Cucumbers in the garden in a dream. What is the dream of a cucumber - Miller's dream book. Cucumbers in a dream - English dream book

People say: "Fresh as a cucumber." Indeed, we associate fresh cucumbers with health, strength, and strength. And what are these green vegetables dreaming of? More often, the dream book interprets a picture with a fresh cucumber as the energy and vitality of the dreamer, but the interpretation of a dream largely depends on the smallest details.

If you are in this moment if you suffer from some kind of disease for a while - you don’t have to worry about your health: what fresh cucumbers dream of promises a quick and imperceptible recovery, as well as a sharp recovery of strength and activity after an illness.

For a person who sees juicy cucumber fruits in a dream, the dream book portends the arrival of unexpected guests who will bring variety and joyful moments to life. But not everything is so rosy - the guests will not be in a hurry to leave, and they will get the hosts in order with their presence.

For married woman to see fresh cucumbers in a dream - to an unexpected gift from a spouse. For a lonely young lady who saw such a picture in a dream, the dream book promises a pleasant acquaintance with a nice guy. For a man, such a dream portends the receipt of money.

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book gives the most interesting interpretation of a dream involving this vegetable. Here, an elongated green fruit is associated with a phallic symbol, and predicts a fascinating sexual adventure for a male dreamer. For a woman, such a plot in a dream reflects unmet sexual needs.

Activities with fresh cucumbers

By family dream book, eating these vegetables is not very good sign, since in the future the long-awaited achievement of the desired goal will not bring the desired satisfaction - the result will be only emptiness and disappointment.

If these bright fruits grow on well-groomed beds, and their sizes seem simply enormous, then this is a reflection of your subconscious. The dream interpretation warns that the Napoleonic plans that you build in your head do not contain a real basis - turn to reality, there are more important things going on there than your fantasies.

Why dream of picking fresh cucumbers in a dream? We advise you to rethink your attitude to life. You want too much, not appreciating what you already have. Such a careless attitude to small values ​​\u200b\u200bcan lead to trouble.

A love dream book promises a dreamer who sees a plot with cucumbers in a dream with unimaginable happiness. But, what this plot is dreaming of warns that in order to achieve what you want, you will need to work hard - nothing is given just like that. In any case, all the changes that you provoke with your actions will only better side.

Green, elastic cucumbers have always been considered an indicator of good health, youth, vigorous energy and cheerfulness. dream interpreters for a long time analyzed the appearance of a favorite vegetable in different types to describe what cucumbers dream of.

Summer dream book

To see cucumbers in a dream - to good news, to collect in the beds - you will be provided with a rich harvest, your labors will be more than rewarded. A lot of cucumbers - expect long-awaited guests, friends and relatives.

Autumn dream book

We saw a lot of cucumbers in a dream - expect long-awaited guests, friends and relatives.

Spring dream book

Salt cucumbers - to a conflict in the family, a quarrel with a son-in-law.

Love dream book

Dream with cucumbers to meet with a good man, To family happiness, full harmony of health and financial well-being. Soon there will be a radical change in life for the better. Among vegetables, cucumbers are most often dreamed of in dreams, what would it be for? Do not worry, for lovers, a dream is an indicator of a strong relationship and symbolizes their youth.

Women's dream book

Seeing cucumbers in a dream - to prosperity, good health, success in work. If a sick person saw cucumbers, a full recovery will soon come. For people in love, sleep means improvement on the love front, harmony in relationships.

Children's dream book

This type of dream book describes what fresh cucumbers dream of. A dream in which they saw strong, green vegetables means receiving praise for a job well done, a task. You will begin to enjoy respect among your colleagues and loved ones.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

For women, a dream with green cucumbers means receiving a surprise, gifts, for young girls - a meeting with a handsome and good young man. For men, cucumbers mean quick profit, money, wealth. A dream in which green cucumbers lie in the snow - hear gossip about a love couple. A rotten, withered, yellow cucumber symbolizes male impotence. Sow cucumber seeds in the garden - you will find yourself in predicament, lose an impressive amount of money, buying cucumbers - your work will not be appreciated, which will lead to a quarrel, conflicts. It also indicates what green cucumbers dream of - fortunately, good health and a rich harvest.

Family dream book

Cucumbers dream of people who "fly" in the clouds, dream of the unreal. Stop, start living real life be content with what is truly available to you. A yellow, overripe vegetable dreams of problems, disappointment, and the collapse of hopes. Collect cucumbers - learn to appreciate what you have. You keep wanting more, but you can lose what you have achieved.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing cucumbers in a dream - wait for relatives to visit. Cucumbers just dream - to the chores. Sour, see pickled cucumbers - to weakness, beriberi.

Folk dream book

The dream in which you eat cucumbers for conflict should be avoided " sharp corners”, to solve problems in a global way. If you are not prudent and prudent, you may find yourself in the center of a scandal into which your ill-wishers will drag you. Be persistent - your reputation will not be tarnished.

You plant cucumbers in a dream - you are too frivolous about things, you are absent-minded and as a result you may lose wealth. You should focus on the most important issues set aside minor ones.

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    saw in dream cucumbers- This great sign. The dream interpretation promises excellent health, well-being and incredible luck in business. Soon life will definitely change for the better. But, this is far from the only explanation for what a vegetable is dreaming of. If a man dreams of cucumbers growing on garden bed, then enrichment, material stability await him, career. For a woman, the predictor promises pregnancy, for people in years - a change in the weather. Universal dream book. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    If you dream cucumbers in dream: cucumbers- If you dreamed cucumbers (cucumbers), then this means that unexpected guests will soon come to you, who will delight you, bring variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will embarrass you very much and will not leave you quickly. cucumbers according to the dream book: cucumbers- Tear on beds in dream cucumbers- to a rich harvest cucumbers.Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "womanadvice"

    Why dream cucumbers on garden bed? See in dream beautiful solid cucumbers is a good sign indicating good health and happy life. For women, such a dream promises increased attention from the opposite sex. A large number of cucumbers on garden bed means the arrival of guests who will entail minor troubles. Dream interpretation why sluggish dream cucumbers on garden bed, interpreted as a symbol of fatigue.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    you just saw cucumber in dream. saw a lot cucumbers. Rotten or yellow vegetables. Fresh, green, or salted in a jar. you had to collect cucumbers on garden bed.Consider what is dreaming of cucumber, which in dream was seen by you from the outside - but you didn’t touch it, didn’t eat it, and didn’t do anything with it at all. What does such a dream promise? Let's ask the interpreter. 1. As the dream book says, cucumbers green, fresh, cute dream of everything good.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream Interpretation cucumbers on garden bed dreamed of what they dream of in dream cucumbers on garden bed". Dreamed cucumbers on garden bed, But the right interpretation sleep cucumbers on garden bed in dream in dream saw this symbol.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astromeridian"

    Why dream cucumbers fresh on garden bed- If in dream on beds grow fresh cucumbers large sizes, you are advised to distract yourself from contemplation and analyze the situation. Why dream cucumbers fresh is a certain symbol of your activity and vigor. Why dream cucumbers on garden bed- see in dream growing cucumbers on garden bed Then dream to excellent health and family joys.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "otebe"

    Dreamed rotten, spoiled cucumbers? Such dream means health problems, unwillingness to do anything and depression. For men rotten cucumber in dream- a sign of a decrease in potency and other problems of the intimate sphere. For women rotten cucumber- to disappointment in an intimate partner. Grow and collect cucumbers according to the dream book. Why dream cucumbers, growing on garden bed, – dream reflects the stage of renewal and growth.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "lovushka-snov"

    Plant cucumbers in dream- such dream portends that your personal life will soon be settled, and you will find prosperity. Watering cucumbers in dream on garden bed- such dream portends that purity and decency will be present in your personal life, as you will constantly take care of your home well-being. pluck cucumbers in dream With beds- such dream portends you losses and failures in your personal life. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Why dream Cucumber in dream: Cucumber - Cucumber, on the one hand, can act as a phallic symbol, but at the same time it is a symbol of fertility. It is believed that this vegetable is 98% water. But few people know that the remaining 2% are invaluable biochemical compounds that are not found in any other vegetable or fruit. Cucumber - cucumbers, growing on garden bed, - to excellent health and family joys.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed cucumbers on garden bed, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you dream about cucumbers on garden bed in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it!Read more

    Dream Interpretation "fb"

    See in dream cucumbers fresh is great! Not a single source portends anything bad to the dreamer. There is, however, a reservation in Miller's dream book, who believes that there is an unfavorable interpretation of some types dreams about cucumbers.What is the dream of fresh cucumber on garden bed. Health and stability portend this green image. Lovers should have more faith in themselves, says this dream. cucumbers fresh in night visions speak of reciprocity and increased sexuality. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    See in dream a bunch of cucumbers- To big crowd people, to guests. Dream interpretation of birthdays in May, June, July, August. Tear on beds in dream cucumbers- to a rich harvest cucumbers. dream interpretation love relationship. Cucumber- a symbol of masculinity. I dreamed of two sleep. First dream-I collect cucumbers on garden bed, but they are slightly sluggish, not hard .... And the second one scared me a little: I dreamed of my friend. who died 10 years ago, elderly.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    If these bright fruits grow on well-groomed beds, and their sizes seem simply enormous, then this is a reflection of your subconscious. The dream interpretation warns that the Napoleonic plans that you build in your head do not contain a real basis - turn to reality, there are more important things going on there than your fantasies. Why dream of collecting in dream fresh cucumbers?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "KakProsto"

    Cucumber in dream. Dream interpretation of the XXI century. Interpreters this dream book shared by all "cucumber" dreams by gender: for men it promises finances, for women - gifts, and for girls - new acquaintances with young people. in dream cucumbers- to a sharp deterioration in the dreamer's health. This can be caused by constant stress. Pluck those vegetables off beds in dream predicts the dreamer's well-being, a surge of vitality and family joys. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    In dream cucumber indicates two aspects - this is the state of health and material wealth. Which aspect does your dream, can be determined by the context of the dream itself. Eat, cut, watch how they eat cucumbers in dream means recovery for the sick. It can also indicate a disturbed acid-base balance in the body, or rather oxidation. So, take note.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    If you have seen in dream Cucumber, you happen to have cucumbers in dream or collect cucumbers on garden bed, Dream Interpretations portend you a lot of pleasant events in reality. cucumbers can indicate the state of your health at a given moment in life. Furthermore, Women cucumbers in dream portend the arrival of a new boyfriend. Dreamed fresh cucumbers or tomatoes - to prosperity; success in love and deeds.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Actions with beds in dream. Unexpected long-awaited wealth is predicted by a dream book if you had to weed beds in dream. But wealth will not be so easy to get - you will have to work hard and be patient - you will have to spend a long time in the struggle for independence. Although in the event that you had to collect cucumbers With beds in dream, the dream book warns: without a doubt, refuse business proposals that strangers give you.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    What did you do with cucumbers in dream. To disappointment, you may dream of eating fresh cucumbers if you ate salty cucumbers, then you are waiting for resentment and tears. Collection cucumbers With beds says that your life was filled with wonderful events, and in the future there will be no less such events, you just need to look at life more optimistically and realistically calculate your strengths.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    If in dream you collect cucumbers then in reality you need to stop in your vigorous activity and find time to analyze your achievements. If a woman or girl collects cucumbers With beds to the hem, then dream promises the appearance of an obsessive gentleman, from whom it will be difficult to get rid of. Gather good and strong cucumbers in dream- to prosperity and cash receipts. Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    WITH beds- to financial well-being, prosperity. Achieving an increase in salary is not difficult, and seeing your zeal for work, the boss will set you up as an example and offer a more responsible and prestigious position in the area where you would like to develop. Discussion of the topic - Dream: Gather cucumbers.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMera"

    Mainly see in dream fresh cucumbers, this is a good sign and portends health and prosperity. Cucumber is a symbol of stability and strength, for lovers it is a sign of success in love affairs and sexual relations. However, it also happens that dreams in which you saw cucumbers, can also carry a negative meaning. See how cucumbers are growing on garden bed, and they are huge displays your subconscious.

Psychologist Sigmund Freud interprets such dreams as a symbol of the masculine. In other words, a cucumber dreamed of by a man speaks of his unsatisfied sexual desire with one or another representative of the fair sex. For women, such dreams promise unforgettable erotic adventures.

Why is the cucumber dreaming? Miller's dream book

American psychologist Gustav Miller considers "cucumber" dreams to be among the best in the world. In his opinion, to see fresh cucumber- To good health, to prosperity own business or to a quick career takeoff. For sick people, such dreams promise a speedy recovery, and for lovers - wonderful prospects in a relationship.

Cucumber in a dream Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The interpreters of this dream book share all the "cucumber" dreams by gender: for men, this promises finances, for women - gifts, and for girls - new acquaintances with young people. Overripe or yellowed vegetables dreamed of by business ladies speak of gossip and squabbles behind their backs, occurring through the fault of envious people. Yellow or rotten cucumbers dreamed of by men symbolize their inability to pure and sincere love.

Why do cucumbers dream? Ukrainian dream book

Cucumbers, according to the interpreters of this dream book, personify future problems and troubles. If the vegetable in a dream is immature, then in reality a visit from relatives is planned, which will not please the dreamer too much. To feel the bitter taste of these vegetables in a dream is a black streak in life. Salted or lightly salted cucumbers predict health problems.

Dream interpretation from A to Z: cucumbers

Growing cucumbers in a dream - to a sharp deterioration in the dreamer's health. This can be caused by constant stress. Picking these vegetables from the beds in a dream predicts the dreamer's well-being, a surge of vitality and family joys. The dreamer may have to share the fate of unemployed people if in a dream he cuts cucumbers for salad. Pickle them, salt and jars - to the deception associated with financial transactions.

Family dream book: why do cucumbers dream?

Cucumbers in a dream personify some unrealistic dreams and unrealistic desires. The dreamer should urgently get rid of them, descend from heaven to earth. There are cucumbers in a dream - to be disappointed in the near future. Overripe and yellow vegetables speak of future sorrows. But do not worry too much about this - soon the black stripe will be replaced by white.

Dreams are interpreted according to certain actions or objects that you remember the most in a dream, and also because what was the main thing for you? Value for clues are the smallest details and details. You need to remember more, to reproduce in memory everything that happens in a dream.

Why dream of cucumbers in the garden

Why do you dream of cucumbers, if you just planted it yourself, the dream book indicates that you will achieve success through your work. Pulling cucumbers - change the type of activity. You stand and admire the beds with cucumbers in a dream, the dream book says that everything is fine in your family, you are full of energy and well-being. All the efforts that you have spent before will not be in vain and the result will be great. If people are in a relationship, then this is a sign strong marriage and huge mutual love.

Why dream of picking cucumbers?

The dream book says you will have family joys. You collect cucumbers in a dream and remove dirt from them - the dream warns, the secret becomes a reality, you will not be able to keep your secret.

Dream Interpretation fresh cucumbers: you have a large crop of cucumbers and you collect it, you will soon make a decent profit. Another interprets, it's time to rethink your life, appreciate and take care of what you have. Now everything is fine with you at home and at work, but you don’t notice it, if you continue to live like this, you will lose something.

A woman collects cucumbers and puts them in a hem in a dream - you will have an obsessive gentleman, who will be very difficult to get rid of.

Picking cucumbers in the snow, the dream book warns that something can threaten your health. Take all preventive measures. If you collect cucumbers on the sand, your well-being and health need to be strengthened, the foundation under them is fragile.

Dream interpretation cucumbers. There are other vegetables on the cucumber bed (cabbage, tomatoes, radishes) it's time for you to relax, take a vacation or time off. You have been overwhelmed at work and an emotional breakdown may occur. Gathered cucumbers in a dream and pickle them, the dream book speaks of material problems. It's time for you to pay off your debts.

Miller's dream book

Strong green gherkins dream of patients for recovery. And if they dream of a family and healthy man, then the dream book says that he will return feelings for his wife. A young man harvests in a dream, which means he will wait for mutual love. I dreamed of gherkins with tops - there will be a fun pastime and you will receive gifts. people old age bright-colored vegetables are dreaming, the dream book hints that old age will pass quietly in the family circle.

Why do cucumbers dream? To collect on someone else's garden, you offended someone and appropriated something alien to yourself, think about your act. Someone else works on your site and harvests your crops, in life someone spreads gossip and gossips about you. Harvest from the garden in bad weather, the dream book says that it's time to take action in relation to health.

  • To pick up an old rotten fruit from the ground - you will become depressed and there will be a breakdown.
  • woman picking from the garden fresh vegetables, the dream book promises romantic adventures and she will have a new admirer.
  • man green cucumber resembles his sexual organ and suggests that his body is functioning perfectly and he is full of sexual energy. If in reality the male ego has suffered, then yellow vegetables may be seen.
  • I dreamed of pickles, the dream book says that you are insecure, lonely and dream of improving your situation. Eat lightly salted gherkins, the dream book portends unrequited love, which will turn out to be very successful in the future.
  • Sowing cucumbers in a dream, the dream book warns that you have to spend money. Spending will be pleasant, perhaps you will buy something that you have been dreaming about for a long time. Collect cucumbers from the garden or in the greenhouse, there will be a big profit.

Dreaming of a pregnant woman

A woman eats a green cucumber in a dream dream book portends pregnancy and most likely you already have it. And he also says that your birth will be successful and a boy will be born. Future mom eats fresh juicy cucumber - this means that if problems arise, they will be easily resolved. If the fruit was watery, then you thought up all the difficulties yourself.

Dreams with cucumbers have many meanings. But sleep is influenced by the phase of the moon, the day of the week, the hour when you saw this phenomenon. A dream may or may not come true, it may just be a warning. Only you can fix any situation.

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