Leonid Yarmolnik and Oksana Afanasyeva: a boring marriage that turned a womanizer into an exemplary family man. Oksana Yarmolnik photo - scandalous photos of stars and show business celebrities, stars without makeup Little family world

Vladimir Vysotsky has always been distinguished by his partiality towards female beauty and charisma. He had a lot of women. And a special place in short life The bard was taken over by his last love - Oksana Afanasyeva. There are few of them joint photos can be found in his museum.

The life and relationships of Vladimir Vysotsky before meeting Oksana Afanasyeva

Being a creative person, Vladimir Vysotsky was interested in women easily and passionately. The story mentions the actor's five favorite women. The first was his classmate Isolda Meshkova, who was a year older than Vladimir. The romance began quickly, but the relationship was formalized only 4 years later. Soon their son Gleb was born.

The marriage was full of quarrels and stormy reconciliations; the young people often found out who was right and who was wrong.

After some time, Isolde was invited to the Rostov theater. She left, he stayed. This was the main reason for the separation. Vysotsky began an affair with Lyudmila Abramova, after which a divorce from Isolde was filed.

The wedding ceremony of V. Vysotsky and L. Abramova.

Vysotsky’s marriage to Abramova lasted for 5 years. She was an actress and acted in films. They had 2 sons - Arkady and Nikita. They separated 2 years before the divorce was officially filed. The reason was Vysotsky’s betrayal. However, Lyudmila always fondly recalled her feelings for the actor.

In 1972, actress Tatyana Ivanenko gave birth to a daughter from Vladimir Vysotsky. They were connected for a long time romantic relationship. But marry in Once again the actor was in no hurry. The coincidence of circumstances was such that the birth of his daughter happened when Vladimir was already married to Marina Vladi. He did not officially recognize his daughter.

Tatiana Ivanenko

Marina Vladi occupies a special place in the life of the bard. Even before they met, both had a mutual interest. In 1967 they were finally introduced to each other. For this, Marina came from France to watch a performance with the participation of Vysotsky. Vladi was the daughter of Russian citizens who emigrated to Paris.

Marina Vladi

The young girl worked as an actress, acted in films, and was distinguished by her liberation and free disposition. Their marriage lasted 10 years. Marina herself admitted more than once that Vladimir was her only true love.

However, over the last 2 years, their relationship was tense; the actress was often absent from Russia. And Vysotsky has a new and last love his life - Oksana Afanasyeva.

The table provides information about Vysotsky’s women:

Lover's name Years spent together Children
Isolda Zhukova1959-1962 Gleb
Lyudmila Abramova1961-1966 Arkady, Nikita
Tatiana Ivanenko1967-1972 Anastasia
Marina Vladi1970-1978 -
Oksana Afanasyeva1978-1980 -

The life and relationships of Oksana Afanasyeva before meeting Vladimir Vysotsky

Oksana Afanasyeva was born in intelligent family. Her father was a famous writer. Mom died when little Ksyusha was only 6. The death of her mother had a very strong impact on the child. My father drank and there were often get-togethers with friends in the house. In addition, there were several attempts to bring in a new mother.

Oksana graduated from a prestigious French school. Then she entered the textile institute. After her father’s regular drinking sessions, she decided to live separately: their apartment was exchanged and Ksyusha moved out. Afanasyeva loved the theater very much and tried not to miss a single premiere. By the time she met Vysotsky, Oksana was in a relationship with a young man, about whom there is not much information.

The first meeting of Afanasyeva and Vysotsky

Oksana Afanasyeva and Vysotsky (it’s hard to find a photo of them together) met at the Taganka Theater.

Ksyusha was a member of the acting community and attended performances by personal invitation.

During the intermission she urgently needed to do something important. phone call. She hurried to the administrator's room. But the device was busy: a short man speaking through it stood with his back to Oksana. Afanasyeva unceremoniously tapped his finger on his back: “Can I call?” The man turned around and froze in place. He hung up, but missed the phone. It was Vladimir Vysotsky.

Oksana was also speechless: in front of her stood the idol of millions of women and a theater and film star. The administrator introduced them to each other. Then Vysotsky offered her a ride after the performance. Afanasyeva couldn't wait for the second part to end.

Veniamin Smekhov

The action on stage was no longer interesting to her; she could not help but think about Vladimir. Hastily making her way to the wardrobe, she hastily dressed as she went and headed for the exit.

On the street, one of the theater actors, Veniamin Smekhov, offered her a ride. Oksana firmly said that she was already going with Vladimir, who immediately appeared in front of her in a luxurious Mercedes. Veneamin embarrassedly retreated in his Zhiguli.

Getting into the car, Ksyusha was very happy. She felt an inexplicable thrill. But Vysotsky was polite and careful. He did not allow himself any unnecessary actions or words. I took the girl home and asked for her phone number and left.

Afanasyeva was even a little upset. The actor clearly charmed her, and she expected more.

First night together

The man called Oksana the next day. The girl even hesitated, but finally agreed to a date. They went to his house. Vysotsky was very gallant: he treated them to expensive wine and snacks, and paid compliments.

Afanasyeva felt like she was falling in love. She decided on closer communication herself, although Vladimir did not insist. It was Magic night for both, full of tenderness and reciprocity.

In the morning, Oksana carefully made his bed and sat down to mend his jeans. Vladimir was very surprised by this. None of his women were so submissive. These jeans subsequently became very dear to Vladimir. He loved to give his clothes and shoes to his friends, but he carefully kept the things hemmed by Ksyusha.


Afanasyeva broke up with her former man on the same day. The girl was not stupid, she understood that Vysotsky was married. She did not claim the status of a legal wife.

Oksana decided for herself to be with Vysotsky for any time he allocated.

Their dizzying romance began. Vladimir was gentle and caring. He tried to pamper his girlfriend with expensive gifts and brought foreign clothes and shoes. Afanasyeva became the most fashionable student at her institute. Their relationship was distinguished by awe and depth. Vladimir intended to marry her. And he always asked to give birth to his child.

Many of the actor’s comrades were even jealous of her, since he spent all his time with his chosen one. Despite all the efforts of Vysotsky, his wife Marina Vladi did not agree to the divorce. Then Vysotsky found a priest who agreed to marry the newlyweds without an official divorce. But the lovers did not have time to take this step.

Life together

Oksana Afanasyeva and Vysotsky, whose photos are very rarely published, have admitted more than once that they rarely posed for photographers. They saved time and always tried to be together. Marina Vladi was very busy with her acting career in France, so the lovers very soon began to live together.

Oksana Afanasyeva and Vladimir Vysotsky

Vladimir took care of his friend and tried to keep abreast of her progress at the institute. Oksana accompanied Vysotsky everywhere: at performances, meetings.

Afanasyeva recalls how they could not stop talking and could not breathe enough of each other. Vladimir considered her his soul mate. Despite the large age difference (22 years), they found a common language very well.

After a year of their relationship, they ended up in a hotel in Bukhara, where Vysotsky was filming. Quite unexpectedly, the actor suffered from clinical death. He was saved by a doctor who miraculously happened to be nearby.

Opening his eyes, Vladimir said to Oksana: “I love you.” She remembered these words for the rest of her life.

Problems in a couple's family life

In addition to happy days together, the couple also experienced difficult moments. Vladimir drank a lot and often. Remembering the drinking and binges of her literary father, Afanasyeva gave up all her strength to help her beloved cope with his bad habit.

She hid alcohol from him, dissuaded him from meeting his drinking buddies, looked for him in gateways and rented apartments. However, this was not the biggest problem. Vysotsky became a drug addict. The doctors, without realizing it, got him hooked on amphetamines. Oksana saw how her loved one was suffering. She begged him to start treatment, but the conversations were in vain. He promised and broke down again.

The death of Vysotsky and the further life of his last love

Oksana Afanasyeva and Vysotsky (photos of them together can be seen later in the article) were going through a difficult time. Vysotsky's doses increased. He couldn't help himself. Afanasyeva recalls that after difficult roles in the theater, he could not calm down and fall asleep. Only the injections he gave himself helped him. But his condition worsened every day.

Vysotsky continued to drink. Oksana couldn’t stand it and threatened to leave. He was returning her. She suffered, felt the approach of the end, hopelessness, and the inability to help. One day, after another promise to quit alcohol, Afanasyeva found 2 hidden bottles of vodka.

A scandal broke out. Vysotsky said that he would throw himself out of the window if she left him. Running out into the street, she saw Vysotsky hanging, holding onto the bars of the 8th floor balcony. In horror, she ran back and dragged him into the apartment.

On July 25, 1980, he told everyone that he would die today. It was the time of the Olympics in the Soviet Union. Getting drugs became a problem. Oksana recalls how Vladimir screamed in pain for several hours. Then the doctor gave him a sleeping pill injection. He calmed down, fell asleep and never woke up again. Ksyusha dozed off after sleepless nights, and when she woke up, she discovered the lifeless body of her beloved.

She never told anyone how she said goodbye. She didn’t take anything from the apartment, left and never returned there. She only asked to return the wedding rings that he had prepared for the wedding. But they mysteriously disappeared.

Oksana was broken. I dropped out of college and didn’t communicate with anyone. Vysotsky’s father forbade Afanasyeva to appear at the funeral. She obeyed. She alone knows what she experienced after Vysotsky’s death. She was left with only his photos, looking at which she mourned her beloved.

Her future husband was Leonid Yarmolnik, whom Vysotsky himself introduced her to. She has been happily married to him for 35 years. With him, she learned a different life, Oksana herself admits. They raised a daughter, Alexandra, and are now babysitting their grandson. All her life she worked in the theater as a costume designer. Yarmolnik turned out to be wise and never asked his wife about her previous feelings.

Photos of Vysotsky are still kept in the archives of Oksana Afanasyeva. Despite the short time allotted to Vladimir and Oksana, they experienced a real and deep feeling, which became the first for her, and for him the last in a truly tragic story love.

Video about Oksana Afanasyeva

In the program, Oksana Afanasyeva talks about her relationship with Vladimir Vysotsky and her husband Leonid Yarmolnik:

Article format: Ageeva Pelageya

Vysotsky is like a minefield now. Everyone who is not too lazy writes memories about him, and then other not lazy people refute these memories. And it is not clear what is more around Vysotsky’s name: adoration or completely unworthy fuss. So is it necessary to increase this fuss?

Is it possible to come up with something new about the romance of a 19-year-old girl with a 40-year-old famous artist? Too unequal weight categories: one has too much experience, the other is all filled with pink snot. At best, he plowed it, at worst, he moved it.

But it turned out that moving Oksana Yarmolnik was not at all easy. And, probably, it was never possible, even at nineteen years old.

I grew up very early - maybe because my mother died early. All my friends were older than me. Now it seems to me that the first twenty years of my life were much more saturated with various kinds of dramatic events than the next twenty.

From the age of eighteen I lived alone - I exchanged my parents’ apartment and in this way provided myself with living space. She entered the textile institute. She made money by dressing up her friends.

I always decided everything myself: where to study, who to be friends with, who to love. In the most difficult moments, unfortunately, and maybe fortunately, I didn’t have someone who would advise me, wag a finger, or forbid me...

And then you met Vysotsky. He was probably your idol...

You know, I never had idols. Met - and met. He was the first to pay attention to me. I was an avid theatergoer. We encountered Volodya at the administrator of the Taganka Theater.

Not me - he, as they say, was stunned. He took the phone and asked me out on a date. Just before the date, my friend and I went to the Mossovet Theater. I don't even remember what we were looked - all I was debating whether to go to the performance or not. And so I crumple the program in my hands, twirl it... “Listen,” I say to my friend, “somehow I don’t want to meet him.” And she: “What are you?! Yes, all women Soviet Union they just dream of being in your place!” I mentally imagined countless numbers of these women - and went.

So we met. I didn’t have idols, but I had youthful maximalism, and in addition to it, a ready-made groom, such a sweet boy. So, obeying youthful maximalism, I broke up with my fiancé the next day. I decided that one day with a person like Volodya was better than my whole life with that friend of mine.

Vladimir Semenovich was absolutely, completely, one hundred percent a genius man. I have never met more gifted people since then. He had colossal energy. Wherever he appeared: in the company of friends or in a huge hall where he gave a concert, he easily subjugated both five people and ten thousand to his charm. Even the party officials who put a spoke in his wheels were actually looking for an acquaintance with him and asked for a ticket to the theater.

But they say he drank.

That's all they write about: he drank, he used drugs, he was an alcoholic, he was a drug addict. So you imagine such a goner with shaking hands, in front of whom there are cocaine grooves and a couple of syringes. This is absolute nonsense. For those two last year that we knew each other, Volodya starred in the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” and in “Little Tragedies”. He had recordings on the radio, roles in the theater, and traveled around the country giving performances. At the Odessa studio, he was preparing to launch the film “Green Van” as a director. True, they didn’t give it to him.

At the same time, yes, he drank and was on the needle. But this was interspersed with exhausting work, racing against illness.

Were you not sobered up when you learned about all his vices?

I was madly in love. And then, what vices are we talking about - drunkenness? Then absolutely everyone drank, and creative people and even more so. Another thing is that no one imagined that Volodya had so little left. You know, now I have a hard time remembering those years - after all, I was still doing something, studying. And it feels like life was filled only with him.

I would give anything in the world to cure him. But imagine Moscow in the late 70s: where to get treatment, from whom, how to do it anonymously? We were all afraid that they would find out about it: it was easier to go to prison for drugs than to the hospital.

Although now you think: what nonsense! Well, if they found out - so what? I had to go abroad and go to a clinic. Marina placed him in hospitals twice. There was a remission, but not for long.

Many people hung on him, and he never forgot about his responsibility. He helped his mother, father, two sons, not to mention numerous friends. He gave someone abroad in marriage or got married. Another called from the OVIR: “They won’t give me a foreign passport!” - and Volodya went to the rescue.

Did he feel responsible for you?

I think I'm in to a greater extent I felt responsible for our relationship. And it was enough for me that we were together. And although, of course, there were feelings, intensity, and passion, he told me that he loved me only a year later. And for me it was a great shock, a moment of absolute happiness.

Volodya was worried about my unsettled fate, because he couldn’t give me more. He even asked Marina Vladi for a divorce. And what would he achieve with a divorce? I would be banned from traveling abroad, and that’s all. And for him, trips abroad were like a breath of air. He had hundreds of friends in America, France, and Germany. If he had divorced, he would have been rotten in the Union or simply thrown out of the country, like Galich, Aleshkovsky, Brodsky.

Marina was far away, I perceived her as Volodin’s relative, her existence did not affect our relationship in any way. I generally don’t like it when people speak badly of her in my presence. The people who loved Volodya, were close to him, are not exactly sacred to me, but beyond criticism.

When Volodya died, the circumstances were such that I left his apartment almost immediately after the funeral. Not to mention some personal things - she didn’t even take documents. I called David Borovsky, our mutual friend, artist of the Taganka Theater, and asked him to bring me documents and two wedding rings, which were lying in a glass - on the nightstand in the bedroom. But they disappeared.

And Volodya bought rings to marry me. We were naive and believed that since the church was separate from Soviet state, then we can easily get married without stamps in our passports. It turned out that registration with the registry office was necessary. We visited half of Moscow churches - to no avail. And yet, Volodya found one priest who fell under his charm and agreed to marry us. But it didn’t work out.

Did you somehow get used to each other, rubbing in the sharp corners?

From the first minute of conversation, each of us had the feeling that we had met dear person. We had a lot in common in tastes, habits, and characters. Sometimes it seemed that we knew each other before, then we separated for some time and then we met again. Volodya even remembered that he had visited my parents at home and knew my mother. True, whether he saw me as a child remained unclear.

Did you go on holiday together?

I went with him to concerts in Tbilisi, in Central Asia, to Minsk, to St. Petersburg by car.

On the way to St. Petersburg - and Volodya had just brought a Mercedes from Germany - we picked up a family voting on the side of the road: a man, a woman and a child. I just felt sorry, I think I was bad weather, it was raining.

And so they got into the Mercedes, and after a couple of minutes they realized that, in fact, Vysotsky was driving them. And they froze like sculptures of Egyptian pharaohs. So, silently, with stone faces, we sat the whole way.

Was Vysotsky burdened by national fame?

This was well-deserved fame, because no one was specifically promoting it, as they do now. In addition, many simply did not know him by sight, although everyone listened to Vysotsky’s songs and knew them. And he treated people not as an annoying crowd, but as people.

We were traveling to Minsk, the conductor on the train looked intently at Volodya: “Somehow your face is familiar to me. Are you not an actor of the Mossovet Theater?” “No,” I answered, “he is a dental technician.” We winked at each other and went to our compartment. Half an hour later the conductor comes to us. “It’s so good,” he says, “that I met you. My gums under the crown hurt. Won’t you look?”

And Volodya, like a real dentist, looked at something in her mouth for a long time and then seriously advised her to change the bridge. In general, it was never boring with him.

Did he delve into your problems, your studies?

He was amazed that I could take a pencil and draw something on paper in five minutes. He generally admired people who knew how to draw and was terribly envious of them, including Mikhail Shemyakin.

Of course, he delved into everything. He was traveling abroad and asked: “What should I bring you?” And I sewed. “Bring,” I say, “carrot-colored silk thread number eight and a thimble.”

Actually, it’s not easy, I know from my own experience. There are two specialized fabric stores throughout Paris.

Volodya answered in the same spirit: it’s easier, they say, to get a live crocodile. As a result, he brought a box - a needlework kit, with scissors, threads, needles, thimbles and other things. I went to college with all this, to a class called “embodiment in the material.” And my friends were jealous of me.

In two days in Germany, he managed to buy me two suitcases of clothes. Everything is selected with extraordinary taste. “I like it,” he said, “when you wear something new every day.” Or: “But this is my special luck.” Good luck was a French straw bag or some other thing that, in his opinion, particularly suited me.

And imagine me in all these Diors and Yves Saint Laurents at a time of terrible shortages, when a pair of decent shoes was a problem. I had eighteen pairs of boots, my friends introduced me like this: “Meet Oksana, she has eighteen pairs of boots.”

After boots, it seems indecent to ask about flowers...

One day in the spring I said that I loved lilies of the valley. This morning I woke up to something clicking Entrance door- Volodya ran away somewhere. Naturally, he brought lilies of the valley. But how much? The entire room was filled with lilies of the valley. He probably traveled around Moscow and bought flowers in bulk.

In general, this is it fairy tale life, where everything was mixed: both his breakdowns and his tenderness. It really was some kind of incredible love. The first year was especially serene. Later, some kind of premonition of trouble appeared.

But why such a terrible ending? Maybe the Soviet government is to blame?

The Soviet government, of course, interfered, but at the same time helped. She brought such intrigue, such conflict into life. There was a struggle, intense drama. It's like a theater play: the more serious the conflict, the more interesting it is to watch. Now there is no Soviet power - and art is insipid, primitive, banal. You have to be able to use freedom, but we don’t know how to do that yet.

Oksana Yarmolnik

And I perceive Volodya’s death as fate, a fate from which you cannot escape. Well, if he hadn't injected himself, he would have died from heart attack or got hit by a car. He lived his life so completely that it wouldn’t have worked out any other way.

What happened to you later when he was gone?

Terrible year. I went to academic school and was thinking about emigrating. They called me to the KGB and tried to recruit me. I refused. They didn’t expel me from the institute, but later they didn’t let me into Bulgaria.

Friends helped. I was still friends with the Taganka actors. They gave me a job, I studied. Two years passed, I met Lenya - and a completely different story began. But I still have the feeling that Volodya predetermined a lot in my destiny. If it weren't for him, everything would have turned out completely differently.

Source of information: Lyudmila LUNINA, photo by Alexander STERNINA, Career magazine N7, July 1999.

Natalia 2008-01-25 10:32:04

Thank you Oksana, very touching. What a blessing that you touched his soul, that you were with him for the last minutes.

The 13th Fashion Week ended in Moscow at Gostiny Dvor, where 43 leading domestic and foreign couturiers presented their models.

Compared to last year, our fashion has moved further along the path of commercialization. Most of the collections are made in the spirit of Western design (Nina Donis, Alena Akhmadullina, Victoria Andrianova), and only Slava Zaitsev and Oksana Yarmolnik showed romantic collections that can be assessed as collections for the soul.

Zaitsev looked back at the Soviet 40s - 60s, when after the war women suddenly began to look for ways to please. Oksana Yarmolnik showed the “Sensations” collection, made from linen in the spirit of minimalism. These are clothes for women whose pronounced sexuality does not repel men.

Theater artist

It was no coincidence that a powerful support group came to her shows in the person of Oleg Yankovsky and his wife, Leonid Yarmolnik, Igor Vernik: after all, Oksana is a theater artist. She has been working at the theater since 1984. She has performed more than 80 performances at Tabakerka, at the Moscow Art Theater, at Sovremennik, at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Each item is made by hand and exists in one copy.

“I have two collections,” says Oksana, “one in the showroom is for children, the other is shown on the catwalk - this is the collection of women’s clothing “Spring - Summer 2005”. She has no commercial prospects, but I’m actually not very interested in working in the fashion industry, although I graduated from a textile institute. I realize myself in something else - as a theatrical costume designer. I'm finally working on interiors. (Oksana created fashionable forged screens, three-leaf, with rust effects).

- Did you work in the cinema?

I tried to work in cinema and I don’t do it anymore. The costume designer is interested in art cinema, where the costume is an integral part work of art. But simply dressing someone is boring and uninteresting. The theater completely satisfies all my creative ambitions.

The artistic director of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Lev Durov, said that you are a very strict artist, extremely demanding, and he is even afraid of you.

I am pleased to work with him, he does not interfere with my creativity, and this results in co-authorship.

- Do you have any favorite actors?

I love working with Marina Zudina because she has a great feel for the image. For her, a stage costume is primarily a costume for a character.

Femme fatale

Oksana Yarmolnik became a femme fatale for Vladimir Vysotsky. Vysotsky met her two years before his death.

Oksana and Vysotsky, as described more than once, collided with the administrator of the Taganka Theater. “Listen,” she told her friend, “I don’t want to meet him.” And she: “What are you doing?! Yes, all the women of the Soviet Union simply dream of being in your place!” She mentally imagined countless numbers of these women - and went on a date.

They met like two family members: “I think he also had something to discuss with me. Nowadays young people are not interested in anything except money. But our generation was completely different, we knew a lot, although there were no computers, we read a lot, including and banned books, went to underground performances and concerts. No one thought about money. It was a time of romance, which, alas, was gradually disappearing from our lives..."

Wherever he appeared: in the company of friends or in a huge hall at a concert, he easily subdued everyone with his charm.

Marina Vladi was far away, Oksana perceived her as his relative, her existence did not affect their relationship in any way.

The most important words in her life Oksana heard only a year after she met Vysotsky. This happened in Bukhara. They lived in a hotel. Vysotsky suddenly experienced clinical death. He was miraculously saved. A local doctor helped. He gave injections into the subclavian artery. When Vysotsky regained consciousness, the first thing he said was: “I love you.” Vysotsky never used such words.

Oksana was with him on that fateful night when Vladimir Semenovich died. This was in 1980. The company has gathered. Photographer V. Nisanov recalled: “...They drank until 2 am. Then Ksyusha (Oksana Yarmolnik), doctor Tolya Fedotov and Seva Abdulov went to his apartment. Ksyusha remained in the apartment with Vysotsky. At 4.30 in the morning it became known that Volodya had died. .. When the doctor approached Vysotsky, he was cold.”

She left his apartment immediately after the funeral. Not to mention some personal things - she didn’t even take documents. “We were naive and believed that since the church was separated from the Soviet state, we could easily be married without stamps in our passports... Volodya found one priest who fell under his charm and agreed to marry us. But it didn’t work out...”

He lived life to the fullest. “One role of Hamlet is already a small death”...

Another life

Two years after Vysotsky’s death, she married Leonid Yarmolnik and gave birth to a daughter, Sasha.

- With Yarmolnik you began a completely different life...

Yes. We also met Lenya at the Taganka Theater. Then we met by chance at a party...

Yarmolnik worked at the Taganka Theater for 7 years. He didn’t have star roles, but he had urgent appointments instead of Vysotsky. In 1983 he left the theater.

Your husband played in V. Todorovsky’s film “My step-brother Frankenstein", which premiered with great success. How would you rate his work?

Complex issue. Now everyone is interested in commercial cinema, and Lenya became the producer of this film. This work will never have mass audience success like "Night Watch". This picture is very deep. Those who have seen it remain in a state of some kind of depression after watching it. What seems to us to be happening somewhere on the side can suddenly affect you too...

On Yarmolnik’s 50th birthday, Oksana gave her husband a surprise. Leonid opened the garage, and instead of his Mercedes there was a Pobeda made in 1954 - the year in which Lenya was born.

Those who know Leonid Yarmolnik personally say that in his heart he is no more than 25 years old. He is still active and loves big companies and joke. Yarmolnik’s wife Oksana and daughter Alexandra, in whom he dotes, help preserve his youthful spirit.

Always in love

Leonid s early childhood He was active and restless. He easily met people and made friends. He was also very amorous. He first fell in love while studying at the Shchukin School. His first love was called Galina.

The girl was older than Leonid and treated his feelings very condescendingly. But even this circumstance did not prevent the guy from experiencing all the delights of falling in love. Later Galina moved to South Sakhalin, but this did not stop the actor from supporting friendly relations with her.

Yarmolnik became an actor at the Taganka Theater and met his first serious love there. It's about about the actress of the same theater Zoya Pylnova. The chosen one was also older than Leonid, but the couple did not feel the age difference. Soon after the meeting they began to live together.

The relationship between Leonid Yarmolnik and Zoya Pylnova was destroyed by tragedy. Zoya was pregnant, but due to health problems she was unable to give birth to a child. She had a miscarriage in the seventh month. The couple took this tragedy seriously and began to move away from their husband and withdraw into themselves. Soon she left Yarmolnik and returned to her ex-husband.

Leonid Yarmolnik's first wife is Elena Koneva. They got married, but their marriage soon broke up. It only lasted a year. What caused the separation is still unknown.

Real love

Yarmolnik met his true love Oksana Afanasyeva already in mature age. The couple met thanks to Vladimir Vysotsky. It was he who introduced the young people. Oksana worked in the same Taganka theater as Vysotsky and Yarmolnik. There she created theatrical costumes.

Since childhood, Oksana was surrounded by film and pop artists, because her father was a famous Soviet writer. Since childhood, the girl has been accustomed to receiving only the best. She got a good education in a special school with a French bias. After school, I easily entered college and after graduation became a fashion designer.

Oksana met Vladimir Vysotsky at the age of 18. At that time, the actor was not interesting to her as a man.

She was in love with his work and with him as a person. But it was with Oksana that the actor and singer was destined to live the last two years of his life.

They loved each other, although many considered the relationship between Oksana and Vladimir to be nothing more than a hobby.

But for the girl this relationship was the first true love. They were connected by more than just a bed.

And for Vladimir Vysotsky, the girl became a sip fresh air. He was even planning to divorce his legal wife Marina Vladi. But Oksana refused such an offer.

For her, the stamp in the passport was not important. What was important was the relationship and trust that existed between them. She was ready to endure everything, even Vysotsky’s betrayal. The couple was even planning to get married.

Although this required officially registering the relationship, Vladimir found a priest who agreed to do this without stamps in the passports. But this was not destined to happen. Vysotsky died right in Oksana’s arms, having managed to say that he loved her.

Happy acquaintance

The girl liked Yarmolnik in absentia. She didn't know him personally, but noted him great game in the film "That Munchausen". The girl went to the premiere of this film with Vysotsky.

Later she found out that Leonid and Vladimir were working together in the theater. It was Vysotsky who introduced Oksana to Yarmolnik.

At that time, Oksana did not pay much attention to the acquaintance. The reacquaintance occurred two years after Vysotsky’s death. Yarmolnik inherited almost all the roles that Vladimir Semenovich played in the theater. And Oksana at that time worked at the Taganka Theater as a costume designer.

Interesting notes:

Meeting Leonid was quite banal. She asked him to light a cigarette. Then a conversation ensued. Even then, the girl felt that the actor had powerful charisma and she was drawn to him. Yarmolnik reminded her of her first love.

A strong family

The couple married in 1982. A year later their daughter Alexandra was born. Oksana and Leonid were simply happy and enjoying family life. Her husband supported Oksana’s idea of ​​not staying on maternity leave for long, and when her daughter was one year old, she went to work. The girl began working in the theater and creating costumes for actors.

The spouses admit that they family life can't be called boring. Leonid has an explosive character: he can cause scandals several times a day. Yarmolnik’s wife takes this calmly, because she knows very well that her husband loves her and him Bad mood, this is temporary.

Today Oksana and Leonid are happy together. They do what they love and their lives are inextricably linked with the theater. It always contains a piece of their soul, because it was thanks to the theater that they found their happiness.


Oksana Afanasyeva is the last love of Vladimir Vysotsky, the most close person the last two years of his life. She is, in essence, the main independent witness to the events that took place in the last months and days of V.V.’s life (see “The Truth of the Hour of Death”). In this interview, she talks for the first time about the history of their relationship.

- You met Vysotsky at the end of 1977. As far as I know this is good time in the life of Vladimir Semenovich...

Yes, I met him at a rather favorable moment - he felt well, did not drink at all, everything in his life had stabilized. By this time Volodya had already established himself as famous person- He could open the doors of any office. Volodya was already in a slightly different status, a higher one.

It’s strange, but on the very first evening there was a feeling that we had known each other for a long time and had lived next to each other for many years. Although Volodya was 22 years older than me, I absolutely did not feel this age limit.

I was 18 years old then, and naturally, I had a lot of problems. Can you imagine, I fell in love with a man who is much older than me... What started here! All the relatives “stood up”... “Poor girl, what is she doing! My God, he has so many women!”

And at first I honestly said: “You know, I met such a wonderful person...” - but then I had to hide all this.

- But let's get back to acquaintance. What first of all struck you about Vysotsky?

You know, a lot of time has passed - and I have changed, and a lot has changed around me... And then I probably had a slightly childish perception. Then two personalities were very attractive to me - Vysotsky and for some reason Grigory Rasputin. Most likely, due to the mysterious aura and the huge number of myths that surrounded these names. Such strange people, about whom no one really knew anything...

And when I first saw Volodya, I was struck by the gray hair at the temples. I still remember it clearly.

- Then, at the very beginning, Vysotsky did not put pressure on the size of his personality?

He didn't push, he attracted. I had a fiancé, I was supposed to get married, but I realized that all this was not the same... When we met, Volodya invited me to the theater, naturally, with a friend...

You know, Vladimir Semenovich, we can’t come. Or rather, Zhenya cannot...

Well, it’s great that Zhenya can’t - come alone.

Unfortunately, I can’t either - I’m going to another theater, with my other friend...

And we agreed that Volodya would pick me up after “Hamlet” and we would go somewhere. And I was sitting in another theater, watching some kind of performance... I had a program in my hands, and I crumpled it all the time, crumpled it, crumpled it... I was terribly worried. And I don’t even remember what performance I was watching then... And my friend saw it and said: “Are you crazy, this is such interesting person. Many people dream of meeting him... Vysotsky invites you!” And at that moment I decided... In the end, what's so scary about that!?

Volodya drove up... I was visiting him, we drank tea, had all sorts of small talk - everything was very nice... Volodya, naturally, looked after me.

And when I arrived home, I realized that I didn’t want to marry anyone, that I’d rather stay alone, and that two hours of communication with Volodya could be exchanged for the rest of my life. That evening everything was decided for me. I didn’t hope for anything at all and didn’t count on anything, I didn’t even think that someday we would live together. I didn’t even expect that Volodya would worry and call - in all this he was very touching. In general, there are no such people anymore, and there never will be. Unfortunately…

And all this took us quite a long time. Volodya probably found it pleasant and interesting. Naturally, I understood that he liked me. In general, all our meetings then were of a romantic-platonic nature. Even my parents began to understand this, and already treated our meetings completely differently.

- Which of his friends did Vysotsky introduce you to then?

Immediately Volodya introduced me to Seva Abdulov and Valera Yanklovich - they then had mainly business relationship who have not yet become friendly. Of course, Valera helped a lot then, but the closeness that arose later did not yet exist. Then I met Ivan Bortnik, Babek and his circle of people, Vadim Tumanov. When Volodya introduced me to him, he said: “Vadim liked you. And in general, you were “accepted,” which happens very rarely.”

Parents... Well, of course, I had to see both Nina Maksimovna and Semyon Vladimirovich. They treated me, let’s say, warily... It was natural. At first Nina Maksimovna generally accepted me with hostility. She didn’t understand at all how there could be something between us... But then, when we were already very Hard times, then Nina Maksimovna realized that she couldn’t do without me. And somehow she came to terms with my presence.

- Did you manage to see Vysotsky working?

Certainly. Constantly! He often could not sleep and told me: “I close my eyes and see White list paper. And words, words - like a “running line”. You know what happens if you drive along the road for a long time and close your eyes... You have this road in front of your eyes all the time. Volodya often had such a state... “Some words, words and lines are just running…” He saw them physically and could read them. Probably, something formed in his subconscious, and then he simply read it. And if he found something he needed, he got up and wrote it down.

How did he work with a tape recorder?

I didn't see this. But if he succeeded in something, he could wake him up at night: “Listen!” And if there were a lot of people in the apartment, he woke everyone up!

Moreover, Volodya could have several versions of one song at once. He could sing some song, and then say: “And there is also this option...” And already in public he “shot” these different variants. He took into account the reaction of the public... Sometimes it happened that he himself really liked some things: “Listen, here I have an internal rhyme!” I don’t understand anything about this, but Volodya said that it is so rare and so beautiful. But I was enthusiastic about everything he did. And in general, I considered Volodya a genius then... And I still do!

- Was it given to him or did he make it himself?

Of course, this is from God... Only from God.

- Do you think Vysotsky understood that he was Vysotsky?

Volodya knew his purpose very well. He understood his size very well and treated himself with great respect. Volodya considered himself a genius and spoke about it several times.

- Of course, you’ve been to concerts?

Of course... You could listen to Volodya a hundred... thousand times! - and every time it was amazing. As a rule, he had his own specific program, but each time Volodya worked in a new way. And I was always amazed by the dedication with which he worked. And not only at concerts...

A huge number of friends with their own problems that Volodya had to solve. And he did it with the same dedication... It shocked me... “Volodya, well, you can’t do everything for everyone?! Well, you need to save your time at least a little! Well, just lie down at home on the couch for at least one day with eyes closed! And people understood that Volodya could not refuse his friends. He could, of course, sometimes say “no,” but never to close friends. You know, Volodya probably understood that some things were easier for him to do. Another can do it too, but will spend much more time and effort on it. Volodya also wasted time, energy, and nerves - but he could go into one office instead of five. Volodya did a lot for his friends.

- Let's get back to the concerts. Which one do you remember most?

Of course, the first one. It was a concert in Metrostroy... Songs that I had known for a long time sounded completely different live. I remember that I was laughing like crazy... A woman was sitting next to me - she just slid down, tears flowed from laughter! This made me even more excited... In general, the people accepted Volodya, well, as a phenomenon of nature - or as a phenomenon of Christ... Some kind of crazy love and enormous interest in the individual... There is simply nothing to compare with!

- Oksana, how was Vysotsky’s day? Try to describe...

Volodya was on the move all the time. He could drop by home for one second - take a sip of tea - and rush off somewhere further. Always on the move - and in this sense, all days were similar. How about Volodya staying at home all day? - This practically never happened... Rather, it was a dream - to close the door, turn off the phone - but it was so rare! Moreover, this never worked at his home. Volodya came to me, on Yablochkova Street, - that’s where he could rest a little.

One day it was very funny... I was driving home by taxi, and the taxi driver said to me: “Oh-oh! Vysotsky often comes here! His “woman” lives here... He has two Mercedes - he’ll arrive in one, then in the other...” So Volodya did not go unnoticed on our street.

And one more funny incident... There were terrible potholes near our house - some kind of hole... Volodya found workers, paid them - they paved not only this hole, but the whole road.

Normal people lived in our house simple people... We didn’t have informers who would write somewhere ... And all these people were very touching towards Volodya. When he arrived, our entire entrance fell silent. One day they carefully knocked on my door: “Oksana, there are some hooligans hanging around Volodya’s car. So we set up a guard, so that God forbid...” That is, people took care that Vysotsky was not robbed, they posted some kind of posts.

- How did Vysotsky feel about his cars?

He was proud and admired them. When he bought a small Mercedes, for some reason I didn’t like it. And then one day we were driving in this car, Volodya stroked her and said: “Well, forgive me... I still love you more.” And the car was really beautiful... One day he called me to the balcony: “Well, come here and look!” How simple and how beautiful!”

He drove cars very dashingly... Very! One day we were driving in a tunnel near the American embassy. I see that he is driving in the oncoming lane. I grabbed onto something and was slowly sliding down... Well, I think that’s it! This is our last trip! Volodya saw:

Volodya, you're driving in the oncoming lane!

Yes? Oh...

Once we went to Leningrad by car...

- In general, tell us about your trips to other cities...

One day Volodya once again went on tour to Minsk. I went to see him off.

Ksyusha, come with me...

What are you talking about, Volodya... I have to go to college tomorrow...

Let's go…

Oh, okay!

Volodya paid the conductor and we entered the carriage. The mood was great - we started talking to the conductors... And they turned out to be cheerful and talkative women. One says to Volodya:

Oh, you look so much like the same artist! I just don’t remember who.

Yes, everyone tells him that he looks like an artist.

Which one?

Yes, this one, what’s his name... He works at the Mossovet Theater, I forgot his last name... But Volodya is not an artist. He is a dental technician.

Yes? Dental Technician! It's you that I need.

She opened her mouth and showed: “This tooth hurts, but this one is loose.” Volodya shows me his fist, and he expertly looks into the conductor’s mouth... “Yes, indeed. There’s something wrong with that tooth.”

We had an amazing trip to Leningrad... I know the recording that was made by Lascari... So, I was going to Leningrad for practice, and Volodya had to fly from there to Italy. And he decided to accompany me, got me into a hotel...

Yes, I was interrogated by State Security there! It was very funny... At first some strange guy followed me. And then the maid tells me: “They want to talk to you.” A man comes in, shows me his KGB ID and begins to “torture” me. I started asking various questions- what, why, why? And it all ended with him asking me to marry him... But still, he was useful, he helped me get a ticket to Moscow.

So, we arrived in Leningrad, Volodya got me into a hotel and was supposed to fly out that afternoon. I went to Pulkovo to see him off. And we got lost there... I heard them announce on the radio that Volodya was waiting for me at the first aid station. And there I burst into tears, sat and cried like that...

Well, stop it, Oksana... Well, why are you crying... What should I bring you?

I don’t need anything... Well, okay, bring me a thimble.

Are you kidding me!? I will go there and look for a thimble for you.

Volodya, well, really, I need a thimble! I sew all day long, both at home and at the institute. And our thimbles... Well, okay, bring me the elephant.

I loved these funny inflatable toys. Yes, even at the airport they got into my bag and took away my glasses.

Volodya flew away. And three days passed... Suddenly a person called and said that he had to give me something. I'm completely at a loss. I meet this man, he hands me an elephant, glasses and a whole bag of thimbles... Probably 500 of them! Volodya flew in and immediately bought it all... Then he found our group, which was supposed to fly to Leningrad.

Volodya and I were at Laskari’s, but Kirill had normal human communication. That is, the kind of communication that Volodya valued most. While on the train he was composing some kind of poem especially for Kirill - very funny! He read it to me right away and had fun! Then he sang it and gave it to Lascari.

- In general, Vysotsky willingly sang in any company?

It depends on what company... I refused, and how I refused. You know, Volodya loved to tell a story... He was in the same company, mostly pilots were sitting at the table. They began to pester: sing and sing. To which Volodya replied: “Let’s fly, and then I’ll sing.” But at home he sang willingly when Valera, Vadim, Seva were there...

- What struck you most about Vysotsky?

Volodya was such a person... Everything I did caused him great delight! What is now missing from my life at all. Even when he gave away his things... “No, I won’t give this to you - Ksyusha hemmed it here...” If I drew something... “Brilliant! Amazing! When I was sewing something, Volodya said: “No, Ksyusha, you need to go to France to see Saint Laurent...”

On the other hand, if Volodya did something to you, it should have caused a violent reaction. A reaction of surprise and delight! And if there was no such reaction, he was offended, upset... And when this happened, everything was fine!

- What is your favorite theater performance?

- “Hamlet”... Of course, “Hamlet”. I saw this performance 17 times, and they were always different performances. And once... Marina was in Moscow, and Volodya and I didn’t see each other for probably a week. But since all my friends wanted to watch Hamlet, I came with one of them to the theater. There were no seats, so we were seated on chairs in the aisle. The performance is going on, the action is in full swing... And suddenly someone is pulling my skirt from behind. Simply in the most arrogant way! I turn around to properly pull this man down... And suddenly I see - it’s Volodya... “Come here, come here.” The people, of course, were stunned - suddenly they saw Hamlet, who had just been on stage! And Volodya shows everyone: “Quiet, quiet...” I say: “You’re crazy!” And he: “I didn’t know that you would come... I feel something is wrong, some strange state... And suddenly I understand that you are sitting in the hall. I start looking with my eyes - I saw you! Well, I ran into the hall..."

- I was already told that Vysotsky saw the whole hall, every person during the performance...

Yes, yes... I even told him: “You’re getting used to the character, you shouldn’t notice anyone.” He answered: “Even when I say some climactic monologue, I still see the whole hall, I hear every word, every rustle, every breath... And if my friends are in the hall, then I can tell who was sitting where.” Indeed, it was so.

- Attitude towards Vysotsky in the theater?

Almost everyone didn't like him, and everyone was very jealous! Venya Smekhov... It was he who brought me to the theater for the first time. Venya treated my aunt’s teeth - I was still very little at that time - and he began to invite me to the theater. Venya was very sensitive about the fact that Volodya and I began to communicate. One day he saw me in the theater and said: “Let me give you a lift...” And Volodya was standing nearby, waiting for me. - “I can’t, because...” And I point to Volodya. - “Oh, you’re with yourself! Well, what about my Zhiguli versus his Mercedes? Like this. At the level senior group kindergarten.

- Did you watch TV often?

Yes... I lay down in this position on the sofa, turned on the TV and watched everything.

Well, Volodya, what are you looking at there? This is impossible - all day!

Don't interfere! I'm filled with hatred!

I know that Vysotsky wanted to change his apartment on Malaya Gruzinskaya.

Not so much an apartment, but this house! He really wanted to live in a house on Sivtsev Vrazhek. Two-story brick pink house. If you drive in from the Boulevard Ring, it’s the second house on the left... He dreamed of making a studio in the attic... But he didn’t like the house on Malaya Gruzinskaya because of the people who live there. Volodya called him “viper.” But he didn’t have time to change...

- And also about what Vysotsky did not have time to do - make his own film...

Volodya was simply raving about this film of his... He really wanted all the people who were close and interesting to him to work in this film. So that everyone is united by one common cause. He wanted to write his own script, tell his own story - he wanted to make his own movie. And when Volodya received a telegram that he had been approved as the director of this film, he was so happy! He was so delighted!

And then, when Chief Editor association “Ekran” said: “What! Vysotsky is making a film?! Who came up with this? Absolutely no!" And this really knocked Volodya down. I didn’t even expect him to be so worried. And after that Volodya started drinking. His condition was very serious. He often said: “I will either die soon, or I will go to America for a year.”

- Did Vysotsky himself struggle with the disease?

Certainly. He was very worried that he had to beg and humiliate himself. After all, in Lately It was because of this that he interacted with most people. He was surrounded by completely wrong people. Volodya himself often said that all his friends died a long time ago - Vasya Shukshin, Leva Kocharyan... He said that he was left alone.

And the amount of drugs he made for himself... Anyone else would have died long ago. Volodya was indeed very gifted physically... Extraordinary strength.

He hid all this from me at the beginning... And this was very rarely, most often after a difficult, exhausting performance. Most often after “Hamlet,” because “Hamlet” completely exhausted him. And Volodya gave himself an injection, just to regain his strength. And he didn’t have any of the same effects as drug addicts. He once told me that the first time he was given a drug in Gorky to relieve a hangover.

- Did it progress quickly?

Very! But the most disgusting thing is that he sometimes made himself some kind of chemical drug - strong and destructive.

Did you know about cardiac arrest in Bukhara?

- How did you know?.. I was in Bukhara...

Have you been to Bukhara?!

And who pumped out Volodya? I pumped him out... In principle, Volodya immediately wanted me to go. But then we agreed that I would fly to Bukhara... But a day later Yanklovich called: “That’s it, Volodya is sick! Take off immediately! First you will fly to Tashkent, and then to Zarafshan.”

I'm flying to the airport... There are no tickets. It's the height of summer, and Afghanistan has just begun - and these first scary black coffins are being transported. That is, horror! Somehow I flew to Tashkent... And how I got to Zarafshan is a whole separate story.

I'm coming. The heat is so hot that your heels get stuck in the asphalt... Prisoners work behind barbed wire, not a single passerby on the streets - empty city. Right on the street I stop a Zaporozhets: “Guys, do you know where Vysotsky lives?”

They say that Vysotsky is currently having a concert, and one of them shows me a passport with Volodin’s autograph two pages away. We arrive at this cinema, I go in... Volodya, without a voice, says something... He couldn’t sing, he was telling something...

Then Bukhara. There was a real clinical death there. I was breathing for him, and Tolya Fedotov was doing a heart massage... Volodya, when he woke up, said: “I saw and felt you... But like in a movie. You are breathing, and Tolya is massaging...” And half an hour later Volodya was as if nothing had happened. Goldman, Valera, Seva have already come up and said: “Yes... Probably, Volodya, you won’t be able to work all three concerts... One will have to be cancelled.” Those bastards! Then I started a scandal: “What concerts! Are you crazy? He was dying... No concerts!” And Volodya went something like this... “Yes, we probably should...” I felt that he was on my side, but he couldn’t refuse them.

- Why couldn’t he?

Well, he gathered them all, they were counting on him... After all, everyone made money from Volodya... He could make money anywhere, but they couldn’t. And here - all the tickets are sold, sure money.

Volodya returned to Moscow in good shape, but then... The hardest part began right on his birthday. Some kind of terrible depression. I remember it very well, because I had some kind of terrible premonition. Just before the New Year, I saw a dream, which I told Volodya... And we believed in premonitions, in dreams, in fate - and often talked about it. And they took it quite seriously. So I had a dream...

Summer, terrible heat, the sun is simply sizzling - and absolutely empty Moscow. Honestly! It feels like the city has been evacuated or an air raid warning has been declared. I’m walking around Moscow faster and faster, and I’m already running along the Garden Ring... From Vosstaniya Square I’m running to Volodya’s House. And suddenly I see that there is a queue to his house, going around the zoo, all people in black. And this line makes this sound: “mm-mm-mm.” Pursing your lips, quietly. I run and ask: “What happened? What is this - war? And one man in a black coat and black hat turns and says: “Don’t you know that this is the year of the white monkey and increased solar activity!” I understand that something has happened, and I run to Volodya’s house...

And when Volodya died, everything was exactly like this... There was terrible heat, and the city was almost empty. And when early in the morning of July 28 we drove up to the house and carried out the coffin, the transport was stopped, and people in black were standing near the house. And from that time on, I had some kind of constant anxiety, depression... And Volodya told me: “Ksyusha, you must support me... All the time some good impulses came from you. And now something serious is happening to you, and I’m scared...” In general, we were in some kind of melancholy from each other.

Then he did hemosorption - blood purification - the condition was terrible... And in the spring he flew to Paris, just before the tour in Poland. And when Volodya was in Paris, I couldn’t find a place for myself, and I couldn’t understand why this was happening. One night I simply became hysterical - I was either crying or laughing... At seven in the morning my aunt arrived and said that my dad had died. And I felt that there would be something even more terrible and terrible... It would seem - well, that’s it! - father died... - much worse! And I was busy with all these funeral matters - not the most pleasant ones in this life - and Volodya was in the hospital in Paris...

At first he called constantly because there was a machine, but then this machine was eliminated. But Volodya doesn’t care - both to his home and to me. And Valera Yanklovich, who at that time lived in Volodya’s apartment, told me: “I’m tired of lying... Volodya calls all the time and asks: “What happened? Where is Ksyusha? He felt something there and is very worried... I’m lying to him that you’re at the dacha or at the institute...” And I told Yanklovich that I’ll explain everything myself later.

When we buried my father, Misha Shemyakin called Valera, he also asked: “What happened, Volodya is very worried?” Yanklovich replied: “No, everything is fine... She has difficult exams, and she is studying at the dacha.” And when, after the funeral, I entered my apartment for the first time, the bell immediately rang: “Finally, I caught you! What's happened?" I feel that he is in some kind of panic, but I can’t lie - tears are flowing, a lump in my throat... “Volodya, you know, my dad died. I just buried him...” He said: “That’s it, I’ll be in Moscow in the evening.” And Volodya arrived, stayed in Moscow for a day, and flew to Poland...

- Vysotsky returned from Poland, he was met by Yanklovich and Shekhtman, but how did he feel?

Then Kolokolnikov died and Volodya began that last binge, from which he practically never recovered. Then Fedotov tried to get him out... They locked themselves in the apartment, he put Volodya on an IV... But it already seemed to me that nothing would come of it.

In general, what Fedotov did... You know, I was 20 years old then - just a girl - and now, probably, I would do many things differently, but still... So Fedotov... I tell him: “Tolya, how can endure the body, if, suppose, a person is told to stand! - and then lie down! But it’s impossible...” And he says: “Come on... Everything is fine, everything is great! He will outlive you and me." Fedotov took on everything, he was so confident in himself that, probably, due to this confidence he aroused some kind of trust. But it seems to me that this was false confidence...

- When did you first encounter these serious conditions?

For the first time... We lived for a year - Volodya didn’t drink anything at all. He could have a sip or two of champagne and nothing else! And the first binge... I took it so hard... Physically, I had the feeling that the veins were being pulled out of me! I saw and knew many alcoholics... My dad was a drinker - even a drunkard... My dad became angry in such a state. But Volodya is completely different. At first he was very good mood... Then, he could also torment him a little... Something crept into his soul. But most often those who are closest to them are tormented... “Look, I’m old for you... I can’t give you anything in this life...” In general, everything that worried him began to come out into the open. But that didn’t last long...

And then... Then I felt nothing but insane pity, despair and grief. And I really wanted to help him! When Volodya drank and felt very bad, at such moments he was completely “none”... They immediately called me. And I still had college, and I had to study. And I had to live in two houses... After all, at such moments no one needed Volodya. Of course, everyone is an adult, everyone has their own problems, everyone has their own life. And as long as Volodya is normal and healthy, and can do something, everyone needs him. But as soon as he felt bad... Yes, everyone came, but they came to check in... So we are friends, and we came. One will look at magazines, another will listen to records, the third will drink tea in the kitchen... They came, checked in and left, but I stayed. After all, no one wanted to sit with him or bother with him... I walk in and Volodya collapses in the corridor, and my friends say to me: “Come on, he feels great! It’s he who starts to “show off” in front of you... So that you feel sorry for him..."

- In general, you had to...

Lately - yes. He felt very bad! Very! I left literally for one minute - my neighbors called me: “Oksana, Volodya is not letting anyone sleep. Come."

There was a time when I didn’t sleep at all for several days, Volodya didn’t let me... And all this time - last days- like a bad dream... Like one bad dream. He held my hand all the time - tightly. When Volodya died, I had a black bruise on my arm for several days - the imprint of his hand...

- Well, at least someone could have stopped all this?.. Marina Vladi?

I don’t know... Recently, Volodya’s relationship with Marina has deteriorated...

My attitude towards Marina... She is Volodya’s wife, Volodya loves her, which means it’s very good man. In general, all the people who were close to Volodya, whom he accepts and keeps close to him, are wonderful people, and they deserve this closeness. And Marina, first of all...

But recently Volodya did not hide our relationship, he even advertised it. Volodya told me: “Well, if you want, I’ll divorce Marina... Do you want, I’ll call her now and tell her that we’re getting a divorce...” I begged him not to do this... I was terribly worried and understood that Marina was for him - despite all the difficulties in their relationship - a person close and necessary. And under no circumstances should their relationship be broken.

- Was he at home all the time on the last day?

Yes... Although, maybe he went up to Nisanov, but I don’t remember that. My mother was in the apartment... But Volodya didn’t let me go at all. I had to be there every second... But Volodya didn’t eat anything. In the morning, I still went to the market, bought strawberries and fed him a little strawberries and cream.

Someone came, it was necessary to make tea... And Nina Maksimovna said: “No, no, I’ll make it myself, you go to Volodya.” Volodya walked, moaned, screamed... And I walked with him. Then I gave him a bath - 37.5 degrees... This relieves the pain. He was broken, he was constantly rushing about - he couldn’t find a place for himself.

- Did Fedotov arrive later?

Yes, he has arrived... Or not? They were all sitting together in the kitchen, drinking... Volodya was still lying in the office. I was sitting next to Volodya, and Tolya came up and said: “You go, sleep for at least two hours, and I’ll stay with him.” I didn’t see him drag it into the living room. She went into the bedroom and immediately fell asleep. By that time Volodya had calmed down, I thought he had fallen asleep. When he was growling there, I was still awake... Tolya kept injecting him with something... And when he calmed down, I fell asleep too. All this lasted no more than an hour... Tolya rearranged the bed and carried Volodya into the living room. Probably to be closer to him. After all, Tolya also fell asleep on the sofa in the living room... And when he woke up, he saw that Volodya was dead.

- And then, at night, you went home?

I didn't go anywhere, I stayed. Tolya was hysterical - he couldn’t do anything... I called the Borovskys, called Yanklovich. Everyone began to come... Mom arrived. And my friends couldn’t find anything better than sending me to meet my mother. I went and met Nina Maksimovna and said that Volodya had died...

Yes, probably around 10 o’clock dad arrived... Volodin’s wonderful dad... We sat in the office, and dad began to select the books that he would take with him. Standing with his back to me, he said:

Oksana, I think you shouldn’t come to the cemetery...


Well, you will probably throw yourself into your grave...

You know, Semyon Vladimirovich, I don’t need your advice. I will decide for myself whether to come to the cemetery or not.

And dad also went up to David Borovsky and said: “I know that Volodya gave Ksyusha three thousand, let her return them.” And later my relatives spent a long time figuring out where I got my cooperative apartment from? And I have no cooperative apartment, just an ordinary normal apartment.

- Do you still have letters or notes from Vysotsky?

Yes, I have some of Volodya’s sketches, even drawings... Volodya tried to draw me. There are some song options. In general, everything that Volodya wrote at my house is what remains.

Yes, maybe someday... This is so mine that I don’t want others to read it yet. I even saved the recording telephone conversation with Volodya - quite by accident, one of my friends recorded it on a tape recorder. A very touching conversation... All this is my memory.

You know, I don’t go anywhere and I’m not eager to go anywhere. After all, you don’t have to go to all these gatherings to remember Volodya. I just remember him every day... There is not a day when I don’t think about him. And to gather once a year for a birthday and again on the day of death, and at the same time talk all sorts of garbage... It seems to me that Volodya is turning over in his grave. I don’t know... But I think that all this should be inside - in consciousness, in memory, in actions.

Why am I telling you all this... You know, when one part is removed from a situation or an event - one person - then the truth does not come out... Or it will not be the whole truth.

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