"Dangers in the Forest." Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world for children of senior preschool age. Deforestation as an environmental problem. The consequences of deforestation and ways to solve it. What dangers can there be in the forest?

The best way spend the weekend - go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. About what dangers await you on " quiet hunt"The Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Pskov Region will tell you.

Danger #1 - Snakes

Snakes, as a rule, are found in the pine-pine forest landscape, along the edges of swamps, in clearings and clearings, near streams and forest rivers. In spring and autumn, snakes are active from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In most cases, an encounter with a snake can be avoided if you follow the basic rules of behavior in dangerous places:

When wandering in tall grass, through swamps, through stone scatterings, through dead wood, you need to wear high boots and thick woolen socks; Tight trousers, not tight to the body, tucked into shoes;

To avoid being bitten by a snake, watch your step carefully to avoid stepping on it; It wouldn’t hurt to have a stick pointed forward either. Vipers have a weak sense of smell and hearing; the sudden appearance of a person can prevent the snake from hiding in a timely manner;

Do not sit on fallen trees, stumps, etc., without first inspecting them;

Under no circumstances should you check tree hollows, voids under roots, or rodent holes with your hands.

When you see a snake, it is better to walk around it rather than try to kill or drive it away.

If the bite could not be avoided, then it is necessary to immediately provide the victim with complete rest in a horizontal position. Try to immediately deliver it to the nearest medical institution. The victim's independent movement is unacceptable!

Danger #2 - Mushrooms

About 2 thousand species of mushrooms grow in Russia, of which 300 species are edible, but only 60 end up on the table. The rest are poisonous or simply inedible, and have an extremely unpleasant taste and smell. Poisonous mushrooms, when eaten, cause various disorders in the human body, including fatal outcome. Poisonous mushrooms include: fly agarics, pale toadstools, small types of umbrellas, stitches, cobwebs, fibers, etc. Therefore, in order to prevent poisoning, never collect mushrooms:

Up close industrial enterprises, landfills, fields treated with chemicals, railway tracks and highways, under high-voltage lines, within the city;

With an unpleasant odor, having a tuberous thickening at the base;

With a shell, a “bag” at the base of the leg (like the pale toadstool, red fly agaric);

Old, wormy, eaten or absorbed water after long rains- perhaps the process of protein decomposition has begun in them;

Appeared after the first frost, which can cause the appearance of toxic substances in them;

After long hot days and lack of precipitation, do not collect the first harvest of mushrooms, because... even edible ones can be poisonous and life-threatening.

Eating poisonous mushrooms can lead to damage to the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the central nervous system, cardiovascular systems, damage to the liver and kidneys, including death.

Danger #3 - Ticks

How to avoid tick attacks? There is nothing difficult or complicated here. Going to the forest:

Choose clothes with long sleeves that fit snugly around the wrist;

Be sure to wear trousers and tuck them into your high boots;

Don't forget your hat;

Choose clothes in light colors to make it easier to notice the attacked tick;

Treat clothing with anti-tick repellent;

Lubricate the skin of your neck and hands with camphor or mint oil;

Periodically inspect your clothes and the following parts of the body in the forest: neck, armpits, groin area, ears. Due to the fact that in these places the skin is the most delicate and thin, the tick most often attaches itself here.

When moving through the forest, beware of tall grass and bushes.

Danger #4 - Getting lost

What should you do to avoid getting lost in the forest?

Charge your mobile. Even if in the forest where you are lost there is no network of your operator, then “112” always works. And it’s easier to find a person with a mobile phone.

Study a map of the area where you plan to go mushroom hunting.

Wear bright clothes that will be visible from afar.

Inform relatives about the planned trip to the forest and the approximate time of return. It is easier to find a person in hot pursuit.

If the forest is unfamiliar, try not to leave the paths, since they all usually lead to the road. You can leave beacons - break branches, make notches in trees so that you can follow your marks to get back out.

When going to the forest, take a compass, matches, and a supply of food with you: just in case.

About incidents in conditions natural environment should be reported by calling 112. In the event of an alarm, searches can be organized immediately.

Parent meeting on the topic:

Forest dangers. Prepared by the teacher of the secondary group 47 of kindergarten Auning Lyubov Yurievna.

Poisonous mushrooms

Poisonous mushrooms- mushrooms, the consumption of which can cause poisoning. The most common cases of poisoning are mushrooms that have an external resemblance to edible ones and are accidentally collected together with them. To avoid such a mistake, which can be fatal, you need to study well general signs mushrooms and know characteristic differences poisonous species. Treatment for mushroom poisoning depends on the type. Poisoning with toadstool is accompanied by vomiting and dehydration; after gastric lavage, an exchange blood transfusion is performed. Deadly poisonous mushrooms filled with a thick, slimy and sticky liquid that does not obey the laws of nature and digestion. Such mushrooms are terribly dangerous and should be avoided.

Poisonous berries

When picking berries, do not confuse edible and healthy ones with poisonous ones! There are few poisonous berries. They are worth remembering so as not to harm yourself or your comrades. Poisonous berries can attract the attention of little sweet tooths, because they are so similar to edible ones, even adults can be deceived by them through ignorance or inattention. appearance. The consequences of this error can be severe. Stomach upset, the face becomes pale and the temperature rises, convulsions may appear, pupils may dilate, and hallucinations may appear. Vomiting is usually delayed

Poisonous plants

Plants that produce and accumulate poisons during their life. Causes poisoning of animals and humans. More than 10 thousand species of poisonous plants are known in the world flora, mainly in the tropics and subtropics; there are many of them in countries of temperate and cold climates; V Russian Federation about 400 species. Children are often poisoned by tempting-looking poisonous fruits. Poisoning after eating poisonous plants can appear within a few minutes, for example after eating yew needles, in other cases - after several days or even weeks.

Stinging insects

Stinging insects are most aggressive in July and August. Their bites are very painful and toxic. Some people are more sensitive to stings than others, although children are usually very sensitive. However, the main risk group is 3% of the population, these are people who are allergic to the poison in the sting. An allergy to stings can appear at any time, even if there was no reaction last time.



Among the variety of snakes, there are both harmless and poisonous representatives that are very dangerous for humans and animals. All known snakes are predators. The most active period for poisonous snakes is in the second half of August and September - they crawl to their wintering place. Indian summer is the last opportunity for snakes to bask in the sun, which is what they do; wintering is ahead. Disturbing the peace of snakes during this period is extremely dangerous. Before wintering, snakes are aggressive and can attack.


In summer, animals protect their offspring. And they search through the forest in search of prey. Therefore, you need to be very careful and careful.

Autumn is mushroom time, the time for hiking through the forests, drying mushrooms and “spinning.” In this article we will try to figure out how to make a trip to the dacha and a trip to the forest safe.

Beginning with early spring The way of life of many city dwellers is beginning to move closer to nature. Let's remember this time when the sun was just starting to warm up: walks and games with children on fresh air for many, they were systematically replaced by organizing country life, cleaning personal plot, garden cultivation and planting seedlings. By mid-June country life was already finally getting better, the beds were planted and were producing the first harvests of greens and radishes. More and more often, villagers were seen along suburban highways, diligently laying out their simple goods - fragrant wild strawberries and the first mushrooms. Just at this time, urban connoisseurs of the gifts of the forest also flocked en masse to the lands, where they were often in danger. In autumn, trips to the forest become more frequent: the desire for winter mushroom reserves is combined with the need to obtain natural antidepressants through communication with nature, because the autumn blues do not take long to arrive.

Dangers in the forest

The first trouble that any summer resident outside the city faces is ticks. Taiga tick (Ixodes persulcatus) and dog tick (Ixodes ricinus) – carriers mortal danger enemies of man. The habitat of the first of them is Siberian forests and forests Far East. The dog tick is a resident of predominantly the European part of Russia, Central and Northern Europe. The main way to protect yourself from ticks is to take a responsible approach to choosing clothing for the forest. Do not neglect the repellent.

Our pets also need protection - treatment with drops against ticks when leaving the city is mandatory for both dogs and cats. One of the most serious diseases, often leading to the death of an animal, is piroplasmosis.

Ticks are carried by birds and animals and can be found on trees and bushes. There are especially many of them in the grass. Owners of summer cottages located near forest plantations need to keep the area clean and regularly mow the grass.

How to prepare for a hike in the forest

Watch out for snakes!

In damp areas near swamps and streams you can often find vipers basking in the sun. However, if you notice a motley inhabitant of the forest, you should not approach it even for a very good photograph. You need to get around it as carefully as possible, without provoking or frightening. Aggressive poisonous snake warns a potential offender with a characteristic hissing and crackling sound. In this case, you should leave this area of ​​the forest as quickly as possible. Some irresponsible people try to kill the snake. It is precisely such senseless actions that most often lead to severe injuries. Forest experts understand that adequate behavior and strong high boots or rubber boots can easily protect against an accidental bite.

What to do if you get lost in the forest

People lost in the forest do not dare admit to themselves that the most main danger comes from the forest guest himself. Poor awareness of correct behavior in nature, unfamiliarity with the area and lack of navigation skills most often lead to tragic consequences. When going for a walk in the forest, people often overestimate their strength and health. Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, together with activists from volunteer organizations, spend days searching for such “lost victims.” Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save a person. Most often, pensioners and people with poor health find themselves in such situations. But vigilance and composure can save lives.
Before going out into nature, you must inform your family or neighbors about your approximate route of movement and the expected time of return, so that in the event of an emergency emergency people could raise the alarm in time and guide rescuers. It is important to take a charged mobile phone, having prepared in advance a list of duty numbers of local intelligence agencies. Many modern phones come with a navigation system, which can be very useful. It is dangerous to take a mobile phone that requires charging into the forest; do not be lazy to charge it in time until the battery is full. For forest visitors middle zone Where it is not recommended to take water from open sources for drinking, be sure to have a bottle of clean still water with you. A small chocolate bar or a hematogen familiar to everyone from childhood will not burden your load, they will give you strength and help you cheer up at the first signs of fatigue. As well as a small knife and pocket lighter
The basic first aid kit consists of the obligatory painkillers, antihistamines, heart medications, as well as plaster, bandages and potassium permanganate, and then supplemented medicines, focusing on individual needs. If you take a couple of tablets of each drug and seal it tightly, such a travel first aid kit will take up very little space.

If you find yourself lost, it is important to remember a few simple rules:

  1. Stop the surging panic. Alas, no one is immune from such cases. But fear and panic can delay your stay in the forest belt for hours, or maybe even days. This condition makes it impossible for the mind to think rationally.
  2. Proceed carefully and slowly. Under no circumstances should you run in all directions at once. This will lead to more wandering and injury. Save your strength.
  3. Stand in one place and calmly think about everything. You need to decide whether they will look for you, where you were seen in last time. If you don’t know that your friends will go looking for you, it’s better to stay where you are, because... it will be closest to the area where you were seen. Signal "Oy" with your voice. If you have a mobile phone, turn it off first to save battery. Think about it. who you can call to find you. If there is no connection or you are sure that no one will look for you, call emergency service 112. Tell them that you are lost and provide approximate directions. Speak clearly and concisely, describe what you see around you.
  4. Take a break from dressing yourself warmer. Light a fire if it's cold. In general, fire is one of the most important means of salvation and a signal about your location.
  5. If you are sure that no one will look for you and you do not have a phone at your disposal, make a clear plan of action, trying not to change directions. Remember important rules orientation: trees are covered with moss on the north side; the south before noon can be found to the right of the sun, after noon - to the left. As you move, leave nicks and other marks.

If you follow these simple rules, you can avoid dangerous consequences forest walk. Mostly city dwellers who have turned away from the bustle of the city and are rediscovering wild world(and also for those who have thought about safety in advance!), pleasant fatigue awaits you after a forest hike, bringing with it a healthy, sound sleep.

Get lost in the taiga You can go hunting, picking mushrooms and berries, getting pine nuts.

Anyone, even an experienced person, can get lost in the taiga, let alone amateurs and beginners in forest hikes and walks. They are the ones who cause a lot of trouble both for themselves and for rescuers.

A lot of advice and recommendations have been written for them, but they are not always followed.

There are many cases where people, having gone into the forest and not having sufficient experience and knowledge of local conditions, easily lost their way and, having lost their orientation, found themselves in distress.

Make it a rule: before entering the forest, remember in which direction the road, river, sun are. While moving through the forest, notice landmarks from time to time: trees unusual shapes, an upturned stump, streams, holes - in general, everything that will do you a good service in case of trouble.

Move like this: mark a landmark to which you are heading, and then choose the next one.

If you still realize that you are lost, try to calm down. Panic in this case is a terrible enemy. Taiga does not forgive mistakes.

Stop and listen carefully: sounds help you get out to people - equipment is working, a dog is barking, etc. It is best to go out to the water and move downstream. Look for power lines or gas pipelines - walking along these objects, you can always reach people.

If this fails, you need to remember familiar landmarks. Long and noisy ones are best: railway, navigable river, highway. It’s easier to “miss” past a village or forestry.

Sounds help you reach people - a tractor is running (you can hear it from 3-4 kilometers away), a dog is barking (2-3 kilometers away), a train is going by (up to 10 kilometers away). The smell of smoke helps: here you have to move against the wind...

If everything around you is unfamiliar, then there is no need to rush in different directions. The main thing is calm.

You must stop immediately and sit down on a stump. And no longer take a single step without thinking. You can only think about one thing: how to get to the place where the familiar path begins.

Streams, rivers - it's always good guidelines. If, of course, you know where they flow. But even without knowing, it is best to stay close to them. If you manage to get onto any road or power line, do not leave them under any circumstances. This is your chance for salvation.

Streams often flow into swamps. If the swamp is not extensive, you need to change direction.

It is easy to get around small wetlands by stepping on hummocks or rhizomes of bushes, or wade, after feeling the bottom with a pole.

Once you are convinced that it is impossible to pass or bypass dangerous areas, you can throw a few branches, lay several poles crosswise or tie a mat of reeds, grass, straw and cross this prepared “bridge” to solid ground.

Remember that even a familiar area can seem foreign when a person does not expect to see it if he comes from an unusual direction, and even more so if he is scared, is in strong excitement. Therefore, look around more often, look around, try to find familiar signs and objects, even if you are sure that you are far from familiar places.

Being in the taiga, it is difficult to move among the rubble and windbreaks, densely covered with bushes. The apparent similarity of the situation (trees, folds of terrain, etc.) can completely disorient a person, and he will move in a circle, unaware of his mistake.

We must try to go to higher places. Previously, people walked more, so there should be old and new trails. If the path goes into a swamp, then it is better not to follow it. This could be an animal trail. You can navigate by quarterly requests. Although they are overgrown, the patches remain. Usually the blocks run from west to east, and from south to north. There are exceptions, but these are very rare.

Knowing various signs, you can navigate by the cardinal directions even without a compass.

Thus, the bark of birch and pine on the northern side is darker than on the southern side, and tree trunks, stones, and rock ledges are more densely covered with moss and lichens. Resin drops on the trunks coniferous trees appear less abundantly on the northern side than on the southern side. All these signs are clearly expressed in individual standing tree in a clearing or forest edge.

To maintain the intended direction, they usually choose a clearly visible landmark every 100-150 m of the route. This is especially important if the path is blocked by rubble or dense bushes, which force you to deviate from the straight direction. Trying to go ahead is always fraught with injury.

Small taiga rivers are quite passable for light inflatable boats and rafts. You can make a raft using dead wood and ropes. Raw wood is heavier and cannot support the weight of a person. In the center of the raft you can build a small shelter (hut) from rain and wind and prepare a place for a fire by pouring layers of sand or pebbles. To control the raft, two or three long poles are cut down. A heavy stone with a strong rope can serve as an anchor .

If a person walks noisily and does not sneak, wild animals will smell him and avoid him. Therefore, do not look for encounters with animals yourself (elk, deer, and fox are dangerous, which may be sick with rabies and bite), and if you accidentally stumble upon them, give them the opportunity to leave.
Sometimes animals attack humans - if they are wounded, frightened by the unexpected, or protect their cubs. When clearly aggressive behavior You can use fire as protection, knocking a stick on a tree. When meeting a wild boar, it is better to climb a tree.

But the most reliable thing is to make it a rule, before entering the forest, to look at a map or at least a hand-drawn plan of the area. Remember landmarks. It will take no more than five minutes, and you will feel much more confident in the forest (of course, it’s even better to make a photocopy).

I hope that these tips will help you in the taiga.

Protect the environment.

Sincerely, "Leshy".

We'll talk about fishing, hunting, choosing a place for a taiga hut, and much more next time.

Read how to properly prepare for a hike in the forest.

Sincerely, Leshy

Lyudmila Ovchinnikova
Lesson summary " Forest dangers»

Subject: Forest dangers.

Introduction to a new topic.

Guys, I suggest you take a trip through the forest.

Slide number 2:

What is a forest for a person? Why do you go to the forest?

Student answers.

Do you think the forest can hide dangers? What could it be for you? dangerous? (Berries, mushrooms, insects)

– Why do you think we need to know what there are dangers in the forest?

Student answers: to apply this knowledge in life, to expand your horizons, so that in the summer it will be pleasant to be in the forest.

– Are you ready for discoveries? Let's go to the forest!

4. Study new topic lesson.

1. Forest dangers

2. Poisonous berries and plants

3. Don't edible mushrooms

4. Stinging insects

I. Poisonous plants and forest berries.

Do you know what berries you can eat?

Guess the riddles.

1. What berries does a bear pick in the forest? (Raspberry)

2. I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,

They weave boxes and baskets for me.

He who loves me is happy to bow down.

And the name was given to me by my native land. (Strawberry)

3. In haymaking it is bitter, but in frost it is sweet, what kind of berry is it? (Kalina)

Well done! Today we will talk about berries and plants that you should avoid.

There are often reports in newspapers about poisoning of children and adults with herbs or berries, and sometimes this ends very sadly. It is obvious that children need constant supervision. But adults can often afford to taste a beautiful berry or chew a randomly picked leaf.

Of the thirty thousand plants found in our country, about a thousand are poisonous. How do you understand the word poisonous?

Student answers

IN explanatory dictionary Ozhegov gives such an interpretation to the word poison.

Poison is a substance that causes poisoning.

Poisonous plants are plants that produce and accumulate poisons during their life processes, causing poisoning humans and animals.

Some plants contain poison. It may be contained in different parts plants (leaf, flower, root, berries.)

Now let's take a closer look at some of the poisonous plants that grow in our forests.

Slide number 4

You look at the pictures -

These berries, friends, cannot be picked in the forest!

There's poison in every one dangerous there is.

If you eat them once,

You can get seriously poisoned

And you will have to undergo treatment.

Pictures of poisonous plants.

Slide number 5

1. Wolf's bast.

It's beautiful, but very dangerous plant. You can be poisoned by its bright red berries or the bark of branches that are torn off for beautiful, lilac-like flowers. Wolf bast juice contains poison - daphnin. When plant juice gets on the skin, pain, redness, swelling, then blisters and ulcers appear. In case of berry poisoning - burning in the mouth and throat, difficulty swallowing, stomach pain, indigestion, vomiting, severe cases- cardiac arrest.

Slide number 6

2. Crow's eye.

If you see four wide leaves, and between them a black round berry, this is a crow's eye plant. The large black-blue berry resembles a bird's eye. The berry is very beautiful, but do not put it in your mouth - it is poisonous. Toxic substances have a harmful effect on the heart, and mainly on the stomach and intestines. The plant has an unpleasant odor and often causes headaches.

Slide number 7

3. Black henbane, datura, belladonna (belladonna).

Henbane is found in ravines, wastelands, and along roads. Poisonous plant.

Having tasted young sweet sprouts, seeds or tasted delicious berries, a person feels dry mouth, difficulty speaking and swallowing. His pupils dilate and vision is impaired, his pulse quickens, delirium and hallucinations are possible, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness.

Even animals do not eat this plant.

A story about belladonna.

Belladonna helped the residents of a Scottish village get rid of their enemies. The village was captured by Danish soldiers. Having drunk beer on the occasion of the victory, they turned from winners into losers. The poisonous juice of belladonna, which the villagers mixed into beer, turned the Danish soldiers from victors to vanquished.

Slide number 8. Common honeysuckle (wolfberry).

The height of the bush is from 1 to 2.5 m. It has yellowish-white flowers, and then dark red berries located on a common stem.

Slide number 9. May lily of the valley.

All parts of the plant are POISONOUS and care should be taken when growing and propagating. Even a vase of water contains poison. Lily of the valley leaves, grass and flowers contain cardiac glycosides. The leaves contain saponins, flavonoids, and organic acids, the alkaloid myline.

Slide number 10

More than 10 thousand species of poisonous plants are known in the world flora. Now let's see who was attentive and found poisonous plants on the slide?

You carefully studied the material about poisonous plants and were able to correctly name them on the slides. All poisonous plants are very beautiful, but you need to be careful when dealing with them. Many poisonous plants have become rare, some of them are used in medicine in small doses. This: celandine, lily of the valley, etc.

In addition to those plants with which we have already become acquainted, there are plants that domestic animals do not eat. Why do you think? They are poisonous. These plants grow in the fields. Look at them carefully and remember.

Slide No. 11 - 14

Show pictures of plants: caustic buttercup, spotted hemlock, wild cherry, vekh.

Independent work: Drawing up a memo “How to avoid plant poisoning”

Independent work in a group.

What memo did you make? (One person from the group tells the memo).

So, what conclusion can be drawn from what we heard?

(do not eat any berries except raspberries and strawberries, do not collect unfamiliar plants and flowers in bouquets, do not try unfamiliar berries).

II. Poisonous and edible mushrooms.

Interesting creatures are mushrooms. These are neither plants nor animals. This is a whole separate kingdom. But not only edible mushrooms grow in our forests, but there are also poisonous ones, which are very dangerous to humans.

What edible mushrooms do you know? (children's answers)

Slide number 14. Edible mushrooms

Which inedible mushrooms You know?

Let's talk to you about inedible mushrooms.

Slide number 15. Fly agaric

And this handsome guy on a little white leg

He's wearing a red hat

There are polka dots on the hat.

The fly agaric is very beautiful. It is impossible to confuse it with other mushrooms - it is very noticeable. He dangerous to humans, the poison causes suffocation and fainting. But magpies and squirrels love to feast on them. And moose swallow these mushrooms whole, sometimes several at a time. It is believed that fly agarics are medicine for moose. Don't knock over the fly agaric, just pass by.

Slide number 16. Pale grebe.

The mushroom that, according to world statistics, causes the largest number of fatal poisonings. The fruit body is completely covered with film. The cap is 5-15 cm, olive, greenish or grayish with white plates. The pulp is white, fleshy, does not change color when damaged, with a mild taste and smell. At the base of the leg there is thickening and thin white ring. Confused with champignon or russula

Slide number 17

2. White mushroom and gall mushroom.

I stand on a thick leg,

I stand on a smooth leg,

Under the brown hat

Snowy, velvet padding (boletus or porcini mushroom)

It has an inedible double porcini mushroom. This is a gall mushroom. That's what they are differ: The boletus has a white or yellowish cap at the bottom, and a pattern in the form of a white mesh on the leg. The gall mushroom has a pink cap on the bottom, a black mesh on the stem, the flesh turns pink when cut, but the real one remains white. IN gall fungus There is no poison, it’s just very bitter, like bile.

Slide number 18

3. Honey mushrooms and false honey mushrooms.

These friendly guys

Grow on a stump in the forest

They call them: (honey mushrooms)

False honey fungus is brick-red. This poisonous mushroom has a brighter brick-red cap, and the plates are gray or even black. Its flesh is yellow with an unpleasant odor.

Now let’s sit quietly in our proper places.

Mushroom poisoning is the most dangerous, it's called botulism.

Botulism is an extremely serious disease characterized by high mortality or mortality (60-70%) .

Taking into account the complex, often unfavorable environmental situation and the fact that mushrooms actively absorb and accumulate various substances, including toxic ones (pesticides, heavy metal salts) You need to know that mushrooms must be carefully processed and collected in certain places. Do you think it is possible to pick mushrooms along the road?

When people are in the forest, they often knock down poisonous mushrooms with their feet and trample them.

Do you think it is possible to do this?

Student answers.

Now try again, together, to create a reminder for those who like to pick mushrooms in the forest.

Independent work: Drawing up a memo for a mushroom picker. Group work.

Checking the memo

Let's draw a conclusion from what we heard.

1. Do not collect mushrooms unknown to you, do not taste them.

2. You cannot collect old and wormy mushrooms.

3. You cannot pick mushrooms along highways; you must go deep into the forest 300-500 m from highways.

4. Don’t pick mushrooms in vain: Many animals feed on them.

5. When you come back from a walk, you should definitely wash your hands.

III. Stinging insects.

Slide number 19. Insects

Now let's talk about insects.

What insects do you need? beware in the forest? (children's answers)

Have you ever been bitten by stinging insects, and how did you feel?

Slide number 20.

Guess the riddles

Wasp and bee stings.

By stinging, the bee injects a small amount of poison. Many insects die from this bite, even large birds and animals. Interestingly, the hedgehog does not react at all to bee venom. A bee that is unable to remove its stinger from its victim dies.

But the same bee venom is successfully used to cure some diseases. Medicinal preparations are made from bee venom.

A bee will not sting if you do not touch it or wave your hands.

Slide number 21

Hornets belong to the genus of large wasps.

They nest in hollows, in attics, and hang nests from tree branches.

Slide number 22. Ticks.

IN last years significant The forest tick has become a danger, which also carries encephalitis, is a disease of the nervous system.

Greatest danger ticks are observed in May-June.

To prevent bites, select clothing that completely covers and fits the body; the neck and ears are protected with a hood. At home, a full examination of the body and clothing is carried out.

On one's own.

Game “Find the odd one out”.

- Fly agaric, russula, milk mushroom, butter dish.

– Currants, raspberries, crow’s eye, blueberries.

- Bee, fly, bumblebee, wasp.

V. Reflection

Our walk is over. Have we completed the lesson objectives?

Slide number 23

1) Pick mushrooms and berries that you know well.

2) Bees stinging insects, OS: Don't touch, don't disturb.

3) After a walk, be sure to:

4) Not in the forest.

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