When mushrooms grow at what time. Growth conditions and mushroom picking calendar. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? Myths about edible and poisonous mushrooms

What mushrooms and when to collect in different regions /

Every autumn, avid mushroom pickers come forward in search of tasty and fragrant mushrooms. In this material, you can find useful information about mushrooms. We hope you find it useful.

Honey mushrooms: description of mushroom variety

Honey mushrooms got their name due to the fact that, as a rule, they grow on stumps. There are also mushrooms that grow in the meadows. If translated into Latin, honey agaric is a “bracelet” that has many beads.

  • Honey mushrooms are edible mushrooms. Plus, they are quite tasty and contain a lot of useful substances in their composition, for example, protein, fiber.
  • These mushrooms tend to grow in large families. It is not often possible to meet mushrooms growing alone.
  • Agaric is a small mushroom. It has a height of no more than 15 cm. If these mushrooms did not grow big families, it would be difficult to distinguish them from ordinary poisonous mushrooms.
  • The hat from the very beginning has a hemispherical shape. Over time, the edges of the hat are bent, resembling a miniature umbrella. The diameter of the upper part can be from 2 cm to 10 cm. The color of the cap can also be different: from beige to reddish. But often there are yellow-red T A.
  • The flesh of all representatives of this fungus is smooth, tender, having a pale yellowish color. In addition, it is most often wet, as it collects moisture for the best vitality. The pulp of the mushroom tastes delicious, reeking of raw wood.
  • As for the legs, its length can reach up to 15 cm and have a color from light copper to brown. Very often there is a “skirt” on the leg of mushrooms, which connects the top and bottom of the mushrooms, plus it serves as an additional fastener.

When do the first autumn mushrooms appear, when do they begin to grow in the forest, in what month?

You can meet at any time of the year. It all depends, first of all, on the variety of mushrooms and on weather conditions. Eg, autumn mushrooms begin to grow around the end of summer, and the last fungus can be seen in early December. Winter mushrooms, respectively, give an excellent harvest in the cool season, and spring and those that grow in summer begin to grow when the first heat comes.

IMPORTANT: Honey mushrooms grow better in the fall, when it rains - it is at this time that they have enough moisture, therefore, the season of honey mushrooms is late autumn and early spring.

By the way, you probably noticed that when it rains, the number of mushrooms increases. This is due to the fact that these mushrooms simply adore moisture and they need very moist soil in order to develop well. Temperature regime not very important during the growth of honey mushrooms, since with the advent of cool weather, one type of mushroom grows, and with the advent warm days- another.

They have some distinctive features:

  • In order to germinate, many varieties of trees are suitable for fungi. Their approximate number is 200. In some cases, mushrooms can sprout even in potatoes. At night, autumn mushrooms stand out beautifully: they are highlighted.
  • The ideal conditions that are needed for the growth of mushrooms in a damp forest are stumps, for example, birch, aspen, as well as dead wood of some trees.
  • The diameter of the hat of the autumn mushroom is approximately 16 cm, and the length of the stem is up to 10 cm.

Do autumn mushrooms grow in August, September, October, November?

Autumn mushrooms love to grow in "flocks". They grow, as a rule, on stumps, but they can also be found on dead or diseased trees, on healthy bushes, near roads, in clearings. The period when mushrooms grow profusely is short. As a rule, this happens within 14 days at the beginning of autumn or at the end of autumn.

Autumn mushrooms are divided into 3 categories:

  • autumn real
  • Tuberous or bulbous
  • late form

Autumn mushrooms are very useful:

  • In the composition of autumn mushrooms there are a lot of copper and zinc. That is why they help fight problems such as hair loss.
  • Mushrooms have a positive effect on the digestive tract
  • Proteins, which are in the composition of autumn mushrooms, slow down the development of oncology
  • The powder, which is made from raw autumn mushrooms, destroys the negative microflora and is excellent for intestinal upset.
  • A decoction and tincture prepared from the legs of mushrooms are recommended for liver diseases.
  • Substances that are part of mushrooms increase the resistance of the human body and normalize the functionality of the immune system.

Mushrooms mushrooms autumn, Assumption, winter: when do they start picking in central Russia, Siberia, Belarus?

Honey mushrooms we used to call edible, agaric mushrooms. Honey mushrooms are considered the most fruitful and harvested mushrooms in the territory. Russian Federation, Siberia and Belarus. As a rule, these mushrooms tend to end the mushroom season.

In the central parts of Russia, honey mushrooms are often called unusual name"Assumption". And all because the mass collection falls on a big religious holiday, namely the Assumption Holy Mother of God. It is on August 28 that professional mushroom pickers go to the forest for mushrooms that give good fruits for 3 weeks.

In many regions, there is also a second wave, when mushrooms bear fruit. Again, it all depends on the climatic and weather conditions of a particular region. In those places, people collect autumn mushrooms until the end of October.

As for winter mushrooms, they are considered the latest. Mushrooms are not afraid of frost. They can even freeze, turn into "crystals". But when they thaw, they do not become too soft, do not lose their shape. The fruits of winter mushrooms can be harvested in late autumn or early December, at a time when there is already snow all around and no other mushrooms can be found.

Mushrooms mushrooms: where do they grow, in what forests?

Often these mushrooms can be found in a ravine, on a stump, near a swamp or in a damp, impenetrable forest. They grow in the northern hemisphere our planet, almost everywhere. There is a true exception - honey mushrooms cannot be found in areas where permafrost is present.

  • Yield depends on important factor- forests in which mushrooms live. For example, summer mushrooms are found in a coniferous forest. But only on condition that there is a mountainous area nearby. In another way, honey mushrooms will never settle, since they will have little water.
  • Concerning deciduous forest, then here you can easily collect full baskets of mushrooms. Since only one hemp can collect a lot of mushrooms, which is enough to make soup, second, snacks. In such a forest, all types of this category of mushrooms are found: winter, summer, autumn and spring.

  • In the mixed forest, you can also see mushrooms, but there are much fewer of them. It all depends on which area the mushroom chooses to live in - more moisture, a larger family.
  • In order for mushrooms to grow comfortably, they need a large number of water plus warm climate. That is why mushrooms are not often found in meadows. Mushrooms do not tolerate direct sunlight, they prefer the shade.

But there are times when honey mushrooms still settle on stumps that are in the steppes. However, this phenomenon is extremely rare.

Mushrooms mushrooms grow under what and on what trees and stumps of what trees?

The harvest of mushrooms primarily depends on the tree under which they grow. Mushrooms adore deciduous trees, in particular birch and linden. But it should be remembered that this group of mushrooms likes to grow exclusively on dead trees and stumps. They can also be found under oak, flax, acacia and other trees.

Now consider all types of mushrooms and those trees on which they mainly grow:

  • Spring and autumn fungus likes to grow most of all on deciduous trees. They especially prefer trunks that are already damaged and have rot on the surface. In the mountains, summer varieties can be found on fir trees or on fir stumps.
  • Honey mushrooms that grow on coniferous trees have a bitter taste and dark color. In the deciduous forest, summer mushrooms gather from mid-spring to the end of summer. If the climate is favorable, then mushrooms grow without interruption, giving us their nutritious fruits.

  • autumn mushrooms are considered the most popular. The honey agaric most of all likes to live on a birch, birch stump, aspen, maple, oak. As a rule, autumn representatives choose those trees that begin to rot and hurt. Although in some cases, mushrooms choose a perfectly healthy tree. Autumn mushrooms especially like old birch forests with fallen trunks, and swampy birch forests, which have a large number of rottenness and stumps.
  • winter mushrooms love stumps too deciduous trees. Quite abundantly, mushrooms bear fruit on very tall and thickened logs of such trees as: aspen, poplar, willow. Winter representatives can even settle in gardens where they grow fruit trees, gradually destroying their trunks. Preference is given to: elm, poplar, willow, beech.

How long do mushrooms grow in the forest, at what speed?

Autumn representatives grow faster than other mushrooms. They can dial full height approximately in 7 days. But the speed of germination again can still depend on some factors. For example, in order for mushrooms to grow profusely, they need perfect weather And moderate rainfall. In addition, the condition of the stump or tree also affects growth. If the stump is very rotten, mushrooms grow faster. This is because the pores are opened through which air and moisture pass well.

Many professional mushroom pickers claim that autumn mushrooms can be collected through 3 days. That is, today collect a group of mushrooms, and then return for a new batch in 3 days. Mycologists say that mushrooms grow 5 cm in height in 1 day, while having a hat width of about 2 cm. After another 3 days, these figures change significantly, by about 1.5 cm.

If you take wet autumn weather, then mushrooms under such conditions grow 3 days after the rain has passed. Scientists have found that mushrooms grow most actively on the 1st day after precipitation. Also, growth activity is again affected by fog, which also saturates the soil with moisture.

At what temperature do mushrooms grow?

Autumn mushrooms know their worth, therefore, they grow at temperatures from 8 degrees Celsius to 13 degrees. If a similar temperature falls at the end of summer or the beginning of autumn, then the main fruiting of the fungus will move exactly to given period of the year. If the temperature rises to 15 degrees Celsius, then mushrooms can hide.

Do winter mushrooms grow after frost?

Autumn mushrooms may not survive frosts, but their winter brothers are not afraid of cold weather. They can become covered with a crust of ice, and after the onset warm weather come back to life and keep growing. What is surprising after such a cold, they always remain beautiful and elastic.

What mushrooms can be collected?

Honey mushrooms are edible and false. We will consider those that you can collect at any time of the year and cook them for your loved ones.

  • autumn(real). The peak of mushroom reproduction falls on the month of September.
  • Thick-legged. Generally considered saprophytes. Grow on rotten stumps or rotten leaves. They love beech and spruce. The growing season falls at the end of summer and the end of autumn.
  • Summer. These mushrooms grow in dense families on rotten deciduous trees. northern latitudes our country.
  • Winter. Mushrooms grow on weak trees or on dead stumps. The most ideal climatic region is the northern part of the country.

  • Spring. Grow, as a rule, tubers. It can be found from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn in small groups in places where there is rotten wood or fallen leaves.
  • The rows are yellow-red. These mushrooms are considered conditionally edible. They can only be collected when young. But adult representatives have a bitter taste.
  • Mucous. Mushrooms are considered edible, but they have almost no taste and smell.
  • Meadow. Mushrooms are edible, belong to category 4. In food, only hats are used, since the legs are quite rigid.
  • Garlic. They have a strong garlic scent. People use them dried instead of seasoning. They can also be boiled and fried. After undergoing heat treatment, they lose the specific smell of garlic.
  • Large garlic. They grow in large families on fallen leaves, near a stump or rotten beech branches.

You can read more information about the varieties of honey mushrooms. We hope that the information will be useful to you.

Video: Honey mushrooms: where, how and when to collect?

Autumn is the best time to pick mushrooms. Of course, they grow both in summer and spring, and some species even in winter. But the most correct mushroom is autumn. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? To answer this question, you must first figure out what kind of weather these gifts of the forest love.

Seasonal features of mushroom growth

Fungi are complex organisms. Their main part - mycelium or mycelium - is hidden from view by a layer of forest humus, and only fruiting bodies appear on the surface, which attract mushroom pickers. mycelium grows all year round, therefore, it is not easy to answer the question of at what temperature mushrooms grow in autumn.

Along with moisture, one of the most important conditions for fruiting for most species is warm earth. Therefore, the first mushrooms appear in the spring. In April-May, when the clearings cleared of snow, clearings and forest fires warm up, morels and lines appear. They are the ones who open mushroom season, and then other mushrooms pick up the baton.

Toward the end of May and early June, after warm rains, the first flywheels, boletus, and even white ones appear. But these are only scouts, the main layer will be later, when the rye is harvested. By the way, these mushrooms are popularly called - spikelets.

Aspen mushrooms, or as they are also called, krasoviki, redheads, appear a little later, when the aspen has faded. At the same time, multi-colored russula hats peek out from the grass, and, like orange beads, cheerful flocks of chanterelles scatter in the moss.

But the summer layers are short - a week, at best two, and the mushrooms disappear, as if they were not there. A real mushroom only in autumn it will grow, when the birch braids begin to turn golden and splash purple on the foliage of aspens.

mushroom growth calendar

In order to elucidate this issue in as much detail as possible, we will use visual material. Below is a table that will tell you when and for which "beast" it is better for lovers of "quiet hunting" to go into the forest.

autumn forest mushrooms

In autumn, almost all types of summer mushrooms grow, but new ones also appear, those for which it is too hot in summer. This, for example, autumn honey agaric, greenfinch, rowing and others. Moreover, in autumn, mushroom growth is most intensive, since they do not like heat, and in order for the fruiting body of most species to begin to develop, 5-10 ° C is enough. The temperature at which mushrooms grow in autumn affects the rate of their development: than lower degrees, the slower they grow.

However, not only temperature indicators are important, but also humidity. If the autumn is dry, then you can not count on a good "catch" of mushrooms. However, they do not like long rains. An experienced mushroom picker will see how another bad weather splashes on the roads in puddles, and sighs contritely: “Oh, the mycelium will get wet!” The mushroom picker, of course, will not get wet, it will remain under a dense forest litter of fallen needles and moss, but there really may not be mushrooms.

But light frosts, which are not uncommon in autumn, are not afraid of mushrooms. Sometimes on a cold October morning in the forest you can find literally frozen redheads, butterflies, honey agaric. When determining at what temperature mushrooms grow in the forest in autumn, one should be guided by the average daily values, since the heating of the soil during the day plays an important role.

When the frost hits

Few of these forest dwellers can survive a severe frost, and most mushroom pickers believe that the season ends in November. But it's not.

One of the most cold-resistant mushrooms is mushrooms. best temperature for their growth varies in the range of +8 ... +12 ° C. Their cheerful families grow in the forest even after severe frosts. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? for example, can be found in sub-zero temperatures, even under snow.

Winter oyster mushroom is also not afraid of frost, which can be harvested not only in November, but also in January.

Conditions for the growth of porcini mushrooms

No matter how full the mushroom picker's basket is, his luck is judged primarily by the number of porcini mushrooms.

White, or, as it is also called, boletus, is a cunning and fastidious mushroom. Sometimes you have to go around half the forest in order to attack mushroom place. But if the conditions are suitable, then on a small patch you can pick up more than a dozen strong mushrooms.

And at what temperature do porcini mushrooms grow in autumn? First, we note that for white it is not so much the state of the air that is important as the ground. Optimum temperature soil for it is 15-16 degrees Celsius.

But as for the air, the conditions for growth in summer and autumn are different. In summer, mushrooms do not like excessive dampness and prolonged rains and prefer temperatures of +18 ... +20 ° C. Therefore, they hide in moss and under the thick paws of fir trees, where it is not very hot.

But already in the second half of September, the weather rarely indulges in warmth. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? Starting from September, the optimal mode for the growth of porcini mushrooms will be 10-15 degrees Celsius. Moreover, night frosts do not interfere with them at all. The main thing is that during the day the air and soil warm up.

When to collect boletus in the fall

Boletus boletus, especially young and strong, are in no way inferior to white ones - even boil, even dry, even fry. And if they go in a layer, then you can pick them up in a relatively small forest, more than one bucket.

By popular belief, the first boletus trees appear when the mountain ash blooms, and then all summer long they do not leave the forest glades and birch groves. Unless, of course, the summer turned out to be too hot and dry. But the summer boletus has one drawback - it really loves this one delicious mushroom worm. So the mushroom picker has to reluctantly throw away one mushroom after another.

In autumn, the boletus is clean and strong. And besides, their special appearance appears - with a thick leg and a dark hat, which practically does not differ in taste from white. Finding it, however, in the fallen leaves is not easy. But if one is caught, then around it you can find a dozen more.

At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn (boletus)? they have almost the same as the whites. For a boletus, 10-12 degrees of heat is quite enough, only these mushrooms love wetter weather, and not prolonged rains, but thick autumn fogs. And if the autumn is dry, then the boletus must be sought in humid places, in the lowlands and even in the swamp.

A good mushroom picker knows at what temperature mushrooms grow. In the autumn in the forest, he will quickly pick up a basket, or even get a bag - do not leave white and oily, boletus and boletus, milk mushrooms and volushki under the trees and birch trees! And if mushrooms are attacked, then no packages may be enough.

The honey agaric is called so because, in most cases, it grows on stumps. Translated from Latin(lat. Armillaria) mushrooms are "bracelets" that have many beads. And also there are such types of these mushrooms, which are also located in the meadows. Not only are mushrooms edible, they are also very tasty and useful mushrooms because they are rich in proteins, amino acids and fiber.


Honey mushrooms grow in whole families. Very rarely come across such species that grow one at a time.

Mushroom dimensions

By itself, the mushroom is easy to recognize. He has a hat, which “with age” begins to change. At first it is hemispherical in shape, a little later its edges begin to bend and take the form of an umbrella with a slight bulge in the middle of the cap. The diameter of the top of the mushroom is 2-10 centimeters. It has small scales, which begin to smooth out over time, in some cases, mucus may appear. The color of the cap can vary from beige to different shades of red. Most often you can meet yellowish-red representatives of the group of mushrooms.


The flesh of all species of mushrooms is the same - it is smooth and tender, pale yellow in color. In addition, it is very often wet due to the fact that it collects water for better vitality. It tastes very tasty, with a pleasant aroma of raw wood.


The leg to which the mushroom cap is attached can reach 15 centimeters, and its color depends on the age and location of the mushroom. A young mushroom has a light honey-colored stem, but over time it begins to darken and acquires a dark brown hue. Quite often you can find such types of mushrooms that have a "skirt". This part of the mushroom connects the upper part (cap) with the lower part (leg) and serves as an additional fastener during strong winds.

Most often, honey agarics can be found in ravines, on stumps, near swamps or in damp impassable forests. They are common in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and are found everywhere except for the permafrost region. They are most popular among residents of Russia and Eastern Europe.

The yield of mushrooms depends on the forest in which they live. For example, in coniferous forests, you can meet summer representatives of the honey agaric group, but only on condition that the area is located near the mountains. In another case, in coniferous forest honey agaric will not settle, because it will not have enough moisture.

And here, as regards deciduous forests, so here you can safely take baskets and go pick mushrooms, because from one stump you can collect so many mushrooms that it will be enough for soup, and for the second, and it will remain for a snack. In such forests, you can meet all representatives of this group: winter, summer, autumn and spring honey agarics. In mixed forests, these mushrooms are also found, but in smaller quantities. It all depends on the humidity of the area where honey agarics settled - than more water the more mushrooms.

And also the harvest depends on the tree on which the mushrooms live. Honey mushrooms are very fond of deciduous trees, and especially birch and linden. But do not forget that this group of mushrooms grows only on dead stumps, so it can also be found on oak, maple, acacia and others.

In order for this mushroom to feel comfortable, it needs a lot of moisture and a warm climate, so honey agaric is rarely found in meadows and steppes. He does not tolerate direct hit sunshine and loves shade. And also in the steppes, old stumps are rarely found, which are necessary for the viability of the fungus.

Honey agaric can be found at any time of the year. It all depends on the type of fungus climatic conditions. For example, autumn honey agaric begins to grow from the end of August, and its last representatives can be seen already at the beginning of winter. Winter honey agaric, respectively, gives a good harvest in the cold season, and spring and summer begin to grow with the first warming.

Mushrooms grow best in rainy time- it is then that they have enough moisture, so it is customary to consider honey agarics a season late autumn and early spring.

By the way, probably, many have noticed that after the rains, honey mushrooms become many times larger. This is due to the fact that mushrooms are very fond of water and they need a damp surface for better development. The temperature does not play big role in their growth, because with the advent of cold weather, one species begins to grow, and with the advent of heat, another. Thus, the harvest of mushrooms can be harvested throughout the year.

As mentioned earlier, honey mushrooms are one of the most complex groups of mushrooms, so they include both edible and non-edible ones. edible species. There are representatives of honey mushrooms that are strictly forbidden to eat, because there is a risk of serious poisoning. But the problem is that they are all similar to each other and it is very important to be able to distinguish between each type, so as not to end up in the hospital later.

By itself, false honey agaric is very poisonous and can cause paralysis and, in some cases, cardiac arrest. Representatives of such fungi are: fungi of the genus Himoloma (family Strophariaceae) and fungi of the genus Psatirella (family of dung beetles).

Poison mushrooms are most often found in summer time and have a yellow-brown or sulfur-yellow color. The cap of such mushrooms is no more than 7 centimeters, and the leg reaches 10 centimeters in length. Another difference from edible mushrooms is the absence of a “skirt”, and the hat itself has no scales.

Raw mushrooms do not taste very good, so it is best to boil or fry them. These two methods are the fastest, because they do not take more than half an hour. And also, if there is time and patience, then mushrooms can be pickled, dried or salted. These mushrooms make very delicious pies, they are ideal for salads and simple mushroom slices.

Types of mushrooms

As mentioned above, mushrooms are divided into edible and inedible species. Now consider each representative separately.

The summer honey agaric belongs to the strophariaceae family. He prefers deciduous trees, less often pine species, and lives in temperate climate. The cap of this species is very small in diameter - 3-6 centimeters. From birth, the top is semicircular in shape, and over time it loses its swelling and becomes flatter. The color of the cap can vary from brown to dull yellow. Its shade depends on the amount of rainfall. The more moisture, the lighter the shade. The tubercle, which is located in the middle of the cap, is often of a different color - it is lighter than the rest of the zones, and begins to darken during rain. The mushroom itself does not have scales, and its skin is often covered with a thin layer of mucus. The stem of the fungus grows to a size of 7 centimeters, after which its development stops. It has small dark scales that remain until the "end of life" of the fungus. This mushroom can be found in early April until November, but, in a warm climate, summer mushrooms can be collected all year round.

Winter honey agaric belongs to the category of edible mushrooms and is a representative of the family of ordinary or tricholomous. This mushroom is very fond of temperate and northern climatic zones and prefers deciduous trees such as poplar, birch and willow. The cap of the mushroom is 2-10 centimeters in diameter. It is flat, light yellow in color and with thin flesh. The leg is also small - 2-7 centimeters. It is quite dense, with small villi that retain moisture in the fungus for a long time. This mushroom is found in both autumn and spring. It bears fruit well in the cold season and can withstand very low temperatures.

The spring honey agaric belongs to the non-rotten family and is found under oaks and pines. The difference from other species is that spring honey agaric most often grows one at a time and prefers mixed forests. Its hat can reach 7 centimeters, and its minimum diameter is 10 millimeters. Its shape depends on age - at first it is strongly convex, then less convex, and later it becomes completely flat. The color changes according to the same principle - from red-brown to yellow-brown. The hat is attached to a flexible stem, the size of which is 3-9 centimeters. It is relatively smooth and thin, but it is quite difficult to break it. The peak growth of spring honey agaric falls in July. Most often it can be found from late May to early October.

Similar species

Most often, edible species are confused with false honey agarics. The main difference between real mushrooms are the rings, which are located under the hat. And also false mushrooms have a very unpleasant smell, which is more like a rotting tree, and not a mushroom aroma. Poisonous mushrooms have a hat of a more saturated color (to attract attention) - sulfur-yellow or brick-red shades. In addition, almost all types of edible mushrooms have small scales on their hats, which are not present in false species. And you also need to pay attention to the color of the inner plate, because for fake mushrooms it can even be olive, and for edible mushrooms it can be light beige.

Such false hooves are more like summer look mushrooms, because they are about the same size, but you need to carefully examine each mushroom so as not to end up in the hospital later.

Growing at home

Few people know that mushrooms can be grown at home, and mushrooms are no exception. There are several ways to place any of the species of this group of mushrooms.

The technology of breeding on stumps is the closest way to the real growth of mushrooms. In order to plant your garden with mushrooms, you need to choose a place where there is a lot of shade, because, as mentioned earlier, mushrooms do not like direct sunlight. If there is no such place, then you will have to use straw to cover the habitat of the mushrooms. And also it is worth remembering that you need to use the stumps of only deciduous trees: aspen, birch, apple, pear, acacia and others. In a well-moistened tree, you need to plant small pieces of mushrooms and cover them with moss so that the mushrooms begin to germinate faster. Already next year it will be possible to harvest the first harvest, which will be regular for 6-7 years.

Growing technology in glass jars is a way for urban mushroom lovers. It will need 1/3 bran and 2/3 sawdust of deciduous trees. To all this, you will need to add starch and flour. After that - pour it all with water and boil. In this whole chilled mixture, you can plant pieces of mushrooms by covering the jars with lids with holes. When the mushrooms germinate, the lids are removed. This method bears fruit much faster - in a month it will be possible to harvest the first crop.

Calorie honey mushrooms

The calorie content of each product depends on whether it has undergone some kind of heat treatment. This table contains calorie data for 100 grams of raw mushrooms.

  • Very often you can see such a phenomenon as the glow of stumps. This happens when the stump is covered with autumn mushrooms. The mushrooms themselves do not glow, but due to the fact that there is a contrast between the wood and the mushroom, the effect of a light bulb burning is created.
  • The mycelium of honey agaric, which is located in the ground, can reach a meter in size, and the fruit that we see can barely rise above ground level.
  • Scientists have proven that all types of mushrooms appeared 400 million years ago, when dinosaurs walked the Earth. In the course of evolution, they almost did not change their structure, they only broke into edible and inedible ones.
  • Honey mushrooms, like people, know how to sunbathe. This happens with any changes in temperature and weather. Some species become darker when it rains, and some when the sun is strong.
  • Honey mushrooms grow very quickly. On average, each mushroom can grow by 5 millimeters per minute. Bamboo has the same growth rate. Only mushrooms stop growing, but bamboo does not ..

I must say right away that very, very far from each other mushrooms from 5 genera of three different families are artificially collected into the “honey mushrooms” group. They are united only by some similarity. appearance, yes, the addiction of most of them to grow near the stumps, which is reflected in the name - - growing "about the stump", or in modern terms, at the stump.

Most of them have a medium-sized elastic lamellar cap and a long thin leg. They look a little like "toadstools", as some mushroom "experts" imagine. Nevertheless, since they were united by our people together, then we will consider them all together here. Although the description of each of them will be completely independent.

This is a saprophytic fungus, that is, it lives only on dead wood; on living trees, unlike autumn and winter, does not settle. Cap up to 5 cm in diameter, thin, convex, later almost flat with tubercle, light brown; along the edge with a darker rim, as if saturated with water. The plates are rare, in the color of the cap, but slightly lighter (yellow). The young hat is covered with a veil from below. The leg is thin, 0.5 cm in diameter and up to 8 cm long, hollow, with a ring, fibrous; light-brown above, and dark-brown below, tapering towards the bottom.

In June - September, the fungus is often and quite abundantly found on stumps of hardwoods: aspen, birch, linden, etc., almost does not grow on conifers. Since it forms large colonies, then, despite the frail structure, you can collect quite a lot of them. The flesh is grayish-whitish, the taste is pleasant, the smell is moist, woody. The legs, due to their stiffness, are often not taken.

Suitable for all kinds cooking, however, when dried, it becomes very tiny and thin, like paper, besides, it crumbles easily. Therefore, dried mushrooms are usually ground into powder, which is added to sauces to give them a mushroom flavor. The Germans believe that this mushroom is especially good in soup. Therapeutic, normalizes metabolism. Has several varieties. Very rarely wormy. However, many of our mushroom pickers do not take it - some out of ignorance, others simply neglect it, but in vain.

List and overview of mushrooms that grow in September, October and November.

Mushrooms - useful product containing a huge amount of protein. They are suitable for making fillings for pies, as part of the first and second courses. In addition, excellent preparations for the winter are made from mushrooms in the form of caviar, pate or salts. Of course, you can buy mushrooms on the market, but forest varieties are considered the most delicious and nutritious.

Mushrooms are the fruits of the growth of mycelium and mycelium. In general, under the ground, a mycelium grows for several meters, like a cobweb. From time to time it bears fruit. These are exactly the mushrooms that we collect. The greatest harvest of mushrooms is observed in autumn after rain.

Mushroom growth time is 2 weeks. But most often you can see the mushroom already on the 5th day. At this time, a leg appears that connects the mycelium and the cap. Initially, the hat is small, but after 2-3 days its size is rapidly increasing. That is, after the rain, you can go pick mushrooms in 1-2 weeks.

What edible mushrooms grow in autumn, at the beginning and end of September: photo, list, names

September is a month rich in mushrooms. This time is considered to be the peak. The most interesting thing is that it is at this time that mushrooms are harvested. In the forest you can find summer mushrooms, which previously bore excellent fruit in July and August.

September mushroom list:

  • Mokrukha
  • White mushrooms
  • Chanterelles

false fox

What edible mushrooms grow in autumn, at the beginning and end of October: photo, list, names

At this time, the number of mushrooms is reduced. The fact is that the nights get relatively cold. But at this temperature, the mushrooms last longer until the period of their maturity. There are not so many summer mushrooms at this time. It's time for varieties that love moderate temperatures. The most interesting thing is that at this time it is best to harvest mushrooms. They keep for a very long time.

List of October mushrooms:

Occasionally you can find boletus and boletus. They grow infrequently, their time is running out.

What edible mushrooms grow in autumn, at the beginning and end of November: photo, list, names

In November, it is already quite cold and out of the entire summer abundance there are very few mushrooms. These are mainly resistant varieties that germinate on tree trunks or stumps. Since frosts are observed on the surface of the soil. Usually, together with the first snow, the mushroom season ends. Occasionally, oyster mushrooms can be seen on the trunks.

List of November mushrooms:

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What are the latest edible mushrooms in November: photo, list, names

Basically, at the end of autumn, there are not so many mushrooms in the forest, not only edible, but also poisonous. The mushroom picker gradually ceases to bear fruit, as the temperature is quite low. In November, few people pick mushrooms, as this is the time of rains and the first frosts. At this time, the forest is very dirty. Few people enjoy walking in the mud and poking around in wet leaves looking for mushrooms. At this time, there are very few mushrooms that can be eaten. They have a significant feature - a hard hat. Therefore, among mushroom pickers there are few who love such mushrooms.

The latest mushrooms:

  • Winter honey agaric

All these mushrooms are characterized by a dense texture and a fibrous cap.

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Very hot weather is not for mushrooms. In general, mushrooms like moisture and moderate temperatures. Temperature +10+20 °C can be considered ideal. If summer or autumn is very dry, then you should not count on a good harvest of mushrooms. But even if in autumn heavy rains, then the mycelium will “get wet”. In such weather, too, there is no good harvest.

September can be considered ideal, at this time there are a lot of summer mushrooms and cool lovers appear. At this time, you can see butterflies, boletus and porcini mushrooms. They can be found even during frosts. It is believed that for the development of the fruit of the fungus, a temperature of + 5 + 10 ° C is necessary. This is the minimum temperature.

Despite the decrease in the average daily temperature, in autumn you can collect a large number of mushrooms. They are in their own way palatability not inferior to summer.

VIDEO: Edible mushrooms in autumn

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