrapped.

Sunberry in tomato juice

The berries are dipped in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, thrown back on a sieve and transferred to jars treated with steam. The product is poured with salted boiling tomato juice, rolled up and sterilized (1 liter - 20 minutes).

sunberry juice

The berries are heated over low heat (a small amount of water is added to the dishes). Then juice is squeezed out of the mass through gauze and mixed with natural honey (for 5 parts of juice - 1 part of honey). The juice is stored in the refrigerator.

In our region it is much less common than abroad. It is possible that soon the situation will change dramatically - an increasing number of gardeners are showing interest in this crop.

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Sunberry is a rather unusual berry for our region. So far, little is known about it to many gardeners, besides the fact that it looks like blueberries in appearance and has a specific taste. But recently, this plant has begun to gain popularity among lovers of growing berries. And today you will find out why this happened. You will get acquainted with the beneficial properties of the berry and contraindications for its use, and you will also be able to add the best recipes for preparing sunberries for the winter (jam, jam, compote) to your culinary piggy bank. Also attached is a detailed photo instruction for cooking berries.

Sunberry: characteristics of the berry, application

So far, little is known about this berry in our open spaces. Sunberry is considered an annual, but differs from it in higher growth (about 1.5 m) and a large berry (some specimens reach the size of ripe cherries). Very often, sunberries are called "Canadian berries" due to the mass distribution in Canada and the United States. This berry is characterized by high yield and unpretentious care. According to some gardeners, sunberry is a very “profitable” berry, because, unlike our native blueberries, which give about 200 g of berries from a bush, more than 5 kg of berries can be harvested from a sunberry bush. In addition, sunberry perfectly withstands moderate frosts and is not afraid of drought.

Advice. A berry in its pure form, so to speak, is rarely consumed due to the presence of a considerable amount of tannins in it. And, although some people like to eat berries in handfuls right from the bush, experts advise against doing this with sunberries. It is better to use it as a component for winter preparations: jam, jam, etc.

Since the fruits of the plant are very useful, they are often used in folk medicine, sometimes as an external remedy. For example, sunberry is known for its healing properties, so it is used to treat burns, as well as moisturize dry skin.

The berry, like any other, is rich in vitamin C, which is very important for maintaining immunity, stabilizing the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems. Sunberries also contain a considerable amount of carotene, which cleanses of all kinds of toxins.

Sunberry contains a considerable amount of iron, potassium, magnesium, as well as rarer elements such as zinc (supports the pituitary gland), copper (normalizes hemoglobin levels), manganese (improves immunity), silver (has an antibacterial effect), etc. In addition , sunberry contains a considerable amount of fructose and galactose).

Useful properties and contraindications to the use of berries

Sunberry has an incredible effect on the body and is quite often used in the treatment of various diseases as a pleasant-tasting "pill". Sunberry is used in such cases:

  • To eliminate exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases such as colitis, constipation, gastritis, etc.
  • With kidney diseases, sunberry helps to eliminate swelling of the organ and improves urination.
  • Berry tincture helps to cope with chronic headaches.
  • The berry is an effective antimicrobial agent, thanks to which (as well as vitamin C) it is often used in the treatment of colds.
  • The berry significantly improves the condition of the blood and hematopoiesis, and also increases the elasticity of blood vessels, so it can be safely used to treat cardiovascular diseases.
  • Due to the presence of a considerable amount of carotene, sunberry will be very useful for those who suffer from eye diseases.
  • Sunberry magically affects the skin. So, for example, mashed berries can be used to treat places where dermatological problems are observed with the skin. Quite often, sunberry is used to treat burns, wounds, etc.

But in addition to the positive, the berry also has negative qualities. True, there are not so many of them. Among those who are contraindicated in the use of the berry, one can note only pregnant women (sunberry can cause uterine contractions), motorists (the berry can cause drowsiness), people suffering from gastric diseases (may cause indigestion in large quantities) and allergy sufferers (when consumed in large quantities). amount of sunberries can cause allergies).

The best recipes for the winter

Sunberries can be used to make excellent preparations for the winter: jam, jam and even unusual compote. Your attention to the best recipes for winter harvesting berries.

Recipe number 1. Berry jam with ginger. This recipe is considered the most optimal in terms of taste and complexity of preparation. By the way, the result is excellent jam, and the berries in large quantities are kept intact. So, to make jam you will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • ginger - 2 tbsp. spoons.

First of all, you need to properly prepare the berries: wash and sort thoroughly (be sure to remove all unripe and damaged ones).

Attention! When preparing sweet winter sunberry preparations, it is important to consider that its peel is quite dense, so even with prolonged heat treatment it can remain intact. For this reason, it is important to lightly pierce the berries at least in one place.

So, the berries are washed and sorted. Now gently pierce each couple of times. You can do syrup: For this you need sugar and a glass of water. Try to boil down the syrup as much as possible, as the berry will give a lot of liquid when cooked.

Carefully pour the berries into the boiling syrup. Let them stand on the fire for 15 minutes. Then leave the semi-finished mass for 5-6 hours. After that, put it on fire again for a few minutes, again let the mass “rest” for several hours. Again, let it simmer for a few minutes. The readiness of the jam is quite simple to determine: the skin on the berries should burst. If desired, finely grated ginger can be added to the jam.

Pour the finished mass into prepared jars and roll up. Keep warm. After opening the jar of jam, let it stand for a couple of days (so that a little bitterness goes away), after which you can enjoy the yummy.

Recipe number 2. Berry jam with lemon. You can also make delicious jam from sunberries. For this you will need:

  • fresh berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8-1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • a few mint leaves.

The berries must be thoroughly washed, separated from the branches, then poured over with boiling water. Then pass them along with lemon and mint through a meat grinder or mix the ingredients in a blender. Pour sugar into the berry mass, mix it and put on a small fire. Jam should be boiled for about half an hour (this is how long it is necessary to keep the berries on fire after boiling). Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars and close the lids.

Recipe number 3. Berry compote for the winter. Since sunberry has a specific taste, the preparation of compote must be approached very seriously. To prepare it, you only need berries (about 1 kg), sugar (1 kg) and about 2 liters of water.

The first step is to choose only fully ripened fruits, since unripe ones can give a specific flavor characteristic of nightshade crops. Berries should be washed and dried thoroughly.

To neutralize the specific taste, pour boiling water over the berries several times, remembering to drain the water each time. Now you can start making compote. Pierce each berry at least once and add sugar to the berries. Sunberries should be left for a couple of hours to let the juice flow. Then pour boiling water over them, mix, strain, and bring the drained sugar syrup with juice to a boil and keep on fire for about 15 minutes. Transfer the berries to sterilized jars and pour over the syrup. Then roll up. Compote is ready!

Today you got acquainted with a rather unusual and still new berry for our region - sunberry. You learned about its beneficial properties, as well as recipes for making delicious preparations. Good luck!

Sunberry Berries: Video

Sunberry cultivation.

Growing this plant is very easy. The overseas visitor perfectly tolerates even the capricious northwestern climate with its short and often cool summers. Sunberry care is the same as for tomatoes.
Seeds are sown for seedlings usually in March. Seedlings quickly grow and in a month reach a height of 35 cm. Sunberry plants are very moisture-loving and require daily abundant watering.

In May, part of the seedlings can be transplanted into a greenhouse, and the rest of the plants (already after the threat of frost - about June 8-10) - in sunny places in open ground. In the future, the sunberry needs only frequent watering, including top dressing (slurry or fermented herbal infusion).

In autumn, in the event of early frosts, the bushes in the open ground should be covered with spunbond or any other material for the night. Sunberry seeds remain viable for several years. Sunberries are not damaged by pests and diseases. The yield for an annual is very high: from 5 bushes - a bucket of berries. By the way, at the time of flowering, covered with white lace of rather large flowers, the plants are very decorative. And humiliated with black fruits, they attract the attention of all passers-by, striking with such unusual fertility.

Strong sunberry shoots reach two meters in height. By autumn, they are covered from the ground to the top with black, cherry-sized, shiny berries, which fully ripen at the end of September, as evidenced by their softening. But it is not necessary to rush to harvest sunberry berries - when overripe, they only slightly wither, but never rot or dry out. When fresh, they are not very good: without the slightest sourness.

Candied fruits, caviar, liqueurs, wine, tinctures, fruits are salted and marinated from Sunberry. Due to the coloring properties, sunberries can be added to light compotes. So that the sunberry blanks do not have a nightshade flavor, the berries are first poured over with boiling water, allowed to stand for several minutes, the water is drained, and only then are they taken for processing.

sunberry jam

2 kg sunberries
1.8-2 kg of sugar
To improve taste and aroma: 1 lemon
1-2 handfuls of mint leaves

Pour boiling water over the sunberry berries, remove the berries from the twigs, separating the sepals, rinse.
Wash the mint leaves and lemon.
Skip the berries, mint and lemon through a meat grinder, add sugar, mix and cook the jam in one step, stirring occasionally (15-20 minutes after boiling).
Arrange the finished jam in sterile jars and close the lids.

Homemade sunberry wine.

Excellent house wine, will exceed all your expectations.
Easy to prepare, widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

To make wine according to my recipe, sunberries are thoroughly washed and crushed with a wooden pusher.
You can also use a blender or meat grinder for this.
Apples are also crushed in a meat grinder or blender. You can also rub ranetki on a coarse grater.
The prepared components in a 1:1 ratio are placed in a container prepared for this (for example, an enameled bucket can be used) and left for four days.
To speed up the fermentation process that has begun, a certain amount of sugar is added to the puree at the rate of a teaspoon per kilogram of puree.
Then pour the puree with water in a ratio of 1:10 and add sugar at the rate of a kilogram of sugar per ten liters of puree.
The resulting mixture is placed in a glass container of the required size and closed with a water seal.
Sunberry homemade wine is completely ready in 2.5 months. It is bottled and stored in a cool place.
Use this wine for medicinal purposes, 20 grams per day before meals.

On the site mir-yagod.ru I found more recipes for sunberry blanks.

Dried sunberries
The berries are sorted, washed, dried and laid out on a sieve in one layer. The sunberry is dried at 50-60°C (the duration of the process is 2-4 hours). During drying, the berries are periodically mixed. Garden nightshade is not dried under the sun - it is believed that in this case it loses its beneficial properties.

Frozen sunberries
Prepared and well-dried berries are laid out on flat pallets and frozen. The finished product is packed in portions in bags and tied tightly. In the freezer of a household refrigerator, berries are stored for no longer than a year. There is also a "sweet" way of freezing. In this case, the berries are sprinkled with sugar, mixed, laid out in plastic containers, covered with lids and frozen (200-300 g of granulated sugar is used per 1 kg of berries).

sunberry liqueur
Sunberry - 1 kg Sugar - 1.2 kg The berries are sprinkled with sugar and boiled over low heat until the syrup becomes thick. Then the cooled strained syrup is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1, mixed, poured into bottles and sent to the cellar.

Sunberry wine
Sunberry - 3.5 kg Water Sugar - 3 kg Overripe sunberry berries are crushed, sugar is added and mixed well. The mass is transferred to a 10-liter bottle, cooled boiled water is added (to the shoulders), a ball or a rubber glove is put on the neck and allowed to stand for about a month. Then the wine is drained from the sediment, carefully filtered and bottled.

Sunberry jam
Sunberry - 1 kg Sugar - 1 kg Water - 1 tbsp. Fully ripened berries are dipped in boiling syrup and boiled for no longer than five minutes. After that, the jam is removed from the heat and allowed to stand for 4-5 hours. Then another 2-3 cycles are carried out. Before the end of cooking, add the juice squeezed from two lemons. Mint leaves are often added to add flavor to the jam. The finished product is rolled up, decomposed into banks.

Cold sunberry jam
To prepare cold jam, sunberry berries are used, as well as peeled and core apples. Everything is passed through a meat grinder, mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and allowed to stand for 4-5 hours. The mass is transferred to clean jars, closed with nylon lids and stored in the refrigerator.

sunberry jam
Sunberry - 1 kg Sugar - 900 g The berries are ground in a meat grinder, mixed with sugar and boiled over low heat until tender, not forgetting to stir. Ready jam is transferred to sterilized jars and corked.

Vegetable caviar with sunberry
Sunberry - 1 kg Carrot - 500 g Onion - 300 g Vegetable oil - 70 ml Greens Sugar Salt and ground black pepper Berries are cut in half and fried in vegetable oil. Grated carrots and chopped onions are fried separately. All ingredients are mixed, passed through a meat grinder, chopped herbs, salt, pepper, sugar are added and brought to a boil.

Pickled Sunberries
Water - 700 ml Sugar - 300 g Cinnamon Black peppercorns - 3-4 pcs. Carnation - 2-3 pcs. Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons The berries are blanched in boiling water (3-4 minutes), and then thrown into a colander. The berries processed in this way are laid out in sterilized jars and poured with marinade (it is prepared from water, spices, salt and sugar - the filling is boiled for 10-15 minutes, filtered, boiled again and vinegar is added). Banks are covered with lids, sterilized (1 liter - 20 minutes), rolled up, turned over and wrapped.

Sunberry in tomato juice
The berries are dipped in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, thrown back on a sieve and transferred to jars treated with steam. The product is poured with salted boiling tomato juice, rolled up and sterilized (1 liter - 20 minutes).

sunberry juice
The berries are heated over low heat (a small amount of water is added to the dishes). Then juice is squeezed out of the mass through gauze and mixed with natural honey (for 5 parts of juice - 1 part of honey). The juice is stored in the refrigerator.

Some recipes were a complete surprise for me.))) The more interesting it will be for me to wait for a new harvest of this amazing berry!

Harvesting Sunberry: recipes, what to cook, how to take

Sunberry is an annual plant similar in structure to a tomato. The berries are about 2 cm in diameter, and have a black-violet color. Harvesting begins in autumn, in September. Fresh sunberry berries are stored for 1 month in a cool room. But if you close the plant with a film, then you can save fresh berries in the country until the snow falls.

Sunberry nightshade has a characteristic aftertaste that not everyone likes. However, you can easily get rid of it by scalding the berries with boiling water.

Sunberry berries possess and can treat a wide variety of diseases. You can cook a variety of dishes from them and enjoy them all year round. In this article, we offer the best recipes, among which you can choose the one that you need.

How to dry sunberry berries?

Before drying, the berries must be sorted out, washed, and dried. Then the fruits are laid out on a sieve in one layer. Drying is carried out at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for 2-4 hours, stirring occasionally. Do not dry the berries in the sun, otherwise they will lose their beneficial properties.

Freezing Sunberry Berries

Dry the berries well, put on a flat tray and freeze. Then the berries are packed in portions in bags and tied. Berries can be stored in the freezer for up to 1 year. There is also a sweet freezing method, when the berries are sprinkled with sugar, placed in plastic containers and sent to the freezer. For 1 kg. berries you will need 200-300 gr. Sahara.

Sunberry liqueur

You will need 1 kg. sunberry, 1-1.5 kg. granulated sugar. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and cook over low heat until the consistency of the syrup becomes thick. The cooled syrup is decanted, poured with vodka 1: 1, mixed, bottled and sent to the pantry or cellar.

Sunberry Wine

Sunberry berries - 3.5 kg, granulated sugar - 3 kg and water. Take overripe berries, crush, add sugar and mix. Transfer the mass to a 10 l bottle and add warm boiled water to the shoulders, put a rubber glove on the neck and stand for about a month. Then drain the wine, strain and bottle.

Sunberry Jam

To make jam you will need 1 kg. fruits of the sunberry plant, 1 kg. sugar and a glass of water. Ripe berries must be dipped in boiling syrup and boiled for 5 minutes, then removed from heat and left to stand for 4-5 hours. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times. Before the end of the boil, add the juice of two lemons, as well as mint leaves. Then the jam is laid out in jars and rolled up. Jam will strengthen your immunity, purify the blood and give longevity. It is necessary to take only 100-150 gr. jam per day.

Cold sunberry jam

You will need sunberries and apples that have been cored and peeled. Pass everything through a meat grinder, mix with sugar 1: 1 and leave to stand for 4-5 hours. Then transfer the jam to jars and close with a nylon lid. It should be stored in the refrigerator.

Sunberry Jam

To make jam, you will need 1 kg. berries and 900 gr. Sahara. Pass the berries through a meat grinder, mix with sugar and cook over low heat until tender, stirring occasionally. Arrange the finished jam in jars (sterilized) and cork.

Sunberry juice

Sunberry berries are heated over low heat with the addition of a small amount of water. Then juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass and mixed in a ratio of 5: 1 with natural honey. The juice is stored in the refrigerator.

Pickled Sunberries

To prepare this dish you will need 700 ml. water, 300 gr. sugar, black pepper in peas - 3-4 pcs., cinnamon, cloves - 2-3 pcs., 9% vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons. The berries are blanched in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, after which they are leaned back in a colander, placed in pre-sterilized jars, and poured with marinade. The marinade is prepared from spices, salt, sugar and water: boil for 10-15 minutes, filter, boil again and add vinegar. Then the banks are rolled up and, turned over, wrapped.

Not only sunberry berries have medicinal properties, but also flowers, leaves and stems of the plant. There are many medicinal recipes using this plant that we want to tell you about.

Recipe for chronic headaches: fill an enamel bowl with leaves, stems and sunberries to the top, fill everything with water. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, remove from the stove, strain and rinse the head with the decoction every 2-3 days until the pain subsides. You can also soak a towel in the decoction and wrap your head around it until it dries. Also brew tea from the flowers of the plant: 3 gr. flowers per 0.5 l. water.

Recipe for angina: dilute the juice of sunberry berries with water 1: 3 and gargle with it.

Recipe for varicose veins: apply crushed berries to inflamed veins.

Recipe for festering wounds and abscesses: mix sunberry gruel 1:1 with sour milk and apply to wounds.

Recipe for chiri and acne: fresh sunberry plant is crushed and lotions are made.

Recipe for neurosis, stomach pain, cough, menstrual irregularities: It is necessary to prepare a decoction of young shoots and leaves of sunberry, filling them with 500 ml. boiling water and insisting until cool. If we take dry raw materials, then we take 3 grams, and if fresh - 100 grams. Cool the infusion, strain and take 150 ml 3 times a day.

Recipe for hypertension: fresh juice from the stems, leaves and flowers of the sunberry is mixed 1: 1 with honey and taken 2-3 tbsp. spoons at night.

Recipe for eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea: mix 100 ml. freshly squeezed juice of sunberry leaves with the whites of two chicken eggs, adding 2 tbsp. spoons of sunberry juice, mix and make lotions on the affected areas.

Recipe for rheumatism of the joints: mix 250 gr. honey, 200 gr. horseradish (previously passed through a meat grinder). Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture before meals, washed down with 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed juice of the stems and leaves of the sunberry plant. Also take baths before going to bed at a water temperature of 37 degrees for 20-30 minutes, with the addition of 50-60 gr. horseradish and 100-150 gr. freshly squeezed juice of the stems and leaves of the plant.

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