Accessories that help make life easier. Country work: how to make your life easier. Useful tips to simplify life, for home and work

Have you ever sat with round eyes and realized with horror that today's affairs need at least three days, and even more things for tomorrow? If so, then you probably know that, according to the sandwich law, it is on such days that a wide variety of slips happen - heels break, children do not want to eat their favorite muesli, and it turns out that grandmother's cat needs to be urgently taken for a scheduled vaccination.

We bring to your attention a few simple tips that we hope will help you in such situations. And ideally, they will completely prevent their occurrence. After all, without them, agree, it's better?

Buy the same socks (especially true for husband and children). Just think - finding the right pair requires your time and attention every time you sort out the laundry or clean up the drawer. It is also very convenient if each family member has his own "sock" color - sorting is incredibly simplified.

Bring on duty outfits. In case you overslept or got up on the wrong foot, pick up in advance such combinations of clothes, shoes and accessories that you will be absolutely sure of. Ideally, it would be good to have several such sets in order to vary according to the situation and mood - "stunning", "most convenient", "inconspicuous", etc.

Freeze food. The whole family loves this soup, but cooking for 4 hours? Boil a large saucepan, and when it cools down, pour half into portion bags and freeze for the future. You can do this with most dishes and, generally speaking, provide your home with a very varied menu!

Buy products in advance. Going to the store in the evening after work is obviously a thankless task. In addition, if you are hungry, there is always a risk of buying too much and completely useless. Hang a notepad on the fridge and write down everything you need to buy as you go. By the end of the week, an impressive shopping list is formed, and with it you need to visit the supermarket at the right time. It has been tested many times: in this way, a lot of nerves, time and money are saved.

Make decisions quickly. How to spend the weekend, what to cook for dinner, what movie to watch - you can weigh the pros and cons for hours. And confuse, in the end, even more. If the solution did not appear immediately, then, most likely, the options are relatively equivalent. So, you need to either look for a third alternative - one that will cause unequivocal enthusiasm, or trust your intuition. As a rule, deep down we already know the answer, and it is easy to find out just by flipping a coin. If the result suits you, great! If inside you skipped a beat in disappointment, feel free to choose the second option.

Take care of contraception. Constantly remembering the question of protection is both exciting and tiring. Is it not enough that we have other worries? This is no longer necessary: ​​having put yourself an intrauterine hormonal coil, you can be absolutely calm all the time of its action. The minimum amount of hormones provides the maximum contraceptive effect. The system also protects the uterus from inflammation and is well compatible with breastfeeding.

Limit your perfectionism. Things don't have to be perfect. Nobody expects this from you. They need to be done well enough and spend a reasonable amount of time and effort on it. So just do it and move on to the next step! Everything is much easier than it seems.

Learn to say no. You have yourself; there are people dear to you; there are projects that you want to implement at all costs. All this takes time and attention. Learn to really separate important tasks(by the way, this includes good rest) from insignificant matters and burdensome requests. It is impossible to change everything and please everyone. So concentrate on the important and interesting, because your attention is a limited resource. And soon you will notice that other people begin to value it more.

Look at difficult situation from the side. Imagine it all happening in the life of an outsider. Why was he in this situation? What led to this? What can you advise him? After all, in fact, you are exactly the person who can make the best decision. Of course, others will gladly do it for you. But it is your decision that will be the most correct for your life. And if you still haven’t accepted it, it means that some internal restrictions interfere with it, and you need to abstract yourself from them for a while.

Sort things. Get a table of 4 cells - "important / urgent", "important / non-urgent", "unimportant / urgent", "unimportant / non-urgent" - and develop the habit of putting ALL things there. If the task has a specific deadline, it should be marked with a bright color. And do not forget to move a non-urgent task to the urgent category in a timely manner.

Gradually you will notice that if you start early and "voluntarily", then things become somehow easier. This is because you can plan them according to your mood, as well as combine them with daily activities. And a sudden force majeure (and where without them?) will no longer unsettle you.

YouDo service experts have revealed the secrets of how to easily and quickly cope with everyday affairs.

Housekeeping and housekeeping:

1. If the sink in the kitchen is slightly clogged, do not rush to call a plumber. Food blockages can be pierced by yourself in five minutes. Pour two to three tablespoons of baking soda into the drain and pour a glass of table vinegar. Give foam away chemical reaction get off and flush the drain with plenty of hot water from the tap.

2. To keep vegetables fresh longer in the refrigerator, place a clean, dry waffle towel in the bottom of the container. It will absorb excess moisture and extend the shelf life of products.

3. Did you accidentally get powder on your shirt collar? Don't rush to change. Apply some shaving cream to the stain and remove it after a minute with a damp cloth. Another secret:

white wine neutralizes stains from red! Keep this in mind if you accidentally spill red wine on your clothes during a party.

4. Removing your pet's fur from furniture can be quick and easy if you have rubber gloves around the house. Just put them on your hands, wet them with water and walk on the surface. All the hair will collect on the gloves, and it will just be washed off.

5. If you accidentally salted soup or sauce, do not rush to pour it out and start cooking again.

Place a raw, peeled potato in a saucepan and let sit for five minutes. It will soak up the excess salt.

If this is not enough, add some boiled water to the dish.

6. Cleaning a pomegranate is quick and easy. Cut the peel around the perimeter and break the fruit into two parts. Place the half on a cutting board, seed-side down, and tap the skin vigorously with a spoon for ten seconds. Do the same with the second half. The pomegranate is ready to eat!

Beauty and health:

7. If you are regularly late,

record a playlist that is the same length as yours optimum time morning collections.

You will quickly memorize the order of the tracks and, having heard the penultimate melody, you will understand that the time has come and it's time to leave.

8. You can save time on drying your manicure by putting your hands in a container with cold water. This will almost double the drying time of the varnish.

Household repairs:

9. If the scissors are blunt, and you need to sharpen them urgently and without special means, ordinary foil will come to the rescue. Fold several sheets and cut with scissors. The blades will become sharper!

Computer help:

10. If you accidentally write a letter or a long message with the Capslock button pressed, just highlight the "problematic" fragment and press Shift+F3. You don't have to rewrite!

It turns out that not everything is worth learning for years. Sometimes even small tips, the development of which will take no more than 10 minutes, can affect our lives.

  • Take your phone out of your pocket and shoot a 3-second video of what's around you. By repeating this trick every day, at the end of the year you will receive an 18-minute video about what happened to you for the whole year.
  • When writing an email, leave the "To" field blank until the very last moment. So you can save yourself from accidentally sending an email.
  • Accidentally texted the wrong person? Turn on airplane mode immediately. After the upload fails, you can delete it.
  • In order not to forget some thing when you leave the house, put it in your shoes!
  • Store your T-shirts vertically in the closet. So they take less space and it will be easier for you to find the right one.
  • If you feel like something is in your eye, look down, open your eyes wide, and start blinking.
  • When introducing yourself to a person, repeat their name, so you reduce the chance that you will forget them.

    Hello, my name is Sasha.
    - Oh, Sasha, nice to meet you!

  • Create your own to a small child mailbox and drop it in interesting photos from his life. On his eighteenth birthday, tell him the login and password from the box. It will be very interesting for him to see what he was like. :)
  • By pressing keys from 1 to 9 while watching a video on YouTube, you will move 10, 20, 30, 40% ... forward.
  • White text with a black border reads well on any background.
  • Always keep a notepad and pen handy.
  • If you are baking and forgot to buy eggs, you can replace them with bananas. 1 egg = half a banana.
  • If you need to charge your phone very quickly, put it in airplane mode. Thus, you will reduce the charging time by almost half.
  • Make a small knot on one of the earbuds so you never confuse the left with the right.
  • Learn to meditate, there is no magic in it.
  • 15 minutes of laughter affects health in the same way as 30 minutes of sit-ups.
  • Do you have similar tips? Share them in the comments!

    I bring to your attention a selection of useful tips that will make your life easier. We read and are not lazy - we apply.
    1. How to tear off the price tag without leaving a trace on the product?

    Surely, any of us bought a thing on which a price tag or a barcode was glued tightly in the most inappropriate place. Let's remember how embarrassing it feels to give a gift with a price tag glued on it, but it's better than a damaged gift wrapping! So, we need boiling water or a regular hair dryer - hold the place with the glued price tag over steam or in front of a hot stream of air and tear off the price tag immediately!
    2. Unusual properties of toothpaste

    - Relieves irritation from insect bites, cuts and blisters.
    - Eases pain from burns.
    - Allows you to hide skin imperfections. Accelerates the healing process of damaged skin after removal of acne on the face.
    - Allows you to clean your fingernails to a shine.
    - Helps smooth hair. Gel toothpastes are hair gel.
    - Helps to get rid of corrosive smells of garlic, fish, onions.
    - Removes stubborn stains from clothes and carpets.
    - Tidy up dirty shoes.
    - Removes stains from colored pencils and felt-tip pens on painted walls.
    - Cleans silver jewelry to a shine.
    - Removes scratches from computer disks.
    - Suitable for cleaning instrument keys.
    - Removes bad odor from baby bottles.
    - Cleans burnt metal and cast iron surfaces.
    - Prevents swimming goggles from fogging up.
    3. If the soup is too salty

    A piece of sugar is dipped into it on a spoon. As soon as the sugar begins to dissolve, the spoon is removed - the sugar absorbs the excess salt.
    You can also wrap some flour or rice in a rag and boil it in the soup. Flour and rice also absorb salt. You can put a raw whole potato in the soup, and take it out after a few minutes.
    4. If you are going on a trip in a reserved seat car

    Keep in mind that when buying a ticket, it is always better to know the number of seats in the car from the beginning, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation, for example, if you are placed next to the toilet ...
    5. How to remove rust from clothes
    Old rust on linen can be removed with salt dissolved in lemon juice. To do this, wet the stain lemon juice, sprinkle with a thin layer of salt and leave for a day, then rinse.
    6. If you don't have a toaster, don't worry!

    You can make a hot sandwich with an iron!
    - Put the iron on heat. best temperature corresponds to the woolen ironing mode, so turn the temperature switch to the “wool” mark (wool).
    - Spread a little butter on the top of the top slice and the bottom of the bottom slice of bread. Less than for a regular sandwich. The more evenly the slices are cut from the loaf, the more evenly they will fry. Between the slices put a piece of fragrant cheese.
    - In order not to have to wash the iron or shirt from butter and cheese, it is better to tightly wrap the sandwich with food foil or paper.
    - Put the bundle on the board (the cutting room will be more convenient than the ironing one) and press the iron against it for thirty seconds. Then turn over and do the same procedure.
    - A hot sandwich cooked with an iron is ready!
    7. How to identify frozen potatoes?

    In order not to get into trouble when buying - blow on a potato. If dust flies from it, then the potatoes are not frozen. If the dust does not fly - frozen potatoes.
    8. Be unique

    9. How to make the morning cheerful?

    Usually the morning starts with a boring alarm clock, which brings nothing but the disappointment of a quickly ending sleep. And how I wanted to get up cheerful, and even with good mood. It's simple, you just need to apply the elementary life hack "peppy morning".
    The life hack is simple, but very useful exercise for eyes. You need to start from the very beginning of the morning, when the realization of the inevitability of the end of sleep has already come, and things have not moved on. So, before you get out of bed, you must: close your eyes tightly, squeezing your eyelids. It is necessary to stay in this position until the eyelids themselves relax, usually 12-15 seconds.
    After applying the “cheerful eyes” life hack, you will completely get tired of sleeping, the morning will become cheerful and cheerful))
    10. Life hack in Russian: if there are no skewers

    11. Fresh ink stains on clothes are quickly reduced by milk.

    12. If you are robbed at an ATM

    If you are being robbed while withdrawing money from an ATM, do not resist. Just dial your PIN in reverse. For example, instead of 1234, dial 4321. As a result, the machine will secretly notify the police and eject the money, but it will be tightly clamped by the dispensing device, as if “stuck”.
    This feature is available in all ATMs, but not everyone knows about it. Tell your friends, someone might find it useful.
    13. Sudden breakdown? Feet become wadded? - Eat a green apple! It includes a large number of carbohydrates and iron - these substances will lift you to your feet!

    14. How to cook "anti-sushi"

    For such a simple and tasty snack required:
    - soft bread
    - soft cheese (like Philadelphia)
    - ham
    - cucumbers
    - carrot
    Very convenient for office and "field" holidays, no appliances are needed. You can change the filling at your own discretion.
    15. You are unlikely to need a calculator anymore

    16. Do-it-yourself cat house

    17. Blanket))

    18. The idea for a battery in the nursery

    19. How to cook crispy and delicious chips in the microwave

    You will need:
    medium potatoes (2-3 pcs)
    spices (to taste)
    salt (to taste)
    Cut the potatoes into circles or slices as thin as possible. Lay the potato slices in a single layer on baking paper (parchment). Paper can be slightly smeared butter. If desired, you can salt the potatoes, add spices to your taste. Turn on the microwave at 700 W, cook for 3-5 minutes. It all depends on your microwave. As soon as you see that the surface of the slices has become slightly brown, immediately remove and transfer to paper towels. But not before, otherwise the chips will not crunch. Repeat this process until you run out of potatoes. Bon appetit!
    20. Toothache? Hack her!

    There are 2 points on the left and 2 points on the right where the nerves fit so that by doing a circular massage, you can get rid of toothache in a short time (usually not less than half an hour, sometimes even half a day or a day). In the picture: Blue circle - approximately there, look for the nerve of the upper teeth. The red circle is the lower teeth.
    21. Here is such a sandwich))

    Do you roll your eyes when for the umpteenth time you hear "word is silver, silence is gold"? What do you think of phrases about managing your time? Yes, common truths and complex advice tire. But it would be better to listen to them. And we will explain why again.

    1. Learn to manage your sleep

    To force yourself to count sheep every night is cruel, and to put up with insomnia is even worse. This problem occupies the minds of both suffering ordinary people and scientists, most likely also suffering. Lists already made . And nutritionists call .

    In any case, the basis of normal sleep is a routine. The word is unpleasant, but accurate: in order for your body to sleep at night, you need to accustom it to sleep at night. If you yourself don’t make him pass out at ten in the evening and get up at six in the morning, a miracle will not happen.

    2. Learn to empathize

    This property cannot be replaced by anything. Whether you are the most disciplined and diligent worker, the richest customer, and in general the sweetest and most handsome man in the world - everything will go unnoticed if you do not learn to listen to other people.

    At the same time, empathy is one of the leadership qualities, it . In sales and service, it is the right way find an approach to the client. In the team - to raise the team spirit. And during business negotiations will help to find mutual language with a partner, because no one .

    3. Master time management

    Do you know how to properly plan your day, week, month? Moreover, can you really complete all the tasks recorded in the calendar on time? You are already valuable to both employers and your employees - if you prefer to organize your own business.

    The following programs come to help in drawing up plans: , But it’s not enough just to scatter tasks by date. It is also important to calculate whether you really have time to cope with them before the established deadlines. Otherwise, your beautiful plan will slowly turn into a messy list, hanging over your head like a snowball. And if it’s easy to understand scheduler programs, then evaluating your tasks, efforts and time is like an art. Moreover, each creates it individually.

    4. Ask for help

    When a person is staring at a monitor and completing a task without saying a word in the last three hours, it's alarming. And if later it turns out that he misunderstood something and did something wrong, he already infuriates. After all, clarification in the course of work would help to avoid this.

    People are afraid to ask for help because of their ego: "I ask a question, so I look like a fool." But if you don’t know how to complete the task, and at the same time you don’t ask groping people, then the information will miraculously not get into your head. And in the end, you will look like a fool twice: both because you didn’t do it, and because you didn’t ask.

    By the way, the ability to ask for help at the right time is important not only for beginners. Even successful businessmen sometimes for expert advice to keep their business growing.

    In addition, requests for a favor help establish friendly relations: asking questions, you recognize the erudition of a person, which is always nice.

    5. Be consistent in your actions

    This skill is directly related to time planning. When you go to the goal, it is important to arrange the tasks in a logical order: so the results of one will become a support for the next. So you do not have to redo the work ten times.

    Moreover, this method works not only at work, but also in everyday life. There are people who, during repairs, first lay parquet, and then remember about underfloor heating and tear off the boards to lay pipes. Waste of effort, time and money, big, by the way.

    6. Talk good about yourself

    In fact, what you think about yourself is much more important than the assessments of outsiders. When you try to present yourself to society, you start from inner feelings, and do not remember what Masha or Vanya said a week ago. Our problem is only that we sometimes take the opinion of other people for the universal truth.

    The ability to perceive yourself in a positive way is very important when meeting new people. Only in fairy tales and snotty romance novels there are those who want to pull out a downtrodden notorious creature from the shell.

    7. Feel when it is necessary to remain silent, and, in fact, do it

    This skill boils down to two attitudes: 1. stop making remarks about things that don't concern you at all; 2. hold back when you speak under the influence negative emotions. It sounds reasonable, it's hard to do, but if you learn, it makes life easier.

    Think about how much nerves you will save if you do not read the moral about how to properly throw potatoes in borscht. The very topic of moralizing sounds funny - who cares about someone else's potatoes in someone else's borscht? And because of her, by the way, families break up.

    Well, the fact that in the heat of the moment it is easy to say too much is familiar to everyone. When the conversation turns to raised voices, it gradually leaves the logic. Now it is easy to be convinced of this by re-reading your angry correspondence: there are many emotions, zero meaning.

    8. Learn to listen and hear

    And this is due not only to the ability to shut up in time. More relevant will be the ability to understand what exactly they are telling you - that is, to accept Active participation in the process of listening to what they want to convey to you. Yes, listening to others and understanding what is said is a serious task. Especially when phones are torn around, and mail and social networks are drowning in messages.

    9. Stop prying into other people's business

    It goes well with the advice to shut up at the right moment. Everyone has their own truth and their own rules of life - do not try to put on others' heads what is convenient only for you. Or generally accepted in your entrance.

    Remember more often about the absurdity of teachings about potatoes in borscht. After all, the truth will save a lot of effort if you don’t go to argue about this with every hostess.

    10. Don't spread or support gossip

    Any relationship - whether we are talking about personal life or about the work of the team - is built on trust. But what kind of trust can we talk about if you whisper about a person behind his back? Or do you believe these whispers.

    They do not like gossips, even if they keep up a lively conversation with them for hours. And what, now this person is happily sorting out the sins of a common friend - but tomorrow he will choose you as a victim.

    But to make life easier and conscience clearer, it is not enough to stop believing in rumors and not spread them yourself. It is also important to stop them. And this is what you have to learn. Until the phrase "I'm sorry, but it's none of my business" starts popping up at the right moment as a reflex.

    11. Direct your thoughts

    All barriers are in your head. However, so are the possibilities. If you set yourself up to achieve your goal, you will achieve it. And if you repeat a hundred times that you can’t do it, you won’t get down to business.

    The brain gives advice on what you can/can't do based on your experience. So if the case failed once, it's too early to cross out the idea itself. On the contrary, the chance of success increases if you analyze past mistakes.

    Take positively both advice that sounds like worn out proverbs, and those that seem abstruse and impracticable. They are given for a purpose. And unlikely to deceive you. When a recommendation has become something taken for granted, then this is a reason to follow it, and not dismiss it as old boring information. Because it is about this "of course" that we often forget.

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