Lamellar inedible mushrooms names. Children about edible and poisonous mushrooms with names and descriptions. Basic rules in identifying mushrooms

We are glad to welcome you to the blog. mushroom season in full swing, so our topic today will be edible mushrooms, whose photo and name you will find below. There are many types of mushrooms in our vast country, so even experienced mushroom pickers cannot always distinguish edible from inedible ones. But false and poisonous species can ruin your dish, and in some cases even cause death.

In the article you will find out what edible mushrooms are, what types they are divided into, where they grow and how they look, which mushrooms appear first. I will tell you what benefits they bring to your body and what their nutritional value is.

All mushrooms are divided into three main sections: edible, conditionally edible, inedible (poisonous, hallucinogenic). All these are hat mushrooms, they make up only a small part of a vast kingdom.

They can be divided according to many criteria. The structure of the cap is of the greatest importance to us, since sometimes it differs in twins.


  • tubular (spongy) - the bottom of the cap consists of the smallest tubes, resembles a sponge;
  • lamellar - plates at the bottom of the cap, located radially;
  • marsupials (morels) - shriveled hats.

You can also divide forest gifts by taste, by the method of spore formation, shape, color, and the nature of the surface of the cap and stem.

When and where do mushrooms grow

In Russia and the CIS countries, mushroom areas are found almost throughout the territory, from the tundra to steppe zones. Mushrooms grow best in humus-rich soil that warms up well. The gifts of the forest do not like strong waterlogging and excessive dryness. The best places for them are in the clearing, where there is a shade, on the edges, forest roads, in plantings and copses.

If the summer is rainy, mushroom places should be looked for on a hill, and if dry, near trees in the lowlands, where there is more moisture. As a rule, specific species grow near certain trees. For example, camelina grows near pines and spruce; white - in birch, pine, oak; boletus - at the aspen.

Mushrooms in different climatic zones appear in different time, one after another. Let's analyze the middle band:

  • The first spring forest harvest - lines and morels (April, May).
  • In early June, boletus, boletus, boletus, russula appear. The duration of the wave is about 2 weeks.
  • From mid-July, the second wave begins, which lasts 2-3 weeks. In rainy years, there is no break between the June and July waves. Since July, the mass appearance of the mushroom harvest begins.
  • August is marked by the massive growth of mushrooms, especially ceps.
  • From mid-August and early autumn, chanterelles, mushrooms, milk mushrooms grow in huge families in favorable weather.

IN deciduous forests the main season lasts from June to October, and from November to March in the forests you can find winter mushroom. Field mushrooms are more common in the steppes: umbrellas, champignons, raincoat, meadow mushrooms. The season is from June to November.

Composition of mushrooms, benefits

The mushroom composition contains up to 90% water, and the dry part is predominantly protein. That is why the gifts of the forest are often called "forest meat" or "forest bread".

The nutritional value:

  • Mushroom protein contains almost all amino acids, and even essential ones. Mushrooms are a significant part of the diet, however, due to the content of fungin, it is better to exclude them from the menu for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Carbohydrates in "forest meat" is much less than protein. Mushroom carbohydrate differs from vegetable and is absorbed better, much like milk or bread.
  • Fatty substances are absorbed like animal fats by 92-97%.
  • The composition contains tartaric, fumaric, citric, malic and other acids.
  • The composition contains a large number of vitamins PP, B1, A. Some varieties contain B2, C, D.
  • Mushrooms are rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium.
  • The composition contains trace elements - zinc, fluorine, manganese, iodine, copper.

Edible gifts of the forest have many benefits, since ancient times they have been used to treat diseases. Now it is useful tasty food, and vegetarians replace them with meat.

Mushrooms are able to increase immunity, cleanse blood vessels and lower cholesterol levels, fight depression and excess weight. They help maintain the beauty of hair, skin and nails. Learn more about contraindications and useful properties mushrooms on our website.

How to determine if a mushroom is edible or not

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible? After all, almost everyone knows boletus, but rare and unusual specimens are found in the forest. There are many ways.

For example, in my childhood I had an interesting encyclopedia with pictures and descriptions, plus I always went to the forest with experienced mushroom pickers. By the way, this is the best idea, take with you to the forest, a person who is in mushroom affairs understands.

A few general tips:

  1. Take a closer look if you see worms in at least one mushroom from the mycelium, they are edible.
  2. Tubular species are easier to distinguish from twins.
  3. Learn colors, white and greenish often indicate poisonous double.
  4. Do not taste mushrooms, they are not always bitter, for example pale grebe, a little sweet. Such an experiment can result in poisoning.
  5. On false and poisonous twins, a skirt is often found.

These are just a few of the signs. Basically, each pair of twins has its own differences. You should pay attention to the frequency of the plates at the bottom of the cap, attachment to the stem, color, pulp when cut, the presence of rings. Below you will find a photo and the name of edible mushrooms with a short description.

What do edible mushrooms look like?

White mushroom (boletus)

The mushroom king has a light leg, the sponge under the cap is cream and white. If you break the hat, it will not darken. He has several false and poisonous twins. For example, in a satanic mushroom, the fracture will turn blue, and in the gall it will turn pink, the broken leg will be covered with a dark mesh.

Boletus (redhead)

In most cases, the boletus has a red cap, dense flesh and a leg. When broken, the cut is bluish or white, while the false redhead is red or pink.

Boletus (boletus)

The color of the cap varies from dark brown to light beige. has an elongated mesh leg gray color and does not change color when cut. The false mushroom has a dirty white or pink sponge, and its hat is gray or pinkish.

Quite a massive mushroom with a velvet cushion-shaped cap, with lemon-yellow flesh. The leg at the base is red, and turns blue at the cut. It is confused with a satanic mushroom, but it is lighter in color.

A real chanterelle has a color from pale pink to orange, its edges are wavy, corrugated, and there are plates under the cap. In the false version, the color is from orange to red. The edges are jewelry smooth, and when broken, juice is released white color.

Maslyanyk - yellow mushroom, which has a slippery spongy hat, which is connected to the leg by a film. False butterflies have a dark hat, sometimes with purple tint, under it plates. The peel of the latter does not stretch when removed, and the flesh turns red.

The flywheel is spongy, the sponge is bright yellow. In "youth", his hat is convex velvet, and over time, it straightens and cracks. Its color ranges from dark green to burgundy. The leg is without any inclusions, and when broken, the color does not change. It is often confused with pepper, bile and chestnut mushrooms. The main difference between the flywheel is that it grows on moss.

The original has a beige or cream color, dark brown plates and a skirt. Mushroom grows in well-lit places. You can confuse a popular mushroom with a pale toadstool or a smelly fly agaric, and they are deadly poisonous. The toadstool has light plates, but there is no skirt under the hat.

There are light cream and brown shades, they have skirts on the leg, and scales on the hat, they are lamellar, grow on stumps. False mushrooms are brighter, they do not have a film ring.

In young russula, the hat is spherical, while in mature ones it is flat, dry to the touch, matte or shiny. The color changes from green to red. The plates are fragile, different in size, frequent, yellow or white. The flesh is crisp and white, changing color when cut. If the russula is bright red or purple, most likely you have a double in front of you.

Raincoat (hare potato, fluff)

A real raincoat is shaped like a ball, often on a small leg. Its color is white or beige. The pulp is dense, white. In the false puffball, the flesh has a purple hue, the skin is dark.

Often grow near pines and larches. The hat eventually begins to resemble a funnel, its color is orange, red or bluish-green. She is smooth and sticky. The slice will turn green over time.

It has a flat pink cap with a depression in the center and a discreet circle pattern, the edges of which are bent inward. The pulp is white, dense, the juice is also white. The color does not change when cut. Twins often have scales, a greenish color, distinct from the white flesh.

Cobweb (bog)

It has a beautiful appearance, bright yellow color. The shape of the cap is correct, round, it hides the plates. An adult cobweb resembles a toadstool. False twins are foul-smelling, irregularly shaped, and covered in scales.

The umbrella got its name due to the long stem and the characteristic shape of the hat, at first the shape is spherical, then it resembles an umbrella. The color is white, with a hint of beige, a darker spot in the center, and the surface is cracked. Plates darken with age. Many twins that differ in color may have a pungent odor and loose flesh.


The cap of the govorushka at first has a hemispherical shape, then it is depressed, resembling a funnel. It is dry and smooth, white, light brown, ocher in color, the center is darker. The plates are white, but darken with age. The flesh is white, dense, although it loosens with age. False talkers are white.


Agaric mushrooms deserve their name because they grow in rows or circles (witch's circles). The cap of a young rowing resembles a ball, and then straightens. It has white, brown, red, yellow colors. The edges can be curved, smooth, or curved. The skin can be dry, velvety or smooth, mucous. The leg is velvety, often has a pink-brown color. The poisonous doppelgänger has a dirty gray color, be careful!


More often lines are found in a pine forest, due to possible frosts, black spots appear on its cap. The cap itself grows together with the leg, has a sinuous shape. It has a brown, brown, reddish or yellow color. The older the lines, the lighter the hat. The leg is also not even, and the flesh is white and breaks easily.


The surface of the morel cap, as if all in cells, is ovoid in shape. Its color is greyish, yellow and brown. The flesh of the morel is white, soft, and the stem has a cylindrical shape, slightly thickened towards the bottom. The false morel grows from the egg, emits an unpleasant odor and is covered with mucus.

oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms grow on a tree, under each other, which is why they got their name. The cap of oyster mushrooms is smooth, sometimes wavy, the color is gray with a purple tint. The plates are frequent, dense, have a gray color. The edges are concave, the legs are short, dense. False oyster mushrooms are brighter and of other shades.

Now you know how to test a mushroom and find out if it is edible or not. You can go to the forest without fear. Choose only the right mushrooms and remember that even an edible mushroom can cause harm if it is old or starting to decompose.

Video - edible mushrooms with a description

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To collect edible mushrooms, it is not necessary to wait until the end of summer. Many appetizing species have inhabited the forest since June, and especially early ones - already from spring. Knowing the species of some edible mushrooms will help distinguish them from dangerous ones.

Mushrooms that appear before everyone else, when properly prepared, are no less tasty than those picked in summer and autumn. The main thing is to distinguish them from poisonous species, which also grow immediately after the snow melts.


They appear in areas well warmed by the rays of the sun. Their hat is dotted with folds and indentations, giving the morel a wrinkled appearance. The mushroom has several common varieties, so the shape of the cap may vary.: be pear-shaped, elongated, conical.


Scientific name - thyroid rosacea. It has brown legs and a hat. The diameter of the latter is from 1 to 10 cm. The white pulp, which tastes good, is traditionally used in canning. Grows in gardens and wild groves with apricot.


oyster mushrooms

They grow in limbo on stumps, attaching to them with a thin leg. The color of the hat, often growing up to 30 cm in diameter, varies from snow-white to brown. Oyster mushrooms usually form whole flocks, which makes them easier to collect.

Meadow mushrooms

These are thin agaric mushrooms, appearing in May in glades and forest edges in the form of "witch's rings". The diameter of the chestnut hat is quite small: less than 4 cm.


These valuable forest dwellers appear in mid-May in warm climate regions, choosing well-lit open spaces. The globular hat is painted white, and the leg may have beige shades. It is widely used in cooking, including for the preparation of gourmet dishes.

Gallery: edible mushrooms (25 photos)


They appear everywhere at the end of May. It is the loving sun. Boletus usually grows in "families" around trees. Their hemispherical cap can be either white or dark brown, depending on the age of the find. It is important to distinguish between boletus and: the latter has a burning taste with bitterness and a pink layer of spores, while in boletus spores the spores are gray.



Appear simultaneously with boletus, but prefer pine forests. A distinctive feature of the butter dish is a brown cap covered with a sticky film.

How to pick mushrooms (video)

summer edible mushrooms

In the summer they grow and, to which new ones join. Avid lovers of quiet hunting go to the forest from June itself, and in August, which is the peak of fruiting, everyone else joins them.


First place on the list summer species occupies, of course, white. This is a very valuable species, because it has not only excellent taste, but also healing properties: it contains substances that kill bacteria.

The appearance of "white" is difficult to confuse with others: a fleshy hat, dyed in warm shades of brown, pink or even white, is attached to a plump leg. The pulp has a pleasant taste and aroma.

For its positive properties, it is called the "king of mushrooms." You can find "white" in forests with birches and pines, in open areas. But the fungus itself prefers to stay in the shade, hiding under fallen trees or thick grass.



Grows in forests that have oaks or pines. At first glance, the flywheel resembles a butter dish, but the surface of its brown or olive cap is dry and has a velvety texture. Their diameter does not exceed 10 cm, but in a favorable environment, this figure can become larger.


It is a small and very fragile mushroom that grows in large numbers everywhere. The color of the hats is the most diverse: yellow, pink, purple, white. White flesh, easily broken when pressed, sweet in taste. Russula grow until late autumn mainly in the lowlands of any forest, and are undemanding to the soil. Despite the name: fried breaded, boiled, added to soup and potatoes, or salted for the winter.



They grow in large "families" in well-moistened areas of mixed and coniferous forests. This agaric does not exceed 10 cm in diameter. His hat in a young bitter is almost flat, with time it turns into a funnel-shaped one. Both the leg and the skin are brick-colored. The pulp, like that of russula, is fragile; when damaged, white juice may appear from it.


These are mushrooms loved by many, making an excellent duet with potatoes when frying. They appear in June among moss in birch or pine forests.

Chanterelles grow in a dense carpet or bright yellow (for which they got their name). The funnel-shaped hat has a wavy edging. A nice feature of the fungus is that it is almost always untouched by worms.

Varieties of edible mushrooms (video)

Edible autumn mushrooms

The beginning of September can be called the most productive time for when the most various kinds: starting with boletus, which appeared in May, and ending with autumn mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms

Perhaps the most beloved inhabitants of the mushroom kingdom that appear in the fall are honey agarics (they are also called honey agarics). Some varieties begin to grow as early as late summer.

Honey mushrooms never grow alone: ​​they "attack" stumps, logs and even healthy trees in whole colonies. One family can have up to 100 pieces. Therefore, collecting them is easy and fast.

Honey mushrooms are brown and red hat mushrooms.. The diameter of the brown cap, darkening towards the middle, is from 2 to 10 cm. These are mushrooms that smell and taste good, so they are used for cooking in almost any form. Especially tasty are miniature young mushrooms with legs, marinated in spicy brine.


A large family, whose representatives grow in orderly rows in pine or mixed forests. Can sometimes form ring-shaped colonies . They have many species, most of which are edible. But there are also poisonous rows.

These are medium-sized mushrooms (average diameter is 5-13 cm), the caps of which are painted in various colors. Their shape changes over time: old specimens are usually almost flat, with a knob in the middle; young ones can be cone-shaped.


It is an edible species often confused with grebes. Its cap is usually covered with mucus, but may be dry. There are different types of mokruha, for example, spruce and pink.

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible

The task of a lover of quiet hunting is not only to find mushrooms, but also to distinguish edible from inedible and even poisonous ones. Knowledge and practical experience help in this. The easiest way to avoid mistakes is to know the characteristics of the species. But there are still general rules to determine how safe the mushroom is for health.

edible mushrooms

They have the following properties:

  • pleasant “edible” smell;
  • the bottom of the cap is covered with a tubular layer;
  • they were chosen by bugs or worms;
  • the skin of the cap is characteristic in color for its species.

There are general rules to determine how safe a mushroom is for health.

inedible mushrooms

If there is any doubt about the suitability for eating the find, then it is better to leave it when the mushroom:

  • has an unusual or bright color;
  • a sharp and unpleasant odor emanates from it;
  • there are no pests on the surface;
  • the cut acquires an unnatural color;
  • there is no tubular layer under the hat.

The variety of species does not allow us to derive an axiom of how to determine by appearance whether a mushroom is dangerous or not. They successfully disguise themselves as each other and almost do not differ. Therefore, the main rule of all mushroom pickers says: "If you're not sure - don't take it."

The main rule of all mushroom pickers is: If you're not sure, don't take it.

What mushrooms appear the very first

The first ones usually appear from under the ground of a small size. They are thin, fragile and unremarkable; grow literally everywhere: in forests, parks and lawns along with the first grass.

The very first edible morels will appear a little later, from about mid-April in the middle lane.

The importance of edible mushrooms in human nutrition

Mushrooms are widely used in cooking. Their taste and smell are determined by extractive and aromatic substances. The product is used mainly after heat treatment: as an addition to vegetable and meat dishes, salads and appetizers. Dried caps and legs are added to soups to give them a characteristic flavor and aroma. Another common cooking method is canning, in which spicy spices and plants are added.

All life on Earth is usually attributed to either the plant or animal world, however, there are special organisms - mushrooms, which for a long time scientists found it difficult to attribute to a certain class. Mushrooms are unique in their structure, mode of life and diversity. They are represented by a huge number of varieties and differ in the mechanism of their existence even among themselves. Mushrooms were first attributed to plants, then to animals, and only recently it was decided to attribute them to their own, special kingdom. Mushrooms are neither a plant nor an animal.

What are mushrooms?

Mushrooms, unlike plants, do not contain the pigment chlorophyll, which gives green leaves and extracts nutrients from carbon dioxide. Mushrooms are not able to independently produce nutrients, but extract them from the object on which they grow: tree, soil, plants. Eating ready-made substances brings mushrooms very close to animals. In addition, moisture is vital for this group of living organisms, so they are not able to exist where there is no liquid.

Mushrooms can be hat, mold and yeast. It is the hats that we collect in the forest. Molds are well-known molds, yeasts are yeasts and similar very small microorganisms. Fungi can grow on living organisms or feed on their metabolic products. fungi can create mutually beneficial relationship with higher plants and insects, this relationship is called symbiosis. Mushrooms are a must digestive system herbivores. They play a very important role in the life of not only animals, plants, but also humans.

Diagram of the structure of a cap mushroom

Everyone knows that a mushroom consists of a stem and a cap, and we cut them off when we collect mushrooms. However, this is only a small part of the fungus, called the "fruiting body". By the structure of the fruiting body, you can determine the edible mushroom or not. Fruiting bodies consist of intertwined threads, these are "hyphae". If you turn the mushroom over and look at the cap from below, you will notice that some mushrooms have thin plastics there (these are agaric mushrooms), while others look like a sponge (spongy mushrooms). It is there that spores (very small seeds) are formed that are necessary for the reproduction of the fungus.

The fruiting body is only 10% of the fungus itself. The main part of the fungus is the mycelium, it is not visible to the eye, because it is located in the soil or tree bark and is also an interweaving of hyphae. Another name for mycelium is "mycelium". Big square mycelium is needed to collect the mushroom nutrients and moisture. In addition, it attaches the fungus to the surface and promotes further spread along it.

edible mushrooms

The most popular edible mushrooms among mushroom pickers include: White mushroom, boletus, boletus, oiler, flywheel, honey agaric, milk mushroom, russula, chanterelle, camelina, volnushka.

One mushroom can have many varieties, which is why mushrooms with the same name can look different.

White mushroom (boletus) mushroom pickers adore for its unsurpassed taste and aroma. It is very similar in shape to a barrel. The cap of this mushroom is similar to a round pillow and has Brown color pale to dark. Its surface is smooth. The pulp is dense, white, odorless and has a pleasant nutty taste. The leg of the white fungus is very voluminous, up to 5 cm thick, white, sometimes beige colour. Most of it is underground. This mushroom can be harvested from June to October in coniferous, deciduous or mixed forests and its appearance depends on where it grows. You can use white mushroom in any form.

Common boletus

Common boletus (boletus) also a mushroom quite desirable for mushroom pickers. Its hat is also pillow-shaped and is either light brown or dark brown. Its diameter is up to 15 cm. The flesh of the cap is white, but may turn slightly pink on the cut. The length of the leg is up to 15 cm. It widens slightly downward and has a light gray color with brown scales. The boletus grows in deciduous and mixed forests from June to late autumn. He loves the light very much, so most often he can be found on the edges. Boletus can be consumed boiled, fried and stewed.


boletus(redhead) is easy to recognize by the interesting color of its hat, reminiscent of autumn foliage. The color of the cap depends on the place of growth. It varies from almost white to yellow-red or brown. At the point of fracture, the pulp begins to change color, darkens to black. The boletus leg is very dense and large, reaching a length of 15 cm. In appearance, the boletus differs from the boletus in that it has black spots on its legs, as it were, drawn horizontally, while the boletus has more vertically. This mushroom can be collected from early summer to October. It is most often found in deciduous and mixed forests, in aspen forests and undergrowth.


butterdish has a fairly wide hat, up to 10 cm in diameter. It can be colored from yellow to chocolate, convex shape. The peel can be easily separated from the pulp of the cap and to the touch it can be very slimy, slippery. The flesh in the cap is soft, yellowish and juicy. In young butterflies, the sponge under the hat is covered with a white film; in adults, a skirt remains on the leg from it. The leg has the shape of a cylinder. It is yellow at the top and slightly darker at the bottom. Oilseed grows in coniferous forests on sandy soil from May to November. It can be consumed pickled, dried and salted.


Kozlyak very similar to the old butter dish, but the sponge under the hat is darker, with large pores and there is no skirt on the leg.


Mokhoviki have a cushion-shaped hat with a velvety skin from brown to dark green. The leg is dense, yellow-brown. The flesh may turn blue or green on the cut and has a brown color. The most common are green and yellow-brown mossiness mushrooms. They have excellent taste qualities and can be consumed fried and dried. Be sure to clean the hat before eating it. Mossiness mushrooms grow in deciduous and coniferous forests of temperate latitudes from mid-summer to mid-autumn.


Dubovik grows mainly in oak forests. In appearance, it resembles a white mushroom in shape, and in color it resembles a flywheel. The surface of the cap in young mushrooms is velvety, in wet weather it is mucous. From touch, the hat is covered with dark spots. The pulp of the fungus is yellowish, dense, red or reddish at the base of the stem, turns blue on the cut, then turns brown, odorless, the taste is mild. The mushroom is edible, but it is easy to confuse it with inedibles: satanic and gall mushrooms. If part of the leg is covered with a dark mesh, this is not a oak tree, but its inedible counterpart. In an olive-brown oak, the flesh on the cut immediately turns blue, and in a poisonous double, it slowly changes color, first to red, and then turns blue.

All the mushrooms described above are spongy. Among spongy fungi, only gall fungus and a satanic mushroom, they look like white, but immediately change color on the cut, and even pepper is not edible, because it is bitter, about them below. But among the agaric mushrooms there are many inedible and poisonous ones, so the child should remember the names and descriptions of edible mushrooms before going on a “silent hunt”.

Honey agaric

Honey agaric grows on the base of trees, and meadow agaric - in the meadows. Its convex hat up to 10 cm in diameter has a yellowish-brown color, similar to an umbrella. The length of the leg is up to 12 cm. In the upper part it is light and has a ring (skirt), and at the bottom it acquires a brownish tint. The pulp of the mushroom is dense, dryish, with a pleasant smell.

The autumn mushroom grows from August to October. It can be found on both dead and living trees. The hat is brownish, dense, the plates are yellowish, there is a white ring on the leg. Most often it is found in a birch grove. This mushroom can be eaten dried, fried, pickled and boiled.

Autumn honey agaric

Summer honey agaric, like autumn, grows on stumps all summer and even in autumn. Its hat along the edge is darker than in the middle and thinner than that of the autumn honey agaric. There is a brown ring on the leg.

Honey agaric summer

The honey agaric has been growing in meadows and pastures since the end of May. Sometimes mushrooms form a circle, which mushroom pickers call the "witch's ring".

Honey agaric meadow


Russula have a round cap with easily detachable skin along the edges. The hat reaches 15 cm in diameter. The cap can be convex, flat, concave or funnel-shaped. Its color varies from red-brown and blue-gray to yellowish and light gray. The leg is white, fragile. The flesh is also white. Russula can be found in both deciduous and coniferous forests. They also grow in the birch park, and on the banks of the river. The first mushrooms appear in late spring, and the largest number occurs in early autumn.


Chanterelle- an edible mushroom that looks and tastes good. Her velvety hat is distinguished by a red color and resembles a funnel in shape with folds along the edges. Its flesh is dense and has the same color as the cap. The hat flows smoothly into the leg. The leg is also red, smooth, tapering downwards. Its length is up to 7 cm. Chanterelle is found in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests. It can often be found in moss and among conifers. It grows from June to November. You can use it in any form.


breast has a concave hat with a funnel in the center and wavy edges. It is firm to the touch and fleshy. The surface of the cap is white and is covered with fluff, it is dry or vice versa, mucous and wet, depending on the type of breast. The pulp is brittle and when broken, a white juice with a bitter taste is released. Depending on the type of milk mushroom, the juice may turn yellow or turn pink when broken. The leg of the mushroom is dense, white. This mushroom grows in deciduous and mixed forests, often covered with dry foliage so that it is not visible, but only a mound is visible. You can collect it from the first summer month to September. Mushrooms are well suited for pickling. Much less often they are fried or consumed boiled. The breast is also black, but black has a much worse taste.

White mushroom (real)

Dry breast (loader)

aspen mushroom

Black breast


Volnushki they are distinguished by a small hat, which has an impression in the center and a beautiful fringe along slightly tucked edges. Its color varies from yellowish to pink. The flesh is white and firm. This is a conditionally edible mushroom. The juice has a very bitter taste, so before you cook this mushroom, you need to soak it for a long time. The leg is dense, up to 6 cm in length. Volnushki love wet areas and grow in deciduous and mixed forests, preferring birch. They are best collected from August to September. Volnushki can be eaten in salted and pickled form.


mushrooms similar to volnushki, but larger in size, they do not have a fringe along the edges, they are light orange in color, and the flesh on the cut is also orange, turning green along the edge. The mushroom does not have bitter juice, so you can cook it immediately without soaking it. The mushroom is edible. Ryzhik fried, boiled and marinated.


Champignon grow in the forest, and in the city, and even in landfills and basements from summer to autumn. While the mushroom is young, its cap has the shape of a half ball of white or grayish color, the reverse side of the cap is covered with a white veil. When the hat opens, the veil turns into a skirt on a leg, exposing gray plates with spores. Mushrooms are edible, they are fried, boiled, marinated without special pre-treatment.


A fungus that creaks slightly when you run a fingernail over it or rub hats, many call it a squeaker. It grows in coniferous and deciduous forests, usually in groups. The violinist looks like a breast, but unlike the breast, its plates are cast in a yellowish or greenish color, and the hat may also not be pure white, moreover, it is velvety. The flesh of the mushroom is white, very dense, hard, but brittle, with a slight pleasant smell and a very pungent taste. When broken, it exudes a very caustic white milky juice. The white flesh becomes greenish-yellow when exposed to air. Milky juice, drying, becomes reddish. Violin is a conditionally edible mushroom, it is edible in salt form after soaking.

Value (goby) has a light brown hat with whitish plates and a white leg. While the mushroom is young, the cap is bent down and slightly slippery. Young mushrooms are harvested and eaten, but only after removing the skin, prolonged soaking or boiling the mushroom.

You can meet such bizarre mushrooms in the forest and in the meadow: morel, line, dung beetle, blue-green stropharia. They are conditionally edible, but Lately less and less commonly consumed by humans. Young parasol mushroom and puffball are edible.

poisonous mushrooms

Inedible mushrooms or foods containing their poisons can cause severe poisoning and even death. The most life-threatening inedible, poisonous mushrooms include: fly agaric, pale grebe, false mushrooms.

A very noticeable mushroom in the forest. His red hat with white dots is visible to the forester from afar. However, depending on the species, hats can also be of other colors: green, brown, white, orange. The hat is shaped like an umbrella. This mushroom is quite large. The leg usually widens downward. It has a "skirt" on it. It is the remains of a shell in which young mushrooms were located. This poisonous mushroom can be confused with golden-red russula. The russula has a hat that is slightly depressed in the center and there is no "skirt" (Volva).

Death cap(fly agaric green) even in small quantities can cause great harm to human health. Her hat can be white, green, gray or yellowish. But the shape depends on the age of the fungus. The cap of a young pale grebe resembles a small egg, and over time it becomes almost flat. The stem of the mushroom is white, tapering downwards. The pulp does not change at the incision site and has no smell. Pale grebe grows in all forests with clay soil. This mushroom is very similar to champignons and russula. However, mushroom plates are usually darker in color, and in pale grebe they are white. Russula does not have this skirt on the leg, and they are more brittle.

false mushrooms can be easily confused with edible mushrooms. They usually grow on stumps. The cap of these mushrooms has a bright color, and the edges are covered with white flaky particles. Unlike edible mushrooms, these mushrooms have an unpleasant smell and taste.

gall fungus- doppelgänger of white. It differs from the boletus in that the upper part of its leg is covered with a dark mesh, and the flesh turns pink when cut.

satanic mushroom also looks like white, but its sponge under the hat is reddish, there is a red mesh on the leg, and the cut becomes purple.

pepper mushroom looks like a flywheel or butter dish, but the sponge under the hat is lilac.

false fox- an inedible twin of a chanterelle. In color, the false chanterelle is darker, reddish-orange, white juice is released at the break of the cap.

Both flywheel and chanterelles also have inedible counterparts.

As you understand, mushrooms are not only those that have a hat and stem and grow in the forest.

  • Yeast mushrooms are used to create some drinks, using them in the fermentation process (for example, kvass). Molds are a source of antibiotics and save millions of lives every day. Special types of mushrooms are used to give foods, such as cheeses, a special taste. They are also used to create chemicals.
  • Mushroom spores, with the help of which they reproduce, can germinate after 10 years or more.
  • There are also predatory species of fungi that feed on worms. Their mycelium forms dense rings, when hit, it is already impossible to escape.
  • The oldest mushroom found in amber is 100 million years old.
  • An interesting fact is that leaf-cutting ants are able to independently grow the mushrooms they need for food. They acquired this ability 20 million years ago.
  • In nature, there are about 68 species glowing mushrooms. They are most often found in Japan. Such mushrooms are distinguished by the fact that they glow green in the dark, it looks especially impressive if the mushroom grows in the middle of rotten tree trunks.
  • Some fungi lead to serious diseases and affect agricultural plants.

Mushrooms are mysterious and very interesting organisms, full of unsolved mysteries and unusual discoveries. Edible species are a very tasty and healthy product, and inedible ones can bring great harm to health. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish them and you should not put a mushroom in the basket in which there is no complete certainty. But this risk does not prevent one from admiring their diversity and beauty against the backdrop of blooming nature.

Not all varieties of mushrooms are edible. Therefore, going to the forest, you need to know how edible mushrooms differ from inedible ones.

  • Photos and names of mushrooms


    Sometimes poisoning occurs due to one piece of pale toadstool or red fly agaric that fell on the table along with edible mushrooms. In order not to confuse edible and inedible mushrooms, it is necessary to accurately understand which specimens are common in the area, how they look. They put in the basket only the mushroom that is well known.

    These are the main differences between edible and non-edible mushrooms. From poisonous species on the territory of Russia, the most common pale grebe (green fly agaric), red fly agaric, thin pig and satanic mushroom. Pale grebe is deadly.

    If the above signs are absent, but there is no certainty that the specimen found does not contain toxic substances, it should not be taken.

    Types of edible mushrooms

    There are different classifications of mushrooms. They are divided into categories depending on the growing area (forest, steppe), fruiting time (spring, summer, autumn, winter), structures (tubular, lamellar), etc. To recognize whether an edible mushroom or not, it is not necessary to know about the existence of these categories, a fairly accurate and complete description.

    The list of edible mushrooms is huge. On the territory of Russia, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, boletus, boletus, volnushki, chanterelles, russula, boletus and milk mushrooms are most often found.


    This mushroom is also known as "white". He owes this name due to the snow-white color of the pulp. Due to their taste and rich aroma, mushrooms are considered a delicacy.

    Boletus has a tubular hymenophore structure. The size of the cap varies from 10 to 30 cm. In small mushrooms, the shape of the cap resembles a hemisphere. As they grow older, it straightens a little and becomes flat-rounded. The cap is covered with a matte cuticle of medium thickness, colored light brown or brown, less often dark orange. The edges of the cap are always slightly lighter than its center. After rain, it acquires a slight sheen. The fleshy pulp has a rich mushroom aroma and a dense structure.

    The height of the leg varies from 10 to 25 cm. It is painted light brown, sometimes there is a slight reddish tint. At the base, the stem is slightly wider than at the junction with the cap (this is a typical shape). In shape, it resembles a barrel or cylinder. The tubular layer is painted white or olive.

    This species is easy to find in both coniferous and deciduous forests. Collection time is summer. Borovik is unpretentious to the climate and grows well even in the north.

    Honey mushrooms

    This type of mushroom is most often found near stumps and trees. Honey mushrooms grow in numerous groups, which is their characteristic feature. They have a lamellar structure of the spore-bearing layer. The diameter of the hat varies between 5-10 cm. It is painted in beige, honey or brown. In young specimens, the color of the cap is more saturated than in old ones. Changes with age and its shape. From hemispherical, it turns into an umbrella-shaped. The surface of the skin on the cap at a young age is covered with a small number of scales, and later becomes smooth.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Experienced mushroom pickers advise collecting only young mushrooms that meet all the requirements for appearance, according to which they clearly differ from poisonous counterparts:

    • scales on the surface of the cap;
    • "skirt" on the leg;
    • plates of cream, white or slightly yellowish color;
    • calm color of the fruiting body.

    The height of a thin cylindrical leg varies between 5-13 cm. The color of the flexible leg matches the color of the cap. At the base of the leg, it is more saturated than in other areas. Many representatives have a membranous “skirt” on the leg - the remnant of the film that covered the hymenophore. The harvest time is autumn.


    These edible mushrooms prefer coniferous forests. The structure of the hymenophore (spore-bearing layer) of the fungus is lamellar. The diameter of the hat varies from 3 to 9 cm. It is painted in a soft Orange color. The color of the cap corresponds to the dense pulp. In shape, it is hemispherical in young specimens, and funnel-shaped in old specimens, smooth edges are slightly bent inward. The smooth skin covering the hat becomes sticky after rain and high humidity.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    The mushrooms rise above the ground to a height of 3-8 cm. The brittle leg is painted in a color corresponding to the color of the cap, and becomes hollow inside with age. Sometimes there are spots of a lighter or darker shade on the leg. The first mushrooms appear in early summer. They can be found in coniferous forests.


    Forest butterflies have a tubular hat, as if covered with oil, which is their characteristic feature. Therefore, such a name arose. At a young age, the cap has a hemispherical shape, then becomes flat-rounded. The diameter of the cap varies from 7 to 15 cm. The color of the thin skin, which looks more like a film, varies from light beige, reddish, chocolate or ocher shades with spots. To the touch it is sticky or velvety. It depends on the type of oil and the weather. Their hymenophore is tubular (spongy).

    A dense low leg (4-10 cm) has a barrel-shaped or straight shape. It is decorated with a white skirt and has a cream or light yellow color. Butterflies are harvested already in the middle of spring.

    Aspen mushrooms

    The boletus is popularly called aspen or redhead. And he owes his name to what grows next to aspens, and the color of the skin covering the hat and the color of the autumn aspen are almost identical.

    The hemispherical fleshy cap with a tubular structure of the spore-bearing layer has a bright red-orange color. Its diameter varies from 5 to 30 cm. In young specimens, the shape of the cap resembles a thimble. It is difficult to remove the skin from the hat. It feels dry or velvety to the touch. The flesh is colored milky or creamy.

    The height of the leg varies from 15 to 20 cm, which is why the boletus is clearly visible above the ground. characteristic shape boletus legs are club-shaped. She is painted white. On the surface there are a large number of small scales, painted in brown or black. Aspen mushrooms are harvested in mid-summer and early autumn. They grow both in the south and in the northwest. They feel comfortable in any climatic conditions.


    Volnushki attract not only with an unusual color, but also with a hat pattern. They prefer to grow near birches on sandy soils. The lamellar cap at a young age is hemispherical, at the old one it is funnel-shaped with edges turned inward. Its diameter varies from 4 to 12 cm. The skin covering the hat is colored pinkish or pink-orange, but white specimens are also found. On the hat there are rings of various shades. They have different widths and jagged edges. The fleshy pulp is pungent in taste. The bottom of the cap (hymenophore) is painted light pink. Even in a white wave, the bottom of the cap has a pinkish tint.

    A thin solid leg becomes hollow with age and has a length of 2 to 6 cm. It is painted in light or pale pink. Collect volnushki in mixed forests or birch groves from late summer to mid-autumn.


    This type of edible mushroom is distinguished by the external features of the cap. It is lamellar, funnel-shaped, with wavy and slightly curved edges. The diameter of the cap varies from 6 to 13 cm. The skin covering the cap is yellow-orange. Fleshy and dense in structure, the pulp is creamy or light yellow.

    The length of the straight leg varies from 4 to 7 cm. It is painted in a color that matches the color of the hat. Rarely, the leg and cap of the chanterelle differ in color. Chanterelles are harvested in coniferous forests from late spring to late autumn.


    A feature of russula is the variety of colors in which the hat is painted. There is red-yellow or reddish, light purple, raspberry, white, cream and greenish, which greatly complicates the recognition of russula. The diameter of the lamellar cap varies from 5 to 17 cm. The top is hemispherical in shape, but with age it becomes reminiscent of a funnel. The skin is thick. It is difficult to separate it from the pulp. Often the cap is covered with shallow cracks. These colorful mushrooms have a rich aroma.

    The height of the light leg varies from 4 to 11 cm. It has a cylindrical shape. Sometimes at the base it is 3-4 mm thicker than at the junction with the cap. Russula collection time begins in July and ends in September. In nature, they are found in deciduous or mixed forests.


    The boletus grows in birch groves. The diameter of its gray, brown or dark brown hat varies from 5 to 12 cm. Its shape in young mushrooms is spherical, because. fits snugly to the leg, and in adults it resembles a hemisphere. Boletus mushrooms belong to tubular fungi and have high palatability. The fleshy pulp has a dense structure. Mature mushrooms do not have a rich aroma.

    The white stem, on which there are a large number of brown and black scales, slightly tapers upwards. The first boletus trees appear in May. Collect them until September.

    Milk mushrooms

    It is easy to recognize a breast by its size. The diameter of a yellow, light gray or brown hat is sometimes 25-30 cm. Small scales are present on its surface. The flat-round shape becomes funnel-shaped with age. The edges are slightly bent inward.

    The height of the stem, the color of which corresponds to the color of the cap, varies from 5 to 14 cm. It is hollow, but strong. There are notches on the leg. It is sticky to the touch. Look for breasts better in spruce forests or near aspens. myceliums form mushrooms from early spring to late autumn. As a place of growth they choose mixed forests. They develop in the forest floor. To see them, you need to pay attention to all the "suspicious" tubercles of foliage.

    This list of common edible mushrooms can be expanded with the following types: kolchak, chimney ( grandfather's tobacco), bear ears, raincoat or rain mushroom, bordered gallery, bluish, ringed cap (they are sometimes called "Turks"). But they are much less common in Russia, which is why their description is not presented.

    Mushroom picking rules

    By following simple rules, it will be possible to avoid poisoning:

    1. Unknown mushrooms should not be taken, even if they have a pleasant smell and have a velvety skin.
    2. It is advisable for novice mushroom pickers to have a memo with a description and photographs of non-dangerous varieties. This may be a table in which dangerous varieties are also presented.
    3. It will also be useful to look at the atlas mushroom places or Internet services, the task of which is to determine the type of mushroom from a photo.
    4. At first, it is better to go to the forest with people who understand mushrooms. They will help you find mushroom fields and identify varieties, help to understand them and teach you to distinguish edible specimens from harmful ones.
    5. Each mushroom is best tested by breaking it open and looking at the color change.

    To protect themselves from poisoning, people grow certain categories of mushrooms at home. Mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are the most popular cultivated species. Oyster mushrooms, in which the hat is covered with gray skin, are easier to grow.

    If, after eating a mushroom dish, there are signs characteristic of food poisoning, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical care and save mushroom dish for laboratory tests to facilitate the identification of the toxin that caused the poisoning.

  • Edible and poisonous mushrooms

    Many mushrooms are eaten by humans as a tasty and nutritious food. In the fruiting bodies of mushrooms there is a lot of water and a wide range of organic and mineral substances. Most of the dry matter of mushrooms are proteins and nitrogenous compounds, including mushroom fiber. The basis of this nitrogen-containing polysaccharide is fungin (mycetin), a substance similar to chitin, which makes up the integument of insects and shells of crustaceans. Naturally, mushroom fiber is digested with difficulty, which somewhat reduces the nutritional value of mushrooms.

    The abundance of proteins in mushrooms explains not only their common name - forest meat, but also the way they are used: mushrooms are really consumed instead of meat, and not as a substitute for vegetables. Carbohydrates in mushrooms are about two times less than proteins, and in this they differ from green plants, which are characterized by the opposite ratio. An essential feature of the carbohydrate composition of macromycetes is the presence of specific fungal mycosis sugar and the complete absence of starch, instead of which glycogen accumulates in fungal cells.

    Edible mushrooms are rich in vitamins. Vitamins A, B 1 , B 2 , C, D and PP were found in their fruiting bodies. Vitamin A is especially abundant in chanterelles and mushrooms; here it is represented by carotene (provitamin A), which colors these mushrooms in a bright color. According to the content of thiamine (vitamin B 1), many mushrooms are not inferior to grain products. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) in mushrooms is about as much as in the liver.

    By the presence of minerals, mushrooms are close to fruits. The composition of fungal cells includes salts of potassium, phosphorus (almost the same as in fish), sodium, calcium, and iron. Mushrooms contain zinc, copper, fluorine and other microelements, however, not higher than normal for plant products.

    Studies of the biochemical composition of mushrooms have shown that many of them are sources of biologically active and medicinal substances. Some mushrooms are known to be used in folk medicine. To date, more than 40 biologically active substances contained in mushrooms have been isolated.

    Some edible mushrooms (for example, champignons) are bred in abandoned mines and caves, cellars and barns.

    However, among macromycetes, a number of poisonous and inedible mushrooms capable of causing poisoning. These are, first of all, fly agaric and grebes, false mushrooms, etc. There are no reliable methods to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms; often they are part of the same family, so you should only pick mushrooms that you are sure of. Most edible and poisonous mushrooms are marsupials and basidiomycetes.

    Poisoning can also be caused by conditionally edible mushrooms - morels and lines, uncooked pigs, unsalted volushki, whites and other mushrooms with a pungent taste. The cause of poisoning can also be overgrown fruiting bodies in which decay products have accumulated. Mushroom poison is dangerous because its effect is manifested only 12-24 hours after poisoning, when it is almost impossible to neutralize it.

    In case of poisoning, it is necessary to put the patient to bed, you can give him a heating pad and strong tea. The stomach should be cleansed by drinking water with soda. After that, you need to urgently call a doctor.

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