How many days does it take for chinchillas to evaporate. Mating chinchillas: everything is under control. Aggressive behavior of a female with cubs

IN Lately instead of traditional hamsters, rabbits, dogs and cats, the chinchilla is gaining more and more popularity, the breeding of which is of interest to a very large audience.

Long-tailed settled in our apartments chinchilla. As pet she is very comfortable, unpretentious and quickly gets used to communicating with a person. Chinchillas are also bred on special farms to obtain expensive fur. Their fur is very soft, thick and pleasant to the touch, therefore, unfortunately, these animals are often used specifically for the fur business.

But now we will talk about breeding chinchillas as pets. Before you decide to bring this cute rodent into your home, and even more so to start breeding chinchillas, you need to learn something about the features of their behavior, care and maintenance.

In principle, caring for these animals is not difficult, almost the same as for other small rodents - rabbits, hamsters, etc. But, cage for chinchilla should be very spacious and necessarily multi-tiered, you can make a showcase-aviary for your pet. Animals do not like heat - they often die from heat stroke, they do not tolerate drafts, noise, high humidity. They are prone to stress, so if your house is very noisy or there are other animals, then you should not start a chinchilla.

If you are reading this article, then you are interested in chinchilla, breeding it, perhaps, will also be tempting for you. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the color mutations of animals. After all, chinchillas are not only gray (the so-called standard) - there are many different colors: violet, beige, wilson's white, black velvet and others.

A pair for breeding, of course, is better to buy not at the "bird market" and not from a private trader, but from professional breeders. For example, in our nursery you can choose and buy chinchilla any color and age. We will advise you on all issues of their breeding and maintenance, you can get veterinary assistance and all kinds of support from us at the first stages of breeding chinchillas.

We carry full responsibility for each animal purchased in our cattery. Therefore, you can be sure that they will be healthy, fully comply with generally recognized standards and bring high-quality offspring.

If you are interested in a chinchilla, breeding it at home, then contact our chinchilla nursery. Our experts are happy to share their experience.

Chinchillas are not very fertile. In a year, a chinchilla can bring offspring up to three times. But, in order not to exhaust and not tire her, it is better to limit herself to two litters. Chinchilla pregnancy lasts from 105 to 115 days. You can determine that the female is pregnant by changing her weight. On average, it increases by 50-60 grams. During this period, she is very timid, restless and easily stressed. The number of puppies in litters ranges from one to four, but more often there are two.

Animals 8-10 years old bring offspring. Puppies are born already pubescent, with open eyes. At the age of one hour, they can already move independently.

The younger generation of animals is developing quite quickly. At the age of 6-7 months, females can go to mating, but it is better to let them go to mating from 8 months of age. The male should be a little older, 9-10 months old. It should be noted that the first time the females are reluctant to mate, but subsequent times they do it with pleasure.

If the female does not cover the first time, do not worry, after about 40 days she will cover again. A sign that the female has come to hunt is her restless behavior: the female can scatter food around the cage, and also show aggression, she can eat poorly for several days. It is better to let the male into her cage, after removing the female from there for 20 minutes, so that the male gets comfortable and takes over the territory, otherwise the female will drive him out. If the female is covered, you will find a paraffin plug in her cage - a cylindrical object about 1.5 cm in size white color, but you may not find it, since the female paws can either scoop her out of the cage, or she will simply get lost in the shavings. Starting from this moment, you can count 105 - 120 until the cubs are born. Their number is 1-3. less often - 4 pieces.

A pregnant female needs special additional nutrition. The diet may remain the same, but vitamin supplements and a little variety in food will be good for her. Having noticed the first signs of approaching childbirth, it is necessary to transplant the male. At this time, it is very useful for a restless female to give sugar syrup.

By the age of 2 months, puppies can be placed away from their mother in a separate cage, first all together for a week so that they don’t get bored, or maybe more, but by 4 months of age, everyone should be seated in a separate cage. After lambing, the female is not allowed to swim in the sand for 10 days to avoid infection. As for the male, he should not be removed immediately after lambing, he usually caring father, and besides, the female is covered again during the first week. After 10 days, the male should be transferred to another cage or the passage closed so that the cubs do not begin to lick out of the cage.

chinchillas at home Breeding chinchillas is laborious, but extremely exciting and rewarding. You don't have to be a professional to get started on this delicate undertaking. The main thing here is to have patience, sincere love for your pets and, of course, the necessary information.

One of the fundamental points on which the breeding of chinchillas is based. is the correct pairing. Both animals must be of good pedigree, have signs of health and physical endurance. It is best to select a pair of animals of the same color, so often future parents are chosen from the same pedigree. At the same time, they should not be close relatives - kinship is considered unsatisfactory already up to the third generation. It is also worth paying attention to the age of the animals. An interesting fact is that females covered with males middle age, bring better offspring than females covered with young males. So to get good offspring, young animals still need to be properly "endured".

Understanding that your "couple" is preparing for breeding is quite simple. Firstly, knowledge of the biological rhythms of the female contributes to this. Having reached maturity, the chinchilla becomes capable of reproduction every 40-41 days for 2-7 days. At this time, the behavior of the animals changes: they sleep less and eat less. The male begins his "courtship" of the female. chases her all over the cage, making a characteristic "snort". It is most often not possible to fix the moment of mating, but it can be assumed by several subjective signs. Moreover, the fact that a female is pregnant will not hide even from an amateur breeder: when weighing an animal, it immediately becomes clear where the “extra” grams come from.

Pregnancy in chinchillas lasts about 105-110 days. During this period, it is necessary to provide the female with enhanced nutrition, enriched with vitamins and minerals, varied and high-calorie. Before giving birth, the animal should be kept calm and given maximum attention. You should also not pick it up and weigh it. During this period, females become shy and most prone to stress. strong unrest can cause premature birth, stillbirth of puppies or their non-viability.

Childbirth, as a rule, proceeds very quickly in chinchillas: a few minutes are enough. But it happens that it takes several hours before puppies are born. The female quickly recovers from childbirth and immediately begins caring for the offspring, and you find yourself the owner of a whole "chinchilla" family, which, no doubt, is very exciting and pleasant.

Breeding chinchillas at home is a fairly promising type of business, as the animals themselves, their fur, are in constant demand. You can sell the skins of these animals at fur auctions or at auctions on the Internet, sending skins by mail. The approximate cost of the skin of one chinchilla is 50 dollars, and the finished product from it costs about ten thousand dollars. The fur of these animals is valued due to its unusually delicate texture and beauty. Despite the relatively high cost, chinchilla fur products are very popular all over the world.

Chinchilla breeding

You can breed chinchillas in your own home, you just need to allocate a small room for the cages. If not own house, you can breed them even in a small apartment. Chinchillas are herbivores and are unpretentious in food. Hay and mixed fodder can be used as feed, the price for them is low. For one year, one individual will need only five kilograms of hay and ten kilograms of feed. To place the cage, you need only 2 square meters, which can accommodate a high, multi-tiered cage for 20 adult females, from which you can get about 100 cubs.

There are two ways to grow chinchillas:

to obtain expensive fur;

for breeding individuals.

Both directions are quite promising, since the demand for breeding animals is at high level, and chinchilla fur is one of the most expensive in the world. The fur of these animals has a huge price due to its low weight, for example, a fur coat made of skins weighs only 2 kilograms.

You won’t have to make any special efforts to keep chinchillas, since they are not whimsical at all. These animals do not shed, do not have sebaceous and sweat glands, so there is no smell from them. Chinchillas practically do not litter in the cage, so you do not need to wash the cage daily, as after other rodents. They are completely non-aggressive, easily walk on hands, do not bite. They also do not have to cut their claws, as they gnaw them on their own. For the proper maintenance of chinchillas, the following conditions must be observed:

1. In the room where the cage with chinchillas is located, it must be observed temperature regime from 16 to 25? C, so that they do not freeze like these heat-loving animals.

2. There should be no drafts in the room, the animals can get sick.

3. You can not take out a cage with chinchillas in the sun, you need to put it in the shade.

4. At the bottom of the cage you need to pour pine sawdust and change them about once a week.

5. The cage must always be pure water sufficient for all individuals.

6. You need to feed the animals only with dry hay and compound feed in the evenings, once a day.

7. Once a week, you need to feed chinchillas with apples and vitamin supplements.

With the right content, chinchillas live 17 years at home, and in nature for about 35 years. In order for the animals to live as long as possible, they need to pay attention and monitor their condition. Begin own business anyone can breed chinchillas, even without experience and large capital. All it takes is desire and hard work.

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Address: Moscow

Breeding chinchillas, both at home and creating a farm, is a new line of business in Russia. Pretty profitable rodent profitability even from the household from 300% to 700%. The animal has the most valuable fur, is not whimsical, has no smell. Any person who has an hour of free time a day can engage in chinchilla breeding! For 10 sq.m. contains 100 animals. One person serves up to 500 animals.

On our farm you can always buy an animal of any age and color that you like.

In cooperation with our farm, create your own business that has no competition and have a sales guarantee! Become a representative in your region!


  • Subclass: Theria Parker et Haswell, 1879= Viviparous mammals, real beasts
  • Infraclass: Eutheria, Placentalia Gill, 1872= Placental, higher beasts
  • Squad: Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 = Rodents
  • Family: Chinchillidae Thomas, 1896 = Chinchilla
  • Species: Chinchilla brevicaudata Waterhouse, 1848 = Short-tailed chinchilla
  • Species: Chinchilla laniger Molina, 1782 = Chinchilla
  • Chinchilla breeding

    Chinchillas reach sexual maturity at about 6-8 months of age. Sexually mature females can bring offspring two to three times a year. Although the female chinchilla after childbirth is better to give rest for at least six months. To do this, it is imperative to place the male in another cage a few days before the birth or on the day of birth, so that he cannot re-cover the female, who, on the very first day after birth, again comes into the hunt and therefore can become pregnant.

    For breeding, it is important to choose the right pair. Some experts believe that during the initial selection of pairs, young females should be paired with a male of any but older age, and young males should be paired with females only older than they are. All this is desirable, but not necessary, but following this rule allows you to get healthier offspring.

    When choosing pairs, another condition is also important - namely, the relationship between partners. Therefore, before mating, it is desirable to determine how the relationship between the male and female develops with each other. To do this, it is recommended to introduce them in advance and keep them in the same cage. In the event of prolonged mutual aggression and irreconcilability, one of the partners must be replaced by a new candidate. The least problems and the best mating are young animals that are kept together for a long time. Chinchillas living alone for a long time are not always willing to accept strangers into their territory, where they feel like a master. Therefore, it is better to introduce chinchillas on neutral territory.

    The mating season for chinchillas is weakly expressed and can sometimes last from February-March, until November. During this period, animals are very active, especially males. They constantly pursue the female, while making rather loud snorting sounds. In female chinchillas, the duration of the sexual cycle, according to different authors, can vary from at least 28 days to 3-4 months. And successful covering of the female is possible only for three days, when the estrus is actively passing, and the vaginal secret begins to stand out from the opened vagina. In addition, in female chinchillas ready for mating, the external genitalia become more visible, swell and turn pink.

    The peak of sexual activity of animals falls at this time. The behavior of chinchillas noticeably changes, they become more active and playful. The male can even chase the female during the day, chasing her around the cage, wagging his tail and making snorting sounds.

    As a result, the male's courtship ends in mating, which most often occurs at night. After successful fertilization, the female develops a vaginal plug approximately 12 hours after mating, which further prevents repeated mating.

    Pregnancy in chinchillas lasts approximately 105-120 days, but averages 111 days. During pregnancy, the female needs an enhanced and varied diet, she does not like at this time and unnecessary anxiety and fuss. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, it is better to separate the male from the female, and in order to protect the female chinchilla from unnecessary unrest and stress and preserve the offspring, the nest must be darkened (for example, covered with a dark coverlet).

    In the diet of a pregnant female chinchilla, you must additionally include a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals (in particular calcium gluconate), as well as greens (nettle leaves, dandelions, etc.), rose hips, hawthorn, etc.

    If during the first two months of pregnancy, the female gains weight slowly, then during the last third of pregnancy, the development of the fetus proceeds very quickly, which is reflected in the female's significant weight gain. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, females prefer to sleep on their side. Around the end of the ninth week of pregnancy, the female has a strong swelling of the nipples, which indicates an imminent birth.

    Mating and determining pregnancy

    The duration of the sexual cycle in female chinchillas is 28-45 days, but there are also individuals who can have estrus once a year, according to some sources, from 1.5 to 4 months. For three days of incessant heat the vagina opens, the animals secrete a vaginal secret, after which successful mating of the female is possible. Females mature at 4-8 months, there are cases of rapid maturation, when the first estrus begins at 2.5-3 months, and sometimes late maturation, in this case the first estrus can occur after a year. But even if the female matured early, this does not mean that she can immediately mate with the male, the female must grow and get stronger before 8-10 months, and sometimes up to 12-16 months.

    The onset of the mating time of the animals is accompanied by noticeable changes in their behavior. Chinchillas become more active, playful, even during the day. The male chases the female around the cage, snorts, wags his tail. At this time, the female can eat poorly and scatter food. On examination, in animals ready for mating, the external genitalia become more visible, swell and turn pink. In the male, the penis stands out more sharply, the testicles increase. In the female, almost near the anus, an open genital gap becomes clearly visible.

    Mating most often occurs at night, during the period of greatest activity of chinchillas, and is very noisy. During mating, a so-called cork may come out of the female's vagina. Cork indicates . that there was definitely a mating, but the cork does not guarantee pregnancy.

    The duration of gestation in a chinchilla is on average 111 days (105-120 days), and therefore it is very difficult to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage.

    by the most true fact coverings of the female and, as a result, possible pregnancy on early dates is the detection of a vaginal plug, the likelihood of conception increases if you find such plugs for several days in a row. But not all females get a cork. If you are lucky and you find a cork among sawdust or on a shelf, you can count down 105 days and get ready for the birth of babies at any moment.

    Another reliable sign of the onset of pregnancy is the absence of regular estrus. But this is even more difficult to track, because. estrus is far from always and not all females are regular.

    An experienced chinchilla breeder, starting from the 20th day of pregnancy, can feel the presence of fruits and their number. In no case do not try to examine the female yourself! With your inept and careless actions, you will only harm the pregnant woman and small chinchillas, injure them or provoke premature birth.

    28 days before birth, babies begin to push in the stomach future mother and these tremors can be seen with one's own eyes. How closer deadline childbirth, the more intense the motor activity of the fetus becomes. The cessation of chaotic fetal movements is an unfavorable sign and requires immediate contact with the veterinarian.

    The size of the belly of the female depends on the size and number of fetuses. If there is more than one fruit and if they are large, then you will certainly notice an increase in the abdomen. If the fetus is one, then the stomach may be visually invisible.

    Be sure to regularly weigh your chinchillas (once a week is enough) so you can notice any changes in your pet's health and suspect a pregnancy.

    During the first two months, the female slowly gains weight. During the last third of pregnancy, fetal development is very rapid and animals gain significant weight. But there are times when a female can hardly add during pregnancy, but this does not happen often. Actually before childbirth, weight gain may stop, or there is a slight weight loss.

    Another sign of pregnancy is severe nipple swelling 8 weeks after mating.

    A subjective method for determining pregnancy is the observation of changes in the behavior of the female. Either increased aggressiveness appears, or vice versa - tenderness. There is no exact pattern for these changes. But if you notice that the behavior has changed in any direction, this is also an additional symptom in favor of pregnancy.

    In the second half of pregnancy, females prefer to sleep on their side or even on their backs.

    During pregnancy, make sure that the female's diet is varied and contains enough vitamins and minerals. Give daily nettle leaves, rose hips, hawthorn, 3-4 tablets of calcium gluconate ( better calcium Di for puppies) per week, add a mixture of flakes to the diet of a pregnant and lactating female, some authors advise adding powdered milk for future female milk production.

    Plakhtienko Maria and Krivtsova Katerina

    Violet and Fufel

    The female reaches sexual maturity at the age of about 7 months and keeps it up to 12 years. However, most often up to 8. The male matures earlier, somewhere around 6 months of life. In a sexually active male, eggs about 22x15 mm in size are felt through the abdominal membranes. Throughout the year, they contain the products of pedigree breeders. Sexual activity may show certain seasonal fluctuations.

    sexual cycle

    Females come into heat many times throughout the year with a slight increase in sexual desire in the months from November to May. At this time, the highest probability of successful coverage. The length of the sexual cycle is from 30 to 50 days (on average 41), and estrus lasts from 2 to 4 days.

    Often, before the onset of estrus, there is a slight swelling and redness of the vagina. Its openness, which lasts up to 8-10 days in some females, indicates a real estrus. In the estrus phase, egg vesicles ripen in the ovaries. Maximum amount offspring in one litter reaches 4 pieces. On average, only 2 babies are born. Chinchillas are low-fertile rodents. From June to October, the frequency of estrus decreases or it has a mild course.

    Pair combination

    Basically, in permanent pairs you need to combine animals at the age of about 6 months. Unless we acquired the younger ones, and from the very beginning the couple was brought up together. If we had one chinchilla, and then, after a certain time, allowed another, what then to do? When combined, it is good if the male is 2 months older than the female. When combined, in general, it all depends on the female, who is always more aggressive and attacks the male.

    The male, most often, does not attempt to defend himself and runs away until he is completely exhausted. It is recommended that pairs be joined during increased sexual activity and in the morning, when chinchillas are still sleepy and less mobile, and therefore less aggressive. It is better if the female is allowed into the cage with the male, where she does not feel so confident. Nevertheless, in such a situation, the female sometimes shows aggressiveness in her partner. There are several ways to train animals to each other.

    You can release a matching pair to run freely around the room. In this case, there is little risk of a fight, and the animals have a chance to get to know each other. You need to be aware of the dangers that may occur on such a "run" or what harm they can cause (see the section "Control run").

    It would be better if you divide the cage into 2 parts with a wire mesh and run one animal into each of them. The partition allows them to recognize the smell of each other and at the same time eliminates the fight. After 12 hours, you need to remove the net and control the behavior of the animals for a few more hours. If the partner continues to show aggressiveness, it is necessary to put the grid again for the next 12 hours. Most effective way combination used by livestock breeders with many years of experience is the placement of a matching pair for several hours in a special box for combination.

    Its dimensions are 30x30x15 cm. Here the animals are forced to be close to each other and at the same time have a very limited opportunities to fight. However, it is necessary to watch, if nevertheless it reaches her from time to time, then the intervention of the guardian is mandatory. After we put the chinchillas in a cage for permanent keeping, we need to watch them for some more time. If they sniff each other, rub their chins on the floor and are peaceful, then they can be safely left together. We can be sure that they accepted each other and the couple got close.


    Mating most often occurs at night and, of course, only when the female is in heat and she is with a sexually active partner. It lasts for several seconds, during which the male injects about 130 million spermatozoa into 0.4 ml of sperm into the female's vagina.

    Immediately after mating, the entrance to the vagina is open, the hair around it is wet, and at the bottom of the cage there are torn hairs and a chop removed from the vagina. It resembles a wrinkled 1.5 cm long spray can filled with a white mixture and has a sharp specific smell.

    Pregnancy and lambing

    The chinchilla has a long pregnancy. On average, it lasts 111 days and up to 60 days is almost invisible. After this time, the nipples, previously white and soft, harden, enlarge and turn red. The appetite of the expectant mother increases and her mobility decreases.

    Pregnant females must be handled with particular care. She must not be disturbed, unexpectedly and carelessly grabbed, as this can lead to a miscarriage. Proper nutrition is very important. The food eaten must contain all the necessary elements to maintain the good condition of the female. At this time it is very important. After all, she feeds not only her body, but also her babies.

    Some females, especially those who give birth for the first time, before or during lambing, do not tolerate a partner with whom they previously lived in harmony. In the first case (before lambing), you need to wean the male. It will be possible to let him into the cage later, after the upbringing of the offspring. The second case, unfortunately, most often ends tragically for newborns and the male. Chinchillas come into the world most often between five and nine o'clock in the morning, and then not in okotniki, but on a litter.
    The immediate heralds of this event are the perspiration on the nose and abdomen and the flow of a clear liquid from the vagina.

    Now babies will be born, whom their mother helps with their front paws and teeth, as well as a place. There are usually 2 babies in the litter. Each of them weighs from 30 to 70 g. They are born covered with wool, with open eyes and already having 12 teeth - 8 molars and 4 incisors.

    Nursing offspring

    The most difficult period in the life of suckers is the first 14 days, when babies must adapt to new conditions. environment. A lactating female should not be stressed, as this can reduce lactation. You do not need to take her out of the cage, or with the kids, or transfer her to another. It is also good not to change the bedding for at least 10 days after giving birth. The female has 6 nipples, 3 on each side, however, only two produce milk. Babies suckle their mother lying on their backs under her.

    Their rounded tummies and calm behavior during feeding speak of a sufficient amount of milk. If there is a shortage, the sucklings fight among themselves for access to the nipples, crippling each other, and the irritated female runs away from them. Their tummies are then sunken. It may also happen that the mother, weakened by lambing or illness, dies. What to do then? All the same, that in the case of a small amount of milk from the mother, that at her death, it is imperative to undertake piece feeding. The duties of the mother are then taken over by the guardian.

    Undernourished or orphaned babies are given a mixture of powdered milk diluted with boiled water (as for babies) with the addition of a thick decoction of oatmeal in a ratio of 1:1. This mixture should have a temperature of about 37°C. You need to take the suckling in an upright position in your hand and very slowly let a few drops of milk into his muzzle with a pipette. During the first 5 days of life, feeding should be carried out after 2-3 hours, then after 4-7. After feeding, it is useful to lightly massage his abdomen. This replaces his mother's licking and improves digestion. A healthy chinchilla is happy, eats food well, twists its tail and is very mobile.

    Preschoolers and older

    After a week of life, the chinchilla begins to eat regular food on its own. However, in the future, mother's milk is their main product. Therefore, small chinchillas should stay with their mother for at least 45 days, and if the female was not fertilized immediately after birth, it is desirable that they stay with her for up to 60 days. In the initial period of life, the offspring grows rapidly.

    During the first month, with proper nutrition, the chinchilla triples its weight. In the second month, the pace decreases somewhat - a double increase in weight occurs. After that, it can already be separated from the mother. After the next two months, that is, about 120 days of life, the chinchilla's digestive system adapts to the digestion of exclusively ordinary (permanent) food. This is another period of life that is dangerous for them, requiring the breeder to carefully observe the basics of rational nutrition.

    It is best to give pellets at this time and good quality hay. Gradually and carefully, they need to be accustomed to green fodder: alfalfa, common thistle, medicinal dandelion, etc. Young people will very willingly eat young buds of an apple tree or buds of a glacier.

    Maturation and growth

    The fifth month of the life of chinchillas begins. IN a large number sex hormones begin to be produced. Chinchillas enter puberty. You need to find out their gender and, if there is a difference, separate them. This will avoid premature mating and closely related breedings.

    Further, both sexes, although not so quickly, grow and develop, gain weight at the same pace. This situation persists up to 8 months of life. After this time, the female grows more intensively, which finally exceeds the male in weight and size. At the age of 18 months, they are already fully developed physically. If you continue to gain weight, then this is due to the deposition of layers of fat.

    Worth remembering

    When chinchillas become completely independent and adapt to eating constant food, and we have no desire or cannot keep them in the house, we need to find someone who wants to buy them. At the age of 5-6 months it will be best for them to adapt to a new environment, to new conditions and naturally at this time they are best combined in pairs. Young chinchillas can be given to friends, advertised in the newspaper, or sold to a pet store. We should not even think about making a gift from an animal in the form of a surprise. The gifted will not be ready to receive it. Can be very happy.

    However, if earlier he had no intention of acquiring a rodent, then for him this is "heavy chores" from which he would like to get rid, and for the animal unnecessary and bitter experiences.

    When giving away chinchillas, we must inform their new guardian what they have been eating until this time. If they were fed with a self-prepared mixture, then together with the wards we give a bag of this mixture so that the animals can gradually get used to the new food.

    In order to reduce the likelihood of conflict risks when planting heterosexual chinchillas, you need to know not only biological features organisms of these animals, but also the nuances of their psychology.

    Despite the fact that for a person a chinchilla is an almost odorless animal, nevertheless, smell is one of the main means of communication between chinchillas with each other. Chinchillas recognize each other primarily using their sense of smell.

    Therefore, if you try directly, without prior preparation, to plant one animal with another in a cage in which he has already been living for some, even a short time, a psychological conflict between them is almost inevitable. The owner of the premises, having discovered a new smell on his “legitimate” territory, will try to evict its owner.

    Naturally, the new settler, in turn, will oppose this with all his might and means. Showdown can take the most different forms: from light snorting and chirping to serious fights ending in severe injuries.

    In order to reduce the initial mutual aggression and save animals from unnecessary "showdowns", there are several ways of mutual addiction.

    Ways to get used to each other:

    1 way easy. Let's call it conditionally "we are near." In this case, the cage with the new animal is located next to the cage of the old resident, but in such a way that the chinchillas do not get each other through the bars and do not bite off each other's fingers, lips or noses.

    The advantage of this method of habituation is that the animals see each other, smell the neighbor, but at the same time each is on its own territory.

    Gradually, the animals get used to each other, and the smells from neighboring cells are no longer felt by them as alien. Moreover, chinchillas begin to perceive another cage standing nearby as their own area of ​​​​existence, which is still closed to the public for some reason unknown to them.

    The fact that this is true is evidenced by at least the fact that if you leave the cage doors open during a general walk around the apartment, then the chinchillas calmly enter and study their neighbor's cage. It would seem - someone else's territory ... But no! At the same time, they no longer experience any fear or discomfort.

    After the animals get used to each other, they are placed in a common cage. The described method is the simplest, but time-consuming. It can take from several days to several weeks. It is this method that can be recommended to a chinchilla breeder with little experience in keeping these animals.

    2 way. It can be called like this - "they were changed places." Carrying or small, so-called "exhibition" cages are taken. Chinchillas sit in these carriers for several hours.

    Then the chinchillas are swapped - transplanting to where the neighbor used to sit. This chinchilla castling is repeated several times until the chinchillas get used to each other's smell.

    At the same time, the carrier is not washed after the previous chinchilla, so as not to beat off its smell. After the animals get used to and stop reacting aggressively to a neighbor, they are released into a common cage.

    3 way. It's called "We're here for you". Its essence lies in the fact that a chinchilla, which lives in a large cage, is planted with another one, but ... in a carrier. Yes, that's right, they literally take a carrier with a chinchilla and put it in a large cage.

    Chinchillas will be able to contact, show dissatisfaction with each other, but they won’t be able to seriously fight. As one of the wise once rightly remarked, bad world better than a good fight." Is not it? If you try directly, without prior preparation, to plant one animal with another in a cage in which he has already been living for some, even a short time, a psychological conflict between them is almost inevitable.

    4 way. It is the reverse of the previous one. The native chinchilla is closed in the carrier where the new tenant was sitting before, and placed in this carrier in his former large cage.

    A newcomer, who used to sit in a carrier, is released into the same cage. Neophyte chinchilla moves freely around the cage, leaving in it different places their odorous "substances".

    5 way. To facilitate addiction, you can use a common bathing suit, in which first one, then another animal is washed. In order to choose the most suitable method of seating for your situation, I recommend paying attention to the nature of chinchillas, their temperament. If both animals are calm, somewhat phlegmatic, close to each other in age and weight, then you can use the first two methods. They belong to the methods of mild psychological suppression and work well with similar animals.

    If one of the chinchillas is noticeably more mobile and restless than the other, if there is a gap in the weight, age or life experience of the animals, and in the end, if you yourself do not have the experience of planting or have, but intuitively feel a possible failure, then it is better to play it safe and to avoid future problems, use the third and fourth methods.

    Of course, they are somewhat tougher than the first two, but. in some cases, they are much more effective. And yet, I would recommend putting an aggressive animal into a small carrier - this will help to somewhat reduce its temperament and reduce the overall intensity of passions. Here, as with people - staying in a small solitary confinement always more effective than in a large common. Inexperienced males are especially prone to this so-called "stress of the first meeting". Or experienced, but frightened by an extremely aggressive female. It's sad, but it's true...

    It is believed that in order for the landing to go smoothly, certain rules should be followed. The planting of chinchillas should be approached in good faith and carried out with maximum thoughtfulness and care in relation to animals. As experience shows, their further life together largely depends on how smoothly the first meeting of chinchillas went.

    And not only with each other, but also with other chinchillas. Negative experience leaves a serious imprint on the psyche, and to get the animal out of stressful condition is quite difficult. According to psychologists, about 60 seconds are enough for people of different sexes to understand on a subconscious level whether they are suitable for each other for family life.

    Chinchillas do not even need this minute. If you suddenly did not foresee or foresee something, then the first seating of the future married couple it will end very quickly and negatively - with a quarrel, a quarrel or even a fight. And this is a real psychological trauma for a chinchilla. Subsequent attempts to re-bring and reconcile the animals that quarreled at the first meeting may lead to nothing.

    Alas ... Nothing should be done when the female has started estrus. A calm landing will not work. The male will not care about such psychological subtlety as mutual addiction. male nature will demand his own, what kind of cupids are there! For the female, in turn, the persistent desire of the “first comer” to cover her will also not give the slightest pleasure. As a consequence of all this - an immediate, momentary quarrel.

    Now, with regard to the optimal age to start seating. Based on my own experience, I can say that the first landing in chinchillas should occur no earlier than eight to nine months for females and no earlier than six months for males.

    There are, of course, cases of earlier seating, but personally I don’t see anything good in this. What could be good about early pregnancy physiologically unprepared for this female? Why this unjustified risk?

    It's like a lottery, you know. Everything can end normally, but ... In general, if you, after all, are unbearable to put the health of the kids on the line, then so what. No one can forbid this. But you still need to realize that all responsibility for what is happening and possible consequences falls entirely on the owner.

    By the way, early seating can also occur indiscriminately - through ignorance or negligence. But, as lawyers say, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Also great importance when planted, it has the physical condition of chinchillas.

    Naturally, future parents should be healthy, and their body weight should be at least 450-500 grams. everyone has it. This is due to the possible weight loss, which can happen when planting both the female and the male, but in any case, it is a bad sign that requires an immediate response from the chinchilla breeder.

    In general, when it comes to planting such a psychologically complex creature as a chinchilla, it is better to play it safe. Believe me, this is just the case when moderate conservatism will only benefit. Both you and your pet.

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